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Black Theology

The contribution of black Theology on Kenyan society

Black theology in Kenya is a doing theology of a critical reflection on the praxis of Christian
faith one which participate in the ongoing process of liberation with the black Christian
community. Black theology expresses itself within the context of black experience of
oppression. Largely in Kenya the black theologies and African theologies have contributed
largely in part of culture conservation, fight against white supremacy, liberation from
colonialism, creation of black conscious tress, spread of religion and start of African
Independent churches and the start of African school were Africans or Kenyans have been
able to know how and ability they have and they do not have inability. The black experience
has maybe them realize that Europeans are not civilized as they seem and the battle of self
realization and self independence is still underway to start will discuss the church.

The church is the focus of social expression is the black community where the Kenyans
church can express freedom and equally. This church and politics have formed a cohesion
where the theological expression for desire for social freedom is carried out. The church
leader like Timothy Njoya has been in first lane to fight for black liberation. As the church
being the core of foundation of humanity the black church such as independent church of
Kenya were in the fight line to liberate the Africans from pressive masses of the so called
whites. These is by in cooperating the African ways of worship to churches such as using of
drums, bells and iskuti where Africans can worship their God in African style.

The black church in Kenya have been in the first lane of fighting indecency in the society
such as opposing the whiter policies such as homosexually , abortion and entirely protecting
the ethics of Africans. The church being in the forefront of physical linearization of humanity
from the exploit of the white man such as cases related to land in our nation Kenya.
The black theology has made the church to realize the core value in bringing equally of
people thought creation of unity without segregation of gender, Aged, race and tribe. The
black church has seen promotion of women and children in the society where they have
supported women by helping them un learn the potential. The children have been taught the
African values and morals into relation to making them potentially productive. The black
churches have realized that the aged need a lot of support in James .H. Cone theology he
ascribes how the aged were subject to hard labour he says he could see his parents wok ..
These the old or aged in the community
As James.H.Cone ascertain that God is a race less God and cares for every creature whether
black or white. James .H.Cone urged black to view God in black spectacles their to mean that
God cares also for African in the black theology part of it James.H.Came ascertains that Jesus
came for the suffering so Jesus must be black. These has ascertained the faith that Africans
are equally important as the whites are free at heart.
In other parts of James.H.Cone on the pertains of blackness he ascertain that blackness one is
onto logical and psychocological there is to mean that the colour pigment of the blacks
should not be a shortcoming but it should be a strong point. He points of being black should
be a heritage as Mburcus Graney said black is beautiful. This part of black theology has made
the back to realize that they are equally significant as the white are. Hence equally equal and
with dignity that they need to be accorded to black. There has seen Kenyans equally compete

with white in any field of their working in profession such as in Athletics, Football and
As black theology cannot be understood a part from black consciousness represents the
experimental foundation as well as the framework within it developed. Black consciousness
calls for Kenyan society, which means a whole new vision, as totally different perspective to
the depth beneath the depth of blackness. The black theology has created awareness of
Kenyans on basis of their embedding tradition of opposing biasness from the whites.
In this basic orientation black theology is a theology presentation of human suffering and
anguish originated from. But through democracy and recognition of humanity the Kenya
have recognized each one as a citizen and equality significant as each other. These means
whether poor, rich the justice and rights implies to each other. These has been largely due to
the attribute of black theology
On the issue of slavery the Kenyan society have abolished any kind of slavery hence meaning
that no black can enslave another black person. As in James .H. cone he says that blacks are
disgusted of being treated like animals
On the world of politics the Kenyan politician have been in the front seat liberation of
oppressed either in Africa of within the county. There have been evident in calls by Kenyan
leader to end civil fights such as in Sudan, Rwanda conflicts
As James Cone says that his own writing are a reflection of his own .when he was asked how
was it Bearden? He says of meant attending cooperate but equal schools going to the balcony
when attending a movie.

Through education by Kenyans the have been able to come up with various innovation that
have improved their welfare in output and parts. These have made the Kenyans to be
liberated and attain some knowledge on the so called the world and understand their heritage
and richness. As they are able to read and write and come to the understanding of the so
called (God) in African perspective. As opposed to missionaries who from the black
experience. Black theology has made the Kenyan to try and alleviate their conditions back at
their homes such as icons as Timothy Njoya
Black theology have made the Kenyans to Shun tribalism by realizing they are united under
their skin and are one against the fight of mistreatment from the outside world. These have
attributed to the Kenyans living or coexisting with each other with harmony. Black theology
has made people to legalize that they have a rich and diverse culture which the other people
do not have these has made them shun ethnical clasher, nepotism and hence creating working
Black theology being theology of liberation it have helped the Kenya people to fight against
pandemics such hunger, diseases. They have been able to face strangling problem of
oppression, fear, hunger, insult and dehumanization from either the blacks or whites
Politics and Democracy
Black theologies have made the people of Kenya to actively become democratic in the world
of politics. As the in Black Theology and experience the blacks were termed as primitive and
due slavery era blacks were counted as three-fifths of a person and they were placed
somewhere between the barnyard animals and human beings taught scripture to interpret on
there own good

In the face of black theology it would be a remiss not to discuss the independent school such
as Kikuyu Karinga school which have made Africans to conserve the cultures. These has
enable many Africans to be educated and understand the world from perspective of
blackness. The independent schools played a greater role in the liberation of Kenya from
colonialism. They have come to realize that there is no so called the status quo whether black
elite or white knowledge is the same
Black theology has made Kenya to have equitable leadership in the churches and also in the
country where they have been mortify in the society and a lot of maturity through pools of
leaders in churches such as Father Kaiser who has throughout fought greats such as grabbing,
violation of human rights .These have been accrued by visionary leaders such Martin Luther
king who said that African are equal where he gave intensive ways of liberation in the world
of politics they against corruption, neocolonialism, racism, tribalism and civil group rights
Christianity maturity/Religion
Black theology has made the Kenyan realize the co-existence of religions .They have
understood that salvation and what is sin through spiritual and physical deliverance. There
have been the gaining roots of Afro theism and enculturation of Christianity and Kenyan
culture where they have been able to under the sovine function of man and the world. Where
they have realized the God is loving father
Having understood the reality of black people, It seeks to reflect theologically on the nature
of black as being subject that black consciousness create with an awareness of theological
validity of for liberation

The black theology in Kenya may not have gained a lot of roots only to the elite since the
issue of neocolonism is still affluent in the country where outsiders are involved in the states
issue or regard to culture and economic development of the country
In conclusion in analysis of black oppression, colonial domination, capitalistic exploitation.
Have come to form a single complex system in Kenya. For black theology aim is declaim
their political, economical, social and religions. Liberation is to claim their uniqueness and
blackness and to affirm their subjectivity of their distinctly, denying being object of the west,
And desire to desire for a better country

John Mbiti, New testament Eschatology in an African background, Oxford


Kalumba African philosophy, A classical approach, prentice hall, 1996
James. H. Cone,The black church and Marxism ,New York,Institute for Democratic socialism
James .H.Cone, God of oppressed, New York, Orbis books,1997
E.Antonio Black Theology,Rowland,Cambridge,19

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