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The Royal Army Pay Corps Journal

Vol. H.

N o. 13 .

Spring, 1934


In 1893 the na rrow stripes were

changed, whil~ Colonel Kitson was
at the War Office, to t\\'o broader
yellow str ipes of Hussar pattem,
and these stripes remain ill the uniform as worn to-day.))


80, Pall Mall , Londoll, S.W.!.

March, 1934.
In t his number we publish a \\'ell illus
trated collection of notes abo ut Gibraltar.
We fee l sure that this \\'ill be a popular
fe'a tnre, and should be gra tefu l if reader
I"ould enable us to publish a series on othl:.r
foreign stations by contributing notes on
similar lines.

The Sixth Annual Meeting and Dinner

of the Old Comrades' Association is being
held in London 011 27th Apri l.
F urth er details appeal' e lse'where ill this
issue, and we hope to se~ a record number
at' this annual gathering of past and present
members of the Corps.

In th e explanatory notes dea lin g w;th

the subject of th~ Coloured P late in the last
issue it was stated that t he Uniform \\'as
selected on the formation of the Arm"
Pay Depar tment in 1893 .
This was a clerical error. The A.P.D.
was of course formed on 1st April , J878.
We are indebted to 'Ma jor-Genera l Sir C.
A. Bray K.C.M.G., C.B., for the fo]]oll'ing infQ~mation regarding a slig ht chan ge
in the uniform which took p lace rnany
years ago:"For fifteen years after the Army Pay
Depal'tment was formed in April,
1878, the trousers had two narrow
bands of y~llow piping, set on
side of the seam of the trousers l\'Ith
plain cloth of trouser material about
an inch wide bet ween, them.

The following letter was received by

Brigadier Musson from Sir Herbert Creed)"
K .C. B., K.C.V.O., Permanent
nderSecretary of S tate for War.
The War Office,
My Dear Musson,
30.12 .33
I should lJluch like to send to you and
the \\'hole Corps my wal'mest lI'ishe's for all
happiness and good fortune in th e N e\\'
The task of the Accollnting Officer ha s
been much lig htened by the efficient help
he has had fr0111 all ranks of the R.A.P.C.
serving at home and abroad and I am 1110st
gra tefu l to yo u personally and to all serving uncleI' yo u.
Yours sincerely,
Herbert Creedy.
Seasonable g reetings were exchanged
with our Allied Corps.-The South African
Administrative Pay and Clerical Corps and
"'ere also sent to the Assistant Director of
Pay Services, Department of National Defence, Canada (The Roya l Canad ian Army
Pay Corps) .




His lVlajesty the King has been gr~ci

ously pleased to approve of the ter111111 atiO ll of the alliance between
the N ell
Zealand Army Pay Corps all d the R oya l
Army Pay C9rps, the New Zealand Army
Pay Corps having ceased to eXIst as ,1
mi li tary unit. (Army Order 189 of I 933) .

l\fr. W . R. Jennings (\\'ho served in the

Corps and was discharged \\ith the rank

of Sgt.) was selected to refere~ the
match Aston Villa 1). Manchester C!ty a t
Huddersfield 011 17th March in the ell1ifinal ro und of the F.A. Cup.
20 5

Corps Sports Notes

1\[on . ,
T ues.,
Tues .,

Jun e
Jun e
Jul y 2ll d.
Jul y 3 rc1 .
Jul y 3 rd .
July 4th .
Jul y 5 tll.

Friday, Jul y
MOll. ,

6th. {

Jul y 30th. }
July 3 1st .


Arrangements for 1934.

Cricket v. Royal Army Chaplains Dept. , a t A lde rshot on l pper
(Officers) Ground.
Cricl<et v. Royal Army O rdn ance Corps, a t Aldershot on I II per
(Officer s) Ground .
Lawn Tennis at Roehamptoll.
Lawn Tennis at R oehamp tol1. (Ladies' Day).
Golf. Summer i\,l eeting at Wentwo rth .
Annual Meeting, R .A.P .C. Offi cers' Cl ub.
Annual Dinner.
Cricket v. Army Educational Corps on the Ga rrison G rou ll (1 at

Campbell Todd Cup, 1933.
W inner-Car t a in A. N . E vers, York. 8
Runner up-Captain E. C. Overton,
Ceylon . 5 u p.
\\ e congratulate Cap t. Evers on hIS ex cell en t ronnd , tlte gross meda I score of
which ,ras 77 (3 strok es over the ~ta nclard
:scratch score of the Course) .
Army Golf Challenge Cup.
This Competition t akes pl.ace at ::it.
Anc1re\\'s, commencin g on Wednesday, 25 t h
A.p ril. It has been decided t o a .team
agai.n this year. Th e COIT~petltlO.n IS an
inter-unit knockout, and IS decIded by
match play sin g les bet\\'eeu t eam s of four.
R esults a re recko ned by holes up at the
end of each round of 18 holes. L ast year
the Corps team drew a bye. in the. first
roun 1, beat the Royal Berkshu'!; Reg Im ent
in the second rOllnel , a nd lost to the Sea forth High land ers in the third round.
AIl.nual Meeting.
The Anuual S umm er Meeting will tak e
place at Went"'orth on Thursday, 5 th July .
Full pa rticul ars alld entrance forms \\ill be
c~ r c lll ated in du e course.
Th e fo ll o'rin g revisions of handicaps for
the pttrpose of R.A.P.C .C.S. Competjtions
are notified:Lieut.-Colonel!. P. Brickmall- 1 3 to 12.
Captain A . .1. Evers--16 to 10.
Half-Y early Sp.o on Comp etition.
Ca rd s are heginning to com e in for thi s
Com petiti on. a nd \\'e hOI e that every memhe r of the Golfin g- Society ,yill p ut in at
least one card before th e close of th e halfyea r ending Jun e 30th .

Th is issue of th e J ournal will see the
third season of th e Club, a scion of the
H. .A.P.C. Office rs Club, dra\dng to a close
and a lth oug h progress has be~n slo\l', it has
been definite.
I n 1931 the Club \"as conceived after
one of the Sa turday games of th e Pay and
R ecord (ftice, H ounslo\l' , and ill a fell'
days a limited fi x ture list of 10 matches
\I'as a rra nged for 1931-32 a nd subsequently
26 ma tches each for 1932-33 and 1933-34
III ad dit"i oll a team was entered for the
Army H ockey Tournam ent in t he two
la tter seasons.
The results sh o\l' the steady progress
" 'h ic h has been m ade:\VuU Dr'n Lost Total

(to date).



Goa ls

Aga in st



Ga rratt, Clowes, Mardeu, Blackwell, Ma lpass.

Oili er Rallies : -H, P ullen, Tay lor, BurI~ett,
SmIth , Ca tley, Cla rke, E ndacott, Ha,,'kins
T enllll cci'
Brow n, Forse.
They have been dra,,'n from :-Eastern
Command, A ldershot Comma nd , L ondon
Baruet, Hounslow, Wooh"ich, Chatham'
Canterbury a nd Woking, thus covering th~
whole field of the Eas t~rn and A ld ershot
COlllands. It was found impossible, 0)) acCOLlnt of finance and th e time taken o n
Journ ey~ , to cha,, from otber stations
where likely p layers " 'er e available.
This season \"e have had a home ground
for th e first time a nd we hav ~ been able
to retur~ the h ospita lity _of oLlr oPlo nent s
III a SIll table n~ a nner, the a rra ngemeu ts
made .by th~ CIvIL Ser vice Sports Clu b,
ChlS\Ylck, bell1g excell ent. These arran <Tements a re to continue for next ea;on
(rQ3.4-3S). and a full season's fix ture li t
(wlllch wdl be publish ed in the llext issue)



has been arranged with 13 matches at Ch iswIck. and th~ r~mainder d iVIded amo ngst
~lcle l shot, Wokll1g, H oun s low G uildford
~lIlgston, L ondon, Woolwich: L yd d a nci
Cha tham. A team will be entered for the
~rrny Hockey T ourn ament aga in .
Ihe .res ults of the matches p layed since th e
las t Issue of the J ourna l ar~ as follows :_
6 :12 :33 1st T.B. R.A .
Scra tched
I l :12 :33
3 r d R .T .C.
Lost 0- 13 :12 :3 3 Dep?t .Royal Fusiliers Scratched
20 :12 :33 OptUlllStS.
Won 3-1
3 :1 :34
R.A.F. Ux brldge
L ost 1-5
TO :1 :34
Depot East Surrey Regt.
Lost 4-6
17:1 :34
2nd T.B. R.A .
WOll 3- 0
24 :r :34
Depot The Queens R. Scratched
31 :1 :34
1S~ .T.B. R .A.
Lost 6-7
7 :2 :34
lVI llltary Coll ege of Science
Lost 4-5
14 :2 :34
Depot, East S urrey Reg t.
Dra,, 4--4
2T : 2 :34
T.B . R.E.
\Von 2- 1
28 :2 :34
2nd R. War"'ick R . Won 2-1
8 :3 :34
Bed for d Th lIrsday
Won 2-0
r4 :3 :34
2nd Bn. R.T.C .
L ost 2-4

Perceu tage Matches Lost

70 %
68 %
545 %

Pc:rcc:nt ageGoals scored

26.6 %
]93 1 -3 2 - 10
32 %
193 2-33- 29
193 3'34-60
(to date) .
a nd ill 1h e third season ,y e reac hed the
3 rd roun el of th e Army H ockey T Ol1 rl w '
m ent.
These resu lts h ave bee n obt ain ed by the
selection of th e stro n gest possible leal11
eac h ,,'eek comme ns urate ,,ith th e cost of
travellil1.e: 'a nd the necessi~y to play tl;e
same m embers together as much as poss~b e
in order t o obtain the best cO!1lbinatl?n.
During the CUITent seaso n the followIng
have ta ke11 part in the va rio us ga mes :Offic e'rs :-Captains Sweeney, (?li ver , .Hag
gard , Ask in , E lli cott, Dnl111dl, Mlll g,


Royal Army Pay Corps Hockey Club

:-Capt. O. D. Garra tt. M. '., Serg t C EI1 (h c tt

SI 'I"r IXG: _
Scr gt. T. L ;].II '<l st el', S/ Sgt. J.' H~hir~ ~I~t. -/1" .. YBL1llI et. Capt. G. Haggal'd ,
"pt. A. L. D UllIlJlI,l.
Capl.J J.HL. Cl
OliveI'_ (vi ceCap t .) ' Capt.' H'. W. 'T', l\f,1lCj en. 1\1'. . B .~.
E (C apt.)
L . . .
o lVe~ . '1pt. T H. Sweeney .







The match p layed on II : 12 :33 aga inst

th e 3rd l~ . Tank C. was in th ~ third r oun d
of the ArmY' H ockey T ouruament, th e l:esult
of which was included in the last ISsue.
Thi s game was very fas~ alld we were
defeat ed by the yo uth and ~e l1 e ra l ~ llpe n
ority of combination a n? stlc.k work of a
very excellent and SpOTtlll g ~;tde.
Th e Committee of th e H ockey Club has
a wa rded "Corps Blues 1933 -34" to th e
follo\\'ing :.
S / Sut. Hehir* Capt . Asklll , Sgt. Bmnett*, '" Sgt . E ndacott*, Captain O liver*,
Ca pta in Millin g, Captain H agga rd *, Captain Clowes, Cap tain i\ la rden*, L /Sg t .
Smith*. Sgt. Lancaster. . Th ose ma rk ed
\\"ith a star \\'ere " B lues" 111 ] 93 2-33 .
rvl ention is mad e of the efficient a nd unselfish assistance g iven by OUT reg ular
um pire, Captain. O. D . Garratt and also.of
Ca ptain S mith , S / Sgt. Brow n a nd Mr. Pll e
\\' ho have offi ciat ed when h e ha s been U11 abl e to do so. A good um pire contributes
in no small degree to the enj oy ment of "ga me. O ur th anks a re a iso due to 1\1r.
W ay of H oun slo \\' for stepI in g into th e
breach a t sh ort notice on t \\o occaSIOll S tc
replace unexpected casualt ies in th e team .
W e would also express o ur a pprecia tion
of the untiring efforts of the H on. ecreta ry, whose task of arra ng ing ma tch es a n d
getting together the teams h as been n o
easy one .


