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NOTA can be a wonderful idea if and only if everybody is aware of it. But due to the condition of India most of the
people don't even bother to gain knowledge about the election processes. It hardly makes any difference for them.
Presence of NOTA may create confusion between illiterate people.
If most of the people are opting NOTA them their votes are of no use and may be considered negligible and may be
false candidate may win the elections. I guess it is nowhere a success formula.
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Rishi Kant Patel said: (Sun, Oct 26, 2014 10:03:44 PM)

Hi friends,

Interesting topic on NOTA, but according to me election means to elect one candidate, so with this option of NOTA h
will complete the purpose of election. That result no need of this option, because using this option we are come out o
result or may take place for re election means more cost & time consume.
For this first stage commision screen all candidates perfectly for being leaders of our nation for making developed &
literate country. After the literacy voter will be more conscious about election and after that no place for bribed best
citizen will be selected & elected as leader.
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Manikanth Yerram said: (Sun, Oct 26, 2014 07:27:13 PM)

Hi Friends,

I won't accept the NOTA, instead of that if the EC elect the good leaders who are not corrupted till yet. Because in IN
more than 60% of the people are not even knew what NOTA means. So, how the poor people knows what it is, befo
keeping NOTA option by the EC, they should give awareness for the people.
As I say that every vote is important for everyone, because every vote counts to elect a leader.
So, finally I conclude that rapid changes should come in Indian Electronic Commission as well as in the people to be
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Sujit said: (Sun, Oct 26, 2014 05:24:21 PM)


Hello friends.

In my opinion NOTA is of no use initially. Being largest democracy our EC must provide us the better candidate to be
elected. They should make some rules such that people with corrupted background should not contest election.

Only candidate with clean image, educated and responsible should be allowed, this would be the role of EC and then
peoples should be made aware about this NOTA because till date a large part of our society is illiterate and they only
vote for those who give them money, wine etc during election time, so by such law if EC makes initially such
unavoidable circumstances of society out of the race and if people's made aware of their voting powers then only a
better candidate can be projected and people's will have option to select best and after that NOTA should be introduc
Presently NOTA is way to hide the corrupted person behind the curtain. Because no action is taken.
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Nivetha Shanmugam said: (Sun, Oct 26, 2014 02:59:00 PM)

I am Nive.
Now I am Glad to speak about this topic.
This is the one-sided view, According to me NOTA is necessary to the voters who are not able to select the best
candidate from all. Without having detailed knowledge of the respective candidate how the voters are able to vote.

So, when the NOTA is introduced to the first time around 50,000 peoples opted for it. It is effectively reached to the
peoples in the urban areas and mostly not aware to the people in village areas. If more than 80% of the voters vote
NOTA option in case they are not satisfied with the candidates who are chosen by the political parties, there may be
drastic change in our democratic country.
Voting is the mandatory responsibility for an Indian. So voters can use NOTA option in efficient manner and it is
necessary for the countries like India.
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Abhiram Verma said: (Sat, Oct 25, 2014 05:31:59 PM)

Hello friends.

In my opinion NOTA should be there because India is democratic country so people have right to select the best lead
for the bright future of our country. If NOTA is available then there is no need to choose best leader among the wors
We have to choose only great leader among the good leader. So in order to conclude that NOTA is very helpful to ch
great leader as well as it favourable for people.
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Abhinav Shukla said: (Fri, Oct 24, 2014 09:57:29 PM)

As my fellow friends have pointed about the introduction of NOTA. I would also like to present my views over the sam
Nota is an option to reject all the candidates participating, this facility will surely give people an option to be ruled by
best. And in turn it will also force political parties to introduce good candidates in the elections who keeps their prom
and words.
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Mano said: (Fri, Oct 24, 2014 11:45:42 AM)

Hai everyone,
In my point of view, NOTA is good option for the people and bad one from Election Commission side. Election
Commission spent more amount on by including extra options. Even when we consider the amount paid by Election
Commission for each one is gradually increases year by year.

Now it cost's upto 15 rupees for each one. In indirect way, Election Commission encourages the nominations of
corrupted leaders and they give chance to people to eliminate the unnecessary one. Instead of doing this, if they tak
some strict rules and regulations on the selection of a candidate in political party itself, it may lead to get a better
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Pavi said: (Fri, Oct 24, 2014 11:45:18 AM)

Hi friends,
I am glad to speak about this topic.

According to my point of view, we can't say NOTA is useful to create a corruption free environment and a good
government. If we choose NOTA means there is no one is fit for the position but every people have some bad things
people choose NOTA means its upto their vision only not in terms of good government different people have differen

If no one is good means why the EC allow them to nominate. I think the conditions to stand in the election to be rev
and it should be made very strict. It will be more useful.

NOTA is just a eyewash. No use in it. Why Election Commission allow to do the mistake and then correct it? It should
prevented before it takes place.
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Manish said: (Fri, Oct 24, 2014 12:33:49 AM)



I believe election are more get source data acquisition, if person is not happy, then he should not win anyone. But at
same time NOTA votes should be analysed by EC otherwise it will be not good than than not voting. I would suggest
NOTA should be followed by a small feedback, so that EC can make scene out of data and apply for Paid in Candidate
Nomination Procedure.
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Sancia said: (Thu, Oct 23, 2014 04:49:26 PM)

I believe if NOTA is introduced it should have great effect on political parties after winning. But the supreme court of
India has made it clear even if NOTA wins the second highest party will be declared as winner. So in such case NOTA
won't create much difference.
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Sailendra Kumar Sahoo said: (Tue, Oct 21, 2014 07:31:56 PM)

India is a democratic country. So everyone is free to take their own decision and choose the right candidate. So
Introduction of NOTA option is a better one as people can show their real attitude against the election.

