SP Log

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CHAPTER NINE SPONTANEOUS POTENTIAL 1. History of the SP ‘The spontaneous potential (SP) was one of the first logging measurements ever made, It was accidentally discovered as a DC potential that affected old electric logs. Its usefulness was quickly realized and it has remained one of the few well log measurements to have been in continuous use for cover fifty years. ‘The SP is used for several purposes, including: * correlation; * lithology indication; * porosity and permeability indications; and ‘+ ameans to measure Ry and then formation water salinity. Figure 9-1 shows typical SP log. Itis represented in track 1 and deflects left from a shale baseineto 1a sand lineon the left in the cleanest, non-shale zones. The scale of the log is in millivolts, abbreviated mV. Notice that there is no absolute scale in mV, only a relative scale of so many mV per division. The ‘quantitative uses of this measurement will be explained later in this section. _— Ss Question #1 (On the log shown in Figure 9.1, read the maximum SP deflection from the shale line to the sand line. —_—_————————— Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential ALS SPONTANEOUS POTENTIAL WITH DUAL INDUCTION Figure 9-1. Typical SP log. 92 HLS Recording the SP The SP can be recorded by suspending an electrode in the borehole and measuring the voltage difference between the electrode and a “ground” electrode (usually called “fish”) that makes electrical Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential contact with the earth at the surface. A generalized illustration of the SP recording method is shown in Figure 9.2. Such SP electrodes are built into many logging tools. For example, the SP can be recorded using: * an induction log, © allaterolog, * asonic log, © asidewall core gun, etc. However, the SP cannot be recorded in air or oil-base muds, since there is no conductive fluid in the borehole. Conductive mud is essential for generation of a spontaneous potential. Recording Voltmeter Shale Sand ‘ hal Figure 9-2. Recording the SP. O38 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential |. The Source of the SP ‘The SPisa good indicator of formation water salinity. To understand how the SP can be used to find Ry alittle should be known about the origin of the SP. If two sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions of different concentrations are separated by a permeable membrane, then ions from the more concentrated solution will tend to migrate into the lesser. Figure 95 illustrates the concept. Na* and Cl ions do not migrate at the same speed; since the Cr ions are lighter, they are somewhat faster. The anions (Ct) move faster than the cations (Na*), and the net effect isa current flowing from the weaker solution to the more concentrated solution. This is known as the liquid junction effect. Net current flow Weak solution [| Strong solution Weak solution | 4 Strong solution Original Conditions Dynamic Conditions Figure 9-3. Liquid junction effects. HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential e In most boreholes, mud filtrate is the weaker solution and formation water is the more concentrated solution. ‘The electric potential between the solutions is called the liq uid junction potential (By). ‘The greater the contrast in sa- linity between the mud filtrate and the formation water, the larger this potential. Figure 9-4 illustrates the liquid junction SP in a borehole. Another “battery effect”in the well arises from the mo. Figure 8-4. Liquid junction SP. lecular construction of shale e beds. Clay surfaces have exchange sites where cations may “cling” temporarily. (This same surface conductance also affects the conductivity of shaly sands.) Asarresult, shales are more “permeable” toNa* cations than the CI'anions; a shale acts as an ionic sieve. Since Na* ions effectively manage to penetrate the shale bed through from the saline formation water to the less saline mud column, a potential is created known as the membrane potential, (Eq). Figure 9-5 indicates the membrane potential. Original Conditions Dynamic Conditions Figure 9-5. Membrane potential SP. 95 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS The total SP potential is the sum of two components: e@ Feat = Ey+ En Eq.) This total potential is measured in the borehole as the SP (Figure 9-6). The total potential is also called the electrochemical component of the SP. Total SP Picture Figure 9-6. Total SP. HLS SP 1-160 +40 Ry> Pang Figure 9-7, Normal and reversed SP. Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential ‘When mud filtrate salinity is lower than connate water salinity (Rag > Ry), the SP deflects to the lft (negative SP potential). This is called a normal SP. ‘When the salinities are reversed (salty mud and fresh formation waters, Ras < Ry), the SP deflects to the righ and this is called a reverse SP. There will nor- mally be no SP deflection at all when Rar= Rar It is common to find fresh water in shallow sands, and more saline water as depth increases. This isshown in Figure $7. In sand A, Ry< Rpg in sand C, Ry> Reg In sand B, Ry < Rey but since the SP de- flection is lessin sand B than in sand C, the formation water in B is fresher than in C. Somewhere in the region of 7000 ftit may be guessed that Rng= Rue 97 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential ALS 4, Ry from the SP—Background Analysis using the laws of physical chemistry leads to the equation: SP = -K(log(Res/Ru)} (Eq. 92) where SP is measured in millivolts and Kis a constant which depends on temperature. If SP, K,and Rog are known, we can use this equation to find Ry ‘The SP deflection can be read in ashalefree water-bearing sand that is thick enough toallow for full development of the potential. Kean be estimated from the temperature of the formation. A reasonable approximation for Kis: K = (Tj + 508)/8 (Eq. 93) where Tyis formation temperature in °F, and K = (Gj + 336)/5 (Eq. 94) where Tyis formation temperature on °C. Roccan be determined by direct measurement on a am@rsr Mud Density, toga! os 10 15 20 101 13 1517 sample of mud filtrate, pre- er pared by placing a circulated = Lo ea mud sample in a mud press to te ee remove the suspended solids. oe nao Od 273 Rog is usually entered on the fe Be log heading. However, care £ 3 should be taken when using | ¢ aoa? e 2 these values. Logging engi- | 3 7 ° neers sometimes take a short- 2000 ey oe cut and calculate Rpg as some 4 49 fraction of a measured Ry a a (usually 0.75R,). This may a8 produce a fair estimate, but it a* QF j F 12000F 4 oo is not necessarily correct. ao Likewise, circulated mud Soe samples are not always col- lected by rig personnel in the Figure 6-8. Log header values and actual values Of Pre 87 Fy o8 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential correct manner. Even if they are properly collected, the samples are not always representative of the mud in the hole at the time a particular formation was drilled. Experiments where Rj and Rag are measured daily as a well is drilled support the contention that Rais the poorest-defined parameter in SP log analysis. A comparison of the Rand Rrgreported on log headings with the actual values measured on a daily basis show some alarming differences. In the example of Figure 98, both Ry and Rar reported on the log heading were substantially lower than the actual values during drilling, In the absence of a reported value for Rep a value can be estimated from Figure 99 (which also serves for estimation of Rac the mud cake resistivity). One can calculate Rngand Rey by using: Rog = Dg) (&q.95) and, Rae = 0.69R qt Ra/ Res) (Eq. 96) where D depends on mud density, and is given in Table 9-1: TABLE 9-1 Parameter D in Equation 9-5 ‘Mud Density (bmvgal) Zi) > 10 1198 0.847 1” 1318 0.708 2 1438 0.884 2 1558 0.488, “4 1678 ota 16 1017 0.980 18 2187 0.350 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS Rag and R,,, Estimation from Rn (ohm-m) Figg: Resist of Mudcake (ohm) S&s g Fray + Reslativty of Mud Fit 04 06 08 1 02 04 06 08 10 2 ae) iq, Resistivity of Mud (hmm) ‘Figure 9-9. Estimation of Pry and Pre. 9-10 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential Another set of approximations for predominantly NaCl muds is: Rut = 0.75Re (Eq.9:10) and. Rac = 150Rq (Eq. 911) Direct measurement is always preferred over approximations. Even after determining SP, K, and Rag there are still some wrinkles to be smoothed out. The equation: SP = -K [log (Rmt/Ru)] (Eq. $12) does not adequately explain the true electrochemical behavior of salt solutions. The actual SP development is controlled by the relative activities of the formation water and mud filtrate solutions. ‘Thus the SP equation should read: SP = -K [log (Ay/Ams)] (Eq. 9:18) where Ayand Ameare the activities of the connate water and the mud filtrate. The activity of a solution is roughly proportional to the reciprocal of its resistivity at low salt concentrations, but at high concentrations there is a marked departure from this rule. A way to compensate for this departure is to define “effective” or “equivalent” resistivities for salt solutions which are inversely proportional to the activities (Ry= 0.075/Ayat 77 °F). A conversion chart is used to translate from equivalent resistivity, Rue to actual resistivity, Ry, The SP equation can then be rewritten to the strictly accurate formula: SP = -K [log (Renie/Fue)} (Eq. 914) 5. Ry from the SP—Classical Method ‘The procedure for using this equation is as follows: 1, Determine formation temperature. 