~hin e Arm y Cup.
It has been decid ed t o discontinue the
Rhin e A rm y Cup Com petiti on in its present
for111 . Revised rules for future contests are
now under considera tion and will be circulated at a ll earl y date.




From "The London Gazette"

Capt . and Pay mr. B , L, Bur

Corps N ews- Officers


Majo r E. W , Boo th , M.C .. E gyp t to Belfast.

9 / 12/ 33.
Capt, W . E adie. M.C ., E gvpt to E xeter, 9/ 12/33.
Li eut. G , R oss, Sha nghaJ to H ong K ong, 5/11/33,
Ca \Jt. C. C. Blackwell , ScottI sh Comd. to Canter
bu ry . 1/1 / 34.
Capt, F , W , C, T homas, Canterbm y t o ScoWsh
Comel., 1/ 1/ 34 ,
Capt. S. N, Hill , Cha th am R.E. to Per"th , 22/ 1/34,
Capt. G. S. Ba tes, Ca nterbm y to P I'eston, 22/ 1/34,
Capt. B , Sa nt, Woolwlch to E asLel'l1 Co mel"
22/ 1/ 34.
Ca pt. R . S. Elu cott , Ba l'l1 EL t o Ohatham R.E. ,
22/ 1/ 34 .
C:.tpt. H . H , Oottier. Preston t o Ba rn et , 22 /1/34.
Capt, J , Mouldin g, Pe rt h to Sout hel11 Comd .,

22l 1/Yt.
Li eu\'. W . H. Thies. D .C. M ., E astern Camd , Lo
1\ Id e rshot Co md ., 'Z2 /1/34.
Oo lonel E. E. E. T odd, O. B .E ., Scottish Comel. Lo
outhem Com d., 19/ 2/ 34.
Lieut. H . Kin g, P reston to E as tern Comel.,
19 / 2/ 34,
Co lonel L . J . Li g htfoot. O.B .E. , South ern Comel.
to , cottish Comd ., 26 / 2/34.

21 b~~el




M.B ,E. ,


If. C. E llis, C. B ,E. , Sa.lis bury, 24 / 2/34,

Officers joined on probation .

Capt . A .r. L . H s, King 's Dr'agoon Gll n,.d~,

H oun slow, 21 / 1/ 34.



Th e E ditors acknow ledge with ma ny th ank s re

eeipt o[ t he foll owing J ou l'l1 a ls :"RA .M.C. News and Gazetlt ," Dec. , J :tn. , F eh.,

T he ngagement is a nn oun ced between Ec1 wal cl

Step hen Dru D ru ry, R A.F ., yo un ger sou of MC' ~'
D l'u D ru ry , M. lt.C.S., L .R .C.P ., F.S ,A. , of or ~
Ca, t Ie, Dorset, a nd Moll i , eldest dau ghte~ CO
Colonel G. A. C. Orm sby J Ohll sOrt, O.B ,E ., ~n, "
R.,\ ,P.C., and 11'. Orm by J ohn so ll , of Malta. a /
grandd a ughte l' of the I'Lte C?lonel a nd Mrs, B' C'
Hu mfrey , of CaY:l n<tcor, Balhnd" aJ l , Co, Doneg al .

" T he Wi re," J an ., Feb .. Mal',
" The appel'," Dee., J an., Feb ,
" Tlfe' G unnel'," ' J a n" Feb. , 'fil aI'.
" H.. A.O,C. Gazette," Dec .. J ..,n., Feb.
"The \"iasp, " Dec.
" The Acco un tant ."
"H.A.V.C, .Jolll'l1 al ," Feb ,
"A.E.C. J oul'll al," J an ,


WHITE : W ALKER. -O n March 1, 1934, a

Wendover , :M.a jol' G. H . \;" hite, R. A. P .C., to ~e~')c
Wal'l1ock W alker, A.R R. C,,, P.M.R.:A.F .N,S. (r et '






Half Yearly Brevet.



R.A.P.C. Old Comrades Association


LL. J. H . Clowes, Mj dd 'x R. (Paym r . on pl'ob.) ,

l<l be temp. CaRt. (J a n . 16).
Lt.-Col. (,:Asst. PaYDll'. ) R. N . Hunt, M. B.E. , hav
in g attain ed I,he age fOT retIrement, IS placEd on ret.
pa y (J a n. 21 ).
L t. H . Oo ug h, B,. Slg n.a ls, t o be Lt. and Pay mr.
(on p,'ob.) (OeL. 2. 1933).
Co l. and Ohi ef P"y mr. H. C. E II1 s, C,B, E ., h:w
ing atlain ed the age 0 1' retIrement , I S p l ~ ced on
re(,. pay (Feb . 24),
Lt. -Col. and Staff P ay ml'. L. J . Li ght foot, O.B, E.,
to be Col. a,ll d Ch ief P ay rnr. (Feb. 24) .
Ma j. and P'LYll1 1' . !" A. Woods lo be Ma j . and
Staff Pay m r. ( fo'f. b. 24 ) .
Maj , and StHJ ff Pay mr. T . K ell y, M .B. E. , to be
Lt. Col. (Ma rch 12) .
To be Bt, Majo r.
ge , R.A.P,C.


T he Cornmittee of Ma nagement h eld

their usual monthl y meetings a t 80, P all
]VIa11 , S. W . T and dealt \\' ith fou r appli ca tions for assista n ce; in t h ree cases g ra nts
\rere made and th e fo urth " 'as referred to
the G eneral Committee for favo urab le co nsideration .
Th e foll o\\'ing dona t ions to th e fund s a re
g ra tefu ll ~' ackn O\dedg ed: s from th e
R.A . R ecord and P av Office R efreshm e11t
Club a nd 8 from the Salisbnr v Bra nch.
Th e Com mittee a re deeply app reciativ e of
these g ra nts.
T he q uesti on of Civil employ ment has
been the sub iect of correspondence with th e
Ministry of L abour and is still proceedin jJ' .
The G en eral Committee m et a t 80, P all
Mall on 10th Ja n uary, 19:14. 1\1r. R, C . B .
Sharp, J.P" nresided . Mem bers pre ent
\"ere Mr. J. Thnrgood , Li eut , J. Feehall v ,
S.S .NI.
P low ma n , S .Q .M. Ss.
F . V,
Mund y . R . T. Vallintin e . C. ]\ [itch ener .
Sergt, T . F . P ond , Colo11 el H . D l1 esbm v,
Hon. Treasurer . a11 d lVTr. E . J. Vi.T, 13rown e .
Hon. Secreta ry ,
Th e H on o ra r~' T rea su rer p ro(lu ced his
ouarterl v sta tement a nd aft er in specti on the
Commi ttee placed on record that th e sta te
of affairs disclosed " 'as h ig-hl y sa ti sfacton .
A draft circu lar in conn ection \\: t h th e
annual meeting a nd dinn er \ra 'l nnroved.
Tt was dec ided to uti li ze th e credit bala nce

of { r6 r 6s. 6d, o n t he dinn er accoun t a nd

red uce th e cost of th e ti ck et t o 6s . 6d , It
\\'as also decicled to leave other quef,'.:ions in
connectio11 \\'ith the dinn er t o t he D inn er
A n appea l from t he British Ex-Servict::
L egion of Australia \\'as discu sed and in
view of th e present ha rdshi p existin g in
11 tJ.-alia it \\'as dec id ed th a t th e stlm of
two g u in eas he sent to , ta te H ea dq ua rters.
Sy dn ey. fo r th e ben efi t of Briti sli' E xService men .
Th~ q uestion of th e em ployment of
Members in Governm ent Departm e11 ts \ \ ' a ~
again broul!ht fon \'a rd a n d the action take n
u p to date fu ll y di sc ussed . The Com11littee
are of opinion th a t ma tters aTe now prog ressin g sa tisfactoril y.
E leven member \\'ere d ruck off , und er
Rule -+ (iii) for non-payment o f sub criptiol1 s.
A n a ppli ca tion for assist a nce , referred
from th e Ma n agement Committee \\' as
g ranted .
Th e Committee renort \\' ith deep re2Tf' t
the deaths of three Old Comrades . S .O, 1.S ,
C. A. YOlltlll, as a result of an aerop lan e
clis'lster in Bellliu111 , Mr . S. W ilc1 , la te S taff
S erg t. in L ondon. a nd l\Ir. W. K enyon in
Ma nchester.
E , J. "' . BrO\rn e.
H on. Sec .


The R .E. In stituti on p ubli sh es desc ri ptive a nd info rm a t ive pamph lets dealin g
with a nltmber of overseas stations \\'h ich
are of gTea t va lu e to th ose proceeding
The Secretar y will be p leased t o sll Pply
copies of th ese t o offi ce rs of th e R ,A. P. C ,
0 11 req uest ,
Th e Sta tio ns covered in th ese I a m! hlets
(which a re publi sh ed at r / - each ) a re Ber111 11du,
Ceylon . E gypt. Gi bralta r , H ong
K OI1 i?;, Ma lta , Manritin s, Sin gapore, Chin a
COlllm an d anci Jam aica ,
Applica tio n s shoul d in a ll cases he accompa n ied by re mitta nce a nd postaRe , a nd
shoul d be add ressed t o the Secreta ry, R, E.
Insti tution , Bromp ton Barra ck s, Chatham.



Th e Rixt h "\nnu . 1 (1 pnf.1'n 1 Mepti ng or th Rnv,, 1

Arm v P ay Corp' Old Com ,,",le. Assor ia tio n will h"
hp1(1 nt, Mssl's. H fLl'l'ods, Kni 'thts bl'icl ge . R.V,I, 1. O il
F riday . 27th Apri l. 1934. nt 6 p.m . prompt. anrl it
is hooed t hat p"pry memher, who can possihl:v
att pnn . will mnke e"eI>' ~ ffort to be presenf .
Th e Sixth Annu al n in ner will ta ke place th e
'" me even in g in t he Geol'!lia n R es tnl1 ran t. R a n,
('rescwt. Kni ght.sbl'ir1".e. at 7,30 p.m . Th e Colonel
Comma11(1nnt wi ll hold n rerpl"tion hpfore thp din
ner . at which h" wi ll aga in occnpv t he chair. E vprv
endeavou r ha. heen mane hv th e Oo mmi ttep to pn
Sll l'p thp ro m rod or t hose a't ten nin g. 'l.nd th ey fpp l
confin ent that "thev will have t,he'-fu ll snpporl " r
f hp mem bers in makin g t he ~~'enill g " n onts tannin g
I1 ncl memorahle one.
Ti ckp ts. 6 /6 each . r an h.o o ht :t~ n er1 from orn,p
'R porese ntnt i,'es. or fr" m ('010nel R n " p<hnl'v.
R. A, P .O" R ecord II ncl P ay Office. Dep tforcl, S. E. 8,
Dress : Loun ge Suit ~,

20 9














I n and Around Gibraltar

A Photographic Record.
An unusual view of the Rock, taken at a
distance of ten miles as the crow flies,
from neaT the top of
"Waterfall Valley".
From this point, the
Rock looks like an
is la n d .
Valley, \V hi ch is_ a
jungle of tall heathers
and brooms and evergreen oaks, and is
threaded by one of the
few permanent \yatercourses in this part of
Spain, is a favourite
resort on hot summer
days; and in the pools
below the Falls " 'ater\l \'1T' ') hs
garrison disport themselves under military
escort. The valley is
approached by a track
resembling the lava
bed of a volcanic outburst, and not infrequently cars have to
he rescued by "all
hands. "

but the slightest infraction of monkeygood-manners is resented, and cupboard

love gives place to elemental passion. Many
Quarters have to be
protected from their
cat-burglar activities.
A typical motorroad in Spain.-Roads
in Spain are either the
last word in motor
speed-tracks or aren't
roads at all.
and hotels, Spain is
to-day a motorist's
paradise, and a paradise the more for
harcily yet being discovered. At the end
of May the wild
flowers on the roadside banks resemble
the herbaceous border
One of the roads
which isn't a road at
all-at least in wet
weather.-This one
traverses the famous
Cork Woods, which are quite near Gibraltar,
and extend for some fifteen square miles. The
Cork Tree is an evergreen Oak, the outer
bark of which is stripped every seven or
eigh t years. Algeciras is the centre of. the
cork industry, but cork is ship-ped mall1ly
from Gibraltar to every part of the world.
The cork wood? are a paradise of trees and
flowers, and make probably the most p.opu
lar of all picnic-grounds for the Garrison .
The fortress-like hill in the distance is the
village of Castellar, a delightful hill-town
that was a Moorish fortress in 700 A .D., the
the story of which is told in Washington
Irvillf('s "Conquest of Granada". . The
motor road climbs up to it ill steep zlg-zags

An old Moorish
bridge at the foot of
Waterfall Valley.-From time immemorial
water has been conveyed from this stream
to the town of Algeciras by means of
great Roman and Moorish aqueducts which
are still standing, and to day every town
and hamlet is provided with electricity
from the same source .

