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This guide was made by mslarvox on

Reddit. Do not use this guide to publish, I

use or check almost all article sites that
pay per article. I will see it, and I will get
you banned from that site. Do not pass
this guide around as your own, you can
pass it around but keep my name on it.
This is a FREE guide, and will always be a
FREE guide. If you see it anywhere being
sold please let me know.
So let's start =] (oh and excuse the
grammar & misspellings. love me even
tho bad at writing basically V_V lol )

The Routine Guide

Okay so I just want to start this guide off by saying, I will give you my
full routine. I will tell you how to make more money than you already
are. I will tell you stuff to make more money that I don't even do
because I don't have the means to do them yet or I'm lazy. I will not lie
to you, I will not bullshit you around. I will tell you the ups and the
downs of my full routine, and of every site mentioned here. I will post
my referrals in this guide because 1. I like getting referrals and that's
basically it. BUT you do not have to sign up for my referrals there will
be a non referral link to everything. Talking about referrals I will also
have a full guide on how to increase yours. So anyways let's get this
Also the reason I'm good for making this guide, because without

referrals I'm making anywhere from 500-600 dollars a month from

these sites not counting referrals. I know what I'm doing. Some months
I only make 300-400 because I'm lazy but usually it's 500-600. I don't
spend that much time on these sites. I just do stuff in between what I
would regularly do, and I don't waste time. Every day, every minute of
that day I'm doing something to make money on sites, my actual main
job or whatever I'm doing. Referrals I'm making an extra 300-400 on
each month so you can read my referral guide at the bottom also that I
made. My actual job that I do makes more then these sites, and yours
will too, but my main goal is sometime in the future have enough
referrals where I'm making steady income from that so I don't have to
work. It is a lot of hard work, but I'm willing to work hard now so I can
have fun later, and I hope you guys are feeling the same way! So yeah
k lets start I'm rambling..

Main Sites That I Use<3

1. Quickrewards. Of Course I'm going to name this first because this is

where I make the most money. It's the best site I have personally found
for surveys for a number of reasons. First off the surveys after you set
up your profile don't ask for much. If they don't ask for much you won't
get as disqualifed as much! They also never run out of surveys, and in
your profile you can check to have all surveys emailed to you! All the
surveys emailed to you are the dailys, the fast surveys, and the
surveys based off of your profile, which means less chance of getting
disqualifed. If you don't get as disqualifed as much you make more
money, simple. Also on Quickrewards you can cash out whenever you
want which is great because time is money! Some sites make you wait
weeks to cash out, or if you can cash out instantly you still have to wait
days to get paid, which is okay, but you want money now, NOT LATER!
Also they pay all through paypal, gift cards are great too, but let's be
honest you want money not giftcards.

So let me give you a rundown on Quickrewards, what are the ups and
downs, and explain the site a bit.
1. Okay so you won't be using the site like ever, your main focus is
the surveys they send to your email, that's it. Don't waste your

time on anything else. Yes they have videos you can watch, and
offers but they do not PAY as much as other sites, plus why waste
your time on that stuff when you can make more on the surveys?
You need to be smart about this if you want to up your cash flow.
2. They pay in cash but also have a point system. So when you sign
up you won't see any of this till you actually make some money
then it will show up. Just start your surveys and when you get
paid for them you will see it. So first on Quickrewards at the top
right you will see in green how much money you actually made,
then next to that in red your Quickpoints. Quickpoints are just
extra points you make from surveys. Every 100 quickpoints
automatically turn into $0.01. Then you will see to the right of
that Tokens. Okay tokens at first aren't to great, they take forever
to get and really are just a bonus to the usual money you will
make. If you aren't Elite, they can be used to buy magazine
subscriptions, if you are elite they can be used to buy extra
Amazon gift cards. They take forever to get though, so you are
getting a gift card maybe once every two months.
3. Elite. Okay Elite is great because you get double the tokens +
can trade your tokens in for Amazon gift cards. BUT how to get
Elite is a pinch in the butt. You have to do 75 surveys in at least 3
months, then to keep it you have to do 75 surveys a month.
Honestly if you are just doing this as a side you won't be able to
keep it, but if you are doing this full time + other online stuff you
can keep it if you only do surveys like me.
4. I advise making a whole new email for this site. Well because you
will be getting hundreds of surveys.. don't want that cluttering.
Organization is very important in keeping your cash up.
5. You do need a paypal to get paid on this site! But your paypal
does not need to be verified, and it does not need to be the
same as your sign up email. I recommend though to sign up with
your paypal email, because they might change. Sites change and
you don't want to be unprepared!
6. I do have a survey guide to help you get even less disqualifed.
It's a half of a guide, not fully done yet, but I will be finishing it
soon. This is also free and you can dowload it here. It will help
you on Quickrewards or any survey site. It also has my full profile on it, but you can be creative and
make your own if you want.

