January 2009

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Editor: K.V.


Vol. 38 JANUARY-2009 No.1


Monthly Journal of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C',(CHQ)

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008
The 27th All India Conference of our to explore the possibility of merging the cadre of
organisation held at Guntur has set a new PO&RMS Accountants with the organised
dimension to our image, function and our future. accounts to end the discrimination continuing over
The manner the AIC itself was organised and decades and also for ensuring better promotional
conducted has no parallel in our history of All India avenues to them. The AIC endorsed the cadre
Conferences. The best atmosphere and ambience restructuring proposals of the CHQ to be taken
made available for the thousands of delegates and forward to ensure better promotional aspects in
visitors at Guntur enabled them to concentrate addition to 3 ACP. The exemption of Screening
maximum with full attention over discussion on the Committee and filling up of all vacant posts will
issues at hand. The leaders of various organisations continue to be our major issue to be tackled with
who were our special guests presented eloquent top most priority.
and exemplary speeches that added new The AIC decided the strategy that we as
understanding to our strategy. part of NFPE and Confederation will strive to forge
The issues that engaged our concentration stronger links with the entirety of CG Employees
are the complex problems of Group C. Since we organisations to carry forward the struggle for
met in the immediate background of implementation improvement of recommendations of 6th CPC in
of 6th CPC recommendations, the issues involved the immediate future. Our strategy also includes
several aspects of pay commission. The just that we establish larger unity of postal employees
submitted Nataraja Murti Committee under the banner of Postal JCA for realising the
recommendations loaded with innumerable issues of Postal Employees and forge ahead in
negative recommendations was casting its dark the path of united action. The AIC also made it
shadow. The serious issues of postal employees clear that through these united action we have to
like Screening Committee, shortage of staff and ensure that no adverse recommendations of
many other issues as well as the specific issues Nataraja Murti Committee could be implemented
of Postal Group C like Cadre Restructuring, TBOP, by the Government but the recommendations are
System Administrators, Marketing Executives, improved and modified.
PO&RMS Accountants etc have also making an Comrades! We the Postal Group C is the
impact on the discussions in the AIC. largest organisation of NFPE and our role therefore
The battle lines should be drawn and proper are paramount in playing the role of leadership in
strategy shall have to be finalised if one has to uniting and leading the joint movement of Postal
surmount the difficulties and succeed in all the and CG Employees. The AIC has set the agenda
above issues. The AIC in the immediate background for building a stronger organisation to play this
of NFPE Convention held in the same venue has due role. The outcome of the AIC including the
drawn the policy and programme and strategy to over all appreciation of the delegates towards the
unite all the postal employees behind a common effective functioning of CHQ and the unanimous
Sectional Charter of Demands of Postal Employees adoption of all resolutions and Biennial Report and
including GDS as well as behind a common Charter Accounts and the election of office bearers that
of Demands of all CG Employees. witnessed unanimous return of the outgoing team
The Conference debated at length and once again - all show the enormous confidence
arrived the understanding that a united struggle of reposed in the leadership of our organisation by
all sections of postal employees alone can ensure our rank and file.
further growth and progress. The Conference The elected team of office bearers of the
witnessed a special night session of System CHQ will keep the stupendous task before us and
Administrators that consolidated the demands of will continue its function best to keep the
this section of employees. The AIC has paved way confidence reposed on them.


General Secretary’s Desk
FROM 30.11.08 to 03.12.08.
The historic 27th All India conference of our indefinite strike from 6.1.2009 in order to safeguard
union was held from 30.11.08 to 3.12.08 at Guntur in the interest of the GDS employees and also to achieve
Andhra Pradesh under the president ship of Com. M. the Cadre review and three promotions. Com S. S.
Krishnan, President, CHQ. The reception committee Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDE union, Com
headed by Com R. Sivannarayana, Asst General P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4 addressed the open
Secretary and his team has made excellent session. Com R. Sivannarayana, General Secretary,
arrangements for the conference, catering and the Reception committee and AGS delivered vote of
accommodation for the delegates. This is the first time thanks.
in the history of the All India conference that more Com Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary,
than 2000 visitors attended the conference besides P4, Com Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3, Com.
the entitled delegates around 875.The whole B. G. Tamhankar, Ex President NFPE & P3, Com S.
conference was held in a big auditorium which is fully P. Mukherjee, General Secretary, Postal Admn,
air-conditioned that provided very comfortable Com.P. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, Postal
atmosphere to the delegates for the deliberations in Accounts, Com Asit Das, General Secretary, All India
the conference. We have never seen in the past such SBCO employees association addressed during the
kind of arrangements for the AIC and the reception subject committee and greeted the conference.
committee deserves all appreciations. Com K. Venugopal, General Secretary , All
The AIC commenced its proceedings with the India Insurance employees association orated on the
Flag hoisting at 10.45 hours on 30.11.08. The national subject of THE CASCADING EFFECTS OF GLOBAL
flag was hoisted by Com. B. G. Tamhankar, Ex FINANCIAL CRISIS on 1.12.08 evening which is the
President, NFPE and CHQ. Com D. K. Rahate, masterpiece of the deliberation in the conference. He
President NFPE and Com M. Krishnan, President, dealt in detail about the globalization, liberalization,
CHQ hoisted the NFPE and the AIPEU Group C flags privatization and the present serious global financial
respectively amidst slogans renting the air. Floral crisis. His lecture is really exemplary and educative
tributes were paid to the martyr column before one to budding unionists.
commencing the house. The cultural group performed In the AIC, all Circle Secretaries and 46
programmes in an admirable way. Delegates from all the circles participated in the lively
The inaugural session and the open session discussions on the topic of Organizational Review.
was held at 1100 hours on 30.11.08 and Com M. There was an all-round appreciation from the delegates
Krishnan, president presided the meeting. Sri Raavi on the functioning of the CHQ and assured their
Venkataramana, MLA, Prathipadu and also the unstinted cooperation for the future better functioning
Chairman of the Reception committee presented the of the CHQ. The following resolutions printed in the
welcome address. Com Nilotpal Basu, Ex M.P biennial report were placed and approved in the august
delivered the inaugural address and dealt all the issues conference.
confronting the working class and role of the Postal 1. Policy and Programme.
workers in the continuous fight against the onslaughts 2. Shortage of staff and allied problems like filling of
of Globalization policies practiced by the Government. vacant posts, scrapping of screening committee
Prof. Haragopal Reddy, Vice Chancellor of the and augmentation of adequate posts for new
Acharya Nagarjuna University delivered his oration in services.
a magnificent manner detailing the problems of the 3. Po & RMS Accountants.
workers and their responsibilities. Com K. K. N. Kutty, 4. Promotional issues.
Secretary General, Confederation of Central 5. Systems Administrators & problems.
Government employees and workers elaborated in 6. One time absorption of approved RRR candidates.
detail about the denial of minimum wage by the Sixth 7. Counting of past services as RTP for promotion.
CPC and the need to launch serious programmes 8. Monetary recovery and disciplinary action on
seeking the modification of the recommendations and contributory negligence factors.
ensure better service condition to the CG employees. 9. Marketing Executives.
Com K. Ragavendran, Secretary General, 10. Upward revision of MPCM allowance.
NFPE dealt all issues confronting the Postal 11. Upward revision of Cash handling allowances to
employees and explained the need for a united Treasurers of post offices.
12. Problems of women employees. total cooperation of all circles, divisions and branches,
13. Foreign Post. the huge task will be carried out to the satisfaction of
14. Postal Stores Depot. all members. We assure that we shall strive hard to
15. Amendment to India Post office Act 1898. live up to the expectation s our comrades in the rank
16. Outsourcing and Franchising of postal services. and file at grass root level and march ahead.
17. On Bureaucratic excesses A SAD DEMISE
18. Grant of Naxalist Threat Area Allowance to the COM. JASWANT, DELEGATE, SOLAN DIED WHILE
employees working in naxalist threat areas. RETURNING FROM AIC
19. Waiving of outstanding dues of recoveries like HBA Com. Jaswant Sharma, Delegate from Solan
etc from the family pensioners of deceased Division in Himachal Pradesh Circle died while
employees. returning from Guntur after attending the AIC due to
20. Productivity linked bonus. heart attack. He was admitted at Nagpur but could
21. Scrapping of new pension scheme. not be saved. Himachal Comrades took much pain
22. Treatment in authorized medical hospitals in non to take the mortal to Solan from Nagpur. Com.
CGHS areas. Jaswant was only 25 years old. He was survived with
23. Various arbitration awards. his parent and brothers. We pay our respectful
24. SB and Savings certificates. homage to the departed Comrade. We dip our banner
25. Unjust activities in the name of Business post. in the memory of the young departed leader of
Apart from the above, several resolutions proposed by Himachal Circle.
the delegates were resolved on various issues. The INDEFINITE STRIKE CALL BY GDS UNION FROM
General Secretary assured appropriate action on all 17.12.08 EXTEND ALL SOLIDARITY ACTION BY
these resolutions. The redrafting of the Constitution PARTICIPATING STRIKE
exercised by the committee was placed before the The General Secretary, AIPEDE Union has
house and it was approved after some corrections and given notice to the Department for the indefinite strike
modifications. The subscriptions from membership to be commenced from 17.12.2008 on ten charters of
have been raised from Rs.10 to Rs.30 per month. The demands particularly seeking modifications in the
details of the draft constitution will be printed on its retrograde recommendations of the Natarajamurthy
approval by the department. committee report.
Comrade D. Sivagurunathan the victimized There is no second opinion about the need
former P4 divisional secretary of Chennai City North for a united struggle against the GDS Committee's
Division was felicitated by the CHQ President and negative and most in human recommendations. Both
General Secretary in the Conference. He was donated the Federations and All India Unions including the GDS
1000/- by the P3 divisional union of Warangal. unions which met twice during the first week of
The biennial report and audited accounts were November'08 decided to launch indefinite action
unanimously approved by the delegates and thereafter demanding the modification of retrograde
the election of office bearers were held unanimously. recommendations of the GDS report, along with regular
The following office bearers were elected for the ensuing departmental employees demands like Exempting the
term. Postal department from the purview of screening
The AIC places its appreciations on records committee, Cadre review, Grant of three ACP without
of the outgoing office bearers Com. Subhash Sharma, restrictions and other sectional demands.
Com. Sumitra Goswami, Com. Pannerselvam & Com. Accordingly a convention was organized by
L.P. Saikia. the NFPE inviting all the Circle Secretaries and CHQ
We record our appreciations to the reception office bearers of all the affiliated unions and also the
committee of the 27th AIC headed by com R. GDS union at Guntur on 29.11.08 and it was decided
Sivannarayana, AGS for the excellent arrangements unanimously to issue Strike notice on 19.12.08 for
that made the conference a historical and successful the indefinite strike from 06.01.08 in case if the
one. Everyone admired the arrangements and demands are not settled through negotiations. It was
hospitality of the reception committee and this decided to give utmost important in resolving the GDS
conference had its place in the milestone in the history demands in the strike charter.
of our movement. We thank again all the comrades of But to our shock and surprise, Com. S. S.
the reception committee and record our sincere and Mahadevaiah during his oration informed the AIC of
abundant thanks. our union held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08
The future is full of struggles for the betterment that he has decided to issue strike notice alone and
of postal employees in general and the Postal Group seeking the cooperation of others for solidarity actions.
C in particular. The CHQ is fully confident that with the Accordingly he issued strike notice on 02.12.08. All
the General Secretaries of other unions of NFPE who participating in the strike from 17.12.08 launched by
were attending our AIC could not issue any strike notice the GDS union without any strike notice and not placing
since every one decides to launch the indefinite strike their demands therein in the charter of demands.
programme from 06.01.09 as decided in the NFPE As a responsible affiliate of NFPE and also
convention held on 29.11.08. having close association and fraternity with GDS for a
We do not want to say anything about the long, we took this decision. When the GDS union is
decision of General Secretary AIPEDE Union. Being not ready for postponement of strike for a united and
the General Secretary of that Union, he is having all grand struggle up to 6.1.09 by organizing the rank
prerogative rights to decide his own programme & and file for a strong action, We have no other alternate
action. We have no right to insist him to join the except to endorse the GDS struggle since we don't
programme decided by all the unions under NFPE want to remain as spectator or onlooker of the
which is also assured to be endorsed by the FNPO developments.
and its affiliates. Let us also jump into action extending
The General Secretary, GDS union did not solidarity action by participating the strike. We cannot
hear the requests of any one to postpone the strike to allow the GDS employees are isolated on any account
Jan 08 for a united programme under the banner of and subjected for any victimization. The joint circular
JCA with FNPO. He decided to carry out his programme of NFPE and its affiliated unions and also the letter
as he notified but requesting all the unions to extend addressed to department are enclosed along with the
solidarity programme. Therefore the Federal secretariat circular .Even though the time before us is very short,
met on 9.12.08 has decided to extend solidarity We fervently appeal all Division/Branch secretaries to
programme with GDS union by direct participation in rise up to the occasion and ensure full participation of
the proposed strike from 17.12.08. The NFPE and all our comrades in the strike from 17.12.08 in their
affiliates exhibited their commitments towards the branches and extend solidarity support to the striking
problems of the GDS knowing very well that it will be GDS comrades.
very difficult for them to focus the departmental Dated : 9.1.2008 K.V. Sridharan
employees' issues in the present juncture while General Secretary


President : Shri M. Krishnan, BCR Postal Assistant, Thycaud P.O, Thiruvananthapuram – 695014,
(Kerala) - 09447068215
Working Presidents : Shri. K. Ragavendran, Sub Postmaster, High Court Building P.O., Chennai – 600104,
(Tamilnadu) 09868819295, 09444919295
Shri. K. B. Barot, Sub Postmaster (HSG-I), Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380007 (Gujarat) -
Vice Presidents : Shri. R. C. Misra, Deputy Manager PSD Bhubaneswar, 751007 (Orissa) - 09853332489
Smt. C. P. Shobana, PA (BCR) Pallikkunnu S.O, Kannur – 670004, (Kerala) -
General Secretary : Shri K. V. Sridharan, HSG- I Supervisor, Anna Road HPO, Chennai – 600002,
(Tamilnadu) - 09868545552
Dy. Gen. Secretary : Shri Somenath Mukherjee, Postal Assistant, TBOP, L. R. Sarani P.O, Kolkata – 700020
(West Bengal) - 09868769082, 09433703923
Assistant General
Secretaries : Shri. R. Sivannarayana, PRI (P), Guntur - 522002 (Andhra Pradesh) - 09885404840
: Shri. Subhash Mishra, TBOP P.A, Kanpur H.O, 208001 (Uttar Pradesh) - 09839303311
: Shri. Mangesh Parab, TBOP P.A, Mumbai GPO - 400001 (Maharastra) - 09869476944
Financial Secretary : Shri Balwinder Singh, PRI (P), Patel Nagar P.O. New Delhi – 110008 - 09868853970
Assistant Financial
Secretary : Shri. Hari Prasad Diwakar, Sub Postmaster, Naya Bazar P.O., Ajmer - 305001 (Rajasthan) -
Organizing General
Secretaries : Shri. Ramani Kanta Bhattacharya, SPM, Meghalya Secretariat P.O, Shilong – 793001
(North East) - 09862205298
: Shri. U. K. Tiwari, TBOP P.A, Patna GPO - 800001 (Bihar) - 09431646096
: Shri. S. K. Nema, Sub Postmaster, Dixitpura P.O., Jabalpur-482002 (Madhya Pradesh)
- 09300101799


Resolution on policy and programme
Adopted In the 27th All India Conference
1. The world capitalist economy is gripped in a organisations in each sector and also jointly under
severe crisis. The allround recession that engulfed the the banner of National platform of Mass organisations,
Americian economy has badly effected not only the the Government could not push through its reforms in
Americans but has spread across the world affecting the banking, insurance, pension and other sectors.
the employment and economic conditions of millions When compared to the developed capitalist countries,
of people. The US- sponsored and IMF-World Bank- the impact of worldwide recession that originated from
WTO dictated globalisation policies have proved to be the US is less in India, only because of the fact that
an utter failure through out the world. The gap between struggle of the Indian working class has saved the
the haves and have-nots, unemployment and poverty public sector undertakings including Finacial sector
has increased manifold and has reached an alarming by preventing the Government from whole-sale
situation. Privatisation of the Government departments privatisation. Instead of learning lessons from the
and public sector undertakings, removal of all barriers failure of the imperialist globalisation policies, UPA
for facilitating free movement of finance capital and Government is still pursuing the same policies. The
deregulation of market, drastic cut in the subsidies working class of India has to further intensify the
and other welfare measures has resulted in the resitance against the anti-people and anti-working
complete collapse of the industrial and agricultural class policies of the Government.
sectors. The life of the down-drodden, oppressed and This AIC of AIPEU Group-C extends its full
working class have become miserable. support to the struggle of the working class and declare
The struggle against the imperialist that it shall join all the struggle programmes of the
globalisation policies and the military aggression of National Platform of Mass organisations including
the US on the sovereign nations are intensifying day strike. This AIC further appreciates the alternative
by day not only in the third world countries but also in policies pursued by the left front Governments of Kerala,
the developed capitalist countries. Majority of the Latin West Bengal and Tripura and extends its solidary with
American countries have discarded the US-hegemony these Governments in implementing the pro-people
and the imperialist globalisation policies. The socialist and pro-working class policies.
countries are pursuing their own different path of 3. The activities of the communal and divisive
development. Socialism has emerged as the only forces have become a threat to the independence and
alternative to the imperialist globalisation. The integrity of the country. The religious Fundamentalist
advocates of globalisation who has opposed the control elements are resorting to terrorism and are engaging
of Governments over the economy and finance capital in most cruel and heinous act to divide the people on
are now declaring bail-out packages by pumping more caste and communal lines. This AIC of the AIPEU
and more government money to the financial sector to Group-C strongly condemn all the communal and
save it from total collapse. Those who have preached divisive acts and declare in one voice that the unity
the thesis of "minimum government" now want "more and integrity of the country shall be preserved at any
government' control over economy and are resorting cost.
to nationalisation instead of privatisation. 4. The much awaited report of the Sixth Pay
This 27th AIC of AIPEU Grop-C strongly condemn, Commission headed by Justice Sreekrishna was
the imperialialist globalisation policies and extend its submitted to the Government and the Government has
whole hearted support and solidarity to the working implemented its decisions on the recommendations
class and the millions of people who are organising with slight modifications. The demand of the JCM staff
militant struggle throughout the world against the US- side and the Confederation of Central Government
sponsored globalisation policies. Employees and workers regarding Minimum wage,
2. The former NDA Government and the present fitment formula, financial benifits on promotions,
UPA Government are vigourously pursuing the policy increment rate, Pension Commutation, date of effect
of liberatisation, globalisation and privatisation. The to the revised allowances from 1-1-2006, has not been
working class of India have put up strong resistance accepted by the Government. Regarding
against these policies. It is because of the intensive contractorisation of Group-D functions, Performance
struggle conducted by the Trade Unions and service Related Incentive Scheme, Outsourcing and
privatisation etc Government has accepted the organisations under the banner of Joint Council of
retrograde recommendations of the Commission. The Action (JCA) and organise a joint action programme
demand to scrap the Contributory Pension Scheme culminating in indefenite strike. Thus AIC further
is also rejected. Many departmental specific issues resolves that AIPEU Group-C shall be in the forefront
remains unsettled. The Confederation of Central of all the agitational programmes to be conducted for
Government Employees and Workers have decided realisation of the demands of the Gramin Dak Sevaks.
to conduct phased programme of action and campaign 6. The Sixth CPC has not considered the
for realisation of the just demands and also for rejection Departmental specific issues of the various cadres in
of the retrograde recommendations. This 27th AIC of the Postal department. The Committee has left such
AIPEU Group-C calls upon the Postal Employees issues to be dealt with by the concerned departments
to continue its struggle for realisation of the at the time of cadre restructuring. In Postal department
pending demands of the CG Employees and also no cadre restructuring has taken place for the Group
for rejection of the retrograde recommendation C cadre so far.. The demands of the Accountants,
of the Sixth CPC some of which are already System Administrators, Business Executives, Public
accepted by the Government and some still under Relations Inspectors, Postmasters who are in charge
active consideration. This AIC feels that of Post Offices, Supervisors, Treasurers etc remains
prolonged campaign programme is to be unsettled. However, the Department of Posts has now
undertaken for rallying the entire CG Employees agreed for cadre restructuring.
before embarking upon an idefinite strike. This AIC while appreciating the positive
5. The GDS Committee headed by Retired approach of the Postal Board urges upon the authorities
Postal Board Member Sri. Nataraja Murthy has to speed up the process of cadre restructuring and
submitted its report on 29.10.08 . As expected the come to a mutually agreed settlement on the issues
bureaucratic committee has rejected all the major pertaining to each cadres.
demands of the Gramin Dak Sevaks. Civil Sevant 7. The ban on creation of new posts imposed by
status, pro-rata wages and pension stands rejected. the Central Government from 1984 onwards is still
The increase in the TRCA is megre varying from Rs. continuing. In 2000, the NDA Government has issued
640/- to 960/- monthly increase. Norms for calculation an executive order for abolition of 2/3 direct recruitment
of workload is tightened. Minimum TRCA is reduced vacancies. Screening Committee constituted for this
to 3 hours. The benefit of 5% increase in TRCA in lieu purpose has recommended abolition of about 50,000
of DA merger will be absorbed in future increments. posts in the Postal Department. 2/3 posts upto 2005
DA formula is to be changed. Bonus will be reduced has already been abolished. Abolition of posts for the
to half. House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, year 2006, 2007 and 2008 is pending. The
counting of service for pension in the departmental indiscriminate abolition of justified posts has resulted
promotional Post, GPF, Assured Carrier Progression in deterioration of the efficiency of the Postal services.
(ACP) - all stands rejected. The proposed service Due to shortage of PAs even counter duties are
Discharge Benifit Scheme fails to meet the minimum combined. Postmen beats are also combined. RMS
pension requirement. Retirement age will be reduced sorting work is adversely affected and unsorted letters
to 62 from 65. No substitute for paid leave. Conditions are accumulated. Employees are striving hard to
for compassionate appointment and Transfer tightened. extend atleast minimum services to the customers. A
Thousands of Branch Post Offices are to be closed. stage has come wherein it has become humanly
Trade Union rights curtailed. GDSSV, GDSMP and impossible to run the Post Offices with the existing
GDSMM posts are to be abolished. Almost all the staff strength.
recommendations are most retrograde and inhuman.
This 27th AIC of AIPEU Group-C urges the
If Government is not ready to modify the
Government of India and Postal Board to fill up
rcommendations in favour of the GDS, the only way
all the vacant posts in the Postal Department on
out is to fight it out. This AIC demand the Central
top priority basis, by exempting the Department
Government to modify the recommendations of the
of Posts from the purview of Ban on recruitment.
GDS Committee and reject the retrograde
This Conference further resolves that in case the
Government rejects our demand for exemption
This AIC of AIPEU Group-C urge upon the of Department of Posts from the purview of Ban,
NEPE to take the lead to rally all the Postal (Contd. on page 34)


