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Quidway NetEngine80 Core Router


Configuration Guide - Basic





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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1
1 NE80 Core Router Overview....................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Hardware Architecture ......................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 Software Architecture........................................................................................................................1-3
1.2 Characteristics of the NE80.........................................................................................................................1-5
1.2.1 Support for Flattened Network Architecture .....................................................................................1-5
1.2.2 Line-Speed Forwarding.....................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.3 Multiple Interfaces ............................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.4 Carrier-Class Availability ..................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.5 Rich Services.....................................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.6 Perfect Diff-Serv/QoS .......................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.7 Excellent Security Mechanism ..........................................................................................................1-7
1.2.8 Practical NMS ...................................................................................................................................1-7
1.2.9 Flexible Networking Capabilities......................................................................................................1-8
1.3 Features List of the NE80............................................................................................................................1-8

2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment..............................................................2-1

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Login Through the Console...............................................................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Login Through Telnet........................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Login Through AUX Port..................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Logging In to the Router Through the Console Port ...................................................................................2-2
2.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Establishing the Physical Connection ...............................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Configuring Terminals.......................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.4 Logging In to the Router ...................................................................................................................2-3
2.3 Logging In to Router Through Telnet..........................................................................................................2-4
2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................2-4
2.3.2 Establishing the Physical Connection ...............................................................................................2-5
2.3.3 Configuring Login User Parameters..................................................................................................2-5

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations
2.3.4 Logging In from the Telnet Client.....................................................................................................2-5

2.4 Logging In to the Router Through the AUX Port........................................................................................2-5

2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................2-5
2.4.2 Establishing the Physical Connection ...............................................................................................2-6
2.4.3 Initializing and Configuring the Modem on the Interface .................................................................2-6
2.4.4 Configuring the Connection Between the Remote Terminal and the Router.....................................2-6
2.4.5 Logging In to the Router ...................................................................................................................2-7
2.5 Configuration Examples..............................................................................................................................2-7
2.5.1 Example for Logging In Through the Console Port ..........................................................................2-7
2.5.2 Example for Logging In Through Telnet...........................................................................................2-9
2.5.3 Example for Logging In Through the AUX Port............................................................................. 2-11

3 CLI Overview..............................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 Command Line Interface...................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.2 Command Levels...............................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.3 Command Line Views .......................................................................................................................3-3
3.2 Online Help .................................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.1 Full Help............................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.2 Partial help ........................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.3 Error Messages of the Command Line Interface...............................................................................3-7
3.3 Features of Command Line Interface ..........................................................................................................3-7
3.3.1 Editing ...............................................................................................................................................3-7
3.3.2 Displaying .........................................................................................................................................3-8
3.3.3 Regular Expressions ..........................................................................................................................3-8
3.3.4 History Commands..........................................................................................................................3-10
3.4 Shortcut Keys ............................................................................................................................................ 3-11
3.4.1 Classifying Shortcut Keys ............................................................................................................... 3-11
3.4.2 Defining Shortcut Keys ...................................................................................................................3-12
3.4.3 Use of Shortcut Keys.......................................................................................................................3-13
3.5 Configuration Examples............................................................................................................................3-13
3.5.1 Example for Using Shortcut Keys...................................................................................................3-13
3.5.2 Copying Commands Using Shortcut Keys......................................................................................3-14
3.5.3 Example for Using Tab....................................................................................................................3-14

4 Basic Configuration ...................................................................................................................4-1

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Configuring the Basic System Environment ...............................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................4-2
4.2.2 Switching the Language Mode..........................................................................................................4-3
4.2.3 Configuring the Equipment Name.....................................................................................................4-3
4.2.4 Configuring the System Clock ..........................................................................................................4-3
4.2.5 Configuring the Header Text .............................................................................................................4-4


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


4.2.6 Configuring Command Levels ..........................................................................................................4-4

4.3 Configuring Basic User Environment .........................................................................................................4-5
4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................4-5
4.3.2 Configuring the Password for Switching User Levels ......................................................................4-6
4.3.3 Switching User Levels ......................................................................................................................4-6
4.3.4 Locking User Interfaces ....................................................................................................................4-7
4.4 Displaying System Status Messages............................................................................................................4-7
4.4.1 Displaying System Configuration .....................................................................................................4-8
4.4.2 Displaying System Status ..................................................................................................................4-8
4.4.3 Collecting System Diagostic Information .........................................................................................4-8

5 User Management ......................................................................................................................5-1

5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 User Interface View...........................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 User Management .............................................................................................................................5-3
5.2 Configuring Console User Interface............................................................................................................5-5
5.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................5-5
5.2.2 Configuring Console Interface Attributes..........................................................................................5-6
5.2.3 Setting Console Terminal Attributes..................................................................................................5-7
5.2.4 Configuring the User Interface Priority.............................................................................................5-7
5.2.5 Configuring User Authentication ......................................................................................................5-8
5.2.6 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................5-10
5.3 Configuring AUX User Interface ..............................................................................................................5-10
5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................5-10
5.3.2 Configuring AUX Interface Attributes ............................................................................................ 5-11
5.3.3 Configuring AUX Terminal Attributes ............................................................................................5-12
5.3.4 Configuring User Priority................................................................................................................5-13
5.3.5 Configuring Modem Attributes .......................................................................................................5-13
5.3.6 Configuring User Authentication ....................................................................................................5-14
5.3.7 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................5-15
5.4 Configuring VTY User Interface...............................................................................................................5-16
5.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................5-16
5.4.2 Configuring Maximum VTY User Interfaces..................................................................................5-17
5.4.3 Configuring Limits for Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls ...........................................................5-17
5.4.4 Configuring Timeout of VTY User Authorization...........................................................................5-18
5.4.5 Configuring VTY Terminal Attributes ............................................................................................5-18
5.4.6 Configuring User Authentication ....................................................................................................5-19
5.4.7 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................5-21
5.5 Managing User Interfaces..........................................................................................................................5-21
5.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................5-21
5.5.2 Sending Messages to Other User Interfaces ....................................................................................5-22
5.5.3 Clearing Online User.......................................................................................................................5-22

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations
5.5.4 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................5-22

5.6 Configuring User Management .................................................................................................................5-23

5.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................5-23
5.6.2 Configuring Authentication Mode...................................................................................................5-24
5.6.3 Configuring Authentication Password.............................................................................................5-24
5.6.4 Setting Username and Password for AAA Local Authentication ....................................................5-24
5.6.5 Configuring Non-Authentication.....................................................................................................5-25
5.6.6 Configuring User Priority................................................................................................................5-26
5.6.7 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................5-26
5.7 Configuring Local User Management .......................................................................................................5-26
5.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................5-26
5.7.2 Creating Local User Account ..........................................................................................................5-27
5.7.3 Configuring the Service Type of the Local User .............................................................................5-27
5.7.4 Configuring Local User Authority for FTP Directory .....................................................................5-28
5.7.5 Configuring Local User Status ........................................................................................................5-28
5.7.6 Configuring Local User Priority......................................................................................................5-29
5.7.7 Configuring Access Restriction of the Local User ..........................................................................5-29
5.7.8 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................5-29
5.8 Configuration Examples............................................................................................................................5-30
5.8.1 Example for Configuring Logging In to the Router Through Password .........................................5-31
5.8.2 Example for Logging In to the Router Through AAA.....................................................................5-32

6 File System ..................................................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 File System........................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.2 Storage Devices.................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.3 Files ...................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.4 Directories .........................................................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Managing Storage Devices..........................................................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................6-2
6.2.2 Restoring Storage Devices with File System Troubles......................................................................6-3
6.2.3 Formatting Storage Devices ..............................................................................................................6-3
6.3 Managing the Directory...............................................................................................................................6-4
6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................6-4
6.3.2 Viewing the Current Directory ..........................................................................................................6-5
6.3.3 Switching the Directory.....................................................................................................................6-5
6.3.4 Displaying the Directory of File........................................................................................................6-5
6.3.5 Creating a Directory ..........................................................................................................................6-6
6.3.6 Deleting a Directory ..........................................................................................................................6-6
6.4 Managing Files ............................................................................................................................................6-6
6.4.1 Displaying Contents of Files .............................................................................................................6-7
6.4.2 Copying Files ....................................................................................................................................6-7


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


6.4.3 Moving Files .....................................................................................................................................6-8

6.4.4 Renaming Files..................................................................................................................................6-8
6.4.5 Deleting Files ....................................................................................................................................6-9
6.4.6 Deleting Files in the Recycle Bin......................................................................................................6-9
6.4.7 Undeleting Files ................................................................................................................................6-9
6.5 Running Files in Batch ..............................................................................................................................6-10
6.6 Configuring Prompt Modes .......................................................................................................................6-10
6.7 Example of Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 6-11

7 Management of Configuration Files ......................................................................................7-1

7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.1 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.2 Configuration Files and Current Configurations ...............................................................................7-2
7.2 Managing Configuration Files.....................................................................................................................7-2
7.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................7-2
7.2.2 Configuring System Software for a Router to Load..........................................................................7-3
7.2.3 Configuring the Configuration File for Router to Load ....................................................................7-3
7.2.4 Saving Configuration File .................................................................................................................7-4
7.2.5 Clearing Configuration Files .............................................................................................................7-4
7.2.6 Comparing Configuration Files.........................................................................................................7-5
7.2.7 Checking the Configuration ..............................................................................................................7-5

8 FTP, TFTP and XModem ..........................................................................................................8-1

8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.1 FTP....................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.2 TFTP .................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.3 XModem ...........................................................................................................................................8-2
8.2 Configuring the Router to be the FTP Server ..............................................................................................8-3
8.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................8-3
8.2.2 Configuring the source address of FTP server...................................................................................8-4
8.2.3 Enabling the FTP Server ...................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.4 Configuring the Timeout Period........................................................................................................8-4
8.2.5 Configuring the Local Username and the Password..........................................................................8-5
8.2.6 Configuring Service Types and Authorization Information...............................................................8-5
8.2.7 Checking the Configuration ..............................................................................................................8-6
8.3 Configuring FTP ACL .................................................................................................................................8-6
8.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................8-6
8.3.2 Enabling the FTP Server ...................................................................................................................8-7
8.3.3 Configuring the Basic ACL...............................................................................................................8-7
8.3.4 Configuring the Basic FTP ACL .......................................................................................................8-8
8.3.5 Checking the Configuration ..............................................................................................................8-8
8.4 Configuring the Router to Be the FTP Client ..............................................................................................8-9
8.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................8-9

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations
8.4.2 Configuring the source address of FTP Client.................................................................................8-10
8.4.3 Logging In to the FTP Server ..........................................................................................................8-10
8.4.4 Configuring Data Type and Transmission Mode for the File ..........................................................8-10
8.4.5 Viewing Online Help of the FTP Command ...................................................................................8-11
8.4.6 Uploading or Downloading Files .................................................................................................... 8-11
8.4.7 Managing Directories ...................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.4.8 Managing Files................................................................................................................................8-12
8.4.9 Changing Login Users.....................................................................................................................8-13
8.4.10 Disconnecting from the FTP Server ..............................................................................................8-13
8.4.11 Checking the Configuration...........................................................................................................8-14

8.5 Configuring TFTP .....................................................................................................................................8-14

8.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................8-14
8.5.2 Configuring the source address of TFTP Client ..............................................................................8-15
8.5.3 Downloading Files Through TFTP..................................................................................................8-15
8.5.4 Uploading Files Through TFTP ......................................................................................................8-15
8.6 Limiting the Access to the TFTP Server....................................................................................................8-16
8.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................8-16
8.6.2 Configuring the Basic ACL.............................................................................................................8-16
8.6.3 Configuring the Basic TFTP ACL...................................................................................................8-17
8.7 Configuring XModem ...............................................................................................................................8-17
8.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................8-17
8.7.2 Getting a File Through XModem ....................................................................................................8-18
8.8 Configuration Examples............................................................................................................................8-18
8.8.1 Example for Configuring the FTP Server........................................................................................8-18
8.8.2 Example for Configuring FTP ACL ................................................................................................8-21
8.8.3 Example for Configuring the FTP Client ........................................................................................8-23
8.8.4 Example for Configuring TFTP ......................................................................................................8-24
8.8.5 Example for Configuring XModem ................................................................................................8-26

9 Telnet and SSH...........................................................................................................................9-1

9.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.1 Overview of User Login....................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.2 Telnet Terminal Services ...................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.3 SSH Terminal Services......................................................................................................................9-4
9.2 Configuring Telnet Terminal Services .........................................................................................................9-7
9.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..................................................................................................9-7
9.2.2 Establishing a Telnet Connection ......................................................................................................9-8
9.2.3 Establishing a Telnet Redirection Connection...................................................................................9-8
9.2.4 Scheduled Telnet Disconnection .......................................................................................................9-9
9.2.5 Checking the Configuration ..............................................................................................................9-9
9.3 Configuring SSH Users .............................................................................................................................9-10
9.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................9-10


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


9.3.2 Creating an SSH User ..................................................................................................................... 9-11

9.3.3 Configuring SSH for the VTY User Interface ................................................................................. 9-11
9.3.4 Generating a Local RSA Key Pair...................................................................................................9-12
9.3.5 Configuring the Authentication Mode for SSH Users.....................................................................9-12
9.3.6 (Optional)Configuring the Basic Authentication Information for SSH Users.................................9-14
9.3.7 (Optional)Authorizing SSH Users Through the Command Line ....................................................9-14
9.3.8 Configuring the Service Type of SSH Users ...................................................................................9-15
9.3.9 (Optional)Configuring the Authorized Directory of SFTP Service for SSH Users .........................9-15
9.3.10 Checking the Configuration ..........................................................................................................9-15
9.4 Configuring the SSH Server ......................................................................................................................9-16
9.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................9-16
9.4.2 Enabling the STelnet Service...........................................................................................................9-17
9.4.3 Enabling the SFTP Service..............................................................................................................9-17
9.4.4 (Optional)Enabling the Earlier Version-Compatible Function ........................................................9-17
9.4.5 (Optional)Configuring the Number of the Port Monitored by the SSH Server ...............................9-18
9.4.6 (Optional) Enabling the Trap Function............................................................................................9-18
9.4.7 (Optional)Configuring the Interval for Updating the Key Pair on the SSH Server .........................9-19
9.4.8 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................9-19
9.5 Configuring the STelnet Client Function...................................................................................................9-20
9.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................9-20
9.5.2 Enabling the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client.............................................................9-21
9.5.3 (Optional) Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to the SSH Server ............9-21
9.5.4 Enabling the STelnet Client.............................................................................................................9-22
9.5.5 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................9-22
9.6 Configuring the SFTP Client Function......................................................................................................9-23
9.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task................................................................................................9-23
9.6.2 Configuring the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client .......................................................9-24
9.6.3 Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to the SSH Server ..............................9-24
9.6.4 Enabling the SFTP Client................................................................................................................9-25
9.6.5 (Optional) Managing the Directory .................................................................................................9-25
9.6.6 (Optional) Managing the File ..........................................................................................................9-26
9.6.7 (Optional)Displaying the SFTP Client Command Help ..................................................................9-27
9.6.8 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................9-27
9.7 Maintaining Telnet and SSH......................................................................................................................9-28
9.7.1 Debugging Telnet Terminal Services...............................................................................................9-28
9.7.2 Debugging SSH Terminal Services .................................................................................................9-28
9.8 Configuration Examples............................................................................................................................9-29
9.8.1 Example for Configuring Telnet Terminal Services ........................................................................9-29
9.8.2 Example for Connecting the STelnet Client to the SSH Server.......................................................9-31
9.8.3 Example for Connecting the SFTP Client to the SSH Server..........................................................9-37
9.8.4 Example for Accessing the SSH Server Through Other Port Numbers...........................................9-42
9.8.5 Example for Authenticating SSH Through RADIUS ......................................................................9-49

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

10 Router Maintenance ..............................................................................................................10-1

10.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................10-2
10.1.1 Online Upgrade introduction.........................................................................................................10-2
10.1.2 Device Operation Management.....................................................................................................10-2
10.1.3 Electronic Label ............................................................................................................................10-2
10.2 Upgrading the Board ...............................................................................................................................10-2
10.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................10-3
10.2.2 Downloading the Board Software .................................................................................................10-3
10.2.3 Online Loading the Board Software..............................................................................................10-4
10.2.4 Upgrading the Stratum 3 Clock Board ..........................................................................................10-4
10.2.5 Resetting the Board .......................................................................................................................10-4
10.2.6 Checking the Configuration ..........................................................................................................10-4
10.3 Managing the Device Operation..............................................................................................................10-5
10.3.1 Setting the Temperature Warning Threshold Upgrading the Board...............................................10-5
10.3.2 Disabling or Re-enabling the DASL Port of the LPU ...................................................................10-5
10.3.3 Resetting the Device and Switching over the Channel..................................................................10-6
10.3.4 Displaying the Device Information ...............................................................................................10-6
10.4 Configuring the Electronic Labelelectronic.............................................................................................10-7
10.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................10-7
10.4.2 Querying the Electronic Label.......................................................................................................10-7
10.4.3 Backing Up the Electronic Label ..................................................................................................10-7
10.5 Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter ......................................................................................10-8
10.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................10-8
10.5.2 Configuring a Checking of the Air Filter based on the Device Temperature.................................10-8
10.5.3 Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter............................................................................10-9
10.5.4 Remonitoring the Cleaning Cycle of the Air Filter .......................................................................10-9
10.5.5 Checking the Configuration ..........................................................................................................10-9

11 System Software Upgrade ....................................................................................................11-1

11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.1.1 System Software Upgrade ............................................................................................................. 11-2
11.1.2 License .......................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2 Uploading the System Software and License Files.................................................................................. 11-3
11.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.............................................................................................. 11-3
11.2.2 Uploading the System Software and License to the Master MPU................................................. 11-3
11.2.3 Copying the System Software and License to the Slave MPU ...................................................... 11-4
11.2.4 Checking the Configuration........................................................................................................... 11-4
11.3 Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup of the Router ....................................................... 11-5
11.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.............................................................................................. 11-5
11.3.2 Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup ................................................................... 11-5
11.3.3 (Optional) Configuring PAF Files ................................................................................................. 11-6
11.3.4 (Optional) Configuring Patch Packages ........................................................................................ 11-6


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


11.3.5 Checking the Configuration........................................................................................................... 11-7

12 Patch Management.................................................................................................................12-1
12.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................12-2
12.2 Checking the Running of Patch in the System ........................................................................................12-3
12.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................12-3
12.2.2 Checking the Running of Patch on the MPU ................................................................................12-4
12.2.3 Checking the Running of Patch on the LPU..................................................................................12-5
12.3 Loading a Patch .......................................................................................................................................12-5
12.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................12-5
12.3.2 Uploading a Patch to the Root Directory of the Master MPU.......................................................12-6
12.3.3 Copying a Patch to the Root Directory of the Slave MPU ............................................................12-6
12.4 Installing a Patch on the MPU.................................................................................................................12-7
12.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................12-7
12.4.2 Uploading the MPU Patch.............................................................................................................12-7
12.4.3 Activating the MPU Patch.............................................................................................................12-8
12.4.4 Running the MPU Patch................................................................................................................12-8
12.5 Stop Running the MPU Patch..................................................................................................................12-9
12.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task..............................................................................................12-9
12.5.2 Deactivating the MPU Patch .........................................................................................................12-9
12.6 Unloading the MPU Patch.....................................................................................................................12-10
12.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task............................................................................................12-10
12.6.2 Deleting the MPU Patch..............................................................................................................12-10
12.7 Installing a Patch on the LPU ................................................................................................................ 12-11
12.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task............................................................................................ 12-11
12.7.2 Uploading the LPU Patch............................................................................................................ 12-11
12.7.3 Activating the LPU Patch ............................................................................................................12-12
12.7.4 Running the LPU Patch...............................................................................................................12-12
12.8 Stop Running the LPU Patch.................................................................................................................12-13
12.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task............................................................................................12-13
12.8.2 Deactivating the LPU Patch ........................................................................................................12-13
12.9 Unloading the LPU Patch......................................................................................................................12-13
12.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task............................................................................................12-13
12.9.2 Deleting the LPU Patch...............................................................................................................12-14

A Glossary .................................................................................................................................... A-1

B Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................B-1
Index ................................................................................................................................................ i-1

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


Figure 1-1 Software architecture of the NE80-8...............................................................................................1-4
Figure 2-1 Networking diagram of logging in through the console port ..........................................................2-7
Figure 2-2 New connection ..............................................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-3 Setting the port................................................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-4 Setting the port communication parameters....................................................................................2-9
Figure 2-5 Establishing the configuration environment through Telnet .........................................................2-10
Figure 2-6 Running the Telnet program on the PC......................................................................................... 2-11
Figure 2-7 Establishing the remote configuration environment through AUX............................................... 2-11
Figure 8-1 Networking diagram with FTP server basic functions ..................................................................8-19
Figure 8-2 Networking diagram of configuring FTP ACL .............................................................................8-21
Figure 8-3 Configuring the FTP client............................................................................................................8-23
Figure 8-4 Networking diagram of configuring TFTP ...................................................................................8-24
Figure 8-5 Setting the Base Directory of the TFTP server .............................................................................8-25
Figure 8-6 Specifying the file to be sent.........................................................................................................8-26
Figure 9-1 Telnet client services .......................................................................................................................9-2
Figure 9-2 Telnet redirection services...............................................................................................................9-3
Figure 9-3 Usage of Telnet shortcut keys .........................................................................................................9-3
Figure 9-4 Establishing an SSH channel in a LAN ..........................................................................................9-5
Figure 9-5 Establishing an SSH channel in a WAN..........................................................................................9-5
Figure 9-6 Networking diagram of the Telnet terminal services mode...........................................................9-29
Figure 9-7 Networking diagram of connecting the STelnet client to the SSH server .....................................9-31
Figure 9-8 Networking diagram of connecting the SFTP client to the SSH server ........................................9-37
Figure 9-9 Networking diagram of accessing the SSH server through other port numbers............................9-43
Figure 9-10 Networking diagram of authenticating the SSH through RADIUS ............................................9-49
Figure 12-1 Conversion between the statuses of a patch ................................................................................12-2

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


Table 1-1 Features list of the NE80 Series USR ...............................................................................................1-8
Table 3-1 Command line views ........................................................................................................................3-4
Table 3-2 Common error messages of the command line .................................................................................3-7
Table 3-3 Keys for editing ................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-4 Keys for displaying...........................................................................................................................3-8
Table 3-5 Describes metacharacters..................................................................................................................3-9
Table 3-6 Access the history commands .........................................................................................................3-10
Table 3-7 System-defined shortcut keys ......................................................................................................... 3-11
Table 5-1 Example for the absolute numbering ................................................................................................5-3

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

About This Document

About This Document

This part describes the organization of this document, product version, intended audience,
conventions, and update history.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Product Name


Quidway NetEngine80 Core Router


Intended Audience
This document is intended for:

Network planning engineer

Hardware installation engineer

Commissioning engineer

On-site maintenance engineer

System maintenance engineer

This document consists of twelve chapters and is organized as follows.


1 NE80 Core Router Overview

This chapter describes the architecture, functional

features and main functions of the NE80.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

About This Document



2 Establishment of the Configuration


This chapter describes the procedures to set up the

configuration environments through CON, Telnet,
and AUX.

3 CLI Overview

This chapter describes the command line interface,

command levels, command views and hot keys.

4 Basic Configurtion

This chapter describes how to configure the basic

system environment on the router

5 User Management

This chapter describes the basic concepts of the

user interface and the user management

6 File System

This chapter describes the file system and its

configuration, uploading and downloading files
through FTP, TFTP and XModem, and the
management of configuration file.

7 Management of Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure the file


8 FTP,TFTP and XModem

This chapter describes how to configure the basic

functions of the FTP server.

9 Telnet and SSH

This chapter describes how to log in to the router

through Telnet and configure the router.

10 Router Maintenance

This chapter describes the principle and concepts of

the router maintenance.

11 System Software Upgrade

This chapter describes the principle and concepts of

the system software upgrade.

12 Patch Management

This chapter describes the principle and concepts of

patch management.

Appendix A Glossary & B

Acronyms and Abbreviations

This chapter collates glossary and frequently used

acronyms and abbreviations in this manual.


This chapter collates important keywords used in

this manual to help the reader to access the required
information quickly.

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


About This Document

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which if
not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not
avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time.
Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement
important points of the main text.

General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.


Times New Roman

Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.


Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.


Book titles are in italics.

Courier New

Examples of information displayed on the screen are in

Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.



The keywords of a command line are in boldface.


Command arguments are in italics.


Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are


{ x | y | ... }

Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

About This Document



{ x | y | ... } *

Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ] *

Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.


The parameter before the & sign can be repeated 1 to n


A line starting with the # sign is comments.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.



Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.


Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.



Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2

Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing

Ctrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed

Key 1, Key 2

Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means

the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.




Select and release the primary mouse button without

moving the pointer.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

About This Document




Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.


Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue
contains all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Fourth commercial release.

Updates in Issue 03 (2009-08-01)

Third commercial release.

Updates in Issue 02 (2008-10-20)

Second commercial release.

Updates in Issue 01 (2008-04-18)

First commercial release.

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Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


1 NE80 Core Router Overview....................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Hardware Architecture .........................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 Software Architecture ..........................................................................................................................1-3
1.2 Characteristics of the NE80...........................................................................................................................1-5
1.2.1 Support for Flattened Network Architecture........................................................................................1-5
1.2.2 Line-Speed Forwarding........................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.3 Multiple Interfaces ...............................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.4 Carrier-Class Availability.....................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.5 Rich Services .......................................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.6 Perfect Diff-Serv/QoS..........................................................................................................................1-6
1.2.7 Excellent Security Mechanism.............................................................................................................1-7
1.2.8 Practical NMS......................................................................................................................................1-7
1.2.9 Flexible Networking Capabilities ........................................................................................................1-8
1.3 Features List of the NE80..............................................................................................................................1-8

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Figure 1-1 Software architecture of the NE80-8 ................................................................................................1-4

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


Table 1-1 Features list of the NE80 Series USR.................................................................................................1-8

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

NE80 Core Router Overview

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.


1.1 Introduction

This section describes the hardware and software

architecture of the NE80

1.2 Characteristics of the

This section describes the characteristics of the NE80

1.3 Features List of the

This section describes the features of the NE80.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

1.1 Introduction
This section describes the basic knowledge of the NE80 Series USR, including:


Hardware Architecture

Software Architecture

1.1.1 Overview
Nowadays the IP Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) has developed into a new stage. It is no
longer limited to merely supplying individual broadband internet access services, but covers
all-around services including enterprise interconnection, virtual leased line, IP telephone/
videoconferencing, content service, and security service. All these raise higher requirements
to MAN devices.
According to the development of IP MANs, Huawei launches the NE80 Series USR. The
NE80 has the following features: large capacity, high performance, high reliability, and
abundant service capability required by MANs, such as line-speed forwarding on high-speed
interface, Ethernet switching, Multi-Protocol Label Switching Virtual Private Network
(MPLS VPN), perfect Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism and carrier-class reliability, which
provide abundant service processing capabilities and flexible networking capability.
The NE80 incorporates the powerful IP service processing capability of routers and the
low-cost Ethernet switching capability of Layer 3 Ethernet switches, and serves as a powerful
core router or a Layer 3 Ethernet switch. Therefore, the NE80 is an optimal choice for new
The NE80 is the fifth-generation router, oriented to the carrier's backbone edge networks, the
core and the convergence layer of MANs, and networks of various industries and enterprises.
The NE80 enriches and perfects the high-end router series of Huawei, for it provides
cost-effective network solutions, and offers more choices.

1.1.2 Hardware Architecture

The boards of the NE80 are classified into Switch and Routing Unit (MPU) and Line Card
(LC). The LCs include Line Processing Unit (LPU), Flexible Card Line Processing Unit
(LPUF) and service board.

The MPU completes such functions as system management, route control, data exchange, and
stratum-3 clock.
The NE80 have two MPUs for 1 + 1 redundancy. When one MPU fails, the service will be
automatically switched to the other MPU.

LPUs implement the interconnection and data forwarding with other devices. The NE80
supports the following LPUs:


Ethernet LPU

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1 NE80 Core Router Overview

POS = Packet Over SONET/SDH

cPOS = channelized POS
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode
RPR = Resilient Packet Ring

LPUFs are LPUs whose PIM cards can be replaced. Each LPUF can hold two PIM cards. The
following PIM cards are supported:

10/100M auto-sensing Ethernet electrical interface PIM card

Gigabit Ethernet optical interface PIM PIC card

E1/T1 interface PIM card

E3 interface PIM card

T3 interface PIM card

Service Board
The NE80 provides Network Address Translation (NAT) service board. The NAT board
features large capacity and high performance, and can support the translation between private
and public network addresses. The NAT board is used to solve the problems like the shortage
of public network addresses and ensure the network security on the Internet.
For more information about the NE80 hardware system, refer to the Quidway NetEngiNE80
Core Router Installation Manual.

1.1.3 Software Architecture

The software system of the NE80 adopts the architecture of two physically independent
functional units, namely route control and packet forwarding. The architecture can improve
the stability and the processing performance of the system.
The system software consists of the following five parts: Network Management System
(NMS), Routing Process System (RPS), Forwarding Support Unit (FSU), Express Forwarding
Unit (EFU), Driver (DRV), and the switch fabric monitoring module running on the MPU
manages the MPU and monitors its operation.
DRV modules are distributed in the RPS, FSU and EFU for driving the hardware of the MPU
and the LPU. Figure 1-1 takes the NE80-8 for example to illustrate the NE80 software

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

Figure 1-1 Software architecture of the NE80-8









Switch Fabric
Monitoring module






Switch Fabric
Monitoring module







As the control and management unit of the system, the RPS runs on the active and standby
MPUs and performs the following tasks:

Route control

The RPS calculates and maintains the routes. In addition, it generates the Forward
Information Base (FIB) table and delivers it to each LPU for IP forwarding.

Label control

The RPS distributes labels, sets up and maintains the Label Switch Paths (LSPs). In addition,
it generates the FIB table and delivers it to each LPU for MPLS forwarding.

Traffic control

The RPS defines the traffic classification rules, configures the traffic parameters, configures
the queue resources and flow control parameters for Diff-Serv QoS.