7. Don't waste your time on anything else on this site. I won't bullshit you
for referrals. Most of my referrals do not come from guides or
/r/beermoney they come from other places. I don't need to lie to you or
bullshit you. I don't need to sugar coat anything. Everything else on
this site sucks.

8. You cash out. They send the money every night between 12 - 1 eastern

9. One of the best sites for surveys that I have found (and I've tried
tons and tons of sites.)
10. They have an instant cash out, and pay out every night around
the same time 12-1 eastern time.
11. There support is amazing. Send in a support ticket get an answer
that same day, usually within the same hour.
12. Send all surveys based on your profile to your email so you don't
have to waste your time on a panel looking for ones that fit your
certain demographic.
13. The site looks horrible and it's hard navigating through it all. BUT
luckily since you are only doing the surveys on this site you won't
have to be on the actual site much, because all surveys get
emailed to you!
14. The only thing good on this site is the surveys.
15. You have save IDS on surveys if you don't get credited to get
credited. (more on this later. )

More things that need to be said 16. Even though if you follow my complete routine this will be your
main site that you use, don't be scared to replace this with

another site that's your favorite. IF you enjoy a certain site more,
you are more likely to do more on the site which means more
profit. I highly recommend you make your main site a survey
site, as surveys do pay more, then really anything if done
17. On quickrewards before you take a survey or at the end of the
survey there will be a survey I.D. you need to save all of those.
It's very rare that you don't get credited for a survey, but it can
happen and if it does you need to give the support people the I.D
to get paid for the survey.
18. If you are still having problems with surveys even after following
my guide that I posted + using my profile, message me on
/u/mslarvox on reddit. I will message you back right away and we
will figure out the problem together. I want to help you, and I am
really nice so don't worry xD
19. Do not waste your time on surveys on the site that only pay in
Tokens. There isn't many but there is a few V_V just don't. Tokens
are not that great. MONEY IS WHAT YOU WANT
If you want emails sent to you and you do not want to get
disqualifed that often, you need to do your profile. On
quickrewards go to surveys, click QuickReward Surveys, then
click Profiles. You can be creative and make your own or you can
use mine in the survey guide. While doing your profile its hard to
miss but make sure you go to the second and maybe even third
page and fill it all out. MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THAT YOU WANT
EMAILS SENT TO YOU. It might take a day after signing up, but by
the second day you will be getting emails constantly of great
Now last but not least :
My referral to QuickRewards:!
Non refferal link to QuickRewards:
If you have any further questions please message me on /u/mslarvox
on Reddit.

2. Second site I use a lot is Treasure Troopers. Okay some people might
ask, "If quickrewards pays so well, why do other sites?" Number of
reasons. Firstly I add Treasure Troopers to my dailys because they have
easy offers that pay a lot and money is money. Second you need a
back up site. Quickrewards is great but if it grows it might change, and
payment might change, how much you can make might change, if it
starts to become a bad site the same could happen also. The second
best site I've found for surveys that pay as much for their surveys is
Treasure Troopers. They also have a ton of other stuff that is great
which I'll get into. Also why do you need dailys? Dailys are great
because it gets you off to the right start, plus some sites pay good for
certain things that are easy that you want to do! So let's get into
Treasure Troopers and explain its role in my routine.
21. Unlike Quickrewards your main focus is the site. There is so much
to do on the site, and it's actually really fun! But it can also be a
bit confusing navigating through all the new stuff, and because
of how much they have it can get a bit confusing, and take a
couple days to learn. Hell I've been using this site for a while and
still learning a bit here and there.
22. They do pay in cash to your paypal, but they have other
currencys also. SO many currencys. First off with actual money,
they process on the 15th and sent by the 20th of every month.
Which is fine since you can make tons of money off of this site if
you use it properly. I wish the cashout was instant but over other
sites it's the next best I've found to quickrewards, just because
you don't get disqualifed that much and they have tons of
options on how to make pretty easy money. Other currencys,
Platinum coins can be used to buy Gift cards and other products
(stick with the gift cards imo), Gold coins can be used to do your
daily jackpot roll where you can make money or other currencys
from, pretty useless besides that. Pearls can be used to buy
referrals. YES BUY REFERRALS, every 8 you can buy 2 referrals,
which means the next 2 ppl to sign up to the site will be yours,
this usually takes a day to get though, and just because they are
referrals doesn't mean that the referrals will be active. Dragon

