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Come and Go III

to come to a standstill - parar

They were working on the project but they came to a

standstill because they needed more materials

They were working on the project, but it came to a standstill because they needed more materials
Ellos estaban trabajando en el proyecto, pero ste se par porque necesitaban ms material

The builders were building a new school, but the construction came to a standstill because the builders
went on strike
Los constructores estaban construyendo un nuevo colegio, pero se par la obra porque los constructores se pusieron de huelga

They came to a standstill in their research because they couldn't find a solution
Ellos pararon su investigacion por que no encontraban una respuesta

The traffic came to a standstill because there was a car accident

El trfico estuvo parado porque hubo un accidente automovilstico

to come to an end - llegar al final

Our relationship came to an end because we didn't understand each other
Nuestra relacin lleg a su fin porque nosotros no nos entendamos el uno al otro

The film came to an end before you arrived because you were very late
The movie came to an end before you arrived because you were very late
La pelcula termin antes de que t llegaras porque t llegaste muy tarde

Their friendship came to an end because they weren't honest with each other
Su amistad lleg a su fin porque ellos no fueron sinceros el uno con el otro

My marriage came to an end because I fell in love with another man

Mi matrimonio lleg a su fin porque me enamor de otro hombre

to come to a decision - tomar una decisin

I was thinking about my current situation and I came

to a decision, I'm leaving town

I was thinking about my current situation and I came to a decision, I'm leaving town
Estuve pensando en mi situacin actual y tom una decisin, me voy de la ciudad

After talking for a very long time, they came to a decision. They want to live together
Despus de hablar por un largo rato, ellos tomaron una decisin. Ellos quieren vivir juntos

After taking a vacation, my brother came to a decision. He decided to quit his job
Despus de unas vacaciones, mi hermano tom una decisin. Decidi renunciar a su trabajo

My friends were talking about next summer and they came to a decision. They want to travel together
Mis amigos estuvieron hablando del verano que viene y tomaron una decisin. Ellos quieren viajar juntos

to come to blows - empezar a pelear

The boy was annoying us, so finally, he and Mike came to blows
El chico nos estaba molestando, as que finalmente, Mike y l empezaron a pelearse

My brother always comes to blows with other kids at school because he is very aggressive
Mi hermano siempre empieza a pelearse con otros nios en el colegio porque l es muy agresivo

After a short argument, the man came to blows with the thief
Despus de una discusin, el hombre empez una pelea con el ladrn

The protestors came to blows before the police arrived

Los manifestantes comenzaron una pelea antes de que la polica llegase

to come to terms with - aceptar psicolgicamente

I came to terms with my mother's death after talking with a therapist
Acept la muerte de mi madre despus de hablar con una terapeuta

George goes to a psychologist in order to come to terms with his guilt about the accident
George va a un psiclogo para aceptar su sentimiento de culpa sobre el accidente

I came to terms with my past by practicing meditation

Yo acept mi pasado a travs de prcticas de meditacin

I haven't come to terms yet with his illness. I still feel responsible
Yo no he aceptado todava su enfermedad. Todava me siento responsable

to come to one's senses - volverse consciente despus de hacer algo mal

After shouting to her I came to my senses and I apologized
Despus de gritarle volv a mis cabales y me disculp

He came to his senses when he saw the boys crying

l volvi a sus cabales cuando vio a los chicos llorando

The robber came to his senses after shooting a man

El ladrn volvi a sus cabales despus de dispararle a un hombre

That man was really aggressive and he didn't come to his senses, so we phoned the police
Ese hombre estaba realmente agresivo y no volva a sus cabales, as que llamamos a la polica

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