Maintenance and management

The RPS maintains the devices, manages the network and devices, monitors the whole system,
diagnoses faults, and collects statistics for services.
Running on the CPU of the LPU, the FSU manages the service interfaces (configuring and
monitoring them), forwards data, controls the links, and negotiates the link parameters. In
addition, the FSU can maintain and manage local devices for LPUs and provide some system
monitoring and diagnosis services.
In addition to fast forwarding of IP packets, the EFU can provide such QoS functions as
traffic classifying, traffic measuring, traffic policing, traffic shaping, traffic scheduling, and
congestion avoiding and controlling. It can implement Diff-Serv, firewall, and Class of
Service (CoS) features according to different configuration requirements.
The Switch Fabric monitoring module monitors the internal switching network in the NE80
Series USR.
Implemented on the Huawei integrated network management platform, the NMS maintains
and controls devices uniformly.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

The NE80 applies the Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) software system. As a versatile
operating system platform for Huawei's data communications products, the VRP realizes a
modular architecture with IP services as the core. In addition to abundant functions and
features, the VRP provides some application-based capabilities such as scalability and
With the TCP/IP protocol stack as the core, the VRP integrates multiple crucial technologies
for data communications such as routing, QoS, VPN, and security, thus providing excellent
data forwarding capability for the routing device.
The VRP provides consistent network, user, and management interfaces for various hardware
platforms and flexible solutions for users. The VRP is open to sustainable development, which
can protect carriers' investment to its maximum extent.

1.2 Characteristics of the NE80

This section includes:

Support for Flattened Network Architecture

Line-Speed Forwarding

Multiple Interfaces

Carrier-Class Availability

Rich Services

Perfect Diff-Serv/QoS

Excellent Security Mechanism

Practical NMS

Flexible Networking Capabilities

1.2.1 Support for Flattened Network Architecture

Modern telecom network has a hierarchical architecture, within which data services are
typically provided after they are processed by four vertical function layers. This classical
architecture will still exist for a certain period. This architecture reveals its deficiency
increasingly because IP services are becoming leading services in the network. Flattening of
the network architecture is the trend with the development of technologies and the change of
The devices at the core layer of the telecom network are used with high efficiency because a
great amount of user data is processed there. Whereas, the devices out of the core layer are
used less efficiently due to sparse distribution of access users. Therefore, a flattened IP
network architecture should be employed if possible. Fewer network layers help carriers
utilize network devices more efficiently and slash the maintenance and management cost. The
operable and manageable IP network becomes the development trend of MANs and enterprise
networks at present.
The flattened network architecture puts forward higher requirements on the devices at the
convergence layer, that is, they need function as both access devices and core devices. The
NE80 is such a product that implements various services due to its abundant service features,
excellent hardware platform, and high reliability. For example, the NE80 can directly connect
downlink with Gigabit Ethernet switches or dedicated access devices, and uplink with
provincial backbone or national backbone networks. In addition, the NE80 can form a ring
network through Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) or connect to core devices through dual homing.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

In this case, the NE80 may reduce the levels of the network construction to achieve the
flattened network, which improves the service quality and optimizes the network architecture.

1.2.2 Line-Speed Forwarding

The NE80 supports the IPv4/MPLS distributed forwarding at the line speed. Thus the NE80
can meet the bandwidth requirements when it is used as the Point of Presence (POP), the
convergence layer, or the switching node on the backbone networks.

1.2.3 Multiple Interfaces

At present, the NE80 provides the Fast Ethernet (FE) interface, Gigabit Ethernet (GE)
interface, E1/cE1 interface, E3 interface, T3 interface, Packet over SDH/SONET (POS)
interface, channelized POS (cPOS) interface, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) interface,
and RPR interface with high interface density. Users can select the cards flexibly as required
to meet the requirements for different networking solutions and network expansion.

1.2.4 Carrier-Class Availability

The key parts of the NE80 adopt redundant hot backup design, including system control, data
exchange, route processing system, internal management bus and power supply. All the
components are hot swappable. Thus, the router can meet the high reliability requirement
when it is used as the POP, the convergence layer, or the switching node on the backbone

1.2.5 Rich Services

The IP multicast forwarding feature provides the foundation for carriers to carry on various
network voice and video services (Web TV, E-learning, telemedicine and video conference).
With the rich routing features, the router is adaptable to complex environments.
The policy service mechanism enables the system to have powerful performance optimization
capability, satisfactory attack defense capability and QoS guarantee while ensuring the line
rate processing and forwarding capability.
The application of the MPLS VPN service guarantees the delivery of services of carriers
using networks more economically and rationally with no need to increase the bandwidth.
The application of the NAT service supports addressing with public and private network
addresses mixed in the MAN to save IP addresses. In this way, the
shortage of
public IP addresses can be solved.
Through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay and built-in DHCP Server, IP
addresses can be dynamically assigned to users and be managed.

1.2.6 Perfect Diff-Serv/QoS

The NE80 realizes the QoS feature when carrying the integrated service including the
real-time service. In particular, the NE80 provides various standard-based supports to
Diff-Serv, including:


Traffic classification

Traffic policing

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Traffic shaping

Queue management

Queue Scheduling

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

Therefore, the NE80 can implement six groups of Per-Hop Behaviors (PHBs) defined in the
standard such as EF, AF1 to AF4 and BE as well as the other services.
The NE80 enables the network carriers to provide users with different QoS guarantee and
makes the Internet become the integrated network that carries data, voice and video services

1.2.7 Excellent Security Mechanism

The NE80 provides the packet filtering/Access Control List (ACL) mechanism to prevent
illegal accesses and attacks of malicious packets.
The NE80 supports Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (URPF) to prevent network attacks
based on the source address spoofing.
The NE80 supports port mirroring to analyze the traffic of a certain interface.
The NE80 provides multiple authentication methods (such as plain text authentication and
MD5) for key routing protocols, such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Intermediate
System-Intermediate System (IS-IS), Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Border
Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGP4).
The NE80 supports two user authentication modes: local authentication and Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) authentication to prevent illegal configuration
of the device.
The NE80 achieves the hardware-implemented NAT.
In addition, the NE80 provides abundant statistics including statistics of various types of
traffic, traffic sampling and NAT information statistics.

1.2.8 Practical NMS

Huawei Quidview NMS can manage Huawei's data communication products, supporting
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) V1/V2c/V3 and the Client/Server model. It
can run on multiple operating systems, such as Windows NT/2000 and Unix (SUN, HP, and
IBM). The Quidview NMS can provide multi-language support and Graphic User Interface
The Quidview NMS can also be seamlessly integrated with the Huawei-developed network
management systems of other fixed network communication devices to achieve centralized
management of multiple devices. The Quidview NMS can also be integrated with the present
popular universal NMSs of the industry, such as HP OpenView, IBM NetView, What's up
Gold and SNMPc, to provide means of centralized management of devices from multiple
The Quidview NMS provides the functions of managing the network topology (in real time),
faults, the performance, the configuration, device logs, security and users, QoS policy, and
VPN service. The Quidview NMS can also perform such functions as downloading, saving,
modifying and uploading NE80 configuration files and upgrading the NE80 software.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

1 NE80 Core Router Overview

1.2.9 Flexible Networking Capabilities

The NE80 has the capability of forwarding packets at the line speed, provides abundant access
means and rich service features, and offers switching capacities from 16 Gbit/s to 64 Gbit/s
for users.
The NE80 is suitable for multiple applications from the backbone core network to the edge
convergence network. The NE80 can be deployed in an IP backbone network, Intranet and
MAN core. The NE80 can also provide powerful service and flexible networking at the edge
network and the MAN convergence layer.
Diversified entire network solutions from the access network to the core network can be
provided for users when the NE80 is cooperated with Huawei's multi-service switches,
Quidway Series routers, broadband access series, LAN Switch Series, and Metro transmission

1.3 Features List of the NE80

Table 1-1 Features list of the NE80 Series USR



LAN protocol

VLAN (802.1Q)

Link layer

PPP and MP
IP over ATM
Layer 2 VLAN
VLAN sub-interface

Network protocol

IP service

DHCP Relay
DHCP Server
IP Unnumbered
Policy routing


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1 NE80 Core Router Overview


Static routing management

Dynamic unicast routing protocol
Route policy



Basic forwarding



MPLS/BGP VPN, serving as PE/P

Hierarchical VPN (HoVPN)
Multi-AS VPN
MPLS L2VPN (Martini and Kompella)

Network security

AAA service

CHAP authentication
PAP authentication

Other security

Port mirroring
Port traffic sampling
Flow control on the service LC and the
IP packet filtering
MAC address learning limit
SSH V1.5

Hierarchical protection of the command line, so as to prevent

unauthorized users from accessing the router
Reliability of the

Hot standby
for redundancy

MPU 1:1 redundancy (applied to NE80-8 and

Power supply module 1:1 redundancy
System management bus 1:1 redundancy
System data bus 1:1 redundancy

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1 NE80 Core Router Overview


Other features

Route consistency checking (route aging)

IP fast rerouting




Supports simple traffic classification

policing and



IP route redirection


Mapping between EXP and DSCP on the area edge

Command line

Local configuration through Console port

Supports the complex traffic classification of the

integrated packets of Layer 2, Layer 3 and Layer 4

srTCM algorithm and trTCM algorithm

Traffic policing and shaping for such
services as EF and AF that are based on

LSP explicit route distribution of MPLS

Local or remote configuration through Aux port

Local or remote configuration through Telnet
Hierarchical protection for the command, so as to
prevent unauthorized users from accessing the router
Detailed debugging information helpful in the
diagnosis of network faults
Network testing tools such as Tracert and Ping
command for quick network diagnosis
Telnet command for direct logon to manage other
FTP Server/Client for downloading and uploading
the configuration file and application program
TFTP Client for downloading and uploading the
configuration file and application program
XModem protocol for local downloading of the
configuration file and application program.
Log function
Virtual file system
User-interface configuration, providing various
authentication and authorization functions for the
logon users

Time service

NTP Server and NTP Client

Summer Time



On-line loading
On-line upgrading

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


1 NE80 Core Router Overview


Three types of information: alarm information, log

information and debugging information
Eight grades of information: emergences, alert,
critical, error, warning, notification, informational
and debugging
Information outputted to the log host and user
terminal. Alarm information and log information
can be outputted through SNMP Agent and the


SNMP V1/V2c/V3




HDLC = High-level Data Link Control
RPR = Resilient Packet Ring
URPF = Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding
AAA = Authorization, Authentication and Accounting
VRRP = Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
CAR = Committed Access Rate
srTCM = Single Rate Three Color Marker
trTCM = Two Rate Three Color Marker

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment..............................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Login Through the Console .................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Login Through Telnet ..........................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Login Through AUX Port ....................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Logging In to the Router Through the Console Port .....................................................................................2-2
2.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Establishing the Physical Connection ..................................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Configuring Terminals .........................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.4 Logging In to the Router......................................................................................................................2-3
2.3 Logging In to Router Through Telnet............................................................................................................2-4
2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................2-4
2.3.2 Establishing the Physical Connection ..................................................................................................2-5
2.3.3 Configuring Login User Parameters ....................................................................................................2-5
2.3.4 Logging In from the Telnet Client........................................................................................................2-5
2.4 Logging In to the Router Through the AUX Port..........................................................................................2-5
2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................2-5
2.4.2 Establishing the Physical Connection ..................................................................................................2-6
2.4.3 Initializing and Configuring the Modem on the Interface....................................................................2-6
2.4.4 Configuring the Connection Between the Remote Terminal and the Router .......................................2-6
2.4.5 Logging In to the Router......................................................................................................................2-7
2.5 Configuration Examples................................................................................................................................2-7
2.5.1 Example for Logging In Through the Console Port.............................................................................2-7
2.5.2 Example for Logging In Through Telnet..............................................................................................2-9
2.5.3 Example for Logging In Through the AUX Port ............................................................................... 2-11

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Figure 2-1 Networking diagram of logging in through the console port ............................................................2-7
Figure 2-2 New connection ................................................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-3 Setting the port..................................................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-4 Setting the port communication parameters......................................................................................2-9
Figure 2-5 Establishing the configuration environment through Telnet ...........................................................2-10
Figure 2-6 Running the Telnet program on the PC........................................................................................... 2-11
Figure 2-7 Establishing the remote configuration environment through AUX ................................................ 2-11

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Establishment of the Configuration


About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


2.1 Introduction

This section describes the working modes of establishing

configuration environments.

2.2 Logging In to the Router

Through the Console

This section describes how to establish configuration

environments through the console port.
See Example for Logging In Through the Console Port.

2.3 Logging In to Router

Through Telnet

This section describes how to establish configuration

environments through Telnet.
See Example for Logging In Through Telnet.

2.4 Logging In to the Router

Through the AUX Port

This section describes how to establish configuration

environments through the AUX port.
See Example for Logging In Through the AUX.

2.5 Configuration Examples

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This section provides several examples of establishing

configuration environments.

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Login Through the Console
In the following cases, use only the console port to configure the router:

The router is powered on for the first time.

The configuration environment cannot be established through Telnet or the AUX port.

2.1.2 Login Through Telnet

Pre-configure the IP addresses of interfaces on the router, the user account, the login
authentication and the incoming and outgoing call restriction. Also, ensure that there are
directly-connected or reachable routes between terminals and the router.
The destination router authenticates the user based on the configured parameters in three

Password authentication: indicates the login user should enter the correct password.

AAA local authentication: indicates the login user should enter the correct user name and

Non-authentication: indicates the login user need not enter the user name or password.

If the login succeeds, a command line prompt such as <Quidway> appears on the Telnet client
Enter the command to check the running status of the router or to configure the router.
Enter "?" for help.

Do not modify the IP address of the router when you configure the router through Telnet because the
modification may disconnect Telnet. If necessary, set up the connection again after entering a new IP

2.1.3 Login Through AUX Port

If you cannot configure the router by local login and there is no reachable route to other
routers, you can connect PC to the router that to be configured through AUX port in PSTN.
Pre-enable the Modem dialup of the AUX port through the console port and configure the
username and password.

2.2 Logging In to the Router Through the Console Port

2.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
If you log in to the router for the first time or perform the local configuration, you need to log
in to the router through the Console port.


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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the router through the console port, complete the following tasks:

Preparing the PC/terminal (including serial port and RS-232 cable)

Installing terminal emulation program on the PC (such as Windows XP hyper terminal)

Data Preparation
To configure the router through the Console port, you need the following data.


Terminal communication parameters (including baud rate, data bit, parity, stop
bit and flow control)

Configuration Procedures
To configure the router through the Console port, complete the following configuration


Establishing the Physical Connection

Configuring Terminals

Logging In to the Router

2.2.2 Establishing the Physical Connection

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Connect the COM port on the PC and the console port on the router by cable.
Step 2 Power on all devices to perform a self-check.

2.2.3 Configuring Terminals

Do as follows on the PC:
Step 1 Run the terminal emulation program on the PC, setting the communication parameter of the
terminal to 9600 bps, data bit to 8, stop bit to 1. Specify no parity and no flow control.

2.2.4 Logging In to the Router

Do as follows on the PC:

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Step 1 Press Enter until a command line prompt such as Quidway appears. Now enter the
configuration environment in the user view.

2.3 Logging In to Router Through Telnet

2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
If you know the IP address of the router, you can log in to the router through Telnet for local
or remote configuration.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the router through Telnet, complete the following tasks:

Powering on devices and performing a self-check

Preparing the PC (including the serial port and Ethernet crossover/direct network cable

Data Preparation
To log in to the router through Telnet, you need the following data.


IP address of the PC

IP address of the Ethernet interface on the router

User information accessed through Telnet (including user name, password and
authentication mode)

Configuration Procedures
To configure the router through Telnet, complete the following procedures.




Establishing the Physical Connection

Configuring Login User Parameters

Logging In from the Telnet Client

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

2.3.2 Establishing the Physical Connection

Connect the router and the PC directly or connect the router and the PC respectively to the
network through the network cable.

2.3.3 Configuring Login User Parameters

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Configure the authentication mode of login users.
Step 2 Configure the authority limitation of login user.
For details, refer to Chapter 5 "User Management" in the Quidway NetEngine80 Core Router
- Basic Configurations.

2.3.4 Logging In from the Telnet Client

Do as follows on the PC:
Step 1 Run the Telnet client program on the PC, and input the IP address of the interface on the
destination router that provides the Telnet service.
Step 2 Enter the user name and password in the login window. After authentication, a command line
prompt such as <Quidway> appears. Now enter the configuration environment in the user

2.4 Logging In to the Router Through the AUX Port

2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
If you cannot configure the router by local login and there is no reachable route to other
routers, connect the serial port of the PC and the AUX port of the router through the Modem.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the router through the AUX port dialup, complete the following tasks:

Preparing the PC/terminal (including the serial port and RS-232 cable)

Preparing the PC terminal emulation program (such as Windows XP hyper terminal)

Preparing two Modems

Data Preparation
To configure the router, you need the following data.

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment



Type of terminals

Terminal communication parameters

Modem communication parameters

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Configuration Procedures
To configure the router by dialup through the AUX port, complete the following procedures.


Establishing the Physical Connection

Initializing and Configuring the Modem on the Interface

Configuring the Connection Between the Remote Terminal and the Router

Logging In to the Router

2.4.2 Establishing the Physical Connection

Do as follows on the login router:
Step 1 Connect the Modem with the PC and the network.
Step 2 Connect the Modem with the router through the AUX port and the network.

2.4.3 Initializing and Configuring the Modem on the Interface

Do as follows on the router:

Configure the authentication mode of login user

Configure the authority limitation of login user

For details, refer to the Quidway NetEngine80 Core Router Configuration Guide - Security.

2.4.4 Configuring the Connection Between the Remote Terminal

and the Router
Do as follows on the terminal PC:
Step 1 Run the terminal emulation program on the PC (such as Windows XP HyperTerminal) to
enter the Connection Description window.
Step 2 Enter the connection name of the PC and the router, such as Dial.
Step 3 Click OK to enter the Connect To window.


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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Step 4 Enter the parameters and select options.

Step 5 Click OK to enter the Connect window.
Step 6 Click Dial.

2.4.5 Logging In to the Router

Do as follows on the login router:
Step 1 Enter the user name and password in the login window.
After configuration, a command line prompt such as <Quidway> appears. Now enter the
configuration environment in the user view.

2.5 Configuration Examples

2.5.1 Example for Logging In Through the Console Port
Networking Requirements
Initialize the configuration of the router when the router is powered on for the first time.
Figure 2-1 Networking diagram of logging in through the console port



Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Connect the PC and the router through the console port


Configure the login on the PC end


Log in to the router

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the terminal communication parameters (including
baud bit, data bit, parity, stop bit and flow control).

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Connect the serial port of the PC (or terminal) to the console port of the router through
standard RS-232 configuration cable. The local configuration environment is established.
Step 2 Run the terminal emulation program on the PC. Set the terminal communication parameters to
be 9600 bps, data bit to be 8, stop bit to be 1. Specify no parity and no flow control as shown
from Figure 2-2 to Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-2 New connection

Figure 2-3 Setting the port


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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Figure 2-4 Setting the port communication parameters

Power on the router to perform a self-check and the system performs automatic configuration.
When the self-check ends, you are prompted to press Enter until a command line prompt
such as Quidway appears.
Enter the command to check the running status of the router or configure the router.
Enter "?" for help.
For details, refer to the following chapters.

2.5.2 Example for Logging In Through Telnet

Networking Requirements
You can log in to the router on other network segments through the PC or other terminals to
perform remote maintenance.

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Figure 2-5 Establishing the configuration environment through Telnet





Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Establish the physical connection


Configure user login parameters


Logging in to the router from the client side

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data

IP address of the PC

IP address of the Ethernet interface on the router

User information accessed through Telnet (including the user name, password and
authentication mode)

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Connect the PC and the router respectively to the network.
Step 2 Configure login user parameters.
# Configure the login address
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip address
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

# Configure login authentication mode

[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway-aaa] local-user huawei password cipher test2
[Quidway-aaa] local-user huawei service-type telnet
[Quidway-aaa] local-user huawei level 3
[Quidway-aaa] quit
[Quidway] user-interface vty 0 4
[Quidway-ui-vty0-14] authentication-mode aaa

Step 3 Configure the client login.

Run the Telnet on the PC, as shown in Figure 2-6.


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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

Figure 2-6 Running the Telnet program on the PC

Click OK.
Enter the user name and password in the login window. After authentication, a command line
prompt such as <Quidway> appears. Now enter the configuration environment in the user

2.5.3 Example for Logging In Through the AUX Port

Networking Requirements
If you cannot configure the router by local login and there is no reachable route to other
routers, connect the serial port of the PC and the AUX port of the router through the Modem.
The detailed configuration environment is shown as Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7 Establishing the remote configuration environment through AUX






Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Establish the physical connection


Configure Modem parameters


Configure the AUX port to support the Modem dialup

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2 Establishment of the Configuration Environment

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Type of terminals

Terminal communication parameters

Modem communication parameters

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Establish the physical connection as shown in Figure 2-7.
Step 2 Configure the AUX port to support the Modem dialup.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway-local-aaa-server] local-user huawei password cipher test1
[Quidway-local-aaa-server] local-user huawei service-type terminal
[Quidway-local-aaa-server] local-user huawei level 3
[Quidway-local-aaa-server] quit
[Quidway] user-interface aux 0
[Quidway-ui-aux0] authentication-mode aaa
[Quidway-ui-aux0] modem both

Step 3 Configure Modem parameters.

# Run the PC emulation terminal, see 2.4.4 Configuring the Connection Between the Remote
Terminal and the Router.
Press Enter on the PC emulation terminal or terminal until a command line prompt of the
Modem such as ">" appears.
Configure the Modem to meet the requirements of AUX communication.
For details, see Modem descriptions.
Step 4 Log in to the router.
Enter the user name and password in the remote terminal emulation program.
After authentication, a command line prompt such as <Quidway> appears.
Enter the command to check the running status of the router or configure the router.
Enter "?" for help.
For detailed operations, refer to the following chapters.


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3 CLI Overview..............................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 Command Line Interface .....................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.2 Command Levels .................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.3 Command Line Views..........................................................................................................................3-3
3.2 Online Help ...................................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.1 Full Help ..............................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.2 Partial help ...........................................................................................................................................3-6
3.2.3 Error Messages of the Command Line Interface..................................................................................3-7
3.3 Features of Command Line Interface ............................................................................................................3-7
3.3.1 Editing..................................................................................................................................................3-7
3.3.2 Displaying............................................................................................................................................3-8
3.3.3 Regular Expressions.............................................................................................................................3-8
3.3.4 History Commands ............................................................................................................................3-10
3.4 Shortcut Keys .............................................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.4.1 Classifying Shortcut Keys.................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.4.2 Defining Shortcut Keys......................................................................................................................3-12
3.4.3 Use of Shortcut Keys .........................................................................................................................3-13
3.5 Configuration Examples..............................................................................................................................3-13
3.5.1 Example for Using Shortcut Keys......................................................................................................3-13
3.5.2 Copying Commands Using Shortcut Keys.........................................................................................3-14
3.5.3 Example for Using Tab ......................................................................................................................3-14

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Table 3-1 Command line views ..........................................................................................................................3-4
Table 3-2 Common error messages of the command line...................................................................................3-7
Table 3-3 Keys for editing ..................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-4 Keys for displaying.............................................................................................................................3-8
Table 3-5 Describes metacharacters ...................................................................................................................3-9
Table 3-6 Access the history commands...........................................................................................................3-10
Table 3-7 System-defined shortcut keys ........................................................................................................... 3-11

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

3 CLI Overview

CLI Overview

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


3.1 Introduction

This section describes the basic concepts of the command


3.2 Online Help

This section describes how to use the online help of the

command line.

3.3 Features of Command

Line Interface

This section describes the error messages of the command


3.4 Shortcut Keys

This section describes how to use shortcut keys.

3.5 Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for using shortcut keys.

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3 CLI Overview

3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Command Line Interface
When a prompt appears, you enter the command line interface (CLI) and interact with routers
through CLI.
The system provides a series of configuration commands. You can configure and manage the
router by entering commands on CLI.
A CLI features as follows:

Local or remote configuration through AUX port.

Local configuration through the console port.

Local or remote configuration through Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH).

Remote configuration by logging in to the an asynchronous serial interface on a router

through Modem dialup.

A user interface view for specific configuration management.

Hierarchical command protection for users of different levels, that is running the
commands based on the corresponding level.

Local authentication, password authentication and Authentication, Authorization and

Accounting (AAA) to prevent the unauthorized user from accessing the router.

Entering "?" for online help at any time.

Network testing commands such as tracert and ping for rapidly diagnosing a network.

Abundant debugging information to help in diagnosing the network.

The telnet command for directly logging in to and manage other routers.

FTP service for the file uploading and downloading.

Running a history command, like DosKey.

A command line interpreter provides intelligent command resolution methods such as

key word fuzzy match and context conjunction. These methods make it easy for users to
enter their commands.

The system supports the command with 255 characters at most. The command can be in an
incomplete form.

The system saves the incomplete command to the configuration files in the complete form; therefore,
the command may have more than 255 characters. However, when the system is restarted, the
incomplete command cannot be restored. So, pay attention to the length of the incomplete command.

3.1.2 Command Levels

The system adopts a hierarchical protection mode that has 16 command levels.
The default command level are as follows:


Level 0-Visit level: Commands of this level include commands of network diagnosis tool
(such as ping and tracert) and commands that start from the local device and visit
external device (including Telnet client side, SSH client side and Rlogin) and so on.

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3 CLI Overview

Level 1-Monitoring level: Commands of this level, including the display commands and
the debugging commands, are used for system maintenance, service fault diagnosis, and
so on.

Level 2-Configuration level: Commands of this level are service configuration

commands that provide direct network service to the user, including routing and network
layer commands.

Level 3-Management level: Commands of this level are commands that influence basis
operation of the system and provide support to the service. They include file system
commands, FTP commands, TFTP commands, XModem downloading commands,
configuration file switching commands, power supply control commands, backup board
control commands, user management commands, level setting commands, system
internal parameter setting commands, and so on.

To implement the refined management, you can increase the command levels to 0-15. For the
increase in the command levels, refer to Chapter 4 "Basic Configuration" in the Quidway
NetEngine80 Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations.

The default command level may be higher than the command level defined according to the
command rules in application.

Login users have the same 16 levels as the command levels. The login users can use only the
command of the levels that are equal to or lower than their own levels. For details of login user
levels, refer to section 5.1.2 "User Management" in Chapter 5 "User Login."

3.1.3 Command Line Views

The command line interface has different command views. All the commands must register in
one or more command views. You can run a command only when you enter the corresponding
command view.
# Establish connection with the router. If the router adopts the default configuration, you can
enter the user view with the prompt of <Quidway>.
# Type system-view, and you can enter the system view.
<Quidway> system-view

# Type aaa in the system view, and you can enter the AAA view.
[Quidway] aaa

The prompt <Quidway> indicates the default router name. The prompt <> indicates the user view and
the prompt [ ] indicates other views.

Some commands that are implemented in the system view can also be implemented in the
other views. But the function implemented associate with the command view. For example,
the mpls command (for starting MPLS) can be run in the system view to enable the MPLS
capability globally. It can also be run in the interface view to enable the MPLS capability on
this interface.
Different command line views are shown in Table 3-1.

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3 CLI Overview

Table 3-1 Command line views





AAA view


AAA accounting view


AAA authentication view


AAA authorization view


AAA domain view


AAA recording view


Advanced ACL view


Basic ACL view


ACL view based on interface


ATM PVC view


AUX interface view


BGP view






BGP AF VPN instance view


VPLS address family view


CPOS interface view


DHCP address pool view


E1 interface view


E3 interface view


Ethernet interface view


Explicit path view


Frame relay view


FTP client view


GE interface view




IKE view


IPSEC policy Isakmp view


IPSEC policy manual view


IPSEC policy template view

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3 CLI Overview




IPSEC view


IS-IS view


L2TP view


Loopback interface view


Mp-group interface view


MPLS view






Null interface view


OSPF view


OSPF area view


Policy-based route view


POS interface view




RIP view


RIP AF VPN instance view


RIPng view


Route policy view


RSA key code view


RSA public key view


Serial interface view


Shell view


System view


T1 interface view


T3 interface view


Tunnel interface view


Tunnel policy view


User interface view


Virtual Ethernet interface view


Virtual template interface view


VPN instance view

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3 CLI Overview




AAA view


AAA accounting view


AAA authentication view

3.2 Online Help

The command line interface provides the two online helps:

Full help

Partial help

3.2.1 Full Help

You can obtain the full help of the command line in the following ways:

Enter "?" in any command line view to display all the commands and their simple

<Quidway> ?

Enter a command and "?" separated by a space. If the key word is at this position, all
key words and their simple descriptions are displayed. For example:

<Quidway> language-mode ?
Chinese Chinese environment
English English environment

Chinese and English are keywords; Chinese environment and English environment describe
the keywords respectively.

Enter a command and "?" separated by a space, and if a parameter is at this position, the
related parameter names and parameter descriptions are displayed. For example:

Quidway] ftp timeout ?

INTEGER<1-35791> Specify FTP timeout minutes
[Quidway] ftp timeout 35 ?

In the preceding display, INTEGER<1-35791> describes the parameter value; Specify FTP
timeout minutes is a simple description of the parameter usage; <cr> indicates that no
parameter is at this position. The command is repeated in the next command line. You can
press Enter to run the command.

3.2.2 Partial help

You can obtain the partial help of the command line in the following ways:

Enter a character string and "?" separated by a space to display all commands that begin
with this character string.

<Quidway> d?




display downlpu

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3 CLI Overview

Enter a command with "?" closely following it to display all the key words that begin
with this character string.

<Quidway> display v?













Enter the first several letters of a key word in the command and then press Tab to display
the complete key word on the condition that the letters uniquely identify the key word.
Otherwise, if you continue to press Tab, different key words are displayed. You can
select the needed key word.

3.2.3 Error Messages of the Command Line Interface

All the commands entered by the user are run correctly, if the grammar check has been passed.
Otherwise, error messages are reported to the user. See Table 3-2 for the common error
Table 3-2 Common error messages of the command line
Error messages

Cause of the error

Unrecognized command

The command cannot be found

The key word cannot be found

Wrong parameter

Parameter type error

The parameter value exceeds the limit

Incomplete command

Incomplete command inputted

Too many parameters

Too many parameters inputted

Ambiguous command

Indefinite parameters inputted

3.3 Features of Command Line Interface

3.3.1 Editing
The command line supports multi-line edition. The maximum length of each command is 255
Keys for editing often used are shown in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 Keys for editing


Common key

Inserts a character in the current position of the cursor if the

editing buffer is not full and the cursor moves rightward.
Otherwise an alarm is generated.

