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Individual Work
1. Put into English Unit 3
2. Answer the questions p. 24
3. Exercise 2, Unit 4
4. Exercise 3, Unit 5
5. Exercise 8, Unit 6
Bibliography: Georgeta Ra, English for Business, Timioara, Ed. Mirton, 2006.
1. Put into English.
A tabular display is 'an array of verbal or numerical information in columns and
rows'. It is most useful in presenting information about two or more related variables for
example, employee salaries for a certain month.
A visual display is 'a diagram that represents several items of information in a manner
that makes comparison easier or reflects trends among the items'. Presenting data visually
in the form of graphs or diagrams makes their meaning clear at a glance.
Tabular displays generally have less impact than visual displays, whose short,
medium, or long bars can be easily picked by the eye. On the other hand, though the data
contained in most two-column tables can be displayed visually, to display the information in a
three-column table, several bar or pie charts would be required. In such a case, the items of
information are easier to compare when they are presented in a table. Also, information
that is to be manipulated is most often displayed in tabular form.
A graph is 'a diagram [chart 'a graphic representation, as by curves, of a dependent
variable, as temperature, price, etc.', plan, or scheme] representing a system of connections
or interrelations among two or more things by a number of distinctive dots, lines, bars,
etc.' In a graph, values are plotted to scale on a set of axes. Graphs are most effective for
presenting information about a single variable that changes with time (see below), and they
tend to emphasise trends as well as peaks and low points in the value of the variable.
Several types of graphs are very much in use in nowadays' management:
two-dimensional graphs,
bar charts, and
pie charts.
They all can 'say' the same things, though they are quite different from a
representational point of view. (After Joseph Chilver, English for Business: A Functional
O reprezentare tabular este "o serie de informaii verbale sau numerice n coloane i
rnduri". Aceasta se dovedete a fi cea mai util n prezentarea informaiilor cu privire la dou
sau mai multe variabile legate (de exemplu, salariile angajailor pentru o anumit lun).
Un reprezentare vizual este "o diagram care reprezint mai multe informaii ntr-un mod
care face comparaie sau reflect tendinele printre elementele". Prezentarea de date vizual
sub form de grafice sau diagrame face ca sensul acestora s fie clar dintr-o privire.
Afiarea tabelar, n general, are un impact mai mic dect prezentarea grafic, a crei bare
scurte, medii sau lungi poti fi mai uor observate de ctre ochi. Pe de alt parte, dac datele
din cele mai multe tabele cu dou coloane pot fi afiate vizual, pentru a reprezenta
informaiile dintr-un tabel cu trei coloane, diagramele cu bare sau radiale sunt indicate. ntr-un
asemenea caz, informaiile sunt mai uor de comparat atunci cnd acestea sunt prezentate ntrun tabel. De asemenea, informaiile care urmeaz s fie folosite sunt de cele mai multe ori
afiate sub form de tabel.

Un grafic este "o diagrama [diagram" o reprezentare grafic, de curbe, dependent de

o variabil, precum temperatura, preul etc ", planul sau schema] care reprezint un sistem de
conexiuni sau relaii dintre dou sau mai multe lucruri printr-o numrul de puncte distincte,
linii, bare, etc "ntr-un grafic, valorile sunt reprezentate la scar pe un set de axe. Graficele
sunt cele mai eficiente pentru prezentarea informaiilor cu privire la o singur variabil, care
se schimb cu timpul i au rolul de a accentua tendinele, ct limitele minime sau maxime ale
variabilei. n prezent n management sunt utilizate frecvent::
grafice bidimensionale,
grafice cu bare, i
grafice plcint.
Toate acestea pot spune aceleai lucruri, dei sunt destul de diferite din punct de
vedere reprezentaional.
2. Answer the questions:
What is a tabular display?
A tabular display is 'an array of verbal or numerical information in columns and rows'.
How can verbal or numerical information be arrayed?
Verbal or numerical information can be arrayed in columns and rows'
Where is it most useful?
It is most useful in presenting information about two or more related variables for
example, employee salaries for a certain month.
What is a visual display?
A visual display is 'a diagram that represents several items of information in a manner that
makes comparison easier or reflects trends among the items'.
What advantage does it have?
The most advantages: presenting data visually in the form of graphs or diagrams makes
their meaning clear at a glance.
Why have tabular displays less impact than visual displays?
Tabular displays generally have less impact than visual displays, whose short, medium, or
long bars can be easily picked by the eye.
When is it better to display information in a table?
Though the data contained in most two-column tables can be displayed visually, to display the
information in a three-column table, several bar or pie charts would be required. In such a
case, the items of information are easier to compare when they are presented in a table.
What is a graph?
A graph is a diagram [chart 'a graphic representation, as by curves, of a dependent variable, as
temperature, price, etc.', plan, or scheme]
What do graphs represent?
Graphs represent a system of connections or interrelations among two or more things
What do charts usually represent graphically?
Charts is usually represent by a number of distinctive dots, lines, bars, etc.
Where are values plotted to scale?
In a graph, values are plotted to scale on a set of axes.
What are graphs most effective for?
Graphs are most effective for presenting information about a single variable that changes
with time.
What do they tend to emphasize?
They tend to emphasise trends as well as peaks and low points in the value of the variable.
What types of graphs are very much in use in nowadays' management?
Several types of graphs are very much in use in nowadays' management: two-dimensional
graphs, bar charts, and pie charts.

