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Fall 2014 Volume 33 Number 2

President The Wilds

Brevard, North Carolina

by Ken Collier

to the Core!
The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. is an
independent, nondenominational, nonprofit,
501(c)(3) organization created for the purpose
of operating Christian camps and conference
centers. We are fundamental in our beliefs,
Bible-centered in our philosophy, and
evangelistic in our outreach.
The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. presently
operates a Christian camp and conference
center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western
North Carolina that is open year-round. The
camp has a carefully selected and trained staff
and averages over 20,000 campers per year. In
2009 The Wilds of New England began ministry
at our campsite in Deering, New Hampshire. In
this peaceful, rural setting we experienced good
growth in attendance at our summer camps as
well as in our limited fall schedule programs.
We anticipate a continuing steady growth and
expansion of the ministry at this New England
In addition to providing a God-honoring music
publication service as an integral part of our
ministry, The Wilds Christian Association, Inc.
has also established the CampsAbroad program
to assist others in the formation and operation
of Christian camp ministries around the world.
The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. publishes
The Wilds NewsLetter. Change of address
information and comments should be sent to:
The Wilds Christian Association, Inc
PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009
Phone: (864) 268-4760
Fax: (864) 292-0743
Visit our website at or visit
The Wilds Online Store at
Editor: Ken Collier
Graphic Designer: Craig Stouffer
Publications Coordinator: Vickie Ebner
Fall 2014 Volume 33 Number 2
2014 The Wilds Christian Association, Inc.
All rights reserved.
The Wilds and CampsAbroad are registered
trademarks of The Wilds ChristianAssociation, Inc.
North Carolina Campsite:
The Wilds
1000 Wilds Ridge Road
Brevard, NC 28712-7273
Phone: (828) 884-7811
Fax: (828) 862-4813
New England Campsite:
The Wilds of New England
1181 Deering Center Road
Deering, NH 03244-6529
Phone/Fax: (603) 529-0001

2 newsletter fall 2014

heWilds has six Core Values that

we treasure! Our six Core Values
are things that should never change as
long as the Lord sees fit to keep this
place around for His glory.
A Core Value is the DNA of a ministry and, by definition, that which is inside,
nearest the center of a thing. With most of our Core Values, we hope that
a picture may immediately come to your mind and you might say, Yes, Ive
seen that happen or felt that feeling at The Wilds. If I said that one of the
Core Values of TheWilds is faithful to the Bible, I hope everyone would
immediately relate to that being a proven core of anyones experience at
The Wilds. But, what if I say, One of the Core Values of TheWilds is a

refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ? Huh? Would that resonate? We

certainly hope so! In this NewsLetter we want to take you

in Gods presence as He speaks through it when were

on a thoughtful and maybe even slightly zany tour of what

spending quiet time with Him.

it means to be at one of our campsites and experience a

Here are questions to help us remember and recall

refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ.

Several staff members are going to be presenting lists from

refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ at The Wilds. Maybe

you could give us a list of 3-5 things to help us grow in our

friends in a variety of age groups and interests who have

pursuit to help TheWilds be a joy to Gods people! Test drive

been campers or staff members at The Wilds. Well try to get

the questions in the

a glimpse of what they think brings a refreshing enjoyment

box if you've been

of life in Christ. Obviously the ideas will varydefying the

potential of being confined to a little box. Its hardly possible

to be wrong! Here are a few observations that might remind
former campers about a refreshing enjoyment of life in
Christ. The key to refreshing enjoyment is the phrase life

in Christ. This starts off everything at TheWilds in the right

way. Why would we not enjoy such an atmosphere? Why

would we not be refreshed in our spirit? We have Christ! Our

greatest issue in life (restored fellowship with God) has been
solved by His grace!

to The Wilds before.

