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Faycal Haggui

You can reach me at 306.580.8580 or

I am proud to call Saskatchewan home for the last 16 years. Saskatchewan is the place
where I got my doctorate degree, met my wife Jean 15 years ago, and where we were
blessed to have our three beautiful children. I am committed to making Saskatchewan a
better place for all Saskatchewan residents.
Too often people find themselves underrepresented by their political leaders. . I will work
continuously to engage the many diverse communities that call Regina Gardiner Park home.
I believe that my experience in the public sector and my tireless energy will ensure that all
constituents have their voices heard and their issues addressed.
I earned a Doctorate Degree in Agricultural Economics at the University of Saskatchewan
and a Masters degree in Economics and Management from the Mediterranean Agronomic
Institute of Chania in Greece. My interest in post-secondary education has led me to teach
several economics courses at the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan.
I have a proven track record of providing common sense solutions to many issues which
face the people of Saskatchewan. I have more than a decade experience as a Senior Policy
Analyst/Advisor in both Saskatchewan and Alberta. I worked as a Senior Policy
Analyst/Advisor for the Alberta Ministry of Human Services, Saskatchewan Ministry of
Economic and Cooperative Development, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation,
Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services, and I am currently a Senior Policy Analyst for
the Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour.

"I am committed to making Saskatchewan

a better and more inclusive province for all
Saskatchewan residents."

During my time with the Alberta Ministry of Human Resources, I helped shape a $5-billion
budget, and helped launch an evaluation of Housing First Program that housed 6,400
homeless people in Alberta. I would like to continue that work and bring similar solutions to
help the people of Saskatchewan. I am committed to ensuring that all Saskatchewan people
are able to benefit from the wealth of our province.
At my current position, I work to ensure that work safety is paramount for Saskatchewan
workers. As your NDP candidate, I will continue to keep the safety of our workers a top

One of the main themes that runs through my life is that I manage to succeed against all odds.
I was born in Kasserine, Tunisia to a loving but very poor family. I was born prematurely in an ambulance
and was not expected to live. I was the fifth of eight children.
My father passed away because of lung cancer when I was 18. I was then faced with a difficult choice to
make drop out of school to support my mother and my siblings, or pursue higher education to break the
cycle of poverty. With the permission of my mom, I chose education and went through on scholarships. I
kept my promise to my mom that, if she allowed me to continue my education, I would ensure that she
could live comfortably in her own home.
When I went to the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Greece to do my Masters degree in Economics
and Management I didnt speak a word of English. But, through hard work and determination, I became
fluent in English, and finished at the top of my class with 90% average.
I moved to Saskatoon in 1998 to begin my Ph.D. program in Agricultural Economics at the University of
Saskatchewan. I bought my ticket from Tunis to Toronto thinking that I can take a taxi to go to Saskatoon.
I ended up traveling for two days by bus from Toronto to Saskatoon after discovering that my great plan to
use taxi to go to my destination was not feasible.
In the summer of 1999, I met a young woman visiting friends from Taiwan named Jean. We met in an
elevator at a student dorm on my birthday. Sometime later that same month, when I proposed we start
dating, she replied no way, it wont work! Jean thought there would be too many barriers to overcome
(race, culture, long distance...). But I persuaded Jean to give us a chance by saying you will never know
if you dont try, and I am confident that we could make it work regardless to all of the perceived barriers.
We have been together since then, and we have three beautiful children, Hady, Hana, and Hany. For the
last 9 years we have called Gardiner Park home.
As a father of three young children, I am committed to making Saskatchewan a better and more inclusive
province for all Saskatchewan residents.

I hope you can come out and support me to be your next NDP candidate

and next MLA for Regina Gardiner Park on Wednesday, January 21st 2015,
at Tommy Douglas House! Registration begins at 6:30PM

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