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Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S.

) on The Last Day

On the Day when the oppressed shall bite their hands (in fear); when the oppress
ors shall be gathered in humiliation and lowliness, remembering their disgracefu
l and shameful deeds:
Then every one of them shall review his file, which is packed with oppression ag
ainst his chosen worshippers. On that Day shall every human, whatever color, cre
ed, faith, and his deeds may be shall be gathered... no one will be left behind.
.. even the fetus who was the victim of abortion shall come that Day to present
his case...
Then the great personality of Lady Zahra (A.S.) shall become manifest to every s
Following are several narrations reported by Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) regarding Fatima
(A.S.) on the Last Day:
1. Hakim reported in Al-Mustadrak v.2, p.153 that Ali (P.B.U.H.) said:
"I heard the Prophet say:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall announce from beyond the veil: "O gathered
people, lower your eyes so that Fatima, the Daughter of Muhammad, may pass."
This narration has also been reported by:
Ibn Al-Athir in Usd al-Ghaba v.5, p.523;
Ganji Shafiee in Kifayat At-Talib p. 212;
Dhahabi in Mizan al-Etedal v.2, p.18; and by
Hamwini in Yanabi' al-Mawaddah p.104, who added the following to it:
Ali (A.S.) reported that the Prophet said:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall call from the sole of the Throne:
"O people of Resurrection, cast your eyes down, so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may
pass-while holding Al-Hussain's shirt, which will (still) be saturated with blo
od.' She will then embrace the leg of the Throne and say:
"O (Allah), You are the Omnipotent and Just; pass the judgment between me and th
ose who killed my son." (The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) added): "Then He shall judge acc
ording to my Sunnah, by the Lord of Kaaba, Fatima will then say:
"O Allah! grant me intercedence for everyone who cried for his disaster; Allah w
ill then grant her intercedence for them."
2. Abu Nu'aym in Dala'el al-Nobowwah, Ibn Hajar in al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, and o
thers have reported that Abu Ayuoub Ansari said:
"The Messenger of Allah
gathered people, lower
uhammad may pass on the
y thousand Huri Al-Een,

said: A caller shall call from the sole of the Throne: O

your heads and cast your eyes down so that Fatima Bint M
Path. ' He added: 'She then passes accompanied by sevent
as if they were a flashing light."

3. Many Sunni Scholars have reported that Allah's Messenger stated that Lady Fat
ima Zahra shall arrive at the gathering place (while) riding Ghadha' or Gusua fe

male camel.
4. Jaber Ibn Abdullah Ansari said:
"I said to Abu Ja'far (Al-Baqir (A.S.)): 'May I be your sacrifice son of Allah's
Messenger; narrate to me a hadith in regard to the noble traits of your grandmo
ther Fatima, so that if I report it to your Shiites (followers), they would rejo
ice at (hearing) it!'
Abu Ja'far (A.S.) said: 'My father told me that my grandfather reported that All
ah's Messenger said:
"On the Day of Rising, Minbars of light shall be erected for the prophets and me
ssengers, of which my Minbar shall be the highest among all Minbars on that day.
Allah will then say: Deliver a speech,' so I will deliver a speech that none of
the prophets or messengers have ever heard. Then for the successors (of prophet
s) shall be erected Minbars of light, and in the middle of these Minbars one sha
ll be erected for my successor, Ali Ibn Abu Talib, which will be higher than all
their Minbars. Allah will then say:
"Ali, deliver a speech.' So he will deliver a speech like no successor has ever
heard before. Then for the children of the prophets and messengers shall be erec
ted Minbars of light; among them shall be a Minber of light for my two sons, gra
ndsons and the two flowers of my life (Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain). Then it shall
be said to them: "Deliver speeches." So they will deliver two speeches like none
of the children of the prophets and messengers have ever heard before!
"A caller-Gabriel-shall then call:
'Where is Fatima Bint Muhammad?'
She (A.S.) will rise..." (until he said):
'Allah, the blessed and exalted is His Name, shall say:
'O people of the gathering; to whom does honor belong today?'
So Muhammad, Ali, Hassan and Al-Hussain (A.S.) will say:
'To Allah, The one, The Almighty
'Allah the Exalted will say:
"O people of the gathering: lower your heads and cast your eyes down, for this i
s Fatima proceeding towards Paradise.' Gabriel shall then bring her a female cam
el from the female camels of Paradise; its sides shall be embellished, its muzzl
e with fresh pearls, and it shall have a saddle of coral. It shall kneel down in
her presence; so she will ride it. Allah will then send 100, 000 angels to acco
mpany her on her right side; and 100, 000 angels to accompany her on her left si
de; and 100, 000 angels to lift her onto their wings until they bring her to the
gate of Paradise. When she is near the gate of Paradise, she will look to her s
ide. Allah will then say:
"Daughter of My beloved, why did you look to your side after I gave the command
that you enter my Paradise?"
She will say: "My Lord, I wished that my position would be realized on such a Da
Allah will say:

