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Loek Hopstakens
Catalog of Services
Prof. Loek Hopstaken is a specialist in:
human resource management (HRM) & organizational design;
leadership & management;
communication & public relations (PR).
Since 2008 he works in both Vietnam & The Netherlands as a
Business Trainer, Consultant, Mentor, Coach & Teacher.

Ho Chi Minh City, 2011: Prof. Dave Ulrich with Prof. Loek Hopstaken
& his students of the Institute of Potential Leaders-2 HRM class.

* Expertise; added value
* Human Resource Management 7
* Communication
* Public Relations
* Leadership & Management
* Team Work
* Seminars & Lectures
* The 3 Allround Programs
* Train-the-Trainer Programs
* Cross Cultural Programs
* Contact information



The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 2

Topi / se i e
Hopstake : i t odu io


E pe ise; added alue; e

ou ses

Hu a Resour e Ma age e t HRM

HRM Wo kshops

e uit e t & O oa di g
O ga izaio al Desig & Cultu e
Ti e Ma age e t & Ei ie
Pe fo a e E aluaio i l. KPI s
Co li t esoluio

HRM Co sulta



& Coa hi g

E e ui e & taf e uit e t

I te al u e
Ke Pe fo a e I di ato s
Moi aio u e

u i aio
u i aio Wo kshops
u i aio Basi s
Deali g With Dii ult People
Ma age e t Co
u i aio
C oss- ultu al Co
u i aio
e ial Co
u i aio
I t odu io to Coa hi g & Me to i g
Efe i e Meei gs

u i aio Co sulta
u i aio & Coope aio
Deali g ith Dii ult People

Pu li Relaio s PR
PR Wo kshops & Coa hi g

The Real P
Buildi g I age & Ide it
E e t Ma age e t Coa hi g
Pu li peaki g P ese taio kills
Media T ai i g
I teg ated o ial Media

- -

Topi / e i e
Leadership & Ma age e t
Leade ship & Ma age e t Wo kshops

Leade ship & Ma age e t

Cha ge Ma age e t
Busi ess Ethi s & Co po ate Go e a e
Colla o ai e Ma age e t


Ma age e t Wo kshops

Tea Fo aio & Ma age e t

The Real Tea Buildi g: Tea E gi ee i g
Co po ate Tea

Coa hi g & Me tori g

Coa hi g fo Ma age s & pe ialists

Me to i g fo Leade s & Ma age s
Pe so al Coa h

Strategi & Ta i al Ma age e t

Co po ate t ateg
Ta i al Ma age e t

Se i ars & Le tures

e i a & Le tu e topi s

The Allrou d Progra s

The All ou d Ma age P og a

The All ou d Co
u i ato P og a
The Tailo Made ot kills P og a

Trai the Trai er

T ai the T ai e P og a s

Fa e to Fa e: Cross-Cultural Progra s

C oss- ultu al p og a
C oss- ultu al p og a

o th i te p ete s

page 26

fo Viet a ese
fo E pats

E pa di g E pe ise & Net o ks

Co ta t I fo





page 27

Page 3

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Loek Hopstake fou ded Hopstake Bedrijfsad ies, a t ai i g & o sulta
i lo ated i
A ste da , The Nethe la ds. At the i e he as o ki g as a e io Qualit Co sulta t fo NMB Post a k
G oup, soo to e o e ING Ba k. As a seaso ed p oje t a age a d spe ialist i a eas: pe so el,
o ga izaio , a d o
u i aio , his passio e a e sha i g his k o ledge & k o -ho .
I The Nethe la ds a d Belgiu he deli e ed his se i es to thousa ds of leade s, a age s a d
spe ialists. I
he as i ited to tea h at a i te aio al a age e t s hool i his ho e ou t . I
he as a a ded his P ofesso itle fo his usi ess e pe ise, e pe ie e a d tea hi g ualiies. It also
aised his i te est i Viet a . i e No e e
he o ks a d li es i oth Viet a a d The
Nethe la ds. Besides deli e i g t ai i g p og a s a d o sulta
fo Viet a ese a d fo eig o pa ies,
he is a Guest Le tu e at Viet a ese a d fo eig u i e siies. Fo t o seaso s, he pe fo ed as a egula
Ju Me e i the CEO Key to Su ess t sho . Loek Hopstake etai s his post as Visii g Le tu e a d
P ofesso at Wite o g U i e sit of Applied ie es i Apeldoo The Nethe la ds .
I Viet a , Hopstake has deli e ed se i es to / fo :

Ta Thua IPC se i a s

Ho Chi Mi h Cit U i e sit of Te h olog p ese taio skills

PACE pu li ou sesHM; tailo ade a age e t t ai i g

PECTA VIP; Nike; Pet o as; CapitaLa d

I situte of Pote ial Leade s HM

De Heus Viet a All ou d Ma age P og a ; lead ship; sales a age e t

MIT Viet a p ese taio skills; tea

uildi g

Pet o as tea
uildi g o kshop; t ess Ma age e t

o al Busi ess hool se i a s; pu li ou sesHM, P, Co

u i aio

Viet a Ai li es leade ship o kshop; usto e se i e se i a

ONY Viet a pu li speaki g se i a s

Mi ist of La ou , I alids & o ial Afai s leade ship se i a s

Hoa ggia Media G oup Ju Me e

Ce t e fo T opi al Medi i e O fo d
oss- ultu al o
u i aio

Khue Va A ade
se i a s o Ti e Ma age e t, De isio Maki g

hoelle Ble k a Viet a tailo ade Ma age e t De elop e t

U i ue Desig o sulta , oa hi g & e to i g; tea

uildi g o kshop

Co t ol U io All ou d Ma age P og a ; oa hi g

E o All ou d Ma age P og a

Asia I situte of Te h olog AIT; t ai i g & o sulta

Ho Chi Mi h Cit Fi a e & I est e t Co po aio JC HFIC; oa hi g

CAE Viet a st ateg ; oss- ultu al t ai i g; oa hi g & e to i g; sot skills

Dut h Busi ess Asso iaio Viet a se i a

T pe of usi ess
I dust ial de elop e t
BBA/MBA p og a
Busi ess t ai i g / se i a s
T ai i g & o sulta
Elite usi ess edu aio
A i al feed
BBA p og a
Oil & Gas; he i als
Busi ess T ai i g
I te aio al ai li e
Ele t o i s
Mi ist Ha oi
CEO-Ke to u ess TV ho
Medi al esea h
K o -ho p o ide
Oil i dust p odu ts
I te io desig
Qualit e ii aio
Fu igaio e uip e t
T ai i g & Co sulta
I est e t
Wo e e po e e t
Busi ess Net o k

I The Nethe la ds, a.o.

ING Ba k usto e se i e, ualit a age e t o kshops, se i a s

Philips o
u i aio & tea
o kshops

Hei eke o
u i aio o kshops

Voe a I te aio al o kshops, o sulta , oa hi g, se i a s

Ca pag e o kshops, o sulta , oa hi g & e to i g, se i a s

Da e hip a ds o sulta , oa hi g, hai i g eei gs

Fi a ial se i es
Ele t o i s
Be e
I te aio al elo aio s
Ad e isi g, p o oio
hip uildi g & epai

P i i g poli
A o pa tea pa s a g oup fee. This i ludes a i take eei g & e aluaio .
I ase t a slaio a d/o i te p ei g a e eeded, Clie t pa s fo these se i es.
Whe the se i e is deli e ed outside Ho Chi Mi h Cit , Clie t pa s fo the t a el e pe ses.
Hopstake deli e s his se i es di e tl , o th ough a Viet a ese usi ess pa t e ho p o ides the
o t a t & ed i oi e, olle ts the fee & pa s the ta es.