Scale currency can be used for the dragon egg game (where you
basically just grow a dragon egg into a full dragon) these are
okay also because you can eventually sell your dragon for up to
100 dollars. Takes a bit of time though but over time money is
good with the actual money you make. Arrowhead currency
every 100 you can turn into a plat coin, which basically means
more gift card money. Then key currency which you can use to
get more offers every 48 hours. So as you can see a lot of ways
to make moeny.
23. There is two great things on this site one of them being the offers. First
off they tell you exactly what you need to do in order to complete the
offers (Some sites don't do that.) and second off they pay a lot of
money for easy sign ups. I got paid a dollar to sign up for a site that
took 2 minutes. SO yeah the offers on this site are great. Second off is
the Cash Calls. This is great because you can do this while you do
other things. Basically you call a company and talk to them for 20
minutes and get paid 2-5 dollars per call. You can call and put them on
speaker and talk to them while you do surveys, or offers. Pretty
convient and extra money!

24. The surveys pay really well, just as much and sometimes more then

25. They have a lot of different games. Every offer, and survey you do will
give you money + extra currency. That extra currency can be used on
these games, to make even more money.

26. What to do on this site to make sure your money stays up? Cash offers,
Cash surveys when they pay well over quickrewards, Cash search (As a
daily, 3 times), and Cash calls. Stay away from everything else. Also do
the dragon game when you get enough currency.

27. You will have to take a couple days to adjust to this site and
understand everything. It can be confusing at the start, but don't give
up. After a couple of days you will get used to everthing and will be
able to make profit.

28. They do sometimes send surveys to your email. Usually they pay very
well so I advise you to do them.

29. When you sign up and are learning everything, they pay you for
everything you discover. Seriously I made like 3 dollars for signing up
then an extra 10 just looking around the site + extra currencys. I think
that's great. Practically a free 13-15 dollars.

30. The email you sign up with on this site needs to be the same as your
paypal one.

31. They have a very active chat room that you should join, and they give
out stuff all through out the day. They even do a bingo on mondays in
the chat rooms (I wouldn't waste my time on it. Gambling at the end of
the day is gambling and you could lose. You do have to pay actual
money for the bingo cards also.) but the rest of the stuff in the chat
rooms are great, they help you with a lot of stuff + free giveways every

32. Best site I've found for offers. I used to not even fuck around with
offers till this site. GREAT way they do them.
33. Tons of fun ways to make money, and more money.
34. Fun site, with lots of games, and new ways to make money.
35. Surveys are great, and this is by far the 2nd best survey site that
I've found
36. Can only get your money every 15th of the month.
37. Site can be pretty confusing and all the things on the site, so
takes time to get used to.
38. Okay all the games on this site are great and help you make extra
money but one. That one is the Treasure map. Stay away from it. The
time it takes + you need to do cash back offers to fully finish it, just
isn't worth it. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON IT!!

39. Some offer links are broken and so far never get fixed. It's fine though
because you will know they are broken before getting to deep into
More things that need to be said -

40. I am still learning a lot on this site, but if you have any questions
message me on /u/mslarvox on Reddit.

41. Because of the payout on the 15th and not being instant, I recommend
only keeping this in your dailys and not working on it full time, and
making another favorite site of yours your main for now like

quickrewards. If quickrewards starts becoming bad, or your main site

you then should switch to this one becoming your main. It is just a
back up site at the end of the day for just in case!

42. Cash Calls is really an amazing feature on this site, and one I have not
saw on other sites. Because of how easy it is to do this one, and just
call and put them on speaker, and just ask them random questions for
20 minutes while you do other stuff, I recommend trying this and
seeing how you like it. So far I love it.

43. If you do buy something online make sure to check not only this site
but other sites for cash back. Saving money is the same as earning
money. It's important you up your cash flow in any way possible. This
site uses a lot of cash back sites, check to see if they have a site you
plan on buying stuff from. When you use treasure troopers cash back
you will eventually get a gem, if you get this gem, then the treasure
map is now worth while. Because you need the gem to finish the
treasure map it is the main reason the treasure map is not worth the
time, but getting that gem makes it worth the time, if that makes
sense. =] Finishing the treasure map you get 100 dollars and I think a
dragon egg. Doesn't make to much sense now but once you use the
site for a while it will start to. Honestly understanding this site is just a
week process.

44. Dailys I do on this site since it isn't my main site. I check to see if they
have any good offers that will pay well, if they do, I do them. If they
have any surveys that pay more then quickrewards, I do them also. I
check every morning for these. I do the cash calls every morning or
evening. I do the search engine 3 times a day, and I do the jackpot roll
once a day.

