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Tory No More
A historical fiction story byAbigail Powell

Abigail Powell


December 16, 1773

It was a rainy day. As I sat at the window in my Boston mansion I wished that my family
were not torys. My mom is a tory and so is my dad. But I am not. I am a patriot.

Julianna, time for lunch! my tory mother said. I told her to call me Julie when I was 7
and now I am 10, but she didnt listen. She never listens. I walked to the dining room table in our
mansion. We were in the upper class, so our house was big. I had to walk through 3 rooms to get
to the dining room. I sat down with my perfect posture and obedience, but that was just so she
wouldnt yell at me for slouching. As my mom sat the plate in front of me I thought plain blech.
It was cod. Cod was normal and almost everyone in the town liked it but me. But to be polite, I
still ate it.I had on my fancy clothes, a lace cap and hoopskirt but when I was done with the cod I
ran to my room, changed to my lower class clothes and rushed out the door. I had the clothes a
year ago and I got them all muddy. STOP! my mother screeched when I was on my front step.
You are a proper young woman! You shall not play outside in the filth! she screeched.
Okay! I screamed as I stomped up to my room. Ding Dong Ding Dong. Uh oh. I
whispered. I knew it was a start to a great adventure. I opened the fire escape window and used
the plan to get out of the house. It is really fun. I slide down the roof and jump to the grass. The
roof slide is so long that the jump is not very high. I run to the Old South Meeting House and get
there just as the meeting starts.

Abigail Powell


We need a plan. The British cant keep taxing us anymore. Any ideas? Samuel Adams
boomed. One person said kill the all of the british but Sam didnt think that was necessary.
How about getting rid of something taxed, like tea? One person who I recognized as
Annas dad said. Anna is my friend who is a patriot too. She must have been left home with her
mother I thought.
Well, there is those three tea ships in the harbor, Sam said. I guess we could dump
those. All in favor yell haza, Sam said.
HAZA!!! the whole crowd yelled.
We should do it tonight, Annas dad said. So we dont get caught. Suddenly,Sarah
Bradlee Fulton piped up.
We should disguise ourselves as Indians so the British wont attack, she said.
Great idea. Dismissed! Sam shouted. I bolted outside to find that instead of raining, it
was snowing! I happily skipped through the snow, catching flakes on my tongue. I walked to my
house and went to the bush that nobody trims. Inside was a wood ladder. I leaned it up against
the roof and climbed to my bedroom window. I hid the ladder under my bed and closed the
window. It was 7:00 P.M. and I rushed to the living room with a book called The Future.
In the future people might have more freedom. They would be able to do what they want,
when they want. They may have electricity for not just the rich, but for the neutrals too. They
may have ways to communicate without having to write a message with a quill or go to them.
People could have ways for even the poor to have schooling.
Wow that would be so neat, I thought. I could talk to Anna without writing.

Abigail Powell


Dinner! my mother said. I went to the dining room and even before I got there I knew it
was cod. Surprisingly,I was wrong. It was chicken and fruit with fresh rolls and butter. That is
my favorite. I dont deserve this I thought because I was about to disobey my parents by going
into the harbor .
Thank You! I said. As we started to eat I thought that maybe my parents will be
surprised about the tea party and stop being torys.
Your welcome. my mother replied. Maybe she wasnt so bad. As I dreamed of a tory
free family, my dog Snowflake jumped on the table and knocked a roll onto the ground.
Immediately my cat, Seafoam came and started to eat with Snowflake. They have been friends
since we found them in a old ally a year ago. My dad is the only animal doctor in town so we
took them in. As they ate, I nibbled on my roll with churned butter I made myself. It was hard
work. It took me 3 hours. As I finished my roll, I grabbed the rope we use for Snowflakes leash
and went outside. We happily skipped through the snow and walked by the harbor. It wasnt
frozen over. Yet. It hopefully wont freeze till the 17th. As Snowflake stopped to greet another
dog I thought, what am I doing? If I get caught on one of the ships I will get in big trouble.
I walked around the town and finally made it back to my house at 8:00 P.M. right when
my mom came outside and greeted me. I walked in, unleashed Snow, and went to my room. I
took out a wooden ball I made for Seafoam and Snow. I grabbed my book, kicked the ball and

Future life may have more open jobs for people. There may be more vets, doctors and just jobs in
general. We may have much bigger school houses too.

Abigail Powell


That would be so cool. I kept reading until I heard the 11:00 clock chime. Oh No . Luckily my
parents were asleep,so I changed into my old clothes and smudged my face with black soot from
the fireplace. In hope of not getting caught, I let down my long blonde hair and took a shower
with the wood tub, to make my hair look darker.I snuck out to get out of the house and marched
in lines of two with Annas older brother next to me to the harbor. We marched onto the three
ships and I was given an axe. My job was to help split open crates to dump. As I raised the heavy
axe and split the first chest I saw someone stuffing tea into his shoes.
Hey!!! I shouted as I dropped the axe and tackled the man. We didnt come here to take the
tea!!! As Sam arrived he said thank you and dumped the mans shoes into the harbor. I was
assigned to go into the water and move around the tea. It was low tide. I am glad I am wearing
my old clothes I thought. I climbed off of the ship The Beaver and hopped into the water.
Annas brother was there too. We worked all night. As I walked around in the harbor I felt
something bite me. A crab caught my hand and snapped. I fell over in the water and went under.
I couldnt see a thing in the murky water. Suddenly, I heard a scream and then a crash. I ran up
the ships ladder and saw a terrifying sight. John Crane was under a tea crate.
We should hide him in the wood shop off the coast of the harbor. I suggested. And we
did just that. We worked until sunrise. At one point I saw my parents standing and staring,
flabbergasted at the sight of the harbor. At the break of dawn we finished. I ran into the crowd of
people so fast so nobody would recognize me. I bolted home and took a shower again. I walked
out in a fine silk dress and cap. My mother came rushing up to me.
We were so proud of you! my mother exclaimed.
Why? You are against the patriots. I said. I didnt get it.

Abigail Powell


We were protecting you when we became tories. The British would have enslaved you if
we didnt, my father said.
Thank you, I said. Suddenly I felt something like leather rubbing on me. All of Boston
started to fade away and finally became black.
December 16, 2014
Wake up sweetie! My mom shouted in my ear. Snow was licking me and Sea was
pouncing on me. A normal wake up ritual. I opened my eyes. You're going to be late for
school! yelled mom. My dog Snowflake and my cat Seafoam ran around my bedroom.
Wow. That dream was crazy. Anna was in it and Mom and Dad and Snow and Sea! I
mumbled as I got out of bed. I was glad that it was over though. No torys. No tea. Just 2014.

Abigail Powell


The Blast Off Boy

Alyssa Turcotte

The Blast Off Boy

Alyssa Turcotte Grade 4
Blue Creek

Fred Goulash awoke to a bright sun shining through the bedroom window overlooking
Orlando, Florida. He started to roll out of his bed to shut the blinds when his sister opened the
door. Fred was startled and he fell right onto the floor.
Didnt you see the sign? he yelled. Theres a piece of paper on the wall that says
She looked around at the walls covered in space posters and up at glow in the dark stars
on Freds ceiling.
Anyways, alien, his sister started, Mom told me to give this article to you.
She dropped a newspaper on his chest and walked into the hallway. Fred sat back up
when she shut the door, then stood up with the so-called important article, and before climbing
back into bed, he shut the blinds.
I wonder what kind of junk she gave me. Fred murmured aloud as he started to read.
He gasped and fell off his bed again. The heading read, ARMSTRONG TO WALK ON
MOON, JULY 20, 1969: ASSISTANT NEEDED. He kept reading on the floor and found out
that the auditions for the astronauts assistant were at 9:45am at the Kennedy Space Center,
where the spaceship launch would happen.
Fred raced downstairs, screeching, Mom, Mom! We have to go to the Kennedy Space
Center! RIGHT NOW!
She bumped into him walking into the kitchen. Hold on Buster Brown, where are we
He stared and replied sarcastically, Are you deaf? I said the Kennedy Space Center!
The Blast Off Boy
Alyssa Turcotte Grade 4
Blue Creek

His mother sighed, Itll take over a half hour to get there, plus its already 9:00! Theres
probably a HUGE line.
Please? Fred begged, dropping to his knees. Ill do anything!
Alright, she said, giving in. Fred jumped up and hugged her. Go change out of your
pajamas, and get your big sister to do the same. She looked at him sternly. This is for you,
honey. But if we dont make it on time, know there is no use complaining.
Fred nodded and sped up the stairs, tripping on each step, and told his sister to get
dressed. She put her hands on her hips and said, Youre not the boss of..
Ask Mom if you dont believe me. Fred interrupted, slamming the door in her face.
Fred ran into his room, slipped on a polo shirt, stepped into khaki pants, shoved on his
dress shoes, and combed his frizzy, caramel hair. He wanted to look his best in front of Neil
Fred, along with his sister and mother, hopped into the car and raced towards Kennedy
Space Center. Freds mom tried to go as fast as she could, but she kept getting distracted by
Fred talking to himself. Fred kept mumbling, What if we are late?, What if we dont get
in?, I will have to wait for adulthood to get into space, but I cant wait. He looked around and
suddenly shouted, MOM! GO FASTER!
After what seemed like an eternity, Fred and his family finally arrived. The line stretched
for what seemed like miles and miles and Fred was at the end of it. All he hoped, was that he got
a chance to get in and speak to Neil Armstrong. He thought of what he was going to say, and
practiced it over and over. He wanted to make sure it came out perfectly and he didnt forget a
The Blast Off Boy
Alyssa Turcotte Grade 4
Blue Creek

thing. After a few more minutes paitently waiting, Fred could finally see the red velvet ropes,
and he knew he was very close to meeting Neil Armstrong! He trembled with excitement, trying
to take deep breaths, and remain calm. And then, finally, it was his turn! He took a deep breath
and walked out towards Neil Armstrong.
Hello. said Neil, So, why do you want to go into space?
Fred took one last deep breath and told Neil all about the space posters on his walls, his
telescope, and how he gazed through it every night before bed, looking at the bright white moon,
wishing he could go there. He rambled on like that for three minutes, including stuff like moon
facts-there really is no dark side of the moon, the moon is ever so slightly moving away from
Earth, you cant breath or hear on the moon, the sky is always black since there is no
atmosphere-when Mr. Armstrong said, Ok. Thank you. Next. Fred smiled, and walked off the
floor to his mom and sister. His mom walked them to the car and they returned home. Once
they were home, Fred flopped on his bed, looked at the article again, and thought about his day.
He thought about the people he met in line, Dan and Darrell, the twins. He also met Allison
Johannsen, whose Dad actually worked for NASA. They were nice to him and he wondered if
he would ever see them again.
Fred laid awake that night, thinking about what would happen if he won. He might never
see his family again! But, imagine, being on a spaceship, heading towards the moon! Fred knew
that the winner would find out only if a car showed up at their house to pick them up. He slowly
drifted off to sleep, hoping he would be the one who won.

The Blast Off Boy

Alyssa Turcotte Grade 4
Blue Creek

That next morning, Fred awoke to the sound of a honking horn. He scrambled out of his
bed, to the window, and peeked out; and almost fainted. Fred saw Neil climbing out of the car
and coming towards his front door. Just then, DING! DONG! as his doorbell rang. Fred
stormed down the stairs and flung open the door. After hearing Neil Armstrong tell him he was
the winner, Fred looked behind him, seeing the long, black limo, with windows so dark, you
couldnt see through them. Fred knew he had to leave immediately. He ran to his mom and
sister, gave them hugs and said his goodbyes.
As they walked to the car, Neil looked at him, and asked if it felt good to win. Fred
nodded, but now he was nervous and didnt feel so sure. He knew he was going to miss his
When they got to NASA, Fred went through months of intense training. He trained day
and night, getting ready for the big trip into space. He had many sleepless nights, and missed his
family a lot.
After the long process of training was finally over, it was launch day. Fred couldnt be
more nervous than he was right now. He slipped into the spacesuit and pulled the helmet over his
head. As he climbed into the rocket, Fred tripped on a stair leading to the doorway. He got up
and strapped into his chair. Suddenly somebody scared the life out of Fred by shouting, 5, 4 , 3,
2, 1, BLAST OFF! Fred saw what looked like an eternal amount of smoke rising up in front of
the windows as the shuttle rumbled.
Over the headsets, he heard Neil say to him, Well, I guess this makes you the blast off
boy! Fred smiled, and tried to shift in his seat. It took some time for them to make the trip, but
The Blast Off Boy
Alyssa Turcotte Grade 4
Blue Creek

finally, they arrived at the moon. After the pod touched down on the surface of the moon, Neil
and Fred stepped out of the pod, and stepped onto the surface of the moon. Neil was carrying the
American flag, when all of a sudden, he handed it to Fred and Fred planted the flag. This was
the best day of Freds life!
It was time to make the long trip home, and as they began the trip back, Fred started to
feel ill. He was covered in sweat, couldnt see clearly, and had trouble talking. Neil got on the
radio and told NASA that Fred wasnt doing well, and he wasnt sure if he was going to make it.
Fred drifted off to sleep on the ship.
Fred was shaken awake. He opened his eyes and saw his sister standing over him.
Cmon, its 8:30! she said. We are going to be late to watch the launch! We only have
an hour!
Fred sat up, looked around, and realized he was at home. It was a dream! He sighed with
relief. It was the most intense, realistic dream he had ever had! Fred smiled as he got up to get
dressed and ran out of his room to go with his mom and sister, excited to go watch...

The Blast Off Boy

Alyssa Turcotte Grade 4
Blue Creek

By: Olivia Pardo

One smoking hot summer day at Huntington Avenue Baseball Grounds in Boston,
Massachusetts in 1903, there was a young boy. His name was Derek Smiley and he was sitting

Olivia Pardo Grade 4 Blue Creek Elementary School

with his mom and dad on the side of the field. Derek and his family were sitting their with all six
eyes attached to the Boston dugout waiting for what felt like an hour, but the Smiley family
didnt care, they just sat there waiting, quiet as a mouse. While Derek was waiting there he was
thinking how Cy Young the best player on the Boston team would look like do to all his nerves
building up. Derek is also thinking of Evan Anderson, the old batboy, and how he was doing in
school in Chicago and if Evan was missing his job. Oh, mom I totally forgot about my job of
being the batboy, whispered Derek to his mom. Derek was too busy thinking about others.
Go, yelled his mom.
Derek ran as fast as he could through the crowd with his heart beating like a drum. He
continued thinking about Evan and what the rules were about being the batboy. He also thought
about how much he misses him and how Evan used to do Dereks new job. Also, he thought
about how special it was to know that Evan went to Derek first because he thought he was
perfect for the job and Derek knew that he had a friend that cared so much about him. Derek
finally found his way to the dugout and then saw the whole team, but still couldnt find Cy. So
Derek kept on looking and looking. Bingo, yelled Derek. As Derek ran over to him and
screamed at the top of his lungs in joy because he had never met Cy before. Sorry, got to go kid
well-, Derek, he interrupted. As I was saying, well talk later, shouted Cy as fast as he
could so Derek couldnt even think about interrupting. The Boston team knew that Cy was their
best pitcher to offer so why not give the Pirates a little wake up call. As Cy ran out to the
pitchers mound Derek waved and then sat on the bench and thought Cy just doesnt know me.
For the first pitch Cy through a nasty curve ball. Strike one, called the umpire. Next pitch Cy
decides that he is going to do his fastball and all the sudden Derek hears Strike two, again
called the umpire. Last pitch Cy thinks he should do a curve ball, it fooled the batter once and

Olivia Pardo Grade 4 Blue Creek Elementary School

guess what? It fooled the batter a second time. Strike three, finally called the umpire. You
are out. Next batter comes up and hits a fly ball into the outfield to make it a base hit. The
third and hopefully the last batter steps up to the plate and hits a hard ground ball to the second
basemen. He then steps on second base then fires it to first base for a double play. Boston
hustles into the dugout to get ready for batting. Now the roles had reversed and Cy is now up to
bat. After many Boston batters were up, the score was finally 9-5. Towards the end of the
daring and exciting game the last batter up was Cy Young the best player on the best team,
Boston. Everyone who was in the stands or is at home listening to the radio is probably out of
their seats because their was still time for the Pirates to come back and win so the pressure was
on. Then Cy took a look over at the Boston dugout and saw Derek jumping up and down and
kept on saying, Believe in yourself, I believe in you and so does everyone else in the stands.
So Cy steps up to the plate, bends his knees and picks up the bat and rests it on his shoulder.
Then he picks up the bat of his shoulder because here comes the ball. WHAM! The ball went
soaring into the air fast as lightening, nobody could see the ball.
That night when Derek was all tucked in his snug bed looking out the window at the
bright stars and all the sudden Derek saw a shooting star. I wish that Boston wins the World
Series, then closed his eyes and fell fast asleep. DEREK! yelled his mom. Youre going to
be late for work again, yelled his mom as Derek got up and grabbed his clothes and started to
get dressed then hurried to the game down Baseball Ave. The Smiley family finally made it and
before Derek could even say goodbye he rushed to the dugout. Just in time Derek, said a
voice. It was Cy. Hurry you have to go, said Derek to Cy. Cy totally forgot and was standing
there frozen. Go, yelled Derek. Oh, right. Cy said as he rushed to the mound. Strike
one, said the umpire. Next batter comes up. Strike three, again yelled the umpire. Hopefully

Olivia Pardo Grade 4 Blue Creek Elementary School

the last batter walks up to the plate and Derek hears Strike three youre out, finally called the
umpire. As Boston hustled into the dugout and started getting ready for batting. As the game
went on Boston kept on striking out all the players on Pittsburgh and when it was Bostons turn
to bat they kept scoring till it was the last inning. Once again Cy Young was the last batter so Cy
walks up to the plate and gets ready. Cy bends his knees and raises the bat as the ball travels to
Cy he makes contact and WHAM! He hits a pop fly out into the outfield and starts running his
heart out. Its going to be close but who do you think wins? BOSTON! Again Cy jogs into the
dugout and everyone cheered louder than the last time. The final score was Boston 6, Pittsburgh
0. Cy and Derek started talking then came Dereks parents walking this time. Next thing you
know Dereks at home packing up for the trip to Pittsburgh because that is where Boston is
headed next. After when he was done he lay in bed just like last night on his side looking at the
bright stars but tonight he didnt see a shooting star he just closed his eyes and fell fast asleep.
DEREK! this time his dad screamed in his ear. Like yesterday morning Derek got up and
dressed as fast as he possibly can and rushed out the door towards the field. When he got their
his mom and dad werent even there so he took off anyway. Running through the crowd was
hard but everyday Derek was right on time. When he arrived at the Boston dugout he spotted Cy
already on the field so he sat on the bench and waited. Cy was not pitching that game because
the coach doesnt want Cy to hurt himself for the upcoming games. But whoever was pitching
was doing a fantastic job, he was striking out people left and right. The second inning was very
tough for Pittsburgh, they were losing 4-2. At the end of the game this time Pittsburgh was up
and they believed in one another but youre going to need more than belief to beat Boston. After
that game Cy and Derek didnt talk they needed to start going to Pittsburgh if they want to make
the game tomorrow. Speaking of the game it was exactly like the first game and Boston wins

Olivia Pardo Grade 4 Blue Creek Elementary School

again so this makes the Boston team 4-0. But the next three games arent like the first four they
are really bad and Boston loses those three games but at the end of the third bad game Derek
found out that his mom got sick in the stands and had to go so Derek is going to go home with
the Youngs till she feels better he might ride home with them. It ends up that Derek does go
home with Cy and his family because Dereks mom doesnt want Derek to get sick. Derek made
a decision that he would stay with his mom even though he might get as sick as his mother.


Derek forgot about the game and made a choice to stay home and help his mom even if he does
get sick. So the morning of the big game Derek woke up at ten oclock and Cy probably woke at
seven oclock. As Derek sat on his couch with his mom on his left and his dad on his right
listening to the game on the radio. Derek thought and pictured how the game would be up close
and then the exciting part came it was the final inning of the first baseball World Series of 1903.
Derek was standing up at this point and so was his dad his mom she forgot how sick she was and
stood up. Then the Smiley house got real quiet until they heard a crack of the bat and it went up
up up faster than lightening and right into the stands while the crowd went nuts! Mr. Cy Young
has done it again. The Boston Americans win the first baseball World Series of 1903!

Olivia Pardo Grade 4 Blue Creek Elementary School

Page # 1

First Man on the Moon

Dylann Palmer

First on the Moon

Dylann Palmer BC 5

Page # 2
Aaron Samuel, a 24 year old college student was studying astronomy in his blue house in
Merritt Island, Florida. He wanted to be the first astronaut on the moon. He had just finished
strength training at the Kennedy Space Center, a few miles from his house.
The next morning, Aaron went to the space station for zero gravity training. He finished
his training.
The trainer asked Aaron, Do you want to apply to go on the Apollo 11 mission with 3
other people?
Aaron asked,What is Apollo 11? He had never heard of the Apollo 11 mission before
and had no idea what it was.
The man replied, Going to the moon. Now Aaron knew what Apollo 11 was. It was a
chance to be the first astronaut on the moon.
Okay, Ill apply for the Apollo 11 mission, Aaron replied. The drawing to pick the
astronauts for the Apollo 11 mission would be in the afternoon.
That afternoon, Aaron went to the drawing. The man drawing the names, pulled out 4
names. Aaron was nervous.
The man announced, Aaron Samuel, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins
are going to the moon! Aaron was so happy that he held a party for his friends and family.
The next morning Aaron had to wake up at 4:00 A.M. for the launch. He got to the space
station on time. He put his astronaut suit on. Finally he got onto the Saturn V rocket with the
other astronauts and talked to them. On July 16,1969 at 9:15 P.M., the rocket launched into
Once they were in space, the module broke apart from the rocket. Then Aaron and Neil
went to the Lunar Module and Buzz and Michael went to the Command Module. Both modules

First on the Moon

Dylann Palmer BC 5

Page # 3
separated. The Command Module orbited Earth and the Lunar Module would go to the moon.
Aaron was tired, so he strapped himself into a bed and went to sleep. Neil was controlling the
Module while Aaron was sleeping.
After a few hours, Aaron woke up because Neil had a problem. The module was not
going the right way to the moon. The two astronauts tried contacting Buzz and Michael. The
signal was not reaching them. Then Aaron looked out the modules window and saw the planet
Mars. Aaron automatically knew they were going the wrong way.
Neil, turn the module around and good thing we saw Mars or we would be going to the
Asteroid Belt, Aaron told Neil. Once they were going the right way, the two astronauts
contacted the other astronauts to tell what had happened. Then Neil went to take a nap while
Aaron controlled the module. He didnt go fast because he wanted to look outside.
After a few hours, Neil woke up. Both astronauts then controlled the module till they got
to the moon.
After a while, they reached the moon. They put the module in orbit around the moon.
They were looking for a smooth surface to land on. They finally chose to land in a place called
the Sea of Tranquility.
Both astronauts put their astronaut suits on. Then Aaron opened the door of the module.
He then touched the ground. He was so happy because he was the first human to walk on the
moon. He would be famous. He was amazed at how he could float in the air when he walked and
After a few minutes, Neil came out of the module with an American Flag and a plaque.
He stuck the flag into the ground and nailed the plaque to the ground. The plaque said, Here

First on the Moon

Dylann Palmer BC 5

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men from the Planet Earth first set foot upon the moon, July 1969 A.D. We come in peace for all
mankind. Thats one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.
Both astronauts slowly moon walked more and went back to the back of the module and
got the moon buggy out. They rode on the surface of the moon and set up a science station. They
studied the air and found out the moon has no air. They then looked for craters and did some
advanced testings on the craters. Then they went back to the module and enjoyed some astronaut
ice cream. The astronaut ice cream was dried up, not like regular ice cream which is not dried up.
Then both astronauts stuck a rod into the moons surface to see if there was water below,
but there was no water. Also they collected samples of the moon rock from the surface with a
pick and chisel. They also collected samples of new gases they discovered.
They also wanted to see if the temperature changed on the moon. Aaron took one test.
Then they waited to do the other test. While they were waiting, they collected more samples of
new gases. Then Neil took the other temperature test and discovered that there is no temperature
on the moon because there is no air on the moon.
Then the astronauts slowly moon walked back to the module. They got into the module
and buckled into their seats.
They then departed from the surface of the moon. They were heading for the Command
Module orbiting the Earth. Aaron and Neils mission was done on the moon.
While Neil and Aaron were on the moon, Buzz and Michael rested in the Command
Module and talked with Mission Control on the progress of the mission was going. They also ate
some dried up food.

First on the Moon

Dylann Palmer BC 5

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After some time, the Lunar Module reached the Command Module and attached to it.
Then Neil and Aaron went to Buzz and Michael to show them the tests and samples. The module
would now go to Earth.
After a few minutes the module was in the Earths atmosphere. It quickly started running
out of gas as it started getting closer to the Pacific Ocean. Then the module splashed into the
water without any gas and floated in the water.
After a few hours, a recovery boat named the USS Hornet came and rescued the
astronauts. Once the astronauts were on the boat they were given a physical check-up. The boat
then sailed to Los Angeles, California.
There the astronauts were greeted by the President Richard Nixon there. All of the
astronauts got a medal and $1,000,000 each because they accomplished their mission.
There will be a parade this week at New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. You will
be also riding on special plane, the president said. Aaron was so happy.
After the parades Aaron took the other astronauts to his house where they stayed for a
week. A week after the parades, Aaron, Neil, Buzz, and Michael went to Washington D.C. to go
to Capitol Hill. There they gave a speech. At the White House they had dinner with the president.
After the speech the astronauts went home. Once Aaron got home he went to go to sleep.
The next day Aaron checked the mail and found a bunch of letters from people all around the
U.S. After reading all the letters, Aaron studied more astronomy because he wanted to be an
astronomer. He didnt want to go to space to study space, but he wanted to stay on Earth to
study. Astronomy was the most important thing in Aarons life. Later in his life, Aaron became
an astronomer and helped out in future space missions.

First on the Moon

Dylann Palmer BC 5

Page # 6

First on the Moon

Dylann Palmer BC 5

The Day of the Tornado

Life in Annapolis, Missouri was peaceful and content. They had two big
companies in their city, The mercantile company, and the Annapolis Lead Company. In
the lead company there was a worker who was father to a little boy whom had brown
hair, a sweatshirt on almost everyday, small brown shoes, and his eyes an intelligent
blue. And intelligent he was. It was almost as if as soon as he was born, he was
walking on two legs and saying full sentences! This smart little boys name was Jack
Everybody in the miller family was very good mannered. But whereas, he is now ten,
smarter than ever, and going to school.
Just like always, Jack walked out of his house with a full stomach. When he
walked outside, the time was 7:40. Timing himself and walk down the street, he thought
how do the birds fly? How did man come to exist? What natural destructive forces are
there in the world? At the precisely 7:45, Jack arrived at the school bus stop and
thinking five minutes! Jack was a boy with many questions and too little answers. The
bus arrived just as Jack had started to actually ask some of these questions to the
adults around the bus stop. jack walk on the the bus, what makes the bus run, he
thought. What is fraction and natural destructive forces? Hey. Huh? Jack turned, their
standing was David in his normal sweat shirt and brown shoes combo. Hey. he
repeated. Youre starting to look a little.... weird. It was true, Jack's sweatshirt had
small yellow stains on it, his hair needed to be combed but everything else is fine,
according to him. David was a neat freak.

"Eh, whatever" Jack said. They said through the bus ride. One neat freak, muttering
Jack looked ugly, and one person who was more curious than Albert Einstein. Like the
time the teacher asked him to clean the floor, Jack found a bottle with label of FLOOR
WAX. He thought if it had the word floor in it, maybe he can clean with it. So he
spread it over the floor. Later when the teacher came back to check on him. He slipped
all the way down the hallway. That is how Jack found out what floor wax is.

David yawned. "Didn't have much sleep huh?" said Jack. "How could I sleep with
all that pitter patter?" Jack looked at him and said, "There was rain? Well I slept like a
rock."" I envy you" Said David. Well, whatever. Are you excited about the new
teacher?" "Yes, but no, if the old teacher told the new teacher about the floor wax
incident."" Stop worrying."" How can I stop if - we're almost at school! SCRREECH!
David ran off the bus with Jack lagging behind. "Come on you slowpoke!" Said David,
while dragging Jack to the classroom.
"Slow Poke! Race you!" "No!" David replied. "The custodians never washed the floor
wax off, remember?" "Oh, yeah" David and Jack walked carefully to the classroom.

The new teacher was surprisingly a girl. Which stunned Jack and David. Once
they recovered, they set up their things like regular and sat down pretending that
everything was normal. The time was 8:30. The new teacher introduced herself. "I am
miss Davis. Please, go and get your notebooks. Class has started!" There was some
hustle bustle and as the children [including Jack and David] went to get notebooks and
sit back down."As you know weather is wonderful thing." She started. "But sometimes it
can dangerous, even deadly." This speech got Jack think back to the morning that

questions he asked himself, "What natural destructive forces are there in the world?" He
wondered once again. Hurricanes, lightning and tornados, these forces are all
destructive. Miss D continued. Jack startled him. And he quickly looked up. and said
yes, please handout the worksheet back to the table. Said Miss Davis. Jack walked to
the table. He picked up the papers. BOOM. A loud rumble made Jack drop the papers.
He rushed to pick them up. "Sorry, sorry" David apologized. "No worries, just hand them
to me." Jack walked up and gave the sheets to Miss Davis. Miss Davis began to explain
the papers. These are about tornadoes, kids. They are giant funnels of wind, better
described as the winds of the destruction."

David looked at Jack as he took seat. Boom, another ramble, must be small
storm coming, David thought. BOOM. The rumbling got louder. "Or a big storm." David
replied in his head. He focused back on Miss Davis. Her air was a golden brown color.
She was currently wearing a blue skirt. Really, she was a beautiful lady. David looked
away. He wondered, "Could be a tornado be coming?" He just dismissed the idea. The
day went the same way. Doing worksheets, loud rumbles, Miss Davis giving speeches
and Jack and David thinking.
At about 1 o'clock, Jack and David went outside for recess, the sky took on a
bruised appearance. Miss Davis call them in. "Already?" David asked, "Quick."said Miss
Davis, ignoring David. A funnel dropped off the sky and headed for the school. The
children and Miss Davis huddled under Miss Davis's desk, just as the tornado came in.
The tornado ripped through the house, racing forward at stunning 73 miles per hour.
Jack and David hugged each other for comfort. The children were terrified. They
huddled together praying that they weren't going to die. When the tornado was directly

over the school, the noise was deafening. The sounds of children's screams were lost in
the intense rumbling of the tornado. The tornado roared one last time and rumbling
ceased. Jack and David poked their heads out of the wreckage and so did everyone
else. Miss Davis was white from shock and the children dragged her out. They gasped.
The entire second floor of the brick-built school had collapsed. They were stunned.

Jack and David races to their houses to find nothing left but ruins. Two Moms
crawled out the wreckage. They hugged their sons. "Where are the dads?" asked
David. "In the mines. Let's go and check it out." replied David's mom. They went down
to find two white faced men, David's father, and Jack's father. "What about our houses?
Does this mean were hobos?" "Shhh. Remember," he said, "Anything you can buy with
money, is not that important as you might think. They can be always brought back. But
family is something you cannot buy back. No matter how rich you are."
Jack and David will be thinking these words for a long time.

A Deadly Paradise

Saundra took in a full breath of salty air as the boat began its journey. She looked down
to see the water dancing along the sides of the boat, which seemed far away, as she leaned over
the haughty steel railing. The air was alive with sound, calling and shouting, honking and
beeping and everything in between. The men waved their hats in the air and women waved,
looking dignified and relaxed, but obviously very excited.

Emma Loffredo, Grade 6

A Deadly Paradise (Page 1)
Blue Creek

Soon the busy town of Belfast had faded into the distance, just a tiny spec no bigger than
a grain of sand. Saundra sighed, and as she started walking across the polished wood deck, she
knew that her journey had begun.
Hiya Sandy, emerged a voice from a nearby doorway. Saundra continued to walk.
Leave me alone, Sam.
But Sandy-
Its Saundra, not Sandy, and arent you supposed to be in third class? At that point,
Saundra was considering going back onto the deck in the hot, afternoon sun and jumping into the
ocean below. Sam was her friend, but sometimes he got just a little bit annoying. Before she left
for her room, Saundra spoke in something close to a whisper.Youre going to get yourself
caught, you know.
Saundra sat down on her soft, downy bed. While sitting down, it was easier to identify
the gentle, slight rock of the boat. She shivered. Deep water had always terrified her, gripped her
in fear. Her thoughts wandered, and soon she was thinking about her mother and father in the
United States of America. Saundra had come with her grandparents, who always told her to stay
safe in the morning and hurried off to poker and gambling for the rest of the day. This left
Saundra alone to wander the huge ship from dawn to dusk or longer.
Days passed and Sam was hardly ever in the third class decks, except for sleeping.
Saundra warned him over and over with a terrible feeling in her gut. The more she told him, the
more curious he got.
One fateful night, Saundra heard an enormous scraping sound and clattering shortly after.
She quickly headed to a doorway to the main deck, and stepped out into the chilly night air. A
group of lower class men were gathered together out there, playing hockey with their feet and
some of the bigger chunks of ice. A man with a red beard and olive hat made a rather forceful
pass aimed straight for her. Saundra froze and the puck hit her hard in the feet. Her legs were
knocked clear out from under her and she was knocked out cold.
Meanwhile, in an eerie lonesome hallway, Sam shivered. He didnt remember the last
time he wore solid clothes. He just couldnt afford it.
Ahem. Sam froze, and slowly turned around. There, behind him, was a burly crew
member. His white uniform glowed in the dim light.
Ill go back to third class Sam stammered.
No, you are going with me to the brig.
Slowly, Saundra opened her eyes. It was dark, still night, and her whole body ached.
She attempted to get out of bed, and nearly fell. The floor was tilted somehow, just not as
straight. She waddled to the doorway as best she could, and peeked out. Nothing. Did she just
hear sloshing? Saundra half walked, half slid down the wide hall, and detected a small
movement at the end of the hall. She got closer cautiously and slowly. The sloshing got louder
Emma Loffredo, Grade 6
A Deadly Paradise (Page 2)
Blue Creek

little by little, and the movement more vigorous. Saundra squinted, then gasped. It was water
somehow seeping into the boat. She jolted around, and scampered up the polished hall
depending on her hands for balance. One wrong move and into the water she would slip. But
this wasnt the worst of it. Where was Sam?
Clink. The lock snapped into place and the barred door officially sealed with Sam inside.
The officer looked at him reproachfully and snorted filthy boy. As the crew member left the
cabin, Sam gripped the cold, iron bars sadly. Maybe Saundra was right, he thought. Now Ill
be stuck in here until we reach New York, and when she finds out where Ive been Ill never hear
the end of it.
As Saundra scurried up the tilted hall, groggy passengers stepped out of their rooms and
looked for whatever had disturbed their rest. Saundra took no heed of the grumpy people angrily
staring her down. Suddenly, a big man dressed in striped pajamas stepped out in front of her.
Whats the rush, kid? he asked, rather annoyed. Please sir, theres water, Saundra replied,
out of breath.
What about it?
Its flooding the deck!
Gasps and murmurs could be heard among the gathering crowd. You know as well as I
do that thats impossible, kid.
Fine, suit yourself, snapped Saundra and scurried up the steepened slope. She looked
back and the water seemed to be in pursuit.
Presently, Sam was still locked tightly in the cramped cell. Thats when he noticed the
worried mumbling outside the door, along with the water seeping in. Almost immediately, Sam
knew that being locked up was not a good place to be when there was water seeping in. Sam
stopped moving, and he started to slip to one side of the cell. A sinking feeling started to form in
him, and he started rattling the bars as hard as he could in a desperate attempt to free himself.
Just then, the door opened and a tall figure with a white suit and hat stepped in. Captain
Smith, Sam gasped. The man hardly seemed to notice him, but for a split second, Sam saw his
eyes flash blue. His beautiful, seemingly unsinkable boat was going under. Help. Sam said
meekly. Captain Edward J. Smith stopped, sighed and walked out the door with meaningfully
long strides. The door was left open, so he could see and hear the commotion in more detail.
Crew members and passengers hurried by with worried talk of sinking and how the lifeboats
were being prepared. Sam dreaded the reality but he knew deep down that he was trapped.
Meanwhile, Saundra pushed past frantic crowds making their way to the top deck. Sam!
Sam! she screamed. Saundra! yelled a voice, barely audible. It was Sam! Saundra continued
to weave around groups of passengers led by crew members. Then she swerved into an open
Emma Loffredo, Grade 6
A Deadly Paradise (Page 3)
Blue Creek

door and shut it behind her. Sam! You got caught? Sam nodded, looking down at his soaking
wet feet. The water was rising quickly. We need to get you out of here!
Only the crew member has the key.
Then well have to improvise, replied Saundra coolly. The water flowed swiftly
around her thighs now and she waded to the nearby desk. Saundra scanned it for possible key
replacements. Pens and pencils are too thick, Sam advised. It needs to be thinner.
The water was now swirling around her chest. Nothing, Saundra uttered desperately.
Thats when Sam started to giggle.
What? Now isnt the time for games, Saundra commented, feeling irritated.
Its just that your hair is sticking up in a goofy way.
Saundras eyes brightened. Thats it! Then she reached up to her messy bun and it
collapsed. What she held in her hand was a silver hair pin. She bent the pin out of shape and
stuffed it into the lock.
Try moving it around, suggested Sam. Saundra wiggled the hairpin around and the
lock gave with a triumphant click. Sam forcefully pushed open the iron bar door with difficulty
since the water was now up to their necks.
This...way...Sam Saundra struggled to speak. Sam spoke in reply, I hope...we can
Memories flooded Saundra. Sunny days spent playing with Sam and going to the park
with him. Both families were kind and loving, so it was easy to make friends.
Saundras senses snapped back to the present, where she took a huge breath and fumbled
at the doorknob. The door swung open and a new wave of water almost swept them away.
Saundra and Sam swam as fast as they could up the sideways steps and burst out into the cold
Atlantic Ocean air in the dead of night. After regaining her breath, Saundra found that the deck
was near to being deserted. Saundra leaned over the railing and gasped. What she saw were the
twenty lifeboats and people desperately clinging to floating debris. Saundra turned to see Sam,
smiling and holding a rope.
Whats that for? she asked.
We want to get off of this boat, dont we?
I dont follow.
Thats alright. Then Sam started to tie the rope to a close pole and yanked on it to see
if it would hold. Next, to Saundras amazement, Sam grabbed the rope and climbed over the
Sam, what are you doing?
Just hold the rope.
Saundra gripped the rope as if it was her only hope. After about a minute of anxious
silence, the rope became lighter so quickly, she almost fell backwards. Keeping a hand on the
rope, she edged forward to the railing. The empty rope dangled above the rough, black water.
Sam swam to a stray wood board, and motioned to Saundra that it was her turn to come down.
Emma Loffredo, Grade 6
A Deadly Paradise (Page 4)
Blue Creek

She swallowed nervously and weakly tugged the rope. Here we go, she whispered, and
carefully stepped over the cold, wet railing.
The next few minutes were perilous. Every time her foot slipped, Saundra drew a sharp
breath, and every time, her world went spinning around her and she knew it would be her last
moment and it wasnt. She kept climbing, the wet metal cold under her feet and the thick rope
sore in her pale hands. Every once in a while the horrible sounds of people yelling and screaming
and the petrifying splashing of the hungry water below penetrated her ears. The cold salty air
filled her nostrils now, unable to ignore. The closer she got to the dreaded ocean surface the
more deafening the atmosphere was. Suddenly, her legs reached for rope but all she received
was the prickly, lumpy stub that marked the end of the rope, and more importantly, her chances
of survival. Saundra then forced herself to look down, and saw that the growling, snapping water
was only a few feet away. She inhaled sharply, and swallowed nervously. Trapped, whispered
Saundra. She knew the water was only a few feet away, but so deep, just so deep... Sam!
Sam...I cant do this
Yes you can! Just lower yourself in.
Saundra took a deep breath and lowered her feet, then her legs, then...SPLASH! Her
body was encased in the icy ocean water. For a moment, Saundra was completely paralyzed but
she was jolted back to life by a cold ocean wave in her face. Saundra swam as hard as she could
to get to the floating planks that meant safety. When she reached that destination, she was
exhausted and freezing cold.
A few minutes later, Saundra finally spoke. Samson McNeil, what were you thinking?!
Not only did you get yourself caught, but you almost got both of us killed! Your ignorance is
completely unacceptable!
Thats when Sam started to laugh. After a while, Saundra laughed too. They didnt die
and, well, that outburst was a bit funny.
Hooonk, hooonk! A bright light shone through the dark mist and people cheered. The
boat turned and the word Carpathia could be seen in the brightened fog. Thinking fast, like he
always did, Sam held up a soggy piece of wood and waved it back and forth. Then Saundra
snatched it out of his hands and started paddling toward the vessel. A full lifeboat of shivering
people frantically paddled up to a thin metal ladder and dripping passengers climbed up. When
Saundra pulled up to the lifeboat, a man with sodden black hair smiled and lifted her up onto the
wooden boat, then Sam. Saundra thanked him and climbed the ladder to the deck of the cozy
vessel and Sam soon followed. The two friends were eventually seated on an old bed and given
warm bowls of stew. The bright sun rose and reflected on the water making it a huge smear of
pink orange. Sam and Saundra were soon safe in the United States of America. Everything was
like it was before they boarded the RMS Titantic and survived that one night they would never,
never forget.

Emma Loffredo, Grade 6

A Deadly Paradise (Page 5)
Blue Creek

The day was March 18th, 1925. It was a purplish gray and cloudy morning on Mr. and
Mrs. Marrow's farm. Angel and Carter had just woken up and they expected to hear the chirping
of birds and snorting of pigs, and the sun shining on the big red barn and stables.

" Angel," three year old Carter said, " Mom and Dad are running outside with the
animals like crazy people!"
Not only did Carter and Angel not know what they were in for, they also didn't know what
unfortunate events were going to happen to them.

"Mom and Dad!!!!! It's Angel! What are you doing? And why is it so dark?" eight year old
Angel called from her and Carter's bedroom window.

"Honey, take Carter to the basement with you. We are trying to get our prize horse Duke
into the trailer, then we will come get you two so we can escape from the storm," their mom
yelled back to Angel.
"Carter, come with me, we can see if there is any news on the radio to see why we have
to go to the basement," Angel told her little brother.
The kids ran down the stairs and opened the door into the small square living room.
They turned the radio on and sat down on the red velvet armchairs and listened carefully.
"Everyone!!! Take cover!!!! The tornado is coming!!! We can't tell how many there are!!!!! Run!!!!
We can see the tornado!!!!!! Radio man down.....echhhhhhhh " the radio blared out so loud it
sounded like thunder...... and a screeching bird. BOOM!!!!!!!!! thunder sounded, then lightning.
"Carter, do you know what that radio means?" Angel asked, she was shaking in fear as
she talked.
"What? Storm?" Carter asked.

"Yes, but if the radio station has been crushed... that means the tornado is heading
towards our house!" Angel explained with difficulty to Carter as she shook. Carter half screamed
half cried. You could see the fear in his eyes even if he tried to hide it. But if you thought Carter
was scared you should have been inside Angel's perspective, she felt like today was the end of
her life.
"C-C-C-Carter y-you and I ha-have to r-run if we wa-want to stay alive," Angel said. "No
car. Just brown wind," Carter said.
"What???" Angel screamed, "I can't hear you!!!!!!!!!"
The kids couldn't see a thing, the sky was filled with gray clouds and the rest of the sky
was dark purple.
"Basement. Mom and Dad meet there," Carter said.
"Okay Carter, you're right. If we don't access the basement we'll never see Mom and
Dad again," Angel replied. "I'll grab a lantern from the kitchen because it's so dark. Carter get
the coats because it's very windy." Carter ran half way up the stairs and opened a wooden
brown door that was filled with coats and winter supplies. Carter screamed as about 13 moths
flew out and up to the ceiling light. The moths as Carter thought were harmless to him, but when
he took his and Angel's coats out they had holes all over them. "Uh oh..." Carter said. He ran
down the stairs opened the door to get out of the stairway then he ran to through the bathroom,
dining room, and family room then he opened the door into the pantry and through the small
pantry he walked into the kitchen. When he walked in he heard a small whimpering sound.
"Angel?" he whispered.
"What, yeah I'm fine," Angel said and she wiped the tears from her face and put the
picture of her Carter and their parents face down. "CARTER!!!!!" Angel screamed over the loud
noise of the tornado, "MOM AND DAD'S TRUCK AND TRAILER ARE GONE!!!!"
"I said to you earlier," Carter replied.

"C'mon Carter we have to go outside to the basement, the tornado will strike any minute
now. Where are the coats?" Angel yelled to her little brother. The kids put on their useless hole
covered coats and they turned the lantern on and walked outside the back door Angel holding
the lantern and Carter's hand as Carter clung to the side of the house. "Carter.... c'mon! Well
never be safe if we dont move, Angel shouted.
Okay but well get sucked into the tornado! Carter yelled in return.
We have to take our chances! Angel shouted to her helpless little brother. The kids let
go. Carter thought he was going to die. The lantern then flew out of Angels hand.
NOOO! she screamed. The day turned midnight black. Carter where are you? Angel
shouted in distress.
LANTERN!!!!! Carter shouted at the top of his lungs.
Im gonna try to open the basement doors. Angel yelled to Carter. The work to try to
open the doors was backbreaking. Its like Im trying to move in elephant, Angel muttered to
herself. YES! Carter screamed when the doors finally opened. RUN! Angel told Carter as she
stumbled backwards. Too much wind. Carter cried. Angels long hair was blowing wildly in the
wind. angel grabbed Carters hood and pulled him into the basement. Carter whimpered. The
kids couldnt get the basement doors to close because 62 mph winds were no match for two
"Sorry I had to do that Carter. I love you too much to let you get sucked into the tornado.
Right now we only have each other," Angel said. The tornado was almost at their house, after
all it was a mile wide and the Marrows lived just on the outskirts of the city, where the tornado
had struck just minutes ago. Then the tornado hit.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" the kids screamed in unison. They thought they would die that very
second. But the tornado passed their house (after destroying it) without touching Angel or
"Sissy? It's Carter!" Carter shouted.

YES!!!!! We're not dead!" Angel exclaimed, "I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! Hey,
on the other hand... didn't there used to be a roof here?"
"Roof all gone," Carter said. He cannot yet speak full sentences because he is only
"Well at least we are safe," Angel was trying to be optimistic about what had happened,
"And we had the adventure of a life time!"
"DUKE!" Carter screeched with joy.
"What! Duke? He has a note attached to him!" Angel exclaimed, "It says: Follow Duke.
He will lead you to us." Duke bent down so the kids could hop on. He trotted, then galloped,
then ran towards a cave the children had once played in.
"Duke?" their mom called. Duke trotted towards the voice.
"Angel! Carter!! We thought we'd never see you again! We were trying to be optimistic
but we'd thought you'd perished in the tri-state tornado.The tornado already went through Illinois
and Indiana and it should probably be almost finished "eating up" Missouri, their dad was over
the top relieved to see his kids.
"Do you want to know why we left without you?" their mom asked.
"Yes," The kids said and nodded their heads.
"Well this is the modified version.... Get Duke in the trailer! I'll start up the truck. Your
father had said," explained their mom, "So I walked Duke into the trailer. Then I got into the
truck. Apparently I hadnt closed the trailer so Duke walked out of the trailer.Then the truck
came unattached to the trailer and the truck blew away with the wind. We landed by a cave you
two used to play in. Amazingly Duke was taking shelter there too! Then when the tornado had
ended we taped a note to Duke. Duke was sent to fetch you and immediately bring you to us.
And now you're right here!"

~ 1 year later ~

"We just rebuilt our house and got new animals for the farm," Angel said to the news
reporter for the radio.
" Well, it looks like the tornado has caused about 695 deaths but the Marrow
family is rebuilding their home and life and we home many other families are going back
to their old life," the news reporter announced on the radio.

"I'm Angel Marrow and that's my story of the tri state tornado," recited Angel.

A Twisted Tale
By: Ibraheem Ropri

Victor woke with a start. It was early dawn. He quietly slipped downstairs to the kitchen
and made himself some breakfast. He put two slices of toast in the toaster and grabbed some
strawberry jam from the fridge. As soon as the toast was ready, he quickly spread some of the
Ibraheem Ropri
Blue Creek Elementary
Grade 4

jam on each of the two slices and scarfed down the entire meal. Soon, his parents were about to
leave for work. It was Take your child to work day at his fathers office!
As Victor was waiting for his parents to come downstairs, he began picking out his
clothes for the exciting day ahead. Victor had tan skin and blonde hair. He was currently wearing
a comfortable sweatshirt with gray sweatpants. As he looked outside his bedroom window, he
realized the weather looked a little gloomy, but he didnt pay much attention to it. A few minutes
later, Victors dad knocked on his door and greeted him with a warm hello.
After Victor and his dad were dressed and ready to go, they hopped into the car and drove
to Victors fathers office building. When Victor got there he saw his friend, Robbie. Robbie was
a tall, brown haired boy who was the same age as Victor. Victor waved at Robbie and Robbie
waved back. Victor and Robbie walked up to each other and started talking about how excited
they were to be able to visit their dads offices. The office building was located in a small city,
where Victor and his family had lived ever since he was born. The building was on the corner of
an intersection, which was busy with hurrying people and honking cars.
When both of their dads got to their offices, the two boys quietly stole out of the building.
As they got out, they heard a loud rumbling noise. They both froze as they turned around and
saw what was making the noise. A gigantic tornado was swirling before them. Take cover!,
both of them yelled at the same time. By now the whole office building was evacuating from the
scene. The two fathers grabbed their sons and hurried over to another building with a basement.
As soon as they got there, the two pairs got seperated again! Everybody was panicking in every
way possible, but they all had the same question on their minds...will I survive?

Ibraheem Ropri
Blue Creek Elementary
Grade 4

The thing that Victor and Robbie were most worried about was that they were left outside
of the building! Victor and his friend both slowly turned around to get a glimpse of the tornado
before they took off trying to find another safe basement. A couple minutes after trying to outrun
the tornado, they found a small hatch leading to an underground tunnel. When they were done
climbing the ladder, Victor and Robbie both yelled over the noise, Wow! This is so cool! What
stood before them was an underground city! Victor gazed upon two story stone houses lined up
and down the concrete streets. But the thing that caught the boys attention at first was an iron
figure in the middle of all this chaos with tons of people scattered across this underground city.
As the boys came closer to this iron figure,they saw people around it praying. Robbie thought
that this was like a statue that they worshiped. The statue was in a shape of a tall man holding a
staff. Victor heard some ooooooohs and aaaaaaaaahs nearby and so did Robbie. They both
went to where the noise was coming from and slipped their way to where a magician was
standing. The magician saw the two boys and said, I havent seen you two before. Let me have
a word with you. The two boys told the magician everything about the tornado and the pairs got
separated. The magician then replied with a chuckle then bellowed, I shall have your state fixed
with a snap of my finger! The magician snapped and the boys made their way to the hatch that
leaded to the upperworld. When they were up nothing had changed! Then they saw the tornado
still destroying the town and quickly headed down. Surprisingly, when they got there, the
magician had already made a run for it! Victor and Robbie were stunned that the magician had
made a quick escape. The boys heard a loud rumble cross over their heads. As soon the noise
was gone, the boys climbed up the ladder and saw the tornado speeding away swooping up
houses. When Robbie looked behind him he said, Um Victor you might wanna see this. As

Ibraheem Ropri
Blue Creek Elementary
Grade 4

Victor turned around, he shifted his gaze at all the destruction a single tornado had made. He
looked over at Robbie who had the same, shocked expression on his face.
The entire city was a complete disaster. The wind was still blowing pretty harshly, but it
was safe enough for people to come out onto the streets again. Even though there were
thousands of people standing outside, each one of them was too shocked to speak. All Victor
could hear was muffled sobs and stunned gasps. Somewhere a few blocks down, Victor could
hear a small baby crying and all he could think of was how upset that family must have been,
since his own family was so upset and he was so much older than the small baby.
Victor and his father slowly walked back home, taking in all of the ruins of what used to
be a bustling, happy city. As their house came into view, well, what was left of it, Victor almost
broke down into tears. He saw his mother and little sister sitting on what used to be their front
porch, with the ruins behind them. It all looked like a scene from a scary movie. Victor could not
believe this was real.

The week after, Victor was starting to get used to his new environment. The houses on
his street were halfway through a rebuilding program. But luckily his house was new, clean and
maybe even a bit more safe. Victor slouched as he went down the stairs to make himself some
breakfast. Then he thought about what happened 7 days ago. A small flashback was enough to
make a chill run down Victors spine. But overall, Victor was calm despite the fact his father had
told him if there was a tornado that did this much destruction, no other storm could overtake the
amount of people who died and who got injured. When he looked at the newspaper, he didnt say
anything not even a word. He just stared at the news, with a blank expression on his face. On the
Breaking News column, in big bold words, it said, Tri-State Tornado - 1,000 dead and 3,000
Ibraheem Ropri
Blue Creek Elementary
Grade 4

hurt. Then Victor turned to the next page and saw the death count of all the cities the tornado had
struck. Victor searched rapidly through the columns looking for his home city-Annapolis-but
when he finally saw the name of the city in big bold words, he didnt even talk. Not even a word.
About 1-20 people killed and 50 injured. Victor suddenly had a small flashback of what had
happened yesterday. Victor was still starstruck about the day before. He wanted to know what
would happen but as he read the next page he was muttering under his breath Please dont let
the tornado take a u-turn, anything but that. The massive tornado had whipped across the 3
states of Missouri, Indiana, and Illinois and had destroyed everything in its path in a blink of an
eye. For the next few days, the entire city was in shock and devastation. However, Victor and
Robbie were both back with their families. When Victor thought he heard rumbling noises, he
kept taking cover. Victors dad assured him that nothing would happen, but he still had a hard
time believing it.
A few months later, the city was almost back to the same state it had been in before, due
to many of the recovery programs that the city had offered. Victor and Robbie started going back
to their everyday routine and soon enough, they remembered that on the day of the tornado, they
had also discovered an old underground city! The both of them went back on their eleventh
birthdays and found the hatch again. However, when they went back, they realized that the
underground city was not an average city at all! It was made up of giant mountains and rivers
flowing alongside the streets. Before Victor could even take in all the bustling people and
flashing lights, Robbie ran off in the direction of a huge crowd. Victor followed Robbie as the
both of them weaved through lines of about 100 people! Victor stared at a huge crowd of what
looked like all the people in his city! Then they saw the center of attention. Once again, it was
the magician! Victor and Robbie made eye contact with the magician, who immediately tried to
Ibraheem Ropri
Blue Creek Elementary
Grade 4

make a run for it again. This time, Victor and Robbie were ready. They caught up to him and
started asking him why he had left them and lied about fixing the town. Before the magician
could explain himself, Victors watch alarm went off, telling him it was time for dinner.
Distracted by the noise, Victor and Robbie looked down but when they looked back up, the
magician was gone yet again! They would have to come back again tomorrow. For now, Victor
couldnt wait to tell his family what he had just seen! Maybe, he could even lift their spirits from
the devastation they had experienced only a few months ago.

Ibraheem Ropri
Blue Creek Elementary
Grade 4


By:Jacob McCormick

There I was on April 6th 1896 in Athens Greece. I was standing at the starting line of the
200 meter dash in the first modern Olympics. I felt so nervous, I had butterflies in my stomach
and I felt like I was going to be sick. All of those people were watching me. This is what actually
mattered. Then, before I could realize what was going on, BANG! we were off. The race had
Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

Being an only child on a 150 acre family farm in Florida wasnt easy in the summer of
1895. The weather was scorching and the work never seemed to end. Pa is 51 years old. He was
an extremely hard worker. He worked from sun up to sun down 365 days a year. He had been a
great athlete before he took over the family farm from his father. He was a great runner just like
me. Ma was 50 years old. She cooked, cleaned, and tended to the garden. She made the best
apple pie in the county. My name is Mark. I am 20 years old and my dream is to make the
Olympic track and field team for the USA.
It was tough training when you lived on a farm. It seemed impossible to find time to
train. Besides feeding and milking the cattle, sweeping the barn, shoveling manure, planting and
harvesting the crops, and fixing fences, I barely had time to eat and sleep.
Mark, come for dinner! shouted my mother.
Coming Ma! I shouted back.
I hurried past the barn and ran into the house.
Smells great Ma I said.
Thank you dear she replied.
After dinner, I hurried up to my bedroom and laid down on my old rickety bed. I didnt
complain because I knew that my parents were extremely poor. I ran into the city and looked at
all of the rich people. They all had such nice clothes compared to me. Then, I headed back to the
farm. After that, a day of hard work awaited me. I wished that I could keep training, but I knew
that my father needed me to work on the farm because he couldnt afford to hire any extra help.
When all the work was done, I quickly grabbed something to eat and then headed up to bed.
I went outside to train the following day before sunrise and it was raining cats and dogs.
Boy, did I get soaked! But, I didnt care because after I read yesterdays newspaper I knew that
Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

there was only 1 month until the Olympic trials. This had been a dream of mine ever since I
heard that the USA was competing in the first ever modern Olympic games. I was relieved to
hear that the trials were only 2 hours away by horse and buggy. I knew that if it was much
further Pa wouldnt let me go because I wouldnt be able to get home in time to help with the
evening chores.
Over the course of the next 3 and weeks I trained every morning until the sun came up.
I even made up excuses to run back and forth to the barn to get in some extra practice during the
afternoons. As the date of the trials drew nearer, I felt more and more confident that I would
make the team. The day before the trials was the worst day of my life! One of the cows kicked
Pa in the knee and now he was unable to walk. I had no choice but to stay on the farm and help.
If I went to the trials, they would barely get anything done. I didnt want to stay, but I knew that I
had to. My family was more important than my Olympic dream. It was over. I had no chance of
getting on the team now. My dreams were crushed!
The next day was HORRIBLE! It finally felt real. I was glum all day. The work never
seemed to end. It didnt help that I was thinking about missing the trials all day long. When all
the chores were done and the day was through, I went to bed without eating anything. The
feeling of not even being at the trials was even worse than the feeling of being there and not
making the team. I followed the same routine every day over the course of the next week as Pa
slowly recovered. I was trying my best to forget about the trials. I was starting to feel better, but I
wish that I couldve made the team.
When I read the newspaper the next morning, I was so shocked that I nearly fell over
backwards in my chair. One of the runners that made the team got diphtheria and was not going
to be able to travel with the team to Greece. The article said that they were having a trial in 3
Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

days to see who will replace him. This was GREAT! My dreams werent crushed! Id have a
chance to make the Olympic team after all.
Ma! Pa! One of the runners got diphtheria! They are going to have another trial! I
Thats great Mark, said Pa.
How Great! said Ma.
I cant miss this trial. Its my last chance, I said.
Well..., said Ma.
He can go, interjected Pa, because I know how hard it is to give up on your dreams. I
dont want this farm to hold him back like it did me.
Thank you! I replied.
I sprinted outside to start training. For the first time in the last week, I actually felt happy.
I dont think that I have ever wanted anything more. I needed to make the team.
The next 2 days, I ran every chance that I could get. If I could make that team and
represent my country, Id be the happiest person in the whole world. If I won, maybe I could
keep training and make the next Olympics. But, what would I do if I didnt make it? Would I
give up on running? If I did, what would I do with my life? I had a lot to think about. That night,
it seemed like forever before I could finally fall asleep. All that I could think about were the
trials the next morning.
In the morning, I ate breakfast and headed off to trials. I didnt want to be late so, I left
early. I hitched up two of Pas best horses to the buggy and headed off for the trials. It took about
2 hours to get there. Even though it took longer than expected to get there, I got there in plenty
of time.
Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

When I got there, I was amazed at how many people were there. They were having a
competition to see who would make the team. There were 10 people in a group. Each group
would have a race. Whoever won would move on. The others would be sent home. There were 5
groups. I was in group 2. I went 2nd. The man that won in group 1 was significantly better than
the others. When I was up, I was nervous, but I came in first! I went to sit with the guy that won
in group 1.
Congratulations, I said trying to be friendly.
You just wait until I beat you in the finals, he replied.
I didnt answer him because I knew that he was probably going to beat me. When all the
groups had gone, there were only 5 people left. Right after the start, the guy from group 1 tried to
trip me, but he missed and fell down in the process. I knew that I could win this. I was getting
farther and farther ahead. When I crossed the finish line, I felt great! I couldnt believe it! I was
going to the Olympics!
The trip home seemed to take forever. I couldnt wait to get there and tell Ma & Pa the
great news. They must have heard the rumbling of the old buggy, because they met me at the
entrance to the farm. The horses barely had a chance to slow down before I jumped out of the
I made it! I made it! I shouted.
When Pa heard this, he was thrilled. Im so proud of you Mark!
Me too! yelled Ma. We knew that you could do it!
Thank you so much for letting me go, I replied.
On January 31, 1896, I got a telegram that said we were leaving for Greece the next day,
I packed all day long. It was going to take about 2 months to get there. That was the longest I had
Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

ever been away from home.When I met the team at the docks, it was my first time meeting them.
They all seemed like nice people. I was glad to be on the team. The ship that we were going to
Greece on was the nicest ship that I had ever seen. Everyone on the team had their own bedroom.
I knew that the trip would take a while so, I figured that Id better get settled.
Hey newcomer! said one of my teammates.
Hi, my name is Mark I replied.
I will be your coach. You can call me coach D. said my coach.
After a couple of days, I started getting seasick. I was REALLY sick! I didnt know if I
was going to run in the Olympics. Even if I did, would I let my team down because I wasnt
100%? I was seasick the whole rest of the trip. I was glad when we got off the ship because I
started to feel better. After a day of rest, we started training. We trained from sunrise to sunset.
April 4th was our last day of training. Our coach wanted us to be well rested for the games.

The next day, I woke up, got something to eat, and went down to the track. A couple of
guys from the team were already there.
You guys ready? asked coach.
Yeah we all replied.
When the time came for us to start, we all walked over to the starting line. There I was on
April 6th, 1896 in Athens Greece. I was at the starting line of the 200 meter dash in the first
modern Olympics. I felt so nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt like I was going to
be sick. All of those people were watching me. There were so many of them. I wished that Ma
and Pa could be here. I was so busy thinking about Ma and Pa that I wasnt paying attention.
Then, before I could realize what was going on, BANG! We were off. The race had started. I
Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

started out in the middle of the pack. But, I was slowly falling behind. I thought it was over, but I
thought of Ma, Pa, and the farm. I started running faster and faster. I started to move through the
pack towards the front. I could see the finish line around the bend. I ran with all of my might. I
finally caught the leader. I was actually winning! Just stay in the lead and dont let him pass you
I thought to myself. I was feet from the finish line, and then I crossed the finish line just a split
second before the nearest competitor. It was over! I won the gold medal!

Jacob McCormick
5th Grade
Blue Creek

But Mother, why does he have to leave? Carissa complained.

Its for the good of you, me, and the entire country. Would you rather be ruled again,
and not have freedom or fair rights? Her mom shot back.
Yes, if it means that Father will be alive! Carissa said, her voice cracking a little as a
tear rolled down her cheek.
Why mother, why does father have to risk his life for the country? Carissa asked, now
full on sobbing.
Then turned away, and walked slowly, and somberly, back up to her room. When she got up to
her room, she opened the door to the secret library, the perfect place for pondering thoughts, and
getting away from mother. Just as Carissa had picked out the perfect book, and gotten comfy on
the sofa, the days early argument topic came strutting into the room. Father. Carissa dear, I do
not want to go, I really do not, but I must.
President Madison has commissioned me to Fort McHenry to fight for America in this
Oh father, please, Carissa pleaded, Just please do not die!
Dear, do not fret over me, for I will be just fine, I promise.
Carissa hugged her Father, and said I will miss you so very much, but we need our country, and
our country needs you.
Thank you Carissa, I will see you very soon and under his breath so Carissa couldnt
hear him, he muttered I hope. and he left the library.
She couldnt hold it back anymore, Carissa let herself start crying, violently, yet still
quietly. She wilted, like a delicate flower with no sunlight and started to read her book. Traits Of
Nature, By Sarah Burney. Suddenly, almost too soon, it was midmorning, at her marketplace

Lydia Smith Grade 6 Blue Creek Elementary

hour. With a sigh, Carissa took her basket, and headed off to the markets. On her way to the
marketplace, she encountered Madelyne, one of her good friends from the schoolhouse, who
noticed that Carissa seemed depressed. Madelyne quickened her pace to get closer to Carissa.
She linked her arm around the arm that Carissa was holding her basket with.
What is causing you to feel this way?
Well, its just the thought that my father may die fighting for the Country in the battle
that he was commissioned to, depresses me. It makes me feel like a hare in hunting season: so
Oh Carissa, thats so terrible! If I were in your shoes, I wouldnt be able to bear it!
Madelyne squeezed Carissas hand, I would cry, and sob all day long until I knew for certain
that my father would be alright.
Thank you greatly, Madelyne. If it werent for you, I would most likely still be sobbing
all day long, but now, you have given me a little bit of hope for father.
I will see you tomorrow at the schoolhouse Carissa!
You too Madelyne! Carissa said
You too.
When she finally made it to the farmers market, she glanced at the list mother gave her:
Tomato, eggs, basil, potato, carrot, squash (yellow), beets, chicken, venison, rabbit, grapes,
peaches, flour, pork, parsley. Parsley. her fathers favorite spice. that sent a pang of loneliness
into her heart.
Carissa decided to head home the long route, so that she could have some alone time to
think about what just happened to her. Her father went out to war, for President Madison, and
she may never see him again. How horrible! she thought. Why is it me that must go through

Lydia Smith Grade 6 Blue Creek Elementary

this, doesnt the president ever think about the children losing their fathers? Carissa kept
pondering that powerful thought until she got home.
Mother, Im home from the market with the items from your list! Carissa called
Will you be a dear and brew the tea for me while I bake the biscuits? Mrs.
Hammerschmidt fancies Black Tea. Carissa started to boil the water over the wood burning
stove, and put the tea leaves into it. The smell of the boiling tea, and the baking biscuits, was
enough to make even the least hungry person in the world, feel hungry. As the steamy biscuits
came off the stove and the tea was being poured into teacups, the doorbell rang. Mrs.
Hammerschmidt, Madelyns mother, was here. Carissa went over to the door, opened it, curtsied,
and greeted her.
good day Mrs. Hammerschmidt, how are you?
I am doing quite well, Carissa. I hope you are doing fine as well! With that, Mrs
Hammerschmidt walked into the dining room for tea and biscuits with Carissas mother. Carissa
went back up to her room to continue to read her book, but not before hearing that Madelyns
father had just gone off to fight too.
She felt horrible! He had to leave while she was out at the marketplace. She had no idea
about it
What if Madelyn was feeling the same way as I, when I encountered her earlier this
morning? I didnt even think about if her father went off to battle, she must have felt terrible!
Carissa opened the door to her secret library, sat on the chaise lounge, and continued on in her
Later that night, Carissa had all these terrible dreams that there was knocking on the door.
Not just anyone, but her father. He knocked on her door, smiled and hugged Carissa tight. There

Lydia Smith Grade 6 Blue Creek Elementary

was a shadowy figure behind him. It was the silhouette of Mr. Hammerschmidt, who was also
alive, slightly walking with a limp, but alive. There were footsteps. There was a gunshot, and
Both her father and Mr. Hammerschmidt were dead, their limp, lifeless bodies collapsed in the
doorway. Carissa woke up at around midnight breathing heavily, heart beating fast with sweaty
palms, because of these dreams. From the sounds she was hearing, the battle was underway.
She heard cracks from guns, and bombs from cannons. Screams of pain and shrieks of
agony pierced the night. The putrid smell of smoke filled the room. She couldnt breathe in there.
Coughing and hacking, she ran down the stairs to the parlor, where mother was.
Do you smell that? Carissa asked, urgently while fanning her nose with a sandalwood
Yes dear, I do Mother replied. The glow of flame crackled and popped through the
parlor window. the smell of smoke got worse and worse. The flames got larger in the parlor
window. they got close. too close. The windowpane popped and snapped and eventually melted
off the frame of the window. Now Carissa knew where the flames were coming from. Not the
battlefield, but the white house. President madison and his wife were lying, unconscious, on cots
in their front lawn surrounded by medics, doctors, and passerby. Behind them the white house
charred, blackened and went up into flames. Carissa screamed as the thick heavy tan oak door
collapsed off of the melting door hinges, and burst into flames coughing up smoke. The entire
front wall of their parlor caught on fire. The front walls flame spread to the other three walls.
Not just their front wall was on fire, their entire house was engulfed in flame. Burning, charred
ceiling planks cluttered and crashed to the ground, one landing on Carissas fan which was
dropped only inches from her feet.

Lydia Smith Grade 6 Blue Creek Elementary

Mother where are you? Carissa frantically searched through the parlor. Mother wasnt
there. She had escaped through the broken parlor window earlier, before the door and wall
caught on fire She was trapped. In a burning house, with no way out, all by herself. Suddenly she
heard a scream.
Thats my daughter! Father! He was alive! Carissa was hot, so hot, too hot,
unbearably hot. When the lacey tip of her dress caught fire everything charred in her vision like
her skirt.
Her vision was fuzzy as she gained consciousness. Her mother, Madelyn, and Mrs.
Hammerschmidt were in a semicircle around her. Were they in, the doctors house? Why? When
did they get there, and why was she sleeping? Most importantly, why was she even there in the
first place?
honey? how are you feeling? How many fingers am I holding up?
Ummmm, 14? no no no uh, 11? Yes 11!
Oh she must still be a little frazzled by all that just happened Madelyn murmured.
Why am I even here?
Dear, What is your first name?
Carissa, but mother, Why am I here?
Yesterday afternoon our house burned down to the ground, along with the white house.
You dear, were trapped inside the burning house until your Father came to save you. He carried
you out to where it was safe, and then fainted as well. He is very badly burned, luckily Doctor
Miller was able to work on healing those wounds, but it will be a while until you see your father
again when he is awake.

Lydia Smith Grade 6 Blue Creek Elementary

Oh my, I forgot all about father! Where is he?

He is down the hall, in the spare bedroom.
Can I go to see him very quickly?
Wait! How many finger-
Eight Madelyn! Oh my goodness! Carissa went down the hall to see father. She
imagined how long he would stay at the doctors, or what he would look like now that he had
been badly burned,
Just to save me. She thought, why did he hurt himself for her? She was glad to be alive,
but was it worth all of that pain? When she got there, There was a body tucked into a bed, not
even recognizable as her father. His face was badly disfigured, and his body was terribly burned.
Oh Father what have I done to do this to you
Three months later, Father had been released from the doctors, and was partially healed
already. He would never be completely the same, but that didnt matter. He was her father, and
she loved him just the way he is.

Lydia Smith Grade 6 Blue Creek Elementary

The Forgotten Sister

I never expected any popularity. Well, never with any kind of figure skating, and never
because of my sister.
Many people know me not as Kim Aera, but Kim Yu-nas sister, Kim Aera, Yu-nas
sister, and The Sister of the Queen.
Maybe you dont even know who I am. Kim Aera reporting this. I am the figure skater
Kim Yu-nas older sister by 3 years. Yes, she does have a sister.
People refer to me as the forgotten sister. While Mom has gone all in and even writes
books to get recognized, Dad and I stay at home and watch Yu-na at our television.
Sometimes, I hate the fact that our mom only follows Yu-na, she skipped my graduation
because of some conflict with Yu-nas schedule. Missed our dads birthday. Forgot their
I ended up giving up my ultimate dream of becoming a singer, because apparently if I
continued, the expenses will come up too much, and since my sister already decided she wanted
to become a skater, that meant I had to give up what I wanted.
But sometimes I feel like it was worth it. Just last year, it was kind of a bad year for
South Korea: financial issues, deaths, sports, and the everlasting rivalry with Japan. Everyone
was looking to Yu-na to give some hope and revenge, and she delivered perfectly. She broke her
own world record in the short program by literally 4 points, already putting her in the front, in
front of Joannie Rochette by 9 points, which is quite a lot. Then, in the free skate, even with a
mistake with one of the easiest jumps, she still was ahead of the second highest free skate by
Miki Ando by 5 points. The total score? Thats three things, first, a new world record, she
shattered the 200 total points bar, and it gave her much more confidence. Also, it was the first
time that a South Korean skater won the world championships in figure skating.
And this year, shes off to the Olympics! Yes, I know there are a handful of other South
Korean figure skaters out there that went to the Olympics and there are ones going with her, but
what Im basically saying is that shes not just going to the Olympics, but the thing is that this is
the first time that a South Korean skater has been a favorite to win the games. The only ones who
stand in her way are Mao Asada, a rival since the junior times but a great friend off ice, and
Joannie Rochette, who got second just last year. This will also be the first time I will see her
performances live. Well, Ive gone before, but I havent seen one since three years ago, where
she went to the seniors and had competitions way early in the morning.
Dad and I are off to Canada in a week, which is kind of sad, since the Olympics are in a
week and we are going right before the opening ceremony. Also, I have to miss some classes in
college. However, I think my professor will give me a pass, since my sister is literally the most
famous person in Korea right now. Yes, she beat out Girls Generation, Big Bang, Super Junior,
and all those other idol groups and singers. Psy.
While thats going on, I have to go through this Kim Yu-na, We Love You phase at my
college, and it wouldve been all right, except if all the weirdos would stop coming up to me and
asking every single question, personal or not, about my sister.

At first, I sort of liked it. No one has ever noticed me before at school, then suddenly
getting all this attention kind of surprised me. But now, they are poking at my personal life.
Every day someone is trying to break into our house, that Dad and I (because Mom decided to
run after Yu-na and everything) had to move at least five times to try to stop people from trying
to break into what we are doing.
Im training to be a nurse instead of working on my vocals, all because of Yu-na. But she
can feel empathy. Im serious, when I asked my mother why Im not going to my vocal lessons
and she explained to me that the expenses were too high, I threw my dish at her, flung food at
her, cursed, and didnt come out of my room for a month. But cute little Yu-na, who was still
young, maybe ten or eleven at the time, left my food out the door, with a little cute note with big
handwriting Unnie, please. Im sorry about singing. But one day, Ill become so successful that I
will give all my money to you so you can sing! She said the same thing when my piano, guitar,
and dance lessons were all cancelled to cover the expenses for Yu-na. Dad had to work overtime,
and Mom and Yu-na were almost never at home. In 2006, people saw her as the first South
Korean skater that qualified for the finals in the Grand Prix. Really, she wouldve been
practicing at a different place, but that place was going under reconstruction, so she had to
practice at a public place. Came home at four to have a late dinner, and at eight went back to
have her second session, however sometimes it was so crowded with little Kim Yu-nas, she
couldnt do anything. Sometimes she went to Japan just so she could practice.
That was the story, until in 2007, when she moved to Canada so that Brian Orser could be
her full time coach. Also when she went to her first World Championships, where she and her
rival both made history. Yu-na won bronze there, probably because of her injury, and her rival,
who have been going against each other since the junior days and have only a twenty day
difference in age Mao Asada, she got a world record of the highest free skate points, even though
she lost first place by about a point.
That was the same story in 2008, but this time Mao won her very first World
Championship, and Yu-na got second again.
And you know the result of last year.
What else could possibly come this year?
***One week later
Weve arrived at Vancouver! Its been about three years since I saw my mom and sister,
and even though Im really mad, you cant say that I never missed them. It was a heart touching
Yet still, Yu-na must complete her full training. If she misses one day, everything will be
thrown off balance and she will have to learn everything from scratch again.
While she does that, Dad and I decide to go to our own hotel for right now, just so we can
escape the press and media from Korea. Mom can handle those. I think.
We had to switch our plane tickets about five times because there are so many South
Korean press and fans going, so it was about a week after the Olympics officially begun that we
actually arrived in Vancouver, also making it that Yu-nas short program is tomorrow.

While at the hotel, my phone (which does not have service right now which really
irritates me since I really do need to make a few phone calls) was in my hand, and suddenly the
precious Pikachu case that I got for it suddenly broke for no reason, and that was the last one,
which really was heartbreaking. Oh well, Ill have to ask Dad to take me shopping and buy
another one (if there is).
Dad and I went shopping, but there was no pikachu cases. But we got these little figure
skates that you could stick on your phone. But Ill miss my pikachu.
After shopping, Yu-na was waiting at our hotel, finished with practice. We had a late
dinner, where we just talked about how everything was for the last three years. and the Yu-na
asked a question.
Do you know that person?
I whipped around to see a man with makeup on. It was so visible. Also so sloppy. There
were patches of bare skin and other patches of a little liquid. Lipstick went in a zigzag line, and
his eyeliner looked the same as his lips, while his mascara got smudged onto his eyebrows.
Just as suddenly, there he goes running as fast as he could out of the dining place. Yu-na
and I started chasing after him, but since Yu-na has more endurance than I do, she caught him in
literally a second.
He seemed kind of surprised, then saw my sister.
Ah, you caught me. That was the first level. I am pretty easy to catch, ching chong china
girl. The last level is my sister, which you will never be able to catch. He tried to smirk at Yuna, but instead exposed skin without makeup. And I believe I can keep this, then?
My phone stood against his palm.
Give me that! I snatch it from him.
Yu-na smirked.
Ive heard worse than that, so if you were thinking of insulting me, that failed.
Just then, Miriam came running over to her brother.
Fabian! What are you doing! Dont go trying to gain popularity because of me, I thought
Mom already told you not to do that! She looked over at us. Im sorry my brother is being such
an idiot with you guys. He just wants to get famous and make money, and make the girls fall for
him. But so he could do that, she paused, looking at her brother, he always improperly applies
my makeup. Sorry again!
They went off, Fabian fidgeting against Miriams grip.
Well, lets just hope that doesnt happen during competition. Lets go Unnie.
We continued to eat, said our goodbyes, and went to bed. But I couldnt really sleep. I
guess this is how Yu-na feels before competition.
We awoke the next morning two hours before the real competition. When we went to the
Pacific Coliseum, Mom and Yu-na were already there, warming up with a few jumps. Everyone

was aware that there were cameras recording the practice, and right when Yu-na was just about
to execute her triple flip, the one that she struggled the most on along with her double axel, a
camera had to focus on her, and she fell pretty badly on it. Falling on her left side, which many
skaters are not used to, probably left her to be a little bit sensitive on that. But we can only hope
for the best here.
So we are at the beginning of the 2010 Figure Skating Olympics! I dozed off a lot on
everyones program, but then it went to Mao Asada, and right after that was my sister! The only
thing I was looking forward to was her triple axel, which everyone knew would be in there.
Shes the only one who has it in her program in the short program, and if she lands it, then she
will hold a record of being the first women to land a triple axel in her short program.
Shes coming closer to it, closer, closer
Oh my god! Did you see history be witnessed there? Bam! She landed it. Which will
probably make Yu-na more nervous, even though she may be her friend, but still. That could
very hard to break. Unless, Yu-na doesnt fall on her triple flip. If she nails that, then the rest will
be easy.
Maos waiting for her score to come up, Yu-na is starting to get warmed up, and wait!
The scores are up!
Mao said that she wasnt much for a short program, but she mustve been lying. Her
score is 73.78! Thats incredible. But right now Im closing up on Yu-na, and she seems to be
more confident than most of her competitions. Or maybe thats because this is the first time that
Im actually witnessing Yu-nas competitions live.
Her program was a blur, I didnt see anything, except if she was going to land the triple
flip. I know thats what Orser was worrying about, thats what Im worrying about, and
definitely what Mom was worried about. But what about my sister? I dont know, ask her
yourself. If she was, it definitely never showed up her expressions.
Its coming closer and closer, right at the time when she needs to execute it perfectly,
spin around three times, and have a steady landing. Its coming
We all held our breaths for this moment. If she lands this, then everything else is good.
To explain, if she lands this, then she will win first place for right now. Im serious. She only has
to land this and have confidence to land it. Now we wait.
Her toe pick went slicing into the ice, leaving a mark. First rotation, second rotation, third
rotation. Now, just the landing. Her outside edge went into the ice
And she sticks it! Mom, Dad, and I cheered so loudly. I bet Orser cheered just as loud as
we did. Its one step closer to having Orsers gold that he so desperately wanted at the Olympics
years ago, one step closer for us South Koreans to have our very first gold medal in figure
skating, so many steps closer to everything that we wanted.
She ends with her spin. Thats the end for today. We all know that the scores will be
good. Todays worries will be washed away, only to come back two days later. But thats enough
for right now.

Yu-nas scores were put up. 78.50. A new world record. Shes in first place, ahead of
Mao by 5 points.
Everything else was also a blur. The final standings for the short program were Yu-na,
Mao, and Joannie.
After competition, we were all waiting for Yu-na to come out, but she didnt come meet
us for another ten minutes. When she finally came out, she said her last words to Joannie,
whatever they were talking about.
What was that? I asked her.
Didnt you hear? It was all over the news! Her mom died two days ago because of a
heart attack, and I never got to actually say my condolences to her since she was practicing at
different times than me, so thats what I just did. Is there anything wrong with doing that?
No, nothings wrong with that. Wheres your coach?
I dont know, probably got lost in the crown of reporters and other skaters.
Well, Mom began, Lets have something good to eat. Then, Yu-na needs to work on
her free skate. You do whatever you want during the time.
We went to a Vietnamese restaurant, where we had pho. It was good, based on the fact
that all Dad and I have been eating were because we were related to Yu-na, and this place they
serve everything the same to everyone, no matter how popular they are.
Thats when we went our separate ways. Mom and Yu-na went to practice, Dad went
home, and I, well, I just went shopping. I need a taste of Canada to bring back to Korea.
So I arrived at a huge supermarket, sort of like our E-mart in Korea, yet it was called
Bullseye. Everything was in Olympic taste, You would see limited time 2010 Vancouver
Olympics with the Olympic rings on every mitten, scarf, and coat. Canada flags were
everywhere. From up on the ceiling, at every category, and I literally just crashed into one of the
randoms ones that just crashed down on you when you walked underneath them.
While being sidetracked by all of this, I randomly made it over to the phone accessories,
and I still really needed a case. Ive already dropped my iPhone 4 eight times. There were some
eye-cathing cases that I saw, but what really caught my attention was this Make your own case
Curious of what it was about, I went over and press start.
Please insert white case above.
The machine did it automatically.
Please select your picture.
A load of pictures came up, along with a search bar and camera. Most of the things that
came up were mostly Olympic stuff, but in there were 10 pictures of my sister.
And it came to me.
My sister could be on here.
The results could be on here.
My sister is going to make history.
I just got a picture of her in the James Bond Medly she performed just hours earlier.

It took 30 seconds to develop and get inked onto the case.

Then it popped out.
It was like gluing the picture on, but this was much more neater if I did that.
Ive gotta come back here after the free skate.
This will be perfect.
But anyways, I found some jeans and a sweater, hats and mittens, mugs, some more
makeup, and a little bit of nail polish. I mean, I need to have some fun instead of constantly
worrying about the scores. There were some cool brands here, Loreal, Maybelline, Elf, while in
Korea all I bought was Bobbi Brown. There were also cool nail polish, OPI, Sally Hansens,
when in Korea I bought Nicole polish only. We really need to update on our cosmetics. Or is it
just me? How many times did I see those names in the makeup section? I cant exactly pinpoint
it. Oh well.
Dad was asleep when I came back to the hotel. We bought a suite, since Dad and I both
needed our personal space, dividing the room in half. First off, go to the bathroom and try on the
new makeup. Second, nail polish. Third, check my phone for everything. Fourth, sleep. Jet lag is
still lagging.
I was checking my Twitter with Super Junior when someone comes banging on our hotel
room. When I opened the door, there was that Fabian dude again.
Hello, what are you doing here, if you have business then do it quick and get out of
Hey, woah, slow down lady. He flashed a grin at me. I am sure that I had a hundred
dollars in my pocket, and after my encounter with you ching chong people, I found it to be
missing. He stared at me. And I am absolutely positive that it was either that Chinese girl that
stole it or you! he shouted.
If I were to pocket your money, then I wouldnt have, because our family doesnt need
money of those who are so thirsty for it. Plus, it was in your hands when your sister pulled you
away from us. So either you dropped it along the way or you are faking everything and just
asking for more money, and so get out of this place!
I slammed the door in his face. Dad was still snoring. This was going to be a long two
Aera! Wake up! We have to go in thirty minutes, why arent you up?!
What?! I have slept for two days?
Hurry, or Yu-na is going to yell at us!
I quickly got on my jeans and sweater I just bought the day before. Oh, you should feel
them. It was so comfortable.
I did my makeup as neat as I could, even though I was being a little bit rushed. Ah, it
didnt feel caked on my face. I should use these brushes instead of the ones that were on Moms
shelf since I was born.

Dad and I hurried to the Pacific Coliseum, where the free skate just started. The free skate
is twice as long as the short program, also meaning that it is worth twice more. Usually Yu-na
doesnt flunk this. But this is the Olympics, a perfect place to choke.
Yu-na was almost dead last. 3 people were behind her. So we just watched everyone,
whether it was clean or someone choked, until it was Maos turn.
She had countless amounts of triple axels in her program. They were all executed
perfectly, landed perfectly. But it seemed as if she were missing some character. And I guess
Mao felt it too. She seemed to be forcing a lot of character into everything, but frustrated over
the fact that it didnt show. But her program ended. Her score was 131.72. She was first for right
now. But Yu-na was right after this.
Concerto in F by Gershwin. A gorgeous blue costume. Starting position. The first note
plays, and she makes her first move.
Everything seemed to slow down here. First was a triple lutz - triple toe loop
combination. Then the tough one, the triple flip. Then the double axel - double toe loop - double
loop combination, followed by a double axel - triple toe loop combination. Triple salchow, triple
lutz, and double axel were the last jumps. There were still spins and step sequences. Also there
was the expression that Mao was somehow lacking. After almost every jump, especially on the
flip and axels, there was a smile. Her arms moved so gracefully, like a swan swimming in the
pond at sunset. All of that together, and her program ended.
Orser threw his fists in the air, we all jumped up and cheered, and Yu-na? She started to
cry. Ive never seen her do that in a competition. But this is big.
The wait of her scores seemed so long. Mom went down where the Kiss and Cry was.
Dad and I were right next to it.
And then the scores.
Then it was announced.
Wow. She just broke the old one by literally twenty points.
And the total score was 228.56. Also completely breaking her old one.
We just witnessed history here. Dont forget this moment, everyone who was here.
After all the skaters competed, the final standings were, Yu-na, Mao, and Joannie.
We all went out for something to eat, but I quickly went to the store I was at just two
days ago.
There I ran straight to the machine.
Sure enough, there was the picture I was looking for that was taken just minutes ago.
I made two, one for me, the other for Yu-na.
When we went the the Vietnamese restaurant, it was a huge celebration.
We all handed gifts to her, while she just wore her gold medal in pride.
I handed my gift to her, and I felt that I was doing a lot, being her older sister. This is one
of the big moments that I am so happy that I gave up my vocal lessons so she could become this.

When Yu-na opened it, she screamed.

They were the phone cases.
On it was a picture of Yu-na with her gold medal, the picture she posed for during the
medal ceremony. On her right was Mao, smiling proudly with her silver medal. And on the left
was Joannie, tears in her eyes, looking up at the heavens, probably asking her mom Did you see
that Mom? Did you see that? I won a medal. I think it was worth it to compete. I love you
Now, when you see me walking around at the hospital, youll see me pull it out every so
often so I can just flash back to this glorious day.
When you see Yu-na out in the streets, youll see her do the same thing.
I think Ive done my job as a big unnie.
And thats it. Were all going back to Korea so we can attend the press. Then its back to
the old times. Maybe we will visit in Sochi.
But for right now, Kim Aera, Yu-nas older sister, signing off.

By: Minyi Chen

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

Guys, we have to get out! my mom yelled over the wind. She grabbed some backpacks,
and shoved some of them into my sisters hands. Then she looked at me.
Marissa, dont stand there doing nothing. You can grab those over there. Then, get in the
car with Kaylee and wait.
I nodded, and picked up the boxes. Just then, my dad came thunking down the stairs. He
grabbed one of my boxes, then we walked out and set our things in the car.
Everythings going to be alright. my dad said reassuringly. We got in and were soon
joined by my sister and my mom.
A couple days ago, my dad was on the computer reading the news. He told me there was
a hurricane that would hit New Orleans soon. We were told that we could stay in the Superdome
during the hurricane.
We drove to the Superdome. My hands were shaking the whole time. Inside, it was loud
and crowded. One of Kaylees friends waved and pointed to an empty space next to their things.
You can stay here. she said, I saved you this spot.
My sister smiled, Wow! Thanks Shelby! Youre the best! she set her backpack down.
My mom looked uneasy. Shelby was annoying and mean, and my mom avoided her whenever
she could. She made excuses about why Shelby couldnt come over. Oh! Kaylee didnt finish
her homework. or Oh! Kaylee has to go to gymnastics!
Um, I see a bigger and better space over there. Lets go, my mom said grabbing Kaylee
by her wrist.
But mom, Shelby saved us this space. We could stay here. Theres nothing wrong with
it. Kaylee protested.

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

Kaylee, no. Youre going to listen to me. Were going over there, not here. It is bigger,
and better. No arguing. Kaylee looked over her shoulder at Shelby, and mouthed Sorry! to
I looked at Shelby. She was frowning. Then she began following my mother and Kaylee.
Why do you always ignore me? Kaylee and I are twelve years old! Weve been friends
for almost six years, and we havent had a single playdate! Shelby said through gritted teeth.
My mother looked stunned. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again. I saw her
grip on my sisters wrist tighten.
Lets go. she growled. She dragged Kaylee away.
Why wont you answer me? Is it because you really do hate me?
How do you know I hate you? Anyway, just leave us alone! my mom screamed.
Now Meg, calm down. my dad said gently, wrapping his arm around my mother.
I watched Shelby walk away, dragging her sneakers on the ground. I knew that my mom
hated Shelby. Shelby was annoying and mean, and my mom was afraid that Kaylee would turn
into a mean, and annoying girl like Shelby.
Mom, we need to hurry! Someone might take our space! I warned. We ran to the empty
Snacks anyone? And we need to get the mats out, my mom said. I shook my head.
Here. Take this. my mom said, quickly handing each of us a small backpack with a first
aid kit, a radio, a small cell phone, and some blankets in it. I smiled and took my backpack.
Hey, sweetie? I have a joke. You wanna hear it? my dad asked.
Sure. I need a joke right now.
What do you call a witch on a beach?

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

I dont know a sandwich?

We were playing tic-tac-toe when suddenly, we heard a scream. The roof of the
Superdome was ripped off, and more screams filled the air.
Oh no! Kaylee whispered. She grabbed me, and held me tight. I hugged her. I was very
scared too.
Guys, Ill go see if there is something we can do. my dad said. His face was red, and a
bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. He hugged my mother, then my sister, and kissed the top
of my head before turning. I watched my dad walk toward a family on the other side of the room.
Good luck! Come back safely! Be careful! I love you!
Kids, I need to go to the ladies room. Kaylee, make sure everything is alright, okay? Ill
be back soon! my mom yelled.
She had to go now. Really? Kaylee said impatiently. Cant she go some other time?
Or be quicker right now?
Five minutes passed. Then ten. Mom still wasnt back. Dad wasnt either. Part of the wall
was ripped off. They still werent back. I looked up and saw a huge line of people to the ladies
room. My mom was stuck at the back of the line.
Marissa, I think I know what to do. We have to find Shelby. Kaylee said.
What? Are you crazy?
We have to. Shelbys parents will know what to do Kaylee insisted.
Okay. Fine!
I followed my sister to Shelbys spot. Shelby saw my sister, and smiled.

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

Mom. Dad. Kaylees here! she called. Can she stay with us? Their parents arent here.
Yeah sure. You know that walk-out basement at your aunts house that I told you about?
We need to go there. We can bring them with us.Were going now.
Shelby smiled, and handed some bags to my sister. Soon, we were packed up, and we
headed out. As we were heading out, we almost bumped into our dad.
What are you doing? Wheres your mom?
Shes in the bathroom. We have to go. Shell be fine. We were just going to a safer
place with Shelby. You wanna come?
I guess I have to. My dads tone was quiet, and a little mad. He didnt like Shelby that
much either.
Finally, we were at the place Shelbys mom talked about. There was a door in the ground,
and Shelby opened it.
Get in. Well stay here during the storm. Shelby said impatiently. She looked at me.
Hurry up! she yelled.
Dont tell me what to do!
Be nice. Shelbys mother said sternly.
I peered inside the dark room.
Here. Take this. Shelby muttered to my sister. She handed Kaylee a pink flashlight
with purple jewels glued on it.
I grabbed the flashlight from my sister and shined it into the corners of the room. There
were cobwebs everywhere. The room smelled like trees and dirt. Small puddles covered the

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

Stop wasting time. Get in. my dad said.

