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Blaming is when someone said that person did a mistake that should be her/his responsibility,

like choosing wrong way.

Blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something done
(badly or wrongly) or not done.
Expressing Blaming
How could you do such a thing?
Its your mistake/fault.
I think you are to blame.
I think you are the one who could have done it.
Are you out of your mind?
I cant believe that you did it.
I hope youre sorry.
I hope you are sorry for....
Serves you right.
What on earth were you thinking?

Eunike ghea Leilani


Blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something
done (badly or wrongly) or not done.

Expressions of Blaming Someone :

It was your fault
You are the one to blame
Serves you right

Someone who accused of blamed usually declines it. The following are the responses used
Its not true
It wasnt me
You are wrong, I didnt do it
I 'm not the one to blame

Nadine Brilianta http://nadinenot.blogspot.com/2013/10/conversation-by-using-accusing-and.html

1. Blaming Someone (Menyalahkan Seseorang) Blaming is when someone said that person did
a mistake that should be her/his responsibility, like choosing wrong way. Blaming is an
expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something done (badly or
wrongly) or not done.
Expressing Blaming Responses of blaming How could you do such a thing? Sorry for my
fault. Its your mistake/fault. Im sorry for the things. Ive done . I think you are to blame. Its
my responbility. Im sorry. I think you are the one who could have done it. It's not true Are you
out of your mind? It wasn't me I cant believe that you did it. You are wrong, I didn't do it I hope
youre sorry. I am not the one to blame I hope you are sorry for.... Serves you right. What on
earth were you thinking?
Kiki Fransiska

Already know what is the meaning of blaming? blaming it means menyalahkan. Surely this must have
been done by all the days of his life right? so we have to learn this, because it certainly will we do when
we realize it or not, that we are not wrong, let us discuss this matter further.
In English blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something
done (badly or wrongly) or not done or when someone said that person did a mistake that should be her
/ his responsibility, like choosing wrong way.
Well there is a lot of blaming expressions

You are the one to blame

Serves you right
You are to blame for steel my
It is you fault!
You have to be responsible for this!
It's all because of you!
I accuse you on ...
I charge you for ...
Why you did this to me?
How can you did that to her!
You are behind all this!
I blame you on ...
You are to blame for punching the door!
It's your responsibility!
You should finish what you've started!

Well now that we are in the position of the blame, there are examples to respond blame :

Im sorry. Its my fault

Sorry for my fault

Im sorry for the things. Ive don
Its my responsibility. Im sorry

Devina Aulia Aziza http://deviinaziiza2010.blogspot.com/2012/12/blaming-and-accusing.html

Pertanyaannya, apa sih perbedaan keduanya? Sebenarnya

memang mirip-mirip, seperti halnya kata "menyalahkan" dan
"menuduh" yang juga mirip-mirip maknanya. Tapi menurut aku
sih, blaming itu lebih ke arah memberikan beban tanggung
jawab atas sesuatu hal yang seharusnya tidak terjadi. Terkadang,
sesuatu yang dilakukan orang lain, tapi hal yang seharusnya
tidak terjadi itu berada dibawah tanggung jawabnya, maka orang
itu akan disalahkan. Sementara accusing sifatnya lebih spontan
dan dimaksudkan supaya orang itu mengakui apa yang
dituduhkan. Selain itu, tuduhan itu juga disampaikan kepada
orang yang memang diyakini bersalah dan melakukan hal yang
tidak seharusnya itu.

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