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Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook
Overview of procedures
from booking to collection of bill of lading
(Version 17 dated 17 October, 2012)

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

Table of Contents

Background Information................................................................................2
Overview on Procedure from Booking to Collection of Bill of Lading.....................2
Procedures of Booking Release and Amendment...............................................4
Booking Requirement.............................................................................4
Booking Methods...................................................................................4
Email Booking................................................................................5
Fax Booking...................................................................................5
Pros and Cons of different booking methods.............................................5
Booking Release and Status....................................................................6
Booking Amendment..............................................................................6
Procedures and Service Level of Handling Shipping Instruction and Releasing Bill
of Lading...........................................................................................................7
Shipping Instruction Submission..............................................................7
Methods of Shipping Instruction Submission.............................................8
Electronic Shipping Instruction (E-SI)...............................................8
Pros and Cons of using different methods of SI Submission........................9
SI Submission and Issue of Verify Copy....................................................9
Bill of Lading Amendment.....................................................................11
Switch Bill of Lading.............................................................................12
Invoice dispute....................................................................................14
Bill of Lading Collection.........................................................................14
Quick Contact............................................................................................16
Amendment Log.........................................................................................17

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

1 Background Information
This document aims at giving our customers a brief idea on the working procedure in
Maersk Line. With this document, we hope that our working procedure would be
more transparent to our customers and build up a stronger collaboration between
our customers and Maersk Line. This document would work as a reference to our
service and please visit for the latest information.

2 Overview on Procedure from Booking to Collection of Bill of

The following flow chart shows an overview of procedures from booking stage to the
issuance of Bill of Lading.

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

C1: Customer
Make a booking order through / / email /Fax
M1: Maersk Line
Verify the booking order and confirm
the booking. Inform customer no
matter allocation is possible or not.



C2: Customer
Prepare SI with sufficient information

M2: Maersk Line

Inform customer about the situation
so that customer would know the
status of their booking clearly.


M3: Maersk Line

Allocate the space of each string by
Maersk Sales force for the pending

t SI

M4: Maersk Line

Base on the submitted SI, release
verify copy and invoice to customer

C3: Customer
Check the verify copy and invoice.
Accept it if all the information is
correct. Ask for amendment if

Ask for

d verify


M7: Maersk Line

Release Bill of Lading to customer

M5: Maersk Line

Amend the verify copy according to
customers request


M6: Customer
Check the amended verify copy and

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Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

3 Procedures of Booking Release and Amendment

3.1 Booking Requirement
What information should be included in a shipping order?
A complete shipping order should include the following information:
Notify Party if consignee is TO ORDER
Contractual Customer (Should be either Shipper/Consignee/Notify Party)
Contract Number
Service Mode i.e. CY/CY or CY/SD
Port of Loading or Place of Receipt (in case inland transport at origin is under
carriers responsibility)
Port of Discharge or Place of Delivery (in case inland transport at destination is
under carriers responsibility)
Number/Size/Type of Container(s)
Cargo Description
Payment Term
Earliest Departure Date
Hong Kong Customs Declaration Broker (If any)
PRC Vendor Name, Contact Person and Phone Number (If Any)
Reefer Settings (if applicable)
Multimodal Dangerous Goods Form (for dangerous cargoes)

3.2 Booking Methods

You can submit your shipping order to us through the following channels:
1. Internet ( or
2. Email
3. Fax

3.2.1 E-booking
For E-booking, you can visit and for further
information. These are two different virtual platforms that let you create your
bookings through the internet.
Please specify the target vessel name if you cannot get it under the auto function
under the field of Note to Carrier if you would like our booking colleagues to assist
you to book on a non-preferred vessel.

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

3.2.2 Email Booking

For email booking, you can send your shipping order form to our booking teams:
Middle East and Oceania Trade

Email Address

Africa Trade

Europe and Mediterranean Trade

Pacific Trade

Special Cargo Team (handles dangerous

cargoes, reefer, metal steel coils and OOG)

3.2.3 Fax Booking

For fax booking, please fax your shipping order form to 852-29720622

3.3 Pros and Cons of different booking methods

With continuous development, services offered by and are more reliable and stable. Also, customers can keep track on the
status of booking through the websites. We gladly recommend these online services
to you for better quality of information.

