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AT 15.00 Hrs on 13.01.2009, the Secretary the revised Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance without
Department of Posts took a meeting with the Secretary including the HRA & other allowances. We pointed
General NFPE and all General Secretaries of affiliated out that as per the Honourable High Court of Madras
Unions / Associations of NFPE in the Committee the allowances also should be taken into account for
Room, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi on our Charter of computation of daily wages for these sections and
Demands submitted by us on 10.12.2008 [which were that from 1.1.2006 the arrears also should be paid.
reproduced along with the Strike Notice on 2.1.2009 While the date of effect from 1.1.2006 was not
also]. disputed, the computation of daily wages by including
From the Official Side the Postal Board the Allowances like HRA etc the Official Side did not
Members, Member [P] and Member [D] and DDG agree. It was pointed out by the Official Side that as
[Estt]; DDG [P]; Director [SPN]; and Director [SR] per the observation of the Madras High Court the basic
were present. order of the Main Finance is being revised by the
The Main Charter of Demands submitted by Government in this matter. We anyway urged for early
us was completely discussed. The following is the orders.
actual position and outcome of the discussion but we 3. Screening Committee: The Secretary [P]
have to wait for the official minutes for confirmation. stated that a meeting of the Committee headed by
We pointed out that no minutes were supplied to us DOPT Secretary is convened on 21.01.2009 and that
for the official meeting held by the Member [P] on this exemption for Postal Department would be
16.09.2008 on pay commission related issues including obtained on that day. All vacant posts in all cadres
formation of anomaly committee. We also pointed out would be thereupon cleared for filling up.
that appointments to meet informally the Secretary 4. Holding Periodical / JCM Departmental
[P] and Members of Postal Board is not quickly Council Meetings: It has been agreed to hold both
forthcoming to the Secretary General and General the Periodical Meeting with Federation and affiliated
Secretaries and that there should be preference in Unions / Associations and the meeting of Departmental
meeting us informally. The Official Side agreed to issue Council JCM as per the schedule.
minutes to that meeting. The informal meetings would 5. April 2007 Strike Settlement: An Action
be given on prior appointment. Thereupon the following Taken Report on the April 2007 Strike Settlement has
issues were discussed with the following results: been supplied by the Administration. The non filling
1. GDS Committee: The abnormal delay in up of HSG-I/HSG-II/LSG posts and non grant of
submission of report by the Senior Officers Committee notional promotions and non filling up of residual
headed by Shri. P.K.Gopinath Chief Postmaster vacancies as agreed upon were pointed out. Secretary
General Delhi Circle was pointed out by us and our [P] directed the DDG Estt to pass instructions on filling
fear that this type of delay would cause serious up of residual vacancies. Other issues of settlement
problems in implementation of the Report with the not implemented also pointed out. It is stated that
modifications sought by us if the Election Commission after studying the Action Taken Statement, the Staff
announced elections in February. Secretary [P] Side can have further discussions with the Directorate
conceded that there has been some delay on the part on those issues. It was agreed to issue revised syllabus
of the Gopinath Committee and instructed that the for LGO Examination by modifying the existing
Report should be submitted to the Department by the recruitment rules.
Committee without further delay. The Secretary [P] 6. Sectional Charter of Demands submitted
also assured us that well before the Election on 15.02.2008: An Action Taken Report on all the 200+
Commission announcement the implementation would issues has been supplied to us by the Directorate in
be ensured and by the end of January the issues would the meeting. The Secretary [P] requested us to study
be sent to Cabinet after providing us the opportunity. the same and sit with various concerned DDGs for
2. Refixation of wages of Paid Substitutes / detailed further discussion. [The complete Action Taken
RRR/ Casual / Contingent etc: The issue is being Report will be placed in the web site shortly for the
referred to DOPT on the advice of Internal Finance. information of the members. The outcome of
However the refixation will be made on the basis of discussions with respective DDGs on the Sectional
Charter of Demands also will be communicated after in delivery pattern and staff. The Secretary did not agree
such meetings are over] to issue any instructions before normalcy restored in
7. Cadre Review of all Cadres: The Secretary GPO Hyderabad.
[P] directed the DDG [Estt] to study the Cadre Review 11. Withdrawing SLP against RRR: The Official
proposals submitted by the Unions. The proposals of Side did not agree for withdrawal of SLP by stating
the Unions would be subsequently discussed with us. that the SLP was filed on the advice of Law Ministry
On our part we have placed all arguments in favour of etc. We presented the arguments that the action of
cadre restructuring and the earlier agreement in going on SLP was unjustified. We pointed out that
principle with the former Secretary [P] on this matter. while the administration could take one-time measure
8. Improving the ACP for implementation: It regularisation for ad-hoc appointees in the past, why
has been agreed by the Secretary [P] that on release similar yardstick could not be extended to RRR
of DOPT Orders on modified ACP Scheme a special candidates also. Our arguments were heard but no
meeting between the Official and Staff Side can be positive response from Official Side was forthcoming
immediately held to finalise the same. in favour of withdrawal of SLP.
9. Removal of victimisation: We have pointed 12. Higher Pay Scale for Postmen/Mailguard:
out the increasing number of victimising Rule 37 transfer It was stated by the Official Side that orders have been
of office bearers of unions in several circles. The since issued on this matter. We pointed out that the
recovery of huge sums ordered in lieu of over payment omission of Mailguards is delaying grant of the same
of Postmen pay fixation after 5th CPC and huge to Mailguard staff in several places and requested
recovery in the name of contributory negligence were proper instructions. We have also pointed out that
raised by us. The Official Side agreed to reconsider the absence of any such orders for grant of higher
the issue of recovery of over payment of Postmen pay scale of pay to Matriculate Group D and the failure
fixation. On contributory negligence cases individual to instruct training for non-matriculate Group D so
cases will be reconsidered on merit. On victimisation far is causing great resentment. It was assured by the
the Official Side maintained that those orders were Official Side that instructions would be soon issued
issued on specific cases. for grant of higher pay scale to Matriculate Group D
10. New Schemes without consultation: We and that the required training for all non-matriculate
pointed out the problems we face due to sudden Group D would be imparted and higher scale granted
introduction of new schemes without proper training to them also before the end of February 2009.
and time for the staff. The problem faced due to sudden 13. Higher Pay Scale to Head Mail Peon: The
introduction of e-MO without sufficient infrastructure Official Side maintained that the Head Mail Peon cadre
like uninterrupted internet connectivity, installation of is not on par with Postmen cadre but belong to a Group
software and its activation, training of staff in the module D cadre. On assigning the job of Head Mail Peon in
etc were pointed out. Similarly on new projects like MMS they were treated as on deputation and higher
Project Arrow for which the Staff Side had given its pay was granted on par with Postmen. If the deputed
support for improving the public amenities, the amount Group D is already on TBOP or BCR they were being
of work pressure on Postmasters, staff and Postmen given the same TBOP or BCR level of pay. The Head
etc were pointed out. The curtailment of delivery, Mail Peon is not a separate cadre on par with Postmen
reduction of postmen, single beat system, change of / Mailguard. However on our insistence the official side
attendance and transfer of staff etc being resorted to agreed to further discuss the issue.
at many offices earmarked for Project Arrow. The 14. Notional Fixation to Artisan Grade I from
ongoing struggle in Hyderabad GPO also was pointed 1.1.96: The Official Side did not agree this demand on
out and discussion with the staff side before introduction the ground the anomaly existed in the matter of Artisan
of such schemes was insisted. The Official Side Grade I and Grade II has been sorted out by the 6th
agreed to look with open mind about single beat Pay Commission. The new anomaly between the
system or double beat system on the basis of the Artisan Grade I and Charge Hand caused by the
concrete condition prevailing in a particular office and recommendations of the Pay Commission is being
not on mechanical manner. Regarding Hyderabad GPO addressed by the Department. The Staff Side can have
the Secretary [P] appealed for restoring normalcy of further discussions with the DDG [Estt] on this matter.
delivery work first for intervention thereafter. We 15. Redistribution of LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I in Admn:
appealed that the Chief PMG may be instructed for The issue would be further discussed with the Staff
holding discussion with the Circle Unions based on Side by the Director [SPN].
the proposals of the staff side presented before the 16. Withdrawal of decentralisation of PLI/
DPS HQ and till such time status-quo be maintained RPLI: The issue would be addressed with an open
mind by the administration in the backdrop of new pending bills is the only remedy to the problem. The
technology to be introduced and its impact on the over Official Side requested for the full circle wise details of
all situation. long pending bills which we have agreed to provide.
17. Periodicity of deputationists to COs: The 22. System Administrators: The move of the
Official Side expressed difficulty in conceding this issue Department calling for interested Technology
immediately. However once the exemption from Consultant was pointed out by the Staff Side and we
Screening Committee is permitted we can revert the asked for details of the same and also questioned as
deputationists to their parent units since new to whether any existing work of the department would
recruitment can take place in COs. be outsourced. The Official Side clarified that the
18. Decentralisation of Postal Accounts: The technology for core banking and national networking
Official Side confirmed that there are no moves to etc are to be provided only by a specialist Consultant.
decentralise the postal accounts at present. The The Official Side told that the Department would be
integration of all Accounting streams in DOP will be moving in the direction of a separate Technology Wing
taken care of by introduction of future technology. in the Department of Posts with specific cadres on
19. Restoration of 3 year periodicity for Sr. the basis of specified qualifications and recruitment
Accountants: The Official Side informed that this has Rules. We requested that the services of present
not been approved by DOP&T. We contradicted this System Administrators should be recognised and they
point and thereupon official side agreed to look into should be absorbed in the new technology wing and
this matter. Further discussions would follow on this the Official Side agreed to keep this in mind. The
issue. difficulties faced by the System Administrators were
20. Regularisation of Casual Labourers: The explained in the meeting by us and it was agreed by
Official Side agreed to reconsider its stand of rejecting the Official Side that the responsibility for signing
grant of Temporary Status to Casual Labourers who AMC for UPS with Service Providers etc is not
completed 240 days / 206 days of work in a year in contemplated as such task is on the Circle Offices
operative / administrative offices even though they were only and that for undertaking tour for attending different
recruited before the cut off date of 29.11.1989. offices necessary mileage allowance etc as available
21. Pending OTA and other Bills: The Official to other Government Staff would be instructed to be
Side maintained that no pending claims from Circles provided.
are lying for want of funds from Directorate as per the 23. Revised duties of Postmen: We raised the
note of the Budget Branch. We opposed this stand issue of recent orders on revised duties of Postmen
and pointed out the pending bills in different circles. staff entrusting preparation of beat lists for registered
We also requested the Secretary to help the articles, MOs and speed articles in computer and
acceptance of OTA Arbitration Award but the Official taking returns after delivery and pointed out the
Side explained its incapacity on this matter which has difficulties and other problems involved in transferring
to be dealt by us in the Standing Committee JCM only. the work of PAs to Postmen in this manner. The Official
We suggested that one time measure clearing of all Side agreed to reconsider the issue.
CHQ Letter No.P/4-1/Staff Dated : 22.12.2008 addressed information.
to all Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers. No. 16/101/2008-SR Dated : 1 December, 2008
The CHQ has taken a case with the Directorate Sub.: Awarding punishments by quoting
that many disciplinary authorities are awarding rules/authority outside the Departmental
punishments without quoting the rules contained in manuals-reg.
volumes and merely using their authority outside the I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/4-1/Staff
department manuals. dated 10.11.2008 on the above mentioned subject.
The Directorate in turn sought some specific 2. It is requested to refer the specific cases for
cases for examination on the matter. There may be examination of the matter at this end.
many such cases in each circles. If two selected Yours faithfully
cases from each Circle are furnished, it will certainly
help the CHQ to focus this issue very effectively.
(Subhash Chander)
It is requested to furnish the details of such cases
Director (SR&Legal)
immediately or at least before 15.01.09 to CHQ. The
N.B. : Pl expedite reply
copy of the Directorate letter is enclosed herewith
Short Notes on P-3 Charter of Demands
(Gists sent to Secretary (Posts) vide CHQ seniors for the vacancies of the earlier periods.
letter no. P/4-1/Agitation dt. 3.1.09) Moreover the Directorates instructions contained in
1. Filling up of LSG, HSG II and HSG I posts. letter no 137-04/2006- SPB II 9Pt) dt 16.5.07 (ie) the
(i) Recast the notional promotions since DPC should be realistic and objective in their
1982/1983 onwards and fill up all vacant posts of assessment in order to avoid unnecessary staff
LSG /HSG II & HSG I grievances and depriving dues of the staff for promotion
Despite crystal clear orders of the Directorate dated - has not been practiced in any circle
20.11.06 prescribing the check list for LSG, HSGII & (v) Date of LSG promotion be calculated
HSG I promotions, the notional promotions had not from the date of issue of orders and not from the
been implemented properly in many circles. date of joining.
1. In respect of M.P, Punjab, Bihar, Rajasthan, In many circles like Tamilnadu, the Circle
J & K, west Bengal circles, the notional LSG Heads ordered LSG promotions on regular basis
promotions are not accorded so far. against the vacancies and intimated that the
2. The revision of notional promotion as per May promotions of the officials will take effect from the date
2007 instructions has not been carried out in many on which the officials actually join the post of LSG.
circles like West Bengal, Orissa etc. Some officials have been posted in the same
3. In respect of Orissa circle, the irregularity in office or nearby who could immediately assumed charges
the notional promotions has not yet been settled on receipt of orders and the others have to wait for their
despite the visit of the Director (SPN). relief to hand over the charge before joining the new post.
Since there was no check prescribed for this This will result in postponement of HSG II
purpose, the due notional promotions have not been promotion for the later and also loss in his seniority in LSG.
carried out properly in many circles. The seniority list Hence the condition that the promotion will
of LSG officials after correcting the date of notional take effect from the date on which they actually join
promotion to LSG officials has not been circulated in the post of LSG should be removed. The date of
many circles for making representations by the promotion shall be taken in to effect from the date of
affected officials. issue of order for promotion.
(ii) Fill up 2/3 rd unfilled up LSG vacancies (vi) Grant of modification of LSG as one time
notionally from 7.2.02 to 18.5.06. measure for those aggrieved due to dearth of
Secondly the 2/3rd unfilled up vacancies from LSG vacancies / Rule 38 transfers.
4.1.02 to 18.5.06 have not been filled up on notional Since the LSG notional promotion was
basis on seniority. Due to this, there is dearth of LSG granted on notional basis in some divisions due to
officials for HSG II promotions as per recruitment rules more number of LSG posts in existence, the juniors
resulting in non filling up of such HSG II posts. got their LSG promotions. In other divisions, due to
(III) Relax minimum qualifying service for HSG II dearth of LSG posts, the seniors of deprived of LSG
promotion. notional promotion.
It was assured during the talks held in April 2007 Similarly, the Rule 38 transferees could not
to relax the minimum qualifying service for HSG II get their notional promotions due to application of the
promotion in order to fill up the HSG II posts in the absence divisional gradation list.
of eligible LSG officials. This has not been implemented. In order to mitigate the genuine grievances of
There are several HSG II posts remaining vacant. the above said officials in promotional aspects,
(iv) Irregular application of benchmark of modifications of LSG by granting notional promotion
current period for the grant of notional promotion. may be explored since the anomaly is prevailing due
According to DOPT instructions, application to various changes made in the procedures
of bench mark for LSG promotion was introduced only (vii) Drawal of pay to senior BCR officials in
in 2002 vide notification GSR 88 (E) communicated in HSG I posts as the pay scales of HSG II & BCR are
Directorate letter no 137-10-96-SPB II dated 19.2.02 one & the same and settlement of earlier
Whereas, in many circles, the benchmark of the officiating cases of Tamilnadu and West Bengal
current period had been wrongly applied for notional circles as one time measure.
promotions for the vacancies from 1984 onwards The pay scale of HSG II and BCR is one and
resulting denial of due LSG promotions to the entitled the same. After the modification of FR22 on 30.8.99,


any official holding / drawing the pay of HSG II on introduced on matching savings and they were different
regular basis even for a single day can very well officiate from ACP.
in HSG I, as these promotions are in the same general The Dept vide its letter no 137-18/2001 - SPB
line. The officiating pay for the officiating in HSG I posts II dated 23.4.01 clarified that up gradation under TBOP
by BCR officials have been denied in many circle. / BCR schemes and promotions to LSG / HSG II as
In some circles, the regular HSG II officials per the provisions of recruitment rules are two distinct
have been ordered to work in HSG I posts without any matters. The present application is in contradiction of
extra remuneration. the said orders.