"Daughter of My beloved!
Go back and look for everyone in whose heart was love for you or for any of your
progeny; take their hand and lead them into paradise!"
Abu Ja'far (A.S.) said: "By Allah; Jabir, she will pick her Shiites (followers)
and those who love her just like a bird picks good seeds from bad seeds. So that
when her Shiites are near the gate of Paradise, Allah will inspire their hearts
to look to their sides; when they do--- Allah, The Almighty, will say:
My beloved ones, why did you look around when Fatima, the daughter of my beloved
one, interceded for you?'
They will answer: 'Our Lord! We hoped that our position would be known on such a
Allah will then say: 'My beloved ones, go back and look for everyone who loved y
ou for your love for Fatima;
Look for everyone who fed you for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who clothed you for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who gave you a drink for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who prevented (Gheeba) backbiting from being done against you
for the love of Fatima...
Take their hands and lead them into Paradise... "'
5. Ibn Abbas said: "I heard Amir Al-Mo'mineen, Ali (A.S.) say:
Once the Messenger of Allah entered the house of Fatima and found her in a sad m
ood. So he said: 'What has made you sad daughter?'
Fatima replied: 'Father, I remembered the gathering (Day), and people standing n
aked on the Day of Resurrection!'
He said: Daughter, surely it will be a great Day. But Gabriel informed me that A
llah, Glorified and Exalted is He, said that the first one upon whom the ground
shall be split opened is me, then your husband, Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.); then A
llah shall send Gabriel accompanied by seventy thousand angels and he will erect
on your grave seven domes of light, after which Israfil will bring you three ga
rments of light and stand by your head and say to you:
"O Fatima Bint Muhammad, rise towards your gathering place."
"You (Fatima) shall then rise secure from fear and veiled (in privacy). Israfil
will hand you the garments and you will wear them. Rafael will then bring you a
female camel of light; its muzzle shall be made of fresh pearls and on it shall
be a howdan of gold. You will ride it and Rafael shall lead it by its muzzle whi
le seventy thousand angels holding the banners of glorification accompany you.
When the caravan hurries with you, seventy thousand Huris shall receive you rejo
icing at seeing you; while every one of them will be holding a censer of light f
rom which the fragrance of incense is spread without fire. They shall be wearing
crowns of jewels embellished with green chrysolites."
6. Bihar v.10, on the authority of Amali (by Saduq) reports that Imam Baqir (A.S

.) said:
"I heard Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari say: Allah's Messenger said: "On the Day of R
ising, My daughter, Fatima, shall arrive riding a female camel from among the ca
mels of Paradise-to her right shall be seventy thousand angels and to her left s
hall also be seventy thousand angels; Gabriel will be holding its muzzle and cal
ling with the loudest of voices: 'Cast down your eyes so that Fatima Bint Muhamm
ad may pass!"
"Then shall no prophet, messenger, truthful one, or martyr remain without castin
g their eyes down until Fatima passes... Then a call shall come from the side of
Allah, the Exalted:
My beloved one and the daughter of my beloved one; ask Us and you shall be given
(whatever you wish), and intercede, your intercedence shall be accepted. By my
Honor and Exaltation, the oppression of no oppressor shall pass My (judgement) t
She (Fatima) will then say:
"O Allah, My Master;
My progeny, My Shiites (followers), the Shiites of my progeny, those who love me
and those who love my progeny."
She will then hear a call from Allah's side, may His Name be exalted:
"Where are Fatima's progeny, her Shiites, those who love her, and those who love
her progeny?" They will then come forward, surrounded by angels of mercy, and F
atima will lead them into Paradise."