Booking /

1. Can keep track of historical
records and make analysis
through our web-page
2. Widely and commonly used
3. Highly accurate. Can save for
various templates. Only a
needed at the first time
1. Easy to use

1. Affected
connection speed

1. Fax line is not reliable

2. Low accuracy resulted by
manual data transfer
3. Low efficiency
4. Cannot keep track of

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

3.4 Booking Release and Status

We promise to respond to shipping orders within 2 working hours for e-bookings and
4 working hours for fax/email bookings. Bookings of dangerous, reefer and Out of
Gauge nature would be confirmed once approval is got from relevant coordination
parties. If you receive no responses from us after our promised turn time, besides
calling your dedicated customer services representative, there are 2 effective
escalation channels:
1. Log in to or to check the booking status
2. Send a reminder email to your dedicated customer service representative.

3.5 Booking Amendment

You can send booking amendment to your
representative through email (preferred) or fax.




What is a good booking amendment format?

We recommend the below format for booking amendment so that we can process the
booking amendment within 4 working hours:
Booking Number:
Request Action
( ) Change Place of Delivery to
** If change place of delivery please specify name of country / State
( ) Change Discharge Port to
( ) Change Loading Port to
( ) Change Vessel/Voyage to
( ) Change size of container to
( ) Change Contractual Customer to:
( ) Change Contract Number to
( ) Change Commodity to
( ) Other actions

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

4 Procedures and Service Level of Handling Shipping

Instruction and Releasing Bill of Lading
4.1 Shipping Instruction Submission
If correct and sufficient shipping instruction details are sent before Shipping
Instruction (SI) closing, the verified copy should be ready within 21 running hours.
Therefore, it is vital to make sure there is correct and sufficient information on your
Mandatory Fields for Shipping Instruction
Check list for the items mandatory for Shipping Instruction:
Booking Number / BL Number
Shipper (For North America, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico shipments, the first
4 lines should include the customer name, address, city and country. Failure to
follow may lead to a HOLD by Customs)
Consignee (For North America, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico shipments, the
first 4 lines should include the customer name, address, city and country. Failure
to follow may lead to a HOLD by Customs)
Notify Party if consignee is TO ORDER (For North America, Canada, Puerto Rico
and Mexico shipments, the first 4 lines should include the customer name,
address, city and country. Failure to follow may lead to a HOLD by Customs)
Contractual Customer (Should either be Shipper/Consignee/Notify)
Contract Number
Transport Document Receiver (Companys name and Staffs name)
Type of Bill of Lading in request
Port of Loading or Place of Receipt (in case inland transport at origin is under
carriers responsibility)
Port of discharge or Place of Delivery (in case inland transport at destination is
under carriers responsibility)
Cargo Description (showing both the nature of materials of goods and type of
goods; e.g.: plastic toys)
Payment Term
HS code is mandatory for Europe shipments
Number and Kind of Package
Gross Weight (kg) & CBM
Container Number(s) and packages/weight breakdown on container level (A
matched total packages/ weight no. and the sum of the breakdown ensures quick
Seal Number(s)
Special cargo (Reefer/Dangerous/OOG) details (if applicable)
**All content in SI must be written in English
Special payment requirements (Cross-Trades)

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

If payment and/or collection of original bill of lading (OBL) are to be processed in

location other than booking location, please provide ALL of the following mandatory
information of the payer/OBL collector in the Shipping Instruction (SI):
Full company name
Full address
Phone no.
Fax no.
Contact person

4.2 Methods of Shipping Instruction Submission

4.2.1 Electronic Shipping Instruction (E-SI)
Simply login to and fill in all the information as instructed.

4.2.2 Email
You can attach your SI by email and send to our document center via
However, please DO NOT send multiple emails to, as it will be
considered as amendment on SI so the email will be queued at the end, and inevitably
delaying the process. If you would like to check the status of documentation, you can
send a reminder to our customer service export team via below email address:
Middle East and Oceania Trade

Email Address

Africa Trade

Europe and Mediterranean Trade

Pacific Trade

Special Cargo Team

In order to speed up documentation process and avoid typing errors, it is suggested to

use document format which is available for copy, e.g. word, excel, text file or PDF
Manual document fee will also apply on top of document fee.

4.2.3 Fax
You can fax your SI according to shipments trade lane:
Middle East, Oceania and AfricaTrade

Fax No.

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

Europe and Mediterranean Trade

Pacific Trade


4.3 Pros and Cons of using different methods of SI

There are many advantages of using the E-SI service compared to email and fax. By
using the reliable and fast E-SI, your business could be benefited from it greatly!