I jumped, landing in a puddle. Freezing water splashed all over my jeans, and I shivered.
The room was cold. Everyone jumped in after me, and we waited. And waited. And waited.
Finally, after what felt like a million hours, even though it was only one hour, the hurricane
stopped. We got out of the walkout-basement and looked around. Trees were uprooted and lying
everywhere. The roofs of houses were ripped off. Trash was all over the place.
We have to go. We have to find your mother. my dad said urgently.
We got to the Superdome. It was dirty and covered in mud. Inside, everything was soaked
with muddy water. A family was sitting on a mattress floating in the water, trying to stay
together. It wasnt loud anymore. There wasnt a line at the bathroom anymore. My mother
wasnt here.
MEG? ARE YOU THERE? my dad yelled. The sound echoed off of the walls.
MOM? MOM! Kaylee shouted.
There was no answer.
Lets go. Your mother isnt here. my dad said sadly, his head bowed.
We went outside, calling our mothers name.
Where was our mother? Suddenly, I heard a sob.
Shhhhhh! I hear something! I whispered. I did. It was someone crying. The sound came
from behind a bench with bushes behind it.
I missed you so much! my mom whispered in my ear.
I missed you to!

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

This is such a good story Minyi!! You are so talented and you write so
beautifully. I wish there was a second story!!!!! :)

Minyi Chen: Boght Hills, Grade 5

Becoming Amelia bGold

Grace Isernia

Weve been on this road for about 2 or 3 weeks. Were heading to Sutter Mill in
California. Apparently some guy discovered gold there. I guess my parents want to get rich or
something I dont really care. I want to be an author not some miner. Thats not my thing.
I see it! I see it! Michael shouts.
Amelia stop writing and come here we need to talk about your new jobs. father says.
I stop writing and slowly walk over. Everyone in my family is excited besides me.Then is
see it. Millions and Millions of people maybe more.
Mama are you sure theres enough room for us. Theres millions of people there! Josie
"I'm sure," Mother cooed tenderly.
Father talks as he maneuvers through the town "Michael, Amelia and I while be mining
the mill and Mother and Josie will be working at a shop." It took us 10 minutes just to maneuver
into the town now we have to find a place to live.
"That looks like a good place to live," Michael suggested.
"Nah, too far away away. We would have to walk a mile at least to get to the river,"
Father and Michael argued about where to stay for like ever. After a while though they
settled on a place close to the mill and near plenty of shops. Father got off the wagon and went in
to ask the owner if there was any room for a family of five.
" They only have two beds," Father reported as he was walking out of the building

" The boys sleep in one of the beds and the girls sleep in the other." Mother explained.
" Are you sure Mother? Three people seems like a lot of people on one bed," Michael
asked quizzically. I was thinking the same thing.
" Michael dear, I'm sure and us girls will managed but if you boys are uncomfortable are
the first night we'll some other place to live," Mother said never letting her smile fall.
"We'll be fine. Amelia. Michael. Help Josie and your Mother out please." Father said
As I helped Josie out and Michael helped Mother our Father began to take the luggage
The ground was softer and squishier than I am used to. I could tell Josie and Michael were
the same exact things. Mother looked wary she knew what was at stake here. We sold everything
our house, our farm, even John and Mia. For some reason though her smile never slipped it
there like she was trying to stay strong. It just so"Amelia stop daydreaming and get this box!" Father ordered.
After we got out all the boxes we headed inside. On my left was a small library and on
right there was a bar. There were more people at the bar than the library. All the men whistled
smiled when we walked in and it made me feel uncomfortable. As far as I know Mother, Josie,
I were the only girls.
" Sir you didn't tell me that there were girls in your group," the owner said nervously.

" Why there's my wife and my two daughters. Is that a problem?" Father questioned.
" Well your wife and your daughters must go but you and your son may stay." The
Well bucko-
Its fine well leave. Theres a nice place down the street its all girls. Oh, it looks
wonderful. I think there is shop right next to it if Im not mistaken. Mother said calmly.
No well find a place for all of us.We didnt sell John and Mia to come here and have to
split up. I will find a place where we can stay together. Father said tears coming to his eyes.
Its fine well. Put our stuff back in the wagon. You keep your stuff here. I will drive
wagon over to the place I was talking about. Relax. Have a beer or read a book. Well be fine.
Mother calmly stated.
Father for once listened to Mother. He put their stuff in their room and put our stuff back
the wagon. We all gave them hugs and kisses. I think i will actually miss Michael that dofus.
Everyone started to cry Mother actually let her smile slip for a second but only for a second. We
got on wagon and she started bawling.
Many people go through adversity like this. Amelia doesnt this happen in your books.
They overcome it though. Right!" Mother said
" Yes but they're usually boys. I haven't read one book about a girl who overcomes
adversity" I said.
We rode the rest of the way in silence. It was only down the road but maneuvering

that town takes ages. Josie finally stop crying and fell asleep. When we finally got there I was so
happy Josie almost fell of my lap when I jumped.
"Well here's the place," Mother said " Looks swell right!".
She was trying to lighten the mood but it didn't work. The outside was supposed to be
pink but there was dust and dirt on it. When I walked into the place I was blinded by the bright
pink on the walls. To my right there was a boutique and to my left there was a dining hall.
" Mother, is the library?" I asked. I thought for sure that there would be one down the
" Honey, there isn't a library here," a girl dressed up in lace said with attitude.
" Why?" I asked.
" 'Cause it's unladylike to be smart," she replied.
I was appalled I wanted to scream at her.
" Is there any room for us to stay here?" Mother asked politely.
" Yes, there are two beds over there. Why?" She replied with a little less attitude.
" My two daughters and I need a place to stay so we were wondering if we could stay
here." Mother said.
" Oh, then. Hello ma'am! I'm Marissa and I am the owner of this place. You girls are
allowed to stay in those two beds there. Just put your stuff under the bed." Marissa said putting
a fake smile and cheery attitude.
" Thank you!" Mother said not noticing a hint of fake ness.
We had dinner that night in the dining hall. It was the first time I had eaten anything in

two days. After that we went to bed. I don't know how much sleep I actually got. I tossed and
turned all night thinking about tomorrow. Thinking about gold.
The next day was crazy. At 4am we got up ate then left for work. Mother and Josie had
some time to kill before they went to get a job so they walked me to the mill. I saw Michael and
Father there so I sat right next to them.
" How'd ya sleep last night, Amelia?" Father asked.
" Awful! Josie cried all night, she really misses you guys." I said matter of factly.
No more talking! Sit down at your stations and work. a man screamed. I guess he was
the boss.
I sat down next to my in between father and Michael. He was patrolling around to see if
everyone was doing their job and if they were doing it well. It was my first day and all so I was
super nervous.
Little lady, shouldnt you be at the shop? Or making dresses with your mama! Cause
shouldnt be here this is mans work. Go be cute somewhere else! that man said. I swear I think
my IQ dropped 20 points just listening to him. He was so ignorant.
Actually, Im here with my father and brother to help mine for my family. Not to look
cute! I said with a slight sassy tone.
The mine isnt some place for some baby girl, He said drawing a large crowd with his
loud and annoying voice.
I have every right to be here as you do! I am as much of an American citizen as you are.
And by the way I aint no baby girl, I said getting heated and on the last line I kind of mocked

Well you have to prove that you belong here if youre so confident! he said.
I was about to scream about why I had to prove why i had to be here and why everyone
else didnt. Just because Im a girl doesnt mean Im any less than a boy.
If you find gold by the end of today then you can stay. If not then you have to go work
with your mama in a shop. He said.
I dont think tha- Father said.
I accept! If I do find gold by the end of today then you have to educate yourself and not
be so ignorant! I said getting into the mood you get into when you bet.
Sure! Shake on it He said.
For a second I didnt want to touch his hand because i didn't know where it had been but
after a while i shook his hand. Everyone was staring at me and asking me questions but i didnt
have time for that. I had a bet to win.
I had been working for about and hour when I saw something shining it was gold.
Gold. Gold! GOLD! I was screaming. I had found gold i had won the bet.
Beginners luck bet you cant find another piece of gold. the man that I made the bet
with said. Now I was determined to mine another piece of gold. Two hours later we left to go to
lunch. Once we got back I found another piece of gold.
We should call you Amelia Gold because youve found gold so many times. Michael

I liked the sound of that and if I ever do become a author I would write under the name
Amelia Gold instead of Amelia Smith.
A few weeks later I was traded to another mining company and then to another and this happen
about 4 or 5 years I didnt know where my family was because after the 3rd move i went to
another mining town never to see my family again.
I got a letter the next day from my mom it said something along the lines of. They were
coming to get me. With all the money we got we could get our house back and maybe even get
John and Mia back, but that would be a huge maybe.

exciting to be a whole family again. We even had enough money to go to school.

A year or two after that I published my first book. It was about a girl overcoming
I stayed true to my vow though, and I wrote under the name Amelia Gold.

Finding a Way
by McKenna E. Gregg

On April 10, 1912, people began boarding the Titanic. Some people called the Titanic
the wonder ship. People said the ship was the safest ship in the world because it had two
bottoms! This was so if one of the floors flooded, the other wouldnt. People also said it was the
biggest ship in the world and they said it was like a floating palace! On April 15,1912, the
Titanic sunk to the bottom of the black, icy water in the Atlantic ocean because of a large
iceberg. Only 705 people out of 2,227 passengers were saved.

One day Andrew wakes up really early because he is so excited about the adventure his
family is about to go on. He runs to wake up his parents, but sees that they are gone. He starts
looking all over his house for them and just as Andrew is really starting to panic, his parents
walk through the door. His parents say, Honey, whats wrong? Are you okay? We were just
next door saying good-bye to our neighbors.
Andrew gets dressed, has breakfast, finishes packing, and then off they all go to the
Titanic. On the way there, Andrews parents get way ahead of him. Andrew starts to get nervous
again and calls out, Slow down! Of course they do. Andrew gives his mom a big hug and tells
his dad, Thanks a lot for this trip! His dad says, No problem, Andrew!
When they arrive to the dock of the Titanic, Andrew tries his hardest to peer around the
crowds of people, but he cant see anything because he is too short. And then all of a sudden, the
waiting is over. Finally, they are the next ones to board.
As soon as they walk on to the ship, Andrew cant believe his eyes. The Titanic is fancy,
huge, and amazing. They get to go up the wide, grand staircase. The staircase has fancy details

on the railings and flower details on the stairs. At the top of the stairs, Andrew sees Connor, one
of his friends from school and asks his mom if he can go say hi. His parents wait for him while
he talks to Connor. Connor asks for his room number. Andrew says, Room #731. Connor says
back, No way! Im in room #739! They both shout, Hooray! so loud that almost everyone on
the boat can hear. Then Andrew is excited because he sees the gymnasium, so he asks his mom if
they can explore before they go to their cabin. Andrews mom says, Yes, but lets make it
quick! We need to unpack our things.
Andrews family has so much fun exploring the ship though, that they lose track of time.
While exploring, they see a ball room and a swimming pool, a hospital, the second class dining
room, the upper deck, and best of all, the ocean. After all their exploring, they finally go to their
Once in their cabin, Andrew asks his mom if they can go swimming and asks if Connor
can go to the pool with them too. His mom says yes, so Andrew quickly runs to Connors cabin
and asks if he can come. They all get ready to go to the pool and on the way there Connor races
ahead of the group and says, Come on, Andrew, lets get there faster! Andrew says, No.
Why?asks Connor. Because, I dont want to get lost. Andrew says, Okay. I get that. says
Since the ship is so large, its a long walk to the pool. When they finally get there,
Andrew and Connor immediately jump into the pool while Andrews parents set down their
things. What they dont realize though is that they are jumping into the deep end of the pool and
Connor cant swim well. Luckily Andrew has taken swim lessons and sees right away that
Connor is struggling. He swims as fast as he can to Connor and pulls him to the shallow part of

the pool. Connor is scared and coughing, but he is okay. He tells Andrew,I guess you are a
hero! You saved my life! Despite the scary start, they stay at the pool all afternoon until they
realize they are starving. They all leave the pool and go to their rooms to change for dinner.
Andrew doesnt know if he should be more impressed with the fancy dining room or the
fancy dinner. They have lobster and shrimp! Andrews family enjoys dinner and getting to talk
with the people at their table. Dessert is a huge slice of chocolate cake! After dinner, they all feel
stuffed and exhausted, and they can hardly keep their eyes open. They go back to their room and
Andrew falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
Andrew wakes up really early again. This time its because he cant wait to explore the
Titanic more. His parents are still sleeping though, so he plays a game he got before the trip, and
after that he reads a book called Mr. Fox, a chapter book. After what feels like forever, his
parents wake up and they all get ready to go to the dining area again to have breakfast.
For breakfast they have a feast of pancakes, bagels, and strawberries. Andrew asks his
parents if they can check out the poop deck after breakfast. His mom doesnt know what that is,
so Andrew tells her it is a deck that forms the roof of a cabin in the rear part of the ship. His
mom thinks it sounds interesting, so after breakfast they all go exploring once again.
After lunch, they head back to their room to rest. About an hour later, Andrew wakes up
and finds that his parents are gone! He cant believe this is happening again. He searches
throughout the rest of the floor, but doesnt see them anywhere. He stops by Connors room and
asks if he has seen them, but he hasnt. Andrew is starting to sweat and is trying hard not to cry.
He runs to the floor where the third-class cabins are, but no luck there either. Then he looks on
the floor up above him and on the deck again. They are no where to be found.

When Andrew reaches the bottom floor, he hears people screaming and sees people
running frantically. Water is pouring in all around him. Just as the water is about to go over
Andrews head, he makes it to the second floor where it hasnt started to flood yet. He knows he
should go to the lifeboats, but he is worried about his mom and dad, and Connor! He wonders if
he will he ever see them again? He wants to turn back and look for them, but somebody is
forcing him to get into a lifeboat.
Andrew hears people yelling all around him, Were not going to make it to shore!
WERE GOING TO DIE! He feels his crowded lifeboat moving back and forth, and it makes
him nauseous. Its freezing cold and his clothes are turning icy. He hugs himself tightly and
rocks back and forth to try to stay warm. He feels so tired he wants to fall asleep. Andrew is so
afraid he wont survive this, but he feels deep inside his heart that he will make it.
Suddenly, Andrew looks up and directly across from his boat, he spots his parents
squished into another lifeboat. Andrew wants more than anything to climb out of the boat to see
his family, but knows that he cant. He calls out to his parents over all the other yelling voices,
Mom, Dad, are you okay? Amazingly, his mom sees him at the same time and yells back,
Andrew, yes, we are, and we are so very sorry we left you while you were sleeping! We thought
we could slip out of the room for just a minute to get a snack. Mom, Dad its fine, but I was
really afraid I was never going to see you again! We are really, really sorry, Andrew. I am so
glad you are safe!
After four long hours pass, a rescue ship named the Carpathia arrives. Andrew and all
the people near him, shout for joy. Andrews boat is the first one to be saved by the crew on the
Carpathia. He waits anxiously for his parents to make it safely aboard. Finally, he spies his

parents and is so relieved. His parents rush over to hug Andrew, but they quickly see that he has
frostbite! They find a maid willing to help them and she leads them to a treatment area set up on
the ship. It take three days, but the Carpathia finally arrives in New York City. As Andrews
family is walking off the ship, Andrew hears a familiar voice. Andrew turns back and sees
Connor! Andrew is so happy Connor is all right, and Connor is so happy Andrew is all right.
They both run towards each other, unable to believe they had found a way to survive a cold, icy,
foggy, nightmare.
The End.

The Beast Has

The Destruction of Pompeii,
AD 79
By:Sandra Sheedy

Wow! Aurora and her younger brother Tatus shouted as they were running
towards the dusty main road of Pompeii. Pompeii is amazing! They both looked up at
the beautiful, cloudless sky above them, and the tall, stone buildings and many people
around them. Everything seemed so perfect. I told you before! responded their dad,
Marcus I cant wait to see Uncle Andrew! yelled Tatus. The 8 year old boy leaped
into the air. Me either! hollered Aurora. The 10 year old girl also jumped high in the
air. You two better settle down! said Marcus Or you will draw a crowd! Luckily, the
two did not draw a huge crowd. They were all in Pompeii to visit Aurora and Tatuss
Uncle Andrew. But, they did not know that the gigantic Mt. Vesuvius, which is actually
a booming volcano, would erupt 2 days from August 22rd, AD 79 at 1:00 pm.

Look Tatus. said Aurora Look up there! Tatus looked up to see the most
amazing thing hes ever seen. Mountain Vesuvius! he whispered as he stared in
amazement. Uncle Andrew looks up at that mountain every day! explained Aurora.
Cool! replied Tatus Uncle Andrew was a slave for one of the richest people in
Pompeii, Spark Matthews. Luckly, Spark was kind enough to let Andrew have his family
in Pompeii. Spark Matthews is actually a little bit nicer than he looks! Were meeting
him right here. said Marcus they stopped on the main road. He shall be here shortly.

The 3 waited and waited for almost an hour, until they saw a tall man sprinting
towards them carrying a dirty white bag, hurdling over rocks and logs in the way. Uncle
Andrew! shouted Tatus and Aurora, We missed you! Hi, Andrew! said Marcus
Hi Marcus! replied Andrew Its great to see my little brother again! Let us go
explore Pompeii!

28:02:10 and counting until eruption. Location: city of Pompeii, at the

Gladiator Parade

24:00:00 and counting until eruption Location: Main road of Pompeii

Go home now, at once! yelled the lady Also, stop telling everybody those silly things
you think about! But, wait! shouted Marcus Nevermind. Lets go to Andrews
shack now.

16:01:09 and counting until eruption. Location: Andrews shack

Andrews shack was a small but tall, wooden shack in the backyard of Spark Matthews
gigantic house with 2 beds and a tiny table in the center of it all. The people of Pompeii will be
sorry that they did not listen! exclaimed Marcus Dad, what is going to happen to the city?
questioned Aurora And if something bad will happen, then why are we still here? Marcus
didn't answer Auroras question because he was fast asleep. Oh, well. said Tatus Good
night, Aurora. Pretty soon, he was also fast asleep like everyone else. But, Aurora could not
sleep, because she was still thinking about the city, her question, the mountain.

00:10:00 and counting until eruption. Location: city of Pompeii

Smoke was drifting out of the top of Mt. Vesuvius. People looked up at the mountain
top. It seemed like hours passed by as the people of Pompeii looked up at the mountain

Are the gods mad at us? asked a little boy. Suddenly, there was a fiery explosion of
ash and hardened lava.


People started to run away from the mountain, or volcano now.

It is the end of the world!
EVERYBODY, LEAVE POMPEII! bellowed Andrew, Tatus, Marcus and
Aurora as they started to run away. NO! yelled Spark, Channings master
didnt listen. They were too busy helping people out of Pompeii. Master, look out!
shouted Andrew GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Spark screamed as he
saw a humungous hardened piece of lava hurdling at him. He would have moved, but
fear got the best of him AHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh! That was his last scream as
he was crushed by the piece of lava. When the piece of lava somehow rolled off of him,
he was a hard, stone statue. Wow. whispered Aurora Everyone, in here! shouted
Marcus. He pointed towards an abandoned building. They all went inside the building.
Ok, said Kingston I have heard all about trap doors leading underground so people
can escape buildings like this in a dangerous situation, so if we can find one, we could
escape this building before it is too late. Ok? Ok! the rest replied. Everyone started
to feel the floor with their hands. It was taking forever to find a trapdoor! Ahhhhh!
yelled Lani as she fell into a dark place underground. Yes! said Tatus You found the
trapdoor! Ok, lets go. said Andrew.

They all climbed the ladder that lead to the underground tunnel that, hopefully
lead to safety. Wow, said Aurora its very dirty down here! She was right, the
tunnel smelled like rotting meat, when she touched the tunnel wall, it felt sticky and

slimy combined into one, and there were GINORMOUS spider webs everywhere. I
don't want to go through with this plan! whined Tatus May we just go back up,
please? Tatus, replied Aurora, its new challenges that make your body grow and
get stronger! Now its new challenges that make me grow and get stronger?
exclaimed Tatus Last week it was vegetables! You cant say that for everything!
Tatus, said Andrew we love you, so you HAVE TO START CRAWLING! Ok.
Tatus finally gave in, and was forced to start crawling. Ughh! gaged Aurora What is
that (cough, cough,) smell? The tunnel was getting darker and darker as they crawled.
Those are toxic fumes! answered Marcus. When the rest of them heard what Marcus
said, everyone started to panic. AHHHHHHHHHH! Tatus screamed at the top of his
lungs before he held his breath, and the rest of them did the same. Hold on, everyone!
said Aurora We are almost out! I can see light- sort of. When they finally got out of
the tunnel, they arrived at a dock where people where people were rapidly getting into
wooden boats and quickly paddling away from Pompeii. Quick, everyone! screamed
Marcus Get in that boat! He pointed towards a medium size brunette colored boat.
Next, everyone raced towards the last boat on the dock. Yes! shouted Aurora We
got the boat! Andrew put the boat carefully, but quickly into the water, and the 4
hopped in. Start paddling! hollered Andrew while holding his oar. As soon as you
know it, the family started to float away on the boat. They could still hear the horrified
screams in the distance, the smell of the tunnel still somehow lingered in the air and they
could still see little bits of ash falling from the sky. Pompeii has become from a
beautiful, clean, happy place with many people, to a destroyed, dirty, lifeless wasteland.

Even though Mt. Vesuvius is asleep right now, it is soon to be



By: Lara Luczak

Hi there Im Lara. I am a very awesome person. I like to play basketball and play
Minecraft on my computer. I Live in New York, right next to the World Trade Center! The towers
are really big and have big windows too. I have a family of five. I have one young brother and
one younger sister, and a Mom and Dad. My little brother is almost two and he loves his toy
trains. He has brown hair and brown eyes. And my sister Riley has black, curly hair. She loves
her Barbies. Also, Riley is really weird and funny. She goes around the house saying stuff! My
Dad is a very good cook. My Mom isn't a great cook. My Dad also likes to watch football. My
mom likes to clean. I think its awesome my Mom works at the World Trade Center! My sister
and I always visit her mostly to play on the computer. I dont know why, but her office always
smells like McDonalds, especially their french fries!
Today Im going to visit my mom. I always help there because I am secretly Superman!
Oh look there she is! At the very top of the tower it was so tall! I was saying Quick lets go Riley
shes waiting. When we got up there we ran for the computer to play Minecraft. Quick Riley,
lets get a new skin!. Then Mom stopped us. Mom said she needed help. We had to tell Roger,
who worked next door, that Mom finished her paper work. When we finished, we went to the
super huge window.The view was really pretty. Riley pointed out a plane that was really low.
Mom said, Dont worry. It was just a plane flying low.
But something terribly bad happened! The plane Riley was talking about hit the other
side of the two buildings! We were so scared mom yelled, QUICK. GO DOWN. GET OUT OF
warned him, he came running with us and a couple other people came to. We had to run!! We
ran as fast as we could and eventually, we made it out. Helping Rodger and the others made
me feel like Superman. Mom said just to run as far away as we can. We did. Riley and I were
terrified! We ran really far. We could only see a little smoke. When we were running, I saw that
there was a lot of fire as well as ambulances, firetrucks, and police. We noticed a big dent in the
building. Mom had her phone, and quickly called dad to pick us up. Rodger called one of his

folks and he got picked up. Then it was just Riley, Mom and me. Dad was watching the news as
this happened. He was also worried, but mom just said, PICK US UP ALREADY! I had to help
keep calm on the phone. Dad was on his way. Look mom there he is! Dad just got here and
we got in the car. Dad said we have to stay at Grandmas house. Grandmas house is really big,
and we always help make brownies.When we got to Grandmas house we ate cookies. They
were chocolate chip.But then mom sat Riley and I on the couch. Are we in trouble? Riley
asked. No, Mom said.
You know how that plane crashed? Well, those were terrorists Mom said. What are
terrorists? I replied. Well, they are people who want to wreck things and do harm to others
Mom said. So, those people wanted to wreck our building? I asked. Oh. Well why would they
do it? I asked. I dont know honey Mom said with a sigh. Then mom said I was so strong like
a true superhero.I was really happy. But on the other hand, I was sad about what the plane did
to us.
A couple days later, mom actually bought me a SUPERMAN COSTUME!!! I was running
all over the house pretending I was flying . In the corner of my eye, I saw my brother knock
down my fish tank. I ran over and totally scooped up the fish and put it back where it was
supposed to go. He was saved, ALL BY ME!.This was, THE DAY THAT CHANGED

This day was changed because USA got attacked, and a lot of people died. People viewed
america different.

Saving Lincoln

By: Alvira Tyagi

Boght Hills
Grade 6
Young Writers 2014-2015

Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


It was morning. I stumbled out of my gray cot sleepily, and simply stared out my
window. You could see the valleys vastly spread out beyond the horizon. Two men walked by,
one with a sallow, thin face, and the other, with a longer pale face, along with a stern expression.
They seemed unaware of their surroundings and continued loudly. I aint sure this is something
that we can get away with, you know, the sallow faced man remarked. We wont be caught,
his partner retorted. All we have to worry about is our plan at the Gettysburg Ceremony Lincoln
will be speaking at. The men carried on, but my mind felt like a wheel, going round and round.
What were they talking about? What plan? I would really have to think this one through. My
thoughts were interrupted however, because Mama had called me down for breakfast. I quickly
ate and put my bowl away. Mama stopped me. Nola, theres some good news. Papa has
reserved some seats at the ceremony President Lincoln will be speaking at! It will be an hour or
so from here. Mama had a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. When is it? I asked. Mama
answered, About 2 weeks from now Id say. Mama turned back and continued cleaning. I
headed back to my room and thought. I just knew Mama and Papa wouldnt approve if they
knew what I was doing.
The next day was Monday, but I didnt have to go to school, because of autumn holidays.
That worked in perfectly, because I wanted to see if those sly men would come walking again. I
sat at the windowsill for a while. There he was, the pale man with a skinny face, walking along
the side of the road. His friend wasnt with him, but I pulled on my coat and told Mama I was
going out to water the plants outside. I kept a steady pace behind the man and left about 5 feet of
space between us. At one point the man began to look back and I stealthily slid behind a post. He
turned back around, and I gave a silent sigh of relief. We were waiting for a carriage to pass by,
Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


and the man started muttering something. I leaned in to listen. Joe has the revolver ready for the
ceremony. I gotta sketch out those plans from where to shoot. And its just been confirmed that
Lincoln will be at the ceremony. Everything is just about set to go. I looked closer and saw that
he was speaking to himself, anxiously. I turned around and started walking the other way, my
heart beating rapidly. I had heard enough to know that a bad plan was set for the very day of the
Gettysburg Ceremony, and that I was the sole person who knew this. I knew that next week Id
have no time to follow those men in the morning, because I had to attend school. Oh my.
The next week, two days before the ceremony, I went downstairs, hoping for a big
breakfast.Then it happened. I saw who I was hoping never to have to see again. Those men, right
outside of our kitchen window. Both men were, speaking quickly and anxiously, their coats
whipping behind them as the wind blew. Leaves circled and blew behind, leaving an ominous
feeling within. Without any explanation, I ran out of the house, the door slamming behind me.
I could hear Mama yelling at me to get back in, but I had enough. I, Nola Roberts, stood
right in front of those men. I shouted at the top of my lungs. I put everything I had in me for this
one exact moment. But once I pieced it together, it came out like this. Going to meet up with
those companions of yours to plot up those plans for Gettysburg, arent you? Im going to stop
that plan of yours. A wagon pulled up quickly, and someone put a handkerchief on my mouth. I
was thrown in. The last thing that I remember is Mama hollering and running, with Papa right at
her heels. But it was too late.
By the time I woke up, I was in a room. There was a border of walls, thick and hard about
ten feet high. There was a door locked up nice and tight. I couldnt believe this happened to me. I
felt a lump on the top of my forehead. That would explain why I got knocked out. I was starting
Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


to get up to see if I could somehow find a way out, when I heard loud, heavy footsteps getting
closer. I quickly laid back on the cot, and acted as if I were still asleep. I heard the jangling of
keys as one was being fitted in the lock. I watched the lock turn and could feel my heart beating
out of my chest. A man stepped in and inspected the area. Then, I heard his footsteps walking
towards the cot. I held my breath and hoped for the best. The girls still asleep, he remarked. I
recognized his voice to be the man I had trailed the other day. Then another man walked back in.
Thats good. This girl knows too much. I didnt recognize his voice, but I knew that he had to
be another member in the gang. The men then struck up a conversation. There wont be anyone
from where well be because its about ten yards away from the main attraction. John hasnt
been the only one doing work. Ive arranged for a bag that will look very inconspicuous in the
crowd, to put the revolver in. I know weve invested a lot in this plan and the revolver, so I want
us to be able to carry this out the easiest way we can, the other man replied. Rob, lets leave
the girl here. She wont be able to leave this room. Lets go have some brunch. The men quietly
closed the door. I prayed that they would forget to lock it. Too bad. The lock turned again, and I
was left in the room. I waited two minutes to make sure they werent still out there. I had no time
to think about the conversation that I had overheard. Once I was confident that I was alone, I
started to inspect the walls. They were sturdy. There was also a window way at the top that I
could have opened easily. I looked back at my cot. It had rungs on it. I quietly picked up the cot
and set it against the wall. For a 13 year old, I was pretty strong. My feet could climb up the
rungs to get to the window. That was the easier part. But the drop on the other side of the
window would definitely break my neck, no doubt about it. I looked at the cot again. I took off

Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


half of the rungs and tied them into a long chain. I tied it to the top pole of the cot. This was
going to have to work. Or was it?
I started, even though I didnt want to. I climbed up the rungs slowly, and when I reached
the top I took a good hold of the chain. I swung down, being sure to be quiet as I worked my way
down the other side. I used the ledges between the bricks on the wall to help me push off. When I
reached the bottom, I almost couldnt stop myself from cheering. The home was only about three
streets down from mine, but just the way the house was built and concealed, only if someone
came close would they be able to know there was a home there. With my long legs, I had made it
down the street quickly. I found my way home. I had been tense, but I felt free.
I fell into Papas arms when I entered. Everyone began crying. Mama started to gently
scold me, but wanted to hear the whole story. Mary Woodson, our neighbor, was there as well. I
felt dazed, but it was good to be home again. I hadnt forgotten about stopping those men. I was
exhausted, but everyone profusely asked me to tell me story. And so I did. As I was telling them
the whole problem, and what had happened to me, their expressions grew grim, like a dark cloud
had come and wiped their happiness away. I decided to even tell them the plan I had been
making in my head all along, to stop the treacherous men. I trusted them, because they were all I
had. This wasnt going to be any easy job. I thanked all of them. Mary Woodsons family, down
two streets from here offered to take us in for the night, and we agreed. Those men could come
back anytime, and we wouldnt want them to find us. We brought all the necessary supplies wed
need for the night, piled up in the Woodsons wagon, and sped off.
I think we should have John stand by the entrance and watch for the girl. Shell probably
be scared to come, knowing what we did to her. If we dont see her, we should carry out our
Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


plan, Fin said. Id agree with Fin, but what if any of her family arrives? We wont be able to
recognize them and they could spill the plan to the others, Tomie replied. Fin spoke up, I bet
that if the girl had the courage to stand up to us, she wouldnt just have her family go. She
wouldve wanted to go too. But all that depends on whether she would still come, and judging by
when we kidnapped her, she probably wont. The girls probably too scared anyway. Yeah,
and she wont recognize John because shes never seen him, Tomie finished. John also wants
to be the man to do it. He insists. Everyone knew what Tomie had meant by it. The men
finished, satisfied with their plan for the next day. Little did the gang know what was coming
their way.
I was going to attend the ceremony. I wore dark pants and a plaid shirt, and kept my head
low. I had to go unnoticed, and dress like a boy. My hair was up and tucked in a cap. My family
would be coming 20 minutes after me, in disguises as well, so it wouldnt look suspicious. Once
I had handed my ticket for the ceremony to the lady at the desk, I saw a man at the entrance. I
knew that it had to be one of the gang, judging by how he was peering at everyone as they
walked by. I looked down and acted like I was occupied, rustling in my pockets as I passed. I felt
his eyes wander to me, but then he turned back to the other people entering. I felt relief fall over
me. I spotted a car coming in leaving armed soldiers at the door. The crowd started to clap. I
watched closely and began to scoot towards the crowd of soldiers. And there he was, tall and
lean Abraham, making his way into a building. I hid between some soldiers, and somehow
managed to make it through without anyone noticing. I hid behind a pot. The men began to
disperse, and once I couldnt see them at all, I tried to catch President Lincolns attention. He had

Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


his back to me, running his hands through his thick, dark hair. President Lincoln? I called,
from behind the pot. President Lincoln?
Mr. Lincoln spun back, surprised. Yes, my boy? His voice sounded so slow and calm,
and he wasnt even mad that I had been there. I know this may sound a little strange, I
muttered, But one day I overheard these men walking by my window in the morning, and.. I
continued on, and President Lincoln kept listening. And when I finished, his face had a grave
tone, but I still felt comfortable near him. So now Im here, and I wanted to warn you about
these men. I finished up and looked at his face. Mr. Lincoln told me what he wanted to do. I
was ready.
President Lincoln started off his speech without a hitch. The men were there, in the spot
they thought no one knew about. They even got their rifle out, and we let them. Just towards the
middle of his speech, the men looked at each other and gave each other the signal that they
thought no one else could see. The police and army soldiers saw their signal. The armed men
were hidden behind them, and they suddenly pushed the mens shoulders back. The force was
strong, and the men were forced to topple over. They gave me dirty looks and tried to escape. It
was pretty clear, however, that it would be impossible to escape. I let myself catch my breath.
I revealed that I was a girl to President Lincoln. He gave me a funny smile and told me
that he had known. And without another word, he walked back onto the stage, addressing the
people. He gave his speech again, with no interruption this time. He then explained the whole
story as well. All of them had a grim face through the story, but smiled when they heard how it
had been prevented. I had people smiling, cheering, and complimenting on how well I had

Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6


handled the situation. Soon I was gazing out my window as always. I looked out beyond the
horizon and the valleys. Because theres so much more out there than what comes to the eye.

Alvira Tyagi


Boght Hills Grade 6



by Sophie Dvorak

It sounds incredible. Those were the first words that came out of Shirleys mouth that
Tuesday morning when I met her to walk to school; me in my usual blue dress, her in her usual
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

red dress. Shirley and I have a way of knowing what the other one is thinking, so on that one
cloudy May morning, I knew that she was describing the Hindenburg. The airship had taken off
for America just yesterday, and it was going to land in my very own hometown, Lakehurst, New
Jersey. I had known about the Hindenburg for a while, but I hadnt really known that much or
been that excited about it until now, when it was landing in my town. Now I wanted to know
everything about it. I wanted to find out every little detail. I already knew that it seemed
luxurious, and it had bedrooms and dining rooms and things like that, but I wanted to know
more. I thought about how jealous snotty, rich, little Helen Rose would be if I knew much more
information about the giant airship than her. Oh, how good it would feel for once to know more
about luxury than Helen Rose.
Evelyn! Did you hear me? Shirleys voice interrupted my daydream, and I groaned. I
wanted to keep thinking about Helen Rose's jealousy.
No, I did not hear you, but if you had heard my thoughts, you would regret disturbing
them, I replied in complete honesty. Shirley suppressed a smile.
I said that we are going to be late for our lessons if we dont hurry. Lets go!
All right, I replied. But on the way to school, I want to tell you about my daydream.
It was swell!
Shirley smiled. Okay, but first, I thought you might like to know about the speciallymade piano on the Hindenburg. I stopped walking. Shirley and I are both in love with music.
Everywhere we go, we listen to the radio, and if we cant, we sing on our own. Shirley likes to
think that shes related to Shirley Temple, whom we both love, but I know just as well as she
does that thats not the case. Anyway, a piano! On an airship! Specially made! The Hindenburg
suddenly got much more luxurious.
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

Shirley grinned. Isnt it great? I wonder if anyone who wants to can play it, or if they
have musicians to entertain people. I would love to play it so much! I bet the keys feels so much
lighter and airier! Now it was Shirleys turn to stare dreamily into the sky.
I roll my eyes. Shirley, during our music lesson next week you can ask Miss Henkle if
she knows any details about this special piano. Mrs. Wiggins might know something as well
though, and we wont be able to ask her if we dont hurry.
Thankfully, we arrive to school on time. I scan the room to find Helen Rose. Shes hard
to miss, always showing off her fancy new dresses and bragging about her house and the many
radios she has inside it. And sure enough, today shes front and center in the classroom, twirling
around in a rose colored velvet dress with lace all around the bottom. I dont know how Helen
Rose could have the money to buy these dresses. Money is really tight right now, and Im always
trying to save my allowance, yet I only have about ten cents right now after three weeks! I
probably wont get more money either because my parents are also saving every nickel, and
trying to get more jobs. I dont mind not having much money myself, but Im worried about my
family. I cant believe that Helen Rose gets a new pink dress every week! Something about her
pink dresses with her blonde hair and violet eyes reminds me of something, maybe something I
read about when I was younger, but I cant quite remember what it is. I ask Shirley, but she
doesnt seem to think Helen Rose looks like any fairy-tale character that she had ever read about.
She had forgotten about most fairy-tales, anyway. I start walking over to Perfectly Princessy
Helen Rose, but just then Mrs. Wiggins, our teacher, comes in.
Class, she says briskly. Attendance. Everyone in their seat please. We all scramble to
get to our chairs. Mrs. Wiggins smiles.
All right, she says. Applebaum, Shirley?
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

Briar, Helen Rose?
When she finishes taking attendance, Mrs Wiggins sets down her clipboard and claps her hands
Now, she says, we will start the day with world events class. So, class, do any of you
know what brilliant airship is flying to America right now?
Hands fly up all around the classroom, including mine. Mrs. Wiggins scans the room and looks
The Hindenburg. It is an airship, and its the biggest thing to ever fly! In it, there are
restaurants, bedrooms, decks, and even a special lightweight piano made just for the Hindenburg
itself! I smile, impressed with my own answer. Mrs. Wiggins looks pleased.
Absolutely correct, Evelyn. You certainly do seem to know quite a bit about the
Hindenburgs lovely interior. Does anybody else have something they would like to share about
the Hindenburg? Helen Rose raises her hand, straight and high, directly in Mrs. Wigginss line
of vision. Shes the only person who wishes to speak.
Helen Rose? What a lovely dress, by the way. Helen Rose glows, as if shes just been
told shes been elected President Franklin D. Roosevelts vice president and given a room in the
White House.
Thank you, Mrs. Wiggins! I would like to say that the Hindenburg is described to look
just like a luxury hotel I stayed in once, except with a much better view of course! I also want to
say that on Thursday, the day that the Hindenburg lands, I will be there to watch it arrive, since it
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

will be right here in Lakehurst! Helen Rose makes our little New Jersey town sound like a
glamorous city with beautiful landmarks. I honestly cant blame her, though. I mean, its just so
wonderful that something so luxurious will land here. Here, in my own hometown! Excited
chatter begins to buzz through the room. I turn to my left and say to Shirley, We should go see
it on Thursday! Its the end of the week anyway, so why not? Shirley acts like shes considering
the idea, but I know that the answer is already yes. Shirley would never turn down such an
It sounds pretty crazy, doesnt it? Us, going to see the Hindenburg land? Shirley says
dreamily, and I agree completely. Yet crazy or not, I want to see the flying hotel touch the
ground of my home for the first time.
It was getting pretty loud in the classroom, so Mrs. Wiggins clapped her hands
loudly. Class! she said sharply. Things are getting out of hand. Please settle down, or we shall
do arithmetic instead. Mrs. Wiggins walked over to the blackboard and picked up a piece of
chalk. Now, do you want me to make a list of the luxuries the Hindenburg has,or would you
rather I make a list of the times tables from 14 to 18 for you to you to memorize. A groan swept
through the room. Of the fifteen children in the room, not a single one would like to do
arithmetic, so we all are quiet. Mrs. Wiggins tucks her auburn hair tightly into its bun, smooths
down her deep pink dress, and relaxes in relief.
Thank you. I thought you would rather discuss interesting, modern events than do
tedious arithmetic! So, you all seem to know quite a bit about the Hindenburgs inside. Ill make
a list of the most interesting things. On the chalkboard, Mrs. Wiggins makes a list entitled
Luxury List and writes down the five most luxurious things about the Hindenburg: the many
spacious cabins, the fantastic views, the restaurants and lounges, the hotel-like quality and
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

service, and best of all, the piano. I smile when I see the list, but realize that it isnt perfect. I
raise my hand.
Mrs. Wiggins? Your list has a flaw. You forgot the most luxurious thing of all- the fact
that the Hindenburg is landing right here. Mrs. Wiggins smiles.
Youre right Evelyn,she says. You are absolutely correct
When Shirley and I get home for lunch that day, we both ask our parents, no, beg them to
see the Hindenburg land. I know that my parents will want to see the zeppelin arrive as much as I
do, and sure enough, they agree to go watch it on Thursday. Shirleys parents do the same. More
excited than weve ever been, we eat our grilled cheese sandwiches as quickly as possible so that
we can get to school to share our news.
It seems as if, over lunch, many more of my classmates have done the same thing as
Shirley and me. Now our entire class is going to see the Hindenburg land, including Mrs.
Its going to be like a field trip! a boy named Robert, who loves going on class trips,
exclaims happily. The rest of the class share his enthusiasm. Mrs. Wiggins even seems to be
bubbling with excitement. But before the classroom gets too loud, Mrs. Wiggins claps her hands
and says, Since were all looking forward to this little trip, I think it will be okay if we
continue to talk about the Hindenburg, only this time, instead of talking about the inside of the
ship, we will talk about the exterior. Who knows what is on the outside of the Hindenburg?
A really smart boy named William raises his hand, and Mrs. Wiggins nods to him. He
begins, Well, since the Hindenburg is a German airship, the swastika, the Nazi symbol is
painted on the wings. Mrs. Wiggins nods.

Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

Absolutely correct, William. Right now, in Germany, Adolf Hitler and the rest of the
Nazis are starting to take control and gain power. Unfortunately, many Americans are against
Hitler, and so we fear that war may occur soon. As many of you know, Hitlers goal is to get rid
of all the Jewish people. Why? No one except Hitler himself can really answer that question, but
one thing we do know is that many American people, including myself, disagree with Hitlers
ways. Who knows what will happen in the future? Mrs. Wigginss voice trails off dramatically.
Ive heard rumors that she wanted to be a drama teacher, and though Id never believed them
before, I think now I had proof that they were true. I look around at my classmates and see that
they were having a hard time digesting what Mrs. Wiggins had said. I let her words sink in, and
suddenly I, too, felt uneasy with the conversation. Was there really going to be a war? Would
Father have to go fight in it? Would he come back? Now I didnt like Hitler! If there is a chance
that he will cause Fathers death, I hate him! Another thought occurred to me suddenly. Who
was that storybook character that Helen Rose looked like? Questions flowed into my mind, like a
continuously flowing river that would never reach its ocean of answers. Fear for Father clenched
in my chest, gnawing away. I didnt want to have to be in school right now and listen to other
people talk or do arithmetic. I just wanted time to myself to think. Mrs. Wiggins must have read
my mind, because she said, Quietly take out your books and read until the end of the day. I
lifted the cover of my desk and took out Little House on the Prairie, but I didnt read. I just
thought about my questions and told myself over and over again that everything was going to be
okay in the end.
Finally! Oh, finally! At last this day has come. It is Thursday, May 6th, 1937, and I,
Evelyn S. Nally, am going to see the Hindenburg, the incredible zeppelin, land in Lakehurst,

Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

New Jersey, my very own hometown. I am so excited I can hardly breathe. I see Shirley walking
up ahead, so I run over to her. Shirley!
She turns around and grabs my hand. Oh my goodness, I am just so, so, excited! I
simply cannot believe that I am here right now! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my good I cut Shirley off before her excitement can rid her of her breath.
Shirley, you need to relax. It will be here soon. I promise. I actually have no idea when
it will be here, but Shirley needs comfort. I try to change the subject, but Shirleys parents call
her over before I get the chance. Shirley and I say our goodbyes, and I run to the edge of the
field, looking up at the sky. Im still so excited to be here right now, to watch the amazing
Hindenburg land. I squint through the sun, smelling freshly cut grass, and suddenly, the zeppelin
comes into view. Silence goes through the crowd. The Hindenburg is even more massive than I
ever could have imagined. I am speechless. My dress swirls around my legs as I run around,
trying to get the best view possible. I feel so lucky to be here. I feel ecstatic. I feel wonderful. I
There is the sound of an explosion, and I see flames at the back of the Hindenburg.
Screams and shouts pierce the air. I am confused. How could the Hindenburg be burning? I stand
still, frozen. For a second, I cant hear anything. I cant move. I dont think I understand how the
Hindenburg could be destroyed in front of my own eyes. Its so beautiful and amazing, and now
its on fire? What could have happened? How? Suddenly, I gasp as people start falling. Live
people. Theyre jumping out of the windows of the Hindenburg. People on the ground are trying
to catch the falling passengers, and I feel so helpless. I need to do something! Smothered by the
smoky aroma, I open my arms to catch a girl who looks about three or four years old. She slides
out the window and lands into my hands. Over here! I hear a women cry out. I run over and
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

return the child to a frightened mother, and then gasp and scream as a piano flies to the ground,
burning. I watch it until its nothing but a pile of ash, and thats when I see Helen Rose. It
seemed to happen in slow motion. Helen Rose opened her arms to catch a child, but the child hit
her in the chest. Hard. Helen Rose gave a cry and fell down, down, and then back. I sprint to try
to catch her, but it is too late. When I get to her, Helen Rose is lying on a rock. A trail of red
creeps up on the edge of the stone, and I know its her blood.
Somehow, I cant seem to process the fact that Helen Rose is asleep for a long, long,
time, possibly a hundred years. I cant understand this because Helen Rose has never looked so
beautiful, although she is taking a nap that she will never awaken from. She has never looked so
much like a princess. Her golden hair is behind her in perfect curls, with a gold headband that
looks almost like a crown, and a gold necklace thats almost the same. Her long pink dress with a
triangular collar looks perfect. The memory of the story I read as a young girl is so strong, I can
almost taste it. Who does Helen Rose look like, that I, along with everyone else, have forgotten?
I stare at her, my tears landing on her dress. Helen Rose Briar. Hmmmm. She doesnt look like a
Helen right now. She looks like someone who can have thorns, but truly is a perfect girl, just like
a rose. Rose Briar. My breath catches in my throat. Rose Briar = Briar Rose! Helen Rose
reminds me of that princess Briar Rose, the one who fell asleep for one hundred years, just like
Helen Rose. She looks beautiful, and shes asleep, so she is the Sleeping Beauty. Thats it. The
tale thats been forgotten for years. I had always loved stories, and now Helen Rose had helped
me save one of the most treasured ones of all time.
Obviously, watching the Hindenburg land and seeing Rose sleepwas terrible, but at
least by telling people the story of what had happened to me, I had brought back the lost tale of
The Sleeping Beauty.
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills


Grammy! Tell us a story about when you were little! I was greeted by excited cheers
and hugs when I walked through the door. My four grandchildren, Mary, James, (the daughter
and son of Rose, my youngest daughter), Jack, and Max(the sons of my oldest daughter, Helen)
run up to me the very minute I put one foot through the doorway. All of them, as usual, begging
for a story. I take off my coat and hang it up before pulling off my shoes and greeting my
Grammy, theres snow in your hair! said James, giggling and brushing the white
crystals out of my silver hair. James is eight years old and absolutely adorable. He has brown
hair that flops into his eyes, which are hazel, like mine, Jacks, Maxs, and Marys. James loves
magic more than anything else. He is always wearing a black top hat and pulling coins out of the
air. Ever since I took him to his first magic show two years ago, he has his heart set on being the
next Houdini.
Seven-year-olds Jack and Max are twins, though not identical. Max is shorter with
brown hair mixed with black, and Jacks hair is just jet-black. They both have these adorable
curls that, in a few years, they will probably want to cut off. For now, though, I love their hair!
Both Jack and Max love to run. They could spend a whole day in the park, running through the
grass and by the trees. Theyre pretty fast too.
Last but not least is Mary. Six years old, she has long golden hair that falls in waves by
her shoulders and reminds me of a princess. Shes the youngest of her cousins, and she admires
her brother James with all her heart. I think she wants to be just like him when she is eight years
old. She has inherited my love of stories and music. Shes a little shy, and a lot of days she just
sits, reads, and writes. Her stories are incredible, and her reading level is quite high. I had never
Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills


known about her hidden talent until the day I heard her sing. Her voice was like a mermaid,
silvery and pure, so I encouraged her to share it.
Grammy! Will you please, please, please tell us a story? Max begged me. I smiled.
Of course! But I have something for you first! I reach into my purse and pull out a bag
of cookies. Let me just arrange these on a plate, and then you can hear a story. I put the
cookies on a tray, and bring them to the living room by the fire. Jack and Max follow me in,
while James gets some milk with Mary following behind. When all of my grandchildren are
gathered around me, they start telling me the stories they want to hear. These are the stories that I
had told them in the past, and some of them are a bit exaggerated.
Tell us about the first time you watched T.V!
No, tell us about the time you got a piano solo in your 6th grade concert!
How about the time Carol Wiggins, your teacher, predicted World War II?
I want to hear about Shirley Temple! I cant believe that a movie star was named after a
I smile, but shake my head at the suggestions. I think about the Hindenburg, and how
now I know that the reason it exploded was because some fool decided to use hydrogen instead
of helium for power, and how that caused the death of an enemy and the life of a story. I think
about how sad my story is, but how much it needs telling.
I think I will tell you about the time I met Sleeping Beauty. I pause a little for drama, a
trick I learned from my sixth grade teacher (who did go on to become a theatre teacher), then I
begin my story: It sounds incredible. Those were the first words that came out of Shirleys
mouth that Tuesday morning when I met her to walk to school

Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills


Sophie Dvorak
Grade 6
Boght Hills

The Holocaust Survival

A Nazi Survival Story
Ayaan Bargeer


Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

The light was dim. I tried to see if the Nazis were coming. They were, I could see about five
Nazi trucks and one hundred soldiers. I ducked just as a soldier shot at a house near-by. I knew I
would be dead in about 5 seconds. 5432 A Nazi soldier kicked open the door and shot
randomly, luckily not shooting anybody. My mother and father were hiding under a table and my
two brothers and my sister were hiding upstairs. The soldier walked slowly towards my location
stepping on the crumbles of the wall. I dared not move. Then he looked in my direction and
I woke up sweat pouring down my head. I looked around acknowledging my
surroundings. I was in the Nazis concentration camps. I wiped the sweat that was on my face.
My leg was paining. I looked down to see a wound. I then remembered that I had been shot by a
Nazis soldier.
Just then a light came on and someone shouted Up!, Up! There was a soldier standing
in the doorway. Prisoners were quickly jumping out of the upper bunks and grabbing their cans
and running out of the door. I decided to do the same or else I would be dead. When I got out of
my bed I saw a man in the same uniform as ours, but he looked healthy unlike other prisoners.
He was coming towards the front of the barrack and holding a truncheon in his hand. He kept on
hitting whoever didnt wake up and then yelling at them to hurry up. He was the Kapo, the
prisoner who was in charge of our barrack. I quickly limped out of the barrack before he could
reach me.
I followed the other prisoners into an open area where men were eating. As I took a step
into the open, I almost barfed. The food smelled more disgusting than usual. I got in line trying

Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

to hold my place as the other men pushed me around trying to cut. I saw the Kapos watching us,
making sure we didnt do anything bad. When it was my turn to get the food I tried not to feel
mad about what I had gotten. As the chef poured my food, I looked around. There were guards
standing around, some were beating soldiers. I looked up to see four watchtowers that had a
guard with a machine gun in his hands watching carefully. I walked back to our barrack hoping
not to be noticed.
Before I went to my barrack I saw a soldier shooting another prisoner. Guards usually
gave surprise attacks to anyone. A bullet to the chest or a kick in the stomach. Usually they let
their German Shepherd attack the prisoner alive. I tasted the soup, it was nauseating. But I ate it,
because I knew it was the only food I would get. Once I was finished I quickly put away my
metal can to get ready for roll call. A man who was next to me had told me how things worked
there and that you should never cause attention. Many had died because of soldiers or because of
I quickly walked out trying not to stumble in the shoes we were given. Our group was led
by the Kapo heading towards the square. Many prisoners filled the square. The guards in the
watchtower kept an eye on us using binoculars. All the prisoners lined up in rows, and the Kapos
ordered count off to their groups. They did that to see how many prisoners were there, then
they would discuss it with the officers.The Kapos kept on yelling until they seemed satisfied with
their group counting. They finally seemed satisfied and went to discuss the countings with the
officers. When the officers were done talking they walked away. But we just stood there. I think
they made us do this so we would have to let the food digest until we would have to go to the
bathroom. Finally they blew their whistle and rows of prisoners were separated into groups to go
off to work.

Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

Many of the officers had German Shepherds with them. I was afraid as the officers
looked at us. We stood there in the sun. I was sure it had been more than one hour. Some
prisoners had fainted and then were shot. After what had seemed 2 more hours, we finally
moved. The rows were split in half. Our half went to cut wood. It was hard labor and people
were fainting. At last we finished and it was time to go back and eat dinner.
At dinner the food was even scarcer than breakfast except that we had bread. I ate my
food quickly. After we were finished we were instructed to go to our barracks. When I was in the
rough bed I thought about my survival which I had learned over the past few days. One- eat all
the food, two- try to avoid soldiers, three- try not to make anyone notice you, and four- make
sure if you get extra food share with the others because if they get anything extra theyll give you
something extra back. Then I slept.
I woke up with a banging on the doors. The Kapo opened the door and everyone leaned
out of their bed to see what was outside. I wasnt surprised at all of what I saw. The soldiers
said, Wake up and come outside. I got out of bed and limped to the door. There were soldiers
standing there with a bunch of prisoners next to them. The soldiers pushed our group towards the
other groups. I knew what was happening. We were moving to a different concentration camp.
People formed a line and we started walking towards the gates. Once we passed the gates we
kept on walking. I thought we were going to ride in a truck or something but instead we were
going to walk.
We kept on walking a mile or so. Then we came to a stop. The soldiers instructed us to
follow them and dont look at anyone. I didnt. We were lead into an opening. They then put us
into groups. We were then lead to our barracks and were told to sleep without food. The routine

Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

was the same as the last concentration camp and it went for a couple of days until then I caught
Typhus was a common disease in the concentration camps. Many had died because of it.
The nights were long. I coughed up blood sometimes and my stomach hurt. I finally worked up
enough courage to tell the Kapo. Our new Kapo was gentle and didn't yell a lot like the other
Kapos. When I asked him he just looked like how he always did. He then walked out of our
barrack. I followed him towards a cottage. We stepped inside. I could see many bodies, some
dead and some alive. I knew this was a hospital. I had heard rumors about there being one. I was
lead by a doctor to a bed. He told me to drink something, I did. It tasted horrible. The doctor then
told me to sleep.
I followed a routine when I was in the hospital I would sleep, wake up, drink, and go
back to sleep. I slowly started recovering. But at one point I was awaken to see the doctor putting
needles through people, and then they fell still. He was killing them. I jumped out of my bed and
tried to stand up, but I couldnt. So I crawled towards the corner of the wall hoping the doctor
wouldnt see me. He came to my bed and looked around I could tell he looked confused. I did
not want to get stabbed with the needle when I was sleeping, so I decided I had to get outside.
I struggled to get up and walk. I used the beds next to me and pulled myself up. I slowly
walked towards the door and I finally made it. The sunlight hit me like the bullet which was shot
through my leg. I staggered for a moment and then I walked. I was worried about being seen by
the guards in the watchtower. Fortunately I made it back safely. As soon as I returned to our
barrack I darted inside. Everyone was eating their food, some offered me some. But I said no
because I had a spoiled appetite from the medicine. I layed in bed until everyone was finished
with their food. Then one soldiers told us to climb into our beds and then another soilder did
Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

something no soldier had done in the whole time I was in the concentration camp. He locked the
I wasnt worried about this until I was awaken with a loud bang. I looked up and many of
the other prisoners did too. Many of them looked confused. Some prisoners got out of their
bunks and tried to open the door to see what was going on. The door wouldnt open. One of the
prisoners tried slamming the door with their body. Other prisoners started trying to do it too.
Finally, most of the prisoners charged at the wall, and it opened with a loud thud.
I looked out of my bunk expecting to be shot. But there were no soldiers there. I knew
they were playing a joke on us. We would walk and they would shoot us. Prisoners had walked
outside cautiously. I decided to walk outsied. I walked outside carefully and looked to my right
then my left, no soldiers. But I did see other prisoners coming out. My body told me we were
free, but my brain said something was coming up. Many of the prisoners were jumping up and
down out of joy. I felt shocked.
The American soldiers had won the war and they had freed us. Hitler was defeated. I then
asked myself. What was I doing here? I ran around to find a town. I ran a mile or so and I saw a
town in the distance. I ran as fast as I could toward the town. Once I reached the town I ran to
the nearest shop I could find. I looked around the shop. It looked like I had ran into a small
grocery. I asked the man if he had any food, and he said I could take anything I wanted since he
knew I was from the concentration camps.
I bit into one of the breads he had. It was the most delicious food I had ever had. I ate
whatever I could and walked out of the store. I looked up at the sky and said the only thing I
could say.

Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

Long live freedom.

Ayaan Bargeer Bought Hills Grade 5 The Holocaust Escape

Super Billy
By: Schuyler Wang

AHHHHH! Crash! Thank God it was only the floor. I thought I got killed by falling
into a crevasse! said Billy. Get up! You got to be nice and ready if you want to ascend
Schuyler Wang
Boght Hills


today.said Mitchell. Billy asked Do you have cheese sandwiches? Smack! Mitchell screamed
Is that all you care about? If you want to be the first to get to the South Pole, focus! Relax,
said Billy, I just hope there arent any clowns who push you into crevasses. Get yourself down
Ok, Ok, Im coming. As long as you have cheese sandwiches.

Will there be any cheese sandwiches at the South Pole?asked Billy. Punch!
Can I have a cheese sandwich since you punched Billy didnt have time to finish. Punch!
Maybe 2? Asked Billy. Punch! Zzzzzzzz.
Worthless!Exclaimed Mitchell.
Blink blink Where am I asked Billy. He looked down. He saw a house in the distance. He
looked up. He saw his climbing team starting to ascend the mountain. Hey, wait for me! He scurried up
to catch up with them. I dont think weve got oxygen, so we have a pack of guys from the Rockies
down there to save us.
Luckily, I brought a hundred-fifty extra sandwiches!
Stupid, grunted Mitch.

They climbed and climbed. Billy didnt see a patch of ice which send him flying. Woahhh! The
drama broke his leg. Uh! Must go on! grunted Billy. Well youve got a lot of ice to put on that
leg,joked Mitch. Billy used some of his extra sandwiches to make a cast. Unfortunately, he slipped on
another patch of ice. It threw him threw the air and on to his left shoulder. Crack! Uh! Must go on!
Billy kept on going. He held on with double ropes. Everything was fine until death met climbers.

Schuyler Wang
Boght Hills


Woah! went the lead climber. He started the fall of all of them. Billy sent his ice axe straight
into the snow. The climbers were safe until-Snap! The rope failed. Wahhhhhhhh! Screamed the
climbers who were falling into nothing. Only Billy remained clinging to his ice axe. He managed to pull
himself up, drink some soup, have a sandwich and sleep in his tent.

The next day, his limbs were feeling better as he spotted the summit close ahead. He checked his
altitude on the map. Whew! 20,000 feet read the map. Suddenly, the chunk of ice in between him and
the summit pummeled. All that was left were a couple of pillars. He never really liked to jump. He really
wanted get to the summit too. He jumped from pillar to pillar. He reached the last one.

His nightmare returned to his mind. Wahhhhhhh! I wont let that happen. He jumps. He slipped
on his landing, and only hanging by three fingers. He had a feeling he should just let go. Goodbye
world. He let go. WAAAAAAAH! Billy saw the mountain wiz by him. Shruuum went the
mountain. He looked up and thought he saw a penguin look down at him. This moment only lasted for a
while before he looked back down. He crashed into the wall. Ouch! Billy was bleeding like crazy now.
He had a deep foot long cut in his arm. THUMP. He had landed. Squeak? Ererererer? were those
penguins? thought Billy. He didnt have time to see, because he had just died. And by the way, those
were penguins.

Blink Blink. Billy opened his eyes and found penguins around him. He also noticed heaven is
beautiful. The penguins dragged Billy to the emperor. The penguins seemed to had know his goal. They
lead him to a staircase. It was beautifully carved. Billy finded himself later at the summit. Once Billy
returns to civilization, he tells the people about the penguins. Some people traveled along the same route

Schuyler Wang
Boght Hills


Billy took and tried to find the penguins. Even though no one succeeded, secretly they still do good deeds
to lost trekkers.

Schuyler Wang
Boght Hills


The Dream That Came True

Zaid Ashar BH Grade 5

Zaid Ashar

Grade 5 BH

A few hours later he was standing in front of Estadio Azteca Stadium. Wow, he thought this is
COLOSSAL. He was staring at the stadium when three people in black trench coats passed by. One
was talking hurriedly in an Italian accent and another in a Portuguese accent. The third one just
listened. Julio gave his ticket and went inside . The three people came in right after him. They were
seated one row down from him. Suddenly, the game started.
Then something happened six minutes into the game that would change his life . Pele was
substituted. He saw the 3 people in black trench coats make their move. They got up and walked down
to the bottom row. Then they went into a door marked DO NOT ENTER. AUTHORIZED
PERSONNEL ONLY. Julio stopped. He knew that he couldnt go in. He shrugged. They must be
janitors for the stadium he thought, Best to leave them alone . Suddenly the three men came out.
Only this time, they were wearing bright outfits and had trays of snacks in their hands. Julio could
smell the burritos. The smell of tortilla and beans had never smelt so good. Then he saw one of the men
hand a child a burrito. Julio noticed a deep scar on the mans right cheek. The man talked in a deep
Italian accent. Here you go. he said in an deep voice. He saw a burrito marked with a black mark. He
was thinking about what he saw, when suddenly the 3 vendors stopped selling burritos, wrapped them
all up, put them in a sack, and walked down the stadium aisle through a gate, and straight into another
door. Julio squinted and read the words written on the door. The sign read TEAM BRAZIL LOCKER

A few minutes later the three men came out. One of the men was carrying the sack. Julio
recognized him as the man who had sold him the burritos. But for some reason, the sack looked
different. He pulled out his cheap plastic binoculars from his tattered, old backpack. He looked
Zaid Ashar

Grade 5 BH

through them and saw a hole in the sack and a hand sticking out of it.. The hand was brown and large.
Julio shook his head. It couldn't be. The hand looked exactly like Peles. He thought he saw a cleat
spike bulging out of the bag. But he knew one thing for sure. These people were kidnapping
somebody. He looked through the binoculars, but all he saw was the three vendors running towards the
exit with the same lumpy sack over the shoulders of the man with the Italian accent. Julio wanted to
see the outcome of the match, but he knew someone was in trouble and felt like he had to help. So he
packed up his binoculars and ran after the suspected kidnappers. The 3 men opened the door to the
exit, but there was a guard outside,who stopped them. The third man showed him his ID, and told him
in Spanish that they were food vendors and had ran out of burritos to sell. Julio understood this man
clearly, because he was Mexican, just like him. When the guard asked what was in the sack, the man
said that his friend was a janitor for their vending team and was carrying a bag filled with trash that
needed to be dumped in the trash dump. The guard let them pass by. Then Julio ran up to the guard
and said Did you see my uncle go by? He is a janitor for a food vending team and was carrying a
large sack filled with trash. He didnt tell the guard that these people were suspected kidnappers (
according to him, of course).

After the guard let Julio know that his so-called uncle had run onto Genta street, Julio ran as fast as
he could to catch up with the men. Julio caught up with them just in time to see them enter into a
cellar. Julio pulled out the ragged and dirty sketch book he always carried and noted down the address
of the house they went into. You never know when this may come in handy he thought. He ducked
down next to the cellar window. He heard talking going on. He dared himself to take a peek in the
window. What he saw was so shocking, he was having a hard time holding in his rage. There was Pele
sitting in a chair with his hands tied together and his body tied against a chair. Peles shirt had been
ripped, no doubt by struggling to escape. The Italian guy was talking rapidly to the Portuguese guy,
Zaid Ashar

Grade 5 BH

who was talking to Pele, probably translating it into portuguese so that he could understand what the
Italian guy was saying. Julios dad was Portuguese, so Julio spoke and understood Portuguese fluently.
The Portuguese guy was saying to Pele , Listen up, because we are not playing any games with you.
Pele looked scared and frightened. Then the Portuguese guy said, Were going to hold you here and
send an anonymous letter to the manager of the Brazilian team saying that weve captured the star
player for his team. Were going to ask him for about a billion pesos to send you back to your team.
Oh, and I almost forgot. If they dont pay it back by the end of three weeks, you get killed. Italia will
finally achieve a big win in a world cup history! Victory is ours! And dont even think about escaping
because you cant for a while because of that drugged burrito. Julio listened in complete shock. He
guessed that the burrito they were talking about was the one with the black mark. He noted everything
down. Then he shifted his weight and accidentally caused a couple of rocks to roll down and hit the
window. The guys stopped talking. The Spanish one said Lets go see who that is. Julio quickly
realized that he was in trouble. He was going to get caught. He quickly buried his notebook under
some big rocks. Then he tried to run. He got up and was about to run when suddenly he felt a sharp
pain in his neck. He pulled it out just in time to see that it was a tranquilizer dart and that the Spanish
guy had shot it. Oh great, he thought, Im going to die. Then he blacked out.

When he came to, somebody was rapping on his skull really hard. Owww he moaned. Hes awake
guys, someone said. Julios vision was blurred, but he could make out that he was inside the cellar.
Suddenly his vision went back to normal. Ah, our little guest has awoken. remarked the Spanish
man. Julio was about to strangle this man when he realized he couldnt because of two reasons.
number 1: his hands were tied behind his back to a chair. #2:the man was bigger and stronger than
him, and all of the men together outnumbered him hopelessly. It was wiser to stay put. He looked to
the right of him and was horrified at what he saw. There was Pele lying on the ground, gagged and
Zaid Ashar

Grade 5 BH

handcuffed struggling to get himself free. Then the Spanish guy asked , So why were you spying on
us? Julio decided to lie. I was going to my abuelos house when suddenly I got confused and went
down the wrong street. Then I decided to rest near your house and clear my thoughts. Then you guys
came out and shot me with a tranquilizer and now here I am talking to you and telling you the truth of
everything. Not really. Oh yeah? I suspect a lie! said the Spanish guy. Suddenly someone from
upstairs called down to them. All of them went upstairs for lunch. They wouldnt need a guard to
guard these guys. There was no way to escape (according to them). Julio looked around him. There
was a table in front of him that was covered with disguises, keys, knives, and other stuff. Then he
thought of a plan to escape. He stood up. Not surprisingly, the chair came along with him. He
stumbled over to the table, turned around and picked up a pair of wire cutters. He started to saw his
ropes by cutting and twisting them. Suddenly his ropes fell apart. No time to celebrate, he thought.
Now it was time to free Pele. He walked over and untied the gag. Then he snatched a skeleton key
from the table and unlocked the handcuffs. Pele thanked him continuously. Julio beamed. Then he
walked over to a phone that he spotted an called the Mexican police.

In half an hour, the cops were standing outside the house. They were armed with guns and dogs. After
that things happened so fast that Julio could hardly process the information. The police barged in and pointed
their guns at the thugs who immediately surrendered. It was all over. IT WAS ALL OVER!!!
Then Pele whispered to Julio, Meet me after the game. I have something for you. Okay. said Julio.
Then Pele got out of the car and ran toward the players entrance. The crowd roared as Pele charged onto the
field and took his place. Pele made brilliant assists leading to goals, helping Jairzinho, Carlos Alberto,and
Gerson achieve victory and score goals. In the end of the match Brazil had won 4-1 against Italy. Everybody
Zaid Ashar

Grade 5 BH

carried Pele on their shoulders out of the stadium. Then he asked to be excused and went to Julio with a
package in his hand. He gave Julio the package, said good-bye, and went inside. When Julio came home, his
family welcomed him graciously. Julio told them the outcome of the game and then when his mom asked what
the package was, he just winked, and told her that he wanted to talk in private with her after he was done
changing his clothes. Then he excused himself and tore up the stairs. He got to his room and tore open the
package. He gasped. Inside the package there was a new Brazil soccer jersey that had 10 Pele on the back of it.
There was also a photo of Pele inside with his autograph on it and written on it was ,To my favorite fan Julio.
Julio beamed. It was a dream come true.

Zaid Ashar

Grade 5 BH

The Hurricane Survivor

By: Zachary Paton

Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

Thomas sprinted as fast as he could. The crowd was cheering.

Photo finish! someone yelled.
The finish line judge took out a camera. Flash! Thomas stopped.
Thomas wins! he shouted.
Before he could think, Thomas was swarmed with people.
Cries of Wow! I cant believe it, and Did that really happen? were all he could
hear. He couldnt believe it either. He had just beat Williams Middle School at the track meet!
Thomas Jackson was twelve years old, was in seventh grade, and he was about five and a
half feet tall. He had short brown hair and wore comfortable clothes. He had in the middle
posture, and was neat. He was serious, smart, and brave. He loved reading and video games, was
cooperative, and did what was expected of him. Thomas came from a suburban family that was
middle class, happy, and well educated. They lived in New Orleans. He was a pretty average kid,
and he had common sense. His worst fear was that a criminal would break into his house and rob
his familys safe with most of their money in it. He had a good habit of doing his homework
before he went to play. His talents were swimming and running. His family was his mom and his
dad (he was an only child). Back at the track meet, Thomas was handed a big trophy in honor of
his victory. His mom and dad congratulated him with hugs and kisses.
We are so proud of you, they both said to Thomas.
Hey Thomas, do you want to go out and get ice cream with your track team and me?
asked Thomas track coach.
Is it okay, mom and dad? asked Thomas.
Of course, his mom told him.
Thomas coach bought Thomas the biggest size. It was awesome.
Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

The next morning, while Thomas was getting ready for school, he saw on the weather
channel that Hurricane Katrina was on its way.
. . . Hurricane Katrina is almost a category five hurricane. It is expected to hit the New
Orleans area late tomorrow night. When it hits, it will cause major catastrophic damage. . ., the
meteorologist said warningly.
Thomas wasnt worried. His house had withstood many strong hurricanes and tropical
storms before, and his mother had told him stories about the deadly storms.
At school, all anyone could talk about was Hurricane Katrina. A lot of people bragged
about how they were going to the superdome. In science, they made hurricanes in bottles, in
social studies, they did a geography worksheet tracking the path of Hurricane Katrina, in math,
they calculated hurricane wind speeds, in Spanish class, they learned how to say sentences with
the words Hurricane Katrina in them. Even at lunch, the lunch ladies made cookies shaped like
hurricanes. (Thomas thought they were shaped like that because the lunch ladies were very bad
at cooking). In fact, the whole day was such a joke that Thomas didnt have any homework.
When he got home, Thomas unpacked his bookbag, then went for a run. Well, actually, it
was a light jog. While he was jogging, Thomas noticed that there was no birds chirping, and
squirrels were unseen. Even the air didnt feel right. When Thomas got home, he saw a worried
look on his mothers face. Then he saw the television.
The meteorologist was saying, Hurricane Katrina is now a category five hurricane.
Everyone in New Orleans should evacuate before tomorrow night.
Thomas looked at his mom. What are we going to do? he inquired.
We will leave tomorrow after school because it is Friday. You will be fine.

Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

Thomas dad came down the stairs. Im going to put the suitcases and snacks in the car.
We must be prepared.
But what if. . . Thomas started to say
Go to bed, Thomas instructed Thomas mother wearily.
That night, Thomas lay awake in bed, worried. He finally fell asleep. Thomas woke up,
and he was in the storm. The wind was howling. The water was cold. He was swimming, but he
didnt know where he was swimming to. The current was pulling him back. He heard the
thunder. He felt the lightning. He felt the rain beating down on him. Thomas was sucked
underwater. Now Thomas was drowning. The storm was so loud. It was. . . beeping?
Thomas sat up, gasping. The beeping was his alarm clock. Its all okay, it was only a
dream, he told himself.
On the bus he noticed that humongous dark, gray clouds were moving in. He was
During science, everyone saw a large flash of lightning then heard a huge rumble of
Calm down everyone, nothing will happen the teacher said.
Ten minutes later, rain started to pitter-patter on the window, then it started to pound.
There was another flash of lightning, but closer. Then the thunder came. It was so loud, Thomas
felt like it was shaking the room. Thomas looked down and saw that he was shaking.
Then the principals voice came over the intercom. The principal said, Attention
everyone, we are now going into severe weather. Crouch down next to a wall and put your head
in your hands. Do not worry, you all will be just fine.

Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

Thomas and the rest of the students went into the hallway and put their heads in their
hands. He wondered how his parents were doing. He hoped they were safe. After a few minutes,
Thomas felt something wet. He looked down the hallway and saw water. Just then, the power
went out.
Stay calm, do not worry, Thomas science teacher said.
Thomas heard a crash. The building was shaking. Thomas could hear crackling thunder,
and the building was lit up with bright lightning.
This is not good.
Just then, a gigantic wave of water surged into Thomas middle school and overtook
everything. Students, teachers, everything. It smelled of rotten, wet wood and tasted like poison.
Ahhhblblblbl! Thomas yelled. Well, tried to yell.
The water stung his eyes like acid and fire mixed together. He came up for air, and he
saw a group of students panicking. The water was sucked out of the school, and it took everyone
with it. The wind was whipping and howling. Rain was beating down on him. It felt like onemillion nails getting driven into his body at the same time. All of the students wanted to get out
of there, so the teachers started trying to round everyone up. He waded toward one of the
teachers. When he got there, he turned around and saw a huge wave coming straight towards him
and all of the students and teachers.
Duck! he shouted, then he dove underwater.
Fighting that wave must have been like fighting Hercules. Thomas was picked up and
was slammed into the school. Then the wave started swirling him around in all directions. Just
when he felt like his lungs were about to burst, the wave cleared. He did not see any students or
any teachers. Thomas knew that if he was going to survive, he had to get to higher ground.
Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

Thomas thought really hard because he had learned about the New Orleans area in social studies
Thats it! he said to himself.
Theres a bridge nearby.
He saw a bridge in the distance.
That must be the bridge, if only I could get to it.
Thomas started wading toward it. The flood was getting worse and worse. The water
from the storm surge was almost up to his waist. He remembered his dream from that morning.
I hope this dream doesnt come true.
Thomas was very worried. Not only for himself, but his parents, too. He hoped that they
would be okay. Thomas kept on wading toward the bridge like a moth attracted to a light. The
water was almost up to his chest. He looked down to look at the water level on him. Big mistake.
Another wave slammed into him, sending Thomas flying backward. As he fought the water,
something touched his leg. It felt like sandpaper.
Oh no.
Only one thing he knew of felt like sandpaper. Sharks. When Thomas reached the
surface, the water was up to his chin.
I have to get out of here. The water is rising quickly, and there is a shark that wants me
for dinner.
Thomas started to swim as fast as he could. He started seeing household objects all
around him. Chairs, mattresses, coffee tables, and even couches, to name a few. Thomas needed
to rest. He got onto a mattress and started to look around for the shark. Just then, he saw a fin

Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

rising out of the water and heading straight toward him. It was moving at lightning speed. It
dodged household items obstacles super fast, leaving a wake in its path.
Well, this is what it all comes down to. This is the end. Goodbye mom, Goodbye dad.
Just as the shark was about to pounce on Thomas, it turned around and started swimming
the other direction.
I am one lucky guy.
A refrigerator floated toward the mattress. Thomas opened it and it had a water bottle in
it. Thomas quickly drank the water. Thomas slid off the mattress into the water and started
swimming again. He knew that he had to keep going, no matter how tired he was. The bridge
was getting a little bit bigger and more clear. He felt like he had been swimming forever. Just
then, he felt the current getting stronger and stronger until all Thomas had to do was tread water,
and he would still be going toward the bridge.
I am glad this current came along, because I really needed it. I am so tired.
Then he saw something he really didnt want to see. It was the source of the strong
current. A whirlpool.
How do I always get into these things?
Thomas started swimming like mad away from the whirlpool, but it was just too strong.
There was nothing Thomas could do except hope that the end would be over quickly.
So this is how I am going to die. Huh. I did not see that one coming.
Thomas frantically looked around for something to hang on to. He saw the top of a tree
sticking up out of the water nearby.
How do I get there?

Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

Thomas swam even harder. His fingertips just barely touched the tree. Thomas hung on
with every last bit of strength he had. Snap! Then the top of the tree broke off from the rest of the
Noooo! Thomas screamed to no one in particular as he was sucked down into the
middle of the whirlpool.
Thomas was flung around and around in the water until finally, he was slammed against
the ground. He groped around with his hands until he found something to push out with. He did
the same with his feet. Then he pushed off as hard as he could and barely got out of the suction
vortex of the whirlpool. The underwater current was not as strong as the surface current so he
swam away from the whirlpool underwater until he did not have any breath left. Then he popped
up to the surface and, he could barely feel the current anymore. The bridge was even closer and
Thomas was starting to make out rescuers and victims crowding the bridge. He was glad. He had
almost made it to the bridge.
I am very lucky to have survived a really strong whirlpool, too.
Thomas started to swim toward the bridge again.
I hope mom and dad are on the bridge, and I hope they are okay.
Thomas felt the surface current going towards the bridge. He saw a couch and swam over
to it.
Maybe I can catch a quick break on this couch.
Thomas got onto the couch and sprawled out on it. The couch floated right next to a
house. Thomas heard a creaking sound. He looked up and saw the house coming down on top of
Ahhhhh! Thomas screamed.
Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

The last things Thomas heard before the house fell on top of him were the sounds of glass
breaking and him crying. Then everything went black.
When Thomas came to, he had tons of small cuts and bruises on him. Then blood started
dripping into his eyes. He reached up and touched his forehead. It stung. When his hand came
down, it was covered in blood. He then realized he had a pounding headache. Thomas stood up,
then started walking on the wall (the house fell sideways on top of him). He came across a
package of rolls and realized how hungry he was. He gobbled down the rolls and looked for a
way out of the house. He looked up and saw the front door. Thomas shinnied up the floor until
he reached the door. He opened it and stood on the side of the house. The water level was almost
up to the side of the house (about five feet below it). Thomas saw that the bridge was very
closeby. He jumped into the water and swam the final stretch to the bridge. There, he was
reunited with his family, and they were given food, drinks, and a place to stay. Thomas knew he
was lucky, but when he learned that most of the people in his middle school died that day, he
knew that he was very lucky. Thomas lived a happy life from that day on.

Zachary Paton
Grade 5
Boght Hills School

Im Lizzy. I survived the Tri-State Tornado, and it was scary.

My day on vacation at Griffin, Indiana started out normal. I woke up, brushed my teeth, and got
dressed in purple. Purples my favorite color. I ate my yucky oatmeal for breakfast. I was going
to see my friend Laurie that I hadnt seen in 6 months today! But that was at 10:00. It was 8:30
AM now. I hopped on my purple bicycle and rode around. My rented house that I was staying in
was blue with white trim. It was about half a mile from Lauries house.The neighborhood had
pretty houses. There were trees everywhere. Very thin, skinny, and probably breakable trees. I
shouldnt worry though! It was perfectly sunny outside. I rode to the nearest store. Nothing good
there. I realized that it was now 9:45 and I should probably get going if I was going to see Lizzy
at 10.
When I got to the house the first thing I saw when I opened the door was Laurie. Braces,
frizzy red hair and all. The next thing I saw was her dog, Ruby. She bounced on me. I said
Down, Ruby girl! Ruby is very excitable and hiper. I hugged Laurie. She hugged me. Laurie
said Come to my room. We really need to catch up on each other. So I obeyed. Laurie can get
a little bossy at times, but that never matters to me. Shes always going to be THE FRIEND to
me. Ruby followed. She told about her new school, and her new friend Patty. Patty seems nice
to me. I told her that she missed my 11th birthday. Shes 12. I heard thunder boom outside.
The sky Its g-g-g green. Laurie said worriedly. Oh dont worry, its probably just
a I tried to reassure her but the next thing I saw was a very huge cloud in a funnel shape. It
was moving downwards in a spinning motion. Then the electricity went out. TORNADO! We
both screamed at the same time. Im also scared of the dark. Laurie added on. That doesnt
help one bit, I told her. Do you know where the storm cellar is? Its not Kansas here, you
know. We dont have a storm cellar! Laurie screamed over the noise. WELL THEN RUN!!!! I

TORNADO?!?!?!!?! Laurie screamed loud. JUST DO IT! I told her. So we ran. And ran. Right
then, my vision went dark.
I was dead.
Since Lizzy is blacked out, I, Laurie, will be taking over.
I knew it was a bad idea to run. I knew it. I didnt think and didnt scream back, but we had no
other choice.
So, the tornado basically carried us all the way to Illinois and dropped us off right in front
of the hospital. I ended up with crutches. She ended up with a few bruises and a hospital bed.
Then Lizzy woke up, and I heard a noise way too familiar. The tornado had done us a favor by
violently dropping us at the hospital, and now it was getting its revenge. The tornado was
I hope Laurie took over well for a tiny bit, but I am the narrator of this story. I, Lizzy, am
back from the dead!
Im supposed to be dead. was the first thing I said. Well, the tornado violently dropped us off
at the hospital after it violently sucked us up. Now its back. And you only blacked out. Sorr-y but
this isnt heaven.Laurie told me. But then, I felt my bed moving. I looked behind me. The
tornado was really huge. It was in between black and gray. It was picking up debris and
dropping it off. It was violently spinning with dirt and dust making a mini-cloud around it. It
looked weaker than it had before, but it was still extremely dangerous. Laurie was behind the
hospital bed, lagging in her crutches. Jump on, Laurie! I commanded her. She jumped on. I
had to help her though, she was in crutches. The assistant that was pushing my bed started to
say something. I was glad he stayed quiet. This was my best friend here!! I started worrying
about my mom and dad. Would they survive? Would Lauries dog Ruby survive? Ruby. I loved
that dog. Back in Kansas, Ruby was like my dog too. She came over every day with Laurie. I
was having about 37 excellent memories with that dog. Suddenly I heard barking. I looked to
the side and I saw RUBY!! Ruby had grabbed on to the assistants pant leg and was pulling

him along. The assistant was sweating like crazy. The tornado was gaining on us. Laurie? I
asked. Yes? She replied. I love that dog of yours! I said happily. I saw the + Hospital sign
and then a SHELTER. We passed under the doorway. We were safe.

Ruby got in the newspaper. I always stayed best friends with Laurie. Ruby lived a long, happy, life..

The Hurricane
By: Aarohi Vasavada

The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

Zephyrs Point of View

Rebecca, Dad, the T.V! I screeched. It was a damp, humid, and muggy night. I averted
my gaze from the moon, which I felt like was telling me that something horrible was going to
happen. I looked at the T.V. when our usual reporter, David Butler, flashed on our tiny screen
with a grim look on his face. A hurricane is advancing upon Louisiana. Precautions are needed,
and evacuations are highly recommended. I gulped. I looked at my father. He frowned, and shut
the T.V. off. A bead of sweat trickled down my cheek as my father opened his mouth. Theres
no need to evacuate! I dont need no lousy hurricanes scaring my kids! Our house is so sturdy- it
will never break down through this hurricane! Ive gone through millions of hurricanes,
earthquakes, tornadoes, and so much more! We all knew that last sentence wasnt true at all.
Dont go to work dad! I screeched. Dad glared at me. I turned my head to my twin, my hazel
green eyes boring into my brothers light icy blue eyes, rimmed with dark blue. Zephyr, itll be
OK. my brother said. What do you know, Zeke? I boomed. I stormed upstairs to my room,
and climbed in bed. I could hear my parents hushed tones, while Zeke climbed up the stairs. I
forced my eyes shut, trying to will myself to sleep. I couldnt do it. I gazed out the window,
looking up and the constellations. A tear slipped out of my eye. You would know what to do if
you were here mom, I whispered. My mom died six years ago, when Zeke and I were 8. A few
hours passed, and I tossed and turned. I quietly said, Zeke? Are you awake? Yeah, cant
sleep, replied Zeke. Zeke sat up, running a hand through his long, straight shaggy white-blonde
hair. I sat up too, shaking my fiery, long red curly hair. Zeke and I looked nothing alike. He had
blue eyes and white-blonde hair, and I had long (Im saying long, my curly hair is up to my
The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

knees) fiery, red curly hair, and hazel green eyes. I just cant sleep. The hurricane is altering my
mind, I meekly said. Zeke sighed. He laid down, and I did the exact same thing. I looked at the
constellations, knowing mom was in our hearts.
Zekes point of view: The Next Morning
I blinked. I woke up, not waking up to the blinding sunshine, but the pitter-patter of
heavy rain. Plip. Plop. Plip. Plop. I kept watching the window, until I blinked and got out of bed.
I looked at the clock, and saw the time. 10:00 A.M. I knew it was really late, but thats just how I
roll. I knew Zephyr would be awake, because she wakes up at 8:00 A.M, even during summer
vacation. I trudged to the bathroom, my eyelids more droopy. I locked the door, and looked at
myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. I peeled off my clothes, which were plastered to my body
because of sweat. I slipped into the shower. I turned the knob up. The heavy drops of the shower
made me want to curl up in bed and take a nice nap. But I didnt want to sleep. I turned the
knob to cold, and took a deep breath. The first touch of the cold water, my eyes flew open, as the
freezing water touched my skin. I wanted to turn it up REALLY badly, but I knew I had to stay
awake. Especially with a hurricane bearing down on us. A few minutes of cold water, and I
couldnt take it. I turned it to middle, and grabbed a bar of soap and ran it over my body. A few
minutes later, I finished my shower. I clenched my fists tightly, and my body was dripping. I
slipped out, and wrapped a towel around my body. I felt warm instantly. Ahhh I pulled
clothes out, and shook while I slipped them on. I wore a blue Nike shirt, with Nike basketball
shorts that were blue and white. My sister says Im spoiled, but hey, when you have the
opportunity to get Nike clothes, you go with it! My family is upper-middle class because my
dads a surgeon. Rebecca, our step-mom, she is an employee at Walmart. At least we get a few
bucks from that. I slipped out of the bathroom, and ran down the stairs. Sitting on the couch was
The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

Zephyr. Something was unusual. No, it wasnt her clothes. She had denim shorts on and a teal
shirt with a silver glitter star on it. Also, it wasnt her hair. Her hair was in its normal state - sort
of brushed, with fiery, red curls popping out of nowhere. Her green eyes were fixed to the T.V.
She was watching the news channel. You must be like whats so bad in that? but Zephyr never,
ever, ever watches the news channel in the morning. Only Spongebob. Nothing else. Hi.
Zephyr said. I raised my eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes, and looked back at the T.V. Again,
David Butler flashed on. Please, take precautions. This is a very dangerous hurricane, with
cyclone level 3. Zephyr gasped. Why doesnt he evacuate? Zephyr said.
Over near downtown New Orleans, there has been a massive fire.The fire has burned
down the hospital of St. Peters, also the local Walmart next to St. Peters, Starbucks, Target, and
Party City. Survivors have not been found. said David Butler. My eyes widened. Zephyr
jumped up and let out a cry of shock. Oh god, oh god. Zephyr muttered. She was shoving on
her rain jacket and rainboots, while I was doing the exact same. We both grabbed our umbrellas,
knowing they wouldnt hold in this rain. I took a deep breath. I had this twisting feeling in my
stomach, one I only had when I was very nervous. Really, really nervous. The last time it
happened was when mom was ill, six years ago. I walked to the door and pushed open the door.
You may be thinking, Wow, Zeke and Zephyr are crazy! They dont know anything. Why are
they going outside while in the midst of a hurricane? We stepped outside, and I got a sense of
deja vu. I realized the exact same thing happened when water, freezing water, poured on me in
the shower. I looked over at Zephyr. Her face was pale, and even with an umbrella, her fiery red
hair was plastered to her face.

Zephyrs Point of View

The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

My gut churned, and twisted as I trudged through the dirty waters. I looked down and
regretted it immediately. I saw bodies floating around, the waters mixed with blood, dirt, pieces
of homes, debris, and worst of all, dead bodies. I took in deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In Out. In
Out. In Out In Out In Out. My breathing kept on getting faster, and faster. The rain made the
travel harder. The hospital and Walmart were about five miles away, and with water up to our
knees, and pouring rain, it made it a 100 times harder than normal. I couldnt take the freezing
waters, because my legs were numb. What made it even worse was my hair was long; and when I
say long, I mean long. It reached four inches past my knees, which was horrible, because the
water was up to our knees, so I had to hold up my hair. I grumbled, and groaned, and literally,
after ten minutes through the rain, I felt like I was going to collapse. I looked up, and I saw
people trapped on their roofs, calling for help, waving red, or I think red flags in the air. Some
people on the roofs of their cars watched me and Zeke like we were crazy. I looked at Zeke. His
face was pale with effort, and his blue eyes cloudy with cold. It wasnt like the people on the
roofs were the only ones hopeless. My umbrella was on the verge of breaking, with sections torn,
and in shreds, and the three quarters of the wires broken or flew away. My shorts and shirt were
soaked, and my rain coat was in shreds too. I could hear screams and cries of pain. I swallowed
back the sob. I wasnt just feeling bad for myself, I was feeling bad for other people. I looked at
the place where everyone went if they didnt want to evacuate. The Superdome. It was a huge
building, about the size of a football stadium. The sturdy wall and roof was supposed to work on
the superdome; but no luck. I saw panels flying off the roof, and I heard people screaming,
wailing, and sobbing. All this pain and agony made me want to give up. I hopefully looked at
Zeke to see if his umbrella was holding up. No such luck. His umbrella was in the same state as
mine. I groaned. I looked at the billboard sign on the right. It was broken, but I could spell out:
The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

office building and New Orleans mall in 4.5 miles. I gasped. Weve only been walking for half
a mile? He followed my gaze, and his eyes widened. It felt like forever. I realized only 15
minutes had passed, but it felt like forever. I couldnt hold it in. My sob came out, and tears
streamed down my face. It was horrible. Everything. I wanted a better life. Why didnt my
parents evacuate? You have probably wondered what all this walking is about. Well, our parents
worked were the fire happened.

Azaleas Point of View

I took a deep breath. Mini waves splashed the windows. Grandpa Johnson didnt
want to evacuate. I wrinkled my nose. The T.V. played on; all I got was yada yada yada
veggie soup for only yada yada yada. Yes! David Butler. He came on with his
posh accent. Precautions are needed. A fire at the New Orleans mall and the nearby
office center has brought mass mayhem. No survivors have been found. The T.V. then
buzzed off. I groaned. I went to the window, and saw these kids trudging through the
soupy waters. Those crazy kids! Its so dangerous! I thought. I walked to my door. I
saw my award for best behaved kid that I got in kindergarten. Wow. the 11 years flew
like a busy bee. I said to myself. Grandpa Johnson always says, Help everyone.
Grandpa Johnson was upstairs snoring. The basement had flooded, so what else? I
twisted the door handle open, and I stepped outside. Our porch was flooded, but luckily
no water came in. I didnt care if I got wet, so I screamed to the kids. GET ON OVER
The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

didnt hear. I screamed even louder. COME IN TO OUR HOUSE!!!!!!! IT IS COMFY,

AND I WILL KEEP YOU SAFE!! The boy didnt hear, but the girl heard. She widened
her eyes. She grasped the boys hand, and lugged him to our porch. Do you mean it?
the girl asked. Well, obviously, I said. She trudged in - without taking her shoes off!
Woah, girly! Shoes off! I said. She pulled her rain boots off, and I offered them towels.
Thank you so much, it might be crazy that strangers are decking in your house, the girl
said. My pleasure. Name? I dont let strangers in without their name. I said. Zeke and
Zephyr Lewis. Our parents are in that fire thing at the office center and New Orleans
mall. the boy said. Ouch. So thats what you were doing. Great to make your
acquaintance. Me, Im Azzy Johnson, as everyone calls me, but my real name is Azalea.
So call me Azzy. My grandpop is upstairs hittin the hay, so I felt extra kind. Im 16. I
blurted out. Zephyr smiled. Were 14. I studied both of them. Zeke had blonde hair,
and icy blue eyes, and Zephyr had long, curly, fiery red hair and green eyes. Compared to
them, I felt average. I had brown hair that was up to my shoulders, bangs, normal brown
eyes, and freckles. Were looking for our parents, said Zeke. I gasped. I hate to say
this to ya guys, but if David Butler, by the way, I hate him, says take precautions and
warnings, why doesnt he? Well, hate to break it to yall, but he said no survivors were
found in the fire. Zephyr widened her eyes and paced around the room. No, no, no.
she kept on muttering, and Zeke did the exact same thing. Then, Zeke and Zephyr burst
into tears, and in the middle of their sobs, Zephyr said
Oh you poor things. Your mom died when you were young and now your dad
died too? I said. They nodded their heads. I gave them a box of tissues, and I stood up. I
The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

didnt feel the familiar warmth of the carpet; I felt cold. I looked down, and freezing
water was up to my ankles. I gasped. The water rapidly rose, at one point up to our knees.
WE NEED TO EVACUATE! I screamed. Zephyr and Zeke pulled on their rain
things, and I raced to the room nearby in our tiny house. Grandpa was sleeping soundly,
oblivious to what was happening. I shook him awake, and he sat up, looking at the
rapidly raising water. I took rapid breaths, and picked Grandpa up. I couldnt keep his
wheelchair because of the water, and Grandpa was paralyzed waist down.
He was lighter than I imagined. I raced outside. Grandpa was scared; I could tell. I trudged
through the water, which was up to my chest. Zeke and Zephyr had it even worse because the
water was at their chins. Waves came up, and panic rose up in my chest. A wave doused us in
freezing water. I absolutely knew we wouldnt survive. The waves came and came. I tried to run,
or swim, but it was hard with Grandpa. I kept on going. To our house! Zeke said. I took
breaths, thinking about hope. I thought my hope would be drained, but it gave me warmth. I went
on. A huge wave came, and Zeke and Zephyr squeaked. I screamed in fear, and it doused us,
pulling us underwater. The wave was followed by two more smaller ones, which pulled me
under. The disgusting, bloody salty water gargled in my mouth, stinging my eyes. My ears were
ringing with negative thoughts, and it was harder to breathe with them. After about 30 seconds, I
couldnt take the pain and anguish. Let me do it. I closed my eyes, letting myself sink down. My
air was running out; I couldnt hold it any longer. A hand then pulled me up, and jolted me back
to reality. I looked up and saw who it was. Grandpa was held by Zeke, and Zephyr. Grandpa and
Zeke pulled me up. I took a big breath. The water was over my head, so I treaded water. Zeke
had a big smile plastered on his face. Theres nothing to smile about! I said. There is. The
huge wave took us pretty far, and it took us about a two minute walk from our home. Zeke said.
The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

Third Person Point of View: Seven years later

Somewhere in the city of New Orleans, in the year 2012, lived three people.Three people
named Zeke and Zephyr Lewis, and Azalea Johnson. Zeke and Zephyr, 21 year olds were both in
Harvard Law school. Azalea Johnson made a living as a famous movie actress. Maybe thats
why the name clicked in your head? Well, this one day, August 25, 2012, these three got
together before Zeke and Zephyr had to fly off to Harvard, and Azalea had to go for a photo
shoot. This day will stay infamous to us. Zeke said. Yeah. Azalea, youre lucky you have to
go to a photo shoot. Forget everything, all the bad memories. We have to sit in a plane ride
reliving all our memories. Zephyr said. Zephyr grew into a young woman, finally cutting her
hair; but it was still up to her waist. She rested her head on the window, looking at what they did
to New Orleans. It was a beautiful city now. No one would think it was part of a hurricane.
Azalea looked at Zephyr. She was now a beautiful young woman, with her average brown hair
as long as ever. Zeke had the same blonde hair, but he looked more mature, not childish. These
three people would never forget the trauma, the worry. To them, this day wouldnt be a day. This
day would always be known to them as Hurricane Katrina.

