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t was just six months ago. Animals were mysteriously disappearing in Baton
Rouge neighborhoods. But did an onslaught of media reports about "urbanized
coyotes" distract everyone from one important detail? Just what exactly
happened in Kensington Place?
On June 25th, 2014, residents of the Kensington Place subdivision had to deal
with a gruesome and grisly scene...
"After seeing her. It's not, it's not an anim al attack," says cat owner
Patricia Piland.
The Piland fam ily's pet cat was found in a neighbor's backyard, after
having been cut in two; som ething, Investigators say, was no accident.
Patricia says that Scar, their pet cat, never strayed far from hom e.
"It was intentional. There's no way she was just cut perfectly in half. It
was no accident so we called anim al control and the sheriff's and they
both agreed that som eone intentionally hurt the cat."
M aking things even m ore suspicious, was the fact that the cat was
found one street over, in another neighbor's fenced in backyard. Now
people are attem pting to answer the question "why?" and searching for
clues as to who com m itted the horrendous act. ....something that seems
to have been forgotten with all the media information (or disinformation) about
urban coyotes.
Meanwhile, in Lakeland Florida
Police say three cats have been found m utilated and several other cats
in the area have been reported m issing. Two of the cats were cut in
half, likely done with a knife or another sharp object. Investigators do
not think an anim al such as a coyote caused the injuries, because the
cut incisions appear deliberate and precise.
"This is bizarre, sadistic stuff that we don't want to hear," says Sgt.
Gary Gross with Lakeland PD. "That's why we're out here in full force
trying to resolve this."
Lea Ellen DeW itt is the unfortunate cat owner...
"There was no hair, there was no blood, there were no guts..." she
The owner says that the cuts on the cat were not jagged, as if done by
a wild anim al, but clean, as if done by surgical equipm ent. To add to
the suspicion of it all, a fam ily down the street reported finding it's cat
m utilated in the sam e fashion, and two m ore of DeW itt's cats are
m issing, however, their fates are unknown.

Similar reports were appearing in Texas and Mississippi within the same time
frame, all eerily reminiscent of incidents which occurred some 50 years ago:
"The reports of horrible new nocturnal m utilations com e alm ost
weekly, the latest last weekend, when a tiger-and-white striped tabby
was found in two pieces. Oddly, no one ever hears any noise, and dogs
do not bark. There is never any blood on the ground, just a torn feline
carcass on the front lawn when the sun rises over Orange County.
Sixty-seven victim s have been found in the last three m onths m onths
alone, som e of them cut in half with what som e say is alm ost surgical
precision, others disem boweled or skinned."
Paralleling events of today, wildlife experts and the media had bombarded the
public with information regarding "urbanized coyotes." However, pet owners,
overwhelmed by constant reports of ritualistic animal mutilations felt "all signs
point to som ething very unnatural...som ething sinister..."
...and they were correct.
In a state that seems to breed cults and serial killers, and a city that is intimately
familiar with them, should people really only be concerned with coyotes? I think

A Brief History of Louisiana

Notorious serial killers David Berkowitz, Ottis Toole, Henry Lee Lucas, Stanley
Dean Baker, and cult leader Charles Manson all share one thing in common (aside
from their murderous acts, instances of cannibalism, necrophilia, pedophilia, and
other atrocities)-they all inexplicably m ention being part of a larger
nationwide m ovem enta church.a cult.
While its sometimes referred to as the 4p movement, or The Hand of Death,
this church/cult is best known as:
The Process Church of the Final Judgement.
You may be wondering what this group has to do with Louisiana. Well, the
Process Church, while initially being founded in England, later established its
American base of operations in New Orleans, LA. And even though the Church has
gone through many changes through the years, and changed its name multiple
times, most people dont realize the Church is still very active to this day and is
still headquartered in Louisiana (both Baton Rouge and New Orleans). Its final