3. Match the following words with their definitions.

1. graph
2. graphic
3. graphic accent
4. graphic arts
5. graphic novel
6. graphical
7. graphics

a. a diagram representing a system of connections or

interrelations among two or more things by a number of distinctive
dots, lines, bars, etc.
b. a novel in the form of comic strips
c. a product of the graphic arts, as a drawing or print
d. any mark written above a letter, especially one indicating stress
in pronunciation, as in Romanian cele or acle
e. giving a clear and effective picture; vivid
f. the art of drawing, especially as used in mathematics,
engineering, etc.
g. the arts or techniques, as engraving, etching, dry-point, woodcut,
and other methods, by which copies of an original design are
printed from a plate, block, or the like; graphics

4. Put into Romanian the text above. Use a dictionary.
Next month, Zena plc, the well-known maker of kitchen appliances, will offer for sale to
the public two million shares. These will rise about 800,000 for the company.
Zena supplies a wide range of equipment for the luxury kitchen market. It specialises in
high-quality cookers, freezers and refrigerators. The company was founded in 1970. Its turnover
has grown from 100,000 to 12 million. Last year pre-tax profits were 1.6 million.
Chairman of the firm is Mr Gerald Knight. The board of directors average age 42
includes Mr Frank Bewley, sales director, and Mr Jasper Levy, chief accountant.
Investors should jump at the chance to buy the shares. Zena has a good profit record over
the years. Its fixed assets are worth over 4 million. Factories at Liverpool and Bristol (both
freehold properties) are valued at 2.9 million. It also has plant and machinery worth 1 million.
The company has paid out excellent dividends since it obtained a quotation in 1976.
Zena are issuing new shares to finance their expansion into Europe. Next year, they plan
to set up a subsidiary in Zurich, Switzerland.
Luna viitoare, Zena plc, binecunoscutul productor de aparatur pentru buctrie, va
oferi spre vnzare publicului dou milioane aciuni. Acestea vor aduce companiei o cretere
de 800,000.
Zena furnizeaz o gam larg pentru piaa echipamentelor de buctrie de lux. Este
specializat n maini de gtit de nalt calitate, congelatoare i frigidere. Compania a fost
fondat n 1970. Cifra sa de afaceri a crescut de la 100.000 la 12 milioane. Anul trecut,
profitul nainte de impozitare a fost de 1,6 milioane.
Preedintele companiei este domnul Gerald Knight. Din Consiliul de Administraie vrsta medie fiind de 42 ani face parte domnul Frank Bewley, director de vnzri, i domnul
Jasper Levy, contabil-ef.
Investitorii ar trebui s sar la ansa de a cumpra aciuni. Zena a nregistrat un
profit bun de-alungul anilor. Activele sale fixe sunt n valoare de peste 4 milioane. Fabricile

la Liverpool i Bristol sunt evaluate la 2.9 milioane. Ea are, de asemenea, instalaii i maini
n valoare de 1 milion. Compania i-a pltit dividende de cnd a obinut cotaii la burs n
anul 1976.
Zena emite noi aciuni pentru a finana extinderea sa n Europa. n anul urmtor
intenioneaz s nfiineze o filial n Zurich, Elveia.
5. Change the following into questions, as indicated.
Dictionary definitions are not accurate. (How ?)
How are the dictionary definitions?
Exchanging ideas means a great deal of talk. (What ?)
What means exchanging ideas?
Formal records of what has been said at a meeting are described as minutes. (How ?)
How are described the formal records of what has been said at a meeting?
Note-taking is called for in business. (Where ?)
Where is called note-taking for?
Note-taking is closely allied to summarising. (What ?)
What is note-taking closely allied to?

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