"Sally", the oldest of the Rock Apes. The Rock Apes are the only wild apes in
Europe, and Sally is the complete SergeantMajor, a word from her bringing the whole
squad to tht! "present."
The apes are
exceedingly friendly (especially when ' the
presence of nuts and bananas is suspected) ,

and is impracticable
in Iret weather', it
was bui lt only a few
years ago, and \"hell
it was opened for
traffic, the boys of
h eav ed
stones at the motorist
Whereas now the):
s:ug out for pennies.

"Umbrella Pine".These woods make

delightful picnic spots
in both \Tinter and
summer; and here, all
are free to come and
go. There are no \\"alls
or fences; and trepassers, so far from
being prosecuted, are
met with the friendli
est welcome from the
sunny Anc1alucian.

Anoth~r motor-road
frinR"ed by woods ~f









"Judas Tree", so-called from its
beingle supposed to ha~e b een. the tree the
which Judas hanged hImself, I~ one ff
most b eautiful and common tl ees 0 Gib
It It fio\\"ers before the leaves c?me
~~lt a~;ld then is a mass of deep ros~-pl~k,
through which the deep blue 0
. le.
Mediterranean s k-y ma kes an .
. 1
The fir-tree on the nght IS t 1<:
p.~~~~~;\ary" of Australia. In spring th,e
f Gibraltar make a not of beauty,
en~ 0
in partIcular
those 0 f t 1le Governor and the



ellthusiasts \\"ere still enjoyilJg the last

snow-field. After that time, snow is left
only on the Northern exposures or in deep

A meet of the Royal Culpe Hun.t in the

Cork Woods near Gibraltar.-Huntln g C?OtinuEs from October till March. 1 he



the photograph give a not unfair idea. The

lady enjoying a cigarette beside the cairn
is certainly the first of the R.A.P.C., and
probably the first English \Voman, to reach
the summit of the Veleta, and appears to
be unconscious of the fact that she is si tting
on a rock \\"lhch overhangs an unbroken fall
of I,900 feet on to the on ly Glacier of
Southern Spain.

The Picacho de Veleta, summit of the
Sierra Nevada, IlAOO feet.-This ascent,
which until recently took t\\"O days each
way from Granada, can now b~ done easily,
there and back, in ORe day. Arrangements
are made the previous night for a muleteer,
with as many mules or don.keys as may be


For those who do not care for ski-ing or
mountaineering in mid-summer, and who
still \\ant a chang e from sun-bathing, an
excursion into the lower hills by pony, mu le

country is difficult but every me~t \s ~

popular rendez-vous, and no one OIlC 0
rid _ng need be debarred by the expense.


The Winter Sports Hut on the SIerra

Ievada.-The Sierra Nevada Range Il"as
until recently one of t Ile 1110S t in.accessible

Rear-Admiral, in whi~h red Aloes If:om

scar I e t :fl1blscus _.from C
1 llJ1a,
olden Mimosa from Austraha, anc
~he deep blue Jacaranda of Sout.
Africa (said by some to be the ~ost bea~t1ful tree in the v\oTld), grow SIde ~y sIde
th the Scotch Pine of northern latitudes.
~~ summer, vegetation no mor~ tha~ ~~~~~
its ow n, o\\ing to the scarclty 0
wa ter.

. Europe. T 0-(1a)' a run ofIt7 hour>

places 111
from Gibraltar to Granada, and . roar!
f rom Granada up the 11 e \\ 1110untalln first
es In bt leIt ~o
takes one to th~ sk-I-lllg
s I op.
week of July two years ago, a Ol

:eqllirec1, to 1TI.eet the motor car next mornIng at the highest point of the mountain
road to which a car can be taken. From
that point it is an easy 3 hours' trek, always
b.ut gradua ll y rising, to the Mares' Lake,
situated at jl1st under IO,OOO feet, wher~ 011
a warm day in summer not only an alfresco
lunch but also a swim may be enjoyed (but
only with luck, for on most days there
blows a bitter blast). The Lake is set in a
palette of close A lpine turf covered with
gel1tians, bell-fl owers and violets. From the
Lake to the sl1rnmit is a climb of the most
strenuous but perfectly safe and otherwise
easy description, of wh ich th e rock slabs in

or donkey gives the spice of variety. Here

our caravan had rested for the mid-day
snack. The anima ls look more depressed
than the humans, but th e Spanish donkey
takes every opportunity for a quiet snooze.
The cask seems to have been discarded as
ha ving out-li ved its usefulness.

The courtesy for which the Spaniard is
noted is ingrained in every class, from poorest peasant u])\\ards; and even in the most
outlandish p laces one is sure of a warm
welcome. Here the party has stopped to
pass the time of day with the dwellers in
this thatched hut-the last d.velling-place
before rising in to the remote Sierra de la
Nieve (Mountain of the Snow). Poor as
these people are, their huts are scrupulously
21 3








Coming dO\\'ll from the Sierra de la
Nieve.-This was a most luxurious expedition, having two ponies, two mules, seven
pack donkeys, six muleteers and handymen, a cook-these all Spa11 ish-a nd two
Englishwomen (with, incidently, th eir hus
bands). The photograph g iv es a typical
view of the Spanish "bush" in the lower
hills. The large number of muleteers is clue
to the fact that the mule-tracks are often
very Jlanow and steep, and assistance has
fre quently to be g iven to the pack-donkeys
whose :nsti nct, \I'hen confronted ,dth any






,rash inside and outside their cottages

, IS
, compulsory to white, ant
apar t fro m th'IS, It
wash yo ur house at least once a year 1'1
limbrella Pines in the foreground ~re tl~:
scene of, ma,QY a picnic; and the brigh t
g~een IVhlcl~ IS the key note of this particular
Pme, .show111g up against the whiteness of
the, vllla,ge a l~~1 the deep blue of the sky,
all ID shlmme llng sunsh l1l e, compose a p ic-

clean, their pots and pans are burl1~s~~td

bright, and they will insist on you having a
glass of their wine.

a comfortable bed can be obtained'

' b out exception a meal' an
bever" 'I
lel, e WIt,
e h~d, even If It b~ on Iy an omelette and
~he S ,,'eet H am" ,\\'hich, specially c~lred,
IS e~ten raw ~11c1 IS sought after by the
g~u!met~ of G Ibraltar, especially for cock,
ta Il parties,


A lone cottage on the Siena de la Nieve
nt abo ut 4,000 feet, wher~ the party spent
one Easter.
Merry evenings were spent
round a huge log fire, where all the sparse
inhabitants of the valley seemed to congre-

, There is a fair amOUl1 t of ShOOtUl _
tlClllru'ly ,partridge and plover . Thgese par.
soh nU111elOUS
that not
' d
. even th e S pamar
\V 0 S oots everythmg at sight has b
able to exterminate th em . 'fhel', e are aelen

natural obstacle, seems to be to sit down,

and t o remain sitting until forcibl y pr?,
pellec1 on to their legs.
The mountaIn
ponies and mules, however , are very sure,



The hill village of Vej er.-The hill VI '

!ages of Andalucia a r~ very pictureSque,
perched on the tops of hills like those ,of
Italy, but, unlike the latter, shining.whlt~
in the sun. The favourite occupatIOn,
Spanish women is to play about with whlte-

gate, to have a look at the mad English.

A few words of Spanish on, our side, no
word of English on theirs, and for the rest,
the language of hands and smiles, loosened
doubtless by th~ ever-flo\.ving bowl of wine,
sufficed to est~hlish a very cordial harmony.

t~re of colour which, were an artist to paint

lh" \\'o~ld be declared unreal. Incidentally'
t IS v111 "
, a la rge to\\'n, with :fine
age IS qUIte
d ~es and paved streets.
From it bv
t~~~ey ~r mule, an expedition may be I~ad~
e ape of Trafalgar.


Ga~I~I~ther hi~ village, Alcala de


about :' sl:olV!1lg the .motor-road,-Alcala,


mIles from GIbraltar, stands at the
And 10 . one of the most beautiful of the
of I\~~l~an ."al.leys, along ~he \\'hole co urse
PICl11C or call1pmg parties tal-e
of an :ase. Nearly all of these villages boa~t
Inn, rough but always clean, at which
21 5




numerous wild birds, mostly of the Eagle

persuasion; al1.d frequent immigrants, such
as the bee-eater, more brilliant than the
King-fisher. In early summer storks arrive
in large numb~is, and
their favourite nesting-places are not on
the top of chimneypots, as in Alsace, but
at the point where
the branches of the
Umbrella pine join the
main trunk. A large
imposing group on this
Pine tree but before
I could get within
camera-range over the
rough ploughed field,
they were off, and
can on ly be seen as
tiny smudges in the

One of the best-known shootillg grounds
is the L aguna (Lake) de Janda, on the road
to Cadiz. This lake extends for IS m iles,
b ut only in winter, and in mid-summer





there is not a vestige of \"ater to be seen.

The Lake is marked on the maps, and \\' hen
I made m y first expedition to see it, I
drove 011 and on and on, and could llot
imagine ho w I could
have missed so large
a Lake.
The water
comes up to the bank
of the main road and
continues on the other
side, and traffi c by
this route was stopped
during " Lake-time"
until the modern viaduct was built. The
sheep appea r not yet
to have discovered that
t h ey are on a small
island. The Laguna de
J anda " 'as the scene
of one of the most stir
ring of the Peninsula
campaigns, in \I'hich,
moreover , the Garrison of Gibraltar took part. On the far
side of the lake is the village of Casas
Viejas (the "Old Houses"), wher~ recently the massacre of peasants that occurred shocked t he whole of Spain .


To be Warrant' Officer Class 11 and appointed
7809687 S / Sgt. M. McDona ld . 1/ 12/ 33.
7658072 S/ Sgt. J . N. Price, 7 /12/ 33.
7733097 S /Sgt. E . G. York e, 1 /1 / 34 .
7658159 S / Sgt. W . B. P a rr, 28 / 1/s4.
To be Staff Sergeant.
7657894 Sgt-. T. W .. iN. Aylin, 1/ 10 / 33 .
7658131 Sgt. L. Tnpp, 11 / 11 / 33.
6906699 Sgt. W. G. Jagot, 16/ 12/ 33.
7658043 Sgt. D. E. Osbome, 24 / 12/ 33.
7658047 Sgt. H. J . Denham. 31 / 12/ 33.
7658038 Sgt. H . J. Jordan , ?i/ 1 /34.
7809781 Sgt. W. M. Pl'aed, 25 /12/ 33.
3434645 Sgt. R. BEcconsall , 1/2/ 34.
To be Sergeant.
1424410 L /Sgt. F. H appe, 25 / 11 /33.
3520820 L / Sgt. L. Cooper , 26 / 11 / 33.
7878034 L / Sgt. R. H . 13atem an 12/ 12/ 33.
7258048 L / Sgt. J. J. Eynon , 1 /9 /?J3.
4910668 L /Sgt. J. Wil son , 26 / 11 / 30.
6911361 L / Sgt. W . Humphri es, 20 / 12/ 33.
2317483 L / Sgt. W. P eacock. 1 /9 /33.
4609034 L / Sgt. J. rash , 21 /9 / 33.
77~423 L / Sgt. F. C. Astles. 24 /10 /3(3.
2925791 L j Sgt,. J. Lawson , '2.0 / 1/ 34.
To be Lance sergeant.
7880521 Cpl. J. R. Woan. 18, 11 / 33.
3852391 Cp\. R. Smitb, Z2/ 1/34.