By selecting NOTA they can clear their notion that none of the candidate is suitable for the post. So government hav
think about its decision to allow them to fight for the seat.
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Bappa said: (Tue, Oct 21, 2014 03:22:37 PM)

Hi friend,
I don't think that NOTA is a very good idea. It is only for rejecting a candidate's opinion. If a candidate choice NOTA
means according him/her anyone is not right for that post and it is a very shameful for all political party.

I think political party should give the ticket to a candidate before justify whether that candidate is really perfect for t
post, is free from corruption, is really eager to serve people etc.

In this case governor also should take responsibility to increase the importance of vote among all the people because
our country there are so many illiterate people who don't know about the importance of vote and some politician tak
the advantage of this fact. Sometime voter are given bribe from their nominated candidate and they supports that


So at last I want to say that voter should choose that person who is really deserve that post rather NOTA.
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Mahammad Tuhar said: (Mon, Oct 20, 2014 08:52:08 PM)

Hello friends,

NOTA means 'none of the above', during voting this option should necessary for selecting a corruption free leader for
building a crime free /corruption free society or country.

It may create a right way to choose the best one and I am happy that our EC provides this type of facility for the sak
human being (Indian).
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Chnkyt said: (Sun, Oct 19, 2014 07:52:51 PM)

Hey friends,

In my opinion I would like to suggest NOT to introduce NOTA but rather try to improve on rules and regulations cast
by EC. If our EC will strong then we would never face the problem of NOTA cause EC itself will select the better
candidates from all over the region and the we would have select best from the better candidates.

Also I would like to throw some light on disadvantages of NOTA. Lets say NOTA is introduced and we have faced say
40% NOTA polling then looking at current situation of Indian government I don't think it would be capable of taking
some serious actions against this problem. If this guys can allow people with criminal records to contest an election,
then how will they solve our problem.

So I would strongly suggest not to introduce some new techniques so that government can hide themselves behind n
problems and ignore existing problems.

EC's rules and regulations should be changed then only a solution can be made out of this. In my opinion this is mos
effective way of dealing the problem.
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Rahul Thakur said: (Sat, Oct 18, 2014 03:03:02 PM)

A few of my friends are saying that NOTA is of no use and we need to select the best from the worst. But in my opin
this is not a solution to the problem. Being the largest democracy, we have the right to get the best leader and there
no need to select from the worsts. So NOTA needs to be there.
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Bindushree L said: (Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:52:55 PM)

There cannot be an immediate solution to any problem. So NOTA is a step towards the solution. It is a good thought
people get rights to decide upon their leader.

1. Before NOTA people could cast their negative votes by informing the presiding officer and there was a separate ba
for this.
2. When NOTA was used for the first time 50,000 people opted it.

3. Now people can cast their NOTA vote without the presence of the presiding officer and without entering their nam
the register.

4. Therefore by the introduction of NOTA the political parties are forced to project a clean candidate which in turn he
to create a clean environment.
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Pravin Gosavi said: (Fri, Oct 17, 2014 10:19:34 PM)


I expect little change in declaring candidate as a winner. As everyone knows to win, one has to pass exams. To pass
exam one has to score maximum 100% or minimum 40%. Accordingly to declare a winner, a candidate must get vo
least 40% of total voting done. Then there will be no need of NOTA.
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Suhas said: (Fri, Oct 17, 2014 09:48:03 PM)

Hai viewers.
Firstly I am glad to speak about this topic in front of you people.

According to me NOTA is option given by Election commission by agreeing that, they have accepted the Nominations
corrupted politicians and who are all poor in education.

By knowing that information only, our interest on voting will be less, pressing NOTA button by going to Election boot
all waste of our precious time.
BUT WHAT TO DO, WE HAVE RIGHT TO VOTE, and it's duty to vote being a citizen of India.
So "VOTE FOR THE BEST AMONG WORST" hoping that he/she can serve for nation along with us.


But now "it's "NARENDRA MODI" tern the things are definitely changing, GOOD DAYS AHEAD.
Thank you friends.
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Viswini said: (Fri, Oct 17, 2014 08:32:25 PM)

I think NOTA is a great chance to express our dissatisfaction towards the rulers. India is a democratic country. We a
the leaders. Without having a proper knowledge about the candidate how can we give them a vote? If the NOTA rate
increased the authorities will obviously see the seriousness of the situation and will change the way of judiciary.
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Twinkle said: (Fri, Oct 17, 2014 01:52:26 PM)

Hi everyone I am obliged to be a part of this discussion and listening to your views. According to me the first and
foremost thing that should be done is to wake up the electoral commission, for they should nominate the best candid
who does not have a corrupted history and has tried for reformation in his past and who is a hard worker.

Except getting bribed by the corrupted rich and illiterate candidates and giving them tickets as for them politics is a
easy money making and ruling people and had reflected politics as the "dirty game" the electoral commission should
show courtesy to the country by choosing the clean candidates.

This would make our voting process easy and people can vote with the help of their own conscience instead of gettin
bribed. Then there will be no fake promises of miracles turning to myths.

A good governor will turn us to a rich country where literacy rate will be high and instead of bribing alcohol, sarees,
money they will educate people what vote means and how it is important and their right and a turning point for the n
generation. For me it is meaningless to get new schemes like NOTA for illiteracy rate is high in INDIA.

And I am sure half of our population are not aware of what NOTA is and they don't really care. And we can't accuse t
voters as half of them are in need of money as they are so poor and just think how to full their stomach with those
bribes. We can only change the system through education.

Or else I can only end up saying that NOTA is just to blur up our eyes where the system is giving a fake console or a
belief that the constitution is trying hard to be the one which is corruption free but actually its not.
Thank you.
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Chiranjit said: (Fri, Oct 17, 2014 01:02:23 AM)


Hello Every Body,

I see few people say NOTA is not a good option. Well I would like to go by them as, even I see NOTA has no use in t
voting system. This will simply create nuisance and make a mockery of the system.

