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The greatest and least resultant of two forces acting at a point is 10 N and 6 N, respectively. If each force is increased by 3
N, find the resultant of new forces when acting at a point an angle of 90 with each other


Two forces whose magnitudes are in the ratio 3: 5 give a resultant of 28N, if the angle of their inclination is 60 find the
magnitude of each force


The resultant of two vectors A and B is perpendicular to the vector A and its magnitude is equal to half of the magnitude

of the vector

B find out the angle between A and B



B cos

B sin


Two forces of unequal magnitude simultaneously act on a particle making an angle ( = 120 ) with each other. If one of
them is reversed, the force of the particle is becomes

3 times calculate force ratio of the magnitude of the forces

r r r
P and Q is R If Q is doubled R is doubled, when Q is reversed R is again doubled find P: Q: R


The resultant of


An aero plane takes off at an angle of 60 to the horizontal. If the velocity of the plane is 200 km
horizontal and vertical component of its velocity


Find the unit vector of

( A + B ) where A = 2i j + 3k and B = 3i 2 j 2k



h 1 calculate it

Determine that vector which when added to the resultant of A = 3i 5 j + 7 k and B = 2i + 4 j 3k gives unit vector
along y direction

A car is moving in direction r

= 4i + 3 j with a speed of 10 m s 1 write the velocity vector of ca in unit vector notation


10. A car is moving with a speed of 10 m s if the east direction taken as x axis and the north direction as y axis write
the velocity vector of car in unit vector notation. If it is moving (a) in the direction of N E, (B) in the direction of N W.
(c) in the direction of S W, and (d) in the direction of S E

11. Given A = 5i + 2 j + 4k find (a) A and (b) the direction cosines of vector A

12. A bird moves with velocity 20 m s in a direction making an angle of 60 with the eastern line and 60 with vertical
upward represent the velocity vector in rectangular form
13. A particle is initially at point

A ( 2, 4, 6 ) m moves finally to the point B ( 3, 2, 3) m Write the initial position vector,

final position vector, and displacement vector of the particle

14. Given that

r r r r
A + B + C = 0 out of three vectors, two are equal in magnitude and the magnitude of the third vector

2 times the of either of the two having equal magnitude. Find the angles between the vectors

15. Find the value of m so that the vector 3i 2 j + k may be perpendicular to the vector 2i + 6 j + mk

( A + 2 B ) . ( 2 A 3B ) = 2 A

16. Prove that

+ AB cos 6 B 2 where is angle between A & B


17. A body constrained to move along the z axis of a co ordinate system is subjected to a constant force F given

= i + 2 j + 3k Newton where i, j and k represent unit vectors angle x, y , and z axis of the system,
respectively. Calculate the work done by this force in displacing the body through a distance of 4 m along the z axis if
r r
W = F .S

by F


i and j are unit vectors along x and y axis respectively. What is the magnitude and direction of the vectors
i + j and i j what are the components of a vector A = 2i + 3 j along the direction i + j and i j

19. Prove that the vectors

A = 3i 2 j + k, B = i 3 j + 5k and C 2i + j 4k form a right angled triangle

20. Determine the unit vector parallel to the cross product of the vectors A = 3i 5 j + 10k & B = 6i + 5 j + 2k

21. The angle between the vectors A and B is

22. Find the torque of the force F

r r r
find the value of the triple product A. B A

= 2i 3 j + 4k N acting at the point r = 3i + 2 j + 3k m about the origin

23. The position vectors of two balls are given by


r1 = 2 ( m ) i + 7 ( m ) j


r2 = 2 ( m ) i + 4 ( m ) j what will be the distance between the two balls?

24. The angle between A + B and A B is

(a) 0
(b) / 4



A = A cos i + A sin j A vector B which is perpendicular to A is given by
(a) B cos i B sin j
(b) B sin i B cos j

25. Given


B cos i + B sin j


B sin i + B cos j


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