Page 4

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Hopstakens Area of Expertise

I o de to e ist, g o , p ospe a d to e esista t agai st e o o i ups & do s, ea h
e te p ise depe ds o efe i e i te a io s et ee its people lie ts, pu li s, staf , its
posiio s a d its o
u i aio s. Cla it a d a ope o po ate ultu e a e ital o diio s fo
usi ess su ess.

ClientsPublicsStaff (HRM)







(internal, external)
Marketing; PR

Ea h i te a io has a spe ii pu pose:

People & Posiio s: la it hat, ho, ho , he , he e, h , et .


People & Co


Posiio s & Co
u i aio s: a esult-o ie ted oope ai e fo
o ga izaio & o
u i aio s

u i aio s: ope

ultu e i teg it i fo

al o

u i aio s
al, st ea li ed

Whe i ou o ga izaio a of these i te a io s is d sfu io al, this ill p edi ta l lead to

usi ess failu e. Ate a i take eei g to ide if the d sfu io al i te a io , P of. Loek
ill ad ise ou ho to epai a d i p o e it. Do it ou self , o
o sulta ,
oa hi g, e to i g, a spe ii o kshop, ou se, o a tailo ade t ai i g p og a .

This atalog displa s hat P of. Loek Hopstake

a ofe

ou a d ou o pa .

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 5

Adding value to Vietnamese management

All over the world employers complain about the educational systems in their
country. Its a fact: fresh graduatesfrom high school to universityare often illprepared for the workplace. Their knowledge is of little or no practical use. They
lack the soft skills to solve problems, to communicate effectively, to think critically
and to cooperate in teams. Their attitude is all too often a display of no initiative &
no accountability. Unfortunately, Vietnamese education is no exception.
Result: companies need to compensate for the lack of practical know-how, skills
and unproductive work attitudes. How? By developing & executing intensive
onboarding, specialized skills training, job coaching and mentoring programs.
Blooms Taxonomy (see below) shows the 6 learning & thinking levels of a complete
education, resulting in a fully developed creative mind. However, education in
Vietnam appears to be limited to Blooms 3 lower levels: remember (selected
knowledge), understand, apply.
My mission in Vietnam: to add value to Vietnamese business management.

Vietnamese alumni from foreign universities & business schools often have a competitive advantage in the labor market. They have explored Blooms 3 upper
levels: analyze, evaluate, create, and picked up cross-cultural skills along the way.
Dutch Vietnamese alumni in Ho Chi Minh City

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with
creatures of logic but creatures of emotions.
Dale Carnegie

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 6

New Workshops & Courses: the 2014 harvest

Each organization is unique. Each Client wants the training or consultancy service
they are looking for to be tailor made: no off the shelf solutions. This leads to
constant revisions and updates of existing course materials, but also to new
workshops. The Allround Manager Management Development Program is an
example. In 2014 the harvest was exceptional, with 8 new services. 4 examples:
Many non-Asian multinationals have adopted
specific policies to retain their high potentials.
An example is Heineken Breweries, operating in
Vietnam under the name Vietnam Breweries
Ltd (VBL). To retain its talents Heineken expects its managers to coach staff and to mentor high potentials. 2-day workshop.
No organization wants to lose its best people to
stress, or worse: burnout. Petronas Carigali
wants its managers to be able to recognize
stress symptoms and take action to eliminate
the factors causing stress, while keeping production at an optimum level. 1-day seminar /
The Authentic Leadership style promises business leaders unheard-of successes. In many
countries it has proven its value. However, a
Vietnamese leader who behaves 100%
authentic will run into trouble. Asian Culture
simply doesnt allow it. So how to be an
Authentic Vietnamese Leader? 3-day course.

At first sight, Vietnamese culture seems simple

to understand. Yet, questions keep coming up.
Face, integrity, accountability, hierarchy, family and language have several layers & are all
linked, somehow. Confucius teachings dominate life, but the new generations are diminishing its impact. Half-day seminar.

Have a mentor who can teach you, and have a

student who can learn from you. Bill George

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 7


Human Resource Management is an American concept that has conquered the
corporate world. Originally it deals with handling the human factor in organizations:
Recruitment, Career Planning, Training, Performance Evaluation, Compensation &
Benefits, and Capacity Planning. Nowadays, HRM also deals with HR Strategy,
Employee Engagement, Organizational Design & Culture. In fact, it is becoming
similar to the original European concept of Personnel & Organization (P&O).

HRM in Vietnam: room for development


ost Viet a ese o pa ies the fu io deali g ith staf ate s has a st i tl ope aio al
ha a te . It s all a out e uit e t, o pe saio , t ai i g, staf p o edu es a d ad i ist aio .
a el H Ma age s epo t di e tl to the CEO o Chai a . O l i s all & fa il o pa ies
the e a e a pe so ho ea s the H hat, a d ith a di e t li e to the Top.
HRM as i t odu ed to Viet a i the late
ies. As the e as ha dl a e pe ie e i
a age e t, Viet a ese o pa leade s ealized the eeded so e fo of pe so el
depa t e t, a d sta ted looki g a oad fo soluio s. o e took thei fo eig te t ooks, opied
HM tools & odels a d si pl pasted the i to thei o o ga izaio s.
Ho e e , ot e e thi g as pasted . HM i Viet a a el i ludes H Pla i g let alo e, H
t ateg , pe fo a e e aluaio a d o ga izaio al de elop e t st u tu e, p o ess & jo
des ipio s, jo e aluaio . The e is litle o o Ca ee Pla i g o E plo ee E gage e t. Wh ?

ost Asia ou t ies t adiio p es i es that de isio s a out staf a d o ga izaio al issues
elo g to the o pa leade s tasks. As the did ot stud HM, the pate ed o ga izaio al
st u tu es ate go e
e t age ies, like the a
. Hi i g & p o oi g staf is ote ot ased o
o pete e, ut o elaio ships. CEO s o plai a out high staf tu o e a d o de h staf
does t o k as ha d as the do. Fa o iis a d epois a e e e
he e, ut of ou se a ot
gua a tee ualiied staf. Leade s ut also thei H staf ote la k asi HM k o -ho . Ma
o e - o pli ated & u eau ai o ga izaio al st u tu es a d i o pete t staf ha e esulted i
i efe i e o ga izaio s i pa i ula , state-o ed e te p ises . What to do? De elop HRM!

Hanoi MBA Class, after completing

their New HRM Course

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 8

A Workshop usually consists of a 1-2 day interactive group activity with a defined
purpose. The main ingredients are theory, practical exercises and exchange of
experiences between the participants. The maximum number of participants is 20.
Areas: HRM, Communication, Team Management, General Management, and
Public Relations. Note: a client who prefers a one-to-one setting, can do each
workshop in the form of personal coaching.

HRM Development
Selection of the wrong person
results in much more than a
serious financial loss. Clients
leave. Qualified new staff quit
fast due to no onboarding.

Recruitment & Onboarding: learn how to
select the RIGHT person, using the 8-step
Selection Interview technique. When to use
tests / assessments. And: learn how to make
the selectee productivefrom Day 1.