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3 CLI Overview




Deletes the character on the left of the cursor and the cursor
moves leftward.
When the cursor reaches the head of the command, an alarm
is generated.

Left cursor key or


Moves the cursor leftward by the space of a character. When

the cursor reaches the head of the command, an alarm is

Right cursor key or


Moves the cursor rightward by the space of a character.

When the cursor reaches the end of the command, the alarm
bell rings.


Press Tab after typing the incomplete key word and the
system runs the partial help:

If the matching key word is unique, the system replaces the

typed one with the complete key word and displays it in a
new line with the cursor a space behind.

If there are several matches or no match at all, the system

displays the prefix first. Then you can press Tab to view
the matching key word one by one. In this case, the cursor
is closely follows the word end and you can type a space to
enter the next word.

If a wrong key word is input, press Tab and your input is

displayed in a new line.

3.3.2 Displaying
You can control to display on CLI as follows:

Display prompt and help information in both Chinese and English.

When the information displayed exceeds a full screen, it provides the pause function. In
this case, the user has three choices as shown in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Keys for displaying




Stops the display and running of the command.


Continues to display the information on next screen.


Continues to display the information on next line.

3.3.3 Regular Expressions

When a lot of information is output, you can filter the display through regular expressions.


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3 CLI Overview

The regular expression is a tool for matching and replacing modes. Users should construct the
matching mode based on certain rules, and then match the mode with the target object.
To help users construct the matching mode flexibly, regular expressions provide some special
characters that are called metacharacters. Metacharacters are used to define the modes of
other characters in the target object.
Metacharacters are described in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5 Describes metacharacters


Escape character

Matches any single character including space except for \n.

Characters on the left of it appear for 0 or many times continuously

in the target object.

Characters on the left of it appear for 1 or many times continuously

in the target object.

Or relationship exists between characters on the left and right

sides of it.

Characters on the right of it must appear at the beginning of the

target object.

Characters on the left of it must appear at the end of the target



Matches the character listed in the square character.


Matches any character that is not listed in the square bracket (^ is on

the left of the character).


Matches any character within the specified range.


Matches any character that is not within the specified range.


The matches appear for n times (n is a non-negative integer).


The matches appear for at least n times (n is a non-negative integer).


The matches appear for n-m times (m and n are non-negative

integer and n is smaller than or equal to m).
Note that there is no space between n and m.

For example:
^ip: matches the target object that begins with the character string "ip".
ip$: matches the target object that ends with the character string "ip".
The simplest regular expressions do not contain any metacharacter. For example, when a
regular expression is defined as "hello", it matches only the character string "hello".
NE80 supports two ways of applying regular expression in filtering.
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3 CLI Overview

Specifying a Filtering Mode in Command

For the commands supporting regular expressions, there are three filtering methods:

| begin regular-expression: displays the information that begins with the line that
matches regular expression.

| exclude regular-expression: displays the information that excludes the lines that match
regular expression.

| include regular-expression: displays the information that includes the lines that match
regular expression.

Specify a Filtering Mode when Information is Displayed

When a lot of information is output and displayed, you can specify a filtering mode in the
prompt "---- More ----".

/regular-expression: displays the information that begins with the line that matches
regular expression.

-regular-expression: displays the information that excludes lines that match regular

+regular-expression: displays the information that includes lines that match regular

Regular expressions are used to filter the output, such as the metacharacter {}. If the number
of matching times exceeds the scope specified in {}, the matching times out and the
information cannot be displayed normally. Thus, ensure to avoid repeating regular expressions.
Different products have different scopes.

3.3.4 History Commands

The command line interface automatically saves the history command entered by the user.
This function is similar to the Doskey. The user can invoke and run the saved history
command at any time.
By default, the system saves 10 history commands at most for each user. The operations are as
shown in Table 3-6.
Table 3-6 Access the history commands



Key or Command


Display the


Display the history commands entered by users.

Access the last


Up cursor key

Display the last history command if there is an

earlier history command

or Ctrl+P

Otherwise, an alarm is generated.

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3 CLI Overview


Key or Command


Access the
next history

Down cursor key

or Ctrl+N

Display the next history command if there is a

later history command.
Otherwise, the command is cleared and the alarm
bell rings.

On the HyperTerminal of Windows 9X, cursor key is invalid. Because the HyperTerminals of
Windows 9X define the keys differently. In this case, you can replace the cursor key with Ctrl+P.

When you use the history command, note the following:


The saved history commands are the same as that those input by users. For example, if
the user inputs an incomplete command, the saved command also is incomplete.

If the user runs the same command for several times, the earliest command is saved. If
the command is input in different forms, they are considered as different commands.

For example, if the display ip routing-table command is run for several times, only one
history command is saved. If the disp ip routing command and the display ip
routing-table command are run, two history commands are saved.

3.4 Shortcut Keys

3.4.1 Classifying Shortcut Keys
The shortcut keys in the system are classified into the following types:

User-oriented and user-defined shortcut keys: CTRL_G, CTRL_L, and CTRL_O. The
user can correlate these shortcut keys with any commands. When the shortcut keys are
pressed, the system automatically runs the corresponding command. For the details of
defining the shortcut keys, see Defining Shortcut Keys.

System-defined shortcut keys: These shortcut keys with fixed functions are defined by
the system. Table 3-7 lists the system-defined shortcut keys.
Different terminal software defines these keys differently. Therefore, the shortcut keys on the terminal
may be different from those listed in this section.

Table 3-7 System-defined shortcut keys




The cursor moves to the beginning of the current line.


The cursor moves leftward by the space of a character.


Terminates the running function.


Deletes the character where the cursor lies.


The cursor moves to the end of the current line.

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The cursor moves rightward by the space of a character.


Deletes one character on the left of the cursor.


Terminates the outbound connection.


Displays the next command in the history command buffer.


Displays the previous command in history command buffer.


Redisplays the information of the current line.


Pastes the contents on the clipboard.


Kill outgoing connection when connecting.


Delete all characters up to the cursor.


Deletes a character string or character on the left of the cursor.


Deletes all the characters on the left of the cursor.


Deletes all the characters on the right of the cursor.


Returns to the user view.


Terminates the inbound or redirection connections.


The cursor moves leftward by the space of a word.


Deletes a word on the right of the cursor.


The cursor moves rightward to the next word end.


The cursor moves downward to the next line.


The cursor moves upward to the previous line.


Sets the position of the cursor to the beginning of the



Sets the position of the cursor to the end of the clipboard.

3.4.2 Defining Shortcut Keys

When defining the shortcut keys, use double quotation marks to define the command if this command
contains several commands words. That is, spaces exist in the command.

Configure as follows in the system view.




Define shortcut

hotkey { CTRL_G | CTRL_L | CTRL_O } command-text

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By default, CTRL_G, CTRL_L and CTRL_O correspond to the following commands


CTRL_G: display current-configuration

CTRL_L: display ip routing-table

CTRL_O: undo debugging all

3.4.3 Use of Shortcut Keys


You can press the shortcut keys wherever you can type a command. Then the system
displays the full corresponding command.

If you have typed part of a command and have not pressed Enter, you can press the
shortcut keys to clear the input and display the full corresponding command. This
operation has the same effect with that deleting all commands and then re-entering the
complete command.

The shortcut keys are run as the commands, the syntax is recorded to the command
buffer and log for fault location and querying.
The terminal in use may affect the functions of the shortcut keys. For example, if the customized
shortcut keys of the terminal conflict with those of the router, the input shortcut keys are captured by the
terminal program and hence the shortcut keys do not function.

Run the following command in any view to display the use of shortcut keys.


View the use of shortcut keys.

display hotkey

3.5 Configuration Examples

3.5.1 Example for Using Shortcut Keys
Defining Shortcut Keys
Step 1 Correlate Ctrl_G with the display ip routing-table command and run the shortcut keys.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] hotkey ctrl_u display ip routing-table

Step 2 Press Ctrl+G when the prompt Quidway appears.

[Quidway] display ip routing-table
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Routing Tables: Public
Destinations : 5

Proto Pre Cost Flags Direct 0

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Routes : 5



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3 CLI Overview Direct

D Direct

D Direct 0








3.5.2 Copying Commands Using Shortcut Keys

Step 1 Enter the command in any view.
# Move the cursor to the beginning of the command and press ESC_SHIFT_<. Move the
cursor to the end and press ESC_SHIFT_>. Then, press CTRL_Cf for copying.
<Quidway> display ip routing-table

Step 2 Run the display clipboard command to view the contents on the clipboard.
<Quidway> display clipboard
---------------- CLIPBOARD----------------display ip routing-table

Step 3 Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the contents of clipboard.

<Quidway> display ip routing-table


3.5.3 Example for Using Tab

There are three cases in using Tab as shown in the following example:

The matching key word is unique after the incomplete key word is typed in.

Step 1 Type the incomplete key word.

[Quidway] info-

Step 2 Press Tab.

[Quidway] info-center

The system replaces the typed one with the complete key word and displays it in a new line
with the cursor a space behind

There are several matches or no match at all after the incomplete key word is typed in.
# info-center can be followed by three key words.

[Quidway] info-center log?




Type the incomplete key word.

[Quidway] info-center l

Step 1 Press Tab.


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[Quidway] info-center log

The system displays the prefix first. The prefix in this example is "log".
Step 2 Continue to press Tab. The cursor is closely following the word end.
[Quidway] info-center loghost
[Quidway] info-center logbuffer
[Quidway] info-center logfile

Stop pressing Tab after the key word logfile that you need is displayed.
Step 3 Type a space to enter the next word "channel".
[Quidway] info-center logfile channel


A wrong key word is typed in.

Step 1 Type a wrong key word "loglog".

[Quidway] info-center loglog

Step 2 Press Tab.

[Quidway] info-center loglog

The wrong input "loglog" is displayed in a new line.


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4 Basic Configuration ...................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Configuring the Basic System Environment .................................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................4-2
4.2.2 Switching the Language Mode.............................................................................................................4-3
4.2.3 Configuring the Equipment Name .......................................................................................................4-3
4.2.4 Configuring the System Clock .............................................................................................................4-3
4.2.5 Configuring the Header Text................................................................................................................4-4
4.2.6 Configuring Command Levels.............................................................................................................4-4
4.3 Configuring Basic User Environment ...........................................................................................................4-5
4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................4-5
4.3.2 Configuring the Password for Switching User Levels .........................................................................4-6
4.3.3 Switching User Levels .........................................................................................................................4-6
4.3.4 Locking User Interfaces .......................................................................................................................4-7
4.4 Displaying System Status Messages .............................................................................................................4-7
4.4.1 Displaying System Configuration ........................................................................................................4-8
4.4.2 Displaying System Status.....................................................................................................................4-8
4.4.3 Collecting System Diagostic Information ............................................................................................4-8

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4 Basic Configuration

Basic Configuration

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


4.1 Introduction

This section describes the basic configurations.

4.2 Configuring the Basic

System Environment

This section describes how to configure the basic system

environment on the router.

4.3 Configuring Basic User


This section describes the configuration of the basic user

configuration environment on the router.

4.4 Displaying System Status


This section describes the display commands for

displaying basic system configuration.

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4 Basic Configuration

4.1 Introduction
Before configuring the services, users often need to perform basic configurations for actual
operation and maintenance.
The product provides configurations of two kinds of basic environments:

Basic system environment: mainly includes the language mode, host name, system name,
system time, header text, command level for actual environment.

Basic user environment: mainly includes password for changing levels and the terminal

4.2 Configuring the Basic System Environment

4.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
Before configuring the services, you need to configure the basic system environments to meet
the requirements of the practical environments.
By default, the product supports commands of Level 0 to Level 3, namely, visit level,
monitoring level, configuration level, and management level.
If the user needs to define more levels, or refine manage privilege on the device, the user can
extend the range of command line level from the range of Level 0 to Level 3 to the range of
Level 0 to Level 15.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring basic system environment, power on the router.

Data Preparation
To configure basic system environment, you need the following data.




Language mode

System time

Host name

Login information

Command level

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4 Basic Configuration

Configuration Procedures


Switching the Language Mode

Configuring the Equipment Name

Configuring the System Clock

Configuring the Header Text

Configuring Command Levels

4.2.2 Switching the Language Mode

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
language-mode { chinese | english }

The language mode is switched.

By default, the English mode is used. The help information on the router can be in English
and in Chinese. When you need the help information in Chinese, run this command to switch
the language mode.

4.2.3 Configuring the Equipment Name

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
sysname host-name

The equipment name is set.

You can change the name of the router that appears in the command prompt.

4.2.4 Configuring the System Clock

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
clock datetime HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD

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4 Basic Configuration

The UTC standard time is set.

Step 2 Run:
clock timezone time-zone-name { add | minus } offset

The time zone is set.

Step 3 Run:
clock daylight-saving-time time-zone-name one-year start-time start-data end-time
end-data offset

clock daylight-saving-time time-zone-name repeating start-time { start-year month
{ first | second | third | fourth | fifth | last } weekday | start-date } end-time { end-year
month { first | second | third | fourth | fifth | last } weekday | end-date } offset

The daylight time is set.

To guarantee cooperation with other devices, you need to accurately set the system time. The
product supports setting the time zone and daylight time.

4.2.5 Configuring the Header Text

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
header login { information text | file file-name }

The header text is set during login.

Step 3 Run:
header shell { information text | file file-name }

The header text is set after the login.

Header text is the prompt displayed by the system when users connect to the router, log in or
start interactive configuration. Configure the header text to provide detailed indication.

4.2.6 Configuring Command Levels

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:


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4 Basic Configuration

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
command-privilege level rearrange

Update the command level in batch.

When no password for level 15 user is configured, the system prompts the user to set a
super-password for the level 15 user. At the same time, the system asks if the user wants to
continue to update the command line level. Then, just select "N" to set a password. If you
select "Y", the command level can be updated in batch directly. This results in that the user
that does not log in through the Console port fails to update the level.
Step 3 Run:
command-privilege level level view view-name command-key

The command level is configured. With the command, you can specify the level and view for
multiple commands at one time (command-key)..
If the user does not adjust a command level separately, after the command level is updated, all
originally-registered command lines adjust automatically according to following rules:

The commands of Level 0 and Level 1 remain still.

The command Level 2 is updated to Level 10 and Level 3 is updated to Level 15.

No command lines exist in Level 2 to Level 9 and Level 11 to Level 14.The user can
adjust the command lines to these levels separately to refine the management of
From Level 2 to Level 10 and from Level 3 to Level 15, this is not a two-step process, but one-step by

4.3 Configuring Basic User Environment

4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
The user can log in to a router with lower level, perform simple configurations or view
configurations. When the configuration is complicated, the user needs to change to a high
identity level. Thus, it requires the user to configure the basic environment for changing

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the basic environment for the user, complete the following task:

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Powering on the router properly

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4 Basic Configuration

Data Preparation
To configure the basic environment for the user, you need the following data:


Password for the user level switching

Configuration Procedures


Configuring the Password for Switching User Levels

Switching User Levels

Locking User Interfaces

4.3.2 Configuring the Password for Switching User Levels

When simple is used, the password is saved in the configuration files in simple text. Login
users with lower level can get the password by viewing the configuration. This may cause
security problems. Therefore, cipher is used to save the password in encrypted text.
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
super password [ level user-level ] { simple | cipher } password

The password for switching user levels is configured.

When users log in to the router with a lower user level, they switch to a super user level to
perform advanced operations by entering the corresponding password. The password needs to
be configured beforehand.

4.3.3 Switching User Levels

Do as follows on the router:


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4 Basic Configuration

Step 1 Run:
super [ level ]

User levels are switched.

Step 2 Follow the prompt and enter a password.
If the password input is correct, the user can switch to a higher level. If the user inputs a
password incorrectly for three times successively, the user remains the current login level and
the user view is returned.
An accurate password must be entered when the user is switched from a lower level to a
higher level.
When configuring the switchover of user levels on the router, users can perform HWTACACS
Authentication. For detailed configurations, refer to the Quidway NetEngine80Core
RouterConfiguration Guide - Security.

When the login user of lower levels is switched to the user of higher level through super, the system
automatically sends trap messages records the switchover in the log. When the switched level is lower
than that of the current level, the system only records the switchover in the log.

4.3.4 Locking User Interfaces

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The user interface is locked.

Step 2 Follow the system prompt and input an unlock password, and then confirm.
<Quidway> lock
Enter Password:
Confirm Password:

After configuration, the message "locked !" is displayed.

When you leave the operation terminals for the moment, you can lock the user interface in
case unauthorized users operate the interface. You must enter the correct password to unlock
the user interface.

4.4 Displaying System Status Messages

Using the display commands to get the following status messages:

System configuration message

System working status message

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4 Basic Configuration

System statistics message

Restart message on the AMB

See the related sections for display commands about protocols and interfaces. The following
only shows the system display commands.
Run the following commands in all views.

4.4.1 Displaying System Configuration

Run one or more of following commands according to your needs:

Run the display version command to display the system edition.

Run the display clock command to display the system time.

Run the display users [ all ] command to display the terminal user.

Run the display saved-configuration command to display the original configuration.

Run the display current-configuration command to display the current configuration.

4.4.2 Displaying System Status

Run one or more of following commands according to your needs:

Run the display debugging [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

[ module-name ] command to display the debugging status.

Run the display this command to display the configuration of the current view.

4.4.3 Collecting System Diagostic Information

Run the following command according to your needs:
Run the display diagnostic-information [ file-nme ] command to display the system
diagnosis information.
When the system fails or performing the routine maintenance, you need to collect a lot of
information to locate the fault. But you cannot collect enough information, because there are
many display commands. You can use the display diagnostic-information command to
collect the running information about the current modules in the system.
The display diagnostic-information command collects the information for once after
running the following commands, including display clock, display version, display cpu,
display interface, display current-configuration, display saved-configuration, display
history-command and so on.


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5 User Management ......................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 User Interface View .............................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 User Management ................................................................................................................................5-3
5.2 Configuring Console User Interface..............................................................................................................5-5
5.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................5-5
5.2.2 Configuring Console Interface Attributes ............................................................................................5-6
5.2.3 Setting Console Terminal Attributes ....................................................................................................5-7
5.2.4 Configuring the User Interface Priority ...............................................................................................5-7
5.2.5 Configuring User Authentication .........................................................................................................5-8
5.2.6 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................5-10
5.3 Configuring AUX User Interface ................................................................................................................5-10
5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................5-10
5.3.2 Configuring AUX Interface Attributes............................................................................................... 5-11
5.3.3 Configuring AUX Terminal Attributes...............................................................................................5-12
5.3.4 Configuring User Priority ..................................................................................................................5-13
5.3.5 Configuring Modem Attributes ..........................................................................................................5-13
5.3.6 Configuring User Authentication .......................................................................................................5-14
5.3.7 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................5-15
5.4 Configuring VTY User Interface.................................................................................................................5-16
5.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................5-16
5.4.2 Configuring Maximum VTY User Interfaces ....................................................................................5-17
5.4.3 Configuring Limits for Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls..............................................................5-17
5.4.4 Configuring Timeout of VTY User Authorization .............................................................................5-18
5.4.5 Configuring VTY Terminal Attributes ...............................................................................................5-18
5.4.6 Configuring User Authentication .......................................................................................................5-19
5.4.7 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................5-21
5.5 Managing User Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................5-21
5.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................5-21
5.5.2 Sending Messages to Other User Interfaces.......................................................................................5-22
5.5.3 Clearing Online User .........................................................................................................................5-22
5.5.4 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................5-22

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5.6 Configuring User Management ...................................................................................................................5-23

5.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................5-23
5.6.2 Configuring Authentication Mode .....................................................................................................5-24
5.6.3 Configuring Authentication Password ...............................................................................................5-24
5.6.4 Setting Username and Password for AAA Local Authentication .......................................................5-24
5.6.5 Configuring Non-Authentication .......................................................................................................5-25
5.6.6 Configuring User Priority ..................................................................................................................5-26
5.6.7 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................5-26
5.7 Configuring Local User Management .........................................................................................................5-26
5.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................5-26
5.7.2 Creating Local User Account.............................................................................................................5-27
5.7.3 Configuring the Service Type of the Local User................................................................................5-27
5.7.4 Configuring Local User Authority for FTP Directory........................................................................5-28
5.7.5 Configuring Local User Status...........................................................................................................5-28
5.7.6 Configuring Local User Priority ........................................................................................................5-29
5.7.7 Configuring Access Restriction of the Local User.............................................................................5-29
5.7.8 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................5-29
5.8 Configuration Examples..............................................................................................................................5-30
5.8.1 Example for Configuring Logging In to the Router Through Password ............................................5-31
5.8.2 Example for Logging In to the Router Through AAA .......................................................................5-32


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Table 5-1 Example for the absolute numbering ..................................................................................................5-3

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5 User Management

User Management

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


5.1 Introduction

This section describes the basic concepts of the user

interface and the user management.

5.2 Configuring Console User


This section describes how to configure the user interface

on console port.

5.3 Configuring AUX User


This section describes how to configure the user interface

on AUX port.

5.4 Configuring VTY User

This section describes how to configure the user interface

of VTY.

5.5 Managing User Interfaces

This section describes how to send messages and clear

users between interfaces.

5.6 Configuring User


This section describes how to manage and authenticate

the user that logs in to the router.

5.7 Configuring Local User


This section describes how to configure and authenticate

the local user.

5.8 Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for logging in to the

router in different ways.

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5 User Management

5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 User Interface View
The user interface view is a command line view provided by the system. It is used to
configure and manage all the physical and logical interfaces in the asynchronous mode.

User Interfaces Supported by the System


Console port (CON)

The console port is a serial port provided by the main control unit of the router provides the
console port.
The main control unit provides one EIA/TIA-232 DCE console port for local configuration by
directly connecting a terminal to a router.

Auxiliary port (AUX)

The main control unit of a router provides the auxiliary port that is a line device port. The
main control unit has one EIA/TIA-232 DTE AUX port, and is used by a terminal to access
the router through the Modem.

Virtual type line (VTY)

The virtual port is a logical terminal line. A virtual type line (VTY) is the Telnet connection
with the router through a terminal. It is used for local or remote access to the router.

User Interface Numbering

The following are user interface numbering methods:

Relative numbering

The format of the relative numbering is user interface type + number.

All type of user interfaces use relative numbering. It is used only in a single or a group of
specified type of user-interfaces. It must comply with the following rules:

Number of the console port: CON 0

Number of the auxiliary port: AUX 0

Number of the VTY: VTY 0 for the first line, VTY 1 for the second line and so on.

Absolute numbering

This specifies a user interface or a group of user interfaces.

The starting number is 0 and the rest is in the sequence of CON -> AUX -> VTY. There is
only a single console port and an AUX port and there are 0-15 VTY interfaces. You can use
the user-interface maximum-vty command to set the maximum number of user interfaces.
The default number is five.
By default, the system supports three types of user interfaces: CON, AUX, and VTY.
Table 5-1 Shows the absolute numbers of the user interfaces in this system.


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Table 5-1 Example for the absolute numbering

Absolute number






The first virtual interface (VTY0)


The second virtual interface (VTY1)


The third virtual interface (VTY2)


The fourth virtual interface (VTY3)


The fifth virtual interface (VTY4)

For different types of devices, the absolute numbers of the AUX interface and the VTY interface may be

The numbers from 1 to 32 are reserved for the TTY user interfaces.
Run the display user-interface command to view the absolute number of user interfaces.

5.1.2 User Management

The username and the password are not configured when a router is powered on for the first
In such a condition, any user can configure the router by connecting a PC with it through the
console port.
The remote user accesses the router through Telnet if the router is configured with the IP
address of the MCU or that of the interface board. The remote user accesses the network by
establishing a PPP connection with the router.
Configure the usernames and the user password for the router to ensure network security and
to ease user management.

User Classification
Based on the services obtained, users of a router are classified as follows:

HyperTerminal users: They access the router through the console port or the AUX port.

Telnet users: They access the router through Telnet.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) users: They establish FTP connections with the router to
transfer files.

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) users: They establish PPP connections (such as dialing
and PPPoA) with the router to access the network.

Secure Shell (SSH) users: They establish SSH connections with the router to access the

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User Level
The system provides hierarchical management to HyperTerminal users and Telnet users.
The login user has the same 16 levels like the command. They are Visit, Monitoring,
Configure and Management, and are marked from 0 to15. The higher the mark is, the higher
the priority is.
A user can access a command depending on the user level.

In the case of non-authentication or password authentication, the level of the command

that can be accessed by the login user depends on the level of the login user interface.

In the case of AAA authentication, the level of the command that can be accessed by the
login user depends on the level of the local user in the AAA configuration.

The user can access the commands with the level equal to or smaller than the user level. For
example, if the user level is 2, the user can access the commands with level 0, 1, or 2. The
user with the level 3 can access all the commands.

For details of command level, refer to section 3.1.2 "Command Level" in Chapter 3 "Command Line

User Authentication
After the user configuration, the system authenticates users when they access the router.
The four types of user authentication are as follows:

Non-authentication: In this type, a user accesses the router without the username and
password. This is not recommended due to security reasons

Password authentication: In this type, a user accesses the router only with the password
rather than the username. This is safer when compared to non-authentication.

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) local: This scheme needs both the
username and the password.

AAA authentication scheme: This scheme cooperates with AAA server, which
authenticates PPP users.

AAA local authentication authenticates the Telnet and HyperTerminal users.

User Planning
The network administrator provides the user plan based on the actual requirements.


At least one HyperTerminal user is created on a router

A Telnet user is created for remote access.

An FTP user uploads or downloads files on a router from the remote.

A PPP user can access networks through PPP connections.

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For the configuration of FTP user, refer to the Chapter 8 "FTP, TFTP and XModem."

For the configuration of PPP user, refer to Quidway NetEngine80 Core Router Configuration Guide
- Security.

5.2 Configuring Console User Interface

5.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
If you need to maintain a router on a local device, the console user interface is required.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring console user interface, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the PC with the router properly

Data Preparation
To configure console user-interface, you need the following data.


Transmission rate, flow-control mode, checksum mode, stop bit, and data bit

Idle timeout period for user, screen length of terminal, and the size of history
command buffer

User priority

User authentication method, user name, and password

All the default values of the data are stored on the router and does not need additional configuration.

Configuration Procedures
To configure a console interface, complete the following procedures.


Configuring Console Interface Attributes

Setting Console Terminal Attributes

Configuring the User Interface Priority

Configuring User Authentication

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Checking the Configuration

You can configure one or more user interfaces simultaneously in any view.

5.2.2 Configuring Console Interface Attributes

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 (Optional) Run:
speed speed-value

The transmission rate is set.

By default, the transmission rate is 9600 bit/s. By default, the value is 9600 bit/s.
Step 4 (Optional) Run:
flow-control { hardware | none | software }

The flow control mode is set. By default, the flow-control mode is none.
Step 5 (Optional) Run:
parity { even | mark | none | odd | space }

The parity mode is set.

By default, the value is none.
Step 6 (Optional)Run:
stopbits { 1.5 | 1 | 2 }

The stop bit is set.

By default, the value is 1 bit.
Step 7 (Optional)Run:
databits { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 }

The data bit is set.

By default, the data bit is 8.

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When the user logs in to a router through a console interface, the configured attributes for the
console interface on the super terminal should accord with the attributes of the interface on
the router. Otherwise, the user cannot log in to the router.

5.2.3 Setting Console Terminal Attributes

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

The terminal service is started.

Step 4 Run:
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ]

The timeout period is set.

By default, idle timeout period for users on the user interface is 10 minutes.
Step 5 Run:
screen-length screen-length

One-screen length of the terminal screen is set.

Step 6 Run:
history-command max-size size-value

The buffer of the history command is set.


5.2.4 Configuring the User Interface Priority

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

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Step 3 Run:
user privilege level level

The priority of the user interface is set.

The priority of the user is set.
This process is to set the priority for a user who logs in through the console interface. A user
can only use the command of proper level corresponding to the user level.
For more information about the command priority, see section 3.1.2 "Command Level" in
Chapter 3 "CLI Overview".

5.2.5 Configuring User Authentication

Three user authentication modes are available on the router:

AAA authentication: requires the user name and password.

Password authentication: needs no user name but a password. Otherwise, the user cannot
log in to the router through the console interface.

Non-authentication: requires the user name and password. No authentication is needed

when the user logs in to the router.

Configuring AAA Authentication

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface console 0

The console user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode aaa

The authentication mode is set to AAA.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the console user interface view.

Step 5 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 6 Run:


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local-user user-name password { simple | cipher } password

Name and password of the local user are created.


Configuring Password Authentication

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface console 0

The console user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode password

You can set authentication mode as password authentication.

Step 4 Run:
set authentication password { cipher | simple } password

A password for authentication is set.


Configuring Non-Authentication
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface console 0

The console user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode none

The authentication mode is set to non-authentication.


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5.2.6 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


View the information about the

user interface use.

display users [ all ]

View physical attributes and

configurations of the user interface

display user-interface console 0 [ summary ]

View the local user list

display local-user

View online users

display access-user

5.3 Configuring AUX User Interface

5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When the user needs to maintain a remote router, AUX user interface is required.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring AUX user interface, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the PC with the router properly

Data Preparation
Before configuring AUX user interface, you need the following data.




Transmission rate, flow-control mode, checksum mode, stop bit, and data bit

Idle timeout period for user, screen length of terminal, and the size of history
command buffer

User priority

Modem attributes

(Optional) Auto-execute commands

User authentication method, user name, and password

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All data above have default values on the router, and generally you do not need to specify them.

Configuration Procedures
To configure an AUX user interface, complete the following procedures.


Configuring AUX Interface Attributes

Configuring AUX Terminal Attributes

Configuring User Priority

Configuring Modem Attributes

Configuring User Authentication

Checking the Configuration

5.3.2 Configuring AUX Interface Attributes

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 (Optional) Run:
speed speed-value

The transmission rate is set.

By default, the transmission rate is 9600 bit/s.
Step 4 (Optional) Run:
flow-control { hardware | none | software }

The flow control mode is set.

By default, the flow-control mode is none.
Step 5 Run:
parity { even | mark | none | odd | space }

The checksum bit is set.

By default, the checksum bit is none.

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Step 6 (Optional) Run:

stopbits { 1.5 | 1 | 2 }

The stop bit is set.

By default, the stop bit is 1 bit.
Step 7 (Optional) Run:
databits { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 }

The data bit is set.