Salman [al-Farsi] after narrating the events of the ritual washing of the Messen
ger of God (Gods peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny) and the sitting
of Abu Bakr on the pulpit of the Messenger of God (Gods peace and blessings be u
pon him and his progeny) and the pledge of allegiance by Satan to him [i.e., Abu
Bakr] in the shape of an old man and the placing of Fatimah by `Ali on a donkey
and taking her to the houses of the Muhjirs [a term used for immigrants from Mec
ca] and the Anr [a term used for the helpers from Medina] and the absence of their
support for `Ali and Fatimah, states: `Umar and Abu Bakr and Qonfodh sent a gro
up of people to `Alis (Gods peace be upon him) house. `Umar said to them that, if t
hey gave you permission enter the house, otherwise enter without permission.
[They went to the house and] Fatimah (Gods peace and blessings be upon her) said
to them, Are you not ashamed of entering my house without my permission. All of th
em returned except Qonfodh the accursed. They said, Fatimah said such and such [n
arrating what she had told them] and did not give us permission to enter her hou
`Umar angrily said , we do not care about what women say. Then he ordered the peop
le who were with him to gather firewood and bring it to `Alis house.
`Umar himself took some firewood. `Ali, Fatimah and their two sons were in the h
ouse. `Umar shouted in a way that `Ali and Fatimah heard him that by God you hav
e to come out of the house `Ali and pay allegiance to the vicegerent (caliph) of
the Messenger of God otherwise I will burn you.
Fatimah (Gods peace be upon her) came out of her room after hearing `Umar [and st
ood behind the door of the house] and said, `Umar! What do you want?

`Umar said, Open the door or we will set the house on fire.
Fatimah (Gods peace be upon her) said, `Umar! Do you not fear God, do you want to
attack my house?
`Umar did not become discouraged from attacking the house of `Ali and Fatimah an
d ordered that the door of the house to be set on fire. Fatimah cried out, O my f
ather! O the Messenger of God!
`Umar hit Fatimahs side with the sheath of his sword. She cried out, O my father [
the Messenger of God]!. He [i.e., `Umar] flogged her arm using a whip.
Fatimah (Gods peace be upon her) cried out, O Messenger of God! [See how much] Abu
Bakr and `Umar treated us badly after you.
`Ali (Gods peace be upon him) came towards `Umar and took a hold of his collar an
d slammed him to the ground. He wanted to kill him when he remembered the word o
f the Messenger of God (Gods peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny) and
said to `Umar, O son of a jester! If it was not for the covenant of the book of
God and the Messenger of God (Gods peace and blessings be upon him and his progen
y) you know that you would not dare to enter my house.

Sayyid Husayn Sheikh Islam. Musnad Fatimah al-Zahra. Qom: Ansariyan, 1383 H.S., pp
.671-673, hadith number 397. Also refer to: Muhammad Bqir Majlis. Bir al-Anwr. Lebano
n: Mo`asseseye al-waf Beirut, 1404 A.H., vol.28, pp. 268-269 and 299 and vol.53, p
.17. `Umar himself described this event in a letter to Mu`awiyah and wrote about
how he abused and oppressed and attacked Fatima al-Zahra (S). Refer to: Muhammad
Bqir Majlis. Bir al-Anwr. Lebanon: Mo`asseseye al-waf Beirut, 1404 A.H., vol.30, p.
3. Also for the attack on the house of Fatima al-Zahra(S), the breaking of her si
de bones and the hitting of her with a whip by `Umar refer to: Sulaym ibn Qays a
l-Hill. Kitb-e-Sulaym ibn Qays al-Hill, ed. Muhammad Bqir al-Anr al-Zanjn. Qom:
4 A.H., pp.148-152; Abdul Karm al-Shahrista. Al-Milal wa al-Nial Beirut: Dar al-Ma`
rifah, 1404A.H., vol.1, p.57; Ibn Qutaybah. Al-Immah wa al-Siyasah. Beirut: Dr alMa`rifah, vo.1, 19; Mas`ud. Ithbt al-Wayah. Beirut: Dr al-Aw, p.153; Abdul Husayn Am
Al-Ghadr. Beirut: Dr al-Kitab al-Arabi, 1397 A.H., vol. 6, 391; Ja`far Murta `mil. Ma
l-Zahra. Beirut: Dr al-Srah, 1418 A.H., vol. 1, pp.164-193; Muhammad ibn Shahr Ash
ub. Manqib l-e Ab lib (AS). Qom: Inteshrt Allamah, 1379 A.H., vol. 2, p.209; Ya`qb
qb. Tehran: Sherkat-e Enteshrt `Ilm wa Farhangi, 1374 H.S., vol.1, p. 5
Allah, The Exalted says: And those whom inflict harm on the Messenger of Allah w
ill receive a chastising punishment. (Surat At-Tawba, verse 61).
The Messenger of Allah said: Fatima is part of me, whosoever angers her ange
rs me!
!(Fat-h Al-Bari fi sharh sahih al-Bukhari 7:84, Sahih al-Bukhari in the chapter a
lamat an-nubuwwa 6:491, the last part of Kitabil Maghazi 8:110)
O Fatima! Verily Allah is angered by your anger and is pleased when you are
Mustadrak Al-Hakim 3:154, Majma Al-zawa-id 9:203
The Messenger of Allah recited the following verse: In houses which Allah has
ordered to be raised, in them His Name is remembered. A man approached him and a
sked him, Which houses are they O Messenger of Allah? He replied, The houses of the
Prophets. So Abu Bakr asked him while pointing to the house of Ali and Fatima: Is
this house included amongst those houses? The Messenger of Allah replied: Yes, it