45. There referral system is actually pretty amazing. I'll just screenshot
and you can read for yourself. great system
Last but not least Referral -
Non Referral link to treasure troopers -

My Full Routine Rundown

46. The first thing I do when I wake up is I take a shower, brush my teeth

and do wtf ever I need to do. Then once I finally get on my computer
the first thing I do is open Swagbucks. Okay so this might recieve some
hate, but Swagbucks sucks. Besides the dailys there is nothing you
should ever do on this site unless they are offering some crazy free
deal. The dailys I do on this site are as followed: Daily crave, Daily poll,
then NOSO. These are on the left side of Swagbucks. Then I check my
mailbox on Swagbucks, sometimes they send you videos to watch for 2
swagbucks or sites to open for 2-10 swagbucks. I do them. Then I
check the front page of swagbucks for any deals that pay anywhere
from 2-15 Swagbucks. All of this takes about 10 minutes tops. I get off
of this site for the day, and when they pop up their swagbucks code for
the day on their addon, I open that and use the code. But besides that,
that's it.

47. Center of Prizes. Okay yet again a site that pretty much just sucks but
you can make a free 10 cents off of this site every week, + sometimes
they have good offers. Okay so once a week they have a poll you can
quickly vote on and make a free 10 points which turns into 10 cents.
Takes like a couple seconds. Sometimes they also have good offers that
pay well. I check this site every morning for the poll and I look to see if
they have any good paying offers. You can cashout whenever you
want, the first payout takes 10 days, then after that it's instant.
Anything else on this site fucking sucks, and don't listen to people who
say it doesn't that post constantly on /r/beermoney they clearly just
want referrals. Honestly. I mean I love referrals who doesn't? But at
least be honest and stop wasting peoples time, am I right? Anyways 10
cents isn't much, but it adds up. And for a few seconds it makes this
site worth it. Just think of it as a 1 second task for 10 cents.. yeah
worth. But this one is up to you, I recommend it but at the same time it
won't hurt you if you don't add this to your routine. Referral:
Non Referral:

48. Then I check Class action rebates. Class action rebates allows you to
sign up for lawsuits that might be happening towards products you
have bought recently. For example someone sues Red Bull, you have
bought red bull before you can. get in on it. Won't give you instant
money but will give you money later on. I think it's worth it. go here, sign up for products that
don't require proof unless you have proof. This takes a couple minutes.
Overall I don't spend more then 5 minutes a day on this, but it is great,
and worth checking every day. Don't expect to get a thousand dollar
check in the mail, that's not going to happen. Usually it's 10-25 dollars
in the mail, and takes months after you sign up for it to recieve it in the


49. Then I check Purells Loyalty Program. Every 10,000 points you can get
a 5 dollar Amazon gift card. It's easy to get the points, click a few
things and you have your 900 points for the day. Takes about 3-5
minutes a day. Worth it. I recommend waiting
till January 1st to start using this, because every december 31st they
reset the points.

50. Then I get on Treasure tropper, do my daily jackpot spin, and then
check to see if they have any good offers or good paying surveys for
the day, if they do I will do them. Then I get on the Cash Calls and
make my first call. I check the offers and good paying surveys through
out the day.

51. Then I check /r/slavelabour on Reddit. Usually nothing but every once
in a while there will be an easy task paying a lot. I do them cause cash
is cash no matter where you get it from, especially if it is easy!

52. The rest of the day I spend on QuickRewards doing surveys, while
talking to people on the phone for the cash calls on treasure troppers.
As you can see my routine isn't even that hard.
Sites that I use in the background of my computer Qmee - Qmee is great, and one of the best things in this world. First off we all
search stuff. What qmee does, is when you search stuff sometimes they bring
up ads on the left side of your page and allow you to click them for $0.050.15 depending on the ad. You will at most only get like 2-4 a day, but extra
money is extra money, and you get the money doing something you already
do anyways searching stuff. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME SPAM SEARCHING TO
GET ADS, they know if you are just spamming, just do what you naturally do
and if an ad pops up click it, if it doesn't then it doesn't. Its for passive
background money not money to actually work on. Referral: Non referral: You do have to
download the qmee addon to get money from this. You do have to sign up
with your paypal email to get money to paypal. You do have to have paypal.
You do have to be a US citizen.
Mxwrk - Okay just started using it, and so far it's pretty fucking awesome, and
one of the best things I've got. You download an addon on firefox, and let
firefox run in the background.. and that's it. You passivly make money just
keeping firefox open. Sometimes they will have tasks to do, the tasks take 5
seconds to do for about 10 cents each. REALLY EASY. I recommend this highly.
You do nothing and get paid. You do need to sign up with your paypal email.