By default, the data bit is 8.
When the user logs in to a router through an AUX port, the configured attributes for the
console port on the super terminal should accord with the attributes of the port on the router.
Otherwise, the user cannot log in to the router.

5.3.3 Configuring AUX Terminal Attributes

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

AUX terminal service is enabled.

Step 4 Run:
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ]

User idle timeout is enabled.

By default, idle timeout period for users is 10 minutes.
Step 5 Run:
screen-length screen-length

The screen length of the terminal screen is set.

By default, the length of the terminal screen is 24 lines.
Step 6 Run:
history-command max-size size-value


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The size of the history command buffer is configured.

By default, the size of history command buffer on user interface is 10 history commands.

5.3.4 Configuring User Priority

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
user privilege level level

The user priority is set.


5.3.5 Configuring Modem Attributes

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
modem timer answer seconds

Set the period since the system receives the ring signal until waits for CD_UP, that is, the time
since the establishment of calling, from picking up to detecting carrier.
Step 4 Run:
modem auto-answer

Enable auto answer.

Step 5 Run:
modem [ both | call-in ]

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The switch of incoming call or outgoing call is set.


5.3.6 Configuring User Authentication

The router supports user authentication of three types:

AAA authentication: requires the user name and password.

Password authentication: requires no user name but a password must be set. Otherwise,
the user cannot log in to the router through the console interface.

None: requires neither user name nor password. No authentication is needed when the
user logs in to the router.

Configuring AAA Authentication

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode aaa

Authentication mode is set to AAA.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the AUX user interface view.

Step 5 Run:

The aaa view is displayed.

Step 6 Run:
local-user user-name password { simple | cipher } password

Local user and password are configured.


Configuring Password Authentication

Do as follows on the router:


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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode password

Authentication mode is set to password.

Step 4 Run:
set authentication password { cipher | simple } password

Step 5 Set password for this mode.


Configuring Non-Authentication
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface aux 0

The AUX user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode none

Authentication mode is set to none.


5.3.7 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


View usage information of the user


display users [ all ]

View physical attributes and

configurations of the user interface

display user-interface console 0 [ summary ]

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View the local user list

display local-user

View online users

display access-user

5.4 Configuring VTY User Interface

5.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
If you want to configure and manage Telnet or log in to the router through SSH, you need to
configure the VTY user interface.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring VTY user interface, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Correctly connecting PC and router

Data Preparation
To configure the VTY user interface, you need the following data.


Maximum VTY user interfaces

(Optional) ACL code to limit VTY user interface to call in and out

(Optional) Timeout of command line authentication

Idle timeout period for user, screen length of terminal, and the size of history
command buffer

User authentication method, user name, and password

Configuration Procedures
To configure a VTY user interface, complete the following procedures.




Configuring Maximum VTY User Interfaces

Configuring Limits for Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls

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Configuring Timeout of VTY User Authorization

Configuring VTY Terminal Attributes

Configuring User Authentication

5 User Management

5.4.2 Configuring Maximum VTY User Interfaces

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface maximum-vty number

Set the maximum VTY user interfaces that can log in to the router at the same time.
If the number of maximum VTY user interfaces to be configured is smaller than the number
of current maximum interfaces, this parameter needs not be configured if.
If the number of maximum VTY user interfaces to be configured is larger than the number of
current maximum interfaces, the authentication mode and password need to be configured for
newly added user interfaces.
For newly added user interfaces, the system applies password authentication by default. The
prompt is shown as follows:
Warning:Login password has not been set!

For example, a maximum of five users are allowed online. To allow 15 VTY users online at
the same time, you need to run the authentication-mode command and the set
authentication password command to configure authentication modes and passwords for
VTY user interface 5 to interface 14, shown as follows:
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] user-interface maximum-vty 15
[Quidway] user-interface vty 5 14
[Quidway-ui-vty5-14] authentication-mode password
[Quidway-ui-vty5-14] set authentication password cipher huawei

5.4.3 Configuring Limits for Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

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user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
acl acl-number { inbound | outbound }

Configure the limits to calling in/out of VTY user interface.

When you need to prevent a user of certain address or segment address from logging in to the
router, use the inbound command; when you need to prevent a user who logs in to a router
from accessing other routers, and use the outbound command.

5.4.4 Configuring Timeout of VTY User Authorization

Do as follows the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface vty first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The VTY user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authorization-cmd timeout timeout-value

The timeout of command line authorization I set.

The product supports to authorize HWTACACS command line to login users according to
user level or SSH user name.
When the user logs in to the router and needs command line authorization, each command the
user inputs must be authorized by the HWTACACS server. When authorization is passed, the
command can be run.
If the user receives no authorization from the HWTACACS server within the timeout limit
time, the command cannot be run.

5.4.5 Configuring VTY Terminal Attributes

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

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user-interface vty number1 [ number2 ]

The VTY user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

VTY terminal service is enabled.

Step 4 Run:
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ]

User disconnection after timeout is enabled.

Step 5 Run:
screen-length screen-length

The screen length of the terminal screen is set.

Step 6 Run:
history-command max-size size-value

Step 7 Set the size of the history command buffer.


5.4.6 Configuring User Authentication

Three authentication modes are available on a router:

AAA authentication: requires the user name and password.

Password authentication: requires no user name but a password must be set. Otherwise,
the user cannot log in to the router through console interface.)

None: requires neither user name nor password. No authentication is needed when the
user logs in to the router.

Configuring AAA Authentication

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface vty number1 [ number2 ]

The VTY user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode aaa

Set the authentication mode as AAA.

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Step 4 Run:

Exit from the VTY user interface view.

Step 5 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 6 Run:
local-user user-name password { simple | cipher } password

Create local user and password.


Configuring Password Authentication

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface vty number1 [ number2 ]

The VTY user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode password

Set the authentication mode as password.

Step 4 Run:
Set authentication password { simple | cipher } password

Set a password for this authentication mode.


Configuring Non-Authentication
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface vty number1 [ number2 ]


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The VTY user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode none

The authentication mode is set to none.


5.4.7 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


View the usage information of the user


display users [ all ]

View the number of maximum VTY user


display user-interface maximum-vty

View the physical attributes and

configurations of the user interface

display user-interface
[ ui-typeui-number | number| summary ]

5.5 Managing User Interfaces

5.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
To ensure the operator can manage routers safely, you need to send messages between user
interfaces and clear designated user and so on.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before managing the user interface, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the PC with the router properly

Data Preparation
To manage the user interface, you need the following data:


Type and number of the user interface

Contents of the message to be sent

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Configuration Procedures
To configure a user interface, complete the following procedures.


Sending Messages to Other User Interfaces

Clearing Online User

Checking the Configuration

5.5.2 Sending Messages to Other User Interfaces

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
send { all | interface-type interface-number | number }

You can enable message sending between user interfaces.

Following the prompt, you can enter the message to be sent. You can press Ctrl+Z or Enter
key to end.

5.5.3 Clearing Online User

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
free user-interface { ui-number | ui-type ui-number1 }

Online users are cleared.

Upon the prompts, you can confirm whether to clear designated online users.

5.5.4 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.




Display the usage information of the user interface

display users [ all ]

Check the online user

display access-user

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5.6 Configuring User Management

5.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
This section describes how to configure the user priority and the authentication.
To access the network, remote users can log in to the router to access networks through Telnet
or establish a PPP connection with the router. This can be done if the router is configured with
the IP address of the MCU or that of the interface board. Remote users access the network by
establishing PPP connection with the router. To ensure network security and ease user
management, configure a username and the user password for the router.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a user interface, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the PC with the router properly

Data Preparation
To configure a user, you need the following data.


Authentication mode

Username and password

User priority

Configuration Procedures
To configure user management, complete the following procedures.


Configuring Authentication Mode

Configuring Authentication Password

Setting Username and Password for AAA Local Authentication

Configuring Non-Authentication

Configuring User Priority

Checking the Configuration

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5.6.2 Configuring Authentication Mode

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
authentication-mode { aaa | password | none }

The user authentication mode is configured.


5.6.3 Configuring Authentication Password

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
set authentication password { cipher | simple } password

The authentication password is configured.


The default authentication mode is the password authentication.

5.6.4 Setting Username and Password for AAA Local

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
set authentication aaa

Step 4 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 5 Run:
local-user user-name password { simple | cipher } password

The local username and the password are configured.


5.6.5 Configuring Non-Authentication

Do as follows on the router that the user logs in to:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
set authentication none

The non-authentication is configured.


Configuring the non-authentication may cause security problems of the router.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management

If the authentication mode is non-authentication or password authentication, the priority of the

user-interface determines the command level that the users can access.

If the authentication mode needs the username and the password, the priority of the user determines
the command level that the users can access.

5.6.6 Configuring User Priority

Refer to the Quidway NetEngine80 Configuration Guide - Security.

5.6.7 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check the user information.

display users [ all ]

Check information about local users.

display local-user

Check information about the access users.

display access-user

5.7 Configuring Local User Management

5.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
Create, maintain, and manage local users on local routers.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring local user management, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the PC with the router properly

Data Preparation
To configure the local user management, you need the following data.




Username and password

Service type of the local user

FTP directory of the local user

The status of the local user

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations



The maximum number of accessing local users

5 User Management

Configuration Procedures
To configure local user management, complete the following procedures.


Creating Local User Account

Configuring the Service Type of the Local User

Configuring Local User Authority

Configuring Local User Status

Configuring Local User Priority

Configuring Access Restriction of the Local User

Checking the Configuration

5.7.2 Creating Local User Account

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name password { simple | cipher } password

The local user account is created.


5.7.3 Configuring the Service Type of the Local User

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name service-type { bind | ftp | ppp | ssh | telnet | terminal | web
| x25-pad } *

The service type of the local user is configured.


By configuring the service type of the local user, you can manage the user based on service types.

5.7.4 Configuring Local User Authority for FTP Directory

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name ftp-directory directory

The local user authority for the FTP directory is configured.


5.7.5 Configuring Local User Status

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:


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Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management

local-user user-name state { active | block }

The local user status is configured.


5.7.6 Configuring Local User Priority

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name level level

The local user priority is configured.


5.7.7 Configuring Access Restriction of the Local User

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name access-limit access-limit

The access restriction of the local user is configured.


5.7.8 Checking the Configuration

Run the following command to check the previous configuration.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management



Check the attribute of the local


display local-user [ domain domain-name | user-name

user-name ]

Run the display local-user command. You can view the status and type of the local user.
<Quidway> display local-user

State Type

CAR Access-limit Online


Active All


Active All




---------------------------------------------------------------Total 2,2 printed

Run the display local-user username user-name command. You can view details of the AAA
local user, such as the user level, FTP authorization directory.
<Quidway> display local-user username aaa

: aaa




: Active


: All


: -


: -


: No


: No


: 0


: -


: 0


: -


: -


: Yes


: -


5.8 Configuration Examples

After the following two configuration examples are completed, the current user VTY0 cannot
run commands at levels higher than two. Ensure that you can log in to the router through other
methods to delete the configuration.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management

5.8.1 Example for Configuring Logging In to the Router Through

Networking Requirements
The COM port of the PC is connected with the Console port. Set the priority of VTY0 to 2
and authenticate the passwords of users. Users need to input the password Huawei to log on
After login, if the operations are not carried out in 30 minutes, it means that the user-interface
is disconnected from the router.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Enter the user interface.


Configure the priority of VTY0 as 2.


Configure the simple authentication and the disconnect time.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

The password of the authentication mode

The connection time

Configuration Procedure
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] user-interface vty 0
[Quidway-ui-vty0] user privilege level 2
[Quidway-ui-vty0] authentication-mode password
[Quidway-ui-vty0] set authentication password simple huawei
[Quidway-ui-vty0] idle-timeout 30

# Use the display this command to check all configurations.

[Quidway-ui-vty0] display this
user-interface con 0
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0
user privilege level 2
set authentication password simple huawei
idle-timeout 30 0
user-interface vty 1 4

# Use the display current-configuration command to view the system files.

[Quidway] display current-configuration
sysname Quidway

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management
user-interface con 0
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0
user privilege level 2
set authentication password simple huawei
idle-timeout 30 0
user-interface vty 1 4

Configuration Files
sysname Quidway
interface GigabitEthernet6/0/0
interface NULL0
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
user-interface con 0
user-interface vty 0
user privilege level 2
set authentication password simple huawei
idle-timeout 30 0
user-interface vty 1 4

5.8.2 Example for Logging In to the Router Through AAA

Networking Requirements
The COM port of the PC and the console port of the router are connected.
Configure the priority of VTY0 to be 2, perform AAA authentication on the user that logs in
through VTY 0. The login user must enter the username "Huawei" and the password
After login, if the user does not operate the router within 30 minutes, the connection with the
router is disabled.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

5 User Management


Enter the user interface view to configure the priority of VTY0 to be 2 and the
disconnection time.


Enter the AAA view to configure the username, the password and the user level.


Switch on the idle timeout for the local user in the AAA view.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Username and password for authentication

Disconnection time

Configuration Procedure
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] user-interface vty 0
[Quidway-ui-vty0] user privilege level 2
[Quidway-ui-vty0] authentication-mode aaa
[Quidway-ui-vty0] idle-timeout 30
[Quidway-ui-vty0] quit
[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway -aaa] local-user huawei password cipher huawei
[Quidway -aaa] local-user huawei level 2
[Quidway-aaa] local-user huawei idle-cut

Configuration Files
sysname Quidway
local-user huawei password cipher N`C55QK<`=/Q=^Q`MAF4<1!!
local-user huawei level 2
local-user huawei idle-cut
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
user-interface vty 0
authentication-mode aaa
user privilege level 2
idle-timeout 30 0

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


6 File System ..................................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 File System ..........................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.2 Storage Devices ...................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.3 Files......................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.4 Directories............................................................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Managing Storage Devices............................................................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................6-2
6.2.2 Restoring Storage Devices with File System Troubles ........................................................................6-3
6.2.3 Formatting Storage Devices.................................................................................................................6-3
6.3 Managing the Directory ................................................................................................................................6-4
6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................6-4
6.3.2 Viewing the Current Directory.............................................................................................................6-5
6.3.3 Switching the Directory .......................................................................................................................6-5
6.3.4 Displaying the Directory of File ..........................................................................................................6-5
6.3.5 Creating a Directory.............................................................................................................................6-6
6.3.6 Deleting a Directory.............................................................................................................................6-6
6.4 Managing Files..............................................................................................................................................6-6
6.4.1 Displaying Contents of Files................................................................................................................6-7
6.4.2 Copying Files .......................................................................................................................................6-7
6.4.3 Moving Files ........................................................................................................................................6-8
6.4.4 Renaming Files ....................................................................................................................................6-8
6.4.5 Deleting Files .......................................................................................................................................6-9
6.4.6 Deleting Files in the Recycle Bin.........................................................................................................6-9
6.4.7 Undeleting Files ...................................................................................................................................6-9
6.5 Running Files in Batch................................................................................................................................6-10
6.6 Configuring Prompt Modes.........................................................................................................................6-10
6.7 Example of Configuration........................................................................................................................... 6-11

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

File System

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


6.1 Introduction

This section describes the basic concepts of the file


6.2 Managing Storage Devices

This section describes how to configure to display the

management of the storage devices.

6.3 Managing the Directory

This section describes how to configure to realize the

directory management.

6.4 Managing Files

This section describes how to realize file management.

6.5 Running Files in Batch

This section describes how to configure to realize batch


6.6 Configuring Prompt


This section describes how to realize the prompt for users

to run commands.

6.7 Example of Configuration

This section describes the instance of file system.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

6.1 Introduction
This section covers the topics that you need to know before you configure a file system.

6.1.1 File System

The file system manages the files and directories in the storage devices. It can create, delete,
modify and rename a file or directory and display the contents of the file.

The file system has two functions: managing the storage devices and managing the files that
are stored in those storage devices.

6.1.2 Storage Devices

Storage devices are hardware devices for storing messages.
The storage device of the NE80 is the Hard Disk, Flash.

6.1.3 Files
The file is a mechanism in which the system stores and manages messages.

6.1.4 Directories
The directory is a mechanism in which the system integrates and organizes the file. It is the
logical container of the file.

6.2 Managing Storage Devices

6.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When the router cannot access data normally, the abnormal storage devices need to be

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before managing the storage devices, complete the following tasks:


Installing the router and starting it normally

Enabling the client to log in to the router

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

Data Preparation
Before managing the storage devices, you need the following data.


Device name

Configuration Procedures
You can perform Step 1 and Step 2 in a random order.


Restoring Storage Devices with File System Troubles

Formatting Storage Devices

6.2.2 Restoring Storage Devices with File System Troubles

When the file system fails on some storage device, the terminal of the router prompts to
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The user view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
fixdisk device-name

Repair the storage devices with file system troubles.


6.2.3 Formatting Storage Devices

Formatting storage devices may lead to data lost.

You can format the storage device when you fail to repair the file system or ensure that you do
not need all the data saved on the device.
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

The user view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
format device-name

The storage device is formatted.


If the storage device cannot work after you running the format device-name command, the reason may
lie on the hardware.

6.3 Managing the Directory

6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When you need to transfer files between the client and the server, configure the directory by
using the file system.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the management directory, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the client with the server correctly

Data Preparation
To configure a management directory, you need the following data.


Directory name to be created

Directory name to be deleted

Configuration Procedures
To complete the configuration, perform the following procedures.




Viewing the Current Directory


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations






6 File System

6.3.2 Viewing the Current Directory

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:

The current directory is displayed.


6.3.3 Switching the Directory

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

A directory is specified, and the specified directory is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

The current directory is displayed.


6.3.4 Displaying the Directory of File

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The directory of the files to be displayed is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
dir [ /all ] [ /h ] [ filename ]

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

The file list in the directory is displayed.

By default, running the dir command displays only the file information of the current directory.


6.3.5 Creating a Directory

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The parent directory of the directory to be created is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
mkdir directory

The directory is created.


6.3.6 Deleting a Directory

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The parent directory of the directory to be deleted is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
rmdir directory

The directory is deleted.


6.4 Managing Files

Applicable Environment
Configure the file system to transfer files between the client and the server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the file system, complete the following tasks:


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Powering on the router

Connecting the client with the server correctly

6 File System

Data Preparation
To configure a file system, you need the following data.


File name to be created

File name to be deleted

Configuration Procedures


Displaying Contents of Files

Copying Files

Moving Files

Renaming Files

Deleting Files

Deleting Files in the Recycle Bin

Undeleting Files

6.4.1 Displaying Contents of Files

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The directory of the file is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
more filename

The content of the file is displayed.


6.4.2 Copying Files

Do as follows on the router:

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

Step 1 Enter the user view.

Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The directory of the file is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
copy source-filename destination-filename

The file is copied.


The length of the file must exceed zero bytes; otherwise, the file cannot be copied.

6.4.3 Moving Files

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The directory of the file is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
move source-filename destination-filename

The file is moved.


6.4.4 Renaming Files

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The directory of the file is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
rename source-filename destination-filename

The file is renamed.



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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

6.4.5 Deleting Files

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:
cd directory

The directory of the file is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
delete [ /unreserved ] filename

The file is deleted.


6.4.6 Deleting Files in the Recycle Bin

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
reset recycle-bin [ filename ]

The file is deleted.


Running this command deletes only the files in the recycle bin of the master MPU.

6.4.7 Undeleting Files

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
undelete filename

The file is undeleted.


If the current directory is not the parent directory, you must operate the file using the absolute path.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

6.5 Running Files in Batch

Applicable Environment
When the batch file is created, you can run the batch file to implement routine tasks

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the batch process, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Uploading the batched files on the client end to the router

Data Preparation
To configure the batch process, you need the following data.


Name of the batch file

Configuration Procedures
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
execute filename

The batched file is executed.


6.6 Configuring Prompt Modes

If quiet is selected as the prompt mode of the file system, no prompt is displayed when
mis-operation such as deleting a file, which results in data loss, is performed.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

Applicable Environment
The data may be lost or damaged during process, and the prompt is required.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a file system, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Logging in to the router by the client end

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Enter the user view.
Step 2 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
file prompt { alert | quiet }

The prompt mode of the file system is configured.

By default, the prompt mode is alert.

6.7 Example of Configuration

Networking Requirements
By configuring the file system of the router, the user can operate the router through the
console port and copy files to the specified directory.
The file path in the storage device must be correct. If the user does not specify a target file
name, the source file name is the name of the target file by default.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Check the files under a certain directory.


Copy a file to this directory.


Check this directory and view that the file is copied successfully to the specified

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

6 File System

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Source file name and target file name

Source file path and target file path

Configuration Procedures
Step 1 Display the file information in the current directory.
<Quidway> dirflash:
Directory of flash:/


37 Apr 28 2007 08:56:55


4279 Apr 27 2007 18:03:56



6226 Apr 12 2007 12:20:07



12079 Apr 12 2007 12:20:21



6666 Aug 17 2006 09:32:35


15875 KB total (5032 KB free)

Step 2 Copy files from flash:/log.txt to slave#flash:/log.txt.

<Quidway> copy flash:/log.txt slave#flash:/log.txt.
Copy flash:/log.txt to flash:/log.txt ?[Y/N]:y
% Copyed flash:/log.txt slave#flash:/log.txt

Step 3 Display the file information in the current directory, and you can view that the file is copied to
the specified directory.
<Quidway> dir slave#flash
Directory of slave#flash:/


37 Apr 28 2007 08:56:55


4279 Apr 27 2007 18:03:56


6226 Apr 12 2007 12:20:07



12079 Apr 12 2007 12:20:21



6666 Aug 37 2006 09:34:35




7094180 Feb 29 2004 21:43:57


94456 Feb 24 2004 19:23:50


444 Jul 25 2003 14:45:30



572 Jul 25 2003 14:45:40



4 Mar 01 2004 21:19:27


80 Mar 09 2004 09:47:36


- Mar 09 2004 09:50:38

2906 Jan 21 2004 20:36:33




15875 KB total (5032 KB free)



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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


7 Management of Configuration Files ......................................................................................7-1
7.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.1 Definitions ...........................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.2 Configuration Files and Current Configurations..................................................................................7-2
7.2 Managing Configuration Files.......................................................................................................................7-2
7.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................7-2
7.2.2 Configuring System Software for a Router to Load.............................................................................7-3
7.2.3 Configuring the Configuration File for Router to Load .......................................................................7-3
7.2.4 Saving Configuration File....................................................................................................................7-4
7.2.5 Clearing Configuration Files................................................................................................................7-4
7.2.6 Comparing Configuration Files............................................................................................................7-5
7.2.7 Checking the Configuration .................................................................................................................7-5

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

7 Management of Configuration Files

Management of Configuration Files

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


7.1 Introduction

This section describes the basic concepts of the

configuration file.

7.2 Managing Configuration


This section describes the method of managing

configuration file.

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7 Management of Configuration Files

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Definitions
The configuration file is the add-in configuration item when restarting the router this time or
next time.
The configuration file is a text file in the following formats:

It is saved in the command format.

To save space, default parameters are not saved. For the default values of the
configuration parameters, see the following sections.

Commands are organized on the basis of the command view. All commands of the
identical command view are grouped into a section. Every two command sections are
separated by one or several blank lines or comment lines (beginning with "#").

The sequence of command sections is global configuration, physical interface

configuration, logic interface configuration, routing protocol configuration and so on.

The system can run the command with the maximum length of 255 characters, including the
command in the incomplete form.

If the configuration is in the incomplete form, the command is saved in complete form. Therefore,
the command length in the configuration file may exceed 255 characters. When the system restarts,
those commands cannot be restored.

7.1.2 Configuration Files and Current Configurations


Initial configurations: On powering on, the router retrieves the configuration files from
the default save path to initiate itself. If no configuration file exists in the default save
path, the router uses the default parameters.

Current configurations: indicates the effective configurations of the currently running


Users can modify the current configuration s of the router through the command line
interface. Use the save command to save the current configuration to the configuration
file of the default storage devices, and the current configuration become the initial
configuration of the router when the router is powered on next time.

7.2 Managing Configuration Files

7.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
To start the router normally, you need to select correct system software and configuration file
for the router to load.
After modifying current configurations, you need to save the modified contents.
You need to view the configuration of the router.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

7 Management of Configuration Files

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before managing the configuration files, install the router and start it properly.

Data Preparation
To manage configuration files, you need the following data.


system software and its file name

Configuration file and its name

The number of start line from which ling the comparison of the configuration
file begins

Configuration Procedures
You can perform Procedure 1 to Procedure 5 in a random order.


Configuring System Software for a Router to Load

Configuring the Configuration File for Router to Load

Saving Configuration File

Clearing Configuration Files

Comparing Configuration Files

Checking the Configuration

7.2.2 Configuring System Software for a Router to Load

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
startup system-software system-filename [ slave-board ]

The system software for the router to load next time when it starts is configured.
The parameter slave-board is valid only on the router with dual main control boards.

7.2.3 Configuring the Configuration File for Router to Load

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

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7 Management of Configuration Files

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

startup saved-configuration config-filename

Configuration file for the router to load next time when it starts is saved.
When the router turns on, it initiates by reading the configuration file from the flash memory
by default. Thus, the configuration in this configuration file is called initial configuration. If
there is no configuration file in the flash, the router initiates with default parameters.
The effective configuration when a router is working is called current configuration.

7.2.4 Saving Configuration File

Do as follows on the router to save the configuration file:
Step 1 Run:
save [ config-filename ]

The current configurations are saved.

The user can modify the current configuration through the command line interface. To set the
current configuration as initial configuration when the router starts next time, you can use the
save command to save the current configuration in the flash memory.
When saving the configuration file for the first time, if you do not specify the optional parameter
config-filename, the router asks you whether to save the file as "vrpcfg.cfg" or not.

7.2.5 Clearing Configuration Files

The configuration files in flash need to be cleared in follow two situations:

After the software of the router is upgraded, the software does not match the
configuration file.

The configuration file is found damaged or the router is load with incorrect configuration

Do as follows on the router to clear the configuration file.

Step 1 Run:
reset saved-configuration

The configuration file loaded currently is cleared.

After the configuration file is cleared, if you neither use the startup saved-configuration
command to specify a configuration file that contains correct configuration, nor use the save
command to save the configuration file, it initiates with default parameters next time when the
router starts.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

7 Management of Configuration Files

7.2.6 Comparing Configuration Files

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
compare configuration [current-line-number save-line-number ]

The current configuration and initial configuration are under comparison.


7.2.7 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check current configuration files

display current-configuration

Check the configuration file that the router

loads the next time when it starts

display saved-configuration

Check the configuration file that the router

loads this time when it starts

display saved-configuration last

Check the file information used by the device

upon start

display startup

View the file information in storage device

dir [ /all ] [ filename ]

After the configurations succeed, run the preceding commands, and you can find the
following results:

The current configuration of the router is correct without any redundant configuration.

The current configuration of the router is saved in the storage device.

The system software and configuration file that are to be loaded on the router next time
are correct and they are saved in the root directory of the storage device.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


8 FTP, TFTP and XModem ..........................................................................................................8-1
8.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.1 FTP ......................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.2 TFTP ....................................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.3 XModem ..............................................................................................................................................8-2
8.2 Configuring the Router to be the FTP Server................................................................................................8-3
8.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................8-3
8.2.2 Configuring the source address of FTP server .....................................................................................8-4
8.2.3 Enabling the FTP Server ......................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.4 Configuring the Timeout Period...........................................................................................................8-4
8.2.5 Configuring the Local Username and the Password ............................................................................8-5
8.2.6 Configuring Service Types and Authorization Information .................................................................8-5
8.2.7 Checking the Configuration .................................................................................................................8-6
8.3 Configuring FTP ACL...................................................................................................................................8-6
8.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................8-6
8.3.2 Enabling the FTP Server ......................................................................................................................8-7
8.3.3 Configuring the Basic ACL..................................................................................................................8-7
8.3.4 Configuring the Basic FTP ACL..........................................................................................................8-8
8.3.5 Checking the Configuration .................................................................................................................8-8
8.4 Configuring the Router to Be the FTP Client................................................................................................8-9
8.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................8-9
8.4.2 Configuring the source address of FTP Client ...................................................................................8-10
8.4.3 Logging In to the FTP Server.............................................................................................................8-10
8.4.4 Configuring Data Type and Transmission Mode for the File.............................................................8-10
8.4.5 Viewing Online Help of the FTP Command ...................................................................................... 8-11
8.4.6 Uploading or Downloading Files ....................................................................................................... 8-11
8.4.7 Managing Directories......................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.4.8 Managing Files...................................................................................................................................8-12
8.4.9 Changing Login Users .......................................................................................................................8-13
8.4.10 Disconnecting from the FTP Server.................................................................................................8-13
8.4.11 Checking the Configuration .............................................................................................................8-14
8.5 Configuring TFTP .......................................................................................................................................8-14

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations
8.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................8-14
8.5.2 Configuring the source address of TFTP Client.................................................................................8-15
8.5.3 Downloading Files Through TFTP ....................................................................................................8-15
8.5.4 Uploading Files Through TFTP .........................................................................................................8-15

8.6 Limiting the Access to the TFTP Server......................................................................................................8-16

8.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................8-16
8.6.2 Configuring the Basic ACL................................................................................................................8-16
8.6.3 Configuring the Basic TFTP ACL......................................................................................................8-17
8.7 Configuring XModem .................................................................................................................................8-17
8.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................8-17
8.7.2 Getting a File Through XModem.......................................................................................................8-18
8.8 Configuration Examples..............................................................................................................................8-18
8.8.1 Example for Configuring the FTP Server ..........................................................................................8-18
8.8.2 Example for Configuring FTP ACL...................................................................................................8-21
8.8.3 Example for Configuring the FTP Client ...........................................................................................8-23
8.8.4 Example for Configuring TFTP .........................................................................................................8-24
8.8.5 Example for Configuring XModem ...................................................................................................8-26


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


Figure 8-1 Networking diagram with FTP server basic functions....................................................................8-19
Figure 8-2 Networking diagram of configuring FTP ACL...............................................................................8-21
Figure 8-3 Configuring the FTP client .............................................................................................................8-23
Figure 8-4 Networking diagram of configuring TFTP .....................................................................................8-24
Figure 8-5 Setting the Base Directory of the TFTP server ...............................................................................8-25
Figure 8-6 Specifying the file to be sent...........................................................................................................8-26

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

FTP, TFTP and XModem

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


8.1 Introduction

This section describes basic concepts of FTP, TFTP and


8.2 Configuring the Router to

be the FTP Server

This section describes how to configure the basic

functions of the FTP server.
See Example for Configuring the FTP Server

8.3 Configuring FTP ACL

This section describes how to configure the specified

client to log in to the router.