To be Corporal.
404C03 Pte. _.\.. E. B1 nckw ell , 21 / 9/ 33.
5107450 Pte. L. W. A. Binks, 2/ 12/ 33.
. 7868~ Pte. P. S . P a Im er, 10/1 / 34.
3851996 Pte. E. L ewi s, 14 / 2134.
7258831 Pte. C. F. Catley, 14 / 2/ 34 .
Probationers joined .
7882S91 P te. A. Dawson, 17 / 11 / 33 (W oolwicb).
6746012 Pte. K . J . Robertson . 23/11/ 33 (Chal
ham) (R. .gigs.) .
2320296 Sig . T. C. Simm. 30/ 11 /33 (Woohnch).
2321450 ,i g. F. A. J. Se't d e 6 /12/ 33 (P l'eston).
6665482 Piper L. Bruce, 19 / 12 /33 (Leith ).
6341593 P te. C. Fraser , 2/ 1.'34 (W al'l ey / . .
5181332 P te. S. R Branch, 3/ 1 / 34 (Vl oo W' C~l)
5495485 Pte. K . G . Woodward, 5/ 1/ 34 (\0\ 001
wi ch) .
1072698 Gm. J. Rid ley . 9 / 1 / 34 (Ca nterbury).
6234433 Pte. G. Field , 23 / 1 / 34 (Hilsea) .
4534741 Pte. B. Higson , 29 / 1 /34 (Yo rk R.). r
3853881 Pte. J . Duc1<worLh , l4 /2 /34 (Wlll che le. l
2?J21299 Si g. J. Pilkin glon , 15!2/ 34 (H oUII~lolI).
Probationers transferred.
550872 Tpl'. J . F . R eed, 1 / 6/ 33 (WOOI\\'lCh).
C' . d'
402064 Tpr. H . F. R. Wells t o D ragoou , U1I I' -,
21 / 2/ 34.
(coni int<cd


P{I ge

221/ )







Contract Bridge
By Lt.-Col. J . Grose (late R .A. ).
After be ha~ been allowed ~o state
empha tically that his mYll particular system
of bidcLng is by far the best, almost every
Contract player " 'ill admit that if t\I'O partners have the ,cards, any sound systel1l,
applied \\'ith common sense and nruc1ence,
" ,ill enable th em to reac h a game bid Il'hen
there is one and not to overb~d when there
is not.
In his account of this year 's P ortlan d Club
Cballenge Cup tounia ment, th~ special correspondent o f the Bridge Magazine reports
that no little amusement \\'as caused bv the
declaration, prior to commenc~11l~it o f
play, of the systems and cOllventions "' hich
the different teams p roposed to emp loy.
" In one case", he relates, "a team Il'as
using One Club to denote three quick
tricks, the M odera Le T wo , not fo rcing to
game, the T 'w o Club s for a force to game
and the M ilton Work count for No-Trum ps
except in the case of the Four-Five No TrulllP Conven tio n for a slam !!"
"Most of the teams anno\1nced the
SLrong T wo" (th e system advocated in
these articles) "or the T 1()o Club" (the
system described in th e last issue of tbe
Journal ) . "A fe\\' announce no system or
convention, but it is quite obvio\1 s that ill
the majority of these cases, con ventiolls
and ystems are looked upon ,as natural
bidding owing to familiarity \" ith their
uses. "
There are some playersll'ho assert that
all systems and conventions are in some
way derogatory, but if they reall y pla yed
without them, tbey would lose VeTY regularl y . Unless a pa ir of partners bid systematicall y, they cannot combine, and whi le
some conventions, such as the informatory
double, are in almost universal use, oth ers,
such as the One Clu,b, must be explained
to the table before tb ose wh o are usin g
them begin to play .
Yes, giv~ the cards, the necessa ry interchange of information between pa rtn ers is
not difficult, especially if the adversaries
confine their utterances to cursing ,their
luck bet w ~ell th~ hands; but if th ey put up

a good defence, not only is the bidd ingmad e more difficult for the attacker., but
also an atmosphere is created "'hich i
favourable to the launching of counter
attacks and the laying of ambnshe . and it
is in these that the skiJl of the good player
is ShOI\'ll. Far rarer qualities are reauired
in defence than in attack : a clea rer vision,
a judgment more exact, a deeper sympathy
I\'ith, and a wider trust in, the partner, a
nice appreciati on of the tempers and men
talities of the opponents a nd a splendid'
sp irit of adventure. ,Pleasa nt a , it is 10
make the most of a good hand , to make
the I est of a bad hand is a hi g her form of
sport, I\'hile the deli ght of \ITingin g a rich
prize from an indecisive or even hostile
Fortune is unsurpassed ,
The primary object of the defend ers, when
they are not s trong enoug'h to counterattack. is to induce th e attackers to overhid
and so to get in a puni shin g- douhle: the
secondary obiect is to in terfe re \\' ith th eir
consu ltation between th emselves 0 that
th ey mis an opportunity of makin g game
or slam. Th ese t wo obj ects may seem at
first gla nce to be opposed to each other
and incompatible, but they a re not so ill
practice. for the defenders by frequenlh'
misleactin g, mysti fyin CT a nd sur prisin g th eir
opponen ts when the latter open the hid
dingo induce in them that state of min d
" 'hich is prone to commit both th ose errors
and also to add to them the hei nous crime
of doubling their adversaries into a galll e,
To create this state of mind in the
attackers without damaging their 0.\\'11
mutual conficlence or incnrrin g devastatHlg
penalties is the defenders' difficult task,
and to do it adequatel y . th ey mllst he able
to make full use of every ",eapon of de
This is onl y possibl e when the
,,'eano ns are not blunted py unnecessary
limitations. rusted with senseless conven
tions nor liable to turn in th e ha nd throuQ'h
misunderstandin g or misu se, Tt is propo~ed
therefo re to lay th em out for in spectlOl1
and to investigate briefly the ch aracteristiCS
of one or two .




There are then the folloll'in g:_

(T) T.he overbid; overcalling in the suit
bl d by the opener .
(2) The double ; the truml et ca ll t
(3) The shut-out; lik e the g ladiator'S
net to ha mper the attacker's
man 0euvres .
(4) TI he decoy; to drall' a double from
t le adversary.
(5) The egg-on; to incite him to ca ll TO_
(6) The choke-off; to scare him off a
1 o-Trump call.
(7) T~e t~I'o-s~lit alternatioll; usin g a
t",o-smter l~ke a double-edged S\\'orc1.
(8) The surprise; a delayed counterattack after a Brer-rabbit pass.
(9) The No-Trump.
(IQ) The ~olunt~ry pass; since it is futil e
to bId l\'Itho ut a mod icum of
strength, a pass is often compu lsory
but a volt1n t ary pass IS
. someti11l 'es,

No. I. The Overbid.

A,n overbi9 ,in the adversary's suit is th e
onl) uncondItIOnal forcing bid available to
the ~lefenders, and it is forcin g to ga me
~~ft IS, partner 111US~ keep th~ biddin g opel~
~ game contract IS reached. If the interveumg opponent bids, he ma y J)ass of
. he mllst make some
' b u t 0 tllerwLS~
b:d .to a llow tl~e forcer to carry on ' th e
of ~I?g'b' ~ccaslOns appropriate for the use
iUde~ls 1 ~r~ ~ll too rare and it is folly
d t.o dImInIsh them by insisting (a s
b 'd(~one 1J1 some books on Bridge) that the
I er shall have 110 losing tricks or at
any rat~ ' only o ne, in the s uit na111~d.
At a Ia d les
' , Bridge party one of th e
OAKJxx \/AKxxxx Oxx 4>l1one .
de~er .Ie~:-halld . neighbour, who had
I t, . bId One DIamond," and the oth er
P ayel s passed.
tri~l~ Heroine .sall' that Il'ith such a disor ~:n . she mlg bt find either U~e Spades
hut tl rts .massed III one opponent's hand
'rrUI11 lat If. she co uld be Sl1r~ of making'
held I~S whI c hever of the two her partn er
of t ?st of, she had an excellent chance
ge tlJ1g ga me . So she bic1 " T\ ' D'
10 laopene
emr oYl11g 1l' ~a pOll No. r. Th e
r then passed and our Heroine's pa rt'219




n er pondered lI'ith knitted bro s

11 .
S he held this ga laxy :_
Groxx \/ xx O xxxxx 4>xx .
"No bid ," she sa id at last.' x.
. S,he was ~oo weak to speak she afte _
wa rds exp lal11ed, Il'ith a wealth' of ~erbia r
and a volu me 0 f sound Il'hl.Ch amply rge
p roved her statement.
c ISIt is impossil?le to justify , and difficult to
t for thIS coward ly b e t raya,
I for the
pel p~trator was 11 0 fledg ling but a
regu ar
or 111 tourn~ments and du licate
mfabt~ldled~ ' full y acql1amted \I'ith the ~sages
This is hO\l' the b'le11'
c IDg should have
gone :Opener. W ea k Olle . 0 ' s partner.
ID .
3 N T.


The weak one puts the c~'I~tract back 'i'~to

~pa cles because her su[)port is less
II I tl la t SlIlt
. I
. Hearts.
t lal1 In
Th e hands were as follol\,s:. 1082
. 93



AK 7642 ,
. 54


I . g
tl Both
I sides II'ere vu lnel'a ble a I ,] (I paYIn
le land in "Two Diamond's " YZ .
I . tl\,O. tricks a nel lost 2 so.' Had 11the\'
p ayed It in "Follr Spade~" they \\'oul~1
have made five and scored r so beloll' and
500 above the line.
D Th e next l.veapOl1. for consideratioq is the
fOl1ble. TIllS call IS the ultimate objective
o a lmost a ll ~ef~n s ive stra tegy and on acC~lll1t of the s l gl1Jfi c~ nce of ,its employm~n t
~r ~lO n-el11pl oy ment l11formatively, it is the
key ( 0 mos t of the tactics of defence. Its
uses are of peculiar interest but the
!~~ room even to begin to discuss them I~~r~s
l ey lJJust be,left to a future number. ' .
(contmut'd on page 229)


R o\rA'L




Staff Paymaster and five years later \\"a~

promoted Lieut, -CGlonel.
He conti nued to serve until Uctober"
1 9 10 \\"lH~ n, on rea chin g t h ~ age of 57 he
retired rom the Corps a n d \\' ~ \lt to live
in Ca III berJey ,
On th e ou tbreak o f th e G reat War he
\\'as temporarily re-e111ployed in th e C011lnwnd Pa y Office, Aldersh ot (r0111 5th
August, 19T4 to 14th l ay, I 9 1 7,
Li e ut,-Colonel
L oc1\\'ick
leaves one
c1augllter, hi s \\'if hav ~ ng died some year
The death of Major Cecil Leycester
Becher, M,D,E" took pla ce at the Essex
Co unty Hospital, Colchester , 0 11 October
23rd, 1933, at the age of 8 9 ,

Major C. L. Becher, M. B, E.
t he previous da~' h e had been
knocked c10\\'1I by a Ill o lor ca r lI ea r ln5
home, r eceiv ing li ght illjmi s to hea d alld
sh oulder, and had suHered severe shock, to
\\'h ich h e succlllnbe(l.
The d ceased join ed th e 7th Dragoon
Cnards in 1866, a nd eig htee ll years later
tran s ferred to the Arm \' P a \' De part 111 (:11\
II I the rank of Captain , '