is the best amongst them!

Ad-Dur Al-manthur 6:203, Ruhul Maani 18:174
Abu Bakr bin Abi Shayba (born in 159 A.H., died 235 A.H.), the author of the boo
k, Al-Musannaf, has narrated in a reliable narration: After the Prophet died and
people pledged their allegiance to Abu Bakr, Ali and Zubayr used to approach Fa
tima, and consult her regarding their affairs.
When this news reached Umar bin al-Khattab, he went to approach Fatima and said
to her:
O daughter of the Messenger of Allah, I swear by Allah that there is no one m
ore beloved to us than your father and there is no one more beloved to us after
your father than you. And by Allah, that will not prevent me from ordering your
house to be burnt on them if they gather with you (at your house).Abu Bakr bin Sh
ayba said: When Umar left, they (Ali and Zubayr) returned to her. She said to th
em Umar had just come to me and said that if you were to return here, he will bur
n the house on you, and I swear by Allah that he will do exactly what he has sai
Al-Musannaf Kitabul Maghazi 8:572
. An-Nassabi, commonly known as Ahmad bin Yahya Jabir Al-Baghdadi Al-Balathari (
who passed away in the year 270 A.H), the author of Ansabul Ashraaf, narrates: A
bu Bakr sent for Ali to pledge allegiance to him (Abu Bakr), but he (Ali) refuse
d. So Umar came (to his house) with a fire-lamp. Fatima encountered him at the d
oor (of the house) and said:
O Ibn Al-Khattab, are you going to burn the door on me? He said Yes! And this (
burning the house) is stronger than what your father had come for
Ansaabul Ashraaf 1:586
The famous historian Abdullah bin Muslim bin Qutayba Dinwari (who died in the ye
ar 276 A.H) has narrated: Abu Bakr realised that a group of people who were with
Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) did not pledge allegiance to him (Abu Bakr)
. So he (Abu Bakr) sent Umar to them who called for them while they were in Alis
house, but they refused to come out (to pledge allegiance). So Umar ordered his
men to get wood and said:
I swear by the One whom Umars soul is in His power, you have to get out (of t
he house) or I will burn it down on whosoever is inside it! Someone said to him: O
Aba-Hafs, but Fatima is inside! Umar replied: So what!! And he walked with a group
of his men until he reached the door of Fatimas house and knocked on it. When sh
e heard their voices she cried loudly: O father! O Messenger of Allah! What is be
ing inflicted upon us after your death from ibn Al-Khattab and ibn Abi-Qohafah?!
When the people (who were with Umar) heard the voice and the cry of Fatima, some
of them left. Umar with a few members of the group remained, forced Ali out of
the house, took him to Abu Bakr and told him Pledge your allegiance! He (Ali) repl
ied, And if I dont then what? They replied, By Allah whom there is no other God but
Him, we will cut off your head!
Al-Imamah was-siyasah 13&12
The famous historian Muhammad bin Jarir At-Tabari (who passed away in the year 3
10 A.H) narrated:
Umar bin Al-Khattab went to the house of Ali. Talha, Zubayr and some men fro