8.4 Configuring the Router to

Be the FTP Client

This section describes how to configure a router to be a

FTP client and log in to the FTP server.

8.5 Configuring TFTP

This section describes how to configure TFTP to log in to

the server.

8.6 Limiting the Access to the

TFTP Server

This section describes how to limit the client to log in to

the TFTP router.

8.7 Configuring XModem

This section describes how to transfer files through


8.8 Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring FTP,

TFTP, and XModem.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 FTP
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an application layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. It
implements file transfer between remote hosts based on related file systems. The FTP protocol
is implemented based on corresponding file system.
The router provides the following FTP services:

FTP server service. Users can run the FTP client program to log in to the router and
access the files on the router.

FTP client service. Users can establish a connection with the router by running a terminal
emulation program or a Telnet program on a PC. Enter an FTP command to connect with
the remote FTP server and access the files on the remote host.

8.1.2 TFTP
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple file transfer protocol.
Compared with FTP, TFTP does not have a complex interactive access interface and
authentication control. TFTP is applicable in an environment where there is no complex
interaction between the client and the server. For example, TFTP is used to obtain the memory
image of the system when the system starts up.
TFTP is implemented based on UDP.
The client initiates the TFTP transfer. To download files, the client sends a read request packet
to the TFTP server, receives packets from the server, and sends acknowledgement to the
server. To upload files, the client sends a write request packet to the TFTP server, sends
packets to the server, and receives acknowledgement from the server.
TFTP transfers the files in two formats:

The binary format: transfers program files.

The ASCII format: transfers text files.

The NE80 can serve as the TFTP client only and thus can be used only to transfer files in the
binary format.

8.1.3 XModem
XModem is a file transfer protocol and is widely used due to its simplicity and performance.
XModem transfers files through serial interfaces. It supports packets of 128 bytes and 1K
bytes, common checksum and CRC, and retransmission for several times (usually 10 times)
when packet error occurs.


XModem file transfer consists of the receiving program and the sending program. The
receiving program first sends the negotiation character to negotiate the check mode.

After the negotiation succeeds, the sending program begins to send packets.

When the receiving program receives a complete packet, it checks the packet according
to the negotiated mode:

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

The receiving program sends the acknowledgement character after the check passes. The
sending program then sends the next packet.

If the check fails, the receiving program sends the deny character and the sending
program retransmits the packet.

NE80 provides the function of XModem receiving program, which can be applied to the AUX
port and supports 128-byte packets and CRC. The function of XModem sending program is
automatically included in the HyperTerminal.

The XModem function is supported only by the AUX port.

XModem does not support simultaneous operations of multiple users.

8.2 Configuring the Router to be the FTP Server

8.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When the router serves as the FTP server, after the client logs in to the router through FTP, the
user can transport files between the client and the server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the FTP server, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the FTP client with the server

Data Preparation
To configure FTP, you need the following data.


The timeout time of the FTP server

FTP username and password

The file directory authorized to the FTP user

Configuration Procedures
To configure an FTP server, you need to take following steps.


Configuring the source address of FTP server

Enabling the FTP Server

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

8 FTP, TFTP and XModem



Configuring the Timeout Period

Configuring the Local Username and the Password

Configuring Service Types and Authorization Information

Checking the Configuration

8.2.2 Configuring the source address of FTP server

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ftp server-source {-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type
interface-num } }

The source address of FTP server is started.


8.2.3 Enabling the FTP Server

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ftp server enable

The FTP server is started.


8.2.4 Configuring the Timeout Period

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:


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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

ftp timeout minutes

The timeout time of the FTP server is configured.


8.2.5 Configuring the Local Username and the Password

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name password { simple | cipher } password

The local username and the password are configured.


8.2.6 Configuring Service Types and Authorization Information

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The AAA view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
local-user user-name service-type ftp

The FTP service type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
local-user user-name ftp-directory directory

The authorized directory of the FTP user is configured.


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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

8.2.7 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the preceding configuration.


Check the configuration and running information

of the FTP server.

display ftp-server

Check the login FTP user.

display ftp-users

After configuring the FTP server, run the display ftp-server command. You can view that the
FTP server is working.
<Quidway> display ftp-server
FTP server is running
Max user number

User count

Timeout value(in minute)


Acl number

The source address of the FTP server is

Run the display ftp-users command to view the user name, port number, authorization
directory of the FTP user configured currently.
<Quidway> display ftp-users








8.3 Configuring FTP ACL

8.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When the router serves as the FTP server, for security, you can configure the router by ACL to
be accessed by only those clients that satisfy the matching conditions.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the FTP ACL, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the FTP client with the server

Data Preparation
To configure the FTP ACL, you need the following data.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations



FTP username and password

The file directory authorized to the FTP user

The timeout time of the FTP server

8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

Configuration Procedures
To configure an FTP ACL, you need to take following steps.


Enabling the FTP Server

Configuring the Basic ACL

Configuring the Basic FTP ACL

8.3.2 Enabling the FTP Server

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ftp server enable

The FTP server is started.


8.3.3 Configuring the Basic ACL

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
acl acl-number

The ACL view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } [ source { host-name { source-wildcard | 0 } |

source-ip-address { source-wildcard | 0 } | any } | time-range time-name | logging |
fragment ]*

The ACL rule is configured.


FTP supports only the basic ACL.

8.3.4 Configuring the Basic FTP ACL

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ftp acl acl-number

The basic FTP ACL is configured.


8.3.5 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the preceding configuration.


Check the configuration and running

information about the FTP server.

display ftp-server

After configuring the FTP server, run the display ftp-server command. You can view that the
FTP ACL is 2345.
<Quidway> display ftp-server
FTP server is running


Max user number

User count

Timeout value(in minute)


Acl Number


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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

8.4 Configuring the Router to Be the FTP Client

8.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When a router serves as the FTP client, you can log in to the FTP server through the router
and then transmit files or manage server directory.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a router as an FTP client, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the FTP client with the server

Data Preparation
To configure the router as an FTP client, you need the following data.


Host name or IP address of the FTP server

Port number of connecting FTP

Login username and password

Configuration Procedures
To configure a router as an FTP client, you need to take following steps.


Configuring the source address of FTP Client

Logging In to the FTP Server


Viewing Online Help of the FTP Command

Uploading or Downloading Files

Managing Directories

Managing Files

Changing Login Users

Disconnecting from the FTP

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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

8.4.2 Configuring the source address of FTP Client

Do as follows on the router that serves as the FTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ftp client-source {-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type
interface-num }}

The source address of FTP client is started.


8.4.3 Logging In to the FTP Server

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 In different views,
different ways.

the router that serves as the client can be connected to the FTP server in

In the user view, run:

ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host

[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server.


In the FTP view, run:

open host [ port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server.


8.4.4 Configuring Data Type and Transmission Mode for the File
Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run:
ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host
[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server, and the FTP client view is displayed.
Step 2 Run:
ascii | binary

The data type of the file to be transmitted is ASCII code or binary.

Step 3 Run:


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The passive file transfer mode is configured.


8.4.5 Viewing Online Help of the FTP Command

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run:
ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host
[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server, and the FTP client view is displayed.
Step 2 Run:
remotehelp [ command ]

The online help of the FTP command is displayed.


8.4.6 Uploading or Downloading Files

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run:
ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host
[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server, and the FTP client view is displayed.
Step 2 Upload or download files.


put local-filename [ remote-filename ]

The local file is uploaded to the remote FTP server.



get remote-filename [ local-filename ]

The FTP file is downloaded from the FTP server and saved to the local file.

8.4.7 Managing Directories

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run:
ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host
[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server.

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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

Step 2 Run one or more commands in the following to manage directories.



cd pathname

The working path of the remote FTP server is specified.




The working path of the FTP server is switched to the upper-level directory.



The specified directory of the FTP server is displayed.




The specified directory of the FTP client is displayed.



mkdir remote-directory

A directory is created on the FTP server.



rmdir remote-directory

A directory is deleted on the FTP server.


The directory to be created can comprise letters and digits, rather than such special characters as <,
>, ?, \ and :.

When running the mkdir /abc command, you create a sub-directory named "abc".


8.4.8 Managing Files

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run:
ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host
[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server.

Step 2 Run one or more commands in the following to manage directories.


ls [ remote-filename ] [ local-filename ]

The specified directory or file on the remote FTP server is displayed.



dir [ remote-filename ] [ local-filename ]


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The specified directory or file on the local FTP server is displayed.



delete remote-filename

The specified file on the FTP server is deleted.


8.4.9 Changing Login Users

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run:
ftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ] [ host
[ port-number ] ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The router is connected to the FTP server.

Step 2 Run:
user user-name [ password ]

The current login user is changed and the user logs in again.

8.4.10 Disconnecting from the FTP Server

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client:
Step 1 Run the following commands according to different configurations.




The client router is disconnected from the FTP server.

Return to the user view.




The client router is disconnected from the FTP server.

Return to the FTP view.

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The previous configurations can be executed only in the FTP client view.

8.4.11 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the preceding configuration.


Check the login FTP user.

display ftp-users

Run the display ftp-users command to view the user name, port number, authorization
directory of the FTP user configured currently.
<Quidway> display ftp-users





8.5 Configuring TFTP

8.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
You can transfer files through TFTP between the server and the client in a simple interaction

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring TFTP, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the TFTP client with the server

Data Preparation
To configure TFTP, you need the following data.




IP address of the TFTP server

Name of the specific file in the TFTP server

File directory

ACL number

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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

Configuration Procedures


Configuring the source address of TFTP Client

Downloading Files Through TFTP

Uploading Files Through TFTP

8.5.2 Configuring the source address of TFTP Client

Do as follows on the router that serves as the TFTP server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
tftp client-source {-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type
interface-num }}

The source address of TFTP client is started.


8.5.3 Downloading Files Through TFTP

Do as follows on the router that serves as the TFTP client:
Step 1 Run:
tftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ]
tftp-server get source-filename [ destination-filename ]

The router is configured to download files through TFTP.


8.5.4 Uploading Files Through TFTP

Do as follows on the router that serves as the TFTP client:
Step 1 Run :
tftp [-a source-ip-address | -i { interface-name | interface-type interface-num } ]
tftp-server put source-filename [ destination-filename ]

The router is configured to upload files through TFTP.


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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem

8.6 Limiting the Access to the TFTP Server

8.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When the router serves as the TFTP client, you can configure the ACL on the router. After the
configuration, you can control to which TFTP server that this device can log in by TFTP.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a limit to access the TFTP server, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the TFTP client with the server

Data Preparation
To configure a limit to accesss to TFTP server, you need the following data.


IP address of the TFTP server

ACL number

Configuration Procedures
To configure a limit to access to TFTP server, you need to take following steps.


Configuring the Basic ACL

Configuring the Basic TFTP ACL

8.6.2 Configuring the Basic ACL

Do as follows on the router that serves as the TFTP client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
acl acl-number

The ACL view is displayed.


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Step 3 Run:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } [ source { host-name { source-wildcard | 0 } |
source-ip-address { source-wildcard | 0 } | any } | time-range time-name | logging |
fragment ]

The ACL rule is configured.


TFTP supports only the basic ACL rules.

8.6.3 Configuring the Basic TFTP ACL

Do as follows on the router that serves as the TFTP client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
tftp-server acl acl-number

ACL is used to limit the access to the TFTP server.


8.7 Configuring XModem

8.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
Configure XModem to transfer files through serial interfaces.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring XModem, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Connecting the router and the PC through an AUX port or a console port

Logging in to the router through the terminal emulation program and specifying the file
path in the terminal emulation program

Data Preparation
To configure XModem, you need the following data.

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8 FTP, TFTP and XModem



Name of a specific file

Absolute path of the file

Configuration Procedures


Getting a File Through XModem

8.7.2 Getting a File Through XModem

Do as follows on the router that performed:
Step 1 Run:
xmodem get filename

XModem is used to get the file.


Before getting the file, confirm the path and the name of the file that are to be sent.

For the filename, an absolute path name is required.

If the filename is similar to an existing one, the system sends a prompt asking you whether to
overwrite or not.

8.8 Configuration Examples

8.8.1 Example for Configuring the FTP Server
Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-1, the IP address of the FTP server is
Log in to the router from the HyperTerminal and then download files from the FTP server.


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Figure 8-1 Networking diagram with FTP server basic functions


console cable

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Run the HyperTerminal on the PC and log in to the router.


Use the correct username and password to log in to the FTP server to download the files
on the memory of the router.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

FTP username as quidway and password as huawei on the server

The correct path of the original files on the FTP server

The destination file name and its position in the router

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Enable FTP on the FTP server and configure the authentication information about the FTP
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname server
[server] ftp server enable
[server] ftp timeout 30
[server] aaa
[server -aaa] local-user quidway password simple huawei

Step 2 Configure the authorization mode and directory of the FTP user on the FTP server
[server -aaa] local-user quidway service-type ftp
[server -aaa] local-user quidway ftp-directory flash:
[server -aaa] quit

Step 3 Configure the IP address of the FTP server.

[server] interface Ethernet2/0/0
[server-Ethernet2/0/0] undo shutdown
[server-Ethernet2/0/0] ip address
[server-Ethernet2/0/0] quit

Step 4 Log in to the router from the PC through the HyperTerminal, and connect to the FTP server
using the correct username and password to obtain system host software.

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# Log in to the FTP server to obtain system host software and save it in the root directory of
the Flash Memory of the router.
<Router> cd flash:
<Router> pwd
flash:<Router> ftp
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User( quidway
331 Password required for quidway.
230 User logged in.
[ftp] binary
200 Type set to I.
[ftp] get vrp.bin
The file is already existing, overwrite it? [Y/N]:y
200 PORT command okay
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for vrp.bin
226 Transfer complete.
FTP: 5805100 byte(s) received in 19.898 second(s) 291.74Kbyte(s)/sec.
[ftp] dir
200 Port command okay.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for *.


5805100 May 25 2007 18:02:30


354 Apr 30 2007 14:35:15


- Apr 30 2007 14:35:36


852 May 25 2007 16:55:08



226 Transfer complete.

FTP: 402 byte(s) received in 0.140 second(s) 2.87Kbyte(s)/sec.
[ftp] bye


Configuration Files
Configuration file of the FTP server.
sysname Server
FTP server enable
interface Ethernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
local-user quidway password simple Huawei
local-user quidway service-type ftp
local-user quidway ftp-directory flash:/ftp/system
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default


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accounting-scheme default
domain default

8.8.2 Example for Configuring FTP ACL

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-2, the IP address of the FTP server is
At the client side, PC1, PC2 and the FTP server are reachable. After configuring ACL, the
router that serves as the FTP server allows only PC1 with the host address of
to download and upload files in the FTP mode. PC2 cannot be connected to the FTP server.
Figure 8-2 Networking diagram of configuring FTP ACL


IP Network



Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure the basic FTP functions.


Configure ACL on the FTP server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

ACL number

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Configure the basic FTP functions.
See "Configuring the Router to be the FTP Server".
Step 2 Configure the basic ACL.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] acl number 2001
[Quidway-acl-basic-2001]rule permit source

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Step 3 Configure the basic FTP ACL.

[Quidway]ftp acl 2001

Step 4 Connect to the FTP server from PC1.

c:\ ftp
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User (
331 Password required for quidway
230 User logged in.

Step 5 Connect to the FTP server from PC2.

c:\ ftp
Connected to ftp
Info:Connection was denied by remote host according to ACL!
Connection closed by remote host.


Configuration Files
Configuration file of the FTP server.
sysname Server
Ftp server enable
FTP acl 2001
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source
interface Ethernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
local-user quidway password simple Huawei
local-user quidway service-type ftp
local-user quidway ftp-directory flash:/ftp/system
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default


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8.8.3 Example for Configuring the FTP Client

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-3, the router that serves as the FTP client are connected to the FTP
server, and download system software and configuration software from the FTP server to the
client side.
Figure 8-3 Configuring the FTP client


IP Network


Configuration Roadmap
Log in to the FTP server to the FTP client and download system files form the server to the
storage devices on the client side.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

IP address of the FTP server

The destination file name and its position in the router

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Log in to the FTP server from the router.
<Quidway> ftp
Trying ftp
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ftp
220 FTP service ready.
331 Password required for huawei
230 User logged in.

Step 2 Configure the transmission mode to the binary format and configure the directory of the
Flash memory on the router.
[ftp] binary
200 Type set to I.
[ftp] lcd flash:/
% Local directory now flash:

Step 3 Download the newest system software from the remote FTP server on the router.

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[ftp] get
[ftp] quit


8.8.4 Example for Configuring TFTP

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-4, the IP address of the TFTP server is
Log in to the router from the HyperTerminal and then download the file from the TFTP
Figure 8-4 Networking diagram of configuring TFTP

TFTP Server

Quidw ay


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Run the TFTP software on the TFTP server


Set the position of the source file on the server


Use the TFTP command on the Quidway router to download the files

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

The TFTP software installed on the TFTP server.

The path of the source file on the TFTP server.

The destination file name and its path on the Quidway router.

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Start the TFTP server, set its Base Directory as the directory where the file resides.
Figure 8-5 shows the interface.


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Figure 8-5 Setting the Base Directory of the TFTP server

The display may be different depending on different TFTP server software used by the computer.

Step 2 Log in to the router through the computer HyperTerminal and enter the following command
to download files.
<Quidway> tftp get flash:/
Transfer file in binary mode.
Now begin to download file from remote tftp server, please wait for a while...

86235884 bytes received in 42734 second.

File downloaded successfully.

Step 3 Check the configuration. Run the dir command to view whether the downloaded target file
resides in the specified directory of the router.
<Quidway> dir flash:
Directory of flash:/

-rw- 10014764 Jun 20 2005 15:00:28


40 Jun 24 2006 09:30:40



396 May 19 2006 15:00:10



540 May 19 2006 15:00:10



2718 Jun 21 2006 17:46:46


14343 May 19 2006 15:00:10



1004 Feb 05 2001 09:51:22


6247 May 19 2006 15:00:10



14343 May 16 2006 14:13:42




15875 KB total (5032 KB free)


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8.8.5 Example for Configuring XModem

Networking Requirements
The router is connected with PC through the AUX port. Log in to the router through the AUX
port, to receive files from the AUX port and save the received packets to the Flash Memory.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Run the HyperTerminal on the PC and log in to the router.


Use the xmodem command to download the files on the router.


Specify the file path on the HyperTerminal.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Files that are copied to the PC

The path of the file in PC

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Log in to the router through the AUX port.
Refer to "02 Establishment of Configuration Environments."
Step 2 Specify the file to be sent on the HyperTerminal.
Figure 8-6 Specifying the file to be sent

After the configuration, click Send to send the file.

Step 3 Use the XModem protocol to receive the file form the AUX port.
The received file is saved on theFlash memory of the router and the file name is test.txt.
<Quidway> xmodem get flash:/test.txt
**** WARNING ****
xmodem is a slow transfer protocol limited to the current speed


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settings of the auxiliary ports.

During the course of the download no exec input/output will be
---- ******* ---Proceed?[Y/N]y
Destination filename [flash:/ test.txt]?
Before press ENTER you must choose 'YES' or 'NO'[Y/N]:y
Download with XMODEM protocol....

After the system prompts that the file transmission succeeds, you can view the directory of the
Flash Memory.
Download successful!
Download successful!
<Quidway> dir flash:/
Directory of flash:/

-rw- 10014764 Jun 20 2005 15:00:28



28 Jul 27 2005 09:34:39


480 May 10 2003 11:25:18

-rw- 10103172 Jul 22 2005 16:40:37





98776 Jul 27 2005 09:36:12


1515 Jul 19 2005 17:39:55


3844 Jul 14 2004 11:51:45


8628372 Jun 01 2005 10:14:34

45 Jul 27 2005 10:51:26


15875 KB total (5015 KB free)


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9 Telnet and SSH...........................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.1 Overview of User Login ......................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.2 Telnet Terminal Services ......................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.3 SSH Terminal Services ........................................................................................................................9-4
9.2 Configuring Telnet Terminal Services...........................................................................................................9-7
9.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ....................................................................................................9-7
9.2.2 Establishing a Telnet Connection.........................................................................................................9-8
9.2.3 Establishing a Telnet Redirection Connection .....................................................................................9-8
9.2.4 Scheduled Telnet Disconnection ..........................................................................................................9-9
9.2.5 Checking the Configuration .................................................................................................................9-9
9.3 Configuring SSH Users...............................................................................................................................9-10
9.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................9-10
9.3.2 Creating an SSH User ........................................................................................................................ 9-11
9.3.3 Configuring SSH for the VTY User Interface.................................................................................... 9-11
9.3.4 Generating a Local RSA Key Pair .....................................................................................................9-12
9.3.5 Configuring the Authentication Mode for SSH Users........................................................................9-12
9.3.6 (Optional)Configuring the Basic Authentication Information for SSH Users....................................9-14
9.3.7 (Optional)Authorizing SSH Users Through the Command Line .......................................................9-14
9.3.8 Configuring the Service Type of SSH Users......................................................................................9-15
9.3.9 (Optional)Configuring the Authorized Directory of SFTP Service for SSH Users............................9-15
9.3.10 Checking the Configuration .............................................................................................................9-15
9.4 Configuring the SSH Server........................................................................................................................9-16
9.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................9-16
9.4.2 Enabling the STelnet Service .............................................................................................................9-17
9.4.3 Enabling the SFTP Service ................................................................................................................9-17
9.4.4 (Optional)Enabling the Earlier Version-Compatible Function...........................................................9-17
9.4.5 (Optional)Configuring the Number of the Port Monitored by the SSH Server..................................9-18
9.4.6 (Optional) Enabling the Trap Function ..............................................................................................9-18
9.4.7 (Optional)Configuring the Interval for Updating the Key Pair on the SSH Server............................9-19
9.4.8 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................9-19
9.5 Configuring the STelnet Client Function ....................................................................................................9-20

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9.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................9-20
9.5.2 Enabling the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client ...............................................................9-21
9.5.3 (Optional) Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to the SSH Server ...............9-21
9.5.4 Enabling the STelnet Client ...............................................................................................................9-22
9.5.5 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................9-22

9.6 Configuring the SFTP Client Function........................................................................................................9-23

9.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..................................................................................................9-23
9.6.2 Configuring the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client ..........................................................9-24
9.6.3 Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to the SSH Server.................................9-24
9.6.4 Enabling the SFTP Client...................................................................................................................9-25
9.6.5 (Optional) Managing the Directory....................................................................................................9-25
9.6.6 (Optional) Managing the File.............................................................................................................9-26
9.6.7 (Optional)Displaying the SFTP Client Command Help.....................................................................9-27
9.6.8 Checking the Configuration ...............................................................................................................9-27
9.7 Maintaining Telnet and SSH .......................................................................................................................9-28
9.7.1 Debugging Telnet Terminal Services .................................................................................................9-28
9.7.2 Debugging SSH Terminal Services....................................................................................................9-28
9.8 Configuration Examples..............................................................................................................................9-29
9.8.1 Example for Configuring Telnet Terminal Services...........................................................................9-29
9.8.2 Example for Connecting the STelnet Client to the SSH Server .........................................................9-31
9.8.3 Example for Connecting the SFTP Client to the SSH Server ............................................................9-37
9.8.4 Example for Accessing the SSH Server Through Other Port Numbers .............................................9-42
9.8.5 Example for Authenticating SSH Through RADIUS.........................................................................9-49


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Figure 9-1 Telnet client services.........................................................................................................................9-2
Figure 9-2 Telnet redirection services ................................................................................................................9-3
Figure 9-3 Usage of Telnet shortcut keys ...........................................................................................................9-3
Figure 9-4 Establishing an SSH channel in a LAN ............................................................................................9-5
Figure 9-5 Establishing an SSH channel in a WAN ...........................................................................................9-5
Figure 9-6 Networking diagram of the Telnet terminal services mode ............................................................9-29
Figure 9-7 Networking diagram of connecting the STelnet client to the SSH server.......................................9-31
Figure 9-8 Networking diagram of connecting the SFTP client to the SSH server ..........................................9-37
Figure 9-9 Networking diagram of accessing the SSH server through other port numbers .............................9-43
Figure 9-10 Networking diagram of authenticating the SSH through RADIUS ..............................................9-49

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9 Telnet and SSH

Telnet and SSH

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


9.1 Introduction

This section describes the basic concepts of user login:

Telnet and SSH.

9.2 Configuring Telnet

Terminal Services

This section describes how to log in to a router through

Telnet and configure the router.

9.3 Configuring SSH Users

This section describes how to configure SSH users.

9.4 Configuring the SSH


This section describes how to configure the SSH server.

9.5 Configuring the STelnet

Client Function

This section describes how to configure the STelnet


9.6 Configuring the SFTP

Client Function

This section describes how to configure the SFTP client.

9.7 Maintaining Telnet and


This section describes how to debug the Telnet and SSH

terminal services.

9.8 Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring Telnet

and SSH.

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9 Telnet and SSH

9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Overview of User Login
To configure, monitor and maintain the local or remote devices, configure the user interface,
the user management and the terminal service.
The user interface provides the login plane. The user management guarantees the login
security and the terminal service provides the login protocol.
The product supports the following login methods:

Login through the console port

Local or remote login through the AUX port

Local or remote login through Telnet or SSH

9.1.2 Telnet Terminal Services

Telnet Services
Telnet is an application layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. It provides remote login
and a virtual terminal service through the network.
The router provides the following Telnet services:

Telnet server: You can run the Telnet client program on a PC to log in to the router,
configure and manage it. The router acts as a Telnet server.

Telnet client: You can run the terminal emulation program or the Telnet client program
on a PC to connect with the router. With the telnet command, you can log in to other
routers to configure and mange them. As shown in Figure 9-1, Router A serves as both
the Telnet server and the Telnet client.

Figure 9-1 Telnet client services

Telnet Session 1

Telnet Session 2
Telnet Server





Redirection terminal services: You can run the Telnet client program on a PC to log in to
the router through a specified interface. Then connect with the serial interface devices
that are connected to the asynchronous interface of the router, as shown in Figure 9-2.
The typical application is to connect the 8/16-port asynchronous interface of the router
with multiple devices for their remote configuration and maintenance.

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Figure 9-2 Telnet redirection services






Lan Switch





Only the devices that provide the asynchronous interface support the Telnet redirection service.

Interruption of Telnet services

In Telnet connection, you can use two types of shortcut keys to interrupt the connection.
As shown in Figure 9-2, Router A logs in to Router B through Telnet, and Router B logs
in to Router C through Telnet. Thus, a cascade network is formed. In this case, Router A
is the client of Router B and Router B is the client of Router C. Figure 9-3 illustrates the
usage of the two types of shortcut keys.

Figure 9-3 Usage of Telnet shortcut keys

Telnet Session 1

Telnet Session 2

Telnet Client


Telnet Server



Ctrl_]: The server interrupts the connection.

If the network connection is normal, when you press Ctrl+], the Telnet server interrupts the
current Telnet connection actively. For example:
<RouterC> (Press <Ctrl_]> to return to the prompt of RouterB.
Note: The max number of VTY users is 5, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 0.
The connection was closed by the remote host!
<RouterB> (Press <Ctrl_]> to return to the prompt of RouterA.)
Note: The max number of VTY users is 5, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 0.
The connection was closed by the remote host!

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9 Telnet and SSH

If the network disconnects, the shortcut keys become invalid. The instruction cannot be sent to the

Ctrl_K: The client interrupts the connection.

When the server fails and the client is unaware of the failure, the server does not respond to
the input of the client. In this case, if you press Ctrl+K, the Telnet client interrupts the
connection actively and quits the Telnet connection.
For example:
<RouterC> (Press <Ctrl_K> to directly interrupt the connection and quit Telnet

When the number of remote login users reaches to the maximum number of VTY user
interfaces, the system prompts that all user interfaces are in use and you cannot use Telnet to
log in.

9.1.3 SSH Terminal Services

Overview of SSH
When users on an insecure network log in to the router through Telnet, the Secure Shell (SSH)
feature offers security guarantee and powerful authentication. It protects the router from
attacks such as IP address spoofing and interception of plain text password.
The router can be connected with multiple SSH users.
The SSH client function allow users to establish SSH connections with a router that supports
SSH server or a UNIX host. As shown in Figure 9-4 and Figure 9-5, an SSH channel is set up
for the local connection and the Wide Area Network (WAN) connection.


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Figure 9-4 Establishing an SSH channel in a LAN







PC running SSH client

Figure 9-5 Establishing an SSH channel in a WAN

Local LAN

Remote LAN


SSH router

PC run SSH client


Advantages of SSH
The product provides the functions of SFTP and STelnet client.

STelnet client
The Telnet protocol does not provide secure authentication. The contents that are
transmitted through the TCP are in plain text. This leads to security problems. The
system also faces serious threats from DOS attacks, the host IP address spoofing and
routing spoofing. Telnet services are prone to network attacks.
SSH implements secure remote access on insecure networks and it has the following
advantages compared to Telnet:

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

SSH supports RSA authentication mode. In RSA authentication, SSH implements

secure key exchange by generating public and private keys. These keys are generated
according to the encryption principle of the asymmetric encryption system. This
implements the secure process of sessions.

SSH supports Data Encryption Standard (DES), 3DES and AES.

The username and the password are both encrypted in the communication between
the client and the server of SSH. This is to prevent the password from being

SSH provides encryption to the transmitted data to guarantee security and reliability.

SFTP client

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9 Telnet and SSH

SFTP is short for Secure FTP. You can log in to the device from the secure remote end to
manage the files. This improves the security of data transmission for the remote end to
update its system. Meanwhile, the client function enables you to log in to the remote
device through SFTP for the secure file transmission.

Process to Set Up SSH Connections

The following are procedures to set up SSH connections.

Negotiating versions
The SSK client sends a request packet to the server for setting up a TCP connection.
After the TCP connection is set up, the server and the client begin to negotiate the SSH
version number. If the version numbers are matched, continue to negotiate the shared key.
If the version numbers are not matched, the server interrupts the TCP connection.

Negotiating key algorithm

This procedure covers two actions: negotiating the key and accounting the session key.
The detailed procedures are as follows:

The server generates the RAS key randomly and sends the public key to the client.

The client calculates the key based on the received RSA public key and the local key
generated randomly

The client then encrypts the randomly local-generated key with the RAS public key,
and sends it to the server.

The server decrypts the received packets with its private key and gets the random key
generated on the client. It then calculates the session key.
In this way, the server and the client have the same session keys to guarantee the
session security.