The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

The Hurricane
Aarohi Vasavada, Grade 6, Boght Hills

The Wright Way

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

James was sitting on his bed, hoping he could stay forever, and the world would just
forget him. But he was bored. Oh, so bored. He had already read all his books at least twice, and
got no pocket money to buy more. He looked out the window, but only saw Tennessees
characteristic dry grass and large forests. So instead of reading, he played with bits of paper,
folding them in different ways. Then he would throw them, pretending they flew like birds in his
cramped attic room. None would go further than a few feet, though, because his throwing arm
was so bad. Still, there was nothing better to do.
First, he randomly folded one piece of paper, then threw it with all his might. As if it
were mocking him, it fell almost immediately.
Not giving up yet, James folded another paper in a different fashion. Again, he threw it,
and it tumbled through the air until it hit the floor.
Becoming a little discouraged, James tried again. Knowing it wouldnt work, he threw it
half heartedly. What he saw made him freeze. This design had not fallen to the floor. No, this
one had soared on the air like a bird. It hit the far wall, the point flattening. James got up of the
bed and hurried over to the paper. He picked it up, his hands shaking. Never had he seen an
object fly. He had heard all over the news about the Wrights and their flying machine, and that
they were trying to make it fly. This was amazing. He had to show someone!
Suddenly, like a cannon that tore through James stunned mind, a roar. JAMES! YOU
It was his dad. James had tried to get out of work before, but for once, was glad to be
with his father. He was so excited, he would even show it to him. Pocketing the folded paper in
the deep pocket of his overalls, he practically sprinted out the door and down the stairs. His dad

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

was there, wearing his blue jeans with dirty knees, and a dark brown shirt, mostly because of the
mud from spending so much time in the woods.
Well? asked James dad. Why arent you working?
I forgot, Pa. Sorry, James replied. But I have something to show you.
Unless its a way to add more hours to the day, Im not interested.
But Pa, look at this. James took the paper from his pocket. I was folding paper, and
this one-
You and your your imagination. That cant get you anywhere in life. When I was 11, I
always listened to my father!
But Pa, look
No! Ive had enough of this! Why cant you just be like William?
Not again, thought James. His dad was always comparing him to his perfect older
brother. Good thing he moved to Arkansas. Im sorry, Pa. James said, bowing his head.
Oh, no. Im not falling for it this time. James dad pulled the paper out of his hands,
crumpled it to a ball, and threw it, hitting the wooden wall. He stormed out, slamming the door.
James was shocked. His dad usually yelled and compared him to Will, but then he cooled
down and apologized. This was the first time he had just walked out. James ran to the place
where his dad threw the paper. He uncrumpled it, and straightened it out. He threw it and it still
flew well. He placed it back into his pocket and started walking toward the door. Then he
stopped. His dad wouldnt listen. Neither would Will. No one he knew would listen. He decided
that only two people would listen. And both of these people were at Kitty Hawk.

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

Where are you going?

James was walking towards town, when his dad called out to him from the forest. He
looked suspicious.
Um, just going to the store to buy some, uh, rope. James replied, twisting around to try
to hide his small knapsack.
Well be back soon.
James started walking towards town, trying not to look too suspicious. He glanced over
his shoulder. His dad was still watching him, glaring at him as if he had done something awful.
James kept looking back, making sure he wasnt followed. Since he wasnt looking in front of
him, he tripped and fell. Not having time to stick out his hands, he fell face first on the hard dirt
road. He felt the taste of blood in his mouth. He got up fast, spitting out blood that made a pool at
his feet. The knees of his overalls were ripped, and dark red blood soaked through, and a pain
streaked through him. Cursing at his fall, James wiped the blood from his pants and mouth, and
wiped his hands on his pants. He glanced over his shoulder making sure his dad had left. Sure
enough, he was gone. Limping slightly now, James walked until he found somewhere to sit.
Taking his backpack off, he opened it and looked for a bandage. After rummaging a while, he
put it on his knees. He was having doubts about this. At first, he thought going to Kitty Hawk
was a good idea. But now, he was seeing some major flaws in his plan. He had brought a map,
and saw that it was pretty far away. Plus, it would take several days to get there. His dad would
obviously notice his absence. Wiping the blood from his mouth, he got up. A little discouraged,
but not defeated, James continued on his journey.

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

James was shivering in the cold. It had started to snow a little while ago, and dark had
fallen. He couldnt see his feet in front of him anymore or anything else. He kept walking, yet
slower now. He had learned his lesson.
After a few more minutes, James stopped. He was cold, he was tired and scared. He
had never been away from home before. He was even missing his dad. Though he had yelled at
him before, he was, well, his dad. Suddenly, there was a sound. James listened. Silence. Then,
another sound. Like twigs snapping. Silence again. Then the trees near him shook, and a man
walked out. James froze in place. The man was very tall, with grey hair on his head. He had a
beard, and a large jacket. He wore black pants, and had large boots.
Well, the man said, What have we here?

Where are you going, exactly?

James was looking out in the distance, as the snow fell to the ground, as gentle as a
feather. He was in the boxcar of a train, and the person talking to him was the man who he had

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

met in the forest. The man, whose name was Heebe the Hobo, had helped James get in a train
that was going to a place near Kitty Hawk.
So? Heebe asked again.
Oh, Im, um, going to see my grandparents, James lied. I was going to, er the train
Well, we made it, and we dont need to pay, said Heebe.
Why? James asked.
I, um, have a deal with the driver, Heebe replied, a little nervously, and, changing the
subject. So, have you ever gone to Little Rock?
No, why? James replied.
Well, thats where youre going, isnt it? said Heebe.
No, I said Kitty Hawk. This train is going to Little Rock? James said anxiously.
Uh huh, replied Heebe.
Oh no, Ive got to get to Kitty Hawk, James yelled. Then, before Heebe could stop him,
James jumped out the door of the fast moving train. He soared in the air for a few seconds,
before landing rather softly onto the cold, snowy ground. James tried to get up, but felt dizzy. He
put his hand to his head. It felt wet. He brought down his hand. It was drenched in dark red
blood. James collapsed to the ground.

Soft. Cushiony. Warm?

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

James eyes burst open. Under him he felt a feather bed. He felt warmth that healed his
sore body. For a moment he felt nothing, then all of a sudden he felt a pain in his head. He
remembered jumping out of the train. He remembered hitting his head. And he remembered
having to go to the Wrights. He got up fast out of the bed, and at the same time briefly saw a
wooden door at the end of the room before it was pulled open. A tall man with a lab coat entered
the room. He looked at James for a moment and smiled.
Ahh! he exclaimed, youre awake.
Where am I? asked James wearily.
Well, the man replied, somebody found you unconscious in the snow and brought you
here. Its a surprise youre still alive.
The man walked over to James and checked something on his head. James put his hand
up and felt that his head was wrapped in bandages.
What day is it? James asked.
Its the fourteenth of December, the man replied.
Jumping up James shouted Ive got to go!
Oh, no! the man said, you are staying right here until your head gets better.
Who do you think you are, a doctor? Ive got to go! said James agitatedly, trying to get
past the man.
Actually, I am a doctor, replied the man, pushing James back to his bed.
James, about to reply angrily, stopped in mid-sentence. Okay, he said calmly. He had a

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

James got out of bed. He listened for any noises. He walked slowly and quietly toward
the door making sure not to make the floorboards creak. Then, he stopped. Where was his
knapsack? He looked around and sure enough hung on the headboard of the bed was his bag. He
grabbed it and started back out. As quietly as he could, James turned the knob on the door. He
looked out and saw that down the hall there was a door to the left and a little further down there
was another door on the right. And at the end of the hall, was another door which was obviously
the exit. James started walking slowly toward the exit. He stopped suddenly as he heard a
grunting sound as the doctor was sleeping. He waited a few seconds but the sound subsided. He
continued stopping every few seconds to listen for noise. When he finally reached the exit, he
slowly turned the knob, opened the door and walked out. He then closed the door behind him, as
quietly as possible. Then without losing any time at all, he sprinted away. Going into the main
part of an unfamiliar town, he saw down the road a horse-drawn carriage coming towards him.
He ran across the road and hid in the bushes. As the carriage slowly came by, he heard voices
from within.
We hope to be able to visit a lot of shops in Kitty Hawk.
James was stunned. This carriage was going to Kitty Hawk, right where he needed to go.
He knew what he had to do. Jumping out of the bushes, he ran towards the back of the carriage.
He leaped and was able to pull himself up to somewhere where he could sit. He heard another
voice from inside.
What was that thump? someone in the carriage said.
Just a rock on the road. someone else replied.
James knew this was crazy but it was worth a try.
Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

James hung on to the carriage for a very long time. He was surprised that no one caught
him. There were some very close calls though when the travellers stopped, but he was able to go
unseen by either hiding in the bushes or under the carriage. During the long periods, hanging on
the carriage, James had a lot of time to think about what he had done. He had no idea how he
was going to face his dad. James was just thinking about this, when the carriage stopped. They
had arrived! He quickly jumped away from the carriage and started running. He was in a town. A
man was sweeping the road.
What day is it, sir? James asked.
December 17th, the man replied.
James moaned. It was practically impossible to see the Wrights now. They had a deadline
to either have the plane built and be able to be flown or not be allowed to use the land anymore.
James was about to give up when he came to the end of town (he was running very fast). He
looked and saw he was practically there. He could see the beach the Wrights were testing on.
With a sudden burst of energy, he ran down the beach. After running for half an hour, James
became exhausted. He gave up; it was impossible now. Just then, a car drove by and nearly
crashed into him but was able to brake just in time.
Hey! What are you doing? a man yelled.

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

James looked and saw there were two men in the car and recognized them both from
pictures he had seen in newspapers with titles like Wright Brothers Flying Machine.
Are you Orville and Wilbur Wright? James asked nervously.
Well, we used to be now, we are just two brothers who tried to make a plane and
failed, answered Orville Wright.
Failed? asked James. But I have an idea!
Its too late now, said Wilbur Wright.
But look, said James, while taking his paper plane out of his pocket that had been there
the whole time. He threw the paper plane, it flew and hit the front of the car. There was silence
for a moment.
But the wings arent moving, Orville said.
Of course, Wilbur said, getting out of the car. Come on, Orville and you ...
James! James said quickly.
Ahh. So come James, and we will put your ideas to work.

On December 17th, after several tries following James ideas, the Wright brothers finally
were able to get their plane off the ground for a record time of 12 seconds and it flew a distance
of 120 feet.

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

The End

Louis Meunier, 5th grade, Boght Hills

Amelia Green tucked her long, brown hair behind her ears and glanced down at her
shaggy, black dog Max. He just looked up at the ball in her hands and whined with impatience.
She took a deep breath and threw the ball.
"Go get it Max! she called after him as he bolted forward. She loved the way he moved,
with the highest and most graceful leaps. Every time Max took his paws off the ground, it looked
like he was flying. Then, Max started to fly the wrong direction. Amelia was confused at first
but saw that the ball had been blown off its course by the wind. The same wind that had almost
knocked over Amelia before. Amelia had expected better weather as winter ended, but she had
guessed wrong.
After Max had retrieved the ball, he looked up at Amelia eagerly, waiting for another
throw, but she didnt look down at Max. Amelia was looking at the sky.The wind is probably
coming from that storm. she thought as she looked at a big dark cloud in the distance. She
decided to bring Max home.
Come on Max, she said. We dont want to be caught by the rain.
Amelia had to drag Max along to get him out of the park. He kept on sniffing around and
pausing. By the time they reached the exit of the park, it started to drizzle. Amelia shivered and
then finally, Max ran.
When Amelia got to the house with her stubborn dog, she found the door unlocked and
led Max in. Amelia knew she had locked the door when she left, so she knew it must have been
her clumsy brother. Amelia called for him when she got inside.
James, she said, "You didnt lock the door. That could be dangerous!
Amelia didnt hear a reply, so she walked up the stairs to his room.
Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

James, dont you dare ignore me, she warned as she opened the door. Amelia looked
around the room. James wasnt there. Instead there was a piece of paper on his bed. Amelia went
to pick it up.
Gone for a rain-walk, read the note. Amelia was furious. If she left James alone for just
ten minutes, he would waltz into trouble. He knew he wasnt allowed to leave the house
unattended and he knew that it was dangerous to play in the rain. Most frustrating of all, though,
was that he knew that Amelia would get in trouble for not watching him while Mom was out
shopping. So, the responsible eleven year old sister of that trouble maker grabbed a sandwich,
got Max on his leash, put on her coat, and headed out the door. She was going to find her
Meanwhile, Mr. Green was thinking about Amelia. He had planned another visit to go
back home. He guessed that his daughter wasnt having such a good day, with the bad weather.
He wanted to surprise her by bringing her home a present. He just hoped he wouldnt get there
too late. Mr. Green took out his pocket watch. It was 11:13. He would probably reach his house
by the afternoon. Mr. Green was living in Ellington, Missouri, a long way away from his family
in Illinois because he had gotten a job there as a banker. Now he was delighted to be going to see
his family again. He picked up his packed suitcase, opened the door of the room he was renting,
and walked down the stairs and out onto the streets. Mr. Green strode excitedly to his new 1925
Ford automobile. He got in, started it up, and zoomed out of there. If only he hadnt been so
excited, he would have seen Mrs. Green just entering the apartment he had left. Then he might of
driven him and his wife out of the dangerous city they were in. But, of course, he was anxious to
get back home and drove away leaving his wife where he hoped he had never left.

Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

Mrs. Green had actually been shopping a few miles away from the apartment when she
realized that she was close to her beloved husband. She had decided that if she took a small trip
to see him, he would be happy to have some company. She really got a surprise though. When
she walked into the room, she found it empty. She definitely did not assume that her husband had
driven away just a few minutes ago, but she thought that he had just been running errands. So,
she waited and waited and waited which was the most dangerous thing she could have done. But,
she only realized this later on.
Amelia also didnt realize the danger she was in because of how much she wanted to see
her brother. What she didnt know was that every time she went farther to look for her brother,
she got closer to the storm. By this point, James was actually looking for her or at least looking
for a way home. James was of course smart enough to bring his rain jacket, but he wasnt smart
enough to bring a coat with a hood, any food or an umbrella. So, James was very hungry, very
soaked and very sad. Now all he was doing was wandering on the roads. When he realized that
he was too cold to continue his rain walk, James had realized it was too cold for him to continue
this rain walk a while ago, the storm had forced him to find a place away from the rain. James
had made a regretful choice when he turned to the branches of the forest for protection.When he
got out James didnt know where he was. Luckily, after a long time, he saw a friendly nose sniff
around the corner of a house. It was Max, followed by Amelia.
We are going home right now, Amelia demanded, and dont try to run away from
me! Amelia marched up to James, grabbed his arm and pulled him down the street. James
stumbled along next to his sister who picked up her speed to almost a jog. He shivered and
wished he had brought a warmer coat. James put his hand in his pocket, but didnt dare to warm
his other hand, the one in Amelias firm grip.

Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

Thanks, James muttered under his breath.

What did you say? Amelia snapped at her brother, turning her head quickly to look at
Thanks for finding me out here, James said a little louder.
Oh, Amelia said in a softer voice. She slowed a little and looked down. Well, I had to.
Plus it was Max who did most of the work. He sniffed you out. Amelia explained. She released
James' hand and put up her hood. The wind was getting even stronger and the trees started to
sway and bend. Some trees almost looked like they were going to break. Amelia felt a pinecone
hit her leg. A lot of things were blowing around now, and the rain didnt make her feel very good
either. She squinted to keep the dust, dirt and rain out of her eyes. Max was especially bothered.
He acted very strangely. He would wander behind and walk away from them. Amelia and James
were worried. They had no idea why Max was acting this way until he took off. Amelias hand
accidentally loosened and Max was off and away in seconds. Amelia and her brother ran and ran
through the rain. They didnt stop until their legs were about to break. Amelia was the first to
stop. She stopped after she realized Max was running too fast, but James kept going. "You'll
never catch up," Amelia called after him. James didn't listen and Amelia shook her head. She
looked up.
"What am I going to do with such a stubborn brother?" she asked the sky. Then Amelia
saw something strange. At the bottom of the cloud there was a black lump of clouds. After a few
seconds it grew into a small cone like shape. That was when Amelia realized what was
happening. A tornado was starting to form. It hadn't touched the ground yet and was barely
visible that far in the distance, but it was still something to worry about and Amelia sure did. She

Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

ran as fast as she could to catch up James. After a while she saw him leaning against a tree.
James was about to start running again, but Amelia grabbed his arm.

Come on Amelia weve got to go, he said. Amelia started to walk around in circles,
catching her breath.
We cant. Hes too far away, Amelia said. She had a very worried look on her face.
Amelia, I know hell come back, well just have to wait here, he told her. Amelia
wasnt in a very good mood and James words didnt help. Amelia turned around. She started
walking back.
We need to get home,she said. She kept on walking, but James didnt want to follow.
Come on, we have to, Amelia said, You cant stay out here forever. James knew
Amelia was right, but he still wouldnt budge. Amelia and her brother could only stay there until
they both saw the frightening cloud.
James, look, Amelia said after a while. James turned around and saw the dark cloud. The
tornado was a long long way off in the distance, but they could still see it over the trees. It hadnt
touched the ground yet, but they both knew what it meant and they ran for their lives.
Unluckily, Mrs.Green wasnt as alert as her children. After a while at Mr. Green's flat she
had found herself tired and decided to take a nap. No one knew she was in there, and she didnt
know about the tornado. It hadnt reached the area yet, but everybody had already gotten to a
safe place. Now, everybody was just waiting, waiting for it to pass and be over, everyone except
Mrs. Green. Outside her window, houses were being swept away and people on the streets
honked their horns while pieces of buildings crashed. Mrs. Green was curious, but she thought it
was just a car crash and was too drowsy to wake up. A few seconds later, there were more
crashes and screams, but in Mrs. Green's snug bed she couldn't hear much. The flat was only
Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

minutes away from being swept away when Max ran into the room. He barked and growled. Max
jumped onto Mrs. Green's bed. By now she was fully awake.
"Max! How did you get here? she said surprised. Max barked again and went over to the
"Maybe John took you here," she said to herself. Max whined to get Mrs. Green's
attention and jumped onto the chair below the window. Max scraped his paw against it.
"Max!" She said right before she saw the funnel. The second Mrs. Green looked out the
window, she started to panic. What are we going to do? she thought. Then, as if to say "just go!"
a book crashed through the window. Mrs. Green immediately ran to the door. Max led her down
the hallway as they heard more crashing. Above Mrs. Green, pieces of the flat blew away in the
wind. When she reached the stairs, the place where her room used to be was just a hole. Mrs.
Green started to run. Thoughts swirled in her head. Am I going to die? Where's Amelia and
James. Should I have left them alone? Mrs Green thought she heard a scream that could have
belonged to James. But she just kept running down stairs, through doors, across hallways.
Finally. Mrs. Green reached the bottom, out of breath. She saw the storm seconds away from the
building and screamed. She couldn't do anything, but Max took the lead. He bounded away from
the flat and Mrs. Green followed. They both ran as fast as they could. Mrs. Green was hit several
times by all different things blowing around her, but she knew she had to keep running. After a
while, Mrs. Green couldn't run any farther. She took in deep breaths and looked behind her. The
whole apartment building was destroyed, left in pieces on the ground. There were scratches all
over her body, but she had survived. The tornado was out of sight and Ellington had been
released of its terror.

Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

The storm still wasn't over though. It didn't die down before it went after the rest of the
Green family. Mr. Green had been driving away from the city for almost an hour now, but the
tornado was much faster than him. It caught up to him about five minutes after he had realized
the trouble he was in. At the cafe where Mr. Green had lunch, there had been a silly rumor that a
deadly tornado would knock out the human race in a few minutes. He didn't believe a word they
said, until he heard the weather forecast. It sounded like there would be a storm and in a few
minutes. It sounded like any other windy day. Leaves rustled and the whistling wind was a bit
loud, but there were a lot more things blowing around than usual. Mr. Green wasn't bothered by
this at all until a big dent appeared in his car roof. Immediately, Mr. Green got out of his car and
looked around outside. A tree had fallen right on top of his car denting it severely. Mr. Green
didn't want to take the log off his car because of the sharp twigs (he probably couldn't have any
way) He chose to walk to a shop nearby where had might be able to phone a car fixer.
Unfortunately, when he got there, no one was in the cafe. This was because the people inside had
"seen the tornado". Basically there was a huge cloud of dust in the sky and gullible people like
them who listen to silly rumors will be scared of everything. Almost everyone from the cafe was
in the underground tornado safe shelter under the cafe. One person stayed out though. He saw
Mr. Green walk in.

Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

Cadence Young, Grade 5, BH

The Start of the California Gold Rush

Andrew Kang

Andrew Kang/Grade 4/Boght Hills Elementary

Jason was really not in the mood to wake up, especially not this early in the morning. He
was in the middle of a nap when his little sister, Annie, yelled, Wake up, Jason! Wake up! in
his ear. Jeez! Its not even 6:00 am yet! What in the world are you doing?! said Jason. Jason
was a tall skinny kid. He had shaggy blond hair covered in dirt. Annie was short. She is also
skinny as well. She was Jasons sister. His very annoying sister. You forgot to put your pants on
when you went to sleep last night. Im not going to sleep with you if you dont have any clothes
on! said Annie. What do you think this shirt that I am wearing right now is?! yelled Jason.
Thats only your shirt! Wheres your pants? Annie yelled back. Their argument could go on
forever. Annie was nine years old and Jason turned twelve on July 14, which was just a couple of
weeks ago. She is sometimes very annoying, but Jason didnt mind. He still loved her. My pants
are gone! The fence ate them! Jason said. We shouldnt have conversations like this anymore,
said Annie. Lets go buy you some pants then. Uh oh, Jason thought. I dont think we have
anymore money left. We dont have anymore money, said Jason. I can just borrow your
pants. Annie finally agreed and tossed Jason one pair of her pants. Lets take a walk, we need
to exercise. said Annie. They then went out the door for a walk.
About halfway between the house and the city, Jason heard someone screaming, Gold! I
found Gold! Annie! Do you hear that? asked Jason. Yep. replied Annie. They ran to the
source of the sound, which was in the woods. Apparently it was James Marshall who was
screaming and then realized that screaming Gold! Gold! was going to attract unwanted
attention. But what was he doing here? Jason really wanted to know. But what he wanted to
know more was why was he screaming? Jason was very curious and paid closed attention to
what James Marshall was doing. Jason watched as he shoved tiny flakes of metal into a big sack.
Jason couldve sworn what he just saw there were tiny flakes of gold, but Jason knew better not
Andrew Kang/Grade 4/Boght Hills Elementary

to ask. That would tell James Marshall that he was was spying on him. Jason just realized that
James was coming towards him and Annie. Jason and Annie quickly crawled behind another
hiding spot before James Marshall could spot him. Lets just go back to the house, its getting
dark. We can come back tomorrow. Jason said and they sprinted back to home. WAKE UP!
Wake up already! Waugh! screamed Jason as he hit his head on the low ceiling. Ouch! said
Jason. Please dont wake me up like that! Annie sighed. That was the tenth time I yelled at
you to wake up. Jason sat up and rubbed the spot on his head where he bonked his head. We
still need to see what James was doing in the woods. Annie said as she sprinted down the road.
Gosh, what a terrible time to go now. Jason muttered. He hurried down the road after Annie.
When he finally caught up with her they were already halfway down the road. Wait,
hold on! I need to catch my breath! said Jason who took breaths between words. Too . . . Fast.
said Annie as she breathed hard. We arent even in the city yet. Lets stop talking and catch
our breath. said Jason. After they caught their breath they started running again. After a while
they finally came to a stop. Its over there I think, said Jason and he pointed to a big structure.
That kind of looks like a sawmill! Never mind that, I see a shiny coin! said Annie. Where?
Where? asked Jason. There! There! shouted Annie. She pointed at a little speck of glittering
stuff down near the river. They ran towards the weird speck of what seemed like a gold coin.
Jason bent down to pick it up but he didnt have any luck picking it up. Help me pick it up! I
cant seem to do it! Annie came to help lift the strange rock, but she didnt have any luck either.
Then they heard someone walking towards them. Hide! Jason whispered. James was walking
towards their rock. Then, Annie did the most dumbest thing in the world. Jason guessed that she
wasnt thinking right. Hey you! Annie shouted. Thats our rock! Then, she leaped out of her
hiding spot and smacked James in the face with a tree branch before he could turn around.

Andrew Kang/Grade 4/Boght Hills Elementary

Annie! Jason said. You shouldnt have done that! You can get sent to jail for doing that you
know. He was going steal our rock! said Annie. Lets just worry about the rock right now.
said Jason.
After a while of grunting and moaning, Annie shouted. Stinkin rock! What is wrong
with it? Wait, I think its in the ground. said Jason. He went to the nearest tree and snapped
off a branch. He came back and tried to pry the rock free from the surface of the Earth. By now,
Annie figured out what Jason was trying to do since she, too, went and got a stick the size of her
arm and helped Jason dig the hard soil around the rock. Its loose I think! cried Jason. It really
is! said Annie. Quick! pull it out Jason! Jason did what he was asked and when he pulled it
out he said, Help! Its too heavy! He then dropped the rock onto the hard-packed dirt with a
loud CLONK! Bring it to river. Its covered in mud. Then we might be able to see what it is.
said Annie. I-I cant. I cant lift it off the ground! said Jason. Lets push it over to the river
then. said Annie. So they started pushing the rock towards the river and after a while they
finally reached the river. There was a loud splash that could be heard from miles away when
Jason and Annie shoved the rock into the river. Ahhhhh! yelled Jason and Annie as the water
splashed into Their faces. When they recovered from their shock all the mud on the rock was
washed away by the water. Whooooooaaaaaaa, said Annie. Its soooo shiny! She was right,
the rock was so bright that Jason could only peek through the cracks between his fingers. I think
its gold! said Annie. Lets bring it to the jewelry store then. said Jason. Annie didnt seem to
like that idea, probably because the chunk of gold was really heavy but she helped Jason anyway.
Yesssssssss! said Annie. Were finally here! She collapsed in exhaustion and started
to snore away. Jason wanted to do the same but he had a job to do. He gently kicked Annie and
yelled, Wake up! and started shaking her really hard. Annie screamed, HELP! WERE

Andrew Kang/Grade 4/Boght Hills Elementary

GONNA CRASH! and woke up. Come on! said Jason. Lets go see what this rock really is!
Jason opened the door and helped Annie roll the rock into the store. Excuse me mister, said
Jason. Can you see what kind of rock we have right here? Jason was really excited to hear
what kind of treasure they found. The man walked around the cash register and examined the
rock with a strange-looking tool and yelled, Oh, my! What an amazing chunk of gold! Gold?
That thing is gold? asked Annie. Of course! Of course its gold! cried the man. And its
worth so much money that it could buy everything in this store! It became so quiet inside the
room, you could hear a pin drop. We would like to have whatever that chunk of gold is worth in
bills. said Jason who was fighting the urge to scream,laugh and flop on the ground all at the
same time. After the man gave them their money, Annie started to count how much money was
in that enormous sack of money. After a while she gave up. Looks like theres more than a
million dollars in here, said Annie. Think of all the things that we could do with a million
dollars! Jason said.First, we must live in a better home. The ol shack we got is for animals.
We dont even look like monkeys!
So off they went on their quest to find and hire enough construction workers to build their
new home next to the Pacific Ocean. Clang! Bang! Bam! The sounds of construction sounded
great to Jason. Especially the sounds of the construction of his own home. When the sounds
subsided, Jason knew the workers had finished their job, so he examined the exterior of the
house, which looked super fancy with the statues and the fountains and especially the backyard
swimming pool. Judging from the outside of the house, Jason was sure the inside looked really
good. When he opened the door to the house Jason discovered that his theory was absolutely true
and the interior of the house was as fancy as the exterior of the house. There was a chandelier
studded with diamonds hanging from the ceiling, twin spiral staircases both leading to the second

Andrew Kang/Grade 4/Boght Hills Elementary

floor, and much more expensive furniture that would take Jason a long time to list.waited for a
long time. Wow! said Annie. It looks great! Guess its time to pay these guys a fortune!
After they paid the workers Jason said. Now we can use some of the remaining money to buy
new clothes and food. Then we could pay to go to school and college. What a minute, do you
hear that Annie? Hear What? She asked. Then her eyes widened. I think the Television is
on! So they ran into the living room which was a little hard to find since there were a lot of
It is on! cried Annie. She was about to leave until she saw Jason staring at the TV.
[Well James, what happened after you ran back into that forest? And how did you get that big
lump on your forehead?] asked the News Reporter. [Well Ah-Ah-Ah was enterin the forest
when Wam! These two kids clonked meh on the head with a tree branch and the two kids looked
somethin like this!] said James as a picture of two kids that looked kind of like Annie and
Jason appeared. Good thing he didnt get a good look at us. whispered Annie. [And why were
you in the forest at that time James?] asked the News Reporter. [Ah-Ah was buildin a sawmill
fer someone.] said James. Jason turned off the TV and said. Now I think everybody who
watched that is going to explore that forest. Annie replied with, Why should we care? Were
already rich on money! and she was right, they really were rich. They could finally enjoy a
carefree life without any weight on their shoulders.

Andrew Kang/Grade 4/Boght Hills Elementary

Its All Going To Be Okay

By: Anna Hallock

Anna Hallock, LO

Young Writers - Historical Fiction: 9/11

Right as I opened my math book in second period, Mrs. Smith one of the school secretaries
walked in the room with a serious look on her face (Dont get me wrong, Mrs Smith isnt usually
one of those joyful teachers, but you could tell that this was different.) She muttered something
into my math teachers ear, and a shocked look fell over her. Something is wrong. Something
really awful must have happened, I thought to myself. Class dismissed, my math teacher
announced worried, You are all to head back home.
It was a Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001. The sky was clear and blue, and the sun
was shining over the towering skyscrapers of New York City. It was a typical morning. As I was
one walking home I started to worry. This tends to happen a lot to me. I have done it ever since I
can remember. Usually its never necessary, because nothing is actually wrong, but you never

know. The awful suspense keeps nagging me until I know whats going on. My mind was racing
with thoughts Why were we dismissed so early? Whats up with the looks on the teachers
faces? Whats going on in New York?
I kept a fast pace while walking home, eager to turn on the news and find out what is
going on. All of the teens from the high school were filing out of the building, and I saw kids
from the other school districts walking home too. This is really unusual. Ive never heard of a
whole middle school being dismissed in the morning, let alone all of the other schools. There has
to be something seriously wrong. Why else would something like this happen? Is Mom okay?
Dad is on business in France, hes probably okay, but who knows. Hes doing research there, and
he hasnt been home for three weeks. His flight is landing tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning.
Moms having a job interview at an office building, but Im not sure where. I hope she is okay.
By now I am at the lobby of our apartment. Paul, the doorman is smiling as I approach
him. Your home awfully early, Bethany, he says in his usual friendly voice.
Im so determined to get to my apartment that I dont have my usual conversation with
him, I say a quick Yeah, early dismissal. No idea why, and rush into the elevator. Im
practically running through the hallway, and have the door unlocked in what Im sure would be
record time. I grab the remote and flick on the TV. There, in front of me is a tragic video of a
plane crashing into one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. There are huge clouds of
black smoke coming out of a humongous hole in the side of the tower.
My mouth drops open, as I slowly back away from the TV and sit on the couch. I sit
there, completely shocked. A news reporter comes up on the screen explaining, There has been
an horrific accident. A jet plane has crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
There are sirens blaring in the background. I see people in the background, looking shocked,
terrified, and worried. I feel as if I am watching a horror movie, but this is worse. This is no
movie; this is real life.
Mom could be there. There. My own Mother could be in that building right now. I get
that feeling right before you cry, where it feels hard to swallow and your throat hurts, your eyes
burn. You feel like breaking down right then and there. What did mom tell me the name of the
office building was? What did she say? Was it the World Trade Center? I thought to myself. I
kept trying to remember. I couldnt put my finger on it. I was so rushed to get out the door that I

wasnt fully paying attention to what mom was saying. Why do I have to be so careless? I
thought. I felt more alone than ever. I needed my mom with me.
I grabbed the phone and dialed moms cellphone. I paused with my finger on the call
button thinking to myself, What if this interrupts her interview. She seemed to really want this
job. I would feel awful to do that, but I need to talk to her. Now. I pushed the call button and
pulled the phone up to my ear, holding my breath. After a couple of rings, a digital womans
voice came up. The phone lines are temporarily shut down. I let my breath out, in an exhausted
sound. I frantically punched in her number over and over. That same voice came up again and
again. It seemed to mock me, like it was a real person trying to annoy me. I tried Dad, and the
same thing happened. What could I do at this point? How could something like this happen?
My stomach started to hurt from all of this. I remembered from when I was younger and I
had a stomach ache, my mom would bring me saltines and apple juice. Then she would make me
comfortable on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and some pillows. I would watch Disney princess
movies there on the couch until I would feel better. I fished through the cabinet for saltines, and
grabbed some apple juice from the fridge. I sat on the couch. Maybe if I take a break I will be
able to remember. You never know how much you need a person until you feel like you might
not have them.
Thats it!.I thought She wasnt going to the World Trade Center. She was going
somewhere totally different. It was in a totally opposite part of the city, far upstate from the
World Trade Center. We dont live very close, but this was in the totally opposite direction. A
fraction of a feeling of relief came to me, but it was pretty much impossible to be calm in a
situation like this.
I looked up at the TV, and I dont know how to explain how I felt at that moment. My
mouth dropped open for the second time, but this time in even more horror. A plane came
darting around, made a deadly sharp turn straight into the other tower. This is not a mistake. This
couldnt be a mistake. Thats absolutely impossible. Just plain impossible.
I heard the jangling of moms keys in the door and ran to meet her right as she walked in.
She looked at the TV as the reporter told what has just happened. She looked down at me, and
back at the TV again. Her facial expression showed exactly what she was thinking.Why and
How? There are screams, gasps, and cries as people watch in horror and confusion. New York

seems to be sad, the whole city together. All as one group. Two planes cant crash into both twin
towers on the same day. Theres something messed up with that. Something serious.
I am so lucky to still have my mom. There are hundreds of people who will most likely
never see their mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, brother sister, best friend, even
someone they dont really know very well. What would I do without my mom? Even a family
member or friend. I dont know if I would ever be back to normal. Why do things like this have
to happen? Why do all of these innocent people have to go through things like this?
All of the sudden, one of the towers began to fall. The huge, metal structure just seemed
to melt down, drooping. It wasnt like a snap, where it would fall sideways. The metal acted as if
it were someone who just run a huge marathon. Someone untrained, who wasnt ready or
prepared for it. It collapsed down, shrinking by the second. The metal frame twisted and fell. I
felt my heart falling with it, down down, down. The remains were collapsing, spreading over the
street, like a wave swooping up New York. Debris was covering blocks, stores, restaurants,
homes matted with rubble. Although it was only mid morning, the awful gray dust filled the sky,
making it look like some sort of storm. The thick dusty air seemed to be covering up happiness.
Covering the people of New York together. Strangers were helping each other like family,
friends. Everyone seemed to care for each other, even if they had never seen each other. People
ran into buildings, covering their noses and mouths, trying to escape the deadly smoke. They
were holding doors for each other, giving each other water. Right at that moment it felt like
everyone in the city were supporting one another. Even me just watching it on the TV. I felt like
I was in that big family, too.
Mom, how will we repair all of the damage? What if more terrorists come? How will
Dad get home? What will we do? I am filled up with all of these questions worrying about
things. Its late now and I cant sleep with my head spinning like this.
Its all going to be okay, Mom says. I promise whatever happens there will always be
a way to fix it, even it its not exactly what we want. As long as we have love and support we
will always be okay.
Her words seem to stick into my heart like super glue. I realized that she was right. There
is always a way to make yourself happy. Its always possible. If nothing bad happened then
nothing great would seem as great. I hugged her, Thanks Mom
No problem, you better get to sleep, love you,she said

Love you too, I said, and as always, I meant it.

Reach For The Skies

A Young Womans Dream

By: Ani Gregori Asadourian

I cant hear you! Amelia Earhart shouts into the radio. Boom! Splash! She crashes
into the ocean. I sat up in bed and blinked a few times, wondering what had just happened.
My name is Marose. I have lived with my Uncle Rick and Aunt Coral in Bexley, Ohio
since I was young. My parents drowned when their boat sank traveling the Caribbean sea. I met
Geraldine Mock, Jerry as we call her, when I had first moved in with Uncle Rick and Aunt
Coral. About a year later, my aunt passed of a heart condition.
My mother was a housewife and Aunt Coral was a teacher at the school that I now go to.
I remembered helping my mother out at home. I would most enjoy helping out with the garden
and helping to make dinner. I know from her it was a happy life, but now I want to be able to
see more of the world, to travel. Jerry and I have become good friends over the years because of
my interest in the world; you see I want to be a journalist and travel the globe. I look up to Jerry
because she has the same dream. She once told me that, when she was young, she had the
greatest desire to be able to look back and say to the world that she saw it all.
Like Jerry, who attended Ohio State University in aeronautical engineering, I want to
pursue a degree, in my case journalism. But unlike Jerry, who left to marry two years into the
program, I want to finish. As for Uncle Rick, he doesnt like me hanging around Jerry. He
doesnt think that women should be interested in exploration or journalism, these are jobs for
men, he says.
As it turned out, Jerry never gave up on her dream. She told me how it all started.
If I dont get out of this house, Ill go nuts, said Jerry.
Why dont you just get in your plane and fly around the world, replied her husband,
Russell Mock.

Jerry, having gotten her own pilot's license, couldnt resist the challenge. All right,
she answered, I will.
Jerry consulted her flight with Russell. They poured over maps and aeronautical charts,
her flight started to come together. Russell was going to keep in touch with Jerry through radio
connection. I was so excited when Jerry said I could report her flight. I would be informed of
her whereabouts and time track. I could just see my coverage making headlines in the Bexley
News: Geraldine Mock, housewife and mother of three, flies solo around the world. There was
only one problem, Uncle Rick would not be pleased.
Why cant I be a reporter? I asked my uncle, but I thought I already knew the answer.
Because you are a woman and that is no job for a woman, Uncle Rick declared. You
will need to go places that no respectable woman should go. It could be dangerous and you
would be up against tough men who would do anything to get the story.
But... I tried to argue.
Do you know of any other woman reporter in Bexley? Uncle Rick asked.
A sullen look crossed my face. No, not in Bexley, but I do know a woman who will
attempt to be the first woman in all of history to fly around the world, solo.
Uncle Rick paused for a long moment, shrugged his shoulders and sighed, We will see.
The next morning on my way to school I couldnt wait to tell all of my friends and
classmates about Jerrys departure scheduled for the next morning. Everyone was talking all
throughout the day about the news.
One of my classmates asked me, Do you think he will make it?
Jerry is not a man, I announced. Jerry is attempting to be the first woman to fly, solo,
around the world.

I cant believe that a woman is going to try something so dangerous, another classmate
A Texan aviator, Wiley Post, became the first person to fly around the world more than
three decades ago, I said to one of my peers. Jerry stated that It is about time a woman did
Even when our teacher had started her lesson for the day, I was still thinking about the
excitement of it all.
I heard a voice, breaking my train of thought.
Marose, what is the answer to problem five? Mrs. White, my teacher, asked. Wow, we
are already on problem five.
Uhm I cant think of anything to say.
I suggest you pay attention, Mrs. White said sternly.
I came home to the farm-house and plopped down in my bed with my journal. After I
was done with my homework I realized just how important Jerrys flight would be and how it
could impact women forever.
When Jerry informed me, two years ago, that she was going to try to do what no other
woman had done, I was dumbstruck. Fly around the world, solo! It was crazy! Jerry told me
that Amelia Earhart was her childhood hero.
As Jerry knew well, other women had tried and failed. I was worried about her limited
experience. It seemed too risky, she has only had six years with a license. But, unlike some, I
had faith in Jerry. Many others had doubts simply because she was a woman.
Being a woman around the airports was tough. They were ridiculed and harassed. When
Jerry and Russell were testing her plane, Russell had discovered that oil was leaking from the

engine, because someone had replaced the new filter with a faulty one. That wasnt the only
time that someone tried to sabotage her flight.
The night before take-off I couldnt sleep at all.
The next morning, at Port Columbus, I was surrounded by aviators, mechanics,
spectators, family, and friends. Jerry made her way into her class C 1-c Cessna 180 aircraft, The
Spirit of Columbus also known as Charlie, in heels and a skirt! There was tension in the air as
Jerrys plane taxied down the runway. Well, I guess thats the last we are going to hear from
her, Jerry overheard the traffic controllers saying. I watched as her plane drifted into the air.
She was off.
I remembered something that I wish I hadnt. Two nights before I had a dream about
Amelia Earhart. Maybe it was trying to tell me that Jerrys flight would turn out the same. I
could only hope that my nightmare didnt come true.
It was only the first leg of the trip when problem struck. She lost radio connection when
she was flying to her first stop, Bermuda. She needed to self navigate and land using only her
instrumentation, something she had never done before. It turned out that someone had
deliberately disconnected the wires for her radio. On top of it all, when she got to Bermuda her
brakes were faulty.
After the first day, I went home with so many questions for Jerry, mostly about what it
feels like when you are in a plane and find yourself in a crisis. The feeling that you need to do
whatever it takes to make it through. When I was at school, all I could think about was Jerry
and her flight.
As I was reporting on Jerrys progress, she encountered another serious challenge. Jerry
was crossing the Atlantic when one of the wings froze on Charlie. We were all worried as we

knew that Jerry had never flown over an ocean before. I can just picture in my mind Jerry in her
plane looking out the window and seeing, to her horror, the frozen wing, and how she must have
gathered all her courage to stay calm.
I was flying through pencils, making sure I jotted everything down. I was on my fifth
pencil when Jerry landed in Egypt. She could have landed in a better spot, though, because she
accidentally found herself in a restricted military base. In Saudi Arabia, soldiers, after searching
the plane, applauded when they realized that the pilot was a woman.
It took twenty nine days for her to fly all the way around the world. She made twentyone stops in all. I was all out of pencils by the time she arrived. There were over five thousand
people waiting for Geraldines plane to land in Port Columbus!
We saw her plane float down onto the runway. Russell, the kids, and I all ran up to her
with tears of joy. There was commotion all around us, as Jerry exclaimed, No one is going to
tell me now that I couldnt do it because I am a women.
Newspaper articles were popping up everywhere.
The Flying housewife takes off March 19, Geraldine Mock is the first woman to fly
around the world...I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. There, sitting on the rack
was a newspaper with my article as the cover story! It read: Geraldine Mock, housewife and
mother of three, flies solo around the world! I could feel a rush of excitement inside me. Was I
reading it correctly? I was breathing hard, reading it over and over. At the end of the text,
printed in small letters, my name, Written By: Marose Otegan. It was real, not a dream. I had
sent my final copy to the editor for the Bexley News, but I had never expected to see in print! My
heart was racing as I sprinted straight home to Uncle Rick.
Look, I cried panting, my article, it was published in the newspaper!

Well, Uncle Rick paused, Marose, youve proved me wrong. A determined young
lady like yourself can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.
Ill never forget that moment.
Later that evening sitting with Jerry I asked her why she had attempted such a feat, she
replied simply, I got to see all kinds of people and places, oceans and mountains, and jungles - a
little bit of everything, she said. I wanted to see the world since I was a kid, so I went to see
the world.

Gabby Douglas
Gabby woke up in the morning saying todays the big day its the 2014
olympics. She got on her phone and called her coach and said, Im nervous.
She asked, Am I going to do well? He said You will do great.
Before she left her hotel she had to bring her phone just in case she
didnt know how to get there. So she left her hotel and then she drove about
half way and then Gabby said to herself, I forgot my grips.If I go back I will
be late for the olympics. If I dont get them I wont be able to compete on
So she called up her friend and said, Do you have an extra pair of
grips I could borrow for the Olympics because I forgot to bring my grips?
Emma said, Im sorry but I dont
You should call your coach and ask him he will probably have a extra
pair of grips.
So she called up her coach and said, Do you have an extra pair of
grips I could use?He said, Yes, I do so just come right to the Olympics so
you wont be late. So Gabby got to the Olympics and said, I hope I do

So it was her turn to go warmup for her competition. There was this girl
named Katie who was watching Gabby in the Olympics. She was one of her
biggest fans. Gabby was so nervous that she said, I should try my greatest
because my brothers gave up their sports for me to succeed.
Her first event was vault. She saluted the judge , went sprinting down
the runway, she jumped on the springboard and landed. She then went back
and waited for the judge to salute her again for her next pass. She saluted and
sprinted down the runway. Then she jumped on the springboard. Then she
landed done congratulating her she would be already ready to compete on
bars that way she didnt have to go get her grips. body was and walked back
to her coaches. Her score was shown it was great. Her coaches said she did
great. Gabby asked how do you think I did on vault. Her coach said She
did really well. She hugged her after she found out how well she did. In the
where Katie was sitting she cheered like crazy. Great job Gabby. Gabbys
coach went to go get Gabbys grips for bars so that when ever She went back
and then sulted the judges again. She loves how the judges smiles and is so
happy because they give some love that they care. She did great. Her next
event was floor. She warmed up on the floor.

She walked out onto the floor

all nicely. She waited for the judge to salute her. The judge sulated her and

then Gabby music began play and she started her routine. When she was
doing her routine she was thinking about trying having fun and trying her
hardest not winning gold medals or silver medals or bronze medals its not
about that its about having fun. She sulated back and she was done. Her She
loves floor because you get to do a routine with music and its really fun to
show off their moves because the music will get the gymnast so pumped up
and so happy and energetic. She did fantastic. Her next event was beam. She
warmed up on the beam because all gymnast get a little time to warm up
about 1 minute to 2 minutes. She was ready for her turn to compete. She
saluted the judge then got onto the beam and started her routine. She was so
scared be She was she did well too. Her last event was so scary because
beam was so hard for her. She was so excited for bars because she really
liked to do bars. Shes called the flying squirrel. She warmed up on the bars.
Then it was time for her to compete. She saluted the judge. She jumped onto
the bar and she grabbed the bar. She was doing so well she was doing all
these great skills. She did awesome there too!
Then it was time for awards. They announced the bars winners, floor
winners, beam winners and the vault winners. Then it came to all around. She
got a gold medal. Katie went crazy.

She wanted to go congratulate Gabby on how well she did. So she went
chasing after her with her mom. She said to her mom, Where is she? Her
mom replied,I dont know Katie asked her mom, Can you go ask someone
pretty pretty please?
The mom asked someone they said she already left the building. Katie
started crying. She asked her mom,Can I go to the bathroomHer mom said,
Go right ahead
She went to the bathroom. She was in the bathroom and she said, Hi.
Then Gabby said, Hi. Katie said Im your biggest fan. Gabby said,I can
tellKatie said, I want to congratulate you on winning a gold medal. Gabby
said,Thanks Gabby said im so glad you did congratulate me. Thats So they
became friends and lived happily ever after.



Kenya, wake up! I heard my mom calling in the distance. I could

hear the pitter- pattering of rain on our roof. When I opened my eyes, I
could see that it was still dark outside. My clock said it was 5:00 in the
morning. I sat up in my hard bed and looked around in my dark room. Its
going to be another rainy start in Montgomery Alabama. I got down from
my bed and went towards my window. The floor creaked as I stepped. I
looked out my window and saw other black families getting ready for work
and school. I knew all of the black kids on my block and most of them went
to my school. I stepped away from my window and woke my brother up,
Niam. He picked out his little afro with his comb. Then I started getting
ready for school. I put on the uniform my mom laid out for me on my bed.
After a while my mother came in. My mom always dressed neat. She
was wearing a purple dress with a yellow stripe in the middle and had the
roundest afro.
Hurry up, youre going to be late for school, mom said.
When Niam and I were ready and started to go out the door, I asked
Why cant we take the school bus? I hate having to walk so far to
school, Although I was asking, I already knew the answer to my question.
Black kids are not allowed on the school buses. I told you that a
million times. She was right. She did say that to me a million times. I just
want to go on the school bus. Niam was already out the door and walking
to school. I had to run to catch up to him.
As we were walking, we saw the bus come by with all white kids.
They were all making faces at Niam and I but I didnt dare to make any
faces back at them. When the bus passed us, it splashed dirty water all
over our uniforms.
Meanies! my brother yelled. Even if the kids had passed us, I could
feel them laughing at us with our clothes all dirty and muddy.
Lets go, Niam. But at least both of our teachers are very nice and
Im sure they wont mind our clothes, I said trying to make him feel better.

Yeah, I guess youre right, Niam said. I didnt say anything after
that. I didnt want him to know how upset I really was.
As we continued to walk to school I remembered when my teacher
told me about Jim Crow laws. These rules were the reason why we had be
separated from the white kids. We had separate bathrooms, water
fountains, and separate classrooms. This was also the reason why we
couldnt take the school bus. I hated these rules. I just wanted everything to
be equal.
When we got to school, I saw how ragged and messy we looked.
Finally we got to my classroom. Mrs.Taffy, my teacher, smiled at us
as we passed her. She handed us towels to help us clean our uniforms.
She understood the ways of being treated unfairly. Once we were done,
Niam went to his class across the hall and I sat down like everybody else
and did math, science, reading, and writing. The textbooks were old and
some of the pages were ripped out but we still got our work done. The time
went by fast and before I knew it, class was dismissed.
Its a good thing our teachers are nice to us, I said to Niam as we
were walking home.
Yup. I like our teachers the best, he said.
I know, I said.
When we got home, mom was in the kitchen.
Dont take off your school clothes yet. I want to go to the store, mom
said as we came in.
After a few minutes, we left and waited at the bus stop. When a bus
came by, the bus driver opened the doors and gave us a dirty look. We
went to the back of the bus. Niam had to sit on my moms lap so we could
all fit in the seat. I always wondered why we had to sit in the back of the
bus. I want to sit at the front of the bus like white people.
Why cant we sit in the front of the bus? I asked mom.
Its the law, honey, she answered.
It wasnt long until we got to the grocery store. We bought some fruit
and vegetables for mom to cook and started making our way back to the
bus stop.
Again we had to sit at the back of the bus. It wasnt fun sitting at the
back of the bus because it was crowded. There were plenty of empty seats

in the front, but we knew we couldnt sit in them. All of those people giving
dirty looks at my family. I tried to ignore it, but I just couldnt. Those people
make me feel bad about myself. I wish white people didnt think they were
better than black people.
On the way home on the sidewalk, we saw a lady holding up a big
poster with other black people beside her. The poster said, We Want To
Sit Down Like Anyone Else. When I saw the lady with the poster, I knew
there was another protest going on. It reminded me of the story my mom
told me about Rosa Parks. She was a lady who wouldnt give up her seat to
a white man, and got arrested. She was very courageous for standing up
for herself. My mom hurried us along because we all knew that protests
could get violent. The police would always have dogs at the protest and
sometimes the dogs would bite the black people. There were also times
where the police would spray people with water and beat them up. I did not
want to get in that situation.
When we got home, mom asked,
You guys all right?
Yes, Niam and I said at the same time.
All of us put the food in the fridge and sat in front of the little black
and white T.V.
Guys! Please put the T.V on the news, mom said as she sat on the
couch. I changed the T.V to the news but it took some time to load so, I
Why do you need it at the news, mom?
Theres something on the news I really want to watch, mom
Okay, I replied.
When the T.V finally loaded, Niam said,
Here it comes. Shush. Alright Niam. You probably dont even know
what it is yet.
Dont shush me, I whispered. There was a huge crowd of people on
the T.V. It was so big, there had to be at least 200,000 people there. I
guess they were waiting for something exciting to happen. The crowd was
filled with black and white people. They were holding up signs and had pins
on their shirts to show where they came from. It was cool.

Why are all of those people there? I asked.

Do you know who Martin Luther King Jr. is? mom asked. Not the
answer I was looking for but, I answered anyway.
Yeah, I do. They taught us about him in school. Hes the guy who is
trying to get us equal rights, I answered.
Well, he is giving a very important speech today. He is giving his
speech at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. People from all around
the world came to see this speech Martin Luther King Jr. is giving. Hes
also a Civil Rights Activist and minister. He does speeches all over the
world to try to get equal rights for all people, said mom not looking up from
the T.V. When I looked at the T.V, I realized I was glad that I was at home
watching the speech rather than being there. It looked really crowded, but
After the crowd on the T.V. settled down, the first thing I saw was
Martin Luther King Jr. go on the stage and say, I am happy to join you
today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for
freedom in the history of our nation. At first I did not understand it. But
once Martin Luther King Jr. started talking some more, I understood it
better. Niam had to go to the bathroom a couple times during the speech. I
had to admit though, it was longer than I expected.
The last words I heard Martin Luther King Jr. say was,Free at last!
Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Finally it was done. I liked it, but at times I couldnt really understand
What exactly was that whole speech about? I asked.
It was about how it was not black against white, but for all people to
be equal with each other. The speech talked about hope for the future that
one day people would not be judged by the color of their skin. The speech
was also about how slavery has ended years ago, but black people still
werent free to do what they like. Hes urging all people to fight for their
freedom. I hope this speech helps to end segregation. The speech is letting
everyone know that the struggles that their going through now will all be
worth it once we are all equal. It was long, but at least hopefully people will
be treating other people fairly, mom said. I felt really good after that

speech I just heard. I hope Martin Luther King Jr.s speech helps to bring
people together instead of separating everyone.
I loved the whole speech, Niam said. I put my hands on my hips.
You missed half of the speech while you were in the bathroom, I
corrected him.
So what? he rudely says.
Oh, brother, I muttered.
My mom cooked dinner while Niam and I watched a cartoon on T.V.
When mom was done cooking, we turned off the T.V and went into
the kitchen. Mom made chicken, rice, and vegetables. It was very good.
After eating, mom made Niam and I go shower and then bedtime.
When my mom tucked Niam and I in, I was thinking about the speech
all night. I had so many questions I could ask about it. What would
tomorrow be like? Will white kids be nice to me soon? Would I be able to
ride at the front of the bus or even at all? So many questions to ask. I wish I
could fall asleep but I just couldnt.
After a while, I fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning I could hear the rain on our roof.
Again. I looked out my window, saw the rain and that it was still dark
outside. Even though it was rainy, I thought about the Martin Luther King Jr.
speech and thought it was going to be a good day.

Wouldnt Be A Flock Without A Lark

By Isabella Margaret Cowan

Lark was smashed into the shadows of other

newsboys, now cursing being the smallest one. Curbys
head was making a dent in his collarbone and all he could
see was sweaty heads under wool news caps, the poor
flesh burning like a pistachio shell in the sweltering sun.
Lark inched his swollen feet onto a trash bin, trying to
slowly move above the crowd. Like an acrobat, he
balanced along the sides of the open bin with surprising

ease even with his swollen feet. Hopefully no onell be

dumpin their trash today, Lark thought, smirking and
looking up at the apartment windows in the dark alley.
Most were broken, tattered. An easy target for the raging
winds of New York City, 1899. Lark looked out at the
streets, sunlight dancing on bonnets and top hats passing
by the overshadowed alleyway. We dont get no clothing
like that, Lark growled with surprising anger, and yet
some amount of modesty and self-sympathy. He hoped
no one would see them, the group of about twenty boys,
strikers. Most of all, he hoped they wouldnt see HIM.
Lark. He was the smallest, only 9, the easiest to catch,
and would not want to be exposed to any kind of
authorities. How ya gonna be exposed when youre four
foot and stuck behind Curby? Lark snickered to himself,
looking at the looming figure in front of him.
Extra! Extra! a scabber called out. Scabbers.
Those nasty little goody-two-shoes.
Whats the point of payin a dime just to get it back
again later after workin the lousy day away when you can
be free with us rebels? Lark scoffed silently.
Its time boys! Digger whispered loudly.
Ready for action, Curby hit his fist into a cupped
hand like someone from one of Larks old adventure
comics. Lark had been lucky enough to learn how to read
when he was younger, and boy did he love his comics.

Lark grit his teeth and got into a running stance like Orlin
Orangutan the jungle adventurer who visited places Lark
had only heard of.
Hey, eh, hey, Digger motioned for the group of
eager boys to part into a path for the fearless group
leader. Digger was boss. When Digger spoke, no one
else did. When Digger fought, everyone else did. And
when Digger walked, a path was made.
Lark, buddy, you really aint thinkin of going to try to
soak em with us, are ya? Youre the behind the scenes
man, the brains behind the brawn, eh? Digger tugged up
a sleeve that was grimy with dust and dirt and revealed a
full blown muscle. Lark blew the hair out of his face. He
was used to this kind of treatment and was not at all upset
when the boys charged out of the alleyway to pick a fight
with some non-strikers.
Cant blame a kid for tryin. Lark shrugged.
WithCurby gone, Lark could jump down onto the
cobblestone path which wasnt much of a relief due to his
bare feet. His pockets were emptied after buying his
newsboy hat and uniform. He could barely make a penny
himself and his father was no help since he quit his
newspaper job to join the strikers. His mother couldnt
work because she was taking care of baby Johnson,
Larks little brother. The familys only hope was Larks
sixteen year old sister, Annie Mae, working in the laundry
and barely made a couple of cents a week. The family ate

only once a day and barely ate anything. Larks breakfast

was made up of only a few stale rolls provided by a charity
for the poor anyway.
Lark was glad he wasnt fighting. I mean, who wants
a black eye or a broken toe or a missing tooth just to prove
youre tough? Me, I do, thought Lark. But since life
wouldnt adapt to Lark, Lark had to adapt to life and this
was how life went. Uh, oh, Lark thought, I didnt give em
the plan! The plan. The plan was a quick overview of a
striking session Lark gave to the boys telling them where
to be and what to do for success. Lark had a gift. He was
a quick thinker. He didnt hyperventilate or rush into
things. His mind was at work as soon as a problem came
up. As Lark grimaced about the forgotten part of the
routine, Digger shared the same expression as he walked
back to Lark with a black eye like a screaming sign of
We forgot the plan, Digger growled through his
teeth. The apartment buildings on both sides of Lark
seemed to cave in, years of damaged bricks rumbling
toward him. Larks bright blue eyes spun with images of
what Digger might do to him now and they made him
nauseous. Scabbers were afraid to let Digger see them
on the streets Even Curby flinched when he was
confronted by Digger. The buildings seemed to get closer.
Cmon big boy. You aint afraid of them buildings,
Lark said to himself. But it was hard for him to believe.

Larks mind flashed back to the first time he met Digger a

year ago:
Im a good friend, Diggs had said, But a horrible
enemy. Could Digger finally be turning on him?
No, Lark thought, No you cant turn on me now!
Weve had such good times together! Member the time
we both threw tomatoes at Mr. McUmphrey's window?
How about when we accidentally walked into the wrong
apartment? Lark didnt even realize that hed backed onto
the trash can again. Digger grabbed Larks collar and
pulled him down, practically ripping the cheap seams.
You gotta remember little man, or Im in trouble! I
ain't got a good brain like yours! Digger exclaimed. Lark
let out a sigh of relief, his eyelids forming contented
crescents. Good old Diggs, Lark breathed in the warm
summer air, The second ya think hes turnin on ya, he
pulls ya down and hugs ya till ya gag!
When Lark got close to his apartment that night, hed
been thinking. What had happened that day? Was that all
because of him? If Im that important why dont ya say it?
Lark chuckled. He knew Diggs would never say anything
too complimentary about anyone but himself. As he
walked up the 9 flights of stairs with 63 stairs in all in about
123 seconds on weekdays and 203 on Fridays, his most
tiring day (hed counted), he took especially slow on the
6th flight (hed counted that too) and looked up at the
moon fogged up with the polluted air. Maybe if I hadnt

cheaped out of school before the 3rd grade I wouldve

learned how to count seconds into minutes! Lark thought.
As he made his way up the stairs with a sigh of thought
every few seconds, he suddenly gained confidence in
himself and mouthed a few words: They Need Me. What if
that event that day was all because of... They - they need
me! HAHA! Lark began to dance around the 8th flight of
stairs remembering the importance of his plans. Of course
no one would ever admit it, but Lark was actually useful for
something besides making a mess! Lark began to laugh
uncontrollably and move his arms around his body twirling
around as if he momentarily felt a huge rush of energy.
His eyes were dumbfounded, wide, and as blue as ever as
if an ocean had spilled across his waxing pupils. Not only
were his pupils growing by the second, but they reflected
the mellow moon, a symbolic idol of happiness, a ball in
his eyes that he had been waiting for for a long, long time.
A bubbling explosion of excitedness and a need to let it
out immediately. The golden street lanterns became
spotlights, and Lark danced. This feeling of
satisfaction that Lark had never felt since
Son, what are you? A boy or a windmill? his father
called from the window with an annoyed tone.
Sorry...father. I - I just Lark found himself not
knowing what to say. This had never happened before.
Well get in here! Youre already late! And now
dancin like a ballerina! Tutus dont look good on Little-

Boy-Nothings who wanna prove something to some

OLDER, STRONGER boys! his father shrieked with a
rumble in his voice, his grey mustache twitching with
anger. He slammed the window shut and even though
Lark could no longer see him, he could tell his father had
stamped away. Lark gloomily walked into the main upper
door that led to the hall. He hated when his father called
him a Little-Boy-Nothing. I mean, sure he wasnt the best
dog in the fight, but he wasnt worthless, right? Lark was
beginning to doubt the other newsies needed him at all.
What was he to them? That, Lark was sure he would
never know. Before walking into room number 42, Lark
paused, not sure if he could go in. He took a deep breath
and turned the doorknob. The soft click reassured him
that his sister would make everything ok. Annie Mae was
like a mother to Lark. As his real mother was taking care
of Baby Johnson, not a lot of time was on her busy hands.
As soon as Mrs. Smithins, Larks mother, noticed that the
door had creaked open, she rushed to over with the baby
still in the tight grasp of her callused palms.
Where, oh where have you been!?! You are a half
an hour late! she cried in dismay.
Dont know how to count minutes? Larks hands,
deep in his pockets, fidgeted. He knew his excuse
wouldnt fly.
Before his mother could answer, Larks father
charged up to the door as well, He was dancin like a

ballerina on the stairs! Lark noticed that his fathers collar

was unbuttoned and he had his bad pants on. Ever since
he quit his job at the newspaper, his father had looked
ragged and been extra harsh.
He thinks Im lookin silly, while hes sittin in the
house and lookin at the clouds go by like Grammy
Hutchins, Lark kept this thought to himself - a good idea.
Ive been worried sick! Mrs. Smithins exclaimed. His
father just stood there with crossed arms to match his
eyebrows. In the back of the one room apartment, Annie
Mae raised her brow in a look of sympathy. Although she
was way in the back of the room in the sewing chair, the
kind redhead knew exactly what was going on. She
always did. Baby Johnson began to fuss and his mother
ran off to care for him, but his father stayed right where he
was, still cross. Lark waited for him to move, but he did
not. Finally after being stared down for a few minutes,
Lark headed to the table for dinner. As he waited for
whatever morsel of food to be brought out, he looked at
the cracked, concrete walls.
How bout them other newsies. What do they got? A
scratchy bed in a lodge house? A wooden plank to sleep
on? Why, Im lucky I got this! But what about them rich
men? What do they got? A king size bed, sheets made of
fine silks, chandeliers as big as my whole body, Lark
dreamt until the daydream was broken with a clank as a

plate was set down on the rickety table, a single loaf of

After saying grace, Larks father announced, As you
know we have all lost our jobs except for the -ahemchildren of course, so we have decided to move down
south for a farming business! There was a gasp from
both Annie Mae and Lark and they exchanged looks.
Even Baby Johnson seemed to know something was
going on.
Lark thought that he and Annie Mae were thinking the
same thing until she asked, Oh, father! Where shall we
start? Oh, the open air and fields. It will be delightful!
Larks father seemed pleased with the response.
But, but, father! I havent gotten to help with the
strike! I help out! I can - I mean, I have been! They need
me! Lark repeated what he had said to himself before.
Really, you must stop with this silly strike business!
Larks mother scolded. She was not very fond of the strike
in general.
Harold, you mean nothing to those boys, Larks
father said to him.
Dont call me that! Lark felt like whispering. He was
Lark, and that was all hed ever be.
We leave tomorrow! Larks father pounded a solemn
fist onto the table.
When Annie Mae tucked Lark in for bed, he asked
her, Annie, do we really have to leave?


Do you not want to? I mean, think of it! Wed get

plenty of food Why, I might even get my own bed!
Annie Mae laughed as she settled into the rocker she slept
in. Once Lark was sure her eyes would be closed for at
least a few minutes, he took that chance to peek out the
Gbye home, Lark truly would miss this place. Out of
the corner of his eye, Lark caught a shadowy figure in a
news cap curled up in an alley. Was that it had to be
Diggs! Wont judge him for it, Lark sighed to himself as
he drifted off into his own dreams. Wont judge him at all.
Lark dreamt about the time he had tried to fight with
the other boys. His mother had looked horrified when she
saw him come home with a limp. He could still see her
expression in his deep, deep sleep...
The next morning, Lark went to bid goodbye to the
boys in the same dark, yet so familiar it was navigable,
alley where he had first met them. Digger was chewing a
tough piece of ryegrass and leaning on the trash bin. He
appeared to be making conversation with the other boys.
Of course, they all listened attentively. Whatll they ever
do without me, Lark giggled as he approached Digger.
Diggs, I gotta tell you something Lark stuttered.
Ok spit it out! Digger waited for Lark to speak
Im leavin... for good, Lark said under his raspy


What?!? boys had begun to gather around Digger as

he spoke. No. Ya cant. We need ya, bud.
Yeah, some boys around Diggs agreed.
You serious? Lark muttered, a smile slowly creeping
onto his grim face.
Yeah, yeah. We are one union, right? And a union
is one person. And a person aint a person without a
brain! Digger lightly punched Lark in the head jokingly,
making him swivel back a bit.
Well thats what I tried to tell em Larks smile
contracted again.
Wait, wait, wait. Whos them? Diggs questioned.
My father
Mr. -ah- Smithins? Didnt he used to work for the
Not any more. He quit for the strikers
Thats great!
Not reallyI gotta go...good luck with...ya
know...stuff, Lark gave his final goodbyes and ran off.
309 seconds on the stairs. Lark was staggering and
crouched over, focused on his mind, not his feet.
When he glumly walked into the apartment door, his
father rushed over and enveloped him in a hug. Now this
is the weirdest thing Ive seen all day, Lark thought.
Great job, son! Mr. Smithins gleefully cried out.
For what? Lark asked, confused.


We saw what you did out there. You. Son. Have

earned the respect of the newsboys! Larks smile had
returned once more, and so had his fathers.
So were not moving? Lark blurted out hopefully.
Not for another few months, his mother chimed in,
So you can help with the strike and all. His mother
sounded disapproving, but supporting.
After taking a good look at his bare feet, Larks father
plopped a quarter - a whole quarter - into Larks grimy
fingers, polished and perfect.
Buy yourself a pair of shoes! he said. And Lark ran
off, feeling his bare feet slapping against the ground and
savoring it, knowing he would never have this feeling

An Attempt to Save Van Gogh

by Laura Romania

Laura Romania, Grade 6, Loudonville Elementary

It is 1890, the year Vincent passed away. He has only sold one painting. Im here to
tell the story from the fiction perspective of someone who experienced it all.
I saw him one night at the cafe. The late afternoon light shining through the crevices of
the stone buildings was blinding my eyes. I ducked down into the shadows where I could see
much better. In his hand was a painting of himself wearing a straw hat out in the countryside.
Each swipe of paint was so delicate, yet broad. The warm colors formed together into a beautiful
painting. In front of him was the cafe owner. It seemed that Vincent was pleading with the manbut for what? I snuck in closer along the shadows of the stone wall until I could hear clearly.
Suddenly the owner looked over my way. Before he could see me I ducked behind a dirty crate.
The owner looked back at Vincent.
Just one more glass! he plead, Ill pay you in the morning. The owner shook his
head. Quickly he added Or even better, with a painting, he looked at the owner with hope.
No means no! Youre already behind on your other bills, I cant give you another drink
until you pay them off. Besides, I dont want your filthy artwork anywhere around here.
LEAVE! I could see myself running out in front of the owner. Telling him that he would never
be able to paint as well as Vincent, but I couldnt. I was already in trouble with school and Pa.
Before coming out of my hiding place, I waited until the owner went back inside. Instead of back
talking I had a better plan of revenge. Once the owner had gone inside, I ran out from behind the
crate and knocked down all of the chairs outside the cafe. I heard stomping coming toward the
the cafe entrance- it was the owner. I darted around the corner and watched the owners
expression through some wooden crates.
His face was bright red with fury. He yelled. Who did this? Come out here!Of course I
didnt turn myself in. What would be the point of doing it if you were going to get in trouble?
Exactly. I hid among the shadows as I made progress down the cobbled road. The sun sank lower
and lower into the rolling hills as I passed under the archway onto the dirt road. By the time my
house was in view, the sun was on the verge of sinking into the last hill I could see.
As I approached the house I straightened up, flattening my dress and standing up tall. I
entered the house complete silence. I took a step-the floorboard made a loud squeaking noise.
There was a yell from upstairs. Emile! my father shouted,What do you think youre doing?!
I took another step. He charged down the stairs and spanked me. I screamed with pain, tears
cascaded down my face like a waterfall. I attempted to run outside, but my father was quicker.
Dont even think about it! Get on with your chores! As quick as I could, I dashed around him
to the cupboard. I hopped in and quickly stuck a dowel through the handle.There was pounding
and deafening howls on the door. I sank into the corner and sobbed. Suddenly my, cat arose from
the corner. He stretched his thin body and walked over to me. He rubbed his soft head against my
arm with affection. I stroked his back, picking out the burs along the way. He finally dropped
down into a tight ball and fell asleep. My crying stopped.
I grabbed my money jar from behind the wall planks and shook out the few metal coins.
That was when I realized I had enough. Enough that Van Gogh might just offer me one of his

Laura Romania, Grade 6, Loudonville Elementary

paintings. I counted it up- not a lot, but it was quite possible that I might just purchase a painting
I couldnt go yet, because father was still there. It seemed like forever before Pa quit
pounding on the door. I sat in that cupboard for at least one to two hours, all the while I stroked
my scrawny cat who was now out cold. Suddenly the pounding stopped. I heard the stomps of
my fathers boots as he climbed up the stairwell. I peeked through a crack in the cupboard door
to make sure that no one was there. No one, perfect. Slowly I removed the dowel from the
cupboard handle, trying my best not to make any noise. The door took even longer to open-I
prayed it wouldnt squeak. There was a faint squeak, but no one heard it-thank God. My most
dreaded time had come, my first steps. It was going to be nightfall before I got to the door. Each
step I took with caution. Sometimes the squeak wouldnt be noticeable, sometimes it would. I
had to move slowly so I wouldnt wake anyone, but at the same I felt the urge to run so that I
might get a chance to talk to Vincent before he went to bed. After what felt like hours I finally
made it to the door. I slipped out and sprinted into the deep sea of darkness.
I felt like an assassin about to meet his next victim as I snuck through the shadows. Most
were in bed by now, but I couldnt risk anything. There I was, only a couple meters away from
his cottage when I heard a terrifying noise. It was a combination of crying, moaning and cursingit was awful. What was I going to do now? This purchase had to be tonight! There wasnt much
time left, I just knew it-who knew how long it would be until he did it? The poor man had been
through so much-too much. Mental illness, terrible artist, who knew how long it would be until
he Oh, its too horrible to think about. All I knew was that it couldnt be more than a week
before it happened.
It was too late to go back home, and by now pa had probably realized I was gone and
would surely punish me if I returned now. I couldnt talk to Vincent, he wasnt in the state to be
talking to people right now. So I did what I could. Slowly I made my way through the tall grass
on the outskirts of his property to the stone wall. The recently trimmed grass scratched up my
arms as I walked through it. I slouched down against the coble wall. The sky was a dark purple
with few clouds. Moonlight peeked its way through the grass so that I could see pretty clearly.
Soon enough, the crying and all that stopped and I could hear the faint snore of Vincent as he
slept. The warm July air tucked me goodnight and I was off to dreamland.
That night I had the most wonderful dream; it was morning, the warm air surrounded me
like a blanket. I made my way out of the grass and made sure that Vincent was awake. Sure
enough he was up and at it. I knocked on the door-Vincent actually answered! I told him how I
wanted to buy a painting. He got so excited he actually invited in for breakfast. I gasped as I
walked inside- paintings large and small covered his walls and tables. He ushered me me to sit
down while he went into the kitchen to get breakfast. After a couple of minutes he came back
carrying a plate of biscuits along with honey and a pot of coffee with some mugs. Please do go
easy on the honey-its my last jar, he told me as he set everything down on the table.
Yes sir, I said ready to spread some honey on a biscuit. There we were eating biscuits
and drinking coffee all the while I gazed in amazement at all of the paintings.I was just about to

Laura Romania, Grade 6, Loudonville Elementary

pick out a painting when I woke up. I tried to convince myself that I was dreaming right now, but
it was no use. It must have only been two in the morning when I woke up. I tried to go to sleep
so that my wonderful dream would continue, but for some reason I couldnt. It probably took me
an hour of attempts before I gave up. I tried everything; counting sheep, closing my eyes for long
amounts of time, making myself more comfortable among the grass-nothing. I wanted to shout! I
was so tired, yet I had a big day ahead of me. More than anything, I just wanted Vincent to wake
up already.
I knew that it would be no use trying to go back to sleep so I decide to start planning out
what I was going to say. I knock on the door Vincent answers Hello, my name is Emile and
Im here to buy a painting, I know, I know, it isnt the best, but it was the only thing I could
come up with on such short notice. So that was that. What to do, what to do? I felt as bored as
when I wasnt allowed to talk when the tax collectors came to our cottage. Suddenly I heard a
faint noise-almost like yelling. I looked above me with horror. Right above me was a window.
The wall was no wall- it was someones house! The houses owner was pounding on the
window, he was filled with rage. Quickly, I got up and ran toward the archway. I heard the mans
stomps as he ran to the door. Hey you! Get back here! he shouted. I saw the windows in the
street illuminating with candles. The man was coming around the corner, I needed somewhere to
hide- and fast! Panic rushed over me and my eyes stopped dead at a pile of food scraps from the
cafe. It was gross, but I had nowhere else to go on such short notice. I ran into the pile with my
nose covered. I could still smell the moldy scraps through my clogged nostrils.I covered up the
rest of my body and was dead silent. Eventually the man went away. I stood up and did my best
to get the scraps off of me. That was when I heard someone coming around the corner.
Thank god it was just Vincent heading out to the fields to paint.That was when I noticed
something strange. All of his art supplies were in one hand. In the other he carried a loaded gun.
I gasped. What he doing? He began walking over to the wheatfields close to where we lived.
What the heck was he doing? I didnt follow him, I was afraid that he might see me so I stayed
put only peeking around the corner once to see him walking along the dirt road.
My stomach began twisting up into a knot. What was the gun for? Where was he going?
Had the dreaded day come? A single tear ran down my red cheek. I wanted to scream at the top
of my lungs VINCENT! DONT DO IT! but it would only lead to trouble if others woke up
and caught me sleeping in the grass. I felt like I was the only one who cared about Vincent as an
artist, because I knew that someday that someone would find his paintings and feel amazed as I
did the first time I got a glimpse of one of his paintings. A faint gunshot awoke me from my
I immediately froze. My ears rang. I felt like I could smell the thick black smoke that you
got from putting tree needles in a fire. A thin layer of ice embedded into my skin. Sweat trickled
down my face. I couldnt feel any emotion. I was frozen in space. Thought ran across my mind
then disappeared- like a rabbit running into the woods. I couldnt think, it all happened quickly.
the ice broke off and my skin was on fire. The burning sensation was intense. I needed to
scream- just let it out, but my mouth was sealed shut. I sat for those few seconds still and silent.

Laura Romania, Grade 6, Loudonville Elementary

It felt like I was turning to stone. I couldnt move, I couldnt talk- I felt nothing at all, i was
slowly fading away. But thats not what happened. Suddenly all of my strength returned- I still
existed. I could think.Years seemed to go by in those few seconds after the gunshot. Then the
tragic thought crossed my mind.
It couldnt be him, I knew it couldnt, but somewhere deep inside me I knew that it was
him. I didnt cry or any of that nonsense, I knew that this day would come eventually. Instead I
just sat there not knowing what to do. From where I was I could just barely see inside his
window. Marvelous paintings hung along the walls, some that I recognized from the market
when he was trying to sell them. If the others thought he was a great artist like I did, he would
still be alive. With that, I could have saved Van Gogh.

Epilogue : 85 Years After Vincents Death (1975)

Im old now, ninety-five to be exact. Older than some I would say; ninety-five was pretty
old when I was a kid. I dont remember much from when I was a kid anymore. Only that I once
camped out in town after running away from home on the morning that Vincent killed himself.
My memory is pretty faint from those days. I also remember that paintings with all the neat
brushstrokes and bold colors, the smell of paint. Oh, thats all in my past now, its not really
something I think about these days.
He was my inspiration. Maybe ten or was it twelve? Im not sure but around the very
early nineteen hundreds I went to an art school. All because of him I wanted to be an artist. I left
my hometown and moved to Paris. I had learned enough before I got kicked out. All because of
some mischief I caused. After that I didnt really have anywhere to go, so I moved to America on
the countryside. Thats still where I live today.
At this age Im much too old to work or really do anything. I spend most of my days
either resting or starting new art projects. You wouldnt believe what my cottage looks like by
now. Shelves cover two out of the four walls of my cottage main room. Each of them filled to the
max with projects Ive made over the past about fifteen years. You may think it looks like a
bomb exploded in my home, but I assure you that I keep things neat and tidy. Covering the other
two walls of my home are murals inspired by Vincents work. Im afraid if I were to put
anything else in my home, there wouldnt be enough room to move around! Now Vincent is
really famous- in fact he is considered the best Dutch artist to ever live. Hearing this makes me
want to jump into a time machine, pick Vincent up and show him how great of an artist he is
I wish that I could have one of his paintings in my own home- it would be my center
piece. If only Vincent had lived long enough to see that he became a great artist. With that I
could have saved Van Gogh

Laura Romania, Grade 6, Loudonville Elementary

Page 1

Its Only Rocket Science

Lily Luper

Lily Luper

Grade 5

Loudonville Elementary

Page 2

Being small stinks. Being small stinks and I'll tell you why. First of all, you can't get the
cookies from the top shelf in the pantry. Second, you never win a tip off in basketball.
Sometimes it's even hard to get on the swings at the playground. And right now, being small
especially stinks because I can't see over anyone at the launch of the Apollo 11 rocket. All I can
see is the backs of a bunch of people's heads.
"Mom," I say over the excited chatter of the crowd. "Can we get any closer?"
"I'm sorry, honey," Mom says. She fixes her scarf and looks up and down the long fence.
"There's no room up front. You'll see just fine once that rocket lifts off. Your father said this is
the best place to see Neil Armstrong and his crew set off on their journey to the moon."
Dad should know. He is one of the top scientists working on the NASA space program.
"Fine," I say. She doesn't realize how hard it is to be short. I wander over to a pickup
truck and suddenly I have a great idea. I climb into the truck's bed so I can see better.
Even though it's far away, the rocket looks like a giant pencil held up by an even bigger
"Hey, little girl move off that truck so that I can see the rocket launch." shouts a person
behind me.
"Yeah we want to see the rocket to! someone else shouts.
My face gets hot and I start to climb down, but the truck starts to move. I fall over and
bang my shoulder against the side of the truck. So much for being the star of the basketball team
without my guiding hand to shoot and score the winning point.
The truck heads into a huge building. It's the building where my dad works. He will be
able to help me I think to myself. Will dad be angry that I got into the NASA headquarters? Will
he ground me for a day, a week, a month, a year, my entire life? Is he even allowed to ground me

Lily Luper

Grade 5

Loudonville Elementary

Page 3

for my entire life? I snap out of my thoughts and come back to reality. A few NASA workers see
me. One picks up a phone, so I duck down into the truck bed.
Okay Ill go get the coordinates, I say. I stroll down a white painted hallway with
pictures of scientists of the month on them. Between each pictures there is a window. I think
about how worried I would be if I was going to the moon. I find the printer and take the papers
off it looks like the seven-paged paket just has a bunch of random numbers and letters on them.
The papers also feel really hot because they just came off the printer.I look up and see my
daughter on a NASA truck!
I figure a ten year old girl snooping around NASA headquarters the hour that the first
American manned spaceship headed to the moon is going to lift off doesn't look too good.
I see Dad. He looks like he is about to explode!
The truck stops and I climb down.
"Mary Elizabeth Smith! What are doing here?" my dad shouts. He is shouting as loud as
he can. It's kind of embarrassing.
"I climbed onto a truck so I could see better and it started to move. It's not my fault."
"You should have stayed with your mother like a mature and responsible person," he
yells. "But no, Mary Elizabeth always needs to be the center of attention!"
My face gets hotter than before and my eyes fill with tears. "I just wanted to see the
spaceship," I say. "Sometimes it's tough to be four foot five."
I realize all of the workers are staring at us. It feels like the whole world is staring at us.
Dad softens. "I'm sorry sweetie," he says. "It's just that today is a very important day. I'm
very stressed and busy."

Lily Luper

Grade 5

Loudonville Elementary

Page 4

"I'm not so busy," I say, "but I'm stressed too. You've been working so much and I know
how important this day is for our family because its for money . It's important for all of
"The rocket launches soon," Dad says. "Follow me."
He leads me down a hallway and up some stairs. I've never been in the control room, so
everything is new to me. Rows of computers all face a giant wall covered with blinking lights
and a bunch of humongous television screens. People rush around. They are wearing white shirts
like Dad wears and headphones on their heads. A clock on the wall counts down to liftoff.
Twenty minutes.
"You'll just have to watch everything from my chair," Dad says. "Here are the rules: Do
not touch anything. Do not disturb anyone when they are working, including myself. If you get
any bright idea of how to help, don't. The final rule is you can only stay here. Nowhere else. Got
"Got it," I say. I sit down in Dad's rollie chair and spin around.
I don't understand all these computers, but I hear some of the scientists talking to the
astronauts. They are reviewing all the parts of the rocket to make sure everything is working
Suddenly, the astronauts' voices go quiet and a bunch of red lights start flashing.
"Somethings gone wrong with the computer!" someone yells.
Dad rushes over to the man and they start typing away on their computers. It feels like
forever before people start saying that we will have to cancel the launch.
"Come on people," Dad says "If we cancel the launch now it will set us back a year. The
Russians will beat us to the moon."

Lily Luper

Grade 5

Loudonville Elementary

Page 5

Dad opens a gray panel in the back of the room and smoke spills out as if I was pouring
orange juice out of its bottle. The smoke comes out of the compartment but what I see is not
what I expected. I expected to see a small box with lots of wires but instead I see a tunnel that
looks like a vent that is supposed to be in the ceiling.
I overhear the scientists talking there is a problem with a fuse at the end of a series of
tunnels. One worker tries to enter the tunnel, but his waist doesn't even fit in.
Everybody looks very sad that they won't be able to lift off.
"Hey, everybody!" I yell "I'll bet that I would be able to fit in that tunnel easily."
"No, no and no" says Dad "What do you think your mother would say if she found out I
let you crawl into a tunnel fifteen minutes before the liftoff of a rocket when you don't even
know what you are doing?"
"I think if I saved the day by fixing the rocket she would be the proudest mom on Earth
or should I say the moon also?" I say back with confidence.
"Okay, you can go, but be super careful!" says Dad.
"Give me a walkie talkie so that you can tell me which way I should turn: left, right, or
straight." I say.
"Sure." Dad says. He gives me a new fuse. Its red. I climb into the tunnel.
I climb in. My shoulder hurts from falling on the truck bed before. The air smells like
burnt rubber. Dad hands me a walkie talkie.
"Checking checking one, two, three," I say into my walkie talkie.
"I can hear you," says Dad. I start crawling through the tunnel and notice that its kind of
"There's a fork in the tunnel. Should I go left or right?" I ask.

Lily Luper

Grade 5

Loudonville Elementary

Page 6

"You should go left," Dad says confidently. The tunnel is dark, cramped, and smokey.
"Okay" I say. I continue on for the length of two basketball courts.
Dad says, "You have ten minutes until liftoff." I find the fuse box and open it. There are
lots of switches and fuses. I see that the red fuse has blown out. I unplug the old fuse and put the
new one in.
I turn around and start crawling as fast as I can toward where I came in but my shoulder
slows me down.
"I replugged the red fuse and I'm heading out," I tell my dad. Just as I say that the
computers turn back on and I hear everybody cheering. I also hear a loud voice counting down
from thirty. Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight and so on until five, four, three, two, one. Blastoff!
I hear the loudest roar from America that I have ever heard.
I climb out of the tunnel and my dad rushes over and hugs me as tight as he can. At that
moment, I realize that I came out of the tunnel with my hair singed a little bit but I also came out
a hero. I felt like the tallest person in the whole world.
"That was amazing Mary!" shouts my dad in excitement.
"What's the big deal?" I say. "It's only rocket science."

Lily Luper

Grade 5

Loudonville Elementary

The Day The World Held Hands

This is the day Ive been waiting for. This is the day that will change
everything. I slipped on my best dress and tip-toed out of the old wooden door my
grandfather had installed before I was born. The door creaked as I closed it, and I
winced hoping that my father, reading last Sundays paper, and my mother,
washing her hands from a long morning of gardening, didnt hear the creak. I
started off down the gravel road, my feet thumping to the rhythm of my fast
heartbeat. Tha,thump, tha,thump,tha,thump. I started to second guess myself. I
suddenly felt a pang of guilt. I had lied to my mother.
I wasnt supposed to do this, for I have white skin and according to my
mother it is a sin for white people to be seen with a black. I didnt think so, not
then, not now, not in a million years. They are just like us! I always argue. I am
disgusted in you. Blacks are no good! Never have been, never will be! She
always responds as she smacks the back of my hand with whatever she is holding.
I hate how she speaks of them as if they arent human. But even when she says it
over and over I dont listen. My father, well, my father changes the subject
every time I bring it up. I dont have any idea where my he stands on the matter.
I ran until my legs burned. To be honest, Im only 12 years old so I dont
really know where Im going. Oh, and by the way, Im Roxanne; Roxy for short.
I finally saw it. The Falls Church bus stop. I dug two pennies out of the
shallow pocket of my sundress and handed it to the chubby man driving the bus.
This bus going to the Lincoln Memorial, sir? I asked as I pressed the two
rusting coins into his dirty palm.
Yes ma'am. Third stop. He smiled a genuine smile, his blue eyes
twinkling. I guessed he was gonna watch too, by the way he responded to my
question. I looked out of the window at the shriveled brown grass that had died in
the hot weather. I barely realized it when the bus driver called, 3rd stop! Lincoln
Memorial! 3rd stop! Lincoln Memorial!
Oh! I said aloud. Excuse me! Sorry! I said as I stepped on someones
Hey! Watch where you're stepping youngin. A large man glared at me
through his square glasses.
Im sorry, sir. Truly, really truly sorry, I said with a grimace.

As I got off the bus I said thank you to the kind driver and asked him if he
was going to watch. Why yes of course! he said. Martin is a hero! A miracle!
As I squeezed my way through the tightly packed memorial I could hear the
inspiring mans voice.
I have a dream that my four little children will not be judged by the color of
their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!Martins
voice rang through the crowd, and it seemed like, at that moment the whole world
held hands. His voice as deep as an ocean and as strong and as the current.
And as I was listening, I realized that the speech was over, and that it was
time to head home. I climbed into the bus and before I knew it, I was saying my
thanks to the bus driver, and once again he waved to me with that genuine smile on
his face.
As I got off the bus I heard my name, Roxanne? My father was yelling.
He was the only person that called me Roxanne. He said that it sounded
unprofessional to call your own daughter by a nickname; especially when he
picked out the name. I did my best to hide myself in the stampede of people
waiting to get on the bus. I must have not hidden quick enough because then I
heard it again, Roxanne! This time it was a call; and I found you! call. I froze;
what should I do?
I flashed back to the millions of times I had asked my mother why I couldnt
go. She always responded with because its inappropriate for a white to be seen
supporting blacks. People will think youre out of your mind. You make a fool
outta yourself, it makes a fool outta me. And thats final!
Oh no! Father will absolutely kill me! I dragged my feet in the direction of
my father. There was no use trying to hide it anymore. I looked down at the dusty
pebbles on the side of the sidewalk.
Roxanne. Do you have something to say for yourself? I decide to play
No. Why father, what do you mean? I said in a voice that sounded just as
innocent as Shirley Temples. Did something bad happen while I was away?
You know what you did. You could have told me.
What did I do, exactly? I figured that was the safest way of not saying too
much. I didn't know if he knew where I had gone or if he just knew that I left
without telling him.

Number 1, you left without telling us, and number 2, you disobeyed your
Oh. So you know. Im sorry I disobeyed you.
I never said you disobeyed me, I said you disobeyed your mother. To tell
you the truth, Ive been on your side the whole time. I just wanted to keep the
peace. Your mother has always been like this. She was raised from generations of
people just like her. You cant teach an old dog new tricks, right? I get it. I get
your decision, just next time, you promise youll tell me where you're going. I was
dumbstruck. How didnt I know that he wasnt like mother?
So Roxy, how was it?
Oh Father, it was beautiful
Looking back on that day I look feel pride because I know I did the right
thing. My mother finally came to her senses and told me, when I turned 18 that I
could believe what I believe in. Nowadays it's much different. Fathers not here to
tell me this story over and over, so I figured before I forget it, I should write it
down. After that day, my dad and I had a different relationship. I called him
daddy, he called me Roxy. There is not one day that passes that I dont think of
the whole world holding hands.

The End

Mending Through the Hard Times

It was a cold, December day in 1931. It was the Great Depression.

Isabelle Rowley
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

Bye Pa. I will miss you, yelled Molly from the house. Molly watched as her pa and
three brothers walked down the cold and dirty New York street, hoping to sell some apples for 5
cents per piece.

Molly dear, come in,you are going to get a cold if you stay out much longer, Mollys
mother warned. Molly ran inside to go help out. Her mother asked her to help her sister
Samantha with the mending of the dresses. Molly replied, of course mom.

Molly walked to the girls room that she shared with her three other sisters. Water came
through the roof sometimes so they kept buckets scattered around their room to catch the
rainwater. Molly, work on those dresses!, her sister Samantha barked. Samantha was three
years older than Molly and Molly thought the Samantha was so lucky to have a nice pink dress
but she had a dingy dress with holes that was over two years old. Molly, you also have to mend
Charles knikers, Samantha scolded and then, Dont forget your own dress! Okay, okay, I
will, answered Molly

While Molly was was gazing out the window day dreaming , she realized just how sorry
she felt for her pa.She questioned if her Pa would ever escape from his job selling apples and
find a better job that would support the family. One tear strolled down her cheek as she stared
out the window. She was trying to be strong, but it just came out. So many people they knew
had no jobs and were hungry. Mollys dad use to work in a factory as a steelworker but he lost
his job and the factory closed. After Molly finished her mending, she asked her Ma if she could
go down to the boats to see if they had dropped any goodies.
Isabelle Rowley
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

Dress warm, dear Mollys Ma warned. Molly put on her winter coat which had a hole
in it that could not be mended.The family did not have enough money to buy each child a coat.
So her and her brothers and sister often got sick. She wrapped her scarf around herself then was
off to look for anything like coal or rope to sell on the streets. When Molly arrived down at the
harbor, she saw boys digging in the mud with their bare hands, getting all muddy. Ma would
not want me to get all muddy, thought Molly. She decided to just look on the streets and she
saw something shiny. It was a dime. Molly ran as fast as she could. She ran all the way home.
When Molly got home she showed her mom the dime.