The Best Friends Animal Society

Perhaps the fact that a group with ties to some of the countrys most notable
serial killers, as well as the ritualistic sacrifices of cats and German Sheppards, is
based out of Louisiana, possibly has something to do with why Louisiana is itself
no stranger to cults, ritual abuse, and serial murders.
Derrick Todd Lee
A.K.A.: The Baton Rouge Serial Killer
Classification: Serial killer
Characteristics: Rape
Num ber of victim s: 7 +
Date of m urders: 1998 2003
Date of arrest: M ay 27, 2003
Date of birth: Novem ber 5, 1968
Victim s profile: Randi M ebruer, 28 / Gina W ilson Green, 41 / Geralyn
Barr DeSoto, 21 / Charlotte M urray Pace, 21 / Pam ela Kinam ore, 44 /
Trinesha Dene Colom b, 23 / Carrie Lynn Yoder, 26
M ethod of m urder: Stabbing with knife
Location: Baton Rouge/Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Status: Sentenced to death
Sean Vincent Gillis
Classification: Serial killer
Characteristics: Rape M utilation
Num ber of victim s: 8
Date of m urders: 1994 2004
Date of arrest: April 29, 2004
Date of birth: 1963
Victim s profile: W om en aged between 30 and 82 years
M ethod of m urder: Strangulation Stabbing with knife
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Status: Sentenced to life in prison
Ronald Dominique
A.K.A.: The Bayou serial killer
Classification: Serial killer
Characteristics: Rape
Num ber of victim s: 8 23
Date of m urders: 1997 2006
Date of arrest: Decem ber 1, 2006
Date of birth: January 9, 1964
Victim s: Kenneth Randolph / M ichael Barnett / Leon Lirette / August
W atkins / Kurt Cunningham / Alonzo Hogan / Chris Deville / Wayne
Sm ith / Nicholas Pellegrin (m en aged between 16 to 46 years
M ethod of m urder: Strangulation Suffocation
Location: Louisiana, USA
Status: Sentenced to eight life sentences in prison

Jeffery Lee Guillory

Classification: Serial Killer
Characteristics: Strangulation & Severe Blunt Force
Traum a
Num ber of Victim s: 3-8 or m ore
Victim s: Florida Edwards, Sylvia Cobb, Renee Newm an
Location: Louisiana, USA
Status: Sentenced to Life in Prison
Victor Gant
In 1991, a serial killer began m urdering people, m ostly
prostitutes, in the Algiers and Trem e neighborhoods of
New Orleans, LA, eventually claim ing 24 victim s. For a
year, the police departm ent had been aware of the killings,
but didnt alert the local m edia until they requested
assistance from the public in 1995. At that tim e, Gant, a
New Orleans Police Officer, had been listed as a suspect in the
m urders of two of the victim s, Robinson and a friend of hers, 30-yearold prostitute Karen Iverster, both of whom were found in a swam p
near Interstate 55 on April 30. However, he was not charged and
rem ained at a desk job on the force, though he had subm itted blood
and tissue sam ples to police detectives.
At this point, nothing has been disclosed of Gants fate afterwards;
whether or not there was a DNA m atch to the two aforem entioned
m urders and/or the other 22 victim s of the serial killer is unknown. It
should be noted that a sketch of the killer was drawn in 1992 after the
first six m urders; the sketch depicted a large, m uscular African Am erican m an in his 30s, which m atched Gants physical description.

Zachary Bowen & Addie Hall

After com m itting suicide, a note in Zachary Bowens
pocket directed police to the apartm ent above the
Voodoo Spiritual Tem ple in New Orleans, LA where he
and girlfriend Addie Hall lived together. Once inside,
police found m ultiple large pots on top of the stove.
Inside one they found the head of Addie Hall, in the other her hands
and feet. A basting pan inside the oven contained her arm s and legs
one had even been sprinkled with seasoning. There were chopped
vegetables in a container on top of the stove.