PF-12(d)/2008 Dated 10th December 2008 CHARTER OF DEMANDS
To 1. Modify and improve the recommendations of
The Secretary Nataraja Murti Committee and reject the retrograde
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan recommendations [list of modifications / rejections
New Delhi - 110001 endorsed separately].
Sub: Request for discussion and settlement of 2. Re-fix the wages all Paid Substitutes - RRR
vital issues of Postal Employees - Decision of All Candidates - Part Time / Contingent w.e.f.
India Convention of NFPE Unions - reg. 1.1.2006 on the basis of 6th CPC Revised Pay
Sir, Scales.
This Federation is constrained to bring to your 3. Exempt Postal Department from the purview of
kind notice that the All India Convention of all Circle Screening Committee and fill up all vacant posts
Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers of all affiliates of in all cadres immediately.
this Federation held at Guntur on 29.11.2008 has 4. Hold Periodical Meeting and JCM Departmental
resolved to submit the enclosed Charter of Demands Council / RJCM Regional Council meetings as
to the Department for settlement and to launch an per the schedule.
Indefinite Strike in the event of non-negotiated 5. Implement all issues of April 2007 Strike
settlement. Settlement.
It can be seen that almost all the demands 6. Negotiate and settle the sectional charter of
were taken up with the department for long. Many demands submitted by Federations and unions
issues were submitted to the department through on 15.02.2008.
unions wise Charter of Demands in the month of 7. Finalise Cadre Review for all cadres - creation of
February 2008 [15.02.2008]. Unfortunately no attempt a separate establishment for System
Administrators and redressing their current
to convene any meaningful negotiation with the Staff
Side is forthcoming causing grave concern and
8. Improve the ACP and make it applicable to Postal
disillusion amongst the entirety of postal employees.
It is in this background that the All India
9. Remove all trade union victimisation in all Circles
Convention of NFPE unions and associations took the
and end irrational application of Contributory
decision to submit the enclosed Charter of Demands
Negligence orders.
and request for a negotiated settlement. It is also decided
10. Do not introduce new schemes without
by the above all India Convention that in the event of a
consultations with the Staff Side.
non-negotiation by the department for a negotiated 11. Withdraw the SLP against the RRR Candidates
settlement before 18th December 2008, the entire postal and absorb them immediately.
employees shall have to embark on an Indefinite Strike 12. Grant immediate fixation of higher scale as per
in the first week of January for which a formal Notice 6th CPC to TBOP/BCR Postmen / Mailguards.
shall have to be served on 19th December 2008. 13. Grant higher pay scales to Head Mail Peons at
This Federation is confident that you will par with Postman / Mailguard.
personally intervene in this matter and cause serious 14. Grant Notional fixation for Artisan Grade I in MMS
discussions with the Staff Side on the long pending w.e.f. 1.1.1996 at par with the Railways and
vital issues of the employees' to restore peace in the Defence.
minds of the employees and to avert any unpleasant 15. Redistribute the LSG / HSG II / HSG I posts for
development that may disturb the tranquillity in our Circle Offices including DPLI Kolkata.
services. 16. Withdraw decentralisation of PLI/RPLI functions
We therefore request for your kind and of Circle Offices.
immediate action that may be appropriate to bring about 17. Stipulate periodicity of deputationists to Circle
a negotiated settlement. Offices and recruit new incumbents.
Thanking you, 18. Ensure integration of all Accounting streams in
Yours faithfully, DOP under PA Wing and stop the proposed move
Encl: Charter of Demands. Sd/- to decentralise Postal Accounts.
[K.Ragavendran] 19. Restore the 3 year periodicity for promotion to
Secretary General Senior Accountant cadre.
Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 11.12.2008 addressed to Delhi - 110001
the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan New l Drawal of Peripheral HRA to the staff working
Delhi - 110001 at Chottanikkara in Ernakulam Division.
l Grant of immunity from Transfer to the It is brought to our notice that the proposal sent
Chairman & Secretary of Postal co-op societies. by the Circle office for grant of peripheral HRA to other
It is brought to our notice that the elected staff working at Chottanikkara is still pending at Directorate
Chairman & Secretaries of the postal co op societies are for approval.
experiencing difficulties to discharge their responsibilities It is requested to expedite the approval and
in the cases if they are working out side the head quarters accord sanction for the drawal of HRA to the staff working
of the societies. Several members could not avail their therein at the earliest.
benefits then and there due to the absence of Secretary / Soliciting response,
Presidents in the societies for approval of loan and other Letter No.: P/2-19/Vellore Dated - 11.12.2008 addressed
demands. to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New
It is therefore requested to kindly consider to Delhi - 110001
grant immunity from transfer to the elected Chairman or l Authorizing CMC Hospital Vellore for taking
Secretaries of Postal co op societies to enable them to treatment for all ailments.
discharge their responsibilities after the close of their At present, CMC Hospital, Vellore, in Tamilnadu
official work in the head quarters post office. has been authorized for specific treatment resulted the
Letter No.: P/4-5/SB Dated - 11.12.2008 addressed to the C. G. Employees could not avail treatment for other
Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan New Delhi diseases.
- 110001 The CMC Hospital Vellore is one of the
l Payment through cheques in SB transactions - reg. specialized hospitals for treatment of all diseases and if
The payment of all transaction under SB/SC this hospital is declared for treating any ailment, it will
schemes other than SB withdrawal through cheques for felicitate the C. G. Employees for having take treatment in
the amount exceeding Rs. 20000/- has been introduced this specialized Hospital for all medical problems.
during 1989. This requires revision. It is requested to consider the same and take
Almost all savings payments are now exceeding appropriate proposal with the concerned ministry.
Rs. 20000/-, it causes untold sufferings to the staff to A line in reply about the action taken is highly
collect cheques from HOs for all those transactions and solicited.
in many times payment to the customer is delayed. Letter No.: P/4-3/Recruitment Dated - 11.12.2008
The present ceiling of Rs.20000/- may be addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
enhanced at least to Rs. 50000/- considering the present Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
problems prevailing in the post offices. l Postal Assistant Recruitment Rules 2002 -
Letter No.: P/4-5/PLI Dated - 11.12.2008 addressed to request change in the recruitment condition - reg.
the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan New According to the existing recruitment rules for
Delhi - 110001 Postal Assistants, the candidates who are possessing
l More Bonus in respect of PLI policies to the plus Two Qualification in the state language shall alone
Departmental employees - reg. be eligible for the recruitment of P.A. Posts in the
It is pertinent to mention that the LIC is offering department.
low premium to its employees while comparing the tariff Many candidates studied in Kendriya Vidhyalaya
collected from the public for the policies taken by the staff. possessing higher marks & other qualifications and also
Similarly the Bank employees working in some knowing very well of the regional language are deprived
nationalized banks & others are being offered more and denied of their dues due to the condition stated in
interest for their investment made in their banks than the Para Supra. This is discriminative, unjust and against to
general public for their investments. the canon of natural justice.
As such, similar concession may also be This recruitment condition should be removed
extended to the postal employees either by reduced and the candidates possessing higher marks should be
premium or by granting more bonuses for the policies considered for the posting so that several creamy
taken by them in PLI/RPLI. It will motivate them further candidates may get their due chances.
and will have the satisfaction about the concern of the It is therefore requested to consider the same
Department in the welfare of the staff. and accord appropriate changes in the recruitment rules.
May I seek your response sir? Letter No.: P/2-3/Muzaffarpur Dated - 11.12.2008
Letter No.: P/2-12/Kerala Dated - 11.12.2008 addressed addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
l Delay in filling up the post of DPS Northern Letter No.: P/2-14/Chhindwara Dated - 17.12.2008
region, Muzaffarpur in Bihar Circle. addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
Due to non filling of the post of DPS, Muzaffarpur, Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
the appeals preferred by the officials and review cases l Unjust and absolute favoritism extended to
are pending over one year. The post is being kept vacant unrecognized union by the SPOs, Chhindwara in M.P.
for more than one year. Circle.
Several staff representations are indisposed It is brought to our notice that the SPOs & ASPOs
and it causes a concern. of Chhindwara Division are extending undue favoritism
It is requested to cause action to fill up the DPS to the BPEU office bearers and denying the rights to
Post at the earliest and dispose the pending appeals, ordinary employees.
review cases and representations of the officials. The following are the few examples: -
Letter No.: P/2-7/Haryana Dated - 11.12.2008 addressed (i) One Sri D. K. Verma, LSG officials having PO &
to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New RMS Accounts Qualification has not been posted as APM
Delhi - 110001 Accounts. Whereas an unqualified LSG official Sri F. A.
l Non Supply of leather cash Bags for Ansari has been favoured with the posting of APM
remittances - case of Haryana Circle. Accounts. Thereafter one Sri. M. S. Chandel, the BPEU
It is brought to our notice that supply of LCB has Circle Secretary has been ordered to replace Sri F. A.
been stopped in Haryana Circle and there is no Ansari and posted as APM Accounts who is neither a LSG
replacement to the worn out ones. official not possessing the requisite Accounts
The cash are being remitted in loose in bags qualification.
and in Hissar division, the problem is so acute in (ii) The SB Aptitude Qualified officials belonging to
remittances in the absence of leather cash bag. that union are favored with posting in Divisional office
It is requested to cause suitable instructions to and Accounts branches. The unqualified officials are
the Circle head to provide LCBS and also to replace the posted in SB branch.
old worn out LCBs immediately in all the divisions of (iii) Despite clear orders that no BCR official should
Haryana Circle. be posted in Treasury branch, one BCR official has been
Letter No.: P/2-6/Ahmedabad GPO Dated - 11.12.2008 posted forcibly while several time scale PAs are awaiting
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak for their turns.
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 There are several complaints against the SPOs
l Arbitrary and irregular transfer under Rule 37 about the undue favoritism extended to the unrecognized
from Ahmedabad GPO to Patan Division - case of Sri M. unions and harassing the official belonging to other
K. Chauhan, Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group 'C' unions. There are many transfers issued against the
Ahmedabad GPO - request intervention interest of officials. The SPOs is functioning in an
Ref: - (i) This Union letter of even No. dt. 19.06.08 unbridled horse style.
(ii) Yr. letter no. 16/59/2008-SR dt. 08.07.08 It is therefore requested to cause necessary
addressed to Chief PMG, Gujarat Circle. instructions to rein in the SPOs and ensure peace
Apropos reference, it is constrained to note that atmosphere in the division.
the said official has not been transferred back to his Letter No.: P/2-3/Madhubani Dated - 17.12.2008
division despite his repeated representations. addressed to the DDG (P), Department of Posts, Dak
The CAT,Ahmedabad branch also directed the Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Department vide its order dt. 17.09.08 to consider his l Non Payment of the officiating pay in HSG I -
representation since he has joined the new station as Case of Sri Kamal Kant Jha, Postmaster, Madhubani
ordered earlier. The transfer has uprooted his family HO in Bihar Circle.
caused irreparable harm to the family. The above said official has officiated as HSG I
Moreover, his transfer is nothing but an act of postmaster at Madhubani HO from 01.02.07 to 21.11.07
vendetta for his trade union activities as Divisional in the regular vacancy and thereafter he was regularly
Secretary in GPO in complaining about the irregularities appointed on the same post on his due promotion.
and non observation of by laws of the Society by Sri P.C. However, the officiating pay for the period from
Bhatt, who is the ADPS (Staff & vig) and also the vice 01.025.07 to 21.11.07 in HSG I scale has not been paid
chairman of the Society. The provision of Rule 37 has so far due to want of orders from the Muzzafarpur (North)
been misused in his case. region. Similarly his whole officiating period should be
The copy of official's representation which is self construed as HSG I regular service for the purpose of
explanatory and exhaustive is enclosed herewith for your future increments etc.
kind consideration. Despite repeated representation, the issue
It is requested to intervene and cause orders to remains unsettled. The delay causes unnecessary
retransfer the official to the old station and render justice tension to the senior official.
to the aggrieved official. Suitable instruction may please be issued to
the concerned to settle the issue at the earliest. sanction at the earliest.
Soliciting immediate action A line in reply about the action taken is highly
Letter No.: P/2-3/Madhubani Dated - 17.12.2008 appreciated.
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Letter No.: P/2-17/Ludhiana City Dated - 16.12.2008
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
l Non finanlisation of appeal - case of Sri Vijay Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Narayan Dutta, Ex-SPM Sakri in Madhubani division of l Non according recognition to the elected
Bihar Circle. representatives - case of Ludhiana City Division.
The above said official has been awarded with The office bearers elected in the General body
an in operative punishment of debarring his promotion meeting of AIPEU Group 'C' held on 21.08.08 at Ludhiana
for six months in the month of April 2008 and he was due City Division have not been recognized so far by the
on retirement on 31.08.08. The punishment awarded by Divisional administration for the reasons known to them
the SPOs is nothing but to prevent the senior official to only and no monthly meeting is held so far with the elected
get his due promotion before his retirement. representatives.
The official has preferred an appeal seven months The Circle Secretary has taken up the case with
before and also retired from service on superannuation in the Circle administration and no action has been taken
Aug 2008. However the appeal is still indisposed at the so far. The Circle administration do not care any
regional office. There are many such appeals are pending references received from the Directorate and even dared
in the Muzafferpur North region due to non posting of regular to cause orders derecognizing the circle Union even
DPS to the region. This causes a concern. though the 27 months have not been lapsed since last
It is requested to cause immediate action to dispose conference in spite of crystal clear instructions from the
the appeal at the earliest and a time frame may please be Directorate on this issue and created a stalemate in the
finalized in case of disposal of appeal/petition cases. circle. The Chief PMG is running amuck in denying the
A line in reply about the action taken is highly trade union rights provided by the department and refusing
solicited. the legitimate right of the Trade Unions in the circle and
Letter No.: P/2-13/Nasik Dated - 16.12.2008 divisions. This causes a serious concern.
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak It is requested to intervene and cause appropriate
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 orders to settle the present unpleasantness' prevailing in
l Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the the Circle by restoring the Trade Union facilities to the
employees serving in Tribal area of Igadpuri and other elected representatives of the Divisions/Circles.
places of Nasik District. Soliciting immediate response,
The payment of Tribal area allowance to the Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to
officials working in Nashik District was stopped from Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of
31.03.02 due to the Maharashtra State Governments order Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
in replacing the allowance by a revised scheme by its l Shortage of Staff and Allied problems- reg.
notification dated 06.08.2002. The resolution adopted in the 27th All India
The state Government has declared that its Conference held at Guntur from 31.11.08 to 03.12.08 with
employees working in such areas which are declared as regard to the existing shortage of staff and the problems
Naxalite Threat areas and where the special faced due to non removal of screening committee under
compensatory allowance was paid earlier are entitled for AOR Plan and non creation of adequate posts as per the
the new allowance which was fixed at the rate of 15% of requirements due to expansion of business activities etc
Pay subject to the Minimum of Rs. 200/- and Maximum of is enclosed herewith for your kind consideration and
Rs. 1500/- action.
The same allowance has not been extended to The 27the AIC has unanimously resolved, that
the Postal employees working in the areas where the in the absence of no action in settlement of this foremost
Tribal area allowance was drawn earlier. The burning issue by the Department, it is decided to launch
nomenclature of the allowance has alone been revised series of Trade Union programmes culminating to
by the State Government but the areas are still covered indefinite strike.
under the Tribal areas as notified earlier by the State It is requested to expedite action to settle the
Government. issues mentioned in the resolution at the earliest.
The Chief PMG, Maharastra Circle vide his letter A line in reply about the action taken is highly
no. Estt/4-1 (2)/HRA -CCA/2008 dt. 12-09085 has sought appreciated.
clarifications about extension of such allowances to our With Kind regards,
postal employees as per the state government DA: as above
notifications changing the nomenclature of the allowance RESOLUTION ON SHORTAGE & ALLIED PROBLEMS
and continue the payment of Tribal Area Allowance. This 27th All India Conference strongly feels that
It is requested to expedite the case and accord the problems arising out of more than 30% vacancies on
all the divisions throughout the country has grown into factors like non-filling of existing posts, matching savings
mammoth proportions. This heavy shortage of staff is for HSG II & HSG I (1622 posts), irregular combination of
taking a heavy toll of the well being of the employees on duties etc.
one hand and the effective functioning of the department Further, unlike in administrative offices the work
on the other. The camaraderie and cordial relationship cannot be kept pending in operative sector like postal
existing between the head of the office and his department. To rub salt in the wounds, new schemes,
subordinates and even among colleagues is fast premium or otherwise, introduced in the name of
disappearing and animosity is slowly creeping into its business posts aggravate the situation by increasing the
place owing to the unmanageable proportion of this work-load to manifolds. It is pertinent to mention that the
menace of shortage of hands. The administration is Railway was exempted from the purview of this committee
making tall claims about the need for effective functioning from 2002 itself. The only operative department which is
to tide over the blown-out-of-proportion crisis of financial still under this purview is the Department of Post. This is
loss by competing through business post in the market a sorry state of affairs.
with others. But the basic necessity of providing sufficient The Sixth Pay Commission, in its Para 06.03.10,
man power for efficient implementation of new schemes has recommended to revise the Annual Direct
introduced in addition to the spiralling work-load is Recruitment Plan (ADRP) in terms of which only one third
conveniently sidelined and forgotten. Hence, the efforts of the vacancies can be filled up. It further commented as
and claims for toning up our prestigious department will interalia: -
not yield desired results. Before the citable of this strong "This instruction (ADR) has resulted in aging
fort of Dept-of posts starts crumbling without viable bureaucracy, which does not easily adapt itself to
foundation of manpower, needy and speedy action needs technology. An active and younger profile in Government
to be taken to strengthen the base and then to take efforts employment is the need of the hour. Further, strengthening
to go in for added strengthening of fort itself. This will of the cutting edge for efficient delivery is required. New
ensure longevity and viability of our department. Towards guidelines, where reduction in manpower and levels of
marching in this direction, the following efforts need to be fresh manpower intake would be assessed and
addressed at once. prioritised by the individual Ministry or Department
(i) FILLING UP OF VACANT POSTS EXISTING BEFORE keeping its work processes, service delivery and
FORMATION OF SCREENING COMMITTEE. functional requirements and budgetary savings at centre
The Screening Committee has been formed in stage should, therefore, be issued."
2001 and the posts to be filled up among the available Accordingly, the Government should accept the
vacancies were identified after scrutiny since then. But to recommendations and cause orders to leave the issue
our dismay, it is shockingly noted that even the vacant to the concerned Department/Ministry and lift the ban on
posts of various cadres available prior to the formation of recruitment prevailing since 1983.
this committee are deliberately kept in the cold storage Under the circumstances, the 27th AIC of AIPEU
without being filled. This not only defies logic but also Group 'C' held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 fervently
defeats the very purpose of such committees. The irony appeals the Directorate to initiate action based on the
is even after formation of screening committee 1/3rd of Sixth CPC recommendations. The AIC further appeals
the vacancies is allowed to be filled up whereas the prior the NFPE to exert pressure to Government through
vacancies in its entirety are kept as vacant. The policitical sources also and see the Department is granted
conference requests the Department to evince all efforts exemption from the purview of the screening Committee
to fill up the vacant posts existing prior to implementation and all the vacancies get filled up to ensure the survival of
of screening committee immediately. the department and to maintain efficiency of the
(ii) SCRAPPING OF SCREENING COMMITTEE & FILLING department in meeting requirement of customers.
UP ALL VACANT POSTS. The 27th AIC further appeals the NFPE that if the
This conference wholeheartedly appreciate and issue is not sorted out an All India agitation may be
thank our secretary, DOP for taking up with the Department organised under the banner of JCA culminating to
of Per & Trg. Vide his letter No.25-35/2001-PE -1 indefinite strike during Feb' 2009.
dt.4.4.2005 to exclude our DOP from the purview of (iii) AUGMENTATION OF ADEQUATE POSTS FOR NEW
screening committee as we have reached the saturation SERVICES.
point of abolition of vacant posts. The DOP&T letter dt It is everyone's knowledge now the face of the
11.5.2001 envisaged an annual cut of 2% of vacancies DOP is fast changing with ever so many new services
aiming for a total of 10% of vacancies abolished in 5 and schemes introduced on every day basis. Starting from
years period. But our department has already reached speculation and sales of debentures, Gold coins, ICIC
9.5% of abolition of posts in the year 2003-04 itself. Further, bonds, UTI, Oriental insurance, shares etc. Western
it is pertinent to note that apart from 26.328 posts Union money transfer upto sales of weeklies, milk
abolished under 2% annual cut since 2000, the work coupons, X'mas cakes, books, prasadams of Temples
force further dwindled by 19,000 posts owing to various etc, we are doing all-in-all business. The preparation of
electoral rolls, scrutiny of passport application, selling during1999 even though it was achieved by surrendering
recharge cards for cell -phones, etc are being performed. 20% supervisory & 6% operative posts. The Sixth Pay
Many new agency services are regularly introduced at Commission has also not considered the case of TBOP/
selected offices without any respite. V-SAT MO, AMPC BCR.
logistic mails are the ones introduced with fanfare but As such, we have no other alternate except to
proved to be damp-squib heavily telling upon our finances embrace the ACP promotions as if in the case of other
with losses. Central Government employees. To off shoot the
The list of such new services is long and matching savings we offered earlier, a proposal for cadre
unending .If this being so, the clerical staff are put into review has been submitted by the CHQ to the Department,
much inconvenience without supplementing the which the conference approves. The proposal in Toto
resources of manpower. The work-load of all post offices should be implemented without any further matching
in Savings Bank, Accounts Branch and other counters savings. This 27th AIC resolves to demand:
are already heavy owing to acute shortage of hands. (i) The 1974 position in LSG (i.e) 20% posts
These new services only prove to be the last straw on the upgraded for LSG should be revived and all single
camel's back. Leaving out the traditional Postal work, for handed and double handed offices should be declared
the new services alone adequate number of employees as LSG posts.
may be provided by augmenting the establishment. For (ii) The 'A' Class & LSG offices should be declared
this purpose the qualified employees among GDS cadre to the status equal to the present HSG II.
may also be utilized by suitably compensating them (iii) All the HSG II & HSG I posts should be
financially. This requires very serious consideration and amalgamated and equated to the present status of HSG
immediate implementation. I.
This 27th All India Conference of AIPEU Group (iv) The nomenclature of LSG, HSG II & HSG I should
'C' requests the Department to view this issue seriously be revised as Supervisor, Senior Supervisor and Chief
and see the required augmentation be made Supervisor.
immediately. (v) The Posts of Senior Postmasters & Chief
Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to Postmasters should be allotted to General line and
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of declared as hierarchical promotional posts.
Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 (vi) All Postmasters posts should be declared for
l 27th AIC - Resolution on promotion avenues - General line and there should be no share to inspector
Request actions cadres.
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India (vii) The posts of Systems Administrators &
Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 on Marketing Executives should be created and declared as
the issue of promotion avenues to postal Group C cadre promotional cadres to the Postal Assts. The existing
is enclosed herewith for kind consideration. systems Administrators should be observed in the
We have already submitted a proposal for cadre promotional posts by conducting a simple Trade Test in
restructuring in Group C cadre and also submitted our token of recognising their effective and efficient role in the
demands on modification of Pay Commission computerisation of postal services.
recommendations. It was also assured in the formal (viii) The PO & RMS Accountants posts should be
meeting held on 16.09.08 by the Member (P) to have a declared as an organised accounts cadre and it should
full-fledged meeting soon on the issue of cadre review be declared as promotional cadre to the Postal Assistants.
with the union. (ix) After creating more number of supervisory posts,
However, no meeting was convened then. The 20% can be allotted as promotional cadre for those
27th AIC after discussing the issues threadbare has appearing in competitive examination.
resolved to request the Directorate to expedite the (x) The other proposals contained in the CHQ
proposal and settle the issue at the earliest. proposal on cadre review should also be considered.
It is requested to consider the resolution and This conference further resolves that the officials
convene a meeting for discussion on the subject. having 20 years of PA service should be allowed to appear
With kind regards, the PSS Group B Examination. Similarly the physically
Soliciting response, challenged candidates should also be allotted some
DA: as above reservation in the IPO Exam so that the aspirants may
Promotional avenues in PA Cadre are not as While granting higher pay scale to IPOs/ ASPOs
attractive as in the case of other Central Government one third of IP posts were earmarked for direct recruitment
departments like Railways, Central Excise & Customs, with educational qualification of graduate. This in effect
Income Tax etc. At the best, the P.A. who begins his career took away the existing promotional avenues available to
is getting two financial up gradations in the name of TBOP PA cadre by 1/3rd. To compensate this loss, proposals
& BCR which were declared as not regular promotions like increased quota in PSS Group B should be
considered and finalised by the Department. This should the PO & RMS Accountants are being forced to opt back to
be considered immediately. PA cadre to avail the benefit of TBOP/BCR
LSG Notional Promotion After implementation of recommendation of the
This August Conference of AIPEU Group 'C' held fifth pay commission , due to change of nomenclature of
at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 further resolved to special pay as special allowance, the quantum of special
request the Postal Administration to set right the following allowance is not being counted towards fixation of pay on
anomalies arisen after scrapping the Fast Track promotion. The conditions prescribed for grant of special
Promotion Scheme. pay in F.R has not been changed. Thus there is a great
(i) Prior to 1986, the LSG was the Circle Cadre and injustice to PO and RMS accountants in not counting the
the same position is revived in 2006. In between, it was special allowance for pay fixation on promotion.
called as divisional cadre. While granting notional The posts of LSG and HSG in accounts
promotional since 1986, several seniors could not get branches in Head Post offices have been manned by
their due LSG promotion due to Rule 38 transfers and officials having qualification of PO and RMS Accountants.
also in dearth of LSG posts. On upgradation of 1622 posts into HSG-I, most of the
(ii) In some circles, due to application of seniority posts of LSG Accountants have been upgraded to HSG II
based on confirmation, several seniors were left out while resulting in dearth of LSG in feeder cadre.
granting notional promotions. Various changes in the rules & procedures had
As per column 11 of the revised recruitment taken place in the case of LSG Accountants causing many
rules 2006, the seniors can modify their LSG promotion confusions at field level. To overcome all these anomalies
at par with the date of promotion of their juniors. this 27th All India conference resolves to urge upon the
This AIC urges the Department to cause orders postal directorate to:
for 'Modification of LSG' as one time measure by creating 1. The PO and RMS Accountants may be granted a
supernumerary or non functional LSG posts and accord higher pay scale of LSG.
promotion to the seniors as per circle Gradation list who 2. The special allowance granted to PO and RMS
have left earlier due to frequent change of recruitment accountant may be counted towards fixation of pay on
rules. promotion.
Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to 3. As per the directorate instructions vide its letter
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of No.6/15/60- SPB II dt 16.7.60 read with letter No.6/1/59-
Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 SPB. dt 8.5.59, the option prematurely taken from officials
l 27th AIC - Resolution on PO & RMS Accountants may be withdrawn and the officials concerned may be
- Request immediate settlements. allowed to exercise an option only when their turn for
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India promotion to either lines comes in future.
conference of this union held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 4. Since the Dept. has declared the APM accounts
03.12.08 with regard to the problem of PO & RMS as Circle cadre, divisional cadre & now as circle cadre,
Accountants is appended herewith for immediate action and also stated that the TBOP, BCR are only financial
and settlement. upgradations and not LSG & HSG II respectively, fresh
It is further requested to convene a meeting with option should be obtained from the PO & RMS
this union to discuss the issue thread bare and find out accountants qualified officials whether they continue to
solution to this age old problem causing alarming tension remain in General / or opt to Accounts line.
amidst the qualified officials. 5. Based on the 1972 Directorate orders, the date
The AIC reviewed the issue and its pending at of qualifying the PO & RMS Accountant Exam shall be
Directorate level and decided to launch programmes if taken as criteria for LSG APM accounts promotion and
the issue has not been resolved within a time frame. the erstwhile Accountant gradation list be revived with
It is requested to redress the issue at the earliest updated entries. The provisions laid down in Rule 276 of
and intimate decision. Postal Volume IV should be adhered in right spirit.
Soliciting response 6. The LSG / APM Accountants may be allotted the
D.A: as above share of 20% as before which was in the recruitment
The PO and RMS Accountants are discharging The 27th AIC further resolves to declare the PO
the duties of higher responsibility and greater importance. & RMS Accountant as Promotional Cadre to Postal
The importance of accounts work has been recognized Assistant with higher pay and a separate Channel of
in every establishment of Govt. But it is an unfortunate Promotion to the Accounts line may be considered in order
situation in the Dept. of posts that the importance of the to overcome the present anomalies in promotion.
Accountants has not been recognized. This union has The Sixth CPC has rejected higher pay scale to
been raising the demand to grant higher pay scale to the PO & RMS Accountants as if there is no functional
PO and RMS Accountants, which was partially accepted justification exists for the same to treat them as organised
and a scale lower than L.S.G was prescribed. However Accounts cadre. This is nothing but a farce since the 6th
CPC did not consider the merits of their demand. we plead through our memorandum and in oral evidence.
The 27th AIC after having in depth discussions, The cadre become the symbol of exploitation at this
has decided to opt the PO & RMS Accountant cadre for juncture and this AIC is seriously taking note for concern.
organised Accountant cadres and they may be treated at This All India Conference held at Guntur from
par with Postal Accounts cadres by granting all 20.11.08 to 02.12.08 after threadbare discussions
promotional avenues as if available to them. unanimously resolved to request the department to
Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to consider: -
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of (i) Augment a new establishment with a
Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 nomenclature of 'System Engineer'.
l 27th AIC Resolutions on the System (ii) The newly created posts should be filled up with
Administrators - Request consideration and immediate the existing Systems Administrators by conducting a trade
action. test as a token of appreciation of their excellent
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India performance in the computer arena since the introduction
Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 on without any extra remuneration of shouldering this
the issue of System Administrators is enclosed herewith herculean task with heavy responsibilities.
for immediate consideration. Further, there are no uniform guidelines issued
The resolution itself is self explanatory and so far on the role and responsibilities of the Systems
exhaustive. The assurances already given to form a separate administrators. Each Circle has prescribed the duties on
establishment of systems Administrators have not been its own contradicting with each others. This should be
implemented so far. Similarly the problems countered by finalised.
these cadres which have been brought to your notice by Since the Systems Administrators have to attend
various references have not been mitigated so far. fault then & there, they should be granted with Road
If a separate meeting is fixed to discuss the mileage allowance with out any ceiling. They should be
problem with staff side, the issue could be resolved provided with cell phone with minimum talk value of
peacefully and by mutual acceptance. Rs.500/- per month. They should be treated as out door
It is requested to consider the same and settle staff like PRI (P) without insisting attendance or attached
the issues of systems Administrators as resolved in the with any other operative work. Additional remuneration in
27th AIC which is annexed along with this letter. the shape of OTA/incentive may be granted for the excess
A line in reply about the action taken is highly work or retention in the office beyond their office duty hours.
solicited. There is a need no keep panel of Systems
DA: as above Administrators and they should not be disturbed on flimsy
RESOLUTION ON THE SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATORS reasons. Trainers Allowance may be granted to them in
The responsibilities and the nature of work of case of imparting training to others.
the Systems Administrators are higher than the Postal The letter No.P/4-1/Systems Administrators dt
Assistants. They are working in many dimensions like 16.05.08 & 25.06.08 of the CHQ should be given proper
hardware engineer, Data base administrators, net work note and the issues should be resolved at the earliest.
administrator, installation engineer etc. They are also in This AIC further resolves to request the
charge of imparting training in computers as well as in Department not to protract the settlement on the issues
the departmental software's. They have to clear all the of Systems Administrators and request to settle the same
doubts of the officials then & there. They also need to at the earliest possible to avert major action in the future.
engage themselves in the so called ergonomics of the Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to
working environment such as installation of modular Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of
counters, fixing UPS and other electrical points for Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
computers etc. l Resolution on one time absorption to RRR
The System Administrators need to accompany candidates adopted in the 27th AIC - request action.
the inspecting authorities and assist investigation of The resolution adopted in the 27th All India
frauds and malfunctioning in the computerised offices to Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 on
fetch the required data in the required format from the one time absorption of approved RRR candidates
server; they are in charge of maintaining security of the working in Tamilnadu Circle and other circles is enclosed
network in the office. They are maintaining stock of herewith for favour of kind consideration and necessary
computers, history sheets etc. They are working without action.
minding the working hours. They have to travel to attend Since the issue is unique and also the High
problems in the systems in other offices crisscrossing Court has pronounced orders in favour of absorption of
the division. approved RRR candidates, it is requested to reconsider
However, the Postal department did not the issue on humanitarian grounds to the wards of the
recognise their service so far. The Sixth pay Commission deceased / Ex-employees.
has not dealt the issues in the proper perspective despite It is requested to kindly consider the case
sympathetically and absorb all the approved candidates' the Hon'ble Minister of Communication to kindly show
as one time measure in the existing vacancies of the mercy on the wards of the postal staff by extending one
respective circles. time absorption and withdrawing the SLP filed by the Dept
Soliciting early consideration and orders from the Supreme Court against the favourable verdict
With Kind regards, delivered by CAT also confirmed by High Court Chennai.
DA: as above Further this AIC appeal the Government to
RESOLUTION ON ONE-TIME ABSORPTION OF RRR remove the 5% ceiling fixed for the consideration to
CANDIDATES appointments under relaxation of recruitment rules and
This All India Conference of AIPEU Group 'C' held left the discretion to the concerned ministries in
at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 wishes to draw the considering such cases on humanitarian grounds.
kind attention of the Hon'ble Minister for Communications This AIC further resolves to request NFPE to
to the fact of many candidates working as Postal include the demand of 'one time absorption of approved
assistants since 1994 on daily wages selected and RRR candidates' as the prime demand and organise
recruited under compassionate grounds in relaxation of programmes to win over at the earliest possible.
recruitment rules (RRR). They are the wards of erstwhile Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to
departmental employees who either expired in harness Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of
or retired on invalidation. Their applications were duly Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
processed, scrutinized in DPC and they were selected l 27th AIC - Resolution on monetary recovery
for the Postal Assistants. For want of vacancies, they were and disciplinary action on contributory negligence
asked to perform clerical duties as Reserved Trained factors.
Pool candidates (RTP) on daily wages subsequently in The resolution adopted in the 27th All India
the vacancies. But they could not be absorbed owing to Conference of this union on the subject of monetary
the axing of posts under screening committee. Then recovery and disciplinary actions against innocent officials
suddenly the DOP had caused orders that the waiting list under contributory negligence factors is enclosed
of such candidates maintained to regularize as and when herewith for favour of kind consideration.
vacancies arise is untenable and to scrap the same. The The resolution itself is self explanatory and
aggrieved candidate were forced to move court and exhaustive. Despite clear provisions in the volume III &
obtained favourable verdict. Unfortunately the Department Disciplinary rules, the innocents are being punished
of Posts opted to go on appeal to Higher Court. But the under contributory factors under one pretext or the other.
absorption still remains an elusive dream. The lives of In several cases, the proceedings are ordered without
these candidates who are working for more than 7 to 8 quoting any statutory rules or manual and just fixed
years are delicately poised and over their heads the responsibilities on the shoulder of the innocent officials
proverbial 'Damocles' sword is precariously hanging under the contributory factors and made them as scape
forever. The Department has filed a SLP in Supreme Court goats.
against the favourable verdict pronounced in favour of It is requested to cause detailed instructions to
RRR Candidates approved earlier. This is nothing but all concerned in order to protect the innocents from the
blatant violation of agreement reached on 19.04.07 to contributory factors and guard them from the clutches of
absorb all the approved candidates as one time measure. misuse of the provisions by leaving the main offender
This 27th All India Conference held at Guntur scat free.
from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 requests the Hon'ble Minister A line in reply about the action taken is highly
of Communications to consider their case sympathetically solicited,
and on humanitarian grounds and to accord absorption DA: as above
as one time measure of all the approved candidates RESOLUTION ON MONETARY RECOVERY AND
The vacancies earmarked for RRR have not NEGLIGENCE FACTOR
been filled up in many circles since 1999 due to court Several courts of law in our country pronounced
cases on one plea or the other. The candidates could be various judgments opposing monetary recovery ordered
absorbed as one time measure in the residual vacancies from innocent officials for the SB fraud cases on
which are kept unfilled is many all circles. contributory negligence factor. The judgments quoted that
As per the recent orders of the DOP & T, the monetary recovery should not be ordered for those who
quota for compassionate appointment is raised to 5% of were not directly responsible for the loss sustained to
the total vacancies; and even if this provision is applied the Department.
and the waitlisted candidates approved against Similarly the Disc authorities are straight away
vacancies since 1999, large number of waitlisted people imposing punishments duly ordering for monetary
will get absorption and the remaining hands may be recovery on the SPMs/Signallers in case of burglaries.
absorbed as one time measure in other vacancies. Postal employees cannot be held responsible for
This 27th All India Conference fervently requests burglary cases on any count. Police authorities should
apprehend the real culprits and recover the amount from officer who exercised judicial or quasi judicial power acting
them. If the local police authorities do not evince interest, negligently or recklessly could be proceeded against by
the matter should be reported to the Police higher way of disciplinary action should be brought as a rule to
authorities for further action by the Divisional Heads. If arrest the menace and put check to the in human officers
the amount could not be recovered from the culprit, based misusing the disciplinary rules and punishing the
on police report the loss amount has to be written off with innocents on flimply reasons under the unbecoming of
the approval of the Government of India. the Government servants and on contributory factor.
The Rule 58 (Appendix) of the P & T FHB Vol - I Under these circumstances the 27th All India
stipulates that in deciding the degree of an officers conference of AIPEU Group 'C' held at Guntur from
pecuniary liability, it will be necessary to look not only to 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 resolves to oppose any action
the circumstances of the case but also to the financial against postal employees on contributory negligence
circumstances of the officer, since it should be recognised factor. Further this 27th AIC further appeal to the
that the penalty should not be such so as impair his future department to halt such practices of resorting to Disc
efficiency'. However, the Postal Department has violated action/monetary recovery against innocent officials.
its own statutory rules while ordering to recover the This conference further resolves that the primary
overpayment due to fixation of pay to postmen during Fifth offender shall alone be penalized and the defrauded /
CPC from the Accountants and officials forgetting either misappropriated amount should be recovered from him
to note the circumstance of pay fixation or impairing the only leaving the innocent officials from the contributory
efficiency of the Postal officials due to that unwarranted factors and resorting recovery on them.
recovery. This AIC further demands for necessary changes
The Golden words in the FHB Rule 58 that "every in the disciplinary rules providing the appointment of
endeavour should be made to recover the whole amount appellate committee consisting of one or two members
lost from the guilty persons" is not being adhered to. In from staff side in each circles to review the decisions of
many cases, no effort is being taken to recover the amount the disciplinary authority if appealed by the charged official
from those the over payment was made. The innocent which will pave way to arrest the undue punishment now
Postal Assistants and supervisors are being made as awarded and uphold in appeals.
scapegoats and the entire amount is being recovered. This conference further resolves to request the
The recovery on excess paid interest on TPF account in Dept that the maximum cash & stamp balance of all HOs
Bhimavaram division is one of the testimony for the blatant / SOs may be brought under insurance coverage.
violation of the Statutory rules. Similarly the remittance between the POs may also be
The Rules 11 A of CCS (CCA) Rules stating that brought into insurance coverage so that the interest of
recovery should made only if the official is directly the officials will be protected.
responsible or the rules 107&108 of volume III about the Letter No.: P/1-1/AIC Dated - 17.12.2008 addressed to
consideration of extenuating nature while imposing Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of
recovery were merely on the books and volumes and not Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
being applied in any case. Even the Rule 204 A (i) of l Resolution on counting of Past services as RTP
volume III to condone the honest errors if the official has for Promotion benefits adopted in the 27th AIC Held at
acted in good faith and done his best up to the limits of Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 - reg.
his ability & experience become invisible to the jaundiced The Copy of the resolution on the above subject
eyes of the many disciplinary authorities. adopted in the 27th All India Conference held at Guntur
In General, the charges are usually framed that from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 is enclosed for favour of kind
the employees did not adhere this rule or that and all consideration.
these are quoted only when a loss occurs. The other Since the Apex Court has directed the
rules like providing adequate man power as per the Department to count the past services for promotion in
standards or the basic working condition provided to respect of APS officials who were erstwhile RTPS, the
observe the rules etc do not come in their mind while same analogy may be applied for the remaining officials.
ordering such in human recoveries. It is requested to kindly consider the case most
Above all there is unwarranted delay in sympathetically and accord orders which will sort out the
disposing the disciplinary cases, which causes tension long pending grievance of the erstwhile RTP officials.
and mental agony to the charged officials who are Yours early response is highly solicited.
completely helpless to fight out the delay. The disciplinary With kind regards,
authority is fully armed to cut short any delay he wants. DA: as above
He is fully authorised to decide a case ex parte when the RESOLUTION ON COUNTING OF PAST SERVICES AS
reply from the official is not received in time. They can R.T.P. FOR PROMOTION
misuse the Rule 3 (i) to punish any one. This 27th All India Conference of AIPEU Group
The Supreme Court in Historical judgment in 'C' held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 wishes to
the C.A. No. 2168 of 2006 dt. 21.04.2006 that "When an firmly urge the Government of India to favourably consider
the demand to include the past services rendered as departmental promotion examination".
RTP candidate for Promotional benefits. Under Article 368 of CSRs (Rule 14 of CCS
With a view to meeting the shortage of staff due (Pension) Rules 1972), periods of service paid from
to absenteeism and other causes and also to manage contingencies do not count as qualifying service for
the increased flow of traffic and also to curtail expenditure pension. In some cases, employees paid from
on overtime, the P&T Department has introduced the RTP contingencies are employed in types of work requiring
(Reserved Trained Pool) scheme vide its No.60-36/80- services of whole time worker and paid on monthly rates
SPB dt.30.10.1980. of pay or daily rates computed and paid on monthly basis
"At the time of recruitment every time, after select and on being found fit, brought on to regular
list is drawn up, an additional list of candidates known as establishment. In pursuance of the recommendations of
Part "B" or Part II is prepared for each Recruiting Units. the council, it has been decided that half the service paid
The Part 'B' or Part II list is meant for filling the dropouts in from contingencies will be allowed to count towards
the main selection list". In addition, a further list of pension at the time of absorption in regular employment.
candidates up to 50% of the no. of candidates in the main Such being the case for contingent staff, the
list, is to be drawn up which is called Reserved Pool. RTPs utilized as 'SDC' performed all the duties and
Their permanent absorption could be made only in Jan'90 responsibilities as PAs/ SAs, with their duty period
due to TBOP promotion & Ban on recruitment. restricted to 8 hours per day and wages on prorate to PA
In the meeting held with the Minister on 23.10.01, cadre for the period of duty computed and paid on monthly
Member (P) informed that the demand for taking their basis, are therefore, on a much worse footing than the
past services could not be accepted since the RTP contingent staff, and extending the benefit of the period
Recruitment was made outside the Recruitment Rules. spent by them as 'SDC' to count for 'Qualifying Service'
The Directorate in its letter No.10-7/2003/SR, Dt. would be fair, reasonable and justified.
4.11.03, while Communicating the stage of progress of On the analogy of
various demands, it is formed that the demand of the i. Rule 22 of CCS (Pen) Rules 1972 - Period spent on
union being contrary to the judgment of the Apex Court Training - 3 months
(S.C Judgment dt.1.8.97 in OA Nos. 80-123 of 1996) is ii. Rule 48-B of CCS (Pen) Rule 1972 -On voluntary
not acceptable and the case closed. retirement -Up to 5 years.
Again in the Periodical meeting of JCM iii. Rule 21 of CCS (Pen) Rules 1972 -EOL on MC - Max.
(Departmental Council) held on 18.11.03, while at a time 5 Years.
discussing this issue under item No.9, the similar reply Applying the norms applied for learners in 1960 also
citing S.C. Judgment was given to the Staff side. RTPs would be benefited too. RTP service could be
The Dept has closed its minds in this issue considered for retrial benefits.
without minding various developments taken place after Various Supreme Court judgment pronounced in
the issue of Supreme Court judgment on 1.8.97. similar cases confirm that the benefits should also
The Supreme Court judgment pertains mainly to be extended to RTPs.
to the absorption of all erstwhile RTPs and against various Further, the Government misinterpreted the
pronouncements in CATs in favour to RTP Personnel. judgment of Supreme Court while disposing the SLP
In the said judgment the remark passed on the (Civil) 80-123Of 1996 filed by Government of India and
counting of past services is restricted to appear in the rejected the entire demands of RTPs. This particular
departmental examination only. There was no mention judgment pertains to only the eligibility criteria for
about Promotion & Pension benefits. The extract portion department promotion and does not relate to counting of
is furnished interalia. past RTP service for retirement benefits.
"In C.A. Nos. 127-130 of 1996, the RTPs who The services rendered in private establishments
have been regularly absorbed in the year 1988 have been by the P&T Canteen employees are now being taken into
given the benefit of counting their service as RTPs for the account for pensionary benefits as per DO P&T orders
purpose of their eligibility to appear for the departmental based on the Supreme Court pronouncement made in
examination. The relevant rules provide that the 1999. Such being the case, there is every justification for
candidates must have put in at least 5 years continuous taking the past services of the RTP for promotional
satisfactory service in one or more eligible cadre before aspects.
they can appear for the examination. The eligibility is The Apex court has uphold the decision of the
related to five years service either cadre. Any service, Chennai High Court in granting service benefits of RTPs
which was, rendered prior to regular appointment in the for TBOP promotion to those deputed form the Post offices
cadre, cannot count for the purpose of this rule because to Army Postal Service during their Period on RTP. Non-
it cannot consider as service in the eligible cadre. The application of similar concession in treating the services
Tribunal was therefore wrong in granting RTPs the benefit of RTP as qualifying services for promotion is tantamount
of service by them prior to their regular appointment, for to denial of justice to the similarly situated persons.
the purpose of their eligibility to appear for the (Contd. on page 21)
The story of "Hare and Tortoise" and India Post
Bruhaspati Samal
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C
While I witness the rising trend in on. Subsequently, the next generation of the Hare in
modernization and rapid computerization in the the age of Information Technology considered the defeat
Department of Posts through LAN, WAN and MAN of their ancestor from a mere Tortoise as a serious
and identification of more and more aam admi Post offence. Referring to Darwin's theory of evolution, they
Offices day by day under Project Arrow incurring huge opined that since there had been no change in the
expenditure in the name of "Look and Feel Good" physical structure of the hare and the Tortoise, the
without any pre-check and proper assessment of its hare would certainly be the swiftly running animal and
own economic standard, ground realities of the Post history had recorded it wrongly favouring the Tortoise.
Offices, shortage of man power due to ban on new They demanded to change the earlier decision in favour
creation and imposition of the arbitrary Screening of the Hare. The Tortoise now felt humiliated and
Committee, the story of "Hare and Tortoise" strikes in considered such opinion of the hares of IT generation
my mind in a different way. With a purpose of teaching as an attack on his self-conceit, modesty, nobility and
us the central idea - "Slow and steady wins the race" humbleness. The Tortoise tired his best to make these
- we have been told the story of "Hare and Tortoise" hares understand the reality about his earlier victory
several times during our primary school education. We and agreement with the Hare. But a group of hares of
all know that the Tortoise won the race due to his this IT generation accompanied with some sycophants
constant persistence and the Hare did not for his challenged the Tortoise to prove his efficiency once
laziness and overconfidence. Let me extend the story again. Due to their possession of IT tools, advanced
to suit the present attitude of our Department to win technology and being imparted with various trainings
the race of computerization / modernization. in the mean time, these hares of IT generation became
Being ashamed of his defeat, the Hare very confident of their win. The overconfident hares
challenged the Tortoise. Realizing his fault of sleeping also extended the goal point beyond the peepal tree
under the banyan tree in the middle of the race, he which was fixed in the last round and re-fixed it to be
became very cautious in the second round and ran the horizon where the sky touches the earth. Now to
continuously without any break and finally won in the retain his self respect and to struggle for existence,
second round. But the cunning Tortoise invited the Hare the Tortoise had no other alternative but to agree with
for the third round race with condition of changing the such a proposal. The race started once again. The
point of destination. The tortoise suggested to touch Hare ran and ran crossing the banyan tree, the river
the peepal tree across the river. Being confident of his bank, the peepal tree, the hills and forests across the
winning, the Hare agreed and the race started. But river without looking back with the only intention of
when the river came, the Hare just stopped and the touching the horizon and to prove his efficiency better.
Tortoise without facing any hurdle dived and swam But on the contrary, the Tortoise went slowly in his
across to touch the point of destination. The hare was normal speed and rested under the banyan tree. When
again defeated and felt ashamed for entering into the asked, the Tortoise simply replied that he might start
agreement without accessing his capability of when the hare would be nearer to the horizon. The
swimming with that of the Tortoise. Now he Hare was running and running ahead. The spectators
compromised with the Tortoise and suggested to have and judges waited for the Hare to come back with a
an agreement that both would work in tandem without new record. But he did not return. Where is the horizon?
giving any challenge to each other. On land, where History repeated - "Too much cunningness undoes.
the hare can run swiftly, the Tortoise will sit on the The Hare is not only foolish but less intelligent than
hare's back and on water where the Tortoise can swim, the Tortoise."
the position would be reverse. Thus, they agreed to The narration of this old story in such a manner
work with a team spirit to conquer both land and water. keeps quite relevance to the rising trend of
And this is called the secrecy of success with team computerization and modernization in the Department
spirit. Both proved "Union is strength". Comrades! of Posts. as if, the Department is trying to touch the
Don't you think that if the Official Side works in tandem horizon. As we experience, it is entering into any
with the Staff Side with proper understanding of each agreement anywhere with anybody and introducing
others capability, the Department can achieve any several new products and services starting from e-Post
success it desires? But Alas! if any such thing to e-MO blindly without proper assessment of its own
happens at all ! financial viability, business strategies, income-cost
Now let me continue the story. Days passed analysis and similar other factors. Illustratively, the
PO-SHG-NABARD Linkage Scheme for disbursal of fails to supply timely the daily requirements of less
micro credit to women Self Help Groups, agreement costly items like carbon papers and pins etc., while
with Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd for sale of insurance the administrations expresses its inability to cane /
products, agreements with SBI, UTI, Franklin repair a torn/broken chair and staff are compelled to
Templeton and others for mutual fund business, work in an unhealthy atmosphere, while the rates of
Memorandum of Understanding between the OTA / FSC / sweeping / gardening / water carrying
Department of Posts and the Ministry of Railways to allowance are not being revised for years together, such
book railway reservation tickets through Post Offices, extravagance is highly unappreciable and need to be
SBI's tie-up with India Post for sourcing the former's protested at any cost.
assets, liability and investment products , introduction The Department is overconfident of its vast
of Logistics Post Air , Instant Money Order (iMO) network. But what is the human resource within? The
service , Electronic Money Order ( e-MO ) Service, arbitrary Screening Committee has taken away more
launching of International Express Delivery Service in than 50000 posts in the mean time. The ego of being
partnership with Deutsche Post Worldnet (DPWN) the oldest and largest may not count. Who will
etc. are worth mentioning here. In addition, with a implement the policies? How a single handed SPM
purpose to create a faster response mechanism to with as many as 15 to 20 BOs will handle thousands
meet the emerging challenge of modern Information of NREGS Accounts? Without additional staff, without
and Communication Technology, the Department of creation of new posts even after justification, without
Posts has now launched "Project Arrow" as "windows sanction of justified OTA in the plea of paucity of funds,
to the world for the common man" ( Aam Admi ). 500 without proper scale of pay and even without grant of
post offices have been identified for this pilot project officiating pay, we are forced to work. Hanging the
with a view to cover 50 POs by 15th August, 2008 and banners of the oriental Insurance Company, we have
rest 400 P Os by 31st December, 2008. To suit the been given to achieve the targets for Postal Life
new design necessary construction / reconstruction insurance, distributing the leaflets of SBI, we have been
work of the identified PO buildings is rapidly going on ordered to open fixed numbers of S B and R D
demolishing the existing counters / public places which Accounts. How disgusting! We have experienced the
were even built a few months ago. Crores of rupees failure of VSAT. The required forms and pass books
are being spent in this regard. Recently, another 4500 are not available in the PSDs. Bar code stickers are
POs have been identified under the project. Further not being supplied to S Os for booking of Speed Post
another pilot project effecting mobile payment system articles. No AMC is being signed for timely
utilizing ICT(Information Communication Technology) maintenance of computers. The Department fails to
based on payment of wages through Mobile handsets replace a damaged pillar letter box due to want of
to be used by BPMs of selected Branch Post Offices stock. How the policies will run effectively where there
is proposed to be implemented for NREGS wage is no vision? The Department is introducing such
earners. This apart, in the name of introducing a products and services unilaterally without taking the
corporate logo, the Department, incurring huge Staff Side into confidence and trying to pluck where it
expenditure beyond imagination changed our has not planted. To achieve their vested interest, the
prestigious logo which had been the pride and glory of bureaucrats are making the innocent employees of
the Department of Posts through out years occupying the Department the cat's paw. Will such policies ever
a special space not only in the blood and soul of its sustain? Let's think deeply on these issues and guide
employees but in the hearts of crores of Indian citizens the Department properly for its existence?
creating a separate status and identity of the A danger foreseen is half avoided. Can we be
Department. One can easily guess the probable able to forecast, Comrades?
expenditure that would incur in changing the name /
sign boards with repainting of the new logo on one (Contd. from page 19)
hand and the type of gain the Department would Therefore the 27th All India Conference of AIPEU
achieve with such logo change on the other. Group 'C' held of Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08
While we welcome any project that is unanimously resolves
aimed at improving the postal services i) To request the Govt once again to view sympathetically
accompanied with technological advancement, to grant the promotional benefits to erstwhile RTPs
we should not forget that we have already been warned duly counting their RTP service also.
by the Planning Commission to attain self sufficiency ii) To request the Federation to take all out efforts
and at present we are striving for the same. In such a organizationally to win this just demand.
period, a layman can treat such unnecessary wastage iii) To authorise the General Secretary to proceed legally
of money as a blunder only. While the administration if need be.
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
PF-1(e)/13/2008 Dated 11th December 2008. RESOLUTION OF FEDERAL SECRETARIAT
To The Federal Secretariat of NFPE which met at
All NFPE Office Bearers / All General the office of the NFPE on the afternoon of 9.12.2008 on
Secretaries / Circle Secretaries. analysing the entire development of events taken place
including the situation arising out of submission of
All Divisional / Branch Secretaries through
Indefinite Strike notice by the GDS Union, has unanimously
respective Circle Secretaries.
resolved to call upon the entirety of postal regular
Dear Comrades! employees to extend total solidarity to the striking GDS by
TOTAL SOLIDARITY TO GDS joining the Indefinite Strike from 17.12.2008 and make
INDEFINITE STRIKE the strike programme of GDS a grand success.
NFPE Federal Secretariat that met on 9.12.2008 This Secretariat also resolves unanimously
thoroughly discussed the entire developments taken place to call upon the Postal Board to hold meaningful
since our earlier Federal Secretariat Meeting held on negotiations immediately with the Staff Side and reject
8.11.2008. The submission of Nataraja Murti Committee the negative recommendations of the GDS Committee
recommendations; the need for united struggle to get the as well as to modify them as demanded by the unions
negative recommendations rejected and necessary / federations and avert the Indefinite Strike in the larger
modifications accepted by the Government; the decision interest of three lakhs of Gramin Dak Sewaks and
of the all India Convention of NFPE held at Guntur for also to protect tranquillity and peace in Department of
launching a united Indefinite Strike from 6.1.2009 on a Posts.
common Postal Charter of Demands and on a common NFPE AND AFFILIATES SERVE
CG Employees Charter of Demands; the submission of NOTICE TO DEPARTMENT
Indefinite Strike notice for strike from 17.12.2008 by the
NFPE and all Affiliated Unions have submitted
GDS Union undermining the decisions of the NFPE
a joint letter dated 9.12.2008 to the Secretary [P]
Unions for a joint strike with preparations during
expressing the above decision of the Federal
December etc have all been considered by the Federal
Secretariat and intimating that this letter may be treated
as a Strike Notice. The Department was requested to
Though the NFPE Federal Secretariat was of immediately hold negotiations with the Staff Side for
unanimous view that the GDS Union should have fallen modifying the recommendations of Nataraja Murti
in line with the decision of the NFPE for a joint Indefinite Committee as demanded by the unions / federations
Strike from 6.1.2009 for which Notice should be served in order to avert a strike and to maintain peace. Please
on 19.12.2008 and hectic strike tour from 21.12.2008 to download the copy of this letter from our websites.
4.1.2009 to ensure total participation of postal employees
on a Postal Charter of Demands of both GDS and regular
employees for ensuring better victorious results, the
Secretariat has assessed that the GDS Union is not likely In accordance with the decisions of the All India
to withdraw the strike notice served by it and therefore the Convention of NFPE at Guntur, a letter of ultimatum
situation emerged is very crucial in the interests of three containing the Postal Charter of Demands as formulated
lakhs of GDS and to our movement. by the Convention was submitted to the Secretary [P] on
10.12.2008. It is a 19 points Charter of Demands as
The NFPE Secretariat was of the considered
furnished below. But the full text of the Charter of
opinion that irrespective of the stand taken by the GDS
Demands including the Sectional Charter of Demands
Union, the movement cannot allow the GDS to be isolated
submitted on 15.02.2008, which forms part of the present
at the time of their struggle for modification of the
Charter of Demands also, can be downloaded from our
recommendations of Nataraja Murti Committee that is
loaded with many anti-GDS recommendations. The
Secretariat considered that any failure would result in The Department is requested to hold meaningful
losing the gains registered by the NFPTE - NFPE negotiations and settlement on all these vital issues of
movement during the past four decades for GDS and postal employees before 18.12.2008. It was also intimated
therefore the Federation and all the affiliated Unions / that as per the decision of the All India Convention, failure
Associations cannot but take a firm stand to render total to negotiate and settle will result in an Indefinite Strike
solidarity to the GDS by joining the Indefinite Strike from during the first week of January. The copy of this letter also
17.12.2008. It was in this background the following can be downloaded from our websites.
resolution was unanimously adopted: (Contd. on page 31)
u Grant of HRA to the postal staff working 2. It is requested to look into the matter and
at Mangadu under Tambaram Division in Tamil furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest.
Nadu Circle. (D(SR & Legal) No. 16/99/2008-SR dated 01-12-2008
Kindly find enclosed photocopy of a letter addressed to Chief PMG, H.P. Circle)
dated 07-11-2008, received from the General Secretary u Alleged alarming Service condition &
AIPEU, Group 'C' New Delhi on the subject noted sufferings to the staff working in Dr. Mukerjee
above. It seems, that the proposal on the above subject Nagar PO in New Delhi North Division-reg.
has not been received in this office. You are, therefore, I am directed to enclose a copy of letter no.
requested to submit the same, complete in every P/2-5/Delhi North dated 17.10.2008 received from the
respect. The proposal should be accompanied with General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union,
latest establishment review report, duly examined/ Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject.
concurred by Circle IFA and approved by Head of the
Circle. A certificate to the effect that all efforts for 2. It is requested to look into the matter and
furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest.
rationalizing of staff of this post office have been made
may also be submitted alongwith the establishment (No. 16/97/2008-SR dated 01-12-2008 addressed to
review. Chief PMG, Delhi Circle)
(No.4-59/2008-PAP dated 25-11-2008 addressed to u Continued grant of HRA to the postal staff
Chief PMG Tamil Nadu) working at Kannankurichi Post Office near Salem
in Tamil Nadu Circle.
u Request for LSG promotion -C/o FTP
qualified of Mumbai GPO-reg. I am directed to refer to this office letter of
even number dated 16.09.2008, on the subject noted
I am directed to refer to your letter no. P/2-
above. Reply has not been received from your office
13/Mumbai GPO, dated 2.8.2006 addressed to
Member (P) (received on 20.11.2008) regarding the till date. You are, therefore, requested to expedite the
same, as the General Secretary, AIPEU class III is
appeals dated 18.04.2006 submitted by Smt. V.V.
pressing hard for early settlement of the case.
Vaskar and Smt. D.S. Apte, PAs, Mumbai GPO
addressed to Secretary, Department of Posts for (DG(P) No. 4-33/A/2007-PAP dated 25-11-2008
withdrawal of their declination to LSG (NB) and to say addressed to PMG, Western Region Coimbatore)
that the Maharashtra Circle has already been informed u High handed attitude of the SSPOs,
of the decision taken in the matter vide this Office Jalandhar causing strike action by all unions from
letter of even number dated 29.01.2008. 12.11.2008-reg.
(DG No. 44-9/2006-SPB.II dated 03-12-2008) I am directed to refer to the Department's letter
u Financial Assistance/Natural Calamity of even No. dated 21.11.2008 on the above mentioned
Advance to the Flood Victims of Orissa Circle- subject and to state that the requisite information is
reg. still to be received. Meanwhile, a representation vide
letter No. P/2-17/Jalandhar dated 14.11.2008 has also
I am directed to enclose a copy of letter no.
P/2-16/Orissa dated 10.11.2008 received from the been received from General Secretary, All India Postal
Employees Union Group 'C', a copy of which is
General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union,
Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject.
2. It is requested to look into the matter and It is requested to look into the matter and
furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest.
furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest.
(No. 16/98/2008-SR dated 04-12-2008 addressed to
(DG No. 16/100/2008-SR dated 01-12-2008 addressed
Chief PMG, Punjab Circle)
to Chief PMG, Orissa Circle)
u Alleged unhelpful and anti worker u Alleged atrocities and mal-administration
of SSPOs, Meerut Division in UP Circle-reg.
activities of the SPOs, Dharamshala-request to
rein in-reg. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-
I am directed to enclose a copy of letter no. 20/Meerut dated 28.12.2007 on the above mentioned
P/2-8/HP Circle dated 15.11.2008 received from the
General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, 2. The matter has been examined in consultation
Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject. with the Circle Office. The position is as indicated
i&ii) No irregularity was noticed in transfer orders baseless. It is correct that Shri Singh
issued by the SSPOs. No complaint/ dismissed Shri Pooran Lal Raikwar, the then
representation has been received from any of the Divisional secretary. But it is not established
official except Shri Kailash Yadav, Divisional that the officer misused disciplinary powers
Secretary, AIPEU Group 'C' who is facing Rule-14 as alleged.
Charge sheet on charges of payment of forged v) No complaint about misbehaviour or using
commission on RD deposits which was deposited unparliamentarily language by the officer
directly at counter by the Account holder. It was have been received. It is correct that certain
also seen that no specific instance has been FIRs were made against the officer in
referred by the union. Bulandshahar, Aligarh Division.
iii) No favour in transfer/punishment was noticed. The vi) It is correct that Shri Pooran Lal Raikwar, the
reviewing authority in Regional office reviews the then Divisional Secretary, AIPEU, P-III Jhansi
punishment awarded to the officials regularly. Division was dismissed on 28.10.2005 by Shri
iv) As no specific instance were given, no comments H.P. Singh on account of his involvement in
can be offered. case of misappropriation of Rs. 36,000/- at
v) No LSG official has been posted in single/double Sippri Bazar SO Jhansi. As such the
handed office after they were promoted in LSG allegation that the officer took revenge and
cadre. The orders of transfer of Shri Sheesh Pal dismissed the Divisional Secretary due to
Singh was issued by Regional office after report about his corrupt activities is baseless.
considering his representation vide RO letter No. vii) Shri H.P. Singh while working as SSPOs
RPB/STA/Rep-19/2007 dated 27.06.07 Azamgarh transferred Shri Ram Chandgra
vi) Sardhana PO is LSG sub Post office and hence, Prasad, AP to Mahul PO Azamgarh. The
there is no restriction to post an official again in official lodged FIR under Section 352/304, 506
the same office if he had completed his tenure in and 3(1)(10) SC ST Act at Kotwali Azamgarh.
any other office. The restrictions are applicable in Police has submitted final report but the court
single/double handed offices only. has not accepted and the case is pending.
i) It is fact that the officer has worked as SPOs (No. 16-117/2007-SR dated 05-12-2008)
Etawah, Bulandshahar and as SSPOs Jhansi u Issue of Duplicate RPLI Pass Book-
& Aligarh in Agra Region. The officer joined Verification of credits-reg.
as SPO Etawah after transfer from Kheri I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/4-5/
Division. He was transferred to the post of Operations dated 10.11.2008 on the above subject.
SPOs Bulandshahar at his own request and Duplicate PR book are required to be issued after
cost, and as ADPS, RO Agra against vacant proper verification of the Ledger Card of the Insurant.
post. Further, he was transferred to the post Since Ledger Cards for PLI/RPLI are not maintained
of Manager BD Lucknow GPO. After at Sub Office, it is not proper to ask the Sub offices to
promotion the officer was allotted to Agra furnish the Credit details and certificates.
Region and posted as SSPOs Aligarh and (No. 30-2/2008-LI dated 04-12.2008)
subsequently on request and cost he was
posted as SSPOs Jhansi. As far as transfer u Atrocities and High handedness of Ex-
SSPOs Kovilpatti, request removal of
of the officer from one Division to another in
victimization - case of Shri S. Subramanian, TBOP,
Agra Region is concerned, it was in public
Postal Assistant, Sankarankail, Kovilpatti, Tamil
interest and not on administrative ground.
Nadu Circle.
ii) The allegation that appointments of BPMS I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-
made by Shri H.P. Singh while holding the 19/Sankarankail dated 12.06.2008 on the above
charge of SPOs Bulandshahar were cancelled mentioned subject. The Tamil Nadu Circle has reported
is not correct. In fact, no appointment of BPM that all the unauthorized absence of Shri S.
made by Shri H.P. Singh in Bulandshahar Subramanian, TBOP, Postal Assistant, period has
Division was cancelled. been regularized by granting leave due to him and the
iii) The expenditure was made by Shri Singh after leave salary has since been paid to official. The Pay
seeking AA/ES from RO Agra. and Allowances for the period from 29.11.2007 to
iv) The allegation that the officer was involved in 13.12.2007 originally ordered to be withheld have also
the bogus cash conveyance and charged Rs been released on 28.08.2008.
1000/- per day for cash conveyance is (DG(P) No. 51-2/2008-SPB-II dated 18-12-2008)
Central Administrative Tribunal Bangalore Bench (iii) Grant such other relief deemed fit, having regard
Bangalore original application No. 446/2007 dated this to the lacto and circumstances of the case"
the first day of September, 2008 Hon'ble Shri G. 3. We pursued the pleadings and considered the
Shanthappa Member (J) Hon'ble Shri Gautam Ray submission made by learned connil for the
Member (A) respondents.
Shri D. Srinivasa Rao, 4 After service of notice on the respondents,
S/o D. Satyararayana Rao, have filed reply statement taking various grounds
Aged 57 years, working as including Rule-39 of P&T manual Vol-4. The learned
Sub-Post Master, Counsel for the applicant has relied on the judgment
Siddarth Nagar P.O. of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Chief
Mysore-570011. Commissioner of Income Tax and Others vs. V.Subba
Applicant Rao and Others reported in 2004 SCC (L&S) 201 in
(By Shri A.R. Holla, Advocate) which while determining the seniority the date of
VS appointment has been considered. In the instant case
1. Union of India, the respondents have considered the case of the
By Secretary applicants from the date of confirmation in the service.
Department of Posts, The learned Counsel for the respondents has produced
Dak Bhavan, Government instructions dated 04.11.1992, the
New Delhi-110002. instructions was referred by the Hon'ble Supreme Court
2. Chief Post Master General, in the case of Direct Recruit Class II Engineering
Karnataka Circle, Officers Association vs. State of Maharashtra, para
3. Senior Superintendent of Post Office, 47 (a) of the said judgment, it was declared, the
Mysore Division, seniority of a person regularly appointed to a post
Mysore-57020. according to rule would be determined by the order of
& Others merit indicated at the time of initial appointment and
Respondents not according to the date of his confirmation. The
(By Shri V.N. Holla, learned Additional Central learned Counsel for the applicant submits that the O.M.
Government Standing Counsel for Respondents-1 to3) dated 04.11.1992 has already been considered while
O R D E R (ORAL) deciding the case by the Hon'ble Supreme Court which
SHRI G.SHANTHAPPA, MEMBER (J): is reported in 2004 SCC L&S 201 in the case of Chief
We heard the learned Counsel Shri A.R. Holla, Commissioner of Income Tax and Others vs. V. Subba
appearing for the applicant and Shri V.N. Holla, Rao and others.
Additional Central Government Standing Counsel 5 We have carefully examined the submissions
appearing for the respondents. made from either side, without going to the merits of
2. The above application has been filed under the case, since the respondents have not considered
section 19 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 the case of the applicant as held by the Hon'ble
seeking for the following reliefs: Supreme Court supra, we direct the respondents to
"(i) To quash the (a) Order No.BI/LSG/Dlgs dated consider the present OA as the representation and to
@ Mysore 570020 the 03.04.2007, issued by take decision in accordance with Rules and the
the respondent No.3, Annexure-A4, so far it judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court supra. If the
relates to the promotion of the respondents department of Post wants and clarification, they are
No.4 to 8 is concerned and (b) Order No. BI/ at a liberty to obtain instructions from the DoP&T. The
LSG/Dlgs dated as Mysore-20 the respondents are directed to consider the case of the
23.08.2007, issued by the respondent No.3, applicant as mentioned above within a period of 3
Annexure-A6 in so far as the applicant is months from the date of receipt of the copy of this
concerned. Order.
(ii) Direct the respondents No. 1 to 3 to consider 6 O.A. is disposed of accordingly. No costs
the applicant to the post of LSG in accordance Sd/- Sd/-
with the rules, Annexure A1 and extend (GAUTAM RAY) (G.SHANTHAPPA)
consequential benefits and MEMBER (A) MEMBER (J)
l Uniform for Postmen and Group 'D' SAG/JAG Level Group "A" IPOS posts in the same
As you are aware, India Post introduced Blue scale of pay with immediate effect or till further orders.
Uniform for the Postmen and Group 'D' in the year i) Redeployment of the post PMG, Bihar(BD,
2004 during the celebrations of 150 years of the Post Tech. & Mktg.) post from Bihar Circle to West
Office in India. Representations from the staff general Bengal Circle.
as well as some of the Staff Unions, in particular, have ii) Redeployment of the post of Director (BD,
been received in the last four years about their Tech, & Mktg.) Karnataka Circle to Bihar
unhappiness over this decision. Some sections of our Circle.
staff have demanded that India Post should revert to iii) Redeployment of the post of Director ((BD,
the Khaki uniform with improved fabric which would Tech, & Mktg,) Kerala Circle as Director
meet the requirements of creating a positive brand
(Technology Operations), Postal Directorate,
image of the Department in the eyes of the public and
New Delhi.
also make our officials comfortable while wearing the
2. The competent authority has further decided
new uniform. Secretary (P) has desired that this issue
that Director (MB) in West Bengal Circle be a part of
needs broad consultations with the Heads of Circles
the Circle Office and Airport Sorting Office will be
as well all the Staff Unions. Accordingly, I request you
headed by a PSS Group "B" Officer.
to kindly consult the Staff Unions in your Circle and
offer your valuable suggestions on this proposal. 3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).
2. There is also a demand about improving the (DG(P) No.43-32/2008-PE.II Dated: 14-11-2008)
quality of chappals/umbrellas or simply make cash l Additional duties for Postman/Delivery
payment in lieu of chappals and umbrellas. I request Staff.
your to kindly offer your valuable suggestions on this On account of changes in work scenario of the
proposal as well. Post Offices brought about due to the Induction of
3. Further, I request you to kindly send your technology and primacy of business products, the
views to this office latest by 22 October, 2008 duties and responsibilities of the postman have
(DG(P) No.2-4/2006-UPE dated 3-10-2008) undergone a vast change. In order to incorporate these
changes, the following duties are prescribed in addition
l Revision of Special Allowance and Cash
to the duties already prescribed for Postman/Delivery
Handling Allowance-Recommendations of the
Staff in the Postal Manual Volume VI/ Chapter III:-
Sixth Central Pay Commission.
Additional Duties of Postman/Delivery Staff
Consequent upon the decision taken by the
Government on the recommendations made by the (i) Data entry in various modules (Postman,
Sixth Pay Commission and in supersession of this Speednet) of Meghdoot software of all mail articles
Department's O.M. No. 4/4/97-Estt. (Pay II) dated given to them for delivery. This duty will be performed
22.4.98 and OM. No. 4/5/97-Estt. (Pay II) dated 5.5.98 during the 80 minutes period (60 minutes before the
on the subject of Special Allowance and Cash Handling hours of delivery and 20 minutes after return from the
Allowance respectively, the President is pleased to beat) on each working day within the overall duty hours.
double the existing rates of these Allowances. The (ii) Assistance to Sorting Postman/Head
rates of these allowances will be increased by 25% Postman in beat sorting, wherever available. Where
every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised there are no posts of Sorting Postman/Head Postman,
pay scales goes up by 50%. the Postman will attend to beat sorting.
2. These orders shall be effective from 1st w Delivery of any pamphlets or Brochures
September, 2008. presented under Direct Post.
3. Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit w Collection of surplus cash from sub Post
& Accounts Department are concerned, these orders offices lying in the beat and remitting cash to the main
issue after consultation with the Computroller & Auditor post office to which they are attached, whenever
General of India. ordered by the Postmaster.
(DoP & T OM No. 4/6/2008-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 1.10.08) w Assisting in Table sorting, Segregation of
l Redeployment of the posts of Indian missent articles, misdirected articles and Beat sorting.
Postal Officer Service-Reg. w Preparation of special delivery slips for bulk
Approval of competent authority is hereby addressees by data entry in the postman module.
accorded to the temporary redeployment of following w Sorting of accountable articles and Money
orders beat wise and their entry in the computer mentioned that the intention of the Pay Commission
system for printing the delivery slips. in recommending Child Care Leave for women
w Entry of undelivered accountable articles/ employees was facilitate women employees to take
Money orders in the postman module. cre of their childreen at the time of need. However,
w To act as an agent for promoting PLI/RPLI this does not mean that CCL should disrupt the
and Business Development Products. functioning of Central Government offices. The nature
w Assistance to the treasurers in sorting of the of this leave was envisaged to be the same as that of
currency notes and making bundles denomination wise earned leave. Accordingly, while maintaining the spirit
and also escort the treasurer while drawing and of Pay Commission's recommendations intact and
remittance of cash to Bank/Treasury. also harmonizing the smooth functioning of the offices,
w Drawal of revenue stamps from treasury/sub the following clarifications are issued in consultation
treasury if ordered by the Postmaster. with the Department of Expenditure (Implementation
w Utilizing the services for data entry of RPLI/ Cell) with regard to Child Care Leave for Central
PLI proposals and generating acceptance momos for Government employees:-
policies on payment of some Incentive. i) CCL cannot be demanded as a matter of right.
w Preparing the beat list and the beat map of Uner no circumstances can any employee
the beat and updating the same on a regular basis. proceed on CCL without prior proper approval of
w Any other duty assigned by the Department/ the leave by the leave sanctioning authority.
Head of the Office. ii) The leave is to be treated like the Earned Leave
2. This has the approval of Secretary (Posts). and sanctioned as ssuch.
(DG(P) No.25-20/2008-PE.I Dated : 25.11.2008) iii) Consequently, Saturdays, Sundays, Gazetted
holidays etc. falling during the period of leave
l Constitution of a Cell for implementation
would also count for CCL, as in the case of
of the recommendations of the Gramin Dak Sevak
Earned Leave.
Committee- Reg.
iv) CCL can be availed only if the employee
Approval of competent authority is hereby
concerned has no Earned Leave at her credit.
accorded to the constitution of Implementation Cell to
examine the implementation of the recommendations (DoP & T OM No. 13018/2/2008-Estt.(L) Dated: 18-
of GDS Committee under a nodal officer. ADG (Estt.) 11-2008)
will be the Nodal Officer for processing the l Sixth Central Pay Commission
recommendations and will be provided the assistance Recommendation-Special dispensation in the
of following staff: form of Special Casual Leave to Central
1. ASPO/Inspector, Government Employees with disabilities.
2. Assistant, The undersigned os directed to say that the
3. LDC Sixth Central Pay Commission had recommended that
4. Independent Personal Assistant. the number of Casual Leave available for employees
2. Approval of competent authority also conveyed with disabilities should be 12 days as against 8 days
to the temporarily redeployment of the post of Inspector for other employees and it has been decided that the
(Posts) attached to GDS Committee as Inspector additional benefit of 4 days leave shall be granted in
Impementation Cell. the form of Special Casual Leave. The undersigned is
(DG(P) No.6-2/2008-PE-II Dated: 19-11-2008) accordingly directed to convey the sanction of the
l Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government that Central Government employees with
Government employees as a result Sixth Central disabilities as defmed in the Persons with
Pay Commission - clarification retgarding- Disabilites (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights
The order regarding introduction of Child Care and Full Participation) Act, 1995 may be granted Special
leave (CCL) in respect of Central Government Casual Leave for 4 (four) days in a calendar year for
employees were issued vide this Department's O.M. specific requirements relating to the disabilitiy of the
of even number dated 11th September, 2008. officcial.
Subsequently, clarification in this regard were also 2. These Order take effect from 1st September 2008.
issued vide O.M. dated 29th september, 2008. (DoP & T OM No.25011/1/2008-Estt.(A) Dated:- 19-
2. Consequent upon the implementation of orders 11-2008)
relating to Child Care Leave, references has been l Constitution of Project Management Unit
received from various sections regarding the procedure It has been dicided to establish a Project
for grant of this leave etc. In this connection, it is Management Unit as an independent office for the
exclusive purpose of managing the implementation of austerity measures issued vide O.M of even number
the 11th Plan Scheme to modernize and computerize dated 5th June, 2008 and DoPT O.M. No. 31011/4/
the entire postal network. The responsibilities of the 2008-Estt (A) dated 23th September, 2008 regarding
Project Management Unit (PMU) will include: acceptance of Sixth Pay Commission's
a. Conceptualization, planning, execution and recommendations related to LTC. Vide the O.M. of
management of the Plan scheme on a project DoPT, it has been stipulated that travel entitlements
mode from inception to end for the purpose of official tour/transfer or LTC will be
b. Preparation of a comprehensive need based plan the same but no daily allowance will be admissible for
for induction IT in the department travel on LTC. In order to meet the objective of
c. Enablement of the selection of project expenditure management in view of the current
consultants and other technology partners to Economy Measures, it is further stipulated that in sofar
realize the plan as travel on LTC is concerned for those entitled to
d. Oversight of the project implementation, Change travel by air, the cheapest economy fare ticket will be
Management and Human Resource alowed irrespective of entitlement of such officers to
Development travel while on tour.
e. Coordinating different aspects of the project with These orders come into effect from the date of
concerned divisions in the Directorate as well issue.
as with the Circles (MOF, DOE OMF. No.7(1)/E.Coord./2008 Dated : 10-
f. Maintaining liaison with all other interfacing 11-2008)
agencies and stakeholders l Expenditure Management - Economy
g. Entering into contracts with partners/vendors Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure -
etc., as per specific authorization and managing Guidelines related to LTC- Clarifications - reg.
the same and 1.1 The undersigned is directed to refer to OM of
h. Carrying out all other project related functions even number dated 10 November 2008 regarding
that may be assigned to it from time to time expenditure management and guidelines for LTC. In
2. The Project Management Unit will be view of the references received in regard to the
comprised of one SAG level officer, on JAG level officer, difficulties in determination of 'cheapest' economy fare,
one STS level officer, one PSS group 'B' officer and it is clarified that officers and/or their families may
support staff. choose to travel on LTC by any airline provided that
3. The following orders are issued after approval the fare does not exceed the fares offered by NACIL
of the competent authority: (Air India) under their LTC 80 scheme effective from 1
December, 2008 for sectors covered under the scheme,
i. Redesignation of the post of DDG (Technology
details of which are available on the website http://
Planning) as DDG (Project Management Unit),
w w w. i n d i a n a i r l i n e s . i n / s c r i p t /
Postal Directorate.
leavetravelconcession.aspx. For sectors not covered
ii. Redesignation of post of Director (Technology
by the LTC 80 scheme of NACIL, officers should
Operations) as Director (PMU), Postal
ensure that cheapest economy tickets are purchased
by their booking through internet/airlines directly/
iii. Temporary diversion of one post of ADG (SCT),
authorized travel agents.
which was earlier utilized as ADG, GDS
Committee as ADG (PMU) 1.2 It may also be certified by each officer while
iv. Temporary diversion of one post of PSS Group submitting his/her LTC claim that no other benefit, other
"B" SPG Section will identify a suitable than air travel, has been availed of as a part of any
surplus/vacant post. package offered by any airline.
v. The required posts of PA'S $ Peons may be 2. These orders will be applicable in the case of
filed by outsourcing the same. tickets booked on or after the date of issue. In respect
4. The DDG (Technology Operations) will be of tickets booked between 10 November 2008 and the
redesignated as DDG (Technology) and will look after date of issue of these orders, LTC claims may be
both Technology and Planning. processed for clearance provided full fare economy
tickets have not been purchased and no other benefits,
(DG(P) No. 43-46/2008-PE-II Dated : 03.12.2008)
except air travel, have been availed of.
l Expenditure Management - Economy
(MOF, DOE OM F.No.7(1)/E.Coord./2008 Dated : 04-
Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure-
Guidelines related to LTC.
l Financial assistance in cases of death.
Referance is invited to the guidelines on
The existing instructions dealing with grant of issued vide letter No. 15-43/92-WL & Sports dated
financial assistance in cases of death are contained 02.09.1992, financial assistance is payable to the TB
in the Department's letter No. 1-3/99-Wel & Sports patients who remain on E.O.L. and HPL due to ailment
dated 1.06.2000. @ Rs.1500/- per month and Rs.750/- per month
2. An item enhancement of financial assistance respectively.
in such cases was placed before the Postal Services 2. An item-proposing enhancement to the limits
Staff Welfare Board in its meeting held on 14.05.08 and was placed before the Postal Services Staff Welfare
the Board desired detailed examination of the matter. Board in its meeting held on 14.05.08. However, the
3. The matter has been examined and as a result Board desired detailed examination of the matter.
thereof it has been decided to enhance the limit of 3. In the process of examination and on scrutiny
financial assistance in cases of death due to riots, of the information received from all the Circles, it has
attack by the robbers and terrorists while not on duty been noticed hat there are negligible number of cases
from the existing Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 12,000/-. The falling in this category. Therefore, it has been decided
limits of financial assistance in all other categories of to do away with this category of financial assistance
death remain unchanged. with immediate effect.
4. It is clarified that the financial relief granted (DG(P) No. 1-7/2008-Wel & Sports dated 27-10-2008)
as per the decision of the board would be effective l Enhancing the grant-in-aid to Postal
from 2008-2009 and no past case will be re-opened. Recreation Clubs.
(DG(P) No. 1-3/2008-Wel & Sports dated : 27-10-2008) The recreation clubs in the Department of
l Financial assistance to the Postal Welfare Posts are being given additional grant-in-aid @ Rs.5/
organizations for running Crèches and tailoring - per head per year in accordance with the instructions
Schools. of DOP&T issued vide No. 1-4/86-Welfare dated
As per existing instructions issued vide letter 01.09.87. Subsequently the DOP&T had revised its
No. 19-4/99-Wel & Sports dated 01.06.2000, the Deptt. instructions vide their letter No. 1-3/98-Wefare dated
grants financial assistance to Central Postal Ladies 14.10.1999 enhancing the additional grant -in-aid from
Organization and Circle Postal Ladies Organization Rs. 5/- to 15/-, but these instruction were not to the
to the tune of Rs. 25,000/- per annum and Rs,. 15,000/ knowledge of the Department of Posts.
- per annum respectively. An item to enhance the rate of additional
2. An item to increase the above limit was placed grant-in-aid was placed before the Postal Services Staff
before the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board in its Welfare Board in its meeting held on 14.05.08. The
meeting held on 14.05.2008 and the Board desired detailed Board desired detailed examination of the matter,
examination of the matter before taking a final view. before taking a final view in this regard.
3. The matter was further examined and it has The matter was examined particularly in the light
been decided to enhance the grant of financial of the instructions dated 14.10.1999 issued by the
assistance to Central Postal Ladies Organization from DOP&T and it has been decided to increase the
existing Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 35,000/- and in regard to additional grant-in-aid from the existing Rs.5/- per head
Circle Postal Ladies Organization from existing Rs. to Rs. 15/- per head, with the matching funding from the
15,000/- to 25,000/- members of the club. Suitable instructions to this effect
DG(P) No. 1-6/2008-Wel & Sports dated 27-10-2008) may be issued to all concerned under intimation to this
l Financial assistance to T.B. Patients. office. The provision of matching funding must be ensured.
As per existing instructions of the Department (DG(P) No. 9-2/2008-Wel & Sports dated 27-10-2008)