People should be given only valid choices, because they are already mentally prepared whom to give vote. As said b
few NOTA is equivalent to Not Voting and/or electing a person of your choice. To choose some is far better than givin
chance to escape from responsibility.
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Sujit Prajapati said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 11:13:45 PM)

NOTA is not that much effective in our country. It will help EC to Disqualify all the candidate but not much than that.

If NOTA gets majority then all the candidate should be banned permanently for life time and all that candidate never
contest for election.
If this rule will be added in NOTA rules and regulation then NOTA will be more effective.
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Sneha Thomas said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 09:17:07 PM)

Dear friends,

In my opinion NOTA is good option because the political parties simply select the candidates by themselves. They wi
not consider the requirements of the people.

They will not consider whether the person is eligible for this post or not, can he serve the people, can he understand
problems of the people etc. By doing NOTA people can express their feelings about the selection of candidate.
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Suhas said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 08:32:47 PM)

Hello friends,

According to me NOTA is a wonderful taught came from our election commission. It makes sense to the govt that no
in the constituency is eligible for winning the election at their respective constituency. If NOTA button is voted by ma


people. But it is of no use in our country because the politician you hate is voted by many people at any corner witho
knowing you.
But if NOTA is clicked by max people. It makes a sense that govt should change the leader in the constituency.
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M.Atchyuth Raj Kumar said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 07:38:41 PM)

Hello everyone,

I don't think NOTA is such a great decision that can change fate of INDIA. Its not the people who are electing wrong
leaders, it is the system creating the leaders as inefficient due to many influences upon them. At this moment NOTA
doesn't workout as far as I concerned.

If everyone vote for NOTA what is the position? So do not divert people by introducing such NOTA and all, creating a
confusion to them.
Make the system efficient and effective by all means and change the leaders who are not upto the mark at their
responsibilities. Then we can see INDIA as a developed country from developing one.
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Vatsal Jain said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 07:33:52 PM)

Hello friends.

According to me, the NOTA option has been an unnecessary addition. Even though that has made voters come out a
reject the candidates, their votes are not be considered valid. The EC says that the candidates with the next highest
number of votes wins, even if maximum voters opt for NOTA.

So re-election is possible only if ALL voters option for NOTA, which of course is not possible. So, the EC should make
provisions so that re-elections are held WITH A DIFFERENT SET OF CANDIDATES in case maximum votes go to NOTA
Thank You.
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Sangamesh. said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 06:12:56 PM)

I think "NOTA" is once of the best rules that government has undertaken, but it will not so worthy in rural areas beca


rate of illiterates in the rural areas are more as compares to the cities.

In any city or in a particular area if there exits 90% of educated voters and if they really knows a unfit qualities of th
persons who stand for election, they can put for the option NOTA.
So in that case there is more chances that the previous candidate may not be eligible for the next election.
As we consider in the ares where illiterates are more, even if we put for "NOTA" there is loss of votes, hence in that
cases we should go for choosing the person with good qualities as compares to the rest.
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Kamali said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 04:03:05 PM)

Hello friends,

According to me NOTA choice is definitely a must, our government has given the right for every citizen above the ag
18 to make a decision. Its highly important for every citizen to deliver their choice of electing leaders. Even for those
who have nil interest in politics, NOTA is a very good choice and chance for them to register their voice.
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Thakursahab said: (Thu, Oct 16, 2014 02:25:08 AM)

Hello friends.

NOTA provide a better choice in front of people but will not help the government to stop corruption. For that we need
strong and good positive power to stop corruption sanitation of all India is necessary.
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Satyabrath Chhetri said: (Wed, Oct 15, 2014 11:11:15 PM)

Hi one and all,

Look in country like India corruption is the main issue, and with taking care all this phenomenon in mind NOTA is the
option, it does not matter for the politician because if your not voting then also someone at some corner voting for

We must wake up and should have to do something good for the country. Let be the example so that next generatio
will be corruption free generation and productive one.
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Tarun said: (Wed, Oct 15, 2014 09:46:25 PM)

No, I don't think that the voters should be given a NOTA choice. This is because an option of NOTA would mean no
majority which means no government at the center which ultimately leads to re-election.
And basically, we don't need a re-election because that means more money and time spent on elections. And as we
know, elections disturb our day-to-day life, so it leads to chaos and disturbances all over again.

Besides, the money spent on re-elections can be used in a more effective way to develop infrastructure and on the p
people who need it desperately. The voters should choose the best from the options available.

If they feel that they don't have good enough options to vote for, they can better try and get into politics and change
things themselves.
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Palankaiah said: (Wed, Oct 15, 2014 06:35:14 PM)

NOTA is the very important to voters to know about the persons who are correctly and not corrupted. Indians still vo
to the persons who distribute the money and liquor. We the people have motivate and say the importance of vote.

The EC introduced the NOTA but there is no use with that, so they rearrange the elections are arrange govt employe
NOTA get 50 percent or above like this.
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Prathamesh Parle said: (Wed, Oct 15, 2014 05:40:04 PM)

The people who says "all politicians are corrupt" and don't cast their vote, to make them vote NOTA option was
introduced. First of all what is the criteria for rejecting a candidate?

Corrupt or the one which has criminal cases or on the basis of religion. When people select NOTA, do they really kno
everything about candidate. When I went to cast the vote there were 19 candidates including all party candidates an
non party candidates.
I didn't know anything about 8-9 candidates. If I select NOTA by just rejecting 7-8 candidates, am I doing justice to
According to me NOTA will be ineffective in country like India where people go with parties and don't bother about
individual parties.


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Ajay said: (Wed, Oct 15, 2014 09:12:14 AM)

A good topic to discuss here right now, NOTA its the best idea to eliminate corrupted politicians.

You know one thing the one distributes more money, wine for gents and a sarees for women will automatically win t
race because of many uneducated people.
Indians do not know that politicians are the servants for public, they treat them as rulers.

