Leonardo Da Vinci - Famous Painters For Kids

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Leonardo da Vinci

(1452 1519)

Famous Painters For Kids

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Leornardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 1519) was born in
the small town of Anchiano, outside of Florence, Italy. The artist behind the mysterious
Mona Lisa smile was the illegitimate son of a
peasant woman and a notary who some say
did not receive a formal education because of
this fact but that didn't stop keep him from

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Leornardo da Vinci

Even though there have been people throughout

history that excelled in more than one field of
study, the modern-day term 'renaissance
man' came into use to describe Leonardo da
Vinci for his contributions to the fields of
painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering,
and anatomy.
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Leornardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci's earliest recognition came
at age 15 as an apprentice to Andrea del
Verrocchio. He painted a small portion of the
painting 'Baptism of Christ' for his teacher.
His kneeling angel was so outstanding that it
over-shadowed his master's work in the piece.
During his time with del Verrocchio da Vinci
would have been exposed
to subjects such as
and plaster casting
amongst the trad-itional streams of
painting and drawing.

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Leornardo da Vinci
In 1482, da Vinci became 'painter and engineer of the duke', Ludovico Sforza. It was
during this period that he created 2 of his the
works The adoration of the Magi
and The last supper.
It was after he
Florence that he
produced his most
known work and
one of the most
reproduced images
in all of historythe Mona Lisa.

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Leornardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was
not limited to painting.
During his career he produced numerous sculptures
and even worked as a
senior military architect
surveying lands, drawing
up maps, and making
blueprints of war machines. He is also the
artist behind the Vetruvian Man, an anatomically accurate representation of the human
form which is said to be a geometrically perfect representation of the symmetry of the
human body.

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Leornardo da Vinci
Short biographies of famous painters for kids, visit: mocomi.com/learn/

Da Vinci eventually passed away at a ripe age

of 67 in France. His body was interred at the
church Saint-Florentin that was destroyed
during the French Revolution. No traces of his
grave exist but his name lives on in the
amazing beauty he created throughout his

All the images are sourced from www.wikipedia.org and these files are from the Wikimedia Commons.

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