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Tutorial 2 is about developing dynamic models that describes a system.

Control system elements can be

recommended based form these models. The first quest was determining the model that relates the
flow rate, the feed flow rate and the feed concentration. Describing a final element, control valve, that
will control the parameters is also depicted here. The second quest was determining the dynamic
response of the tank temperature based from the step change in feed temperature by developing a
dynamic model. Also, selection of temperature sensor that will give a high accuracy is required. The
third quest is developing the differential equation that can be used in determining the dynamic response
of the concentration of component inside the reactor at a anytime, given the feed concentration of the
reactant. The fourth quest is formulating a model of the process using the standard modeling procedure
in order to determine the behavior of the liquid level inside the tank as a function of time. The fifth
quest shows how the dynamic models that described the system of a process unit can be important in
the design of the process equipment the size of the vessel. The last quest is sketching a flowchart of
the modeling procedure that is used in formulating dynamic models.

The starting point for determining the model that describes a particular system, relating the reactant
flowrate and its concentration, is the material balance. While the starting point of developing a dynamic
model that relates the temperature of the tank to the change in the inlet temperature is the energy
blance. In making these models, it is important to state appropriate assumptions. To check if the model
obtained is in accordance with the system, degrees of freedom analysis is made. In line with these
models, suitable element can be selected and designed in order to control the process in accordance to
the desired parameters to be able to maintain smooth operation while obtaining/manufacturing desired
products with good quality. Moreover, in selection of sensor, both advantages and disadvantages must
be viewed in accordance to the requirement.
We can also develop a differential equation the can be used to determine the concentration of a
component inside the reactor given the feed concentration of the other component. This is done by
using the rate of reaction occurring in the reactor. Still, appropriate assumptions are made.
Storage tanks in the industrial plants are modeled in such way the no reaction will occur and to reduce
the difference in flows among the units. This is done by formulating a model to describe the dynamic
behavior of the system, liquid level as function of time, and be able to recommend a suitable sensor that
will be used to measure the controlled parameter of the system.
To sum it up, dynamic models are developed by following the modeling procedure. The goal must be
affirmed. Material and energy balances are the starting point and the assumptions must be stated. Data
are incorporated and degrees of freedom analysis is made to verify the formulated dynamic model.
When these models are determined, we can now design the process equipment. In making the design,
possible variability of the feed conditions as well as the production rates must be considered to make a
final decision in designing process equipments.

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