m the Muhajireen were also inside. He (Umar) said: By Allah, I will burn the hou
se on you unless you go to pledge your allegiance (to Abu Bakr). So Zubayr came
out with his sword drawn, but he tripped and the sword fell from his hand, so (t
he men with Umar) captured him and took him.
Tarikhul Tabari 2:443
Ahmad, who is known as Ibn Abd Rabbih Al-Undulosi, who is the author of the book
Al-Iqdul Farid (who passed away in the year 463 A.H) has said: As for Ali, Al-Abb
as and Zubayr, they remained in the house of Fatima until Abu Bakr sent Umar to
force them out. He (Abu Bakr) instructed Umar:
If they refuse, then fight them! So he (Umar) approached them with a burning f
lame to burn the house on them. So Fatima addressed him and said: O ibn Al-Khatta
b! Have you come to burn our house?! He said Yes! Unless you do what the people ha
ve done! (ie. pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr).
Al-Iqdul Farid 4:93
Abu Ubayd Al-Qasim bin Salaam (who died in the year 224 A.H) has narrated on the
authority of Abdul Rahman bin Ouf that Abu Bakr bin Abi Quhafa said:
I wish that I did not raid the house of Fatima and that I left it even if th
e door was closed to (plan) war
Al-Amwaal 144
This same hadith has also been narrated by
-Ibn Abd-Rabbih Al-Undulosi in his book, Al-Iqdul Farid, 4:93
-Muhammad bin Yazid bin Abdil Akbar Al-Baghdadi (who died in the year 285 A.H),
the famous author of the book Al-Kamil and Sharh Nahjul Balagha li-ibn Abi Al-Ha
did 2:46
Abul-Qasim Sulayman bin Ahmad At-Tabrani (who died in the year 360 A.H), the aut
hor of the book Al-Mujam Al-Kabir, has narrated from Abi Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa:
As for the three things that I wish I never did, was that I wish I did not r
aid Fatimas house and I left it .
Al-Mujam Alkabir 1:62
This hadith has also been narrated in:
Al-Masudi (who died in the year 325 A.H) has narrated in his book titled Muruj A
l-thahab, 2:301
Ibrahim bin Sayyar al-Nazzam; the Mutazali (who died in the year 231 A.H) narrate
On the day of pledging allegiance (to Abu Bakr) Umar hit the stomach of Fati
ma until she miscarried Muhassan.
Al-Wafi bil Wafiyyat 6:17
This hadith has also been narrated in:
Ibn Abi Darim (who died in the year 357 A.H) has narrated in his book Mizan Al-It
idal: 3:459

The contemporary historian, Abdul Fattah Abdul Maqsood, stated in his book Imam A
li: That Umar bin Al-Khattab said
I swear by the One whom Umars soul is in His power, they must come out of the
house or else I will burn it on whoever is inside it !
A group of the people (who were with Umar) who feared Allah and guarded (th
e teachings of) the Prophet said: O Aba-Hafs, Fatima is inside!
He carelessly screamed: So what ! He then approached and knocked on the door,
then he hit the door open and invaded it and Ali appeared to him at that moment
Fatimas voice was heard from the doorway of the house she was crying for help
Abdul Fattah Abdul Maqsood: Ali bin Abi Taleb 4:276
Moqatil ibn Atiyyah narrated in his book Al-Imamah wal Khilafah
After Abu Bakr took the allegiance of people by force, using his sword and p
ower, he sent Umar and Qunfuth and a group of men to the house of Ali and Fatima
. Umar collected wood and put them at the doorway of Fatimas house and burnt the
door down
Al-Imamah wal khilafah 160-161

Der Prinz der Glaeubigen as sagte: "13 der 73 haben meine Liebe und Gefolgschaft
, eine von ihnen ist im Himmel und sie sind die Mittlere, 12 sind im Hoellenfeue
r." Sheikh Al Toosi S. 524 Al-Amali
Imam Abu Abdillah as sagte: "Die Ecke des Yamani ist unsere Tuer fuer den Eingan
g des Himmels, es hat einen Fluss wo die Taten der Diener hineingeworfen werden.
" Jame AlSadaat Band 3 S. 314
Es gibt kein besseres Banner als das Banner des Yamani, denn es ist das Banner de
s Glaubens und der Hingabe, da er zu eurem Besitzer aufruft. Daher wird, wenn de
r Yamani hervorkommt, der Waffenhandel unter den Menschen und allen Muslimen ver
boten. Und wenn der Yamani erscheint, stellt euch zu ihm,denn sein Banner ist da
s Banner des Glaubens. Es ist jedem Muslim verboten sich von ihm abzuwenden und
wer auch immer sich von ihm abwendet, gehrt zu den Bewohnern der Hlle. Denn [der Y
amani] ruft zur Wahrheit und zum rechten Weg. (Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim An-Noamani, A
l-Ghaybat, Seite 264)

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