You do need paypal. You need to download firefox. You need to download an
addon. Referral: Non Referral:

Other sites I use sometimes, maybe, kinda, sorta Slicethepie - Not even going to give you my referral for this site just because I
don't want my name anywhere on it. It's usually pretty bad. Writing out whole
reviews for maybe 8 cents? Yeah no thanks. But sometimes they are nice,
around holidays or special events, and pay out 14 to 20 cents per review, and
it can even be a shit review. I do recommend signing up and keeping it for
these specia occasions, because then it is worth the time. other then those occasions though just don't
bother with it.
CoinAd - Okay yes this site does suck and I don't recommend it at all,
because they pay in bitcoin shit amounts.. but god I have a problem with
gambling bitcoin. Forgive me. But really don't sign up for this shit. It sucks,
but i do use it sometimes because of my own problems.

Sites to stay the fuck away from.

1. Bitcoin Faucets they suck. Don't pay shit. Worthless.
2. Slicethepie except on holidays when they pay more.
3. Coinad or sites like it, pay shit in bitcoin for you clicking ads (I have a
bitcoin gambling problem =[ )
4. Clix sites, or anything to do with clix. Clicking ads for less than a penny? No
thank you! Plus there surveys and offers pay shit and usually don't even go
through. Fuck these guys.
5. Sites that pay in products and don't pay in money. First off the products
they give you are cheap shit, and 2nd off the products take to long to get and
last but not least, why work for products and not work for money?
I'm sure there are more that could be added here, but pretty much the main

Other ways to make money.

1. Yeah I don't have a smartphone yet, still using a shitty phone,

personally cause I'm not much of a phone person, but I will be getting
one soon. Why will I be getting one soon? Because it's a great way to
make passive money. I don't know what sites are the best for this
because well I don't use them right now, but when I get a smart phone
I will try a lot out, and make a whole guide on which imo are the best.
If you already have a smartphone, I recommend looking into a lot of
things personally because I know you can make a lot off of these.
2. Flipping. If you are good at finding cheap stuff online then this is for
you. I do this sometimes when I see stuff on sale a lot and I know its
going back up. You then buy them and resell them on ebay. For
example a couple months a go, there was this 700 dollar graphics card
on sell on Amazon for 300 dollars. Clearly the price was going to go
back up. People bought these out so fast for 300 dollars, then resold
them on Ebay when the price went back up for 600 dollars. Yeah good
way to make money.
3. Bing. You can passivly make money from bing by just doing your
searchs only using bing. But I'm on protest against bing because they
banned my account for no reason. SO I'm pretty much on a fuck bing
status as of right now, but when I stop throwing my fit I'll use them
again. Won't make much but passivly a good way to make money.
4. Ebay. Sell anything on ebay, and it will usually get sold. Just have
packaging ready, and read a bit up on it before getting into it.

Final Notes Remember whatever you do, to have fun doing it. If you have fun, you
are more likely to do it more. Which equals more money. If its boring
you a lot you most likely won't stick to it. Find something you like and
work that into your daily routine.

Okay that's it for my routine guide, hope it on to my

Referral Guide. =x

The Referral Guide

This won't be a long guide, but it will open your eyes a bit, on who I am
as a person, and on who you are. Going to also be a lot of ranting, but
in the end it will help you. At first I had a bunch of stuff down but I
decided to get more personal with you, so I scratched it and restarted
it. Also there will be touchy subjects but they need to be said, to
increase your cash. You might just be using this to get a few referrals
here and there that's great, but if you want to actually make real cash
off of this, then you need to listen to what I'm telling you in this guide, I
will be brutally honest with you. I will not give you some bullshit not to
hurt your feelings, I am going to be 100% honest with you. So some
subjects might be a bit touchy, well deal with it if you want to make

Okay first to start this off let's talk about who you need to be to get a
lot of referrals.
1. An honest person. Why? Because the referral game as I call it, isn't
just about you selling your referral link to a person and getting them to
sign up, no it's about them staying so they continue to use the site so
you keep making money. If you lie, they won't stick around and you
wasted your time, and also because you lied they are less likely to use
anything else of yours in the future. Honesty is policy around here. So
I'm going to be honest, I'd lie my ass to make money. I'm not a
naturally honest person but because of how this works I need to be
honest, so I am. That is the main reason I'm able to get as many
referrals as I do. My main job I lie all day, my second job (this) is being
honest. I work both worlds and this one is actually a lot nicer and feels
better, cause I feel like I help people a lot because I have to be honest.
2. An informative person. Okay if you think that after giving your
referral out, its done.. well you are wrong. You need to provide them
with information at the start when you first give them your referral,
and let them know they can ask you any questions. And they will ask
you questions, you need to answer all of those questions with a lot of
information and continue to be honest. Why? Because they are more
likely to keep using the site if you help! If they keep using the site,
more money for you!!