After a further ten years' service he \\'as

Major and retir!;'d in r 897,
, Oil, hI S ,retIrement Major l3echer \\'ent to
Itve 111 ~o l chester and in r 398 \\"as apP?111t:d ecretary of the Hospital in \\'hiclt
IllS li fe so tragIcally en ckd,
He \I'as a keen C hurch man and fo r som e
years \\'a Hon, Secretary of th e Ruric1ecanal Conference and a member of his
ParochIal Ch llrch Counc il.
Dur ;ng the
Grea t War he \\'as Sec retary of the
Soldiers ' & Sailors' Fami lies Assoc iation
and for his excellellt \\'ork in cOllnectiol;
with this organ ization he was a\\'arcled the
The deceased leaves a wido\\' olle son
Irho is in the Wes t Yorkshire 'r~eai111ent'
and a daughter,



No, 76571 T8 , Sam Wild (late Staff ~ ergea nt) died 011 30th October in L ondoll
at the age of 58,
,Th e decea, ed joined the Kin g's l~oya l
RI~ e C orp,' on 20th March, 1900, and rellIa111ec1 \nth this unit for nearly t\\'O years
Irhe ll he transferred to the Anll\: -Pa \~
Corps (Ko, Ioo r ), H e \\'as sltortlv' aftel:Irarc1s sellt to Ireland and served -ill BilT
al\c1 Cork, an d \\'as posted to Egypt in
March, 1912 ,
l?uring the s um111 er of 1915 h e \ras illraltd ec1 home a n d ellt to HOl1l1 slo\l' I\'h ere
he remai n ed until he ,,'as discharae'd from
the Cor ps in Feb ru ary , ] 92 T, )n ~ he ra 11 k
of S taff Sergeant,
After lea v in g the Am1\' , Wi ld obta in ed
a post in th e F inis try ot' Health a n d \\'as
employed the re up to the time of hi: death

Lieut,-Colonel R obert Willia11l Peter

L ocl\\"ick died at hi s residence in Cam herley on 6th February in his SIst year.
On the 9th August, 1873, the deceased
received his commission in the r, loucester
R egiment ancl 18 years later he transferred
to the Army Pay DepartJ1l ent in the I~allk
of P aymaster (189r),
He \\'as appointed Hon, i\Iajor in October, 18Q8 and \\'as sent , in th e following
year, to South Afri ca wh ere h e took part
in the campa ig n agai nst the Boers, be ing
a\\'arded th e Queen's Medal with t\\'O clasps
alld the King ' s Meda l \\'ith t wo clasps,
\~ hile 'in SO,n th Africa h e was promotec1


app01l1t~d H ~)\l.

In th e report of the death of Ur, W,
Woodland in our last ,issue, \\'e regret that
his Chl'istian Name ,w as g ive n as Wil.liam,
,\\"hereas it should ha ve been Wa iter.
''ll'he ,i:leath too k p lace on J an u a ry 17th
:rit Devonport of Colonel Osmond l\l oncri eff
Johnston, C,B ,E" in his 86th year.
The deceased joined the North Staffordsh ire Regiment in I 869 at th e age of 20,
a nd later tra nsferred to the Army Pay
Departmen t.
Af ter thirty yea rs' service h e \\'as promoted Colonel in r 899 , and was appointed
Chief Pay mas ter of th e Western District
in r9 00 , a nd served a t Devonport for many
yea rs ,
On his retirem ent from the Arm y Pa~ '
Department , where h e was exceedingly
popular: \\'ith a ll ranks, ill I903, Colon el
J oh n ston settled in Devonport wh ere h e
took a great interest in local affairs,
He \\'as, for many years, Hon, Secretary
and Treasurer of the Stoke Lawn Tennis
Clu b , a nd a meml er of the Royal 'West ern
Yacht Club, in \\'hich he acted as H on,
Secretary for a short period,
Colonel J ohn ston, wh o leaves three
daughters, \\' as a ver.y enthu siastic motor
cyclis t , a n d at the age of 83 was hequently
to be seen riding on his machi n e over th e
moors and to meets of hounds in the district.
Colon el J ohn ston was created a C.D,E ,
in 1919 for bis services during the Grea t
War " 'itl! the Royal Army Serv ice Corps,
b eing employ ed as Officer il c Barracks, at




The death of vVilliam Thomas D l1ll -ea th

(late No, 602 , S,Q,M,S,) took p lace at
Waltha111sto\\' on 15th Decem ber, 1933 at
the ag,e of 59, D un Seath en li sted ill March ,
r8?; III the l'\ort ha m pt onshire R egim ent.
10\\"a rc1 s th e end of 1 95 he tra ll sferred
to th e Ar111Y Pay Cor ps a n d served for
uver I7, yea rs before being d isc harged 011
COl1 lp letlOn of 21 yea rs' serv ice i n Ma rch
1 9 1 3, in the rank of S,Q,M,S,




No , 8 , ~i lli am Campbld l Gibson (late

S oS, f.) (hed at his home at Rosvth on
Xmas Day, 1933,
, He \\'as born in Edin burgh on Jun e 27th,
111 October , I 872 he joined the
V?lunteer Fo rces an d \\'as appointed
LIe utena nt 1\1 th~ 3rc1 Ed, nburg h Rifle
Here he remained for th e next three
yea rs, w h en on 30th September r 8 - 5 he
en lis ted, into the 9Ist (Argyll & S~ther
land HIghlanders) and \\'as h'ansferred a
1110nth later to the 72 nc1 (Sea forth Highlande rs) then serving in India,
During th~ following five yea rs G ibson
received rap Id promotIOn, and by I 88 r h e
held the rallk of Q uar term aster Sergea nt ,
Hi s service in India, ho\\'eve r, was not
to las t for 10ll g, for h e was soon in va lidec1
from tha t cOllntry a nd returned to Engla nd ,
111 Novell1~er, 1884 h e hansferred to the
Corps.of lVClhtary , taff C lerk s , and ill the
follol\"lng year \\'as prom oted to the rank
of Warrant nfficer , being statio n ed in
In April, 1893 he \\'as automatica ll y
transferred to the ne\\'ly formed Army Pay
Corps and \ras sent to G ibra ltar in Sep tember" \\'here, he spent th e n ex t six yea rs
I1nt1l hIS retlrem ent on 1St Angust, r899'
(: 11 leav ing the Cor ps h e \\'as appointecl
C hi ef C lerk at the Barrack Oftice San'dp:i ts, Gihra ltar, ancl con tinu ed to h~ld this
post until 192T when h e returned to the
lllited Kingd011l, and \yent to live with
his you ngest da ughter in Rosyth,
The deceased, \\'h o leaves on e son and
three da ug hters, \\'as laid to rest in S tirli11'''
011 27 th Dec 111 ber, T933,

S'.o,M:, ' C harles Alfred Young d ied in

tragIc Cl rCl1lll sta nces on 30th Decem ber,
r933 ,
The deceased ha? been spending th e
Chnstmas holic~ay \nth friends in Cologne ,
He was travel1111 g back to Enrr land ill th e
Imperial A in\'ays Liner "A;oll o" \\'hell
he \\'as ki ll ed \\'ith nine o th ers in the disaster which overtook this Illachine a t
~l1ysselede, Ilear Bruges in Belgiulll, \\'he ll
1t struck an 800ft,-high radio py lon in a
thick fog,
l':l1 lis ting' into th e A r111 v Pay Corp, ill
Octol. er, ;914, Young \\"a's sent to Lich -

William J ames ElI is di ed in Warring-ton

on ,T2,th Ja~uar y, 1934 at the age of 74,
Ell ls en ltsted into t h e 3rd /7 th Draaooll
(~l1a rds in TS,q and after fourteen ;ears
tran fe rre<l to th A r111 y Pa \' Corps' hu t
he onl \' re nlai11 ed fo r four 11;0 Ilth 5 i;l t he





field. In 1916 he transferred to tl;e Durham

ht Infantry a nd subsequen ,ly served
L Ig
. F'
\\ith the 6th Yorkshir!;! R egim ent 111. rail
and Flanders, \\here he s~ rv ed with th e
late Colonel J . G. La \\Tence of the Corps,
\\"ho \\'as Adjutant, and. later, Commandin g Officer of the BattalIon.
He remained 1U Fr~nce untIL Malc.b,
19 19 when he \\'as discharged. H ~ leenlisted into tl;e Corps and was posted to
the London Pay Office.
H e \\'as sll.bseq uen tl y [ osted for duty 0,11
the Rhine, Shanghai a nd finally at Regent s
Park Barracks, \\'here he \\'as employed a t
the time of his death.
S.Q.1VLS. Young \\'as aged 46 yea r~ and
leaves a \\idO\\ a nd one son age~1 22 years.
The funeral took place at Chnst Church,
Sandown , Isle of 'Ni g ht , \\'her~ a number
of representatives of the Corps \:' er~
present. Wreaths \\"ere sent by th e S taff
of the Army Pa y Offices, London, Dep~
ford a nd Hilsea, by the Old Comrades A'!Ssociatiol1, the Chairman and S ~ aff of Imper:al Airways, Ltd" and Monsieur Forth-




omme, Ministre de Transpor~s, Belgium , ill

addition to those from relatIVes .


s. d.
257 0 4
21 3 ll ~
4 13 6

To Prin ~ ing (Vol..2 Nos. 9- 12)

Postages , Carn age, et-c.
. ..
Mi 'cell aneouti Expenses
Typing and Clerical Assistance
Fees for Repl'oduct:on
. ..
Balallce being Net Profit

By Sa le of Copies
Ad vertIsements
Billding Cov ers
Ch ristmas Card:
Diaries ...
Mi , cell aneon Receipts

Profi ~ fl"Ol11

1 10 0
11 5 8
9 12 11

s. d.
S undry Creditors. ...
Su!JscI,ibm:s-Pald 111 Advan ce
for Copies and Postage ...
RSCF e ror Doubtful . Debts
Adverti se rs-Paid in Advall ce
Pl'OFIT .IND L oss .ACCOU:-:TBrought forward at ] /1/ 33 116 7 6
A rid Profit for Y ar 1933
9 12 11




s . d.
3] . 6 0
7 2 0

- - -

Du e fro111 Adverlisers
Du e fl'O Ill Subscriber.


31st DE C EM B E R , 1933 .
AssErs .

Ca h nl Bnnk
Cas h in Halll



7 5
10 10

308 8

s. d.
18 1


s. (I.
15 0

9 7 3!
5 14 6
13 4




Billdin g Cove rs- Stock

Typewriter- Cost P"i ce
L (' ss Drp ,'ecla tJon


.. d.

38 8 0
14 12 6

77 13 6t


7 10
5 0 0
4 0 0

1 0 0
132 1 IO!


.'1udiled GIld {oulld correct.

80. P:tll Mall.

LOllci oll , S.W.l.
7t h l' ebruaL'Y, 1934.

n . fr.

( 'hn l"iton, Lt.Col.

H . Stubbs. Li eut.

Hon. !l udi Lon ,






"Chang " the Dreamer

Tbe death of William hen yo n (No.