MEETING HELD ON 09.12.2008.
The Federal Secretariat of NFPE which met at the a grand success.
office of the NFPE on the afternoon of 9.12.2008 on This Secretariat also resolves unanimously to
analysing the entire development of events taken call upon the Postal Board to hold meaningful
place including the situation arising out of submission negotiations immediately with the Staff Side and reject
of Indefinite Strike notice by the GDS Union, has the negative recommendations of the GDS Committee
unanimously resolved to call upon the entirety of postal as well as to modify them as demanded by the unions
regular employees to extend total solidarity to the / federations and avert the Indefinite Strike in the larger
striking GDS by joining the Indefinite Strike from interest of three lakhs of Gramin Dak Sewaks and also
17.12.2008 and make the strike programme of GDS to protect tranquillity and peace in Department of Posts.
(With effect from 1st December, 2008 until further Notice)
S. Sector Fares PSF Fuel Total 51. Chennai-Hyderabad 1100 225 1950 3275
No. All Sectors v.v. Surcharges Fare 52. Chennai-Kochi 1100 225 1950 3275
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 53. Chennai-Kolkata 3700 225 2700 6625
1. Agartala-Guwahati 1100 225 1950 3275 54. Chennai-Kozhikode 1100 225 1950 3275
2. Agartala-Kolkata 1100 225 1950 3275 55. Chennai-Madurai 1100 225 1950 3275
3. Agartala-Silchar 415 225 1950 2590 56. Chennai-Mumbai 3300 225 2700 6225
4. Agatti-Kochi 3415 225 1950 5590 57. Chennai-Port Blair 3500 225 2700 6425
5. Ahmedabad-Bangalore 3500 225 2700 6425 58. Chennai-Raipur 3300 225 2700 6225
6. Ahmedabad-Delhi 2475 225 2700 5400 59. Chennai-Tiruchirapalli 1100 225 1950 3275
7. Ahmedabad-Hyderabad 2475 225 2700 5400 60. Chennai-
8. Ahmedabad-Jaipur 2295 225 1950 4470 Thiruvananthapuram 1200 225 1950 3375
9. Ahmedabad-Kolkata 3300 225 2700 6225 61. Chennai-Visakhapatnam 1500 225 1950 3675
10. Ahmedabad-Mimbai 1100 225 1950 3275 62. Coimbatore-Delhi 4080 225 2700 7005
11. Ahmedabad-Vadodara 1400 225 1950 3575 63. Coimbatore-Kochi 1100 225 1950 3275
12. Aizawl-Guwahati 1330 225 1950 3505 64. Coimbatore-Kozikode 1100 225 1950 3275
13. Aizawl-Imphal 1100 225 1950 3275 65. Coimbatore-Mumbai 3300 225 2700 6225
14. Aizawl-Kolkata 1100 225 1950 3275 66. Delhi-Goa 3700 225 2700 6625
15. Allahabad-Delhi 2340 225 1950 4515 67. Delhi-Guwahati 3700 225 2700 6625
16. Allahabad-Kanpur 1200 225 1950 3375 68. Delhi-Hyderabad 3300 225 2700 6225
17. Amritsar-Delhi 1100 225 1950 3275 69. Delhi-Gwalior 1590 225 1950 3765
18. Aurangabad-Delhi 2500 225 2700 5425 70. Delhi-Imphal 4280 225 2700 7205
19. Aurangabad-Mumbai 2300 225 1950 4475 71. Delhi-Indore 2280 225 1950 4455
20. Bagdogra-Delhi 3300 225 2700 6225 72. Delhi-Jaipur 1100 225 1950 3275
21. Bagdogra-Guwahati 1100 225 1950 3275 73. Delhi-Jabalpur 2650 225 1950 4825
22. Bagdogra-Kolkata 1100 225 1950 3275 74. Delhi-Jammu # 1100 225 1950 3275
23. Bangalore- 75. Delhi-Jodhpur 2000 225 1950 4175
Bhubaneshwar 3300 225 2700 6225 76. Delhi-Kanpur 1900 225 1950 4075
24. Bangalore- Chennai 1400 225 1950 3575 77. Delhi-Khajuraho 2180 225 1950 4355
25. Bangalore- Coimbatore 1530 225 1950 3705 78. Delhi-Kochi 4075 225 2700 7000
26. Bangalore- Delhi 3700 225 2700 6625 79. Delhi-Kolkata 3300 225 2700 6225
27. Bangalore- Goa 1350 225 1950 3525 80. Delhi-Kozhikode 5235 225 2700 8160
28. Bangalore- Hyderabad 1100 225 1950 3275 81. Delhi-Kullu 1650 225 1950 3825
29. Bangalore- Kochi 1100 225 1950 3275 82. Delhi-Leh # 1300 225 1950 3475
30. Bangalore- Kolkata 3700 225 2700 6625 83. Delhi-Lucknow 1100 225 1950 3275
31. Bangalore- Mumbai 2475 225 2700 5400 84. Delhi-Mumbai 3300 225 2700 6225
32. Bangalore- Pune 1100 225 1950 3275 85. Delhi-Nagpur 2475 225 2700 5400
33. Bangalore- 86. Delhi-Pathankot 1600 225 1950 3775
Thiruvananthapuram 1525 225 1950 3700 87. Delhi-Patna 2475 225 2700 5400
34. Bhopal- Delhi 2180 225 1950 4355 88. Delhi-Pune 3300 225 2700 6225
35. Bhopal- Gwalior 1520 225 1950 3695 89. Delhi-Raipur 2475 225 2700 5400
36. Bhopal- Indore 1400 225 1950 3575 90. Delhi-Ranchi 3480 225 2700 6405
37. Bhopal- Mumbai 2380 225 1950 4555 91. Delhi-Srinagar # 1900 225 1950 4075
38. Bhubaneshwar-Chennai 3680 225 2700 6605 92. Delhi-Surat 3300 225 2700 6225
39. Bhubaneshwar- Delhi 4180 225 2700 7105 93. Delhi-Tirupati 4515 225 2700 7440
40. Bhubaneshwar- 94. Delhi-
Hyderabad 3280 225 2700 6205 Thiruvananthapuram 4580 225 2700 7505
41. Bhubaneshwar-Kolkata 1100 225 1950 3275 95. Delhi-Udaipur 2180 225 1950 4355
42. Bhubaneshwar- Mumbai 3300 225 2700 6225 96. Delhi-Vadodara 2475 225 2700 5400
43. Bhubaneshwar- Raipur 2280 225 1950 4455 97. Delhi-Varanasi 1100 225 1950 3275
44. Bhubaneshwar-Ranchi 1300 225 1950 3475 98. Delhi-Visakhapatnam 3500 225 2700 6425
45. Chandigarh- Delhi 1100 225 1950 3275 99. Dibrugarh-Guwahati 500 225 1950 2675
46. Chandigarh- Mumbai 3700 225 2700 6625 100. Dibrugarh-Jorhat 415 225 1950 2590
47. Chandigarh- Leh# 2180 225 1950 4355 101. Dibrugarh-Kolkata 2475 225 2700 5400
48. Chennai-Coimbatore 1100 225 1950 3275 102. Dibrugarh-Lilabari 415 225 1950 2590
49. Chennai-Delhi 3700 225 2700 6625 103. Dimapur-Imphal 500 225 1950 2675
50. Chennai-Goa 2475 225 2700 5400 104. Dimapur-Jorhat 1680 225 1950 3855