3. An assertive person. You need to be assertive because you need the

confidence that your link is the best, and that only your link and your
information will help people. If you believe that, when you talk it will
show and others will believe it also. Which means they will listen to
you, and your information and they will use your links. Do not be shy
when talking to people no matter where it is, don't be worried, be
assertive and they will listen to you and they will use your links. Shy
people get no where in life remember that! If you want something you
need to reach out and take it. Do not be shy, or worry all the time, you
have one life and in that life you want to get what you want! If you stay
shy, you know what shy people get? And this is my honest opinion. Shy
people get nothing. This world is about the social trust me, and if you
are shy you will get nothing at all in life that you want. You wanted that
hot blonde? well to bad you got that loud mouth brunette who is on
your case all day because she can be cause you can't open your mouth
and be assertive. You wanted that job that pays 5-6 figures a month?
Well to bad, the guy who was willing to assert himself got it. You want
more referrals? well to fucking bad because no one believes your shit!
So stop being shy, wake the fuck up and reach for what you want. You
deserve it, everyone does, you just need to work for it.
4. Don't be a lazy person. Be a hard working person. When you have a
goal you need to work hard for that goal. No matter what it takes you
need to be constantly working towards that goal. If you are lazy it will
never ever happen! Referrals you can't be lazy at all. I've put months
into this, non stop and am only making 300-400 extra a month. In a
year I plan on doubling that to 1000-2000 dollars a month, and in a
year after that I will be making 4000-6000 a month. I have it all
planned. And I will work hard every single day so I can complete my
goal. If you want to be making that much, it will NOT happen over
night, it will not happen in a week. It takes a lot of work and dedication.
So you CAN NOT be lazy. If you are lazy and plan on continuing to be
well then just stop reading here, because it's not going to work out for
you. BUT if you are ready to work your ass off continue to read,
because overtime you will be making money!
Okay now that we got that out of the way. Let's talk about
where you can get referrals. There are so many ways, some I
don't even know yet. This is my list, but if you think of
anything else do not be shy or worried and GIVE IT A TRY. If it
works then you have a new way of getting referrals, if it

doesn't you have something to scratch off your list. Try

whatever you think of, because you never know what will work.
I tried and tried before I came up with this referral formula,
and now I'm happy but still improving every day!
1. Are you a bitch? Because I think you are a bitch. In fact at this
moment you are my bitch. Don't worry we have all been bitches at
some point, including me. It's fine but don't stick around being a bitch
to long or you won't get anywhere. WOW WHY IS SHE CALLING ME A
BITCH NOW WTF? well it's simple, because you are reading MY guide.
You downloaded MY guide. This should be YOUR guide. THIS SHOULD
BE YOUR GUIDE THAT YOU WROTE, but instead its mine. Get what I'm
saying? Guides are a great way of getting referrals. They are
informative, and honest. Yes you could sell your guides, but you will
have more luck giving them for free and putting your referrals in them.
People will appreciate it and use your referrals in the guide. They are
also more likely to keep using the site you told them about because
you were able to give them all the information, and be honest about it.
I understand you are just learning now, that's cool we are all learning.
Just next time be the person writing the guide instead of reading the
guide bitch. <3
2. Myspace. YES! People still use Myspace. People that love trying new
stuff also. What you basically do is make a myspace, add a picture. Add
a profile around what you made a myspace for. "I made this myspace
to get information out there on how I make money! ext" Give a long
informative profile, and make sure to post your referral links. Then get
to adding. Add as many people as you can. Then send them with a premade message that is nice, honest, informative, assertive, and you're
referral link and at the end let them know if they decide to try it out
that they can message you with any questions that they might have.
Sure not everyone you message is going to try it, but you will find a lot
of people will. This is where I get most of my referrals from btw. Best
place ever. Should be renamed to MyReferral xD
3. Social Media. Okay I'm not just talking Facebook and Twitter. I'm
talking all social media. All forms. You need to have a Facebook,
Twitter, Tumblr, Imgur, Reddit(which I'll get into more), any that you
find you need to set up and add your profile that you did on myspace
with your links. Just for the simple reason someone might see them
and sign up! This includes porn social media, finding a