Management and personnel
disagree about responsibilities.
This leads to wastes of time and
money. Incidental troubleshooting appears to help, but
this doesnt take away the
cause of the confusion.

Organizational Design & Culture: to facilitate
corporate success, a company team

outlines the organizational culture,

designs the organizational chart,

flow charts the core work processes, &

learns to write multifunctional Job


In work environments 20-40% of
the time, money & resources
are being wasted. What to do?

Time Management & Efficiency: a team learns
to use the 67+ Causes of Inefficiency to locate
and handle the real causes of waste.

Due to an inadequate
performance evaluation system
qualified personnel is dissatisfied
and quit the company.

Performance Evaluation: developing and
implementing a KPI- & fact-based Performance Evaluation System. Includes an effective 2step Performance Evaluation Meeting.

An atmosphere of conflict
paralyzes production. Result: a
de-motivated workforce.
Qualified staff members quit.

Conflict Resolution: learning (1) to spot a
conflict in an early stage to prevent escalation; (2) the 4-step mediation procedure to
help resolve a conflict. Also: arbitration.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 9


Consultancy is a specified activity focused on solving a situation internal experts
are unable to solve. Areas: Human Resource Management, Communication,
Public Relations, Work & Career, strategic, tactical & operational management.
As your Consultant, Prof. Loek Hopstaken may be acting as your
- Coach: facilitating of the problem solving process or 1:1 workshop
- Advisor: researching and suggesting solutions
- Mentor: career-related guidance; encouraging; motivating; teaching
Consultancy is always tailor made to fit your need or the need of your organization.
Hiring unqualified staff results in
much more than financial loss.
Productivity decreases. The
company has an amateur
image. Clients leave. Qualified
personnel leaves.

Executive & Staff Recruitment: get a second
opinion based on 30+ years of recruitment
experience. Includes a 12 hour interview
with the candidate, possibly a series of tests,
and a report with a recommendation: to hire
or not to hire.

Many employees are reluctant
to communicate with
management about what is
really going on. This hampers
sound decision making, and
inhibits effective use of the
companys talent pool.

Internal Survey: the consultant interviews
managers & employees to find out what is
really going on. The results are put in an
anonymized report (i.e. safe for the interviewees). Conclusions & recommendations. Note:
360 Feedback face-to-face may be advised.

Difficulties defining KPIs and
performance standards.

Key Performance Indicators: 1. defining KPIs.
2. defining the Performance Standards.

Parties (managers, suppliers,
clients, employees, competitors)
are involved in a conflict. This
leads to reputational damage
(loss of face) for all concerned.

Mediation: when parties are willing to resolve
their conflict, the Mediator acts as a facilitator
to guide them through the conflict resolution
process. Parties save face as a mediation
aims at an out-of-court settlement.

Staff is not motivated. Cause
unknown. Managers develop
theories: nothing works. But if
nothing is done, management of
course faces a BIG problem.

Motivation Survey: the consultant finds the
cause of demotivation by discretely interviewing selected staff. His report contains
findings, analysis, conclusions and recommendations to restore staff motivation.

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 10

Communication means: cooperation. When people don't cooperate, they dont
communicate. When people dont communicate, they cannot cooperate. The
solution: improve their communication skills. However, there are many different
communication skills: management communication, presentation, commercial
communication (sales), cross-cultural communication, media communication.
A Communicator can communicate with anyone about everything at any time.
The pu pose of o
u i aio is u de sta di g. A elaio shipa ki d e ui es utual u dersta di g. elaio ships o l o k he those i ol ed a i el o
u i ate. As o
u i aio skills ake o eak elaio ships, i usi ess o
u i aio skills a e highl alued. A pe so
a e a ge ius i his ield. But he he la ks these skills, o o e a ts to o k ith hi .
A CEO ho is good at pe suadi g his pee s, a ell fail o
u i ai g ith su o di ates. O the
othe ha d, a su o di ate ho easil o
u i ates ith olleagues, a e af aid to sa a thi g to a se io a e o
o Asia ultu al ha a te isi . No o e da es to poi t out to the
Di e to that the de isio he is a out to ake, ill ha e ad esults. Take togethe , these t o
u i aio defe ts ote esult i la k of utual u de sta di g, f ust aio & o fusio . This
is sol ed
usi g autho it he The Boss speaks, e e o e liste s a d o e s.
Whe do e p ope l , o
u i aio i te siies elaio ships.
E e da e o
u i ate ith dife e t people a out dife e t issues i dife e t sei gs:
pe so -to-pe so , pe so -to-g oup, e ail, pho e o o li e. All the i e othe s judge us
ou o
u i aio skills, just like e judge the . eputaio s a e uilt o a pe so s o o pas o
u i ai e ualiies. Buildi g a good a e a take ea s. Ho e e , it a e dest o ed
i se o ds a slip-of-the-to gue, a faili g usto e se i e o si pl , ad a e s.
usi ess is % a ilit to elate to othe people &
As Dale Ca egie o e ote, u ess i a
aitude, a d o l
% jo k o ledge & te h i al skills.
u i aio a e a gold i e, ut also a i eield. All ou eed to k o is ho to a oid the
la d i es & to lo ate a d dig up the gold. I othe o ds: to lear ho to lear the ield, ho to
hoose your people, a d ho to uild & ai tai
utual u dersta di g ith all of the .

Viet Youth Entrepreneurs Boot Camp (HCMC). Panel members: Madame Ton Nu Thi Ninh, Mr. Gian Tu
Trung (CEO PACE), Prof. Thomas Kosnik (Stanford University USA), Mr. Rick Yvanovich (CEO TRG),
Mr. Ben Wilkinson (Fulbright Vietnam), Prof. Loek Hopstaken

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 11

Lack of communicative skills
causes conflict, misunderstanddings, dissatisfied clients, loss of
quality, and loss of qualified
staff & customers.

Communication Basics: the 6 Elementary
Communication Skills, applied to companyrelated situations. Among them: how to
confidently start, conduct & end a
conversation. Incl. Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Staff members are unable to
deal with negative emotions,
upset clients and emotional
situations in the workplace.

Dealing With Difficult People: 4 specialized
Communication Skills needed to effectively
deal with negative attitudes, while staying in
control. A.k.a. Emotions in the Workplace.

The current management style
results in less productivity, less
motivation and worst of all,
qualified staff departing.

Management Communication: the Scale of
Decisions and Motivations keeps personnel
focused and productive, and willing to share
information & ideas with their managers.

Different cultural backgrounds
hamper effective cooperation.

Cross-cultural Communication: dealing with
cultural differences, values, and business
etiquette. For more information, see p. 24 + 25.

Sales staff lack the skills to start,
maintain, repair and intensify
profitable commercial
relationships. Dropped care.

Commercial Communication: the 8-Step Sales
Process, creating win-win results during negotiations, cross-selling, closing a deal (profitable
orders), and how to recover a lost client.

To retain your high potentials,
you want your managers to
mentor staff, and staff to coach

Coaching & Mentoring: introduces the basic
skills for staff to coach their peers and for
managers to mentor selected staff.

Too many and too lengthy
meetings bring few results.
Besides, highly paid staff is
wasting company time, energy
and money.

Effective Meetings: conducting various Types
of Meetings, with roles ranging from Chairman
to Guest. Recommended before start of the
workshop: survey of the companys meeting

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 12

The company is a collection of
islands that dont communicate. These organizational silos
harm company performance,
create bureaucratic practice,
and a bad corporate image.