Molly, where did you find that dime? asked her Ma

I found it on the street, Molly said jumping up and down. Mollys little sister asked,
Molly, what did you find? Catharine was only five years old.

Let me see it shouted little Catharine. Okay, here you are, Molly gave the dime to
Catharine. Wow, I never really seen anything like this, said Mollys ma.

Molly, go and buy some milk for the family, she said. Okay ma, I will said Molly.

Molly really wanted to buy candy because she hadnt had candy in such a long time. But
Christmas was almost here. It was December 22. And Molly, tell Mr. Stewart I said hello and
Merry Christmas said Mollys mom. yes, ma, I will, said Molly.

Isabelle Rowley
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

Molly was walking to Mr. Stewarts general store when she saw Tommy who was the
meanest boy in school. Molly was always scared of Tommy because he was bigger than her.

Hey Molly, whats that in your hand? Tommy growled. It is a rock, lied Molly.
Let me see it then, said Tommy.

NO!, Molly screamed. Molly ran and ran but Tommy was still following her, but at
last she was safe when she slammed open the door at Mr. Stewarts general store.

Mr. Stewart, Tommy is chasing me! Molly yelled. Tommy walked in and Mr. Stewart
yelled at him to get out, so Tommy did as he was told.

Hello Molly, how are you, what do you want today? Mr. Stewart asked.

I am good and can I get some milk? Molly answered.

Sure thing, milk is 10 cents Mr. Stewart said in his nice voice. Ten cents was all the
money that she had but she gave it to Mr. Stewart anyway. Then Molly walked back home in the
dark and cold city streets.

Molly returned home and gave her mother the milk who put it on the table. Molly yelled
to Samantha that it was her turn to dump the garbage in the alley. Samantha walked down the
street to dump the garbage when she saw a rat scurry by her. When Samantha got to the dump in
Isabelle Rowley
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

the alley, she saw rats, and the alley smelled horrific. Samantha threw the garbage in the alley
and ran out of there because the smell was getting to her. Samantha walked in to her house and
saw her Pa and two brothers. Samanthas brother Charles ran to her and waved two cents in her
face. Then Molly ran out and told Charles the long story about her finding ten cents

After a dinner of bread, it was dark so the family went to bed. The next morning was
December 23, Samantha was ill. Samantha woke up violently coughing. Her brothers and Pa
were gone selling apples. Samantha walked into the kitchen and her mother gasped.

What? Samantha asked. Your face, its bluish? Samanthas mother screamed and woke up
the other girls. Molly ran out.

I am getting Dr. Green!, Samanthas mother said. Dr. Green was not able to come until
the next day and Samantha was burning up all day and night. She rested in bed all day until her
Pa came home at 6:30. He felt her forehead and looked awfully concerned.

You just get some rest, little one her Pa said.

Darkness descended and Samantha did not wake up the next day. Her family realized it
was not just a common cold. Her illness became more serious than they thought. It was
December 24, 1931. It was the Great Depression. Grief blanketed the family as they learned
that Samantha had died from what they thought was pneumonia.

Isabelle Rowley
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

Everyone was so sad that day on Christmas eve. It was supposed to be a happy time of
year. Pa went out to find some wood to make a casket. The whole family buried her in the town
cemetery. After that Samanthas pa was so sad he went for a stroll. All the shops were closed
but he saw a help wanted sign in the toy store. As luck would have it , the store was still open
even though no one could afford the toys again this Christmas. Pa asked for the job and the
owner felt sorry for him and told him the pay was low but the job was his.

That year Christmas 1931 was bittersweet with Samantha gone but the kids were happy
with their oranges, nuts and rag dolls made by mama. Although Samantha was gone and the
holiday season was different without her, the family still felt her presence, and hoped she would
watch over them, helping them get through the DEPRESSION.

Isabelle Rowley
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

Clara and the Banner Bandits

By Natalie Fox
Grade 5
Loudonville Elementary School

Natalie Fox, Grade 5, Loudonville Elementary School

I woke as the sun stretched its first warm finger into Marys and my room and saw that
she was already dressed so I got ready as fast as I could and went downstairs. After breakfast I
went to the garden and picked all of the ripe tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers,
potatoes, beans, and squash. I gave Mother my basket along with the eggs John collected. John
should have been picking food from the garden, but he always got too distracted and either ate
the food or got himself dirty, so that job went to me.
Mother took all of the eggs, and half of the vegetables, and put the other half in a deeper
yet smaller basket with only one handle and handed it to me. I walked out to the barn to saddle
up Reagan, my beautiful dappled gray horse. John, reaching up on top toes, patted her. Clara,
can I come with you? said a little voice next to me.
Oh John, I
Neither of us saw her, but Mary, my sixteen year-old sister, had come into the barn to
feed and clean stalls of the animals.
John! Stop pestering yours si
Hes fine Mary! Leave him alone, hes three! He doesnt know any better. I turned to
John, How about we ride after I come home?
Thats what you always say, he pouted. Why cant I ever sell the veggies with you?
Suddenly I had an idea. He could ride Crackle, who was just about the biggest goat youd
ever seen. Wait here. I told him. And got Crackle out of his stall. You come ride him.
YAY!!! John exclaimed.
At the market many people stopped and stared when they saw us, a girl on a horse pulling
a goat with a three year old on it. Great! If more people noticed us more people would buy from
us! The market was noisy, with lots of people, but one voice stood out to me, as if I remembered
it, but I couldnt. Then in reply came another voice, this one I did not know. HA! None of them
will make it to the meeting now!
That stupid idea will burn out soon Martin. Women voting? Where did they even get
that idea?
They will all look like fools doing their little parade now! When we take their banners
and signs and every thing else they need they wont be able to do anything.
Natalie Fox, Grade 5, Loudonville Elementary School

At that I knew what I had to do.

John, get on Reagan! Reagan, we gotta go fast girl! You too Crackle! I raced home as
fast as I could holding the reigns, Crackles rope and John as best I could.
When we reached our little farm I jumped down with John and raced to the house.
Clara Tucker! What on earth are you doing home so early?
I over heard these two men! Theyre going to sabotage the meeting! We have to stop
Clara, calm down! They probably werent even talking about our parade or meeting!
I know they were! We have to call Ms. Inez Miholland! Just in case!
Fine. I guess you have a point.
Once I had told her what I had heard, Ms. Miholland gasped.
Martin? One was Martin?
Yes. I replied.
Did they other one have a deep gravely voice?
They live down the street from me! Martin is a famous anti-suffragist! Can you and your
mother and sisters help me protect the suffrage room? Lock it and the rest of the house and put
all the lights on and move around a lot in front of the windows to look home? I looked at
Mother, who nodded.
Sure, I said trying to sound confident.
In a half hour we were at Ms. Mihollands in New York City. As soon as she opened the
door and let us in she started talking excitedly in that bubbly, happy way of hers.
Oh Clara! I think your hair is even brighter gold if thats even possible! My! Mary,
youve probably grown a foot since Ive last seen you! Annie! Youre so pretty in that blue
dress! Matches your eyes exactly! How old are you all again?
Eleven, I said.
Sixteen, Mary said.
Twelve, Annie said.
Five! Maddy and Julie said.
Five years old? Youre growing up so fast! Oh Im sorry! I should invite you folks in,
shouldnt I?
Its okay! Maddy shouted.

Natalie Fox, Grade 5, Loudonville Elementary School

We like your doorway! Julie added.

Everyone laughed and Ms. Miholland opened the door wider and stepped back to let us
in. As we headed up the grand stairs and to her elaborate mansion Ms. Miholland was silent-very unlike her.
What do we need to do? Mary Prompted.
Well, I suppose well just have to walk in front of the windows, with various postures,
hats, heights and the occasional change of dress. Walter and I will help too, you know hes my
Julie and Maddy burst out laughing.
Dont be silly, Walter wont wear a dress! There are men who go to suffrage meetings.
Both girls were staring at the floor blushing furiously, although both had smiles playing with the
corners of their mouths.
Its fine, laugh! If I didnt have to behave like a lady, Id be like a little kid still.
Alright, back on track you must at times eat (no cake please) and talk to one another and
do everything like a normal meeting. Oh and Julie, you stick with Mary, Maddy, you stick with
mother. I think you could be with each other too, actually you should be with anyone you want,
but one of you per person. Ill have stacks of hats and dresses in the dining room. Well turn the
lights on and pull the drapes so they can only see our silhouettes. Are you ready?
Everyone nodded.
At first everything went quite smoothly with the exception of Maddy and Julie going off
together and sticking a finger each in the cake to lick the frosting off. Luckily it was I who
walked in, not someone else, and their fingerprints were near the base of the cake and it had
white frosting. I told them not to move and to watch what I did. I went around the table and got
the butter and butter knife and sugar spoon. I spooned out a bit of butter which I pushed into the
two finger prints on the cake, then I smoothed out the butter using the flat part of the knife.
Now Im fixing the cake and wont tell on you. If you do again I will tell. That seemed
to help; they didnt do it again! But then again they didnt have time, there was a shriek from
Annie. We all rushed toward the sound.
I looked out the window and theyre here! Annie exclaimed, sounding alarmed.
All right! Extra movement, lost of talking and laughing. Clara and I will wait by the
door. Mrs. Tucker, you wait by the phone. Ms. Miholland ordered. Everyone dispersed. It was
very lucky Ms. Miholland was rich enough to have sheer silk drapes and electric lights. If it
wasnt so, she never wouldve pulled this off.

Natalie Fox, Grade 5, Loudonville Elementary School

I was scared waiting by the door with Ms. Miholland. The door knob started to rattle and
within a minute theyd picked the lock and flung the door open. Although they were obviously
very surprised to see us they started laughing until Ms. Miholland told the in a voice way firmer
than I ever could have imagined, Do you want to be thrown in jail? I have someone waiting to
call the police on you. At that they turned around and walked out.
Though I probably should have been silent, such a relief filled me that I got my bravery
back. COWARDS! I yelled. It was so funny! One of them muttered something, I could only
make out two words foolish girl. The other grunted in agreement.
I started to shout after them again but Ms. Miholland stopped me with laughter in her
eyes and voice.
Its alright! Theyve gone! I called happily.
Really? exclaimed Julie and Maddy.
Already? asked Mary.
How did you do it? I didnt even need to pick up the telephone! marveled Mother.
Wow! said Annie clearly amazed.
When we were done relaying what happened Mother didnt seem very happy with me.
Clara! That was rude of you to call th
Mother, he is a coward!
Mother laughed. Oh Clara, I Youre the best!
Soon the parade started. It went very smoothly. Everyone loved when my sisters and I
sang our suffrage song.
That night I lay in bed and looked at the moon and wondered. I knew there was a man on the
moon, but was there a woman too?
But that was many years ago, Clara said, smiling down at her eight year-old
granddaughter on her lap. There is a woman on the moon. Now I know. It took many years and
one good choice by our government, but now I know.
Tell me another story from when you were little! Her granddaughter squealed.
Clara, would you mind if we did that tomorrow? She glanced at her granddaughters
glowing Snoopy-shaped clock. Its getting late for you to be up.
As Clara heard her grandmother going downstairs she went to her window and watched
the snow fall with her nose pressed against the glass. She looked at the snow, but mostly she
looked at the stars and moon, wondering if on each star there was a man and woman too.

Natalie Fox, Grade 5, Loudonville Elementary School


Natalie Fox, Grade 5, Loudonville Elementary School

Stars and Stripes

By Annika Robin

Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

Phew! Its scorching hot right now. Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Ana and
Im seventeen years old. Im going to tell you the overwhelming story of how I came to help
create the American flag.
The day I got the exciting offer I was walking down a dirt road in Philadelphia. People
were walking up and down the wide brown path. It was very busy at this time. I felt like I had
just gone swimming, yet I was hot. I pulled my four- layered dress away from my body to
release some of the heat.
A young lady named Betsy walked up to me. I work in her upholstery business, but I had
never actually had a conversation with her. We knew each others names, though. I looked at
her wig and then realized that I had to push mine back in place. I then looked at her dress,
examining how thick it was. It was thicker than mine!
Ana, right? she asked, sweat dripping down her pale face. She paused to look at me.
Probably because I had literally rolled out of bed and thrown on a random dress that was
wrinkled, and I hadnt taken time to put on my wig. I had put on the shoes that my great-great
grandmother wore to her wedding, and they were too old-fashioned. I was meeting a friend and I
was late. Betsy pretended like she didnt notice, I nodded, and she continued what she was
saying. Would you mind helping me with something?
Of course not, I answered, trying not to show that I knew I looked worse than a pig sty.
BAM! We heard a gun fire in the distance. I think I could smell the smoke.
Lets go to my shop, she suggested, motioning for me to follow.

Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

Betsys shop is also her home. When I walked in I thought, I cant imagine living in my
own shop! It was very hot in there, partly because of the weather, but mostly because the place
was crammed with things. Tools, clothes, furniture, a decent amount of food- she had it all!
Why dont we sit? She pulled over two small wooden chairs.
Thank you. I sat down and started squirming because I was sitting squished between
two tables.
So what I have to ask you is to help me sew a new national flag. George Washington,
Robert Morris, and George, my first husbands uncle, would like it to be red, white and blue.
They believe red stands for hardiness and valor, white signifies purity and innocence, and blue,
the color of the Chief, stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. He also wants thirteen
stars to show the thirteen colonies.
I could hardly believe my ears. I was speechless. If I just simply said yes, could I
possibly go down in history? Uh I fidgeted on my seat, not because I didnt want to help,
but because it was such an honor to be asked to sew a national flag. Sure! I replied. I
couldve at least said yes. Now she might think I hesitated!
You dont have to. Are you sure you would like to? Betsy was concerned like I
thought she would be.
Yes! Im positive. Thanks for asking.
Great! She looked elated. I honestly think youre the best seamstress in my
business, she told me, reddening.
Thanks. I thanked her again, but this time I was astounded. I didnt know I was that
good at sewing! Are other people going to help?
Of course! Betsy assured me.
Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

When do we start? I asked.

Right now.
Right now. Ill go get the other ladies. Would you mind helping me gather everyone?
No. I could barely breathe.

Later that evening, a small group of ladies were sitting in a circle, some on the floor,
some in chairs. When I was cutting out the thirteenth star for the thirteen colonies, George
Washington burst through the door of the shop like a musician entering the room they will be
performing in. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Then their eyes
drifted over to Betsy.
Betsy! he bellowed. I have decided that I actually want six-pointed stars! He
marched over to her.
But Mr. President! We already cut out all of the stars! She glanced over at me. I was
holding the final star in my hand. She looked very frightened and worried. Then she sighed and
looked back at the president. Was this all my fault?
Well, do you want to do it all over, or do you want to not follow my orders?
Somebody was being very demanding!
Betsy was torn. It was like the president was pulling one end of the rope and the flag was
pulling the other. Um. All of the ladies (and George Washington) looked at her.
Betsy sighed again. Well try to have thirteen six-pointed stars done soon.

Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

Fantastic! President Washington was quite pleased with the way he persuaded Betsy.
Dont be upset if you dont have them done soon. Just have them done by tomorrow. With
that, he walked out the door, letting it slam behind him.
I walked over to Betsy and told her I was sorry. I asked her if it was my fault and she
made me feel better by telling me it wasnt. Then she started motivating us to make the stars as
fast as we could. You can do it! she cheered.
Almost an hour later, we were almost done with the stars when the president walked in
You know what? Make it five points. Then he turned toward the door. Make up your
Thats exactly what I blurted out. Make up your mind! Half a second later, I slapped
my hand over my mouth, realizing what I had just said.
Everyone turned to look at me, the girl who shouted at the Father of Our Country. Betsy
gasped and fainted. A few women rushed over to her. I looked at the president, hoping he
wouldnt be mad. Nope, he looked pretty mad. He squinted at me with his lips pressed into a
thin line. What did you just say to me? he asked slowly. He sounded like an animal would if
they could talk to the prey they were hunting down. For a second I actually thought there was an
animal outside. Either way, I was scared.
I was in big trouble. I thought back to all the times I had gotten in trouble. Not a lot. I
was an only child. I behaved well and looked up to my mother. I learned how to be a proper
lady, yet here I was about to get in serious trouble with the president, the very first president of
this country, because I yelled something rude at him.

Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

This was very surprising. I felt nauseous. I could also feel my ears turning red. They
were probably the color of fresh watermelon.
Betsy, please wake up, I begged in my thoughts. Betsy opened her eyes and sat up.
Wow, I cant believe that actually worked!
Betsy, Im sorry I have to do this, but Ana cant work here anymore, the president
concluded. He had made up his mind.
Wait, what happened? Betsy curiously looked around, scratching her head. Oh, I
remember! Ana didnt mean it, Im positive! Shes not that kind of person!
Well, she still said it. Ana, you should probably be going. George Washington looked
at me.
I started to inch my way towards the door, but Betsy hurried over and blocked my way.
What are you doing?! I whisper-screamed at her.
I know what Im doing, she whispered back. Just watch.
But I dont know what youre doing! I tried to get her to either stop, or assure me that
she hadnt lost her mind!
Betsy ignored me and glared at President Washington. If she cant sew, I wont sew.
It was my turn to gasp. Betsy, please tell me what youre doing, I mumbled out of the
side of my mouth.
She ignored me again and just kept looking the president square in the eye. Wow, Betsy
was braver than she seemed. I stood there, my mouth wide open, wanting to say something, but
also afraid to. Everything seemed to freeze. I couldnt tell if I had fainted like Betsy had, or if
this was just so terrifying that something was wrong with me. I pinched myself on the arm.
Ouch! I rubbed my arm and grimaced. This moment was real, and just by knowing that for sure,
Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

what was happening right now was one hundred times scarier than it had been a few seconds
ago. Everything was still frozen, Betsy and George Washington glaring at each other, the
workers sitting there, their eyes wide. I looked outside and even smoke was frozen in the air
because of battle a few miles away. I had to be standing there for at least seven hours! Nobody
had moved even an inch. This was all just my imagination because it was definitely the scariest
thing that had ever happened to me. Sometimes when Im frightened I see things freeze, as you
have already witnessed. Then everything unfroze, but I was still so terrified that I remained
The president crossed his arms. A minute later he stroked his chin. Then he announced,
Betsy, Ana, you may both stay and keep working on the flag.
Betsy grinned, leaned over to me, and whispered with satisfaction, I told you! Then
she continued with a more serious tone, Thank you very much, Mr. President. But we still
dont know if you want five or six points on the stars.
Whichever is easier. Five points, right? You told me you can make one five-pointed
star with one snip of the scissors, correct?
Betsy nodded. Thank you, she thanked him like he was a superhero.
I came back to life, apologized to the president, held my breath, and smiled when he said
it was okay.
Twenty minutes later we finished the stars. Ten minutes after that George Washington
came in and gave us a picture he sketched of what he wanted the stripes to look like.
Are you positive? I teased.
He nodded and laughed. Betsy and I did, too.
Totally positive? she asked.
Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

He nodded again with a friendly grin on his face.

Alright, lets get to it! Betsy exclaimed.

In 1777 on June 14, the American Flag was approved and it became the nations new
flag. Betsy Ross became famous. America was officially its own country! A few years later,
Betsy got married and had nine children. As for Ana, she married also and had four children.
Betsy and Ana remained best friends for the rest of their lives.

Annika Robin
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

The Betrayal of Shoeless Joe Jackson

By Alexei Robin, LO, sixth grade

Groggily, I sat down on my low, rough wooden chair at our wooden table, made with the
help of my fathers handicraft. It seemed like everything was made of wood; the chair, the table,
the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the cabinets and drawers, even our nice little plates. Because of
using the rotting, ancient material daily, everything had cracks running through them, and there
was always a musky scent lingering in the air around the house.
The floorboards creaked alarmingly when my still half-asleep older sisters, Anna and
Sky, dragged their seemingly lifeless bodies through the wooden door that we all had to duck
through, even though we were still just kids. We owned a quaint little house on top of a grassy
hill that we never bothered to mow; the setting was filled with stringy grass.
Sky yawned and stretched, then murmured, Morning Aldwyn whatre you up to?
Nothing much, just reading the newspapers, I replied, not taking my eyes off the article
I had my face buried in. I was the only person my age that read the papers, and I got made fun of
for it, but I didnt mind because Mama said that I just had a bigger brain than the other kids, and
thats why I can understand the news they write about.
Whats it about? Anna asked, not really caring.
Im reading the comics now, but Im saving the World Series article for last. My lip
curled as I remembered all the errors the White Sox had made in the world series of 1919. Eddie
Cicotte, especially, pitched horribly. They struck out so many times, too. But my hero,
Shoeless Joe Jackson, spanked a few homers and was the leader of the team during the series. I
chuckled, remembering watching him smack a homer- right at me- but Ill think about that later.
Just then, Mama and Papa entered the kitchen, ducking low under the top of the worn
door frame. Each of them was carrying one of my younger siblings; my three year old brother,
Sam, had his chubby little arms wrapped around Papas neck, and my two year old sister,

Marrianne, was nestled deep into Mamas arms, her still-growing hazel hair hanging straight
down. I finished up the last of the comics, and set the stack of papers down on the table.
Breakfast in five minutes, whispered Mama, trying not to wake Marrianne while
cradling her and approaching the very expensive electrical stove. There werent many stoves that
ran on electricity these days. Most people still only had Ben Franklins old, but helpful, cast-iron
stoves. I was surprised we could afford something so costly, along with my pricy, valued
education. The only reason I could even read is because I could attend my elementary school.
Okay Mama, I responded, jumping out of my chair and hugging her waist. She
laughed, ruffling my long, black hair. Im going outside on the hammock. I grabbed the
papers, and raced towards the open door where fresh air gushed into the cottage.
Dont get splinters on your feet, Ill have to get them out with my needle. Hearing that,
I slowed down; I hated needles (which Mama called Trypanophobia).
I flopped down on the hammock finally, and settled down to read the article on the World
Series. First though, I took time to gaze down one side of the beautiful hillside. The sun was
creeping over the horizon, watching me, but providing light so I could read. Sighing, I leaned
back into the hard, homemade ropes, taking a moment to absorb the astounding view splayed out
before me; one that, even though it is always there to see, never gets old. There were trees
swaying at the bottom of the hill on which our house sat, almost bare because of the arriving
winter season. Few red leaves hung from their branches. The long grass on the sloped ground
swayed in the light morning breeze, giving me chills in my homemade sewn pajamas. I was
lucky that I had today off from school. I grinned at the sky that was filled with colors. Although,
that short moment of happiness was soon crushed.

With an over-exaggerated sigh, I leaned back to bury myself in the paper once more. I
read the headline - then I read it again. And again. Once more. No, I told myself. Theyre
lying. Its not true. My eyes welled up with tears. With all my might, I rancorously threw the
paper into the grass in front of our house. I ran behind our house, and slammed the door of the
outhouse. I placed my head in my palms, repeating what I had read:

Eddie Cicotte and Joe Jackson Confess

Greatest Scandal in Baseball History

My tears dropping to the ground like rain to the wooden floorboards, I recalled that one
not-so-special-anymore time on October 9, when Id thought the most amazing thing had

I raced to get tickets for the big game. Papa had offered to take me to the game if I could
get tickets and bring them back to him with time to walk to the stadium within the hour and a half
before the game started- but Im sure he just wanted me to get some exercise.
I didnt know how long Id been running. I just knew that Id gone for at least three miles.
Sure, my family lived relatively close to the stadium, but it was much harder running that
distance than driving it, and Papa refused to waste precious gas on driving to the stadium,
unless I could get back home with twenty minutes to spare. I was huffing and puffing, lungs
practically empty, my breath showing in the crisp late October air.
It was just around the bend, and I- I tripped on the mini rise in the sidewalk! I flew
through the air like Tarzan the Ape Man swinging from a vine, and with a THUD, I landed on
my hands and knees, and skidded painfully to a stop. I glanced down towards the area where I

felt a flaring pain, and saw blood steadily flowing like a waterfall in slow-motion from a new
scrape Id opened on my knee cap. But I couldnt stop. I staggered to my feet, and rushed across
the short distance left separating me from the ticket booth.
I stretched my arms up over the cracked, rough, wooden counter of the ticket booth so
that the ticket vendor would see I was there. Two t...two I panted, barely able to get the
words out.
Two tickets? Four dollars forty with tax, the young man muttered, puffing his long
blonde hair out of his eyes, clearly bored out of his mind. I threw a five dollar bill at him (I knew
I was wasting money) and I rushed away before he could say something about how rude that
was of me.
My knee was already throbbing; but I knew I had completely overreacted about the news
that there was a chance that Papa would take me, and there was time to simply walk briskly back

Finally! Papa and I plopped down onto the hard, blue, rusty, cracking seats with a loud:
SCREEEEE, and settled into the weathered seats as best we could. We struck a miracle; we had
found two empty seats in deep left field. We ended up a bit late to the game, due to the stupid
crudely wrapped handkerchief beneath my pants, uncomfortably bulging out of the pant leg and
squeezing every time I bent my knee.
But that didnt bother me. We were actually here! Game eight of the 1919 World Series,
and the third inning had just started. Everyones eyes were glued to the scene; Joe Jackson (my
hero!) and Hod Eller (ugh) on the mound, trying to look cool. In slow motion, Eller wound up,
and fired the ball like a missile straight towards the center of Jacksons batting box (ha! Bad
pitch). I expected what came next. CRACK! It was as if the ball was fired from a cannon with

jetpacks attached to it, and it was flying- it was flying straight towards me! The crowd roared,
and it felt like they were cheering for me. Everyone around me started shoving towards where I
now stood. They werent fast enough.
I shoved my mitt in front of my face and... the roaring got louder, but the crowd around
me now seemed disappointed. I checked my ragged, torn, over-used mitt, not expecting what I
saw next; a ball. With a nice big torn spot on it, from the bat of a certain someone who was now
rounding third base and heading towards home. Right then and there, I declared this mitt, this
old, horrible no-good mitt, my lucky mitt.
Now I know none of that ever mattered. The happiness was false. Because he was never
trying anyway.

I stormed up to my room, and tore through my dusty bin of random stuff at the foot of my
tiny bed, which Mama was always telling me to clean. I found what I was looking for: that dumb
falling-apart mitt, and I kicked it across the room as hard as I could, which wasnt exactly very
hard. I stuffed my face into my pillow, sobbing loudly. Why did I ever believe in him? I yelled
at myself. Why? That was the man I wanted to grow up to be. And he turned out to be a fraud.
Aldwyn? murmured Mama with a concerned tone in her voice, the floorboards
creaking noisily as she entered the room.
Leave me alone, I whined, digging my face farther into my pillow, weakly kicking my
What happened? she ventured to ask.
I decided to give in. Joe Jacksons a big fat fraud, I declared, taking my face out of my
pillow, but keeping my face hovering over it.

Thats what this is about? she asked, doing a pretty good job to conceal her slight
annoyance at the reason for the situation, but not quite good enough. You know, you have to
take the bad things that happen in the world more lightly, especially as you get older. Do you
ever see me sulking?
Yes, that one time when Marrianne peed all over you, I told her, tipping my chin up as
I turned to face her in defiance.
She laughed, even though I was being completely serious. Okay, but that doesnt count
for now.
Thats not fair.
Just let me talk to you for a minute, she prodded.
Fine. Go. I paused, thinking. Oh wait, I mean you can have more than a minute, Im
not timing you, you can have as much time as you want, Mama.
Aldwyn, as you grow up, bad things are gonna happen. People are going to do bad
things. But Aldwyn, honey, try to look at the good things. Do you know that Joe Jackson is
No. But he took the money, didnt he?
Yes, but he had the best batting average by far out of all the players in the World Series,
And he hit the only homer in the series, and guess who caught it.
Who? I joked, my face brightening, my tone of voice becoming elated once more.

This little lad, right here. She poked me on the nose, and I laughed. Aldwyn, she
continued to explain, never focus on whats bad. Be happy. Be bright. And dont stop smiling.
Then she added, Looking at the bad side of things would make you a pessimist.
Whats a pessimist? I responded right away, already on my feet to retrieve my oncemore lucky mitt.
Im not going to get into that now. Ill explain later. She ruffled my hair; it was
practically her favorite thing to do (and I did not enjoy it, either). Now get your butt downstairs,
its time for breakfast.
What is it? came my reply, flying right back at her.
Eggs, milk and if you want, leftover duck, you lucky duck.
Wow, that mitt really is lucky, I said under my breath, licking my lips and glancing
over my shoulder as I exited the room at that special, special mitt.
Now Ive realized: someday, Ill find someone else to admire, someone else who is
simply extraordinary. I can confidently say that Jackson was not guilty, I now see that in my
heart. Other people will soon realize this, I know that much. And if for some reason people cant
see the good in this case (if theyre all pessmitists- I think thats what Mama said)- well, then Ill
need to help fix that myself.

By: Reed Janet Lynne Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

Reed Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

During the Nineteenth Century, there was a girl, named Nina, who escaped from slavery. Her life
was really bad and only getting worse-- here is her story in her own words:
Today I am going to escape from my plantation! I have planned my route with information
gathered from conversations I have overheard about roads to the North. Like many other clever,
smart and intelligent slaves I will do everything in an effort to escape. I live in Georgia, which is a
state that allows slavery. Georgia is a very warm, hot, humid state and it makes work on the
plantation harder than it should because of the intense weather. No matter what the weather is, life as
a slave is very difficult. In the best way I could, I have planned my route to the North! I cant wait to
escape! Going by myself reduces the amount of slaves missing. I am hopin nobody notices that I am
gone until I have made it a safe distance away from my plantation.
I want to escape because picking cotton aint fun and my master has been beatin me for a while.
Recently, my parents were sold to another plantation and I have been very lonely and sad. Life here
is only getting worse. I have heard, that North black people are treated better and can get paid for
their work.
To give you an idea of what a typical day is like for me on the plantation, My life is very hard
and stressful from sun up to sun down. I wake up on my bed of hay, which is not very comfy. Very
early, I have to go to the cotton fields and start working. At around noon, I eat a piece of cold corn
bread, made from my monthly allowance of food. I keep on working for many hours after that. I
work in the cotton fields all day. Mr. Jones, the overseer, made sure we worked hard on the field no
matter what happened. We had to pick cotton if we were hungry, thirsty, or even bleeding. When I
get done with my work Im very hungry and want to eat some food. I get eight pounds of pork or
trout and some corn and this needs to last me the entire month. I know that the people in the Big
House get lamb, mutton and dark red wine. I know this because one of the people I share a cabin
with, Lil, who works as a chef in the Big House and describes the lavish meals to me. She talks
about feather light buttermilk biscuits, crispy fried chicken, savory country ham with red-eye gravy
and decadent ambrosia, which is a dessert of exotic orange slices layered with coconut. Lil makes
the lavish food for hours but never gets to eat it, and when she sneaks food she gets beaten. I wish I
had a useful truck patch so I could have turnips, cabbages, peas and benne seeds to eat. Mean Mr.
Jones doesnt let us have truck patches because he thinks we will spend to much time working on
them. If we could grow our own vegetables it would make our rations last longer and more tasty.
Instead, we are very hungry all the time. My stomach growls and I feel sick from not eating. Then I
go to sleep and do my routine over and over again. My life is pretty terrible and hope to escape to the
North where I can be free from slavery. I especially want to escape from Mr. Jones because he beats
me brutally with a stick when he thinks Im not workin fast enough.
It is time! I opened the door to my cabin and nervously looked for guards. The coast is clear! I
ran as fast as I could to the tall fence. I climbed up the fence, getting splinters and scraping my legs
on the rough wood. Then I saw him, my master was walking out the door of the big house.
Thankfully, he didnt see me. I ran as fast as I could. My legs started hurting but I knew if stopped I
would be caught. Finally, after running a while I saw a barn and once I discovered it was empty, I
Reed Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

went in. I saw a bushel of hay and fell asleep on it. That night I slept great because I was tired from
all of that running. I was hungry the next morning when I woke up but I ran for a long time. I was
tired and weary but I continued to run anyway.
I had been running for a while, on my long journey, until I saw a home with what I was told was
a Quaker quilt hanging in front of it. The middles of the log cabin design were blue! The people who
had blue in the middle of their log cabin design quilts meant that they help slaves make their way
North. I decided to take a chance to see if these people would help me.
Tired and hungry, I walked to the doorstep and knocked on the pretty pink door. A girl answered
it, who looked about fourteen years old and had shiny, curly blond hair. I told her a friend was a
friend which is a code to let the Quakers know I need shelter. The girl, whose name was Rebecca,
introduced me to her family and they let me stay in their barn. They gave me food and clean clothes.
The clothes were much nicer than my old raggedy slip made from homespun. The clothes that they
gave me were a beautiful pink cotton dress, a white petticoat for under my dress, and a handknit
wool shawl to keep me warm. But best of all I got a pair of new black leather shoes! All my time
workin in the fields I had never had any shoes. When I did not have shoes I would stub my toe and
get scratched and cut on rocks. With shoes I would be able to protect my feet on the long journey
Hallelujah! I exclaimed.
What is it?asked Rebecca.
I aint had no shoes before, I said, It is like a gift from Heaven.
As Rebecca was taking me to the barn she told me about Quakers.
Rebecca said, Were so glad you are here. We highly oppose slavery. As Quakers, we believe
that everybody is equal. In our church we call ourselves, and think of each other, as friends. We
believe in kindness and living a peaceful life.
I ate something called Pop Robins. I learned these are a traditional Quaker food that are balls
of batter made from flour and eggs boiled in milk. I was happy with them, but they tasted very
strange. When I was at Rebeccas house I learned that most Quakers dont eat butter as a form of
humility. They told me to go to Philadelphia because that was a free city where former slaves can
find work and start new lives. Before I left they gave me delicious apple dumplings to keep my
energy up on the long road North. After showing me the way, I ran for many days and weeks,
stopping at other Quaker safe houses on the way.
I stopped at another Quaker house where there was a little boy named, Billy. They let me stay in
their guest room. They were all very friendly. They read me passages from the Bible and silently
prayed for my safety on the dangerous journey. The next morning, their dad let me hide under a big
blanket with ground golden yellow cornmeal on top of it in the back of their wagon. We had been
driving for several hours when a slave bounty hunter came up to the wagon.
What do you have here? He asked briskly as he was walking around the wagon, looking
suspicious. As he said this he put his gun up to the sacks of the golden corn
Just corn for market, the driver said slowly but firmly at the same time.
Ya, sure or are you just one of those liahs? he said with a sharp, prickly tone in his voice.
Reed Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

I am not sir, but you could check my wagon. When he said that an icy cold shiver ran down
my spine. I just knew I was gonna die, I just knew it.
Nah, ya seem innocent, and he set off. I was so relieved I could jumped up and danced. I was
so glad that I didnt die.
The driver let me off near the massive Ohio River. It was glistening and shiny in the moonlight.
It was such a beautiful sight. Before he left he told me about the secret boat which is hidden in tall
grasses and brought over by Quakers for slaves to cross the river. This was essential because the
river was big and I could not swim across it. I couldnt believe that the other side was freedom, pure
freedom. I couldnt wait to touch it, walk on it, to breathe it in. I looked for the boat and luckily I
was able to find it and sail on the large body of water toward freedom on the other side. As I was
crossing the river there was a strong current but fortunately I was able to handle the boat and make it
to shore. I hid the boat in tall grasses and reeds so the Quakers could bring it back to the other side. It
was exciting to be on the free side of America. I was so glad that I made it to the North. Already, I
felt wonderful. Flowers were blooming, The sun was about to rise, the grass was greenest I have ever
seen. I finally had the chance to dance, I twirled, I sprinted, I jumped! This was the best day of my
life! I felt passionate, strong and daring to have survived my long journey to the North. Even though
I was in the North I still had to travel to Philadelphia, a big and bustling city where I hope to find
work and a place to live.
As I ran, the sun shined down on me, sweat dripped down my forehead. Running until I was
about to collapse, I finally reached Philadelphia. When I arrived, I wandered the busy, bustling,
cobblestone streets until I saw a millinery shop with a big colorful sign in the front window. I asked
a passing shopper what it said and she told me,Help Wanted, so I decided to go inside. Little did I
know that would be the best decision of my life.
There was an older lady in the shop who was dressed finely.
Is the job still open? I asked.
Yes, she said, telling me that she was looking for an apprentice. An apprentice is when you
train for four to seven years to learn the milliner profession. I begged the lady, who I then learned
was called Mrs. Gal, to give me the job and I would learn the trade better than anyone in
Philadelphia. She told me she would give me a chance. I told her I didnt have any money and
needed to figure out a place to sleep. She said as the apprentice, I could live in the apartment above
the store. We agreed on that and Mrs. Gal taught me the trade. Mrs Gal, who was a widow who had
no children, taught me everything she knew, including how to read, write and do math. I learned
math because I needed to know numbers for ordering, account keeping and measurement. She taught
me reading because I needed to read magazines for fashion advice and customers orders. I was the
mantua maker for the store, which means I was the actual dress maker!
One of my favorite jobs at the millinery shop was measuring people so I could know what size
clothes to make. Sewing fancy dresses, hats, and stockings were my favorite things to sew because I
was really good at making them. I liked them because I could finish them in a short amount of time
and they still look stunning. I liked to use green silk, from China which is a very rare and expensive
color. I also liked to use very soft cotton from Egypt for making petticoats and mob caps, which are
Reed Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

little everyday bonnets. Another job I liked was embroidery. My favorite things to embroider
handkerchiefs with flowers and initials. I dont like cleaning the store but I still did it and the store
was spotless. My store was popular because we had a large assortment of cloth, including ruby red
fabric made from cochineal beetle, majestic blues and purples, and bright yellows. I knew almost
everybody liked my store because they all walked out with smiles on their faces and packages in
their arms. Sometimes when people came in the store they turned around because they didnt want to
purchase items because I was a black person, but fortunately that did not happen a lot. In fact, I made
some very nice friends with customers I have made clothes for over the years.
I worked in the millinery for the rest of my life, enjoying my cozy, beautiful lodging above the
millinery store until my last days. I liked to go to market and get fresh food that I was never aware of
when I was a slave on the plantation. I also like to go to church and say prayers. I converted to
Quakerism because all those nice people helped me and their way of thinking made sense to me. I
loved the peaceful and silent meetings. They helped me stay calm. During those meetings I would
have time to think about my life and how I connect to God. As a woman running a shop, my fellow
Quakers support me as an equal person compared to some people who think women should not run
stores. Even though Quakers dress plainly, like I do, I do enjoy making fancy garments for nonQuaker customers. Like other Quakers I have helped runaway slaves start their new lives as free
people. When I am home above my store I sew many freedom quilts for my fellow Quakers to hang
in front of their houses to guide the slaves to the North. I hope my quilts help lead people to safety
like the quilts helped me.
I teach them to read and write, just like Mrs. Gal taught me when I first got to Philadelphia. The
former slaves tell me about their plantation life and how it continued to get worse. Since there were
so many runaway slaves, the masters got even more strict and punishing if anyone tried to escape.
Some slaves were unfortunate and got caught on their journey. They were returned to their plantation
and were whipped or hung. I had been reading in the newspapers that the country might go to war
over slavery.
Sometimes I think of my life on the plantation. I remember picking cotton in the hot sun for
hours. I also remember being hungry as I was workin and wishin for a piece of warm fried chicken
that only the white people got to eat, Boy, am I glad that I dont live there anymore. I miss my friend
Lil because I havent seen her in so long. I wondered if she ever escaped. I hope she became a cook
at a fancy restaurant up North. I bet diners would love her ambrosia. Then I think of my courageous
journey to the North. It makes me feel lucky. My life was bad every second while I was a slave on
the plantation. Now, I run a millinery shop and I have a nice life as a free woman.
Blanc, Felice I Am Quaker
Collier,Christopher Slavery and the coming of the Civil War
Doiser, Susan Civil War Cooking: The Confederacy
Doiser, Susan Civil War Cooking: The Union
Edwards, Judith Abolitionists and Slave Resistance
Reed Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

Gunderson, Mary Southern Plantation Cooking

Huey, Lois Miner American Archaeology Uncovers The Underground Railroad
Mcdonough, Yona Who Was Harriet Tubman
Walker, Niki The Millener
Worth, Richard Slave life on the Plantation

Reed Marthers
Loudonville School
Grade 4

The Journey to 1773: A Story of a Girl from the Future, A Boy from the Past, and the
Boston Tea Party
by Emily Yamaguchi

I stared at the strange gadget. It was the museums newest attraction. A time machine! To

me it looked like a roller coaster chair with lights and buttons. Thats when I made the worst
mistake possible. I pushed one of the buttons. Seconds later, the time machine and I were
spinning through time!
Ouch! I winced as I landed on a hard surface. Where was I? I looked around, but it
seemed like there was nothing else around for miles. Except a giant golden grasshopper staring
Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO

me in the face! The famous grasshopper weather vane on the roof of Faneuil Hall! I must be on
top of Faneuil Hall in Boston! I climbed into a tall, narrow window underneath the golden
cupola and made my way down a long, winding staircase that lead to the building entrance. I
have been to Boston many times before, so I wasnt worried about finding my way around. But
wait a minute! Why did everything look so different? All of the buildings around the Faneuil
Hall Marketplace were small and wooden. Most of them were only one story high. The streets
were crooked, dirty, and not paved. The people were dressed in either dresses with aprons and
bonnets or dress coats with dark pants, tall socks, and loafers. I saw a boy who looked just liked
a mannequin from the colonial times exhibit at the museum. Was this a reenactment?
Nice costumes! I yelled to the actors.
What is she talking about? someone said.
I think she has lost her marbles, whispered somebody else.
If anyone is in costume, it is her. Where did she even get clothes like that? asked a
woman in a brown dress. Now, I was confused. If they werent actors, then where was I?
Excuse me, Sir! Do you know what year it is? I asked.
Its 1773, of course! he replied. The boy was tall with short brown hair. He looked
about 11 years old, just like me.
I think I am lost, can you help me? I asked the boy.
Sure, once I bring these gears to the clockmaker. He pointed to the small wagon he was
dragging behind him. It was piled with gears and other trinkets.
I am Jack, by the way, said the boy, staring at the Pokemon logo on my bright pink
Im Lucy, I replied.
My hours at the clockmaker are almost over for today, Jack said. It will only take 15
minutes. You can come with me. It was a short walk to the clockmakers shop. I am
not sure if the clockmaker would approve of me bringing friends to work, Jack said.
Can you wait here?
Sure, no problem, I replied.
Jack hauled his wagon of trinkets inside as I sat on the steps. It was bright outside and
still a few hours until dinner. As I was thinking about what happened at the museum, I heard the
clockmaker yell at Jack.
Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO

Jack, you arent ready yet to become a journeyman! How many times do I have to tell
you!? yelled the clockmaker.
But Dad! I am ready! replied Jack angrily.
Wait a minute dad? The clockmaker was Jacks dad? Jack wanted to become a
journeyman clockmaker?
Jack angrily stormed out the door. Before I could think of anything else to say, I blurted
out, The clockmaker is your dad?
Yes, I guess I forgot to tell you, said Jack sheepishly.
Why doesnt he think you are worthy to become a journeyman? I asked curiously.
He said a journeyman has to be brave, ambitious, and have lots of skill. He doesnt think
I have enough skill or that I am brave. I could hear flecks of sadness in his voice.
While we are revealing secrets, let me tell you mine, I said. I am from the future. I
came here in a time machine.
Jacks mouth hung open in shock. Well, that explains your clothes, he said, pointing at
my neon pink Pokemon shirt and black leggings.
Can you help find a place to stay? I asked Jacked hopefully.
Sure, I have the perfect place for you! Plus, its right near my house. Follow me!
exclaimed Jack.
We passed 3 or 4 houses before Jack stopped. He pointed to a small area that was
guarded by a few small trees. Can you stay here for the night? he asked.
Sure! I replied. Its not perfect but at least nobody will know I am here. By the way,
can I have something to eat? I am a little bit hungry.
I will go get you some bread, Jack said kindly.
Thanks! Can I come? I asked.
Why not? Jack answered happily.
As we were walking through the Boston Common, I looked around. I was used to coming
here to see the Christmas tree being lit up in the winter. Now the cows were chomping away at
the grass right in the middle of what would become a public park many years from now. Horses
were walking around and I could see windmills turning in the distance. The whole place seemed
like a dream or maybe a video game.

Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO


We stopped at a small building that smelled like freshly baked bread. I will go inside
and get you some bread. You can wait here, said Jack. Do you have any money to buy the
Here you go, I said to Jack as I handed him two shiny dimes from my pocket.
What are these? Jack asked as he inspected the coins. They do not look like any kind
of coin Ive ever seen. We use pounds, shillings, and pence here, not this kind of coin. I can pay
for the bread. I have a few shillings in my pocket.
Thanks, Jack, I said as he walked into the bakery.
Soon enough, we were back from the bakery and enjoying our delicious bread in our
hiding spot in the trees.
Well, the sun is setting and its getting darker, so I better go home. If you need anything,
my house is the one over there near the big pine tree. See you in the morning, Lucy. Jack said as
he started walking towards his house. I leaned against a tree and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, I was woke up earlier than I expected. Nobody was outside yet. I
decided to take a walk. On my stroll down around town, I passed a variety of small shops: the
blacksmith, the clockmaker, the shoemaker, the tailor. They were all so different than the ones
back home, yet they somehow reminded me of my home and my family. Then it struck me.
Where did the time machine go? Hopefully it was still on the roof of the Faneuil Hall where I left
it. What would I do if it wasnt there? I should probably get back to Faneuil Hall soon. I should
also head back my hiding spot before Jack sees that I left. Then, I sprinted back to the
clockmaker's shop.
It wasnt long until I was back at the clockmakers shop and waiting for Jack to come by.
I saw Jack slowly walking over to me. I got back just in time.
Did you get a good nights rest? Jack asked.
Yes, thank you, I replied.
This morning I heard there will be a town meeting soon. Do you want to come with
me? Jack wondered.
Sure! It sounds like fun! I replied excitedly.
But first, we better get you something else to wear. If you are going to go to a town
meeting, you dont want everybody noticing you. I think my sister might have an extra dress you
can borrow. Ill go get it for you, Jack piped up.
Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO

Thanks, Jack! I yelled to him as he ran off.

A few minutes later, Jack came back carrying something that looked like my friend
Natalies second grade Halloween costume.
Here is the dress, Jack said as he handed it to me. The dress was beige with white lace
on the end of the sleeves and a white apron tied around the middle.
Try it on. You can just put it over your normal clothes.
I slipped the dress on. The dress felt itchy on the sleeves where the lace was.
What do you think? Jack asked.
Definitely not what Im used to! I answered.
Itll take some time getting used to, but after a while it will feel like your regular
clothes. After all, clothes are just clothes, whether they are from the future or not. Now, should
we get to the town meeting? We might be a little bit late but thats okay,Jack said.
As we walked along the gravel path towards the meeting house, we saw many men and boys who
were dressed like Mohawk Indians. What could that be for? I was sure it wasnt Halloween.
Here it is! said Jack. We stopped in front of a building a little bit larger than the other
ones. Before we even got onto the steps of the meeting house, we heard someone saying that a
lot of men and boys were going to dress up like Native Americans and dump tea from three ships
into the harbor. Earlier, I also heard many people complain about the taxes on tea so I guessed
that they were probably doing this to rebel against the taxes that the British tried to collect from
the colonists. Wait a minute! Taxes? Tea? I couldnt believe it! What I was about to witness was
one of the most famous events in American history, the Boston Tea Party! All of a sudden, I had
an idea.
Jack, remember when your dad said a journeyman has to be brave and ambitious? This
would be a perfect opportunity to prove that you are both of those things! After all, it does take a
lot of courage to go onto one of those boats and dump tea into the harbor, I said confidently.
Im not so sure about this. What if something goes wrong? asked Jack, clearly worried.
Come on! Itll be fine! Plus, you will get to become a journeyman. Isnt that what youve
always wanted? I insisted.
I guess so. Can you come down to the wharf with me?
I would be happy to!

Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO


When we got down to the wharf, my whole body was shaking with excitement. I watched
as Jack got onto one of the ships. He seemed just as excited as I was.
Bye, Lucy! Jack said as he sprinted towards the ships.
Suddenly, there was a huge splash. The first chest of tea had been dumped into the
Boston Harbor. Two of the largest men had thrown it overboard. Soon, everybody else started
heaving chests of tea into the harbor. I had read about the Boston Tea Party, but actually being
there was a whole different experience. I watched in awe as the harbor got turned into one giant
cup of tea. It was amazing what patriots would do to fight for their rights and protest against high
taxes that King George of England put on the tea. Behind the ship Jack was on, there were two
other ships that were taking part in the Boston Tea Party. It looked like more than a hundred
people joined in. I also recognized famous people like Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, John
Hancock, and John Adams. Can you imagine seeing Paul Revere in real life?
Then, something didnt go as planned. I saw Jacks dad walking up to the wharf. I
expected him to yell for Jack to get off the boat, but instead he just stood there with his mouth
wide open. I waited to see what he would do. All he did was stand there, with his mouth still
hanging open. I realized that maybe there was one flaw in our brilliant plan: Jacks dad finding
out about it. Clearly, he had absolutely no idea what his son had been up to! I hoped Jack would
be brave enough to tell his dad what happened and why he was on a boat dumping English tea
into the harbor. It had already been at least an hour so how much longer could it last? Jacks dad
would find out the truth soon enough.
But then, I found out that soon wasnt exactly soon enough. The dumping of the tea
lasted three hours. And according to my count, 342 chests of tea were dumped into the harbor.
That much tea would have cost more than one and a half million dollars! Finally, Jack got off the
boat and walked towards me and his dad.
Dad, its not what it looks like. I wasnt taking part in some protest for the sake of
protesting. I wanted to prove to you that I can be brave and ambitious. Come on, now there is no
reason for you to say no to me becoming a journeyman! Right? Jack said.
Son, I know when you are ready. Now is just not the time. Once you have a little bit
more skill, then you can become a journeyman. You just have to know why Im not letting you
to do it now. Its not because Im unfair, its just because I know when the time is right. Now,
who is this? said Jacks dad.
Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO

Hi, Im Lucy. I came from the future. I traveled here in a time machine. My whole trip
was kind of a mistake, but Im glad I came. I blurted out in a hurry. Just please dont tell
anybody about this, I added.
Really? asked Jacks dad. He looked at me like I had five heads.
Lucy, I think you might want to get back to that time machine before your parents
realize you are gone. Thank you for helping me, said Jack.I will walk you back to Faneuil
OK! Thanks for all of the fun! I said as I took one last look at the ships in the harbor. I
guess the party was over.
We walked back to Faneuil Hall and after saying a quick goodbye to Jack I made my way up the
stairs and onto the roof. I sprinted for my time machine, jumped in and. nothing happened. It
wouldnt start. Now what? I cant just stay in colonial times forever!
Jack! Wait! I yelled. He turned around. He looked confused when he saw me sitting in
the time machine and not going anywhere.
Whats wrong? asked Jack.
My time machine broke. Waityoure a clockmaker. Maybe you could fix the clock
that powers the time machine! Your dads shop isnt too far. If we run there, I can make it back
to 2014 before the museum closes! I exclaimed.
Lets go! said Jack.
It wasnt long until we were running up the steps of the clockmakers shop.
You can leave the clock here. Ill go get the gears I had yesterday, said Jack as he
rushed around the shop. Here it is! He pulled out the wagon of gears.
Ill take off the back of the clock so you can see whats inside, I said as I pried open the
Jack took out the gears and started quickly replacing them with new ones.
Whats wrong with it? I asked curiously.
A small screw from the golden grasshopper was stuck between two gears. Do you want
to keep it as a souvenir from your trip? he asked as he held out the golden screw.
Of course! I said as I took the screw from Jack.
Youd better get back to Faneuil Hall. Have a safe trip home! Jack said.
Thanks for all your help, Jack! I gave him a big hug.
Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO

As I turned around, I saw Jacks dad standing in the doorway.

You fixed Lucys time machine? he asked. Maybe you are ready to become a
journeyman after all.
Really? Thanks so much, Dad! said Jack smiling ear-to-ear.
You did it Jack! I exclaimed with excitement. I wish I could stay and celebrate with
you, but Id better get back to the future.
I sprinted as fast as I could back to Faneuil Hall. I went up the stairs, through the window
and jumped into the time machine. I quickly put the clock back in its place and set the time
machine for 2014.
Ding! I was back at the museum.
Excuse me, Miss. Please dont sit in the time machine. We dont want any accidents,
said a security guard.
Sorry, I said as I walked out of the museum.
Nice dress, by the way! said the guard.
As I looked down, I realized that I still had my beige colonial dress on. I reached in my pocket
and felt the tiny screw from the golden grasshopper. A tiny memory from my journey to 1773.
The End

Emily Yamaguchi, Grade 5, LO



This is the sad, sad diary of Sarah Roth. This story has a sad tale but a happy

Dear Diary,
Today was a very eventful day, but not in a good way. For some reason Anne and I were excused
from class much earlier than usual. It was sad for my teacher that I was leaving but I did not
know why. She just had that look in her eyes.

After school I went to the tailor to pick up my dress with the lavender flowers but there
was a sign in the window which scared me a lot! The sign said VERBODEN VOOR JODEN which
means Jews are forbidden . Anne and I are both jewish.

Ava Zandri, Grade 4, LO

I am now safe and sound at home with my sister Naomi, mother, and father. I must go
now, the light turned on in my parents bedroom. Mother will probably check on Naomi and I
who share a room. I am not supposed to be awake, much less writing in my diary because of
how late it is!

Dear Diary,

Your friend,


This morning at breakfast my father told my sister and I that we were moving. A part of
me didnt want to believe it but another part of me was jumping for joy.
What about Anne? I asked. When will I get to see her again ?
That is what I wanted to tell you dear, said my father, Naomi will you please
go comfort your mother? She did not take the move very well.
Yes father. My sister replied.
As I was saying, Anne and her family are also moving. They will
not be in the same apartment building as us anymore or even very close
by. my father told me.
But father Anne is my best friend I wont survive a day without her!
I yelled at him. I just yelled at my father. I have never yelled at him befor. I was proud of myself
but I was also scared for myself. Whenever I did something bad I got a spanking and a hard one
at that!
Enough, he screamed What is done is done! Now eat your egg or it will get cold.
So I ate, and ate, and ate until I did not have one crumb on my plate. I did not want to
get into even more trouble by not eating all of my food!

So now I am in my room writing this. I wish I could go to school but mother and father
said that I should stay home this week. I wonder if Anne is at home because if she is I might be
able to go to her house.


Your Friend,


Dear Diary,

Father said I could not go to Annes house because we had to pack for the move. I was
very disappointed about that but I was also disappointed that I could only bring one bag of my
favorite things. So, I just finished up packing. I packed a hair brush, my tooth brush, one dress,
Ava Zandri, Grade 4, LO

(the one with lavender flowers) one pair of stockings, one pair of slippers, and one pair of
sneakers. I also packed two nightgowns and other things I would rather not list. I had to leave
behind a lot, but I knew we would come back for it later. For some reason mother gave it to
Maria, our neighbor, to deliver it to the new house. Mother said that before we move in, we
need a basement. So instead of moving in tomorrow that we would move the following day. She
also said that we would have a small basement but it would be big enough that we could fit
some beds, cupboards, and other necessities. I wanted to ask what the other things were, but I
knew that I shouldn't.
Your Friend,
Dear Diary,

Sorry that I did not write yesterday but I was at the homeless shelter giving away some
food. I did not know why we were giving them food because mother only goes to the grocery
store on Mondays and Tuesdays, and today was Thursday. So that means we will only have
canned items for three days and mother might not go to the store Monday or Tuesday because
of the move. I was hungry all day today because I hate beans, soup, and any other canned item
that we have in our house.

Today was also moving day!!! I was very nervous about the house because father said
that Naomi and I will still have to share a room because of how small it will be. So, I think it will
be very small, but I am not positive. Well, I have to go because my ink is dying out.

Your Friend

Dear Diary,

We just moved in yesterday and guess what? I was right, the house is not even a
house! It is a barn! And it looks so old and abandoned that I bet it was made in 1890. That was
over 20 years ago!
The whole family lives in the new basement and it smells like dirt and sweat. All I can see is cots
and cupboards. I think that there are bugs down here but I am not sure. The sheets on the cots
are really dirty and smell like sweat and tears.I can hears people talking outside the barn
because of how thin the walls are.

Ava Zandri, Grade 4, LO

Naomi is annoying me right now so I have to go yell at her. I will write more tomorrow.

Your Friend,


Dear Diary,

Today I found out the reason that we moved. We are in hiding from the Nazis. I am very
frightened. My parents said that this is only until we can escape and go to America, but I know
that they meant until we get taken away or maybe even be killed. Now I know why everything
has been happening. Why I got kicked out of school, why we had to have beds and other things
in the basement, why we gave away our food, and why I can never see Anne again. I dont know
what will happen next but one thing's for sure, nothing will ever be the same.

Dear Diary,

Your Friend,


I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night, because I was too scared to even shut my eyes
except for 2:00 A.M. when I fell asleep for what felt like two minutes but was really four hours!
Naomi really startled when me when she whispered WAKE UP! in my tired ear. I wanted her to
go away, but I could never tell a four year old that! Well anyway, today mother told us the plan
for the next couple of days, which is supposedly until they find a way to get to America without
anyone seeing us.
I am always hungry because all we have to eat is four rotten bananas, two apples, soup,
and beans. But even though life is hard, I have it good compared to other Jews.

Dear Diary,

Your Friend,


Today Father told us that we were taking the next boat from Amsterdam to the United
Kingdom. Then we will take an airplane to the United States. I was so excited, and Naomi was
too! The boat will come Thursday and we will get on at 11:32 P.M. Today was Tuesday. I cannot

Ava Zandri, Grade 4, LO

wait to get out of this stuffy, old barn. I just want to let you that I might not be writing for a few
days because we need to do lots of things before we go.
Your Friend,

Dear Diary,

We have finally settled done in our new home. It feels weird in America.
I had my first day of American school today, and it was really hard but not because of math or
history. It was because of my lack of English. The only things I can say In english are Hello,
Goodbye, I, things, person and lesson. I made one friend in school today. Her name was Marina.
She loves to read and write just like me. Also, we both came to America from Amsterdam so, I
guess we can take on this New World together.
I miss Anne a lot, I really do, and even though I am not with her in person she will always
be in my heart from this day on.

The end is not always the end!

Ava Zandri, Grade 4, LO

The True
Meaning Of Gold
By: Arietta Hallock

I felt the brittle pine bark under my sap covered hands. This was my favorite place to sit
and feel the warm breeze of the Californian Mountains. Below me, a long row of miners grabbed
pickaxes and shovels and proceeded into the mine like a colony of ants going into their mound. I
didnt like the inside of the mine. Even on the hottest days, it was dark and cold. As I was busily
watching, a loud cracking noise pierced through the humid, sticky afternoon air and startled me. I
could feel the limb underneath me begin to give way. My heart was beating harder now.

Arietta Hallock Fifth Grade LO

Suddenly, The branch snapped. I fell straight towards the ground and I let out a quick scream,
Help! Papa! he looked up but it was too late.
Grasping at the air, I made a useless attempt to catch my fall. Once I hit the ground, my whole
body ached. I tried my best to bring my steady heartbeat back.Wincing, I struggled to my feet
and walked towards Rockpoint Stream where Papa was picking through some sediment in his
dented pan. I ran up to a big rock and sat, contently dangling my dirty feet above the still water.
That was quite the fall. He smiled at me and rubbed my stinging elbow. I dipped my toe into
the water and felt it soothe my tired body. I watched the neverending ripples as they got smaller
and smaller until the water was back to being still as glass. He stroked his unkempt beard and
washed all the muck out of his pan, leaving a cloudy mess that turned the clear glass-like water
brackish. The way he shook his head, I could tell he was stressed. You better go in the shade,
hun.Youre turnin red. He reached up and rubbed my cheek with his rough hand. Go help
your Mama. We hadnt gotten any gold for the past month. But, Papa said that if you were to
find gold, a day with still water was the time to do it.
I climbed down from the rock and slowly walked to the house, holding my sore back. I
went right outside behind the cabin to find Mama struggling to pump the rusty handle of our well
up and down. A slow stream of water poured out into a water pail. She hoisted the bucket up
onto her shoulder and began to bring it to feed our beagle, Clyde. It wasnt until then that she
noticed me standing at her side, my homespun dress torn and dirty. I picked dried pine needles
out of my brown hair. Smiling, she put her hands on her hips and shook her head. Climbin
again? You know I dont want you goin that high. You never listen! Go help Papa with his
panning. she swatted me away and sighed.
Yes maam. I muttered, and sulked back out towards the shed.

Arietta Hallock Fifth Grade LO

I went and picked up a rusty pan out of Papas tumbledown shed and proceeded toward the
stream. I swayed the pan full of mud around on the surface of the water. I squinted in
anticipation to see what gold there was on the bottom of the pan, but it was left empty. I
disappointedly walked towards the pine tree. Gramps was whistling On Top of Old Smokey
and I could hear it echo out of the mine and flow into the air. I watched him stroll right out of the
mine shaft and into daylight. He stopped for a moment and coughed, then kept right on going
towards the house. Gramps! I called out. He halted and looked all around him before his jolly
eyes met mine.
Tara! he smiled and walked towards me, his arms out stretched. I gave him a good
squeeze and then we turned around and walked toward the stream.
Once we got there I knelt down and felt the the cool water slip through my grimy hands.
I picked at the gravel at the bottom of the stream.Then suddenly, something shiny caught my
eye. I dug up a piece of gold that was the size of a quarter. My hazel eyes widened. I handed it to
Gramps Gold! Yipee! Well be richer than ol Mister Sutter! He skipped inside and I was not
slow to follow.
That night we had extra bread with our chicken and dumplings. Once we had all gone out
to the outhouse and I had soaked in the basin, I curled up in my straw bed and drifted off to sleep
under the nights heavy blanket of darkness.
I woke up to the sound of the black-capped chickadee singing its upbeat song and Clyde
barking at a nearing horses. I ran to the window and watched a fancy horse and carriage as it
rambled up our rut filled driveway. It made me want to jump with joy whenever I saw one of
those marvels. I slipped on my gray dress and skipped down the stairs with anticipation of who
was inside. There was a knock on the door. A short man with a mustache that curled at the tips

Arietta Hallock Fifth Grade LO

emerged. His plump stomach was so big it could have burst out of his fancy dress shirt. I was a
little disappointed that a fancy woman of royalty did not come knocking, but I guessed he would
do. Papa rushed to hang up his coat for him and shake his hand like a gentleman.
He abruptly commanded, Now, no time to dilly-dally. Lets get right down to businessWhere is the gold? He began playing with the end of his little curled mustache and tapping his
chubby fingers on our kitchen table. At that, Papa rushed into the bedroom and came out with the
smooth rock enclosed in a delicate velvet cloth. He sophisticatedly handed it over to him (Who
my dad later told me was a wealthy merchant he had seen in town named Mr. OFare). Gramps
sat at the kitchen table and watched as the man took a long look at the gold. He bit it and even
sniffed it! Then suddenly, in a face of disgust, he gingerly shoved it back into Papas hands.
I cant believe I traveled all this way for a little piece of fools gold! But, since I am here,
I will buy it for ten cents at the highest! Conversation over! He reluctantly traded the coin for
the gold and stomped out the door. I watched him jump in the carriage and his driver sped away.
Tears burning in my eyes, I ran up to the foot of the pine tree and began to climb. I reached the
top and wondered how we would ever pay off our debt now. My heart had been stabbed by a
sharp blade just because of that worthless gold.
The next day, once I had eaten my oatmeal and Papa had left to drill in the mine, I ran out
to milk our cow, Lornie. Then, I saw a newspaper blowing off the bench near the entrance to the
mine. I quickly snatched it. I looked at the front cover.Written in bold print on center page was:


I gaped at the paper for a long time. I should have known that OFare was no good. That
fool! A burning sensation started in the pit of my stomach like hot lava. I wanted to scream and
shout, but instead I just sat there and let the magma boil inside. I half-walked, half-stomped to

Arietta Hallock Fifth Grade LO

the big rock over Rockpoint stream. My angry, yelling voice echoed over the rolling hills. I lie
down and felt the heat of the sun on my freckled face. I didnt get it. The water trickled slowly
down over the stones and logs in the stream. It made the burning lava in my stomach cool down
and seem to drift out of me with each of my deep breaths. Tara? Where are you? I could hear
Gramps call out. I knew it was time for lunch. I ran past the pine tree, past Clyde licking up some
raw egg from his bowl, and into our log cabins door. We ate beef and barley soup - which was,
to me, a delicacy.Gramps, Mama, and Papa were waiting for me. There was a small felt bag tied
with string on the kitchen table. Open it I gently untied the string and unfolded the fabric. I
cradled a whittled piece of oak shaped like a heart on a pink string.
We made it ourselves. Papa exclaimed lovingly.

I carefully tied the two strings on the back of my neck and rubbed it between my fingers. It
seemed to fit perfectly with my dress. Thank you. Its beautiful. I gazed at it for a moment and
then jumped into all of their arms at once and took a deep breath of the smell of dynamite and
Mamas world famous lemon soap. Then, I knew there was one thing worth more than gold - my
family. I didnt need gold to be happy. In fact, Id say I already had something worth just as
much - standing there making memories with my family.

Arietta Hallock Fifth Grade LO


Emily DeVoe
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

Hi Im Mikaela and before I get started on the story, here are some things you should
know about me. I always wear a cloth dress with a bandana tied across the top of my head. We
live in a small town of Auburn, Maine. I am an adventurous and spunky 10-year-old girl. I go to
Portland Academy, and I always take the train into Portland. Finally, my father passed about 2
years ago, and I seem like the only person in the family who still cares. Anyway, he was a soldier
in the Spanish American war in 1898 and got shot during the last year of the war. I dont get
along with my mean older sister or my cry baby younger sister and dont feel loved by anyone
else in my family other then my dad, and he is gone. It seems like the only thing my Aunt May
and my mom care about is clothes. Have you heard of a more ridiculous thing than that? So I
basically just mope around the house or stay locked up in my room 24-7. Oh yeah, and Im really
excited because it is the last day of school before summer vacation. I cant wait to not have to
ride that stinkbug to school every day with my sisters. I dont know what's worse being yanked
by my older sister, or having to sit next to my younger sister whos always complaining about
something. From Auburn to Portland on a train it would take 1 hour. I have to deal with this
nonsense for an hour on the train each day. For some reason I am always remembering the good
old days when it was just me, my father, and the outside world. My teacher seemed to notice
that and was always trying to help me but I never told my teacher why I wasnt acting like my
normal self. My teacher told me to write down what I missed the most about my father. At first I
didnt write anything down until Mr. Chubs threatened to call my mom. So this is what I wrote,
when my father was alive we used to go exploring in the woods behind our house and when he
died I didnt dare step into those woods. The final bell rang and I handed my paper to Mr. Chubs
and he said to have a nice summer vacation.
August 22, 1900
I spent most of the summer in my room and there was only 5 weeks left of school. My
mother called Mikaela would you come down here please, I have an announcement to make.
Coming mother, I called back. I walked down the winding staircase that led into the
living room and when I reached the dining room my mother welcomed me and said,
We will be going on a trip to end the summer.
Where, where, where, asked my younger sister Kelsey.
Were going to Galveston Bay, said mother.
Where's that? questioned Kelsey.
What kind of a dumbo doesnt know that? asked my older sister Samantha.
Now Samantha dont be rude shes only in Kindergarten. Back to your question
Kelsey, Galveston is in Texas, we leave tomorrow so pack your stuff.
My mother always wore fancy stuff just like her sister whom I call Aunt May. She also
convinced my sisters to wear fancy stuff, she tried to convince me but it didnt work. Take that
mother! But of course I only said that in my head so nobody else heard me gloating. I made my
way up the spiral staircase and on my way up I heard Samantha criticizing my clothes, but I
pretended not to notice. When I finally reached the top of the stairs I went into my room and I
Emily DeVoe
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

packed 4 cloth dresses, my crystal rock, and my stuffed bear. All of those things were from my
father. These things were my favorite things and nothing can replace them. The reason there are
so important is because these are the only material things I have in memory of him. Of course I
brought my journal along as well. I couldnt imagine a 5 week guilt trip without my journal.
I just have this strange feeling inside of me that something about this trip will make the
true me come out of its shell.
August 23, 1900
The next morning we arrived at the train station and handed the man our ticket, we took
our seats just before the conductor called that we were leaving. From our home state in Maine,
Texas is pretty far away. It took almost an entire 2 weeks to ride all the way there. I was b-o -r-ed on that train ride there was nothing to do but sit there, eat, or sleep. Im getting pretty bored of
doing all of those things and I guess I was complaining more than I thought I was because my
mom told me to hush up or shed tape my mouth up until we got there. So I hushed up. The
days seemed to drag on forever. I was surprised that I didnt die of boredom on that ride. When
we finally arrived I was stunned about how much nicer Galveston was then Auburn.
As I got of the dull gray train the big bright sun nearly blinded me! Bright flowers
surrounded me, shiny new buildings, gorgeous train stations. The whole city was as nice as the
finest gold. The warmth and the nice breeze blowing into my face felt amazing. Big buildings
made out of oak planks, and the small ones made out of the most fabulous bricks. The windows
lined with beautiful lace curtains, and dont even get me started about how beautiful the beaches
were and how the ocean was clean. Back in Auburn all of the beaches were rocky and not very
clean. But here the sand was as smooth as a diamond and not even a single thing in that ocean
other than the people. The phenomenal restaurants near the beaches, and what a fabulous little
shopping town! I could tell that my mom wanted to go into ALL of these stores! Even more
spectacular was the hotel! It had a spiral top with a little, well not little, huge poll on the top.
There were 40 floors each a wonderful room with 2 beds, a pull out couch and huge glass
windows. If you went to the final floor you could see the entire city. The sun was just starting to
set and the city lights came on and it looked like an amusement park. I knew that once I stepped
off that dull, dull, dull train this scenery would change the thought of coming on this what I used
to call 5 week guilt trip. What can I say? It was really something! Before I knew it I was standing
in front of the most beautiful hotel. It was made out of the most finest spruce wood planks and
the nails werent in zig zag lines, they were in perfect straight lines.The lights made the silver
nails sparkle. I couldn't believe that such a magical thing could happen in such a short period of
time. I cant believe that I ever had doubts about this trip. I was crystal clear that this trip was
definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I saw the look in my familys eyes I
knew that they were thinking the same thing I was thinking. The only words that managed to
come out of my mouth was the word WOW. This amazing scenery took my mind off my
father. Like I said before it was really something.
Emily DeVoe
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

September 8, 1900
After we settled, I asked my mother if I could explore the beach. Heres the deal, you
need to be back in 1 hour, mother told me.
Fine by me, I responded. My mother wished me good luck and just like that I was off. I let
the September breeze blow into my face then I felt a breeze stronger than Ive ever felt before. I
looked up at the sky the clouds in the air looked identical to the clouds that the hurricane forms. I
realized that they were hurricane clouds and I ran back into the hotel and opened the door
panting. Mom, Samantha, Kelsey Aunt May we need to go theres a huge hurricane coming! I
Youre out of your mind honey, mom said.
Now youve really lost it, feather brain, scolded Samantha
I thought you were smarter than this Mikaela, Aunt May told her.
My entire family swarmed around me like they were bees and I was the flower. It was
like they were fighting over the flower, and it got ugly real quick. No you dont understand we
really have to go, I sobbed. Come on! As I ran out the door I think I could hear my family
saying she just wants attention but I knew that was just in my mind. Aunt May looked out the
window and saw the hurricane coming, she ran out the door before she could say that I was
telling the truth. I thought my family was right behind me, but they werent. It was too late to go
back. I kept running, and running. I didnt turn back, and that was the hardest thing I ever had to
do. I found some people walking around the town I tried to warn them but they didn't listen.
Most of them said Youre just some crazy ten-year-old and the others did not respond. So I
kept running with Jules close behind. I warned everybody I saw, but they didn't listen. Well they
totally paid the price for that! The storm surge came in and started flooding the city.
Mikaela help! called Aunt May. I looked behind me, and what I saw was Aunt May
getting sucked up by the wall of water! Hurricanes always scared me so adventuring in one is
something I would dread to do but what choice did I have? Aunt May must of seen the look in
her eye because she said Just go. Tears came into my eyes but I kept running. I ran until I
couldnt even get a glimpse of the wall of water.
September 9, 1900
I sheltered under a tree for the night, not sure of what to do and the winds picked up to
about 142 miles per hour! Half of me was thinking I need to search for Aunt May, the other half
of me was thinking I should just stay here and eventually she would find me. I made up my mind
and decided to search for her because I wasnt all that sure that she would come back for me.
That decision took me an entire day to decide and before I knew what to do it was morning.
September 10, 1900
Before I could start searching for Aunt May she appeared with sopping wet clothes
Aunt May, I screamed with excitement.
Emily DeVoe
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

Hi sugar replied Aunt May wrapping her arms around me.

Wheres mom, Samantha and Kelsey, asked Mikaela couriosly.
Im sorry to say but
But what? I questioned.
Well they stayed in the hotel and died because of the wall of water and the high winds
tore the hotel right down, bricks dumped on their heads like sledge hammers, Aunt May
explained but I hardly understood her because she was talking so fast but I heard the general idea
of THAT sentence.
Oh I replied with tears running down my face
I cant believe they didnt believe me, I said.
It will be all right, Aunt May said. Well go back to the hotel and see if we can find
anything that belongs to us, then we will go back to Maine, she explained. We went back to the
hotel and it was like a horror movie, well the whole city looked like a horror movie. I went from
beautiful to just as destroyed as Auburn is! Anyway, it was really hard to search because all of
the shattered bricks, nails, and wooden planks. Aunt May managed to find her diamond necklace
and I found my teddy bear. But we forgot about the train. Aunt May said that she saw a train
station when they went through Austin. So we walked all the way to the station and explained the
problem to the man behind the counter. He didnt seem eager to help, but just as we began to
leave the owner said it would be fine for them to loan them some tickets. She also apologized for
two things 1. she said she was sorry for our loss and she said that she was sorry about Joe (the
man behind the counter) being so rude. Aunt May thanked the owner, and hopped on the train
with a strong grip around my wrist and just like that we made our way home. I should have just
stuck with my gut, because the second I didnt things went haywire.
September 24, 1900
These last few weeks have been harder than normal, but even though I lost my entire
family Aunt May has been really supportive and has helped me get through it. Also Im doing
something Ive never thought I would do, I bonded with my Aunt May, and it turns out that we
have a lot in common. More than I thought . Some things I found out about her was that she used
to love to explore back when she was a kid but she wasnt allowed to any more because they
made a law stating all girls were required to wear poofy dresses and werent allowed to explore
because it was un- lady like. Where was I again? Oh yeah I was at the part where my Aunt
May suggested we should call the hurricane Hurricane Galveston because the first place it hit in
the U.S.A was Galveston and I totally agreed. Aunt May apologized to me and said that none of
this would've happened if they had just believed me. I wrapped my arms around my Aunt and
she knew that meant apology accepted. I thought it couldn't have been any worse, you know
because I lost my whole family and all. Aunt May must have seen the look on my face because
the look on her face said at least we have each other. I smiled for the first time in a long, long
time. The thing that made me feel super was she said that I was special for not needing
Emily DeVoe
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

equipment to predict the hurricane. It was the first time I felt special since my father passed
Twenty years later Mikaela became the first meteorologist and now everybody knows when
dangerous storms are coming. And you can thank Mikaela for that one!


Emily DeVoe
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary

By Lauren Zhu

I stepped out of the bus into the warm air. It still felt like summer. My flowing orange
tank top swayed with the gentle warm breeze.
Isnt it such a nice day to go on a field trip? That was my best friend, Macy. As for her,
well, she has short black hair. She designs a lot of her clothes. Today she was wearing a white Tshirt with silver stars. I remember that she decorated that shirt by just drawing a messy M on the
back. Her blue shorts went really well with it.
Yep, I answered. We were going on a field trip to the observation deck on the South
Tower. I did some research about the Twin Towers and found that they were once the tallest
buildings in the world. Can you believe that? I cant. I looked up, the Twin Towers glass
windows reflected the sunlight to make them look like they were shimmering.
We walked through the doors. It was only Tuesday, yet there were still so many people. I
couldnt wait to get up there and look over the World Trade Center as if I owned it. Yet, it would
take hours. There were at least four times as many tourists in front of us than the number of kids
in my class. I didnt realize that soon, 2,606 of these people would be soon dead.
I became restless. We were only here for twenty minutes. More like twenty hours! I
checked my watch. It was 8:45. There was a rumbling noise outside of the building. It was not
loud, but everyone heard it. Announcements came on.
Attention please, the North Tower was struck by a plane. The South Tower is secure. If
you are to exit, please go to the mezzanine level. Follow the people in dark gray uniforms.
Otherwise, you may stay put.
My teacher, Miss Evar thought for a bit and told my class, Everyone, we will leave this
building. Lets follow the security guards.

Miss Evar told us it was just like a fire drill and that we should form a line in an orderly
fashion. I was number eighteen, so I stood toward the back. Unfortunately, the tourists were way
ahead of us. It took a while to get in a quiet line.
Out the door there was a bridge. It took three long minutes with pushing and shoving.
There was a thin layer of dust on the windows. Once in a while you could spot a flame in the
distance. When we were across the bridge we entered another building. It looked nice but I knew
I couldnt stay long. I walked as fast as I could over the luxurious floor. Soon I was out the doors
into the true world. A world of fright.
The noise was deafening. What just happened, you might ask? The announcer from the
South Tower was wrong. The South Tower was NOT secure. It was just hit by another plane.
Smoke billowed out. The smell was like a huge pie burning in a thousand pound oven.
Everywhere I looked, I saw people in shock, staring up at the explosion. I even saw some people
staggering out of the buildings, sticky with dirt and sweat. The crackling fire was even louder
than a stadium filled with Yankee and Red Sox fans. Everyone on the street was deadly still, as if
the Ice Queen from Narnia turned everyone to stone. I was frozen in fear. I started to tell myself
none of this was real. That instead of going to the World Trade Center, we would go to
somewhere more fun, like an amusement park. My annoying sister went to tons of places when I
wasnt born yet I felt a hard tug on my shoulder. My mind snapped back to reality. It was

Layla! Come on! We are going to die if we dont get out of here! I loved her for that.
She gave me courage to move on, so we ran, holding each other.
So... Much... Smoke! I coughed.
Oh no you dont. You are NOT going to die on me! I could hear the hard edge in her
voice. She must have been really frustrated that I was slowing her down.
Everyone was pushing each other out of the way so they could survive. Probably the only
people that sacrificed themselves to help others were the firefighters and police. If it werent for
Macys selflessness I would be- Noooooo! I had lost Macys grip. Macy?! Everything went
I opened my eyes to see a woman in white, tending to my arm. I heard a soft scream.
Who was that? It sounded like a girl. It took me a while for me to realize it was me.
I was at a stage for the injured. I am not hurt! There was a nurse bandaging my arm. My
arm! I realized that my arm had a sharp pain throbbing back and forth.
Hi, the nurse said softly.Just so you know, you have a couple of kind of deep scrapes.
What? I asked her.
It all happened so suddenly. The streets were chaotic. There was even more deadly
smoke. I tried to look back at the South Tower, but there was too much fatal smoke. Everyone
was coughing up a storm.
Smoke was another thing. Something that choked you to death. Something that was
everywhere.Coughing. Yelling. Pushing. Shoving. There was too much broken glass. Anyone
could get hurt. The smoke and dust blocked everyones view of everything. Anyone could get

deep cuts from the sharp glass that closed in on us. It was more that glass. Debris encircled our
small world.
Lower Manhattan was crowded with people. Probably everyone was still scared to death
of the accident. I found my class when Katie was screaming my name like a maniac.
LAYLA!!! LAYLA!!! LAYLA!!! she screamed. I could almost hear polar bears from
the North Pole growling because it was so loud. I bet they were stuffing their ears with snow to
drown out the sound. Since she was so loud, I found her, and the rest of the class easily.
Everyone, except Macy. I ran quickly to the class. Katie hugged me.
Where is Macy?! I asked as soon as I stepped away from the embrace.
I have no idea, She answered. Im just glad youre alive. Some of the chaperones went
looking for missing kids. As far as I know, Macy is the only one missing. I think she got lost
when the South Tower collapsed.
Yea,I replied softly. The thought of the crash was dreadful. It was like it just happened.
Smoke everywhere. Dust. Glass. Screams. Explosions. Losing Macy. I replayed the scene over
and over again. I needed to find her.
I ran from the class. Katie saw me too.
Hey, where are you going? She asked. I just ran. I only took a quick peek behind me.
Katie looked me square in the eye. I turned away.
It felt as if I searched the whole island. The only thing I said was, excuse me, or
pardon me. After I began to give up, I saw a shimmering M on the back of a white T-shirt.
Only one name came to my mind. Macy.

I ran, faster than I ever did before. I didnt bother say anything to the people around me.
So they were getting shoved be an eleven-year old. I needed to get to Macy. I needed to feel like
I wasnt alone. I needed her.
I finally got to her. Then, I realized that her shirt wasnt sparkling like I thought in the
distance, it was covered with dust. Dirty dust. She had bandages covering her ankle.
Macy, I said softly. She quickly turned around.
Layla! She gasped.
Are you okay? I asked her.
I just got some deep cut from glass. Achoo!!! I remembered that she was allergic to
dust. Only then did I realize that when I was still in Manhattan, everyone looked like dust
zombies. I shuddered at the thought.
Come on, lets get back to the class, I saw them.
Again, Katie screamed my name, only this time, she called Macys name too. Now the
penguins were complaining. When we got to the group of kids, Katie quickly squashed the life
out of us. Minutes later, Miss Evar counted us. Everyone was here. The parents that came to help
out were back. We went on a boat to Brooklyn. We were going to meet the bus there. Soon we
were on the bus, going back to Mason Elementary School. That night, I told everything to my
family. My older sister was so freaked out, she went right to her room.
Ruby, stay for the last part, its the best! I called to her. It took a while, but she finally
came back down. I told the rest of the story.
Now, I almost relive that moment every day. I still remember it. I wish I could banish it to
the back of my mind, and keep it there forever. If only I could forget that disastrous day.
If only

Fix It!
by Eloise Gall
Grade 4
Loudonville Elementary School

The sound of horse pulled carriages woke me up. It was always like that. I was always
the first to wake up, then I wake up the rest of my family. I also love being around Chestnut.
Chestnut is our pony. She pulls our carriage. She is very gentle and kind, but she can become
impatient. Chestnut is the best. It is a cool March morning in 1889. March 31, 1889 to be exact

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

(I like to be exact). It was 7:16 in the morning. I sat up on my bed in Paris, France. Paris is my
Laura, my father called. I have to go and mom will be coming as well. Bye. Both of
my parents had gotten picked as builders of the Eiffel Tower, which is going to be the worlds
tallest structure! Ever since July 1, 1887, theyve been working on it. It is really exciting to see
the progress of the tower.
I was quite surprised to see my parents still here. Usually they would have been gone by
now. Okay, I cried. We will be perfectly fine!
I had one brother named Tom who was six years old. I also had three-year-old twin
sisters named Hannah and Sarah. I am named Laura and am ten years old. I am afraid of
nothing. Well I guess I have to admit that Im scared of thunderstorms and probably a lot of
other things I dont know about. But lets just say Im only scared of thunderstorms.
Thunderstorms happened a lot last summer which was really annoying. I love being outside. I
like playing Snakes and Ladders with basically anyone. My best friend is Emma. She loves
playing Snakes and Ladders too ( especially with me).
Anyway, Im a very quiet girl. But even though Im quiet, it doesnt mean that Im not
active. Unlike my parents, I love doing risky stuff.
Being the oldest is hard sometimes. It is even harder these days when our parents are
gone most of the time. They usually leave really early in the morning and come home late at
night. Yesterday, Dad had said that they would finish very soon! I was responsible for Tom,
Hannah, and Sarah when Mom and Dad were not home. Crick! Crack! The fire crackled in the
fireplace. It was our heater and our only place that provided warmth. I dropped in a new piece
of wood. It started burning immediately. Breakfast was ready when I got to the kitchen. It is
always nice when I dont have to do it. I quickly woke up the others. Once they were awake,
Tom raced Hannah and Sarah to the play area. I think its really unfair since Tom is much older,
bigger, and faster. Tom threw himself down on Hannahs ball.
Laura, Hannah cried. Tom stole MY Ball!
Our family was poor and we could not afford factory made toys. A ball to us was fine
even if it was just a crumpled newspaper. Tom give back the ball. I said.
Tom sighed. Why does Hannah always get everything?
Because, I exclaimed. I said so. And when Mom and Dad are gone what I say goes.
Just then the door burst open. I spun around. Dad, I cried when I saw him standing there.
What are you doing?
Well, he answered. We finished! Its 2 months ahead of schedule. Isnt that
Well yes. Thats wonderful. But why are you here so early? I asked confused. Why
did you come back?
I told the people that my kids have been wanting to go up for a long time, Dad
answered. And so they told me I could bring my kids for a little while.
Really? I asked even though I knew he wasnt joking. I can climb up there and see
all of Paris?
Yes, Dad answered grinning from ear to ear. Lets go to the wagon.
Yay! Finally I was going to be allowed to go up on that tower.
Emmas going to be there as well, Dad said smiling at me. Emma is my best friend (I
probably already told you about her but I love talking about her). Her mom homeschools us.

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

At the top of the tower I met Emma. She was staring at a beam then at a paper. Hi! I
Oh, Emma cried as she spun around. She sounded quite upset. There you are.
Isnt it beautiful? I complimented.
Yeah, Emma said solemnly. But its wrong!
Wrong? I cried confused.
Emma nodded. Sssshhh, this beam see? She whispered. She pointed at a piece of
paper. Its the plan. I asked to see it.
Sure enough the beam was at the wrong spot. We have to do something! I exclaimed.
I dont want my parents to get in trouble!
Sssshhh, Emma whispered. I have a plan!
We had a pretty good plan - I would sneak out. Well, both of us. No matter what
happened. But worries began to flood over me. What if we got caught? What if people found
out before we fixed it? Would Mom and Dad get in trouble?
But my thoughts were interrupted by Emma. She carefully folded the plan and slipped it
into her pocket. Youre right, she said at a normal tone again. Its beautiful.
So, a voice behind me suddenly said. I spun around. Dad with Hannah, Sarah, and
Tom were standing there. You found your way up? Dad asked, though the answer was
Yeah, I told him. You think I got lost or something? There was an odd moment of
Its really beautiful, Emma exclaimed. But, there is this beam and-
Yeah, its like um, um its like um a different color. I stammered. It wasnt a good
idea to tell Dad about the misplaced beam. Emma seemed to have gotten the message.
That night I sat sleepily on my bed waiting for the right time to sneak out. Emma had
told me to be careful not to fall asleep. I was growing impatient and for about the 10th time I
slipped into my parents room. My dad rolled over a little, but with only little observation I
knew they were sound asleep. I checked Hannah, Sarah, and Tom, who were all asleep,
before I slipped out the door with a candle in my hand to light the way.
The breeze made my long brown hair dance as I set out towards Emmas house. Emmas
house and the Eiffel Tower were on the left bank of the Seine - the river. We lived on the right
side so I had no choice but to cross the river. Although there are about 30 bridges that cross the
river, we dont live near any of them. Usually I walked to the nearest bridge but tonight I did
not have the time. I had only one choice - swim. Swimming couldnt be so hard was it?
Quickly I set down the candle I had to light my way through the night. Laura, you can do this,
I told myself as I climbed down the stone wall into the icy cold water.
Aaah! I screeched as soon as my feet touched the water. I was about to keep
screaming but I managed to clap my hand over my mouth (which was not a good idea). I
certainly didnt want to wake up the whole street. Help, I cried helplessly as I slipped and
fell. SPLASH! I toppled down into the water. Luckily, I was not hurt.
Are you alright? A voice behind me said.
I spun around and nodded. Yeah, Im fine, I answered. Im just trying to get to the
other side.
Would you like a ride? The woman asked me. I own a boat and Id love to help you.

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

Yes, I would like that, I answered. Are you sure you dont want to go back to sleep
or something? I was hoping she would say she didnt mind bringing me over. I was freezing
like an icicle.
Oh its fine, she answered smiling. I always love to help around town. Theres
always things that need to be done and I dont mind doing them. Then she silently led me to
her boat. One problem less!
The ride was a smooth one. Since our family is poor, we dont have a boat. I wish we
did though. Usually I dont get to go around town without walking since our parents always use
the wagon to get to work. Before I knew it, we were at the other side.
Thanks, I shouted as she went back to her boat. Bye!
Oh, The woman cried from in her boat. Will you need a ride back?
I shook my head.
I stood in front of Emmas house shivering and took a deep breath. One wrong move and
there would be a lot of explaining to do. Carefully, I pushed the door. It wouldnt budge.
Emma had promised she would try to unlock the door, but I bet I know what happened.
Emmas parents must have gone to bed late. I understood. Emma fell asleep fast. And her
parents stayed up late and were sure the door was locked each night. Every single night, with no
exception. I sighed and looked around the house. Emma was hot often, so maybe she had left a
window open. But no, not a single window was open. I sadly shook my head, about to lose
hope. I turned around about to head home. A pony stuck her head out and then headed to the
back of her house. Just then I jumped up. I had an idea. I slipped to the back of the house. It
sure didnt seem like there was a window open back here, but as I squinted my eyes I noticed a
window opened a crack. I think I did. But sure enough, as I got closer, the window was
slightly open. I pushed it open a little more and hoisted myself inside. I hurried to Emmas
room ( that she shares with her sister Jane). Emma, I whispered. Its time!
Too early, Emma murmured in her sleep. Jane stirred in her sleep and I gasped. Jane
was a big tattletale, but only Emma woke up.
Emma, I whispered hoping Emma wouldnt make a huge sound. It's me Laura.
Weve got to fix the Eiffel Tower remember? Slowly Emma woke up.
Oh, She whispered. I know. I dont get woken up easily. Sorry. She quietly
changed into her daily dress and hat. Lets go!
Outside we headed towards the tower silently. So, how did you get across the river?
Emma asked. And, why are you dripping wet?
Well, I answered starting to feel stupid about trying to swim across that river. It was
cold. It was dangerous. I could have drowned. Ill only tell you the short version.
Okay, Emma eagerly said. Im listening, go on.
So, I began. I didnt know how to get across the river so I decided to swim.
Swim? Emma exclaimed. You dont even know how to swim and that is incredibly
I now felt more stupid than ever. I glanced up at the Eiffel Tower shining on all of Paris.
It was truly beautiful. But then I remembered why we were walking here taking this huge risk.
We had to fix the Eiffel Tower. Cmon, I cried. Lets pick up the pace.
Sure, Emma said seeming excited. Lets go. As we ran to the Eiffel Tower, I
finished explaining to Emma how I had gotten here.
What do we do now? Emma asked as we stood in front of the stairs of the tower.

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

Do you have the screwdriver? I answered. I hope you do. Its a pretty long walk
back to your house.
Emma nodded. See? She said as she pulled out the rusty tool but still digging in her
pocket. I also have the plan like I said I would. Or I think I have it.
Here it is, I said bending down to pick up a piece of paper on the ground. Good, we
have everything.
What do we do now? Emma asked yawning. I mean to fix it.
Its simple, I said enjoying being in charge. We just climb up all the stairs.
All of them? Emma cried surprised. We just did that this morning!
I nodded. All of them. I said grinning from ear to ear. Lets go!
So, Emma said as soon as we were on top. Now what? I peered out the window at
the city below. This construction was really amazing.
Now we fix it, I shouted. Its actually really obvious. A soft patter of rain began to
fall. Im sure it wont be that bad of rain, I hope so.
Listen! Emma suddenly whispered. I think its a thunderstorm.
A storm? I hollered. Aaaahhhh! Sure enough thunder rolled and lightning flashed.
Rain began to pour on my long brown hair! But I didnt care that I was getting wet. I was already
drenched. I cared about the storm. The lightning and thunder. Lets go back down! I hollered
above the racket of the storm. Its dangerous! I began to run down the stairs.
Laura, Emma called. Laura, come back! I think there is someone down there.
What? I called back. I was pretty sure that she was just joking around. Emmas like
that. What do you want? I didnt stop. I kept half running and half tripping over myself all the
way down to the bottom. I was running so fast I didnt notice an old man waiting at the bottom
of the stairs. I ran hard into him. Sorry, I cried barely even stopping to talk. But the man didnt
let me keep going. He put his hand in front of my body blocking the bottom of the stairs.
Stop, the man said loudly. You did not have permission to climb the
Eiffel Tower did you?
W-w-w-well n-n-not e-e-exactly, I stammered. He had short brown hair. He was
wearing a black suit and a beautiful hat. Just then I heard the noise of footsteps. I slowly turned
around. Emma was standing there as if she knew I was in trouble. I gave her those eyes that I
always gave her when I needed help. It was like a secret language. Emma immediately knew
what I meant.
Well, Emma began. Whos this? Did you find a new friend?
I knew very well that Emma was trying to do a plan of some sort. Emma was known for
that. I just was not sure what she was planning. Not exactly, I said as I glanced over at the man
who was standing there. He seemed quite surprised as well as upset. But at the same time he
looked kind and gentle.
Did you get invited here tonight? For your information no one is allowed up here. The
man said kindly.
And who are you? Emma replied without hesitating.
And what are you doing out here in the middle of the night? I added. The storm had
started to fade away and now there was only a light sprinkle of rain.
I am Emile Nouguier. He quickly replied. If you didn't know I am an engineer in
Gustave Eiffels company. He hired us which is really special. I played a key role in the
planning stages of the tower. Does that answer your question?