I sometimes try to
imagine what our
world would be like
for many people if
God had not chosen
to bring TheWilds
into existence. For
years and years Ive
had the privilege

Refreshing enjoyment is not relegated to doing an activity,

of watching people

though that may be the case. Refreshing enjoyment of

enjoy TheWilds

What do you enjoy at TheWilds

that makes you want to come back?
What comes to your mind that brings
a smile as you remember your time at
The Wilds?
What do you hope and pray never
changes at The Wilds?
If you brought a friend to The Wilds,
what would you make sure they
wouldnt miss?

life in Christ comes in sharing something of a treasured

campsites and go

memory with an acquaintance, hearing an encouraging truth,

away refreshed and

seeing something delightful, or being greeted or treated in a

renewed with Gods

pleasing way.

blessing. TheWilds represents many wonderful things to

Gods people. TheWilds is the ready place for enjoyment,
but the refreshing enjoyment is all brought about by the
hope that life in Christ brings to each of us.

Part of refreshing enjoyment is being in a totally

different, out-of-the-ordinary environment.
How refreshing it is to be away from it allfor
instance, beautiful, majestic surroundings that
display the power of God in creation.
Refreshing enjoyment is hearing Gods Word
and works magnified in singing and preaching.
Its opening your Bible not just in services, but



e had a
summer with
our summer staff

att e Wilds na
by cM
r T h Caro
e to
Dir d, Nor

The freshness and

enthusiasm this group

brings to TheWilds
is amazing. What a privilege it is to work with
dedicated young adults who were certainly
examples of people who embodied this
refreshing enjoyment we talk about! In

surveying the summer staff, the word joyful

was used over and over to describe their

experience at camp. Here is their take on

refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ:

Closeness, unity,
family atmosphere, and
comradery of the staff
Hiking to the 4th Falls
Tubing the creek
Spiritually uplifting and
Christ-honoring music
Preaching that
communicates love for God
and others
Scriptural philosophy grounding
everything we do
In a few short minutes, being able to
go from 100% craziness in a game to
counseling a camper from Gods Word
Beauty of the campsite
Joyful attitude of the full-time staff

4 newsletter fall 2014

1. The screams of excitement as two teens fly at

blazing speed towards the ground then are caught by the
harnesses and swing back and forth on our 65-foot Giant

2. The laughter and cheers as someone scores a

goal in Human Foosball or GaZEEball.

3. The colorfulface paintand the roar of

cheering as the winning team is announced during
Final Scoring.

4. Theuncontrollablelaughter, sometimes
driving the person to tears, that happens when watching

5. The cheers and yells of

hundreds of teens playing their
hardest to hit the Bigball between
their teams flag or run the fastest to
their teams goal.

6. The smiles and excitement in a

teens eyes when he accepts Christ or aligns
his life with God's will.

7. The wide-eyed excitement

during Orientation when campers see the new
activities all over the campsite that are waiting for
them to experience.

8. The splash after a camper

is launched off the Blob or the
excited yells as they leap off the 20foot Jump Off Tower at the Lake.
9. The sense of

accomplishment in the

10. The way the congregational singing

grows and swells throughout the week as God
continues to work in the hearts of each one attneding.


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eyes of campers as they work

together to complete the
ropes and wire team-building
course called The Summit. 5

Summer 2014 has been one of the busiest on record for

CampsAbroadwhich makes it a challenge to fit everything into

one brief article. Ill have to settle for giving a few highlights
from each trip. Our summer trips encompassed Africa, Asia,
Central America, and the Middle East.

Lebanon August
Our first camping experience in the Middle East was greatly
blessed in many ways. The culture and setting presented some
unique challenges, but the Lord overcame it all.
The camps in Lebanon will always be small because the churches
are small, but there is great potential to multiply ministry by adding
camp weeks at the beautiful property the Lord has provided.
At least two young people trusted Christ as Saviora radical
decision in that cultureand two children from Muslim homes left
camp seriously considering the claims of Jesus.
God is working in Lebanon!