Communication & Cooperation: the
consultant investigates the structures and
practice of formal & informal communication
lines and its users. He reports about his findings
& presents a design for an internal communication structure & its implementation.

Staff is unable to deal with
negativity, complex characters
and unexpected situations, both
in the workplace and outside.

Dealing With Difficult People: the consultant
recommends ways to effectively deal with
people who display a bad mood or attitude,
and to remain in control of the situation.

CEO Key to Success: Jury members

discussing the 4 Finals candidates

All a age e t spe ialists

ag ee a out the u e o e
ualit of leade s & a age s: the liste i g skill.
As o
u i aio is a t oa lo , ithout p ope
liste i g the e is si pl o
u i aio . I Asia, peer
u i aio is ote ell
de eloped. Yet, liste i g is a
ig p o le . I Asia hie a hies the e is a e e igge
p o le : leade s ote
refuse to liste to staf, hile
staf dare ot speak up to
their leaders. tale ate?

I always thought that just doing practical exercises would bring about
better skills. Now I have realized that being skilled requires
understanding these skills. In addition, I have learned a lot about basic
human psychology to better understand my colleagues, but also my
friends and family members. (participant Communication Basics)
My company works a lot with foreign customers and suppliers. We
have all learned English. But what we didnt learn is how to
communicate with different foreigners. It is essential to know that
dealing with Japanese is different from dealing with Americans or
Singaporeans. This course showed us how. There were countless eyeopening
moments! (participant Cross-cultural Communication)

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 13


I Viet a , Pu li elaio s is ote
istake l see as a a kei g a i it . I the slide elo
f o The Real P Cou se the dife e e et ee the t o depa t e ts is la iied: Ma kei g
deals e lusi el ith p ospe ts & lie ts to i ease sales a d a ket sha e, hile Pu li elaio s
deals ith all stakeholde s to ge e ate, ai tai a d e ha e a fa ou a le eputaio a d i age.
He e, a o ga izaio has a Ma kei g Co
u i aio s depa t e t a d a Co po ate Co
u iaio s o Pu li elaio s depa t e t. Dife e t depa t e ts, ut desi ed to reate sy ergy:

I Viet a

PR is sill i its pio eeri g phase of ha dli g edia, orga izi g e e ts, a d et orki g. Ma y
orga izaio s iss out o its a y e eits. The i e has o e to professio alize PR!

Would you do business with a company you dont know?

Would you buy from a shop with a bad reputation?
PR paves the way for successful Sales.

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 14


Senior Management wants to
know how Public Relations can
support the firms success.

The Real PR: introduction to Public Relations.
Includes PR Strategy, several PR tools, and
how PR works with both Marketing & HRM.

The company suffers from bad
image in the minds of clients,
suppliers, officials, media, bank,
employees. This leads to a bad
performance & loss of business.

Building Image & Identity: the Image & Identity
PR Tool Box facilitates improvement of the
organizations image by handling its corporate identity. Then, while sticking to its identity,
to apply PR effectively to restore its image.

The company wants to stage
an event, but doesnt know
how to manage it.

Event Management Coaching: in case of an
already planned event, receiving the tools &
tips from the start to a successful event.

Leaders, Managers and Salespeople lack skills & confidence
to deliver a fine presentation.

Public Speaking: becoming a professional
speaker by practicing the complete process
from preparing the presentation to its delivery.

A truly succesful PR event has

such a positive impact, that
the attendees will automatically smile when being reminded of it.
It impresses, and leaves a
positive emotional mark.
Chairman, CEO & Managers:
prepare yourself for media
exposure & interviews.

Media Training: knowing how to confidently
deal with reporters, how to behave in front of
cameras & microphones. Also: press kits.

Social Media are taking over
large parts of communications.
Your organization is unfamiliar
with it & needs to learn how to
(not) use the new media.

Integrated Social Media: exploring the world
of social media, its many pitfalls & opportunities, how it can support the PR strategy of
the organization, how to build online communities, create online events and crowdfunding.

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 15


Leaders & managers wear many hats. They are responsible for a wide range of
activities, from strategy to legal affairs, from financial planning to corporate results,
from company policy to media contacts, from performance evaluation to quality
control. They may delegate some hats & responsibilities, but the ultimate responsibility always remains part of their job. Still, many leaders & managers miss the expertise needed to wear all their hats. And all too often they only think they know ...
I Viet a , Leade ship se i a s a d ou ses a e i high de a d.
Ma Viet a ese elie e a MBA p og a
ill p o ide all the
k o -ho eeded to e o e a good leade . Yet, MBA is i
esse e a A eri a
a age e t progra p o idi g i -depth
ou ses i a u e of usi ess ields, su h as i a e, a kei g,
st ateg , t ade, e o o i s, a d hu a esou es. ou e ate ials
a e ost ote
A eri a p ofesso s, usi g A eri a
usi ess ases. Due to slo p odu io of te t ooks a d the fastha gi g i es its o te t ui kl e o es outdated. u e, so e
a e alid. Like the o ks of Da e Ul i h HM; Leade ship a d
Joh P. Kote Cha ge Ma age e t . Othe s ha e lost alue o
e o e dated, like o ks of Mi hael Po te t ateg o Philip Kotle Ma kei g . A spe ii p o le a ises he appl i g p e- isis
A e i a ie s & tools to Viet a ese usi ess ultu e. Whe
tea hi g MBA, I al a s ith the help of
stude tsupdate &
Viet a ize those ie s, to add o to de elop e o es.
oluio : Viet a ese Leade ship e ui es a tailo ade app oa h to upg ade its efe i e ess.
manage their
staff at a
This requires
know-how &
Right: Sales
Managers of
De Heus
Far right: Mr.
Hieu, eminent
Location: Binh
Quoi 2, HCMC.

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 16


Managers dont lead, Leaders
dont manage. Qualified
specialists have turned out to be
unsuccessful leaders and
managers. So how do we
develop leaders & managers?

Leadership & Management: a toolbox to
facilitate result-driven leadership and
management. Includes leading change,
managing teams, delegation, situational
management, ethics, the Leadership Code,
effective meetings, and innovative leadership.

People like change, but they
dont like to be changed.
The resistance to change
negatively affects both
productivity & work spirit.

Change Management: implementing the
integrated 8-Step Change Process, developed
by Harvard Professor John P. Kotter. Moving
from the first decision to change, to embedding the change in the company culture.

There is confusion about what is
right & wrong. Corruption is
normal, because everyone
does it. But the companys
reputation is at stake!

Business Ethics & Corporate Governance: the 8
Life Circles and the use of tailor made Codes
of Ethics & Conduct facilitate the decision
making processes, corporate responsibility,
performance management & transparency.

General management issues can

only be discussed effectively in the
presence of & with full participation
of all managers concerned. Most
often these issues will be discussed
under chairmanship of the CEO or
a Senior Manager. However, their
dominance may inhibit the attendees to speak freely. Thats
why in corporations external professionals can be invited to chair
the meeting, enabling all
including the Chairman or CEOto
fully participate and contribute.

Managers tend to rule their
department as an island King.
They ignore the organization
and find it hard to collaborate
with their colleagues.

Collaborative Management: Managers learn
how to function as generalists, team members
on management level. They define/redefine
the rules for effective collaboration.