105. Dimapur-Guwahati 1025 225 1950 3200 144. Khajuraho-Mumbai 3380 225 2700 6305
106. Dimapur-Kolkata 2180 225 1950 4355 145. Khajuraho-Varanasi 1400 225 1950 3575
107. Dimapur-Tezpur 1380 225 1950 3555 146. Kochi-Kozhikode 1100 225 1950 3275
108. Gaya-Guwahati 800 222 2700 3725 147. Kochi-Mumbai 3300 225 2700 6225
109. Goya-Kolkata 1100 225 1950 3275 148. Kochi-
110. Goa-Kochi 2180 225 1950 4355 Thiruvananthapuram 1100 225 1950 3275
111. Goa-Kozhikode 1100 225 1950 3275 149. Kolkata-Mumbai 3700 225 2700 6625
112. Goa-Mumbai 1100 225 1950 3275 150. Kolkata-Nagpur 3380 225 2700 6305
113. Goa-Pune 1325 225 1950 3500 151. Kolkata-Port Blair 4280 225 2700 7205
114. Guwahati-Imphal 1100 225 1950 3275 152. Kolkata-Shillong 1580 225 1950 3755
115. Guwahati-Jorhat 500 225 1950 2675 153. Kolkata-Silchar 1100 225 1950 3275
116. Guwahati-Kolkata 1100 225 1950 3275 154. Kolkata-Tezpur 1880 225 1950 4055
117. Guwahati-Lilabari 500 225 1950 2675 155. Kozhikode-Mumbai 2475 225 2700 5400
118. Guwahati-Silchar 500 225 1950 2675 156. Kozhikode-Tiruchirapalli 1100 225 1950 3275
119. Gwalior-Jabalpur 1700 225 1950 3875 157. Kullu-Pathankot 500 225 1950 2675
120. Hyderabad-Kolkata 3300 225 2700 6225 158. Leh-Srinagar 2180 200 1950 4330
121. Hyderabad-Mumbai 1100 225 1950 3275 159. Lacknow-Varanasi 1100 225 1950 3275
122. Hyderabad-Nagpur 1100 225 1950 3275 160. Mumbai-Lacknow 3880 225 2700 6805
123. Hyderabad-Pune 1325 225 1950 3500 161. Madurai-Mumbai 4225 225 2700 7150
124. Hyderabad-Tirupati 1100 225 1950 3275 162. Mangalore-Mumbai 1100 225 1950 3275
125. Hyderabad- 163. Mumbai-Nagpur 1100 225 1950 3275
Visakha patnam 1100 225 1950 3275 164. Mumbai-Patna 4500 225 2700 7425
126. Imphal-Jorhat 1680 225 1950 3855 165. Mumbai-Pune 1200 225 1950 3375
127. Imphal-Kolkata 1280 225 1950 3455 166. Mumbai-Rajkot 2500 225 1950 4675
128. Imphal-Silchar 500 225 1950 2675 167. Mumbai-Raipur 2475 225 2700 5400
129. Indore-Mumbai 1800 225 1950 3975 168. Mumbai-Ranchi 4540 225 2700 7465
130. Jaipur-Jodhpur 1500 255 1950 3675 169. Mumbai-
131. Jaipur-Kolkata 3385 225 2700 6310 Thiruvananthapuram 3880 225 2700 6805
132. Jaipur-Mumbai 2475 225 2700 5400 170. Mumbai-Udaipur 2775 225 1950 4950
133. Jaipur-Udaipur 1500 225 1950 3675 171. Mumbai-Vadodara 1100 225 1950 3275
134. Jammu-Srinagar # 1100 200 1950 3250 172. Mumbai-Varanasi 4380 225 2700 7305
135. Jammu-Leh # 1380 200 1950 3530 173. Mumbai-Visakhapatnam 4300 225 2700 7225
136. Jamnagar-Mumbai 2280 225 1950 4455 174. Nagpur-Raipur 1600 225 1950 3775
137. Jabalpur-Raipur 1510 225 1950 3685 175. Patna-Ranchi 1200 225 1950 3375
138. Jodhpur-Mumbai 2475 225 2700 5400 176. Raipur-Visakhapatnam 1680 225 1950 3855
139. Jodhpur-Udaipur 1400 225 1950 3575 177. Shillong-Tezpur 1300 225 1950 3475
140. Jorhat-Kolkata 1650 225 1950 3825 178. Tiruchirapalli-
141. Jorhat-Lilabari 500 225 1950 2675 Thiruvananthapuram 1100 225 1950 3275
142. Jorhat-Shillong 415 225 1950 2590 # The levy of Passenger Serive Fee (WO) for passenger embarking
143. Jorhat-Tezpur 1680 225 1950 3855 in the State of J&K is INR-200 for tickets sold in India

