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Many Languages, One World

Speaking points
The objective of Many Languages, One World is to promote multilingualism as an element of
global citizenship and to celebrate the six official languages of the United Nations. Many
Languages, One World was created to bring global-minded young people from all over the
world together to engage in dialogue about the ten United Nations Academic Impact
principles that can then be carried back to their universities and institutions. The Many
Languages, One World Essay Contest and Global Youth Forum, part of the UN Academic
Impact global initiative, is being held in June 2014 to commemorate the beginning of the 70th
anniversary year of the signing of the United Nations Charter.
About the Essay Competition

o to promote multilingualism
o to commemorate the start of the 70th anniversary year (in June 2014) of the signing of the United
Nations Charter
Competition organized by:
o ELS Educational Services, Inc.
o The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
o Hosted by Adelphi University
Essay topic: the role of multilingualism in global citizenship
Length: 2,000 words
Contestants had to be 18 years of age and enrolled as a full-time student at a university
Essay had to be written in one of the six official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English,
French, Russian, Spanish
Essay could not be written in students native language, nor could it be written in the medium of instruction of
their education.
A recommendation of faculty members of their university was required

Results of the Competition

Over 4,000 people participated in some aspect of the competition

Close to 1,500 essays were submitted
Contestants were from 128 different countries
Publications worldwide picked up the story, and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter also
provided strong support


60 winners ten for each language

Global diversity: winners were from 26 different countries and 6 continents
Age range: college freshmen through doctoral candidates
Winners attend a diverse group of universities around the world, including such esteemed institutions as The
University of Basel (Switzerland), Princeton University (USA), Cornell University (USA)

Winners areas of study include: Engineering, Politics, Language, Philosophy, Economics, Computer Science

Youth Forum

Duration: 5 days (25-29 June 2014)

Location: New York
Purpose: working with language teams to create action plans around UNAI principles
Culmination: June 27th presentations at UN Headquarters on selected principles of UNAI

Program Dignitaries

Dr. J. Michael Adams

o President of Fairleigh Dickinson University from 1999 until his death in 2012.
o Helped launch the United Nations Academic Impact program and helped FDU gain nongovernmental
(NGO) status at the United Nations.
o Inspired a new vision and mission at FDU dedicated to preparing world citizens through global
Dr. Robert A. Scott
o President and professor of anthropology and sociology at Adelphi University since July 2000
o Under Dr. Scotts leadership, Adelphi was elected as an affiliate of the United Nations. Adelphi is also an
institutional member of the UN Academic Impact and a long-time partner institution of ELS Educational
Services, Inc.
o Under Dr. Scotts leadership, Adelphi University graciously offered to host the Many Languages, One
World event.
Mr. Ramu Damodaran
o Chief, UN Academic Impact Secretariat worked directly with ELS President to conceive the essay
contest and provide support to selection of winners and organization of the event at the UN General
Mr. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal
o Under Secretary General for Communications and Public Information of the United Nations, as well as
the Coordinator for Multilingualism
o Appointed to the position in 2012
Mr. Mark W. Harris
o President & CEO of ELS Educational Services, Inc.
o Conceived the essay contest to support the UN Academic Impact and coordinated ELS global resources
o ELS organized and financed the contest, student travel, presentation at the UN and the Youth Forum at
Adelphi University.

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