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 17


Teamwork forms the backbone of organizational success. No one can make it on
his own: we all need help. A team is a group of individuals with a common purpose,
who share agreements about the work methods, and communicate actively.
Usually Team members get along well. Teams can be fixed organizational units, or
a temporary unit running a project. In any case, Teams only succeed when they
know how to work effectively and how to deal with their specific Team problems.
o pa leade s o a out o ga izaio al silos : depa t e ts do t o
u i ate &
oo di ate. Whe usto e s i d out ou ha e a se ious i te al o
u i aio p o le , it
p edi ta l leads to eputaio al da age loss of fa e .
I Viet a , Tea Buildi g is e popula . No su p ise: pe its t adiio & ultu e, Viet a ese like
o ki g ith a s all g oup of sho t-te fo used, o asio al f ie ds, to st uggle to i a atle,
a d to ele ate i to . eu io s fu io to sha e e o ies a out thei past ad e tu es. Tea
Buildi g i Viet a ote just o i s a skill: Viet a ese already k o ho to do it. The lo e to
pla ga es. The like to o pete. The e a e i e s & lose s a d p izes. It s lots of fu .
Lea i g efe t : a se et ta i to p e e t the othe tea s f o k o i g ou st ateg .
Lea i g efe t : do t o
u i ate ith othe tea s, o if ou do: do t tell, o lie.
esult: the o ga izaio al silos e ai , o get o se: f o litle to o oope aio ith othe u its.
The ill oope ate if Tea Buildi g fo uss o e e od i s : Tea Buildi g ithout o peiio . Whi h is h Hopstake fo uses o eal tea
ork: goals, alues, trust, agree e ts, results.

After a management seminar at Dalat Hasfarm (Dalat)

A tea s oad to su ess is ot ithout hi ups. I fa t, ost tea s go th ough se e al phases

efo e the sta t to pe fo . A o di g to B u e Tu k a , the phases a e:
Fo i g sei g o je i es; sele io of tea
e e s; oles; o k ethods; o s
to i g i te al disag ee e ts a out oles, autho it & ethods
No i g e isi g ag ee e ts a out oles, autho it & ethods; Tea E gi ee i g
Pe fo i g p odu i g the desi ed esults
Adjou i g ate o pleio , dis a di g the tea ; e aluaio ; ele aio
oluio : lea ho to a age a d li e the tea stages, a d p odu e esults. ee page .

The 2015 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 18


Team Leaders fail to lead a
team. Instead, they run a
collection of individuals who
dont work together effectively.

Team Formation & Management: Team Tools
to assemble & run a productive unit of team
members who act responsibly, work together
in harmony, and achieve their goals.

A once productive team fails to
deliver results. Its members disagree about what should be
done, how, & who should do it.

Team Engineering: the 5 Phases of Team
Engineering rid the team of its burdens,
recover its team spirit, facilitate a fresh start,
and restore the teams productivity.

A team workshop is an interactive

process to stimulate the team
members skills to add even more
value to their team so it can add
more value to its customers.
Teams work well as teams, but
fail when working together. They
form little islands, inhibiting
corporate team work.

Corporate Teamwork: with the teams, creating
a practical communication platform, and
developing a collaborative attitude to enable
effective corporate team work.



An option for those who feel a need to refresh their know-how,

or for the hard-to-schedule: most workshops can also be
delivered in a 1 : 1 or 1 : 2 coaching setting.
The core know-how of most workshops is part of the Allround
programs: Allround Manager (I-III) and Allround Communicator.
(see pages 21-24)

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 19


A manager or staff member is
facing difficulties in performing,
lost self-confidence, or lacks a
specific skill.

Coaching for Managers & Specialists: the
Coach helps identifying & removing the
barriers to optimum performance, & improve
the problem solving skill. (4-8 sessions; 1 p/w)

To support his/her career, a high
potential staff member is
selected to have (choose) a

Mentoring for Leaders & Managers: to move
ahead, the Mentor guides, motivates,
encourages & teaches the person. (minimum
12 sessions; 1-2 p/m)

Career & private life mismatch.

Personal Coach: to sort out priorities in life.


Developing a future vision,
formulating goals & policies and
writing a sound and realistic
strategic plan is not easy.

Corporate Strategy: the consultant chairs
meetings with the Board of Directors to
generate a realistic corporate strategy.
Includes tools for Strategic Thinking.

Management fails to turn strategic goals into tactical plans,
projects and tasks. Meanwhile,
employees say Yes, but do No.

Tactical Management: using specific
management tools, the consultant assists
Management to create workable tactical
plans and operational programs and projects.

A good consultant
acts like an old, wise
and trusted friend. He
is truly interested in
you, a great listener,
and knowledgeable
Celebrating completion of a 16-month
in many fields.
consultancy project at HFIC
Yet, his real strength
is not his knowledge,
but his attitude, in his roles as consultant, personal coach and mentor:
a. giving 100% full attention to his Client, while maintaining total discretion;
b. providing direct & honest feedback and advice;
c. displaying a sincere will to help the Client to be in control of any situation.

Page 20

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog


A seminar concentrates on one specific topic, and contains its highlights. Often, a
seminar is an introduction to a broad subject. It may be limited to a few hours, but
may also last a whole day. A lecture is usually one or two hours. During a seminar
there may be interaction between the speaker and the audience. A lecture is
usually not interrupted, but may be followed by a brief Q & A session. Hopstaken
delivers both, and can speak from experience in the fields of HRM & P&O,
Communication & PR, and General & Team Management.

E a ples of topi s:
Pe so el & E e ui e ele io
Rest u tu i g O ga izaio s
Ti e Ma age e t & Ei ie
Desig i g a DIY Jo E aluaio ste
Co li t Resoluio & Ma age e t
Viet a ese Ge e aio Ma age e t
u i aio & Coope aio
Deali g ith Dii ult People
Bloo s Ta o o
& the Co po ate A ade
e ial Co
u i aio
The CEO as T easu e Hu te
U de sta di g Viet a ese Cultu e
Delegaio & E po e e t
Busi ess Ethi s & T a spa e
Deali g ith Bla k S a s
A ou ta ilit & Respo si ilit i Asia

Pe fo a e App aisal ste Desig

Pe fo a e Ma age e t
Tea Buildi g s. Tea E gi ee i g
Cha ge Ma age e t
Efe i e Meei gs i Thi ki g Hats
I te al / E te al Co
u i aio
Buildi g I age & Ide it
Pu li peaki g
HRM i Viet a : f o HRM to P&O
Moi aio : a ot & si k, o ?
De isio Maki g & E po e e t
t ategi Thi ki g
Co po ate t ateg : Pifalls
The Ma age as Coa h & Me to
ot to use
Feed a k
I ple e i g Codes of Ethi s & Co du t
C ii al Thi ki g & C eai it

a y topi s a e deli ered as a Key ote Spee h: at the start of a e e t, a for al

di er, or as a i trodu io to a pa el dis ussio .

I gained many new insights from Prof. Hopstakens lecture.

In particular the Q&A afterwards. He really knows how to engage
otherwise quiet participants (like me). (guest at a lecture)

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 21


Managers-to-be, beginning and
experienced managers, feel the
need to learn and/or update
their management know-how, &
to obtain more practical tools.

The in-company Allround Manager Program:
participants upgrade & update their
management know-how and skills in a small
interactive group, during 2 x 12 intensive
workshops. Incl. case studies & discussions.