Blackbird Black House

An infant, Prince Javeion Deshaun Brown, was
found in an area of shallow water in a field near
Sabrina M aidens hom e, a hom e dubbed by
neighbors as The Blackbird Black house. This
hom e, belonging to Willie Brown and Sabrina
M aiden, was actually a church incorporated with
the Louisiana Secretary of State, known as The Church of M idian.
The hom e got its nam e from neighbors due to Blackbird Black being
spray painted all over the walls and outside of the hom e. Court
docum ents also revealed inverted crosses and satanic im agery were
found on both the inside and outside of the hom e, as well as black
plastic bags covering all of the windows.
M aiden was arrested April 10, 2012, and booked on a first-degree
m urder count.
M aiden claim ed she was being influenced by a goddess nam ed Aaliyah,
an alter to whom was found in the house, and by a religious belief
system that was separate and apart from norm al religious belief
system s.
She claim ed the blackbird delivered m essages from Aaliyah.
M aiden believed the deceased infant was still in her belly and that God
was going to restore the baby to life.

Hosanna Church
In a recent interview, True Detective creator Nic
Pizzolatto told Entertainm ent Weekly that his show
drew inspiration from an incredibly horrifying real
case of ! a tanism and sexual abuse in rural
Louisiana in the early 2000s.

A form erly thriving evangelical church on the shores of Lake

Pontchartrain, Hosanna once boasted thousands of m em bers and
supported schools for area children. As the churchs m em bership
dwindled, it also served a m uch darker role: as a haven for child
sexual abuse that occurred in the context of satanic rituals.
Nine people have been arrested in the case thus far. A dozen
com puters have been seized, at least som e of which the police believed
contain child pornography, as well as dozens of videotapes, hundreds
of com puter disks and eight large boxes of docum ents and
Inside the shuttered church com pound, in a youth hall behind the
sanctuary, the police found the faint im print of pentagram s on the
floor that som eone had apparently tried to scrub away.
Som e of those arrested, the police said, described rituals within those
pentagram s involving cats blood and people dressed in black robes.
The abuse victim s ranged in age from 1 to 16, the police said.

History Repeating Itself

In the 1960s and 70s we had The Process Church, a sudden explosion of cult
activity, satanic rituals, Civil Rights issues, radical activism, conflict with Russia,
a Space Race, The Symbionese Liberation Army, Revolutionary Communist
Party, Helter Skelter, Charlie Manson, the Zodiac Killer and more. All
proceeded with & indicated by what the FBI claims is one of the number one
warning signs of satanic and cult activity: ritualistic mutilation of cats.
In the last decade, finally reaching a pinnacle in the last year, we have..

A revival of the Process Church/Best Friends Animal Society, claiming all

over their many new websites and social media accounts that The New
Game Has Begun.
Civil Rights issues, radical activism, and mass protests erupting all over
the country.
Conflict with Russia & a Space Race
Revival of the S.L.A and R.C.P.
Charles Manson and the Zodiac Killer in the news again, gaining new found
popularity, & with cult followers both new and old being incredibly vocal
now about their affiliations and beliefs on Helter Skelter.
Influx of ritualistic abuse and bizarre murders

.and then we have what happened in Kensinton Place and the other missing cats
all over the Gulf Coast. But perhaps the media is right. Urbanized Coyote

populations exploding and wreaking havoc in suburban neighborhoods just like

they did 50 years ago.
Its possible.
Something that gives me great pause though, is that when I was first told of the
mysterious cat mutilations, knowing no case details other than the medias
version of the events, I simply said:
Let me guessthe yard where the cats body was found is going to belong to a
Preacher. And what would you like to bet that street backs up to a particularly
suspicious, undocumented, un-owned, unaccounted for, small piece of property
hidden amongst the sprawling acres of high society in the Baton Rouge Country
Ill let you guess as to whether or not I was right.

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