Example:- Politicians give hours of meeting about the miracles they are going to make, all these are myths when com
to reality nothing will be done.

But we guys doesn't make noise because we are already corrupted. So what I wanna conclude is change has to start
with you to question others to change,
Thank you all.
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Nilesh said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 10:57:40 PM)

Hi everybody,
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to express my opinion on this subject. Yes voters should be given a NOTA

There are so many voters not voting because of corrupted, criminal candidates so they don't have option to reject vo
and count their rejected vote.
If we want to build healthy, non corrupted, well govern, peaceful and progressive nation then it is very important to
send good character people in parliament or any democratic institution which governed our nation.
It increases voting percentage also and more and more people participated in this process. This is the real power of
democracy which is given by our samvidhan to individual and build good nation.
Thank you.
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Winston said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 10:46:17 PM)


NOTA is worth less option if does not have any effect on the results of the election if some one is casting a vote it mu
me respected otherwise its a waste of time casting vote.

Its same like somebody not going to vote for me, if NOTA gets a maximum vote all the candidate must me disqualifi
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Mohit Kataria said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 10:04:16 PM)

Hello everyone,
I strongly believe that voters must be given privilege of NOTA for 2 reasons:

(A) This would indicate the percentage of people who are not contented with so called DEMOCRACY which is run und
barrel of GUN and fails to project deserving citizens as contestants.
(B) It would present a clear picture of the nation indicating how many people do not avail their RIGHT TO VOTE just
because of lack of deserving candidates and how many of them DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS.
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Vishwanathan said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 07:45:57 PM)

NOTA can definitely be a good option because it will show the protest or dislike of the people towards the candidate
political party.

Many of our friend said what will happen if NOTA gets maximum votes, my suggestion to this is that a BY ELECTION
should be conducted in that constituency.
The political party should come with new candidates for the by election.
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Saroj Khanal said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 07:15:29 PM)

Hello everyone,

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to present my opinions on the concerned issue. I think NOTA is the best for tha
election where every candidates are dishonest, corrupted, criminal and character less.
People can reject every one of them by NOTA. It predicts that how many people aren't satisfied by the election
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Vishvas Pandya said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 07:15:25 PM)

I think NOTA should get a chance to improve for the awake of our country people. NOTA is the thing that says that h
many people are not liking the candidate.
So, it will create a blurred image of them into people's mind. So, NOTA is a good rule to be get into a ballet.
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Pramod Mainali said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 05:16:11 PM)

Hello Everyone,
I am Pramod Mainali from Nepal.

I think that NOTA is not the bad idea for them who doesn't want to go to the poll booth to caste their vote even they
want to participate in the Election and institutionalize the Democracy.
But the most considerable thing is that if the NOTA will be more or get majority what should be done.
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Satvik said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 03:24:56 PM)

Hello friends,
Like a coin has 2 sides, same is with NOTA. There are both good points as well as bad points associated with it.

If majority of people use NOTA then this will make the candidates feel that public is not liking them. This will make t
introspect and think about their mistakes, which they would try to improve to keep a good image in public.

However, I think some provisions must be attached with NOTA, so that our vote does not get wasted, for example th
can be a provision of president rule or reelection if majority of votes is NOTA so that people would not hesitate in usi
which would be beneficial not only for the people but also for our country.
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Chetan C. Birajdar said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 03:22:28 PM)

First of all I would like to thank Mr. Shiv khera the author of famous book "you can win" for filing a public interest
litigation (PIL) to Supreme court of India for a socio-economic and political reform, NOTA to be included in ballot pap


which was filed under the banner Country first - non profit organization. We now don't have to choose a least evil lea
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Sakshi Gupta said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 02:58:46 PM)

Hello everyone.

In my opinion NOTA would not prove to be beneficial unless the government or the election commission also include
procedures that would be followed if NOTA gets a majority in a particular region. Now when we think of this, the
probable solution that comes is including new leaders from the party for that constituency and hence re-elections. An
this is certainly not the best option, considering the amount of money our parties "waste" in greeting their leaders w
garlands and a long line of ambassadors and jeeps and security, in popularizing their party symbol and what not.

So according to me a better option is to remove this problem from the root itself. Why are we even including corrupt
politicians in our choice, they should simply not be given tickets on the grounds of indulging in criminal activities or
insufficient educational qualifications. Hence we need to stricken the areas and the procedure of choosing a candidat
from a political party, filtering the bad ones at the lower level itself.
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Urvashi said: (Tue, Oct 14, 2014 01:16:49 AM)

Hey people,

I see no use in going for NOTA. See, me choosing NOTA out of the options is same as me not voting at all. Even if 90
people go for NOTA, the candidate with the maximum number of votes out of the rest 10% will be selected. So, unle
there is some action being taken by the Election Commission (like nomination of new candidates if the number of NO
votes crosses a particular level) , I would suggest that we go with the 'Best Among The Rest' policy and hope that it
for the best possible person out there.
That is one of the limitations that we, as candidates, have gotta face in these elections.
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Srinivas said: (Mon, Oct 13, 2014 10:40:28 PM)

Yes, NOTA(none of the above) is best option elect a right candidate. Indian government is ruling by dangerous corru
leaders we are reading every day in news papers. And by the time of elections leaders are throwing money on voters
buy them.
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Subrata Patra said: (Mon, Oct 13, 2014 04:23:34 PM)

Hey I am Subrata Patra,

NOTA is good option but in election I think it should better if we will not use this option. Because as we know we are
giving vote to someone that means he/she is better than others. But if we give vote on NOTA that means indirectly w
are not taking part to make our own government Because here NOTA is not referring any existing person to whom y
like most.
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Ankit Rawat said: (Mon, Oct 13, 2014 03:28:27 PM)

Hello friends.