1. Fewer errors
2. Can keep track of processing
status via our website round the
3. high reliability on receiving

1. Affected by the internet
connection speed

Fax /

1. Easy to use

1. Fax line is not reliable

2. Low accuracy resulted by
manual data transfer
3. Cannot keep track of
4. Manual document fee will
be charged

4.4 SI Submission and Issue of Verify Copy

When should I submit SI?
Complete SI should be provided within below timelines; otherwise a HKD150 Late
Shipping Instruction Fee will be imposed.
Closing for all main strings and load ports are available on our website via below link:
For US, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico shipment, change of vessel charge HKD390
for ex. HKG shipment or RMB350 for ex. YAT shipment per container would be
charged for submitting the information to the Customs after the closing time per
individual service. However, this does not guarantee the containers can be loaded on
the target vessel.
For Dangerous cargo, the SI submitting deadlines are the same as the dry cargoes
except the special arrangement with destinations in Europe please only submit
SI after all the containers had been loaded, otherwise there might be
problems in the manifest process which might cause the containers not to

Maersk Line

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

What will I receive after SI submission?

Around 98% of the verify copy are sent to our customers within 21 running hours,
after receiving the shipping instruction. Upon the receipt of Verify Copy, please check
the details on it carefully. If there is no problem, you can confirm it with our
document center (optional). If you think an amendment is needed, please follow the
step in Section 4.5 for amendment procedure.
Please also note that the On-board Date would not be shown on the Verify Copy
before all the containers in the transport document are actually loaded on board.
The On-board date shown is the day that individual containers are physically
loaded, thus not all shipments on same vessel will have the same On-board date.

Verify Copy/Received Transport Document

- Without an on-board date

Verify Copy/Shipped Transport Document

- With an on-board date

Vessel Departure
Are there any other important things I should know about SI submission?
1. In case a Third Party Agent is requested, please indicate the location of freight
payment and provide the following information about the Bill of Lading pick-up
third party in the SI: company name, contact person, tel. no., fax no. and
2. Customers need to provide PAYMENT TERM information on SI; otherwise the
payment term will be defaulted as PREPAID.
3. Customers need to mark on SI if Seaway Bill is required; otherwise bill type will
be defaulted as Negotiable Bill.
4. For WCRS submission for US custom declaration, if customer is non-automated
NVOCC and need carrier to submit US/CA manifest on behalf of them, then need
to mark Non-Automated NVOCC HOUSE BILL No xxxxxxxxx under Booking No
xxxxxxxxx and page indicator like 1 of page... on the shipping instruction; If
the customer is Automated NVOCC, they should mark AMS or ACI automated
NVOCC on SI as well.
5. For countries where need some mandatory document numbers on bill (for
example, NCM code and CNPJ code for Brazil) please input that into SI.

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Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

4.5 Bill of Lading Amendment

Steps for Bill of Lading Amendment
1. Place all B/L amendment on either B/L draft (if available) or original SI but strongly
suggest to use BL draft.
2. Clearly indicate Amendment on the B/L draft.
3. By circle or different marks to indicate the information that need to be amended
4. If acknowledgement is needed, please also indicate on the SI amendment.
5. For North America or Europe shipment, if there is an amendment in between SI
cut off & actual loading, if the amendment is not critical, please hold the
amendment until the actual load to avoid rejection from US/Europe Customs
which would lead to a loading failure.
6. Send it to our document center via internet, email or fax (same as the one of SI
When can I get the reply?
Around 98% of the amended B/L is sent out within 3 running hours after we receive
the amendment request. (Except for those need destination approval). If you cannot
receive any reply after 3 working hours, you can either:

Send reminder to respective customer service export team email:


Middle East and Oceania trade:

Africa trade:
Europe and Mediterranean trade:
Pacific trade:
Special cargo:

2. Contact your dedicated customer service representatives
3. If you are using ESI, just simply login to to check the
How to speed up the amendment process?
1. State the request Amendment on B/L as clearly as possible.
2. Mark what you would like to amend on the B/L draft and then send it out as an
attached file.
3. Do not send multiple requests to our document center as it will be considered as
new amendment and it will be queued up again at the end, and thus the
amendment process will be lengthened.
Amendment fee
SI amendment fee (HKD400 + USD8 for AMS/ENS shipments - US, Canada, Puerto
Rico, Mexico or Europe shipments / HKD400 for non AMS/ENS shipments) will be
charged if there are any corrections (due to mistake which is not caused by our
document center) requested after the submission of 1st SI.