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

It does, Emma answered. Im pleased to meet you. But why are you out here so late?
We didnt wake you up did we?
No, you didn't wake me up. The answer is simple, Emile replied. I was woken up by
that thunderstorm. I looked out my window at the Eiffel Tower and then I noticed some heads
poking out. I was wondering what it was so I went to the bottom of the stairs. I knew the person
would come out pretty soon.
Oh, and we did. Really soon. I said trying to organize all that Emile had said in my
brain. So, well what are you doing here? I mean what are you going to do to us. I held my
breath hoping that Emile would not make a big deal out of this.
Well, He answered. Before I decide I would like to know what YOU are doing here.
Oh and before I forget, what are your names?
I knew somehow he would find out about that beam. This was the hard question. The rest
would be easy. My name is Laura. And that is Emma my best friend. Both of our parents
worked to build the Eiffel Tower. I replied hoping Emile would forget about the other question.
And why are you here? He asked. Its fine you can tell me.
Its really hard to explain, I lied as I glanced over at Emma for help. Im sure you
would never understand.
Right, its gonna take a long time, Emma said as she yawned. Do you want to know
anyway? And all of us are really tired.
Of courseEmile replied. Tell me every little detail. I answered all of your questions
didnt I? Now you must answer mine.
Okay, I answered slowly. So, this morning we came up on the tower. We noticed a
piece that- I stopped right there just to waste time.
That what? Emile replied. Go on. You can tell me.
Well, Emma whispered quietly. We saw a beam and it was at the w-w-rong spot.
The wrong spot? Emile cried. But, that does not make any sense.
Well, I continued. We didnt want to tell anyone because we didnt want our parents
to get in trouble. So we decided to sneak out here to fix it.
Fix it? Emile interrupted. Do you even know how to fix it?
Well, I answered. Not exactly. It was Emmas idea.
Okay, Emma cried. Fine. I was maybe thinking a little stupidly at that time. I guess we
would have figured that out sooner or later.
Yes, you would have, Emile replied. But why did you come down?
Its simple, Emma answered before I could say a word. Laura is afraid of
I began to feel embarrassed. Well maybe I was exaggerating a little but it still is
Of course its dangerous, Emile replied making me feel much better. Oh, before I
forget. I just want to ask you
What? Emma and I asked at exactly the same moment.
I just want to ask, Emile said quietly. Do your parents know about this?
Emma paused and took a deep breath. Well no,
Well, Emile said seeming quite tired. Ill have to let them know about this. They
might be worried about you already.
No, Emma exclaimed. Please dont! No Emile! Well go right home! I promise!

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

But, Emile replied softly. They will figure it out. Sooner or later. Its best right now.
They will be happier to know soon.
I sighed and peered down at my dripping wet clothes. Emile was right. I wish Id never
agreed to this. I was going to be in be in big trouble. Emile, I whispered.
Emile looked at me. What? Im not changing my mind. Im telling your parents.
But Emile, I replied softly. What will we do? I mean about the misplaced beam.
That? Emile asked. I think Ill ask someone to fix it.
Oh, I answered yawning. Like who?
Well, Emile answered. I was thinking maybe your dad or your mom. Is that okay? I
mean Ill be seeing them anyway so it doesnt cost me an extra trip.
I guess, I answered solemnly. Can I go to bed? Well, more like back home then to
Yes, Emile answered. Wait. Where do you live? I will come talk to your parents
tomorrow. Okay?
I quickly told Emile my address. Then I turned around about to leave. Bye. Oh, wait.
Can I use your boat?
Sure, Emile replied. Ill bring you over. I was quite happy Emile did not ask how I
came here. It would have been a lot of explaining to do.
I carefully stepped off Emiles shining boat. It was not huge but it was beautiful as well
as comfortable. There were soft blue seats and it had beautiful wooden floors. It glided smoothly
over the river. You could observe all of nature without walking ( even though I could not see
very well since it was so dark). When you live in Paris you dont get to do that very often. The
outside was beautiful as well. It had glittering white sides and was just about the most beautiful
boat I had ever been on in my whole life. Goodbye, I called as the beautiful boat began to
leave. As I began to walk towards my house I began to enjoy the sound of the night. There were
some crickets, and an owl hooting over my head. A little left over snow from the winter
crunched under my feet. Sticks cracked under my feet. Wind blew in the new leaves. Some water
dripped off the trees. Some flowers were blooming next to me. A nice, fresh, spring smell drifted
in the cold night air. The full moon shone a light down on me. It was a calm, peaceful, magical,
glittering night. But still, I dreaded tomorrow. I was pretty sure I would get in trouble someday.
I would have to face it. I pushed away those horrible thoughts. There was no point in worrying
about tomorrow. I began to enjoy the nature once again. I took a glance at my house. My
wonderful, cozy house. I slowly pushed the door open. Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkk!
I slipped inside. A little snore came from my parents room. I giggled but quietly tiptoed into my
room. I pulled off my drenched clothes and pulled on dry ones. I flopped down on my bed and
barely had to wait one second to fall asleep. Okay, fine maybe I was only half on my bed. But I
didnt care.
Laura wake up, My dad called shaking me. What is wrong with you this morning?
I yawned and slowly woke up. Is it already morning?
Come on usually you wake all of us up and today you are the late one, Dad exclaimed.
Hurry up! breakfast is ready.
I quickly dressed and hurried to breakfast. All through breakfast I wondered and hoped
that Emile had forgotten about last nights adventure. But just as I began to clear the table there
was a little knock at the door. I held my breath.
I wasnt expecting visitors were you? Mom asked as she hurried to the door.
Nope, Dad answered. I wonder who it is. Do you have an idea, Laura?

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

Of course not, I answered trying to sound innocent. I dont invite anyone without
asking you, remember?
Oh, hello ,Emile, Mom answered loudly. Come on in.
Emiles voice was too quiet but I could easily hear Mom. I strained my ears to listen.
Oh I see, Came my moms voice again. John, come here for a minute. You need to
listen to this. Dad came right over.
For the rest of the conversation there was just a couple of I sees and some things like
Ill talk to her dont worry. The conversation lasted for about 20 minutes.
Okay, mom said as she stood up. Goodbye. And thanks for telling me. Oh and John
will fix the beam. Ill ask Laura which one it is. Bye. thanks
I wished that I had heard Emile's part of the conversation but he was such a quiet man.
Laura, Dad called. Come here.
I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to where my parents were standing arms
folded and frowns on their face. Then in my most polite voice I said,Yes Dad, what would you
like from me?
You should know, Dad answered his voice stern and upset. Why did you do this?
Oh, I cried. Im really sorry. I wont do it again. I promise. I was being really stupid.
Oh Laura, Mom said as she hugged me. Don't worry. Youre not in huge trouble. But
you can never leave the house without asking me or Dad understood? If you ever do that again
you will get in serious trouble.
Oh, I cried. Thank you Mom. Thank you. Just then I heard a little knock at the door.
Ill get it. Emma was standing in front of the door.
Are you in trouble? She asked.
No, I answered happy this was all over. Are you?
Emma shook her head. Do you want to play?
You know already dont you? I said smiling.
Emma nodded. Cmon. Lets go. With that we scampered to my room and began to
play Snakes and Ladders- our favorite game. Mom peeked her head into the room.
You girls alright? She whispered. If you would allow me, Id play with you. Hows
I nodded,and scooched over to make her room. Of course. As long as you want to.
I was really happy about how this had turned out. I was not in big trouble and things were
going fine. The Eiffel Tower was done and my parents would stay home now. The Eiffel Tower
would be fixed. And the Worlds Fair was coming up.
Laura, I suddenly heard Emma call. Its your turn.
The End!

Eloise Gall, grade 4, Loudonville Elementary

By Alex Phillips

Brand swam up to the surface of the water.When he reached the surface all he could see was
smoke and flames.He was working on the deck of the USS Arizona when the bomb hit, causing him to
fall over the edge of the deck.He looked at the water hoping to see brown hair, a military suit and blue
eyes, but all the oil polluting the water blocked out his reflection.When he got a true glimpse of the area
around him he could see planes flying overhead,battleship sinking down into the darkened water and
everything engulfed in flame and smoke.Most of Pearl Harbor was destroyed.

0600 hours (Nearly 2 hours before the attack)

Brand O'Neill got in his car and drove off to the harbor.He had started to get much better at
driving his new car; he got his license when he was seventeen, but he didnt get his own car till he was
19. The ride to Pearl Harbor was only 15 minutes from his house.He lived in a suburban middle class
area with his mom and younger brother James and younger sister Sally.He had an average education
when he lived in San Francisco.Him and his family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii when Brand was
positioned in Pearl Harbor.He sometimes spent days at the harbor but he was allowed to go home most
of the time.Soon Brand came to the entrance and showed his I.D to the man working in the booth.He
gave the ok to Brand and raised the gate. Then he parked his car, got out, and when to the shuttle boats
that would take him to the USS Arizona.

0620 hours nearly 2 hours and 40 minutes before the attack

The boat Brand was waiting for was a shuttle boat that would bring him to the USS Arizona, the
boat he worked on that was out in the harbor.The boat pulled up to the dock after it had returned from a
previous trip.Brand and some other people got on the boat To the Arizona please, said Brand. Same
here, said the other people on the boat.When they arrived at the Arizona Brand waved to the men on
the deck, they waved back. After Brand got off the shuttle boat he began his work.

0640 hours nearly 1 hour and 20 minutes before the attack

Brands friends on the deck were excited because of the new planes coming from California.One of
Brands friends Matthew who also works on the deck said he knew someone who worked the radar who
would be one of the first people on the island to know when the planes arrive.
Thats right my buddy Joe will notify me right away when those planes come, bragged Matthew.
Well if you get a chance could you tell me when there here? asked Brand. Sure thing, said Matthew.
After Brand walked up to the Captains quarters to see if there were any extra jobs to be done.When he
arrived at his room, he knocked.
Come in, said a voice.Brand walked in and the captain was sitting on his chair. He hung up his phone
that he must have been using before Brand walked in. How are you doing Brand? asked the captain.
Very well sir,replied Brand. Please call me Pete, said the captain. Ok Pete, said Brand.
Brand I need you to go check on the artillery on one of our submarines, said captain Pete. The
submarine is surfaced at the docks near the entrance of the harbor, the captain explained. Check to
make sure the torpedoes are in working order, then report back to me when you are finished, said Pete.
You wont be disappointed, said Brand. Very well, I will see you soon, said the captain.Then Brand
walked out and began to leave to go to the submarines.

0650 hours nearly 1 hour and 10 minutes before the attack

As Brand got on another boat to take him to the docks he noticed he was very sleepy.He wasnt
surprised. It was still very early at 6:30 in the morning. A time when most people are asleep.However
Brand did nearly fall asleep on the ride. It was early so there wasnt as much noise as there would be
around midday.This time he was the only person on the boat. He told the driver to take him to the docks
near the submarines.On the ride which only took nearly 5 to 10 minutes Brands eyes kept slowly
closing. He had experienced this before but he always did something to stay awake. He didnt have cash
on him to buy a caffeinated drink but he told himself that maybe splashing some water on his face might
Your looking pretty tired, said the boat driver.
A little cold water should help me, said Brand. Well were here so make sure youre awake if your
going to be walking around, Ill try, replied Brand.Then the boat pulled up to the dock and Brand saw
the submarine he was supposed to be at; it was the only submarine currently in the dock which made it
much easier to tell what one to go to.He got up from his seat and the driver went and opened the exit
with his key. Have a nice day, said the driver. you too, Brand said, pausing to read his name tag,
Greg . then he began to walk over to the submarine.

0700 hours nearly 50 minutes before the attack

Brand soon arrived at the USS Narwhal, the sub that the captain told him to visit for inspection.He
began to walk up the ramp and when he did he saw someone at the entrance blocking his path.

Are you Brand O'Neill? asked the man. Yes the captain sent me here to do an artillery check and
then report back to him, replied Brand.Very well, the entrance to the lower deck is right over there
through that hatch, he pointed to a small circle with a handle on it that was about 20 feet ahead of them
on the deck. Thank you, Brand said. He then went over to the hatch opened it and climbed down on
the ladder.If you have ever been in a small kitchen with many people working at once and the room is
extremely hot then you might get a feeling of what Brand felt when he went down the ladder and the
hatch was closed.Suddenly all the sounds of the outside world disappeared and all Brand heard was over
a hundred men talking and working around a small space. The air felt hot and humid.How did they work
without passing out? Brand walked through the many men working on the sub while they greeted him.
Finally after walking down from one end of the submarine to the other he reached the area where they
shot the torpedoes.There were about five men in the room. Brand walked over and the men noticed him
and his name tag. Youre Brand right? The guy the captain sent down to check the artillery, one
said. Yes how did- He told us , replied on of the men. Brand still was confused, the captain didnt
come here to tell them, he thought.
Morse code, Someone said. What? replied Brand. Morse code thats how he told us. You were
looking a little confused, said one of the taller guys. Morse code, of course what was I thinking,said
Brand. So what is it you need to know, said the man with the longer hair. Just need to know if the
torpedoes fire well and are still moving through the water good enough,said Brand. Well we did a test
last week and the torpedoes we have seem to have fired nicely and hit their target as planned. What do
you use for targets? asked Brand. Well we use old abandoned ships we find, or buy for a small price,
then we place them in the water at sea and fire to see if the weapons work,explained on of the men.
Well then that should about do it,Brand said while writing it down on a piece of paper that he brought.
Oh and do you guys know if the gun on the deck works to? Also tested and found to be in working
order, one of the man replied.Brand wrote it down on the paper thanked the five men and began to
leave. After that Brand found out there was another hatch by the side where he just was. The man must
have shown him the closest way into the lower deck without realizing that he was going to be on the
other side of the sub. He got on the boat with the information he got from the five men and told the
driver ( Greg ) to take him back to the Arizona. What were you doing on the Narwhal? asked Greg
Thats classified, Brand replied.Greg chuckled Ok. then he began to leave to the Arizona. I haven't
seen many people on the shuttle boats, said Brand I know, most people work at a spot that they could
walk to or take a ride on the other shuttle which is a bus that will take them to a dock where their work
spot is, like a docked ship or submarine, explained Greg. Then they sat sat in silence for nearly 5
minutes. What do you do on the Arizona? asked Greg. I work on the deck but I became a friend of
the captain and now I get paid extra to do some work or extra small jobs the captain needs to have
doneCool, said Greg. Then they approached the Arizona and Brand saw some people on the deck
including Matthew looking very excited and they seemed to be shouting something to him. At first he
couldnt tell what they were saying but he soon noticed they were saying something about planes
arriving. Then he remembered that Matthew said he would tell Brand when the plane shipment from
California was almost to the island. As he got off the boat and went to the ladder on the lowest part of
the ship. Matthew ran over to the top of the ladder. When Brand got to the top and was on the deck

Matthew was telling him that the shipment from California was here. Joe just notified me, at first when
the radar showed many planes he worried there was an attack but he didnt sound a warning because he
thought they were the shipment from California. What if it was an attack and the enemy just used the
fact that there were planes coming to get to the harbor without sounding an alarm or raising suspicion,
Brand said nervously. There wouldnt be an air attack from the enemy otherwise General George
Grunert wouldn't have put all of the planes in a row to prevent sabotage;he said if people were to
sabotage the planes they would be caught in the act, said Matt. And if we were attacked all the planes
would be destroyed so fast we wouldnt be able to get in them and take off. Thats nonsense there
wont be an air attack and Im sure of it,Matt replied. Then he walked away and began doing his work
once more.

0740 hours nearly 10 minutes before the attack

While Brand was on the deck he thought he was hearing a small humming sound.At first he thought it
was nothing but then after about 5 minutes it seemed to get louder Do you guys hear that? He asked.
They all nodded. Maybe the shipment from California? someone asked. Possibly, another person
replied. Then it got louder and louder till the men on the deck saw what it was. They were planes!
Everybody calmed down and were then very happy because the plane shipment had arrived. Then the
planes got closer and they didnt look like the new planes they were getting.Some planes split of the
group and went toward the planes parked outside. What the? some people said confused.Than what
looked liked a long thick pole fell out the bottom of one of the planes it hit a group of planes.Boom!An
explosion shook the harbor and everybody knew what had happened. The Japanese launched a surprise
attack and they were the ones the radar picked up. An ambush!Right under their noses.More bombs
dropped from the planes over the ships parked outside. Men tried to rush in the planes to take off but
they were all being blown up by the planes. More came and soon the whole fleet arrived. All 420 of
them were attacking the harbor.The bombing of Pearl Harbor had begun.Brand was terrified, his worst
fear which he never really thought much about was coming true. He had always been scared of an attack
but he always thought nobody would try to attack the harbor with all of its weapons and defenses. How
long will it take before they blow the Arizona? Will I even make it out alive? Brand asked himself.
Then he came back to his senses. a voice that must have been the captains blew out the loudspeaker.
All gunners to their stations! he yelled. Alarms were blaring and men were yelling as the distant sound
of explosions grew close.Brand then heard another explosion but it seemed to come from the sky. He
looked up The USS Utah got one of the planes! he thought. The shot was good, only there were still
hundreds of planes moving through the sky.Men got into the gunning station and began to fire. Boom
boom boom boom boom! The sound of automatic fire quickly ended when the crew noticed a group of
planes coming over to their ship. The got close to the ship, almost too close. First a small hatch opened
under one of the planes. Then a small thick cylinder dropped out heading right toward them. Those few
seconds felt like hours as the bomb dropped.But wait, it missed! Then bomb sailed past them and went
into the water.A muffled explosion shot a 20 foot wave of water up into the air.The planes were past
them by the time they could drop another bomb! As happy as Brand was he still couldnt warn the other
battleships in the harbor of the planes coming toward them. The crew of the Arizona got lucky but the
same planes that missed them were headed straight to the other ships. Afterwards Brand saw one more

plane heading toward their direction. It looked bigger than the other planes that the saw before. By the
time it reached the Arizona the ammunition for the guns was gone. Once more Brand could see the hatch
open at the bottom of the plane and a bomb fall out. This time he felt sure that the bomb would reach its
target .Then he, like most people, tried to run over to the side of the ship and get in the water before the
bomb hit.When he got to the rail he saw the bomb hit its target. Booooooommmmmmm! A sound came
from behind Brand in which he had never felt before. Imagine fitting a huge speaker into one headphone
on full volume. Then multiply that by ten and that is what the sound felt like as the shockwave blasted
Brand over the edge and into the murky water.Brand swam up to the surface of the water.When he
reached the surface all he could see was smoke and flames.He was working on the deck of the USS
Arizona when the bomb hit, causing him to fall over the edge of the deck.He looked at the water hoping
to see brown hair a military suit and blue eyes, but all the oil polluting the water blocked out his
reflection.When he got a true glimpse of the area around him he could see planes flying
overhead,battleship sinking down into the darkened water and everything engulfed in flame and
smoke.Most of Pearl Harbor was destroyed.
He looked behind him. The Arizona was in flames and men were jumping out yelling and
screaming.Brand looked across the harbor and one part of it was covered in oil. Then all of it lit up. The
oil on the other side of the harbor burst into flames and the water was covered in a fiery wall.Men
couldn't swim to shore due to the fire. Some tried to dive in and get underwater before the fire would get
to them.All that happened was when they got to shore they were covered in oil and were struggling to
get the scorching liquid of of them. Men waited at shore with hoses to spray the soldiers emerging from
the water who were covered in oil.Then the planes retreated. They flew back to the very aircraft carrier
they came from.Then they would celebrate the successful attack while the good innocent soldiers trying
to fight back were engulfed in flames or killed from the bombs.The Arizona started to sink down into
the water.Brand was thinking about the helpless men below deck who would all drown from being
inside while the bomb hit and the ship sank into the oily water.There were boats coming over to them
with men helping injured soldiers and pulling them out of the water. When they arrived to Brand the
helped him up to the boat. There he saw Matthew sitting down covered in water and oil. Even the
captain was there sitting down in shock as he stared at the spot that the Arizona previously sat. You
could still see the ship under the water as oil floated to the surface. Then Brand felt a painful sting on his
right ankle and he looked down. He must have sprained it or broken it when the bomb hit.When they got
to shore after filling up all the space for soldiers to sit at they were dropped off and medics rushed to
them to see if they were badly hurt.No one was injured to a point that could have been fatal. How did
you to escape the bomb? asked Brand to the captain and Matt. The captain went first I climbed to the
top of my cabin and jumped just barely missing the rail when I went down, the blast shot a small part of
shrapnel on my leg, he showed his leg and a small piece of metal was impaled onto his left leg. Dont
worry,he said the medics should take care of it and Ill be fine. I escaped the same way as you did,
Matt said. Just jumped off the side. Amazingly I got nothing but cuts and bruises from the blast,
Then Brand saw someone running toward him followed by two smaller people. It was his mom and his
brother and sister! We were so worried! she cried. We thought, we thought... she held back tears
We thought you had been a victim of the explosions but here you are, she was happy but also crying at

the same time. Im all right, said Brand while the medics took Captain Pete and Matthew a way to
make sure they were all right. Brand thought about all the soldiers who didnt make it. He felt sorry for
all the families of the men who had to pay the ultimate price. Would the harbor be rebuilt? he
thought.He wished he could have done anything to help.Then it was from that day forward the he
decided to always help the families who have lost their loved ones in battle. That day Brand decided to
begin a charity to raise money for the families of the lost soldiers.He would also help rebuild the harbor
and try to make it like it was before.But today he would never forget. The day the enemy was able to
launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack from above. The Ambush.

Baltos Big Run!

Grace Commisso
Grade 4
Forts Ferry

There was an old small town in Nome, Alaska and it was very frigid and snowy. All the
houses looked the same except one. And that my friends is where my story begins. In that
different house there lived a family of three. There was a mother, a father and a peculiar
daughter. The girl was named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was 11 years old and very curious. She would
be interested then frightened and then back to interested sometimes. She was also quiet. She
would go through three days without saying a word. Her bedroom smelled like freshly picked
apples and it had an old brick fireplace and wooden chairs and small tables.

One day, her parents looked worried. It bothered Elizabeth and she was curious about it.
Elizabeth didn't know what to do. In fact she didn't even know if she had to do anything. She
waited and watched. It was starting to get frustrating for her. Finally she pushed back her chair
during dinner and said, "I can't take it anymore, please tell me what is going on." So her parents
said, "Well there is a deadly disease going around our part of Alaska." Elizabeth froze and didn't
say a word and she ran up the creaking stairs. Elizabeth ran into her bedroom and slammed the
door behind her and cried into her pillow. Elizabeth felt betrayed by her parents because they
kept this secret from her. After a half an hour, she got up and carefully opened her door, her
throat felt scratchy and she walked down the stairs and asked, "Mother I know you are probably
surprised I talked since I am usually very quiet. The thing I was going to ask you was what is the
disease called?" Her parents sighed and said, Diphtheria. Elizabeth nodded and went back up
to bed and fell fast asleep. She woke up at 6:00 a.m. with a sore throat and Elizabeth also felt
like she had a high fever. Her parents were extremely nervous and worried. Her parents took
her to the doctor to check to see if she had diphtheria. The doctor checked Elizabeth as she
cringed and prayed as hard as ever that she wouldn't get diphtheria. But the doctor put her in the
Grace Commisso
Grade 4
Forts Ferry

hospital bed and said to her softly, "You're going to be okay." Then said to her parents in an even
softer voice so that Elizabeth did not hear, "She has diphtheria." He patted Elizabeth's dad on the
back and went into a different room. Elizabeth felt like crying and her mom's eyes started to fill
up with water too. Inch by inch the tears streamed down Elizabeths moms face till they reached
the floor.

Lots of people were worried. Elizabeth thought she would be the most worried. That's
when she overheard people in the other room explaining about how they would get a serum to
the hospital. Elizabeth almost shouted "Thank you" in delight, but she didn't know what the
serum was for although she was pretty sure it was for diphtheria. Elizabeth woke up after
sleeping for a long time. That's when she thought being in the hospital was all a dream, but it
wasn't. Elizabeth heard the doctor saying, "We sent out a message to get a serum for diphtheria."
Elizabeth cheered in her head.

"Mush!" said the musher Kassen of all thirteen dogs. "You're doing great Balto, keep it
up." Dark clouds rolled over the sky, snow poured down over the sleigh, all because of one big
blizzard. After an hour, they finally found a shed to rest in. The morning wasn't that different.
The musher looked out the shed window. Same blizzard, same frozen lake right next to the path.
The musher pulled the sleigh back onto the path to carry on. The dogs refused to step even an
inch out of the crowded shed. Balto barked to signal, "Keep going". He scratched the floor to
say, Get up". Finally, Balto just glared at the dogs all cringing in the frigid shed. It was like he
was saying something like, C'mon, you're just gonna give up?" One other dog stood up still
cringing but also with his tail between his legs, he walked forward and stuck his snout out,
Grace Commisso
Grade 4
Forts Ferry

crinkled his nose and walked slowly toward his musher. Then the other dogs followed. The
musher hooked them back up to the sleigh. Then the group continued on.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth and the other children were getting weaker by the second. Her
membrane in her tonsils was blocking her air so she could almost not breath. The doctor and the
parents were getting worried. They were afraid the patients might die. Elizabeths mother came
into the doctors office and smiled at her. Elizabeth didnt smile back, she had a general look of

Back in Galena, some 251 miles from Nome, the sleigh team was getting lost by going in
circles and going the wrong way. This all happened because of the blizzard. After a couple of
hours of getting lost, Balto took a stand to get that serum to the hospital as fast as he could. He
led the team! He became in charge! He was going to be the hero!

After two weeks, the doctor heard a knock on the door. And then he answered it. The
doctor almost hugged the man wearing a giant coat and huge boots. The box of serum was in
that man's hands. That man was the musher. The doctor carefully took the jars of serum out of
the box one by one. He took out almost 30 spoons, one for each kis in the hospital. He poured the
orange liquid on each spoon until he got to Elizabeth. Then he poured the last bit and carefully
brought it to Elizabeths face and popped it into her mouth. Elizabeth felt that the serum was
very cold and it made her mouth go frigid and numb. As the spoon came out of her mouth,
Elizabeth felt the liquid trickling down her throat. The doctor got a little more serum onto the
spoon and inserted that into Elizabeths mouth again. The cold serum fell down her throat one
Grace Commisso
Grade 4
Forts Ferry

more time. Elizabeth could taste the serum now. It tasted salty, she gagged at the taste.
Elizabeth then fell asleep.

A few days later when the kids were all cured, the musher was about to leave. The kids all
ran up to him, including Elizabeth, and she said, "I can't thank you enough." The musher smiled
and said, "Don't thank me. Thank this fine dog of mine. He lead me and the other dogs here.
Thank Balto. Elizabeth walked toward Balto, kneeled down and said, "Thank you, Balto.
You're really something."

Grace Commisso
Grade 4
Forts Ferry

The Time to Fight Back

by:Jacob Biel

Jacob Biel
5th Grade
Forts Ferry

September 30, 1939

It was the end of days! Civilization had fallen. Or at least thats what it seemed like for
twelve year old Isaac Bielski. In Polands capital of Warsaw, there were sounds of stomping feet
and gunfire. Isaac, a thin child with straight brown hair, was reading in his room when he heard
the sounds and looked out the window. From his dirty apartment window, Isaac saw a fully
realized army, citizens running for their lives and a number of things that were too horrible to
talk about. One of the enemys soldiers noticed Isaac. Even though he saw that Isaac was a kid,
the soldier didnt hold back. The soldier fired a round of bullets into the window. Isaac quickly
backed away from the window and dove to the ground as it shattered to bits in front of him. He
ran down to his mother who was cooking chicken on the stove.
"Mother, what are these soldiers doing here?" Isaac said in Yiddish.
"What soldiers?" his mother asked. Isaacs mother was dressed in her typical
conservative Jewish dress. Covering her everyday dress was an apron. Her long, black hair was
covered by a kerchief, as Jewish law dictated.
"Those ones--" Isaac pointed out the window.
By then, there were fires and torn up streets everywhere. German battle tanks and trucks
lined the streets. The Germans had invaded Poland! The city of Warsaw was in chaos!
Just then, Isaac's father ran into the house. His clothes were ripped and he was covered in
soot. His kippah was crooked on his head and his white prayer shawl was torn. "It's time to leave.
The city is no longer safe," he said
"Thanks for stating the obvious, dear," Isaac's mother said.
"We need to go now." Isaac's father said.
I dont think you noticed that there are troops everywhere. Well never get out, Isaacs
mother said.
Never even thought about that, Isaac father said. Then well stay.
Now that the Germans were in Poland, for Isaac and many others, life would never be the

November 3, 1939
Isaacs family was forced to register as Jews. They had to go to the registering office,
which once had been someones shop. Isaac and his parents had to wear ugly gold Stars of David
on their clothes to let everyone know they were Jews. Isaacs father could no longer drive. Isaac
could still go to Jewish school, but he was not allowed to socialize with non-Jewish kids.
Isaacs family was given a notice to report because they were Jews. That only meant one
thing--they were going to be taken away. Lots of people had been taken away already. That
number of people increased more each day.
Jacob Biel
5th Grade
Forts Ferry

They were taken to Auschwitz, a concentration camp for Jews.The trip from Warsaw to
Auschwitz had been long and hard. Everyone had been stuffed into railroad cars with no food, no
water and, little light. They had to stand for three days while packed on the train. It made Isaac
feel depressed, especially since he was separated from his mother. Other people in the
concentration camp were also depressed. They also seemed starved and thirsty. There were
plenty of sick people there. It made Isaac scared to think that maybe he would end up like the
sick people. It smelled of rotten food and people who hadnt taken a bath in several months. The
men and women were not allowed to be together, so Isaacs mother was separated from Isaac
and his father.
Isaac said to his father, Whats that smell?
You dont want to know, Isaacs father replied, looking up at the smokestack pumping
out clouds of gray smoke.
What should we do? Isaac said.
We cant really do anything. We just have to obey the guards orders and try to survive.

May 6, 1940
The winter months had seemed almost hopeless to get through. Life in Auschwitz was
too terrible to describe. But, somehow, Isaac and his father had gotten through, despite the close
quarters and unsanitary facilities. The Nazis treated the prisoners terribly, Isaac and his father
included. They were forced to do hours of backbreaking labor each day. There wasnt a lot of
food to go around, and the food that was there had low nutritional value. Sometimes it was even
rotten. People were getting sick and died. The soldiers tormented the prisoners all the time, even
when they were trying to go to the bathroom.
The only bright spot was that they had befriended another prisoner, Adam Henchstein.
He was in his forties and had been a banker in Berlin before he was taken to Auschwitz. As the
spring thaw happened, Isaac, his father, and Adam came up with a plan to escape from
Auschwitz. It was time to fight back.
They met that day to discuss their escape plan. They met in the middle of all the people
so the guards couldnt see that they were up to something. They decided the next day would be
the day they tried to escape.
So, tomorrow night, well sneak out of the barracks when no one is looking and attack
two guards. Well put on their uniforms and take their weapons. Adam explained.
That sounds good, but what about Isaac? asked Isaacs father.
Well, Isaac can follow right behind one us and well take out any and all guards we see.
Then we can sneak out on one of their jeeps and head to Warsaw.
Good plan, Isaacs father said.
But Isaac said nothing. Isaac was very scared. The guards would not stand for any
rebellion, and he didnt know what would happen to him, his father, or Adam if they werent
Jacob Biel
5th Grade
Forts Ferry

May 7, 1940
Adam had picked this day because there would be a new moon and hopefully they could
escape in total darkness. An hour after the warden yelled for the prisoners to go to sleep, they
snuck out. In the darkness of night, they had managed to make it to the guard tower before being
The guards heard them, but since it was pitch black out, thought that Isaac, his dad, and
Adam were other guards. Wir arbeiten daran, diese Seite der Strae. One of the guards says.
That means, Were working this side of the street.
Adam answered in perfect German, Kann ich mit dir reden fr eine Minute ? That
meant Can I talk to you for a minute?
The two guards and Adam came down from the tower where Isaac and his father were
waiting. Adam attacked the guards, knocking them out. Isaacs father came down from the
tower. They took their clothes and dressed the guards in the prison outfits. Adam and Isaacs
father took the guards weapons and called for Isaac to come out from up inside the tower.
After they were in their disguises, they went to get access to a jeep. They had planned
this carefully and were right near the motor pool. Isaac hid on the floor of the jeep while Adam
drove. Isaacs dad is in the front as well, holding his gun, ready to use it. Their plan worked as
their disguises fooled everyone and they were able to drive right out the front gate. Now, they
would need to gather enough people together for a rebellion.
June 8, 1940
In Warsaw, Adam had finally gotten enough members to join the rebellion. Isaac and his
father had gathered people from the surrounding countryside. They met back up and traveled
toward Auschwitz.
On the night of the break out, they camped outside of Auschwitz. Isaacs job was to
watch the gate. He stood proud, using a pair of binoculars to watch from a tree.When the guards
opened a gate to let a jeep in, some members of the rebellion snuck in. Some of the rebellion
members stayed behind on lookout, including Isaac and his father. Adam led the group that
snuck in. One person went to the side of a building to blow a wall. They had planned to blow up
the wall where the entrance was, so hopefully no one would get hurt. The prisoners started
running out. The members of the rebellion attacked the guards who confronted them and took
their guns away. The prisoners fought off the guards one by one.
More guards left their posts to see what was going on. When this happened, more
prisoners snuck out of their barracks. This was a nightmare. No matter how hard they fought,
people were dying. In the end, the rebellion only saved a few the people there. Isaac only cared if
one person was saved: his mother.
The rebellion realized they could not free everyone. They retreated far into the
countryside and hid in the old underground bunkers that had once been used by the Polish forces
Jacob Biel
5th Grade
Forts Ferry

to hide in from invaders. The rebellion gave the freed prisoners clothes, food, and clean water to
make them feel better.
Isaac looked through the crowd for his mother and father because they had gotten
separated. Isaac barely even recognized his mother. She was very skinny and didnt have any
hair. Her head had been shaved, too, just like Isaacs and his fathers. The first thing she did
when she saw Isaac and his father was hug her family.
I missed you guys so much, she said. Where did the group of people come from?
Me, Isaac, and a guy named Adam snuck out and went back to Warsaw, Isaacs father
said. There, we gathered the rebellion.
Im just so glad that youre okay, Isaacs mother said.
Isaac couldnt stop smiling.
June 10, 1941
While some people decide to go back to Warsaw, Isaac and his parents moved to
Switzerland where they were safe. There new life was peaceful and relaxing. Isaacs journey had
ended. As for Adam, he moved to France to help out there. Things turned out good for Isaac and
his family. As for Adam, his journey continued. They will never regret that they decided it was
time to fight back.

Jacob Biel
5th Grade
Forts Ferry

Escape From
New Orleans

Dylan Mattison

Grade 5

Forts Ferry

Hee-hee, my baby sister laughs as I tickle her. Hee-hee, I tickle her again.
Clark were heading out, my Mom called from upstairs. I ignore her because Im playing with
my sister. When she notices I didnt answer her, Mom says my whole name. Clark Brown ,
answer me! Mom gets a little angry.Then I answer her.
Okay,I call.
Take care of your sister. she then said. I knew it was a huge responsibility for a 10-year old to
take care of a baby but, I was ready for it. Its my parents anniversary today. They have been
married for twenty years.Theyre staying at a hotel, so they wont be back until tomorrow.
I go to Lincoln Elementary. There I study the history of where I live, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Also, at school in gym class I run almost every day.
Running is my passion. Im a excellent runner. Im also the fastest runner in my class. Someday,
I want to run in the Olympics. I always loved to run. Since I was able to run, I never walked
unless required to.

I have a fear of something bad happening to someone in my family, especially my baby sister. I
have that fear because something horrifying happened to me when I was about Charlottes age. I
was kidnapped! The good part was I was rescued.
Right now Im taking care of Charlotte. She is three years old, but still likes to eat baby food. Its
already 7 PM. So, I put my sister to sleep. I feel tired myself, so I hop into my bed and fall asleep
in seconds.
I wake up. Then I wake up Charlotte. Wahhhaa! she cries.
Shh. I say calmly.
Wahhhhaa! she repeats.
Shh. I say again.
Wahhhhaa she cries even louder. Then I realize she was just hungry. So, I gave her some baby
food and she quieted down. After that I decide to turn on the TV and Im happy I did. All the
channel were on one topic a hurricane. Hurricane Katrina!
Then I realize my parents arent back yet! I try to call them, but the signal is too weak! I knew
what I needed to do.
I must get out of New Orleans.

Dylan Mattison
Grade 5
Forts Ferry
I snatched some food from the cupboard, including Charlottes baby food, goldfish for me, a
sippy cup of water for Charlotte, and a water bottle for me. I threw it all into a bag. then I tie the
bag shut. I got an old stroller and put Charlotte in it. I put the bag of food and drinks next to
Charlotte in the stroller. Then, I was off.
I ran at lighting speed. This is awesome! I said excitedly, while running and pushing the
stroller. I ran for almost twenty minutes without stopping. Im so thankful I love running, I
thought. It was really starting to flood so I stepped onto the sidewalk.
Each minute it got harder to run because of the gaining water level. By the time it was 10 AM,
the water level was almost to the shins of my sixty-four inch tall body and I was on the sidewalk!
Finally, at around 1:30 PM I can see an exit out of New Orleans. It was a bridge over a gigantic
lake. I saw a sign as it got blown away that read, 25 Miles to Ponchatoula. Then, I remember I
had family there. Besides the storm and my parents, everything else seems to be okay. I

I calculated quickly in my head to see how long it would take me to run 25 miles. I know that
in gym class I could run 1 mile in 4 minutes. Then 4 minutes multiplied by 25 miles equals 100
minutes. I 100 minutes is equivalent to 1 hour and 40 minutes. I thought. Thats how fast I am.
Its already 2 PM so I need move quickly because I have feeling its going to start raining bad.
I thought
Its been 10 minutes already, but I only ran 1 mile! Oh-no! I thought, I better pick up the
Its been another 10 minutes. This time Im only about half a mile behind.
As I run, I begin to think about my parents and if theyre okay. I they are okay, they're
probably worried sick about us, I thought. While I think more, I lose my focus. Then something
horrible happens. I let go of the stroller and it tips over on its side!
I realize it has happened when I hear Charlotte scream and cry, Wahhhhh!. Then I looked
down my fear has come true!
She has a big scrape on her elbow and a big cut on her head, gushing blood!
I dont know much, but I know enough to apply pressure to the wound. Thats what I do.
Dylan Mattison
Grade 5
Forts Ferry
After about thirty seconds almost 40% of the blood stopped flowing out. I think she is going to
be okay. Well at least until we get to our relatives. I thought.
After about fifty minutes, its 2:50 PM. I ran an impressive fifteen miles, but Im running out of
breath. So, I stop to take a little break. After a few moments Im back to running.
I run five more miles. Its already 3:10 PM. Were going to make it ! I say to Charlotte
Twenty-five minutes later at 3:35 PM were off the 25 mile bridge and at our relatives house. It
turns out the hurricane is almost as bad there as it was in New Orleans.
I spot my relatives. Theyre in front of their house. Hello, I call to them. My aunt and Uncle
look around for a few seconds and then meet my gaze.
What are you kids doing out here without your parents? my Aunt Judy asks. Shes standing
next to my Uncle Leo. Charlotte and I get closer to our relatives. Thats when Uncle Leo notices
the cut on Charlottes head.

We went inside so my uncle could help Charlotte. While he was helping her, I talked to my aunt.
Last night, my parents went out for their anniversary. I said.
Okay, said my Aunt.
In the morning they werent back. Then, the storm hit and theyre still not back!
Thats horrible!she exclaimed.
I know.
Then what happened? she said eagerly.
Then, I ran here and on the way the stroller tipped over because I wasnt paying attention and
Charlotte got injured.
Thats so terrifying!
Last, I got here and now Im talking about.
Thats the worst story I ever Aunt finished the conversation. By then my Uncle was
done helping Charlotte and we were getting ready to go.
I packed Charlottes and my belongings in our Aunt and Uncles car. I did because theyre
leaving to go to friends house in Winnfield.
We get into the car. My Uncle tries to start it but, I wont work. He tries a few more times. It still
wont work! So, he pops up the front of the car. He sees a pipe is broken. Lucky for us he was a
mechanic. He uses tools to fix the pipe and were off.
Dylan Mattison
Grade 5
Forts Ferry
About ten miles into the ride there is traffic.Beep honks one car. Beep honks another. Beep!
Beep! Beep! honks the car behind us. My Uncle, whos at the wheel sticks his head out the
Be quiet! he yells to the other driver.
Then move! says the driver. I take a peek at the driver behind us. He gives me the creeps! He
has a black moustache that droops down past his lips. hes giving my Uncle a death look and
says Move!.
I can t there is traffic, my Uncle replied. I cant move my car. he added. My Uncle has
heart problems but, is too poor to see a doctor.
Mooove! the driver yells at the top of his lungs.
I said, I cant! screams my Uncle. Then, his heart rate goes up real fast, he almost had a heart
Are you okay? I asked him.
Hes fine. my Aunt answered for him. I should probably drive for him though. she added.
So, she took over the responsibility of the wheel.
More people honked their cars. The honking made Charlotte start to cry. I gave her some food so
shed stop and he did. Then I got out the goldfish so I could eat something myself. After that I
drank some of my water.

Its about 7 PM when we get to my Aunt and Uncles friends house. She is very nice and my
family and me into her house. Who are these kids? the woman asks.
Theyre our niece and nephew, Clark and Charlotte. Uncle Leo said.
Hello. I said
Hi, Im Michelle. the woman said. Where are their parents? she asked my Uncle.
We dont know. They went out last night and didnt come back. he replied.
Thats unfortunate. said Michelle. Good thing I have an extra bed for Clark and a crib left
over from when my son was a baby..
We slept overnight at Michelles house. In the morning the storm was still going on so we stayed
there. We all got bored so the five of us played old board games until we left Michelles house
on August 29th when the storm was no more. Then we went back to my Aunt and Uncles house.
When we got there the house is surprisingly not destroyed and in good condition. Once we get
inside, my Uncle reports my parents missing to the police.
After a few more days they are declared missing by the police! Once we found this out it was
really sad for me. I cant believe the last thing I said to my mom was just okay. I could have
said something thoughtful like Have a great anniversary or at least Goodbye. I thought
when I got the news.
Dylan Mattison
Grade 5
Forts Ferry
One day, I overheard my Aunt and Uncle taking. What are we going to do? my Aunt said. We
dont have enough money to take care of them. she added.
Well find a way.I hope. my Uncle said. You know we could send them to the
orphanage. he said. I knew what he meant by the orphanage. Its the worst place to be. Then,
I felt a little relieved when my Aunt said something.
No, no, no, no! We cant send them there theyll ruin the children.
But there is nothing else we can do.
Fine if that is the only choice. my Aunt whined.
Oh-no! I thought. It seems get keep getting worse.
The orphanage is a really bad place to be. You can never go outside. If I run I will get punished.
The could be having to clean all the rooms in the building is three stories tall. The worst part is
the caretaker is the man with the black droopy moustache. I really hope I can get out of here. I
thought when I tried to fall asleep on the rock hard beds one night.
Then, on September 4, 2005 someone adopts us and youll never guess who. It was Michelle!
She said that she was so lonely and knew we were in the terrible orphanage, so she adopted us.

That is how Charlotte and I escaped from New Orleans and avoided childhood in an orphanage.

Dylan Mattison

Grade 5

Forts Ferry

The Golden Hair Clip

By:Rosila Elebyjian

The year is 1849. A New Jersey carpenter named James Wilson Marshell roams the paths of
Coloma, Californa when all of a sudden, he stops. He had just found somthing. And what he

had found, would impact the population of Californa, forever. As soon as the news spread, the
49ers as they were called, came from all over the USA. The first ones were from Hawaii,
Mexico, Chile, Oregon, and China in hopes of becoming wealthy. But Im here to tell the story
of a particular young girl during a time we call the Californa Gold Rush.
Dad,Im off to play with Max

Lily said. Wait, you have to choose your clothes for

Moms funeral first, her dad responded. It had been 3 weeks since Mom died. Lily loved her
mom and she could really relate to her.On the other hand,she and her dad fought a lot and never
really got along.She chose her clothes and scurried off.. Lily had no idea her life was about to
change forever.With her beautiful brown eyes, long brown hair, and perfect posture she ran out
of her house.

Now, let me introduce a new character. This guy is Lily best friend,and they became
friends years ago. They had first met when Lilys mom took her to the town marketplace. Lily
had gotten lost from her mom, but she found Max. He asked her if she was okay, and then lead
her to her mom. As a reword, Lilys mom let Max come over for dinner, and thats when Lily
and Max really started becoming friends. Max has short blonde hair, green eyes, and messy,
ripped, clothing. He is an orphan on the streets. Lily asked her dad many times to let him stay
with them, maybe for a few weeks, or maybe even a month, but the answer is always the same,
NO!!! Max and Lily were best friends, and they knew what were on each others minds without
even saying it. Every afternoon, they would play together for hours. Hows the mining
company? Max said. Good, Lily replied.

Back at home, Lilys dad packed up the entire house in boxes. He had heard some news,
from his cousin James! Lily arrived at home to see all her things packed up in boxes. Whats

all this? she stammered. Were moving, Dad said. But why?,I love this house, Lily said,
now getting angry. My cousin, James ,called us. ,He found gold, he said. Lily started to cry.
They walked to the train station, boxes in hand. At the station, Lily heard a noise that made her

It was the sound of Max. They said their final goodbyes;, holding back their tears. Lily
got aboard the train, being absolutely silent. She didnt want to leave. Then she heard a noise.
Choo Choo! The train had started. A few hours later, they were in California.
Using their remaining money, they bought a house. The mayor even invited them to
lunch. Lily got into her best clothes, and left. However, her dad couldnt make it. He was
looking for gold. At the mayors house, Lily sat in a chair with perfect posture. Hello Mr.
Mayor. , Pleasure to see you, Lily said. Call me TAX, Timothy Agwail Xander.They
sat,talked,and eat.When Lily had to go home,TAX gave her some money because they were new
to the neighberhood. Without telling Dad she put it in a box,to send it to Max.
Then she walked home. As she walked home Lily saw people from
Hawii,Mexico,Chile,Peru,Oregon,and China.Man,why do people want goldshe told
herselfBeing rich cant make you happy,in a few weeks,if dad finds gold,hell still be upset over
momshe thought.

Lily was finally home.Her dad was home too,but so was someone else.She looked nothing
like Lilys mom.Mom had red curly hair,blue eyes,freckles,and a smile fuller than the full
moon.This girl had blonde raggedy hair,with natural highlights,purplish eyes,and was wearing
way too much jewellery! Mom had beautiful,luxurious clothes.This girl had an absolutely

hideous outfit on,a whole lot of rings,way too many bracelets,a disgusting hair clip,and really
weird looking shoes.
Lily,I'd like you to meet Amanda, my fiance.
Hey hun-bunshe said in a Brooklyn accent.
Umm helloLily replied. She did not want her dad to get married again,especially
to that girl, but something in her heart told Lily that her that her mom would be saddened if her
husband was upset.
Lily said.Oh, welcomeCome sit next to meLily's dad said .OK She walked and sat. How
bout you and Amanda sit and talk.They talked but Lily didn't enjoy it.She went to her
room,and started to unpack.Lily overheard something her Dad had saidI don't really care about
Lily that much..well not at allTears ran down Lilys face.She decided to run away. But where
to ! She ran & ran, to Taxs hutt. Lily opened the door. Hello, welcome TAX replied.
Let me show you your room, I've been expecting you! he continued.

Lily gawked in amazement at his beautiful home.When they arrived at the guestroom
TAX seemed to chuckle,...a lot.Lily couldn't help looking at the dozens of portraits held wall to
wall. TAX continued chuckling.
All of a sudden Lily heard a HUGE thump. She looked at the door. It was LOCKED.
Lily heard TAX evilly laugh from inside the room. Let me OUT!! Lily screamed. TAX
snapped back Not until my plan is over. What plan Lily replied, now confused.
Dont act so innocent child, I know what youve done TAX said! What did I do? she
said. TAX continued You purposely sabotaged the mines, so your dad and you could move
back home and see Max again.

Lily replied How do you know about Max!TAX replied Funny you would ask
because you kept yappin about it with that spy I sent.
Lily said Amanda,but,but, why! Because I knew that you and that dad of yours
looked suspicious he snapped.
Lily replied, But I didn't do nothing,, and why would I, my dads a miner too!.

Ha,ha not my thats not my problem anymore,. As soon as I tell the authorities,you, your
dad and Max will be going to jail!Tax dramatically snapped back.
Lily screamed on the top of her lungs, Leave Max out of it. But it was too late. TAX had
already left to tell the authorities. Lily began to weep. She could feel her tears run down her face
like the stream before the Niagara Falls. Her heart was racing faster than the worlds fastest race
car driver. Lily had never felt like this before. The pain in her heart, knowing that shes going to
be blamed for throwing dad and her best friend in jail. She dried up her tears and told herself,
Its not going to end like this,. I need to prove I didn't do it. Lily pushed herself up, and
walked to the door. She kicked it, and punched it, but it wouldnt give. Then she realized she
had the golden hair clip her mom gave her before she passed away in her hair. It was lush with a
pearl flower on top. But how was it supposed to help?
Then Lily had the most genius idea. She gently moved the hair clip, left and right, up and
down. The door finally opened. Lily ran faster than she ever had before. Lily found a hiding
spot that would work for now, but not forever. It was a small rectangular room with lush red
carpet and beautiful paintings. Lily felt relieved and relaxed for once, but not for long. She saw
a blinding glowing light. The room was filled with rare, delectable pieces of all shapes and sizes.
With this evidence, TAX was thrown in jail, Coloma, California found a new mayor and Lily
was back home., Lily brought one more thing home with her; a piece of gold for Max.



by Madeline Segarra FF
historical fiction story

The day starts out like any other day. Slamming doors, galloping horses, stuff like that. I
wake up, grab a slice of bread, and run out the door for my morning ride on my horse, Thunder.
We galloped through the woods, my hair blowing behind me, eyes watering, wondering how my
horse could run so fast.
Whew! I say. What a ride! Excuse me, says an unfamiliar voice.
How old are you? Why does it matter? I reply. Because, the man says as hes fumbling
around for something. We need participants for the.... the The what? I ask
curiously. The Boston Tea Party! The Boston What-What? I say. Cant talk, kid. Its
not safe to be talking about that kind of stuff, not in these parts. But how do I get in? I
shout as hes riding away. Meet me at my house, 79 Shully Avenue! The man shouts back.
Something flew out of his bag. A poster, I think. It says, The Boston Tea Party...King
George must pay for his cruelty! NO TAXES!!!!!!!!! Come join us on three ships and dump
crates of British Tea into the Boston Harbor! *NOTE* Come dressed as a Mohawk Indian-we
dont want King Broccoli-Breath knowing its us! Wow, a Boston Tea Party, huh? I say.
Alright, Thunder, lets call it a day! I say.

Later, I ask my mom if I can join.

NO!, my mom says, Youll end up being executed!, N-O spells NO.
But Mom,I complain, Everyone else is going!.
Ugh, everyone but you, eh?, says my mother.
Uh-huh, Uh-huh, I say excitedly. My mothers face turns grim.
Still no.
Shhh! dont argue. No means NO!, replies my mom.
OK, I say. Im just gonna go.. um.. go for another ride.
Sure, but be back here by seven pm sharp.
Will do!, I say. I hop on Thunder and gallop off. Later I pull up at 79 Shully Avenue. I ring
the doorbell.
Welcome, the strange man says. He had a bit of a beard and twinkling eyes. Come on in. I
step gingerly into the mans home. I notice the man locks the door behind him and then turned
slowly, his dark eyes meeting my bright blue ones.
So, how old were you again?, he asked.
Fi-fi-fifteen, sir, I said nervously.
The mans eyes suddenly twinkle. Sir! he bellows. Theres no sir around here! You call me
OK, sure!, I say confidently.
Well, fifteen is the perfect age to enlist. You interested?
Um, yes but-
OK, then!, Bill said. Ill get the papers!. Bill came back a minute later with fine print
papers in his hand.
Here, just sign there, Bill says. I write my name in the air.
What is your name, kid?, Bill asks.
Jack Harris, I reply.
Nice name. Bill caught eye of me writing my name in the air. Dont ya know how to write?
I didnt answer. Here, Ill show you how!, said Bill, grabbing my hand and the pencil, writing
my name on the paper and almost breaking my arm in the process.
How are you so strong?, I ask.
Bill blushes. Sorry, I dont know my strength yet., says Bill.
Is that it?, I ask.
Oh yeah, the real thing is December 16th, 1773. Thats three months. Well, see ya there,
kid! Bill says with that strange sparkle in his eyes. I mount my mount and gallop off. When I
got home, my mother came to me, tears in her eyes and all that.
Jack, she says sorrowfully. Your know how hes in the Sons of Liberty
well...lets just say that one of their protests went wrong. It ended with them... with
them...getting seriously hurt. We can only visit him on December 16th. Please say youll

Wait-did you say December 16th? I say with worry.

Yes. Is that a problem? My mother said.
Ummmmkind of I say.
Why? Asks my mom.
Oh, nowhere, I just was going to...take an EXTRA long ride on Thunder that day. Yup,
Man, you sure planned that ride mighty quick, Jack. my mom says with suspect.
Ummm...what are we going to have for supper? I say, changing the subject.
Jack. What am I going to do with you? says my mom.

December 16th, 1773.

I cant think. Go to the Boston Tea Party, or go to the doctor to see Dad for the only time I can
in 3 years. Finally, after many hard thoughts, I make my decision. I run out the door and say to
my mom that Im going to go on my extra long ride with Thunder. MOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!
I shout. IM GGGOOOOIIIINNNNGGGG!!! OK! Be safe! My mom shouts back. I take
off at a gallop to the Boston Harbor with the Mohawk Indian costume I secretly made and snuck
into my knapsack. What I saw was a real sight. People lugging crowbars onto the ships, people
getting dressed in their costumes, and millions of crates of my favorite beverage-tea. When I
was getting dressed, I saw Bill.
Hey, kid! Glad ya made it here!
Thanks,I say . Im glad to be here as well.
Everybody ready? Bill bellows. Alright, on the count of three, one...My heart was beating
faster and faster. What was I thinking? I could be executed! two...sweat dribbled down my
itchy buckskin shirt. three...It was too late. There was no turning back now.
HEAVE! Bill screams. It was all happening at once. There was big splashes coming onto
the ship and crowbars creeeaaaakkking as the holder pries open the wooden boxes. There was
people screaming battle cries as loud as a jet plane. There was my mother-wait, MY
MOTHER?!?!?!?!?! How could have I been so thoughtless?
I totally forgot that the route to the doctors office had to pass by the harbor! Of course my mom
would be there! There, standing as still as a statue, staring at me in horror, not taking her eyes,
which were normally a warm green but were now cold, stiff gray eyes not blinking even once.
She stared at me with those eyes, which scared me a little.
JACKSON NATHANIEL HARRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! my mother bellows so loud that it could be
heard clearly above all the ruckus.
I walked soberly to my mother.
Were going home, RIGHT NOW! my mother yells.

I dont know what you think youre doing,you, you, .. I wasnt paying attention to my
moms boring lectures, as usual. ...and were going home NOW! my mom says. I mount
Thunder, riding back only at a walk.
JACK! my mother yells the next morning. PAPERS HERE!!!
OKAY!!! I say back. BE RIGHT DOWN! I thundered down the stairs, grabbing the
newspaper from the table. The front page headline in bold print read: BOSTON TEA PARTY
SUCCESSFUL- 92,000 LBS. DUMPED INTO HARBOR! I grinned and laughed. My
commitment to the Boston Tea Party had been cut short, sure, but the best feeling in the world is
when you know youve committed to something. Something thats been successful. And as for
my Dad, I got to see him in the next month. The father-son relationship had been joined back
together. My dad died on May 10, 1818. Since then, Ive been telling this story, and now Ive
had the pleasure of telling it to you.


Im so excited! I can finally record the worlds worst hurricane in louisiana! Oh! Hello!
My name is Jacob Smith. I am 6 feet 4 inches and Im 21 years old. I have black hair, modern
clothes, and a neat house. Go see for yourself if you dont believe me. I like to work seriously
but, Im funny while I have free time. When I have time, I sometimes play Minecraft with my
friends. My friends are Harry Shen, Isabell Kats-Rrogers, Jack Montalto, and Kevin Conjalka. I
live in a city. I have a wonderful family, a have a big fancy house, and a pet dog and a pet cat
that gets along together. The cats name is Kitty and the dDogs name is Max. I live in New
York, New York. I like taking risks. I like taking risks because then I know the answer to it. Im

really good at swimming. To prove the point, I can swim 10 metres in 10 seconds. Im a storm
chaser. My job is to chase and record the storm. The best thing is that Im going to Llouisiana to
record the worlds worst hurricane! Im going to go on the airplane tomorrow.

Im on the airplane now. Look how big the airplane is! I think it can hold 300 people.
Plus there ares books and it has some of my favorite books. I think Iim going to read a little of
my favorite books, Invasion Of The Overworld, Battle for the Nether, and Confronting the
Dragon. This series is about a kid who got zapped by a digital thingy and got sucked into
Minecraft and he finds out about the truth of villagers and tries to save to source. The source is
the digital thingy. So when the mobs destroy the source, the mobs will be able to go into the
physical world which is our world. Its just so interesting! You should read the series! Oh my! I
finished the first book already! That book tired me out! I think I should get some sleep.

Hmmm YAWN I think im going to read the second book of the series which is, The
Battle For The Nether. The nether is a place filled with lava. There are Ghasts, Blazes,
Zombiepigmen, Wither skeletons, and Magma cubes. Aww man. I only finished half of the book
when its lunch time. At least it looks delicious. Its pork dumplings with vinegar and stir fried
vegetables. That was delicious! I think I should finish the book. Man, that book was amazing!

Im going to read the third book, Confronting The Dragon. The Ender Dragon lives in
the End. The End is basically an island floating in the void. There are only the Ender Dragon and
Endermen. Wow! Im on a roll today by finishing these books. I cant wait for the other three
books. There called,Trouble in Zombie Town, The Temple Oracle, and the Last Stand on
The Ocean Shore Oh. Its dinner time. Its rice with beef sauce and green beans. Everythings

delicious here. I think I should get some sleep. The plane is landing and Im in Louisiana! Now
all I have to do is go to a hotel, get a van, and wait 7 days for the hurricane to come. Ok. I found
a van now I find a place to sleep. Hmmm I think I want to stay in this hotel.

The hurricane is coming! Lets see. Where should I park? Here is good. Im going to
set up my camera. Yes! Im recording the worlds worst storm! FLOP! What was that? Oh look!
Theres a fish jumping on the ground over there! There's more! Wait a minute! This isn't right.,
Ffish don't jump. This is weird. I cant think of why, but this is weird. Oh no. I just remembered!
Its a tsunami! Gotta get away from here before its too late! WHOOM! AHHH!!! Im getting
dizzy! BONK!

What happened? Where am I? I should get back to my house. Is there a train station
anywhere? I should've known there was a tsunami coming. Now Im in the middle of nowhere.
Wait! Does that say train station on that sign? Yes! There's a train station! Where does it point? I
think it points in that direction. How long have I been walking? One1 hour maybe? I dont think
Its this direction, but Im going to walk a few more minutes before I head back. Look! There's
another sign! It says train station 1 mile. What?! One1 mile! Guess Ill have to keep walking.

Im finally there! Oh no! The doors are locked! Oh. There's a man coming up the
steps. Hi. Why are you here?. He asks. The tsunami washed me here in my van. I walked 2
hours because the van won't work. I was wondering if I could get a ride back to New York, New
York. The tsunami washed you from New York, New York to here? No. I came here to record
the hurricane but I didn't see the tsunami coming so I got washed here. Are you closed because

the doors were locked? No. We locked the doors to keep the water from coming in. Oh. Then
can I get a ride to New York, New York? Of course. Follow me. He led me down the steps.

He told me to pick a train and I found a train that goes to New York, New York at 9:00 a.m. and
its 8:50 a.m. right now so all I have to do is buy the ticket and then Iim on the train. The ticket
booth is right there. The ticket costs $75. Yay! I got the ticket! Im on the train right now. The
train ride is 10 hours long. There is free food too! Oh my! Look! Theres ipads too, and they
have Mminecraft on it! Im going to build a gigantic swimming pool. Ta-da! Its awesome! Its
time to eat. Awww man! Its only instant noodles. Well, at least its food. Ok. Now lets see how
long until we arrive. Yay! Five5 hours left. Im going to sleep the rest of the way. Yay! Im
home! Kitty! Max! Im home!


The Wright Flyer has Gone Missing

By: Jared Randall

On a warm day in December, thirty-six year old Wilbur Wright, dressed in overalls and a
cap, pulled hard to open the heavy wooden doors to the shed. He walked inside. The dirt floor

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

was full of dust and rays of sunlight were shining through a single window. He looked around
the shed.
Oh no! He walked over to the window. Pieces of shattered glass were laying on the
ground. Weve been robbed! Wilbur exclaimed. He dashed out of the empty shed. Orville!
Orville! He cried. Orville ran out of the house and to Wilbur.
What is it?asked Orville.
Weve been robbed! The Wright Flyer is gone! cried Wilbur.
What! Weve been robbed?
Yeah, they took the whole plane Wilbur said. The brothers both ran over to the shed
and they both walked in. Orville started looking around anxiously and comes upon the shattered
Oh,come on!Orville said angrily kicking a pile of dirt.
Hey watch it. Youre kicking dirt into my eyes.Wilbur said rubbing his eyes.
Sorry Im angry. Weve been working on it for years and then it gets stolen.
They also stole the instructions, so they might be the first people to fly. There was a long
moment of silence.
Well, we could go ask Andy if he saw anything at the postoffice,Wilbur said breaking
the silence.
Then what are we waiting for. Lets go.said Orville. The brothers both ran out of the
shed. The brothers both walked up to the worn down post office, both drenched in sweat.
Running a couple of miles is a lot easier when its not eighty degrees out.Orville
And when youre not wearing overalls.Wilbur added. The brothers walked up the old
rotting stairs. As Orville walked up the stairs he slipped through.
Ahh!Orville cried.
Orv are you okay?asked Wilbur.
Yeah, Im fine.he said getting up. He should really fix those stairs though. Wilbur
knocked on the hard wooden door.
Come in.said a voice from inside. They both walked in. The room was filled with
packages and boxes of letters. Well if it ain't Orville and Wilbur Wright. said the man behind
the desk with a southern accent.
Hello Andy, how are you? asked Wilbur.
Im good. So what can I help you with today? asked Andy.
We have question. Did you see anybody this morning carrying wooden crates?asked
Well, I do recall about ten men carrying the crates this morning.Andy replied.
Where were they going?
They were heading down to the train station.said Andy.
Okay, thanks for the helpsaid Orville.
No problem. said Andy. As they walked out Orville turned around.

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

You should probably fix those stairs of yours. I fell through coming up. said Orville.
Thanks for telling me. Ill fix those stairs as soon as possible.Andy said.
Okay, bye.Orville said walking out. Okay we know that the robbers went to the train
station. So lets go there next.said Orville catching up to Wilbur.
Another couple of miles to run! Oh boy! We better get started if were going to get
home before dark. Wilbur said. The brothers ran to the train station. They both ran up to the
ticket booth drenched in even more sweat than before.
Do you see anybody...with wooden crates...this morning?Orville asked breathing
What did you say? I couldnt quite get that? said the ticket master.
Orville, catch your breath,Tim didnt get that. said Wilbur.
Okay. he said catching his breath. Did you see anybody carrying wooden crates this
morning? asked Orville.
I do recall seeing them. They asked for ten ticket to Kansas.said Tim.
What! They took our plane to Kansas!cried Wilbur.
Yep.said Tim. The train left at nine-thirty this morning.
Thats when I was finishing my breakfast.said Wilbur.
When is the next train to go to Kansas? asked Orville.
Let me check.Tim said. He went inside the building. He came out a few seconds later
holding the schedule. Lets see. he said talking to himself making a clicking noise with his
tongue. Ah here it is. Eight forty-five in the morning tomorrow.he looked up. The next train
to Kansas is tomorrow morning at eight forty-five.
Eight forty-five in the morning tomorrow! How am I suppose to get up so early
tomorrow? said Wilbur.
Set an alarm dumbo. said Orville
I dont have an alarm clock.said Wilbur angrily.
Where is it? Didnt Dad buy you one?
Uhh...never mind that! So can we buy our tickets now? asked Wilbur turning to Tim.
Sure thatll be four dollars each he said.
Lets see. Orville said reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out three dollars and
sixty-eight cents. And Wilbur reached into his pocket. He pulled out four dollars and thirteen
cents. They brothers added all their money up.
Uhh Wilbur can I talk to you for a sec. Orville said nervously. They walked away to
the railroad tracks. We only have seven dollars and eighty one cents. he said. Where are we
going to find nineteen cents?
Umm...ohh there's a dime right there. he said picking it up. Now we only need nine
more cents. The brothers both started to look around the station. Did you find anything yet?
asked Wilbur.
Nothing, not even a penny.Orville replied. Ill just ask Tim if we could borrow nine
cents. He walked back to the ticket booth. Tim we have a little problem. said Orville.

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

Yeah, what is it? Tim asked.

Well, we only have seven dollars and ninety-one cents. So can we
Hey Orville found a quarter said Wilbur.
Actually, never mind. said Orville to Tim.
Okay we have eight dollars and sixteen cents. Wilbur said to Orville. Can we have
two train tickets to Kansas please? Wilbur asked Tim.
Coming right up.he said. Tim hands Wilbur the two train tickets.
Thank you. See you tomorrow. Orville said before they ran back home
The sleepy brothers walked to the train station.
Its so early the sun not even up.said Wilbur.
Yeah it is, you can barely see because youre falling asleep.said Orville.
What! Did I miss something?Wilbur said.
You can sleep on the train ride. We have to hurry so we dont miss the train.Orville
said. The brothers hopped on the train just as it was about to leave. As soon as they got in a seat
Wilbur fell asleep again. Orville on the other hand was looking out the window. The piercing
noise of the whistle blowing woke Wilbur up.
What the? Im hungry. Wilbur said when he was startled by the whistle.
We can eat later. We have to get off the train now!Orville said.
Five more minutes.Wilbur groaned.
Not today!Orville said and he dragged Wilbur off the train right before it started to
leave the station. They sat down on a hard, cold wooden bench.
Here have something to eat.Orville said.
Youve got food? Wilbur asked.
Duh, I figured we'd be here for a few days. So heres a bagel and some fruit. Orville
said taking it out of his backpack.
I was hoping for cereal or pancakes but this will do.Wilbur said. Once he finished the
food he said, Now lets go ask the ticketmaster if here saw anybody with our crated and where
they were going. They walked over to the ticket booth.
Did you see about ten men carrying wooden crates the other day? Orville asked.
Yes, they came here on the nine thirty train. the ticketmaster said.
Did they buy tickets to go anywhere else? Orville asked.
Yes they did. They bought ten tickets to Nevadasaid the ticketmaster.
When is the next train going to Nevada?Orville asked.
It is here right now but itll leave in five minutes.
Can we buy any tickets now?asked Orville.
Yes, we have three more tickets left.
Can we buy two?

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

Thatll be eight dollars.said the ticketmaster. Orville took eight dollars out of his
backpack and gave the money to the ticketmaster and the ticketmaster gave Orville the two train
You have money in there too.said Wilbur.
Yep. And extra clothes.Orville said. The brothers went to the train and hopped on.
The whistle blew and they were on their way. After a couple of hours around four oclock the
train stopped. The train immediately started erupting with talk. Then the conductor walked into
the carriage cart.
The train derailed off its track. The wait could be a couple of hours. Sorry folks. All
the people on the train groaned.
Psst, psst, follow meWilbur said. They went to the side exit door.
What are you doing?asked Orville in a whisper.
They dont allow people to get of the train and walk there themselves. So were
sneaking out without anybody seeing us.
Okay, but we better hurry
On the count of three, run. One. Two. Three! The brothers hopped off the train and
they dashed as fast as they could beside the rusty railroad tracks. The brothers knocked on the
front door of the nearest house about six miles from the train.
Who is it? said a mans voice from inside the house. A big man opened the front door.
Who are you guys? he asked
We are Orville and Wilbur Wright. We would like to know if we could buy two of your
horses?said Wilbur.
What!said Orville.
Thatll be forty-two dollars.said the man. Wilbur took forty-two dollars out of the
Orvilles pack.
But...ButOrville stuttered.
Here you go.said Wilbur handing the guy the money.
You guys can choose any of those horses over there. the guy said interrupting Orville.
Thank you bye.Wilbur said waving his hand. The brothers walked over to where the
man pointed to.
Hey Orville, I found the perfect horse for you.Wilbur said. Orville walked over to
Im scared of horses!Orville said.
What! You cant be scared of horses at a time like this.Wilbur said.
Well I am!said Orville.
How about you try petting this horse.Wilbur said pointing to a black horse.
Okay, here I go.he said in an uncertain voice. He walked over to the horse. He
reached out an unsteady hand. When his hand was a couple of inches away the horse jerked

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

back. Its okay, I wont hurt you.he said in a soothing voice. He reached out to pet the horse,
but this time the horse trotted up to Orville. Ill take this one. Orville said to Wilbur.
Okay, all I have to do now is find myself a horse.Wilbur said to himself. Afterwards
Wilbur picked out a gray horse with white dots. They started at a trot down the dirt road, then
got faster and faster until they were at full speed. They stopped to take a quick break under an
oak tree.
I love Shadow.Orville said while they were eating.
Whos Shadow?asked Wilbur.
The horse. Who did you think it was?
Well, before you found him you were scared of horses.Wilbur said.
Yeah, but now I love horses.
Good because we still have a long ways til Nevada. So we better get moving. The
brothers got on their horses and rode off into the night. Two days later they reached the Nevada
train station. They walked up to the ticket booth.
Excuse me sir, I have question. Did you see about ten men carrying wooden
crates?asked Wilbur.
Yes I did. said the ticket master.
Which way did they go?
They went thata way.he said.
Okay thank you.said Wilbur. The brothers went the way the man pointed. They came
to an old and abandoned warehouse. Wilbur looked inside the dirty window. Wooden crates
were by the metal table in the middle of the room. Ten men were sitting at the table. A tall man
with black hair was talking to the group of men.
Tomorrow we will take the plane out of the crates and assemble it. And be the first
people in the world to fly. Who has the instructions? the man said. A man with blonde hair
pulled out the instructions from his jacket pocket. Ahh thank you Tom.
We have to find a way to get the plane back.Orville said in a whisper.
What are we going to do?
I got it! Okay, this mission is going to take more brains than brawn.Orville said.
During the night when the only light was the light over the table and all the men are sleeping,
Orville put his plan into action. Okay, lower me down on the rope I have tied around my waist
when I go thumbs up pull me up. And when I go thumbs down lower me. Got it?
Yep. I hope this plan works.Wilbur whispered. Wilbur opened the ceiling tile and
lowered Orville. One by one they pulled the crates up to the ceiling. Until Wilbur lowered
Orville down for the last time. While Orville was reaching for a crate his foot hit a man in the
Hey, what the get him! the man said. Wilbur pulled Orville up as fast as he could.
Get the crates!Orville cried. The brothers picked up the crates and ran to the train
station, with the robbers close behind. Hurry get on the train! The brothers hopped on the
train just as it was leaving the station.

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

We made it, safe and sound.Wilbur said.

No!Orville cried.
What is it?
Shadow. We left him behind.
We cant go back now! The train is leaving.said Wilbur. But Orville had already
jumped off and was running back to the station.
Orville come back!Wilbur cried. But Orville kept on running. Ohh well. Im sure
hell be fine. There's nothing I can do about it.Wilbur kept saying to himself. But just as the
train was reaching full speed, Orville, riding Shadow, hopped onto the train. You made
it!Wilbur said in surprise.
Yeah Shadow is really fast.Orville said.
Well, Im just glad you made it back safe and sound.
Me too. Those robbers were chasing me like a mad dog...until I got Shadow.he said
the last part smiling. Anyways, do you know where we are going?
I dont know but Ill go check.Wilbur said. He climbed over the wooden crates and to
the door. A few minutes later he came back. We are going to Oklahoma.he said as he climbed
back over the crates.
Okay, then we can get on the train to North Carolina from there.he said as he stroked
Wow, you really like that horse.Wilbur said.
Yeah, I cant believe I was afraid of them.
Are you going to bring him home? asked Wilbur.
Of course I am.Orville said.
Wilbur come over here.Orville shouted.
Coming.Wilbur said. He ran to Orville. Is the plane finished yet?
Yep. Now it is time for the coin toss.Orville said. He took a quarter out of his pocket.
He flicks it up into the air.
Heads!Wilbur shouted.
Tails!Orville shouted. The coin landed on the ground. Tails! I win!Orville shouted.
Okay, Okay, lets go get ready.The brothers walk over to the plane. Orville got to the
controls and started the engine.
Ready?Wilbur cried over the roaring noise of the engine.
Ready! The plane took off.
On December seventeenth, nineteen othree, Orville Wright piloted the first successful
flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina with Shadow running after him.

The End

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

Jared Randall/FF Grade:5

Stranded in Canada
Melanie Richter
Forts Ferry
4th Grade

Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

As we flew over New York City I stared at the spot where the world Trade Center was. It
wasnt there any more. My dad keeps calling my name as I blankly stare into space. Nicole,
he keeps saying. Here is how it started.
I had my first level 8 gymnastics meet on Monday, September 10, 2001 in Vancouver,
Canada. I was packing my clothes two days before the meet to go to Canada for the first time
when my mom called that dinner was ready! I ran downstairs. It was pizza night. I had one slice
of pepperoni and one slice of cheese and a cup of apple juice. It was one of my favorite meals.
Right after dinner, I finished packing my clothes. I couldnt wait to go to Canada. The hotel
where we would be staying has a hot tub and a swimming pool which are my favorite parts of the
hotel. A couple hours later, my dad said, Its time to go to bed. I was too excited to fall a
The next day I woke up at 6:30 A.M. I was still sleepy, so I slowly got myself ready to
leave the house to go to the airport. By 10:00 A.M. my family and I were on the plane to
Canada. Five hours later we were at the hotel unpacking. Can we go shopping, Mom? Yes,
my mom said. We went to a Nike store. A few minutes after we walked in I saw a pair of
sneakers I liked. They were black with neon green laces and a dark blue Nike symbol with hot
pink border around the symbol. I asked my mom if we could get them. Yes, but dont start
wearing them until we get home, my mom said. We should go back to the hotel,said my
mom. Soon we were back at the hotel. Can we go swimming?, I ask my dad. Sure, I will go
with you, my dad told me. The deepest part of the pool was 5 ft. A few minutes later, my dad
went in the hot tub. Meanwhile, I stayed in the pool for 30 more minutes.

Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

After that we got dried up to go back to the room. Are you hungry,asked my mom.
Yes, I replied. Can we go to that restaurant in the lobby? The food smelled great when I was
passing by it said my dad. The food was really good. The hotel had a plate of chocolate chip
cookies out in the lobby for the guests to enjoy, so I took one to munch. It was so warm and soft.
Instead of going right back up to the room, we decided to walk around the hotel. We found a
gym, pool, the computer area, and a fireplace with a couch, and TV just like any other hotels.
Soon I got tired. I went back to the room and went to bed.
The next day, I woke up early because of my gymnastics meet. My parents were already
up packing my gym bag. There was a muffin, juicy strawberries, a bagel with cream cheese, and
freshly squeezed orange juice on the table. I watched TV while I was eating my breakfast. A
few minutes after I started eating, my mom started putting my hair into a bun. When I finished
eating, I changed into my team leotard and put on my warm-up suit. Fifteen minutes later, we
started packing up. When we finished packing, we went to the lobby and waited for a taxi to
arrive. A couple minutes later, a taxi came. Inside the taxi was gray with black shiny leather
seats. The seats were comfortable. When we got to the gym, we were early, so I checked in.
There were some people selling drinks and snacks. I got a Gatorade and a granola bar. I
finished eating a few minutes early. Soon, I started to see some of my teammates. We started to
have a little conversation about the meet.
Overall, the meet went very well. I received one silver and three bronze medals for
individual events. Meanwhile, my team placed 2nd for the team event. To celebrate, one of my
teammates, Hannah, and I went out to an ice cream store with our parents. When Hannah and I
finished eating our ice cream, we said bye. Then, I went back to the hotel with my parents.
When we got back, I took a shower and relaxed. Eventually, I fell asleep. I woke up to my mom
Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

calling my name and telling me that its time to eat dinner. After I finished eating, we walked
around Vancouver for a while. It was a really nice place. After that it was time to go to bed.
I woke up early again the next day, September 11, 2001. My dad said, Pack up your
clothes. We have to get to airport to go home. As soon as we finished packing our clothes, we
checked out of the hotel to go to the airport.
When we got to the airport, my dad bought cereal and orange juice for me to eat on the
plane. Unexpectedly, a few minutes later an announcement was made to let everyone know that
all flights had been canceled. Why? I asked. I dont know, said my mom. I guess we
should go back to the hotel and watch the news to found out what happened, said my dad. We
rushed back to the hotel. When we got back, I noticed how everybody was staring at the TV.
Fortunately, there were a few extra chairs left, so I quickly took a seat to watch the news . What
I heard on the news was that a plane crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Oh, no!
I thought to myself. A plane crashed into the Twin Towers! I watched as one the towers were
on fire and then later collapsed into enormous dust clouds. People were running in every
direction covered in dust looking very scared and confused. There were people crying. I also
saw images of police officers and fire fighters helping people. I was too shocked to understand
what was happening. Everybody around me started to whisper. Then a newscaster was saying
that another plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and another one in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Everyone around me looked as confused and as scared as I am,
wondering why these planes are crashing in America. As I continue watching the news, the
second tower started to collapse. Then all of a sudden, BANG! The tower falls. As I continue to
watch, dust starts to takeover the city as people try to run away. I feel bad for the people who are
in pain. As I keep watching, I can feel my hands start to sweat. I cant stop watching the screen.
Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

My eyes are glued to the TV screen. I hear somebody calling my name, but I keep watching.
Soon, I start to wonder . How are my friends doing? I feel like I should call Victoria because
she lives in New York City. I finally stop watching and listen to my dad. He said, I think we
watched enough for today. I asked my mom if she called Victorias family to see how shes
doing. She said, No. She said that I can try to call her soon. My parents were afraid that I
would be too scared to watch the shocking images on TV. They decided to take me back to the
We didnt know right away that the attacks were by a terrorist group called al-Qaeda.
This isnt good, said my dad. What are we going to do now? I asked. We aregoing to have
to stay at this hotel for a few more days. My parents tried to call people they knew back home
to make sure they were all right. I was getting scared also. My parents seemed to be very
worried, but they were trying to act calm.
We decided not to watch the news for a while, so we walked to the restaurant close to the
hotel to get something to eat. While I was eating, I called my friend Victoria, but I couldnt get
through to her. Victoria lives on 72nd Street and Lexington Avenue in New York City with her
parents. I couldnt help worrying about her. When I looked over, I saw my dad looking up
something on his computer. What are you doing? I asked. Then I noticed him looking up the
plane crash. One of the articles said that many people had died. We would later find out that
over 3,000 people were killed, including more than 400 police officers and fire fighters. Thats
awful!, I said to him.
Soon, my mom came over. How are we going to get home? She asked. I am going to
see what day we can get a plane ride home,my dad said. We looked online to see which flight

Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

would be best for us. I couldnt wait. I wanted to get back home. I called Hannah to see if she
could come over. She said she couldnt because they were still looking for a flight home.
What can I do? I asked my dad. I was still worrying about Victoria not answering my
calls. Wait a little and maybe you can try to call her again later. Meanwhile, we can go for a
walk, he said. Soon we went outside. The cool breeze felt good, but soon it made me feel cold.
So, I was delighted to get hot chocolate from Starbucks. After we walked around the area, we
went back to the hotel. Soon my mom asked if I was hungry for dinner. A little bit, I said. I
asked if we could wait for a few more minutes. I wanted to try calling Victoria again.
The next day, when we were having breakfast at the cafe in the hotel lobby, I saw a little
girl with her mom and dad. They looked really sad. I went up to them and asked them whats
wrong. The mom said that their apartment got ruined because of the plane crash. Their
apartment was located downtown near the World Trade Center. She also told me that they were
going to be staying in the hotel for a while. My dad asked them if they wanted to eat with us.
They said, No thanks, its ok. I felt bad for them. I cant help wondering what happened to
Victoria and her family. Why arent they answering the phone? A couple of hours later, we met
up with Hannah and her parents to figure out how to get home.
The next day, we found out that there were going to be no flights into the United States
for a while. So my parents decided to see if we could take a train or bus home. We found out
that the train could take us back to Albany, but first we would have to fly from Vancouver to
Montreal. We made a reservation with Hannahs family for a few days later. The next few days
we walked around Vancouver with Hannah and her family. My parents and Hannahs parents
seemed really worried about the attacks and they hoped we would be able to get home safely.

Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

Finally the day came to go home. We flew from Vancouver to Montreal. The lines at the
airport were very long, and my parents told me that security was going to be especially strict
about letting people on the plane and searching all of our luggage. When we landed in Montreal
we went right to the hotel since it was late at night. The next morning we went right to the train
station after breakfast.
When we got to the border, the train stopped and a lot of police officers got on the train
and started asking everyone who they were, and where they were going. They seemed very
serious. Some people were even taken off the train. The train started moving again, and we
finally got back to Albany that night. The first thing I did was to call Victoria. I am fine.
Everything seems to be pretty hectic right now. Fortunately, my family and I are doing fine,
Victoria said. The next few days all people were talking about were the attacks. Everyone we
knew in Albany was all right, but a lot of people knew friends or family in New York City that
were affected by the attacks. I was happy to be home safe with my family. I hope the people
who were affected by this incident will be home safe with their family one day too.

Melanie Richter 4th grade Forts Ferry

Nazhlah Thompson
Forts Ferry 5th Grade
10 Miles Away
Historical Fiction Story About Hurricane Katrina

Chapter 1
Nazhlah Thompson
FF 5

Why do you try to be popular? No one likes you ginger head! Mackenzie shouted at me.
Mackenzie., I tried to say calmly, watching the shark in designer jeans and pink lip gloss stare
at me with icy blue eyes. People like me, I like my friends too.
Just then, Jess, one of the dorks walked by me and smiled. Hey, Sabrina!, Jess said.
Sup Jess! I said back smiling. I turned to face Mackenzie.
See, Mackenzie?
Oh, so now you're one of the dorks now, Hun? Mackenzie said, with an evil grin. She flipped
her hair &6 sashayed away.
Hold on, let me take it back a step. I am Sabrina Wood, an orange-haired, popular girl, who
doesn't always wear designer jeans.That reminds me of someone..*cough* Mackenzie!*cough*.
I go to RedBrook High. I also hate people that are rude. Mackenzie and I dont make good
Most people have me on their friend list. Mackenzie treats me like trash. Even though I can't
stand her now, I soon learned there was something I hated more than I hated Mackenzie.
Later on in the day, it was social studies, my least favorite subject. I was staring at the rain. It
looked like it was heavier every time I looked outside.
Then it started to thunder; it was so loud, I didn't hear the lunch bell.
Sabrina. Sab-rina! SABRINA! my friend Chrissy shouted in my ear. I jumped.
Its time for lunch. Chrissy said calmly with a smile. I stood up and we walked out the
We walked into the lunchroom, expecting to be flooded by the sound of chatting, chewing,
and lunch trays. But is was quiet in RedBrook Highs cafeteria. people were huddled together,
staring wide-eyed at the humongous windows. I turned. The windows showed us kids this

Nazhlah Thompson
FF 5

Chapter 2
The trees swayed in the wind. The dark sky lit up, and we were startled by a clap of thunder.
The windows slowly cracked, then shattered into our usually cozy cafeteria. Everyone screamed
in fear and distress. Chrissys cold, gray, wide eyes met mine. I turned back to the commotion.
A piece of glass from the higher part of the window cracked, then shattered on the head of a
running student. It was chaotic.
Good bye, Chrissy. I yelled just so she could hear it, staring at the natural disaster.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? Chrissy screamed over the hurricane and chacos. I
ran to the windows, jumped out threw a huge hole, and the last thing I heard was Chrissy call my
I dashed through the wind and rain, watching trees fall down, hoping my feet wouldnt turn
I. Need. To. Get. To. My. Family! I said while panting still on the run. My house was 10
miles away from High School. Smart choice, Mom.
But as I dreaded, I couldn't go farther. My legs collapsed beneath me like a newborn horse.
No., I muttered to myself. No.
Just then, a tree was about to fall, and I was right beneath it. I scrambled away, my legs still in
pain. The tree bashed the ground, making a dent in it. I had enough energy in me to limp away,
wherever my legs took me.
-------------I saw a shadow in the shape of a human. Surprisingly, I stopped and turned around. It was
CHRISSY? She was out of breath.
What are you doing here? I yelled over the scary and annoyingly loud hurricane.
We need to do this together! Chrissy screamed, lifting me on to her shoulders, This is a
Category 5 hurricane, the winds are 175 miles an hour!I also need to find my family!
Wow, youre strong, I said while Chrissy tried to fight the wind with me on her back.

Chapter 3
Nazhlah Thompson
FF 5

What I didnt know at that moment was that we had already traveled 9 out of the 10 miles.
Chrissy and I planned to find my mom, dad, and brother, Cameron, and bring them to the safety
We walked out of the woods, covered in cuts, and bruises. We were also out of breath.
Now, Sabrina, wheres your house?
On Meadowbird Avenue. Chrissy looked back at me, confused at my answer.
Just follow my lead., I said, and started to sprint to my house. Chrissy was on my tail. In a
good way.
I stopped short at the start of Meadowbird. Chrissy banged into me.
What are you doing!? Chrissy yelled over the roar of Katrina. My jaw dropped and I pointed
to my house.
Oh. Chrissy said, worried.
I bolted off, running my hardest to get to my house.
It was a good thing to take track, I muttered to myself even though I couldnt hear it. There
was destruction everywhere. Broken trees, snapped power lines, crumbling houses- it was
We grabbed the caution tape in front of my house in horror. Where was my family? A police
officer came over to us.
Excuse me Miss, you need to leave, this house could crumble over at any moment.
Do you know where the people who live in this house are?
Down at the shelter, where YOU NEED TO BE!!, the police officer roared over the crazed
I stumbled backwards, then dashed off, wondering how he knew that. Chrissy was ahead of me.
Together, we ran the mile to the shelter.

Chapter 4
Chrissy and I walked into the busy shelter.
Nazhlah Thompson
FF 5

Im Sabrina Wood, and this is my friend, Chrissy.Chrissy, whats your last name?. At that
moment, I realized I didnt know the last name of my newest friend.
Chrissy Sacramento., I said to a shelter worker over Katrinas roar and a baby crying.
Do you happen to know where our families are?
In aisle C.
I went speed-walking down aisle C, Chrissy by my side.
This is your chance. she said, letting me walk on my own.
I saw a short boy with red-orange hair, Cameron?, I said to myself. I walked closer.
Sabrina?, a tall man stood up, it was my dad! Cameron and my mom also stood up.
I ran and jumped into my dads warm arms.
Im so glad youre okay!, mom said.
Hey! Hows that?, Cameron said, pointing to Chrissy. I jumped down and walked over to
This is Chrissy. Shes been on most of this trip with me.
Well, thank you Chrissy, for helping my daughter., dad said. I blushed.
A blonde woman came over and put her hand on Chrissys shoulder. Chrissy whipped around.
Mom! I cant believe I found you. I missed you., Chrissy said hugging the person, who turned
out to be Chrissys mom.
Our parents started talking, Cameron sat and listened, and Chrissy and I watched the rain slow
-------------We had to move to a new neighborhood. Luckily, its closer to RedBrook High. Our parents
became good friends, and, were BFFs now. Oh! One more thing. We are neighbors. Remember
how I said there was something I hated more than Mackenzie? Well that thing, is a hurricane.

Nazhlah Thompson
FF 5

Serena and Anne

By Sahana Vinothkumar

Sahana Vinothkumar,Forts Ferry Elementary, Grade 4.

It was a chilly morning in the farm, foggy too; The Cocor family was waking up. When
Serena woke up, she brushed her teeth and went down for breakfast.
Serena got out of bed in a happy mood. Serena made her bed, pushed aside the lavender
draped curtains, and opened the window for some fresh air. Thats better, the air smells like
Good morning dear. Your eggs and bacon are ready, Mother said, drinking tea.
Mother, you should not drink tea, you and Father are spending too much money buying tea,
Serena scolded. Mother picked up the newspaper.
Serena, wake up your little brothers, they havent done their chores, and dont you think
youre not getting chores too, milk the cows when you are done Mother said.
Alright, just one minute, Mother Serena said.
Serena went to her room and went to her desk to take out her diary. She put a new entry
in her diary. Thursday, December 16, 1773. Its a week after the Boston Tea Party took place.
Father still is fighting. When will he come back home?
How is Little Anne doing? asked Serena. Little Anne was the runt of the litter. Is
Father back yet?Serena asked Mother.

Not yet dear. SQUEAL!!!OINK,!!!OINK!!!,OINK!!! SQUEAL!!! Serena put her

coat and heavy scarf on then went to check on the pigs. Little Anne was cold and scared.
Serena took her inside to warm up.
Maybe Little Anne was scared because of the cannons and smell of gunpowder. Then
Serena remembered a big boom!! Serena asked mother, Can Little Anne stay in the cabin until
she grows into a grown up pig?
As days passed, Serena and Anne grew into great friends. Serena fed Anne using a bottle.
Serena played with Anne in the farm. Serena also knit and sewed pieces of cloth to make little
dresses and clothes for her. Serena also made Anne a little bed and made her some toys, like
bean bag balls and little dolls.

Sahana Vinothkumar,Forts Ferry Elementary, Grade 4.

Serena, Mother, Timmy, John and the farm animals were worried about Serenas father.
As the men fought many died, many were injured and many were wounded. Serena, her little
brothers, Timmy and John, Mother and the farm animals were so very relieved when father came
back home safe and sound.
Sadly, the Patriots lost. Father knew what Samuel Adams would do next. Samuel Adams
led the Patriots into war. Father said what Adams would do. He told Mother they planned to tell
the kids tomorrow.
Father and Mother always wanted to go to New York. Then he told them the sad part.
They were moving. Moving to a wonderful place, a place where they were free. But they could
only bring two of each animal, and the children could only bring one box of their belongings.
The rest they would sell for money to buy the boat.
Mother and Father gave each of the children a box. Can I please have another box?
Please, please, please? Serena asked. The boys wanted another box too. Alright, Father said.
The children walked slowly and sadly to pack their belongings.
Serena then had an idea. She ran to Timmy and Johns room along sided Anne. She told
her brothers how they could pack more toys than clothes. Her idea was to fold the clothes into
tiny little squares. Now the children could pack tons of clothes and still have room for toys and
gifts from friends and family. Timmy and John thanked Serena, and started packing.
Serena had a tough time choosing what to bring. She packed all of her finest dresses.
Then she packed her favorite doll, Annabelle, given to her on her first birthday. Then she packed
her other dolls, Sarah, Sally, Betsy, Anna, and Ella.
In Serenas other box she packed her dresses, petticoats, night gowns, slippers and the
music playing jewelry holder given to her by Mother and Father for her eighth birthday. Then
she packed her sewing set, along with fabric, doll dresses and dresses for Anne.
Then she took everything else downstairs to Mother and Father to sell. Father also said
something once Timmy and John had come down. He said that if he could sneak on the ships late
at night, he could get his share of tea. He did go at night for his share of tea, and brought home a
whole box of tea. Mother was so satisfied.
She and Father planned to go at night and steal one more box of tea. Father did and came
home quickly. They put up a sign saying TEA FOR SALE COME TO HOUSE NUMBER

Sahana Vinothkumar,Forts Ferry Elementary, Grade 4.

1989.Many people came to Serenas house to buy tea. Mother and Father earned $10.00
selling tea. Serena wanted Mother and Father to have more money, so while people were buying
tea, Mother and Father agreed to let Serena sell her belongings that she didnt want anymore.
Serena wanted Timmy and John to sell some stuff they didnt need. They felt both sadness and
joy as each item was given away.
At the end of the day, they had $30.00 for selling tea and belongings. Father had gone to the
farm with the family and chose the animals they were going to keep and sell. Serena begged
Father to bring Anne with them. Finally Father let Serena bring Anne with them, on one
condition, they had to bring a male pig. So Father chose Harold.
The next day came quickly, but went by slowly. First, Father put up a sign saying FARM
ANIMALS FOR SALE COME TO HOUSE NUMBER 1989. The family said their goodbyes
to the farm animals. It was a sad moment for the Cocor family. After all the animals were sold,
Mother and Father had enough money to buy a boat and sail the seas to New York.
The next morning, Father went to a boater and asked the boater if he had any more boats. The
boater said yes. Father asked if he could take the boat for a ride. The boater said yes. Father liked
the boat.The Cocor family packed up their boxes and crates, as they loaded them into the boat.
After the boxes were loaded, the animals were loaded.
Father called Mother, Timmy, John, Hunter, Serena, and Anne. From now on, Anne would never
leave Serena's side, neither would Serena. As the Cocor family sailed to the North, they forgot
their bad memories in the country, keeping the good ones and gathering more in New York.
After they entered New York, Mother and Father bought a house and twelve acres of land. The
house Mother and Father bought was very big. Now Serena, Anne, Timmy, and John had a lot
of space to play. Serena, Timmy, and John had their own bedrooms.
As Serena started unpacking, she put Annes bed next to her bed. She started to unpack other
items, and began putting them on shelves, her desk, and her drawer. After she was done
unpacking her stuff, she helped Mother, Father, Timmy and John. After helping unpack, Serena
played in the yard with Timmy, John, and mostly Anne.