The in-company Allround Manager Program (A.M.) consists of 3 levels:

A.M. I contains 12 topics (themes) covering the broad field of management.
A.M. II adds 12 more topics, and provides links between the [12 + 12 =] 24 topics.
A.M. III is a further exploration of these 24 themes, using the current business plan as
a guideline to support executing parts of the plan.
At the end of each Level and with proven results, the participant is awarded a certificate.
Level 1 is operational / tactical, Level II tactical / strategic, Level III strategic.
At each level the participant works on a company-wide project.
The in-company A.M. includes e-coaching. A.M. I-II are comparable to BBA, A.M.-III is a
true MBA experience. See below for descriptions of the 3 A.M. Levels.

The Allround Manager Level IOperational / Tactical

The sequence may be changed to fit the actuality of the company.
Suggested topics or Hats:
1. Situational Manager: lead and do what is needed. Recognition & handling of
the twelve different situations in management that need the correct (re)
action from the manager.
2. Change Manager: changing tactfully, effectively handling resistance to
change. This seminar focuses on the use of an 8-step tool to make change
3. Strategist: developing a future vision and strategies. The ability and skill to understand & share a vision, and then to translate it into effective action plans.
This includes contingency plans, or what if strategies.
4. Commercial Advisor: selling & delivering at any (but not all) price. Winning&
keeping clients. The use of referrals & word-of-mouth.
5. Team Manager: leading teams; motivating; coaching; re-directing. The road
from handpicking a successful team, to leading the team through hard
times. Team engineering. Keeping the team alive; accomplishing its mission.
6. Efficiency Guard: detecting and handling wastes of time and energy.
A tool to scan the company for sources of inefficiency (or waste). The practical assignment is handling these sources of waste, to increase efficiency.
7. Quality Manager: permanent improvement of products/services and their
producers. The complete cycle of Total Quality Management, using several
tools from earlier seminars. How to do quick scans and assessments.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 22

The Allround Manager Level Icontinued Topics or Hats:

8. Organizer: managing across-the-board; managing projects; budgeting.
This seminar includes the seven-part organizing chart, a cockpit for anyone who leads multi-disciplinary activities.
9. People Manager: practical psychology for the work place. Using a Chart of
Emotions as a tool to raise productivity & motivation, and in interviews, from
recruitment interview to internal investigations.
10. Communicator: chairing meetings; formal meetings. The two particular roles
of the Communicator: chairperson, and public speaker. This is all done workshop-style, conducting a meeting and giving a presentation.
11. Career Manager: realizing a higher personal level of accomplishment.
This enables the manager to assist his / her employees to plan their own careers, which is the no. 1 workable way to retain valuable employees. Also:
the managers own career.
12. PR Manager: corporate events and product presentations; representations;
developing a personal style. Examples:
- how to be a spokesperson & communicate with (digital) media,
- giving a keynote speech at company events.
Also: taste, manners, business etiquette and dress style.
The Allround Manager Level IITactical / Strategic
Suggested topics or Hats: 12 Allround Manager Level II hats: 13. Financial Manager;
14. Promoter; 15. Planner; 16. Coach / Mentor; 17. Researcher; 18. Steward;
19. Performance Manager; 20. Management Team Member; 21. Human Resource
Manager; 22. Leader; 23. Trouble Shooter; 24. Consultant.
The Allround Manager Level IIIStrategic
The Allround Manager Level III is tailor made to fit the actual need of the company,
and the individual need of the participant. Several topics will be added and earlier
topics further explored. The participants organization provides the business cases.
The modern manager is a
generalist. He/she needs
to be able to predict the
consequences of corporate decisions for all
company fields. Recent
developments in the
business world clearly show
that focusing on one or
two, and ignoring the many
other aspects of business
management may be a
major cause of world wide
economic disaster. Add lack of ethics, and you have recession. Each 21st Century CEO,
but also each manager needs to be familiar with all company aspects; to be allround
to be successful. MBA is one way. This program is shorter, cheaper and far more practical.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 23


Too often too much time is spent
on repairing damage as a result
of mis-communication: costly
damage! Staff lacks sufficiently
developed communication
know-how and soft skills.

The Allround Communicator Program:
participants whose no. 1 job competence is
communication, upgrade and update their
communication know-how & soft skills in 12
seminars & workshops.

The Allround Communicator Program is a combination of 12 seminars and

12 workshops. When communication is a primary competence for a job, this
program offers the relevant know-how and skills. Possible delivery schedule:
1. Allround Communicator Seminar (theory; 7-10 pm)
2. Allround Communicator Workshop (practical exercises (9:30 am-5 pm)
See brief descriptions of the 12 Allround Communicator topics below.
The Allround Communicator - Topics:
1. Two Way Communicationbalance in exchange; how to create, how to restore it.
2. Meta-communicationthe meaning behind the words, non-verbal signs and emotions.
3. Commercial Communicationpersuading prospects; win-win business relationships.
4. Team Communicationleading by example, team re-engineering, motivating.
5. Presentation Techniquesfrom briefings & keynotes to persuasive speeches.
6. Conflict Managementprevention and handling of human conflict.
7. Negotiationsfinding ways to get maximum gain, for both negotiators.
8. Selection Interviewschoosing the right person for the right place.
9. Meetingssuccessfully conducting group communication processes.
10. Coachinggetting people to develop & use their talents and gain confidence.
11. Mentoringguiding, encouraging, motivating & teaching high potentials.
12. Formal/informal Communicationopen communication top-down and bottom up.
Depending on the need, other topics may be added. Examples:
Cross-cultural communication (making global communication work)
Inspirational communication (winning the hearts and minds of your publics)
Leadership styles: The Leadership Code (Ulrich); Authentic Leadership (George)
Hospitality & etiquette (manners in different environments)
Creative communication (brainstorming and problem-solving techniques)
Closing techniques (the sale DONE: contract signed, goods delivered, bill paid,
profit made).

People fail to get along with each other

because they fear each other.
They fear each other because they dont know each other.
They dont know each other because they have not
communicated with each other. Martin Luther King Jr.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 24


Staffs lack of soft skills leads to
tensions in the work place, or loss
of clients. Again and again,
managers need to intervene..

Staff follow a tailor made, practical program to
add missing & improve underdeveloped soft
skills. Depending on the results of the soft skills
scan, this may take 18 program steps.

Soft Skills: youre nowhere without them

What are soft skills?

Have you ever hired a person whose CV

showed lots of diplomas & certificates, and an
impressive list of job titles & projectsbut whose
contributions were disappointing, and who
failed completely as a team member? Sadly,
this recruitment mistake is being made daily.
When faced with such a situation, its often hard
to understand why academic brilliance and
even years of on-the-job experience apparently
is no guarantee for a sound performance, for a
solid production record. There is a real & simple
reason: lack of soft skills.

Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individuals interactions, job performance and career prospects. Unlike
hard skills, which tend to be specific to a
certain type of task or activity, soft skills are
broadly applicable. Soft skills are sometimes broken down into:

When we are young our parents and school

teachers take care of our basic soft skills
education. Yet, many people grow up just
copying unproductive behavior from friends or
family. Some simply seem to lack the talent.
Others sadly forget their basic education.
Tailormade or done with a team: free intake
To improve your soft skills, you first need to find
out your strengths and weaknesses. When this is
done, we design a tailor made program to add
missing and improve weakly developed soft
skills. The Soft Skills Program can be done individually, but also in a group or with a team. We will
assist you in finding out which soft skills best suit
your employee, your team, or you!
Soft Skills determine your
work motivation and career success.