Maersk Line 11

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

4.6 Switch Bill of Lading

What should I do first?
For switch Bill of Lading request, the full set of original Bill of Lading has to be
surrendered back to our Freight Office (Counter).
Alternatively, the following
documents should be submitted before amendment being processed:

A copy of the original Bill of Lading

A copy of the proper endorsement of the Bill of Lading
The shipping instruction of the switch Bill of Lading

For this case, still the full set of original Bill of Lading has to be submitted when
collecting the new Bill of Lading.
What can be amended?
The following fields / information can be amended:

Shipper / Consignee / Notify Party, i.e. Switch Bill of Lading (not applicable to
North America shipment)
Weight, measurement and piece count
Customers references, e.g. invoice no. and PO no.
Descriptions that better describe the commodity, e.g. amend apples to red
golden apples

Switch clauses (e.g. Switch B/L in London, B/L will be switched in London) can neither
be added nor amended.
Where should I send to?
Please send SI amendments with clear highlights to after
submission of the necessary documents.
What surcharges should I pay?
For Switch Bill of Lading, switch B/L fee of HKD 650 per B/L is charged (Effective from

4.7 Invoice
To achieve a higher degree of standardization of documentation system, freight will
no longer be printed on original Bill of Lading and verify copy. All freight invoices will
be available on our website 8 running hours after release of verify copy.
Where can I check freight?

MyFinance at

Maersk Line 12

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

We highly encourage you to check the freight online which is extremely convenient,
accurate and fast. All freight invoices will be available on our website
( You can check all the freights simply by a few clicks:
1. Go to
2. Login, or register if you are new to our website
3. Click MyFinace on the left-handed column under Invoices category
SI Submission Time
Before vessel departs
After vessel departs

Invoice ready time on the web

8 running hours after vessel departure
8 running hours after release of Verify Copy

Invoices of your respective shipment will be put right on the web upon blading readiness.
With registration at our website, you will be able to view instantly same information as
our database.

Maersk Line 13

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

You can
open or
by clicking
theby clicking

Please contact your respective customer service associate for supports on registration or
enquires on the e-invoice web product.

Single fax/email

Besides viewing your invoices on, we can also send invoices to you
through single fax or email. If you would like us to send all the invoices to you via a
single fax/email, please contact our payment center for assistance via the below
Telephone: 852-37653765 Quick dial 8/6/8

4.8 Invoice dispute

For any rate in the invoice which is different from the rate quoted in a valid contract:
1) Please select the specific open invoice and press the Callout box in the Action
column in MyFinance for the specific shipment on, and input the
reason of dispute, invoice section and also the dispute details.

Maersk Line 14

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

Once you select the action in this case create inquiry icon it will display a new
screen where you are requested to enter the details of the dispute.
Three mandatory fields need to be filled in order to create the dispute case:
1. Reason mandatory field
2. Comments mandatory field
3. Contact data mandatory field
4. Reference optional field

Maersk Line 15

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

Please contact your respective customer service associate for supports in Invoice
Dispute at MyFinace.
2) Or please contact our payment center and verify the correct rate for your
Telephone: 852-37653765 Quick Dial: 8/6/8

4.9 Bill of Lading Collection

Bill of Ladings should be picked up within 10 calendar days after the departure of the first
vessel (including barge). Late Bill of Lading Pickup fee would be charged as follow if bill of
landings are not picked up timely:
New level of tariff will be effective from the first vessel loading date on (or after) 15th
January 2008 (including barge).
Payment Location
Hong Kong / Macau

Mainland China excluding Hong

Kong / Macau

Late Bill of Landing Pickup Fee

(per bill)
HKD400 for over 10 days;
HKD800 for over 21 days and
HKD1500 for over 31 days
RMB400 for over 10 days;
RMB800 for over 21 days and
RMB1500 for over 31 days

Same charge will also be applied to Seaway Bill late freight payment.

What should I do before collecting the Bill of Lading?

Maersk Line 16

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

1. Check vessel departure date as Bill of Lading will only be ready for issuance after
vessel sailed
2. Check verify copy to ensure no further amendments are needed
3. Check the amount that needs to be settled
4. Bring along required items to collect the Bill of Lading:
Verify copy or invoice
Gate-move record or other authorized letter
Company chop
Valid export license if required
Settlement of freight charges
Where can I collect the Bill of Lading?