Mexico July
Pastor Ivan is seeking to establish a youth camp for churches in
the Vera Cruz area of Mexico. Ever since he was a counselor at
one of the camps that CampsAbroad assisted in Monterrey, he
has been burdened for this ministry.
Camp was held at a rental property on a high mountainas in
10,000 feet high! It was downright cold in the evenings.
The staff did an incredible
job throughout the week,
and the Christian young
people were greatly
impacted by Gods Word,
especially gaining better
understanding of the
significance of the gospel
for them as believers.

South Africa/
Malawi June
Dan Brooks flew solo on this multi-purpose survey trip.
First stop was Paardeberg Mountain Retreat to observe
their training and to see the camp in action. There is an
excellent possibility that we may be able to return there
in the future to assist with some training.
Camping in Malawi is wild! As the poorest nation
in Africa, Missionary Eric Chapman has faced some
difficult situationslike rioting over the single meal

by Matt Collier

Director CampsAbroad
Brevard, North Carolina

6 newsletter fall 2014

served to the day campers. They are continuing to learn

by trial and error. For now, they are sticking to short,
gospel-oriented day camps.

This campsite in a beautifully wild, remote setting is blossoming

through sacrificial work.
About 50 people showed up for the staff training, many of them
traveling over 24 hours to come to camp, and some brought their
families with them! They did well learning the ropes of a brand new
philosophy of camping.
Many of the campers who
attended had zero exposure to
the gospel before coming to
campthey were mostly rough
inner city kids. About 25 of
the very first batch of campers
made decisions to trust Christ
as Savior. In evaluating the
camp, the campers offered only one suggestion: extend the days
of camp!

Around 50 people
from many local
churches across
eastern China
attended the staff
After a month of solid rain, the Lord gave us 3 clear
days for the campthen it started raining again!
The clear days were a great blessing because the
campers ended up sleeping in tents when the
property owner went back on the agreement to let
us use several buildings.

Mongolia July

In spite of this, the kids attending had a great time,

and 16 young people professed Christ as Savior!

China May

Hong Kong July

More area churches participated in camp this year than ever
before. Wade Peltier ran the program while Mark Herbster
represented CampsAbroad and did the main
speaking for the camp.
Many of the counselors were greatly impacted
by the principles of servant leadership and
expressed interest in counseling again in future
One young man shared that he now realizes that
he needs to eliminate sin in his life while he is
young so that it does not control him later. 7

by Dan Brooks

Do you think that

young people all over
this world, most of
whom do not even
speak English, can
understand the core
value of refreshing
enjoyment of life in
Christ? I sure do!

8 newsletter fall 2014

Assistant Director CampsAbroad

Brevard, North Carolina


Early Bird registration discount
available until February 1, 2015.
Register online for Summer Camp and
well waive a $10 processing fee.
(Early Bird and online registration discounts do not apply to the week of June 1-6
as it is already discounted.)

For more information about Summer Camp 2015,

contact us at or (864) 331-3286.

Photo courtesy of Carrie Markey.

What is it and how do others

know if youve got it?
Refreshing: ri'freSHiNG; adjective. Serving to refresh or
reinvigorate someone; invigorating, revitalizing, reviving,
stimulating, exhilarating

Enjoyment: en'joimnt; noun. The state or process of taking

pleasure in something; fun, entertainment, amusement, diversion,
recreation, relaxation
by Rand Hummel

Director The Wilds of New England

Deering, New Hampshire

10 newsletter fall 2014

Life in Christ: The phrase is alive with some wonderful and colorful
theological words: redemption (Romans 2:24); no condemnation
(Romans 8:1); sanctified (1 Corinthians 1:2); triumph (2 Corinthians
1:21); new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17); simplicity (2 Corinthians
11:3); consolation (Philippians 2:1); exceeding abundant grace, faith,
and love (1 Timothy 1:14); and salvation (2 Timothy 2:10).