In some circles like Tamilnadu, West Bengal, 3. FILLING UP THE APM ACCOUNTS LSG,
some senior BCR officials have been ordered to officiate HSG II POSTS AS PER THE 1976 LSG
in HSG I posts for more than one year during 2002 to ACCOUNTANT RECRUITMENT RULES.
2005 in the absence of clear cut clarifications on the The statutory rules of 1976 and rules 276 &
subject and the circle heads had already referred the 277 of Volume IV dealing the issue remain unchanged.
cases to Directorate to regularize the arrangements While clarifying the posting after the introduction of
beyond one year as one time measure which is FTP exam vide Dept letter no. 137 /10/96 - SPB II
pending over two years. The due officiating pay had dated 28.1.03, it was mentioned that the officials
neither drawn nor taken for retirement benefits. promoted to LSG either on General line or FTP having
(viii) Fill up the vacancies by relaxing the accounts qualifications may be considered for APM
minimum qualified service for HSG II and HSG I Accounts post. This has created a bundle of
promotions. contradictions and the separate line of promotion to
There was no DPC held in many circles during LSG APM Accounts has been disturbed and not carried
the last two or three years for HSG II and HSG I out thereafter.
promotions due to the absence of adequate qualified Rule 276 A (a) of P&T Manual Volume IV states
officials possessing the requisite service as per the that the appointment to the posts of LSG (APM
recruitment rules resulting all the supervisory posts Accounts) will be made from the PO & RMS Accounts
are being kept managed by the other senior officials. qualified officials in preference of their seniors in general
One time relaxation may be considered to fill up all gradation list even though such seniors have passed
vacant posts immediately till the relaxation provisions the old lower selection grade examination.
are incorporated in the recruitment rules. Rule 276 - A (b) of P&T Manual Volume IV states that
(ix) Anomaly in the preparation of PA Gradation the appointment to the post of Accountants in Higher
list. Selection Grade will be made from the officials in the
There is an anomaly prevailing in the LSG who have qualified the PO & RMS Accountants
preparation of PA Gradation list from 1983 onwards in examination and after passing the examination, he
many circles. In some circles, the date of confirmation should have worked as Accountant at least for three
was taken for the determination of the PA seniority. years.
Fixing seniority based on the date of confirmation is Now in many circles, by deviating the
unconstitutional and discriminatory. The date of recruitment rule 1976 and the statutory rules of volume
appointment should be taken for determination of IV, unqualified officials have been posted as APM
seniority at this later stage. Accounts in HSG II cadre and thus defeated the very
The CAT, Bangalore held in O.A.No 446/2007 purpose of existence of such qualified posts.
to dispose the case in accordance with Supreme Court The CAT, Chennai in its O.A. No 201/2006 in the case
judgment that seniority should not be based on the of Sri. P. Ramadoss Vs. the Principle Chief PMG,
date of confirmation. Tamilnadu circle held the separate identity of APM
2. WITHDRAW THE ORDERS DATED Accounts cadre and directed to conduct the DPC for
21.5.2007 DENYING BCR BENEFITS TO THOSE Accounts line without any procrastination based on
DECLINING LSG PROMOTION the Recruitment Rules dated 13.9.76 and issue
In Para 2 of the above said letter, it is clarified necessary promotion orders to the eligible Po &RMS
that if an official declines regular promotion after getting accounts line officials.
higher pay scale under TBOP/BCR promotion Hence, the following may be considered to
schemes, his / her placement in higher pay scale under overcome the present situation and injustice caused
BCR scheme / regular promotion be delayed for the to this cadre.
[period he / she declined regular promotion . 1. The LSG Accountants Recruitment Rules
This is arbitrary. The orders applicable to ACP 1976 shall be revived and applied for filling up of all
should not be applied to TBOP / BCR which were APM Accounts posts.
2. The Year of passing the PO & RMS officials. Earlier, the FTP qualified LSG officials are
Accountants Exam may be taken for the promotion to being forced to join in the delivery post offices and
LSG APM Accounts. now orders were issued to post them in project arrow
3. During the up gradation of 1622 HSG II posts, post offices. This will demotivate the regular officials
many APM Accounts posts were up graded to HSG II. and also causing frequent disturbance to the FTP
Resultantly, there is a dearth of LSG APM Accounts officials. Writing the Examination is a channel of
in the feeder cadre for promotion. Hence, it is requested promotion but that should not discriminate the officials
to restore the LSG position of APM Accounts to the among the equals.
extent of 50% of the total number of posts in Accounts Necessary orders may pl be issued by ending
cadre by upgrading the general lines post to HSG II. the discrimination prevailing now.
and this can be filled up with the LSG officials DT 22.10.07 ON SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATORS AND
possessing accounts qualifications. FOR UNIFORM AND CORRECT NORMS &
5. Reserve 20% of the establishment for HSG I Guidelines before passing sarcastic comments.
promotion in accounts cadre for providing promotion The comments contained in the said reference that
to HSG II APM Accounts. accessing the data base by the Systems Administrators
If the above proposal is considered, the present is dangerous has hurted the feelings of the officials who
problem will be over and if the accounts qualified are toiling very hard for the full computerization of the
officials are allowed to handle the accounts, it will postal service. Even on today, the contents of the said
improve efficiency in the prime accounting functions letter to make the divisional head as the custodian of
at the base levels. the data base is not in practice in anywhere and it is
4. FILLING UP OF RESIDUAL VACANCIES only in paper. The custody of data base should be
SINCE 1999 - 2000 ONWARDS WITHOUT ANY entrusted to the head of the office only for the smooth
FURTHER DELAY AND RETURN THE and uninterrupted functioning of the systems.
Despite the department caused orders to fill FOR THE OVERPAYMENT OF PAY & ALLOWANCES
up all residual vacancies vide its letter no 60 -5/2007 - TO POSTMAN ON ACCOUNT OF FIXATION OF PAY
SPB I dated 15.5.07 in very clear terms, this has not UNDER R. P.RULES.
been implemented in true spirit in most of the circles. The drawing and disbursing officers have been
In respect of Tamilnadu circle, 858 PA posts are still made as scapegoats in this case. According to Rule
being kept unfilled under this head. In Assam circle, 87 of P&T FHB Vol I, any excess payment can be
the posts have been abolished in some divisions recovered at any time. The Apex court also confirmed
without knowing the procedures. In respect of that any excess payment made to any administrative
Rajasthan 292 PA posts have not been filled up so far mistake, there is no rule which prohibits such recovery
for want of order from the Directorate. The Chief PMG, ( Udayasankaran vs. Union of India JT 1996 (4) (SC)
Orissa has submitted proposals for filling up the posts. It is most pertinent to point that the inspection
In Jharkhand 138 posts are still unfilled up. In parties like ICIR and Audit have approved and certified
Uttarkhand , 112 posts are still being kept unfilled up. such drawals in many places. The clarifications
The Chief PMG, West Bengal sought clarifications for regarding fixation of pay of Postmen in scale of Rs.
filling up of these posts. 2750 -4400 ( with two advance increments ) was issued
Almost all the circles are seeking clarifications only on 10.6.99 vide letter no 23-66/97-PE I (PCC)
and protracting this issue. Since no post was kept vacant, dated 10.6.99. The defective order dt 9.10.97 resulted
the question of revival does not arise. However, the contents in overpayments.
of the Directorate earlier letters no 4-2/20-3-SPB I dated Some circles have clarified in favour of the
20.12.03 and 60-1/2002-SPB I (Pt) dated 29.3.04 were drawal. For example, the Chief PMG, M.P.Circle vide his
taken as a ruse by the Circle Heads to simply refer the letter no EST / 1-166 /III/Rlg dated 12.10.98 clarified that
cases again to Directorate and remain silent. the fixation of pay in Postmen / Mailguard cadre is to be
Unless clear-cut instructions are not issued, fixed as on 1-1-96 in the pay scale of Rs. 2750-70-3800-
the issue will not be settled at circle level. 75-4400 as per CCS (RP) Rules, 1997 and two advance
5. UNJUST AND ARBITRARY increments may be given after fixation on 1-1-96.
DISCRIMINATION OF REGULAR AND FTP AMONG For the overpayments, the accounts branch
LSG OFFICIALS cannot alone be held responsible. Merely for non
The department is causing various orders obtaining declarations, they cannot be held responsible.
discriminating the regular and FTP among the LSG One Sri V.V.Nargide, APM Accounts, Pune City HPO
had been proceeded under Rule 14 on 31.12.2008 on deputed to APS to consider for extending the
the date of his superannuation directing him to credit Rs. benefits to all similarly situated persons. There
7,27,671.60.Any punishment should not handicap the after there is no action in this regard.
employees and demoralize him - The spirit of the Volume This demand is pending over decades and
III and FHB has been buried by this kind of actions. there should not be any discrimination between two
It is requested to protect the innocents by equals. It is requested to consider the case and cause
withdrawing unwarranted actions. appropriate orders for counting the past services of
A kind attention is invited to the Dte letter no OFFICES & RESTRICTION IN POSTING OF SPM
9 (1)/2004-PA Admn. I/501 to 504 dated 29.10.06 where DUE TO MINOR PENALTIES / CR ENTRIES, WHICH
in it is ordered that the special allowance drawn in lieu ARE IN VIOLATION OF PROVISIONS OF
of higher pay scales may be taken into account for STATUTORY RULES OF VOLUME IV
fixation of pay on promotion under ACP to the JAO The condition that the SPM working in Single
qualified candidates of Postal Accounts. / Double handed offices should not be posted back to
The above said instructions were issued with the same office during their entire service is against
the consultation of DOPT and we request the similar to the statutory rules of Postal manual Volume IV.
application of the clarification in respect of PO & RMS This has caused serious dislocations in the hill stations
accounts qualified officials also. The issue is pending and also in the divisions where larger number of singled
over ten years. handed offices available.
9. COUNTING OF PAST SERVICES OF The unwarranted suspicion on all employees
ERSTWHILE R.T.P. FOR PROMOTION AND will demoralize and demotivate them.
PENSION AS PER SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT. The orders may be rescinded.
Pl refer our letters on the reference which 11. GROUP B EXAMINATION.
contain full justification of this demand with concerned After The fifth commission, the department,
judgments and other Govt orders. In nutshell we request unmindful of the amendment of the recruitment rules
to consider the issue on the following main grounds. by due notification with the approval of nodal ministries,
(i) As per the Directorate letter dated 19.4.96, the has plunged into action to the controversial decision
implementation of the Ernakulam CAT judgment in permitting only those officials holding standard LSG
granting the past RTP service as regular service post on regular basis, blocking out all TBOP /BCR
for all purposes was restricted only to the officials. Earlier bunch of TBOP, BCR officials passed
applicants of the O.A. This is against to the the Group B examination. As such a sudden switch
decisions of the various judicial pronouncements over to standard LSG criteria has caused a concern.
that the benefits should be extended to the It is requested to permit all the officials having 20
similarly situated persons. years of clerical service irrespective of the fact whether
(ii) During 1970 to 1974, even the pre training services they are LSG or TBOP to write the Group B exam.
of certain officials engaged as postal clerk were 12. COUNTING THE TRAINING PERIOD FOR
regularized. The RTPs were trained and utilized INCREMENT AND PROMOTION TO THE
full time in the clerical posts to manage all the DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATES ALSO
works of the post office. Despite clear orders contained in Dte letter
(iii) The CAT, Chennai held that the services rendered no 44-47/98-SPB II dated 31.7.2000 & 27.7.2001,that
by the ex RTPs at APS shall be counted as the period of induction training period may also be
qualifying services for all purposes. The Chennai counted as qualifying service for the benefit of TBOP /
High Court, on appeal by the department has BCR promotions, this has not been implemented in
upheld the decision of the CAT in WP no 37117 to many circles. In Tamilnadu circle, due to the objection
37119 of 2002 and directed the department to of the circle IFA, huge recovery had been ordered and
extend the benefits. the promotion date had been postponed to next six
(iv) In another case, the Apex court under Civil Appeal month in most of the cases.
No.5739 of2005 filed by Sri M.Mathivanan, Postal It is requested to cause necessary instruction
Asst, Cuddalore division upheld the decision of in this regard and further it is requested to consider
extending the benefits and dismissed the appeal the induction service period of the LGOs as service
filed by the department with costs. rendered in Postal Assistant cadre if opted for fixation
(v) The Directorate has directed the Circle Heads to and other benefits.
collect, compile and furnish details of ex-RTPs 13. REVISION OF FSC TO POST OFFICES &
ENHANCEMENT OF HONORORIUM FOR RD PMC no incentive has been fixed for various items of work in
WORK IN SUB OFFICES, DEPARTMENT EXAM many circle. No incentive is paid for NRGEIS work in
INVIGILATION WORK ETC. Rajasthan, Assam, Chattisgarh etc. For acceptance of
1. The rates fixed for RD PMC work a decade electricity bills also no incentive is paid in many circles.
back needs revision. The norms were also revised. 5. The compensation for the work done by the
During 1996, the PMC was permitted without interest staff in connection with enrolment of new voters and
after one year. Now the PMC is allowed only after three selection of voters list has not yet been paid for the
years with SB interest. Resultantly IBB has to be work performed during 2006 due to non receipt of
worked out for more than three years consuming more amount from the Election commission.
time in the midst of RD decentralization. We request 6. Despite clear orders to grant MPCM allowance
to revise the rates as follows: to the Pas deployed at MPCM counter vide letter no
Sub Postmaster Rs. 5/00 per account. 43-3/93 PMR (Pt II) dated 17,1.94 and subsequent
Postal assistant Rs.10 per account. clarifications dated 21.10.97, the MPCM allowance
2. The Fixed Stationary charges fixed to offices has not been paid many circles like Delhi,
does not commensurate the expenditure being incurred Maharashtra, Uttarkhand etc.
for the purpose due to spiral increase of price. 7. The eligible S.B Allowance for the second
It is pertinent to mention that the GDs are getting more posting in the S.B.branch of the qualified officials has
FSC than the regular departmental officials. The fate not been paid in many divisions like Medak which was
of process initiated during 2007 is unknown. brought to your notice with several reminders.
3. At present, the following rate of honorarium is being 15.CREATION OF SYSTEM MANAGERS /
paid to the officials who are brought by the department ADMINISTRATORS POSTS & MARKETI NG
while conducting the departmental examination. EXECUTIVES. GRANT OF SPL PAY AND GRANT
(i) Supervisor : Rs.30 per session. OF ROAD MILEAGE ALLOWANCE WITHOUT
(ii) Invigilators. : Rs.20 per session RESTRICTIONS. TRAINERS ALLOWANCE FOR
The remuneration is very meager while comparing the CIRCLES.PROVIDING MOBILE PHONES. FIXING
strenuous job carried out by the officials. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF THEIR WORK
14. IMPLEMENT THE ASSURANCES MADE ON Pl refer our various letters on the subject in
19.4.07 IN FIXING INCENTIVE TO RPLI, IMT, which we explained the justification of the demand.
PASSPORT APPLICATIONS, NRGEIS, OTHER The following is the main demand in this issue.
BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ETC. GRANT OF OTA TO (i) Separate cadre with higher pay scales (Pay Band II)
OPERATIVE STAFF, DISPENSATION OF (ii) The present Systems administrators may be totally
CONFIRMATION EXAMINATION AS AGREED UPON absorbed in the elevated posts.
BY AMENDING THE PA/SA RECRUITMENT RULES. (iii) It may be declared as a promotional post to Postal
During discussions on 19.4.2007 with the assistants possessing requisite qualifications.
Secretary, it was stated that an internal committee The following requires immediate solutions to sort
will be appointed to process and decide the quantum out the work spot problems.
of honorarium/ incentive for the new business activities (i) Uniform guidelines on the roles and responsibilities
like RPLI, Western Union Money transfer, Processing of the Systems Administrators should be issued.
of Pass port applications, Verification of addresses (ii) Standard norms should be fixed taking into
for cell phones, NRGEIS etc and uniform application consideration of Geographical spread out of the
of honorarium in all circles for common works. This is division, the number of computerized HOs and SOs
yet to be finalized. and the status of the sub offices concerned.