According to my opinion NOTA good option for those voters who are educated and can choose right candidate but no
for voting due to lack of good candidate's name in list.
And also blame by election commission or other that they can not understand the value of their vote.

But now after NOTA they will go and can help to choose right candidate if there is in list. Either they can press NOTA
It will the way of protest by them for election commission to nominate right candidate.
Thank you.
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Sagar Baraskar said: (Mon, Oct 13, 2014 02:57:36 PM)

Hi Friends,

It is definitely a good option towards the people who fighting election with criminal records and unfavorable condition
that seat. We need to clean this root of dirty politics. By allowing NOTA in our voting option, we are indicating that w
are not entertaining unclean politicians. This step also shows the courage of committee that it is alive and also want
clean politics.
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Siddharth said: (Sun, Oct 12, 2014 11:49:48 PM)

Hello everyone!


NOTA is a very good option given to voters, as in the mean situation where there is no way people can't choose a
corrupted leader knowingly and forcefully. This also makes the people use their "right to vote" instead of avoiding.
Whether if the corrupted leader wins, it doesn't matter because the voter has a self satisfaction that he's not involve
choosing him.
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Neha said: (Sun, Oct 12, 2014 03:30:28 PM)

Hello. I am Neha,

For the proper working of NOTA option in elections, there must a proper knowledge about NOTA among the citizens
India. As we know a great percentage in India is uneducated which doesn't even know about NOTA. And what will be
effect of using their vote as NOTA. So, without making a knowledge about NOTA among people. And using this optio
election, we can't make a different democracy.
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Rajat Seth said: (Sun, Oct 12, 2014 03:19:29 PM)

Hi everyone,

According to me NOTA must be also taken into consideration, if any voter has a doubt regarding any of the leader so
he/she can take a quick decision without compromising in taking a good decision for his/her country.
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Rishika said: (Sun, Oct 12, 2014 12:05:35 PM)

Hi everyone,
I think NOTA is a great concept for a country like India.
Because here some people used to say that they are not going to vote and give some reason like corruption etc.,
In such situation you can use NOTA system the basic idea of this concept is that I am willing to vote but there is no
person in this list who can take my India to better stage.
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Aayushi said: (Sun, Oct 12, 2014 11:19:23 AM)


Hello everyone. !

I think that NOTA is not a good option, because selecting NOTA as an option won't result in a way you want. Eventua
a leader will be selected. Whether you vote or not. Its not like by selecting NOTA option will result In no leader. ! so
to include such option which has no meaning.
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Vipin said: (Sat, Oct 11, 2014 11:36:19 PM)

Hello friends. I think we should use NOTA if there is no one is perfect candidate. We have to right to rejection. Befor
many people din't use there vote because there was no option to rejection but now we can see if any person want to
reject both of the candidate then he can use NOTA.
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Anil Jadhav said: (Sat, Oct 11, 2014 10:27:55 PM)

Hi Friends.
I am Anil.
According to me, NOTA is not necessary. In the election we saw that every leader get his reserved vote on his own
reputation or on his party reputation. So I think NOTA is just option,

If election commission decided that if more than 10% vote getting for NOTA, then election will cancel. But this will a
costly for country. I think rather than NOTA option, election commission should decide criteria for apply in election. T
will help us to choose expected leaders.
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Rajesh Achuthanarayanan said: (Sat, Oct 11, 2014 07:36:18 PM)

HI I'm Rajesh Achuthanarayanan from (TN), its nice take part in this topic.
1. I see no use in keeping NOTA isn't cared by any one.
2. NOTA must be considered as a Complaint box even if crosses 5% of the concerned areas population.
It must be taken action from ELECTION commission (EC). But its considered lethargically.

3. We literated people must make understand at-least 3-4 people each then the importance of NOTA might reach all


4. And on the controversy, who knows what will happen if the ballot contains maximum NOTA numbers then again
GOVT. Will consider re-election only which is of No use.
5. Finally its after all "JUST A NAMESAKE EYEWASH".
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Deastronomy said: (Sat, Oct 11, 2014 05:07:00 PM)

NOTA, being very essential part of election, should not be criticize. It enhanced the number of people(voters) going
vote because they can use NOTA if nobody is deserving their vote. Earlier people don't go for vote or use their vote
unnecessarily(although they don't want to use it), but NOTA gave a priority to the people that they can actually choo
their leader and if nobody is deserving USE NOTA. :).
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Vidhya said: (Sat, Oct 11, 2014 04:11:39 PM)

Hi friends,

I am Vidhya. I would like to share my opinion. In general on election we people went there and choose our leader wh
eligible for the post even though he/she didn't make any good service to people. Because we don't have any choice.
now we have given a "NOTA" in the option. So its our time to protest those leaders. Hat's off to have NOTA.
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Arpita Patnaik said: (Sat, Oct 11, 2014 01:32:09 PM)

Good day friends,

I think NOTA option should be included in our voting system. The deserving one should get the vote. Though none is
perfect and can't solve every problem, priority should be given to the one who is more deserving. This will reduce
corruption and make the country efficient.
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Vivek said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 08:04:08 PM)

I think NOTA is not useful because I don't think people will like the idea of going to vote to not 'not vote' for anyone
in the end I don't think the candidate matters anymore it's the party that matters as recent trends show so having N
to show rejection of all candidates does not make sense at all.


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Indhu said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 08:00:48 PM)

Hello friends,

The NOTA means "None of the above". It is one of the option given in our election pol. Voting a person depends on
individual view and their interest. According to my point NOTA is necessary in the election were voters can even exp
his/her view to vote but still there is no best leader they have found for them. And it also provides that illegal access
his/her vote by others.
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Sonu said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 03:24:48 PM)

I think NOTA is the best option for people who don't interested in leader. When people are not interested then they a
make a to thing. One is they do not vote and other is they vote for wrong or unlike leader. NOTA is better than don't
take voter take a vote for unlike leader.
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Mukesh said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 12:33:21 PM)

Hello everyone.