76 57573) is reported from er.
He served in the o ld LancashL.r ~ Volunteers from July, 1902 t o April, 1908 . Uu
the formation of the Territorial Army , he
contLDu ed in, the 8th Lancashire Fusiliers
nntil 4th August, 19 I 4 \\'hel: he \\'as
embodied. H e \\'ent t o Egypt 111 S~p tem
ber, 19 14, proceeuing in May, 1915 to the
In August, 1916 he joined the Loyal
RegilUent . for one clay, being transfer:ed
to the Army Pay Corps on th !:; followlDg
. .
Kenyo 11 \\'as posted to Smgapore 111
October, 1919 and remained there for
nearly 3~ years. He retu:ned to E ng land
and continued to serve until Febrnary, 19 2 7
\\" hen he was discharged.
He had been in poor health for some

The Royal Army Pay Corps Journal



By S.S.1'vl. W. F.
Chang-Ling-koo \\'as a Barrow coolie
-one of the countless hundreds of th a t ilk
for which Shanghai is famou s or infamo us.
He pushed his barro\\' daily from s Ull set
until his acb ing legs forced him to his
humble sq ua tter's hut of mud and straw
at early dusk; besides there is 11 0 twilight
ancl Chang was not the possessor of the
tll'O lamps .\Ihich the beneficent '~Iuni cipal
Coullcil decrees as a ll after-dark 11ecessity.
With the exception perhaps that its
weight \\'as slig htly lig hter th a n 'its normal
load, his one \I'heeled barrow differed ill no
material respects from those us!;!d by hi s
coo.lie forbea rs of 2,500 yea rs ago when th e
rul111g dynasty commenced the bl1ildin o- of
the Great Wall of China .
Chang's back was bent \\'ith ceaseless toil
and his feet, encased in straw sanda ls, \rere
sore and bleeding. Hi ye llo\\' body ached
for nourishment, for warmth a nd for rest.
!fis blue jea n overalls \\"ere in rags . Day
In , clay out, he toiled for a ha ndful of
coppers which ba rely sufficed to provide a ll
existellce. for hil1J self, Chu-So-Iung hi s
dlltJfnl \\"lfe and their children.
Chang \\"as a philosopher, an id ea list . but
a.bove all he \\"as a drea111 1', and li e \\'as
tIred of thi s earthly toil.
Th e occasion was on e of th ose rail1\'
h.lllllid da~'s when all th e \\'orld ee111S up~
Side do\\'n. Chang \\'as stru gglin g with a
load of seve n Chinese g irl s from the Tung
Hwa silk: filature . The\' \\'ere ridin ;' hom'e
ill sta~e for the nigga rdly sum of 8 c~ppers.
laugh1l1g, joking , a nd sneering at poor
Chang's mis-shapen legs and feet.
CL11'S ec! ~ nd g roa ned as a high-powered car
cOllta11111lg some rich taipan fla shed past .
besoattering his human cargo with niud
and filth .
W!th a supreme effort he kept hi s
heaVIly lad en baLTow on a n even keel \I'hil st
th e girls hurled bitter invective, insults
alld ~al1nts, but Challg dl-eamed on.
HIS very oul revolted and cried o nt
aga in st the system which sweated hi s poor
body \\"hil st others rode in peace and lived
III nlenty. whv not he) Yes, \rJn- not!'
A chorus of "Man-mans" fr0111 his
human frei g ht indicated that their destina223


tiOll \\'as reach!;!d. He pocketed the fe\\'
coppers in the Rouch suspended from hi s
belt and thoug ht a while.
He \\"as wet,
weary and hun g ry. He felt in his pOllchyes, th e si lver dollar \\'as still there.
Should he cha11ce one pipe a t the house
of Chen-Chan g -yun, or ma yb~ t\\o?
\\"ould bring so lace and peace for a \\"hile,
and mayh ap his dreams \\'ould provid~ a
guiding star to that for \\'hich he longed.
His mind made up, he parked his barro\\'
in its accustomed place, a nd slouched along
in the drizzling rain to a dark a lleyway at
the rear of Zon g-Kees in Peking L ell.
Shaven polled children scuttled here a nd
there like rats in th e ga th!;!l: ing g loom,
wbilst men a nd women ill felt soled shoes
padded past lloisel essly.

The pOll ch for

A barrow Coolie,
Oppl"S may be seen affixed to
hi s h e l~.

Chang paused at a sombre-looki11,!; d\\" eJling, g lanced furtively to left and rig ht and
knocked twice . In a nSI\'er to a voice frOrI!
within he soft ly cried .t 'Ti Chang-Li11l!koo. I a m \\'et, I am tired and I seek
The door opened slo\\'ly, and
Chang was swallo\\'ed lIJl i11 the darkness
beyond the portal. C ui led bv the mercena ry Chen he entered a smail room, bare
but for seven pallets, a nd illuminated b'
th e fitful gleam of a single oil lamp. Si;'
of the pallets Irere occup ied. "The Opium
Eaters", th ere they la y in variOlls [)ostures
-some 011 their backs I\"ith knees dra\\'l1





U[ , some stre tch ed full leng th 0 11 th e ir

backs, I\"hilst oth ers hu d dl ed on th eir sides,
em pt y pipes beside th em . Li vin g corpses-victim s of a sa tanic lure, yet I\" it h al , a t
peace with th e world for an h our.
Chang laid hi s \I'ea ry body u pon th e
vacant pallet a nd sm ok ed one pi pe, .iust
one red pill. His bod y seemed to g low
\Iith warmth , h e felt no pa ngs of hun ger,
and he I\"as no longe r tired .
Hi s thoug hts were of far ' Szechu en '
wh ere th e b ones of his fa ther lay ; of th e
tin y farm and pad dy fields where he spent
his youth, a nd of th e vi1l age tem ple \Ih er e
his fa th er was wont to b urn joss to th e
rain Buddha I\" h en th e sun wa st rong a1ld
th e rice n'as weak .
Ah, could he b ut go back a nd becom e a
power in the land-a n overl ord su p rem e I
Chang built his castl es and th oug ht on .
Y es-his big house \I'ould be furni shed \Iith
silks and satin s and ab ound with serva nts.
H e wo uld ea t th ose gor geous pork ba1ls.
stuffed with the tasti est o f s\l'eetm eats a n d
sip g reen tea from the choicest of Chin ese
"I'a re . H e \IotJld sm ok e hi s beloved pipe
The fa irest of
a nd command at will .
lV[ancilu maiden s and perh aps even one of
those "Foreign Devil s" \I'oul d g race hi s
castle .
Just one m ore pi pe.-one more red pi1l ,
a nd then obli vion . Ch ang dreamed.
Chane; the overlord of Szechu en, th e rul er
of mi1lions. H e rode in stat e, cl a d in th e
costliest silks a nd brocades. H e sm oked
his pipe and co mmanded as h e I\,ish ed .
Hi s h ouse was a ca stle I" ith countl ess
ser vants . the richest of foods an d th e
fa irest Manchu .m aiden s, an d-a "Foreig n
Devil" .
Yes , he was a power in th e la nd ind eed.
i\'fan y mow of rich padd y fi elds fill ed hi s
coffers t o overfl ol, .in g with pi ec~s of sil ver.
This \I'as life as it sh oulc1 be li ved. H e la v
on this richl y carved bed and th oug ht cif
fa r Sh angh ai . of hi s one-wh eeled barro\l' ,
~l11 d of Chu-So-hm g his wife . Th ey wer e
but a fantasv to be forgotten in thi s la nd
of peace and plenty.
He stirred un easil y in hi s stu por at th e
t ouch of a hand . Th en a th ought fl ash ed
through his fuddl ed brain .
Y es--his
drea m h ad com e tru e at last. This mu st
be his first wife a wak enin g him t o hi s
m ornin .e: pipe . Sudd enly a roa r lik e th e
bl ast from a thousand ca nn on smote hi s
ear. "Hi, C'm on." H e h alf op ened his




\I'ea ry eyes an d sa \I' as thro ug h a mi ta ma le "Foreig n Dev il" , a S ergea nt of th e

K 9Tcotic R aid in g Sq uad; a nd th en obli iOIl
on ce more.
Chang recove red hi s comp osu re ea rl \'
n ex t m ornin g, \Ih en he discovered hi',
ca stl e to be b ut a p ri son cell. H e lallg ui shed th ere for a m onth , d ream in g Oil ,
whil st Ch u-So-luJ1 g hi s duti fu l wife
p ush ed hi s ba rrow on h ~r tin y bound feet
to ea rn t he da il y bo wl of ri ce . Chan g is
a lIiser an d sadder ma n a n d h e has man y
b rethren . They a re not all Bar;'oll' Coolies
b ut th ey are all d rea m ers .
Non~s.-B copper s repHsen ts so met,h in g less th~n

o ne h;).lfp enny at t h e curren t exch ~ ll ae

r a.t e, a nd th e fa re for 7 girl would
r oug h ly t hree p nee 1'0:' a ppl'Oxi rn a.l,el ~' ~
mile to a thou sitnn varri s.
" 'For eig n D ey il " is t h E- term used wh en 'r
fel'l'ing lo " ' i\7h it e" people. A t. one period
it wa s used by all a nn s u ndry. It is 11 01'
II sed onl y bv th e illil e rale nnd old t "l ~
cia sse_ o f Chin ese .


Promotions & AppOintments (continued/rom p. 216)

Continued in the Service beyond 21 years.
7657270 S R.1\ 1. A W ill s . until 30 / 9 / 35.
7657034 S .R.M . H. M . CO lll'ln ey. un t il 11 / 10/34.
14090RO S g t . E. J . K na pp . un t il 27 / 3 / 37 .
7657039 S .S .M . L . V Ca. rt r , u nti l 1'2/2 /35.
1657299 S . . 1\1. 13 . .T . 13 . T emple , un t.i] 16/ 11/35.
7657281 R.S 1\ 1. P. A. A ncl e rs oJl , un t il 30/ 4/35.
7657034 S.S.M. J . H . Drnm mo nd , un t,il 14/5/36.
1031912 S.Q .M .S . J. H . SpooneT, un t il 23/6/38
Re.elll~agemenls to comptete 21 years .
3381061 L / S g t. A. H roa db enl , 20 / 11 /33.
1056176 Sgt. .A. L . Brown. 2?i / 12 /J3.
4263955 ,gt. T . owe rl.. ;v. '22 / 1 /34 .
14244 10 S~t . F . H a.ppe. 31/ 1/34 .
Extensions of Service to complete 12 years .
7880521 C pl. J. R . Woa n . 2111'33.
1867465 Cpl. .T. F . T ay lo1'. 20 / 11 /33.
4121467 L / Sgt. H . A very , 30 / 11 / 33 .
6283714 C p!. T . IT. Ald er son , 17 / 1 / 34.
7733358 Sg t. H. A. Pi tch er , 29 / 11 /33.
7657032 S .S.M. W. M . Ath r to n. 15/ 12/:'3.
1657164 S Q.M.S . G. J. Loo l hl ey . 23 / 12/ 33.
7657290 S .Q.M .S . T . W. 'vV oO dford . 2:'1/ 12/\5.~
7657531 .Q .M.S . F. W hRt fl', 24 / 17 /33.
7657064 S S.M . H. H . O. Norman , 2 / 1/ 34 .
142'?055 L / S~t . W . S. D enn e . 10/l / 34 .
7657Zl2 S .Q. M .S. S . Wa it e rs. 31/ 1 /34 .
7734016 S gt. A . W . H o pk ill S. 9 / 2 /34 .
T.A.R .
7583460 C pl. T . Runt. 30 / 11 / 3~ .
6191687 L / Sg t . W . Tu ll och. ';)3/ 1/ 34 .
Q .1\r. s . F . V . f und I' . 2 / 12 /33.
l 41R868
2205196 Sgt. V,7 . L ee_. 6 /12 /33.
7009726 L / Bgt . R J . W ood s . 20 / 12/ 33.
400608 L fS g'. S . T . Ch ell in (!s worth. 30fl
1867686 Pte. H . J . Co x. 9 .' l 2 / 33.
7657'385 S .Q .M . ' . C . .\ . YO lln g. 30 / 12/ 33.


' RlI1,'I Y




Our Chess Page


Bl ack (4 pieces )

. Che 5 is a m any -s ide d a

mtell ec tu a l side t . I
g 1llE:, I~ h as Its
, 1 S 11l111OrOUs Side
an I
It som etIm es borde rs on tJ
< (
But it a lso ha'
l e SI ectac ula r.
. a .C UI lO ll S turn a t t imes
ContI' nen
es I lave ma ll y t ll11
. e .'

J 1ta l magac zIn

pu bl IS l ee peculia r POSiti OIl S
ch ce
f f
, an ( Ire re pro.1
a ell or the 111 terest of
- I
reader . T he -e a re 11
OUI C l ess
-I b.'.
. a
pecla ll v cO l11pose 1
o e:, 1 1 IL th e cnn ous , bu t a ll ;1 , .
. '1 '
I a}e l S have
at tlln es m et lI'itl
play .
I S11111 a l ones lJl actu al
T h.e first one was com posed I \l H
and IS ca ll ed "1'1l e C IrC
' l1 S". )., vV"".
hitePa Illl yto play a nd deliver ch eck
t .
- th ese a re
m a e 111 1 3 m oves
Rool- tR a Il check s comm en cillO' lIith
" , .0 , sq. a nd t he B lack K ' ....... .
all rOUll el the boa I
Il1 g IS d rl ve ll
r e a l1 e ac k ag'a l t I
l1Iated In h IS orig'i ll a l POSI't lOn
' .
n 0 Je

White (s p ieces)
W hi te to play a nd eh'a ll' I I
ur 9t 1 problem has been spec ia ll y co
ro~ed by a mel11 ber of our 011'11 Coq ; IIlj
01. a fi rs t effort is in terestiJ1 O' .an J , ~Jl (
q UI te surpri sin g key.
( h a~:1

Bla c k (9 pieces)

By Sgt. F . W . Jon es .
Black (3 pieces)

W hi te (8 pieces)
Wllite to play and mat e ill
(al! chec ks) .
13 l1I oves

White (4 pieces)
vVhite to play a nd mate in tll'O move.