2. It was assured to grant OTA to postal (iii) Since they have to attend any fault then and there
operative employees to manage the excess work due throughout the division, they should be granted
to absenteeism and shortage. No orders have been with Road Mileage allowance without any ceiling.
issued so far. (iv) Mobile phones may be supplied with talk value of
3. It was assured to dispense the confirmation Rs.500 per month.
examination and stated it will be included in the (v) Working hours has to be fixed. At least they may
proposed recruitment rules for Postal Assistants. be treated as outdoor staff like PRI (P) without
4. Despite clear directions from Directorate to insisting attendance by submitting weekly diaries.
grant incentive to the officials up to the extent of 25% (vi) For excess work and retention beyond working
from the additional revenue earned from the business hours, they should be compensated either in the
vide letter no 16-16/2007-08/BD &MD/P II dt 13,12.07, shape of overtime or incentive.
(vii) A panel should be maintained at divisional level and funds. Incentive should be paid on the spot which will
they should be posted as SAs. They should not be motivate and improve the business. It is requested to
reverted back as postal Asst without sound reasons. consider the same.
(viii) Trainers allowance may e granted since they are Attention: Even though it was agreed to grant incentive
imparting training on computer to all officials. for the schedule work in the accounts branch of the
(ix) A kit bag containing Nut drive set, CD bag, Pen head post offices in the PLI Directorate meetings, it is
drive, handy vacuum cleaner etc maybe provided. still pending. The honorarium fixed for processing the
(x) Priority may be extended while granting motor cycle PLI proposals at divisional office requires revision. The
advance treating them as emergent outdoor staff. annual ceiling be removed and the incentive should be
The following may also be considered. granted for all jobs without.
(i) The possession of SQL password may be 18. DRAWAL OF S.B.ALLOWANCES TO ALL
conferred with the Head of the office after imparting WORKING IN S.B.BRANCHES ON COMPUTERS.
training to overcome the problem of immediate solution With the introduction of total computerization and SB
of technical problems as this is now vested with the LAN in Post offices, any official who had undergone
divisional head. LAN training is ordered to work in S.B.branch. The
(ii) The software must be licensed. In many criteria of S.B.Aptitude test have now become irrelevant
cases, the higher ups call for reports/ slides prepared when the operations are fully computerized.
through Microsoft office without supplying it ever. This Further there is every justification to grant this
will encourage the software privacy. allowance to the SPMs working in single/double
(iii) The supply of stationeries and accessories handed offices.
like printing papers, ribbon or cartridge etc should be It is requested the SB Allowance may be paid
of good quality. to all those working in SB branches without condition
(iv) The AMC service has become source of of passing the examination.
constant trouble. At the time of acceptance of AMC, 19. REFUND OF FEE FOR APPEARING THE
the experience, establishment and reputation of the AMFI EXAMINATION TO ALL CANDIDATES.
company should be given some weight age as the According to Directorate instructions, the officials who
rate quoted. Pecuniary penalties should be awarded are appearing the AMFI test have to pay the fees of
to the AMC if they do not abide by the downtime or Rs.500 in the form of DD and the said amount may be
other clauses of the Govt. waived and refunded only to the successful candidates.
(v) The usage, maintenance, operation and This is arbitrary and unjust. The training is
replacement of UPS (especially UPS batteries) and pertaining for the services of mutual funds and UTI. In
departmental Generators should be planned and clear most of the divisions, the officials are compelled to write
guidelines should be issued. the test in order to promote the business of UTI. As such
16. ALLOTMENT OF ADEQUATE FUNDS TO CLEAR the denial of refund of exam fee is unjust and unfair.
ALL PENDING PERSONAL CLAIMS LIKE OTA, TA, The officials who qualify the exam have not
MEDICAL ETC SINCE 2002 - 2003. been paid with any higher pay. As such, the entire
The details of personal claims pending in each amount spent by the employees for examination be
circle have already been furnished in our earlier letters. borne by the department either on own or collecting
Unless a special sanction is sought from the Finance from UTI etc.
Ministry to wipe out all the pending bills as if had in 20. JAO QUALIFIED BE REGULARISED IN DOT BY
the past, the pendency will be increased manifold AGREEING TO THE PROPOSAL FOR COMMON CADRE
further. There is a total discontentment in the midst of There is a long wait listed candidates
employees due to non disbursement of their personal possessed the JAO qualification and await for regular
claims years together. absorption over decades. The vacancies in the DOT
It is requested to kindly bestow your kind may be offered to them at least by agreeing for a
attention in this pertinent issue and arrange special common cadre. It is our appeal that should be absorbed
sanction of funds to wipe out all the pending bills. at once either in the postal or in the Telecom. This
17. SPOT PAYMENT OF INCENTIVE TO SPM/ may pl be considered.
BPMFOR PROCURINGRPLI BUSINESS. GRANT OF With regard to charters 21 & 22, a detailed
INCENTIVE FOR SCHEDULE WORK letter will be sent within two days.
Despite the fact the incentive for procuring the
RPLI business is prescribed in the Directorate letter
dated 21.8.96 and 27.11.96, the incentive money has
not been paid to the officials' years together. There K .V. Sridharan
should be no link to pay the incentive with allotment of General Secretary
Action Taken Report on the issues raised in the Charter of Demands
submitted by NFPE and its affiliated Associations
19 Points Charter of Demands
1. Modify and improve the also recommended to the Government to review the
recommendations of Natarajan Murti Committee policy laid down in the Optimization Scheme.
and reject the retrograde recommendations (list In the light of DOP&T's O.M. No. 2/82/2007-PIC dated
of modifications/rejections endorsed separately). 31.7.2008 a proposal seeking exemption of this
u Report of Natarajan Murti Committee is till Department from the purview of the optimization
under examination by a Group of Senior Officers of scheme introduced vide Department of Personnel &
the Department. Training O.M. No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001 in
2. Re-fix the wages all Paid substitutes - RRR direct recruitment to civilian posts has since been sent
Candidates - Part Time/ contingent w.e.f. 1.1.2006 to Secretary, DOPT on 26.9.2008 for approval. As soon
on the basis of 6th CPC Revised Pay Scales. as the proposal is approved by the said Department,
u The issue is being referred to DOP&T on the necessary action will be taken to fill up the direct
advice of Internal Finance wing. recruitment vacancies in all the Postal Circles.
3. Exempt Postal Department from the It has already been decided at the level of
purview of Screening Committee and fill up all Secretary (Posts) that Departmental Examination to
vacant posts in all cadres immediately. the cadre of PA/SA for the year 2008 as per the existing
u The Department follows the scheme regarding syllabus. Accordingly DE branch was requested to
optimization of direct recruitment to civilian posts take further necessary action in the matter and the
contained in the DOP&T OM NO. 2/8/100-PC dated examination has already been held. The revised
16.05.2001 for filling up of direct recruitment vacancies. syllabus for Departmental LGO Examination to the
The validity of the scheme has been extended up to cadre of PA/SA in Postal and RMS Wing is separately
13.3.2009 vide DOP&T OM No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated under examination.
30.8.2006. According to these instructions, 1/3rd of 4. Hold periodical Meeting and JCM
the direct recruitment vacancies arising in a year Departmental Council/RJCM Regional Council
subject to a further ceiling of 1% of the sanctioned meetings as per the Schedule.
strength of the Department can be filled up after getting u Meetings will be held as per schedule.
clearance from the Screening Committee. The said 5. Implement all issues of April 2007 Strike
OM further provided that the vacancies finally cleared Settlement. Annexure I.
by the Screening Committee would be filled up duly u Statement of Action Taken Report enclosed
applying the rules for reservation for handicapped (Annexure I)
persons, compassionate quota thereon. The remaining 6. Negotiate and settle the sectional charter
direct recruitment vacancies are required to be of demands submitted by Federations and unions
abolished. The restriction imposed by the DOPT in on 15.02.2008
filling up the direct recruitment vacancies are applicable u Statement of Action Taken Report enclosed
to all Ministries/Departments. There is no restrictions (Annexure II)
in filling up the promotion post. Thus Departmental 7. Finalise Cadre Review for all cadre - creation
Promotion Committee meetings and Departmental of a separate establishment for System
Examination are being held to fill up promotion posts. Administrators and redressing their current problems.
2. When the Screening Committee last met to finalize u In the meeting held on 16.09.2008 between
the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) for the the Federation and the then Member (P), Federations
year 2005 it was decided by the Chairperson of the were advised to submit detailed proposals to facilitate
Committee viz. Secretary (Posts) that keeping in view examining their demands for which they have agreed.
the operational requirement of this Department, the Proposal from Federation are awaited.
proposal to fill the remaining vacancies not approved 8. Improve the ACP and make it applicable
by the Screening Committee under ADRP 2005 will to Postal Employees.
be taken up with the competent authority in the u Formal orders from Department of Personnel
Government of India for exempting the Department of & Trg on the modified ACP scheme are awaited. The
Posts from abolition of posts in respect of the direct issue will be examined after receipt of details from
recruitment vacancies. MOF/DOPT.
3. Meanwhile the Sixth Pay Commission has 9. Remove all trade union victimization in
all Circles and end irrational application of and also basing on the requirement of posts projected
Contributory negligence orders. by each circle.
u As and when any specific instance was brought 16. Withdraw decentralization of PLI/RPLI
to the notice, the Department took prompt action. functions of Circle offices.
However, due to lack of any specific instance of u As on day only work relating to acceptance
victimization, it is not feasible to take action in this regard. of proposal and issue of PR Book was Decentralized
10. Do not introduce new schemes without at Divisional Level. Whereas PLI data will be migrated
consultation with the staff Side. and managed at National Data Centre, after sales
u The Department has taken up new services activities are required to be decentralized for providing
with an aim to generate more revenue thereby reducing better service to customers.
the deficit on Department of Posts. Further, in the 17. Stipulate periodicity of deputationists to
present scenario of globalization and stiff competition Circle offices and recruit new incumbents.
in all actions of Post Office, it is necessary to provide u In this regard. Comments from all the Circle
better facilities to the postal consumers to retain the have been called for. From the response received so
present customers. Hence, undertaking new scheme far it is noticed that the said arrangement has been
is a necessity to survive in a competitive environment. resorted by the Circle due to shortage of manpower.
Whenever the Department introduces new schemes/ Therefore, it is presumed that as soon the vacancies
change in the procedure, suggestions given by the in Circle office are filled up, these officials will reverted
Staff are always taken in to consideration and to their parent units.
necessary changes incorporated. 18. Ensure integration of all Accounting
11. Withdraw the SLP against the RRR streams in DOP under PA wing and stop the
Candidates and absorb them immediately. proposed mode to decentralize Postal Accounts.
u The SLP were filed after due consideration u No such decision to decentralize the Postal
and recommendation of Ministry of Law & Justice. So Accounts Offices of this Department has so far been taken.
the matter is now sub-judice before Hon'ble Supreme 19. Restore the 3-year periodicity of
Court of India. promotion to Senior Accountant cadre.
12. Grant immediate fixation of higher scale u The proposal of restoration of service condition
as per 6th CPC to TBOP/BCR Postmen/Mailguards. of 3 years in the R/Rs of Sr. Accountants has not
u Orders clarifying the revised Pay Bands been approved by DOP&Trg.
applicable to TBOP/BCR Postmen/Mailguards have Annexure-I
since been issued. Action taken report on the issue raised in
13. Grant higher pay scales to Head Mail the Charter of Demands given by Postal JCM
Peons at par with Postman/Mailguard. comprising NFPE/FNPO (meeting taken by
u The issue was examined earlier and it was Secretary (Posts) on 19.04.2007)
found that there is no justification as Head Mail Peons 1. Appointment of Judicial committee/
belong to Group 'D' copy of reply given to General Commission for GDS and grant status and pension
Secretary All India Postal Employees Union, Postmen to GDS Employees - staff side was apprised that
& Group D vide letter dated 6.11.2002 is enclosed. in view of special status of GDS, they were out of
14. Grant Notional fixation of Artisan Grade I purview of JCM scheme which also takes them
in MMS w.e.f. 1.1.1996 at par with the Railways beyond the scope of 6th Central Pay Commission.
and Defence. However, the Staff Side insisted on another
u A proposal for restructuring the Artisan Grade- attempt to be made for consideration of GDSs
I at par with the Artisan in the Ministry of Defence was issues by the 6th CPC, set up for the Central
sent to Ministry of Finance. In the meantime, Government Employees. The request of the Staff
Government had constituted Sixth CPC. The issue was Side that the matter may be referred to 6th CPC
referred to Sixth CPC. The issue was duly considered by the Department has been considered. The
by Sixth CPC and the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4000- Department will make the request to the
6000 has been upgraded to Rs.4500-7000 w.e.f. 1.1.2006 Government that 6th CPC may look into GDS also.
and placed in the revised pay band of Rs.5200-20200 u The item is treated as closed.
with grade pay of Rs.2800. There is no justification for 2. Exempt Department of Posts from the
granting notional fixation w.e.f. 1.1.1996. purview of reduction of staff strength and fill up
15. Redistribute the LSG/HSG II/HSG I Posts all vacant posts in all cadres in Postal/RMS/MMS/
for Circle offices including DPLI Kolkata. Circle/Regional Offices/ Postal Accounts and GDS
u Distribution was done on the basis of workload including residual vacancies.
u The Department follows the scheme regarding 9th Five Year Plan, the Department has built up its
optimization of direct recruitment to civilian posts network by obtaining Plan Support from the
contained in the DOP&T OM No. 2/8/100-PC dated Government under successive Five Year Plan. During
16.05.2001 for filling up of direct recruitment vacancies. the 10th Five Year Plan, meager Plan Support was
The validity of the scheme has been extended up to provided by the Government for expansion of its postal
31.3.2009 vide DOP&T OM No. 2/8/2001 PIC dated network. The 10th Five Year Plan has issued certain
30.8.2006. According to these instructions, 1/3rd of guidelines for consolidating an rationalizing the
the direct recruitment vacancies arising in a year network. During the 11th Five year Plan, the
subject to a further ceiling of 1% of the sanctioned Department has projected a case with the Ministry of
strength of the Department can be filled up after getting Finance for creation of certain number of GDS posts
clearance from the Screening Committee. The said for manning the proposed new EDBOs to be opened
OM further provided that the vacancies finally cleared during the Plan Period. The proposal is under active
by the Screening Committee would be filled up duly consideration with the Ministry of Finance. In the interim
applying the rules for reservation handicapped persons, following steps have been taken by the Department
compassionate quota thereon. The remaining direct during the current Plan Period:
recruitment vacancies are required to be abolished. Franchisee Scheme:
The restrictions imposed by the DOPT in filling up the The objective of the Franchisee scheme is to
direct recruitment vacancies are applicable to all provide better accessibility to customers and
Ministries/Departments. There is no restrictions in filling availability of postal counter facilities, especially in
up the promotion posts. Thus Departmental Promotion areas such as new upcoming urban townships, SEZs,
Committee meetings and Departmental Examination major highway projects, upcoming new industrial
are being held to fill up promotion posts. centers, colleges, etc, where it is not otherwise
2. When the Screening Committee last met to possible to open Post Offices though redeployment of
finalize the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) staff. The Outlets are being opened in those areas
for the year 2005 it was decided by the Chairperson of where there is justification for opening of Post Offices
the Committee viz. Secretary (Posts) that keeping in on prescribed norms of distance and population. The
view the operational requirement of this Department, Outlets are linked to a specified Post Office where
the proposal to fill the remaining vacancies not approved business transacted by Franchised Outlets is
by the Screening Committee under ADRP 2005 will processed and are operation more or less like
be taken up with the competent authority in the extension counters. These operate from predetermined
Government of India for exempting the Department of location. Franchisees are authorized to perform some
Posts from abolition of posts in respect of the direct of the counter functions. Mails transmission/delivery,
recruitment vacancies. SB functions etc. have not been franchised. There are
3. Meanwhile the Sixth Pay Commission has also no such outlets in rural areas.
also recommended to the Government to review the Franchisee scheme has not led to reduction
policy laid down in the Optimization Scheme. In the in establishment or closure of Post Offices. This has
light of DOP&T's O.M. No.2/2/2007-PIC dated helped in capturing new business, which earlier had
31.7.2008 a proposal seeking exemption of this gone to couriers. The Department has drawn new
Department from the purview of the optimization business and customer satisfaction has increased.
scheme introduced vide Department of Personnel & Closure of Post Offices:
Training O.M. No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001 in The Department has no general policy to close
direct recruitment to civilian posts has since been sent down/Downgrade Post Office in the country. However,
to Secretary, DOPT on 26.9.2008 for approval. As soon closure of Post offices is sometimes resorted to in
as the proposal is approved by the said Department, unavoidable circumstances like completion of ongoing
necessary action will be taken to fill up all the direct work at a project side, dilapidated accommodation and
recruitment vacancies in all the Postal Circles. court orders for vacation of buildings etc.