(Contd. from page 22) general and on the rank and file leadership in particular in
NATIONAL EXECUTIVE OF CONFEDERATION organizing struggles. Let us take things on its priority. Let
ON 13.12.2008 us first concentrate on our first task of winning the GDS
The National Executive of Confederation of demands through 17.12.2008 Indefinite Strike or through
Central Government Employees will meet on 13.12.2008 negotiations prior to that. The other struggles shall take its
in New Delhi. This meeting is expected to review the action importance after the first phase is over. The task is
taken on the decisions of the extended National Executive stupendous and the decision of GDS Union to go ahead
and resolve future course of action to be taken including without waiting for others has made the task more complex
organizing an Indefinite Strike. and complicated. Still we have our historical responsibility
BUILD UNITY FOR STRUGGLE and role to play in the larger interest of three lakhs of GDS
and the whole movement itself. Let us play our united role.
NFPE will take every effort to unite the entire
Let us commence the preparations with war footing.
organizations for the struggles in line. We are discussing
with FNPO leaders for forging struggle unity. We are With revolutionary greetings,
discussing with the leaders of Confederation for Comradely Yours,
synchronizing the struggle of all in a comprehensive Sd/-
manner to ensure total unity during struggle. NFPE [K.Ragavendran]
Secretariat is aware of time constraint on all of us in Secretary General


