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Aloysius College

Grade 7 Science

Forces and Simple Machines TEST REVISION

Complete the following questions in your exercise book to get ready for the test.
Question 1:
a) Name six forces:
b) Classify each force as contact or non-contact
c) Describe what happens to an object when each of these forces are applied to it.

Question 2:
a) What are forces measured in?
b) Is weight a force? Explain this by describing the difference between mass and weight.
Question 3:
a) Explain how friction works?
b) Give two example of frictions, one where friction is helpful, and one where it is not helpful.
Question 4:
a) What happens to an object that has unbalanced forces acting on it?
b) Define terminal velocity?
c) Explain why when you jump out of a plane skydiving, you speed up for a certain amount of time,
but stop when you hit terminal velocity. What forces are acting on you during this time.
Question 5:
a) Complete the page 294 of your textbook. Labeling each force in the pictures.
b) Explain whether the forces are balanced in each case.
Question 6:
a) Explain the rules for attraction and repulsion in magnets.
b) Draw three magnets where each magnet is attracted to the other two in the arrangement.
Question 7:
a) Explain how an electromagnet works?
b) What advantage does this have over an ordinary magnet?
c) Give two examples of the use of electromagnets in everyday life.

Question 8:
a) Define mechanical advantage:
b) Calculate the mechanical advantage of:
a. A lever with a load force of 20 N and an effort force of 5 N
b. A set of pulleys with a load force of 18N and an effort force of 2N
c) If the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane was 6 and the effort required was 2N, what was
the load force?
Question 9:
a) Explain how an inclined plane works?
b) Does it act as a force or a speed multiplier?
c) What is the drawback to using an inclined plane to lift objects?
Question 12:
a) There are three types of lever. Explain how each type of lever is classified?
b) Give an example of each type of lever, and mark the fulcrum, load and effort of each.
Question 13:

Define a pulley?
Explain the effect of using a SINGLE pulley.
Explain the benefit of using multiple pulleys to lift something
What is the drawback to using multiple pulleys compared to a single pulley.

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