Camp is a great place to show-off

what God has done for you. Think about
it! Once you know that you are saved,
redeemed, forgiven, and sanctified with
the promise of living a triumphant life as
a new creation in Christ that is immersed
in Gods abundant grace and love, how
could you not smile with your eyes, your
face, and your heart?
I wondered why so many campers come
to camp walking like Eeyores but leave
bouncing like Tiggers. So we asked them
four simple questions, and here are their
simple answers.

What do you enjoy at The Wilds of

New England that makes you want
to come back?
* Counselors, encouraging staff,
people who work here
* Everything!
* Preaching, messages, and services
* The Zipline and Laser Tag

What do you hope and pray never

changes at The Wilds of New

* The philosophy, spirit, and attitude of

* The music and standards
* Everything!
* Spiritual atmosphere

If you brought a friend to The Wilds

of New England, what would you
make sure they wouldnt miss?
* Zipline, Laser Tag, and crazy games
* The services and preaching
* The song services and God & I Time
* Everything!
The refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ is a core value
of our ministry. It is a simple way to show all who come to

our camps that it truly is wonderful to be a Christian. I love

What comes to your mind that

brings a smile to you?
* Funtime

* The crazy, fun, encouraging staff

* Everything!
* Friends, food, and so many wonderful

to see it in our ministry, endeavor to see it in my own life,

and know that God desires to see it in your life. Eeyore or
Tigger? Its your choice.

Download our app today! 11

Acts 20:35I

have shewed you all things,

how that so laboring ye ought to

support the weak,

and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said,

It is more blessed (better, a greater blessing, makes one happier, more enjoyable)
to give than to receive.
2 Corinthians 9:7Every


man according as he purposeth in his heart,

let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity:

for God loveth a cheerful giver
(joyous, one who is enjoying it, one whose heart is in it).

by Dick Reid

Vice President The Wilds

Taylors, South Carolina

s Christians, saved by grace, we should always

During the last 27 years that I have had the

have a refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ

privilege of serving God here, I have been blessed

because we know how undeserving we are as

to hear and receive many encouraging comments

recipients of the greatest giftsalvation and eternal

from our faithful supporters. Here are some of

life with God. However, how many of us also have a

the reasons that cause them to have a refreshing

refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ through giving

enjoyment of giving to the cause of Christ at

to the cause of Christ?


Recently I was made aware that a friend of our

ministry, who faithfully supports our various

fundraisers for campsite improvements, was
disappointed that he had not received any recent

ALWAYS used for the specific purpose stated.

contribute the cost of the materials and

being able to financially support Gods work

who has a refreshing enjoyment of giving to the
cause of Christ.

12 newsletter fall 2014

Many projects are accomplished at bargain

prices (good value) because the donors

fundraising requests from us. He literally enjoys

through our various ministries. That is an individual

All of the funds donated to The Wilds are

volunteer labor does much of the construction.

Over the years, the leadership of The Wilds

(Ken Hay, Ken Collier, Bob Stoner, Rand
Hummel, Gary Williams, Steve Leatherwood,

Items received:

2 Chainsaw Chaps 4 Dressers 2 Air hoses 1 Drill bit set

Child Blood Pressure Cuff 4 Sandwich Board Blank Signs
5 Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems 8 Heating Pads


Needs Corner


Bunn Coffee Brewer - $800

Large Ice Chest (4) - $65 Each
Pulse Oximeter (2) - $75 Each
Entry Mat (6) - $95 Each
Back Board Headblock - $125
Rafting Boots (20 pair) - $30 Pair
Pump Up Sprayer (3) - $30 Each
Fall Protection Harness (4) - $90 Each
Fall Protection Hardware Set (4) - $55 Each
100 Fall Protection Rope (2) - $95 Each

Items received:

7 Aprons Professional Coffee Grinder


Matt Collier, Matt Herbster, and others) have

proven themselves to be faithful stewards and
prudent investors of the resources entrusted to

Shed for ZIPLine - $800

Safety Fence (top) (15) $10 Each
Safety Fence (bottom) (9) - $50 Each
Shovel (4) - $20 each
Chainsaw Chain (4) - $25 Each
Headset Microphone (2) - $275 Each
Small Powered Mixer - $100


High quality, safe facilities and activities

significantly help to eliminate negative barriers to
our primary focuspresenting the Truth of God
with the love of God so lives can be changed to
the glory of God.