Negotiating authentication mode

After the session key is calculated, the server needs to authenticate the client.
The client sends the identity information to the server.
If the non-authentication mode is configured on the server, a session request is
If the authentication mode is configured on the server, the client is authenticated sends
the authentication request to the server. The result can be that the authentication succeeds
or the connection is interrupted because of timeout.
The SSH server provides the following authentication modes:

Password authentication: The server compares the configured password and that from
the client; if they match, authentication succeeds.

RSA authentication: Configure the RSA public key of the client on the server and the
client sends all the member modules to the server. The server then authenticates the
modulo, generates a number randomly, encrypts the number with the RSA public key
of the client and sends the encrypted number to the client. The server and the client
both calculate the key based on the number randomly generated. The client calculates
the number used by the server to authenticate the client and sends the result to the
server. The server then compares the received result with that locally calculated. If
they are the same, the authentication succeeds.

Sending session request

After the authentication succeeds, the client sends the session request to the server. The
server then processes this request and the interactive session is performed.


Performing the interactive session

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9 Telnet and SSH

In the interactive session, the server and the client encrypt and decrypt the data with the
session key.

9.2 Configuring Telnet Terminal Services

9.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When you log in to a router through Telnet to manage or maintain the router, configure the
Telnet terminal services.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring Telnet terminal services, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router

Configuring the IP addresses for interfaces of the router correctly

Configuring users, authentication modes and call-in or call-out restrictions

Configuring a reachable route between the terminal and the router

Data Preparation
To configure Telnet terminal services, you need the following data.


IP address of the router

VPN instance name

IP address or host name of the remote router

Number of the TCP port that provides Telnet services on the remote router

Timeout period of the user interface

Configuration Procedures


Establishing a Telnet Connection

Establishing a Telnet Redirection Connection

Scheduled Telnet Disconnection

Checking the Configuration

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.2.2 Establishing a Telnet Connection

Do as follows on the login router logged in to from the client:
Step 1 Run:
telnet [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [-a source-ip-address] host-name
[ port-number ]

Log in to the router and manage other routers.


9.2.3 Establishing a Telnet Redirection Connection

Perform the Telnet operation on the client to set up a connection with the router.
Do as follows the router logged in to from the client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface aux interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
async mode flow

The asynchronous interface of the router connected with external devices is configured to the
interactive mode.
Step 4 Run:

The Telnet redirection function of the user interface is enabled.

Step 5 Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 6 Run:
telnet [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [-a source-ip-address ] host-name
[ port-number ]

Log in to the router through the specified interface and connect with the asynchronous
interface of the specified interface.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.2.4 Scheduled Telnet Disconnection

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ ui-type ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The user interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ]

The scheduled Telnet disconnection is enabled.


9.2.5 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check the connection status of the current


display users

Check the connection status of all user-interfaces.

display users all

Check the status of all the established TCP


display tcp status

Run the display tcp status command to view TCP connection status. When ESTAB indicates
that the TCP connection is established.
<Quidway> display tcp status

Foreign Add:port



39952df8 36 /1509


32af9074 59 /1
34042c80 73 /17

14849 Listening

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)


Local Add:port

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.3 Configuring SSH Users

9.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
The STelnet or SFTP client can log in to the SSH server to perform operations only after SSH
users are correctly configured on the SSH server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring SSH users, complete the following tasks:

Creating the local user

Configuring the RSA key of the client on the SSH server

Data Preparation
To configure SSH users, you need the following data.


Name and password of SSH users

Authentication mode of SSH users

Service type of SSH users

Name of the peer RSA public key assigned to SSH users

Operating directory of the SFTP service for SSH users

Configuration Procedures
To configure the SSH user, you need to take the following steps.




Creating an SSH User

Configuring SSH for the VTY User Interface

Generating a Local RSA Key Pair

Configuring the Authentication Mode for SSH Users

(Optional)Configuring the Basic Authentication Information for SSH Users

(Optional)Authorizing SSH Users Through the Command Line

Configuring the Service Type of SSH Users

(Optional)Configuring the Authorized Directory of SFTP Service for SSH Users

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations



Checking the Configuration

9 Telnet and SSH

9.3.2 Creating an SSH User

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh user user-name

The SSH user is created.

If the SSH user that has the authentication mode of password or password-rsa is created, you
need to create a local user that has the same name in the AAA view.



The AAA view is displayed.



local-user username password {cipher| simple } password

The local user is created.


If the SSH user is not created separately, you can create the SSH user when performing the following

Configuring the Authentication Mode for SSH Users

Configuring the Service Type of SSH Users

9.3.3 Configuring SSH for the VTY User Interface

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
user-interface [ vty ] first-ui-number [ last-ui-number ]

The VTY user interface is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

authentication-mode aaa

The AAA authentication mode is configured.

Step 4 Run:
protocol inbound ssh

The VTY is configured to support SSH.


The authentication mode of the VTY user interface must be configured to AAA. Otherwise, the protocol
inbound ssh command cannot be configured successfully.

9.3.4 Generating a Local RSA Key Pair

Do as follows on the router that serves as the client and the server separately:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
rsa local-key-pair create

A local RSA key pair is generated.


To log in to the SSH server, the local RSA key pair must be configured and generated first. Before the
other configurations of SSH, you must configure the rsa local-key-pair create command to generate a
local key pair.

9.3.5 Configuring the Authentication Mode for SSH Users

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh user username authentication-type { password | rsa | password-rsa | all }

The authentication mode for SSH users is configured.

Perform the following as required:

Authenticate the SSH user through the password.



ssh user user-name authentication-type password


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

The password authentication is configured for the SSH client.



ssh authentication-type default password

The default password authentication is configured for the SSH client.

When the local authentication or HWTACACS authentication is adopted, if the number of
SSH users is small, configure the password authentication. If the number of SSH users is great,
configure the default password authentication for the SSH client.

Authenticate the SSH client through RSA.



ssh user user-name authentication-type rsa

The RSA authentication is configured for the SSH client.



rsa peer-public-key key-name

The public key view is displayed.



public-key-code begin

The public key editing view is displayed.




The public key is edited.



public-key-code end

Quit the public key editing view.



peer-public-key end

Quit the public key view and return to the system view.


ssh user user-name assign rsa-key key-name

The public key is assigned to the SSH users.


Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

After the public key editing view is displayed, the RSA public key generated on the client software
can be sent to the server. Copy the RSA public key to the router that serves as the SSH server.

Before the peer RSA public key is assigned to the SSH client, the SSH server must be configured
and the peer RSA public key must be the RSA public key of the SSH client.

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9 Telnet and SSH

9.3.6 (Optional)Configuring the Basic Authentication Information

for SSH Users
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh server rekey-interval hours

The interval for updating the server key pair is configured.

Step 3 Run:
ssh server timeout seconds

The timeout period of the SSH authentication is set.

Step 4 Run:
ssh server authentication-retries times

The number of retry times of the SSH authentication is set.


9.3.7 (Optional)Authorizing SSH Users Through the Command

There are four authentication modes for an SSH user, namely, password, rsa, password-rsa, and all. For
the configuration of the command line authorization in password mode, refer to the chapter "AAA and
User Management" in the Quidway NetEngine80 Core Router Configuration Guide - Security. This
section describes how to configure the command line authorization in RSA mode.

Do as follows on the router:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh user user-name authorization-cmd aaa

The command line authorization is configured for the specified SSH client.
After the command line authorization is configured for the SSH client through the RSA
authentication, you must perform the AAA configuration; otherwise, the command line
authorization does not become valid for the SSH client.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.3.8 Configuring the Service Type of SSH Users

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh user username service-type { sftp | stelnet | all }

The service type for the SSH client is configured.


9.3.9 (Optional)Configuring the Authorized Directory of SFTP

Service for SSH Users
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh user username sftp-directory directoryname

The authorized directory of SFTP service for SSH users is configured.


9.3.10 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check the information of the SSH client

on the SSH server.

display ssh user-information

Check the information of the specified

SSH client on the SSH server.

display ssh user-information username

Run the display ssh user-information username command. It shows that the SSH user
named clinet001 is authenticated by password, and its serve mode is sftp.
[Quidway] display ssh user-information client001
User Name

: client001

Authentication-type : password
User-public-key-name : -

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH


: -


: sftp


: No

9.4 Configuring the SSH Server

9.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
You must enable STelnet or SFTP on the SSH server to perform the operation. The SSH
server also supports setting the number of the monitored port. You can set the number of the
port monitored by the SSH server to other port numbers so that the attacker does not know the
change of the monitored port number. This can prevent the consumption of the bandwidth and
system resources caused by the attacker's access to the standard port of the SSH server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring SSH servers, complete the following tasks:

Connecting the SSH client and the SSH server correctly

Configuring reachable routes between the SSH client and the SSH server

Configuring the VTY user interface on the SSH server to support SSH

Configuring the SSH client on the SSH server

Creating the local RSA key pair on the SSH server

Data Preparation
To configure SSH servers, you need the following data.


Number of the port monitored by the SSH server

Configuration Procedures
To configure an SSH server, you need to take following steps.




Enabling the STelnet Service

Enabling the SFTP Service

(Optional)Enabling the Earlier Version-Compatible Function

(Optional)Configuring the Number of the Port Monitored by the SSH Server

(Optional) Enabling the Trap Function

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH



(Optional)Configuring the Interval for Updating the Key Pair on the SSH Server

Checking the Configuration

9.4.2 Enabling the STelnet Service

Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
stelnet server enable

The STelnet service is enabled.


9.4.3 Enabling the SFTP Service

Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
sftp server enable

The SFTP service is enabled.


9.4.4 (Optional)Enabling the Earlier Version-Compatible Function

Do as follows on the router that serves as the SSH server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh server compatible-ssh1x enable

The earlier version-compatible function is enabled.

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9 Telnet and SSH

By default, the SSH2.0 server is compatible with the SSH1.X server. If the client of SSH1.3
to SSH 1.99 should not be allowed to log in, you must run the undo ssh server
compatible-ssh1x enable command to disable the earlier version-compatible function. After
that, the SSH client that has the version number greater than 1.3 and smaller than 1.99,
including 1.3 and 1.99 cannot log in to the router.

Compared with SSH1.X, SSH2.0 extends the structure to support more authentication methods and
key exchange methods. In addition, the service capability of SSH2.0 is improved to support
functions such as SFTP.

This product supports the SSH versions that range from 1.3 to 2.0, including 1.3 and 2.0.

9.4.5 (Optional)Configuring the Number of the Port Monitored by

the SSH Server
Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh server port port-number

The number of the port monitored by the SSH server is configured.


If a new number of the monitored port is configured, the SSH server interrupts all the STelnet and SFTP
connections and monitors the port of the new number. By default, the number of the port monitored by
the SSH server is 22.

9.4.6 (Optional) Enabling the Trap Function

Do as follows on the login router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable ssh

The trap function is enabled.



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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.4.7 (Optional)Configuring the Interval for Updating the Key

Pair on the SSH Server
Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH server:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh server rekey-interval interval

The interval for updating the key pair is set.


9.4.8 Checking the Configuration

Run the following command to check the previous configuration.


Check the global configuration

of the SSH server.

display ssh server status

When running the display ssh server status command, you can view that the version of the
protocol that the SSH session connects to is 1.99, and the times for the SSH session to retry
connecting is 5.
<Quidway> display ssh server status
SSH version :


SSH connection timeout :

60 seconds

SSH server key generating interval : 2 hours

SSH Authentication retries :

5 times

SFTP server:


STelnet server:


SSH server port:


If the default number of the monitored port is adopted, information about the currently monitored port is
not displayed.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.5 Configuring the STelnet Client Function

9.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
The SSH2 feature offers security guarantee and powerful authentication. It protects the router
form attacks such as IP address spoofing and interception of plain text password. The SSH
user can use the STelnet service as the Telnet service.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before connecting the STelnet client to the SSH2 server, complete the following tasks:

Generating the local RSA key pair on the SSH server

Configuring the SSH user on the SSH server

Enabling the STelnet service on the SSH server

Data Preparation
To connect the STelnet client to the SSH2 server, you need the following data:


Name of the SSH server

Number of the port monitored by the SSH server

Preferred encrypted algorithm from the STelnet client to the SSH server

Preferred encrypted algorithm from the STelnet server to the SSH client

Preferred HMAC algorithm from the STelnet client to the SSH server

Preferred HMAC algorithm from the STelnet server to the SSH client

Preferred algorithm of key exchange

Name of the egress

Source address

Configuration Procedures
To configure the functions for STelnet client server, you need to take the following steps.




Enabling the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client

(Optional) Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to the SSH

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations



Enabling the STelnet Client

Checking the Configuration

9 Telnet and SSH

9.5.2 Enabling the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client

Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh client first-time enable

The first-time authentication on the SSH client is enabled.


The purpose of enabling the first-time authentication on the SSH client is to skip checking whether
the RSA public key of the SSH server is valid when the STelnet or SFTP client logs in to the SSH
server for the first time. The check is skipped because the STelnet or SFTP server has not saved the
RSA public key of the SSH server at this time.

If the first-time authentication is not enabled on the SSH client, when the STelnet or SFTP client
logs in to the SSH server for the first time, the STelnet or SFTP client fails to pass the check on the
RSA public key validity and cannot log in to the server.

Except for enabling the first-time authentication on the SSH client, the STelnet or SFTP client can assign
the RSA public key in advance to the SSH server on the SSH client to log in to the server successfully
for the first time.

9.5.3 (Optional) Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA

Public Key to the SSH Server
Do as follows on the router that serves as the SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh client servername assign rsa-key keyname

The RSA public key is assigned to the SSH server.


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9 Telnet and SSH

Before the peer RSA public key is assigned to the SSH server, the SSH client must be configured and the
assigned RSA public key must be the RSA public key of the SSH server. Thus, the STelnet or SFTP
client can pass the validity check on the RSA public key of the SSH server.

9.5.4 Enabling the STelnet Client

Do as follows on the router that serves as the SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
stelnet [ -a source-address ] host-ipv4 [ port ] [ [ prefer_kex { dh_group1 |
dh_exchange_group } ] | [ prefer_ctos_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] |
[ prefer_stoc_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] | [ prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 |
md5_96 } ] | [ prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] | [ -vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] ] command. You can log in to the SSH server through STELNET.

When accessing the SSH server, the STelnet client can carry the source address and the name of the
VPN instance and choose the key exchange algorithm, encrypted algorithm, and HMAC algorithm.

9.5.5 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check the mapping between the RSA

public key and the SSH client on the SSH

display ssh server-info

Check the session of the SSH client on

the SSH server.

display ssh server session

When running the display ssh server session command, you can view that the client logs in
from VTY3, with stelent service by password authentication.
<Quidway> display ssh server session
Session 1:

: VTY 3


: 2.0


: started


: client001


: 1

CTOS Cipher


: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations
Service Type

9 Telnet and SSH

: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
: stelnet

Authentication Type : password

9.6 Configuring the SFTP Client Function

9.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
SFTP enables users to log in to the device from the secure remote end to manage the file. This
improves the security of data transmission for the remote end to update its system. Meanwhile,
the client function enables you to log in to the remote device through SFTP for the secure file

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before connecting the SFTP client to the SSH2 server, complete the following tasks:

Creating the local RSA key pair on the SSH server

Configuring the SSH client on the SSH server

Enabling the SFTP service on the SSH server

Data Preparation
To connect the SFTP client to the SSH2 server, you need the following data.


Name of the SSH server

Number of the port monitored by the SSH server

Preferred encrypted algorithm from the SFTP client to the SSH server

Preferred encrypted algorithm from the SFTP server to the SSH client

Preferred HMAC algorithm from the SFTP client to the SSH server

Preferred HMAC algorithm from the SFTP server to the SSH client

Preferred algorithm of key exchange

Name of the egress

Source address


Directory name


File name

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9 Telnet and SSH

Configuration Procedures
To configure the function of SFTP client, you need to take the following steps.


Configuring the First-Time Authentication on the SSH Client

Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to the SSH Server

Enabling the SFTP Client

(Optional) Managing the Directory

(Optional) Managing the File

(Optional)Displaying the SFTP Client Command Help

Checking the Configuration

9.6.2 Configuring the First-Time Authentication on the SSH

Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

ssh client first-time enable

Enable the first authentication of the SSH client.


9.6.3 Configuring the SSH Client to Assign the RSA Public Key to
the SSH Server
Do as follows on the router that serves as an SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ssh client servername assign rsa-key keyname

Assign a public key to the SSH server.



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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

9.6.4 Enabling the SFTP Client

Do as follows on the router that serves as the SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
sftp [ -a source-address ] host-ipv4 [ port ] [ [ prefer_kex { dh_group1 |
dh_exchange_group } ] | [ prefer_ctos_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] |
[ prefer_stoc_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] | [ prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 |
md5_96 } ] | [ prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] | [ -vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] ]
You can log in to the SSH server through SFTP.

The command of enabling the SFTP client is similar to that of the STelnet. When accessing the SSH
server, the SFTP can carry the source address and the name of the VPN instance and choose the key
exchange algorithm, encrypted algorithm and HMAC algorithm.

9.6.5 (Optional) Managing the Directory

Do as follows on the router that serves as the SSH client:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
sftp { [ -a source-address ] host-ipv4 [ port ] [ prefer_kex { dh_group1 |
dh_exchange_group } ] [ prefer_ctos_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] [ prefer_stoc_cipher
{ des | 3des | aes128 } ] [ prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ]
[ prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] [-vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
You can log in to the SSH server through SFTP.
Step 3 According to the requirement, select and perform one or more configurations below.

cd remote-directory

The current operating directory of users is changed.



The operating directory of users is switched to the upper-level directory.



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9 Telnet and SSH

The current operating directory of users is displayed.


dir/ls [ remote-directory ]

The file list in the specified directory is displayed.


rmdir remote-directory

The directory on the server is deleted.


mkdir remote-directory

A directory is created on the server.


After the SFTP client logs in to the SSH server, you can create and delete the directory on the SSH
server, display the current operating directory and the file or information of the specified directory on
the SFTP client side.

9.6.6 (Optional) Managing the File

Do as follows on the login router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
sftp { [ -a source-address ] host-ipv4 [ port ] [ prefer_kex { dh_group1 |
dh_exchange_group } ] [ prefer_ctos_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] [ prefer_stoc_cipher
{ des | 3des | aes128 } ] [ prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ]
[ prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] [-vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
You can log in to the SSH server through SFTP.
Step 3 According to the requirement, select and perform one or more configurations below.

rename old-name new-name

The name of the specified file on the server is changed.


get remote-file [local-file]

The file on the remote server is downloaded.


put local-file [remote-file]

The local file is uploaded to the remote server.


remove remote-file


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9 Telnet and SSH

The file on the server is removed.


After the SFTP client logs in to the SSH server, you can change the file name, delete the file, display the
file list, upload and download the file on the SFTP client side.

9.6.7 (Optional)Displaying the SFTP Client Command Help

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
sftp { [ -a source-address ] host-ipv4 [ port ] [ prefer_kex { dh_group1 |
dh_exchange_group } ] [ prefer_ctos_cipher { des | 3des | aes128 } ] [ prefer_stoc_cipher
{ des | 3des | aes128 } ] [ prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ]
[ prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 | sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] [-vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
You can log in to the SSH server through SFTP.
Step 3 Run:
help [all | command-name]

The SFTP client command help is displayed.


9.6.8 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check the mapping between the SSH server and the

RSA public key on the SSH client side.

display ssh server-info

Check the session of the SSH client on the SSH server.

display ssh server session

Run the display ssh server session command. The information is displayed that the client
logs in from VTY4 through sftp service in rsa authentication mode.
[Quidway] display ssh server session
Session 2:

: 2.0


: started


Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

: VTY 4


: client002

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH


: 1

CTOS Cipher

: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96

Service Type

: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
: sftp

Authentication Type : rsa

9.7 Maintaining Telnet and SSH

This section covers the following topics:

Debugging Telnet Terminal Services

Debugging SSH Terminal Services

9.7.1 Debugging Telnet Terminal Services

When a Telnet fault occurs, run the following debugging command in the user view to locate
the fault.

Debugging affects the performance of the system. So, after debugging, run the undo
debugging all command to disable it immediately.


Enable Telnet debugging.

debugging telnet

9.7.2 Debugging SSH Terminal Services

This section coves the following topics:

Deleting the SSH User

Debugging SSH

Deleting the SSH User

Delete the SSH user using the following commands in the system view.




Delete the specified SSH user.

undo ssh user user-name

Delete all the SSH users.

undo ssh user

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9 Telnet and SSH

Debugging SSH

Debugging affects the performance of the system. So, after debugging, run the undo
debugging all command to disable it immediately.
When a fault occurs, run the debugging command in the user view to locate the fault. For the
procedure of displaying the debugging information, refer to the Configuration Guide - System


Enable the debugging of the

SSH function.

debugging ssh server { vty index | all }{ message | event |

packet | all }

9.8 Configuration Examples

9.8.1 Example for Configuring Telnet Terminal Services
Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 9-6, Router A and Router B can ping through each other. Users can log in
to Router B from Router A through Telnet.
Figure 9-6 Networking diagram of the Telnet terminal services mode




Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure the authentication mode and the password of the user interface VTY0 to
VTY4 on Router B.


Users need to input the password when they log in to Router B from Router A through

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

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9 Telnet and SSH


The host address of Router B

The authentication mode and the password

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Configure the IP address.
# Configure Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] undo shutdown
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip address 24

# Configure Router B.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] interface gigabitethernet1/0/0
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] undo shutdown
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip address 24

Step 2 Configure the authentication mode and the password of Telnet on Router B.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] user-interface vty 0 4
[RouterB-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode password
[RouterB-ui-vty0-4] set authentication password simple 123456
[RouterB-ui-vty0-4] quit

Step 3 Log in to Router B from Router A through Telnet.

<RouterA> telnet
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...

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Without the owner's prior written consent,


* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *

* Notice:

This is a private communication system.

Unauthorized access or use may lead to prosecution.

Login authentication
Note: The max number of VTY users is 5, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 1.


Configuration Files

Configuration file of Router A (It is not mentioned here.)

Configuration file of Router B


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9 Telnet and SSH

sysname RouterB
user-interface vty 0 4
set authentication password simple 123456
undo shutdown

9.8.2 Example for Connecting the STelnet Client to the SSH

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 9-7, after the STelnet service is enabled on the SSH server, the STelnet
client can log in to the SSH server through the password or RSA authentication.
Configure two login clients:

Configure Client001 with the password as huawei and adopt the password

Configure Client002, adopt the RSA authentication and assign the public key RsaKey001
to Client002.

The user interface supports only SSH.

Figure 9-7 Networking diagram of connecting the STelnet client to the SSH server

SSH Server

STelnet Client

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure both Client001 and Client002 on the SSH server.


Generate the local key pairs on the STelnet client and the SSH server respectively.


Generate the RSA public key on SSH server and bind the RSA public key of SSH client
to Client002.


Enable STelnet service on the SSH server.


Users Client001 and Client002 log in to the SSH server through STelnet.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Name and the authentication mode of the SSH user

Password or the RSA public key of the SSH user

Name of the SSH server

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9 Telnet and SSH

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Generate a local key pair on the server.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: Quidway_Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]:
Generating keys...

If the local key pair is generated before, this step can be ignored.

Step 2 Create an SSH user on the server.

The SSH client can be authenticated in four modes: password, RSA, password-RSA, and all.

If the password and password-RSA authentication is used, configure a local user of the same user

If the RSA, password-RSA, and all authentication is used, the server must save the RSA public key
of the SSH client.

# Configure the VTY user interface.

[Quidway] user-interface vty 0 4
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] quit

Create an SSH user Client001.

# Set the password authentication for the SSH user Client001.

[Quidway] ssh user client001
[Quidway] ssh user client001 authentication-type password

# Set the password of the SSH user Client001 to huawei.

[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway-aaa]local-user client001 password simple huawei
[Quidway-aaa]local-user client001 service-type ssh
[Quidway-aaa] quit

Create an SSH user Client002.

# Configure the RSA authentication for the SSH user Client002.

[Quidway] ssh user client002
[Quidway] ssh user client002 authentication-type rsa

Step 3 Configure the RSA public key on the server.

# Generate the RSA public key on the client software.


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9 Telnet and SSH

For the detailed configuration procedures, refer to the related operations of the client software. This is
not mentioned here.

# Generate the local key pair on the client.

<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname client
[client002] rsa local-key-pair create

# Generate the RSA public key on the client.

[client002] display rsa local-key-pair public
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: Quidway_Host
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
Host public key for PEM format code:
---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---Public key code for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file :
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAQQC/815LxhvXhvkHtd59Z3DD5f0XqyA8j8u7yP3y98tn
TlGehBkPa5eo6pH8S7nhiDZedL/VTGh3Z6ica0Mdfj4b rsa-key
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: Quidway_Server
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BCFAC085 49A2E70E 1284F901 937D7B63 D7A077AB
D2797280 4BCA86C0 4CD18B70 5DFAC9D3 9A3F3E74
9B2AF4CB 69FA6483 E87DA590 7B47721A 16391E27
1C76ABAB 743C568B 1B35EC7A 8572A096 BCA9DF0E
BC89D3DB 5A83698C 9063DB39 A279DD89

# Send the RSA public key generated on the client software to the server.
[Quidway]rsa peer-public-key RsaKey001
Enter "RSA public key" view, return system view with "peer-public-key end".
[Quidway-rsa-public-key]public-key-code begin

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9 Telnet and SSH

Enter "RSA key code" view, return last view with "public-key-code end".
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 3047
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0240
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 1D7E3E1B
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0203
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 010001
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] public-key-code end
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] peer-public-key end

Step 4 Bind the SSH user Client002 to the RSA public key of the SSH client.
[Quidway] ssh user client002 assign rsa-key RsaKey001

Step 5 Enable the STelnet service on the SSH server.

# Enable the STelnet service.
[Quidway] stelnet server enable

Step 6 Configure the STelnet service for the SSH users Client001 and Client002.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] ssh user client001 service-type stelnet
[Quidway] ssh user client002 service-type stelnet

Step 7 Connect the STelnet client to the SSH server.

# For the first login, you need to enable the first authentication on SSH client.
[client001] ssh client first-time enable
[client002] ssh client first-time enable

# Client001 of the STelnet connects to SSH server through the password authentication mode.
Enter the user name and password..
<client001> system-view

[client001] stelnet

Please input the username:client001
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...
The server is not authenticated. Do you continue to access it?(Y/N):y
Do you want to save the server's public key?(Y/N):y

he server's public key will be saved with the name: Please wait...s
Enter password:

Enter the password "huawei", and the following output is displayed after successful login:

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

Note: The max number of VTY users is 10, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 1.

# Connect the STelnet client002 to the SSH server in the RSA authentication.
<client002> system-view

[client002] stelnet

Please input the username: client002
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...

All rights reserved (2000-2007)

Without the owner's prior written consent,

* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *

* Notice:

This is a private communication system.

Unauthorized access or use may lead to prosecution.


Note: The max number of VTY users is 10, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 1.

Step 8 Verify the configuration.

After the configuration, run the display ssh server status and display ssh server session
commands. You can view that the STelnet service is enabled and the STelnet client is
connected to the SSH server successfully.
# Display the SSH status.
[Quidway] display ssh server status
STelnet server:


SSH version :


SSH connection timeout :

60 seconds

SSH server key generating interval : 6 hours

SSH Authentication retries :

3 times

SFTP server:
STELNET server:


# Display the connection of the SSH server.

[Quidway] display ssh server session
Session 1:

: VTY 3


: 2.0


: started


: client001


: 1

CTOS Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Service Type

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: stelnet

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9 Telnet and SSH

Authentication Type : password
Session 2:

: VTY 4


: 2.0


: started


: client002


: 1

CTOS Cipher

: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Service Type

: stelnet

Authentication Type : rsa

# Display the information of the SSH user.

[Quidway]display ssh user-information
User 1:
User Name

: client001

Authentication-type : password
User-public-key-name : Sftp-directory

: -


: stelnet


: No

User 2:
User Name

: client002

Authentication-type : rsa
User-public-key-name : RsaKey001

: -


: stelnet


: No


Configuration Files
sysname Quidway
rsa peer-public-key rsakey001
public-key-code begin
BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB 203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E
519E8419 0F6B97A8 EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43 1D7E3E1B


public-key-code end
peer-public-key end
local-user client001 password simple huawei
local-user client001 service-type ssh
ssh user client002 assign rsa-key rsakey001
ssh user client001 authentication-type password


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Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

ssh user client002 authentication-type RSA

ssh user client001 service-type stelnet
ssh user client002 service-type stelnet
stelnet server enable
ssh user client001
ssh user clietn002
ssh user client002
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa
protocol inbound ssh

9.8.3 Example for Connecting the SFTP Client to the SSH Server
Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 9-8, after the SFTP service is enabled on the SSH server, the SFTP client
can log in to the SSH server in the authentication mode: password, RSA, Password-RSA, and
Figure 9-8 Networking diagram of connecting the SFTP client to the SSH server

SSH Server

SFTP Client

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure Clinet001 and Client002 on the router.


Generate the local key pair on the STelnet client and the SSH server respectively.


Generate the RSA public key on the SSH server and bind the RSA public key of SSH
client to Client002.


Enable the STelnet service on the SSH server.


Configure the service type and authorized directory of the SSH user.


Users Client001 and Client002 log in to the SSH server through SFTP.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Name and the authentication mode of the SSH user

Password or the RSA public key of the SSH user

Name of the SSH server

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9 Telnet and SSH

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Generate a local key pair on the server.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: Quidway_Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]:
Generating keys...

Step 2 Create an SSH user on the server.

The SSH user has four authentication modes, namely, password, RSA, password-rsa, and all.

When the SSH adopts the password or password-rsa authentication, configure a local user at the
same name.

When the SSH user adopts the RSA, password-rsa, or all authentication, the server should save the
RSA public key for the SSH client.

# Configure the VTY user Interface.

[Quidway] user-interface vty 0 4
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] quit

Create Client001 for the SSH user.

# Create an SSH user with the name Client001. The authentication mode is password.
[Quidway] ssh user client001
[Quidway] ssh user client001 authentication-type password

# Set huawei as the password for the Client001 of the SSH user.
[Quidway] aaa

[Quidway-aaa] local-user client001 password simple huawei

[Quidway-aaa] local-user client001 service-type ssh

Create an SSH user with user name Client002 and RSA authentication.