According to my point of view it is a good to have a NOTA option if the people go through with same it will shown tha
no candidate have been able to take responsibilities of nation.

Everyone has some expectation from desired candidate that the reason election had been conducted, but in this corr
nation people knows that who will be able to take responsibilities or who is not.
Many time it has been happened most of the parties member forcefully pushed people to give vote for their party
member in that case it will be better to vote NOTA option.
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Tanvi said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 11:10:12 AM)


NOTA has a advantage as well as a dis-advantage. If the nomination is not satisfactory people can choose the NOTA
option. But if the people are just merely wasting the votes by not electing the candidate, then it proves wrong. Peop
should take the opportunity and vote for the perfect candidate as per their demands. One should not waste the vote
simple opting for NOTA option. Each and every individual has the right to vote and one must utilize its benefits for th
well-being of our own country.
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Ganeshkumar said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 10:05:29 AM)

Hello friends,

According to my point of view NOTA is very essential one for our country. Because we are democratic nation so we m
have the freedom to choose anything according to our mindset. If we are not satisfied with present and past
governments then we can choose NOTA as an option to show your responses.
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Syamala Devi said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 09:11:27 AM)

Hi friends,

According to me, using NOTA has both good and bad aspects. If all participating candidates don't have the leader
qualities then using NOTA is good one. But whenever a correct leader is there, then people will elect that person but
that time, using NOTA is just wasting our vote. So being NOTA is good thing but we have to use it properly.
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Ashu said: (Fri, Oct 10, 2014 01:17:19 AM)

Hello. I am going to talk in favour of NOTA. It privileges those people whose doesn't seek any good in the candidates
the people who feel THAT the person is not fit for this post. It enables the government to know THAT There are man
people who are not happy with their chosen candidate and they are lacking somewhere, thus it could bring a slight
change if taken positively.
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Bhupendra said: (Thu, Oct 9, 2014 11:04:03 PM)

I think NOTA is just a option without meaning like minister without portfolio. What this make sense if you never gonn
give vote to anyone and choose NOTA then what. Someone give someone vote and he gonna win. This is just a optio


nothing more than that. It could be good if law says that if more than 10% of voters or certain amount of voters pre
NOTA button then election should be cancelled or participant should be change.
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Prasenjit Das said: (Thu, Oct 9, 2014 08:08:48 PM)

Hello I'm Prasenjit, and according to my view point I think YES voters should be given the NOTA option while casting
their votes because in a democratic system like in INDIA I think there should be an option for the people who disagr
and are not happy with the nominations being made. Moreover if a person votes someone when he/she is not willing
completely I think the entire voting system will not be justified since the person is not getting his/her choice of

And I don't think that the NOTA option would considerably affect the majority party rather at least we would be havi
fair voting system. Yes there lies a chance of re-election which would require lot of money again but at least the sele
candidate would be a justified one and the right one for our country. What if the selected candidate turns out to be a
corrupt one then more and more problems would arise which is quite massive as compared to the money spend on r
election. Thus the NOTA option only fosters our voting system.
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Shalini said: (Thu, Oct 9, 2014 05:41:48 PM)

Hello my friend.

I think, including NOTA in voting system is a good thing because some time, the people who is rich can buy ticket fo
election although they are not eligible for our leader. At that time voter can select NOTA.
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Gajendar Singh said: (Thu, Oct 9, 2014 11:05:52 AM)

Hello friends.

As we all know NOTA system provides voters to elect or reject a candidate who is participating in any kind of election
and I think NOTA is not a option to elect a right candidate it just added with neutral meaning for example there are 2
voters and 10 candidates are participating in an election and winner candidate got 20 votes rest all voters voted for
NOTA then how did this system help us in electing a right leader.

In my opinion election commission first enquire the candidature of participating candidates by sending a team so tha
only genuine people can participate in elections.

Election commission should also set a percentage level that if someone gets more than 'X%' NOTA vote he/she can n


try for next election coming in next ten years.

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Mayank Dabral said: (Wed, Oct 8, 2014 03:51:30 PM)

Hello everyone,
As per my own views it is a good initiative for discarding inappropriate candidate.
But India has a majority pole system that rarely affect election.
It seems like taking one rupee from billions.
In 2014 general election only 1.1 percentage people elect for NOTA but we all know it does not affect anything.

It only contribute towards enhancement of total voting percentage, may be it is a attraction for people those who jus
wants to see voting machine.
Instead of this NOTA system it should be modified to discard a corrupt, inappropriate, illegal candidate.
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D.V.Sreenath Reddy said: (Wed, Oct 8, 2014 03:09:43 PM)

According to me NOTA is the best option for the people who doesn't have interest on their leaders. It may make som
change in the politicians in attracting those votes towards them.
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Manasa Chowdary said: (Wed, Oct 8, 2014 01:14:20 PM)

Hello everyone.
Yeah, there should be a NOTA it is a good one.

As someone said there is a chance to misuse of NOTA option by someone who doesn't have knowledge about the
candidates in election. If we feel that the candidates are not perfect to handle our country then we should not elect t
later if we found that the candidates are not good then we can use this option. Please don't elect the candidates for t
sake of money we take care about FUTURE OF INDIA and BETTER INDIA.
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Rajkumar said: (Wed, Oct 8, 2014 09:39:58 AM)


Hi, I am Raj!

In my humble opinion NOTA is not a means or a tool to rectify the issues pertaining to election. As we are a country
multi-party the notion of NOTA hardly counts. It is the results of who wins the election counts. NOTA is just like votin
a candidate who does not win the election eventually. And personally, I do not like the concept of election in India;
Firstly, there are no strict guidelines for the eligibility of the candidates. The height of falsification and tampering of
documents has not limits in INDIA and if there is recommendation from the party high command, then even the
KINGPIN can run election.