2, Find Rec at formation temperature. 3, Convert Rege at formation temperature to an Ree Value. 4. Compute the Rnfe/Rue Tatio from the SP. 5. Compute Rue 6. Convert Rye at formation temperature to an Ry value. on Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS A. Determine Formation Temperature Formation temperature may be estimated by extrapolating between known surface and bottom-hole temperatures. Usually log header datais sufficient, or the formation temperature may be calculated using: Ty = Tax + (Depth) (Temperature Gradient) (Eq. 915) Figure 9-11 plots temperature vs. depth for a variety of assumed linear temperature gradients and assumed mean annual surface temperatures. Mean annual surface temperature can be estimated from maps, such as the one shown in Figure 9-10. Temperature gradients can be estimated from bottom-hole temperatures in wells or from maps. Figure 9-10. Mean surface temperatures in North America. 12 ALS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential Depth - Temperature - Geothermal Gra International 1000 2000) SaSbashanaangansaga 3000 Depth (m) 4000 5000 t 7000, 50 cs 100 ws 50 7S 200 2s po er or a a ss mS mS” 2 mmm so wma oom SSS wa Temperatre (0) See — Figure 9-11. Temperature vs. depth, intemational chart 138 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS Question #2 Awell log heading indicates that temperature ata depth of 11,304 ft was 200°F. Assume ‘mean surface temperature of 70 °F and: a) Find the temperature gradient in °F/100 ft. b) Estimate the formation temperature at 9565 ft. ———— B. Find Ras at Formation Temperature ‘The resistivity of an ionic solution decreases as temperature increases. Thus Rag measured at surface temperature needs to be corrected to formation temperature before it can be used in the SP ‘equation, Figure 9-12iillustrates the resistivity (in @-m) of NaCl solutions of various salinities (ppm NaCl) and temperatures (°F and °C). —_—_———— Question #3 Regt is reported on the log heading as 0.08 Q-m at 75 °F. Use Figure 9-18 to find: a) Reg at 180 °F. ») the salinity of the solution in ppm NaCl ‘An approximation to the chart in Figure 9-12 is given by the Arps formula: R= RUN + OAR + (Eq. 9-16) where X= 6.77 if the temperature isin °F, and X= 21.5 ifthe temperature isin °C. For example, the ‘Arps formula could be applied to the data of Question 3 as follows: Re = (0.08 Om) [(75 + 6.77)/(180 +6.77)] = 0.035 2m (Eq. 917) ‘Amore complex but more accurate approximation was developed by Hilchie, where: X= 19(06414-0.0HogRD (Eq. 9:18) 9-14 ALS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential Resistivity-Salinity-Temperature Conversions of NaCl Solutions Temperature ('C) 24680 % 2 30 40 50 60 70 80 90%0 180 200 Bs £ one 001 008 = = = 0.008 ‘4050 60 70 80 90100 60 Temperature ("F) Figure 9-12. Solution resistwty, salnty, and temperature. 9-15 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS C. Convert Rr at Formation Temperature to an Raye Value e Figure 9-18 makes the conversion of Reto Rte Itis also used in step (f), where Ryeis converted to Ry, Figure 9-18 is constructed for “average” formation waters containing some magnesium and calcium cations in addition to sodium chloride. Mud filtrates may not contain the same ionic mixture and when the mud is fresh (Rar> 0.1m at 75 °F), itis normal to convert Rr to Rte BY using: Rafe = 0.85 Rent (Eq. 9:19) Question # 4 Re at formation temperature is 0.036 Om. Use Figure 918 to find Rave. D. Compute the Rinfe/Rue Ratio from SP The SP equation may be used to compute the Rje/RueTatio: Renfe/ Rg = 10S?/K (Eq. 9-20) Alternatively, Figure 9-14 may be used. e Question #5 SP = ~60 mV and formation temperature is 180°F. Use either the above equation or Figure 9-14 to find the value of Rase/ Roe E. Compute Rue Regis found by di iding the known value of Re by the Rmie/ Rye Tatio found from the SP. Question #6 If Renfe = 0.026 Q-m and Ronfe/ Rue 4.75, find Rae F. Convert Rye to Rey The conversion of Ry to Ryis a simple matter of reversing the process used to convert Rn to Rese in step (c), using Figure 9-13. e 16 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential Faye. Resistivity of Water Equivalent (ohmem) oor 9020051251020 5.9 100) s0}- 20 0 | | e & & Ry Resistivity of Water (ohm-m) Ri, Resistivity of Water (ohmem) Bow | 2 | 8 B ice oe 8 wo 38 38086. 200 $3 250 wt 500 3 /400 2041 500 260 g ip nope ono ae bos Ogg Oc er Os once mies Rye» Resistivity of Water Equivalent (hmm) Figure 8-13. Conversion tovtrom equivalent resistivity. 