(From 19.11.2008 to 16.12.2008)
The following Branches have responded further and remitted donations to CHQ @ Rs.20/-
per membership & more than the prescribed amount. Our Sincere thanks to all of them.
1. Chikmangalur (Karnataka) 6000 49. Sankarnkoil (Tamilnadu) 500
2. Delhi GPO (Delhi) 2000 50. Pollachi (Tamilnadu) 1500
3. PSD Kolkata (West Bengal) 780 51. Nagpur City (Maharastra) 500
4. Kolkata GPO (West Bengal) 8400 52. Coonoor (Tamilnadu) 300
5. Bara Bazar (West Bengal) 2500 53. Nilgiris (Tamilandu) 300
6. Kolkata Central (West Bengal) 5000 54. Tuticorin (Tamilnadu) 325
7. Kolkata Foreign Post (West Bengal) 1300 55. Krishnagiri (Tamilnadu) 300
8. RLO Kolkata (West Bengal) 1000 56. Begusarai (Bihar) 1000
9. North Presidency (West Bengal) 5240 57. Ramanathapuram (Tamilnadu) 1000
10. South Hoogly (West Bengal) 3600 58. Tiruvarur (Tamilnadu) 1000
11. North Kolkata (West Bengal) 2000 59. Mayiladuthurai (Tamilnadu) 200
12. Nadia South (West Bengal) 2240 60. Palamau (Jharkhand) 500
13. Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) 2000 61. Sirkali (Tamilnadu) 200
14. Dimapore (North East) 500 62. Kanyakumari (Tamilandu) 200
15. Kohima/Nagaland (North East) 1300 63. PSD Madurai (Tamilnadu) 100
16. Aluva (Kerala) 3000 64. Tiruvanamalai (Tamilnadu) 315
17. Ernakulam (Kerala) 4000 65. Chengalpattu (Tamilnadu) 235
18. Ranchi (Jharkhand) 1000 66. Kasargod (Kerala) 175
19. Satara (Maharastra) 5900 67. Virudhachalam (Tamilnadu) 500
20. Calicut (Kerala) 4600 68. Mumbai City West (Maharastra) 3000
21. Theni (Tamilnadu) 500 69. Dindigul (Tamilnadu) 200
22. Ambala (Haryana) 500 70. Srivaikuntam (Tamilnadu) 300
23. Srirangam (Tamilnadu) 501 71. Madurai (Tamilnadu) 515
24. Rohtak (Haryana) 100 72. Tirupur (Tamilnadu) 534
25. Osmanabad (Maharastra) 1000 73. Mumbai North East (Maharastra) 1000
26. Chandrapur (Mahrastra) 1000 74. Jodhpur (Rajasthan) 2200
27. Giridih (Jharkhand) 1000 75. Valsad (Gujarat) 2005
28. Nanded (Maharastra) 500 76. Chennai City South 300
29. Beawar (Rajasthan) 287 77. Coimbatore 1050
30. Wardha (Maharastra) 504 78. Tirur (Kerala) 1087
31. Madanganj (Rajasthan) 500 79. Contai (West Bengal) 1000
32. Nagpur Mfl (Maharastra) 500 80. South Kolkata (West Bengal) 8000
33. Hubli (Karnataka) 2000 81. Howrah (West Bengal) 500
34. Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh) 1000 82. Alipore (West Bengal) 1760
35. Shimoga (Karnataka) 4000 83. Changacherry (Karnataka) 1000
36. Mannargudi (Tamilnadu) 100 84. Dhanbad (Jharkhand) 500
37. Faridabad (Haryana) 200 85. Bokaro Steel City (Jharkhand) 100
38. Kollam (Kerala) 5000 86. Almora (Uttarakhand) 5000
39. Mavellikara (Kerala) 1000 87. Ranikhet (Uttarakhand) 1340
40. Chennapatna (Karnataka) 1700 88. Atur (Tamilnadu) 500
41. Shivganga (Assam) 500 89. Santhal Parganna/Dumka (Jharkhand) 500
42. Ratnagiri (Maharastra) 2000 90. Thiruvanthapuram GPO (Kerala) 500
43. Dhule (Maharastra) 500 91. Kalbadevi (Maharastra) 500
44. Sivakasi (Tamilnadu) 300 92. Mumbai City East (Maharastra) 587
45. Aruppukkottai (Tamilnadu) 200 93. Kottayam (Kerala) 3025
46. Tambaram (Tamilnadu) 300 94. Thiruvanthapuram South (Kerala) 2000
47. Dibrugarh (Assam) 585 95. Vadagara (Kerala) 1600
48. Kumbakonam (Tamilnadu) 200 96. Pune Mfl. (Maharastra) 500