3. Drop Franchising of Postal Scheme, Stop Relocation/Merger of Post Offices:
closure of Post Offices/RMS Offices, Transit Since 1980 with the advancements in
Sections/Relocation & merger of offices and communication technology and the advent of alternate
Divisions, stop combination of beats of Postmen/ means of communication and service providers, the
stop curtailment of Postal Deliveries, Outsourcing traffic in post offices has reflected a declining trend.
of PAO functions etc. This has resulted in many urban post offices becoming
u The Department is committed to provide no longer financially self-sufficient. It was also noted
affordable services in all parts of the country. Up to that there are many post offices in urban areas located
in close proximity to each other and that many do not causal labourers in employment as on 29.11.1989 and
fulfill the distance norms of 2kms. In areas with who continued to be employed (at that time) and had
population below 20 lakhs and 1.5 kms. In areas with rendered continuous service of at least one year. During
population over 20 lakhs. This reduces the viability of the year they must have been engaged for a period of
all offices in the vicinity. There are also many new 240 days (206 days in the case of offices observing
urban areas which are not being provided post office five days weeks).
facilities for want of Plan targets. Over the last few (ii) Conferment of Temporary Status would not
years, new post offices have been opened only by automatically imply that the causal labourers would
redeploying existing vacant posts. Therefore, there has be appointed as a regular Group 'D' employee within
been some constraint in catering to the growing need any fixed time frame. Appointment to Group 'D'
for postal services in newly developed urban areas. vacancies would continue to be done as per the extant
Keeping in view these facts, in January, 2003 recruitment rules, which stipulated preference to eligible
a decision was taken to allow relocation of posts offices ED employees.
situated in close proximity to each other, within the (iii) The Conferment of temporary status has no
permissible distance norms, to needy areas, or even relation to availability of sanctioned regular Group 'D' posts.
to merge them with neighboring post offices, since it 2. Vide this Department's letter No.45-37/91-SPB.I
is possible to provide more facilities to the pubic though dated 5.6.1991, it was clarified that the scheme is
larger post offices besides improving their viability. A effective from 29.11.89 and hence the eligible casual
similar decision was taken on 28.1.05 to relocate those labourers may be conferred temporary status w.e.f.
Extra Departmental Branch Post Offices which are 29.11.89. It was further clarified vide letter No.45-37/
located in normal rural areas and do not fulfill the current 91-SPB.I dated 16.08.1991 that part time casual
distance norm to needy areas. However, even in this labourer are not covered by the casual labourers (Grant
exercise, special care was taken to exclude Extra of Temporary Status and Regularization Scheme).
Departmental Branch Post Offices/Extra Departmental 3. Subsequently it was provided by order No.66-9/91-
Sub Offices situated in hilly, tribal, desert and SPB.I dated 30.11.92 that the casual labourers of the
inaccessible locations, given their socio-economic Department conferred with temporary status as per
condition and for safeguarding the interests of staff the scheme dated 12.4.91 were to be treated at par
working there. This was done in consonance with the with Group 'D' employees with effect from the date
10th Five Year Plan directives. they complete three years service in the newly acquired
Such relocations/mergers are being done after temporary status as per the scheme. From that date
giving due notice to the public and the staff are also they were entitled for various benefits admissible to
conveniently accommodated against vacancies in temporary Group 'D' employees such as all kinds of
nearby offices. leave, GPF, Medical aid, etc. the benefits of the
4. Ensure monopoly of collection, scheme were later extended to cover full time casual
conveyance and delivery of letter mail by the labourers engaged up to 1.9.93 vide letter No. 66-52/
Department of Posts as recommended by the 92-SPB.I dated 1.11.95 as amended vide letter No.
parliamentary Standing Committee. 66-52/92-SPB I dated 8.11.95).
u It was explained that adequate care is being 4. The method of recruitment prescribed in the
taken to safeguard the monopoly of the Department recruitment rule for Group D post in the subordinate
while proposing amendment of IPO Act. The case of offices in the manner specified below: -
amendment of IPO Act has been withdrawn by the A test shall be held to determine the working
competent authority and the new IPO Bill will try to eligibility of the candidates holding non-test category
address the problem. posts like Chowkidar, Safaiwala. In case suitable
5. Regularize Casual Labourers/Full Time/ candidates are not found to fill up the posts by such
Part Time contingency Paid. test, the remaining posts shall be filled up by the
u In compliance with the directions of the Hon'ble method as specified below:
Supreme Court, a scheme known as 'Casual Labourers (i) 75% of the vacancies remaining unfilled after
(Grant of Temporary Status and Regulation) Scheme" recruitment from non-test category employees shall
was drawn up by this Department in consultation with be filled up by Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Recruiting
the Ministries of Law, Finance and DOPT and Division or Unit where such vacancies occur failing
necessary orders were issued in this regard vide letter which by Gramin Dak Sevaks of the neighboring
No. 45-95/87-SPB-I dated 12.04.1991. the salient Division or Unit by Selection cum seniority.
features of the scheme were:- (ii) 25% of the vacancies remaining unfilled after
(i) Temporary status would be conferred on the recruitment of non-test category employees shall be
filled up by selection -cum-seniority in the following u Funds were released under the head to the
order: extent of Budget having been allotted by the Ministry
(a) by Casual labourers with temporary status of of Finance. No liability under the heads is pending in
the recruiting division or unit failing which; the Budget Branch of the Directorate. Encashment of
(b) by full -time Casual labourers of the Recruiting pending bills, is the sole jurisdiction of Heads of Circle/
Division or unit failing which; Dns. Concerned. Directorate of (PLI) has reported no
(c) by part-time Casual labourers of the pendency in bills in respect of RPLI Commission.
Recruiting Division or unit failing which; 8. Grant of compassionate appointments to
(iii) Casual labourers are accordingly regularize against eligible candidates and absorb all approved
Group D posts. candidates.
6. Filling up all norms based LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I u Appointment on compassionate grounds
posts and restores periodicity of Junior Accountants made in accordance with the consolidated instructions
promotion to Senior Accountants as 3 years. of DOP&T's O.M. No. 14014/6/64-Estt (D) dated
u (a) A meeting was held under the 09.10.98. (P-129/Corr)
Chairmanship of DDG (P) on 4.5.2007 in the Directorate 9. Complete take over of POSB and PLI by
with the APMGs/ADs of all the Postal Circle in order the Postal Department and accord full Autonomy
to monitor/review the latest position regarding filling to Postal Board as in the case of Railway Board.
up of norm based posts of LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I and to u So far as Post Office Saving Bank is
remove bottleneck/difficulty, if any faced by the Circles. concerned, there is no proposal at present to take
It was impressed upon them that action to fill up the over POSB by the Department.
vacant posts be expedited and the process completed 10. Recognition of Federations and setting up
at the earliest. Issues of benchmark for promotion to of Councils at all level.
LSG etc. was also taken up during the meeting. All u The Federation namely: National Federation
Heads of Circles were requested vide letter dated 22- of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Federation of
5-2007 to ensure filling up all the norms based LSG/ National Postal Organisations (FNPO) have been
HSG.II/HSG.I posts. recognized vide office order No. 17/9/2007-SR dated
(b) Circles were requested to prepare Circle 27th March,2008.
Gradation list of all PAs/SAs vide letter dated 9.7.2007 Necessary action for formation of Regional
so that based on it promotions to LSG could be made. Councils in the Postal Circles under the "Scheme for
All Circles except Punjab, Rajasthan and W.B Circles Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration
have prepared the draft Gradation Lists for circulation for Central government Employees" has been initiated
to all concerned. Maharashtra Circle has yet to vide the Department's letter No. 6/1/2008-SR dated
circulate the Gradation list of PAs as they are in the 04.06.2008. Some of the Circles have already completed
process of preparing the same. All Circles except the this action in consultation with the Staff Side.
Bihar, Rajasthan, NE and Jharkhand have since Annexure.II
granted notional/regular promotion upto the year 2002/ Action Taken Report on the issues raised in the
2006. Status of grant of regular/notional/regular Charter of Demands submitted by Joint Council
promotion in LSG/HSG.II from Bihar, Rajasthan, North of Action comprising NFPE and FNPO Postal
East and Jharkhand Circles is awaited. Charter of Demands
(c) HSG. I norm based posts are not being filled 1. Recognize Federations under CCS (RSA)
up due to non availability of officials in the feeder grade rules 1993 and restore all forums or negotiating
of HSG.II with requisite length of regular service in the machinery. Restore holding of Periodical
grade i.e. three years. However, instructions dated Meetings with the Federations and All India
29.11.2006 have been issued after obtaining the Unions.
approval of DOP&Trg. to fill up the existing vacancies u The Federations namely National Federation
in HSG.I on ad-hoc basis without prescription of any of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Federation of
minimum service in HSG.II for one year. This ad-hoc National Postal Employees (FNPO) have been
arrangement has been further continued for six months recognized vide office order No. 17/9/2007-SR dated
vide instructions dated 4.1.2008. 27.03.2008.
(d) The proposal of restoration of service condition Necessary action to convene periodical
of 3 years in the R/Rs of Sr. Accountants has not meetings with the Federations and Service
been approved by DOP&T. Associations is being taken. (SR)
7. Encashment of all pending bills OTA/TA/ 2. Protect letter mail monopoly as
Medical/RPLI commission etc. recommended by the Parliamentary Standing
Committee headed by Shri Somnath Chatterjee. 2. When the Screening Committee last met to finalize
u The Proposed Indian Post Office (Amendment) the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) for the
Bill, 2008 has been withdrawn by the competent year 2005 it was decided by the Chairperson of the
authority and the new IPO Bill will try to address the Committee viz. Secretary (Posts) that keeping in view
problems. the operational requirements of this Department, the
3. Amend the GDS conduct & Service Rules proposal to fill the remaining vacancies not approved
for Payment of Gratuity under the Gratuity rules; by the Screening Committee under ADRP 2005 will
1972 as per the Supreme Court Judgment, Grant be taken up with the competent authority in the
Status; Pension, Maternity leave and other Government of India for exempting the Department of
benefits on prorate basis; Count the service period Posts from abolition of posts in respect of the direct
of GDS for pension on their regularization; recruitment vacancies.
Liberalize recruitment rules for GDS to appear 3. Meanwhile the Sixth Pay Commission has also
for the examination for PA/SA: No reduction of recommended to the Government to review the policy
TRCA under any circumstances; No Cycle Beat laid down in the Optimization Scheme. In the light of
Formula; Allow request transfer to GDS; Stop DOP&T's O.M. No.2/2/2007-PIC dated 31.7.2008 a
harassing with unreasonable RPLI targets; proposal seeking exemption of this Department from
Introduce uniforms and kits to outdoor GDS; and the purview of the optimization scheme introduced vide
Grant all Trade union rights to GDS including right Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 2/8/2001-
to affiliate with Federation by amending the PIC dated 16.5.2001 in direct recruitment to civilian
Recognition Rules. posts has since been sent to Secretary, DOPT on
u Report of Natarajamurthy committee is still 26.09.2008 for approval. As soon as the proposal is
under examination by a Group of Senior Officers of approved by the said Department, necessary action
the Department. will be taken to fill up all the direct recruitment
4. Exempt Department of Posts from the vacancies in all the Postal Circles.
purview of Screening Committee; Fill up all It has already been decided at the level of
vacant posts immediately in all cadres in Postal, Secretary (Posts) that Departmental Examination not
RMS, MMS, Administrative and Postal Accounts the cadre of PA/SA for the year 2008 as per the existing
including GDS; Hold special examination under syllabus. Accordingly DE Branch was requested to
a liberalized syllabus to fill up all accumulated take further necessary action in the matte and the
residual vacancies in PA/SA cadre in Postal/RMS/ examination has already been held. The revised
Admin wings; Expedite clearance of 2006/2007 syllabus for Departmental LGO Examination to the
ADR vacancies. cadre of PA/SA in Postal and RMS wing is separately
u The Department follows the scheme regarding under examination.
optimization of direct recruitment to civilian posts 5. Strengthen the delivery by dropping the
contained in the DOP&T OM No. 2/8/100-PC dated measures of curtailment of delivery; Stop combination
16.5.2001 for filling up of direct recruitment vacancies. of Postmen beats and withdraw DG Order No.10-7/
The validity of the scheme has been extended up to 2001-PEII Dated 15.3.2004; Drop single beat system
31.3.2009 vide DOP&T OM No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated and single beat system and single delivery etc.
30.8.2006. According to these instructions, 1/3rd of 6. Increase the chances to 10 for appearing LGO
the direct recruitment vacancies arising in a year examination for Postmen, Mail guards and Group D
subject to a further ceiling of 1% of the sanctioned staff.
strength of the Department can be filled up after getting u For promotion of lower grade officials to the
clearance from the Screening Committee. The said cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistants through LGO
OM further provided that the vacancies finally cleared examination, the maximum number of chances were
by the Screening Committee would be filled up duly five earlier. This was raised to six in 1999 only. The
applying the rules for reservation handicapped persons, number of chances available for the eligible officials
compassionate quota thereon. The remaining direct who are serious in getting promotion seems to be
recruitment vacancies are required to be abolished. sufficient. In view of the nature of duties attached to
The restrictions imposed by DoPT in filling up the direct the post of PA/SA, it will not be appropriate to enhance
recruitment vacancies are applicable to all Ministries/ the number of chances for appearing in LGO
Departments. There is no restrictions in filling up the examination.
promotion post. Thus Departmental Promotion 7. Terminate all licenses granted to
Committee meetings and Departmental Examination Franchisee outlets; withdraw unilateral proposals
are being held to fill up promotions posts. before the Planning commission for extending
the franchisee scheme and stop any types of (Charter of Demands dated 9.4.2007)
outsourcing of Postal function; Stop outsourcing (ii) Being done.
of functions of PAO. (iii) The subject matter concerns GDS Section.
u Franchisee outlets-Item No.3 of Annexure. I (iv) The scheme of grant of temporary status and
(P-7) Secretary (Posts) has accorded approval to get regularization casual laborers formulated by this
the date entry work for CC issue posting through Department vide No. 45-95/87-SPB-I dated 12.04.1991
outsourcing to clear the humanly unmanageable has been reviewed in the light of introduction of New
arrears as a special measure in view of the large scale Pension Scheme in respect of persons appointed to
CC frauds amounting to hundreds Crores of Rupees the Central government service on or after 01.01.2004.
remaining undetected for very long period. Even this in consultation with the Department of Personnel and
date entry would be done under close supervision of Training, the scheme has been modified as under vide
PAO and only that quantum of date entry would be letter No.45-6/2005-SPB.I dated 2.9.2005.
covered, which cannot be handled by our staff in their (i) As the new pension scheme is based on
normal day to day working. (DDG-PAF) defined contributions, the length of qualifying service
8. Restore sorting offices and ensure at least for the purpose of retirement benefits has lost its
one RMS office in every revenue State and relevance. No credit of casual service is available to
revenue District. the casual laborers on their regularization against
u The location of a mail office is decided on the Group D posts on or after 1.01.2004.
basis of mail flow pattern and sorting district. It has no As there is no provision of General Provident Fund in
correlation to revenue district and depends on the new pension scheme, it will not serve any useful
transmission pattern and delivery links. Establishing purpose to continue deductions towards GPF from the
a mail offices in each district will increase mail-handling existing casual employees, in terms of para 8 of the
rate, increase No. of bags increase overhead, reduce scheme for grant of temporary status. Therefore, no
sorting efficiency of mail office in terms of no. delivery further deductions towards General Provident Fund can
offices to be served. be effected from the casual labourers w.e.f. 1.1.2004
9. Fill up all vacant posts of MMS Drivers onwards and the amount lying in their General
and Technical Staff and ease the workload; Impart Provident Fund accounts, including deductions made
necessary computer training to handle new after 1.1.2004, has been refunded to them.
generation power vehicles. 11. Grant three financial upgradations to all
u Same as stated for item No. 3 in the Charter Group C and D officials on completion of 10, 20
of Demands of National Federation of Postal and 25 years of service.
