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Annual Title 1 Parent

Ygnacio Valley High School

What is Title I?
K-12 federal program for schools
with high percentages of
socioeconomically disadvantaged
Helps all students
meet state and federal
academic standards (Common
reach proficiency levels on
yearly assessments.

Goals of Title I
Increase academic achievement
Provide direct instructional
support to students
Provide professional development
Promote parent education and

Parent Rights
Request meetings and trainings
Review annual parent involvement
effectiveness survey
Review the schools achievement data
Review the parent involvement plan in the
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Review and modify the Title I Parent
Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact

Parent Involvement
The School Site Council (SSC)
provides parents with an opportunity
to be involved in the academic
program of the school. The SSC
develops, monitors, and evaluates the
Single Plan for Student Achievement
(SPSA) to implement programs and
services that support students.

Parent Involvement
at Our School
School Site Council
Athletic Boosters
Music Boosters
Grad Nite

Achievement Data
Local, state and federal data
AYP/API status
Use data to align curric. to state
Adjust instructional practices based
on the findings of the assessment data

Our School
Performance Data
API score: 655
Made AYP: No
Met 11 of 22 AYP Criteria

Single Plan for Students

Achievement or SPSA
Parents receive information about:
Curriculum in English/ Language Arts
and Math, as well as other core
Assessments used to measure student
progress in these academic areas

Single Plan for

Student Achievement
Conditions of learning
Pupil outcomes

Single Plan for Student Achievement



Common Core State

Standards, new CA ELD
Standards training for all

Classes where the new

standards are fully

Improve community outreach,

parent/student participation,
and attendance and reduce
suspension rates

Engagement, participation, and

student attendance will be
increased and student
suspensions will be reduced.

9th graders are failing their

classes. Increase graduation
rates and prepare students for
college and careers.

9th graders will be in an

enrichment program, and all
students will have highly
trained teachers.

Title I Funds
[Federal Funds]

Allocated on basis of number of

students eligible for
free/reduced lunch. Schools may
receive Title I funds if 40% or
more of students are eligible for
free/reduced lunch.
YVHS has >75% of students
eligible for free/reduced lunch.

Title I Funds

[Federal Funds]

Schools in Mt. Diablo Unified School

District are ranked according
percentage of students participating in
the Free and Reduced Meal Program and
schools receive an equal amount of
money per student.

Title I Funds
[Federal Funds]

One percent of a schools total Title I

budget is for parent involvement
Funds must supplement, not supplant

The Title I
Parent Involvement Policy
Every Title I school, in collaboration with
parents, must prepare a site level parent
involvement policy which describes how
the school will involve the parents in an
organized, ongoing, and timely way in the
planning, review, and improvement of the
Title I program at their school.

The Home/School
The Home/School Compact
describes the responsibilities of the
school, the parent, and the student
for improved student achievement.

The Home/School Compact


Developed in collaboration among

parents, teachers and students
Reviewed Annually, Updated if needed
ESEA recommends that compacts be
Distributed with site Title I Parent
Involvement Policy

Questions and Answers

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