97. Baidynath Deoghar (Jharkhand) 300 133. South Presidency (West Bengal) 2000
98. Mainpuri (Uttar Pradesh) 1000 134. Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) 400
99. Chaibasa (Jharkhand) 200 135. Nadia North (West Bengal) 1200
100. Singhbhum (Jharkhand) 500 136. Gazipur (Uttar Pradesh) 2000
101. Amreli (Gujarat) 1000 137. Bhojpur (Bihar) 500
102. Jaipur City (Rajasthan) 500 138. Bhagalpur (Bihar) 500
103. Ottapalam (Kerala) 2700 139. Pune City East (Maharastra) 2775
104. Gumla (Jharkhand) 100 140. Khammam (Andhra Pradesh) 400
105. Chennai City Central (Tamilnadu) 500 141. Chattarpur (Madhya Pradesh) 300
106. Chennai GPO (Tamilnadu) 300 142. Tenali (Andhra Pradesh) 500
107. Haveri (Karnataka) 500 143. Dharwad (Karnataka) 1200
108. Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) 3000 144. Raibrailey (Uttar Pradesh) 500
109. Pattukottai (Tamilnadu) 100 145. Ballia (Uttar Pradesh) 1000
110. Pune City West (Maharastra) 2085 146. Patna GPO (Bihar) 235
111. Navi Mumbai (Maharastra) 500 147. PSD Bangalore (Karnataka) 200
112. Karwar (Karnataka) 2100 148. Avadi Camp (Tamilnadu) 500
113. Kohlapur (Maharastra) 1000 149. Sikar (Rajasthan) 1200
114. Ranipet (Tamilnadu) 500 150. Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) 500
115. Pratapgarh (Uttar Pradesh) 500 151. Sundargarh (Orissa) 1000
116. Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) 500 152. Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh) 2000
117. Gobichettipalayam (Tamilnadu) 300 153. Kutchh (Gujarat) 2000
118. Udupi (Karnataka) 500 154. Satna (Madhya Pradesh) 500
119. Etah (Uttar Pradesh) 500 155. Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh) 1000
120. Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh) 1000 156. Cuddapah (Andhra Pradesh) 1000
121. Nalanda (Bihar) 200 157. Mehsana (Gujarat) 3000
122. Cuttuck City (Orissa) 1000 158. Barpeta (Assam) 800
123. Thane Central (Maharastra) 2000 159. SPM, Vijay Nagar (Bangalore) 300
124. Churu (Rajasthan) 500 160. Parbani (Maharastra) 1800
125. Gaya (Bihar) 500 161. Mathura (Uttar Pradesh) 1000
126. Kathihar (Bihar) 1200 162. Pauri (Uttarakhand) 3000
127. Purnea (Bihar) 500 163. Kanchipuram (Tamilnadu) 1300
128. Bhusaval (Maharastra) 1200 164. Pondicherry (Tamilnadu) 500
129. Balassore (Orissa) 1000 165. Rohtas (Bihar) 200
130. Muzzafarpur (Bihar) 500 Kudos to the office bearers & members who
131. Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) 3000 contributed to CHQ. All other branches re also
132. Chitradurga (Karnataka) 235 requested to remit the donation at the earliest.


The finance ministry has sought comments of the invests the money in debts and equities through its
Pension Funds Regulatory & Development Authority selected fund managers. At the time of
(PFRDA) to merge its employees Contributory superannuation, an employee receives 60% of the
Provident Funds (CPF) with the New Pension System total amount earned through investments and the rest
(NPS) to unburden its underfunded or, in some cases, 40% is deposited with an insurance fund manager of
unfunded liability. The move is seen as an important the beneficiary's choice from where he receives a
step where the government is gradually delinking itself monthly pension.
from various pension and provident fund schemes and The NPS fund already has Rs. 4,000 crore
letting employees opt for best income opportunities while the government's decision to merge the CPF
available in the market by investing with a choice of with it will bring in an additional Rs. 10,000 to Rs.
funds managers. The NPS is currently available for 12,000 crore. The merger of CPF with NPS may
government employees, both state and central, who happen in the next two months with the PFRDA
joined after January 1, 2004. In this new scheme, supporting the government's proposal, finance
employees and employers contribution is deposited ministry sources said.
in the New Pension System fund and the regulator -Source : The Times of India-06.09.08


u The National convention on Global Financial met on 13.12.08 at New Delhi and took decision to
crisis and the need to protect the Banking, organize an indefinite strike on 20 point Charter of
Insurance and pension sectors was held at New Demands from 20.01.2009 and conduct State level
Delhi on 12.12.85. The convention was convention between 06.01.09 to 09.01.09 in which
Cosponsored by All India State Government National level leaders will participate.
Employees Federation, Bank Employees u A grand meeting was organized at Ajmer
Federation of India, All India Insurance Employees GPO by the Divisional Union and Com. K. V.
Association and the Confederation of Central Sridharan, General Secretary orated. More than 200
Government Employees and Workers. Secretary comrades participated. Com. H. P. Diwakar OGS &
General NFPE and all other General Secretaries Divisional Secretary had made elaborate
attended the convention. The convention has arrangements for the special meeting. The CHQ
resolved to canalize all efforts to educate the appreciates his commitment and well conduct of the
masses and co ordinate the working class to meeting.
register protest against the proposed reforms in u Based on the approach of the Department in
Banking, Insurance and Pension sectors by the not taking any decision on GDS committee report with
UPA Government. out consulting the Staff side and the positive approach
u The All India Convention comprising of all Circle of the Senior Officers Committee headed by Sri P. K.
Secretaries and CHQ office bearers of all affiliated Gopinath, Chief PMG, Delhi Circle and also the letter
unions of NFPE was held at Guntur on 29.11.08. It of the Department, the NFPE Federal Secretariat
was unanimously decided to go on indefinite strike decided to call off the indefinite strike from 19.12.08
from 06.01.2009 on postal charter of demands and (after 2 days) and extend solidarity support to striking
also decided to request the Confederation to GDS union. The GDS union has called off the strike
synchronize its indefinite strike on all Pay Commission on 19.12.08 evening after meeting the secretary,
demands. Department of posts. Our Red salutes to all the
u The National Executive of the Confederation comrades who participated in the Strike. Lal Salam
(Contd. from page 8) commodities is mainly due to the liberalisation and
serious action programme culminating in privatisation policies pursued by the UPA Government.
indefinite strike shall be organised under the The subsidies to the farmers are either curtailed or
banner of NFPE and if possible under the banner stopped. The Government has withdrawn from the
of JCA. procurement of foodgrains and the floor-price fixed is
8. This 27th AIC of AIPEU Group-C views far below the expected level. The FCI godowns are
with grave concern the decision of the leased out to private agencies such as Reliance etc.
Government to open about 20,000 franchise The fair price shops, ration shops and Public
outlets (Private Post offices) during the current distribution systems have been demolished to favour
five year plan. The GDS Committee has multi-national companies to have a free play in the
recommended opening of more and more market. The poor and the middle class employees
Panchayath Sanchar Seva Kendra (PSSK). and workers are worst-affected by the price rise which
Further there is a move to grant Licence to results in erosion of their real wages. Inspite of the
Private Couriers by amending the Indian Post fall in prices of petroleum products in the global
Office Act. This AIC urges upon the Government market the UPA Government is not ready to reduce
to drop the move to open franchise outlets and its prices to give some relief to farmers and other
PSSKs. This AIC further resolves that any move industrial sectors.
to Privatise Postal services by outsourcing its This 27th AIC of AIPEU Group-C strongly
functions will be opposed tooth and nail by the protest aganist the indifferent attitude of the
entireity of Postal Employees. Government in preventing the rise in prices of
9. The prices of essential commodities are sky- the essential commodities and calls upon the
rocketting day by day. The Government of India is not Postal employees to join the working class
taking any effective measures to bring down the prices movement in the fight aganist the price rise which
or to prevent the price rise. The life of common man is the aftermath of the wrong policies pursued by
has become miserable. The rise in prices of essential the Government.
1st floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
PF-15/2008 Dated 09.12.2008 is also engaged the attention of the Federal
To Secretariat.
The Secretary The All India Postal Extra Departmental
Department of Posts Employees Union has served a Notice for Indefinite
Dak Bhawan Strike from 17.12.2008. In this background the Federal
New Delhi - 110001 Secretariat after a thorough discussion on 9.12.2008
Sub: Request for negotiations with the Staff Side has resolved to request the Postal Board to commence
for effecting modifications in the GDS Committee meaningful negotiations with the Staff Side to modify
Report - Resolution of the NFPE Federal the Nataraja Murti Committee recommendations and
Secretariat - reg. settle the demands to avert the Indefinite Strike for
Sir, preservation of tranquillity and peace in the services.
The Federal Secretariat of NFPE that met on The resolution adopted in the Federal
9.12.2008 has considered the submitted report of Secretariat requesting negotiations and also
Nataraja Murti Committee and the constitution of a expressing solidarity by the regular employees to the
Senior Officers Committee for considering the strike action of GDS is enclosed for favour of your
implementation thereof. It has also considered the Note kind information and necessary action. This letter may
submitted by the NFPE as well as by the different please be treated as Strike Notice.
GDS Unions / Federations seeking modification in the Thanking you,
report. The fact that no discussion over the Encl: Resolution adopted in the Federal
modifications requested by the staff side is forthcoming Secretariat.
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General