Employees contained in their letter No. PF-12 (d)/2008 u Consequent of the implementation of the 6th
dated 10.12.2008. however, the MV Division has issued CPC recommendation, the formal order from the
necessary instructions to all Heads of Postal Circles Department of Personnel & Training have not been
regarding outsourcing of drivers and cleaner (Group- received in this regard so far. Hence, the necessary
D) in MMS Unit. The Heads of Circles have been action will be initiated in accordance with DOP&T's
informed that it has now been decided that heads of instructions.
circles can permit MMS Units to outsource the work 12. Allot 19% of Group B vacancies for General
of Drivers and Cleaners (Group D) through Private Line and permit all Group 'C' officials in Postal,
agencies after observing necessary formalities in RMS, Administrative and Postal Accounts with a
accordance with the guidelines mentioned in Rules - minimum of 20 years service to appear for the
179 to 185 of GFR to the extent of vacancies within competitive examination by dispensing with the
the sanctioned strength. present reservation of posts to RMS & Admn staff.
10. Grant Temporary Status to all eligible full time 13. Grant notional promotion to eligible
casual laborers; absorbs TS CLS and GDS in Group seniors by holding the DPC year by year basis
D vacancies under 25% - 75% formula without from 1983 to Postal and RMS wings and from 1993
abolishing Group D vacancies as per the Ernakulam in Administrative wing within a time frame of one
CAT Judgement; Regularize all part time casual labours month Restore periodically of Junior Accountant
and contingency paid and absorb them as GDS; Treat Promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 years.
all the Temporary Service CLs as pre - 2004 entrants u Vide Directorate's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB.II
and recommence recovery of GPR and restore dated 12.11.2002, all the Circles had already been
payment of wages including HRA/CCA quantum to advised that norm based LSG/HSG.II posts should be
substitute as per Madras High Court Judgment. filled up notionally in terms of the relevant R/Rs from
u (i) As mentioned against item No. 5. the year when the norm based promotions had not
been carried out so that promotions to upgraded posts computing the bonus have a direct nexus with the
in HSG.I could be made from amongst the eligible increased profitability/productivity under well defined
HSG.II officials. These instructions apply to all norm- financial parameters. The productivity Linked Bonus
based posts in LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I in Postal & Accounts in the Department of Posts is calculated with respect
wings, SBCO and Circle offices and therefore norms to the total volume of mail of the base year 1996-97,
based LSG/HSG.II posts in the Circle offices should which is increased with respect to the revenue increase
be filled up notionally in terms of the relevant R/Rs during the accounting year. Present formula, therefore,
from the year when the norm based promotions had needs modification so as to establish a nexus with the
not been carried out. increase profitability/productivity. The Department has
The Circles were requested vide Member (P)'s not imposed any unilateral cap of 60 days on the PLB.
letter dated 19.10.2007 to furnish a feed back regarding 18. Fix time factor for all work to which no
filling up of the LSG and HSG.II Posts in POs/RMS norms available at present.
offices through notional promotion to be given from 19. Get funds from Ministry of Finance for one
the year 1983. Most of the Circles have confirmed to time clearance of all pending OT Bills, Medical
have carried out the exercise of granting notional Bills etc; Take measures to get the Arbitration
promotion in LSG and HSG.II from the year 1983. Award on Postal OTA rates implemented by the
however, we are in touch with few Circles who seem Government; Revise the OTA rates @ double the
to have not carried out the exercise in the desired normal wages in future; stop compulsory OT Duty.
manner. Ministry of Finance treats OTA as a ceiling
14. Withdraw the SLP and absorb all RRR item hence there would be always a restriction on OTA.
Candidates recruited under compassionate Moreover, efforts are being made to enhance the
ground of recruitment. Ceiling under OTA and the ceiling under OTA has been
u The SLP was filed after due consideration and increased from Rs.38.48 Crores in BE 2007-08 to Rs.
as per advice of the Ministry of Law & Justice. The 40.00 crores in RE 2007-08. Moreover pending liability
matter is now subjudice under the Hon'ble Apex Court'. under OTA from all the circles have already been called
15. Regularize the services of RTP for for and maximum allotment of funds to wipe out the
promotion and pension by ending the same have also done. More than 83% of the demand
discrimination between the APS RTPs and others. of funds under OTA have been met in RE 2007-08.
u Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal Nos. Hence there should not be problem for the circles to
80-123 of 1996 has held that any service which was meet most of the claims under OTA during this year.
rendered as RTP prior to regular appointment in the Since the difference of OT demand and allotment is
cadre cannot be counted and it cannot be considered never more that 15-20%. Outstanding bills should
as service in any cadre. In view of this the claim for invariably get cleared next year. Pendency of bills from
counting of past services of erstwhile R.T.P for 2003-04 is not comprehensive, if exact details are
promotion & pension cannot be acceded to, as it will given, we may ask circles for reasons as to why they
be against the judgment of the Apex Court. What is were not earlier paid.
the discrimination between the APS RTP and other As far as, the allotment for Medical expenses
has not been mentioned clearly. is concerned, the RE demands of Circles have been
16. Create avenues of promotion to all JAO met in full. As such, there may not be any problem in
qualified officials and approve the proposal for the clearance of medical claim.
common cadre with DOT. Regarding the revision of OTA rates @ double
u The case relating to cadre management of the normal wages in future and stop compulsory OT
Group 'B' accounts personnel of Department of Posts duty, necessary information may be sought from
and Departmental of Telecom by common cadre Establishment Dn.
controlling authority involves several departments and 20. Remove all trade union victimization and
is under process. vindictive punishments awarded for lapses
17. Remove the unilateral Cap of 60 days in committed due to unbearable workload.
the PLB formula. u For want of specific information, it may not
u The Sixth CPC had recommended that all be possible to comments.
Departments should ultimately replace the existing 21. Settle all long pending and urgent
productivity Linked Bonus Scheme (PLB) with Sectional issues listed in the enclosed Annexure
performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS). The I, II, III, IV, and V for different sections of Postal
existing Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme may be employees.
continued in a modified manner where formula for (Others will be published in the next issue)
Letter No.: P/4-2/Allownaces Dated - 19.12.2008 Sundergarh, Koraput and in Chattisgarh, the batsar
addressed to Ms. Radhika Doriswamy, Secretary, areas, the movement is visible. These areas should
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 also be declared as threat area.
l Resolution on the Grant of Naxalist Threat Notwithstanding, the mater was taken up at
Area allowance to the Postal Employees working the Dte. level no fruitful action to extend the benefit of
in such areas - reg. Naxalist Threat Area Allowance has seem to be taken
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India by the Postal Department till date and the same has
Conference held from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 at Gutur been set at defiance ignoring the law of justice and
on the above mentioned subject is enclosed herewith basic horrible feature of the postal employees problems
for favour of kind consideration. working in Chandrapur and Godchiroli Districts.
The Hill area allowance has been stopped in This 27th AIC held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to
Maharastra Circle due to change of nomen clature of 02.12.08 demands immediate expeditious fruitful action
the allowance as Naxalist Threat Area Allowance. of the postal Dte. to extend the benefit of Naxalist
It is requested to consider the resolution Threat Area Allowance to the postal employees
favourably and accord orders at the earliest. including EDAs.
RESOLUTION ON THE GRANT OF NAXALIST Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 19.12.2008 addressed
THREAT AREA ALLOWANCE TO THE POSTAL to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department
EMPLOYEES WORKING IN NAXALIST of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
THREAT AREAS l Resolution on Bureaucratic excesses
It is mention to note worthy that in the OM. adopted in the 27th AIC held at Guntur from
No.2003/5/90 -E.II (B) Ministry of Finance Department 30.11.08 to 03.12.08.
of Expenditure dated 27.1.93 circulated under Dte. The resolution adopted in the 27th Al India
No.P.11/93 - PAP dated 30.3.93, it was clearly Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08
mentioned that the compensatory allowance should on the subject is appended for your kind consideration.
be given for the period during which he serves in Tribal It is requested to kindly find out solution to
Areas and shall remain in operation upto the date of arrest the menace of excesses right from divisions
withdrawal of such allowance by the State Govt. in and ensure a good and transparent working
respect of their employees. The allowance was in atmosphere to the staff of the postal Department.
operation upto 31.3.2002 and till that period Tribal Area ON BUREAUCRATIC EXCESSES
Allowance was also paid to the postal staff working in This 27th AIC of AIPEU Group 'C' being held
those two districts. at Guntur [A.P] from 30.11.08 to 02.12.2008 notes
After 31.3.2002, the Maharashtra State Govt. with grave concern that the postal bureaucracy in
sanctioned Naxalist Threat Area Allowance several places all over the country exhibit tendencies
discontinuing the Tribal Area Allowance to their of bureaucratic excesses. Coupled with floating of
employees working in Chandrapur and Godchiroli several departmental rules and regulations to adopt a
districts of the rate of 15% of the basic pay subject to rule of whims rather than rule of law, the corrupt
maximum of Rs.1,500/- per month to the state Govt. practices are on the increase. As always the case,
Employees. many of the corrupt practices are meticulously planned
Active Naxalist forces are in swing throughout to escape detection and apprehension. The general
Chandrapur and Godchiroli districts in dense and policy of the department like closure of post offices
inaccessible forests and the postal employees are also etc comes in handy to these corrupt bureaucrats who
facing the horrified problems as in case of state Govt. reportedly enter into unholy understanding with
Employees. landlords to vacate buildings by closures. Purchase
The same is the position in respect of Andhra of computers in unimaginable proportions for exorbitant
Circle and the areas like Guntur, Vishkapatnam, West prices while the market shows drastic fall in computer
Godavar, warrangel, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Adilabad, prices is an area worth investigating for corrupt
Mahaboob Nagar, ongle etc. and the threat is visible. practices. The practice of spending in lakhs in the
In respect of Jharkhand, the areas like palamu, name of development meetings in star hotels and in
Singhbhum, Giridih, Hazaribag, Some Part of Ranchi the name of marketing of business premium products
and Dhanbad should also be identified as Nexilite threat is another area of bureaucratic excess that requires
area and should be granted with such allowance. investigation to check wasteful expenditure. The
In Orissa Circle, the areas like Sambalpur, tendency to close eyes for whatever happens behind
the screen of marketing management should come to Gurcharan Singh, Former Member Postal Board in
an end. The wastage of expenditure at every new 1994 made an attempt to define 'letter' which is in any
incumbent occupying a position for decorating and forms of communication and suggested to amend the
redecorating the chambers of officers to the tastes of section 4 of the Indian Postal Act 1898 retaining the
new incumbents is also a bureaucratic excess only. exclusive privilege of receiving, collecting, sending,
The attitude of bureaucracy towards unions despatching and delivering all letters within India.
and staff is antagonistic in general at several levels Due to the protraction of the decision in
and we are not talking about the exceptions here. The amending the Post Office Act 1898, the illegal presence
antagonism is getting accentuated day by day due to of 2500 national and international courier services have
the implementation of neo-liberalization policies by the taken away a huge volume of mails over two decades
government and department of posts. The liberalization and the Postal department is shifting its area to
policies attempt to attack the interests of employees business products instead of promulgating restrictions
severely and the Officers being the implementers of on the mushroom growth of the couriers.
those policies often take it personally and overzealously The Amendment has further diluted that if the
to reach targets as fast as they can, let it be closure charge of the couriers is exceeding 2 ½ times of the
of offices or abolition of posts and they consider any postage value, it will be allowed to handle such articles
resistance from unions as intolerable. This attitude by couriers irrespective of the weight.
leads to bureaucratic excesses in several places where This 27th AIC held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to
the vindictiveness of the worst kind is witnessed. Staffs 02.12.08 demand the Government to restore the
are harassed; they are punished harshly for small monopoly of handling of mails to the Postal department
lapses too. There are some officers who have scant only not only for its existence but also to provide better
respect for unions and behave in such a way that they service to the rural pubic. This AIC also requests the
are the monarchs and the unions are unwanted Federation to pursue the same through struggle for
subjects. These officers don't follow the rules and restoration of Postal monopoly in handling letter mail.
cancel the monthly meetings at their whims; refuse Letter No.: P/4-5/PSD Dated - 19.12.2008 addressed
informal meetings to union office bearers and refuse to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department
to discuss in a transparent manner on issues that of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
affect the interests of staff; resort to punish the union l Resolution on Postal Stores Deport
office bearers at the first available flimsy opportunity. adopted in the 27th AIC held at Guntur from
This 27th AIC of AIPEU Group 'C' held at 30.11.08 to 03.12.08.
Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 therefore calls upon The resolution adopted in the 27th AIC held
the Postal Board to issue proper administrative at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 on the issues of
instructions to correct the tendencies of bureaucratic postal stores Depot is enclosed herewith for favour of
excesses of all kind and ensure function at all levels kind consideration.
transparently and according to rules and guidelines. It is requested to consider the same and
Letter No.: P/4-5/Post Act Dated - 19.12.2008 create separate establishment besides settling the
addressed to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, other issues confronting the officials during the work
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 in the postal stores depots.
l Resolution on Amendment to India Post A line in reply about the action is highly
Office Act 1898 - adopted in the 27th AIC - reg. solicited.
The resolution adopted in the 27th AIC held RESOLUTION ON POSTAL STORES DEPOT
at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 on the subject is This 27th All India Conference of A.I.P.E.U.
enclosed herewith for favour of kind consideration. Group ' C' held from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 at Guntur,
It is requested to expedite action to arrest A.P unanimously resolves to request the Directorate
the mushroom growth of private couriers and ensure to do the needful in addressing the problems of Postal
the monopoly of handling of mails by the Department Stores Depots.
of posts. The forms used in the Post offices have been
AMENDMENT TO INDIAN POST OFFICE ACT - 1898 divided in three categories as 'A' ;B' & 'C'. The 'A'
The Amendment to Post Office Act retaining category forms are being printed from Govt. press and
articles upto 500 grams as monopoly of the Postal supplied to the PSDs for the supply jurisdiction of the
department has been placed before the Parliament as respective PSD. The Circle Head is empowered to
per the report of the Postal Excellence Committee in procure 4 months requirement through local printing.
1989. The 'B' category forms are procured by the
The Review committee headed by Sri PSDs through local printing with the approval of the
CPMG's. Order) are thirsted upon the Circle Stamp Depot on
The 'C' categories forms are being printed transfer from Postal Stores Dept (PSD) and Director
through in-house printing or stencilled at PSD or at of Accounts (Postal) respectively. New items I.e. IVPs
Divisional level. In this regard it is also mentioned that (Indira Vikas Patra) KVPs (Ksan Vikas Patras),
some important forms like Charge report (ACG-61) Greetings Cards, e-post cards introduced and
Leave sanction memo (EST-56) etc. are placed under distribution of all those articles are also attached upon
the category of Group 'C' one by one to the CSD But, neither any working 'Norms'
The procurement of forms at local printing are nor increasing staff strength has been done.
always delayed and some times postponed or even Hence, this 27th All India Conference therefore
cancelled by the Circle Head due to unwanted requests that: -
interferences of the C.I.F.A. The files are lying at CO Permanent establishment of Circle Stamps
for long time and inordinately delay could be noticed. Depots may be ensured dispendsing with the floating
It is demanded that the methods followed for establishment brought on deputation.
procurement of articles and printing of forms should "Norms" for justification of work staff of circle
be simplified and unnecessary delay in circle level stamp depot may be finalize as early as possible.
should be avoided so that PSDs could meet the Staff strength may be increased forthwith and fill up all
requirements of units / divisions in time without delay. the vacant post/posts immediately.