Online at
After making sure the correctness of the verify copy and invoices, you can make
deposit to our bank account as follow:
Name of Bank: The Hong Kong and Shanghai banking Corporation Limited
Address of Bank: HSBC Main Building 1 Queens Road Central Hong Kong
Account Name: Maersk Hong Kong Limited
Swift code: HSBCHKHH
Hong Kong Dollar Account Number: 047-186390-001
US Dollar Account Number: 502-863111-201
After making the deposit, please email us the copy of the payment slip to with carbon copy (c.c.) to and
we would post the Bill of Lading online once we had received the payment. For
Bill of Lading secured paper ordering or other details involving the process of
collecting the Bill of Lading online, please contact your respective customer
service associate.

Maersk Line Counter (* Only for Negotiable Bills)

Besides collecting the Bill of Lading online, you can come to our counter to collect
the Bill of Lading at the following address during the office hours; Counter Office
has been moved to Kwai Chung (Lai King MTR Station Exit B) with effective on
15 Oct 2012:
2nd Floor, Modern Terminals Warehouse Phase II, Berth one, Kwai Chung
Container Terminal, Kwai Chung.
Office Hours:
Mon Fri
08:30AM 05:15PM
08:30AM 12:30PM
Closed on Public Holidays

counter removal
(to public).pdf

Maersk Line 17

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

* With effective from 25 th February 2008, we would stop the issuance of

original seaway bill at counter in order to provide better services and avoid
long queue at our counter. If you would like to print your original seaway bill
on web, please contact our customer service at 852-37653765 for
How to avoid a long wait at the counter?
Time for queuing up at our counters varies within the day and customer may need to
wait up to 2 hours or more during peak hours. Thus, we encourage our customers to
come to our counter during the non-peak hours, i.e. 08:30AM 09:30AM and
12:30PM 03:00PM.

5 Quick Contact
Here is the quick contact of all trade lanes. All of the customers are welcome to
contact our customer service representative via the following hotline numbers and
email addresses.

General Enquiries:


Oceania Trade
Africa Trade


Pacific Trade


Quick Dial
866 (Chinese)
9966 (English)
865 (Chinese)
9965 (English)
864 (Chinese)
9964 (English)

Email Address

863 (Chinese)
9963 (English)
Special Cargo Team
862 (Chinese)
9962 (English)
** For quick access, press the Quick Dial Code when the main voice menu prompted.

Maersk Line 18

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

6 Amendment Log
Version 4 (19 Nov 2007):
Added Special payment requirements (Cross-Trades) on Section 4.1
Added Section 4.6 on Switch Bill of Lading
Version 5 (28 Nov 2007):
Deleted the differentiation of e-si & non e-si on Section 4.3
Version 6 (3 Jan 2008):
Added the USD bank account on Section 4.8
Updated new tariff of Late Bill of Lading Pickup fee which would be
effective from 15 Jan 2008 on Section 4.8
Updated the Hotline number on Section 5
Version 7 (12 Feb 2008):
Added the arrangement of issuance of Original Seaway Bill on Section 4.8
Version 8 (5 Mar 2008):
Updated the fax number of the document department for Asia, Africa,
Australia & Middle East shipments on Section 4.2.3
Version 9 (28 Mar 2008):
Updated the new fax numbers of the document department which will be
effective on May 1st on Section 4.2.3
Version 10 (14 May 2008):
Updated the contacts of the Middle East team.
Version 11 (28 July 2008):
Updated the SI closing time for Japan shipments under Section 4.4
Version 12 (02 December 2008):
Updated the Switch Bill of Lading Fee under Section 4.6
Version 13 (15 DECEMBER 2008):
Updated the contacts for all trade after restructuring the
organization for customer service department.
Updated the turn time of sending out the verify copy of B/L under Section
Updated the arrangement of disputing an invoice under Section4.8
Version 14 (03 MARCH 2009):

Maersk Line 19

Customers Handbook Overview on Procedure in Maersk Line from booking to collection of Bill of Lading

Updated the Switch BL fee from HKD625 to HKD650 effective from

1/Apr/2009 under Section 4.6
Moved Middle East trade from EUR department to AAA department.

Version 15 (16 MARCH 2008):

Updated the email address and fax number for SI submission effective
from 16/MAR/2009.

Version 16 (18 October 2010):

Updated the email address of Payment Centre to effective from 3 August 2010
Updated the email address of GSC to effective
from 17 Oct 2010
Updated invoices to be retrieved at MyFinance instead of I-Receivable
under Section 4.7 and Section 4.8
Version 17 (17 October 2010):
Updated the email address of Africa team to
Updated Amendment Fee tariff under Section 4.5

Maersk Line 20

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