Secondly, lets say, there are a total of 90 voters and 3 candidates running for the election. "A" wins the election by 3
votes; "B" gets 29 votes and "C" gets 29 votes. So, if we think logically, "A" did not get the majority votes and he w
be only representing for the 32 votes and the majority who supports the other two candidates. So, the election syste
not even close to good. No, one give any attention to what is going on but to blame the founding father of our nation
Jai Hind.
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Afreen said: (Tue, Oct 7, 2014 09:41:11 PM)

I would like to speak few words on NOTA. NOTA is an option to give our view and it also help to give change to other
handle nation and to bring there idea and main thing is that it indicate that other not having capacity.
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Sunitha said: (Tue, Oct 7, 2014 04:30:57 PM)

Hi friends, I'm SUNITHA.

According to my view NOTA should be in elections, because if people are not satisfied with their nominees NOTA opti
will raise disagreement of people by the nominees. Then there is a chance to know the problems what are they facin
and to correct it. And it is also a way to know how many are responsible in voting and how many are not. But again
again re-polling is not fare, because it is waste of money and time.
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Kavyesh Nair said: (Tue, Oct 7, 2014 03:27:05 PM)

I think NOTA option must be provided.

For one I will increase the no.of voters.


Also it will give an opportunity to the people to show to all the contesting parties their indifference towards the vario
falls promises made by these parties during the elections.
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Ridesha Saha said: (Tue, Oct 7, 2014 10:48:50 AM)

The primary reason for which voting takes place is to select the leaders who will run the government. So the option
NOTA was actually put forward to know how many citizens think that those who are participating to become leaders
not worth to become so. But does this NOTA votes play any role in selection of the leaders. So the votes of NOTA
become just a fancy stuff without any real and practical impact.
And moreover how many people voted for NOTA are even not counted with details.

So when NOTA has just turned out to be a fallacy, new rules should actually be formed where NOTA will actually play
some real roles in election.
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Mayur said: (Mon, Oct 6, 2014 04:32:35 PM)

Hi Friends I am Mayur,

I think their is not necessity of NOTA for the voters. Because in the amendment of NOTA clarification of counting of v
is not clearly define. For ex. If their is 1000 voters for a particular election if candidate A got 150 votes And remainin
votes are in NOTA. In such condition we will conclude that A is winner of a election but in Democracy how we can
conclude that the winner of Election is getting public support?
Their are lot of deficiency in amendment of NOTA I think their is not necessity of it.
Thanks to all.
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Sourabh Yerawar said: (Mon, Oct 6, 2014 03:24:50 PM)

Hello Everyone, I would start the topic on the positive note first. NOTA option significantly determines the no.of peop
who feel responsibility in voting but not satisfied with the candidates. Had we been not have NOTA option we would
come to know that how many people are irresponsible and how many people feel responsibility but not satisfied.

And people need NOTA option only when they are not satisfied with candidates so Government should put some crite


which comprises educational qualification, background, etc for candidates.

So this would be a strainer for all candidates and good will come out and eventually people would not need NOTA op

And it is very critical thing to handle since India spends money in some billions in election campaign and if scrutinizin
candidates is not done in well manner then people will go with NOTA option which may cause RE-ELECTION and som
more billions will be spent and all money will go in the drain.

So finally I jump to the conclusion that we have to have NOTA option but it should be handled very carefully and stri
and scrutinizing of candidates must be handled strictly either.
Thank You.
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Akash Kumar said: (Mon, Oct 6, 2014 03:03:44 PM)

According to my opinion NOTA has two parts first part has positive effect and second part has negative effect. It is v
good option to remove candidate which are not able to take country in the way of progression.

And negative impression is that if re-election take place then there is wasted of time and money and if again NOTA t
place then again re election take place which is very dangerous because INDIA has no very good economy.
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Rajkumari said: (Mon, Oct 6, 2014 02:45:49 PM)

I'm Rajkumari,
I think NOTA is a good choice provided for the youth or anyone who has the right to vote.
See as we all know that being citizens of India we have right to vote but is it fetching us anything?
If it did then our India still wouldn't have been a developing country.

So all have right to vote and right to speak so if a person feels that no one is eligible he should definitely be given th
chance of cancelling his vote for which NOTA is the best option.
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Avinash Prakash said: (Mon, Oct 6, 2014 05:48:09 AM)


I think NOTA is very necessary in Election.

My opinion on this topic is that it should be in election because it increases the percentage of polling first point, and
second point is that it gives the right to the voters to express their thinking about contesting candidates means when
voters will see that all contestants standing in election have been ever involved in any kind of criminal or immoral
activity they will go for NOTA rather than wasting their valuable vote on such criminal.

So it will generate a fear in parties and they will give tickets to some qualified candidates, along with this there is a b
demerit of not having NOTA in election system is that the "right to vote" which is given to every voter will be violate
because the voters who does not like any of the candidates, have to vote any of these candidates, so ultimately we c
say election commission is forcing them (the voters) to vote some whom they don't actually like.
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Aritra Dey said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 11:59:00 PM)

Hello, I am Aritra Dey.

Well, NOTA in its theoretical sense has a valid standpoint. India is a democratic country and we do require a medium
inform the corrupt political parties that fielding local goons won't do the job any more.

But coming to the practical world, these political parties couldn't care less as to what the common people think or th
demands. The average NOTA votes is around 1.1% of the total votes in the 2014 elections. Strictly speaking, howev
hard the common citizens may shout, it all depends on the whims and fancies of those warming the chairs whether t
will cater to us or not. So NOTA is really not a game changing move; its hardly required at all. To make a difference,
something else has to be done. And the elections we have to select the best from the lot. We don't really have any
choice do we?
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Upendra Mishra said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 08:03:24 PM)

Hi friends.
My self Upendra.

