Creative Writing: Jim Gillespie Hooy

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Jim Gillespie Hooy

Creative writing
I awoke at day break emerging from the cluster of rocks that we had camped amongst last night.
I gazed across the shadow covered plains of ice, in the distance the first crept over the hills. It
would be an hour before we reached the top of craggy precipice of the mountain. Without
hesitation I set off with my companion on my shoulder. In my early days I never say the
necessity of the ropes. I always believed that if you were a good trainer the bird would come
back, but the truth was that even the best trainer couldnt remove the temptation from a creature
such as this. We made good time if we continued this pace we would leave time for a break,
however Time was of the essence that was my mother always said and as always she was right.
We continued our journey trudging through the layer of virgin snow that had now blanketed the
plains. As we began our steady climb to the top I noticed my companion gazing of towards a
cluster of frozen shrubs. Eventually he relented his piercing gazing and craned his head back
surveying the skies. It wasnt long before we reached the summit at last.
The great beast climbed down from my shoulder and edged towards the end of my arm.
Carefully I unfastened the straps that had kept us together for the journey. He paused standing on
my glove as he watched the horizon for prey, then suddenly with one movement he extended his
great wings of muscle and sinew. With one almighty beat of his wings he took to the skies, at last
as the great bird relinquished its vice like grip on me and set off on his mission. As I stood
gazing off into the early morning sun, bright beams of yellow and orange light shined throughout
the early morning darkness, the land that mere hours before had been cloaked in the deathly
night was succumbing to the illuminating presence of the new born sun.
I paused as my gaze was stolen by the flight of the immense creature. Slowly but purposefully
the bird navigated its ascent to the heavens, all the while meticulously scouring the land for any
signs of life and food. My inspection of was shattered by the cruel icy winds that swept across
the steppes. I stole one last look of the massive eagle that circled overhead before I begun
precarious descent towards the snow wrapped plains. Once more I was battered by the harsh
gale, my furs were little protection against such vicious elements. As I stop next to a great
monolith I look towards the sky once more in search of my companion, after a quick survey of
the skies my gaze finds him circling way above. Suddenly with a snap of wings he begins his
rapid plunge in hunt of some unknown. Theres an explosion of snow as a great white hare flees
from his sanctuary amongst the frozen scrub, having realised the imminent danger that he has
found himself in. the fear of death puts flight into the hares limbs but he can do little to flee
from the master of the skies. Beating its massive wings with a sense of urgency, the eagle begun
its hunt. Many a time has this tale be told of the eagle and its prey but all too often does the
narrative end with a similar disparaging result for the eagles foe. Despite its terminal fate the
hare was not deterred continuing its flight of fear across the frozen land. The hare ran with
purpose but not all the destiny in the world could prevent the inevitable. Then suddenly the
hunter hit its mark and the hares life was cut unfortunately short.
Picking up the remains the eagle began its journey back to me with hunger in its eye and food in
its talons. He was well trained and wouldnt devour his kill despite the obvious lust that was

Jim Gillespie Hooy

wrought in his features. He was my friend and I hoped that I was his, as he dropped the carcass at
my feet and gazed upwards towards me. This wasnt his usual pitiless gaze before the hunt, no
this was different and at that moment my heart was filled with relief knowing that friendship
wasnt unrequited. After my friends hunger was quenched we began our journey south once
more across the plains back to the tribe. I always like going south, somehow it feels like going

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