In the absence of adequate forms, Pass Book, voucher Letter No.: P/4-2/Bonus Dated - 19.12.2008 addressed
slips etc, the officials deployed at counters are facing to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department
in numeral problems. of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
At present, the staffs for PSD are being drafted l Resolution on productivity linked Bonus
from postal divisions. No separate establishment has adopted in the 27th AIC held at Guntur - reg.
been created so far. This has resulted in shortage of The resolution adopted in the 27th All India
staff in Postal divisions. Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08
It is resolved to request to sanction separate on the subject is enclosed for your kind information
establishment for the Postal Stores Depot forthwith. and action.
Letter No.: P/4-5/CSD Dated - 19.12.2008 addressed You are requested kindly to consider the
to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department revision of Bonus formula and the removal of 60 days
of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 Cap at the earliest.
l Resolution on Circle stamp Depot (CSD) PRODUCTIVITY LINKED BONUS
adopted in the all India conference - reg. The Postal Employees are covered by the
The resolution adopted in the subject is productivity linked bonus scheme for payment of
appended herewith for kind consideration. bonus. The productivity is calculated on the basis of
The need for creation of permanent the work volume of selected postal operations divided
establishment and fixing norms for assessing the work by the total work force. The abolition and non-filling
load etc may please be attended at the earliest since up of vacant posts resulting in increase of productivity
these are all pending over decades. every year has fetched more number of days of bonus
It is requested to consider the resolution and to postal employees. The increase in days itself did
cause necessary action at the earliest. not result in any spectacular increase in quantum of
RESOLUTION ON CIRCLE STAMP DEPOT (CSD) bonus paid because of the quantum ceiling is raised
This All India Conference of AIPEU Group 'C' by the Government from Rs.2500/- to 3500/- only
held from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 at Guntur (A..P) under the Bonus ACT instead of actual emoluments
unanimously resolves to draw the attention of the DOP of every employee.
to the problems pertaining to Circle Stamps Depot of But on the other hand the ever decreasing
various Circles. work force has resulted in huge gains to the
Circles Stamp Depot becomes one of the Government exchequer. Despite these facts the
nerve centers of the postal services. Efficiencey of the Government was very unwilling to remove the cap of
Department of posts depends on proper functioning of 60 days fixed for maximum number of days PLB and
the Circle Stamp Depot. the postal employees' movement had to agitate for
The establishment of CSD is a floating one long to ensure the removal of that cap. The Finance
without any permanent establishment. The official are Ministry ignoring all the above wants to reduce the
drawn on deputation from neighboring divisions. PLB paid to postal employees and it had directed the
On the other hand distribution on NSCs Department of Posts last year to prepare a new bonus
(National Savings Certificate) and IPOs (Indian Postal formula for payment of PLB to postal staff and


sanctioned bonus only as an adhoc measure. However THE FAMILY PENSIONERS OF
the Department of Posts could not fulfil the directive of DECEASED EMPLOYEES
the Finance Ministry and this naturally raises doubts This 27th AIC of Group 'C' held at Guntur from
in the minds of postal workers. The productivity linked 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 unanimously resolves to request
bonus formula under which presently the bonus is being our Directorate to take up with Min-of-Finance for waiver
paid is kept as a secret document by the Department. of outstanding dues of recoveries like HBA etc from
Repeated requests from the NFPE and even the family pensioners of deceased postal employees.
discussions in the Periodical Meetings wherein a copy It is needless to mention that the loss of head
of the PLB formula was sought for by the staff side did of the family normally upsets the balance of a family
not result in the department parting with a copy of the which would be engulfed with mental agony as well as
above document. Formulation of a new formula should financial hardship. Further eroding their economy
naturally result in mutual consultations with the staff through recovery of dues would further push them into
side over a draft formula and for whatever reason the doom.
department is delaying the process. The clouds of Taking into account of this pitiable plight of
secrecy attached to the calculation of eligible number these families, State governments like West Bengal
of days and the abnormal delay in sanction by the have exempted them from the recovery from 1981 and
Government are matters to be avoided. such welfare measure is in operation.
The 27th All India Conference of AIPEU Group This 27th AIC of AIPEU Group C resolves to
C being held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.2008 request the NFPE/ Confederation to take up this with
therefore resolves to urge the department of posts to the DOP & T & Ministry of Finance and win over this
finalize the new PLB formula with full transparency genuine demand.
and mutual consultations at the earliest to facilitate Letter No.: P/4-5/Foreign Post Dated - 19.12.2008
justified number of days of bonus to postal workers addressed to Ms. Rahika Doraiswamy, Secretary,
who are made to give enormous productivity due to Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
extreme shortage of staff and introduction of many l Resolution on Foreign Post adopted in the
new services. 27th AIC - reg.
This AIC further resolves to request the The resolution adopted In the 27th All India
Government to remove the ceiling amount by amending Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08
further the Bonus ACT and also remove the cap of on the problem of employees working in the foreign
Sixty days and come forward to pay actual entitlement post in enclosed for favour of kind consideration.
based on productivity. It is requested to consider the plight of the
Further it is resolved to request the C. G. officials working in Foreign post and mitigate their
Employees organisation for a joint struggle to mitigate issues at the earliest.
the removal of ceiling on Bonus. RESOLUTION ON FOREIGN POST
Letter No.: P/4-2/Advances Dated - 19.12.2008 This All India Conference of A.I.P.E.U. Group
addressed Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, ' C' held from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 at Guntur, A.P
Department of Posts, DaK Bhawan, New Delhi - unanimously resolves to request the Directorate to look
110001 into the problems faced by O/o. Foreign post in various
l Resolution on waiving outstanding dues circles.
of recoveries like HBA etc. from the family The work-load in foreign post has increased
pensioners of the Deceased employees - reg. manifolds owing to liberalization policies. Hence,
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India augmentation of staff has become a necessity.
conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 Likewise, the employees in Foreign Post are
on the subject is appended for favour of kind doing very important job in examination and
consideration. transmission of foreign articles both incoming and
It is requested to consider the resolution on outgoing. They are facing with arduous job involving
humanitation grounds and as an act of welfare risk to health and life because such articles contain
measure extending to the family of the deceased injurious and harmful substances. Considering the
officials and cause orders to waive the departmental responsibilities and arduous nature of duties prevailing
dues from the family pensioners of the deceased in Foreign Post the Staff deployed in Parcel and Letter
employees. Articles Assessment and parcel, letter mail opening
Soliciting favourable consideration. and closing and Mail Department may be granted
RESOLUTION ON WAIVING OUTSTANDING special pay to the extent of 10% pay & Grade pay in
DUES OF RECOVERIES LIKE HBA ETC FROM token of recognising their service.
Similarly, the risk and responsibilities of the The resolution adopted in the All India
staff deployed in strong room is more and they are Conference of this union held at Guntur from 30.11.08
responsible for the security of precious stones, to 03.12.08 on the above mentioned subject is
currency and other valuable goods and articles. They enclosed herewith for favour of kind consideration.
should also be considered for special pay at least with The resolution itself is exhaustive on the
that of Cashier/Treasurers working in the Post offices. subject and the requirements and the need for the
This All India conference held at Guntur better operations.
resolved to request the Department of Posts that It is requested to consider the same and
a. Augmentation of adequate staff at Foreign cause appropriate orders at the earliest.
Post is done at the earliest. RESOLUTION ON SB & SAVINGS CERTIFICATES
b. Suitable special pay / allowance may be This 27th All India Conference of AIPEU Group
granted to all officials of Foreign Post as stated above. 'C', held from 30-11-2008 to 02-12-2008 at Guntur
Letter No.: P/4-4/Medical Dated - 19.12.2008 unanimously resolves to draw the attention of the
addressed to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Directorate on Savings Bank and Savings Certificates.
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 1. Department of posts, in compliance to the
l Resolution on treatment in Authorised orders issued by the Ministry of Finance, had
medical hospitals in CGHS area. unilaterally ordered for closure of all types of
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India institutional Savings Accounts with effect from 13-5-
conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 2005 and forcefully ordered the depositors of such
on the subject is enclosed for favour of kind types of accounts to close their accounts within 31-
consideration. 12-2005. This is unwarranted and aimed at reducing
It is requested to consider the same and take the role of postal SB branch and would result in loss
up with appropriate ministries for extending the welfare of patronage of valued customers on the one hand
measures to all the officials. and heavy loss of revenue on the other.
RESOLUTION ON TREATMENT IN AUTHORISED 2. The rate of interest in case of PO Savings
MEDICAL HOSPITALS IN NON-CGHS AREA Bank Account is continuously being reduced by the
This All India Conference of A.I.P.E.U. Group Govt. As a result, the quantum of investment in PO
' C' held from 30.11.088 to 02.12.08 at Guntur, A.P Saving Bank is steeply decreasing. This pre-planned
unanimously resolves to request the Directorate to take act on the part of the Govt is aimed at not only to
up with Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance to reduce the importance and relevance of PO Savings
amend the CS (MA) Rules 1944 to enable the Bank but also to dismantle the economic stability of
employees to take treatment in Authorised Private the entire nation as majority of the investment in small
Hospitals as other employees in Non CGHS Area. savings is lent to the respective State Governments
The Delhi High Court directed to reimburse as a soft - loan. Furthermore, the Govt is not exercising
the full amount of the medical claim and also imposed any kind of check over the increasing rate of interest
penalty of Rs.10000/- as penalty for harassing the allowed by majority of the financial institutions and
official mentally. The High Court Jodhpur also uphold private bank for loans to its depositors. This is anti-
the decision of the CAT under O A. NO 137/2007 to people and economically counter-productive.
reimburse full Medical claim for the treatment taken in 3. The inhuman act of withdrawal of bonus from
private hospital on Emergency. Monthly Income Accounts Scheme by the Govt. had
There are various judicial pronouncements demotivated the common people from making savings.
similar to these; However, they have been implemented We strongly oppose it as this would facilitate huge
only to those approach the courts. An uniform flow of money into the share market by which the
application of such welfare orders is the need of the security of investment made by the common man will
hours. be in danger. Eventhough the bonus to the extent of
The 27th All India Conference requests for early 5% in reintroduced, the charm in the MIS accounts
amendment to ensure full benefit for the employees has gone and public response is poor.
for treatment in Authorised Medical Hospitals in the 4. It has been observed with great displeasure
Non CGHS area also. that the department is not at all paying required
Letter No.: P/4-5/S B Operation Dated - 19.12.2008 attention towards printing and timely supply of various
addressed to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, forms related to Savings Bank, Pass-Books and
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 Savings Certificates. The counter staffs are forced to
l Resolution on SB Savings Certificates face the music. This shortage of supply of essential
adopted in the 27the AIC held at Guntur - reg. forms generates customer dissatisfaction and


ultimately results in decreasing of public investments reorganized in the year 2007-2008 by setting up of a
in post offices. separate division for Mail Business Development &
5. The department is not attaching needy Operations. The same organizational restructuring was
attention towards up-gradation of Sanchay Post also carried out in almost all the 22 Postal Circles.
Software. As a result, the officials are finding it The prima facie object to administer, expand
extremely difficult to work at computerized Savings and promote the value-added services launched by
Bank Counters. This conference unanimously the Department and traditional mails and parcel
demands that all amendments made by the Govt in products and services are totally lost as on date.
PO SB Rules & PO Savings Certificates Rule must Instead the Business Post of the Department has now
also be incorporated into the Sanchay Post Software a day become a scope of promotion for bureaucrats.
simultaneously with its public notification. It is also observed that majority of the services
6. The commission allowed by the Ministry of launched by the Business Development Directorate,
Finance to the Department of Posts for operation of viz., Direct Post, Express Parcel Post, Media Post,
various savings schemes do not commensurate with Logistics Post, e-Bill Post, e-Payment, e-Post, Retail
the existing economic scenario of the market. The Post, etc., are day after day lacking their popularity
rates must be revised at the earliest so as to minimise amongst the esteemed customers. This is directly
the quantum of loss of the Postal department in attributable to lack of adequate infrastructure provided
compliance to the order of the planning commission. by the Department. Furthermore, due to improper
7. The incentive payable @ Rs.1/- for operative market strategies and lesser viability of these kinds of
staff and 50ps for supervisor with the ceiling of Rs.500/ new products, majority of all such value-added services
-for MIS is inadequate. Hence, an upward revision of are lackluster from the date of their inception by the
Rs.4/- for operative staff and Rs.2/- for supervisor Department. This in turn adds to the loss of revenue of
without any ceiling is requested. the Department.
After the computerisation of POSB, the S.B. Only one service namely Speed Post is having
Allowance should be paid to all those deployed in SB its potentiality in the present day market. The Speed
branches whether qualified in S.B. Aptitude test or Post traffic has increased sizeably from the date of its
not. The AIC requests the Department to consider in introduction. Quite unfortunately, it is observed that
granting S.B. allowance to all those working in S.B. the Department is not paying proper attention towards
branches and refresher training may be imparted once this service and the infrastructural obstacles are
in three years to the officials posted in the S.B. branch. persisting day-after-day and thereby putting hindrances
Letter No.: P/4-5/Business Operations Dated - in optimization in Speed Post transmission system &
19.12.2008 addressed to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, thereby generating huge customers' dissatisfaction.
Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New It is also not quite understood that as to why the Speed
Delhi - 110001 Post tariff was curtailed to a great extent in the recent
l Resolution on unjust activities in the name years when the named service was inherently popular.
of Business Post adopted in the 27th AIC - reg. This in turn adds to the revenue deficit in comparison
The resolution adopted in the 27th All India to the cost incurred for providing the Speed Post
conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 service.
on the subject is enclosed herewith for kind No separate budgetary provision has been
consideration. made for the BD & Marketing Directorate till date and
The resolution is based on the reality and the the funding is done from the main budget grant of the
need to review the strategies on business activities. Department. This itself depicts the laxity in
It is requested to consider the suggestion in seriousness on the part of the Department to make
rightful manner and cause instruction to the lower levels the BD & Marketing Directorate financially independent.
not to harass the officials by fixing impracticable Also due to leakage of revenue on part of the BD &
targets on them. Marketing Directorate, the Department, on a whole, is
RESOLUTION ON UNJUST ACTIVITIES IN THE facing huge fictitious deficit year after year.
NAME OF BUSINESS POST It is also observed that in the name of
Business Development Directorate was set "Business", the Department is setting up unrealistic
up in the year 1996 with a mission to design, monitor, targets and on non-achievement of the same, officials
develop and market value-added, premium products from the lower rung are continuously being made the
of the Department. It was subsequently reorganized scapegoats by the Department by way of instituting
into Business Development and Marketing Directorate disciplinary proceedings against them in unjust
in the year 2004-2005. This Directorate was further manner and thereby denying the Principle of Natural
Justice. Quite unfortunately, higher-ups are not being Based on international Labour Conference
accounted for in a single case of non-achievement of decisions of 1919, the Govt. of India reviewed the
fixed targets and also for laxity in executing the problems in depth and suggested its opinion before
standards of financial propriety while making ILC in 1921.
expenditure from the public money. Pursuant to the decision of Royal Commission
In the latest audit observations made by the Recommendations of 1930, Maternity Benefits Act was
Comptroller & Auditor General of India, the C & AG promulgated in our country. There after the Govt. Of
had categorically noted its dissatisfaction towards the India extended certain benefits to working women
revenue loss incurred to the tune of Rs. 1.36 crores in employees.
the shape of BNPL dues in case of just 12 test-checked Now a days, the percentage of women
Head Post Offices only and also leakage of revenue employees have been increasing steadily in Govt
to the tune of Rs. 2.02 crores in the name of Business departments by virtue of their merits and qualification.