As you all discuss about NOTA, my opinion is that there is no meaning of NOTA because of when if people do not wa
give vote why they will go to polling booth. Some people says I don't like any party then why they want to give vote
It is the another thing that giving vote is necessary for all citizen.

If people gives vote to who is proper candidate for that neither because of to develop our nearby area just because o
developed our country.

When country will be developed I will also develop and our environment is also develop just thinking on that way an


give vote to valuable candidate and develop our country.

NOTA is no meaning for giving vote none party will attain in this area and my opinion is go to polling booth and give
valuable vote to those candidate who has ability to grown up our country.
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Kunal Dudeja said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 03:49:52 PM)

Hi friends, I'm Kunal, In my views NOTA is not a good option because its just like wasting your vote. Like, someone
to win i.e. If 3 political parties are standing in election someone will win, its not like that everyone will give their vote

For eg: If 1000 people are giving votes and 100 peoples don't like the candidates and option for NOTA, but other 90
will give their votes and any one party will win. Therefore, why to waste your precious vote. Your single vote can bri
great change.
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Sushil said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 01:54:48 PM)

NOTA is a good option because from the constitution of India each citizen have their vote to select their candidate an
select according to their choice and if they does not like anyone he or she free to choose NOTA.
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Deepak Singh said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 11:18:56 AM)

Hi friends,
NOTA(none of the above) option gives Voter a additional power to cast their vote, if he does not find any liable and
suitable candidate. NOTA can be used as a way to show their refusal against the corrupt politicians standing in the
elections. With the use of NOTA Transparency will get increased in the political system.

But Nobody in the world is perfect. Everyone have some weaknesses. When we are to choose one among the weake
candidate, then there is no requirement for the NOTA.
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Prashant said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 02:50:16 AM)


You all are right friends, as per my opinion NOTA is power of voter, if it is not given so voter's have limited option of
candidate. So he/ she forcely select one of them or don't give a vote. If do not give vote so any party which can not
effectively choose. If voter's have power of NOTA they can change all bad candidate. Candidate also work more
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Premangshu Howli said: (Sun, Oct 5, 2014 12:03:16 AM)

Hi everyone,

I think NOTA should not be there, because it gives you to think beyond your limitation or it is a kind of daydreaming
You have given some choice and then you are not selecting any one of them, yeah you can have some choices but fo
now they are simply useless as they are not in the power. So I think choosing someone from what you have is good
rather wasting the power you got.
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Shraboni Dey said: (Sat, Oct 4, 2014 10:55:17 PM)

Hi Everyone!

According to me NOTA is just useless. We all must give votes. Being a citizen of an Independent country, we are get
this chance and we shouldn't lose it. The Political leaders are giving their opinions and based on that we should choo
the one. Don't forget friends we all are looking forward for change. And according to me, it will be far more better to
take a chance then to get away from a situation. So, I think NOTA should be removed.
Thank you all.
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Palak said: (Sat, Oct 4, 2014 08:33:22 PM)

This option should not be there in the poll. I think this option would result in best cover by those people who never t
pain to judge the right person in whose hands they are giving their government power. Moreover, this may also resu
ignorance of one's ability by not giving him/her any chance.
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Divs said: (Sat, Oct 4, 2014 07:32:26 PM)


Definitely it is one good way for the public to show their agitation against corrupted leaders and make them realize t
aren't worth of our votes, but then if they can't someone else has to take the responsibility.

We are responsible citizens, we go, cast our votes but none of us want to become a part of dirty politics, and if we ca
someone has to. NOTA is an option, but the fact is it isn't a good option for economically developing country like Ind
Our only option here, is to select the "less" corrupted leader from the list of corrupted one's. :).
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Karan said: (Sat, Oct 4, 2014 04:17:30 PM)

Hello, I think NOTA is a good option.

Considering it we should have a minimum percentage for a candidate to have a seat secured like if 30% have voted
NOTA choice and if 25% go for A candidate 20% for B 15% for C and 5% for both D & E candidate then we are choo
a leader of one quarter of what people what (thats not favouring democracy). Thus by implementing NOTA and havin
percentage above which candidate could take a seat would imply going and wanting what majority of people want.
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Ashish Sethi said: (Sat, Oct 4, 2014 02:44:47 PM)

Hi myself Ashish,
After reading all the points my mind says its a important weapon given to us, totally waste of no use.

According to election commission if one vote is casted out 100 and 99 voters used NOTA, the person who gets the on
vote will win then What's the benefit of using NOTA only to make people fool.

And, secondly why is 50% NOTA is compulsory, in a country like India where voting hardly goes around 60% then h
will NOTA get used and implemented.

And, I don't there is anything like 50%, and if its there then why 50 its can be 30% if people are voting there must b
some problems.
I think if it should be discard or make t workable with giving powers, changing rules and regulations etc.
Some suggestions for election commission:
Law minister should be retired/serving CJI or sc's judge.
Defence minister should from defence Background.
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Shubham Kumar Gupta said: (Sat, Oct 4, 2014 01:27:00 AM)

Hi Guys !

It's quite surprising that many of you are in favour of it, in my opinion it does not make any sense. Having a NOTA
option is surely a waste of vote. You have to choose from present and make a better future. As my many friends sai
above, they will go for NOTA just because they don't like any party. But just not giving a vote to any can't make any
change in the Election results.

After the declaration of results no one will notice that you had not opted for any party. At the time of election parties
hard to improve on their behaviour, agenda, leadership factor and many more. So it's totally depend upon you to se
one among them and apply the policy wait and watch until you get your's type of Party.
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Arshad said: (Fri, Oct 3, 2014 07:08:02 PM)

Hi everyone.
According to me NOTA have both positive as well as negative impact on voting. It strengthens our right, to choose
correct candidate or may sometimes reduces the chances of winning of a better candidate.
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