K.V. Sridharan Ishwar Singh Dabas Giriraj Singh

General Secretary General Secretary General Secretary
P. Suresh S.P.Mukherjee P. Rajanayagam
General Secretary General Secretary General Secretary


r Burden of Proof - 240 days continuous r "Supplying of Enquiry Report"-a must
service-Relief to Workers Supplying copy of enquiry report to employee
Of work for 240 days in one year-Burden is and giving him opportunity to submit his case before
on workman-Employer withholding best evidence in disciplinary authority, issue of second show cause
its possession-Workmen bringing on record notice proposing punishment, essential-As this
documentary evidence to prove their service for 240 condition not fulfilled in this case, second show cause
days in one year - Award of Labour Court in Workmen's notice set aside [Probal Gupta v Burdwan Central Co-
favour upheld as proper, except regarding relief of op. Bank Ltd.]
reinstatement, in place of which compensation of Ground of decision
rupees one lakh to each workman was directed "Before issuing a second show cause notice,
to be paid [Sita Ram v Motilal Nehru Farmers Trng. disciplinary authority has to supply to employee copy
Institute] of enquiry report and to give him opportunity to make
Grounds of decision his submission."
"Burden of proof of 240 days work in one year (JAYANTA KUMAR BISWAS, J)
is on workman and relief of compensation is lieu of 2008-II-LLJ-(Call)
reinstatement would in circumstances of a case SUPREME COURT
subserve the ends of justice. r Absence of reasons-Dismissal set aside
(S.B. Sinha, J), Absence of reasons in rendering order by High Court -
2008-II-LLJ(SC) Right to reason is an indispensable part of sound judicial
MADRAS HIGH COURT system- Order of Labour Court challenged- Writ Petition
r "Promotion based on seniority"- upheld dismissed- Absence of reasons has rendered the High
Absorption of employees and rendering Court unsustainable- Set aside and remitted back
seniority Settlement arrived under Section 12 (3) of [State of Uttaranchal v sunil Kumar Singh Negi]
the Industrial Disputes Act- petitioner union not a party Grounds of decision
to setlement-Absence of petitioner in the concilliation "Right to reason is an indispensable part of a
proceedings vitiates Settlement-Writ jurisdiction sound judicial system; reasons at least sufficient to
invoked is proper-Promotion of confimation of junior indicate an application of mind to the matter before
will have demoralizing effect in service Also Contrary Court. Another rationale is that the affected party can
to Article 16 (1) of Constitution- Legitimate expectation know why the decision has gone against him. One of
Length of Service to be considered while determining the statutory requirements of natural justice is spelling
senoirity -Settlement not binding on the petitioner- No out reasons for the order made."
interference called for [Neyveli Lignite Corporation "The absence of reasons in rendering the
Limited v N.L. CISTU Sangam] order by High Court, makes the order unsustainable."
Grounds of decision (P SATHASIVAM, J),
"The right to seek seniority is not a vested 2008-II-LLJ-(SC)
right, but an acquired right which connot be taken r Non-absorpation of canteen employee-
away by operation of valid law. unfair Labour practice
"If the seniors are not eligible, then the Compliant, under -workman engaged in
management may promote juniors, but if the canteen maintained as per Section 46 of Factories
caliber of senior workman was not at all considered Act - Company (employer) held to have committed
and the management proceeds to promote or unfair practice under item 9 of Schedule IV of Act-
regularize the junior members, then it is a classic Direction of Industrial Court to absorb them as
violation of the provision of law" permanent employees of company upheld as proper
In the absence of any specific provision to [Hindalco Industries v Assn. of Engg. Workers]
determine seniority by a corporation, then the long Grounds of decision
continuous service by workman should be considered "On facts it was held the employer-company
in accordance with valid labour legislation to fix up had committed unfair labour practice in not treating
seniority. employees of the canteen as its own regular employees.
2008-II-LLJ-897(Mad) 2008-II-LLJ-(SC)
(Contd. on page 8)
(Contd. from page 30) r Termination under Probation, any period
DELHI HIGH COURT without enquiry- Not sustainable
r Non payment of higher rate of interest for Termination of Service during probation - if
delayed Payment of Gratuity incorrect foundation , as different from motive, for such
Interest payable on delayed payment of termination was misconduct, opportunity of hearing
gratuity- Circular issued by bank relied upon - Rate of to employee imperative- On facts, termination, not
interest enhanced from 6% to 10% - Appeal allowed sustainable. [Nehru yuva kendra Sangathan v M A
to that extent. [Chandna K L v Punjab National Bank] Laskar]
Grounds of decision Grounds of decision
"As per the relevant guidelines regarding "Termination of emplyee's service during
terminal benefits issued by the Punjab National Bank, his probation period, if founded on misconduct, is
the appellant was entitled to 10% simple interest in the not valid, unless opportunity of hearing given to the
payment of gratuity to be paid from the date on which it employee."
becomes payable to the date on which it is paid." (S B SINHA, J)
2008-II-LLJ-834(Del) [Courtesy : Trade Union Record]

Letter No.: P/4-1/Advances Dated - 12.12.2008 purchase of Bicycle which will be appropriate and avoid
addressed to Com. K. K. N. Kutty, Secretary General complications in calculating the interest rates for the
Confederation of C. G. Employees & Workers, New current period.
Delhi Soliciting response.
Sub.: Interest Bearing Advances - Anomalies in Letter No.: P/4-4/Holidays Dated - 11.12.2008
the orders. addressed to Com. K. K. N. Kutty, Secretary General,
The MOF, vide its letter no. F. No. 12 (1)/E II- Confederation of C. G. Employees & Workers
A/2008 dt. 24.10.08 under dt. 24.10.08 para 4 declared New Delhi
that Advances for purchase of Bicycle and warm Sub: - Declaration of 'MAY DAY' as holiday.
clothing are to be treated as interest free advances in There was a discussion in the All India
terms of OM of even no. dt. 07.10.08. Conference of this Union held from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08
Subsequently while communicating the rate that 'MAY DAY' should be declared as a closed holiday
of interest on advances up to 31.03.09, vide its OM to C. G. Employees in order to organize rallies gate
No. F 5 (2) - B )PD)/2008 dt. 30.10.08, the rate of meetings and other movements on the worker's day.
interest per annum for Advance for purchase of Bicycle In most of the countries in the world, May
has been fixed as 5.5 % perhaps, the rate would have Day was declared as a holiday. In our nation, even it
been fixed for the earlier advances granted to the is not incorporated in the list of restricted holidays.
officials. It is requested to take appropriate action for
It is requested to take up the case and write declaring 'MAY DAY' as a closed holiday to all C. G.
off the interest even for advances received earlier for Offices.


v Implementation of Govts. Decision on the granted. The DA admissible on 01.01.2006 has been
recommendations of the sixth pay conmmission- reduced from 30% to 16% under the revised DA
Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners/family formula.
pensioners etc. In the case of regular employees, the fixation
Kindly refer to the office memorandum F.No. of pay in the revised pay bands will be calculated by
38/37/08-P&PW(A) of GOI Dated September 1st, 2008 multiplying the basic pay drawn as on 01.01.2006 on
on the subject cited above. the existing V CPC pay scales by a factor of 1.86. In
As per paragraph no. 4.1 of the said Addition to it annual increment @3% of pay bands,
resolution, the pension/family pension will be plus DA thereon will also be payable. As such the
consolidated w.e.f. 01.01.2006 by adding together:- reduction of DA from 30% to 16% will be compensated
i. The existing pension (Basic pension only) to some extent in their cases. In addition to it, their
transport allowance and HRA have also been
ii. Dearness pension
iii. Dearness relief upto AICPI(IW) average index 536
But the Basic Pension of the pensioners will
i.e. @ 24% of pension.
remain un-changed till the commencement of VII Central
iv. Fitment weightage @ 40% of the existing pension Pay Ccommission.(If any) Accordingly the benefit of
i.e. Basic pension only. 40% fitment weightage on basic pension will lose after
As per sub paragraph iv above the fitment 07 years due to the reduction of DA. The below detailed
weightage @ 40% of existing pension has only been illustration is self explanatory in this regard.
Consolidation of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioner w.e.f. 01.01.2006

Pre-Revised Revised
01 02 03 04
i. Existing Pension 5000 5000
ii. Dearness pension 2500 2500
iii. Dearness relief 24% upto AICPI(IW) average index 536 1800 1800
iv. Fitment weightage 40% on existing pension. - 2000
v. Total 9330 11300
vi. DA w.e.f. July 2008 @30% on Basic Pension + Dearness 2250 -
pension (Rs. 7500) (Shown under col.03)
vii. DA w.e.f. July 2008 @ 16% on revised pension of Rs. - 1808
11300/-(shown under col.04)
viii. Total 1155 13108
Total benefit on Pension per month = 13108- to the loss of Rs.1554/- being reduction in DA.
11550=Rs. 1558/- In view of the preceding paragraph, the benefit
Assumed DA as per pre-revised formula:- of revised pension will be ZERO after a laps of a period
After 7 year @ 12% per year i.e. 84% of 07 years.
On pre-revised pension Rs. 7500/- Rs. 6300/- II. The increase in the quantum granted by the
Calculation of DA (assumed) as per revised government vide paragraph no. 4.5 from 80,85,90,95
formula:- and 100 years of pensioners age is appreciable but it
After 7 year @ 6% per year i.e. 42% should start from 70 years of age because in the current
(half of 84%) on revised pension Rs. 11300/- Rs.4746/ scenario it shall not be viable due to increased cost of
Loss of DA per month (6300-4746) Rs.1554/- medical attendance. The proposed increase in
It is very much clear from the above illustration quantum of pension needs to be doubled at the age of
that the benefit of fitment weightage @ 40% amounting 85 years because the grant of said privilege at the age
to Rs.1558/- will lose with in a period of 07 years due of 100 years is a cheap joke with the pensioners.
III. The medical allowance of Rs.100/- per month being Defence Minister Sh. A.K.Antony has also
paid to the pensioners was very meager and has been recommended to the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
withrawn. It should be restored and increased to to revise the pension formula of VI CPC in respect of
Rs.650/- per month as in the case of BSNL employees pensioners of Defence services immediately.
due to ever increasing cost of medical attendance. You are, therefore, requested to take up
Moreover free indoor treatment in Hospitals should be the matter with the concerned authorities of Govt.
allowed to the pensioners keeping in view their limited of India to grant the 40% fitment weightage on
re-sources. the total pension (Basic Pension plus Dearness
The LTC facility/encashment should also be allowed Pension)
to the pensioners as in the case of pensioners of state Govt. -C.L. Varma, Ex-ATR (CHQ) Ludhiana-141001
It is worth mentioning here that the Hon'ble


Manishinath Bhawan A/2-95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi.l 110 027
D/11/20/2008 Dated:13th December, 2008 as part of campaign Programme at the
Dear Comrade, respective State Capitals between 6th to 9th
January, 2009. The National leaders of the
The National Executive of the Confederation
Confederation and of the affiliates will participate
met today as per the notice issued. The meeting was
in such conventions. The meeting decided to
presided over by Com. S.K.Vyas. The meeting
have the following dates for the conventions.
reviewed the implementation of the decision taken at
the meeting held at New Delhi on 26th August, 2008. 14.12.2008-Jaipur
Taking into account that most of the affiliates have 25.12.2008-New Jalpaiguri-West Bengal
endorsed the decision taken to organize an indefinite 03.01.2009-Delhi.
strike action in pursuance of the 20 point charter of
06.01.2009-Bhopal, Allahabad, Bhubaneswar, Ranchi,
demands. The meeting took the following decision.
a) To delete point No. 10 (in part I of the charter of
07.01.2009-Lucknow, Nagpur, Ahmedabad Dehradun,
demands) i.e. SDA to employees in NE Region.
Bangalore, Patna
b) To amend point No.4 in part II of the charter of
08.01.2009-Shimla, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Raipur.
demands as under:
09.01.2009-Chennai, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Shillong.
"Replace adhoc bonus with PLB and remove
the 60 days ceiling. Implement the decision of
raising the Bonus computation ceiling (Rs h) Campaign material will be sent in a week's time.
3500) to all persons employed by Govt. of India. Strike notice proforma alongwith the amended
c) To serve the strike notice on 2.1.2009 by all Charter of demands will be circulated alongwith
affiliates and the Confederation CHQ at Delhi the next circular. The comrades from the CHQ.
to the respective Heads of Department and who will be attending the state level conventions
Cabinet Secretary respectively. by holding a will be intimated in the next communication. All
massive demonstration on that day. Comrades affiliates will draw out their campaign Programme
from Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, UP separately for the strike action.
and selected comrades from all other states The meeting appealed all comrades, affiliates
will participate in the rally. The number of and COCs to take every step for the successful
Comrades each state should deploy to conduct of the Strike action, which will commence on
participate will be intimated in our next circular 20th January, 2009.
letter. The meeting desired that atleast ten With greeting
thousand comrades should assemble at Jantar
Yours fraternally
Mantar for the rally in order to manifest our unity
and determination in organizing the indefinite KKN. Kutty
strike. Secretary General
d) Such Demonstrations will be held on 6th Jan.
2009 in all State capitals with massive
mobilization of members and will serve the copy
of the strike notice on each heads of Offices.
e) The indefinite strike will commence from 20th
January, 2009.
f) Besides the 20 point common charter of
demands the affiliates may add the sectional
demands as is decided upon by the respective
organizational fora.
g) The State COCs will hold state level conventions
6724, Block No. 10, Pyare Lal Road, Dev Nagar, New Delhi-110005
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8 dk;Zxzg.kdky 25-00
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10. vk/kqfudfgUnh'kCndks'k 300.00 3. CCS, CCA Rule 200.00
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I.R.M.U.D.C., P.O. & R.M.S., D.T.O. ACCOUNTANT. JE/J.T.O.,
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Table 4 : Stage-wise linkages of pay to performance for postal operations (circle-level)

Name of the Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1


Maximum of 15% of basic/ Maximum of 25% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
APMR: up to 4% APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 5%
Superintendent/ Exceeding Division Exceeding Division Exceeding Division
Senior Targets : up to 6% Targets : up to 8% Targets : up to 10%
Superintendent Reducing Absenteeism : Region : up to 4% Region : up to 5%
up to 1% Circle : up to 3% Circle : up to 3%
Increasing Employees Reducing Absenteeism : Reducing Absenteeism :
Productivity: up to 1% up to 1% up to 1%
Business Development: Increasing Employees Increasing Employees
up to 3% Productivity: up to 1% Productivity: up to 1%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Business Development: Business Development:
Complaints: up to (-5%) up to 3% up to 5%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-5%) Complaints: up to (-5%)

Maximum of 15% of basic/ Maximum of 25% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Superintendent Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
(RMS APMR: up to 4% APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 5%
Division) Exceeding Operational Exceeding Operational Exceeding Operational
Targets of RMS Division : Targets of RMS Division: Targets of RMS Division:
up to 6% up to 8% up to 10%
Tangible Improvements in Tangible Improvements in Tangible Improvements in
RMS Business RMS Business RMS Business
Processes : up to 3% Processes: up to 3% Processes: up to 5%
Reducing Absenteeism: Region : up to 4% Region : up to 5%
up to 1% Circle : up to 3% Circle : up to 3%
Increasing Employees Reducing Absenteeism: Reducing Absenteeism:
Productivity : up to 1% up to 1% Increasing up to 1% Increasing
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Employeess Productivity: Employeess Productivity:
Complaints: up to (-5%) up to 1% up to 1%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-5%) Complaints: up to (-5%)

Maximum of 15% of basic/ Maximum of 25% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
HSF-I/ HSG-II/ APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 5%
LSG Post Office : up to 8% Post Office: up to 9% Post Office: up to 10%
Reducing Division: up to 4% Division: up to 5%
Absenteeism : up to 1% Circle: up to 2% Circle: up to 3%
Increasing Employees Reducing Absenteeism: Reducing Absenteeism:
Productivity: up to 1% up to 1% up to 1%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Increasing Employee Increasing Employee
Complaints: up to (-5%) Productivity: up to 1% Productivity: up to 1%
Business Development Business Development
Measures : up to 3% Measures : up to 5%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-5%) Complaints: up to (-5%)


Name of the Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1

Maximum of 10% of basic/ Maximum of 20% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 7% APMR: up to 10%
Postal Exceeding Work Norms: Post Office: up to 4% Post Office: up to 8%
Assistant On a per mail article basis Division: up to 3% Division: up to 4%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Exceeding Work Norms Exceeding Work Norms
Complaints: up to (-2%) on a per mail article basis on a per mail article basis
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-2%) Complaints: up to (-2%)

Maximum of 10% of basic/ Maximum of 20% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
Sorting APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 7% APMR: up to 10%
Assistant Exceeding Work Norms: Post Office: up to 4% Post Office: up to 8%
On the basis of sorting Division: up to 3% Division: up to 4%
team's work Exceeding Work Norms: Exceeding Work Norms:
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) On the basis of sorting On the basis of sorting
Complaints: up to (-2%) team's work team's work
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-2%) Complaints: up to (-2%)

Maximum of 10% of basic/ Maximum of 20% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
Counter Clerk
APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 7% APMR: up to 8%
Total Business per Day Total Business per Day Total Business per Day
from Counter: up to 5% from Counter: up to 8% from Counter: up to 12%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Post Office: up to 4% Post Office: up to 6%
Complaints: up to (-2%) Division: up to 3% Division: up to 4%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-2%) Complaints: up to (-2%)

Maximum of 10% of basic/ Maximum of 20% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Postman Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 7% APMR: up to 10%
Exceeding Work Norms: Post Office: up to 4% Post Office: up to 8%
On a per mail article basis Division: up to 3% Division: up to 4%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Exceeding Work Norms: Exceeding Work Norms:
Complaints: up to (-2%) On a per mail article basis On a per mail article basis
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-2%) Complaints: up to (-2%)

Maximum of 10% of basic/ Maximum of 20% of basic/ Maximum of 30% of basic/

Sorter Fixed pay Fixed pay Fixed pay
APMR: up to 5% APMR: up to 7% APMR: up to 10%
Exceeding Work Norms: Post Office: up to 4% Post Office: up to 8%
(for a team of sorters) Division: up to 3% Division: up to 4%
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Exceeding Work Norms: Exceeding Work Norms:
Complaints: up to (-2%) (for a team of sorters) (for a team of sorters)
Absenteeism: up to (-2%) Absenteeism: up to (-2%)
Complaints: up to (-2%) Complaints: up to (-2%)


SEPTEMBER, 2007 B H A R T I YA RNI No. 25592/73
POST Regd. No. DL (C)-12/1075/06-08

Printed and Published by R.N. Chaudhary, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 1 Patel Road, New Delhi-8
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at Deep Printers, Najafgarh, JANUARY, 2009

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