Post facility extended to customers without taking It is their onerous responsibility to actively involve
advance from them in case of a meager 8 Head Post themselves in Trade Union movement at all levels and
Offices test-checked. This Union strongly apprehends this conference appeals their active roll in this august
that such leakage of revenue from public exchequer organisation.
had already crossed hundreds of crores if analysis is LEAVE RESERVE:
made on the basis of actual performance-reports of all Due to availing maternity leave and leave
Business Offices throughout the nation. availed for pre and post-natal care and also the grant
This All India Conference of All India Postal of child care leave after the implementation of Sixth
Employees Union Group-C held at Guntur from 30.11.08 Pay Commission, there is a greater degree of
to 02.12.08 therefore unanimously resolves that the absentism among women employees which is
Department must put a total halt from launching all unavoidable. After the introduction of child care leave
such unviable new services on almost each and every and enhancing the number of days for maternity leave,
day without making market analysis in a scientific the need of more leave reserve is felt in the department
manner. It is also resolved that the Department must Sanction of enhance percentage of Leave Reserve
also refrain from making lower rung officials strength to the extent of 17% is inevitable.
scapegoats for non-achievement of unrealistic targets. CRÈCHES:
The Department must also take a serious note of the The Department has issued orders to
revenue loss incurred as was mentioned in the C & subordinate offices to provide Crèches under certain
AG Report and assess the tune of actual loss and condition. There require liberalization. However the
must thereafter fix up responsibilities on the higher- number of employees is small, the Department may
ups who are actually responsible for the said loss. It on payment, enter into arrangement with crèche
is also resolved that separate budgetary provisions be houses opened by other Department like Telecom etc.
made for the BD & Marketing Directorate from the to enable the Postal Women employees to leave their
forthcoming financial year itself and the loss incurred, Children under the care of trained matrons when they
if any, must not be bring into the main budget grant of proceed to work.
the Department. TRANSFERS:
Letter No.: P/4-4/Women Employees Dated - Though Government have issued orders that
18.12.2008 addressed to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, women employees should be transferred to the
Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New stations where their husbands are serving etc., at field
Delhi - 110001 level, there appears to be much delay to concede their
l Resolution on problems of women request. This should be avoided.
Employees adopted in the 27th AIC - reg. The women employees should not be posted
The copy of the resolution pertaining to the where basic facilities are lacking.
problems of women employees adopted in the 27th This conference appeals the Department to
All India Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to entertain transfer cases to their native places as
03.12.08 is enclosed herewith for kind consideration. requested in respect of unmarried women employees
This union will feel happy if the department and to the places where their husbands are working in
will consider the demands put forth in the resolution respect of married employees without putting any
ot protect the interest of serving women employees. restrictions, reservations or rejections.
Soliciting favourable consideration This AIC notes with serious concern on the
RESOLUTION ON PROBLEMS OF WOMEN denial of Sixth CPC recommendation on the flexi
EMPLOYEES: working hours for women employees.


HOSTELS: revising the Treasury allowance is in the offing. The
Keeping in view that women employees both Sixth Pay commission has simply left this issue
married and unmarried have to serve away from home- without any comments.
stations due to circumstance beyond their control, the It is pertinent to note that the Cashiers of
following is suggested. RMS Offices are drawing Cash Handling allowance
1. That women hostels may be constructed if ranging from Rs.250/-to Rs.300/-, but their
the number of women employees is large and counterparts in post offices who are designated as
2. Rooms may be reserved for women Treasurers get only Rs. 160/-. The irony is that the
employees in hostels which may be cashiers of RMS are receiving the remittance of cash
constructed in other Department of required for their offices only from the adjacent or
Government. nearby post offices. Hence, the cash for RMS offices
3. Allotting staff quarters earmarking for women is routed only through post offices from the adjacent
employees who are working in those places or nearby post offices. The treasurer thus handles
out of their native places. more cash than his counterpart in RMS called
DEPUTATION: cashiers. This is an anomaly and unjust.
In the case of Leave Reserve period, the This has been taken up at appropriate forum
women employees are indiscriminately subjected to for umpteenth time with exhaustive arguments. But,
deputations to single handed offices and other offices the anomaly still continues. The Department of Posts
where basic amenities are not available and offices has also sent its note to Sixth CPC recommending
which are beyond 8 KM radius resulting in change of the parity in between the RMS cashier & Post office
Head Quarters. This should be avoided. Treasurer. It is requested that needy action may be
This 27th All India Conference held at Guntur taken to set right this anomaly at the earliest by
from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 resolved to appeal to the granting the treasurers of post offices with Cash
Department of Posts to consider the women handling allowance at par with cashiers working in RMS
employees problem in depth and settle those, which & Administrative offices.
are within the ambit of powers. This 27th All India conference further resolves
This 27th All India Conference further appeals that the Treasurers working in 'A" class offices,
to all women employees working in all the circles to maintaining TCB may also be considered for the grant
involve themselves actively at all levels and uphold the of Cash handling allowance. Similarly all the treasurers
glory of our mighty organization and also to protect may be imparted training to detect fake notes and
the interest of all. fake note detecting machine may be supplied to all
Letter No.: P/4-2/Allowance Dated - 18.12.2008 LSG & above standard offices.
addressed to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Letter No.: P/4-4/Staff Dated - 18.12.2008 addressed
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 to Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department
l Resolution on upward revision of Cash of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
handling Allowance to Treasurers of Post offices l 27th AIC Resolution on Marketing
adopted in the 27the AIC - reg. Executive - regarding.
The resolution adopted on the subject in the The resolution adopted in the 27th AIC of this
said All India Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 Union held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 on the
to 03.12.08 is enclosed for favour of kind consideration problems of Marketing Executives is enclosed herewith
and action. for kind consideration. The resolution itself is
The Department itself has recommended the exhaustive.
same to the Sixth CPC which has not been dealt by It is requested to consider the same and settle
the Pay Commission. The disparity between the the long pending issue of this category of officials.
Treasurer and Cashier in the Postal department may A line is reply about the action taken is highly
be sorted out at the earliest. solicited.
HANDLING ALLOWANCE TO TREASURERS OF Despite the Postal Department has ventured
POST OFFICES various business activities and given a new face lift for
This All India Conference of AIPEU Group the service and also crated various JTS/STS level
'C' held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 officers' posts besides deploying more Group B Posts
unanimously resolves to insist the Department of for business activities, not even a single post of
Posts to take in to account the fact that despite Marketing Executive has so far been created at the
repeated request in this regard no fruitful result in base post offices. The PAs are now christened as
Marketing Executives with out any extra remuneration, It is requested to kindly consider the same
perks or incentives. and cause appropriate orders at the earliest.
This 27th AIC resolved to demand that the RESOLUTION ON UPWARD REVISION OF MPCM
Marketing Executives may be kept as a separate ALLOWANCE
cadre and promotions shall be accorded in next higher The 27th All India Conference of A.I.P.E.U.
grades with the ratio of 40: 40: 20. This should be Group 'C' held from 30.11.08 to 02.12.08 at Guntur,
placed as promotional post to Postal Assts with the A.P unanimously resolves to request the Directorate
pay scale of supervisor at present as available to LSG. to revise the MPCM allowance and convert the
Further the Marketing Executives are allowance as Computer Handling Allowance.
performing out door duties so as to promote various At the time of introduction of MPCM , it was
business activities; they should also be brought under originally agreed to grant two advance increments for
the purview of workmen's compensation Act 1923. as those working on computers, but a sum of Rs.100/-
if in the case of outdoor staff like ASPOs, SDI (P), PRI (Rs. One hundred only) was alone granted thereafter
(P), Cash overseer, Postmen & Group D officials if for working in MPCM / Computers.
entrusted for out door duties. Since then, no revision has been done despite
Letter No.: P/4-2/Allownace Dated - 18.12.2008 on -lining and computerizing the left out branches
addressed to Ms. Radhika Doriswamy, Secretary, completed too. The works on computers have been
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 expanded and the work load has been increased
l Resolution on upward Revision of MPCM manifolds. This justifies upward revision.
Allowance - adopted in 27th AIC - reg. Hence, it is resolved to request that either
The resolution requesting upward revision of one advance increment or a minimum sum of Rs.500/
MPCM allowance adopted in the 27th All India - (Rs. Five hundred only) may be granted as Computer
Conference held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 Handling Allowance for working in MPCM counts and
is appended herewith. also to all deployed in the computers.


jkf/kdk nks j kbZ L okeh Hkkjrh; Mkd foHkkx
lfpo] Hkkjr ljdkj lapkj ,oa lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh eU=kky;
egkfuns'kd] Mkd ,oa v/;{k Mkd lsok cksMZ Mkd Hkou] laln ekxZ
ubZ fnYyh&110001
Radhika Doraiswamy
l R;es
o t ;r s
Department of Posts, India
Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Director General, Posts & Chairman,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001
Postal Service Board

D.O. No. Secy(P)/Unions/2008 Dated: 26.12.2008 to be. The paid test letters issued by my office on a
regular basis prove that the productivity has fallen so
Dear Shri Sridharan much that it takes 15 days for the letters to reach
This refers to the Resolution on Amendment me from, for example, Trichy. This malaise has
to India Post Office Act-1898-adopted in the 27th All spread to every corner of the country. I would request
India Conference of your Union. you to take up with your association members the
You will agree that the demand that the need to enhance productivity and quality in their work.
Government has to restore the monopoly of handling With regards,
of mails to the Postal Department can never be
enforced, especially at a time the economy is on Yors sincerely,
the downturn. The Government on the contrary is Sd/-
issuing licenses to foreign service providers to set (RADHIKA DORAISWAMY)
up joint express mail companies in India. Government Shri K.V. Sridharan
will never ban private courier as these organizations General Secretary
creates job opportunity, and also deliver efficient All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'
service. Rather than complaining about courier Dada Ghosh Bhavan
organizations we should think of improving 2151/1, New Patel Nagar,
productivity and bring India Post to what it once used New Delhi-110008


u Alleged unhelpful and anti-worker dated 10.12.2008 of Secretary General, National
attitude of Director, New Delhi GPO and harassing Federation of Postal Employees on the above
members-request intervention. mentioned subject.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-5/New 2. Secretary (Posts) will take a meeting with
Delhi dated 09.09.2008 on the above mentioned subject. Secretary General, National Federation of Postal
2. The matter has been examined in consultation Employees and General Secretaries of recognized Service
with the Circle Office. As reported, the transfers made Associations affiliated to the Federation on 13th January,
by the Director, New Delhi GPO were in the interest of 2009 at 3.00 P.M. in Committee Room, Dak Bhawan,
service and generally on completion of tenure. However, New Delhi, to discuss the issues raised in the 'Charter of
Director, New Delhi GPO has been advised to maintain demands' enclosed in the letter dated 10.12.2008 ibid.
cordial relation with the service unions and staff. 3. Please make it convenient to attend the meeting.
(No.16/98/2008-SR dated 04-12-2008) (No.8/18/2008-SR dated 30.12.2008)
u Alleged harassment of officials by the u Building Problems & Non Maintenance
SSPO's Jalandhar Division-Punjab Circle. Postal Colony - Case of Hissar in Haryana Circle.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. 15105 I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-7/
dated 14.11.2008 and No. P/2-17/Jalandhar dated Hissar dated 18.09.2008 on the subject mentioned
14.11.2008 on the above mentioned subject. above and the Para wise replies is as under :-
2. The matter has been examined in consultation Hissar Kty. Post office
with the Circle Office. As reported, a dacoity took place Hissar Kty. Post office has been shifted to
in Jalandhar City Head Office in the night of 5/6-11- the SPM/s residence portion, allowing the SPM to
2008 and cash amounting to about rupees forty lacs draw HRA in lieu of rent-free accommodation. So far
was looted. The police authorities were informed and as reconstruction of the building is concerned, it is
Sr. Supdt. of Police visited Jalandhar City HO alongwith submitted that HUDA authorities have developed a
Police force for investigation. Postmaster General, shopping complex in the area after demolishing the
Punjab Region also visited Jalandhar HO and took stock old buildings and they intend to use this plot as well
of the situation. The Postal Officials of Jalandhar City for the purpose and as such they are claiming their
HO namely Shri Sarwan Kumar Bangar, Sh. Dharam ownership on the plot. As soon as the building is
Pal and Sh. Raj Pal, all Postal Assistants, were placed demolished the site will be taken over by HUDA as
under suspension due to the compilcity established evident from the fact that the boundary wall constructed
on the basis of DLI and subsequent investigations by the department was demolished by the HUDA
carried out by AD (Inv), Punjab Region. Thereafter, the authorities and they did not allow its reconstruction.
family members of these three officials gathered Plot at Ellnabad
outside the GPO main gate on 12.11.2008 and took Ellnabad P.O. project could not be included
out all the staff working in Jalandhar City HO and started in the XIth Plan due to funds constraints.
agitation against the administration and shouted Maintenance of Postal Colony HPO compound
slogans against the administration. Hissar
3. The agitating employees were told that the Estimate amounting to Rs. 5,87,700/- has
stoppage of work without notice is totally illegal and already been sanctioned on 8.10.08 for special repair
unacceptable. However, on the intervention of PMG(R), and A/R & MO to Postal staff quarters at HPO
the work could be started at Jalandhar City HO on compound Hissar.
15.11.2008 after 1230 Hrs. The Union representatives As regard use of vacant plot measuring 954
were told by the PMG (R) that these officials have been Sq. yards for staff quarters and commercial purpose,
indentified as subsidiary offender in the said case and the matter is under consideration.
placed under suspension. Now the investigation in this (No. 14-2/2008-Bldg. dated 31.12.2008)
case is being carried out by the Punjab Region and the u Alleged unjust and absolute favoritism
question of harassment of any officials does not arise. extended to unrecognized union by the SPOs,
(No.16/98/2008-SR dated 29-12-2008) Chhindwara in MP Circle.
u Grant of meeting to National Federation I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No.
of Postal Employees and its affiliated Service P/2-14/Chindwara dated 22.12.2008 received from the
Associations. General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union
This is reference to letter No. PF-12(d)/2008 Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject.
2. It is requested to look into the matter and (b) Shri Sanjay Pathak, PA from 13.06.2008 AN
furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest. to 13.07.2008 AN.
(No. 16/111/2008-SR dated 06.01.2009) Therefore, allegation of working single
u Non according recognition to the elected handedly by the Circle Secretary is not correct. The
representatives-case of Ludhiana City Division, Circle Secretary has been transferred locally from
Punjab Circle. Chhotapara Raipur SO to, Ravishankar University
I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. Raipur SO within Raipur town in the interest of service
P/2-17/Ludhiana City dated 16.12.2008 received from by SPOs Raipur due to various irregularities noticed.
the General Secretary, All India Postal Employees He resumed his duty as SPM RSU Raipur in the
Union Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject. afternoon on 23.07.2008
2. It is requested to look into the matter and (ii) Divisional Secretary, Shri Gangber was posted
furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest. to Dayanand Nagar SO at his own request. Divisional
(No. 16/110/2008-SR dated 09.01.2009) Secretary and circle Secretary never requested for
u Review of counterfoil of cheques books posting in Raipur HO. Circle Secretary is working
being supplied to account holders of Post Office inRaipur City proper.
Savings Account. (iii) No such instructions have been issued by the
The undersigned is directed to enclose Chief PMG. The Divisional Secretaries, Durg and Bilaspur
suggestion received from Maharashtra Circle for are working in big Post Offices having HSG.II status.
change in the format of counterfoil of MICR cheques (iv) No action has been taken against office bearer
book printed and supplied by NSI for savings account on flimsy ground. Disciplinary action has been initiated
holders as the present format is not suitable for against Shri Gangber the then SPM, Shankar Nagar,
depositors. Photocopy of the POSB MICR Cheque Raipur (He is also Divisional Secretary) by the SSPOs
Book counterfoil and copy of Record Slop of cheques Raipur because he is one of the main offenders in the
book of one Nationalized Bank are also enclosed. It is fraud of approximately Rs. 3 lakh at Shankar Nagar. S.O.
requested that suggestion seems to be good and need (v) In this regard a detailed report has already
to be examined. been sent, which is under consideration.