After playing, Serena went to help Father unload the animals into their pens; first the cows went
with Serena as she coaxed them each into a pen,, then the goats went in eagerly, and after that,
the geese rushed to find a nest, finally the chickens were loaded into the chicken coop.

Sahana Vinothkumar,Forts Ferry Elementary, Grade 4.

Serena and Anne went inside the house. Serena knew that Anne was more than her friend, she
was family.


Sahana Vinothkumar,Forts Ferry Elementary, Grade 4.

Sahana Vinothkumar,Forts Ferry Elementary, Grade 4.

Tea in the Harbor

Halko, Ashley ,FF

December,16,1773 3:54 am.

I lay in my bed ready for the hard day of work ahead of me. I worked for the Browns. I
didnt get paid but I was not a slave. If I worked as their stable boy, I was guaranteed a warm
room to spend the nights, food and new clothing, not the fancy kind though. There house was
very close to the Boston Harbor. It was better than my last job, for then my home was the streets.
The only thing that I could sometimes barely cope with was their beliefs. I still went to church
with them yes and I was Christian. I just didnt believe in the king. I wanted to break free from
Britain. They were taxing the colonies. We could not be taxed without a representer in
government. I know many people disagree, but just as many people agree, maybe more. I
Halko, Ashley,5, FF

admired the Sons of Liberty.They were the group organizing the events.The turning around of
the ships. Just a couple of days ago word was spread that they turned around some ships carrying
tea. Not just any tea, but tea with the tea tax. A TAX! On such a thing like tea. Many people are
afraid they will come here and turn around the ships arriving tonight. I am not scared, not one bit
at all. I would like to turn around that ship myself. I slowly drifted back off into a sleep,
dreaming of myself as a hero.

6:00 am
Edward wake up. Get to work now. Breakfast will be served. I had to get up now, no
more laying in bed. I quickly got dressed, then headed down for breakfast and ate quietly. I had
just bread with jam and one egg. As always, Elizabeth, my employers daughter, who was only 5,
dragged me into conversation. Horses are pretty. You're lucky you get to be with them all day,
you have a great life. I did not answer, but thought to myself. Im not lucky my parents died
from some illness when I was 13,now Im alone. I wanted to be a doctor, but Im here.
Everybody looked at me waiting for an answer, so I said, I agree horses are pretty. That was
true, I did like horses. Edward, please hook up the horses for the carriage and get to work. I did
as I was told. As I was leaving I heard Mr. Brown say to Elizabeth He should not be a role
I was not happy with that. I groomed the horses and rigged them to the carriage. Mr.
Brown went to work and the women started to knit. Slowly I walked back into the house. Please
pick up our groceries Edward. They should be ready at Mr. Jones store. I did not get to ride in
a carriage; I had to walk. It was not far and it gave me time to think.
I put on a coat and walked outside. It was an old coat ripped in places. It was not very
warm at all.
I looked around listening to the horse hooves make a steady beat on the cobblestone path.
I walked and walked until I reached the store.
Good morning Edward. Here for the pick up for the Browns?
Yes, why else would I be here.
I dont know. I was just asking.
The tea tax is very disappointing. Do you agree?
Yes, of course. Mr. Jones looked like he was debating something in his mind. The
Sons of Liberty are coming to turn around the ships. You can come if you want. Tell the people
on this list to meet at my house at 11:00. Bring a feather and smear soot on their faces. We will
be disguised. He handed me the list of names and the goods.
I will.

Halko, Ashley,5, FF

I left. On the list were almost all the people who were against the British. Most of the
people worked as fisherman. I knew I had to hurry, they usually came back to land for an early
I walked to the harbor, they werent there. I walked to a local bakery. I saw them there. I
walked to their table and explained.
Listen, the Sons of Liberty are assembling. Theyre meeting at Mr. Jones house. He said
to bring a feather and smear soot on your face.
Sit down lad. I sat down greatfuly. You lad, you are going right, that might be hard.
Youre right Im a stable boy for the Browns.
The Browns sounds like a good job, here have some food. I ate a little and talked some
more. Surprisingly they were only a year older than me. They had brown hair and a muscular
look. They were only a year older than me but they looked much older. Lad you better sit back
here Im pretty sure Mr. Brown just walked in the door. Ya see. I almost forgot that I was
supposed to be running errands for them. I hid among them. I was silent for the rest of the meal. I
watched as Mr. Brown ate. He needed to leave before I could. Doubt entered my mind. Tonight
is my chance to be a hero. What if they catch me? I would be fired. Elizabeth is sure to be
awoken when I leave.
I decided to leave. Hopefully Mr. Brown wouldnt notice, he was far away from the door
anyway. I stood up and walked toward the door.
Edward He said it in not quite a shout but not very nicely either. I didnt run I knew
that would be a bad idea and I didnt ignore it. Instead I walked over.
For, what are you doing here? I decided to state most of the truth.
When I got to the store I picked up the goods and Mr. Jones asked me to deliver a
message to some of his friends here. He looked convinced enough to let me keep my job. Or so
I hoped.
Sorry, I made a big deal out of it. I did not know.
You are forgiven sir.
Im glad to hear that now please get heading home. I will check in with Mr. Jones after
work. That story should be true.
I walked out and headed home fast. That was a close call. I realized I had to be careful
that night as careful as a lions prey. I walked faster as I could see the house. I walked in. I was
happy to be back at the house and I was just in time for afternoon tea and tarts.

1:00 pm
I cleaned up right before afternoon tea. I was called to the table by Mrs. Brown.

Halko, Ashley,5, FF

Elizabeth oh my you need to start schooling soon. You have an excellent imagination
your quilts are just beautiful. I listened, I wish I had schooling when I was younger. The only
way I could read the names on the list Mr. Jones gave me was because of seeing them before,
many times before. I could not write or read.
Edward arent you hungry? You missed lunch today. I looked down at my plate. There
was still two tarts there.
Dinner last night was filling and breakfast topped it off. Im not too hungry.
That is to bad. Can you please bring down my sewing supplies along with Elizabeths
and place it next to my sewing chair? I believe you need more shirts am I correct?
Yes, you are. I walked up the stairs. The sewing basket was outside Elizabeths door. I
walked back down. I set it down next to the chair.
Thank you, you may now wash the dishes and put the stew over the hearth. I didnt like
being bossed around but, it was my job. I started in on my work. I put the stew over the hearth
and put in extra firewood to make sure there was enough soot for the disguise. The hearth was
beautiful. As was the rest of the house.The wooden clock making rhythmic ticks. The custom
chairs. I remember when I helped deliver them to the house. The garland on the railings. He
would soon have to help with the Christmas tree. The bright sunshine shining through the
windows. Wherever the light touched it bathed it in warmth. They must have noticed me in my
daydream. Edward. A mear sorry was all I could say.

4:00 pm
Mr. Brown walked in the door. Elizabeth jumped up.
Lizzy look what I got you.
Candy, candy! He was holding a lolipop. Oh how I wished for a sweet treat. Im sorry
about today Edward, it was a misunderstanding.
Well did you get more tea today?
No I;m sorry they were all out. There are ships coming tomorrow. I desperately wanted
to say there would be no more tea tomorrow, but if I did it would blow my cover. Then
something predictable will happen. I will be fired and arrested along with my friends. That was
a risk I couldnt take.
Lizzy, keep sewing while mom makes dinner, ok?
Thats fine papa.

7:00 pm
Time to get to bed Lizzy. Lizzy walked upstairs and into her room. I could tell she
would quickly fall fast asleep. I lay in my bed until everybody was asleep. I slowly got up and
started my disguise. I put a feather in my hair and covered my skin with soot. I walked
downstairs and opened the door. No turning back now.
Halko, Ashley,5, FF

I walked the quiet streets. Not a sound was heard. I got to Mr. Jones house and creeped
in. Many people were there. Some people I did not know. Someone spoke. Im your leader.
Tonight many people will be at the harbor. Follow me and we will turn around those ships. Lets

11:00 pm
We walked to the harbor and awaited instructions. The leader of the whole thing started
to speak.Tonight we will not just turn these ships around we will dump the tea. This thought
raced through my mind. Before I could decide we marched on to the ship.
We marched onto the ship like an army perfectly in line. Soon we were on the ship. I
wondered were the captain was? 1,2,3,up. We lifted the cases of tea in perfect unison. They
were heavy. I had to heave it above my head. Splat. The tea hit the water. The tea spread like
an explosion of color rippling out from the center point. All that tea had just been wasted. I
hoped the fish, crab and lobsters were enjoying it. Oh how I hoped it didnt harm them. After the
first dump we were out of unison. Splat, splat, splat. The air smelled like tea and salt water. I
think we were dumping 40 cases a minute maybe more.
I realized what our disguise was meant to be an Indian tribe. Thoughts raced through my
mind. What if the British found out it was us? What would they do? We would be severely
punished. What if we were put to death?
Then, it was over.
What I just did felt amazing. An act of rebellion. We wanted independence. I dumped
more tea into the harbor and soon it was over.
When we were done we all walked home. Today was a historic day. I have a feeling this
day will be remembered in history. For today there was tea in the harbor.

Later that night

I slowly walked around trying not to make a sound. I cleaned up fast so I was ready for
the day of work ahead of me. Elizabeth stirred in her bead. I heard the footsteps of tiny feet. That
was not good.
Lizzy walked downstairs. I dove into my room. The young girl walked down the stairs
with her blonde curls waving. Edward. She whispered up the stairs. Lizzy get back to bed.
Soon she walked back up the stairs with a glass of water. She walked into her room.

Halko, Ashley,5, FF

Word would get around soon. Mr.Brown would know what happened. Hopefully he
would not know I was a part of it. I sat in my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Halko, Ashley,5, FF

ByJacob Ford

Hi. My name is Jeremy Darel. I am a ten year old boy. I used to be very poor but now I am
very rich. You want to know how? Well Ill tell you.
One day, I heard on the radio that they were picking one kid to see the moon launch at NASA
and meet Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. It was a raffle and the tickets cost $1, but I got just
enough for it from my birthday yesterday. I rushed to the corner store down the street. I bought
the ticket and rushed home.
I told my two older brothers about it. They didnt listen to the news so they knew nothing
about it. You wasted your money. Ma told me when I was young never to waste money on
that junk, Parker laughed. I tried to prove them wrong but when I heard what mom said I
wanted my money back instantly.
I knew there was a chance for winning, but that it was like picking a dime out of a trillion
quarters. I went to the store to try to get a refund but he said Sorry kid. We cant give refunds
to anybody. I got furious! I stomped my way home. I sat on the worn out rug, angry. Whats
the matter Jeremy? my dad asked. I mumbled, I couldnt get my money back for a dollar raffle
Jacob Ford Forts Ferry Grade 4

ticket. Theres still a chance of you winning you know, my dad said, forcing a smile. Sure,
like I would win out of a million people I said sarcastically.
About an hour later it was dinner time. Why was I so stupid? Why? Why?? I said.
Honey, theres still a slight chance that you can win, my mother said quietly. I guess. his
brothers said together. I said I doubt it. I know youre just trying to make me feel better. Its a
one out of a trillion chance. Nobody spoke after that until bedtime.
After my mother said good night, I went to bed. I went to the radio and the guy said, and the
winner is 1112123. I was so mad! My number was 1112122! I woke up. I was relieved.
I woke up, put on my clothes and rushed to the radio. I couldnt not feel happy. I started to
feel tons of joy. It was a few hours until I heard the voice, the one I wanted to hear wanted to
hear .
And the winner is... Then I hoped so much that I would win. Then he said the first
number, 1 Yes that was his first number. 1 Yes again. 1 Yes. Then I started to feel more
and more like I was going to win. 2 Yes. I was getting closer. 1 Then I was so lucky. 2
Yes, just one more number. Now only a couple of people had a chance to win now. And the
last number is He waited so long. It was a few minutes before he said it. And the last
number is 7 WHAT?!?! I was so mad until I heard him speak again. Wait. Sorry the last one
is actually 2. Then I just got the feeling that I was dreaming so I slapped myself. I felt pain so I
knew I was awake. Then I ran and told my mom and dad.
I WON! My mom and dad looked puzzled. What do you mean you won? my mom
asked. I won the lottery! I said even louder and WAY more happy this time. Wheres the,

Jacob Ford Forts Ferry Grade 4

winners thing. Yeah its a mile away.I said Follow me. I said and we walked are the way
I was so excited to meet Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and get to see them walk on the
moon. They were going to be the first men on the moon. I was going to see them walk on the
moon. It was going to be the best experience ever.
When we got to NASA a nice man said Hello. Are you here for the lottery? In fact
we are,. my mom said taking the words right out of me. Can you show me your ticket please?
The man said. I took the ticket out of my pocket and gave it to the man. He checked, double
checked, triple checked and repeated that like twenty times until he said, You won! You can
I looked and looked but I couldnt find Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. I kept on
looking and looking until I finally found Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. I went up to them. I
saw them getting ready for the trip to the moon. Then I went up to them.
Hello. Im Jeremy Darel I said Well nice to meet you Jeremy. Anyway why are you
here? Neil Armstrong said The lottery ticket I said. Then Neil Armstrong spoke Oh yeah.
Totally forgot about that.
Neil showed me around the NASA station and didnt leave out one part. Then after he
showed me around he gave me a microphone attached to a set of headphones. What are these?
I was really confused on what those were. Thats a thing you can use to talk to us while we're
on the moon. Cool. When are you guys going to leave? I said. In a few hours. Maybe 2 or
1 Neil Armstrong said Ok bye Neil Armstrong, bye Buzz Aldrin. I said. Then I went to see
my mom.
Jacob Ford Forts Ferry Grade 4

Jeremy where were you? We were looking all over for you, my mom said so happy. I
was with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. They were showing me around the NASA station
and they gave me this. I held up the thing they gave me to talk on the moon with them.
Anyway they wont be launching for a couple more hours so I guess well just wait.
A couple hours later they were ready to launch. I was getting ready to talk to them. 5...
4 3 2 1 Liftoff. The engine was bursting with flames. It looked like it was going to
burn the ground up into flames but luckily it didnt. Then it went into the air and flew up higher
and higher until it was up like a million feet.
Then I finally started to talk to Neil Armstrong. Hey how is the view from there? I
asked Very nice. I was wondering something that Im pretty sure youll say yes to. Neil
Armstrong said. Then he spoke again. So I was wondering if you wanted to split the money
from all the stuff we get from the moon. Oh thank you soo much. I would love that. I said
happier than ever. That was when I knew that I would never be poor again.
For the couple of days that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were in space we talked and
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin told me how it was to be in space.
1 Month Later at my new house..
Because we all split the money from the 1,000 moon rocks, we each got over a couple million
Jeremy, dont leave the T.V. on, said my mom. I was watching our very own T.V, ;sports
were on. Jeremy, school starts in 15 minutes. You should start catching up to Parker and

Jacob Ford Forts Ferry Grade 4

Ryan, said my mom. It was just another ordinary day and I was on my way to school. We now
live in a very big house. Probably the size of 50 of our old houses.
And we all lived happily ever after.

Jacob Ford Forts Ferry Grade 4

You're going to work on the Titanic!

John's eyes open wide. This had to be a joke, but all the operator did was hand him a uniform
with a key to the room and a badge that said RMS Titanic in big bold letters. The next day he
hurried to the dock to find the mighty ship. He found it with no problem at all. He went to the
crew entrance and got his key out that matched up with his cabin. Then a man came in and
gave him a list of red and golden colored letters that said: Night Shift 12 AM to 6 AM: 12 AM to
1AM: walk and feed the dogs. 1AM to 3AM scrub the deck. 3AM to 4AM be the second
steerers helper keeping the ship on its main course. 4AM to 6AM bring new sheets and pillows
to first class cabins.
All John really wanted to do was to help steer the mighty ship. He heard that only a few sailors
would have the privilege of steering the Titanic. Then he saw the pay was $6 an hour. He would
be rich by the time they got back in the port. But what he did not like was the night shift. He did
not like sleeping during the day. But would stick with it since the day shift is paid only $3 per
hour, while the night shift pays $6 an hour. That night, he started his routine with walking the
dogs. Then of course he scrubbed the decks. Later, he got to his favorite task of helping steer
the Titanic. At 4 am, he got off of the bridge of the Titanic and started handing out new pillows
and sheets to the cabins in first class. Then at 7 AM in the morning he went to the cafeteria to
eat dinner. He smiled at the thought of his 36 dollars for his last 6 hours of work.
He did the same thing every night for the next three nights and
He ran to the bridge where he found the officers shouting into the speakers go to your lifeboats!
Women and children first!. You there! an officer shouted at him, Go help row on your
assigned lifeboat!.
What lifeboat? I don't know my assigned lifeboat! The officer told him to go down three
decks to the lifeboat station which was next to the boiler rooms.
He ran down the steps as fast as he could toward the boiler rooms. He ran through the boiler
room. Then the watertight doors, one in the back of him and one in front of him started to close.
He was trapped! The water went over the doors and was up to his injured knee. Suddenly, with
a large boom, a boiler exploded! Iron and coal flew everywhere! One piece of coal hit john in
the injured leg. He screamed and and fell then BOOM! The force of the explosion threw him
against a wall.
When he looked up he saw a safety ladder. He wanted to climb it out of the room but the ladder
was on fire. John knew it was risky and he could die from it but he also knew he could climb up
things fast. He quickly climbed up the burning ladder out of the flooding room into the lifeboat
managers office. The lifeboat manager told him to get onto a lifeboat three to row the already
loaded passengers away from the sinking ocean liner. He started running to boat three, but
before he could get there, he saw that it had already started being tlowered into the water. The

nose of the ocean liner began tilting more toward the ocean floor. A huge wave of salty, ice cold
water pushed him over the railing down into the sea. His head went down below the surface.
He swallowed cold water. He bobbed up above the surface. He coughed and was about to go
down again when he saw an overturned lifeboat just a few feet from him. He struggled and was
able to get to it and climb onto its collapsed hull. He was exhausted and freezing, but he was
There were hundreds of other people struggling to float in the water beside him. He helped a
mother and two of her children get onto the hull of the overturned lifeboat and then helped four
others also get onto the rescuing surface until there was no free surface available for any
others. Then he fell asleep. They had waited for a hours when he awoke. But off in the
distance they could all see the lights of an approaching ocean liner, the Carpathia which was
coming to rescue them out of the ocean.
John was on the Carpathia for a few days when it sailed passed the Statue of Liberty into New
York Harbor. He was most thankful that he was one of the survivors of the sinking of the

Kevin Conjalka

Forts Ferry grade 4 #6 4-oc

Tri- Girl Tornado

By: Abby O'Neill

Tri- Girl Tornado

O'Neill, Abby ff 5

Chapter 1
Im Ally. Im 11 years old and live in Missouri. I have bright blonde hair, eyes as blue as
the ocean, and skin as pale as Snow White. Im very short for my age. I do well in school. I like
all subjects, but writing is my absolute best and favorite. My room has a small bed, small chair,
small dresser, and small desk because Im poor. Here in this very small room is where this whole
disaster got started..
I was sitting in my room with my BFF Lily. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Lily is
average. Not great at school, not bad, not rich or poor, not short or tall. But shes the BEST artist
in the class... no grade... no school... no... state, thats it definetly state. When we get older, with
her drawing and my writing we could make prize winning picture books. So back to now. Hey
Lily, do you want to go out? I asked. Sure she said and we went off.
Oh, the town, how could I describe it? The shops are wonderful. I love looking in them,
even though I can only afford one small thing a week.My favorite store smells like apple cider
donuts.Today was a pretty decent day, but every time that I looked up it seemed the sky was
getting darker. Uh oh, rich girl alert said Lily.
That rich girl was Kristy. Shes the richest, meanest girl in the town. She was wearing
high heeled shoes, [because she was so short] a blouse, and skinny jeans. She had flawless skin,
and expensive jewelry.
Hey babe, what are you having for dinner? Beef, fish, pota. oh wait, silly me, I
forgot. Youre lucky to even have dinner each night!she exclaims, smiling.
Listen, shes not that poor. said Lily. I absolutely love having Lily as a friend. She
always sticks up for me when Kristys being mean.
Oh yeah, good job, you had your sidekick talk for you. Oh well, peace out! she said as
she walks away laughing.
Its okay, just shake it off, you dont even like her. she said, and we walked into a
little shop, as the wind started to pick up, and it was getting a lot chillier...
Chapter 2
Mmm this is the best apple cider donut Ive ever had! said Lily.
Yeah it is, thanks so much for buying them! I said. The warmth felt so good in my
mouth. The cinnamon was all over my lips. The softness felt so good in my mouth.
Hey, maybe I could write about this. The donut felt like a sauna in my mouth because
of the cold. It was so soft. Mmm, so good, the cinnamon was all over my lipsI say.
Um excuse me said a guy who Ive never seen before in my life. i have no idea what to
say. My mom told me never to talk to strangers

Tri- Girl Tornado

O'Neill, Abby ff 5

I was just listening, did you say that you may write that in a story, because if you did,
that story would be absolutely wonderful. The best story ever written by an 8 year old.he said.
Im 11, I say.
Oh. Im so sorry I didnt introduce myself. I am Louis Gard, the best publisher in all of
Of course, Ive read some of the books youve published. They were absolutely by far
the best books that I've read in my life! I said. Its always been my dream for him to publish
something that I write! What are the chances that while Im saying something that Im going to
write hes standing right next to me! I must be dreaming, Im thinking, so I rub my eyes and
when I open them hes still there.
So, have you written a story before?
Well, I write all the time but Ive never written professionally. I say.
Great. So, could you write me a story? he asks.
I...I I stutter. Im so nervous, The most famous person Ive met was the burger guy.
What shes trying to say yes. But whats on my mind is what are you going to offer
her? said Lily.
Hmmm you seem like a pretty good writer, so Im going to say, $10,000? he said
looking like he had absolutely no doubt about it whatsoever.
Are you joking? You obviously must be joking, because thats crazy! The most Ive
ever gotten is $5 I found on the street! I said shocked.
I dont joke. So you in or not?
Well, Im not going to fool around either, yes of course! But, where can I find you? I
Meet me back here next week at 5:00P.M. he said as he walked out. Lily and I just
stared at each other, smiling, then rushed home right away to tell my mom the absolute best, very
good, happiest news ever heard of on the entire planet. When we went out of the shop, it was
really strange. It started to sprinkle and out of almost every single house and store, a head
popped out said something quickly, then at least one person went inside that house and/or
Chapter 3
This is Scott Stevens. There is a major tornado warning. I repeat, a major tornado
Hey Mom, guess what what I ha
Itll have to wait. Theres going to be a tornado. she said nervously.
Oh my gosh, Lily, you better get home right away. Your mother must be worried
sick!I said, sounding just as nervous as my mom does.
No, Lily, your mom and I worked this out a long time ago. If Allys at your house, or
vise versa and theres a storm, just to stay there. my mom says. I hate tornados. Once when I
Tri- Girl Tornado
O'Neill, Abby ff 5

was eight, my dog Betty died in a tornado. I was devastated. She was like my best friend. I didnt
want something to happen to the people I love, so I took charge.
Okay, where are Sarah and Dad? I asked.
They are at Grandmas she said. Okay.
Weve got shelter in the basement. Lets roll, I said. As we went down I quickly said to
myself, Please have everyone be okay. Theyre so important to me I cant even explain it. Just
have everyone survive. I rushed downstairs, begging everyone, from family to the biggest
strangers, to be okay.
Chapter 4
At first, I dont hear anything. But after 10 minutes, it began. I could hear its piercing
sound.I was so terrified. My sister must be scared to death.Shes never been in a tornado. Hours
passed.Has it already passed? Is Sarah okay? All were all questions that were going through my
mind. Finally, I know its over. I can just tell because the suns out, I hear rummaging, and also I
hear the radios saying
Its over, I repeat, its over! I stand up. I struggle because theres wood, ash, and dirt
all over me.Im so relieved, but first I look down. Thank gosh. My mom and Lily are standing
next to me.I hug them both. They start to say something, but I dont hear it, because I start
running. Its kind of like an instinct. When something happens, I need to make sure all my
familys okay. While Im running, I run a certain way. I run so I can go past Kristys house,
because Im curious to find out what happened to it. When I run past, Im stunned. Their whole
entire gigantic mansion [well what was their entire gigantic mansion] was all down. I was
expecting nothing to happen, because well, the Blacks lives is so perfect that sometimes I
wonder, Why do bad things always happen to me? But not today. Today I saw something Ive
never seen before in my horrible life, Kristy Black is actually crying. I go over to her and say
something I would never say. I put my hand on her and say,
Are you okay? She sniffles, then yells,
Im fine you little rodent! I dont need sympathy from you!
Okay geez, I was just trying to be friendly. I say hands in the air, backing away, and
go to check on Susan and Dad. I get there, and theyre fine. Thank gosh. My little sister Susan
hugged me so tight. This was her first tornado, seeing as the other one happened befor she was
even born.
Its okay, were you scared? I asked her quietly. She nodded. I went over and hugged
Dad and Grandma.
Im so glad that youre all okay and not hurt. I said.
Yeah, said my dad, just look around at everything and everyone. I look around in
amazement, and not the good kind. People dead, injured, and very few perfectly fine.
I feel so bad, I say.
Yeah its pretty bad, says my dad. Hows your mother? he asks.
Tri- Girl Tornado
O'Neill, Abby ff 5

About that.. I kind of looked, saw she was okay, then left. I exclaim.
Ally! he yells. Are you out of your mind!
Sorry, do you think we should go see her? I asked.
Duh! he said, and we ran off
Chapter 5
Ally, what were you thinking, running off! my Mom yells.
Sorry, I said. As I was standing, I couldnt help but to think about Kristy. I almost felt
bad but then I remembered that she has enough money to build that mansion 1000 more times. I
felt something hard under my feet. Yet, Im not standing on wood. I look down. Theres a
HUGE envelope under my feet. I pick it up. I assume its probably something that my mom still
has to pay for. But its the complete opposite. A gigantic huge wad of $100 bills. Now because
Im so poor, I asked the stupidest question ever.
What are these things? I asked.
Oh, my gosh, honey those bills are each worth $100! said my mom.
Wait I found another, and another, and another!
There's about 50! said Lily.
Oh my gosh, this is the worst yet the best day Ive ever had! I said. 2 things in one
day! I exclaimed.
Wait, what other thing? Am I missing something? asked my mom.
Oh yeah, in all the excitement of the tornado, I forgot to tell you, my favorite publisher,
you know, Louis Gard, the French man with a really hot accent, heard me talking about an apple
cider donut that I was going to write about. He said that he would love it if I wrote that in a
story! He said if I give it to him in the shop next week at 5: 00 P.M ., hell give me 100,000
Oh my gosh honey! This is the greatest news in the absolute history of good news,
which is not a lot for our family!
Congratulations Ally! You better get to work as soon as our improved house gets built.
said my dad. I was smiling so much I thought my face was either going to break or get stuck like
that forever. Then my mom and dad both started crying. Not upset tears, but jolly happy tears.
Then all of a sudden something happened that I would never think would happen in my entire
life. Kristy Black came over and gave me a big, giant hug
Chapter 6
She kept hugging me. It felt like she was hugging me for 1 hour. Im assuming that its
my friend, Elizabeth. So I turn around and say, Hey Lizz.But Im absolutely stunned that it
was Kristy. I didnt understand. Before Kristy told me to get away. Why is she now hugging me?
Tri- Girl Tornado
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What are you doing? Didnt you tell me to get away? And whats with the crying? You
probably have people right now building you a bigger, better mansion! Oh my gosh! What just
made me say that? Im just so fed up with all of her nonsense, always saying that shes better
than everyone else.
Geez, Im actually upset here. she said, still crying. I stared at her eyes. They were full
of tears. They looked like an ocean. I never realized how pretty her bright blue eyes were. They
looked exactly like mine.
Oh my gosh, Im so sorry Kristy! I didnt mean a word I said! I said to her.
Its okay, I deserve it. Just like I deserve my whole house being wrecked. Im broke,
she said. She looked like she really meant it.
Its so brave that that you came over here after what happened. I probably shouldnt
say this, but we found a lot of money. It was a legend in our family. My great great great. I
said, counting on my fingers.
We get it. she said.
...grandfather buried it. The legend was that the generation who best deserve it would
find it. Anyway, We just found a lot of money. Were rich
Its okay. she said, between sniffles.
You know what, if you want, we can give you some money for now until you can get
back on your feet.
She sniffed. Oh my gosh, thats so nice of you. I don't deserve it, she says.
Yes you do. The fact that you came over here shows that you deserve it, I say.
You know what, I should start being nicer.You are a really awesome writer. I hope that
you become a famous writer one day.
Well, thats sooner than you think. A publisher asked me to write a story for him! I
Oh my gosh, that such good news! said my mom.
I actually figured out the beginning of it. I said Tell us! Tell us! They all shouted.
Okay, okay, calm down! I said.
Allys beginning of her story
Hi, Im Ally. Im 11 years old and live in Missouri. I have bright blonde hair and eyes as
blue as the ocean, and skin as pale as Snow White. Im very short for my age. I do good in
school. I like all subjects, but writing is my absolute favorite and best. My room has a small bed,
small chair, and a small desk because Im poor. Now here in this very little room is where this
whole disaster got started..
Oh my gosh! I absolutely love it! said Lily.
That beginning sounds similar that what just happened to us. she said.
Hmm. maybe it was, maybe it wasnt I Said.
Tri- Girl Tornado
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Then we all burst out laughing. Isnt it just funny how the worst days turn out to be the

Tri- Girl Tornado

O'Neill, Abby ff 5

Tri- Girl Tornado

O'Neill, Abby ff 5

page 1

by Vivian Nartey

Chapter 1:
New Recruit
Vivian Nartey
Grade 5
Forts Ferry

page 2

As I run down the field, I hear coach Pam and my sister Mia in her wheelchair cheering along
with the crowd. Closer and closer, I get to shooting against the goalkeeper for Brazil. Face to
face with her I shoot with all might...BAM! The ball passes her face as if a car passed a
pedestrian with speed. The moment I scored was the moment that the timer went BEEP, as an
indication that it was end of game. All the coaches and other players surround my area. Wow!
You scored the winning goal! Congrats! a coach said. I looked over her shoulder and saw my
sister Mia rolling in her wheelchair. She said Way to go, sport. You are natural, and I am really
glad youre are subbing for me. That was the moment that I realized that Rose bowl in
Pasadena,California was my place to shine!
The reason my sister cannot play in the World Cup is because she is suffering from a major ankle
injury. She might not be able to play ever again. Thats why I play for her. Whether she is on or
off the field, she is always inspiring me to be my very best. I always have to be on my best game
to impress Mia. I mean its not like I just got this sub spot. I worked hard for it. REALLY
HARD! They dont give it to just anyone. Only the girl who cooperates with the coaches and
gives only their very best effort.
Chapter 2:
Rough practice
At practice, coach made us condition for two hours. Mia helped contribute ideas and after
everyone was so sore including me. When it was time for a five minute break, we all sit with
each other and complained how incredibly hot it was. Ugh. I feel like I cant move an inch
more! Brandi said. I couldnt agree more. I feel like burnt toast in the morning. Coach Pam
called us back over to have one of her famous lectures. It went like this : Ok, girls,
congratulations to your win against Brazil. Now that we keep winning people will be expecting
more. So we gotta bring more. I am not gonna be the nice guy anymore. No more freebies for
being late. If youre not on time, sucks for you. Does everyone understand? Everyone nodded
yes. I cant hear you! she repeated.Then everyone finally answered and scattered to do the drill
in the scorching hot sun.

After practice I saw Mia and my mom in the distance waiting for me to pack up and go so they
could leave the soccer fields while the still dont have sunburns. So I packed real quick so we
could go.

Chapter 3:
Other Talents
Vivian Nartey
Grade 5
Forts Ferry

page 3

At school, my best friends Jaclyn and Ainsley sat with me at the lunch table. They are the best
girls a friend could have. They were even at the game against Brazil. So how did we meet? Well
at summer camp we got match in a group and we had to work together to compete in camp
challenges. Then it just happened, we were best friends in an instant. The only thing that annoys
me is that they are always getting on my case to choose a different other than soccer because
they hate it. They say I have other talents, but I dont use them. If they think I am gonna quit
soccer, they must be CRAZY.

After lunch, they told me that there was cheerleading tryouts. So they told me to tryout. I love
cheer, but winning the finals is way more important to me. Amanda are you gonna tryout with
us? Jaclyn asked me. Replied no and wished them good luck. I have more important priorities
to take care of.

Chapter 4:
Its only twelve more days until Womens World Cup Finals and I am excited! Mia is training me
like really hard. But the thing is that I am really starting to regret playing soccer. I think it was
time I told her. So I pulled Mia aside as I took a drink of water. Mia can we talk sister to
sister? She replied yes and I continued. Well I just wanna say I am starting to regret that I
played soccer. Its just that its lots of training and I am only fifteen. Sometimes I wanna hangout
with my friends,but I always have something that has do with training. Its really cutting in to my
social life. Ya know? Mia replied I feel really bad for coach Pam. She has a quitter on her
team. The quitter is YOU! I cannot believe you would do this. This is not like you. and once
again she limped away, in her crutches.
I just really disappointed in myself. Why would I say that. I love soccer. Is soccer not my interest
anymore?All these thoughts ran through my head as I say in my room doing homework. I need to
make this right. If Mia tells coach Pam my life will be ruined. Finals are in only ten days and if I
quit the team will be goners.
Chapter 5:
My Apologies
Today at practice, the first thing I did was sprint over to coach Pam and spill the beans before
Mia got over. Coach I am so ready to practice. Mia is gonna tell you something that is not true.
Vivian Nartey
Grade 5
Forts Ferry

page 4

Well it is true but, Ive changed my mind okay? So whatever she says DO NOT LISTEN!
Thanks. and before she could even say anything, I sprinted away. As I practiced with Brandi, I
looked over her shoulder and saw Mia rolling in the distance. All the way to coach she went and
for the strangest reason ever they high fived? Sorta like a one of those ah ha! moments.
Weird. Anyway practice began, and she announced the drills. But before they started Coach Pam
called me over. Hesitantly, I walked over. Before you ran off I was gonna say already knew
about you possibly wanting to quit,but I know you are not that kinda girl. Never scare me like
that again ok? I simply just complied and sprinted to the field.
I am really surprised the coach let me off the hook. Only a couple more days till finals.

Chapter 6:
Its the final countdown
Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes!! Once again we are in the Rosebowl and I am feel great.On the field and on
the opposite side I see the China team and boy do they look tough.But I will not like that sike
me out. Stay focus I said repetitively. Coach called the team over before the game to give us or
line up. Ok ladies. Like I said earlier,we will be doing a three-one-four line up.
Abby W. ,Alex M.,and Amanda Hamm will be offense.Brandi C will be mid field. Christie
R.,Becky S.,Kelley O.,Julie J. on defense. Hope S. will be goalkeeper. OKAY LETS GO
LADIES, GIVE ALL YOU GOT. ONE TWO THREE US!!! The starting team and I jogged on
to the field to play. The referee blew his whistle and we started the game. Alex passed the ball to
Abby and we ran up the field. Id admit,the China team was intimidating. REALLY intimidating.
One of the players tripped Abby as she carried up the ball. No whistle blown. Our team helped
her up and ran back to support the defense. Julie passed the ball to me and ran up and crossed it
over Alex and she shot it hard. YES! She scored! The whole US crowd screamed in excitement.
Once the kick off was made, we sorta lost our defenders so they scored.Then us.Then them.Even
double over time didnt solve it. Now its time for penalty kicks.

Chapter 6:
Its the final countdown(continued)
All of our players lined up to do penalty kicks. First China players shot and seven out of twelve
scored against Hope. Then it was our teams turn. We shot against Gao Hong, and seven out of
Vivian Nartey
Grade 5
Forts Ferry

page 5

twelve players scored. Then I had to shoot. I cant believe that once again I am the one who
shoots the goal of accomplishment or failure. I shoot BAM!.YES! I scored!We won the 1999
Womens World Cup Confetti cannons shot everywhere.Coach Pam and Mia came over to the
field and hugged. This was the best day of my life! I couldnt have done it without Mia. GO

Vivian Nartey
Grade 5
Forts Ferry

Hi! My name is Mya Belman. I just was in this terrible hurricane. It was called
Hurricane Katrina. My mom and dad were really happy to see me after I came back. Did you
know that I -~Ooops! Sorry! I almost spoiled my story for you. Well anyways, let me tell you
about my story before I spoil it again. I really hope you like it!
It was a beautiful morning at Camp Bearpaw. In the camp hall all the kids were eating
their Monday Morning Waffles with their fresh squeezed orange juice. I, Mya Belman, am
putting on a little too much strawberry syrup while I watched TV. The news was on again.
Sally Storm was reported missing in San Francisco, California. Reporters say.., the TV
boomed. I didnt like the news that much. All heads turned in the camp hall to the TV when it
said, According to the map, a hurricane might hit New Orleans, Louisiana. Stay tuned for
more. I almost choked on my waffles when I heard the words hurricane, New Orleans, and
Louisiana. Then kids started to panic. I was also so scared that my legs were shaking and I
had goosebumps crawling up my back. Camp leader Gavin yelled, Quiet, quiet, quiet! Is this a
party I wasnt invited to? Everybody laughed. Then he said, Everything is going to be OK.
I was still scared.
After breakfast all the kids went and played kickball, baseball and soccer. I went and
played with my friends Rachael and Jessie. During the game I was thinking about the storm.
What if the storm will come? and Will I get killed? Wwere thoughts popping into my head.
I was so distracted that I kicked the ball into the other teams goal.
After a while, I was surprised to hear what had come over the loudspeaker,: All camp
members please come to the main hall. You are going home due to weather issues.
The TV was right and Gavin was wrong. The hurricane was coming. I am extremely
scared. How could this happen to me?, I thought. Parents started coming. About of the

kids left. Thirty30 minutes passed. Then 1 hour passed. Then 2 hours had passed. I was even
more scared. Then Gavin came up to me and said, Mya, Im going to go home and grab some
emergency stuff. Now I was the only one left.
I came up with a plan. I went back in the camp hall and grabbed a duffel bag, 2 granola
bars, a container of leftover macaroni and cheese, and a huge water bottle (I get really thirsty).
Then I went back in my cabin to get a flashlight, my backpack, an emergency radio, and a
After I got all my supplies, I went up Hikers Hill to get the view of the hurricane.
Right when I was climbing up the hill, a huge gust of wind blew me down. AAHHHH!, I
cried. I tumbled down the hill with my supplies on me. Never give up Mya, never,, I
thought out loud. I started up the hill again. When I got to the top, I saw an enormous cloud that
was a gray-ish color. Oh, My Gosh,, I said. That was just the beginning.
When I got down from the hill, it started drizzling. Drizzling,., I thought, It had to be
drizzling. But that wouldnt stop me. I looked ahead with my binoculars and I saw a palm tree
in the road. Weird,., I thought. I looked up into the sky. It was DARK. It was plain dark. I
glanced at my watch. When I looked down at my watch, I had to put the Night Vision on. ( It
was really dark out ). 3:28, it said. Again, I looked up into the sky. It started pouring. I ran
towards the Camp Hall. I sat under the roof on a bench. This must be one of the stages.,, I
thought. And I dont think Gavin will be coming back.
When the rain got harder, I took my umbrella and went into the rain to get my flashlight
that I left on the ground. Just then a huge gust of wind blew me down. Then a wave of water
came rushing toward me! Then I went under water. I took a huge breath of air and then went
back down. I felt like I was swimming in jello. The water was really sticky. The water also had

dirt, leaves and twigs in it. My arms and legs were so tired and were aching from swimming.
Then I was finally at shore! I came out and dried myself off with the towel in my duffel bag that
was still on my shoulder. I ran with all my might to the roof of the Camp Hall. I climbed on to
the roof. I could see the water coming toward me. HELP!, I screamed. No one heard me.
HELP!, I screamed again. No one heard me again. The water was climbing its way up to the
roof. I tried to use my umbrella as a shield, but it was no use. I started to back away from the
water. But I backed away too much. My heel started to tip. I felt the wind getting pushed onto
my back. Then I tipped so much that I started falling. It felt like I was getting pushed by
someone. I screamed. I did flips, turns, and twists. My arms and legs were like elastic. They
were all over the place. That was the last thing I could remember.
I slowly opened my eyes. It was blurry. It looked something like I was in the the
SuperdDome. I always would go there to watch games with my dad, mom, and my brother in
the spring. I think I also saw my dad, mom, and my brother. I also think I saw my friends
Rachel and Jessie. I opened my eyes again. This time it was completely clear. I was right. I
was in the SuperdDome. And my dad, mom ,and brother were there holding a million presents
(my brother was only holding 2 presents). Rachel and Jessie were also there.
Hey squirt, said my brother. You almost drowned. Youre lucky youre still alive.
But Im NOT glad that youre still alive.
Spencer, said my mom, that was not very nice of you to say. Apologize to her right
Im super-duper-with a cherry on top-sorry, my brother said stupidly.

Thats fine, I said. Then my mom and dad helped me up and gave me a bear hug.
Are you guys OK?, I asked, And you could return all of those coloring kits and Barbie dolls
back to the store. Barbie dolls are for babies.
Your father, and your brother, and I are fine,., my mom said., Aand you could pick
your own presents.
Are you OK? And were you OK at Camp Bearpaw?, Mmy dad asked.
Im fine. And Camp Bearpaw was an adventure. Is our house OK?, I asked.
It has some pipe damage and some of our roof is gone,. , my mom said.
Rachael finally spoke up and said, OMG! Are you okay? Here, have this, she was
handing me a 50 dollar bill. But of course my mom said that we couldnt take it.
Then Jessie said, Girlfriend! Are you alright? Maybe Rachael and me could treat you to
Starbucks later?
I then said, Thanks, BFFS. BuUt I really cant take this. But thanks anyways.
Then my brother said, Some dude named Gavin brought you here on a raft.
Thanks Gavin,., I thought. Then I thoughtthink I saw Gavin in the distance. Gavin
was wearing a soaking wet plaid shirt and some wet jean shorts. That must have been very
uncomfortable. I felt bad for him. I think thats why some people say that I am compassionate.
He mustve also seensaw me because he gave me a wink. I smiled back with the towel on my
That is my story of how I survived Hurricane Katrina. And as my brother said, Im very
happy Im still alive.

I can hardly contain my excitement! Tomorrow is the big day! The President of
the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, will actually be visiting my
home town of Dallas, Texas!!!
It was a nice, breezy morning, in Dallas, Texas, in November of 1963. I was on
my front porch, rocking in my rocking chair. I could hear the wind rattling the leaves
through the trees and our neighbor's dog, Buddy, barking, trying to catch the sound the
leaves made. I could smell the eggs and bacon that my mother would soon be getting
ready to set on the table.
"Barbara! It's time for breakfast," my mother called.
I didn't want to leave the book I was currently reading , but I also didn't want to
give my mother a hard time. Ever since my father died, last spring, my mother has been
having a difficult time. She's lucky that I'm an only child, but I wish I wasn't. I closed
my book and hurried into the kitchen for a nice breakfast. During breakfast, my mother
had our old radio on so that we could listen to the people talk about the President's visit.
Neither of us said a word, because we wanted to hear every detail. He's coming with our
beautiful First Lady, Jackie Kennedy, in a motorcade. I hope I can get at least a glimpse
of them. Boy, I wish we had one of those new television sets, like our neighbors. They
always turn it up real loud, and when I'm outside, I try to listen to the shows they are

Jenna Pollicino Grade 4 Latham Ridge

After I helped my mother clean up the kitchen, I went straight back to my book to

try and finish it. My mom gave me the book to read because she has been home
schooling me since my father died.
After awhile, I heard my mom call out to me, "Barbara, can you please come
here? I need to talk to you." She was in the backyard and asked me to sit on the bench.
She had a very worried look on her face and I knew something was wrong.
"Honey, you know how grandma hasn't been feeling well lately?"
I looked down at the ground. I remembered the last time she was here. She didn't
look like she usually does.
" She's recently been told by her doctor that she is very sick with cancer, and that
they will do everything that they can to help her. So, right now, the place that she needs
to be, is in the hospital." I stared at my mother. I tried to say something, but nothing
came out. I couldn't seem to catch my breath.
"The best thing we can do for grandma is keep her company and pray for her. We
are going to see her first thing tomorrow morning. She is staying at Parkland Memorial
I finally was able to speak, so I said in a quiet voice, "But, Mama, we were all
looking forward to seeing the president! Especially Grandma! Now she will never get
the chance."
I stood up, hesitated, looked at the clear blue sky and sadly walked away.

Jenna Pollicino Grade 4 Latham Ridge

The rest of the day seemed to go by so slowly. I couldn't do much after the talk
with my mother. All I could think about was Grandma, I could tell that my mom felt the

same way. That night, when I got under the covers, I knew that I was not going to get a
good night sleep. Thoughts were going in and out of my mind. I had so many questions,
like, is she going to die and will she be in the hospital from now on? I remember how
tough it was when my father died and that's why we don't talk about him much. It's just
too painful. I tried not to let tears roll down from my eyes, but somehow, they came out
The next morning, I felt exhausted. My prediction was right, I did not get a good
night sleep. This was supposed to be the best day of my life and it was turning out to be
the worst. My grandmother and I were so excited - we had been talking about the
President's visit for weeks. Now it looks like we may never see him.
As we walked to the bus stop, every now and then, we would look at each other
for a quick second. The closer we got to the bus stop, the more crowded it got. My mom
reached for my hand so I took hers and held on tightly. It seemed like everyone in Dallas
was on their way to see the President. Well, everyone except us. The bus was so packed,
we could barely get on. The ride seemed to take forever and the only thing I could hear
was people excitedly going on and on about the President and the First Lady. Finally, we
hit Dealey Plaza and everyone got off except for two people, and those people were my
mom and I. After about 15 more minutes, we finally arrived at Parkland Memorial
When I walked into the hospital, I tried not to look into the rooms. We walked
slowly and quietly to grandma's room . Once inside the room, I saw her lying in a bed
Jenna Pollicino Grade 4 Latham Ridge
sleeping. There was a nurse in the room and I went up to her and said,

"Why is she asleep? It's 11:00 in the morning."

"She's been given a medication to help her rest for awhile," the nurse answered
"Will she wake up soon?"
"She was just given the medication, so it will be a few hours."
My mom showed me to a chair that I could sit in and she sat across from me. We
talked quietly and she tried to explain that medications are supposed to help people and
that Grandma still has a chance. We just have to pray that one works to make her better.
A little less than an hour and a half later, my stomach was grumbling and I asked
mom if I could go get something to eat. She told me that there was a place that I could go
that was right in the hospital. She gave me what little money she had, and the nurse
generously directed me to the cafeteria.
As soon as I walked out, I heard someone scream, "Oh no! The President!!!"
That's when all of the commotion started. There were people screaming and shouting all
throughout the hospital. I ran down the hall to see what was going on. All of a sudden, I
saw a massive crowd of people running toward me, surrounding a gurney with somebody
on it. I was so scared and shocked. This had never happened before. I didnt even know
what was going on. I couldnt see a thing. There were so many people.
Jenna Pollicino Grade 4 Latham Ridge

Also with what how bad it looked, I am not sure I wanted to see. After all this
was over, I knew it would end in disaster. I turned around to the nearest nurse and asked
what was going on and she said the most powerful words I have ever heard.

Oh. Well honey, Im so sorry, but...On that gurney over there, is the President of
the United States. Hes been shot. All of a sudden, I felt someone grab me. It was my
Mom. She pulled me to her chest and held on the hardest she could.
Its going to be alright,she said. But I knew it wasnt. I just couldnt believe that
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot.

Hes Been Shot

by, Jenna Pollicino

The Speech of the Dream

Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

Twenty-one year old Christopher Johnson was African-American, or a negro, as others

would say. He was a regular person with a regular job as a bus driver in Washington D.C.
Everything was normal except for one big thing. Segregation. People stared at him as if he was
an animal. They treated him as if he didnt belong. It just wasnt fair. Everyone should get an
equal chance at everything. He was going to do something about it. He, one out of millions of
negroes, was going to fight for his rights and help Martin Luther King Jr. succeed.
It was the average summer morning in Washington D.C. Chris walked to work like
always. He got there and talked to the same boss (his boss was really overweight- but hed never
tell his boss that) and drove the same creaky bus out of the garage. He went to the same houses
with leaks and cracks. Picked up the same friends and they sat where they always did. He talked
to the friends and collected the bus fare. Then his shift was over and he drove back to the same
bus garage to get his pay.
When he got there, his boss, Philip Davis, walked over to him and from behind his bushy
gray beard and fat blubber, Chris heard the words, Get out. Ya got the boot from the big boss,
so no pay, in that gruff voice of his. The big boss was Chuck George, Philips boss.
Chris stared at him and finally said, W...What?
I said get out!! Ya deaf?!
Chris stood there, trying to process the events when his boss shoved him out with those
meaty hands and slammed the wooden door shut. Why?, he asked through the door.
Why else? Ya stole the cash from the bus and kept it for yourself, ya dull-witted selfish
fool. Thats why. Now move ya butt and dont come back, came a muffled reply.

Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

He was going to protest that he didnt take any money when the answer became obvious.
Again. That ugly, stupid word. Segregation. It kept millions of people like him from getting jobs
and earning money. Chris ran home as fast as his feet could carry him, ignoring the people he
bumped into. Tears leaked from his eyes. That job was his only source of money to support him
and his siblings. Dwyane(his younger brother) couldnt work because the police had beat him
till he broke both his legs, permanently. His older sister, Tina, was partially blind, so that left
him to be the only one to work and now he lost his job.
When Chris got home, he slammed the door shut, and cried. When Tina heard the
sniffles, she walked over and said, Chris? Is that you?.
Yes, he replied weakly.
Why ya cryin? Bad day?
Loss my job, he said between sniffles.
Tina sighed, Figured that would happen soon, lifes never perfect, my young brother.
Just deal with it. Soon, Dr. King will go and pass them laws and negroes will be fully free. Plus,
Fat Phil and Cheap Chuck are both stupid and racist. Oh, and maybe youll find another job, or, She never finished her last sentence, because Dwyane came rolling in like a maniac on his
crudely-made wheelchair through the side entrance, waving a paper, shouting, Guys!!
Dr.Kings coming to D.C.!!! Rea-,.
Slow down. Take a deep breath and continue, Tina said.
Dr.King Washington speech Dwyane said between breaths.
Slow down, said Tina again.

Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

Dwyane took a deep breath and said, Okay. So I was shopping for groceries at the
Quicky Mart down the street, when I saw the news stand saying how Dr. Martin Luther King is
going to make a speech in Washington!!
Did you say Dr.Kings coming to D.C.? Where? When? Chris said. He was up on his
feet now, eyes filled with curiosity.
Lincoln Memorial, 3:00,
Chris looked at his watch. 2:43. Just enough time to go there. Lets go now, he said,
and raced out the door towards the Lincoln Memorial.
When they got there, the crowd was churning with people. Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a
representative from the American Jewish Congress, was just finishing his last words and left
when Chriss hero, Martin Luther King Jr., walked onto the podium and said his first words.
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in he went on and on about
how 100 years ago, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, but negroes are still not free.
Chris felt like he cheered the loudest and let every word sink in so that he practically memorized
speech. After about twelve minutes, he heard someone shout, Tell them about the dream
Martin!!!. It was Mahalia Jackson, the Queen of Gospel. She sang in this march, or the
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom(the official name of this march), at Martin Luther
King Jr.s request. Next, came the words that changed Chris life.
I have a dream, that one day, my four little Dr. King said. He spoke the dreams of all
negro people. Freedom. Liberty for all. Everyone is equal. Jews, Protestants, Catholics, colored
people, white people, everyone is equal.
After the speech was over, Chris thought about the speech and if the law would really get
passed that negroes will be free as he walked home with his siblings. It must be passed, he
Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

thought, it has to be passed. The world will not be equal otherwise.

1 week later...

Ive got good news! Chris shouted as he ran down as he waved a newspaper and
charged into the motel room(they had sold their house about two days ago for money, because
Chris lost his job), squeezing the first person he saw(which happened to be Tina) into a bear
What is it with waving around newspapers in the family? You and Dwyane have both
done it now. Im afraid Ill start doing it the next week, Tina exclaimed.
Chris laughed, I really have good news! The NAACP(The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People) is supporting African Americans who have no homes. They
will give them a home for free! And a job, too!!!
Yeah, like thats going to happen. We never had any fortunate things happen to us since
we sold our old house and moved to this dumb motel, Tina snorted, just to widen her eyes when
she saw the paper that Chris shoved in his face.
Then Dwyane barged in and said, Whats all the hollerin bout, huh? We won the
Were going to have homes, Dwyane, homes!! And jobs!!! Tina shouted.
What? Dwyane said, surprised, Oh. Youre just kidding, right? Wed never be that
Were not lucky. Just the NAACP is helping all African Americans to find good jobs
and getting homes, Tina said.
Yeah! And heres the proof, Chris held out the paper and shoved it into Dwaynes face.
Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

The NAACP helps negro, Dwyane read off the page, excited by-the-word, Free
houses and jobs for everyone until unneeded!
Tina shrieked again. And Dwayne said softly, Am I in a dream?.
No you are not Dwayne, because we all knew the Lord will make this happen. We all
knew, Chris said in a soft voice. In a strong voice, he said, Thank the Lord. Amen,.
Amen! the others said, and for the next minute, the room was silent, everyone thinking
about the pain they saw and felt, and planned for their new lives. Suddenly, they all smiled and
started laughing.
The next half of the day was spent partying and talking about their new life, and as Chris
quoted later on, It was the best day of my life,.

2 years later

Chris could smell the freedom in the air. A sweet smell of flowers and sugar. The
government had just passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and passed the Civil Rights Act of
1964 one year earlier.
Tina got her eyes partially fixed when Chris got into Hartford University and worked
part-time at a car maintenance store(he found that he had a knack for mechanics) and started
earning good money, all because of the NAACP. But Dwyane was still on a wheelchair because
the damage was permanent (they had thought that he was cured after that amazing leap).
The family got to live in a good neighborhood, and could finally live in peace with their
friends and family. Chris had also met a fair lady that also received help by the NAACP. Her
name was Katie, and Chris planned to marry her after they got a good house.
Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

After they had enough money, the NAACP wanted them to go on in life by themselves.
But life was looking up and America was, just like Martin dreamed, full of ringing freedom.

Andrew Huang
Grade 6
Latham Ridge

Anna Alone
by Ananya Kothapally

Ananya Kothapally

Grade 6

Latham Ridge

Prologue May 21st

Farewell Liza! I yelled through the haze of the crowd. That sounded like something
Mother would say. Thankfully Liza had seemed to hear me and shouted back in the same
strained voice. Goodbye, Anna. She hopped onto the musty carriage parked a well distance
from our house. Off then, I thought. So, as if following my cue, the young carriage driver
regained the horse's attention and the carriage galloped away. It was a fairly odd sight to watch
your friend ride away, not knowing the whereabouts of their destination. Then only, after their
carriage had left, I noticed the bustle of the Saturday morning market. Farmers and weavers had
set up stands along the sides of the dirt jammed road. Normal children, much like Nathaniel,
jumped and screeched when their friends managed to tackle them from behind. Tall women in
patched gowns floated by dreamily as if in a trance. With loaves of bread protruding from under
their arm, bakers yelled to buy products. I sighed closing the door gently. Much like the tall
women in gowns. It was a pleasure to live in Salem, Massachusetts. Another groan echoed from
upstairs. Nathaniel mustve woken from sleep, I thought. Nathaniel? I cried. Soft sobbs now
drifted along the walls pricking up my ears. I hurried upstairs and found Nathaniel slouched
against the floor. Crimson blood dripped down his delicate 5 year old arms and stained his
knickers. Without another word, I jumped to his side wiping the blood off his arm and carrying
him downstairs. The sobs grew louder and louder till Nathaniel was finally wailing. My mind
raced with thoughts. What shall I do first? Should I wrap it? No first I should wash it? As I went
to fetch a bucket from the well, I thought, Mother would know what to do. But, Mother had died.
So had father. They were dead. Never to return. Now my brother, Nathaniel and I had only
Lizas family for help. Ever since they had caught a case of smallpox, everything went downhill.
Their bakery had gone to waste, Father and Mother died, and they had been robbed twice.
Thankfully, Mrs. Hubbard, Elizabeth Hubbards mother, was there to save them. They were
extremely close to my Mum and Dad. After that Nathaniel and I have lived undisturbed for the
past year. Mrs. Hubbard had almost become a mother to us considering the fact that I have to pry
her off just so she could visit her cousins off someplace in the world. I shook myself out of the
stun and raced to fetch the water. I placed it between my hands and ran back to Nathaniel. I
dipped his hand in the water and his wails recided to short whimpers. I left it in there for a few
minutes when I went to bring the fresh pair of knickers and cloth to wrap the arm in. As soon as I
got back the bleeding stopped and I touched his hand gingerly as I scooped up a roll of cloth and
dabbed it on. What happened? I finally asked when the commotion was over. Well, I woke up
and then I went to find you and then I fell off the bed and then I cut my arm and then and
then it hurt, he replied finishing up his story. Alright, then. Ill do my best to help you next
time. Want to help me make dinner? I asked. We might be having your favorite. Nathaniel
looked up longingly with his eyes. You mean pudding?he asked. MaybeI said. This made
him very excited immediately, I knew I hit a good nerve. Let us be on our way then! I said
merrily. He jumped with excitement ready for our sugary dinner. This, I realized, is how it feels
to be a mother.

Ananya Kothapally

Grade 6

Latham Ridge

Chapter 2 July 1st

6 weeks since Liza and her family had left for greeting their cousins. I received a letter 2
weeks ago explaining the magic of their musty little cabin, but other than that I had no contact
with them. Shoving green clips to and fro around my head I had managed to form a beautiful bun
at the top. I managed to finally tame the restless red hair. If only Mother were here, she could see
what Ive become. I waited a few moments staring longingly at myself in the mirror. Suddenly,
the silence became unbearable. I raced downstairs and found Nathaniel fumbling restlessly with
his shoes. Being just the 5 year old self he was, he had accomplished so much. Help me
please he said. His voice was desprete. I laughed heartily and bent down to fasten the rough
buckle. Lets go to the market then, shall we? I exclaimed. Excitement lit his eyes giving it a
flame Id never seen before. Grabbing my bonnet, a few silver shillings, and Nathaniel's hand in
her own, they were out of the grimy wooden house and into the dewy morning air. Suddenly I
felt the urge to walk to the house opposite of mine. The one where Bridget lived. She would help
me somedays with house duties. Cleaning, dinner, washing clothes. All the things that regular
girls minds passed over. The morning market was usually restless. Now there were scarcely any
people there at all. The streets felt cooler and chillier than ever before. I gripped Nathaniels
hand harder than before for safety precautions. Inching my way forward to the apple stand where
the man lay asleep under a newspaper, I started to rethink my idea of arriving in the market in the
first place. Suddenly as I decided to retreat back to the house and come back at a safer time, an
unfathomable scream echoed across Salem, Massachusetts. My eyes frantic, I searched to find
the source. Almost on cue to my signs of distress, another scream echoed. Not before long, I
counted a total of six screams. Then a bang erupted like a gunshot and the Hubbards front door
thrashed open. My first thought was related somewhere along the lines of INTRUDERS! But
then a lean figure emerged from the disaster and stumbled around before collapsing to her knees.
The whole time, Nathaniel and I stood there like gigantic oafs. Elizabeth? Liza is that you?! I
yelled into the morning haze. I could spot those brunette locks anywhere. The way they were
constantly slamming into her temples. The way they ended right at the the end of her shoulders,
but not quiet her back. Liza started to whimper relentlessly. What happened to her? Was she the
one screaming? Wasnt she supposed to be in a musty old cabin down South? Nathaniel, I
remembered with a jolt. He too was whimpering and I could see the faintest hint of tears rolling
down his cheeks. With a swift turn backwards, I scooped Nathaniel up in my hands and hopped
back into the shadows of the house hoping for an advantage. On normal circumstances, I would
have gone to help, but something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. Nathaniel buried
himself in the crook of my neck and I hoped something distracting would come by so I could
retreat to the house. A long bony finger pointed in my direction and then another scream erupted.
I had heard stories of neighboring towns encountering these situation, but I never thought it
would occur in Salem, Massachusetts. How few girls had been afflicted by witchs dark magic.
That some girls were Satans followers. That they were witches. Of course, That was what
Puritans believed. That was what I believed. My eyes widened and I tried to take steps
backwards, to put as much distance as I could between me and the contorted version of Liza.

Ananya Kothapally

Grade 6

Latham Ridge

But, it was my left she was pointing at, I realized. It was the girl who lived next door. Bridget
Chapter 3 July 9th
Bridget was one of the most practical, shy-and-confident-both girls I have ever met. She
spends days doing her school assignments for Mr.Proctors, our school teacher. But, if there were
one thing I could put for her, it was that Bridget was the most deeply involved Puritan. Leading
to the fact that therefore they could not be a witch! Even though, I remembered the afternoon
clearly, as if it was the present. Bridget was walking down the street with her nose buried in her
book. From far away I could tell it was the Bible. When she heard the scream that was directed at
her, Bridgets eyes grew wide with fear and mercy but, only a sentence managed to escape those
trembling lips. I am innocent, I know nothing of it, I have done no witchcraft, I am innocent as
the child unborn. I fled the sight, Nathaniel trembling above my grasp. Though after Lizas
father had come through the door catastrophe and questioned her repeatedly. Mr.Hubbard, along
with me, did not seem to believe that such a good mannered Puritan could be a witch. This was
not our battle though, it was Reverend Parris. Our towns wormy little character. Nathaniel?I
cried. Shant be late for this! Coming Anna! Then we both trudged off in shawls to first the
Hubbards house, and then to Bridgets Hearing.
Chapter 4 July 10th
Knock Knock! It seemed that the door that had fallen due to Lizas illness had been
rebuilt. Nathaniel took my shawl and hugged it tighter to himself. Suddenly the door opened with
a deafening screech. Mrs.Hubbard was standing at the foot of the door. Her face was ashen with
sweat. Her once cheeky face had become weightless and hollow. Mrs.Hubbards orange hair
which she usually let fall around her shoulders with a bow was tied strictly in a bun. What? she
scowled. I was just wondering if I may peek at Lizas health. Ive heard that she must not be
well at this time, I replied in the most cheerful way I could. She pointed down the hallway and
Liza came sprawling through with her limbs flailing everywhere. And that was when Mrs.
Hubbard decided to close the door and slam it in our face just to show we werent welcome
anymore. I sat there recounting the image of sick Liza. Was she really being controlled by
witchs magic? Was she going to die? What was happening? I scooped Nathaniel up in my arms
and hurried my way along to Church in order for me to come through with this hearing.
Immediately as I opened the door, a short figure wearing a navy blue shift and petticoat with
long yellow hair tied in bun lay sprawled across the wooden floor in the front of the room.
Bridget. Her eyes were wide as if she were frozen in a moment of surprise. But, Bridgets eyes
unusually were unnervingly distant from disturbance. Velvet blood sprouted from her mouth in a
steady flow. My world seemed to stop as I loosened my grip from Nathaniel. I recounted the
times Bridget had cleaned the dishes. Offering me companionship loyally. Reassuring Nathaniel
during my absence. They were going to be times lost forever. Short strands of hair protruded
from the once elegant bun showing signs of deep struggle. I followed her tranquil gaze. I
realized something, there were no Hearings for witches. It was straight to the execution. A loud
Ananya Kothapally

Grade 6

Latham Ridge

booming voice shook the hall and Reverend Parriss voice yelled Bridget Bishop. Executed July
10th, 1692. Convicted witch, as told by Ms. Elizabeth Hubbard. Two tall muscular men rose
from their seats and took Bridget by the, head her eyes lolled by and her mouth was bloody and
sick. The men hung her from the neck onto the rope and almost immediately, Bridget Bishop was
dead. As I walked home solemnly, tears rolling down my face, I realized this town isnt safe
anymore. Salem was wasted and no woman was ever safe living in its domain.
Epilogue August 11th
This will be my last entry in this dear diary I keep. Betty Parris -Reverend's daughter- has
convicted me as a witch. My execution is to be held August 13th. The most unlucky of numbers.
As so, Mrs. Sheldon -new widow due to her daughters last accusation against her own fatherhas helped Nathaniel and I disguise ourselves as maid folk searching for jobs. Nathaniel will
hide in my basket, being so frail and thin as he is, he is bound to have more than enough space.
Mrs. Sheldon Ms. Sheldon is to come with us believing that the girls Susannah accuses is no
more of a witch than she is. Knocks are erupting from the door. My time is coming to leave.
Goodbye Salem. For all I know, you have caused nothing but misery for me.

Ananya Kothapally

Grade 6

Latham Ridge

Good-bye Tea
By: Bridget McLoughlin
Grade: 4
Latham Ridge

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

Swoosh went the wind, as Edward tossed and turned. I cant go to sleep he thought.
Finally without waking his sister, Edward crept downstairs. He heard the faint sound of his
mother Be careful George, she called as he stepped through the door. George was Edwards
father. He knew he shouldnt follow, but he couldnt help his curiosity. Edward had to run to
keep up with his fathers horse. The night was silent. Clap,clap,clap went the smooth sound of
the horse, it was now going zooming fast.
When the horse slowed to a complete stop, his father entered the meeting house. Edward
peered in the window, over 5,000 people were packed inside. The window was cracked so he
could just hear what they were saying, we will not accept this, boomed a man at the front of
the building. Where am I?, Edward wondered. Then it clicked. He was at one of the great
meetings of the Sons of Liberty. He heard someone call to the man in the front great speech
Samuel Adams, that must be his name Edward thought. And it looks like hes the leader,
Edward said softly to himself. They cant tax us on tea, said another voice raged with anger.
By now Edwards head was spinning like a top. As Mr.Adams was calling this meeting to order,
Edwards very own father shouted, What should we do about it? In a more calm voice, but
still a bit upset, Mr. Adams spoke, the ships refuse to leave until the tea is all gone. Why not
make the tea all gone tonight? We shall dump the tea into the harbor! Shouts of agreement
fluttered throughout the room.
That night, the Sons Of Liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians so the British
would not recognize them. Edward truly did not understand why they were in disguise. He
thought it was pointless considering the amount of time it took to get everyone into their
costumes, but then again he thought it made it more exciting to watch! Edward followed close
behind the gigantic mob, as they headed toward the boat. They stopped dead in their tracks as

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

one of the men stepped forward, knowing that England wouldnt let the boat keeper home until
the tea is all gone,and asked the boat keeper in a deep voice , Can we dump the tea on your
ships into the harbor? Yes, but only because if the tea is all gone I can return to England, my
home, to see my family. replied the boat keeper. Quickly the boat keeper added , Just dont
wreck my ship. The man who stepped forward nodded and led the way onto the ship. Edward
curled up in a corner of the ship and began to watch. The men split open chests and threw them
into the clear blue harbor. Brrr, it was freezing! Edward wanted to race back home and grab his
nice warm winter jacket but he didnt want to miss a thing. Finally, he got a courageous feeling.
He very quietly dumped one, of the 342, big heavy chests overboard. It was thrilling and scary
to be part of the crowd. Quickly, without letting anyone see him he crept behind a box.
The moon shone brightly along the chests of tea. Edward got a whiff of the salt water
smell. Eww, he thought. He hated the atrocious air that filled his nostrils. He had smelled it
often, whenever he walked by the harbor. A big scruffy man with yellow teeth and muscular
arms lifted the box Edward was hiding behind. The man stared hard into Edwards eyes. Edward
found it hard not to wiggle around. Then in a low voice he snarled Are you supposed to be
here? In a little peep Edward replied, no. The big scruffy man stared hard into Edward's eyes
again, but this time it was like he was crazy. Edward wondered why he hasnt answered him yet.
In a deep voice, almost a shout, the man said, Get lost! With that Edward scurried off the ship.
He ran so fast he was panting.
Edward continued to watch from the outside as the chests plunged into the water. He had
a deep desire to jump back on the ship but he couldnt do that, he was too afraid. Edward was on
the ship for about an hour and watched from the shore for another two hours.

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

As Edward was watching, he thought they must be proud. But why? Are they happy they
are destroying property? No, that couldn't be. Besides didnt they like tea? Edward loved tea.
Edward could not understand why they were dumping the tea. By now, the tea was almost all
gone and Edward wanted to return home before his father got there. His father would be furious
if he knew Edward was out tonight.
When Edward arrived home he crept upstairs and got onto the straw mattress next to his
sister, Elizabeth. At first Edward didnt go to sleep because he kept thinking about the night, but
his eyes closed automatically. He was exhausted.
Edward didnt sleep long. Soon he woke, pulled on some clothes, and walked sleepy
eyed downstairs. He stood at the table and watched his father take tiny bites of bread. This
morning, Edward noticed there was plenty of food. He was glad there was enough food because
he was very hungry from his adventure the night before, and it meant he and his sister would be
able to eat. Edwards father spoke proudly to his mother, I bet that showed old Britain that we
will not accept taxation without representation. Im sure it did dear, said his mother softly.
Edward thought about it, taxation without representation. What could that mean?
The next Wednesday morning, Edward began his work in the fields before he attended
school. He began to walk to school and then remembered his piece of firewood he cut the night
before. He was happy that he remembered the wood. If he forgot at home, he would have to sit
the farthest away from the fire at school and it was cold. When he got home from school he
finished his share of work in the fields. Then he went on his way to where his father was working
in the fields. He was hoping to listen to his father mumble to himself about the event that took
place the other night. He was hoping to get more information and understand more. But, his
father said nothing. Only yawned once. When Edward finally got bored of watching his father,

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

he thought to himself, what do I do now? Then he remembered his father was going out with
some friends at the tavern, he would finish his eavesdropping there. Edward raced outside to
join the other boys who were playing a game of tag.
It was time for bed, Edward followed his sister upstairs. He slowly got dressed into his
bed clothes. Then he waited until Elizabeth closed her eyes. Edward tiptoed to the edge of the
stairs, and waited until his mother turned around, then he dashed down the stairs and out the
front door. He made sure that the door didnt slam on the way out. As Edward ran with his
fathers horse he wondered how he would get into the tavern. Then, he remembered the window
in the back of the building and the broken table in the back. Edward planned to climb through
the window and duck behind the broken table that was not being used toward the back of the
When they arrived at the tavern Edward took off toward the back of the building. He
cracked the window open and jumped inside. He looked to his right where the table was but it
was gone! Quickly Edward ducked behind a chair and started to panic. Where was he going to
hide? Of course he couldnt hide behind the chair forever, if he did someone would surely see
him. Suddenly he spotted a small table with a navy blue tablecloth over it, if only he could get
there quick enough. Edward spotted someone coming. He quickly crawled across the room. He
made it! His heart was beating so fast that he thought he might pass out. But he couldnt do that
of course. Now it was time to listen. He heard his father chuckling with some other men.
We sure showed them, said the man to his fathers right.
Yeah, his father replied. They think they can tax us without giving us any rights in

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

Well they were wrong. Edwards fathers words circled inside his head they think they
can tax us without any rights in Parliament. He still didnt know how he felt about this, but at
least now he knew why they were upset.
Finally Edward decided to go home, but before he did, Edward walked around a little so
he could think without any interruptions. He knew if he got home he would hear Elizabeths
heavy breathing and could not think. Edward knew the answer to his question, but Edward
didnt like how the Sons Of Liberty reacted to Britain and dumped the tea. It didnt seem right.
He knew that Britain was being unreasonable, but dumping the tea was atrocious. Tea cost a lot
of money, what a waste! Edward was getting aggravated. His face turned bright red with anger.
The cool breeze was getting stronger, but Edward didnt care. He needed to get home and calm
down. He scurried home. Edward was exhausted by the time he got home. He tiptoed up the
stairs and flopped gently on the mattress. Edward thought about the dumping of the tea. He
realized that was in the past now and he couldnt stop it. But Edward would never change his
mind about all that tea being wasted. Edward wished he could fly to the future and find out if
they did get rights in Parliament and their independence. What if he never found out? Edward
lied there in misery as the silent night went on. He hoped he would never forget what happened
the night they dropped the tea and the way he felt right now.
The next morning Edward got an idea, it snapped into his brain like a lightning bolt.
He wouldnt forget the night of the dumping of the tea if he wrote it down. Perfect! ,he told
his mind. He needed to come up with a plan. Edward would arrive at school early and write
down his thoughts with his quill and ink. Then Edward would stick it in his pocket until he got

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

Finally, it was time to put Edwards plan into play. He woke up earlier than usual that
morning to make sure he would have enough time to finish his work in the fields before school.
He finished quickly, and headed to school to work on his story. At school, he took out his quill
and wrote. When he returned home, Edward walked through the door holding the cream colored
paper in his hand. He filled up about 3 quarters of the page with the history of the night the Sons
Of Liberty dumped the tea into the Boston harbor. He marched directly up to his room and
placed the paper under the mattress where he wouldnt forget it. Edward walked slowly down
stairs to finish his chores for the day.
Slowly over the years, that night and his feelings about it were forgotten. However, one
day several years later, Edward found that sheet of paper and was reminded of that historic night.

Bridget McLoughlin Grade 4 Latham Ridge

Sinking With Hope

By Hannah Yu

I stared at the giant boat, the Titanic. Just saying the name sounded wonderful. I still couldnt
believe that I was going on the Titanic. Everybody was talking about it.

Come on Emily! yelled Mama. I walked aboard the Titanic. It was even more amazing
on the inside than the outside. The first thing I did was check my room. I was in 2nd class. Then
I looked at the picture I brought with me. It was Papa. The only reason I came on the Titanic
was because of Papa. Papa was everything to me. It was my 9th birthday last year. Then
suddenly, Mama came running in the house, teary eyed. I asked what was wrong. She said,
Oh, Emily. Papa...died. The words hit me like a knife. Everyday, I hardly smiled and moped
around. I guess Mama didnt want me to be unhappy forever, because the next day she said,
Dearie!!! Guess what? WERE GOING ON THE TITANIC!!!!

Emily!!! Come on. Mama is waiting for us. Were going to the welcome party. Get your
dress on!!!, yelled, my big sister Thea. I got my dress on and went to the welcome party with
Mama, Thea, and my little brother Thomas.

The first thing I did in the welcome party was explore the ballroom. I loved exploring.
People in my class at school called me Miss Curious. Hello!!! My name is Sarah. Whats
yours? said, a girl with curly brown hair and big green eyes. Im Emily, I answered.
Hmmm.this girl seemed familiar. Nice to meet you, Emily!, said Sarah. I suddenly realized
who Sarah was. Oh!!! I know you. Youre one of Papas customers from his store! Well, before
he...uh.died. The girl seemed surprised that I knew her, I guess she was about to answer
until another girl declared, Come on Sarah! Lets dance! Then the other girl dragged Sarah
away as I sadly waved good bye.

I wandered off to somewhere else. I saw the staircase. Look at the staircase, its so
shiny!!! I said to Thea. Emily! Dont even think about it!, said, Thea. But I WAS thinking about
it. Sliding down the staircase! YES!!! I wont!, I said innocently. You better not. Thea

grumbled. After Thea left, I happily said, Sliding down the staircase! What fun! I sat down at
the edge of the staircase, ready to slide down and have fun.

As I slid down the shiny, slippery, staircase, I saw Thea shaking her head
disapprovingly. But then I saw a lady (Probably from 1st class) with a big poofy gown and tons
of jewelry. The lady screamed when I hit her as I slid down the banister.

Emily. Really? You shouldve listened to Thea. Be more responsible. Mama scolded as
she held Thomas in her hands. I looked down. After I hit the first class lady, she screamed and
shouted at me how I couldve ruined her $1,000 dress. I only made a little bruise on her
shoulder and ripped a bit of sash off her dress. But she still called my Mama and I still got in

Mama? Can we dance in the ballroom, even if Emily is in trouble? You always said a
proper young lady should learn to be a better dancer. Unlike Emily. Pleaded Thea. I glared at
Thea when she said the last part. But what she said was true, I was very bad at dancing. Thea
said I shouldnt dance any more, so I wouldnt embarrass her. Even Thomas was better than me
at dancing. Plus Thomas was only 4 years old!!! Alright Thea, you can dance. Just keep an
eye on your sister. Mama said.

Thea agreed and rushed off to dance. Then Mama started to talk with some other ladies.
I wandered off, happily.

Hi Emily! said, Sarah. Sorry that I just walked off like that. My cousin Suzie grabbed
me before I had a chance to answer you. Sometimes Suzie is very bossy. So But Sarah
didnt get to finish her sentence because something dropped out of her little purse. Whats

that? I wondered out loud. Oh this? Its a present from my pop. My birthday was weeks ago.
My pop got him and I tickets for the Titanic. He also got me this emergency flashlight to flash to
other boats if the Titanic sinks. Like that would ever happen. Anyways, this flashlight is very
bright, so boats can see this. But my mum refused to go, because she didnt want to waste
money, so they fought. They fight a lot, so my mum and pop split. You know divorce.
Sarah said sadly, but then quickly cheered up. Want to dance? She suddenly asked. Uh
Im a bad dancer. I dance like a duck, I said. But Sarah just smiled and pulled me to the dance

Dancing is easy! Listen to the rhythm, follow the beat. Come on, sing it to yourself,
listen to the rhythm, follow the beat, Sarah said as she smiled and danced with me. I listened to
what Sarah said. My blonde hair swished side to side as I danced. Emmy! Mamas looking for
you! said, Thomas as he danced around in his little suit. Look at the dancer! He dances very
properly, Sarah gushed. I quickly waved good-bye to Sarah, and followed Thomas.

Emily, darling! This is Mr. Thomas Andrews. He helped design and build the Titanic.
Mr. Andrews wanted to know if I knew anyone who wanted to have a tour with him on the
Titanic. Its tomorrow. I definitely knew who would want to go with Mr. Andrews, so Emily
Do you accept the offer to go on the tour with Mr. Andrews? Mama asked. I looked at Mr.
Andrews. He seemed like a nice man. I quickly accepted the offer. Hello, Mr. Thomas
Andrews. My name is Thomas, why are you stealing my name? You shouldve told me first! Im
the only Thomas! Thomas pouted. I walked away, smiling.

Soon it was bedtime, and we all were tired. Mama held Thomas in her hands, glad that
Thomas finally stopped his conversation with Mr. Andrews. We all stared at the moon. Thea

decided to finally get some sleep, and took Thomas as she went into our room. Mama and I still
stood staring at the moon. Then I, asked Mama the same question I had asked tons of times.
Why cant Papa be here with us? I tried to blink back tears, but I ended up crying
anyways. Emily, I told you. Papa will always be with us in the skies. Mama whispered. I held
Mamas hand tightly as we walked into our room.

I plopped into the bed and got comfortable. I thought about Papa, and how he would be
right next to me, always telling me stories about his adventures. I pretended that we were all
home, happily singing and laughing. It was clear. I was homesick.

The next morning I woke up by Thomas saying, Sissy, Sissy, Sissy! Looky what Mama
got for you! Mama got me a new suit and got big Sissy Thea a big poofy fancy dress. I stood up
and saw a dress. A dress that was just right for me. I read the note next to it.

Dear Emily,
This is the dress I bought for you last night. I snuck out when you were sleeping I wanted you
to look fancy for the tour this afternoon. I knew this dress would be just right for you.
This morning I went out to go with a special someone. Dont ask me any questions. Stay with
Thea and Thomas in our room. I put breakfast for you guys on the countertop. No wandering
A special someone? Even though the note says no questions for mama, all I wanted to
do is ask Mama questions. I had to find out who the special someone is!!! Like I said, people call
me Miss Curious. No one can keep secrets from me. Thomas, if Thea wakes up, tell her that
Im going to..uh.go to Sarahs room and hang out. Breakfast is on the countertop, okay
Thomas? I asked. Okay. Bye! Thomas shouted as he jumped on the bed. I knew Thea would

get mad because I left her with Thomas. But I, Miss Curious, had to find out who the special
someone was.

I sat down on one of the chairs on the deck. Where would Mama be? I mumbled.
Hmm...she couldve went to the breakfast place. Mama is probably having breakfast with the
special someone. Mama is REALLY grumpy when she doesnt have breakfast. Yes! the
breakfast place it shall be!
I rushed to the breakfast place, but then I saw Sarah. Oh, hi Sarah! Why are you
outside? I asked happily. Sarah smiled and said, Im looking for my dad. He said hes going
somewhere. I figured he would be at the breakfast place. Hmm that sounds similar.
Really? Me too! Im looking for my Mama. Wanna pair up? I asked. Sure!, Sarah said
excitedly as we skipped to the breakfast place.

So what does your Mum look like? Sarah asked, as we entered the breakfast place.
Well, she has short blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and is average height. What does your Papa
look like? Sarah replied, Pop has chestnut colored hair, eyes the color of grass, and hes very

I looked around. I thought of all the facts Sarah told me about her Papa. Nope. No tall
chestnut haired, green eyed man here. What is his favorite food? I asked. Sarah raised her
eyebrows and said, you want to know what he eats?! I shrugged, I couldn't find anybody that
you described. So I settled onto the next thing. Hm...Okay. for breakfast he usually eats
cinnamon rolls and milk. Its his favorite. Sarah replied, Lets start searching.

Uh, Sarah, did you actually get permission to go find your Papa? I asked. Hm? Oh,
no. Sometimes when youre the only child, youre kind of lucky. Sarah said as she smiled. I

stopped. Sarah! I think I see your papa!!! I said. I think I see your Mum too! Sarah replied
back. Come on, lets get a better look at them. I said as I pulled Sarahs hand.

So where did you find mama? I asked Sarah. Sarah pointed to a table. Where did you
find my pop? Sarah asked. I pointed to a table. Isnt that the table I pointed to? Sarah asked.
Sarah was right, her Pop was sitting with my Mama.

When we left the breakfast place, I sighed, Theyre sitting together?!? I thought Pop
hated women ever since Mum left us. Im a little surprised, I guess. But thats not a bad thing
either. We can be sisters if they wed! It would be exciting, yes? I shrugged. Can I just be alone
for a minute? I asked Sarah. Sarah looked a little sad, but she said, Okay. Im going to my
room anyways. I waved goodbye to Sarah as I walked away.

I hope you had a grand time at Sarahs room while I was stuck with Thomas. He made
me play bakery with him, Thea grumbled. Bakery was a game. Thomas loved to play it ever
since he was one year old. It was a game where Thomas is the baker and Thea or me play the
assistant. Then Thomas gets a big bowl with water, and after that he puts all kinds of food
inside. Thomas expects you to eat the food in the bowl. I guess thats probably why right now
Thea looks kind of a green. Mama told us not to leave our room, Emily. Youre going to get in
trouble again!!! Thea declared. Thea please dont tell Mama, Please! Ill do anything! I
pleaded. Thea thought for a while and said, Okay, I wont tell Mama, only if you make my bed
every day on the Titanic. We shook on it.

Im back!!! Mama shouted and she slammed the door. Mama had on the biggest smile
Id ever seen her wear since Papa died. Well, Emily, get your new dress on, were going on the

tour. Mama said. I rushed to put on my new dress. I thanked Mama for buying me the dress
and being so thoughtful. We rushed out of the door, leaving Thea with Thomas again.

Hello, Emily. Youre here early. I have 5 people coming on the tour. Theres you Emily,
a boy named Chris, twins Zoey and Joey, and a girl named Sarah on the tour. Said Mr.
Andrews. Sarah? Sarah was coming on the tour too? I waited for Chris, Zoey, Joey, and Sarah.
The twins Joey and Zoey arrived after me. They looked exactly the same! Zoey and Joey both
had short brown hair, hazel eyes, and almost the same outfits. Joey started talking to Mr.
Andrews right away, but Zoey just stared down at the book she brought. The next person who
came was Sarah. Are you still sad about your Mum probably marrying my Pop? Sarah asked.
No, Im not sad. Im just worried. Worried if your pop will like me, worried if Mama doesnt love
Papa anymore, worried if I have to move to another place. I answered. I bet my Papa will love
you. Sarah said as she hugged me. Chris came last. He looked grumpy, and refused to talk to
anyone. We have everybody! Lets start this tour! shouted, Mr. Andrews.

We went down where the Titanic. It was huge!!! I saw captain Edward J. Smith! He
looked wise with his beard. I bet the Titanic will sink, my father said when we started out, we
almost bumped another ship. Thats bad luck. Chris declared. How do you know for sure? Its
not like your dad tells the future. said Zoey. Chris glared at Zoey. We all went where the

After a while, Mr. Andrews told us that he has to go, and help Captain Edward he has a
lot of iceberg warning messages.Aww!!! Can you stay longer, Mr. Andrews? We havent even
gone to the other places yet!!! Joey whined. Sorry, Joey. I have to go. Its my job. I was sad
to see Mr. Andrews go, but was still kind of glad because Chris kept bragging about how much
money his family had. Mr. Andrews sent us to our rooms.

Put on your night gown, dear. Tomorrow the Titanic is dropping us off in New York.
Youd better get more sleep! Mama said. Papa always wanted to got to New York. He always
said we would someday all go together on the Titanic. Since Papa died, I didnt want to go to
New York without him. But Mama looked so happy when she got us all tickets for the Titanic. I
didnt want to ruin her good mood. I will go to sleep, Mama, I told her. But Thea keeps playing
her violin. She says Broadway stars might be impressed with her. Thea practices every single
day. Mama told Thea to put away her viola. Thomas fell into a deep sleep. I soon did too.

In the middle of the night, we all got woken up by a man that was banging on the door.
Mama opened the door in her night gown. Hello, madam, put your coats on. The boat is
sinking, we hit an iceberg. Please go to the deck, and wait to be assigned to a life boat. We
have no time to waste. said, the man. Thomas started crying right away. Mama hushed him,
and told him to stop crying. We all got dressed, and put our coats on. Mama, will we survive
this mess? Thea asked. Mama stayed silent for a while. I dont know. she said, softly. Then
we all rushed to the deck where everybody was gathering around. The moon shone, but
somehow it didnt seem to shine brightly like the day before. It almost seemed like the moon had
a sad frown on its face. The wind whistled past me. A tear landed on my coat. I was crying.
Mama saw me crying, and hugged me tightly. We waited to be told what to do.

Hello, everybody! Im Thomas Andrews. The crewmen and I will help you with the
lifeboats youre assigned to. Unfortunately, there are only 16 life boats and thousands of you.
We will try to save as many lives as we can. But women and children are first! Mr. Andrews
shouted. I was glad that Thea, Mama, and I were women. I was also glad that Thomas was only
4 years old. I prayed, thank you to the Lord. But I saw other people sobbing and waving good-

bye to many people. I felt sorry for lots of people. I thought of Sarah, I hoped Sarah was alright.
I rushed through the crowd to find her.
I suddenly saw Sarah standing with her father, sobbing madly. I dont want to leave
you, Pop! Sarah cried. Her papa took one little look at me and said, Emilys mom will take care
of you, go with her, and youll be safe. Sarah looked at me with her puffy cried-out eyes. I felt
even worse for other people. I couldn't stop staring at Sarah. William! Mama shouted. William?
Mama knew Sarahs papas first name? William! I was so worried about you. What about..
before Mama could finish her sentence, the captain called us. Daisy Meyer, you will be
assigned to lifeboat number six with your children, Thea Meyer, Thomas Meyer, and Emily
Meyer. I rushed through the crowd of people. Hello Captain Edward J. Smith. My name is
Emily Meyer. You forgot to assign my sister Sarah Meyer on lifeboat number six with us. I lied.
The captain looked confused, but quickly agreed.

I rushed to boat number six with Sarah. Mama, Thea, and Thomas were all waiting for
Sarah and I in the lifeboat. Emily, Can I just hug Pop and say one last word to him? Sarah
asked. Of course, why would I ever say no to that? I replied. Sarah gave me a quick smile, and
hopped off the boat. A few minutes later, Sarah came back with 3 things: A scrapbook, her
diary, and a doll. Sarah probably caught me looking at her objects and said, these things are
really special to me My scrapbook is full of memories and moments. Theres even a picture of
Mum and Pop when they were young. The next one is my diary. I write tons of things inside. I
wouldnt live without it. Last object is my doll. Pop and Mum gave it to me when I was 7 years
old. I dont want to lose these things. Swish!!! the boat sailed away from the Titanic further and
further. I watched tons of people jump in the cold, icy water. Thomas was already sound asleep
in Mamas arms. But I couldnt sleep. Sarah held my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back.

The life boat was rocking back and forth. Mama! Im scared! Wheres home? Thomas
cried. Mama closed her eyes and told Thomas, Shhh..home is waiting for us. Home is
waiting for us. I stared at the icy cold water. Will the boat flip? My worst fear is swimming. I tried
to calm down, but all I could think about was the boat flipping. My eyes drooped as the boat
A loud noise kept me from falling asleep. A boat glided towards us. Carpathia was the
boat. Mama, Thea, Thomas and Sarah! I see a boat!!! I shouted and waved my hand back
and forth to Carpathia. But neither the captain or the passengers saw us. The boat started to
drift away farther and I started to lose hope. But then I thought of the flashlight Sarahs father
gave her. Sarah, do you still have the bright flashlight your Papa gave you? I asked hopefully.
Yes, I do!!! My dad is really over protective so he makes me bring this everywhere. I put it in my
purse. Sarah said excitedly. Sarah gave me the bright flashlight with her icy, frozen hands. I
turned the flashlight on. The light shined through the dark sky. I waved the flashlight back and
forth. The Carpathia seemed to notice us and came closer to us. A crewman threw a rope and
Mama caught it. We took turns climbing the rope. Mama helped Thomas climb up the rope. I
sighed happily. Everything turned out fine.

Some nice maids gave us extra sheets, so we could get extra warm. A tailor sewed us
new clothes. The Carpathia found more Titanic survivors. Mama says were going home, not
going to New York. Im a little disappointed, but its good to be home. A few days later, Mama
said she had a surprise for us. She says its mostly for Sarah. Then she brings in Sarahs
Papa!!! Sarah is so happy. How did you survive? Sarah asked. Her Papa smiled and said,
After you left, I jumped in the freezing ocean. I soon found a big chunk of wood and hopped on.
Then I thought about my girl, Sarah. I wanted you to know Im still alive. I had no idea where you
were. Then I saw Carpathia. I guessed you folks were here, and I was right. Imagine the joy
when I saw Daisy, Emilys Mum. Then Mama announces the surprise Ive been worrying about.

Sweeties, Im going towed Sarahs Papa! Mama shouted. I had a lot of mixed feelings
inside me. Will Sarah and I argue more when were sisters? Will Sarahs Papa like me? Will
Mama have feelings for Papa anymore? I took a deep breath, and pushed all those thoughts
aside. Even if life has ups and downs, I know in the end everything will turn out fine.

How The Game Began

Anthony Caprara Grade 5

Latham Ridge

I woke up to see a cold windy day. I looked out the window and saw a huge 69
acre field before me with not a soul in sight. I strolled down the stairs and witnessed my mom
making pancakes. "Today's the day." I said excitedly. "Sure is." Mom responded. I couldn't wait
to see my dad on the field I thought as I gulped my orange juice and demolished my pancakes.
Right when I finished my mom and I scrambled out the door with our suitcases and drove off to
the airport. When we arrived we went inside and got in line. "Ugh." I moaned struggling to pull
my suitcase which felt to be 500 pounds. By the time we got to the front I was so bored I thought
I was going to go stup
Mom looked at the plane screen that told us which planes were flying and where they were
headed. Two tickets for plane 8 please, Mom asked. The woman behind the counter replied,
Going to the Superbowl are ya? Yeah, Mom replied. Then the lady gave us our tickets.
$692" The lady assured us. "Bluragy!!!" I mumbled hopelessly. "You okay little fella? The
kind lady asked with a horrified look on her face. "Fine." I assured her. We left after mom paid
and found our seats. Mom took a deep breath. "You okay? I asked her. Yeah I just thought we
Anthony Caprara Grade 5
Latham Ridge

were going to miss our plane. It should be called soon." Mom spoke. "Okay." I responded.
"Plane 8" was called on the loudspeaker. Mom and I boarded the plane then flew out of
Montgomery, Alabama.

