Lesson Plan-Traffic Rules

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Candidate Teacher: Tlay KAYALI
School: Mersin University, 3rd class
Lesson: English
Course: Grammar
Subject: Must / Mustnt
Topic: Traffic Rules
Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Level: A2 Elementary
Grade: 6th class
Age: 12 year-old
Duration: 12-13 minutes
Approach and Method: Communicative Language Teaching
Techniques: Repetition, matching, fill in the blanks, pair work
Materials: Balloons, Computer, Board, worksheets, pictures, PPT,
Role of the Teacher: Facilitator, monitor,
Role of the Students: Communicator, participant, responsible for repetition.
Overall objectives:

Ability to comprehend the subject.

Ability to learn the traffic rules.

Ability to be aware of the difference between the must and mustnt.

Ability to work in pairs.

Behavioral objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;

Use short, clear and simple sentences.

Interact with each other using must-mustnt.

Work in pairs.

Use must and mustnt appropriately.


a) Warm up and Motivation:

The teacher greets the class and asks How are you today? If there is not a problem, the
teacher starts the lesson. The teacher shows them three balloons in different colors. She says
Look you see I have three balloons. Can you say their colours?. The students say their
colors( red, yellow and green). Then the teacher asks to them what they think about these
balloons colors to prepare and motivate them for the lesson subject. After the students
answers she says to them Yes, class when we look their colors we think about traffic lights
very good class, you are excellent.
b) Stating and Presenting the Instructional Objectives
The teacher shortly passes on the process and aim of the lesson . She says Today we will
learn traffic rules, we will learn what we should / must do in the traffic. By this way, students
become conscious about what they will learn.
The teacher starts a power point presentation, which is about traffic rules with their
pictures. Firstly, the teacher shows them a slide and asks them
before crossing the street? Can you choose the right option?

What should you do

After students say the right answer, she says to them Yes, class first, you must look left,
second, you must look right and then you must look left again and cross.You mustnt do the
positions in the A) and B) options and writes these sentences on the board. She shows them
the traffic signs and asks them Where can you see these signs? Do you know their means?

After they try to say their meanings the teacher goes on showing the rules sentences with the

The teacher gives worksheet papers to the students and then she mentions about what
they should do in the activity paper and then she says to her students to look at the traffic
signs and match them with the sentences below.


1) Look at the traffic signs and match them with the sentences below.











You mustnt turn right.

Cyclists mustnt enter.
You must stop and wait at the red light.
You mustnt / must not enter.
You mustnt turn left.
You must stop for the pedestrians.
You must stop at the STOP sign.
You must go at the green light.
You mustnt park here.

Then, she wants the students to write sentences, complete them.

2) Complete the sentences.


You .


You ..


You .


You .






The teacher wants the students to be pairs then, she will give them signs pictures. Then, she
wants them to write to sentences about the signs by using must and mustnt. Then, each pair
will come and show their signs pictures and say their sentences and write the sentences on the

The teacher asks her students Is there any question? After that she thanks them for their

Spot On Grade 6 MEB Students book.

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