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Project Management

Every Organization consists of a resource management teams which handles the tasks of
assigning available new assets to its employees. This includes cubicles or desks, electronic devices like
CPUs, monitors, Keyboards, mouse, desk phones etc. Maintaining these details is a tiresome process
using traditional tools like excel or manual notes.
The proposed online system caters to the needs of resource management team helping them
identify available cubicles to assign it the new employees. It also helps in tracking the movements of the
assets associated with each of the employee. It helps dynamically reallocate cubicles on the exit of an

1. Data Base design
Part of this phase, database needs to be designed to incorporate the following
o Users
o Admin
o Human Resource
o Project Resource Roles (Manager, Lead, Team member)
o Resource management
o Asset management
o Technical Support

Employee details
Company Asset details
Notifications (Alerts)
Human Resource Leaves, Enumeration, Attendance
Talent Pool
Meeting requestor
Employee location updates (Transfers)

2. Users/Roles
This module deals with different types of user who will have access to this online system.

Admin User
o Create/Edit/Removes users

Human Resource
o Employee add/update
o Leave approval/denial
o Salary enumeration
o Termination
o Hiring
o Holiday Calendar

Resource Manager
o Maintains the records of available talent pool
o Identifies and assigns the cubicle to the user

Asset management
o Allocates/De allocates assets to employees
o Procure/return company owned assets from/to vendor

o Leave Request/Cancellation
o Employee Termination Request
o Search options for other employees
o View Salary details

Project management
o Project details (Start, Expected End, Billing, Status)
o Technical requirements (Assets, Software)
o Man power requirements (Qualified resources)

3. Floor Planning Graphical representation

This module will provide with a graphical interface of the floor plan with the cubicle details like the cubicle
numbers. This feature will be available only to the admin user

4. Allocation/de allocation User interface

This module will deal with the allocation/ de allocation of the cubicles by the different users including the resource
management and the employee. Details from the database must be populated to the corresponding cubicles in the
user interface screens. This would include requests and response from and to the DB.

5. HR Hiring/Terminating
This module will provide with the interface for the HR teams to raise a request to Hire or terminate based on the
project managements requirements

6. HR Leave/Holiday management
The HR team is responsible for allocating total leaves for each employee, there enumeration, holiday calendar,
approvals or denials for leave requests

7. AM Allocate/De Allocate system assets

The module for asset manager allows the team to allocate or de allocates new systems to existing employees

8. AM Request for Procure/Return company assets

This module facilitates the asset management teams to procure/return new or damaged assets based on specific
requests from the project management teams

9. RM Allocate employees from/to projects

This team is responsible to allocate projects to the employees currently unassigned to any projects based on the
project requirement and the available skill sets.

10. RM Allocate cubicles/desks

This module helps in allocating cubicles in case of new members joining a given team.

11. PM Start/Close/Edit Project details

An interface for the project management to update details of an upcoming or ongoing projects such as the project
billing details, technical requirements, deadlines, staff requirements, system requirements etc.

12. PM Request/Update technical or non technical concerns to HR, AM or RM

This module will enable the project management to escalate any technical or non technical issues to the respective
teams based on the nature of the issue

13. Employee Search projects, other employees

Each of the employees will be able to access the ongoing projects, restricted details of other employees through
this portal. Employee will be privileged the details about other employees except for his/her own

14. Employee Leave Request/Cancellation, Holiday Calendar

This module will provide the facility of views available leaves, holiday calendars and request for leaves or status of
the requested leaves

15. Notifications Any changes/events must be notified to concerned team/groups

Any event, such as leave requests, termination requests, and complaints must be notified to the concerned teams
and hence alerting the concerned teams will be handled through timely email alerts.

Detailed Description

Each of the boxes represents a cubicle/desk in a particular floor of an office building. The numbers
presented on it is basically the cubicle/desk number (A001, A002 etc).
Key Notes

Color coding for the cubicles

o Grey Occupied
o Blue Vacant
o Green Walk Way
o Red Cubicles having issue
On Mouse over any of the occupied cubicle, details of the employee and the current assets
being assigned to the employee or the corresponding cubicle/desk will be displayed
Each of these details present in the pop up window will be a hyperlink which directs to a new
page. E.g. Clicking on the employee name or employee ID value will direct to the employee
details page giving further information about the employee occupying the desk
Hyperlink on any of the asset value will re direct to the page which displays the asset details like
the asset ID, manufacturer, invoice details, model number etc
Each company has a entry and exit process whenever a new employee joins or resigns

During entry, the resource allocation team would login to this application, identify the cubicle
closest to the team he is assigned to and allocate the same to the new employee.

On exit, user has to apply for clearances from various departments including the resource
management. On request for exit, the user has to fill in the desk number he is currently
occupied. This would automatically free this cubicle that the outgoing employee is using and
would be marked in Blue color hence enabling the resource team to identify it as a vacant
Any user, who complaints of hardware/connectivity issue, would mark that cubicle in red color
enabling the technicians to locate the exact position of the cubicle for resolving the issue.

Technical Specifications

Apache tomcat servers

Database servers MySql
.net/Java framework

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