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Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.

1. Dont worry! I am going to phone (phone) you on your birthday.

2. Peter isnt studying at all these days. He is going to fail (fail) his
final exam. WILL FAIL
3. When I finish my secondary education, I am going (go) to
university, no doubt!
4. Im sorry, but I cant go to the cinema. I am taking (take) my
brother to his music lesson this afternoon.
5. My father says he will give up (give up) smoking, I cant believe
6. According to the weather forecast tomorrow is being (be) hot and
7. Hurry up! The train arrives (arrive) in three minutes.
8. Mandy and John are getting married (get married) on 25 th June.
9. The new TV programme is starting (start) tonight at 9:30.

10. Put some suntan cream on or you are going to (get) burnt.
11. I dont think Tony will finish (finish) his essay in time.
12. Why dont you come with us, Susan? We are going to meet
(meet) Paul at the pub after dinner. WE ARE MEETING
13. What will you do (do) this summer, Alice? I dont know, but I
think I will surf (surf) the Internet to look for special offers.
14. Karen is going to fly (fly) to London next Saturday. The plane
leaves (leave) at 3 p.m. and Mary is going to wait (wait) for her at
London Airport. IS FLYING
15. The sky is so cloudy! It will rain (rain) cats and dogs.
16. If I dont pass my exams, my parents is getting (get) really
angry. WILL GET

17. They are going to have (have) a party to celebrate their wedding
anniversary next Saturday. ARE HAVING
18. Be careful! You will break (break) the vase.
19. How long will spend (spend) at the gym this evening? Im not
sure, maybe two hours. - ARE YOU GOING TO SPEND
20. What time is the birthday going to begin (the birthday party/
Choose the most suitable verb form.
1. Im so tired! I think I ____________ to be right now.
a. ll go

b. am going

c. am going to go

2. Can you have dinner with us tomorrow? Im afraid I cant I

_________ tomorrow.
a. am working

b. am going to work

c. ll work

3. My friends __________ to New York at Christmas, theyve just

booked the holiday.
a. are going to travel

b. will travel

c. are travelling

4. What a difficult exercise Ok, Mary, I__________ you

a. ll help

b. am helping

c. am going to help

5. Its very cold in here Yes, youre right, I ___________

a. am going to close

b. ll close


c. am closing

6. The bus ___________ at 7:30 a.m., we mustnt be late.

a. is leaving

b. leaves

c. will leave

7. Ive got lots of work to do. _____________ (you/make) dinner for

me, Kate?
a. Are you making

b. Do you make

8. Our plane ___________ at 10:15 p.m.

c. Will you

a. lands

b. is landing

Selecciona la traduccin correcta de las oraciones.

1. Ella limpiaba la casa.
She used to clean the house.
She got used to cleaning the house.
She is used to cleaning the house.
2. l se acostumbr a levantarse temprano.
He used to wake up early.
He is used to waking up early.
He got used to waking up early.
3. Pablo est acostumbrado a ir tarde.
Pablo is used to going late.
Pablo used to go late.
Pablo is getting used to going late.
4. Estoy acostumbrada a cocinar en la maana.

c. is going to land

I am getting used to cooking in the morning.

I am used to cooking in the morning.
I used to cook in the morning.
5. Maria manejaba el carro.
Maria used to drive the car.
Maria got used to driving the car.
Maria is used to driving the car.
6. Ella se est acostumbrando a trabajar en esa compaa.
She is getting used to working at that company.
She used to work at that company.
She is used to working at that company.
7. No lea muchos libros.
I didn't use to read many books.
I am used to reading many books.
I got used to reading many books.
8. Ests acostumbrado al clima?
Are you used to the climate?
Did you used to the climate?
Did you get used to the climate?

Escribe la oracin en ingls traducindola del espaol. Usa la informacin en el parentesis en la
I got used to speaking English.

Me acostumbr a hablar ingls.

(speak English)

1. (cook) Estoy acostumbrado a cocinar.

2. (watch TV at night) Vea la televisin en la noche.
I used to watch TV at night
3. (use the computer) Me estoy acostumbrando a usar la computadora.
I am getting used to using the computer
4. (need/study) Necesito acostumbrarme a estudiar.
I need TO get used to studying
5. (clean the house on Saturdays)No limpiaba la casa los sbados.
I didnt used to clean the house on Saturdays
6. (work at night)l est acostumbrado a trabajar en la noche.
He used to working at night HE IS USED TO WORKING AT NIGHT
7. (play with the children)Jugabas con los nios?
Did you used to play WITH the children?
8. (travel)Me acostumbr a viajar.
I got used to travelLING

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