girlfriend/boyfriend social media, I mean all social media that you can
find! Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr you need to post at least once a
day (me up to 5 times a day or more) with your referral link or new
information on the sites you use. You need to message people on these
and let them know about your information (not in a bot kind of way but
in a helpful kind of a way) you need to let them know they are missing
out on making good side money! You will get people to use your
referral. It will just take a couple weeks to get people listening then
from there its all up. It does take a lot of work, but guess what you
need to work now so you don't have to work later! Get what I'm
saying? K good.
4. Blogging. There are tons of blogging sites out there, and you need to
get at least one going if not multiple ones. (IMO you should have at
least 10 blogging sites) Post informative posts about the sites you use.
Post fun facts about the sites. Post ways to make more money on the
sites. I mean whatever just keep posting any information you find in
long blog posts. People will read and appreciate it, and will most likely
use your referral link. They are also more likely to stay because you
gave them all that information.
5. Friends/Family/ And strangers. Friends and family are easy. Family
will do it just because they want to help you, and thats great. Just give
them your case and ask them to at least try it. If they try it and like it
then great, if they don't like it don't keep pushing it on them. They are
your family at the end of the day. BUT at least get them to try it once.
Friends, the same as family. Get them to at least try it for you. I mean
what are friends there for but to try your dumbshit while you try their
dumbshit? And who knows they might even end up enjoying it and
finding a hobbie out of it like you did! Make sure they use your referral
of course, and explain to them what a referral is. Strangers.. Okay so I
have cards made with my referral links on them. Yes I do, yes sir, yes
mam. I also have posters. What? No shame in my game. Work hard
now, party later. First off strangers, you probably wont meet again so
even if they get annoyed by you, who really gives a fuck. When you
meet them tell them what you do to make money, ask them if they are
interested? If they are give them your card, or paper with the referral
link on it. Make sure your email is on it also and if you want phone
number. Tell them they can contact you anytime at those if they have
any questions. If they aren't interested ask them if they would like your
card with the link and contact info so if they change their mind they

can contact you and you can explain it to them. Do this anywhere. You
see someone running, stop them and talk to them. You at the grocery
store? Start up a conversation with people. You at a party, do the
same. ANYWHERE YOU ARE AT make it an oppurtunity to make money.
"OH but then I won't make any friends bleh bleh" you can make friends
later when you have a stable income. You have stuff you need to buy,
mouths you need to feed, a house and a car you want. Those things
are more important now. WORK NOW and PLAY LATER.
6. Posters just like I said in my last comment. Make posters. Put them
everywhere. On college boards, on school boards for parents to see,
polls around the city you live in. I mean everywhere!!!
7. Reddit. Reddit is a great way to make referrals, not the best because
everyone is doing it but still good. If you make a guide give it out for
free on reddit. If you find a new site post it on /r/beermoney and make
a full informative post, and BE HONEST, reddit will call out your bullshit
if you are bullshiting. If your site is giving something away free, post it
on /r/freebies with your referral. Constantly think of new ways to post
on reddit!
8. Youtube. This should kinda fall under social media but it's a bit
different. You need to make full informative fun videos for people to
watch. When you make a video, watch it yourself, would you listen to it
if someone else was the one talking?? Don't spend to much time
talking in your videos. Tell them why they should use the site, what the
site is about, be honest and informative, and tell them they can make
money on the side doing this but it's not a get rich scheme. Then link
your referral at the bottom of your youtube video. Make all videos like
9. People you work with. Okay you need to be a bit more careful with
this one, cause if you constantly push people at your job there will be a
chance of getting fired, and if you have a job you probably can't afford
getting fired. So how to get people at your job to try it out? Let them
ask you about it! If you have an office job, in between doing your
normal work work on surveys or w/e it is you do. Your office people will
notice and when they ask tell them about it. Let them know after you
do your work you want to continue to make money even if its a bit and
you do that in between. Ask them if they are interested? If they are
(DONT PUSH THEM) explain it to them and give them your referral link.

If you don't work at an office job and a job where you have to
constantly work, then wait for your break. Every job people get breaks.
Go out to lunch with your working friends and do stuff on your
smartphone constantly, and say "yay I made a dollar" or stuff like that,
eventually they will ask you what you are doing and you can give your
pitch to them. Then give them your referral and there you go.
10. Groups. Any group you are involved in. Yoga group, gaming group, I
mean w/e just make posters to pass around or post after the group
session. Talking to them after the group session!