[Quidway] ssh user client002

[Quidway] ssh user client002 authentication-type rsa

Step 3 Configure the RSA public key of the server.

# Generate a local key pair on the client.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname client002
[client002] rsa local-key-pair create

# View the RSA public key generated on the client.

[client002] display rsa local-key-pair public


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9 Telnet and SSH

Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25

Key name: client002_Host
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
Host public key for PEM format code:
---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---Public key code for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file :
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAQQC/815LxhvXhvkHtd59Z3DD5f0XqyA8j8u7yP3y98tn
TlGehBkPa5eo6pH8S7nhiDZedL/VTGh3Z6ica0Mdfj4b rsa-key
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: client002_Server
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BCFAC085 49A2E70E 1284F901 937D7B63 D7A077AB
D2797280 4BCA86C0 4CD18B70 5DFAC9D3 9A3F3E74
9B2AF4CB 69FA6483 E87DA590 7B47721A 16391E27
1C76ABAB 743C568B 1B35EC7A 8572A096 BCA9DF0E
BC89D3DB 5A83698C 9063DB39 A279DD89

# Send the RSA public key generated on the client to the server.
[Quidway] rsa peer-public-key RsaKey001
Enter "RSA public key" view, return system view with "peer-public-key end".
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] public-key-code begin
Enter "RSA key code" view, return last view with "public-key-code end".
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 3047
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0240
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 1D7E3E1B
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0203
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 010001
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] public-key-code end
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] peer-public-key end

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9 Telnet and SSH

Step 4 Bind the RSA public key of the SSH client to Client002.
[Quidway] ssh user client002 assign rsa-key RsaKey001

Step 5 Enable the STelnet service on the SSH server.

# Enable the STelnet service.
[Quidway] sftp server enable

Step 6 Configure the service type and authorized directory of the SSH user.
Two SSH users are configured on the SSH server: Client001 and Client002. The password
authentication is configured for Client001 and the RSA authentication is configured for
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] ssh user client001 service-type sftp
[Quidway] ssh user client001 sftp-directory cfcard:
[Quidway] ssh user client002 service-type sftp
[Quidway] ssh user client002 sftp-directory cfcard:

Step 7 Connect the STelnet client to the SSH server.

# When you log in for the first time, enable the first-time authentication for the SSH client.
[client] ssh client first-time enable

# Connect the STelnet client001 to the SSH server in the password authentication.
<client001> system-view

[client001] sftp

Please input the username:client001
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...
Enter password:


# Connect the STelnet client002 to the SSH server in the RSA authentication.
<client002> system-view

[client002] sftp

Please input the username: client002
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...


Step 8 Verify the configuration.

After the configuration, run the display ssh server status and display ssh server session
commands. You can view that the STelnet service is enabled and the SFTP client is connected
to the SSH server successfully.
# Display the SSH status.
[Quidway] display ssh server status
SSH version :


SSH connection timeout :

60 seconds

SSH server key generating interval : 0 hours


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

SSH Authentication retries:

SFTP server:

3 times

STELNET server:


# Display the connection of the SSH server.

[Quidway] display ssh server session
Session 1:

:VTY 3









CTOS Cipher


STOC Cipher








Service Type


Authentication Type :password

Session 2:

:VTY 4









CTOS Cipher


STOC Cipher








Service Type


Authentication Type : rsa

# Display the information of the SSH user.

[Quidway]display ssh user-information
User 1:
User Name


Authentication-type :password
User-public-key-name :Sftp-directory
:flash :




User 2:
User Name


Authentication-type :rsa
User-public-key-name :RsaKey001





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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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9 Telnet and SSH

Configuration Files
sysname Quidway
rsa peer-public-key rsakey001
public-key-code begin
C4989BF0 416DA8F2 2675910D 7F2997E8 5573A35D 0163FD4A FAC39A6E 0F45F325
A4E3AA1D 54692B04 C6A28D3D C58DE2E8 E0D58D65 7A25CF92 A74D21F9 E917182B
public-key-code end
peer-public-key end
local-user client001 password simple huawei
local-user client001 service-type ssh
ssh user client002 assign rsa-key rsakey001
ssh user client001 authentication-type password
ssh user client002 authentication-type RSA
ssh user client001 service-type sftp
ssh user client002 service-type sftp
sftp server enable
ssh user client001 sftp-directory flash :.
ssh user client002 sftp-directory flash :.
ssh user client001
ssh user client002
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa
protocol inbound ssh

9.8.4 Example for Accessing the SSH Server Through Other Port
Networking Requirements
The standard monitored port number of the SSH protocol is 22. If the attacker accesses the
standard port continuously, the bandwidth is consumed and the performance of the server is
affected, and other users cannot access the standard port.
After the number of the port monitored by the SSH server is set to the other port numbers, the
attacker does not know the change of the number of the monitored port and keeps sending the
socket connection with the standard port number as 22. After detecting that the number of the
port that requests the connection is not the number of the monitored port, the SSH does not set
up the socket connection.
Thus, only the valid user can set up the socket connection through the non-standard monitored
port set by the SSH server, and follow the procedure of negotiating the SSH version number,


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9 Telnet and SSH

negotiating the algorithm, generating the session key, authenticating, sending session request
and performing the interactive session.
The networking diagram is shown in Figure 9-9.
Figure 9-9 Networking diagram of accessing the SSH server through other port numbers

SSH Client
legal user

SSH Client
setting port

Netw ork
SSH Server

SSH Client

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure both Client001 and Client002 on the SSH server.


Generate the local key pair on STelnet client and SSH server respectively. The SSH
server monitors the port number.


Generate the local key pair on client and SSH server respectively.


Generate the RSA public key on SSH server and bind the RSA public key of SSH client
to Client002.


Enable STelnet and SFTP service on the SSH server.


Configure service mode and authorization directory of the SSH user.


Client001 and Client002 log in to the SSH server through STelnet and SFTP

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Name and the authentication mode of SSH users

Password or the RSA public key of the SSH user

Name of the SSH server

Number of the port monitored by the SSH server

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Generate a local key pair on the server.
<Quidway> system-view

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9 Telnet and SSH

[Quidway] rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: Quidway_Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).

NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,

It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]:
Generating keys...

Step 2 Create an SSH user on the server.

# Generate a local key pair of client on the client.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname client002
[client002] rsa local-key-pair create

# View the RSA public key generated on the client.

[client002] display rsa local-key-pair public
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: client002_Host
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
Host public key for PEM format code:
---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---Public key code for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file :
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAQQC/815LxhvXhvkHtd59Z3DD5f0XqyA8j8u7yP3y98tn
TlGehBkPa5eo6pH8S7nhiDZedL/VTGh3Z6ica0Mdfj4b rsa-key
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: client002_Server
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BCFAC085 49A2E70E 1284F901 937D7B63 D7A077AB
D2797280 4BCA86C0 4CD18B70 5DFAC9D3 9A3F3E74
9B2AF4CB 69FA6483 E87DA590 7B47721A 16391E27
1C76ABAB 743C568B 1B35EC7A 8572A096 BCA9DF0E


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

BC89D3DB 5A83698C 9063DB39 A279DD89


# Send the RSA public key generated on the client to the server.
[Quidway] rsa peer-public-key RsaKey001
Enter "RSA public key" view, return system view with "peer-public-key end".
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] public-key-code begin
Enter "RSA key code" view, return last view with "public-key-code end".
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 3047
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0240
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 1D7E3E1B
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0203
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 010001
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] public-key-code end
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] peer-public-key end

Step 3 Create an SSH user on the server.

The SSH user has four authentication modes, namely, password, RSA, password-rsa, and all.

When the SSH adopts the password or password-rsa authentication, it requires you to configure a
local user with the same name.

When the SSH user adopts the RSA, password-rsa, or all authentication, the server should save the
RSA public key for the SSH client.

# Configure the VTY user Interface.

[Quidway] user-interface vty 0 4
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] quit

Create Client001 for the SSH user.

# Create an SSH user with the name Client001. The authentication mode is password.
[Quidway] ssh user client001
[Quidway] ssh user client001 authentication-type password

# Set huawei as the password for the Client001 of the SSH user.
[Quidway] aaa

[Quidway-aaa] local-user client001 password simple huawei

[Quidway-aaa] local-user client001 service-type ssh
[Quidway-aaa] quit

# Configure service type of Client001 as STelnet.

[Quidway] ssh user client001 service-type stelnet

Create an SSH user with the name of Client002 and RSA authentication, bound to RSA
public key of the SSH client.

[Quidway] ssh user client002

[Quidway] ssh user client002 authentication-type rsa

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9 Telnet and SSH

[Quidway] ssh user client002 assign rsa-key RsaKey001

# Configure the service type of Client002 as SFTP and the authorization directory.
[Quidway] ssh user client002 service-type sftp
[Quidway] ssh user client002 sftp-directory hda1:

Step 4 Enable the STelnet service and the SFTP service on the SSH server.
# Enable the STelnet service and the SFTP service.
[Quidway] stelnet server enable
[Quidway] sftp server enable

Step 5 Configure a new number of the port monitored by the SSH server.
[Quidway] ssh server port 1025

Step 6 Connect the STelnet client to the SSH server.

# For the first login, you need to enable the first authentication on SSH client.
[client001] ssh client first-time enable
[client002] ssh client first-time enable

# Connect the STelnet client to the SSH server through the new port number.
[client001] stelnet 1025
Please input the username:client001
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...
he server is not authenticated. Do you continue to access it?(Y/N):y
Do you want to save the server's public key?(Y/N):y

he server's public key will be saved with the name: Please wait...
Enter password:

Enter the password Huawei and view as follows:


All rights reserved (2000-2007)

Without the owner's prior written consent,

* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *

* Notice:

This is a private communication system.

Unauthorized access or use may lead to prosecution.


Note: The max number of VTY users is 10, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 1.

# Connect the SFTP client to the SSH server through the new port number.
[client002]sftp 1025
Input Username:client002
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
The server's public key does not match the one we cached.
The server is not authenticated. Do you continue to access it?(Y/N):y
Do you want to update the server's public key we cached?(Y/N):y


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9 Telnet and SSH


Step 7 Verify the configuration.

The attacker fails to access the SSH server through port 22.
[client002] sftp
Input Username:client002
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Can't establish tcp connection to server

After the configuration, run the display ssh server status and display ssh server session
commands. You can view the number of the port monitored by the SSH server and that the
STelnet client or SFTP client is connected to the SSH server successfully.
# Display the SSH status.
[Quidway] display ssh server status
SSH version :


SSH connection timeout :

60 seconds

SSH server key generating interval :

0 hours

SSH Authentication retries :

3 times

SFTP server:


STELNET server:


SSH server port:


# Display the connection of the SSH server.

[Quidway] display ssh server session
Session 1:

: VTY 3


: 2.0


: started


: client001


: 1

CTOS Cipher

: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Service Type

: stelnet

Authentication Type : password

Session 2:

: VTY 4


: 2.0


: started


: client002


: 1

CTOS Cipher

: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Service Type

: sftp

Authentication Type : rsa


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

Configuration Files
Configuration file of the SSH server Quidway.


sysname Quidway
rsa peer-public-key rsakey001
public-key-code begin
C4989BF0 416DA8F2 2675910D 7F2997E8 5573A35D 0163FD4A FAC39A6E 0F45F325
A4E3AA1D 54692B04 C6A28D3D C58DE2E8 E0D58D65 7A25CF92 A74D21F9 E917182B
public-key-code end
peer-public-key end
local-user client001 password simple huawei
local-user client001 service-type ssh
sftp server enable
stelnet server enable
ssh server port 1025
ssh user client001
ssh user client002
ssh user client001 authentication-type password
ssh user client002 authentication-type RSA
ssh user client002 assign rsa-key RsaKey001
ssh user client001 service-type stelnet
ssh user client002 service-type sftp
ssh user client002 sftp-directory flash :.
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa
protocol inbound ssh

Configuration file of Client001 on the SSH client

sysname client001
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address
ssh client first-time enable

Configuration file of Client002 on the SSH client

sysname client002
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

ssh client first-time enable

9.8.5 Example for Authenticating SSH Through RADIUS

Networking Requirements
When the RADIUS user is connected to the server, the SSH server sends the authentication
information about the SSH client, including the user name and password to the RADIUS
server that is compatible with the TACACS server for authentication.
The RADIUS server authenticates the user and sends the result (passed or failed) back to the
SSH server. If the authentication is passed, the user level is included in the result. The SSH
server determines whether the SSH client is allowed to set up a connection according to the
authentication result.
The networking diagram is shown in Figure 9-10.
Figure 9-10 Networking diagram of authenticating the SSH through RADIUS

SSH Client

SSH Server


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure the RADIUS template on the SSH server.


Configure a domain on the SSH server.


Create a user on the RADIUS server.


Generate the local key pair on STelnet client and SSH server respectively. The SSH
server monitors the port number.


Generate the local key pair on the client and SSH server respectively.


Generate the RSA public key on SSH server and bind the RSA public key of the SSH
client to


Enable STelnet and SFTP services on the SSH server.


Configure service mode and authorization directory of the SSH user.


Users and log in to the SSH server through STelnet and
SFTP respectively.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Configure the password authentications for the two SSH users respectively.

RADIUS authentication

Name of the RADIUS template

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9 Telnet and SSH


Name of the RADIUS domain

Name and password of the RADIUS user

Configuration Procedure
Step 1 Generate a local key pair on the SSH server.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: Quidway_Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]:
Generating keys...

Step 2 Generate the RSA public key on the server.

# Generate the local key pair on the client.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname client
[client] rsa local-key-pair create

# Generate the RSA public key on the client.

[client] display rsa local-key-pair public
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: Quidway_Host
Key type: RSA encryption Key
Key code:
BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
Host public key for PEM format code:
---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---Public key code for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file :
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAQQC/815LxhvXhvkHtd59Z3DD5f0XqyA8j8u7yP3y98tn
TlGehBkPa5eo6pH8S7nhiDZedL/VTGh3Z6ica0Mdfj4b rsa-key
Time of Key pair created: 16:38:51 2007/5/25
Key name: Quidway_Server
Key type: RSA encryption Key


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

Key code:
BCFAC085 49A2E70E 1284F901 937D7B63 D7A077AB
D2797280 4BCA86C0 4CD18B70 5DFAC9D3 9A3F3E74
9B2AF4CB 69FA6483 E87DA590 7B47721A 16391E27
1C76ABAB 743C568B 1B35EC7A 8572A096 BCA9DF0E
BC89D3DB 5A83698C 9063DB39 A279DD89

# Send the RSA public key generated on the client software to the server.
[Quidway] rsa peer-public-key RsaKey001
Enter "RSA public key" view, return system view with "peer-public-key end".
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] public-key-code begin
Enter "RSA key code" view, return last view with "public-key-code end".
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 3047
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0240
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] BFF35E4B C61BD786 F907B5DE 7D6770C3 E5FD17AB
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 203C8FCB BBC8FDF2 F7CB674E 519E8419 0F6B97A8
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] EA91FC4B B9E18836 5E74BFD5 4C687767 A89C6B43
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 1D7E3E1B
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 0203
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] 010001
[Quidway-rsa-key-code] public-key-code end
[Quidway-rsa-public-key] peer-public-key end

Step 3 Create the SSH user.

On the RADIUS server, add two users named and respectively;
in addition, designate the NAS address and the key huawei. The NAS address
refers to the address of SSH server that connects to the RADIUS server.
# Configure the VTY user Interface on SSH server.
[Quidway] user-interface vty 0 4
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[Quidway-ui-vty0-4] quit

# Create SSH users with their name and on the SSH server.
[Quidway] ssh user
[Quidway] ssh user authentication-type password
[Quidway] ssh user service-type stelnet
[Quidway] ssh user
[Quidway] ssh user authentication-type password
[Quidway] ssh user service-type sftp
[Quidway] ssh user sftp-directory cfcard:

# Bind the client public key to

[Quidway] ssh user assign rsa-key RsaKey001

Step 4 Configure the RADIUS template.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

# Configure the authentication scheme Test and authentication mode RADIUS.

[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway-aaa] authentication-scheme test
[Quidway-aaa-authen-test] authentication-mode radius
[Quidway-aaa-authen-test] quit

# Configure the RADIUS template of SSH server as ssh.

[Quidway] radius-server template ssh

# Configure the IP address and port of the RADIUS authentication server.

[Quidway-radius-ssh] radius-server authentication 1812

# Configure the key of RADIUS server as huawei.

[Quidway-radius-ssh] radius-server shared-key huawei
[Quidway-radius-ssh] quit

Step 5 Configure RADIUS domain name.

# Configure the RADIUS domain of SSH server as, applying authentication scheme
Test and RADIUS template ssh.
[Quidway] aaa
[Quidway-aaa] domain
[] authentication-scheme test

[] radius-server ssh

[] quit
[Quidway-aaa] quit

Step 6 Connect the SSH client and the SSH server.

# Enable STelnet and SFTP services on the SSH server.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] stelnet server enable
[Quidway] sftp server enable

# For the first login, you need to enable the first authentication on SSH client.
[client] ssh client first-time enable
[client] quit

# Connect the STelnet client to the SSH server in the RADIUS authentication.
<client> system-view
[client] stelnet
Please input the username:
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...
The server is not authenticated. Do you continue to access it?(Y/N):y
Do you want to save the server's public key?(Y/N):y

The server's public key will be saved with the name: Please wait...
Enter password:

Enter the password Huawei and view as follows:



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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

Without the owner's prior written consent,

* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *

* Notice:

This is a private communication system.

Unauthorized access or use may lead to prosecution.

Note: The max number of VTY users is 10, and the current number
of VTY users on line is 2.

# Connect the SFTP client to the SSH server in the RADIUS authentication.
<client> system-view
[client] sftp
Please input the username:
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to ...

Enter password:

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

After the configuration, run the display radius-server configuration and display ssh server
session commands on the SSH server. You can view the configuration of the RADIUS server
on the SSH server. You can also view that the STelnet or SFTP client is connected to the SSH
server successfully in the RADIUS authentication.
# Display the configuration of the RADIUS server.
[Quidway-aaa] display radius-server configuration

: ssh


: standard


: B


: huawei

Timeout-interval(in second)

: 5





Secondary-authentication-server :



: 3




# Display the connection of the SSH server.

[Quidway] display ssh server session
Session 1:

: VTY 0


: 2.0


: started




: 1

CTOS Cipher

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

: aes128-cbc

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Service Type

: stelnet

Authentication Type : password

Session 2:

: VTY 1


: 2.0


: started




: 1

CTOS Cipher

: aes128-cbc

STOC Cipher

: aes128-cbc


: hmac-sha1-96


: hmac-sha1-96
: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Service Type

: sftp

Authentication Type : password


Configuration Files
sysname Quidway
radius-server template ssh
radius-server authentication 1812
rsa peer-public-key rsakey001
public-key-code begin
C4989BF0 416DA8F2 2675910D 7F2997E8 5573A35D 0163FD4A FAC39A6E 0F45F325
A4E3AA1D 54692B04 C6A28D3D C58DE2E8 E0D58D65 7A25CF92 A74D21F9 E917182B
public-key-code end
peer-public-key end
authentication-scheme test
authentication-mode radius
authentication-scheme test
radius-server ssh
sftp server enable
stelnet server enable
ssh user
ssh user
ssh user authentication-type password


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

9 Telnet and SSH

ssh user authentication-type password

ssh user assign rsa-key RsaKey001
ssh user service-type stelnet
ssh user service-type sftp
ssh user sftp-directory flash :
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa
protocol inbound ssh

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


10 Router Maintenance ..............................................................................................................10-1
10.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................10-2
10.1.1 Online Upgrade introduction ...........................................................................................................10-2
10.1.2 Device Operation Management........................................................................................................10-2
10.1.3 Electronic Label ...............................................................................................................................10-2
10.2 Upgrading the Board .................................................................................................................................10-2
10.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................10-3
10.2.2 Downloading the Board Software....................................................................................................10-3
10.2.3 Online Loading the Board Software ................................................................................................10-4
10.2.4 Upgrading the Stratum 3 Clock Board.............................................................................................10-4
10.2.5 Resetting the Board..........................................................................................................................10-4
10.2.6 Checking the Configuration .............................................................................................................10-4
10.3 Managing the Device Operation................................................................................................................10-5
10.3.1 Setting the Temperature Warning Threshold Upgrading the Board .................................................10-5
10.3.2 Disabling or Re-enabling the DASL Port of the LPU ......................................................................10-5
10.3.3 Resetting the Device and Switching over the Channel ....................................................................10-6
10.3.4 Displaying the Device Information..................................................................................................10-6
10.4 Configuring the Electronic Labelelectronic ..............................................................................................10-7
10.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................10-7
10.4.2 Querying the Electronic Label .........................................................................................................10-7
10.4.3 Backing Up the Electronic Label .....................................................................................................10-7
10.5 Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter........................................................................................10-8
10.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................10-8
10.5.2 Configuring a Checking of the Air Filter based on the Device Temperature ...................................10-8
10.5.3 Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter...............................................................................10-9
10.5.4 Remonitoring the Cleaning Cycle of the Air Filter..........................................................................10-9
10.5.5 Checking the Configuration .............................................................................................................10-9

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

10 Router Maintenance


Router Maintenance

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.


10.1 Introduction

This section describes the principle and concepts of the

router maintenance.

10.2 Upgrading the Board

This section describes how to upgrade the board software

10.3 Managing the Device


This section describes how to manage the device


10.4 Configuring the

Electronic Label

This section describes how to configure the electronic


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

10 Router Maintenance

10.1 Introduction
This section describes what you need to learn before maintaining the system, including:

Online Upgrade

Device Operation Management

Electronic Label

10.1.1 Online Upgrade introduction

The routerNE80 provides online upgrade for the system software. If the system fails after the
software upgrade, the router is restarted and the system switches back to the previous software
version for operation. At the same time, the router provides online patching for the system
software. You can upgrade only the features that need to be improved.
The route provides online software download and upgrade for the MPU and the LPU. When
upgrading the MPU or LPU board, reset the upgraded board only. Other boards do not need to
be reset. When upgrading the software of the LPU board, you can upgrade multiple LPU
boards at the same time. After the software upgrade, the previous software version is backed
up in the router. The online download of software has no impact on the operation of the
The router series USR can upgrade each board respectively.

10.1.2 Device Operation Management

The device operation management is responsible for monitoring the running status of the
device and the setting of the parameters of the device. The functions fall into the following

Displaying device information

Setting the device parameters and threshold

Disabling or re-enabling the DASL port on the LPU

Resetting the device and switching over the channel

10.1.3 Electronic Label

Electronic label is used to query about or back up the manufacturing information of the device.
Through the electronic label, you can query or back up the manufacturing information of the
board and the optical module of the router.The electronic label supports hierarchical query
and backup of manufacturing information. The information is of the boards and optical
modules on the whole chassis or on a specified slot number.
The manufacturing information of the boards and optical modules can be backed up at the
FTP server or the Flash card of the router.

10.2 Upgrading the Board


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10 Router Maintenance

To ensure the normal running of the router, upgrade the board software with caution. Upgrade
the software under the guidance of the technical support personnel from Huawei. For detailed
upgrade procedure, refer to the router release notes.

10.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Applicable Environments
When only one board needs software upgrade, you can perform online software upgrade for
this board only to save the software download time.

Preconfigured Tasks
Before upgrading the board software, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the router normally

Connecting the router with PC correctly through the console port

Data Preparations
To upgrade the board software, you need the following data.


Board software of the new version

Directory to store the software

Configuration Procedures


Downloading the Board Software

Online Loading the Board Software

Upgrading the Stratum 3 Clock Board

Resetting the Board

Checking the Configuration

10.2.2 Downloading the Board Software

For detailed procedures of downloading files, refer to the description of FTP, TFTP, and
XModem in Chapter "FTP, TFTP and XModem."

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10 Router Maintenance

10.2.3 Online Loading the Board Software

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Perform the following as required.

To load the MPU BootROM online, run:

upgrade { mpu | slavempu } bootrom filename


To load the slave MPU BootROM online, run:

upgrade lpu bootrom slot-id filename


To load the LPU program online, run:

upgrade lpu software { all | slot-id } filename

The preceding operation is performed for the upgrade of extended BootROM program. To upgrade the
small system or basic BootROM program, the BootROM chip need be changed.

10.2.4 Upgrading the Stratum 3 Clock Board

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:
upgrade clock slot-id { file-name | startup } { bootrom | software }

The BootROM of the stratum 3 clock board is upgraded.

When the system software packet is being upgraded or the stratum 3 clock board runs
abnormally, you need to upload the software for the BootROM and the BootLoad again. If the
stratum 3 clock board runs normally, this step is not required.

10.2.5 Resetting the Board

Perform the following on the router where the board needs to be reset.

To reset the board, run:

reset slot slot-id


To reset the hub of the MPU, run:

reset slot { hub_a | hub_b }

You can use this command to reset boards including the LPU and the MPU by specifying the
slot number.

10.2.6 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.




View the system version.

display version

View the status of the device.

display device

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

10 Router Maintenance

10.3 Managing the Device Operation

This section covers the following topics:

Setting the Temperature Warning Threshold

Disabling or Re-enabling the DASL Port of the LPU

Resetting the Device and Switching over the Channel

Displaying the Device Information

10.3.1 Setting the Temperature Warning Threshold Upgrading the

Do as follows on the router to be configured.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
lpu temperature-limit slot-id temperature

The temperature threshold for the LPU is set.

The temperature threshold can be set for the LPU of the router. The system will send the
alarm information if the temperature exceeds the threshold.

10.3.2 Disabling or Re-enabling the DASL Port of the LPU

If an LPU is directly plugged out for resetting, this may cause reboot of other LPUs with a
probability less than 1%. Therefore, you can shut down the DASL port that connects the LPU
with the Switching Fabric Unit (SFU) by using the downlpu command before plugging out
the LPU. After inserting the LPU, you can re-enable the DASL port by using the undo
downlpu command.
Do as follows on the router to be configured in the user view.
Step 1 Run:
downlpu slot-id system-view

The DASL port on the LPU is disabled.

Step 2 Plug out the LPU.
Step 3 Run:
undo downlpu slot-id

The DASL port of the LPU is re-enabled


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10 Router Maintenance

10.3.3 Resetting the Device and Switching over the Channel

Run one of the following commands to enter a view as you need:

To reset the device at the specified slot, run:

reset slot slot-id


To reset the router, run:

reboot whole router


To switch over the communication channel, run:

switch communication-channel { ipc [ slot-id ] } { a | b }

10.3.4 Displaying the Device Information

After the configuration, run the following display commands in any view to view the
operation status of the device.


Display the basic information of the


display device [ pic-status | slot-id ]

Display the self-test information of

the device.

display selftest [ slot-id ]

Display the version of the device.

display version [ slot-id ]

Display the environment


display environment

Display the alarm or status


display alarm record { slot-id | all }

Display the information on the CPU


display cpu-usage [ slave | slot slot-id ]

display cpu-usage { entry-number [ offset ]
[ verbose ] | slave | slot slot-id }
display cpu-usage configuration [ slave ]


Display the communication-channel


display communication-channel [ { ipc { state |

statistic } | dem { link-status | state | statistic }}
[ slot-id ] ]

Display the startup type and time of

the LPU.

display lpu { slot-id | all } startup

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10 Router Maintenance

10.4 Configuring the Electronic Labelelectronic

10.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When querying for the electronic label information of all boards including the optical module
and individual entity on the chassis, or backing up the electronic label information to a
specified FTP server, you need to configure the electronic label function.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Querying the Electronic Label

Backing Up the Electronic Label

10.4.2 Querying the Electronic Label

Step 1 Run:
display elabel [ slot-id ]

The electronic label is queried.


10.4.3 Backing Up the Electronic Label

Do as follows on the router whose electronic label to be backed up.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
backup elabel filename [ slot-id ]

The electronic label is backed up to the default FLash Memory.


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10 Router Maintenance

If the electronic label should be backed up to a specified FTP server, run the backup elabel ftp host
filename username password [ slot-id ] command.

10.5 Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter

10.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environments
You need to clean the air filter after the air filter has been running for a period of time.

Preconfigured Tasks

Data Preparations
To configure a cleaning cycle for the air filter, you need the following data.


Cleaning cycle of the air filter

Configuration Procedures


Configuring a Checking of the Air Filter based on the Device Temperature

Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter

Remonitoring the Cleaning Cycle of the Air Filter

Checking the Configuration

10.5.2 Configuring a Checking of the Air Filter based on the

Device Temperature
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
dustproof check-auto


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10 Router Maintenance

The checking of the air filter based on the device temperature is configured.
By default, the checking of the air filter based on the device temperature is enabled.

10.5.3 Configuring a Cleaning Cycle for the Air Filter

Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
dustproof check-timer day INTEGER

The cleaning cycle for the air filtered is configured.

The air filter is a component without memory. All the monitored information is saved on the MPU,
which may be inserted, removed, switched, or replaced during usage. Therefore, the monitoring cycle
may differ from the set cycle, but this does not affect the monitoring function.


10.5.4 Remonitoring the Cleaning Cycle of the Air Filter

The system generates an alarm about cleaning the air filter. After ensuring that the air filter is
cleaned or does not need to be cleaned, you need to clear the alarm and remonitor the cleaning
cycle of the air filter.
Do as follows on the router:
Step 1 Run:
reset dustproof run-time
The alarm is cleared. The cleaning cycle of the air filter is monitored.

10.5.5 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


View the information about the

air filter.

display dustproof

<Quidway> display dustproof

Clean Dustproof-Net cycle : 365(days)
Last clean date

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: 2009/02/07

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10 Router Maintenance
Up to last clean days

: 1(day)

Clean alarm existence days: 0(day)


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11 System Software Upgrade ....................................................................................................11-1
11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.1.1 System Software Upgrade................................................................................................................ 11-2
11.1.2 License ............................................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.2 Uploading the System Software and License Files ................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................ 11-3
11.2.2 Uploading the System Software and License to the Master MPU ................................................... 11-3
11.2.3 Copying the System Software and License to the Slave MPU......................................................... 11-4
11.2.4 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................. 11-4
11.3 Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup of the Router ......................................................... 11-5
11.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................ 11-5
11.3.2 Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup...................................................................... 11-5
11.3.3 (Optional) Configuring PAF Files .................................................................................................... 11-6
11.3.4 (Optional) Configuring Patch Packages ........................................................................................... 11-6
11.3.5 Checking the Configuration ............................................................................................................. 11-7

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


11 System Software Upgrade

System Software Upgrade

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


11.1 Introduction

This section describes the principle and concepts of the

system software upgrade.