"That was quick." I said.Well you were sleeping the whole entire time. Mom
answered. While we were waiting for a taxi mom called dad. "Where are you?" ,wondered,
Mom. "At the hotel" ,Said Dad. "Okay see you in a bit." The taxi drove us to the hotel, we got
our room key and went to our room. Once we walked in we saw my dad in his football gear."Hi
dad." I said. "Hi." He replied. "I've got to go, the game starts in 4 hours and I need to be there
early", Said Dad."Okay bye." Mom and I spoke at the same time. I asked Mom if I could go
around the hotel and see what amenities the hotel has and she said yes. I searched for a while and
then found a sign. It said gym and pool. Well that's good I thought because I love swimming.
After that I headed back up to the room and knocked on the door. Mom let me in and said it was
time to go to the field.
We left the hotel and got another taxi. Once we arrived at the field we walked up
to the stadium entrance. We must have gotten there early I thought because there wasn't much of
a line. When we got to the front the clerk asked us for our tickets. "Tickets please." She asked us.
Mom handed her the tickets then we found our seats. There was a huge screen that had the
countdown until the game on it. 2 hours 46 minutes until the game. "Mom, can I get a hot dog
from the concession stand." I asked hungrily. "Yeah sure." Mom said. I walked up to the
concession stand but there was a big line. I stood there waiting for which felt like forever. I
Anthony Caprara Grade 5
Latham Ridge

finally got to the front of the line."One hot dog, please." I asked the man." You got it." He said
grasping a hot dog."$1.00." He assured me. I handed him the money then he gave me the hot
dog. I headed back to my seat then took a bite."How is it?" Mom asked."Good." I responded. I
could see my dad's team, the Packers getting ready.

My dad's name is Bart Starr and he's his teams starting quarterback. They started
doing warm ups, then they did some plays. The team went into the locker room. On the other
side of the field the Kansas City Chiefs were warming up. Their kicker was looking good but
looking even better was their quarterback. By the time they went into the locker room there was
1 hour 11 minutes left until the game. One hour later with eleven minutes until the game
everyone was getting excited. Both teams ran out of their locker rooms. The whole Packers team
huddled around my dad and started their chant."Who are we?! The Packers! Who are we?! The
Packers! I can't hear you! Who are we?! The Packers! What are we gonna do?! WIN!!! 3,2,1
Both of the teams went to the sidelines. The captains went out to the coin toss.
The referee asked the Chiefs quarterback heads or tails. He said heads. It was heads and they
elected to receive. Both teams got ready for the kickoff. Tweet, sounded the referees whistle. The
packers kicked off. The chiefs returner ran it back to the 29 yard line. The first play was a
successful run for 16 yards. Come on we have to stop them I thought to myself. A couple of
successful plays later they were at their own 27 yard line with a fourth down ahead of them.
Their kicker came out and kicked the ball directly through the uprights to make it 3-0. The
Chiefs kicked off. Our returner ran it to the 25 yard line then was hit. Wait!!! He didn't have the
ball and the Chiefs pounced on it. That drive led to a Chiefs touchdown to make the score 10-0
Cheifs. From there until the second half it was a shutdown for both teams and the punters took
Anthony Caprara Grade 5
Latham Ridge

turns punting it back and forth. Tweet. The referee blew his whistle to let each team know it was
the end of the first half. Both teams once again went into their locker rooms.

Again I went to the concession stand after asking Mom. I walked up to the old
shaggy concession stand. I stood in the freezing cold with snow, that fell like hail, falling on my
head giving me a bump every time to the point where I thought I would collapse. While waiting I
had a lot of stress over my dad getting hurt, I thought I was going to explode. I finally strolled to
the front most likely catching frostbite. O-o-one h-h-hotdog p-please. I fought to get out of my
mouth. $0.50. Said the fully bundled up cashier that looked like a giant pillow. $0.50 I
thought it was a dollar? I yelled suddenly feeling a rush up my spine and also feeling less cold.
The man didnt say anything he just pointed a finger at a badly cut piece of wood with marker on
it and a weak piece of thread that looked as if it were to snap at any given second holding it up.
The marker read Buy one get one 50% off! Oh. I said confused jingeling the money in my
pocket. I handed the $0.50 to the man and he counted it! What exactly are you doing? I asked
him. Countin it. He answered irritated. Whatever. Then it was silent. Then I grabbed my
hotdog and went back to my seat which felt like 100 yards away even though it was 5 feet away.
After about a half hour, both teams came out. The kicking teams went out. Our kick returner was
ready to receive the ball.

Tweet! Sounded the referees whistle. The kicker placed the

ball on the tee then backed up steadily. He rose his hand over his head then yelled. Ready.
Then the whole entire team hit their pads. Next, the kicker booted the ball down the field. The
Chiefs kicking team ran after the ball. The Packers kick returner ,Travis Williams, caught the
ball at his own 4 yard line. Once he caught it he ran with it. The Chiefs tried to tackle him but

Anthony Caprara Grade 5

Latham Ridge

they all missed. Once he reached open field he started running even quicker. With 3 defenders to
go and the kicker he was going to try and run them all out.

That worked on the first and second defenders but not the third. The third came charging
like a bull. Williams was surprised when he juked the third defender out caused by an arm tackle.
Now he just had to get passed the kicker. He ran the kicker over then jogged smoothly into the
endzone. His team showered him with praise. They got the extra point and kicked off. I was
sitting in a puddle of sweat in 19*F from anxiety. The Packers ended up getting four more
touchdowns . One more by the returner, two by the running back, and one by Bart Starr himself.
After the game we all ran out onto the field. I found my dad and gave him a big hug. " I'm so
proud of you! " I yelled in excitement. He gave his speech and I was so happy when he put me in
his speech and said he wouldnt know what to do without me in his life, then we drove back to
the hotel. When we got to the hotel we went to the buffet to celebrate.

Anthony Caprara Grade 5

Latham Ridge

Anthony Caprara Grade 5

Latham Ridge

Steven Sadek

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

Swoosh! It was August 27, 2005 at 2:00 in the afternoon and Landon Parker III was
playing basketball with his friends Chase, Matthew and John in the basketball court located at
the New Orleans city park. The boys were going to college next year. Landon and Chase were
a team playing against Matthew and John. Landon was wearing his lucky New Orleans Saints
jersey. The score was 20-14. Landon and Chase were winning. During the middle of the game
a bully named Darnell and his group of buddies came marching right in. Darnell was six-footfour and very muscular. Nobody wanted to mess with him. The entire town knew he was a
troublemaker and most people would leave the area whenever they saw him coming, but not
Landon. Landon didnt like to be bossed around by a bully. He didnt want people to think
that he was weak. He was an outgoing, well-liked guy who spent his spare time in sports and
helping out in the community. He loved the friendly people and family atmosphere that he
always found in New Orleans. But whenever he saw Darnell, he knew there would be trouble.
What do you want?, asked Landon. Get lost!, hollered Darnell, You and your
group of ants better scram cause this is our court!, snarled Darnell and he took the blue and
red basketball right out of Landons hands. Give it back loser!, yelled Landon. Lets leave,
Landon and then nothing is going to happen! Chase whispered to Landon.
No Im not leaving the court for this jerk. he yelled, looking directly at Darnell.
Dont be stupid, we can play somewhere else! Chase continued in a low voice.
Want to fight?, asked Darnell.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!, hollered Darnells friends.
Before Landons group could pull him away, Landon freed himself from his friends
and before he could turn to face Darnell, he felt a huge punch coming across his face. Landon
grew dizzy and fell to the ground. Everything was blurry. He felt the sky getting pitch black
Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

and he heard distant laughing, Bwahahahahahahaha!, coming from Darnell and his friends.
Just as Landon was getting up, hail the size of golf balls started pouring down from the sky.
Bang! Bang! Bang! If one of them fell on your head, it would hurt. The hail was cracking
windshields of cars. Crash!!!!!!! Landon felt as if the heavens were throwing down stones in

Everybody started running to take shelter from the unforgiving pellets that were being
hurled at them. Landon forgot all about Darnell and the basketball court. Landon and his
friends were running one way and Darnell and his friends were running a different way.
Crash!!! He heard someone say, Help me! The tempered glass basketball hoop had fallen on
Darnell! But Darnells friends didnt stop or even look back. They kept on running, leaving
Darnell behind, helpless under the heavy hoop. Landon knew how heavy that hoop was
because he and a couple of friends had volunteered to install it for the city park. Landon
looked back at Darnell and saw that his friends had left him. He didnt know what to do. He
started slowing down and looking back at Darnell. Darnell was trying hard to free himself but
even someone as strong as Darnell couldnt lift it alone. Landons friends could see that
Landon wanted to help Darnell. That guy is a jerk! Let him help himself! Come on lets go,
its hailing harder. We need to save ourselves. Come on! Hurry!, they screamed. At first
Landon continued running away but then he stopped. He told his friends that he was going to
help Darnell get unstuck then he was going to let him go on his way. So he went back to get
the basketball hoop off of him. That basketball hoop was sure heavy but he finally got it off of
him. The hail was still shooting from the sky. Landons head was hurting badly from the
punch, the fall, and the hail. Darnell didnt even thank Landon. He just looked at him and
didnt say a word. Landon didnt say anything either. Landon started to go his way and by
Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

this time the hail was starting to let up. But the wind was getting stronger and stronger.
Landon heard distant footsteps running behind him, Clip, Clap, Clip, Clap, then Landon
turned around and saw that Darnell was following him. Does Darnell want to continue to
fight? Why is he following me? Is he crazy? Is this a time to fight, in the middle of a huge
storm? Landon thought to himself.
Why are you following me?, asked Landon.
Darnell just shrugged. Landon just kept on running, he thought if he just ignored Darnell he
would just stop following him. But he didnt stop following him. Landon turned around and
said, Stop following me! Why dont you go home? he yelled.
I dont have a home. Darnell whispered softly.
What did you say?, asked Landon.
I dont have a place to stay for the storm., replied Darnell.
Are you serious!?, exclaimed Landon.
Darnell looked around him and said, Yeah. I dont.
Then where do you live?
Darnell didnt answer. The boys were running as fast as their legs could take them to find
shelter. The hail finally turned into rain. The wind was howling loudly. Shingles from roofs
and street signs were flying in the sky like a flock of birds migrating. It was getting darker
and darker. The clouds were thick and black. The whole sky looked angry.
Then an old lady popped out of a door to a restaurant called Tabithas Cajun Dining.
Her name was Tabitha. She knew Landons mom very well. Aunt Tabitha most people called
her. She was kind, compassionate, and the food at her restaurant was Landons favorite. She
made the best shrimp creole, a New Orleans favorite. She knew everyone in town and

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

everyone knew her. She recognized Landon as he ran down the street. She recognized
Darnell too and was hesitant to invite him in as she planned to do with Landon. Darnell had
caused trouble and picked a few fights at her restaurant before.
You boys better come in here, this is a bad storm and you need shelter. You boys are very
cold and wet., said Tabitha. So Landon and Darnell went in. The restaurant was dark and
Would you boys like some warm tomato soup with noodles?, asked the lady.
Yes, please maam, replied Landon.
Tabitha turned to Darnell and said, What about you young man? Would you like some warm
tomato soup?
I dont have any money on me., replied Darnell without even looking at her.
Son, I dont want your money, there is a storm outside and you look like you could use some
warming up. Ill get you boys two bowls of soup., said Tabitha.
The wind was howling and the rain was banging on the windows.
Those windows are sure going to break., said Tabitha. Landon thought of a plan to bolt the
windows with wooden planks so the windows wouldnt shatter. He was always thinking of
ways to help out.
Do you have any wood?, asked Landon.
The basement is down there. You should find planks of wood down there., replied the lady.
So Landon went down to the basement to get wood. He also found a hammer and some nails.
He went outside and started bolting the windows up with the wooden planks.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Landon was making a lot of noise while bolting up the windows.
Tabitha had prepared the soup when Landon was done bolting up the windows.

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

Perfect timing., said Tabitha.

You would have saved a lot of time if you had helped me with those windows. Landon said
to Darnell grudgingly.
Sorry, I dont do windows and Im no helper. Im not like you, acting like a hero all the
time., replied Darnell.
Its called being a member of a community not a hero. Everyone should help out when they
can. Thats what being part of a community is all about.
Stop lecturing me! Darnell raised his voice, Im no member of this community. Darnell
stood up from his chair in anger and his chair fell back.
Landon stood up too, preparing himself for a continuation of the fight from earlier.
Tabitha walked in from the kitchen when she heard the yelling. She was wearing a floral
apron and still holding the wooden spoon that she used to stir the soup. There will be no
voice raising in here! she said while shaking her spoon in the air. You boys better calm
Yes, maam, said Landon.
How about you? Tabitha asked Darnell.
Okay. Darnell said in a grumpy voice.
And whats this I hear about not being a member of this community? Boy, Ive known you
since you were this big. She made a gap between her hands about a foot wide. Darnell
looked shocked that she said she knew him. He never thought that anyone noticed or cared
about him.
Now finish your soup., Tabitha exclaimed, Aint no food going to go to waste in my place.
Eat up now.

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

Yes maam. Darnell said softly while looking at the ground. Landon was shocked. He
never thought he would hear Darnell sounding so respectful. Darnell could feel Landons
shock and was embarrassed that he looked so defeated in front of Landon.
Then they saw through the gaps in between the wood planks that people needed help.
Lets go help those people. Landon said to Darnell.
I dont know how., said Darnell
Just follow me., said Landon.
So they put on the hoods on their jackets and went outside to help the people. The rain
was pouring hard. People were screaming and running. Darnell and Landon helped the people
by taking them to the restaurant and Tabitha gave them free food. There were so many people
to take care of that Tabitha was basically running from place to place to make all the food
quick enough for the people to eat. All the people were worried about all of New Orleans
getting destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Tabitha got a portable television from the basement
for people to watch the news on.
The news reporter said, A minivan has crashed into the barrier and is suspended
halfway off the Crescent City Connection bridge, a father and his son are trapped in their car.
Somebody has to help. Fire trucks and emergency vehicles cannot get to the site because there
are cars and debris in the way. Anyone getting close enough to the car to help can easily fall
2000 feet below and land in the Mississippi River.
Im going to help., said a lady watching.
No, I will., said a man.
No, I am going to help., exclaimed another person.

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

None of you folks are going anywhere. Didnt you hear what the man said?!, yelled
But somebody has to help., said a man.
Im sure the fire department is doing everything they can, with or without their fire trucks.,
exclaimed Tabitha.
Even if we tried walking to the bridge we probably wouldn't make it in this storm., said
another man.
Where is Darnell?, asked Landon.
He probably went somewhere else, dont worry. He probably doesn't like this mushy
atmosphere., said Tabitha.
That guy is a coward, I didnt expect that somebody would leave us at an important moment
like this., said Landon.
Hey, No name-calling., instructed Tabitha
Just make sure he didnt break into your cash register., said a lady talking to Tabitha

By now, the rain was several inches high, the wind was still howling and trees had
fallen, blocking roads and destroying houses. Some people whose houses were flooded were
sitting on the rooftops of their apartments and houses to avoid drowning. They were waiting
for helicopters to come and rescue them but no helicopters were coming because of the bad
storm that was still going on.
The news reporter came back on and said, Please remain indoors. This storm is very
dangerous. Most roads are flooded with several feet of water. It would be life-threatening if
anyone goes outside during this bad storm! The news reporter then said, Now lets switch
gears and focus our cameras on the Crescent City Connection bridge for more continued
Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

coverage on the crash caused by this devastating storm. A lady popped up on the television
screen and said, A man is heroically helping a father and his son get out of their dangling
minivan that is about to fall off the bridge. This is a very dangerous situation folks. At any
moment the barrier can give way and the dangling minivan, along with its passengers and our
hero, can fall 2,000 feet below into the Mississippi River.
The cameras focused on the car and the hero laying stomach down with his arms stretched
out, trying to grab hold of the crying little boy in the backseat of the car. I gotcha. I
gotcha., he hollered to the little boy. Grab hold of my arm. Hold on tight. Dont let go.
The hero slowly pulled the boy out. Firefighters nearby took and carried him to an emergency
crew. The hero was talking to the father, still stuck behind the wheel of his car and very
thankful that his son made it out of the minivan. Can you stretch back to take hold of me?,
the hero asked.
I can try, the man replied, but I think the car will slide right down if I move one inch.
Forget about the car, just focus on me!, said the hero. I can catch you before the car falls.
Make one quick jump towards me., said the hero.
What if I pull you down with me?, said the father.
Just jump!, yelled the hero.
The man jumped. The hero caught him as if he was a giant football.
Thank you, thank you! The man yelled. Then the father ran towards his son. The son
jumped into his fathers arms. The car later fell down into the river as the hero was edging
his way away from it. For the first time the heros face could be seen by the cameras.
Every person in the restaurant was glued to his seat. Landon watched in shock.
I cant believe it! I cant believe it! Its Darnell!! Landon exclaimed.

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

So thats where he went!, said Tabitha. Well what do you know. The town bully turns into
town hero all because of a terrible storm. Now thats turning bad into some good!

All the firefighters, police officers and news reporters cheered for Darnell. The news
reporter turned to Darnell and said, Wow, you are a true hero. Can we have a name?
Darnell smiled shyly, Darnell Olson, he said softly.
Well Darnell, your mother must be really proud of you right now., said the reporter.
I dont know where she is. Darnell said softly, shocking the viewers.
Just then, somebody with a face that Darnell could recognize came running towards him.
Darnell! Darnell!
Mom?, said Darnell with a puzzled look.
The lady hugged Darnell with such force that it knocked the wind out of him.
Mom, Im sorry about all the pain I caused you. Can I come back home?
Of course Darnell! I missed you so much!, sobbed Darnells mom.

A few hours later Darnell and his mom showed up at the restaurant.
We could use some tomato soup! Darnell said with a smile. After that, it looks like we got
some rebuilding to do! Darnell looked out the window at his destroyed city then he looked at
Landon with a huge smile. Tabitha then stood up and said, Maybe the storm destroyed our
buildings but it sure rebuilt some hearts.

Steven Sadek

4th grade

Latham Ridge Elementary

Rising Star
Lilla Korniss

Lilla Korniss, 4th Grade, Latham Ridge

In Onesti, Romania, thirteen year old Nadia Comaneci was walking out of her parents
tiny apartment heading back to the State Run Gymnastics Training School. Her dark chestnut
colored hair shimmered in the sunlight, and her deep brown eyes twinkled. The gray smoke
puffed out of the old rusty buses, and cars honked as cautious Nadia ran across the road. She
started to become nervous for her performance in the 1976 Summer Olympics. Her legs took her
as fast as she could to catch the bus, because she was already late for her practice. She got to the
bus stop just in time, and got her token out of her bag. The bus went on a long bumpy road.
Quickly, Nadia jumped off, and sprinted for the gymnastics school. She went in, dashed into the
training room, and put on her glittery turquoise leotard. Coach Bela had a furious look on his
face, and his mustache curled up in anger. Hurry up, get on the beam, and start practicing your
routine! The beam started creaking as she was practicing. Bars screeched as she was jumping
from one to another. Nadias hands got a bunch of rips and she had to put tape on them. Get
your legs straighter and have a better form, Coach Bela said. Nadia got off the bar, and went to
get a drink. The nice ice cold water refreshed her thirsty, dry mouth. Her break was over, so she
headed over to the floor, turned on her classical music, and she did her acrobatic moves and
sophisticated dancing. Nadia drifted across the bouncy blue floor. She landed all her flips
perfectly, and her jumps were as straight as a ruler. Nadia was practicing hours by now, and she
was daydreaming about how she would do in the Olympics. She wanted to nail every single one
of her routines. Nadia her Coach dazed her out of dreaming. What are you doing? Youre
supposed to be practicing! Sorry, she said, embarrassed. It was finally time for Nadias
favorite event, the vault. She jumped on the bouncy springboard, flew through the air, and landed
perfectly. Her blisters on her hands started to feel sensitive by the end of the day. It had been a
long 8 hours practicing, and Nadia was exhausted. Now, do your routine again on the floor. Try

Lilla Korniss, 4th Grade, Latham Ridge

to get more speed!, Coach Bela said. So with all of Nadias might, she gracefully pranced
across the floor and did a round-off backhandspring, backhandspring and finished it off with a
back tuck. Now, Nadia that is what Im talking about!,screamed Coach Bela with excitement.
Finally!, Nadia said. Long tiring hours went by and practice was finally over. Goodbye
Coach, see you tomorrow. Oh you wont have practice, remember its Sunday! Try to rest,
sleep, and take it easy, because you will need your strength in the next couple of days! Okay,
then see you on Monday at the meeting, Nadia said. She dragged herself to the changing room,
collapsed on the bench, and went to take a nice soothing shower. When Nadia got into her dorm,
she fell asleep right away.
The next morning she was sleeping in late, and snoring like a horse. In the afternoon,
Nadia called her teammates Tatiana , Iliana, and Florena. They all met at the pool and leaped into
the cold water. Nobody could relax because they were all so nervous for the Olympics. Nadia
was imagining herself standing up on the first place podium for all of the events. Coach Bela had
met with the team the next day. Well be flying to Boston and then to Montreal, Canada. Ill
meet you guys at the airport tomorrow at 8 in the morning, the coach said. Nadia set her alarm
for 5:30 a.m and packed everything she needed. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz, her alarm went. Nadia checked
her suitcase to make sure everything was there. Oh my gosh, I almost forgot my leotard! She
walked outside and waited for the shuttle to come. The driver put her suitcase in the back and
headed for the airport. Nadia was the first to arrive. Hello Nadia, Im glad you're here on time.
Teammate after teammate arrived, and they all checked in. Nadia waited anxiously next to the
terminal window, and saw the workers checking the plane so nothing would be wrong. She
boarded the plane, sat down with Florena, and started watching TV. Delicious food came and she
gobbled it all up. Nadia got out her eye mask and fell asleep immediately. When she got up the

Lilla Korniss, 4th Grade, Latham Ridge

plane was rumbling. She looked out the window and saw it putting its wheels out. You will be
arriving in Boston shortly, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing, the pilot
announced. One more flight to go, said Florena to Nadia. The glorious sunrise was coming up.
Coach walked down the aisle, and looked at the time. Shoot!, he said. Come on guys, we have
to go really fast because boarding for the next flight will be in 15 minutes. The gate will be
closing for people headed for Montreal, Canada. This is the final call!, the loudspeaker said.
Whoooo, we got here just in time, Coach said. Sir, I need to scan your tickets, asked the
agent at the gate. The plane flew off, and before they knew it they arrived in Montreal. The
coach told the girls to find the bus to the Holiday Inn hotel. As they arrived, everybody got their
card for their room and went in. The excitement was rising, and the girls had mixed feelings
about the upcoming events.
In the next few days, they practiced and practiced. Finally, the big day had arrived. Nadia
went through the chaotic crowd to get to the stadium. All her teammates were there already
warming up. Where have you been Nadia?, asked Coach Bela impatiently. You see,
everybody outside was screaming and yelling, and I was jammed in the crowd, said Nadia. No
excuses Nadia, now start warming up, said coach. So, are you nervous for the competition,
Tatiana asked Nadia. Oh, Im not nervous, Im scared, replied Nadia. The cheering audience
arrived. We will be starting our competition, the 1976 Summer Olympics, here in Montreal,
Canada!, a woman announced. First up, on the uneven bars is Nadia Comaneci, from
Romania. Wisps of chalk dust flew through the dry air. The red stripes with specks of sparkles
shined in the light as Nadia walked up to the bars. Nadia sprang up high, and whooshed through
the air as she jumped from bar to bar. A tense smile showed up on her flustered face. The bars
bounced up and down as Nadia continuously did her flips. She twisted and lowered herself from

Lilla Korniss, 4th Grade, Latham Ridge

one bar to another. The last part Nadia could never do was her backflip off the bar. Come on,
Nadia! Coach said to himself. Oh, yes!, Coach screamed to Nadia with happiness when she
landed it perfectly. She gave glorious smiles to the judges. Nadia was looking over at the
scoreboard, waiting until finally her score flashed up on the board. A perfect 10. This was the
first time ever in gymnastics history that someone had gotten a perfect score in a gymnastics
event. The Romanian flags were waving in the air as the crowd was cheering and screaming with
excitement. Great job Nadia!, all of her teammates were hollering to her. Nadia nailed more of
her routines such as the vault and floor, but she still had one more performance left, the balance
beam. The loudspeaker went on, and Nadia didnt even know she was up next. Nadia stood in
front of the beam, and as she pushed herself up the strength showed her muscled arms and legs.
The beam creaked and squeaked as Nadia did some astonishing backflips and frontflips. She
pranced across the beam like a ballerina and did some marvelous jumps and turns. Nadias long
arms swiftly moved around in circles from side to side. The colossal crowd roared and whistled
as delightful Nadia leaped off the beam, and her spectacular smile faced straight toward Coach
Bela. Nadia was relieved that her routines went smoothly, and she was also very happy with her
results. She waited for the rest of the stunning performances.
When all the competitors finished, only the Award Ceremony was left behind. The
judges will look at the scores, and we will be handing out medals shortly,said the announcer.
The crowd was fired up, and the competitors were waiting tensely for the results.
Finally, the loudspeaker came on: Ladies and Gentlemen! We will start our award
ceremony.said the lady. We would like to recognize all of the wonderful performances at the
the XXI Olympic Games, In third place for the balance beam is Teodora Ungureanu from
Romania. Second place is Olga Korbut from the Soviet Union. In first place iiiiiiis, Nadia

Lilla Korniss, 4th Grade, Latham Ridge

Comaneci from Romania. Congratulations, and please stand on the podium! The crowd roared
like lions. Coach Bela, Nadias parents, and her teammates were really proud of Nadia. She
could not believe her eyes. Nadia went and stood up on the first place podium. The shiny gold
medal was put around her neck. Nadia felt like she had just saved the entire world.
By the end of the day Nadia had received three gold medals, one silver, and one bronze
medal. Nadia made history on that day at the Summer Olympics in Montreal. She scored seven
perfect 10s, and since then no other gymnast has ever gotten as many perfect 10s at a single
event. Nadia Comaneci retired from Gymnastics in 1984, and currently she lives in the United
States with her former American Gymnast husband Bart Conner.

Lilla Korniss, 4th Grade, Latham Ridge

The Death of a Great Man


Istan Slamet, Grade 6, Latham Ridge

Ah, hello there! You must be the tenant! Welcome to my home! My name is Thomas
Khachadourian. But please, call me Tom. Oh, dont worry about the rent. You can pay later!
Ok, to start things off, how are you? Good, good, Im fine. Oh, would you like me to get
you some tea? Okay then, Ill be right off Say, where did I put that teapot Ah, yes right
over Here! Ill get the tea ready, you just wait!
Alright, so theres your tea Youre not much of a talker, are you? Well Hey, would
you like to hear a story? Okay then! Um Ill tell you one of my memories, okay? All right,
then. Um This story took place 51 years ago, I think. Just sit back and relax
It was a bright, hot, sunny morning in Texas. Always warm over there. Even in the
middle of Fall. I was about twelve at that time. I had school that day and I didnt really want to
get out of bed. Even though it was a Friday. But hey, did you like school when you were eleven
years old? Probably not, I guess.
Tom, breakfast is ready! My mother called to me from down the stairs.
I called back to her, Be there in a bit!
So I raced to the bathroom, to brush my teeth, take a shower, and change into my green polo shirt
and jeans. Then I went down the stairs, three by three, and said, Mornin Ma!
Good morning, dear. Mom seemed to be doing nothing, waiting for me on the kitchen counter.
She gave me a hug, but it was so tight I thought I might explode into pieces.
Ma, I gasped. Your hugs are too dangerous!
She laughed and let go of me. Its only because I love you, Tom!
Those words always seemed to make me feel all warm and cozy inside. Words are pretty
powerful, I guess.
I took a seat at the kitchen table and ate my breakfast. Ma was serving me pancakes and
bacon that day. And you know, that was only on special occasions, so I knew something was up.
Now, Tom, I have something to tell you. Ma said that in an excited tone.
I looked up from my breakfast and replied, What?
Well, the president will be passing by Dealey Plaza this afternoon and I really would
like you to come!
So, I get to miss all of school?
Um No.
Sweet! Whoa-whoa-whoa Wait what?
Youre only missing half the school day. And Im going to pick you up at around noon.
Oh, fine then


Istan Slamet, Grade 6, Latham Ridge

Oh, Ma thats the bus! Ive got to go! Okay, Tom, Ma said. Have a good time at school!
Bye, Ma! I sprinted out the door to the bus. Just like always, the bus looked old and dirty. It
looked broken but it was still operating fine. I climbed on the bus.
Hey, Daryl.
Mornin, Tom.
The bus was loud and noisy. It was always that way considering how many kids were on that
bus. I walked up to my usual seat in the back but it was taken by some kid. A really big kid.
I didnt know who it was, even though I had been at that school for two months now. So I
figured he was new.
I decided to move to another seat with a boy that seemed to be about my age. He was
wearing a green polo shirt, like me, tan shorts, and big, round glasses. I didnt make friends very
easily so I gave it a shot. I hesitated a moment, but then the words flowed out of my mouth.
Hey, I said. Whats your name? My name? He replied. My name is Jacob
Scott. Oh, cool. I said. My name is Thomas Khachadourian. But, call me Tom. Alright
then. Jacob replied. Friends? I asked, hopeful. Friends. Jacob replied happily.
I was happy too, I just made my first friend right there!
I never realized how close we were to school until I heard that noise. Hey, Jacob, were here.
I stood up out of my seat, and headed out the door. Jacob came along with me. Along the way,
Jacob asked me a question. Say, did you know President Kennedy is passing by Dealey Plaza
today? Yeah, I replied. My moms picking me up. What?! Can I come?! Will your
mom let you? Probably Then maybe, Jacob. Maybe.
As Jacob and I headed to our own lockers both said our goodbyes and then headed off to first
It was eight oclock around the time that happened, so Im just going to skip to eleven
oclock. This would be during English class, my second least favorite class. My least favorite
would be math. Anyways, on with the story!
I walked into Mrs. Johnstons room, and the first thing I noticed was that someone I knew
was there! It was Jacob! Oh! Hey! Jacob! I said, quickly taking the seat next to him. Tom?
Huh Funny seeing you here! Yeah, I said. What a coincidence!
After seeing Jacob, class went really well. I worked with him a bit in class and
everything was great!
Then, after class ended, Ma picked me up from school. I was glad to get out of there.
Mrs. Johnston! Jacob said. Im going to puke! Jacob ran out the door and into the
bathroom. Kind of random, actually.
Hi, Tom! Ma said, looking at Jacob run. Thats Jacob, my new friend! Then she
gave me a quick squeeze. Thats great! Youve made a friend! Im excited to see the
president, Ma!
(But I was probably more excited that I was out of school.)
Istan Slamet, Grade 6, Latham Ridge

Me too! Jacob said, running out of the bathroom. Im coming with you guys to see the
president! Jacob, no- Wait, Tom. Ma interrupted. Do you have your parents
permission? Yes! Are you sure? Yes! The office let me call them! Okay then, join
the party!
Ma, so where are we going?
Dealey Plaza.
I hopped in Mas black car and sat in the backseat. Ma turned on the car and then we were on
our way!
I was so busy wondering what the president would be like. You know, things like
What would he look like in person? or How would he react to us?
I was so caught up in my thoughts, I never realized we had arrived!
When I looked around Dealey Plaza, the first thing I noticed was people. Lots of people.
Everybody was cramped up together behind a line of metal gates. Everyone was waiting not so
There was people screaming, people dancing A drunk guy
Hey, Jacob, where should we stand? I asked. Right over there. Jacob pointed to a
spot behind everyone, underneath a tree. Okay then.
Ma, Jacob, and I walked over to the spot and waited there, looking out for the president.
Ma, what time is it? I asked. 12:25. Ma replied. Shouldnt he be here by now? Yeah,
Ma replied. He should be here
A loud cheer went up from the crowd. I looked up. Ma, Jacob, I said. I think hes
And then I saw him. President Kennedy. Kennedy was wearing a tuxedo and another thing I
noticed was that he had hair like mine. Orange, a bit high in the front, but lower in the back. He
looked like how he did on TV. And he seemed to be a very kind man. He was smiling and
waving He was so happy! I think his happiness was contagious, because I was felt happier!
And then the most amazing thing was that he looked at me and smiled! I felt like I was
going to be famous or something.
Jacob! Ma! Did you see that?! He actually looked at me! At me!
Yeah, I saw that, you lucky duck.
The loud noise surprised me so much I almost shrieked.
Hey, do you know what that was?
Probably a firecracker. They might be starting a show.
Oh, that makes sense.
A couple seconds later
Another firecracker. But I noticed something different about Kennedy. The president seemed to
be looking at the bottom of his car seat while his hand was on his throat. That couldnt be right!
Oh no, no, no. My God! Somebody yelled from the car. Theyre going to kill us all!

Istan Slamet, Grade 6, Latham Ridge

Now, Im going to pause the story for a moment. You probably know whats happening
next, right? Yeah, I thought so. But lets finish up the story in case you dont know!
Ma I said, turning around into her arms holding her tight. I closed my eyes. And
Ma held me even tighter.
Whats going to-
The last firecracker went off. My knees were trembling, I was breathing heavily, sweating,
Ma, I mumbled. What happened?
I I dont know Tom Lets just go home.
Jacob, Ill bring you home too
Ill pause the story. Now, if you still dont know what happened, Ill tell the rest. This
next part here is about two hours later. So, heres the rest of it!
The president declared deceased at Parkland Hospital at around 1 PM, The news
announced. He appears to have been shot in the head- Pa turned off the TV quickly as he
walked through the door. I was glad he did it. I couldnt stand listening to the news.
Hi, Pa I said.
Afternoon, Tom
Did you hear the TV?
I hugged Pa tightly. Ma joined the hug too. I started crying softly They started crying softly...
I didnt want to think about it. Just thinking about him hurt me. It hurt my soul,scarring it for
life.heart. It hurt my soul. And I couldnt stop thinking about it. The news hit me quick, like a
bullet. And it reminded me that nobody could save him. I felt like it was my fault. All our
faults But now Theres no saving him. Hes dead.
Goodbye, President Kennedy
You will never be forgotten

Ah, well So thats the story! Did you like it? Actually, you probably didnt like it
since its about someones death. Well, whatever! Oh hey, you didnt finish your tea! Thats
okay, dont be sorry. I got plenty left in the kitchen! You want some more? Hm? The time?
My goodness! The time! Well, youd best be off to bed, youve got to head over to the
university in the morning, dont you? Well, your room is upstairs. Good night, sleep tight, and
dont let the bedbugs bite! Haha! See you in the morning!

Istan Slamet, Grade 6, Latham Ridge

Istan Slamet, Grade 6, Latham Ridge

The Perfect Ten


Hanna Fraley

Zzzzzzzzzzz. Up next is Nadia Comaneci! The lady in the glass box announced. At an age
of 14, she will be doing her routine on the uneven bars! I looked at the bars, a girl walked up to
it. She had a white, longsleeve leotard with red and gold stripes on the side. She was short and
Hanna Fraley Grade 5
Latham Ridge

thin, and her dark hair put up in a ponytail. She had a bright, nervous smile on her face. She
turned to the side, saluted the judges, and turned back facing the bar. She took a deep breath,
jumped to the bar and-. Lia! My eyes opened as I sat up quickly. Lia! Screamed the voice
from downstairs. Its time to get up for your last day of school! Okay! I yelled. Oh, and Lia,
could you be a dear and wake Alex up for me? She asked. Yes mom! I said. I slid out of bed
and walked around to the other side where my little brothers wooden crib was. I leaned over the
crib which was no taller than my neck. Alex, I whispered softly. I tapped lightly on his
shoulder. Alex, wake up! I said a little bit louder. I looked over at my bookshelf. I had just
read and finished an article in the newspaper about a gymnast from Romania named Nadia
Comaneci, who would be competing in the Montreal Olympics. Did you have to wake me up?
Said the sleepy little voice of Alex. Sorry, mom told me to, I said. The morning sun was
shining through the little window above my bed. I lifted Alex out of the crib, and placed him on
the floor. Want me to tell you a story while I get ready? I asked Alex. And so I told him all
about the dream. How it took place at the olympics, (and how mom woke me up before she
started her routine). It was the perfect, most beautiful dream ever! I said dreamily. I think Im
going to ask her to let me go. You dont know how badly I want this. I looked up at the ceiling
and then back at Alex. I could tell he was thinking about what to say. Lia, I know you want to
do this, but mommy is probably going to say no. Shell say we just dont have enough money for
this stuff. He said, like his little brain, could predict the future. We sat there in silence. By then I
had gotten dressed, folded all of our blankets, gotten Alex dressed, and put all of Alexs toys in
our toy bin. I wanted my mom to be in a good mood when I asked. This dream, was a dream Ive
had, ever since I even heard about the idea of gymnastics. This dream, wasnt just some silly
dream that lasts for a couple days and ends. When a little girl wants a new dolly she saw in a toy
store. No, not like that. This one was important, and one I wouldnt let go of until it was
impossible. Alex and I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was leaning
over the stove cooking eggs. She had a red and white checkered apron tied around her waist, and
her eyes looked sleepy and tired. My older sister Eleanor was sitting at the kitchen table, in her
robe, eating a bowl of cheerios, with her hair unbrushed. Good morning mom! I said happily.
My mom looked up from the sizzling eggs. Oh good morning Alex! Good morning Lia! she
Hanna Fraley Grade 5
Latham Ridge

said. Then she realized we were both brushed, dressed, and ready. She looked at me with a
grateful look in her eyes and mouthed the words Thank you. I beamed, and headed over to the
table and helped Alex get into his seat. Then I walked over to the stove and peered at the almostready eggs. I grabbed hold of both the pans handle and the eggs scooper, and brought the eggs to
the counter. And one by one, I served Alex, Eleanor, and my mom, to whom were all surprised
as I placed the eggs in front of them. As they picked up their forks and slowly started eating, I
stared at my feet and wondered if this was enough for my mom to say yes. I decided no, so I
walked over to the counter and snatched our lunch boxes right off the top and walked to the
fridge. I got some bologna along with some peanut butter and jelly. Then grabbed some
marshmallow fluff out of our pantry. Wonder bread with peanut butter and jelly was put in
Alexs Superman lunch box with a bag of cheese balls. For Eleanor, I spread yellow mustard on
one piece of bread, and slapped a couple slices of bologna on another piece, placed them in her
metal lunch box with a flower pattern, and stuffed a twinkie in the opening space along with
chocolate milk for both of them. For me, it was marshmallow fluff with peanut butter on some
bread, and a carton of milk. I took a couple of minutes, put everything away, and sat all of the
lunchboxes on the counter all packed and ready to go. I stared at Alex and Eleanor who were
finished with their eggs, and started to walk upstairs. My mom finished the last piece of egg on
her plate and opened the dishwasher to put her plate in. She walked over and looked at the lunch
boxes then at me. I shrugged and made my best innocent look. Okay, whats going on? My
mom asked suspiciously. Nothing! I answered. She paused to think. Wow! You must really
be excited for summer vacation, she sighed Mom can I talk to you about something? I
asked, my guilt was starting to show. Of course! She said sweetly. Well, you know the
Olympics? Well, they are actually being held in Montreal this year. Our city! The one we live in.
And I really want to go. To see the gymnasts in real life. Also, its a once in a lifetime chance,
the Olympics are not ever again going to be held in Montreal. The listening look on my moms
face slowly drooped down into sadness. She sighed for a long time, and then looked into my eyes
and gave me a You know what Im going to say, and I absolutely hate saying this, look. Lia,
Im sorry! I know you want to go. I really do! But you know that our family just cant afford
this. I made one last hopeful But!, Then the hope drained out of me.
Hanna Fraley Grade 5
Latham Ridge

I was silent the rest of the morning. It was almost time to walk to the bus stop, Eleanor
came back downstairs in her favorite pair of bell-bottom jeans, and a sky blue button down
blouse.We grabbed our backpacks and headed out the door. My mom looked out the small
window by our kitchen and gave me a little wave. I just looked at her and gave a forced smile. I
thought about what she said the whole half mile we walked to the shady bus stop. I sat alone on
the bus and thought about it. It was in my mind, from the time I walked into school and thanked
my teacher and walked out of school. I stepped off of the bus with my little brother. The clouds
had turned gray with only small patches of light in the sky. Drops of rain started to fall onto my
face. Alex grabbed my hand. He didnt like the thunder or rain. The sky shook as flashes of
lightning cut through the air, and puddles started to form all around us. Alexs grip got tighter on
my hand. We started sprinting to our cozy, warm house. We sped up the steps, into the house and
slammed the door shut. My sister was already home starting dinner. The smell of mashed
potatoes and warm chicken filled the house. Wheres mom and dad? I asked. They were
usually home from work by now. Oh! mom called and said she would be working later this
summer, she wont be home until 9:00. And dad should be home any minute now. 9:00? I
said shocked. Then I went over to the small window. My dad's red truck was pulling into the
driveway. Dads home! I called as my father walked in the door with a dripping wet umbrella
in his hand. How about that rain? He said. Gloomy, I answered. I went upstairs and read lots
of stories, wrote lots of pages, and drew lots of doodles. I stared out of the window hoping that
something interesting would happen. But nothing did happen. And thats what went on halfway
through the summer. My mom came home, at nine oclock, in her work clothes looking
My friend called and asked if I wanted to come over to her house. Sure, Ill be there in a
minute. I said. I was the only one home. Eleanor was babysitting our neighbor, Rosie, Alex was
at the park with his friend Noah, and mom and dad were, of course, working. Dear Ellie, At
Maggie's house. Ill be home soon.- Your sister, Lia. I left a note on the counter just to be sure. I
walked outside. The fresh air felt good. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the sky
was a perfect blue, with clouds spread across, moving with the gentle breeze. I walked on the
steaming sidewalk, two houses down to Maggies house. I jogged over to the fence, and climbed
Hanna Fraley Grade 5
Latham Ridge

over. Maggie was out in the lawn with paints, an easel and other art stuff, painting pictures of the
sky. Hey Maggie! I called. Lia! Maggie screamed as she sprinted over and gave me a hug.
Whereve you been? she said panting. I shrugged. She grabbed my arm and we ran to our
easels. We spent the day painting and laughing until it got dark and I had to go home. I walked
into my house. My whole family was sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner. Everyone stared
at me. Hi, I said. Hi Honey, My mom smiled. Come and sit down with us, we have a little
suprise for you. I pulled my chair over and plopped myself down. There was only one word in
my head, Gymnastics. My mom started talking. Okay, so you know how I have been working a
little later than usual, I am sorry about that. I nodded my head. But! she raised an eyebrow. It
has been so that I could let you, Maggie, and your father go to the Montreal Olympics! For a
moment I thought she was kidding. I mean, she just said a few weeks ago that we didnt have
enough money. And we couldnt afford this kind of stuff. Then I really realized that my mom
was being serious, that she wasnt joking around, and that I was going, to the Montreal
Olympics! That was when I think my heart almost burst with joy. I jumped up. Thank you so
much, I love you mom, I squeezed her so tight she couldnt breath. And dont tell anyone, but I
think I almost cried.
The next few days were the longest days of my entire life. It was like going up an elevator
that takes two days to get up, and at the top, is all of the things you love combined into one room.
But finally that day did come. Maggie and I all piled into the back seat of his truck, and drove off
to the olympic stadium. It was a huge, silver, glass building, that was shaped like a donut with
cream bulging out of the middle. It was attached to a tall, swirvy, glass triangle building. The
parking lot my dad parked in was oval, and just down the road was the olympic village. I stared
in awe at the building. Everything was beautiful and dreamlike. Today would probably be the
best day of my life. Lia are you excited? Maggie asked. I didnt answer her and gave a look
that said, youd know what I would say! Then she raised an eyebrow and laughed. We all
hopped out of the car and I walk-skipped over to the stadium. Maggie and I had tied red and gold
yarn in our hair, which was put up in two pigtails. I walked up to the glass doors and pushed
them open. I led the way through some long, swirvy, dim lit hallways. It had picture frames of
athletes hanging up on the stainless steel walls. We got to a little way with black curtains
Hanna Fraley Grade 5
Latham Ridge

hanging up. I grasped onto it and pulled it open. It was a perfect sight. A huge floor, over in the
corner would be where the gymnasts would be doing a dance floor routine, with music, on the
bouncy yellow floor. Another corner was the horse, where they would run as fast as they could
and do magnificent flips and twists, I could never do. The balance beam, where gymnasts would
dance and flip, while never falling off of the long, narrow beam. And then the uneven bars,
where they would swing gracefully from bar to bar, making the impossible, look easy.
What row? I asked my dad, he had already paid. He looked at the ticket. Row DL
through DN. We walked down the stadium steps to the row of seats, labeled, row D. I sat in the
middle seat with dad and Maggie beside me. Millions (it seemed) of other families were sitting
in their seats, excitedly waiting for the gymnasts to start. I looked at a little tunnel that went
under the floor. A straight line of gymnasts in sweatsuits were coming out of it. The first lady
was holding a sign attached to a wooden stick. A few more groups came out. This was it! In a
few minutes they started to compete. I kept an eye out for Nadia Comaneci, the one I read about
in the newspaper article. Up next is Nadia Comaneci on the uneven bars! The announcer
called. I saw her in real life. She walked up to the bars. Her smile was bright, and she was
wearing the same leotard that I pictured in the dream except for another blue stripe on the side.
She started. It was beautiful. She was as graceful as a swan or a ballerina. It was like a giant,
colorful rainbow taking over the atmosphere and layering the earth. To me, it was more perfect
than the sky, the day I went to Maggies house. Her dismount looked as if she were a bird flying
through the sky.
The crowd erupted in applause, screaming, cheering, and clapping wildly. But their screams
were nothing compared to how I felt. The feeling was the best Ive had this whole summer. It
was really just plain happiness. And I really owed it all to both of my parents. My mom worked
hard to make that money even if it meant coming home late, exhausted, and missing out on
staying home relaxing. Even if it meant she didnt go. But she did it all to let me have this feeling
that I have right now. If my dad saw me moping, hed just say that I was wasting my summer.
Hed get me up and make me feel better with a happy smile on his face.
I searched around for the scoreboard. To me it was perfect. I really truly hoped that the judges
agreed that there was nothing wrong with it. Thats when I saw it. The black screen like board
Hanna Fraley Grade 5
Latham Ridge

with bright orange dots as numbers 1.00. That was the number.There was no way. The crowd
gasped. Everyone was looking around at each other confused. It was such a good routine and
they gave her a 1.00? I listened to what the judges were saying.The scoreboards limit is a 9.99.
Were sorry for all of the confusion, no gymnast has ever made it higher than a 9.99!
This is the first perfect ten in the history of gymnastics!

Hanna Fraley Grade 5

Latham Ridge

The Spies at
Bunker Hill
by Brian Devendorf
Latham Ridge
Grade 4

Jack! Jack!, William Howe was calling. Jack raced to him. Jack was tall, brave,
daring, and would do anything to help the British win the Revolutionary War. Matthew was just
like Jack. Jack and his friend Matthew were spies for the British. Both had been spies since they
were ten years old and they were now fifteen. William Howe was the general for the British

Brian Devendorf 4th Grade Latham Ridge

army. We have captured many hills in Boston, William Howe told Jack and Matthew. We
need to capture the two hills that the colonists are at now. They are Bunker and Breeds Hills.,
Jack informed General Howe. Ready the troops for Breeds Hill!, ordered General Howe. Jack
jumped on his horse and raced for the church. Matthew was right behind him. They ran behind
trees and jumped over bushes. They made sure to stay clear of the road and tried not to be seen.
They stopped at the back door of the church. Jack peeked inside to see if anyone was
there. When he saw that no one was inside he and Matthew charged for the stairs and started to
climb. While Matthew rang the church bell Jack gave the secret signals with his hands to tell the
British soldiers to group in the harbor where General Howe was going to be. The two spies ran
quickly back down the stairs and out the door. Their horses were waiting for them. They
jumped on their horses and were off to the harbor! When they got there William Howe was
waiting with the British troops. Jack joined the more than one thousand soldiers as they started
their march for Breeds Hill. The British soldiers looked intimidating in their matching uniforms
with red coats and white pants.
The British could now see Breeds Hill and there were many colonial soldiers on it, rifles
and cannons at the ready. The colonists did not have uniforms and wore their own brown and
gray dirty clothes. William Prescott, the general for the colonists, stood on top of the trench.
He looked fierce but wasnt feared by many British soldiers. England was a bigger country and
knew they could easily beat him and his untrained army. The British thought the colonists did
not have as many soldiers and felt that they were not skilled in fighting.
Boom! A colonial cannon fired the first shot. Jack stuck his rifle on his shoulder. He
fired at the Breeds Hill trench. Bang! Bang! Shots rained down around the British. Jack
wished they had cover. He joined the first charge up Breeds Hill. Bang! Boom boom! Bang

Brian Devendorf 4th Grade Latham Ridge

bang! BOOM! A cannon exploded in the colonial trench. A boulder crashed down Breeds Hill.
Jack jumped aside and let it roll by him. When Jack turned, he noticed a gun from the colonial
trench was pointed directly at him. He dropped to the ground. A British soldier was standing
above him. The soldier fell and landed on Jack. Then the soldier crawled off him. A bullet had
grazed the soldiers leg. He lay on the ground moaning. Suddenly all Jack could see was smoke.
He crawled around blindly. Jack touched something cold. He picked it up. A gun, perfect. The
smoke was clearing now. Jack crawled over to a tree and started to fire. Bad idea. A rock
struck his head. His hand shot straight to it. He was bleeding, but not badly. Smoke poured
from the tree. Colonial cannons had set it on fire. Jack was coughing uncontrollably. He ran to
join the soldiers, and quickly made his way to the front of the marching British. They had lost a
lot of people at the bottom of Breeds hill. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
William Prescott was yelling now, but Jack couldnt make out his words with all the
noise from the gunfire. Boom boom boom! The British cannons had hit their mark. Smoke
poured from Breeds Hill. The trench had been hit! Now Jack knew what William Prescott was
saying. It had to be retreat!
The colonists were running from Breeds Hill towards Bunker Hill! Jack ran as fast as
he could after them. The colonial soldiers who were on Bunker Hill fired at the British from
their trench when they saw the other colonists retreat. The British hopped into the trench on
Breeds Hill and found nothing useful there. The colonists had taken everything with them.
There were only the remains of three destroyed cannons.
Jack led the British soldiers toward Bunker Hill. It was a bit steeper than Breeds Hill
which made for a harder climb for the already tired men. William Prescotts soldiers started to
fire down on them as they marched up. Soon the British realized they might actually be losing

Brian Devendorf 4th Grade Latham Ridge

this battle. Many British soldiers were being wounded! A bullet flew by Jacks arm. He ducked
behind a rock. Bang bang! Jack fired again. BOOM! Cannons fired! Jack rolled. A nearby
rock exploded! The smoke smelled horrible to Jack. He could see burning branches from a
close by tree. Bang! He fired again. Jack continued his charge up Bunker Hill. He would not
give up! Guns fired in the direction of the British troops. A flash of red, then smoke. As Jack
ran he collided with somebody. Wham! He fell and his gun went flying. Bang! His gun
exploded. He looked around and saw Matthew on the ground next to him. His gun had also been
hit. Come on, Jack said to Matthew. We need to go get new guns. The two spies ran down
the hill at top speed. Jacks foot caught a rock. He tumbled down Bunker Hill. At the bottom,
Jack got up and scrambled to where William Howe and some other British soldiers stood with
the ammunition. We are losing!, Jack yelled to General Howe, as he picked up a rifle.
Jack, Matthew said look behind you. Jack turned and saw the British retreating! Charge
back up! General Howe screamed at the top of his lungs to his men. The British soldiers turned
and charged back up Bunker Hill. The British army was the best in the world, at that time.
They couldnt lose! Jack and Matthew stayed behind with General Howe.
The colonists were caught off guard. The British had gone from retreating to charging
and the colonists needed to reload their rifles to defend themselves. When the colonists were
fully ready the British had already charged part way up the hill. Still the colonists attacked, they
fired again and again. Now it was the Britishs turn to be caught off guard. They never expected
the colonists to be able to fight back like this. The best army in the world was losing to
untrained soldiers at Bunker Hill!
Back through the woods behind Bunker Hill, William Howe was talking to Jack,
Matthew, and four other spies. General Howe had led Matthew and Jack there to meet at the

Brian Devendorf 4th Grade Latham Ridge

British spies base. It was an old barn but the British had put things in it that the spies could use
to their advantage over the colonists. General Howe told them that the only way they could win
this battle was to steal the colonists ammunition. As Jack started walking towards the woods he
called ten more spies by signaling to them. Jack jogged through the trees with all the spies,
sixteen including himself. After a little while he stopped at the base of Bunker Hill. There were
no colonists at this side. Jack started to march up the hill. The fifteen spies followed him.
When Jack reached the top of Bunker Hill he peered into the colonists trench. Five colonists
stood there, guns ready. Hands up! Thirty-two hands went up. Drop your weapons. Jack
was the only one with a gun. He dropped it. What do you want? snarled one of Jacks spies.
We want to know about your secret spy base. We have been trying to locate it. Jack gulped.
He looked at another soldier. Tell us or well kill you ALL. demanded the colonist. Its,
ummm, uhhh, errr, ahhh, well, babbled the spies. Jack stayed quiet. If he grabbed his gun,
they would shoot him and then destroy the spies base. The colonists had their guns pointed, and
their hands on the trigger. Three, two, one, counted the colonists! Bang! Bang! Bang! Three
soldiers fell to the ground. Three colonial soldiers! Matthew appeared at the top of the hill. The
colonial soldiers looked over at Matthew and pointed their guns at him. Jack had already
pounced on his own gun and had it pointed right at the colonists. Bang! Bang! Two screams
rang out. Two colonists hit the ground. Jack gave the order to continue with the mission. He saw
thirty buckets filled with bullets and ten barrels of gunpowder. He signaled to the spies to grab
two buckets each. Jack rubbed two sticks together very quickly. Soon one of the sticks tips
caught on fire. He tossed it at a barrel of gunpowder. The barrel caught quickly and then spread
to the other barrels that were luckily near it. The fire was growing very big. Now the colonists
knew something was happening. The colonists turned around toward the flames as Jack charged

Brian Devendorf 4th Grade Latham Ridge

down the hill. The colonists looked over the edge just as Jack, Matthew and the other spies were
entering the woods. They saw that the spies had taken all their ammunition! Retreat William
Prescott screamed! The colonists ran back toward Boston. The British followed closely behind.
They were shooting but didnt seem to be very accurate. They kept hitting trees instead of the
colonists. The British rushed through trees and hopped over bushes. They were starting to lose
their ammunition. While the British soldiers sent bullets flying through the air, the colonists
launched no return fire. The lead soldiers began to slow down, and soon they stopped. The last
of the colonists were reaching the Charles River. Its no use following them, we have the
hill.shouted a British soldier. The British army, or the remains of it, turned back to Breeds
When Jack and the other spies got back to the spy base they informed William Howe they
had won the battle of Bunker Hill. He took them back to make sure that no colonists were still
trying to fight at Breeds Hill. There werent any. Unfortunately there werent many British
soldiers either. The British soldiers that remained there were all in the Breeds Hill trench. Over
two hundred British soldiers had died and about eight hundred were wounded in the three
charges up the hills.
They hadnt exactly won, the colonists had only retreated because of their lost
ammunition, not because the British were fighting so well. The strength of the British army had
been weakened by the battles as well. They needed to make sure the colonists didnt keep doing
this to them. The British didnt know it, but many more colonists would join after the Battle of
Bunker Hill proved to the colonists that they could actually win the war.

Brian Devendorf 4th Grade Latham Ridge

The Turning Point of Life

Richard Giovanni III

It was a day like none other. I waited and waited for the moment, that would happen in a
month. I felt like I was completely prepared, but you can never be too sure, right? This was

going to be awesome. I thought about what the moment would be like, over and over again. I
would wave to the crowd, then start cycling while the crowd roars and the dust goes into my eyes
and nose. What a great feeling that would be, but for now, I need to practice, so that I will win.
I got my feet into a nice position, and got ready to start. In my mind I thought, Ready, Set, Go
I could still remember thinking all that before it happened. Now I was at the Olympics, and
putting weight on my foot gave me as much pain as it would if an elephant stepped on it. I still
remember being that innocent child waiting for the Olympics to happen, hoping for the day to
come nearer. If only I had known what surprises the next few days held for me. If only I had
known how much pain would come from being in the Olympics. If only I had known. If only. . .
Bzzzt, The noise came from the machine. Its working, this is amazing, I say.
What year would you like to travel to? , a mechanical voice says, Its just like the voice in A
Minute To Win It, I think to myself. 1896, I respond. I would like to go back in time to
March 6, 1896 in Athens, Greece. , I say. Okay! , the voice says. First my stomach started
feeling funny. It was working, My time machine was about to go through the time warp! I was
actually time traveling, this was amazing! I felt like I was dissolving, dissipating, into thin air.
Then when I was about to lean back and relax in my comfy, reclining, air-conditioned 22nd
century leather seat; there was a built in fan and heated seats too, I landed, feeling my body was
coming together again. Then the door opened, as I fell out, and the time machine became
invisible. It would come to me at the call of my voice. Now, this is hard to admit, but I cry
when I get the slightest scratch, so I ended up crying there, thinking about the next things I had
to do. In order to win the Olympics, I would have to lie about the story, and do so many other
things. I felt a little pit in my stomach, a feeling of guilt. I thought about the consequences. I
was about to lie so many times to the same guy. Aww man, and then there was the children.
They would know about things from the 21st and 22nd century. They could ruin time. All for
I was in front of the crowd. The roaring crowd. It was that very crowd that caused my
dillema. It all must have started that day, my memory was still foggy, but it must have been that
day. Those memories, the ones that feel so far away yet so near. Maybe that was all, because of
how faint those memories were. They could have been two days ago, but they felt so distant.
My eyes started welling with tears. They burned, I tried to hold them back, but I couldnt.
Thats when he came. The man who changed my life. I remember, I was sitting down on the
ground in Athens, Greece. I was smelling the sweet scent of flowers and wishing that life was
as sweet as that scent. I started crying, thinking about that time. Thats when he came and said,
Is something wrong? He sat down next to me, and inquired some more. It was a distant
memory. So far away, yet so near. I replied, Everything, my entire life is ruined, as I burst
into tears. He said, My name is Paul Masson, whats yours? I said through tears, Richard
Giovanni III He said, Okay, now were off to a start. So what happened, I promise I dont
mean you any harm. I thought to myself, nothing could get any worse, so I said,Fine Ill tell
you, and the moment after that, I made that the biggest mistake of my life.

Paul Masson
It was fine travels from France to Greece. I, Paul Masson had decided to get there 1
month early, so I could get accustomed to the weather, food, get some nice Olympics training in,
etc. I had I was wandering around the place, when I heard someone crying. You scan the area to
figure out where the noise is coming from, and you see him, in rags the boy crying. I think
maybe I should consult him, so I walk over and ask him what happened and he tells me his story.
He says, Ill tell you my story, if youll help me. I thought, It cant be too bad to help him. I
mean Im just a guy from the wine industry competing in the Olympics. I say to myself, worst
case scenario his family is poor, and needs food. I can help give food, and train the kid for the
Olympics, so that he can get money himself when I leave. Turns out Im wrong and right.
Unfortunately the thing Im wrong about is the worst case scenario.
The kid starts off something like this, It was a dark and stormy night. We were a poor
family, and growing a farm. We were out in the open field when it happened. My family was
inside the farm. As the oldest child, I was making sure the canal system was all good, so the
rainwater could go to plants that actually needed it. Okay, I said, Keep going. With teary
eyes, he said, Thats when it happened. Our barn was the tallest thing in the area. The
thunderstorm was coming, so after I checked all of our canals, I headed back to the barn.
Suddenly the wind started pushing the clouds away, as if it didnt want what was going to
happen next to happen. The lightning gave one last fight, and struck the burn. The wind pushed
it away, as the Sun came out. As if it was happy to see the destruction going on. The fire, it
started after the lightning struck. I saw the smoke coming out, the smoke that hid the Sun from
view. I diverted all of the water heading to the crops towards the barn. That had always been the
emergency procedure, since we didnt have a telephone to call firefighters. I watched as the fire
was flooded out of sight, and put out. I ran towards the barn only to find everything buried under
the rubble. I looked up at the sky, and I swear I saw my moms face up their winking at me Just
listening to him, even I had teary eyes. He was a great storyteller, even if the story was a sad
one. Then suddenly I thought I saw the slightest grin come on his face as he said, So, now its
time for you to help me, with a twinkle in his eyes. He said to me, As an orphan and only
child, I seek money. I figured if I compete in the Olympics, Ill be able to make a lot of money.
Well okay, Ill help you with that and shelter you and feed you, itll work out great! , I said.
20 days later
Richard Giovanni III
Ahhhhh! , I screamed. Pain surged through my hand. What happened? , said Mr
Masson (as he liked to be called. ) I-I hurt my hand. How? , he asked. Well I was doing
that practice course you told me to do and you were timing me Well could you tell me
something I dont know?, he asked. Im getting to it, Im getting to it. Well I was going
through that side where the ground is lower more on one side than the other. So my hand slipped
and I went on the bottom side, and when I tried to get back up, my bike swerved and I landed on

my hand. I guess I must have locked it cause this happened. Wow, thats a pretty big scrape
you got ere son. YA THINK? I kinda figured that out. So you gonna help me or not? , I
asked. He helped clean it out and then wrapped some cloth around it. I thanked him, and when I
tried to get up by pushing myself up (with my hand), and another bolt of pain struck me. Mr.
Masson helped me back up, and said, You need to rest, your hand looks like it could use it. If
you feel better by the Olympics, you just remember the tips I gave you. I will keep giving you
more tips while you rest, but I have to practice for the Olympics too, ya know. Will you be okay
if I leave you in the house to practice? , he asks. I guess, I say, I mean as long as I can race
in the Olympics, Im fine with it. Ya know, Mr. Masson starts, I could still give you tips
for the Olympics, and if you feel good enough to sit outside, I can show you what I mean a little
better. Oh yeah, and when you feel better, I think youll be able to practice out front with your
bike. It does look pretty big, I doubt itll get any worse, it should be good as new in. . . lets
say. umm, a week or so? Yeah youll be good as new. As soon as Mr. Masson left, I called
for my time machine to come, so that I could go to the future. Ill leave a note for him to
understand-I hope writing has been invented by now. As I press the GO button, to go back
the future, I find that it is jammed, and will not let me go to the future. Now I know that I am in
trouble, and need to win the Olympics so that I can fix this time machine and go back to the
1 week later
Yeah, its feeling better, for sure. , I say. Well, now that Im feeling better, lets go, I
need to practice everything you taught me., I say quite excitedly. Whoa whoa there, hold your
horses. You need to listen to some safety rules first. Ugh, I groaned, Do I have to? , I ask.
Yes, and dont you better listen to me from now on, or I will not teach you a thing., he says.
Mr. Masson explains the rules, and I listen. He tells me how it is very important that I shouldnt
put any weight on my right hand whatsoever, and just put it on the side, so I can steer. I decided
that I should try everything he taught me. When I started to get the hang of it, I thought that I
should stand up while riding, the way I always do when I want to accelerate or go up a high hill.
I started going up, and almost instantly fell. My right arm felt like jello. Mr. Masson was
right, I wont be able to use my right hand whatsoever. My face turns red, as mr. Masson walks
over. I think about what he will say. The most likely thing will probably be him saying
something like this, Are you okay? Now what did I tell you about putting weight on your right
arm? Mr. Masson walks over and says, Are you okay? Now what did I tell you about putting
weight on your right arm? I smile to myself, and think, Wow Im good at imitating him.
Mr. Masson lectures me on some more tips, and has me practice them in front of him to show
him I wont kill myself in the Olympics. I know that I have to keep practicing and resting so that
I can win the Olympics.
Ready, set, go! They yelled I rushed pedaling my pedals in the most efficient way, like
he told me. The crowd was cheering, my competitors all racing for the finish. I could hear Mr.

Masson shouting in my head, You need to put your knees as straight as possible, but make sure
they dont hit your hands. Cycle faster, what are you, a turtle? Come on speed up, wont you?
Those lessons seemed to come in handy. I pedaled hard, and harder, but I knew that I couldnt
go too fast. Mr. Masson had told me not to pedal too fast, and to go consistent. The other racers
would probably go in a big burst at the start, and then slow down in the middle, then give as
much as they have left in them for the finish. I could beat that, if I went consistently all
throughout the race, and had a huge burst of speed at the end, I would win for sure. Of course,
my tutor, was in this too, but he would have to settle with 2nd, as I planned to win. I went
consistently, without slowing. There was a total of 17 people, and I was in about 8th place. Mr.
Masson was in first. The others werent that far in front of me. I was about five feet away from
them, and ready to pass them. I started to feel a twinge of guilt. This was the first time that I
was feeling guilty. I had done so many bad things. I had lied to Mr. Masson. Now I was about
to deprivate the other competitors from winning the race. Everybody had their reasons and
stories for being in the Olympics. Mine was probably the best of the worst. Why did these
tough decisions have to come up? The only thing that I knew was that I had to win this race for
me. God chooses fate. I will choose my own fate. Maybe God wants me to win, maybe he
doesnt. Whatever God chooses goes. But if I just give up right now, well then its not going to
go right. For my sake. For Gods sake. And for my future families sake, I must win this race.
Im a great pep talker. Now for the plan.
The thing about this race was that it was only one lap around/ of a mile. Everybody
would go all out, but I knew that if I kept going right behind them I could beat them with one
giant burst of speed. I would give it all out, but would the strategy work, that was the question.
If this worked, my life would never be the same poor farmers life again, I would be a champion.
I would be one of those rich people. People who werent necessarily rich with money, but rich in
the sense that they could support a family. I need money, I think to myself. With the kind of
money possible only by winning the Olympics, I would be able to grow a new farm and start a
business, and keep my family going. I even have a family motto: Never give up, no matter how
harsh the conditions might be, stick with your first gut instinct; your gut instinct is the best way
to go. I knew that my gut instinct told me to, but I was afraid to do it. Could I do it or not?
Was it worth the risk? I should weigh the options, I think, I might fall and get run over. . .
or I might win the race by gaining speed and going full speed ahead.
I know what to do. I decide that one decision and one decision only will be the one to do.
Question is will I died standing up trying to accelerate? I think to myself, Isnt my dream to
win this and get money so that I can support a family? So if I stand up to gain speed, I get
injured, or I a family. Lets go, I need the money. I stood up, wobbled, but regained balance,
and I accelerated. I passed 5 people to come in third place. I then kept going as fast as I could,
and it turned out the guy in second place was tiring out. I passed him ending up in second place.
It was just me and my tutor. I tried to pass him from the left, but he blocked me, I tried right, but

he blocked me again. He just kept on copying me to block me. I couldnt pass him! Maybe he
had his story
No way that happened, my grandchildren said. Oh yes it did happen. , I said. Oh
yeah? Well prove it! , they said. See here, you see that photo, of me in the future with my
buddy and that atomic bomb? , I ask. Whoa, wait you probably just edited it with an online
editing software. Yeah, or maybe somebody photo bombed the picture, by throwing a cardboard
ball made to look like an atomic bomb! , they exclaimed. None of those things have been
invented yet. , I say while grinning from ear to ear. As my kids soak in what I said during the
silence, I say to them, Life is a wonderful thing full of daring adventures and a bunch of
twists., I say. Now we know that grandpa doesnt lie, they said to each other. Oh, hey look,
whats that over there? I ask. As they turn around I say, Ha ha, made you look. No fair,
they say, as we all laugh in unison. I say to my kids, Yes, but even though I came from the
future, my money is not possibly able to work here, at least not yet, my bills wont work in
Greece, and might not even be real-so we should all be thankful for those Olympics Yeah,
they say in unison, we should all be thankful. Now who wants to go back to the future?, I
ask. As the sun sets, there is a green zap of energy, as we go to the future, to live the lives that
we were meant to be in.

Jackie walked down the street in New York City. Her black shoes clicked against the sidewalk, her
long blonde hair flapped against her coat, and her brown eyes gazed at the sign of the Luke W .Milford
Library. jackie opened the door and she and her sister trotted in.
The doors hanging bell clanked against the glass. Jackie looked at her sister Stacie and wandered
over to find a book before she had to catch the subway to r school. Stacie swas a small child, the age of 6.
She had pale skin, strawberry blonde hair, and brown eyes. She was a spacey kid, but always had a smile
on her face.
Jackie grabbed hold of her sisters hand and walked up to the check out. She thanked the librarian for
her book As she walked out with Stacie. the librarian asked "are you positive you don't want me to walk
you to the subway?" Stacie replied "No, that's alright, we'll be just fine, thank you though for the offer."
Then she and her sister walked out as the door slammed behind them.
Stacie dragged behind Jackie. Jackie was walking at a fast pace to catch the 9:00 am train. Jackie
knew where it was, 2 blocks from the twin towers and take a right. Stacie watched as a plane flew by. it
was headed in the opposite direction. Stacie said isnt that plane awfully low? Jackie didnt bother to
look, she said nah, it will be fine, pilots know how to fly planes. Then a Crash, the ground shook. Stacie
flew off her feet and was thrown to the floor. A piece of debris floated closer to Stacie faster than you
could possibly imagine!
It was 9:00 am, 3 minutes after the plane hit, at 8;57 am on september 11th, 2001. Everything was
happening right in front of Jackies eyes. People running everywhere. There was screaming. A heavy coat
of gray smoke took over the air. to Jackies surprise she looked up as bodies dropped from the
skyscrapers windows, she gasped. flames began to take over the building, floor by floor. then the tower
began to fall, crushing each floor one by one. There was the noise of sirens that filled the air. Firefighters
were hosing the flames coming from the tower, but that did nothing. The flames were too fierce. Tears
rolled down Jackies face. She wiped her eyes picked up her sister and looked for help. She knew she
needed to be strong for her sister, and for herself.

Jackies lungs were filling up with smoke. But Stacie was her priority. Jackie saw a fireman
giving orders. She ran over to the man with Stacie bouncing in her arms. "Please take my sister,
she needs help!" The fireman knew he had to help. He took Stacie into his arms. He carried her
over to a pickup truck and placed Stacie in the back of it. She laid there helplessly. The man
hopped into the drivers seat and turned on the truck. "Thank you !" Jackie screamed "take care of
my sister!" "What's your name, sir!" He replied "john, john Harrington! " then he sped away. As
he drove away he yelled out his window "stay put little girl, we'll be back in no time!"
Jackie stood there still, silent, nervous, watching all the commotion. It was about 9:15. in
the distance she saw a plane, just as low as the other one. It was coming from the opposite
direction the first plane came from! She knew it was heading for the other twin tower, and that
this crash would make it ten times worse. All she could do was wait, and just watch the horrific
scene and The attack on the United States.

Boom! at 9:17 am the second twin tower was hit. Jackie was right, it made all the
commotion ten times worse. She closed her eyes in disgust. Tears rolled down her face. The
fireman, police officers, and even citizens had to evacuate the people from both towers. She
began to run as fast as she could, To get out of the city. this city, this world! Then the words
drifted into her mind of what the fireman said " stay put we'll be back in no time." She thought of
her sister, the fireman, her mom, her dad, her uncle, cousins, grandparents! Then stopped to
think. what would they want me to do?
Jackie walked about a 1/2 mile to the hospital where she thought her sister might be
getting treated. She approached the counter and said "I'm looking for Stacie McGraw." The
receptionist said emergency room, she's having surgery, but your family is in the intensive care
unit waiting room, where she will go after surgery." "Thanks" Jackie replied. She made her way
to the intensive care unit where she made a running leap into her mothers arm. " I'm so glad
you're okay!" Said Jackie's mother. Tears streamed down Jackie's face. She gave hugs to the line
of family members.
" where's Benny?" Her moms face went from a mild smile to a tear down her soft
delicate cheek. She choked "we don't know." She said hesitantly. "You don't know!" Jackie
screamed. She began to hysterically cry and screamed "where is he? how could you! " what did
you do with him?" "You're a monster!" She screamed and walked out of the room. Her back slid
against the wall and her face slid into her knees.
Jackie's mother slid down next to Jackie. "Jackie I'm sorry, I drove to the day care and
no one was there!" "We have to believe Benny will show up." She said encouragingly. " what if
he doesn't? what if he doesn't show up?" Jackie screamed! "He will Jackie, he will! I promise
with all my heart" said Jackies mother softly. she picked up Jackie and walked back to the
waiting room.
1 hour later the doctor walked in, everyone slid to the edge of their seat. The doctor said
"Stacie has major brain damage." "The impact of the debris was very strong, her lungs were
filled with smoke and she was put on a ventilator. she will stay in the emergency room until she
wakes up from the anesthesia. "hank you for being patient, I'm sorry about your little girl". he
turned around and walked out.
When Stacie was wheeled in on the stretcher, Jackie's face flushed. Jackies family walked
over and Jackie's mom picked up Stacie's hand, it was limp. Stacie's head wobbled back and
forth. Her eyes shuttered open. They were glossy. The bandage around her head was wrapped
many times. She was hooked up to a beeping machine that had a steady pattern that matched her
heartbeat. Stacie began to smile, then giggle. Jackie's mom grew a faint smile, she wiped the tear
that was rolling down her cheek. Stacie said "I'm actually alive."
"of course you are. you're a survivor." Jackies
Mother said . Then she looked at me. "Where's John?" Jackie asked. " who's he?" Stacie asked. "
the guy that brought you here. he saved your life." She replied. Then the nurse walked in.
Everyone tensed up. "Please leave while I evaluate her." Said the nurse. We waited in the hall
until the nurse came out. She said "Stacies brain is severely damaged, she doesn't know who you

are." I couldn't believe what I was hearing! she was not doing well at all. The nurse explained
that Stacie would go into a coma in an estimation of 20 minutes. The nurse asked Since she is
on life support, we could take her off so she does not suffer and She will eventually die. I'm
The nurse said. "What would you like us to do?" I looked at my mother, her lips were
quivering. My grandma said " do you want her to suffer?" As a tear rolled down her cheek.
"No!" My mother replied. "Can we say goodbye before you take her off?" "of course." Said the
nurse "let me know when you're done. By that time Stacie was already in the coma. Jackies
hand was clenched to her mothers. Jackie laid her head on Stacies chest. She said " I love you."
She stepped back to let her mother say her final goodbyes. Her mother kissed her on the head
and called The nurse in. The nurse took her off life support and Jackie realized she will never see
her best friend again.
Jackie thought, why her? why did this happen?! Pain gushed through her head. She
cried for at a few hours. Her relatives went home when they knew it was safe outside. As Jackie
and her mother walked outside. It was silent. dead silent. No horns, or cars. People were walking
to the upper east Manhattan. Now it was time to find Benny.
Jackies mother did not speak since Stacie died. Jackie looked at her mother and
replied you did the right thing." " I know." she said. " mom lets try the police station to look for
Benny." As they drove to the police station they saw the Sunnys daycare truck. They didn't even
park the car. They jumped out and ran inside. Benny's day care sitter was surrounded by all the
babies. " Benny's over there." and pointed to his carrier. Jackie's mom walked over and picked up
Benny and she held him tightly. He was unharmed. Jackie's mom handed the baby to Jackie and
said," hold him while I notify the police." Jackie whispered in his ear. "You're my only sibling
now" And wiped her cheek. The resemblance between Stacie and Benny was impeccable.
Now jackie's family was stronger, kinder, gentler. Jackies heart was filled with
kindness and hope. She would always remember 9/11, but most of all her sister.

The tragedy of 911

By: Julia Barker


Tannor Carr
Grade 5
Latham Ridge

The apartment door was kicked open. Logans parents screamed in terror.
Enemy soldiers rushed into the apartment. They stomped up the stairs hoping to find
them. Logan heard the screaming from across the street and started running towards
his apartment. He ran as fast as he could with his heavy gun in his hand and helmet
bouncing off his head. Gun shots were fired!
In a busy neighborhood on Northern Ave. in California, fourteen-year-old Logan
Walker woke up in a cold sweat. He breathed heavily, rubbing his eyes. He sat straight
up in his bed.
It was just a dream. Logan told himself. A very crazy dream.
He slowly began to lay back down. Logan stared blankly at his ceiling. He
couldnt sleep now. The dream had frightened Logan so much, he was afraid to close
his eyes. He looked at the clock in his room. It read 3:00 am. He pulled up the covers
and tried to go to sleep. Then he heard something. A very loud noise. Quick, but loud.
Then Logan heard it again. This time it sounded closer.
At first, Logan thought it was his imagination. Then he heard it several more
times. He heard loud footsteps in the hallway outside of his bedroom.
You got the gun? someone whispered from outside his door. His door opened
and two people rushed in. Logans bedroom light was turned on and then he saw who
the two people were: they were his mom and dad. Logans father had a 30-odd 6 slung
over his shoulder. His blonde hair looked white with the light on. He had ocean blue
eyes. He wore a green T-shirt and khaki utility pants. His brown hiking boots made his
feet look twice the size than they already were.
Come on, Logan. Get dressed. We have to go. ,said Logans dad. Logan got
dressed right away. Then he heard screams from outside. Then the same loud noise
from earlier. Were those gun shots?
Logan, grab my rifles from the closet., his dad ordered. Logan nodded to his
father and grabbed the rifles. His dad had taught him a thing or two about guns. His
mother never really liked it. Right when Logan entered the room, he saw a mixture of
red, orange, and yellow lights. Then his face got hot.
We need to move. Now! Logans dad yelled.
Tannor Carr
Grade 5
Latham Ridge

Come on, honey. Logans mom said to him.

Dad, whats happening? Logan asked.
Ill explain later. Right now, we need to get out of here!
Logans mother grabbed food and water and put it in a bag. His dad was getting
weapons and a big bag with his army equipment. Suddenly, the ground shook. Glass
Jillian, get to the truck! Logan and I will catch up with you.
Several holes were made in the window. Bullet holes, Logan realized.
Great. We are dead. Logan said.
As long as Im around, youre safe,Logan. His dad assured him.
Logan and his dad ran downstairs.
Grab my handgun. It should be in my left back pocket. Ordered his father.
But dad, you already have a gun. Logan reminded his father. He didnt know
why his father needed another gun.
His dad handed him the handgun then kicked the door of their apartment open,
and took cover behind a car. Logan stayed close behind his father.
A tank emerged from thick smoke. The tank shot a humungous bullet from its
ten-foot long barrel at Logans school, which was right around the corner. The tank
came closer to Logan and his dads position. It ran over cars and nearly hit terrified
citizens. Helicopters rushed over to the street behind Logans apartment. Enemy
soldiers dropped from the helicopters.
The soldiers carried machine guns and started firing at Logan and his dad.
Logan, use the handgun! His father shouted. A bullet whizzed passed Logans head.
When Logan was able to get a clear shot, he pulled the trigger and the enemy soldier
dropped dead.

Tannor Carr
Grade 5
Latham Ridge

About fifty more soldiers dropped from the helicopters and ran to the fight. Oh,
no! Logans father thought. One of the soldiers held a bullhorn to his mouth and said,
Come on out, Victor. There is no need to hide.
Maverick? Is that you? Victor asked.
It sure is! Did you like the little training exercise? Maverick asked.
Training exercise? Victor asked furiously. You almost got my boy killed!
Well, we do need to get ready for the Japanese. California and Japan are pretty
Why would you pull a stunt like that? If you try to do that again, at least tell me.
And leave my boy out of it. Hes still young. Victor warned.
About fifteen minutes later, Logan and Victor were in a truck.
Dad, where are we going? Logan asked in a low voice.
Were going to my work. Victor responded.
Why you so shy, kid? Maverick asked. He couldnt help but eavesdrop.
Im not shy. See, Im talking, right? Logan said sarcastically.
Boy has a bit of an attitude, huh? Maverick seemed a bit impressed by Logans
Why are we being brought here? Victor asked.
A big German army has hit parts of Europe. The team thinks that the U.S might be
next. Maverick explained.
Theres a good chance that the attacks could start World War II.
Can we stop it?
No. But we might be able to join forces with other countries. Maybe Britain or
France. Maverick suggested. The truck was speeding up. Logan was about to fall
asleep when he heard a loud bang. He cautiously picked up his fathers gun and
Tannor Carr
Grade 5
Latham Ridge

grasped it tightly in his hand. It wasnt until a few moments later when the truck flipped
As the truck laid on its side, Logans dad looked around frantically.
Is everyone alright? Victor asked. He turned to see that his son was gone!
Where is Logan!?
Logan was sitting down in the middle of the road, about four to five feet away
from the truck, with a cut lip and a black eye. He held his gun tightly in his hand.
Logan! Are you alright? Get back here, now! He heard his father call from
inside the truck. Logan stared his way. He saw a womanly figure appear in thick
smoke. She was walking toward Logan. Then the figure stopped dead in her tracks.
When the smoke drifted away, Logan couldnt believe what he saw: His own mother
holding an RPG.
Mom? Logan asked, confused. What are you doing?
Im just following orders. Jillian said. Logan realized that his mothers voice
sounded different than usual. His jaw dropped. Shes German, Logan thought,
surprised. Shes gonna help start the war, Logan realized.
Logans mom took out a bottle of gasoline from inside her coat pocket. She
headed toward the truck where Logans dad was trapped inside.
Mom, NO! Logan got up and started running toward his mother. Jillian poured
the gasoline onto the truck. Logan ran as fast as he could. Then he tripped and landed
on the ground.
His mother took out a lighter and held it to the truck. Logan looked up. She
dropped the lighter. Flames spread all over. The truck exploded, then blew Logan a
couple feet away.
Logan opened his eyes. He looked around, dazed and confused. Oh, my
head! he groaned. He looked at the truck that was on fire. How did that get on fire?
Logan wondered. Where am I? he asked himself. Who am I?

Tannor Carr
Grade 5
Latham Ridge

Tannor Carr
Grade 5
Latham Ridge

James Golden
I was walking home from the lake one day soaking wet, when I heard my mom scream,
Gold!! Gold!! Gold!!Gold found in California. I ran up to her to see if it was true. Sure
enough, it was.

My mom didnt want me to go but I kind of did. Actually, I really wanted to go so we

could get out of our leaky, rat infested cottage,but I couldnt leave my four brothers and six
sisters, I loved them so much!

I sadly walked back to the leaking, soggy cottage, into the rusty door to the small room I
shared with all of my siblings and sat down on my dirty, moist bed. Whats the matter, James?,
my youngest brother, John asked as he looked up into my teary eyes. Oh nothing. You wouldnt
understand, I replied choking back tears. Yes, I would. Im five and thats old enough to
understand things, he yelled. Not this thing, I said quietly. Sometimes John can be pretty
Grace Landy
Latham Ridge Elementary School
Grade 4

I walked on the wet, soft, molding wood of the cottages floor, down the narrow stairs, to
the place where my dad keeps the stove. I was so skinny and tall that I had to duck to look into
the pot. Gross. Spinach stuff. Again. I went to check the cabinet to see if we still had pepper. No
pepper!! Could this day get any worse?

My dad walked into the room. James, did you hear about the gold rush?, he whispered.
Yes, I wanted to go. Well I think you should, he said in a comforting voice. He left the
room. I think he looks a lot like me. Brown hair, tall and skinny. He is also very encouraging. I
love my dad!

Just then my mom stumbled in. James, what was your father talking to you about? My
mom whisper-yelled in her shrill British accent. Oh nothing, I replied. Hmm, she hummed.
She walked out the door. Whereas my dad looks a lot like me, my mom looks nothing like me.
She has light blond hair, is short, and chubby. I definitely have mixed feelings about her.

I finally fell asleep after a small meal and a lot of thinking. While I was asleep, I made up
my mind.. I had to go. My family needed the money. I told my mom and she said, James, I
dont want you to go to California! You will NOT go. Do you understand? I nodded and went
back to my torn up mattress. I still wanted to go though.

After awhile I got the sneaky idea that I should sneak out. But how was I going to do
that? I eventually decided to do it for my family. I snuck down the stairs, trying not to wake up
any of my ten siblings.

Julia suddenly woke up, her red hair in tangles. Bad dream, she whispered, her loose
front tooth wiggling. You can take your pillow and come by me, I replied. She got up quickly
and sprinted over. She laid down next to me and shut her blue eyes. Sure, Im seventeen and
shes seven, but we are very close and I love her.

After a while, Julia was snoring softly. When I was sure she was fast asleep, I stepped
into the cold, dark night. I got some old rusty mining tools from one of my friends by the lake. I
Grace Landy
Latham Ridge Elementary School
Grade 4

quickly climbed on one of my dads old horses, Smokey. KLOP, KLOP, KLOP, KLOP went her
loud hooves as she trotted across the wet dirt.

We walked through the eerie dark forest. It was actually pretty beautiful. Well, Smokey
didnt think so. She started running really fast. I almost fell off. I slipped down her back and then
her tail. I gripped the end tightly. I slowly climbed up her tail. It was really scary.

By sunrise we were in California. I hopped off Smokey and gave her some water. She
needed it. She was paper thin.

When we got there, I saw a few boys my age and a lot of men. I heard some screams
from far away. I saw a lot of campgrounds and trees and people yelling about gold. I went over
to a boy that looked about my age. He was very nice. He said his name was Adam. He showed
me around. He was really wonderful. He showed me how to mine. He even asked if I wanted to
have my tent next to his. I said, Sure! He was from Nevada and so was I.
It was kind of fun. I felt big and strong and brave. I thought I was brave because I did
leave my home to get money for my family.

After awhile of picking away at the dirt, I felt something hard, but soft too. I thought it
was a dirt clump at first, but then I got to it. It felt as if it were growing. I finally dug it out. There
it was! A HUGE piece of gold!! I got out my bucket and put it in. It almost didnt fit. I was SO

I found some more pieces too. They were not that big. Maybe they were about four or
five ounces. I wanted to go home though.

I got my gear and climbed on Smokey. I said goodbye to the new friends I made and left.
I wondered what kind of punishment I had waiting for me at home. I wondered about my mom
screaming at me or beating me. I wondered about being locked in my room and crying. I
wondered about John asking me so many questions that would just make me more upset.

Grace Landy
Latham Ridge Elementary School
Grade 4

When I walked in the door my mom rushed up to me immediately. Where have YOU
been? Ive been worried sick. Were you at the Gold Rush? I answered, Yes, but I brought back
enough gold to fix the house. She gave me a stern look and walked away. I felt relieved.I was
expecting a beating and screaming. Neither came. Dad, standing in the kitchen, winked at me. I
felt so go and much less scared in side. My dad was proud of me!

I went to go put Smokey in her hay pile when Julia came up to me. I saw you leaving,
she said. Really, I thought you were sleeping!!, I yelled. I was kind of worried but at least I was
home with my family.

First we built some new rooms with the money. Then we fixed the floors. They looked
and felt really good. Now I can walk barefoot in the house. We replaced all the beds. We patched
up the leaks. Our house was starting to look a lot better. We got Smokey a small stable and a
saddle. Dad said that I can use her anytime. Smokey got a little chubbier thanks to all the hay.
She is looking better too!

The California Gold Rush was a lot of hard work, but it taught me how to grow up some.
I feel like it helped me become the man my dad wanted me to be. I am very proud that I was able
to make my family more comfortable and more safe.

Grace Landy
Latham Ridge Elementary School
Grade 4


By: Corey Ditzel

It was a frigid, cloudy, and windy day on March 4, 1770 in Boston, Massachusetts. People
were enjoying their regular day. Shoemakers were making shoes, mothers were watching their
children, teachers were teaching their schoolchildren, farmers were planting their crops, and
printers were printing newspapers. Paul Revvy, an eighteen year old apprentice, was busy
making shoes. He was a shoemaker, and he had a passion for writing. His master would not let
him get an education or give him much money or food for working for him. All he wanted to do
Corey Ditzel
Southgate Elem.
Grade 4

was to get away from his master and get an education to become a writer. Unfortunately, his
master wouldnt let him go out on his own. This made Paul Revvy realize that he had to break
free of his master to be able to achieve any of his lifelong goals of having a family, making a
difference in the world and ultimately breaking free from the British.
Not all of these colonists knew that nearly 4,000 British troops were arriving to be stationed
in the suburbs of Boston. The troops were coming in order to be trained on a secret Patriot
military base. While people thought Patriot troops were being trained, British troops were being
trained. These British soldiers were preparing to attack the Patriot colonists in Boston the next
day. Only one person knew about this and it was Paul Revvy. He was the only one who knew
the British were being stationed in a secret military base. He was the only one who knew.
The next day, March 5, 1770, the British troops came marching into Boston. These
British troops were marching and playing instruments, hoping that when citizens of Boston
would see them, they would be scared, and run away. Therefore, the British could take over the
land. Unfortunately, for them, that did not happen. As the British reached the intersection of
Devonshire and Court Streets, the Patriots began to react to seeing the British soldiers. Mothers
started calling their children to come inside from playing and told them to hide from the British.
While the children hid, some very brave parents went outside and formed an angry mob to yell
and threaten the British. Things began to get out of control. In the middle of the intersection,
there were people fighting, yelling, and name-calling. They were yelling at the British. Hey red
coat!, Lobster backs! and Bloody Backs! And who do you think the loudest person yelling
was? That's right. You guessed it. It was Paul Revvy. The British threatened the mob of people
and Paul Revvy. They said to stop calling them names or they would shoot them. One of the
British soldiers lost his patience and the fired his gun into the crowd.

Corey Ditzel
Southgate Elem.
Grade 4

All of the sudden, a bullet hit one of the people in the mob. His name was Crispus
Attucks. People stared as he fainted and fell to the ground. There was such chatter that he was
dead or just wounded. As the British cheered, the people of Boston cried at the death of Crispus
Attucks. Crispus Attucks, a former slave, was known as the first person killed for American
Independence. But why kill him? He just wants Independence for his country just like Paul
Even after seeing Attucks get killed, the colonists continued to shout at the British. Paul
was so furious that he charged at the British and the British fired at him. They missed, and he
escaped in time. The Redcoats kept firing, and you wont believe who was shot and killed. It
was an innocent kid named Samuel Gray! Gray was hit by a bullet in the worst part of his body.
Right in the eye! There was even more crying and anger. People hoped that he was just
wounded and maybe he could survive but, unfortunately he was dead. Oh no! people said.
After seeing Samuel Gray get shot, another Samuel, Samuel Maverick, charged at the
British. He was furious that his best friend was shot and killed. As he ran at them, they fired at
him, and killed him instantly. The women and children could not believe that the heartless
British could fire at two children. This caused the people in Boston to want to give up and let the
British take over. But the people of the 13 colonies had to do something about this, and they did.
Even though Paul Revvy wasn't famous, he still joined in with the people of the 13
colonies and came up with a plan together. They started yelling at the British, in honor of the
people who were shot. Some people got lucky and escaped in time, but sadly, more people were
killed. Ahh! people ran screaming, after James Caldwell and Patrick Carr were shot! The
people who got shot were defenseless, they had no weapons.
The people who got shot were just yelling with the whole angry mob and they happened

Corey Ditzel
Southgate Elem.
Grade 4

to be unlucky. They did not escape in time and got shot. The whole city of Boston was shut
down for the next 6 weeks. But, they decided that they needed to keep their heads up and stay
strong and realize that someday, that they would defeat the British. The Patriots just had to
develop a plan. The plan was to get the British out of the colonies and let the Patriots be
independent! They would do whatever they needed to get this independence. Paul Revvy came
up with a plan with the other colonists in Philadelphia. They would first meet in the Assembly
Room in Independence Hall.


Later on, after the massacre happened, Paul Revere (Paul Revvy in the story, fictional
character) painted a famous painting of the Boston Massacre and he called it the Bloody
Massacre. It had so many inaccuracies that people at the time had no ideas what the painting
was. One of the inaccuracies was that the painting had a dog in it! On top of painting a picture
Paul Revvy also wrote a journal about The Boston Massacre. He was able to overcome his fears
and write. His painting was included in his journal. His journal was used in schoolhouses for
research about the Boston Massacre.

Corey Ditzel
Southgate Elem.
Grade 4

5 Years Later

All of this, along with many other events, led to a war called the Revolutionary War. It
was a war between the British and the 13 colonies. They fought many battles. Eventually, the
colonists enlisted the help of the French. But one day, it all came to an end with the British
surrendering. It was a huge victory for the Patriots! The Patriots finally got what they wanted,
freedom and independence!

