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From Goddess to Slut in one step, or how I came to be where I am today.

As you may or may not know, I have been in the on-line Domme/sub life for over 6 years.
It started when I left my parents home and moved to other end of the state. My parents, while loving and good
parents were VERY strict, very controlling. Until the day I left their home, they controlled what I ate, what I wore,
when I went to bed, when I woke up. They also did not allow me to date.
I did have one boyfriend while in high school but all he wanted was sex. He really did not care for me, only me
meeting his sexual needs.
When I left home, I found myself alone. No family, no friends, only co-workers and a few acquaintances. Maybe I
was alone because I was shy, maybe I was afraid, or maybe I needed someone to control me.
I remember watching the movie Shawshank Redemption, and feeling an affinity with Red when he said things like,
These walls are funny. First you hate em, then you get used to em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on
them, and Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I cant squeeze a drop without say-so.
That is how I felt being on my own I needed someone to give me permission to piss.
I missed the rules my parents had for me, I missed being controlled. I found that I was not good at making decisions.
About that time I signed up for MYSPACE, in the hope that I would find people my age in my area who wanted to
be friends, people who had some clue as to what life was all about.
Needless to say I gravitated toward strong women. I was fascinated by the idea of MYSPACE Mistresses, girls and
women who controlled other girls and women. Until that time my only association with Mistress was the woman a
man used to cheat on his wife.
I found Miss Grace and her slave Erin, or maybe she found me.
Grace seemed like a very dominant woman, she said she controlled Erin in every aspect of her life. Including sex!
OMG someone who might tell me it was ok to have sex, someone who would tell me that I must have sex. It did not
take long before I was begging Miss Grace to own me too.
Unfortunately, Miss Grace was not what I was hoping she would be, not what I needed. Instead of telling me to have
sex, to date, what to wear to work, she had me write stories, stories about dommes and subs. Stories about what I
wanted her to do to me.
After a while I grew bored and frustrated of only writing stories, of only thinking about the things I wanted to do.
I was surprised when Lady Sheri started to talk to me. She was a Lady in a family ruled by a Goddess. A family of
dommes who controlled/trained subs. She expressed an interest in me because of how willing I was to do as I was
Somehow, she convinced Miss Grace to give me to her. I am not sure if give is the correct word, might be I was
sold, or traded, I am not sure because I was never told the details only that I now belonged to Lady Sheri.
When I left Miss Grace she told me that some day, somehow she was going to own me again and that she would
take great pleasure in making me her slut again. I told her that I though she would become my slut, before I ever
went back to being owned by her.

Over the years I became a favorite of Lady Sheri and was promoted from whore, to slut, to Lady Sheris private
chambermaid. While still a member of the family, I was Ladys personal servant. I was charged with servicing her
personally and acting as a go between the sluts and whores and Lady Sheri. She shared her training methods with
me, taught me how to control as well as be controlled. As she was promoted I went with her. She eventually was
promoted to Goddess, owner of the family.
While I was with Lady Sheri, I occasionally talked with Mistress Grace. During our conversations we would remind
each other that we both thought we would own the other. I am not sure who suggested it, but we made a bet. We
each bet that the other would be the first to ask to be owned.
To say the phrase, I submit to you, ________. Please accept me as your slut.
The winner got to accept the loser as their private/personal slave for at least one month. The loser would have to do
whatever they were told by the winner, but it would be a private arrangement. No one else would know.
Lady Sheri left or was forced out of the family but before she left she promoted me to the rank of Goddess, owner of
the family. I was now the supreme rule and all the Ladies, Mistresses, sluts and whores belonged to me.
I ruled as head of the family for approximately two years. I think I was a good Goddess, owner, trainer. Everything
was good.
Recently, while talking with real life friends and dominants, we got into a discussion about what makes a good
owner, what makes a good dominant. I said that I felt in order to understand the sub; the domme had to know what it
was like. That I had risen from sub to domme and that I would not ask any of my subs to do anything that I was not
willing to do myself. They challenged me to; put my money where my mouth was in other words prove that I
meant what I said by doing what they told me. I had to agree.
We agreed that for a weekend they could control me, I would tell the truth no matter who it hurt, I would do what
they told me to do, whatever they told me to do. It expanded as the weekend went on and they invited friends both in
real life and on-line to join the fun.
Yes, at first it was fun. They had me show my body to strangers, say nasty things to guys and girls we met. Tell
people on line that I was whore. It got tiring pretty quickly because so much time was spent doing what I was told.
It was during this weekend, that I heard from Miss Grace. I do not know if someone told her about my situation or if
it was just a coincidence. We had our usual small talk, jokes about the other, rude comments. I was not as rude, how
could I be, I had to tell the truth. So, how could I tell her that she was fat, or ugly or a whore?
She asked me if I remember our bet of course I said, Yes.
She told me that she was sure I would lose and soon she would own me. Not knowing what she knew I said, that
might be possible, or not.
She said she wanted to up the ante. The winner would be the owner not for a month but forever. It would still be a
private thing; the time limit would never expire. She told me to agree to the new terms.
I had to say I agreed. I had to accept the new terms; I had to do what she told me.
I do not know if she sensed I was willing or if she was told I would do what ever she said, but she asked me why I
had agreed so readily. I had to tell her about the pledge I made to do what I was told, say what I was told and not lie.
She danced around it for a little while, she teased and tormented me but finally she asked, So if I tell you to say,
and write

I submit to you, Mistress Grace. Please accept me as your slut.

you would do it?
I did not want to answer; I knew what would happen as soon as I did. As soon as I said and wrote those words, my
life would change forever.
She prodded me, say it whore, tell me you want to submit, write the words that will make you mine.
Then she said, I am telling you to write the words, I submit to you, Miss Grace. Please accept me as your slut.
I did it. I wrote the words. In an instant I was her property again.
My friends were amazed that I would go so far to prove that I truly believed what I said that I would allow myself to
become a slut to someone who I swore I would never serve. I had to do it. I had to hold true to my belief.
Besides I thought to myself, no one will know, it will be a private thing. I can do this, maybe I can turn the tables on
her get her to release me.
Miss Grace took full advantage of my place as her slut. She had me do some things, she told me how I should greet
her on line, how I should start my e-mail to her.

Miss Grace, I kneel before you, bow to kiss your feet, arise with my tongue pushed out in the hope that you
will allow me to lick your asshole.

She told me that as her whore, she owned me and expected me to do whatever I was told. I agreed because that is
what I expected from the girls I owned, how could I do less.
She quickly returned to having me write stories for her Domme/sub stories. I wrote but she demanded the stories
get longer while the time to write them got shorter. I was busy at work, everyone was under investigation because
one of the girls was stealing from the company, and I got behind in my stories.
Miss Grace warned me that I would be punished, it would not be pretty and that I would be sorry, but I did not meet
the deadline. I failed to complete a story on time, the deadline passed.
Next thing I knew she had outted me, she told everyone that I was her slut. I was a whore in the family that she now
owned. That I was to be the lowest of the low in the family, even those new sluts would be able to use me, humiliate
me and have fun at my expense.
I have rules I must follow:

I cannot lie.
I cannot tell anyone what to do, or make suggestions.
I cannot make decisions
I must do what I am told.

Mistress Grace, I submit to you, please accept me as your slut.

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