9-17 ALS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential R,- Estimation from SSP ‘c 0 38 66 93 wt MO 7 ‘F 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 17 400 204 450 232 500 260 - 20 02| ou 00 806040202040 “60-80 “100-120 140-160 180-200 SSP, Static SP (mv) Figure 9-14. Rye om SP. 9-18 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential e Question #7 Rue Was found to be 0.0055 at a formation temperature of 180°F. a) Use Figure 918 to convert this to an R, value. b) Estimate the connate water salinity from Figure 9-12. Ry from the SP—Silva-Bassiouni Method The classical method to find R, from the SP may appear complicated to the novice. A recent study hhas found that a simpler method is available and theoretically justified. The entire process is reduced to a single chart, shown in Figure 916. ‘The use of the chart is illustrated in Figure 9-15, Enter the chart from below with Ryeat formation temperature, Move up to intersect the temperature line at point A. Move left to the SP axis, and then move down by an amount equal to the negative SP deflection. Move right to the temperature line to point B. From B proceed down to the resistivity scale, and read the value of Rat formation temperature. A ‘SP -mY) 100 A 4 1 «----------- 1 ' ' I ' I 1 1 1 ' 1 t t ' t I ' ' 0 oT ® Ry OF Rem (Q-mn) Figure 9-15. Use of Siva-Bassouini chart. 2 10 9-19 ALS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential ‘SSP, Static SP (mV) R,, Estimation from SSP 008 008 01 Pertect Shale Clean Sand 04 08 08 OF 02 04 Ry. Resistivty of Water (ohm) Fg Resistivity of Mud Fitrate (ohm) 08 08 10 20 40 Figure 9-16. Siva-Bassouin! method. 9-20 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential 7. Factors Affecting the SP SP readings are usually accurate and easily measured. However, there are some circumstances where SP readings require careful handling. ‘A. Oil Base Muds & AirFilled Boreholes Due to a complete lack of an electrical path in the borehole, no SP will be generated in wells where the hole is filled with oikbased muds or air. B, Shaly Formations Shale will reduce the measured SP. This effect permits the shaliness to be estimated if a clean sand of the same water salinity is available for comparison. C. Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbon saturation may reduce SP measurements, so only water-bearing sands should be used for determining R, from the SP. Unbalanced Muds Unbalanced mud columns, with differential pressure into the formation, can cause “stream ing” potentials that increase the SP deflection, especially in depleted reservoirs. There is no way to handle it quantitatively. This effect is called the electrokinetic SP. E KCiMuds The use of potassium chloride muds affects the derivation of Ryfrom SP. A quick correction for KCI mud effects is simply to take the observed SP deflection, subtract 25 mV, then treat it as a NaCl mud SP. The Reto Ree relationship is slightly different for KCl filtrates than for NaCl filtrates. A quick rule-of-thumb is to add 80% to the measured Rarand convert to Rafe 28 a NaCl filtrate. 9-21 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS F. High Resistivity Formations In hard formations, the resistivities can be very high. These high resistivities affect the distribution of the SP currents, and hence the shape of the SP curve. As illustrated in Figure 9-17, the SP currents flowing from shale bed Cs towards permeable bed P; are largely confined to the borehole between Gs and P; because of the very high resistivity of the formation in interval He, s0 the intensity of the SP current in the borehole in this interval remains constant. If the hole diameter is constant, the potential drop per foot (mV/ft) will be constant; ergo the SP curve will be a straight line. Static S.P. 100 mV schamatc Represeration of sectemase Derbuion Seema eee ss Sepa oas imate Values O@@ rene SP tes Figure 9-17. High resistwvity effects on SP. 9-22 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential e In high resistivity formations, the SP current can leave or enter the borehole only opposite permeable beds or shales, so the SP curve will show a succession of flat portions with a change of slope opposite every permeable interval (with the concave side of the SP curve towards the shale line) and opposite every shale bed (with the convex side of the SP curve towards the shale line). This also means that the boundaries of the permeable beds cannot be located with accuracy by using the SP. Bed Thickness Bed thickness can affect the SP measurement quite dramatically. In thin beds, the SP does develop to its full deflection. Figure 9-18 illustrates the factors involved in SP reduction. In the terminology used here, SP is the observed SP deflection on the log and SSP, static SPis the SP if all disturbing influences were removed. Among