A. personal attributes, such as:

optimism, responsibility, sense of humor,
personal integrity & ethics, timemanagement, self esteem, self control, intelligence, self motivation. They also include artistic and ceremonial qualities, including knowing how to dress to the occasion, how to combine colors; taste; general
knowledge (world, culture, etc.); awareness of actuality.
B. interpersonal abilities, such as: empathy,
leadership, communication, good manners
and etiquette, sociability, functioning as a
team member, use of proper language,
the ability to interact with colleagues,
cross-cultural skills, ethics, steward- & hostmanship / hospitality, inspirational and motivational qualities, persuasion skills, customer friendliness and service, utilizing tact,
courtesy and civility, adaptability, storytelling, and the ability to teach.
Clearly, we cannot survive without them.
(sources:; Yahoo! answers)

Mr. Hopstakens Soft Skills Program improved our team communication to such an
extent, that misunderstandings have become rare. The atmosphere in our team has
greatly improved. And perhaps most important: we now have great two-way
communication with our customers and receive compliments for our service.
(participant of a tailormade Soft Skills Program)

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 25


Many Vietnamese trainers (business)
and teachers (schools, colleges,
universities) want to expand the
number of topics to teach, besides
adding new training & teaching
methods and techniques.

Train the Trainer: this tailormade service
is directed at trainers & teachers who
want to learn about new topics, and
effective ways how to train/teach them.
The topics can be chosen from this

A Train the Trainer (TT) program consists of

a. doing the workshop yourself, and
b. receiving instructions in how to deliver the training.
The participant learns to deliver the chosen workshop, and also knows what its
like to experience it. Note: translation of materials is a responsibility of the client.
Example: a client wants to do a Team Engineering workshop (see page 18).
However, the participants do not understand enough English to easily follow the
workshop in English.
Solution: 34 persons do the Team Engineering workshop TT-style. An experienced
Vietnamese interpreter makes sure the contents and methods are understood &
correctly applied. The 3 trained trainers are now ready to deliver this workshop to
their colleagues in their own language.

The recipe for perpetual ignorance is:

be satisfied with your opinions and
content with your knowledge.
Elbert Hubbard
Training at Voerman Academy
Prof. Loek Hopstaken works in
Vietnam, but also in The
Netherlands. As in Vietnam, he
delivers his services to both
companies and universities.
On the picture you see him
with graduates from his 4-day
Communication & Coaching
Course. They work for Voerman International, a multinational relocation firm based in
the Hague.
Its clients are the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IKEA, NIKE
and other multinationals. Its
network comprises relocation
companies around the globe,
including Vietnam.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 26


Are you Vietnamese & work with non-Asians? A quick survey:
1. When dealing with a foreigner. do you often NOT say or ask something,
just because you dont want him/her to lose face, or lose your own?
2. Do you find it hard to deal with a foreigners direct communication style?
3. Are you familiar with international Business Etiquette?
4. Would you like to become a Global Communicator?
If you answered YES to 3 or more questions, read on.
Ha e ou e e ee a oad? Do ou e all the i st i e? The i st thi g ou
o se ed a ell ha e ee that fo eig e s a t so e hat dife e tl . You a
ha e thought: the do thi gs the o g a . The a ie t G eeks, ho sailed the
Medite a ea ea to i d e usi ess oppo tu iies, had a o d fo a pe so
ho ould t speak G eek: a a os . Basi all the o side ed all fo eig e s to
e elo thei le el of i ilizaio . Yes, all o -G eek e e a a ia s .
Fo eig e s ha e ee o i g to Viet a fo ages. Ma
e e hosile. The soo
fou d out that fooli g a ou d ith Viet a ese a e fatal. Che k histo : Chi ese, Mo golia , F e h,
Japa esethe all t ied to o ue & olo ize its te ito , a d to supp ess & e sla e its populaio . O l
to i d out that this ast asse l of eth i o
u iies ho fo Viet a a t as o e st o g aio he
thei i depe de e is at stake, o a e e sta ds at the gate. i e Viet a ope ed its gates fo
usi ess & tou is , Viet a ese ha e e o e i easi gl i te ested i e pa di g a oad , a d i
o ki g ith fo eig e s.
O e this happe s, Viet a ese dis o e it s ot that eas . It takes i e, a d o e: u de sta di g the
ultu e of the fo eig e s is a dato if ou a t to ha e a su essful a ee . Wo se: do t t eat a
i gapo a as ou ould t eat a A e i a o a B azilia . o e Viet a ese a e fo tu ate to ha e gai ed
e pe ie e a oad, th ough o k, stud o i te ship. The a e ote ahead of those ithout this
e pe ie e. ill, ost Viet a ese feel u o fo ta le & u fa ilia ith, fo e a ple, dire t
u i aio .
I ha e et a Viet a ese ho ish to o k fo fo eig o pa iespa i ula l , o -Asia
ith the
e epio of i gapo e- ased o pa ies . o e Viet a ese o pa ies i te d to set up oope aio ith
fo eig o pa ies, as the a e i ol ed i i po t/e po t o a suppl hai . o e e t ep e eu s a e
app oa hed a fo eig o pa seeki g olla o aio . Othe s a iiousl ish to go glo al , ea h out
a d take the i iiai e. To ake this o k, you eed to k o ho . A ook a help. But gei g the skills to
o k i a uli ultu al e i o e t is a altogethe dife e t all ga e . o, o side this:

2-Day workshop:
Understanding International Business Culture & Etiquette
For Vietnamese professionals who wish to be successful in dealing with
foreigners in business and social environments.
This interactive course offers cross-cultural know-how & activities.
The workshop is delivered in-company to groups of 420 participants.
Contact for information & booking.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 27


Are you a foreigner & work with or for Vietnamese? A quick survey:
1. Do you often wonder if Vietnamese really understand what you want?
2. Do you find it hard to deal with the Asian indirect communication style?
3. Are you familiar with Vietnamese Business Etiquette?
4. Would you like to intensify your business & social contacts?
If you answered YES to 3 or more questions, read on:
Do ou e all the i st i e ou e e e t a oad? I do. Ge a . The
i st thi g I o se ed as that Ge a eha io dife ed f o Dut h.
I ade istakes a d I felt ad a out it.
The a ie t G eeks, ho sailed the Medite a ea ea to i d usi ess
oppo tu iies, had a o d fo a o e ho as t G eek: a a os .
To thei ea s, fo eig la guages sou ded like ar- ar- ar. The
o side ed all fo eig e s to e elo thei le el of i ilizaio . To
ou g a d ig o a t e, Ge a s e e a a ia s.
Fo eig e s ha e ee o i g to Viet a fo ages. o e e e hosile, a d the soo fou d out that ou
do t fool a ou d ith Viet a ese. Chi ese, Mo golia , F e hthe all t ied to o ue & olo ize thei
te ito , o l to i d out that this asse l of eth i o
u iies that fo Viet a pe t adiio a t
as o e st o g aio he thei i depe de e is at stake, o a e e sta ds at the gate. No ada s
fo eig e s lo k to Viet a as guests. i e i
Viet a joi ed the Wo ld T ade O ga izaio WTO
the a i e i e e la ge u e s. Ma fall i lo e ith Viet a . o e su eed i lea i g Viet a ese.
Ho e e , G aha G ee e s
ea old o se aio is idel e og ized: It takes a fe
i utes to
u de sta d ost of Viet a , ut it takes a lifei e to u de sta d the est.
o e esta lish a su essful o ki g elaio ship ith Viet a ese. o e do t. I o t fo get hat a
oi ial at the Dut h E ass i Ha oi told e, a k i
: Busi ess people o e he e a d e pe t to do
usi ess du i g the o e eek the spe d he e. The o ga ize eei gs ith se e al Viet a ese CEO s a d
thi k the a go ho e ith a sta k of sig ed o t a ts. These gu s a e deepl disappoi ted he this
does t happe . Doi g usi ess i Viet a takes i e. I e ko it takes at least t o ea s of stead
p ese e to o i e the Viet a ese that ou a e se ious a out uildi g a utuall e ei ial usi ess
elaio ship. He added: But he ou su eed, ou a uild up a lasi g a d solid i - i elaio ship.
Mea hile, I ha e et a fo eig e s ho ha e ee i esi g lots of i e a d o e to esta lish
the sel es. Thei su ess appea s to e i di e t p opo io to the deg ee that the a e ope to a d ake
se ious efo ts to u de sta d Viet a ese ultu e a d ei uete. o, o side this:

2-Day workshop:
Understanding Vietnamese Culture & Etiquette
For foreigners working & living in Vietnam who wish to be successful in
dealing with Vietnamese in business and social environments.
This interactive course offers cultural know-how & activities.
The workshop is delivered in-company to groups of 420 participants.
Contact for information & booking.

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 28

My worthy interpreters
Th ough the ea s I ha e o ked ith a i te p ete s, so ei es e o eousl alled t a slato s .
Although so ei es the do t a slate
ate ials, the a e ostl a i e i te p ei g
o dso
ete : o eptsi Viet a ese. A d, i e e sa. I te p ei g ea s the do ot al a s t a slate o d- o d. o ei es the e is o o d i Viet a ese o E glish , a d a dei iio o des ipio of a o ept is
eeded. O this page I p ese t ou
o th , ualiied i te p ete s. Clo k ise, sta i g f o top let:

Dr. Khoa

Mr. Phongsee page 13

Mr. Hieusee page 15

D . Ngu e Viet Khoa Ha oi , M Tu e Le,

M . T a Quo Thi h, Ms. Ngu e Hoa g
Oa h, M . Ngo Kie Hieu, a d M . Ngo Quo
Pho g HCMC .
Ea h has, esides a good o
a d of E glish
& Viet a ese, a set of spe ial ualiies so e
ha e a ! . This e a les e to gi e a sou d
ad ise to
lie ts he the ask e to
p o ide a i te p ete .
u e: the o e e o k togethe , the o e
fa ilia the e o e ith
ate ials, a d
st le. I al a s el o e thei suggesio s
to add so e Viet a ese la o to the lass,
su h as efe i g to a pie e of Viet a ese
histo , a a e dote, o so g. At the e d of
the da , the i te ded esult of a i te p ete
is: the t ai e s o epts o e tl e oded i
Viet a ese to help the pa i ipa ts to ui kl
g asp those o epts.
M i te p ete s also pla a i po ta t ole
du i g g oup a i iies a d dis ussio s. The
liste to the ta le talk , so ei es la if i g
the e e ise, a d epo i g to e a out
hat s goi g o . M i st i te p ete as
M . Tu e , the at o al Busi ess hool.
M . Pho g a d I also et at o al. D . Khoa
a d I o ked togethe fo se e al MBA
p og a s i Ha oi. M . Hieu a d I do
a age e t de elop e t p og a s. Ms.
Oa h a d M . Thi h suppo t e du i g
ou ses at Asia I situte of Te h olog AIT .
If ou a e looki g fo ualiied i te p ete s,
a d eed a good it he e topi a d le el
a e o e ed, let e k o . A d i ase ou
o de : o, I a
ot their age t or a ager.

Mr. Tuyen

see p. 19

Mr. Thinh

Ms. Oanh

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 29

Expanding expertise & networks

Apa t f o usi g o igi al sou es fo ou se a d le tu e ate ials, o a d the I o du t
esea h
a d de elop
ate ials. I so e ases it is possi le to o sult the o igi al esea he s a d autho s.
Fo e a ple, P of. Da e Ul i h. He is o siste tl
e og ized a ou d the glo e as the o. thought
leade i the ields of Leade ship a d Hu a
esou e Ma age e t. Autho of + ooks,
se e al o side ed to e i eless te t ooks.
e e t itles a e The Leade ship Code , a d The
Wh of Wo k . Late
Ul i h deli e ed a
se i a i HCMC ight; see also pi tu e o the
The underlying cause
f o t page .
of many (most?)
EC I situte Viet a i ited M . Ro
problems in the workKauf a , the o.
o ld e pe t i usto e
place is a deficit of
se i e to deli e a se i a i Ho Chi Mi h Cit .
o is the a ehi d the su ess of i gapo e both meaning and
purpose. Dave Ulrich

Ai li es a d Chia gi Ai po t s usto e se i e.
Fo a
ea s these o pa ies ha e ee o. i
thei i dust fo usto e se i e. Kauf a
Upliti g e i e , a lassi ook o this su je t.
The o e of
usi ess a age e t li a is o i
Viet a . I te et is o de ful, logs a d e- ooks a e
i te esi g, ut to e othi g eats a eal, pape ook.

Net o ki g i Viet a
M et o k i ludes a Viet a ese & fo eig
p ofessio als. I a a e e of oth the Dut h
Busi ess Asso iaio Viet a DBAV , a d Eu o ha .
The Dut h Viet a Ma age e t uppo te
This o li e agazi e pdf ai s to p o ide i fo aio a out
topi s &
a i iies. It ote has a the e, su h as Coa hi g o Leade ship . ta ted i
, the th ediio as pu lished i De e e
If ou a t to e o the aili g list, let e k o : loek.hopstake @g ail. o .

Service is taking action to create

value for someone else.
Ron Kaufman

The 2014 Hopstaken Catalog

Page 30

Do you want to know more about the

content of my services, and the possibility
of training and/or consultancy packages?
Feel free to contact me:
skype id mrloek
Since 2008, after an 18 year career in Dutch
banking (HRM, PR, TQM) followed by a 15
year career in business training and
education, Loek Hopstaken works in
Vietnam as a business trainer, consultant,
coach and teacher. His specializations:

Human Resources Management

Organizational Design/Development

Leadership & Management

Communications & Public Relations.

He has worked for & is familiar with many
types of companies and organizations.
Over 11 years Professor & Guest Lecturer at
Dutch & Vietnamese business schools.
He develops & delivers tailor made
management development programs.
In 2010 & 2011 he made 28 appearances as
Jury Member in the CEOKey to Success
TV show on VTV1.
Prof. Loek Hopstaken lives alternately in Ho
Chi Minh City and in Amsterdam.

Hopstaken International
Trainer / Consultant:
Prof. A.A.M. (Loek) Hopstaken
62/44 Duong So 6, P. 5, Go Vap District
Ho Chi Minh City
Mobile: (*84) (0)90 888 9450
Assistant: Ms. Vo Ngoc Lien Huong
Mobile: 090 888 9451

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