. lO q occu r red ItI a ctua l

1,IaT'he nex
, t POSlt
. ). A lm ost a ny play er IIilh th e W l 't
" n , see!ll g' he has n o 1 1 e
'11 1I'0ll. ld I_eSlg
SI ) e c ha nce
Aft . I .
posit .
. '
. el t l e ga l11 e was ove r
h isll~~ nPo ln te d out th at Wh ite, by p l al' ill ~
by I ' g to Kt3 n cl the nce to .R4 fo ll e~1
a-st llS pall'n to. ~<..t3 entrenc hes h im 'e1f ill
qu e~~~~laJ~~s P~S l tJ ~1l whil st B lack w ho has
. I
<;>01- s pa \I' ll IS pOII'er less to
vent t le c un ous d raw .

Solutions to Xmas Puzzles .

is solved by im ply turnin g th e
~ fa ll:1 Kr~)LIIl ~1 m a l1~' d irection \I'h e~1 th e
ac , IIlg IS sho \l'l1 to be mated
No. 2 has 35 different ma tes 011 th e move
E ac h pa\l'n may be made into
Ro 11 I
a ueen or
. . 0 , a ne t le va ri Oll s oth er ma tes mav
easl 1y be see11
N; 6' 3 orig!l~a Jl y ha d th e \Ihite pawll 11 011'
on KlD g 4. It I,vas then moved to
N~ .






King 's" giving ch eck. Black had a pa." n

on his ~2 which he played to B4 covenng
thi s check. White then played P awn ta kes
Pa wn "en passant" g iving mate a.nd re~ult
ing in th e position g iven . It I.S cu n ous
how this puzzle has proved dIfficult to
expert p lay~rs.
. .
No. 4 is solved by dnvmg the
King to t he rook's fil e a nd commences \\'lth
Queen to R8 check, etc . , but the difficl1lty
occurs ",hen th e King is driven to QRS
when a move has to be lost.
GAME No . 19.
Sicilian Defence.
The following is a spark lin g little game
between t wo well-known loca l player s, both
of them of the b ~illi an t school. T he game
has also its educational value : Black
2. P-KB4
Kt-OB "
3 Kt-KB3
4 B-B4
s Castles.
6. P-KS
7 PxP
8. B-QK ts ch
9 KtxKt
10. R-Ksq?
T1. K-KRsq.
Kt-K S !
12. Kt-Kt4?
P-KR4 !
13 P-QB3
14 PxKt(must)
PxKt disc. ch. , and mate.

_L_ __ _ __

I S.
18 .

20 .

B- K 3Ch
Q-- K 4Ch

Kt-B s
K x Kt

GAME No. 21.

The subj oi ned exciting ga me was played
recentl y in a French corresponelence tourn
a ment : Centre Counter Open}n g.
P . Schroeter.
H. Ludll'ig.
2. PxP
3. P- Q4
4 . P-QB4
5. Q-R 4 (ch)
QKt-B 3
P-QKt4 !
6 . P-Qs
7. PxP
QK t-Q S
8 . Kt-QR3
P- K 4
9 . PxP (e. p.)
TO. B- K 3
11. P-Kt6 ( P-Q B 3
12. P-Kt7
13. R-Qsq.
T4. Kt~K 2
IS. RxKt
16. P- KtS (becQ) BxR
J7 . Q-Kt7
Kt-Q6 (ch)
IS. K-Q2
BxB (ch)
19. Resigns

GAME No. 20.

Played 111 the London Leag ue by t,,o
well-kno wn experts.

Xmas Congress at Hastings.

Th is a nllual Congress a ttracted a very
fin e en try this year . Not only was ~r.
Alekhine the present World' s champI?1I
play in g, but Salo F lohr, Lilienth al, .Ehskases together with several o ther Cont11l ell '
tal experts all joineo battle \\'ith sOl1; e of
th e best Eng-lish p layers. S ultan Khall,
the present British champion. has left England for India.
Flohr, \\ith a score of 7 out of 9 games
(the two losses bein g made up of four
ch'a ,,s) , \I'on the Premier Contest. "'h!Ist
Dr. A lekhin e. II'h o had been upset by a
severe Channel crossing could onl y tie wltl:
Lilienthal, the youn g French I layer. fOI
second place wi th a scor e of 6.

Petroff Defence.
Wh ite
2. Kt-KB3
Kt-KB ,3
" . P-Q4
4 P-KS
Kt-Q4 ?
5 QxP
6. B-QB4
Kt- Kt3
7 B-Kt3
8 . Q-KKt4
9. Q-KB4
10. Q-R6
12. QxRPch
K-K 3
13. QxKtPch
14. Kt-B3Ch
K-Q B 3




As usual the fore ign contingent swept

th e lower sections. Koltanowski, a past
~elg i a ll champ ion, \\'ith Max Wa Iter tied
for the Prem ier Reserves. Ullri ch, a German expert, also won the Major A secti on.
The youn g Winchester Coll eg e mathe-

11lati~al master wh o is probab ly onr best

English p layer-C. H. O'D. Alexanc1ertied lVith E lisk ases for fourth place in the
Premier Section .
Over 100 en tri es were received for the
Congress. the present on e be in g th~ fourteenth consecutive Xmas co ntest held in
this up-to-date seasid e resort .



P.-Yes, I tJlink th e a tticl es are excell en t.
W .S.-G1 ad to hear you had such a good ti m~.
I a lso played th e player' you menti on wh en ovel'
last summ er.
P.F. -J should say eith er Koltanowski or Frank
Marsha ll .
F.Vil.J .- Many Lha nks for nea t littJe problem.
" NEwc oMER" .- I shou ld be inclined to agree with
you. but th e position appears ve ry intricate. 'Wha t
were Ule two moves?
S.S. a nd O.K.-See solntion in tJli s number.
A.V.-If you ha ppen to go t here. try th e " R eb,
stock " Ho tel- on e of th e fOl'mer S"; ss Champion"
keeps it.
A .E . -You '~ll!st pl ay th e Bis hop out first. Th e
mere tl'anSpos,tlon of a lmost, an y mo ve in t hi s
openin g "e 'ults in a bad ga me.
'Wi ll a ll co rrespond ents please address Sgt. V .
RUSH . 80, P all l\'fa ll , London, S .W .1.

M arried Quarters RoIl


Class 14

Th e fo ll ow ing unoffi cial extract [1'01~1 the " vVailillg Li st " for th e Ma rriEd Quarters Ro ll as at 1st
March, 1934. is includ ed in t he "Journal" as {I ' mal.
tBI' of general interest to th e Corps. Althou g h pub.
Itshed und er VIa I' Office sa nctIOn , th e' exlract, can .
not be quo ted as an authority in a ny officia l docu.
ment and it 'mu st be b'O l'I1 e in mind th art, th e
"Waiting List" is liable to varia ti on as prom otion
and other casualties occur.

Sergeants (Class 14) .

1. Everett. H . F.
32 ..Jon es, A . 1.
2. Bowen. 1.
33. Loton, C. M.
3. Stevenson. J .
34. '::-ames. A. B. C.
4. Watts, C. D.
35. Ryan. S. F.
5. Pentn ey, G .
36. Thomas. J. C
6. Forse. H .
37. Clnrk , H.
7. Webber. F.
38. Bateman. R. H.
8. Lan caster, J . W. M. 39. Close. J . H. R .
9. G'lbel't. E . E.
40. Ran som .E. n.
10. May, W . C. L.
41. Cook , L.
11. BcssenL, J . A.
42. W iLl ia ms. P. J .
12. Enrlacott. C.
43. Banett. F. J.
13. Doherty, A. J.
44. Finch. G. F .
14. Whiteman. D. H.
45. Rroarlbent. A.
15. Carter, C. D .
46. R elso, J .
16. Chap m<l l1 . E. W.
47. Hi ll . P. J .
17. Fox , R.. C.
48. Winch , B. J:
18. Roslin g, F . J.
49. Lo w. W. D. G.
19. MOI'ley, B .
50. Buxtoll. "v. K.
20. Jones . F . W.
51. Colli ns. J .
21. Rippin. J. G. E .
52. Ta sker. R.
2'2 . Morris, C.
53. Lawson , .T. 8.
23. Basham , H. C.
54 . Hallelt, E . G.
24. Cull'Om . L. D.
55. El'lund , C.
25. Wigg. G. E .
56. Pink. W.
26. TI'lIe H. A. J .
57. Dogg l'elJ. 'R.
2:1. Kempton. W. J .
58. R ohel't s. W . C.
28. FOWler, G.
59. PotLer . W . A .
29. Ca veille, C. L.
60. Lees. W.
30. Young. L. E.
61. ('u ll om. L. G.
31. Pen fold, R.
62. Pensc, E.

( CO lllillIl Cd ) .
Lance Sergeants . etc.
(Class 15) .
63. R nppe, F.
64. R!r1 din gton. F. J.
l. Davi es, J.
65. Ad lam . D. J. F. S.
2. R evnolds , H. "V.
66. McDon ald. L.
3. :\ v'ery , H.
67. Sowerby, T.
4. Sutton , P . VI.'.
68 ..John son. G. A .
5. Hargl'eaves. C. E.
69. Wa lk er. S. R.
6. Welch. D .
70. Wi les . E. A.
7. Ali en, W . H.
7l. Dmmmoncl . R.. J .
5 Wood , R.. J .
72. Bishop , A. W.
9. Barns haw. H .
73. Moody, W. G.
10. Bedford , L . -G.
74. Bake ... F. J . B.
11. Watson, C. A.
75. Puntt!'o S. F.
]2. Thomas, T .
76. Lydon , P.
13. Chellings wOI'lh, S. T .
77. WOl'sley, R..
14. Taylor, J.
78. MUl'phy. P. H.
15. Cemernic. E.
79. Argent, A. R .
16. Pannell , R.. R.
80. Frascr, G.
17. Gowers, A. T.
81. Her bl't . W . J .
18. Bewick, T .
82. R ersha w, H . E.
19. Fnirclough , R..
83. Grant. F. W .
20. HOl'ton. B. C.
84. Thornton , P. J .
21. Caterham . N.
85. POllntney. D . J.
22. Balling. C. P .
86. Toll ey, R.. D.
87. Burn et.t, E. J.
23. W l'igh t, J . P.
88 . B l'own. A. L .
24 . PinJ...-ney. W .
89. Rom er; B.
~5. Hi tchcock . C. H.
90. Mille... P.
26. Bar .. is. F. W.
91. Mand er , C. W . .
27. Woan , J . R.
92. Bl'oadsmith . A . E.
93. O'Connor. :\ . H .
28. Sla ter , J.
94. Chappell. E . W .
29. Ma ckreth , R. W.
95. Gi les . W . G. A.
30. Lee, P. M.
96. Taylol'. E . T.
31. McLaughlan, C.
97. Al exand er, F. I-T.
32. Wi ll iams , T. G. A .
98. Freeman, S.
33. Ring . E. A.
99. Donovan, F.
34. Meado ws, R . A .
100. AlI an , E. J.
:"5. PlI lli n, W. C. J.
101. Coo pe...' L.
36. Bl'ooks . J\ . F. J .
102. Staff. W. E.
103. Lowth er , E . R . E.