There are tons of ways to get your referrals out. These imo are the best
that I've found and if you keep at them all you will get the referrals you
want. BUT there is tons of other ways out there so don't be scared to
try something new to get those referrals.

Additional Notes & Tips

Be nice, honest and informative at all times when giving out your
referral link. It's not just about getting referrals but keeping them
active on the site! Remember that always.

Ebooks are great in getting referrals also, make an ebook post it

and sell it. It's actually pretty easy, but you have to promote your
ebook a bit which usually means more work. I plan on doing this
in the future. You can post your referrals in the book also!

The guides you make do not have to be about surveys. They can
be about anything to do with the site you use.

If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend let them know your goal.

They might just help you and support you to help you out. Make
sure you explain to them exactly what you want to do with this

Don't make posts on reddit saying "just sign up here it's great"
NO! BAD! First off most people aren't going to use your referral
because you weren't informative at all and they don't believe
what you are saying. Second off more people will just use a

referral train in the comments over using yours, because you put
0 time into giving them the honest information about the site.
Also don't lie about shit, because there are tons of people out
there like me that will be quick to call your ass out on it. Tell the
truth about what is good on the site and what is bad on the site.
Don't leave room for errors.

If you don't want to waste much time on something, then just

stick to making small amounts of money on the side by working
on the sites yourself (doing surveys ext.) the referral game is not
for lazy people. It can and will make you lots of money, but you
need to put a lot of work into it. I know people who spent up to 3
years working on getting referrals, but now they are making
6000-10,000 a month off of just referrals across the board on
their sites. They were not lazy and they did not slack off. Every
day was about getting more referrals. Because that's where the
real online money is. For some people this will not work out,
because you just are to lazy and slacking to much, and double
questioning yourself. You need to spend months on blogs, you
need to spend months on social media, months making guides,
hours and days talking to people to get to where I eventually will
be and others are already at. This is not a get rich quick scheme.
But imo it's better then college. I mean honestly 4 years for a
shit job at the end of it? or 4 years working hard on this, then
getting to the point where you don't have to work at all?

Always have a back up plan. I have 4-5 sites on back up that I do

get referrals on besides my main ones. Why? because sites fail,
and sites change. They don't care if it's your income they are
fucking, because they are worried about their own income. SO
have a backup plan always. This goes for anything in life that you

Get healthy and happy. Healthy and happy people show more
confidence, and more confidence means it's easier for people to
listen to what you are trying to sell them (referral links) If you are
a fat slob you need to lose the weight, and stop being so damn
lazy. A lot of people will look at you and be like "why should I
listen to you, you don't even take care of yourself?" and just like
that it's over you lost a sell. I'm not fat shaming. I'm telling you
the truth. This is the real world, wake the fuck up. People are

more likely to listen to what you say if you are healthy and happy
and boosting with confidence.

During this time of you getting referrals and it's all you talk about
and ext, you will find it harder to make friends. I have a boyfriend
who supports me, like I support him, but I honestly don't have
any friends. Why? Because friends means wasting my time. I can
waste my time later when I'm making enough money for me to
waste my time with. Most friends won't be around in 10-20 years,
you know what else wont be around in 10-20 years if you waste
your time now? Money. So don't worry about that now, and reach
your goal and then make friends. So what did I mean by telling
"my friends" about the sites.. well I really meant aquantinces.
People you casually talk to here and now, or talk to online, or
wherever. You won't have time to make friends if this is what
your goal is, making tons of money online. You won't be able to
go to partys, or go out to dinner, you can do that all later when
you have enough money to do wtf ever you want, so unless you
have a real crazy besty then yeah social life is going to be the
sites your working on. Right now you have mouths to feed, bills
to pay, things you need or want that cost money, worry about
that now, and the rest will come later.

Regardless of everything that I just said the most important thing

is that you like what you are doing. I love making guides like this,
I love talking to people, and I love getting new referrals that I
worked hard getting. But if you find it boring, or not fun, or even
frustrating then it's just not for you, and you need to find
something else to do that you actually enjoy! Because if you
don't like what you are doing then well you won't work hard at it,
and you won't make as much money, if you like what you are
doing you will go out of your way to do stuff for it. So think
before starting this, is this something you will actually like doing?
If not, find something else to put your time into, there is nothing
wrong with that. Just remember to put your all into whatever you
do, for a better future for yourself!

Just spent a week trying to get referrals and only got maybe 20?
Don't be discouraged! It happens, but if you keep working they
will start to stack up more and faster.

Okay as of right now, that's really all I have to say. I hope it helps all of
you out there, and you are able to make money off of my guides. xD


OWN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, unless a gun is being held at your
head.. okay then maybe.

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