11.2 Uploading the System

Software and License Files

This section describes how to upload the system software

and license files.

11.3 Specifying the System

Software for the Next Startup
of the Router

This section describes how to specify the system software

for the next startup of the router.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

11 System Software Upgrade

11.1 Introduction
This section covers the following topics that you need to know before upgrading the system

System Software Upgrade


11.1.1 System Software Upgrade

When upgrading the system software, you must upgrade the license that is integrated with
the system software.

Upgrade the system software and license under the guidance of technical support

Check the existing system software version before the upgrade.

When certain features are required on the current router, you can realize the addition through
upgrading the system software.
Before upgrading the system software, you need to obtain the system software and license
from Huawei.
The license contains two files: paf.txt and license.txt. The license file should be placed at
the root directory of the Flash, and the system file should be placed at the hardware disk.
After the upgrade is complete, do not delete the previous system software. When the upgrade
fails, the system software can restore to the previous version.

11.1.2 License
The license can be used to control the availability of some product features on a dynamic
basis. For example if the license file indicates that a particular feature is available, you can see
all related commands and functions after the system is started. If a feature is specified as
unavailable in the license file, related commands and interfaces are not displayed.
At the same time, the license mechanism controls the maximum resources that users can use,
such as the number of routes, LSPs, CR-LSPs and VPN instances.
In general, the price of a product is in direct proportion to its features and functions. The
license mechanism can flexibly add or reduce features as required to protect and save the
investment of users.
Suppose a user does not want certain features or functions at the beginning. These features
can be disabled through the license file. When the features are required later, the user can buy
the license of these features to enable them. This does not affect the current features or
functions. Therefore, users can flexibly decide the required features according to the service
demands without making great investment at the time of purchase.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

11 System Software Upgrade

11.2 Uploading the System Software and License Files

11.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment

The license files should be placed at the root directory of the Flash Memory of the master and
slave MPUs.
When the existing system software of a router does not meet the existing requirements, you
need to upgrade the system software.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before uploading the system software and license, complete the following tasks:

Ensuring that the router works normally

Ensuring that the router can be logged in to

Data Preparation
To upload the system software and license, you need the following data:

System software of the new version

License files of the new version

Configuration Procedures


Uploading the System Software and License to the Master

Copying the System Software and License to the Slave

Checking the Configuration

11.2.2 Uploading the System Software and License to the Master

Upload the system software and license files to the Flash Memory of the master MPU.
The router supports the uploading of files through FTP, TFTP and Xmodem. Choose an
uploading method based on the requirements.

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11 System Software Upgrade

11.2.3 Copying the System Software and License to the Slave

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:
copy source-filename slave#flash:/destination-filename

The system license is copied to the Flash Memory of the slave MPU.
Step 2 Run:
copy source-filename slave#hd:/destination-filename

The system software is copied to the hardware of the slave MPU.


If you need to copy multiple files to the Flash Memory of the slave MPU, repeat the preceding steps.

11.2.4 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Check the file information on the of the master MPU.

dir flash:
dir :

Check the file information on the

dir flash:

of the slave MPU.

dir slave#:

After uploading the files, run the preceding commands and you can view the information of the
uploaded files. For example, check the file information on the Flash Memory of the master MPU.
<Quidway> dir flash
Directory of flash:/



4333 Aug 31 2006 09:35:12

- Dec 13 2005 14:09:50


972 Dec 24 2005 16:34:58


14490 Aug 30 2006 03:36:02


6165 Aug 30 2006 03:36:24


817148 Aug 30 2006 11:04:12


15875 KB total (5032 KB free)

The is the default configuration file of the system.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

11 System Software Upgrade

11.3 Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup

of the Router
11.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment

Specify the same system software to the master and slave MPUs. Otherwise, the system is
broken down.
After the files are uploaded, you need to specify the system to use the newly loaded system
software when the router is restarted next time. It is recommended to use the absolute paths to
specify system software of the same version to the master and slave MPUs.
After the system software is specified, the system uploads the software at the specified path
when the router is restarted next time.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation
Before specifying the system software for the next startup of the router, you need to prepare
the absolute path of the system software.

Configuration Procedures


Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup

(Optional) Configuring PAF Files

(Optional) Configuring Patch Packages

Checking the Configuration

11.3.2 Specifying the System Software for the Next Startup

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded:
Step 1 Run:
startup system-software file-name

The system software is specified for starting the master MPU the next time.

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11 System Software Upgrade

Step 2 Run:
startup system-software file-name slave-board

The system software is specified for starting the slave MPU the next time.

11.3.3 (Optional) Configuring PAF Files

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded:
Step 1 Run:
startup paf file-name

The PAF file is specified for the main MPU after the next startup.
Step 2 Run:
startup paf file-name slave-board

The PAF file is specified for the slave MPU after the next startup.
Step 3 Run:
startup license file-name

The License file is specified for the main MPU after the next startup.
Step 4 Run:
startup license file-name slave-board

The License file is specified for the slave MPU after the next startup.

11.3.4 (Optional) Configuring Patch Packages

To upgrade the version of the system software, you need to perform the following steps to specify the
patch files.

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded:

Step 1 Run:
startup patch file-name

Specify the patch files for the main MPU after next startup.
Step 2 Run:
startup patch file-name slave-board

Specify the patch files for the slave MPU after next startup.
Step 3 Run:
patch-state run { all | slot slot-id }


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

11 System Software Upgrade

The patch status of the board after the next startup is specified as Run.

11.3.5 Checking the Configuration

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.


Display the information of startup system software.

display startup

Running the display startup command, you can learn that the system software in the next
startup of the router is the system software specified in the upgrading operation. The system
software is the same for the master and slave MPU s.
<Quidway> display startup
Configed startup system software:


Startup system software:


Next startup system software:


Startup saved-configuration file:


Next startup saved-configuration file:


Startup paf file:


Next startup paf file:


Startup license file:


Next startup license file:


Startup patch package:


Next startup patch package:


Configed startup system software:


Startup system software:


Next startup system software:


Startup saved-configuration file:


Next startup saved-configuration file:


Startup paf file:


Next startup paf file:


Startup license file:


Next startup license file:


Startup patch package:


Next startup patch package:


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


12 Patch Management.................................................................................................................12-1
12.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................12-2
12.2 Checking the Running of Patch in the System ..........................................................................................12-3
12.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................12-3
12.2.2 Checking the Running of Patch on the MPU ...................................................................................12-4
12.2.3 Checking the Running of Patch on the LPU ....................................................................................12-5
12.3 Loading a Patch.........................................................................................................................................12-5
12.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................12-5
12.3.2 Uploading a Patch to the Root Directory of the Master MPU .........................................................12-6
12.3.3 Copying a Patch to the Root Directory of the Slave MPU...............................................................12-6
12.4 Installing a Patch on the MPU...................................................................................................................12-7
12.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................12-7
12.4.2 Uploading the MPU Patch ...............................................................................................................12-7
12.4.3 Activating the MPU Patch................................................................................................................12-8
12.4.4 Running the MPU Patch ..................................................................................................................12-8
12.5 Stop Running the MPU Patch ...................................................................................................................12-9
12.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ................................................................................................12-9
12.5.2 Deactivating the MPU Patch............................................................................................................12-9
12.6 Unloading the MPU Patch.......................................................................................................................12-10
12.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..............................................................................................12-10
12.6.2 Deleting the MPU Patch ................................................................................................................12-10
12.7 Installing a Patch on the LPU.................................................................................................................. 12-11
12.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task .............................................................................................. 12-11
12.7.2 Uploading the LPU Patch .............................................................................................................. 12-11
12.7.3 Activating the LPU Patch...............................................................................................................12-12
12.7.4 Running the LPU Patch..................................................................................................................12-12
12.8 Stop Running the LPU Patch...................................................................................................................12-13
12.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..............................................................................................12-13
12.8.2 Deactivating the LPU Patch...........................................................................................................12-13
12.9 Unloading the LPU Patch........................................................................................................................12-13
12.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task ..............................................................................................12-13
12.9.2 Deleting the LPU Patch..................................................................................................................12-14

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Figure 12-1 Conversion between the statuses of a patch..................................................................................12-2

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management


Patch Management

About This Chapter

The following table shows the contents of this chapter.


12.1 Introduction

This section describes the principle and concepts of patch


12.2 Checking the Running of

Patch in the System

This section describes how to check the running of patch

in the system.

12.3 Loading a Patch

This section describes how to load a patch.

12.4 Installing a Patch on the

This section describes how to install a patch on the MPU.

12.5 Stop Running the MPU


This section describes how to stop running the MPU


12.6 Unloading the MPU


This section describes how to unload the MPU patch.

12.7 Installing a Patch on the


This section describes how to install a patch on the LPU.

12.8 Stop Running the LPU


This section describes how to stop running the LPU


12.9 Unloading the LPU Patch

This section describes how to unload the LPU patch.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

12.1 Introduction

After the patch runs successfully, a "patchstate.dat" file is created at the root directory of the
Flash Memory. Do not delete the file; otherwise, the patch remains invalid after restart.
The service of carriers features long-term operation and non-interruption. The upgrade and
maintenance of the router can be realized through installing patches. This does not break the
operation of the router.
Based on the type of boards, the patch is classified as:

The MPU patch

The LPU patch

Before running a patch, obtain the correct patch files based on the type of boards.
At the same time, the system allows the running of only one MPU patch and one LPU patch.
As a result, you need to confirm no patch is running in the current system before installing a
patch. If a patch runs in the system, delete the patch before installing the new patch.
The NE80 provides the patch function, and you can use the patch program released by
Huawei to upgrade the system software.

Patch Status
A patch program has three statuses: activated, deactivated and running. Figure 12-1 shows the
conversion between the three statuses.
Figure 12-1 Conversion between the statuses of a patch
Load patch
No patch

Delete patch

Deactive patch

Delete patch

Active patch

Delete patch


Run patch


You can operate a patch program as follows:


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Loading a patch

Activating or deactivating a patch

Running a patch

12 Patch Management

Deleting a patch Patch Status File

The current patch status and the patch status after the next startup are saved in the patch status
files respectively.

If the current patch status changes, the system saves the changed patch status in the
current patch status file and. next startup patch status file. If the patch status after the
next startup is not set, the patch status is the same with current patch status.

If the patch status after the next startup is set, the system saves the patch status after the
next startup in the patch status file.

You can run the display patch-information configure-file command to view information
about the patch in the patch status file.
The patch status file is used only to restore the patch status on the board after the next startup. Viewing
the current patch status file does not mean viewing the current patch status. For example, in the patch
status file, the patch status of a board is Active. After the next startup, the patch status of the board turns
to Deactive; however, the patch status on this board in the patch status file is still Active.

12.2 Checking the Running of Patch in the System

12.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
Based on the type of boards, a patch is classified as the MPU patch and the LPU patch. At the
same time, the system allows the running of only one MPU patch and one LPU patch. As a
result, you need to confirm no patch is running in the current system before installing a patch.
If a patch runs in the system, delete the patch before installing the new patch.
If you need to install an MPU patch, check whether a patch runs on the master and slave
MPUs first. If you need to install an LPU patch, check whether a patch runs on all the LPUs.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before checking the running of patch in the system, complete the following tasks:

Ensuring that the router is started normally after power-on

Ensuring that the router can be logged in to

Data Preparation

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12 Patch Management

Configuration Procedures


Checking the Running of Patch on the MPU

Checking the Running of Patch on the LPU

12.2.2 Checking the Running of Patch on the MPU

Do as follows on the to be upgraded:
Step 1 Run:
display patch-information

The running of patch on the master MPU is checked.

Step 2 Run:
display patch-information history slave

The running of patch on the slave MPU is checked.

Before installing a patch on the MPU, you need to check the running of patch on the master
and slave MPU s. For example:
<Quidway> display patch-information
Service pack Version: V300R005C01SPH007
Pack file name

: hd:/v300r005c01sph007.pat

----------The patch information of slot 5---------Total Patch Unit

: 1

Running Patch Unit

: 1 - 1

Active Patch Unit

: no patch

Deactive Patch Unit

: no patch

----------The patch information of slot 9---------Total Patch Unit

: 1

Running Patch Unit

: 1 - 1

Active Patch Unit

: no patch

Deactive Patch Unit

: no patch

----------The patch information of slot 10---------Total Patch Unit

: 1

Running Patch Unit

: 1 - 1

Active Patch Unit

: no patch

Deactive Patch Unit

: no patch

The value of the bolded part in the preceding output is 0. This indicates that no patch runs in
the current system.


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12 Patch Management

If there are patches running, you must unload them before loading new patches. For details on the
operation, see:Uploading the MPU Patch.

12.2.3 Checking the Running of Patch on the LPU

Do as follows on the to be upgraded:
Step 1 Run:
display patch-information history slot slot-id

The running of patch on the LPU is checked.


Before installing a patch on the LPU, check that no patch runs on all LPUs. Repeat the preceding
command to check all LPUs.

Before installing a patch on the LPU, you need to check the running of patch on all LPUs. For
<Quidway> display patch-information history slot 3
Current patch state:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Type Slot









--------------------------------------------------------------------------Patch history:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Type Slot





----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Info: No patch operation history information.

This indicates that no patch runs in the current system.

If there are patches running, you must unload them before loading new patches. For details on the
operation, see:Uploading the LPU Patch.

12.3 Loading a Patch

12.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
Before a patch is installed, it should be uploaded to the root directory of the Flash Memory or
cfcard of the master and slave MPUs. Upload the patch to the root directory of the Flash
Memory or cfcard of the master MPU. Then, copy the patch to the root directory of the Flash
Memory or cfcard of the MPU.
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12 Patch Management

The three methods to upload a patch are FTP, TFTP and XModem.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before loading a patch, complete the following tasks:

Ensuring that the router is started normally after power-on

Ensuring that the router can be logged in to

Data Preparation
Before running a patch, you need to obtain a patch that is consistent with the board.

Configuration Procedures


Uploading a Patch to the Root Directory of the Master

Copying a Patch to the Root Directory of the Slave

12.3.2 Uploading a Patch to the Root Directory of the Master MPU

Upload a patch to the root directory of the Flash Memory of the master MPU.
The NE80 supports the uploading of files through FTP, TFTP and Xmodem. Choose an
uploading method based on the requirements.

12.3.3 Copying a Patch to the Root Directory of the Slave MPU

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:
copy source-filename slave#flash:/destination-filename

The patch is copied to the root directory of the Flash Memory of the slave MPU.

If you need to copy multiple files to the Flash Memory of the slave MPU, repeat the preceding step.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

12.4 Installing a Patch on the MPU

12.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When required to make up the defects of the MPU, you can install a patch on the MPU.
Through installing a patch, you can upgrade the system without upgrading the system
When a patch is uploaded, the system checks that the patch version is the same as the system
version. If the two versions are not the same, the system prompts that the patch uploading
Before installing a patch on the MPU, you need to check the running of patch on the master
and slave MPU s. Otherwise, the patch becomes invalid after the master/slave switchover.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before installing a patch on the MPU, upload the patch to the root directory of the Flash
Memory of the master and slave MPUs.

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Uploading the MPU Patch

Activating the MPU Patch

Running the MPU Patch

12.4.2 Uploading the MPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch load file-name

The MPU patch is uploaded.

Step 3 Run:
patch load file-name slave

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

The slave MPU patch is uploaded.


When a patch is uploaded, the system checks that the patch version is the same as the system version.
If the two versions are not the same, the system prompts that the patch uploading fails.

The patch load file-name all run command allows you to load and run all the patches in the patch
package on the corresponding boards, including the main control board, the slave control board, and
all the interface boards. The patch turns to the Run state after being loaded. This operation takes
effect on all the boards.

12.4.3 Activating the MPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch active

The MPU patch is activated.

Step 3 Run:
patch active slave

The slave MPU patch is activated.


A patch can be activated only when it is correctly uploaded and is in the deactivated state. When a patch
is activated, it becomes valid immediately. After the board is reset, however, the patch does not remain

After a patch is activated, you need to judge that the patch has achieved the expected effect. If
the patch does not become valid, you need to stop running the patch. If the patch becomes
valid, you need to run the patch.

12.4.4 Running the MPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch run

The MPU patch is run.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

Step 3 Run:
patch run slave

The slave MPU patch is run.

A patch can be run only after it is activated. Running a patch means that the patch is activated
permanently and the patch remains valid after the board is reset.

12.5 Stop Running the MPU Patch

12.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
After a patch is activated, you need to judge that the patch has achieved the expected effect. If
the patch does not become valid, you need to activate the patch.
A patch can be deactivated only after it is activated.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Deactivating the MPU Patch

12.5.2 Deactivating the MPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch deactive

The MPU patch is deactivated.

Step 3 Run:
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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management
patch deactive

The MPU patch is deactivated.


12.6 Unloading the MPU Patch

12.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When upgrading the system software or installing a new patch, you need to delete the running
You can delete a patch of any status.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Deleting the MPU Patch

12.6.2 Deleting the MPU Patch

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
patch delete

The MPU patch is deleted.

Step 3 Run:
patch delete slave

The slave MPU patch is deleted.



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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

12.7 Installing a Patch on the LPU

12.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When required to make up the defects of the LPU, you can install a patch on the LPU.
Through installing a patch, you can upgrade the system without upgrading the system
When a patch is uploaded, the system checks that the patch version is the same as the system
version. If the two versions are not the same, the system prompts that the patch uploading
When installing a patch on the LPU, you need to delete the running patch.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before installing a patch on the LPU, upload the patch to the root directory of the of the
master and slave MPU s.

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Uploading the LPU Patch

Activating the LPU Patch

Running the LPU Patch

12.7.2 Uploading the LPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch load file-name slot slot-id

The LPU patch is uploaded.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

When a patch is uploaded, the system checks that the patch version is the same as the system version. If
the two versions are not the same, the system prompts that the patch uploading fails.

12.7.3 Activating the LPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch active slot slot-id

The LPU patch is activated.


A patch can be activated only when it is correctly uploaded and is in the deactivated state. When a patch
is activated, it becomes valid immediately. After the board is reset, however, the patch does not remain

After a patch is activated, you need to judge that the patch has achieved the expected effect. If
the patch does not become valid, you need to stop running the patch. If the patch becomes
valid, you need to run the patch.

12.7.4 Running the LPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch run slot slot-id

The LPU patch is run.

A patch can be run only after it is activated. Running a patch means that the patch is activated
permanently and the patch remains valid after the board is reset.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

12.8 Stop Running the LPU Patch

12.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
After a patch is activated, you need to judge that the patch has achieved the expected effect. If
the patch does not become valid, you need to activate the patch.
A patch can be deactivated only after it is activated.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Deactivating the LPU Patch

12.8.2 Deactivating the LPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch deactive slot slot-id

The LPU patch is deactivated.


12.9 Unloading the LPU Patch

12.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
When upgrading the system software or installing a new patch, you need to delete the running

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

12 Patch Management

You can delete a patch that is in any status.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation

Configuration Procedures


Deleting the LPU Patch

12.9.2 Deleting the LPU Patch

Do as follows on the router to be upgraded.
Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
patch delete slot slot-id

The LPU patch is deleted.



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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


A Glossary .................................................................................................................................... A-1
B Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................B-1

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

A Glossary



A network security service that records the user's access to the network.


A process that resides in all managed devices. It receives request packets from
the NM Station and performs the Read or Write operation on managed
variables according to packet types and generates response packets and sends
them to the NM Station.


Authentication Header. A security protocol that provides data authentication

and integrity for IP packets. AH is used in the transmission mode and in the
tunneling mode.


Analogue Sensor Signal Processes. An error tolerance protocol that provides

the interface backup in the multiple access, multicast and broadcast in LAN
(such as Ethernet).


Asynchronous transfer mode. A connection oriented network technology that

uses the fixed cell (53 bytes) to transfer services of multiple types such as text,
audio or video data. The fixed length of the ATM cells enables the hardware
processing of the cells and thus shortens the forwarding delay. ATM takes full
advantage of high-speed media such as E3, SONET and T3.


A method used to prove user identity.


A method used to prove identity of users to use the service.

Backup center

A mechanism in which the interface on a device backs up each other and traces
the status of the interface. If an interface is Down, the backup center provides a
backup interface to undertake the service.


Bidirectional Forwarding Detection. A unified detection mechanism that is

used to detect and monitor the link or IP routes forwarding at a fast pace,

Black list

A filtering mode that is used to filter the packet according to the source IP
address. Compared with the ACL, the black list can filter the packet at a high
speed because its matching region is simple. It can shield the packet from the
specified IP address.

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A Glossary

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


Command Line Interface. An interface that allows the user to interact with the
operating system. Users can configure and manage the NE80 by entering
commands through the CLI.

Congestion avoidance

A flow control mechanism by which the network overload is relieved by

adjusting the network traffic. When the congestion occurs and becomes worse,
the packet is discarded by monitoring the network resource.

Congestion management

A flow control measure to solve the problem of network resource competition.

When the network congestion occurs, it puts the packet into the queue for
buffer and determines the order of forwarding the packet.

Command line level

The priority of the system command that is divided into 4 levels. Users of a
level can run the command only of the same or lower level.


A baseband LAN specification created by Xerox and developed by Xerox,

Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). This specification is similar
to IEEE802.3.


An encapsulation format of the Ethernet frame. Ethernet_II that contains a

16-bit protocol type field is the standard ARPA Ethernet Version 2.0


An encapsulation format of the Ethernet frame. The frame format complies

with RFC 1042 and enables the transmission of the Ethernet frame on the IEEE
802.2 media.


First In First Out. A queuing scheme in which the first data into the network is
also the fist data out of the network.

File system

A way in which files and directories in the storage devices are managed, such
as creating a file system, creating, deleting, modifying and renaming a file or
directory or displaying the contents of the file.


File Transfer Protocol. An application protocol in the TCP/IP stack, used for
transferring files between remote hosts. FTP is implemented based on the file


Huawei Group Management Protocol Version 2. A protocol in which the

discovery, topology collection, centralized management and remote
maintenance are implemented on Layer 2 devices of a cluster that are
connected with the router.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

A Glossary

Information center

The information hinge in the MA5200G that can classify and filter the output

Interface mirroring

A method of copying the packet of the mirrored interface to the other mirroring
interfaces to forward the packet.

IP negotiated

An attribute of the interface. When the user accesses the Internet through the
ISP, the IP address is usually allocated by the peer server. The PPP packet must
be encapsulated and the IP address negotiated attribute must be configured on
the interface so that the local interface accepts the IP address allocated by the
peer end through the PPP negotiation.

IP unnumbered

A mechanism in which the interface that is not configured with an IP address

can borrow the IP address of the interface that is configured with an IP address
to save the IP address resource.


Traffic engineering of IS-IS. (For the information of IS-IS, refer to B

Acronyms and Abbreviations)

LAN interface

Local Area Network interface. Often an Ethernet interface through which the
router can exchange data with the network device in a LAN.


Permission of some features that dynamically control the product.

Logical interface

A configured interface that can exchange data but does not exist physically. A
logical interface can be a sub-interface, virtual-template interface, virtual
Ethernet interface, Loopback interface, Null interface and Tunnel interface.


Management Information Base. A database of variables of the monitored

network device. It can uniquely define a managed object.


Modulator-demodulator. Device that converts digital and analog signals.


A process of transmitting packets of data from one source to many destinations.

The destination address of the multicast packet uses Class D address, that is,
the IP address ranges from to Each multicast
address represents a multicast group rather than a host.


Neighbor Discovery Protocol. A protocol that is used to discover the

information of the neighboring Huawei device that is connected with the local


Network Management System. A system that sends various query packets and
receives the response packet and trap packet form the managed devices and
displays all the information.


A protocol that is used to collect the information of the adjacency and the
backup switch of each device in the network.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

Network Time Protocol. An application protocol that is used to synchronize the

distributed server and the client side.


Traffic engineering of OSPF. (For the information of OSPF, refer to B

Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Policy-based routing

A routing scheme that forwards packets to specific interfaces based on

user-configured policies.

Regular expression

When a lot of information is output, you can filter the unnecessary contents out
with regular expressions and display the necessary contents.


Remote monitoring. A MIB agent specification defined by the IETF that

defines functions for the remote monitoring of the data flow of a network
segment or the whole network.


A device on the network layer that selects routes in the network. The router
selects the optimal route according to the destination address of the received
packet through a network and forwards the packet to the next router. The last
router is responsible for sending the packet to the destination host.


Rapid Ring Protection Protocol. A protocol that is applied on the data link
layer. When the Ethernet ring is complete, it can prevent the broadcast storm
caused by the data loop. When a link is disconnected on an Ethernet ring, it can
rapidly restore the communication link between the nodes on the ring network.


Traffic engineering of RSVP. (For the information of RSVP, refer to B

Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Service tracing

A method of service debugging, diagnosis and error detection that is mainly

used for service personnel to locate the fault in user access. The service tracing
can output the status change and the result of the protocol processing of the
specified user during the access to the terminal or the server for the reference
and analysis of the service personnel.


Secure Shell. A protocol that provides a secure connection to a router through a

TCP application.

Static ARP

A protocol that binds some IP addresses to a specified gateway. The packet of

these IP addresses must be forwarded through this gateway.

System environment

Basic parameters for running the MA5200G such as host name, language mode
and system time. After configuration, the system environment can meet the
requirements of the actual environment.


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

A Glossary


An application protocol of the TCP/IP stack that provides virtual terminal

services for a wide variety of remote systems.


A device that is connected with other devices through the serial port. The
keyboard and the display have no disk drives.

Traffic policing

A process used to measure the actual traffic flow across a given connection and
compare it to the total admissible traffic flow for that connection. When the
traffic exceeds the agreed upon flow, some restrictions or penalties are taken to
protect the benefit and the network resource of the operator.

Traffic shaping

A flow control measure to shape the flow rate. It is often used to control the
flow in regular amounts to ensure that the traffic fits within the traffic for the
downstream router and avoids unnecessary discard and congestion.


Secure communication path between two peers in the VPN that protect the
internal information of the VPN from the interruption.


Virtual Private LAN Segment.


Virtual Private Network. A new technology developed with the Internet to

provide an apparent single private network over a public network. "Virtual"
means that the network is a logical network.


Versatile Routing Platform. A versatile routing operating system platform

developed for all data communication products of Huawei. With the IP service
as its core, the VRP adopts the componentized architecture. The VRP realizes
rich functions and provides tailorability and scalability based on applications.


Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. An error tolerant protocol defined in RFC

2338. It forms a backup group for a group of routers in a LAN that functions as
a virtual router.


Virtual type terminal. A terminal line that is used to access a router through

WAN interface

Wide Area Network interface. An interface that can be a serial interface,

E1/CE1 interface, T1/CT1 interface, E2/CE3 interface, E3 interface, T3/CT3
interface, T3 interface, CPOS interface, POS interface or ATM interface. The
router can exchange data with the network device in the external network
through the WAN interface.


A protocol applied on the data link layer that defines how connections between
DTE and DCE are maintained for remote terminal access and computer
communications in PDNs.


A transmission protocol in the format of the binary code.

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A Glossary



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X.25 over TCP. A protocol that implements the interconnection between two
X.25 networks through the TCP packet bearing X.25 frames.

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations

B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Abbreviations



Authentication, Authorization and Accounting


Access Control List


Address Resolution Protocol


Application Specific Packet Filter


Asynchronous Transfer Mode


Auxiliary port


Border Gateway Protocol


Class-based Queue


Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol


Custom Queuing


Constrain-based Routing LDP


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol


Domain Name System

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B Acronyms and Abbreviations


Encapsulating Security Payload


Frame Relay


Generic Routing Encapsulation


High Level Data Link Control


Internet Engineering Task Force


Internet Key Exchange


IP Security


Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System intra-domain routing information

exchange protocol


International Telecommunication Union Telecommunications Standardization



Layer Two Tunneling Protocol


Link Access Procedure Balanced


Label Distribution Protocol


Medium Access Control


Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4


Multiple Frame Relay


MultiLink PPP


Multiprotocol Label Switching


Multicast Source Discovery Protocol


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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Maximum Transmission Unit


Network Address Translation


Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation


Operation, Administration and Maintenance


Open Shortest Path First


Password Authentication Protocol


Provider Edge


Ping (Packet Internet Groper)


Point-to-Point Protocol


PPP over AAL5


Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet




Priority Queuing


Quality of Service


Remote Authentication Dial In User Service


Routing Information Protocol


Resilient Packet Ring


Resource Reservation Protocol


Traffic Engineering


Transmission Control Protocol


Trivial File Transfer Protocol

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B Acronyms and Abbreviations


Virtual Local Area Network


Virtual Private LAN Service


Virtual Private Network


Versatile Routing Platform


Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol


Wide Area Network


Weighted Fair Queuing


Weighted Random Early Detection



X.25 Over TCP

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


Index ................................................................................................................................................ i-1

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Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations



basic configuration
command privilege level, 4-4
super password, 4-6
system status, 4-7
user level, 4-7

hot keys
classification, 3-11
use, 3-13

command line
characteristics, 3-2
command level, 3-2
displaying, 3-8
editing, 3-7
error message, 3-7
history command, 3-10
on-line help, 3-6
views, 3-3
configuration file
overview, 7-2
configuring authentication mode, 5-24
configuring command privilege level, 4-4
configuring FTP, 8-3
configuring telnet terminal services, 9-7
configuring TFTP, 8-14
configuring Xmodem, 8-17

device management
setting the temperature threshold, 10-5
displaying system status, 4-7

File System
overview, 6-2
configuration, 8-3
example, 8-18
overview, 8-2

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

electronic label, 10-2
introduction, 10-2
online device management, 10-2
online upgrade, 10-2
configure electronic elabel, 10-7
electronic label backup, 10-7

patch management
checking, 12-3
install, 12-7
introduction, 12-2
stop running, 12-9
unloading, 12-10
product overview
characteristics, 1-5
features list, 1-8
hardware architecture, 1-2
software architecture, 1-3

regular expression
begin, 3-10
exclude, 3-10
include, 3-10

setting terminal attributes, 5-7
overview, 9-4

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Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations


system software
license, 11-2
upgrade, 11-3
system software upgrade, 11-2

configuration, 9-7
overview, 9-2
configuration, 8-14
example, 8-24
overview, 8-2

the board, 10-3
configuration, 5-5
numbering, 5-2
terminal attribute, 5-7
configuration, 5-16, 5-23

configuration, 8-17
example, 8-26
overview, 8-2



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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 04 (2009-12-20)

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