the disturbing factors are: * bed thickness, A, * diameter of invasion, di, # Reo/ Rn ratio, * neighboring shale resis e@ tivity, Ra hole diameter, d), and # mud resistivity, Ra. The SP reduction is great- cestin thin beds, where Ryo/ Fox is high, and also where inva- sion is deep. Many SP correc- ible in the tions chartsare ay literature, some more com- plex than others. Itis virtually impossible to include on one chart all the possible variables involved in making necessary Figure 9-18. Factors affecting SP in thin beds. 9-28 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential HLS corrections. Figure 9-19 shows one of the more practical charts. Most of the variables required are usually known or can be estimated. Spontaneous Potential Bed Thickness Corrections Diameter of Invasion = 2d, 30) & SP Correction Factor 5 & y, Hole Diameter i Engiah Matric o 1203 4 5 6 7 8 o' on eo ws 6 7 im a a a a ee | o oo + 6 2 2 3 a 4s 4 65 012345 678 89 On BoM S BT BB 2 7% 200 oo 1 © 2 2 3 a5 4 4 5 6S 6 234567890 BEM SOT Bw ww ee oo 1 w 2 2 3 a 4 45 5 85 6 OS creat seregereewssvesmazaas o os 1 w 2 2 3 a5 4 45 5 85 6 GS 7 75 — Engish (tt) —— Metric (m) Figure 9-19. SP borehole correction chart 9-24 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential Question # 8 The SP deflects -25 mV from the base line in a 4 ft thick sand. Ryo/Ry = 50 and d;=30in. 1) Find by what % the SP has been reduced b) Compute the corrected value for the SP (i.e., the SSP). 8, The SP asa Shale Indicator The presence of shale in an otherwise “clean” sand will tend to reduce the SP. This effect can be : SP +| 0 mv per division) 7 used to estimate the shale content of a formation. If ‘SP dean is the value observed in a clean, water-bearing sand, and SPynaleis the value observed in a shale, then any intermediate value of the SP may be converted oy into a value for the shale volume (Vip) by the rela- tionship: (Yin)sp = (SP SPatean)/(SPahale~ SPeiean) (Eq. 9-21) Figure 9-20. Estimation of Van tom SP. 9-25 Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential ALS Question #9 In Figure 9-20, assume Sand A is clean and wet. Use the SP deflection in Sand B to determine the shale content in B. 9. Depositional Environment from the SP Since shales and clays are generally finer-grained than sands, a change in SP suggests a change in grain size. Thus, SP deflections can be indicate depositional sequences, where either sorting, grain size ‘or cementation change with depth and produce characteristic SP shapes. These shapes are referred to a bells, funnels, or cylinders (Figure 9-21). 8. SP Quality Control SP logs are subject to errors which can usually be detected in the field. For example, a poor ground can cause the SP baseline to move. Placing the SP ground (fish) in a mud pit whose fluid level is changing, or on the ocean floor where currents can drag it back and forth, may cause shifts in the SP baseline. Cyclical or “sawtooth” SP profiles can indicate a magnetized cable winch drum or intermittent SP circuit contact. Sometimes the polarity of the SP is reversed due to incorrect equipment settings. This will cause SP deflections from the baseline to be opposite the proper direction. Some tools carrying SP electrodes may have two dissimilar metals (steel and bronze, for example) in close proximity. Since the two metals have different electrochemical potentials, a small battery may inadvertently be created in the mud column. This effect, known as bimetaliism, can show itself as an ex- traneous potential added to the SP. It can sometimes be cured by wrapping insulating tape over the offending metal parts of the sonde. Baseline shifts can become quite pronounced in some geographical areas. As the tool is raised up the hole, the SP baseline will gently drift to the left by (typically) a few millivolts per thousand feet. Eventually the SP will disappear off the left track edge and a back-up trace will appear from the right hand edge. This is normal. Ifa down hole ground is used (cable armor), near the casing shoe the base line will move very rapidly. Some service company procedures call for the logging engineer to adjust the SP in 10-15 mV increments to keep the baseline straight and near the right of track 1. If this technique is used, a notation should be made on the log. 9-26 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential Depositional Environments Grain Size | SP Curve Shape Transgressive Alluvial Point Bars Shoreline Deposits |.’ e@ Distributary Channels}. + Turbidites Cylinder Regressive Delta Marine Fringe Shoreline Deposit Offshore Bars Figure 9-21. SP shapes and deposttional sequences. 927 HLS Chapter 9: Spontaneous Potential 9-28

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