People love what God is doing in the hearts

and lives of those attending the various camps,
conferences, and retreats at our different
locations, and they want to be a participating colaborer with us.

I hope that you personally have a refreshing

enjoyment of life in Christ. I TRUST that you are also

I want to help
A or

Enclosed is a gift toward the cost of the indicated need.

City________________________ State _____ Zip__________

Mail to: The Wilds PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009

having or will consider having a refreshing enjoyment

of giving to the cause of Christ at The Wilds. 13

where are they

Ben (06) and Ashley [Stoner]
Fairchild (00,01,02,03,04,05), Elena
Katherine, 7/14/14.


Jared and Tiffany [Fleming] Guerrant

(07,08,09,10-12) were married on
8/16/13. They live in Stephenson, Virginia,
where Tiffany works in a doctors office
and Jared is in the Air Force.

Katie Betancourt (09,10,11,12,13)
and Matt Ashley, 5/17/14.
Heidi Davis (08) and Loren Crisp,
Melanie Mulder (08,09,10,11,1213) and Michael Whitteberry
(09,10,11,12), 5/31/14.
Emily Sowers (06,07,08,09,10,
11,12) and Terrence Jones (06,07,
08-12), 6/14/14.
Brit Kern (11,12) and Tory Martin
(09,10,11,12-13), 7/5/14.
Jamie Yow (11,12,13,14) and Caleb
Davis (11,12,13,14), 8/9/14.
Emily McAllister (11,12,13,14) and
Roland Kassales (13,14), 8/15/14.

Leah DeBruler (14) and Charles

Gourley (10,11,12,14), 8/23/14.

John and Anna [Brooks] Robinson

(02), Hannah Grace, 7/15/14.

Heidi Desmarais (08,09,10) and

James Smith, 10/12/13.

Brett (03,04,05,06,'07-'08) and

Elisabeth [Mohler] Castelloe
(03,04,05,06-08), Gabriel Stephen,


Lance and Julie [Bate] Ficek (96),

Isaiah Emerson and Eleanora Ellie
Faith, 5/8/13.
Chris (01,02,03,04) and Susana
[Cooper] McAviney (02,03,04), Lydia
Sandra, 7/16/13.
George (98,99,00,01-04)
and Becky [Greer] Clements
(94,95,96,97,98,00,04), Marcella
Hope, 10/16/13.
Toby and Jenny [Council] Long (99),
Weston Luke, 1/8/14.
Jesse (07,08-10) and Anne
Richardson, Beechel Beech David,
Nathanael (05,06,07,08,09)
and Krista [Henager] Gorsline
(05,06,07), Avery Elizabeth, 6/19/14.
Jonathan and Amy [Haynes] Parsons
(97,98,10-13), Kathryn Grace,

Chris (99,00,01,03,04,05,0611) and Laura [Weathers] Lynch
(03,04,05,08-11), Kinley Evelyn,
Michael (03,04,05,06,07,08) and
Natalie [Collier] Durso (00,01,02,
03,04,05,07,08), Emera Jenevieve,

Former Staff,

help keep us updated on your career

marriage, and children! Send
announcements to:

The Wilds,
Where Are They Now?
PO Box 509
Taylors, SC 29687-0009
or e-mail

Its 1932. Dr. Du ncan McDonut and Daddy Starbucks

schedule the grand openings of their brand new coffee shops
for the very same day.
A coffee war is declared. Each entrepreneur u nleashes his own strategy to
capture the taste buds of Bostons coffee con noisseurs. Join us this summer to
experience a creative caffeine high that you will never forget.

