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I will be analysing the If I were a boy music video by

Beyonc which is based on a narrative. The main artists role

is of protagonist, who portrays subjective character
identifies in the narrative, as shown in the music video
Beyonc plays the characters of a woman and a man in a damage
relationship giving a range of view points from both
characters in their broken relationship.
The music video If I were a boy by Beyonc does not apply
Todorovs narrative model as shown in the music video it lacks
of the four stages: equilibrium, disruption, resolution and
new equilibrium. The music video only applies one of Vladimir
Propps characters. The villain, who is represented in the
music video as the man in the relationship who behaves
unfaithful in the relationship, highlighted when Beyonc who
plays that partThe Villain goes to the club and dances with
another guy and declines her call from her boyfriend.
This is reinforced in their conversation at home nearer at the
end of the music video, the guy who at the point is portrayed
and positioned in a typical woman situation says You know
when you act like that I dont think you realises how it makes
me look or feel to Beyonce the villain. In the music video
ideological values are being both reinforced and subverted. As
shown in the beginning of the music video in the kitchen, the
man cooks and prepares breakfast for his wife and the wife
gets ready to go work. This contradict the stereotypical view
and behaviour in the modern society in terms of in a household
as usually the woman in the relationship or in the house
usually cooks for the man and behaved as a housewife and the
man goes off to.
Highlighted at the end of the music video the woman cries and
hurt to her husband. The music video reinforces the
stereotypical characterises of a woman in the society. Woman
tend to be emotional; tend to cry and hurt.
Moving on to binary oppositions, the music video applies
binary oppositions. Sensitive and insensitive is portrayed in
the music video as highlighted in the clubbing scene; the man
acts emotional when after seeing Beyonc dancing with another
man but Beyonc just tries to make up it up by kissing him his
cheek and does not act more tactful with him. Outgoing and shy
is a binary opposition portrayed in the music video.
Beyonce behaves more outgoing and sociable as seen in the club
and at the bar. While her boyfriend behaves more of
hardworking person refuses to go out and have fun with his
colleagues at the office scene.
Bathes narrative action code is applied in the music video.
Beyonce and her boyfriend both sit in silence in the car with
infuriated emotions-viewers assume they had an argument; they
are not on common grounds. Another example of Bathes
narrative action code applied in the music video is at the
beginning of the music video, Beyonce is in a rush and barely

sits down to eat breakfast- viewers assume she is going off to


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