Corey Ditzel
Southgate Elem.
Grade 4

Corey Ditzel
Southgate Elem.
Grade 4

Christopher and the Hindenburg Tragedy

By: Connor Doherty
Southgate School Grade 6

Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

I live in an industrial town in Frankfurt. The people of my town who own shops are
obsessed with making various, and sometimes useless, metal items. Most of my towns people
have weird voices because the fire they use to smelt the metal items just give off so much smoke
and anytime anyone breathes in air, they breathe in smoke too. Our family was sort-of poor, but
one day, my father dropped a large, heavy metal piece onto the ground, and instead of the metal
piece landing on the ground with a heavy thud, it fell through the ground and landed in a cavern.
There was so much gold in there, we had no idea of what to do with it! My father ended up
selling it to major companies, and in return, we got a lot of money! It just so happened that the
people in my town had heard of a zeppelin called the Hindenburg, but no one had that amount of
money to buy tickets, except for my dad. Right away, my dad sent a letter to the company that
has the Hindenburg. We still wait on the reply. We still live in an old, broken down house right
next to a factory, so the smoke always makes its way through the cracks in our walls. I have a
brother, a sister, a mother, and a father. My brothers name is Peter, and my sisters name is
Irene. We have three cousins in North America, but we dont have any aunts. Our only uncle is
our cousins dad.
I wake up to the smell of smoke, but this time, there is so much more, that it seeps
through the cracks in our house. I start coughing and sputtering so much, my voice is almost
hoarse when I stop. Today is the day that we finally get to see our cousins in North America. To
get there, we take the Hindenburg.
My mother, my father, Peter, Irene, and I have to walk all the way to the hangar on foot,
so we leave really early in the morning. I dont know how anyone gets used to walking this far.
Even though its only two kilometers away, having to walk there in expensive dress shoes isnt
the most efficient way of doing it.My tie is too tight, my belt is too loose, and I dont even know
Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

how to tie my shoes. My mother and father are used to walking very long distances because
theyve walked to everything in torn leather shoes when they were kids.
Peter and Irene are so tall that nobody has any shoe sizes for them. I guess it makes sense,
because Peter is eighteen, Irene is sixteen, and Im twelve. A special shoe-maker makes
comfortable rabbit skin shoes for them. And Im stuck with leather covered metal shoes. They
might look nice, but once you put them on, youll regret it.
About one kilometer later, we start to see the immense hangar up ahead. My stomach
drops to the ground. Even though we left early, the Hindenburg is about to leave! Peter quickly
lifts me on to his sturdy shoulders and starts running like hes in a marathon. Mother, father, and
Irene start running too. We see the gigantic and grey Hindenburg slowly making its way out of
the hangar, and off of the ground! As if hes on cue, Peter starts sprinting like a racehorse. Ive
never seen him run like that. Wait! he shouts. Wait! Apparently nobody heard him.
When Peter finally arrived, he was sweating like a factory worker at the top of a
smokestack in the middle of July. Wa---a--it Peter whispers tiredly. Still, nobody listened.
I yell at the top of my lungs WAIT! and that catches pretty much everybodys
attention. The Hindenburg is lowered to the ground and stops moving.
Hurry up sir! Captain Pruss yells, leaning out of a window. My whole family quickly
boards the Hindenburg.
Tickets please, says a crew member. I feel a coldness in my stomach.
We dont have, well, you see, we ordered tickets by sending you a letter, but, umm, we
never got any tickets back, so, like, how should we pay y- starts my father.
That is okay if you dont have any tickets. Just give me the money and you can board.
Well, how much will that be? asks my father.
Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

Hmm, five people,That will be two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. the crew
member finishes.
Good thing all the money the companies gave me is still in my wallet. Oh, thats fine.
Here you go, says my father, handing the man the money. We walk about five steps, then I run
in a different direction.
Christopher, be careful! yells my mother. I am going to enjoy this.
When I was younger (and when my family didnt have the amount of money we do now,)
my father bought an old piano. Dad bought it just for decoration. I always asked my father if I
could play the piano, but he said we didnt have the money. One day, my father came home from
work and got some food, but he didnt get any for himself. Do you know why? He bought me
piano lessons and since we didnt really have the money, he couldnt buy food for himself. I
thanked him so much. I see the piano of my dreams in one room and I run straight towards it. I
start playing little parts of songs I learned, and they sound so sweet to me. Only, someone shouts
that I should stop. So, I do as I am told.
I see a group of kids playing with a wooden ball, so I join them, As I walk to them, I
briefly look at the window and see that we are right above the ocean. We play for a little.
I walk away. I look out the window again, but this time I still see ocean. I should go to
sleep, its almost night now. I find my family fairly quickly because of how tall Peter and Irene
are. I still wish I was as tall as they are. I follow them to our room. Once I land in my bed, I fall
off to sleep.
The next morning I wake up sweaty and sore, and I know I must be headed off to
breakfast. I look for my family. I find them next to a window. Peter is whispering land land to
Dad, and as I join them, Peter turns around and shouts, Land!
Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

Land? I ask. Peter looks at me as if I am crazy.

You dont know what land means Chris!? America! Thats what land means! America!
I feel joy in my gut. America! Land of the free! Cousins and uncles!
We all look out the window. Land! I see land! I see a little lake with tiny black dots
barely moving in it. I see a little grey stretch of land, wait, that cant be land, thats, concrete?
Yeah, concrete. I also see and immense tower right next to it. In front of that are little tiny
squares that must be houses. I guess we have to pass right over the houses to get to the landing
Can I keep exploring? Then Ill come back when we land, I say.
Yeah, so, see you on the ground. Hope this thing doesnt explode...HA! Just kidding,
jokes Peter.
Umm.. yeah explode, haha...well, see you around? I guess? I say nervously.
I suddenly remember a dream I had. I had a dream that my city exploded, and I died. That
wont happen to this. I put all my trust into the captain, and I hope he doesnt crash.
We are finally here! We just have to land on the concrete, then we can see our cousins.
Nothing seems like its going to go wrong. Until it happens.
Now, the flames feel really hot , and they start turning blue. Half a second later, the
whole zeppelin is in flames. I finally notice what Peter and Irene had pointed to. A colossal metal
beam makes its way down to me, and I brace myself for impact. I look out the window for the
final time in my life, but see nothing but darkness. The beam taps my head, just as the floor
collapses beneath me. As I fall, I feel heat, and lots of it. Its as if the heat alone could cut all my
limbs off, just as easily as how a butter knife cuts into butter. I start to not feel my left arm, left
leg, and right ear. It is probably just the heat making me lose sense of my body parts. I feel
Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

myself falling onto beams, and even other people. I feel like Im stuck in an endless void,
because all I see is black and I feel very woozy and I feel as if a million bees are stinging my
skin, over and over again.
I finally wake up, to a blank place. Everything is glowing white, and thats the only color
I see. The only thing I could manage out is a tiny, AmmmIIdeeead?
Christopher..... a tiny, mindless voice whispers in my ear.
Christopher I hear the voice even louder now. Christopher!!!! I finally push
through to my senses and I find myself on the hard concrete ground with a huge heap of metal
next to me. Irene is standing over me.
Christopher, are you alright?! Irene asks.
Yeessssssss. I whisper. Where.. isss.. Momm.. anndd Ddaaadd annddd
Christopher, Mom and Dad theyre gone, she starts crying.
Peter? I ask.
Hes alive, but he lost an arm, she adds.
I finally ask with a smile, Am I alright?
Umm.., dont look.. but you dont seem to have an.. arm and.. a.. leg..and you dont
really have two ears, you only have.. one.
I suddenly black out.
The next thing I know, I have a wooden arm, a wooden leg, only one ear, and Im laying
on my bed at home.
I remember that I have no mom and no dad. But I still have a brother and a sister.

Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

Its a little hard to walk, but Peter and Irene help me put down my legs, one at a time. My
left arm, my wooden arm, really has no use. I can only hear out of my left ear, the ear that wasnt
damaged. I go back to school in a month, and Peter and Irene agreed to come to school with me
until I can use my leg better and when I can hear better, because I lost a little hearing in the
crash. And I know that theyll take good care of me, and Ill take good care of them when they
need help.

Connor Doherty
Grade 6
Southgate School

Missing Lily

Eva Hymes, Grade 6

Southgate Elementary

The wind whipped around me and pulled angrily at my clothes. The rain was pouring so
heavily, I could barely see the outline of my hands in front of my face.The sound of the wind and
the roaring waterfall of rain was deafening. I desperately wished I could be home again,
snuggled up in my warm bed with my sister sleeping soundly next to me, safe and comfortable.
My heart pounded and rose up to my throat. My tears were pouring down my face as hard as the
rain. Suddenly, I heard a voice blurred by the storm. Julie, the voice called. My mind was
black and the rain was stinging me like a swarm of angry wasps. Julie, the voice called
The rain stopped and suddenly I was sitting up in my bed drenched in sweat and tears. I
heard my obnoxious alarm clock beeping a shrill hard sound. I saw my mom standing at my
bedroom doorway steaming mad. Julie you are now officially late again! You are in third grade,
in summer school, and already sleeping late! You are becoming just like your sister! she said
angrily. As she left she mumbled to herself, Where do they get this from? Definitely not from
me! From their father maybe!
I was not sure what just happened. I took off my quilt and got out of bed. What a night.
I whispered to myself as I walked to my shiny, full length mirror. I looked into it. I stared at my
unruly long, brown, tangled hair and my wide green eyes. I stared closely at the ugly freckles
that covered my cheeks. I did not look at myself too long for the fear that I would become my
sister. She stared at herself in the mirror for hours.
My sister Lily and I share a room, and sadly, a bathroom as well. I knocked on the
bathroom door. Lily! Open up! Im already late and I gotta use the bathroom! I called.
Ugh! Cant you wait? Being fourteen has its flaws! Lily called back.
I have the worst sister ever! I thought. I walked back to my bed and slumped back onto
the covers of my bed. I waited and waited. Then I looked at the time. Oh No! I said in a
worried tone, Its 8:30! I have to leave like NOW! School started 30 minutes ago!
Then Lily burst out of the bathroom in a flourish. She had her long wavy brown hair
draped down her back. Her bright green eyes sparkled like the golden eyeshadow she had on.
She also had a gold dress that looked itchy, scratchy, and uncomfortable. The dress stopped at
her knees, and of course she had on glittery gold heels to match.
Whats with all the getup? I asked my golden sister.
I am visiting Anna, my BFFAETTEOTE, or my best friend for ever and ever to the end
of the earth. She lives in Florida. Youre going to, remember? Just in case your dumb brain
doesnt remember, I am going on an earlier flight that you so I can shop around with Anna,
without you or mom She said as she gracefully twirled around the room.
Well it looks like youre going to a wedding. I replied.
Lily then made a face of pure disgust. You think you dress any better? You little 10 year
old! Then she rolled her eyes and twirled past me.
I walked into the bathroom. It smelled like hairspray and expensive perfume. Ewwww,
I thought as I pinned a clothes pin onto my nose. I hurriedly brushed my hair. It was painful.
Eva Hymes, Grade 6
Southgate Elementary

Then I quickly washed my face and threw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweats. I ran out the door of
my room. I smelled burnt pancakes coming from the kitchen as I ran down the creaky steps. As I
stuffed a pancake into my mouth I looked at the date. It was Monday, August 25, 2005. Then I
ran out the door without saying goodbye to anyone.
Good morning Miss. LATE! Mr. Waltz yelled. As I walked in my classroom, I laid my
eyes on my lazy teacher who was obsessed with always being on time. His face was droopy and
long, kind of like his stomach. He had small round glasses that looked like they could fall off his
face any second. He sat in his chair all day, and he just talked about everything. Like if we were
talking about Egypt, he would just drone on and on about it without even noticing that half of the
kids in his class had already fallen asleep and the rest were completing their art homework.
Excuse me! Why are you so late? We were just learning about our home state,
Oklahoma. So why dont you sit down and sign your detention slip! Mr. Waltz yelled as his
face bounced up and down. I sat down and, EWWWW! I quickly stood up and ran across the
room! Someone had stuck a piece of gum to my seat.
I grabbed a piece of paper and started to wipe my behind trying not to look at the
disappointed glare of Mr. Waltz. Mr. Waltz finally said something over the humiliating laughter
that was roaring out of my classmates. You may now go down to the PRINCIPAL'S!
Then the loud speaker suddenly spoke, Julie is now dismissed. I smirked as I grabbed
my backpack and headed out the door no longer feeling embarrassed.
Hi, honey! My mom called as I walked into the house. Ready to go to Florida? she
Yeah. I sighed. When are we coming back? I asked.
On the 31. My mom answered. Ok lets go! Your sister is probably already halfway
there! Are you packed? mom asked.
Yeah, I answered.
Then lets go! mom said excitedly. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
Being in a small car for almost an hour can be painful! Especially with my mom. She
blasts 60s and 80s music and sings off tune. There is only one thing you can do, and that is go
along with it! Lets get physical physical! We sang totally off tune! The song faded out and left
us in a roar of laughter.
We finally approached the airport as they song When Doves Cry started to play. We
stepped out of the small car with our necks cramped. We walked into the airport and checked the
time. It was 11:00 exact. Our flight was at 1:00, so we were really early. Do you want to go to
Taco Bell while we wait? my mom asked.
Of course! I replied. We walked to the indoor Taco Bell. Our shoes clicked on the
shiny marble floor. I ordered a chicken soft taco as I always did and so did my mom. We sat
down at one of the tables just across from where we ordered our food.
So how has school been? my mom asked trying to fill the awkward silence. Ok I
guess I said.
Eva Hymes, Grade 6
Southgate Elementary

Mary! The lady at the counter called.

Thats my name! My mom said to me as she got up and walked to the counter. She
picked up our order and sat down. So- My mom began. But she was interrupted by the sound
There will be a delay for flight A to Florida. The wait will be about 6 or more hours. I
am sorry for our inconvenience, it said.
Oh dear, my mom said. This was just the beginning.
If you have ever spent 6 hours in an airport I can tell you that it is VERY painful. We
played about 20 games of uno, 10 games of war, and about 32 games of go fish. The other few
hours we were sitting in silence of reading. That was until 6:32. The news was on one of the
airport televisions. There was a warning on the screen with a reporter talking over the beeping.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Hurricane Katrina has hit Florida! I repeat, Hurricane Katrina has hit
Florida! Evacuation busses and helicopters are trying evacuate
I could not hear the rest of the panicked reporters message because I was too busy in my
own thoughts. Is my sister OK? Is Anna OK? Are they alive? Will we ever get to Florida? Will
there still be a Florida? What ifI must have looked horrified because my mom pulled me closer to her and started to
stroke my head and say Its OK, Its OK. It began to rain outside. No, it began to pour! There
was thunder and lightning and high speed winds! A lot of the people were running about calling
That is when I opened my eyes and said, I have to find her. I pulled on my shoes and
coat and ran to the door. My mom called after me but I was too absorbed in thinking I would find
my sister. I knew I was crazy to go outside during a hurricane, but I had to find her.
I opened the glass door and headed out. Outside, bolts of lightning streaked from the sky.
The wind pulled at my clothes. I could barely even see the outline of my hand. It was just like
my dream. It was my worst nightmare. The rain stung my arms were the wind had ripped loose
seams of my coat. I was soaked. But I couldn't give up.
Lily! I called LILY! I began to cry. I cried so much that I couldnt control myself. I
felt so helpless. I dropped to the ground on my knees. Everything suddenly seemed like it was
going in slow motion. The rain slowed down and everything seemed much quieter. The only
thing i could hear was my own sobbing and my tears splashing on the hard pavement. Everything
around me was slow, but my mind was racing. I thought about the abrupt way that I left Lily.
The last time I saw her. Even though she was self absorbed and annoying, I loved her! She had
done so much for me. Like when she taught me how to ride my bike, I kept falling, but she kept
telling me I could do it. She ripped her favorite blouse in the process, but she did not give up on
me. Or when I needed help on my homework and she helped me find the answer. There were so
many ways she helped me and I did not get the chance to repay the favor. She loved me, and I
loved her. The wind whispered in my ear, Lily Lily... Then everything around me sped up
again. The wind was louder and the rain fell at a much faster pace. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I
knew it was my mom. But secretly I hoped it was my sister. Waiting for me. But, of course it
Eva Hymes, Grade 6
Southgate Elementary

wasnt. It was my mom leading me back inside. Back to the airport. Back to the place I did not
want to be.
705 people are still missing. There is $108 billion of damage. All because of one storm:
Hurricane Katrina, the news reporter said on August 31st when the horrible storm finally ended.
I stared at the sill neatly made bed of my sisters who might never make it, sleep in it or sit
on it again. I missed her. Out of those 705 people, Lily was one of them. I have been wondering
what happened to her and her golden dress. Was she dead, or did she hit her head on a rock and
did not know who she was? It was all a mystery. I still remember the unlovingly, abrupt, last
goodbye I had with my sister. I regret every word of it. I would want for the world to go back,
and say, Goodbye, I love you and I appreciate all you have done for me. Thank you. There is
still a little hope that she is still alive, and that nobody has found her yet. That is the only hope I
have now. But for now, and maybe always, I will be missing Lily.
(58 years later)
Remembering things has been getting hard for me. But remembering Lily is a different story. I
still remember that dream and how it came true in the worst way. I often walk in the park where
Lily taught me how to ride my bike. I walk along that path and think about how Anna was found
with 3 broken ribs and how my sisters shoe was found but not her.
Anna fell when the storm hit and couldnt remember anything after. But just recently, Anna
remembered the last glimpse she had of Lily. Lily told Anna that she had to get back to the
airport and find me. That was it. Remembering Lily is like having a knife stabbed into my heart.
It is the most painful thing that could happen to a person. My days will soon be over. Hers
probably have been for 58 years. Maybe I might see her up there in heaven. Goodbye Lily. See
you soon.

Eva Hymes, Grade 6

Southgate Elementary

Eva Hymes, Grade 6

Southgate Elementary


Kayla Smith never knew that this terrible tragedy could happen to her family. The
tragedy that changed New Orleans forever. The tragedy that changed her life forever. The
tragedy that took almost 1,800 lives. Many more lost their houses, their loved ones and their
She had never imaged that New Orleans could get hit by a hurricane! Now sitting on the
swing on her porch, Kayla remembers every small detail of that devastating Monday.
It all started on a quiet Sunday evening, I was playing my drums and few of my band
members were over to practice for the rock and roll championship. Mom was busy with her
chores and dad was resting. Justine and Leo were playing with their toys. Leo, my younger
Prapti Patel

brother, gets bored very easily with things, so after playing with the toys he turned the radio on.
Phil, the meteorologist, was on the radio talking about the weather. The weather is 88 degrees
and cloudy, but there is enormous hurricane is heading our way. This hurricane is called
Hurricane Katrina and has winds measured at close to 175 mph. Please, we request everyone
who lives near New Orleans or in New Orleans to evacuate immediately.
OMG! I yelled. I ran upstairs; my mom was folding the laundry. I jumped on to her
bed. MOM, MOM! We have to evacuate! NOW!! There is a hurricane heading straight for us
called Hurricane Katrina!!!! I panicked.
Calm Down. Honey. I heard the news too, we cant evacuate. Your dad is not in a
condition to travel in this weather. You know that he is still recovering from the stroke he had
last week. Its way to risky.
Are you sure? Is it safe? I asked.
Absolutely. As soon as I shared this news with my band members, they got worried
and left. Not as worried as me though. I went down stairs, called and texted some of my friends.
They all were evacuating and some already had gone. This brought jitters inside.
What if our house blows down? Where will we go? What if my dad has another attack?
What if one of us gets hurt? Will we survive?
Suddenly my mom called. It was time for dinner. My twin brothers, Justin and Leo, sat
down at the table and looked at their multiplication placemats. Mom brought the chicken to the

Prapti Patel

table. I love chicken, but for some reason it did not look tasty at all. Sit down Kayla and have
dinner with your brothers; I am going to get your father.
We had dinner. Everyone but me enjoyed the dinner. All I could think about was the
hurricane. After the dinner, everyone went to their rooms and went to bed. I also went to my
room and lay down on the silky bed and stared up at the ceiling. I kept staring and praying. All I
could do was hope for the best.
Shatter! The glass of my bedroom window broke into a million tiny pieces. The broken
glass scattered on the rugged carpet. Suddenly, my tall golden singing trophy fell on to my drums
causing a giant rip across the drumhead . Mom, I shouted and ran to my parents room.
The lights were flickering on and off in the hallway. It was morning and was raining
heavily outside. Water was coming in through the broken windows. It was complete silence
except the sound of the rain beating down. My brothers were crying and my moms tiny eyes
were coated with tears.
The decor had fell and photos had cracked, but the one of me and dad was still framed
perfectly on the table. We should go to a protective place, Justin said as he hugged my mom
tight. Mom turned on the radio. It was Phil again and he was talking about the wind speed and
destruction wind had caused in the city. He also talked about high water levels due to broken
levees. As he was talking about the hurricane, he mentioned superdome and that the government
has opened the superdome for people who need shelter.
Mom said, Lets go to the superdome.
Prapti Patel

We all ran to our rooms and grabbed few special belongings. We ran to the car as mom
grabbed few and things and helped dad. As mom was driving away, I looked back at our house
wondering if I would see it ever again. I kept looking back until our house faded in the distance.
As mom was driving to the Superdome, all I could see was the dark and gloomy sky. It
was just like it was in movies and books.stormy, scary, and terrifying. Water was everywhere
and more than half of the city was flooded. People were trudging through the water to find loved
ones, when I had them all right by my side. Cars, many household items, toys, clothes and
pictures were floating in the water. Debree of houses had scattered throughout the water and was
blocking the traffic. In addition to that, many traffic lights were not working and traffic was
jamming up.
Finally we had reached the Superdome. All I could see was people trying to get in. Some
were waiting in the pouring rain with their kids and belongings in their hands, while others were
in their cars. After waiting for more than half hour, we finally reached to the entrance of the
Superdome.There was a tall man with a sideways cowboy hat at the entrance. He was a tiny bit
over weight and did not look like he was from around here. He had a checkered orange shirt on
and the only thing that looked okay was his eyes. They were bright blue just like my
mom.Excuse me, may we go in? my dad asked. I was surprised to see him talking as he had
difficulty talking talking after the stroke.
I am sorry, the dome is full and there is no more space left, yall get that? the man said.
Where are we supposed to go? My husband had stroke last week and he needs the rest
and his medication to survive.
Prapti Patel

We cant go anywhere, there is no way, all the levees are broken and all the streets are
flooded Kayla said.
Fine, squeeze in and be tight. Only for your family though. the man replied. Angry
crowds roared at this news. We walked in the dome; it dome was big. All I could see was sad
families and crying family members. Tens of thousands of families were in there for food,
medicine and shelter. I remember how I had been here once with my dad. We had seen the New
Orleans Saints.
Finally, we all settle down in the dome for the day. Me, Leo and Justin shared a blanket
and waited for this storm to be over. My tiny little toes peaked out from the tiny blanket. The
wind blew on them with a slight breeze. I hoped our house would be safe and all the people
outside in the thundering storm would too.
The next day, the storm had calmed a little so we walked to our house to see the debris of
our house. I could see my bed, my stuffed bear, my brothers toys, our family pictures, and much
more. The rooms did not even look like rooms. My dads and my photo had a crack right
between us. Everything we had was gone. Looting and violence was widespread in the city as
many had lost everything in the storm.
We went back to the Superdome and stayed there until the government provided us with
the temporary housing. My friends and neighbors also stayed in the houses provided by the
government. My house is still being rebuilt to this date, and I hope to move in soon.

Prapti Patel

Prapti Patel

Brody Williams
Grade 4

It was an ordinary day when Finn jumped out of bed. He threw on his clothes and rushed
downstairs. Finn was short for his age. He had rough, scratchy overalls on that were bunched up
at his knees. Finn was a newspaper boy and a peanut bagger, just like all the other boys in town.
As soon as he rushed outside to do his job, he instantly smelled hot dogs and popcorn for there
were vendors all down his street and many other streets. Finn lived right outside of Braves Field
in Boston.
Like always, after he was done with his job he gathered up with his gang. They always
teased him, Oh, look who cant get cigarettes. Little Finny!
Cigarettes were a big hit in the early 1900s because they didnt know that they could give
you cancer. Even though Finn could buy cigarettes, he chose not to. Finn was saving up to go to
a baseball game. He didnt care how much they teased him. He still saved up. Finn hoped to
see a game when Babe Ruth pitched. Babe Ruth was a very talented pitcher. He also was a very
good hitter. Babe could hit a homer whenever you wanted him to. Thats why Finn wanted to
see him play.
One day when Finn was bagging peanuts he saw a man. A plump man trotting towards
him. As the man stopped at his vendor cart, Finn said,Hi, how can I help you? Only then did
he realize that this man was Babe Ruth.
Hi, ya kid! Babe replied.
Finn was barely able to stammer out the word H-h-hi!
For a moment they stood in complete silence. Then the mighty Babe smiled and asked,
Are you gonna give me some peanuts?
Finn reached up and grabbed one bag. He yanked it down and gave it to him. Finn said,
You can have it for free.
Babe replied, Why thanks, Kid! You showed your appreciation for me, now Ill show
my appreciation for you by inviting you to my farm with some of the other city kids for a ball
game and picnic.
Finn obviously said yes, but he didnt know how he was going to make up for the time he
missed at work.
The Babe boomed, Catch the bus at 10:30 tomorrow. It should say Sudbury on it.
The next morning he told his gang about going to see the Babe. Finn asked Andrew to do
a double shift by watching his vendor cart and of course he said Yes!
Everyone headed off to do their shifts except for Finn. He headed off in search for the
bus. Finn walked a couple of blocks and then he saw it, SUDBURY. The bus was right there
already boarding the other city kids. Finn hurried over and hopped right on.
He didnt have much to do on the bus until someone sat down next to him and said, You
want to play cards?
Finn said, Yea, sure!
After a while somewhere on the back of the bus someone played a harmonica. Finally,
someone shouted, Were here! The bus driver honked the bus horn. All the kids stuck their
Brody Williams
Grade 4

heads and hands out the windows. They waved their hands wildly and shouted with joy!
Everyone plowed out of the bus excited to spend the day with Babe Ruth.
They all got to toss some seeds at the chickens, like real farmers.
Soon afterward Babe brought them to a field. Not a corn field. A baseball field!
They were all anxious to play a game. Babe divided the kids into two teams: Brown
Shoes vs. White Shoes. Finn didnt know a lot of the kids on his team that day, but those kids
wearing the brown shoes worked well together. Finn did his part by pulling off a triple, a single
and only one strikeout. To make it fair, Babe coached whatever team was at bat. He gave them
hitting tips to help each team score. In the end, Finns team was able to win!
After the game, Babe sat all the city kids down and told them something none of them
would ever forget.
Be good boys and play baseball, because there is good money in it. Though, they all
didnt grow up to play baseball, they did their best to remember the Be good part.
They all worked up a good appetite and were treated to one of the best meals of their life.
Besides bragging rights, the Brown Shoes were given the privilege of going through the food line
first. They loaded their plates with hot dogs, sauerkraut, fresh corn on the cob, potato salad and
macaroni salad, too. For dessert they were given apple pie a la mode, which they learned was
the fancy way of saying pie with ice cream.
Everyone left the farm with a full tummy, a signed ball and a glove. Babe signed Finns
ball with not only his signature but also he wrote, Be good and play ball.
When Finn got back all of his gang wanted to play stick ball with his autographed
baseball. But Finn wouldnt budge. No way was he taking the chance of losing that ball or
getting it dirty. It was his most prized possession. He took it wherever he went. He even slept
with it under his pillow.
Ever since he went to Babes farm Finn followed the pennant race (playoffs) even closer.
He read about every game in the newspaper. Newspapers became really easy to sell. All Finn
would have to shout was, Sox still in the Playoffs. Read all about it!
Everyone wanted to know how their home team was doing.
The town went wild when the Red Sox made it to the World Series! Finn shouted until
his voice was hoarse, Sox make it to the Finals! Read all about it!
While reading one of the many newspapers he would sell that day he found out that the
World Series would be held in New York at Ebbets Field. Now that Finn knew this he had to
figure out how he was going to get there. He had $3.00 saved for the ticket; but not enough
money to get to Ebbets Field.
One of his friends from his gang suggested Finn should sell his ball to a rich guy that his
uncle worked for who liked collecting sports stuff. It was a really hard decision for Finn
because that ball was his most prized possession, but he decided that it was the only way he
could get to Ebbets Field.
So he sold it to the rich guy and got his bus ticket. He would be on his way to Game 2 of
the World Series in three days.
Brody Williams
Grade 4

Finn thought that the next three days would be the longest days of his life. They turned
out to go quick! There was lots of news. Sox Headed to Game 1 of the Finals! Read all about
it! he shouted.
Then, the entire country got a surprise! President Wilson threw out the first pitch of the
World Series. He was the first president to ever go to a World Series! The newspaper boys
screeched, President throws out first pitch! Read all about it!
President Woodrow Wilson would continue to attend many other baseball games. He
never took advantage of a Presidential Pass and insisted on buying his own ticket each time he
went to a game.
Finn kept himself busy bagging peanuts and selling newspapers. He was tired after work,
but it was impossible to fall asleep. The idea of going to the World Series kept flashing in his
mind. He squirmed, he tossed and turned. He was excited to go to the game! The night before
the big game was especially hard. He didnt remember falling asleep; but then he was awake and
ready to go the game. He headed to the bus station for the second time in his life.
The bus ride was longer than his last to see Babe, but it didnt seem too long because he
was so excited!
When he got off the bus he went straight for his seat in the stadium. He had made it to
Ebbets Field! Finn smelled delicious popcorn and peanuts. He heard the loud CRACK of the
players catching the baseballs in their mitts and saw them rocketing the balls back and forth. It
wasnt long before the game started. Both teams, the Red Sox and the Brooklyn Robins, scored
one point in the first inning. Then, Finn watched as something unusual happened. No one scored
in the second inning, or the third, or the fourth, fifth, sixth...seventh...eighth...or ninth. That
meant they would have to go into extra innings! No score through the tenth, eleventh, twelfth,
and thirteenth. Finn had to go to the restroom, but he held it. For this game was far too intense
to miss.
Finally in the 14th inning the Red Sox scored. All they had to do now was hold the
Robins for one more inning. Which they DID!
Finn jumped right out of his seat when Babe made the last strike out. He was SO excited
that they won, but also he was excited about the fact that Babe pitched 13 successive scoreless
innings. No one else had ever done that! Little did Finn know that this record would stand for at
least 100 years!

Brody Williams
Grade 4

Forty years have passed and much has changed, except for Finns love of baseball and his
admiration of Babe Ruth. Over the years, every time his family had a gathering Finn would take
all his nieces, nephews, kids and eventually grandkids out to the yard to play a game of baseball.
Then he would sit them all down and tell them the story of when he met Babe Ruth. The story
always started like this, Once I had a ball
The day is April 27, 1956, Finn is sitting in the stands listening to the sounds of the
stadium. The clink of the bats during warm-ups, the roar of the crowd and shouts of food
vendors. Hearing the vendors yell, Popcorn for sale, reminded him of the days when he
bagged peanuts many years ago.
These tickets were much easier to get than the 1916 World Series ticket that Finn had to
save every penny for. It was a popular day because it had been declared Babe Ruth Day several
years before. Besides being Babe Ruth Day, why did Finn come? Today Finn came to watch
another special player...Mickey McDermott, his own son.
After the announcers were done saying all good things about Babe Ruth and the game
was about to begin, Mickey rushed over to the fence line where his dad was sitting.
Hey, Pop! Ive been meaning to get you something like this for years.
He plopped the something in Finns hand.
Finn looked down to see a ball signed by the amazing Babe. It read Be good and play

Brody Williams
Grade 4

Jacob was sitting at his kitchen table waiting for his mom to serve him a breakfast of
oatmeal before heading off to work. He had beautiful brown eyes and blonde hair. He was also
tall for his late teenage years and quite slim. Jacobs wore spectacles and had a desire for
following rules. He worked at Pauls gold and silversmith shop as an apprentice and was in a
rush to get to work early to make a good impression on his boss. While his mom was cooking at
the stove, she saw someone coming up the road towards their house. She asked Jacob to see who
it was coming to the door. It was surprising for Jacob and his mom to see it was the mail carrier,
for they rarely received letters. When Jacob saw that the letter was addressed to him, he was very
excited. Curiously opening the letter, he read it out loud. Greetings Jacob. Your chief
silversmith, Paul Revere, had recommended you to become part of our society, The Sons of
Liberty. We stand for the freedom of a new country and we protect the rights of the colonists.
While staying hidden from England and keeping discussion to ourselves. And our number one
motivator No Taxation Without Representation. There will be a meeting taking place tonight,
December 16, at 9 oclock at Samuel Adams tavern, in the back dining room. We expect your
utmost secrecy, Sincerely, The Sons of Liberty. Jacob was surprised that Paul trusted him
with such an important secret. And then he realized his mom was listening to him read it.
I hope you are not considering joining this unorthodox club, his mother, Becky, said.
It really seems like a group of rebels.
Well, why not? Jacob replied slyly.
Dont be ridiculous. Your father died trying to be a rebellious hero and I dont want the
same thing happening to you.
Well at least he died a hero.

Dont speak to me that way.

Jacob knew his father would have been proud of him, for Jacob had been chosen to be a
part of such a reformist organization. His father died respectfully as a captain on one of the many
ships transporting pilgrims from England to the New World to live in a free society with justice
and liberty. However, Jacob knew his mother felt differently. Jacob, you are not going to this
Jacob replied angrily, I am my own man now. I can think for myself. Now leave me
alone! As he said this, he stormed out the door on his way to work. Jacob still knew that his
mother was only trying to protect him. She could not stand to lose him after his father.

When Jacob arrived at work, he looked around and realized that Paul was not there. This
was great news for Jacob because he hadnt come to his final decision about the letter. He then
walked over to his station, where he first ignited the furnace and pushed in the strips of metal
that soon would become knives. He started shuffling over to the tools. He ripped a hammer off of
the shelf and trudged back to his anvil. When the metal was at its molding temperature, Jacob
tugged the bright orange burning metal out of the glowing hot furnace with his protective gloves.
Then, he slammed the metal onto the dark charred anvil. He smacked his hammer down on top
of the cooling metal. Smack! The hammer went as it hit the metal.
With each forceful blow of his hammer, he tried to relieve his uncontrollable anger with
his mother. He asks himself, why does she have to keep treating me like a child? Crack! Watch
it Jacob! The knife suddenly split into two pieces. You just cracked that knife with your
hammer, what is the matter with you? asked a fellow worker.

Nothing. What is your problem! Jacob screamed back. What is everybodys

problem? he thought. Jacob went back to hammering knives while he was churning the letter in
his mind trying to come to a verdict. On one hand, the ideas and motives of The Sons of Liberty
inspired him to make a difference in his future. He wanted to fight for what was right. But on the
other hand, by joining this group, the relationship with his family would dissolve and the bond
with his mother would crumble like a cracker. Not to mention, he could be arrested or jailed.
Tonight he would make a decision that would change his life.
After work, he decided to go straight to Samuel Adams tavern to grab something to eat
for dinner. He didnt want to go home and face his mother. He wanted to be close to where the
meeting was being held, just in case he decided to attend the meeting. When he was done
ordering his meal, he sat at the bar debating whether he should attend the meeting or not. As he
sat waiting for his dinner, he overheard the whispering of a few men at the table next to him.
They were discussing the new taxes that England had put in place and how unfair they were and
how they endured such hardship to leave a place with such power over them to live where they
were free from Englands rules. This made Jacob feel guilty that he could live in a place where
other people had gone through such hard times to get there, yet he only had to pack up what he
had and take a boat over to where he is now.
As 9 oclock approached, the tavern became increasingly busy with customers. But Jacob
wondered, were they here for drinks and food or were they part of The Sons of Liberty... Then,
he saw his boss, Paul, walk into the tavern and lock the doors behind him. Jacob knew at that
moment he didnt have a choice, he was now a member of The Sons of Liberty.
As the meeting came to order, Paul stepped up on top of the bar and hushed everyone to a
whisper. Then Paul started talking. They went over, in detail, their Boston Tea Party operation. It

would take place tonight at the harbor where the tea ship would be docking. In order to disguise
themselves so that they would not be arrested, they would dress as Indians. Therefore if any of
the Sons of Liberty were caught, the Indians would be blamed and nobody would know that it
was them. Jacob could feel his heart racing with every description of what would happen that
night. He knew his mother would disapprove with impersonating the Indians, with destroying
property and most of all with the fact that he would be risking his life, just like his father. He
knew she would not be strong enough to survive the loss of both her husband and her only child.
He made a promise to his father before he died, that he would do everything he could to protect
his mother and provide for her. He knew that while he would be fighting for a good cause, the
one his father believed in, he would be risking breaking his promise to his father.
After the meeting had come to an end, he quickly tried to leave. After hearing what The
Sons of Liberty had planned, he did not know if he wanted to be associated with this
organization in case something went wrong. It was a risky plan after all. But before he could
walk safely out the door, Paul yelled for him, Jacob, wait! So, are you going to join us and
follow in your fathers footsteps and fight for what is right? Jacob did not even know what
came over him but it was as if no matter what his decision was in his head, he knew he had to
follow his heart, the promise he made to his father, and the commitment he had to his mother and
family. He did not even think about what he was saying. The words just flowed right out of his
Im sorry, Paul. But I cant do it.
Then Paul angrily yelled for a guard and told him, Throw him in the cellar to keep him
from ruining our plans! The guard forcefully picked Jacob up and threw him into the cellar and
locked the door.

Jacob quickly found out that the Sons of Liberty, while they fought for what was right
and just in their New World, they also would do anything to anyone to protect their secrecy
(especially with regards to their plan for the Boston Tea Party). But Jacob knew he had to find a
way out of the cellar and to somehow inform the police of what The Sons of Liberty were
planning on doing at the harbor in a couple hours. Earlier that year, the police sent out a formal
notice informing all colonists that if they were caught protesting or helping others in a protest
they would punished severely. Jacob now knew that he would have to escape The Sons of
Liberty to be able to stop them from continuing the Boston Tea Party. For he did not want to be
prosecuted. He heard the guard dropping the key as he was running to catch up with the group,
so Jacob rushed to the door to look from underneath.
Jacob scanned his surroundings for any useful items he might be able to use to retrieve
the key on the floor. Wine bottles, beer kegs, and cups, Jacob listed the objects he had access
to. Most of the items werent useful. When Jacob finished his list, he slumped down on the floor.
None of the objects he listed were not any help to getting the key. Jacob thought frustrated, he
looked up to pray to God and saw that some of the hinges on the door were old and rusty. This
meant they were easy to break.
BAM! BAM! The beer keg sounded as it smashed the old door to pieces. Jacob stood
among the wreckage from the door with his self-esteem at a high. He was ready and determined
to stop The Sons of Liberty. He sneakily tiptoed out of the tavern silently (in case anyone was
upstairs) and down the cobblestone road towards the harbor. This didnt take him long since the
harbor was just down the road.
When he got there, he saw the ship in the distance. The Sons of Liberty were in their
costumes at the dock waiting for the ship to reach the harbor just as they discussed during the

meeting. Jacob ran with all his might across the docks until he got to a safe place to spy on
The ship docked with a lurch. The Sons of Liberty ran aboard chanting and pounding fists
into the air even before the passengers got off. Jacob ran aboard too, except he tried not to draw
attention to himself. They started hoisting and dumping all of the 342 crates into the harbor. He
tried to peel their arms off of the crates but Jacob was much weaker than anyone on board he just
couldnt do it. They continued dumping the big tea crates off of the ship and into the harbor, until
the last crate was thrown into the pool of tea below.
Jacob fell in exhaustion and started crying, he was the only one who knew about this and
wanted to stop it, but he failed. The Sons of Liberty got what they wanted, a way to revenge the
tea tax and sabotage England. Now England would know the date of December 16th, 1773, when
the Boston Tea Party occurred by The Sons of Liberty in order to retain freedom.

Miracle on Ice
By: Keara Papa

BRR! My hands felt like theyve been covered in frostbite.

My mom handed me a five dollar bill and pointed to a merchandise cart.
Hurry!my mom said. The game starts in less than ten minutes and we dont
want to miss it. Do we? Of course I didnt, after all this was the 1980 Olympic
hockey mens team semi final, and I didnt want to miss my countrys team battle
the Soviet Union. The team I wanted to win was USA!

When I got to the cart, I spotted a pair of bright blue, wool mittens with
cherry-red lettering spelling USA. The letters were outlined in snowy white. I
grabbed them before anyone else could. They were the only ones left, and my
hands could not take the temperature of the freezing ice-hockey rink. Our seats
were especially cold because my family and I were in the first row (which is the
closest to the ice). I handed the young man working the cart the gloves and my
money; he gave me my change and gloves, and winked at me. I could tell he was a
fan of USA, as well. As I put the gloves on, it felt like I was wrapping my hands in
a blanket. Not only were those gloves warm as the inside of a toaster, they also
were as soft as cotton.
I heard a loud BUZZ which meant the starting line up was being announced.
I rushed over to my seat knowing my mother would come check on me any minute
now to see what the hold up was. As I rushed to the rink, I stopped dead in my
tracks to see a USA player, JIM CRAIG! He is the goalie for the USA Olympic
mens hockey team. Jim was skating onto the rink as a voice that boomed across
the room announced, And now for the starting goalie for the United States of
America, number thirty, goalkeeper, Jim Craig!
A loud wave of cheers spread across the arena, which included me and as I
sprinted back to my seat where I saw my brother, Sammy, my dad, and my mom. I
felt like the number one fan in Lake Placid , or New York , or even the whole
country! As I sat down between Sammy and my mom, my mother let out a sigh of
relief to see my mittens and held out her hand for the change. As the coins fell into
my moms palms, the ringing of the coins hitting each other sounded like a good
luck charm to me; I sure hoped they were.
There were four loud buzzes since each team scored two goals. The first
period was filled with cheers and Boos from all over the rink but I was just
happy that by the end of the period the score was tied two to two. I was sure that
by now theyd be down by five! I asked my mom if Sam and I could get
something to eat and she said yes so we headed our way to the snack shack.
As soon I got up out of my seat, I was almost trampled by fans in red, white,
and blue, anxious to get out of their seats and back before the second period

started. As soon as I got to the shack, I knew exactly what I planned to get hot
chocolate. Sam knew exactly what I wanted because we always get the same thing
at hockey games (or when we go to any hockey rink).
Two hot cocoas with extra whipped cream, please, said Sammy.
Hey, who do you think will win? I asked Sam.
Not USA for sure,responded Sam.
Hey I think theyll win. Sam laughed as if I was telling a joke.
I bet you a whole weeks allowance that USA will not win,said Sam.
Deal, I said Lets shake on it.
I really wanted that USA to win because Sam is always doing extra chores
and he always gets extra money. As we finished shaking our hands a pudgy man
with rosy red cheeks and a long grey beard handed me my drink. A sizzling
feeling spread across my fingers (which were bundled in my toasty new mittens).
As I tasted the drink, a little burn went to my tongue. It was then that I
remembered what my father always says, Wait for it to cool down!
My brother laughed as my expression quickly changed to shocked. I stuck
my now burning tongue at him. We raced back to our seats dodging anyone in our
way. Of course Sammy won since he has longer legs, is older, and is on our school
track team. He was so alarmed as the loud horn went off, that he nearly dropped
his hot chocolate. That made father, mother, and I laugh so hard. But Sammy was
not amused. In fact, he was so mad that his face turned as red as an erupting
volcano. The players skated onto the rink at the speed of lightning so fast, I
thought they would crash into each other.
Crack! The puck zoomed into the goal only once that period. But sadly it
was into the USA goal. So after the second period USA was losing three to two
and there was no hope in the country that our nations team could score.
At the end of the period I was in tears because I hated to lose and there was
no way I would let USA lose. I started cheering USA, USA! repeatedly. I was
stared at by people. I may have been the only one cheering, but at least someone
had hope. This period I was counting down the minutes. I was so anxious to see
who would win. I almost rushed onto the rank to push the players out and to get the
last period started!

BUZZ! As the buzzer went off, my confidence level soared higher and
higher. To tie, USA would have to score one goal. To win theyd have to score
two goals. Everyone wanted their countrys team to win. A little bit into the
game, a USA player scored. The game was tied! Now and a feeling of relief swept
over me. It seemed as if the opposing teams fans were competing on who had the
loudest cheers, saying things like, USA , USA! and Soviet Union! Lets go!
There was lots of claps and jumping up and down.
With exactly ten minutes left, Mike Eruzione, the captain of the USA
slapped the puck into the back of the net. His goal led USA in the game with a
score of four to three. Americans all over the rink got up and cheered loud joyous
cheers. Everyone was jumping up and down like they had all the energy in the
world. While swinging their hands in the air all over the place, they were cheering
as loud as their lungs could and chanting USA! I swear that people living in the
lake houses could hear the chants. Altogether, it sounded like a chorus that had
rehearsed non-stop for months and months. Excitement had whirled around the
rink. Not just in the stands: the players on the ice were also celebrating.
On the rink, the players were huddled around Mike jumping in the air. They
threw their sticks in the air. It had seemed to be the celebration of the year! The
USA flags everywhere! They were big and small and seemed to be glowing
brighter than the sun. They were waving and waving so much that it looked like
they would just fall to the ground. I kept thinking I had the most important name
on my back, Eruzione. Everyone was so proud of him. They whistled and
clapped to show their thanks to him. If it werent for him, who knows what would
have happened. USA could have lost or they would have had to do a shoot out.
Ten minutes later, the game was done and USA had won. Mike Eruzione
had led USA to a well memorable victory. The whole celebration had repeated.
Everyone was so proud. My eyes poured out tear after tear. But this time, they
were tears of joy. Everyone celebrated in their own way. Some highfived, others
hugged, and a few just sat grinning from ear to ear. I felt like screaming with joy

and running around the arena with an American flag, but I stuck with giving high
fives and hugs to my family.
The most important thing about today was that such an incredible country
proved its toughness and skills to all the world. The game had brought me more
confidence to anything I can do and not just sports.
I was so happy that USA won, and also because Sammy owed me some
money! He was still happy that USA won (even though it had cost him some
money). As I slept that night, I couldnt help but dream about USA winning the
finals, all the memories I had made today, and what I would do with my money.

The Rescue
By Victoria Swider

The sky looked like buckets of water could fall from it any minute, and a light wind made
the leaves tremble. Crystal Haze was sitting on the beige couch in her large family room with
her mom and her 5 year old sister Jane. Are you sure it will be fine? said Crystal over the low
murmur of the reporter on TV talking about Hurricane Katrina.

Victoria Swider, 5th Grade, Southgate

Honey, I know its been hard for you to have divorced parents and to move in with Jane
and me, but you really shouldnt worry so much, said Crystals mom. Crystal sighed.
Moving away from my dad has been hard but at least my friend Krista moved to New
Orleans too, she thought. Okay mom Ill try not to worry at the sleepover, Crystal whispered.
Dont forget Im coming too, Jane said cheerfully clearly unaware of how destructive
a hurricane could be.
Crystals mom turned off the TV. You should start getting packed, Crystals mom
I just hope the house doesnt flood, muttered Crystal.
Jane started to shiver. What if sharks get into the house, squeaked Jane.
Crystal rolled her eyes before remembering she wanted to make a good impression with
her sister who she hadnt seen in four years. First of all there wont be any sharks, but if youre
really scared you can climb up onto their kitchen countertop, said Crystal.
Ding! Dong! Jane rang the doorbell 10 times before Kristas sister Margaret answered.
Hi!, said Margaret. Then she dragged Jane off to play.
Krista smiled then said, Come on in. They both dashed upstairs to Kristas bedroom.
When they got to Kristas bedroom, Crystal plopped down on her neon blue chair. She
wondered, How come Kristas mom lets her paint her room hot pink and my mom wont?
Krista turned up the radio volume and grabbed some nail polish bottles off her dresser.
What color nail polish do you want? Im going to paint my nails pink, said Krista.
Crystal looked at the array of colors.
Ill paint mine purple, said Crystal. Then they got busy painting their nails.
Kristas mom entered the room. Im going to the supermarket. Make sure your sisters
dont get into any trouble, said Kristas mom.
Okay, said Krista. Crystal looked outside. There was already half a foot of water on
their yard and the wind was howling. Some tree limbs had already fallen down. To her it didnt
look like good weather to be going to the supermarket. Crystal looked at Krista, who was
confidently painting her nails and didnt look worried. Since Krista wasnt worrying Crystal
decided that the house must be waterproof and that Kristas moms car must be high enough
above the ground not to get flooded. Crystal finished painting her nails and started to blow on
What should we do next? asked Crystal.
Want to watch a movie? said Krista.
Sure, said Crystal...
That was a good movie, said Krista.
Suddenly Crystal asked, Margaret and Jane are upstairs, right? Kristas blue eyes filled
with panic. She shook her head. If the house is flooding they would go upstairs said Crystal.
She looked out of the window there was a good 4 feet of water on the ground. Crystal relized

Victoria Swider, 5th Grade, Southgate

that she hadnt heard the garage door open. At least nobody has to rescue Jane and Margaret,
Crystal thought.
Then Crystal remembered what she had said to her sister earlier about what to do if the
house flooded. Oh no, its all my fault, Crystal whispered. Crystal felt the guilt rising up
inside her and she didnt know how to get rid of it. Somebody has to save them, said Crystal.
You do it, demanded Krista. Crystal could not believe that her friend wanted her to
face a difficult situation alone.
Why me? Ive already had enough stress in my life! Crystal yelled. Crystal knew she
shouldnt be yelling at her friend, but she didnt know how to handle her panic.
You should do it because youre a better swimmer, shouted Krista.
Could you at least come with me? demanded Crystal. Krista frowned. Then she
grabbed a yellow bikini with black polka-dots and handed it to Crystal. Crystal took it and
stepped into Kristas closet to change.
Crystal looked down the staircase. The water level was rising rapidly. She wished she
was back in New York with her dad where there wasnt any hurricanes. Krista stepped back and
said, Im not going down there.
Are you sure? said Crystal in her saddest voice. Krista put her hands on her hips and
looked Crystal in the eyes. Crystal slowly descend down the stair each step full of dread. When
she reached the beginning of the ocean of murky water she stopped. Here she was, in a place she
didnt want to be in. Trying to rescue somebody she didnt even really know. She took a deep
breath and extended her toe until it touched the water. The water was cold, so she quickly drew
back her toe. Crystal heard a whimpering sound. She closed her eyes then stepped in. She
immediately jumped out shivering. Crystal didnt want to get back into the water but she knew
that if she didnt she would feel guilty for the rest of her life. She stepped in again and forced
herself to stay in the water. It took all her confidence to step deeper into the water. In movies it
looks so easy but its actually really hard, she thought.
When she was finally in the the water, she started to swim down the hallway to the
kitchen. When she got there the sight she saw amazed her. Margaret and Jane were on top of
pillows that were on top of chairs that were on top of the countertop! Jane screamed Get out of
the water or the sharks will eat you!
Crystal pulled herself up onto the countertop. You can get onto the countertop the water
here is too shallow for sharks, said Crystal. Margaret hopped off the chair. Jane hesitated a
moment (like she was waiting for a shark to gobble up Crystal and Margaret) before cautiously
standing on the countertop. Can either of you swim? asked Crystal.
I can swim with noodles, said Margaret.
And I cant swim, said Jane. Crystal sighed. This was going to be harder than she
Do either one of you know where the noodles are? asked Crystal. Jane and Margaret
both shook their head . Stay here while I look for noodles, Crystal instructed.

Victoria Swider, 5th Grade, Southgate

Crystal went closet to closet sorting through their contents. She hoped that Kristas
family wouldnt mind her sorting through their possessions. Open door. Look though
everything. Nothing. Slam door. It was taking forever, and time was running out. With each
closet she opened, the water leval rose closer to the point when she would have to abandon the
rescue misson. When Crystal opened the last closet on the first floor, she saw four noodles. She
said a silent thank you. Then she brought the noodles back to the kitchen.
When she got back Jane and Margaret were back on the chairs. What took you so
long? Margaret complained. Crystal ignored Margarets question.
I want both of you to grab two noodles and Ill push you back to the staircase, said
Crystal. Janes face turned pale and she started to tremble.
She cried, But theres sharks in the water.
Crystal was angry with her sisters crazy imagination but she knew she had to stay calm.
The noodles are magic and sharks are scared of them, said Crystal. She held her breath. If it
didnt work she was hopeless. Margaret raised an eyebrow but was silent.
So the noodles are really magic? asked Jane. Crystal nodded.
Well then lets go before we drown, said Margaret.
Krista greeted them at the stairs. What took you so long? Krista demanded.
Next time a rescue mission is needed Ill let you do it and well see how long it takes
you, said Crystal. Krista handed each of them a green towel.
Lets go wait in my room, said Krista.
Somebody better rescue us quick, before the whole house goes underwater, said Krista.
Maybe we should scream for help? suggested Jane.
It is the best we can do? asked Crystal. They all started screaming and shouting.
An hour later Krista started coughing. I think thats enough yelling, said Crystal
hoursely. Margaret looked out of the window.
The water is almost up to the window and its already dark outside, said Margaret. The
water began to seep into Kristas room. Krista moaned. Crystal shouted for help one last time
(even though she knew it was probably not going to help).
This is hopeless, muttered Jane.
Suddenly they heard a voice, Is anybody in here? They all ran to the window.
Crystals dad was in a motorized raft right outside the window.
Daddy, you saved us, Jane shouted with glee. Crystal was suprised Jane recognized
her dad.
We are going to go to a temperary shelter until the hurricane aftermath clears up. Krista
and Margaret, your parents will aso be at the temperary shelter too, said Crystals Dad. Is
everybody alright? They all nodded. Everybody climbed aboard the raft. Krista, Margaret, and
Jane fell asleep immediately .
On the other hand, Crystal stayed awake staring at the clouds thinking of all the things
she was thankful for. It wasnt the best day of her life but it could have been a lot worse.

Victoria Swider, 5th Grade, Southgate

Finally, Crystal fell asleep. Her sleep was full of nightmares of water carring away
from Kristas house while Jane and Margaret screamed for help. Crystal looked around her. Her
heart was pounding. She wasnt at home in her bed. Crystal started to panic but then
remembered what happened the previous day. She heard laughter from nearby. Crystal followed
the laughter to the kitchen.
When she entered the room, she saw a complete family. A whole, happy, loving family
eating breakfast together. Jane looked like she was about to burst with happiness. Were going
to move to Dads house in New York and Mom, Krista, and Margaret are going to New York
too, Jane blurted out. Crystal was happy they were moving back to New York because it meant
that she could enter sixth grade with her friends, and that she didnt have to worry about more
hurricanes. She was also thrilled tht her whole family was going to be in the same house again.
She was tired of having divorced parents.
Whats for breakfast? she asked .
My very own personal pancakes, answered Crystals Dad. She smiled. Pancakes were
her favorite food to have for breakfast. Crystal helped herself to three pancakes and tons of
maple syrup. Yum!
Then after breakfast something happened that hadnt happened in a while and it made the
day a much happier one... A family hug.

Victoria Swider, 5th Grade, Southgate

Nadia Commenci, Gymast, Athlete, Spy

By Raina Gandhi
Grade 4
Southgate Elementary

The year was 1976. The crowd cheered as the gymnasts walked into the Montreal
stadium. Nadia Comaneci was one of the Romanian gymnasts selected to be in the Olympics.
Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

She hoped she looked okay in her white leotard with hints of blue, yellow and red; these were the
Romanian colors. Then, she tightened the matching ribbon she had securing her dark brown hair
in its ponytail, except for her bangs that landed right above her eyebrows.
She watched contestants vault until it was her turn. She vaulted and felt she did well, but
she wanted to do even better on the uneven bars: the event she was best at.
Nadia warmed up, watching the other athletes, and waiting for her moment to shine.
Finally it was her turn; she took a deep breath and got ready to mount the uneven bars. The green
flag went up and she began her routine Her coach, Bela Karolyi, tapped his foot nervously,
observing each of her complex skills. Nadia executed each skill with ease as if it were another
day of training and not the most important day of her life. She dismounted the bar and flew
through the air until she landed on her feet. She saluted to the judges with a winning smile and
took a relaxing sigh of relief.
She anxiously waited for her score to be posted. Suddenly the crowed roared with
excitement. Her head snapped up to the scoreboard, and in bright red the number on the board
was a ten. Nadia Comaneci had made history. She was the first female gymnast ever to be
awarded a perfect ten in a olympic game. Her routine had been flawless and was very difficult.
Nadia stood up and waved to the crowed. She continued to do a phenomenal job in the rest of the
long competition. Throughout the whole competition she performed seven routines that earned a
perfect ten.
After the exciting competition it was time for the athletes to be rewarded for all their hard
work. Nadia stepped onto the first place pedestal which was slightly higher than the others. She
couldnt believe that she earned gold! She was the youngest all around gold medalist ever! The

Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

moment the heavy gold medal was placed around her neck she knew it was the best experience
of her life, and she would always treasure it in the deepest part of her heart.
Nellie Kim from the Soviet Union earned silver and Ludmila Torischer, Nellie Kims
teammate was awarded bronze.
Nadia tucked her precious gold medal away in her dusty gym bag so she wouldnt
carelessly lose it. She placed her bag on the third chair to the right.
After the medal ceremony, Nellie Kim came up to Nadia to congratulate her. Great job,
Nadia, she said, forcing a smile. She gave Nadia a tight hug then quickly wiped away her tears
of self disappointment. As fast as she had gotten there, she left returning to her teammates.
Soon, two people approached Nadia, but this time it wasnt gymnasts, it was judges.
One of them was a stout lady with thick glasses; everything about her seemed tight and wounded
up, her hair, her outfit, everything. The other judge was a tall, handsome man with silky black
hair. His muscles proved that he must have had some gymnastic training unlike the other judge,
who obviously hadn't touched a beam in years.
You did an amazing job in the competition, said the male judge, smiling. He gave
Nadia a tight hug; she tried to squirm out, but she couldnt until he loosened his strong arms.
Have a great evening, he said. They swiftly walked away with a mischievous grin, leaving
Nadia dazed and confused.
She needed some refreshing water after the long and excellent day but she realized her
gym bag was on the wrong chair, the second to the right, she shrugged her shoulders, Im
probably just tired, she thought to herself quietly. But when she looked in her bag she noticed
that her new gold medal was missing! Nadia was restless that night and now the best day of her
life was beginning to be the worst day ever.

Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

When Nadia woke up the next morning she knew she needed to tell someone that she
could trust. Nadia jumped out of bed right away and nervously sat down with mother,
gold medal was stolen, Nadia blurted out. She tried to calm herself down as she readjusted her
body and began to speak again. Suddenly Nadia had an epiphany, It probably was the silver
medalist when she came over to congratulate me I just beat her by a few tenths Nellie must have
been jealous, said Nadia beginning to understand the problem but, then she looked at her
mother and noticed something odd. Why arent you worried. I am as worried as I have ever
Her mother smiled brightly at Nadia. I can help you get your medal back, Im a
spy!whispered Nadias mother. Nadia was so intrigued and she knew they would make a superb
team. She and her mother decided just to go to the large Olympic stadium and tell everyone there
idea that it was the silver medalist and she wasnt as nice as she seemed. They tried to convince
every one they were not lying but nobody believed them.
Its her! Its her! Nadias mother shouted.
She stole my gold medal! Nadia agreed..
Okay, time for you to leave, the fierce security demanded that they left the building
We need a plan, said Nadia still having high hopes. Each of them thought about what
they could do until
Aha, I know what we need to do! exclaimed her mother.
The next morning they woke up early to get back what was rightfully theirs. They wore
matching black outfits and wore and a black masks and brought a handy screw driver. Soon, the
were ready to go.

Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

It is time to get our spy on! Nadia joked, excited to go on her first mission. They snuck
around to the back of the building and found a vent.
We can unscrew the vent and crawl in through here, Nadias mom mumbled, trying not
to bring attention to themselves.They unscrewed the screws, and with a little force they pulled
the metal grate off and began climbing the tight, narrow vent. They peered through the vents they
passed looking to see which room was the security room. Finally they found what they were
looking for. Its time for justice by the time were out of here we will have proof she is a thief
and we were not lying, Nadias mother said determined to solve the case.
Nadia removed the grate, prepared for anyone who could possibly catch her. From the
vent she did a fantastic flip and landed in a salute, just like she did in her routine, then locked the
door. Nadia and her mother alerted the police so they'd be ready to punish the criminal right
away. They began carefully looked through all the tapes running there thin fingers against them
to keep track of them.
I found it, said her mother in a serious voice. Nadias mother, being a spy, was able to
have access to the latest technology, including flash drives which most people didnt know
Nadias mother inserted the flash drive into the television set; then, they fast forwarded
till after the competition. Nadia focused all her attention on the clip. Her eyes were glued to the
screen eager to find proof. They watched the silver medalist go and leave, but Nellie kim clearly
was innocent. Both women stared at the clip very puzzled. Guilt crept into Nadias heart and
quickly consumed her. She felt sorry that she blamed Nellie instead of asking. Her mom looked
at Nadias face. Her tears about to spill because she deeply regretted her mistake. She gently put
her hand on Nadias shoulder and in a soft voice said, I know its hard wanting to erase a

Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

mistake but Ive learned always finish what we started. We can apologize, but first we must
complete our mission. The video continued to when the judged came. Nadia gasped she was
shocked to know that the judges stole the medal.
Oh my! Nadia shouted as loud as a screaching hyena, breaking at least ten spy rules. At
that moment all her emotions came flooding out anger, regret, and determination a small tear ran
down her face, but she immediately wiped it away. They told me the were coming here today to
see another performance. Everyone is entering in about fifteen minutes. We could find them in
line, and turn him into the police. Nadia mused putting up a brave face.
Lets do it! Great plan, but we need a disguise her mother responded. Her mother
handed her a long blond wig with a colorful flower pin from her large bag. They changed into
spare clothes that were in the bag and then they went to the entrance they waited to see the
They were the last ones in so Nadia and her mother grabbed their hands.
Lets go! the female judge shreeked.
What do you think youre doing? the male judge cried out.
Suddenly they heard a high pitched siren in the background. A police car rushed to the
stadium and pulled up, and two policemen cautiously exited the vehicle looking for the cause of
all the distress.
What happened? one policeman asked. The girls explained the entire situation. The
judges were locked up and Nadia apologized to Nellie. Their friendship and trust was restored,
and Nadia got the well deserved medal.
Mission accomplished! Nadia cheered overjoyed with happiness.

Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

Raina Gandhi, Grade four, Southgate Elementary

The 2009 Obama Inauguration

As I exhaled, a white cloud of chilly air swirled out before me. After a gust of
wind cleared it away, I could see the whole scene clearly. She was going to become
the first African-American First Lady, Michelle Obama. He was about to become the
first African-American president, Barack Obama!
Cheers from tens of thousands of citizens echoed throughout the National Mall,
but I think my family was the loudest.
O-bam-a! O-bam-a! We screeched so our throats hurt.
I took a deep breath, trying to take in the view.
So many people, all dressed in red, white and blue, joyful smiles on their faces.
Eyes shining in the dusk. I took in the architecture of the dream-like National Mall.
The reflecting pool was calm, even in the midst of all the excitement. I gazed up
at the Washington Monument, which seemed to stand proud and as high as ever. Ive
seen everything in photographs before, but this is 1,000 times better than the best
photograph on earth!
There was so much to take in, and I wanted to remember this day for the rest of
my life.
I wanted to remember every last detail, because I knew it would probably be a
while before I return to Washington DC. I wanted to remember the chilled breeze,
brushing through my hair, I wanted to remember the shine in Barack Obamas eyes, I
Mary Kate Sullenberger
Southgate, Grade 5

wanted to remember the bright signs and posters waving through the air, I wanted to
remember everything.
I thought about all it took to get me there. How long it took.

It was a cold afternoon, in early November and I was just getting home from
school. My mom rushed to the door when she saw me walking up the driveway. Mia,
arent you excited?
Bout what? I asked, kicking my purple boot in a pile of old, dirty snow.
You know, Obama! Hes going to be on the ballot on Election Day! She was
practically screaming, which she doesnt do very often.
Thats awesome! I responded, stepping into the house with her.
Thats not even the best part, she told me eagerly, I made up a deal for you
that Im sure youll love!
Ooooo What is it?
Okay, so, if Obama becomes the first black president and you get an A on that
big history test coming up, Ive decided that as part of your birthday present, well take
a family trip to Washington DC for the Inauguration!
I couldnt contain my excitement, I screamed with joy, AAAAAaaaaaahhhhhh!!!

When I got my test back with a big, red 100% marked on there, there was a lot
more screaming (not at school of course, I waited to look at my test until I got home)!
My most happy scream came out when I found out who won the election Obama!

Mary Kate Sullenberger

Southgate, Grade 5

I popped out of my day dreaming when I felt my older brother, Michaels

shivering hands grasped on to mine.
I cant believe it, Mia, he whispered. Hes actually about to become the first
African-American president and were watching it happen! I really do owe you one.
You dont owe me one at all. We havent had good family time in awhile
because youre always busy with high school. Mom and Dad are busy with their work,
and Im busy with my first year of middle school. Besides, Moms always said she
would live to see the first black president!
Well, shes about to!
Just then, the crowd got a little bit quieter. The voice of the Chief Justice rang
out. All heads immediatetly snapped to the stage.
Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.
Barack raised his right hand, placing his left on the Bible held by Michelle.
A smile spread across my face, one rosey cheek to another. I, Barack
St.Obama do solemnly swear...
He repeats, as told. I, Barack St.Obama do solemnly swear... My head is
racing, I feel Michaels grip increasing. Dad squeezes by some people, steps towards
me and streaks his ice-cold fingers through my messy, wind blown hair.
The Chief went on, That I will faithfully execute...
He repeats again, That I faithfully execute...

Mary Kate Sullenberger

Southgate, Grade 5

Barack, in that strong voice of his, continued the oath. He was the only person I
could here. The office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my
ability, preserve, protect and defend, the constitution of the United States, so help me

The crowd was quiet for a fraction of a second, then the loud roar came through.
It seemed impossible, but the cheers and chants were louder than before and a sea of
American flags waved higher. The breeze that had once felt so frozen now felt like a
warm summer one.
My family turned around at the exact same moment and joined in a tight hug. We
grabbed each other with so much happiness; I could feel it in the air.
When they finally loosened, I turned around to see our new president. I saw him
on posters, on shirts, but I got to see him in real life. His teeth were shining white, just
as his eyes, and he seemed to glow with joy.
That night, even though my hands and ears were practically frozen, my heart
stayed warm as ever. Obama is president!

Mary Kate Sullenberger

Southgate, Grade 5

Mary Kate Sullenberger

Southgate, Grade 5

The Boston Tea Party

Regan Doherty
Southgate Elementary
Grade 4

Mary was a pretty girl with curly golden hair.Whenever she walked, her hair bounced up
and down. Her eyes were a bright shade of green, like a cat. Mary always wore her favorite
Regan Doherty
Southgate Elementary Grade 4

dress to school, a delicate light blue dress which was a gift from her grandmother.To top it all,
she wore shiny, polished, black shoes. On her way to school she gazed upon the blue ocean with
a thick fog. She listened to her shoes tap on the rocky road as she skipped her way to school.
Mary started running as the bell rang noisily. Mary rushed through the door and quietly
sat down on a wooden bench with her friend Rose. Their teacher yelled Please take your seats,
(though most everyone was already sitting). Ask your partner to spell words one through ten.
But if you are in group two, fix your spelling sentences from yesterday.
Mary and Rose got to work correcting their sentences. Okay, it looks like everybody is
done, so we will start arithmetic.Your ticket to lunch is to finish question twenty through thirtythree , the teacher exclaimed. It did not take Mary and Rose long to finish the questions, so they
happily grabbed their lunch pails and sat down under a shady tree .
For lunch they shared a gooey piece of bread and some sharp, tangy cheese. While they
ate, they listened to a chatty group whisper stuff while huddled together. Ring- ring: the lunch
bell rang. They gathered their lunch, ran to the door and walked into the cold school house. The
teacher began to talk, I am going to go around the room making sure all of you completed your
arithmetic correctly. She began to walk around the classroom. She kindly said, Good Mary,
Rose, and Laura. Tommy! she yelled angrily. There was no response Tommy! she yelled
What? he questioned her.
Tommy , she continued, This is one too many times I saw you not paying
attention.You are going to stay after school while all of your friends get to go home. Okay school
is dismissed.

Regan Doherty
Southgate Elementary Grade 4

Mary and Rose grabbed their winter shawls . They went outside and quietly walked in
the cold air. It was too quiet so they began talking .
Mary, Rose said What is your favorite smell ?
Mary responded It would have to be the salty air. I love spending time with the lovely
They soon departed. Since their houses were on different streets, Mary continued the
walk without her. Marys house was a dark brown house. It was very small compared to the
other houses, but it was very well suited for Mary, her Mom and her Dad. Mary walked up the
dirt path to her house and quietly opened the heavy door. She slid off her boots and hung up her
fluffy shawl.
Her Mom exclaimed, What are you doing home so early?
Mary answered, It was an early dismissal, Mom.
Well, Mom continued, Help set the table before Dad comes home.
Mary began setting the table.Soon they sat down once their Dad arrived.Their Mom
began passing out mashed potatoes and cod. The sky grew dark so Mary set off for bed.
The next morning Mary went outside to get some fresh air. The town was asleep since it
was early. To her amazement, she saw a group of men huddled together whispering. One of the
men said, John we have to do something about the taxes. Like throw their tea into the ocean.
Perfect idea, John replied. Mary was very interested in what they were saying, so she
followed them inside a building. She sneekly walked behind them and once they sat down, she
hid under a small table, inches away. She got a closer view. She soon realized that the men were
a group called The Sons Of Liberty. Over Marys thoughts she heard a man named John Adams
saying, Then that settles it, tonight (December 16,1773) we will dress as Indians and raid the
Regan Doherty
Southgate Elementary Grade 4

tea ships and throw their beloved tea into Boston Harbor. Yes, the English were finally getting
their revenge. That was all Mary needed to know and she was making a smooth escape until one
of the men spotted her .
There she is!, One of the men yelled as if they had been looking for her the whole time.
Mary slid outside before any one of the men could catch her.
Mom guess what? she said excitedly.
What? Mom answered.
A group of men are planning to punish England by pouring their beloved tea into Boston
Harbor, Mary said happily.
Well good for them, Mom responded.
Can I watch them? Mary asked.
No,I do not want you to get in trouble for something you did not do. Mom said.
The day went by fast, full of excitement, and it was night again. Their whole family was
waiting patiently for England to get punished . Soon the Indians would be boarding the boat
and begin dumping baskets full of tea into the cold water. Mary awoke to a sweet smell of mint
mixed with a hint of lavender. Tommy was there too and he yelled What is going on? Who did
Mary rushed outside into the crowd of people hovering over the sea. She pushed through
the crowd to the icky, brown water. This sparked an idea in her: iced tea. What was iced tea? She
questioned herself. Well, I should take tea and put it in cold water. Oh, and maybe, I should add
some ice cubes. She reached her hand into the water. It felt grimy. She stuck out her tongue and
gave a lick. Yuck! she thought. It would definitely need a big handful of sugar. Mary looked
around at all the people. To her amazement, they looked more angry than happy like her. Mary
Regan Doherty
Southgate Elementary Grade 4

thought, Should I have told them? But then, they would have not dumped the tea and we would
not get revenge.
Mary heard people yelling and this is what she heard: Who did this? Couldnt they
have done something smaller? No, they had to choose the tea! Well, it doesnt matter now, they
are going to blame us. They will make the prices sky high! We wont even have a roof over our
Mary was shocked. Why did they want this? Questions were rushing in and out of her
head. What England do to us? Should I say John Adams and the Sons of Liberty, or will I get into
deep, deep water? Mary felt scared, excited and worried at the same time. She had butterflies in
her stomach. She couldnt decide what to do. She knew that what she would say would change
the world forever. Mary finally got her thoughts straight, she was going to keep this a secret and
pretend that she never heard The Sons of Liberty plotting.

Regan Doherty
Southgate Elementary Grade 4

The Letter
By May Le

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

Im back from the store, yelled 12 year old Kat. She ran up to her brothers room and
swung open the door. On the bed surrounded by clothes and books, was Jack, Kats 22 year old
Mom is making me clean up from the last time I was here, he replied.
Ill help you clean up, okay? So, they both started to clean up while talking about the
mission to the moon. Soon, Jacks room was clean, but they were still in conversation.
When they finished talking, Jack thanked her for helping as she left his room and walked
into hers. Kats door closed as Jack sighed happily. His room was cleaned and that he got to
spend time with his little sister. It was a win-win.
Kat was also satisfied with not only a clean room, but time spent with her brother. There
was never usually enough time to spend with Jack, and Kat was used to that. She just wished that
her brother could be home more often. but because he was a soldier, he was sent to base.
After a while, the two siblings were called down for dinner. Unlike some kids, they
werent in a rush to see their parents that had come home with dinner instead of coming home
and making dinner.
When they get downstairs, they see that their parents were in the kitchen setting the table
and putting the pizza on top. Kat and her brother walked in like they hadnt been spying on their
parents. As they sat down and started to eat the food, they began quietly until their mom started
to talk.
Did you clean your room and take out the garbage? she asked Jack.
He replied, I cleaned my room, but when did you say anything about the garbage?
Well, now I am saying something about the garbage. After dinner, ok?
Ok, Jack mumbled.

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

Kats dad interrupted, Kat, your mother and I have been talking and we have decided
that next school year, you need to work harder and get better grades. So, the studying starts now,
twenty minutes a day.
But I have been studying, said Kat.
No buts. I know you have, but you havent studied long enough. Its July and we have
given you plenty of time to hang out with friends. So, studying after dinner, he replied firmly.
After that, the family ate in silence.
Right after dinner, her dad pointed to her room and her mom pointed to the back door
where the garbage cans were. The brother and sister both went to where their parents had been
As Kat began to work in her math book, she couldnt concentrate. After about ten
minutes, she gave up and took out a book and read. After her time was up, she heard footsteps
coming up the stairs. Kat quickly hid her book and pretended that she was actually doing math
problems. But when she saw that it was only her brother, she took her book back out and started
to read like he wasnt there. But he was there, and he took the book right out of her hand and put
where she couldnt reach.
I want you to get good grades too. Do you need help? he asked. Kat admitted that she
did need help, but she didnt want their parents to know because they dont understand how she
is or how she learns. Jack stayed there with here from the first problem to the last. Then, he told
her that if she needed any help, she could come to him.
After he left, she thought to herself, Jack understands me. Why cant mom and dad?
She thought about that for a while until she flopped on her bed and fell asleep. She didnt brush
her teeth and she knew that her parents wouldnt like that, but she didnt care.

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

While Kat was snoozing soundly, Jack was in his room. He read a very important piece
of paper from the army. It said that they needed him to come since they lost a lot of soldiers
during an explosion. When he read the letter, he was shocked that they needed him. It was a
good opportunity to earn money for an apartment, but he wanted to spend time with his sister.
Jack knew he didnt have a choice, but he didnt have the guts to tell his sister that night.
Kat woke up with a jump and looked around her room for her calendar. When she found
it, it was the 16th of July. But it was not an ordinary day for Kat. She had marked that day as the
launch of the lunar module Eagle. Kat rushed down the stairs to see that her whole family was on
the couch, in front of the TV. She plopped down next to her brother to see that he had a long
face. She decided to not ask why because he might have been grumpy. But that was not the case.
Promptly at 9:32 am, the Eagle took off with the whole world watching. Neil Armstrong,
Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin, and Michael Collins were aboard and in a few days, would become the
first Americans to go to the moon.
While the family watched this amazing scene on their tiny TV, Jack was thinking about
the letter and how he was going to tell his family. He finally decided to just tell them face to
I have something very important to tell you all, he announced. His dad turned off the
TV to face Jack.
Jack continued My commander has written to me. He needs me to go to war. Everyone
was silent until their dad started to get excited.
You are finally being put to work! Im so proud of you son. He started to ramble on
and on and their mom joined too. Jack was so busy talking that he didnt notice that his sister

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

was still silent and that she started to go up to her room. He soon noticed that Kat was gone. He
ran upstairs and knocked on her door.
Will you let me in so we can talk about this? he softly asked. No answer. Jack tried to
open the door, but it was locked. He slid down the wall and buried his face in his hands. Jack had
no idea what he was going to do with Kat.
Since Jack knew that his sister would not come out, he gave her dinner plate under her
door. He put it halfway to see if Kat would take it, but she took right when he left. At night, Jack
could hear footsteps. It was Kat returning her plate and getting water. It wasnt Kats feet that
kept him up at night though. It was the thought of losing his sister forever as a friend.
This went on for many days and nights through the landing on the moon to the landing on
Earth. Kat did not want to face the fact that her brother was leaving and could die in war. She
knew it was for the better, but she didnt want him to leave right when he came home. Kat
thought that she couldnt talk to anyone because no one would understand what she is feeling.
But she didnt know at first that there were other people out there to talk too.
She thought everyday, What if I just come out? But she thought she was just crazy to
even think about that. Yet she still thought about it everyday. Kat would have come out to see
what was happening with the moon on TV if it werent for the newspaper. Sure, she knew that
she wouldnt get her news fast, but Kat thought it was worth it.
Soon, Kat ran out of things to do and just did weird things like write letters to famous
people about her problems. She thought that it was stupid, but she held on to them and later on,
she would be thankful. Kat would just pace around the room thinking about her brother and what
she was going to do. She knew that she couldnt live like that, but she wished that she could.

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

Too many days passed by for Kat and she couldnt take it. She tried to figure out a way to
talk to someone, but the only way that she could find was to mail one of her letters. Kat had a
hard time deciding who to mail to, but she finally decided on Neil Armstrong because he
inspired her to follow her dreams.
When no one was around, she snuck outside and put the letter in the mailbox and lifted
the flag. She thought that he would never answer because he had so many fans. But she still liked
to believe that he would. In a couple weeks, the unexpected happened for her. Neil actually
answered her with a letter!
Kat figured that out when she secretly tiptoed outside to see that there was an envelope
with her name and Neils name on it in neat handwriting. She silently marveled over the fact that
he had written to her, but then remembered that she was in the open. Kat ran back to her room
and shrieked joyfully. It was the 2th of August and Neil was real busy with all of his fans and the
press, but he managed to fit Kat in there.
She ripped opened the envelope and swiped the letter out. It read:

Dear Kat,
Your letter particularly interested me in an odd way. Most people just talk about me
in their letters, but you wrote to me like I was a normal person. Anyway, if I were you, I would
just enjoy the time that I have with my brother. Dont worry so much about the future, and think
about the present. Also, I understand how you feel about your parents. But no matter what, they
will always love you. You just got to understand that about parents. Well, thats what I would do
and its your decision. Thank you for the wonderful letter!

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

By the time Kat was done with the letter, her eyes were filled with tears. But she knew
what she had to do. Kat hide the letter under a bunch of papers and left her room and went to
brothers room for the first time in a few weeks. Jack was packing when he looked up and saw
her sister there in the doorway. Before he could say anything, she ran over to him and gave him a
great big hug. Jack was confused, but he decided to let it go. After Kat was finished, she told
Jack everything that has happened and she forgot about being mad and worried.
Even now that Kats an adult, she treasures the one letter that changed her feelings about
her brother and made them stronger. She had finally found the letter in her desk. Kat hurried to
tell her children about the one time that she really got mad at Uncle Jack.
It all started on a summer day when I came home from the store

May Le, Grade 5 - Southgate Elementary School

The Star Spangled Banner

The Whole Story

By Lauren Brissette

Most people know that after the War of 1812, Francis Scott Key wrote a poem that
became our national anthem. However, most people do not know the whole story. If you want, I
will tell you the story behind the famous poem.
It all started one foggy morning in Baltimore, Maryland. Just a few days ago the USA
had won a key battle in the War of 1812. After all that Francis Scott Key had seen during the
battle, he needed a way to express his feelings. Since he loved to write poems in his free time, it
Lauren Brissette
Grade 4

came to his mind to write a poem. However, this does not mean that coming up with phrases for
this particular poem was easy for Francis. I guess you could call it sort of a work in progress.
Hmm what would be a good phrase for my poem? thought Francis. How about
This scene filled me with glee, it made me so happy? No, Francis said disappointedly as he
tossed the paper along with all the others into the trash. Gee, thought Francis. If only I knew
someone who saw what I saw.
So what did Francis see? Francis was on a British ship in hopes of saving Dr. Beanes, a
good friend of his. I know what youre thinking. How in the world is he going to convince the
British to release his friend? Well, Dr. Beanes was in luck. Francis had brought something
special. He had letters from British soldiers who had been captured thanking Dr. Beanes for
bringing them food and water. When Francis presented them to the British, tears filled their
eyes. They agreed to let Dr. Beanes leave with Francis. The one condition was the two were
forced to stay on the ship until after the attack on Fort McHenry. That way they could not warn
the American soldiers of the British attack. The two watched the whole battle. Throughout the
battle, they could hear the echo of loud booms and gun shots. Flashes of blue and red uniforms
filled the horizon. Afterwards, the two brave friends returned to freedom. Francis went to his
hotel room in Baltimore, and Dr.Beanes went home. This leads us back to our story.
Francis had been thinking, If only there was someone who saw what I saw. Since there is
nothing better for me to do I guess Ill just go for a walk down to the harbor. Maybe that will
help me come up with some better verses to my poem, Francis said out loud.
So Francis walked to the harbor, and he sat on a nearby bench. Tons of thoughts were
flowing through his head. Such as, How can I put my thoughts into words? Suddenly his
thoughts were interrupted with a question.
Lauren Brissette
Grade 4

Is it ok if I sit here, is this seat taken? a curious boy asked.

Huh? Oh go ahead and sit down. The seat is not taken, exclaimed Francis. So what
is your name? Francis asked.
My name is Charlie, replied the young boy.
Why are you so shaky Charlie? Francis asked.
You wont believe what I saw. I saw the battle go down at Fort McHenry, and it was
beautiful, replied Charlie. Francis was very excited when he heard what the boy said.
I saw it too, Francis said with excitement. Maybe you could help me? I am trying to
write a poem based on how amazing it was when the British attacked, and the USA won.
Well I would love to help you so lets start brainstorming, Charlie quickly answered.
What have you came up with so far? Francis paused a moment.
Well, Francis said slowly, I cant exactly think of the right words. Do you have any
Lets talk about what we saw, suggested Charlie. Charlie proceeded to tell his story.
I had just gotten back home after helping my father in the shoe shop. My father and I were very
tired as we entered the house. My father went upstairs to take a nap, but I took a seat on the
couch. All of the sudden I heard a BOOM! I peeked through the window. I was very
disappointed when I didnt see anything particularly exciting. So I decided to take a walk down
to the harbor. As I sat on this bench, I viewed that moment of triumph. I think I saw the ship
you were on. It was very brave how you went aboard that ship to save Dr.Beanes. Seeing the
bombs go off was truly amazing. It was a privilege. The British had a good strategy but, still the
USA pulled through and won the battle. It was most certainly a miracle. After the battle at Fort
Lauren Brissette
Grade 4

McHenry, I decided to go home. I came back today in hopes that I could re-visualize the
moment. I was definitely in awe at this sight.
After listening to Charlies story, Francis came up with lots of ideas to put in his poem.
Charlie helped inspire Francis. Some of Franciss ideas were bombs, a flag with spangled stars
and rockets. Then together they added the details that went with the different parts of the
experience. They decided that the bombs were bursting in the air. They also drew the conclusion
that the rockets could be described with red glare. For the flag they decided it would suit the flag
to be addressed as the Star Spangled Banner in Franciss poem. What else? Well the USA flag
that had been spotted last morning was symbolizing freedom for our country and bravery for our
soldiers. Then they concluded that the poem could be in the format of a series of questions.
Such as, Can you see this? They knew that in no time Franciss poem would be complete. All
that was left to figure out were a few minor details. Charlie had a good feeling about that poem
but, he didnt want to tell Francis. It didnt seem as if Francis needed the motivation. Francis
was doing great and he knew it.
Soon after his talk with Charlie, Francis returned to his hotel room. The conversation he
had with Charlie had answered a few of the questions in his head for the poem. It had also
helped him come up with some amazing ideas he couldnt have came up with on his own. After
thinking about the scenes in the poem, Francis believed he was ready to take another stab at
writing. As he sat down to start writing his poem, millions of thoughts started flowing through
his head. The struggles Francis experienced before did not affect his writing this time. In fact, I
guess you could even say he had great luck this time around. Francis remembered that the flag
should be addressed to as the Star Spangled Banner, and how it had been symbolizing freedom
for our country as well as the bravery of our soldiers. After he remembered all those things that
Lauren Brissette
Grade 4

he and Charlie had both seen, he thought up a few ideas of his own, such as that the shore was
dimly seen through the mists of the deep. Even though it wasnt as hard as it had been for
Francis before, Francis worked very hard on his poem. He created his own ideas and used his
memory of the talk he had with Charlie.
The poem was finished by the next morning. He had worked all through the night. The
finished poem had four stanzas. Francis decided to title his poem, The Defense of Fort
McHenry. In a few weeks Francis was filled with glee. He had just figured out that his poem
was published in a Baltimore newspaper. Someone had thought that it went along nicely to the
tune of a popular British song called, The Anacreontic Song. Little did Francis know that
eventually his poem would become the national anthem of The United States of America. The
Star Spangled Banner became the national anthem on March 3, 1931. It had been recognized by
president Woodrow Wilson in 1916 and signed to be the National Anthem by President Herbert
So there you have it. That is the whole story of The Star Spangled Banner. I hope you
liked the tale!

Lauren Brissette
Grade 4

Lauren Brissette
Grade 4

John F. Kennedys Assassination

Anna Ryu

Anna Ryu, Grade 6

Southgate Elementary School

Cmon Cath! The president isnt gonna wait for you when he comes! my sister called.
She was always so worried. Helen always had to be early, or she would make you do extra dishes
and laundry. I quickly called back, Ill be right there! Just wait a second!
My sister, Helen, and I were in a hurry that morning because President Kennedy was said
to be coming to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. We both got mighty excited because we have
always wanted to meet the president, and today was our chance! Not only that, Dealey plaza is
very close to our home! It was the perfect opportunity for both of us! We wanted mama to come
with us too, but she looked at us with her tired, sad eyes, and told us that we should just go
together, so that she could finish up her chores. Our papa is a hardworking man, and I only get to
see him for thirty minutes a day. He is very busy working all the time. His pa is low, but we still
So my sister and I wanted to go together. I was trying to pick out one of my best dresses.
I didnt have many dresses, not like the kids in my town who had ten or twenty beautiful gowns.
I had six dresses. I had one for chores, one for everyday wearing, one for my night gown, and
three others for special occasion. I was trying to decide if should wear the blue dress with white
lace, or the pink dress with white flowers. I was very frazzled.
Finally, I decided on the yellow dress with a white collar, no lace, and no flowers. I
started pushing my long, brown hair into my ribbon, when my sister, once again called,
Catherine! It has been more than a second! If youre not coming down that hall within one
minute, you are dead young lady!
I tried to tie my ribbon around my hair, but it kept on falling out! After many attempts,
the ribbon finally stayed. Coming! I yelled. I ran down the hall to my sister.
As I came, Helen started scolding me. What took you so long? I waited so long, the
spiders couldve made new cobwebs! But even though my sister was fifteen, and I was nine, we
never really got mad at each other. Both of us learned to like our life and family. Even when she
yelled at me, I knew that she was never really angry with me. So when I was late, I could tell that
she didnt care if we were late or not, just as long as we went together.
When I pushed the door open, a blast of hot air hit us. My dress started to feel hot and
stuffy. As I walked with Helen, she started holding my hand as if I was a little girl! I wanted to
protest, but her hand was very warm and gentle, so I kept my mouth shut. While we walked
across the sidewalk, my sister started explaining her plan to me. Mr. Kennedy should be coming
around 12:25, and right now its 12:05. I think it might take about fifteen minutes to get to
Dealey Plaza, so were probably ok.
So how much do we have to walk? I asked.
Maybe about one and a half miles. she replied.
We kept on walking quietly. The heat and the silence gave me an uncomfortable feeling,
so I started talking again. Um so how much longer?
Probably about five more minutes or so. she replied with a sigh.

Anna Ryu, Grade 6

Southgate Elementary School

I wanted to make her feel better. I tried saying something cheerful. Hey! Well get to
see the president up close! This is cool! Arent you excited? I gave her the widest smile I could
Helen started to laugh. I guess your right! What if he actually makes eye contact with
us? We both laughed. The president wouldnt want to see two unimportant girls! What were we
How much longer? I asked again. But I didnt have to ask. I could already see a big
crowd of people waiting. A sign read Dealey Plaza. As soon as I read that sign, my heart
skipped. I would see the president!
Were a little early, I think, my sister told me. Dont let go of my hand, she told me
as we walked into the huge mob of people. If you let go, you will get lost here, she warned me.
We walked and walked through all the people. I never would have thought about this many
people living in our city! We kept on walking until my sister exclaimed, Over there! Look!
There was one clear space right in front of the Texas School Book Depository for us to stand.
My sister and I rushed over to take the spot. Finally, we were all settled and ready for President
Kennedy to start coming.
In the distance, I could hear the screaming of excited people. The president was coming!
I couldnt wait! The screaming and yelling were coming closer, and closer, until I could swear
the president was right around the corner! He was so close to their street. Helen and I both
strained to see. I swear I could see the presidents white smile between the heads of people.
SO CLOSE! I was so close to seeing the president! Helen squeezed my hand, and then, I
saw him. I finally saw the president waving at people. She saw him completely now! The John
Fitzgerald Kennedy! He was waving, smiling, and looking so happy! Helen and I started waving.
We waved at Kennedy and smiled so excitedly! And then, Mr. President turned, and waved
directly at me and Helen. I thought I would go blind from happiness! He was waving at us!
Looking at us with his bright white smile!
I squealed, Look Helen! Hes waving at us!
I know! We can tell mama when we get home! she replied happily.
Then, out of nowhere, I heard a bang. It was faint. Just a little Bang! It was distant, but
I heard it. A few other people looked around in confusion while frowning, but then they just
shook their heads and kept on waving. another BANG sounded, and this time, I turned my
back away from President Kennedy. Helen was too busy waving and screaming, so I didnt
bother her. I noticed another handful of people turned around too. I wasnt sure what the Bangs
Then, I heard one more explosion. Where were those coming from? I slowly scanned the
crowd once more before turning back to President Kennedys car. All of a sudden, gasps and
screams of terror filled the air.
As I looked around, President Kennedy wasnt waving at me or smiling at me. He was
slumped over in his car. And just next to him was Governor Connally, who was staggering. This
couldnt be real. There were yellow spots dancing in my eyes. My sister and I gripped each other
Anna Ryu, Grade 6
Southgate Elementary School

tightly. We both stared at the scene around us. There was chaos. Mayhem. The president was still
slumped over. I stared at Mr. President, and his motionless body. Was he dead? No. I wont
believe it! I wont believe that our president is dead he cant be. The crowd was in shock,
screaming and staring, like us. Tears welled up on my face.
Through my tears, I saw Mr. President again. I just couldnt tear my eyes off of him. As I
looked closer, I realized that there was blood dripping from his head. Who would do such an
unforgivable crime? The convertible that they were riding in started to speed away. The crowd
started following the car, and my sister and I were lost in the mass of people. The image of
President Kennedy waving and smiling at me was still fresh in my mind.
Helen and I stumbled around, trying to get home. But the huge, panicked crowd pushed
us around.
H-Helen, what, how my mouth felt too dry to talk.
Trying to be brave, Helen lifted me up on her back. She told me in a determined voice,
Everything will be fine. I promise.
I held my sisters warm back close to my head as Helen tried to escape. The mob of
people were still coming in gigantic waves. My sister was somehow very good at weaving
through the frantic people. When we made it to the sidewalk, we saw other families rushing back
to their homes. I moistened my lips and asked a question to my sister. Helen, where are we
going? At first, she didnt reply, but after a few seconds, she replied.
I was startled to hear the sudden answer, but I said ok. After that, we just walked in
silence. After a while, my sister put me down and we continued on. The whole trip seemed very
long, but it gave me a lot of time to reflect upon the disaster that had just happened.
I finally got the courage to ask my sister the rest of the questions stored in my head.
What happened? Do you think the president is alive? Who would shoot the president? Was he
even really shot? Where is the criminal? The flow of questions escaped my mouth. But I didnt
stop there. Why would someone do this? Do you think mama already knows? Shouldnt we be
running home right now? Do you think papa knows? In the mass flow of questions, I tripped
over a branch lying on the ground.
As I fell, I screamed. My arms flailed, and I scraped my face. My sister stared at me with
wide eyes and picked me up. Are you ok? she started to ask. Just take a deep breath. Calm
down a bit. Everything will be fine. Remember? I promised you. Then Helen picked me up, and
we started to walk again. How could she be so calm? How was she not in shock of the terrible
Within a few more minutes, we arrived at our house. I couldnt believe I had been here a
few hours ago, choosing a dress. Our mama came to the door. How was it? She asked. You
know, your papa came home early today because of some sort of issue. Hes right in the
kitchen. She was very excited.
I tried to start talking when my papa came out of the kitchen and walked to us. He
seemed happy too, and he started greeting us. I get the day off today! He picked me up and
Anna Ryu, Grade 6
Southgate Elementary School

twirled me around. Finally, Helen stepped in and said in a solemn voice, We have to talk about
something. Our parents noticed her concerned face and nodded.
We gathered around the kitchen table. Helen explained what happened. She talked about
Kennedy waving, and then being slumped over on his seat, shot through his head. He even
waved at us. He waved at us before he got shot. Helen claimed sadly. As I watched my parents
faces, they went from excited to worried. After my sisters story was done, everyone was very
grim. We all sat in silence. Then papa spoke up, I wonder if thats why I had the day off today.
But I cant believe it. Kennedy was shot? He was such a good president. Why would someone
I cant believe it.
This is very I just dont know what to say. mama said as she cleaned the cut on my
Papa asked us Do you know who did this? His voice started rising.
Helen shook her head. No. I dont think anyone knows except for the shooter himself.
Im not sure if the police have tracked him down yet.
I spoke up, Im pretty sure well find this criminal. He will be punished with the shame
and guilt he has, I spoke encouragingly.
I guess youre right Catherine, mama said.
All of us gathered around closer as we held hands and prayed for his health. Dear God,
Please help this man survive. Please spare him and let him wake up and live. But if his time is
up, then let your angels guide him to heaven. Amen.

(Ten years later)
I went for a walk in the park today.The sun was very bright as it reflected off of my eyes.
It was November 22, 1973. It had been ten years since I had seen Kennedy smile and wave. Our
president is now Richard Nixon, but Kennedy will always be on my mind. I remembered his
slumped body, and his car speeding off. That is history, but everyone still remembers the terrible
crime that happened. I pray for Mr. Kennedy as much as I can. I still remember his smile and
wave. And the happy look on his face.
Ive always wanted to go up to the shooter and ask him about the things he did. Why did
he decide to pull that trigger? Why? I guess Ill never know. Rest in peace President Kennedy.

Anna Ryu, Grade 6

Southgate Elementary School

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