Contact Us

1181 Deering Center Road, Deering, NH 03244

Phone: (603) 529-0001
Fax: (828) 862-4813

14 newsletter fall 2014





Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nol

Given by: Jessica Bright Mr. & Mrs. John Crites

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harper Mr. & Mrs. Michael Withers

Memorial gifts received as of October 20, 2014




Staff News:
Seth and Vickie Ebner are happy

to announce the arrival of their son,

Logan Todd. He was born on August
18, 2014, weighed 8 pounds 4
ounces, and was 20 inches long.

Given by: E. North Street Academy: Jennifer Brown

Victoria Gilbert Mary Masse Sherry Moore

Lauren Runion

Given by: Linda Murray Yarborough

Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hall


Given by: Ann Jones Brenda W. Pittman


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. John Ridley









Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nol

Given by: The Robert & Grace Ulsh Family
Given by: Peggy Holt

Given by: Dr. & Mrs. W. C. Adams Mr. & Mrs. David Auman

Susan Auman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beadles

The Benson Family Benson Kiwinis Club, Benson, NC
Jim, David, & Linda Blakesle Mary Buffaloe

Catawba Christian Church Teens, Apex, NC

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cochran Jean & Mary Helen Creech

Joanne Esposito Hugh Francis

Garcia Lanzoni Families Winn Graham Family

Mr. & Mrs. Landis Hall

Harvey Financial Services, Inc., Sanford, NC

Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Higgins Dr. and Mrs. Carl Horkavy
Dean Horkavy Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Horkavy

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Massengill William M Massengill

Josie Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Ray McSparran

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Mitchell Charles Morganti

North Carolina Chiropractic Association, Raleigh, NC

Mr. & Mrs. Randy Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pierce

Mr. & Mrs. Russ Poppe Mr. and Mrs. Danny Rhodes

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robinson Miriam Rose

Mr. & Mrs. James Rushia Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Simpkins
Helen W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gil Steiner

Mr. & Mrs. James Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Benny Tart
Bonnie Tilley Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Utley

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Whittington Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Williams
Pastor & Mrs. Chuck Woodruff Ricky ONeil Young


Given by: Ismael Gullon


Given by: Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAdams


Given by: Linda Murray Yarborough


Given by: Mr. Carl Boone

Given by: Anna Marie Carmean

Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Gary Smith
Given by:

Anonymous Donation
Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC
Lynda Bowman Mr. & Mrs. David Cleary
Pamela Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Don Gorsline
Gospel Fellowship Association, Greenville, SC
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew King Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Linn
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lpez Mr. & Mrs. Cal Mair
Mr. & Mrs. B. W. McKendree Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Tucker
The Robert & Grace Ulsh Family Mr. & Mrs. Marty Warrington
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wickensimer


Given by: Abigail Gorsline


Given by: Mr. James Thompson


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. David Cleary


Given by: Linda Murray Yarborough


Les & Kelly Galloway
Given by: Linda Murray Yarborough

Kimberly & Jeff Carlson, Sarah & Kevin

Gillenwater, and Hannah & Ransom Love
Given by: Mr. James Thompson

Michael Blackstone, Ed Cone, Todd Orlando,

and Roland Thompson
Given by: A Friend of the Ministry

Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Comer

Honor a loved one or friend with a Living Memorial gift to The Wilds.

In Memory Of:

Rev./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Miss_ ________________________________________________________
Please send card to:
Rev./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Miss_ _______________________________________________________

Given by:
Rev./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Miss_ ________________________________________________________
City_____________________________________________State_______ Zip_______________
The Wilds Living Memorials PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009 15


Fa l l 2 012

PO Box 509
Taylors, SC 29687-0009

Address Service Requested

I Cling to Christ
The words of these meditative, quietly triumphant
songs admonish us "to look to, to rest in, to bow
before, and to stand complete in" one person and
one alone Jesus Christ, our Savior. These guitar
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and forever. This recording features guitar soloists
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TWS1459 . . . . . . . $13 .95

Also available on Amazon and iTunes.

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