This issues with the approval of DDG (FS) (vi) Rented buildings including Postal staff
(Letter No. 116-24/08-SB dated 19.12.2008 addressed quarters are being maintained properly in this Circle.
to the Ministery of Finance copy to CHQ, w.r.t. its letter.) An estimate of Rs. 4,29,800/- has been sanctioned
u Alleged unhelpful & anti-worker attitude on 30.07.2008 for maintenance of Postal Staff quarters
of the Chief PMG, Chhatisgarh Circle. of Indrawati Colony, Raipur. A portion of Postal
I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-4/ compound at Byron Bazar was being encroached by
Chhatisgarh dated 5.8.2008 on the above mentioned subject. BSNL. They attempted construction of telephone
2. The matter has been examined in consultation Exchange with tower which was stopped. To avoid such
with the Circle Offcie. As reported, itemwise position further attempt of encroachment and to remove the
is indicated as under: hazards of snakes etc. in the bushes and garbage in
i) Shri S.A. Hamid Circle Secretary, during his the said land, it has been developed and some
tenure as Sub Postmaster Chhotapara, Raipur w.e.f. recreation facilities have been provided for the officers
15.7.2005 to 13.07.2008 was continuously assisted and staff. It has saved about 10,000 Sq. ft. land in
by one Postal Assistant as per details given below: prime area of Civil lines from encroachment.
(a) Shri A.K. Singh, PA from 03.06.2004 to (vii) No such discussion has taken place.
13.06.2008 AN (No. 16/68/2007-SR dated 15-01-2009)

staged by
at Jabalpur


l Clarification in respect of regional re- the particulars of payment should be maintained in
allotment in case of officials prompted to HSG.II separate register to monitor the expenditure on this
cadre against the temporary vacancies caused score. The amount spent under the scheme should
due to ad-hoc promotion of HSG.II officials to be shown separately in the quarterly statement of
HSG.I. Pay and allowances also and submitted the Budget
I am directed to refer to your office letter No. Section at the end of the quarter.
STA/8-3/08 dated 14-11-2008 on the subject 3. This issues in consultation with Budget
mentioned above and to say that there are no Section.
instructions, which prohibit posting of regularly (DG(P) No. 1-9/2008-PCC Dated: 22-12-2008)
promoted officials against temporary/adhoc vacancy l Recommendations of Sixth Central Pay
or officials promoted on adhoc basis against regular Commission- Fixation of Pay of Postman in
vacancy. TBOP/BCR
(DG(P) No.4-24/2008-SPB dated 2-12-2008 addressed I am directed to refer to this office letter No.4-
to TN circle) 4/2008-PCC dated 04-09-2008 regarding Sixth CPC-
l Re-introduction of Short Duty Staff Revision of Pay Scales in respect of Group ‘A’, ‘B’,
Scheme. ‘C’, and ‘D’ Employees 2008.
This is in continuation of this office letter of even 2. The existing pay scale of Postmen is
number dated 14.8.2008 on the subject noted above. Rs.3050-75-3800-80-4590. Sixth CPC has
2. In this regard it is requested that expenditure recommended upgradation of the per-revised scale
incurred in respect of staff engaged under the said to Rs. 3200-85-4900 placing them in the
scheme by way of disbursement of wages may be corresponding revised pay band of Rs. 5200-20200
booked under Sub head of Accounts. If the staff is with grade pay of Rs.2000. Few Circles and the Staff
engaged in Post Offices, it may be booked under Federations have sought clarification about fixation
3201. Wages (Non-Plan) and if they of pay to Postmen who have been granted financial
are engaged in RMS offices the expenditure may be upgradation(s) under TBOP/BCR schemes. The issue
booked under head 3201. Wages has been examined in consultation with the Ministry
(Mail Sorting) (Non-Plan). It is also requested that of Finance and it is clarified as under:
Stage Pre-revised Pre-revised scale Corresponding Pay Band and Grade
Pay Scale recommended by Pay approved by Government
Sixth CPC &
approved by Govt.
Pay Band Grade Pay
Initial Entry Rs.3050-75- Rs. 3200-85-4900 Rs. 5200-20200 Rs.2000
3800-80-4590 (PBI)
TBOP 4000-100-6000 Rs. 4000-100-6000 Rs.5200-20200 Rs. 2400
BCR 45-125-7000 Rs. 4500-125-7000 Rs.5200-20200 Rs. 2800
3. Necessary action may be taken by the TBOP Rs. 3200-85-4900
Circles to fix the pay scales of Postmen/ Mail Guards. BCR Rs. 4000-100-6000
(DG(P) No. 1-9/2008-PCC dated 22.12.2008) (DG(P) No. 1-9/2008-PCC dated: 24-12-2008)
l Corrigendum-Recommendations of Sixth l Child Care Leave in respect of Central
Central pay Commission- Fixation of Pay of Government employees as a result of Sixth
Postman in TBOP/BCR. Central Pay Commission recommendations-
I am directed to refer to this office letter of Clarification.
even number dated 22-12-2008 on the above- The undersigned is directed to refer to this
mentioned subject. Department's O.M. of even number, dated the 11th
2. The pre-revised Pay scale of Postmen of September, 2008 regarding introduction of child care
TBOP and BCR mentioned in column 2 may be read leave in respect of Central Government employees
as follows: (Contd. on page 34)
On 18.12.08, NFPE Delegation consisting of should not be accepted. The Committee
Comrades K.Ragavendran [Secretary General NFPE]; appreciated our view point and may consider
K.V.Sridharan [General Secretary P3]; and Ishwar favourably.
Singh Dabas [General Secretary P4] attended the 7. Fixation of Pay for GDS should ensure exact
discussion with the Senior Officers Committee headed comparative Prorata wages including the Grade
by Shri.P.K.Gopinath Chief Postmaster General Delhi Pay Quantum and weightage should be ensured
Circle. The full Committee took the meeting with us @ one increment per two years of service. This
and more than one hour all issues raised in our Note will be considered.
to Secretary [P] were discussed. We insisted that 8. Pension in the name of Service Discharge
the Government of India should now consider our Benefit offered by the GDS Committee is very
demand for grant of Civil Servants status under the low and it has to be as per Justice Talwar
light and spirit of several Supreme Court Judgments. Committee and a minimum of 1750/- per month
The approach of the Senior Officers should be ensured by modifying the
Committee was positive. The Chairman of the recommendations of the GDS Committee. The
Committee shared our opinion and asserted that no Severance Amount presently payable to
dramatic departure should be made on many Promotees from GDS shall continue. All our
established practices like Pro-rata comparison with suggestions will receive due consideration of the
Mail Overseers, Postmen, Group D; same DA formula; Committee.
same PLB Bonus ceiling etc. Even on the matter of 9. Gratuity should not be less than the amount
our assertion that GDS should be treated as holders prescribed under the Gratuity Act 1972 as per
of Civil Post as per the Supreme Court judgment and the Supreme Court Judgment. The issue will
not to be downgraded as part timers or vetti or thalayaris receive due attention.
etc, the approach of the Committee is positive. 10. No adverse change to be introduced in the
The following points have been insisted within promotional avenue and promotional methods
the limited time available to us for discussion with the for GDS like introduction of direct recruitment
Committee: in Postmen cadre and introduction of
1. Status of Civil Servants to be accorded to GDS examination for becoming upgraded Group C.
and all benefits and all allowances on par with This will be considered favourably. In addition
regular shall be proportionately granted. we demanded that the Department should
2. Prorata wages on the basis of historical consider ACP for GDS also. We also insisted
comparison with Mail Overseers, Postmen, introduction of element of recruitment of PA
Group D to be maintained and no violation as Cadre from amongst the GDS by appearing the
recommended by GDS Committee should be exam for the unfilled vacancies.
accepted. The Committee is positively 11. Transfer shall be permitted to GDS against
responded to this. vacant posts without restriction. The issue was
3. There should be only two pay scales for the work discussed deeply and the Committee may give
load for 3.45 minutes and above. This would be some positive decision also.
considered. 12. Leave shall be at least 50% of total leave
4. Rate of increment shall be @ 3% and not as available to regular and the facility to carry
recommended by GDS Committee. The forward the leave accumulated without any
Committee may favourably consider this issue. restriction be permitted. Maternity leave should
5. DA Formula should not be changed as be same as regular without difference and
recommended by GDS Committee by should be paid from the exchequer and not from
introducing a Rural Basket and the same formula welfare fund.
in existence for all CG Employees should be 13. No abolition of GDS posts, offices etc. The
continued without any change. The Committee Committee again reiterated that no drastic
felt that no need to drastically change the departure from the existing position.
existing system of DA Formula. 14. The standards particularly tightening of standard
6. PLB Formula should be same for all Postal like cash counting etc for BPM recommended
Employees and the recommendation of the GDS by GDS Committee should be rejected. The
Committee for reducing the ceiling for GDS Committee agreed that the recommendation of
GDS Committee is unscientific. We hope the Federation of Postal Employees along with its
Committee may favourably consider this issue. affiliated unions.
15. Retirement age should not be reduced. The In the wake of strike notice 02.12.2008 given
Committee felt that no need to drastically by All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees
change the status quo. Union and letter dated 09.12.2008 of National
16. No abolition of GDS MM, GDS SV, ED BOs, Federation of Postal Employees and its affiliated unions
ED SOs and GDS SPM etc. The Committee showing their solidarity for the strike action, the
will consider continuation of existing system conciliation proceedings were started by the Regional
instead of drastic departure of the present. Labour Commissioner [Central] on 12.12.2008. Further
17. No PSSK or Franchisee outlets should be proceedings in the matter were held in the fore noon
opened in lieu of BOs. of 15.12.2008 in the chamber of Regional Labour
18. Combined duty should be compensated by actual Commissioner [Central], who suggested the
work load and not a meagre allowance. management side to give a meeting to the Staff side
19. On Cycle beat - Foot beat formula, we demanded and accordingly she fixed a meeting for 14.00 hours.
that the 1987 agreement shall be honoured. This However, Shri.S.S.Mahadevaiah, General Secretary,
was agreed to. All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union,
20. Office Maintenance Allowance should be at least did not report for the meeting and this was brought to
200/- per month in addition to grant of actual the notice of the RLC.
electricity charges. 2. The next sitting of the conciliation proceedings took
21. Rate of compensation for detention beyond place on 16.12.2008 at 11.00 hours, wherein the Staff
working hours shall be fixed as 25/- and not as side was persuaded to at least defer the strike on the
recommended by the Committee. This will be plea that the report of the GDS Committee was still
favourable considered. under the examination by the Department. However,
22. Night co-efficient should be compensated by the Staff side did not agree to the view point expressed
hourly wages and not just Mazdoor charges. by the Department as well as by the RLC and remained
23. Introduction of minor penalties in GDS Conduct adamant on their stand to proceed on strike. The RLC
Rules insisted. once again suggested that the management should a
24. Procedure of obtaining Security Bond should be meeting to the Staff side and the meeting was fixed
dispensed with. for 15.00 hours. The RLC further suggested that NFPE
25. Review of establishment should be conducted and its affiliated unions may also be invited in the
as per the present norms. meeting to be taken by the management.
Above all the major break through is non- 3. The meeting taken by the DDG [Estt] started at
curtailment of trade union facilities. The Committee 15.00 hours of 16.12.2008,,which was attended by
has observed that the recommendations of Nataraja Secretary General, NFPE and General Secretaries of
Murti Committee on this count are beyond the P III, R III, P IV and Administrative Offices Union,
jurisdiction of the GDS Committee. affiliated to NFPE and General Secretary of AIPEDEU.
In nut shell the over-all approach of the Senior The Staff side was appraised of the fact that the
Officers Committee headed by Shri P.K.Gopinath the recommendations of the GDS Committee are still
Chief Postmaster General Delhi Circle is positive. If under consideration by the Group of Senior Officers
the approach exhibited by the above Committee is and its report is likely to be submitted shortly, after
reflected in their submission of Report, then it will solve which it will be considered by the Postal Services Board
major problems created by the retrograde and the recommendations of the Postal Services Board
recommendations of Natraja Murti Committee. will be finally considered by the Cabinet. The Staff side
will get adequate opportunity to present their view
AGAIN ON GDS COMMITTEE REPORT 4. In the light of the facts stated above, the Staff side
may kindly appreciate that their action of going on
strike in the context of recommendations of the GDS
DECISION. Committee is unfounded and it would be in the fitness
DG (P) Letter File No.8/12/2008-SR Dated the of things if they call off the strike and resume their
December 18, 2008 duties and restore normalcy.
Subject: Notice for Indefinite Strike starting on Sd/-
17.12.2008 given by All India Postal Extra DIRECTOR [SR]
Departmental Employees Union and National
(Contd. from page 31)
and subsequent clarification vide OM, dated the 29th xzkeh.k Mkd lsod dh O;Fkk&dFkk
September, 2008 and 18th November, 2008. It is further
clarified that child care leave sanctioned prior to
lkBva'k dh >qdh dej
issuance of I.M. No. 13018/2/2008-Estt.(L), dated the toku th jgs cw<+h mej
18th November, 2008 shall be treated as child care leave iSj u j[krs twrs
and shall be deducted from the Child Care Leave
account of the Government servant concerned. No thrs vius cwrs
adjustment against any other kind of leave shall be made igus isou] fpFkM+s] yÙks
in this regard. The Child Care Leave sanctioned for the 'kq"d xkr tl ihys iÙks
period beyond 18-11-2008 shall, however, be regulated
in terms of clarification issued vide OM, of even number, dqÙks nsf[k fyokl
dated 18-11-2008. dkVs vkSj cq>k;s I;kl
(G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 13018/2/2008-Estt.(L),
dated 2-12-2008)
fnu Hkj djrs dke
l Implementation of Government's decision on fy[kk dgk¡\ vkjke
the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay vQlj pwlsa fulfnu [kwu
Reference this office letters of even number jksVh eksgky dgk¡\ nksuksa twu
dated 4.9.08 and 6.10.08 whereby Ministry of Personnel, ekusa vQlj dks Hkxoku
Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Pension
and Pensioner's Welfare) O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A)
dVk gqvk tl dqdqj dku
dated 2.9.2008 and O.M. NO. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) Pt.II dated fy, gFksyh viuh tku
3.10.08 on the above mentioned subject were circulated. yk[k] ?kwe dh djrs iku
A further clarifications/modifications received in this regard
vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, cPps muds Hkw[kksa ejrs
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare O.M. No. nsf[k n'kk vk¡lw gSa >jrs
38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 11.12.08 is sent herewith for
information, guidance and necessary action.
lHkh gfMM~;ka lkQ lh nh[ksa
(DG(P) No. 4-7/2008-Pension Dated : 2.1.2009) Hkyk dkSu lqurk tks ph[ksa
l Continuation of ad-hoc promotion made in the ikuh fQj x;k dh tks vkl
cadre of HSG.I
I am directed to refer to this Department's letters ekjk&fQjrs jgsa mnkl
of even numbers dated 21st May 2008 and 21st U;wu gS osru
November 2008 regarding continuation of ad-hoc
promotion made in the cadre of HSG.I for a period of six
D;k\ ;s psru
months beyond May 2008 and to say that it has been xkM+h dtZ] tqxkM+ ls pyrh
decided with the approval of Department of Personnel & nky u budh dksbZ xyrh
Training to continue the said ad-hoc arrangement for a
further period of six more months i.e. upto 19th May 2008 ek¡l isf'k;k >wy jgh gSa
or till Recruitment Rules are finalized and regular lk¡lsa budh Qwy jgh gSa
arrangements are made in accordance with that,
whichever is earlier.
D;k igusa vkSj D;k ;s [kkrs
2. It is, therefore, requested that the ad-hoc promotion yxrk nkst+[k esa ;s tkrs
initially made as per instructions contined in this dksbZ Hkh vkrh ljdkj
Department's letter of even number dated 20th November
2006 in HSG.I may be further continued accordingly. D;k j[krh buls njdkj
(DG(P) No. 4-16-2002-SPB-II Dated : 02.12.2008) LoPN iz'kklu ,d f<+a<ksjk
l Continuation of ad-hoc promotion made in the
cadre of HSG.I
thou nwHkj] vUu fuBksjk
I am directed to refer to this Department's letters budh dc\ lqurh ljdkj
of even numbers dated 2nd December 2008 regarding dkSu\ dgk¡\ Lohdkjs gkjA
continuation of ad-hoc promotion made in the cadre of
HSG.I for a further period of six months and to say that the Øe'k%
date 19th May, 2008' figuring in the 6th line of first para of nyJ`axkjdq'kokgk^^dq'k**(iwoZmiMkdiky)
the above mentioned letter may be read as 19th May, 2009.
(DG(P) No. 4-16-2002-SPB-II Dated : 10.12.2008)
iwohZiz[k.M]okjk.klh(m-iz) nwjHkk"k&0542&2587899

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