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Name : Nguyen Lan Phuong

Class : 10E2

Version 1 - Edited

Topic : Do you live to eat or eat to live?
Eating plays a crucial role in maintaining and prolonging our span of life.
However, this fact depends on the way and attitude to eating; therefore, to
answer the question "Do you live to eat or eat to live?", I strongly hold an
opinion that we should live to eat .
First and foremost, we live to eat for pleasure under any circumstances,
whenever we are ravenous or not, just try not to disrupt our biological
clock. Undoubtedly, Food is the most primitive form of Error: Reference
source not found stated by Sheilah Graham. It is food that makes us feel
comfortable, less sorrowful, not purely satisfy our hunger. According to
scientific researchers, we have averagely about 10,000 taste buds on the
tongue experienced different tastes that are sweet, salty, sour, and bitter of
dishes. However, that number will be shrunk by half with age; thus, taste
will be reduced. Taste buds are obviously born to bring pleasure to our
taste, consequently, we could appreciate true flavor of food.
Additionally, pleasure from eating attributes to a healthy body. The
difference between French and American attitudes towards food done by
an American psychologist and a French sociologist is a typical example.
While the French always choose and eat food for pleasure as a
rudimentary element. Americans select out certain foods such as fats, fast
food and eat them cautiously. Unfortunately, the result doesn't come up to
our expectations. The French are generally healthier than Americans. It
can be clarified that the French eat small portions, without snacks between
meals and focus on how they eat following strict rules. On the contrary,
Americans are more careful about nutrition density with less strict rules but
eat unlimited portions, have second helpings. It is unquestionable that
eating for pleasure doesn't mean that we can eat food without restraint. We
should feel restful when eating and control our daily intake of nutritions to
be healthy as the French are.
Secondly, food is a significant trademark of a culture by Mark Kurlansky,
Error: Reference source not found (2002). We live to enjoy specialties in
different plots of land and countries around the world. The more we eat,
the more experience and knowledge we perceive in our life. We not only
learn about the way to eat regional dishes but also bear in mind the origins
or the stories about them. Live to eat as well as live to experience.
Moreover, not only is restricted to the literal sense is living to eat

delicious food for pleasure, that statement leads us to a figurative

perspective on the demands of enjoyment in many aspects of our life. We
live to reward ourselves and receive enjoyment. In the past, our ancestors
simply created food to exist. Having food to eat was of the great
importance. Nowadays, the increase in technology motivates us to improve
the quality of life. People both know how to choose healthy food and
essentially how to enjoy them. They seem to have thoughts of enjoyment
in whatever they do, not limit to eating.
In short, pleasure from eating and experience of food specialties are
somewhat regarded as the art of eating. The art of eating as well as its
figurative meaning strongly verifies the guideline "Live to eat "of the answer.
Error: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not found
Comments (From Trang):
- Your writing seems to be quite good with many words which surely be chosen
- In the body of the writing, your main points was indicated clearly which made
your writing coherence and logical.
- You need to notice about some minor mistakes to make your writing more
coherent and clearly.
This is just my personal opinions. Hope this helps.

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