"Brandy- Balls"
'l'his is a story of the \\"ide open spaces,
a story of ambition and hate and the passions that consume strong men . Reader,
go to it. Your pa y-lists can wait.
The scene is laid in a certain ga rrison
to"l!. The dramatis personre is the Costin g Staff.
The theme concerns t,,o ambitions, and
the strange coincidence that brought them
into conflict.
Quartermaster-Sergea nt Wal1lut , \\h o
" 'as stationed at Co\dord, is our vill ain.
He had no blac~ moustach e, but even th e
best villains lack something, and W alnut
made up for his deficiency by the utter
ruthlessness that marked all his act'ons.
Raci ng comes to us but once a yea r ,
and Nutty , as our vill ain was nicknamed,
regarded this as the hig h spot o f the yea r.
He " 'as a man of stron g sporting tendencies, and his special interest " 'as the Garrison Hunt Cup . He knew all the ho rses
by their Christian names, knell' their
weights and speeds and distances; h e
al"'ays kne,,, moreover, \\" ho was goin g to
\\"in, and was prepared to stake his reputation on his forecast ; not only hi s reputation, but his money and most of hi s
underwear. Bl1t this year he had an even
stronger interest in the race.
He had
entered a horse of hi s own, and he "'as
determined, no matter what the cost, that
it should \Yin. Already he had poisoned
the fa vourite and had driven a hobnail
behind the ear of the second favourite. It
now seemed th at n othin g could keep him
from victory. But h e had one fear. Th e
supply of Sinbad brandy-balls mig ht give
And these brandy-balls were th e
inspiration, the very life-blood , of hi s
horse , Pantechnicon filly .
At this stage we ought to point out that,
owin g to th e lamentable sca rcity of both
heroines and villainesses, P a ntechni con
fill y is the on ly femal e in th e st ory .
Our hero is Sergeant-1'vfajor Pun ch, a
man of excellent parts. H e had a strong
sense of duty, he ran in the Three M.i les
on Sports Days, and he shared his affection
hetween his wife and his wireless set. But
he was consumed by a desire for promotion.

A S"'o rd and t ,,o pips. At the tim e th e

story opens, promotion seemed scarcelv
more th an a matter of ,,eeks. T wo Assi~
tant P ay masters had recently resig ned and
one had m ost commendably died; a nd as he
\\"atched Corps O rders ,, ith one ~ye and the
Journal with th e other, punch saw th at his
goa l " 'as n ea r. Onl y one thin g intervened,
th e quarterly accounts.
The point about the q uarterl y accoun ts
"'as this: first, th e accounts must be absolutely accurate; Serg t. Soninla w, his able
assistant, would see to that . Secondly,
the accounts must not be late. This was
more difficult , because the tim ~ betwee11
the end of th e q uarter and th e dne elate
" 'as very limited; to avoid ta rdiness, he
ca ll ed in h1s 'ex tra hel p ', Serg t . Camminix.
Thi s extra help " 'as g ifted ,,-ith speed,
acc uracy and concentration-given one
thing, Brand y -balls. As he recorded 890s.
a t th e ra te of fi ve hundred p~r h our he
che,,'ed incessantly a Sinhad b rand y-ball .
Other bra nds had 11een tried, bllt the rate
had fallen to 300 . ' .iVith oll t a n y, it fell to
I so.
O n returnin g t o th e Sin bad, th ~ l:a te
picked 111' imm ediately t o 500 again.
At 11 a .m. on. Apri l 14th, a c riti ca l cia)'
in th e career of the March account, Sergt. Major Pnnch noticed \\"ith alarm th at th e
pi le o f 890s. had n ot sensibl y diminished
sin ce 9 a.m. Further, on regarding Carnminix' face, he observed a n expression
nSllally seen in advanced cases of
encephalitis lethargica.
"What's wrong, Cammi?", he as\;ed:
"No b randy:balls", was the reply . "This
morning I finished m y last one, and the
ne,,' cons1gnmen t h as n ot arrived".
"How's that?" asked Punch .
"No idea. The Si nbad depot has never
failed me before Could we get th em 011
the teleph on e? " .
A call to L ondon is expensive, hut the
matter \yas ur tYent, a nd ind eed, seri ous, so
Punch put throu gh a trunk ca ll , and ~ fell"
moments la ter was speak in g t o the Slnbad
depot. They told him tha t th e " 'hole of
their stock and their o utput for the next
week had been bought "p , and had been

_ _ _ __ _ _1_'H
E--=H.~O=_Y AL





pa id for in adva nce. The pu rchaser he

was informed, was a Q.M.S. Walnut, of
~hen PUI~ c h put dow n th e receiver, despall "as written on every feature. But h e
~I uulcl ll ot. be beaten. H e ricked up the
ph one aga l11 a nd aske 1 for Co 'f . 1
" H 11"
\I 01e 4444
11 0 , sa Id ' iVa lnut brusquel" "\I'hat
do you want? I'm busy"
"Look here". sa id Puncl~, "will yo u do
me a ~a~ou_r?.r \I'a ~t ~ fe:\' bra ndy-ball
. smkll1 '"<Y 111tO a coma so
. l111.I IS 1ap ldh'
[ Slm p y m ust have them".
'H~ . I~ e", la u gh ~d Walnut .
(All the
best \ l11a111s
lar ugh h ke that)
"Y m l ~nt
,need th em for my filh.
BeSIde;, I don t wa nt yo u to he promotec!.
Old X:-here he na med a b lack-h earted
whlte-hvered friend of hi s-\li11
t l't'
now" .
F? r th e third . time the Se rgea nt-Ma jor
too k up th e rece Iver. This time he as l~ec1
for the Paymaster.
The P ay ma ter, who sa\\' ho\\' patien tlv
and \\"ell. Pun ch had \\or1." ecl ,\I .a n t ec1 111111
to.get hIS commission, and \I'ould do a n\,thmg to help him.
"Come dO\l'n a ncl see me" he. aid "a nd
l\"e'l1 see what \I'e ca n do".
Twenty minutes la ter a cO lln c il 6f \I'a r
\\"as assemhl ed a t H.Q. a nd the prob lem
I\"as gravely dehated.
Sergt. Veley, \y ho offered t he u_e of his
vo l t_l11ete~' a nd p h ers , \I'as q ui etly e jected.
a ~111ll1nlX, who had volunteered th~ I1se
111S dog to track dO\l'n ~la lnl1t had
a1ready been put out.
a Q.M.S. I~ ni ght , \I'ho did the hospital
,cco unt~ sa Id that, as hra nd v-ba ll c; "'e re
not can. 1. t e ~l o f . d'let, the que -ti on did not
cO ~ll e \I'lthm hI S purvie\\".
. f1:en _ just as a n impasse appea red to he
l 11:~;abl e. Sergt. Lun der spoke Gun .
r 11 tell YO ll \y hat, sir" h e a id "'To
L '
,c .
. 1 a car.
et s [TO up t o London ol1r~e .,;es a nd get som e" .
But", said Pnnch, "thev ",il l refll se
to sell".
tak"V ery well", r~nlied Lllnd er . "\\'e \\'ill
e th em. We \\"111 hurgle th e premise"
Pa~ Il a n .of ca mpa i ~n ",as evolved. The
11'1 ma stel wo uld drive up to Lond on. a ncl
alllen .darkness fell !l e \\"ould .g o li D a n
ey-\\ ay nea r the S11lhad dell0t
1\'1th. I'
11S p l.lers.
ancl LUl1d er. dis '!! ui secl as
I ers . ".011 Id accompany' h'.1111 ; - thev
oulc1 enter th e depot , stea l a fortnight"s

s~pply of brandy-balls, and rush th em to

11 here the car was waiting.

Then the
would dTlve for home like fur y .
!,he plan \Vas pu t into action . Evertll1llg
smoothl:y and b y IT p.m. they
'e - fwent
11 l e
ast app roadllng home " 'ith the 10 t
~l:r th e back of the car, " 'hen-ba ng ! ~
) e had bu~st. The Pay master got out
a n~, uSIn g IllS ~po tli g ht , sa\\' that the road
11 ~~ c,overed Il"1th hobn ail s.
" tt
"tl Itt' s W
'ut' s 1I'0rl-"
' , he mu
el ec1
la s t le kl.nd of nail h e used on th ~
secon cl fa vou n te"
Vele? ancl Lund~r climbed out of the car
a ncl "h:lst th e Paymaster was mending th~
1 l:n ct1.11 e, they gathered up the hobnails
_fh en they got back into the car anci
ch ove t~ ~he P ay O ffice. As they a pproached
;~ e ball ac ks, Luncler suddenl y shouted
,[,SI tO I~, Stop. The brand~T -balls "have gone '
1ey Ve bee n sto len"
.'It1 lI'a'
I trl1e
. . A s tl'
ley h ad bee n OCCU1)ied
11 It 1 tI e tvre
_ , W aI
nut 1lad crept up and
sne?ked the bag of s,,-eets .
. 1 he): fini shed th e drive in sil ence . It
"a~ \~ Ith a verv long- face that the Pay mastel entered Pun ch' s room
"\Ve've bee n ambushed" he a'd " th e
brandy-ba ll s have been sto len" S I ,
The Sergeant-Major b roke into a
"It doesn't ma tte;-" , h e -sa l' c1, "Ca mml
now taken t o acid drops" .

Contract Bridge (con f i1111 ed from page 219)



K 10 532

-r r09S

. AQ764
. AQ
-r AK8
. Z ha' hid " ix Spades". The opponeuts
(hc1 not 1)1(1. A leads the S of H ea rts B
plays th e Kin g a nd Z \\"ins th e trick \I:ith
th e Ace. . Z then leads the Ace of Spades
and A fa lls to follow suit. H o,,' should
Z play the ha nd ?
Th e soluti on to thi s prolJlem ,,ill be
found on page 248 .







the result being 10-1. This how ,

' ..
E\ er, rd 1I0t
d<1mp our a rdour for we h
low Pa Offi
ave sluce played HomlsI '
ce uoth at Houn s low a nd at W k'
0 II1g.
oSlng on both occasions V\I I .
to our co nLests with t hi's ffi e ,It ays l o~ k forwa rd
a ll ~ t is a goo I exr use to 0 C<t " '~\\ evel ~ for afte r
mee OU I old friend s once

W~ in v\~king . are looking forward to th e: li gh'

6:'ellln gs.
ur cricket a nd tenn :s secretaries are h ~'
gllll1l1lg to wear ,1nX IOllS looks a nd 'L r '
hun tin g for lik ely ta lent In 'aeld .'t e gOln g a l,oui
t ff

I Ion se ven I of
le s a can )e heard mutt61iltg som 'th'
\urlllps. pota toe , birds, etc. ete So e l 1I1g a lout
country so mething begin s t o' s til'~
e OWII III the

Cr;cket . -W e h'ld ratl

year, a nd , oW i'ng ' to t he 1~1~;~u~ljfWd~d ~ea&on last
ebd not can cel a match 'rh'
y b , g ht s ummer,
" ',
IS year we propos
to d o t Il ln gs o n such a rand " I "
e. no "
olll'selves to twelve mat clg,
el' and to linllt
IS loped that
ma.v rell ew acquaintances with Sa lisb'
as every body is e'~ge rly' I k'll1g f U1 Y th iS year,
event, both for the' cri cket 00 d
. lrw~rd to thi
an sOCl a Side.
Shooting.-Enthu iasm f ' I t'
aud we are now a ble to re p~rtS \O~e "l& , gets ,~il'onger,
other offices. It was wit h ~rti \~ WIn . aglll ~l st,
that. we managed at las t to LJ~a cular satlsfactlOn
at C,tnter bury on 31'd J
t our old opponents
anua.ry we have t ,' d f
UClI a long t ime
Th f II . ,
li e
sults :.
e 0 oWlIlg ,He some r e-

Pr~lmSotions.-Hearti est

COll g Lll tulat ions

. . Iv . . W . B. P a rr, 011 Il iS
' 1~ I 'omo t.l,on to tha t
I'an'k on J an ua l'y 28th,

Aldershot Command

Departures and Arrivals .-Sergt. H. A . True has

left us for Hong Kong, a nd Lieut. W. H. Thi es,
D .C. M., and Sergeant P. M. Mi ll er have joined th e
office from Woolwi ch and J amaica respectively .
S.Q.M.S. WaIters left us on di scharge to pension
Oil 31st J anuary.
Co ngratui ations to L / Sgt. a nd .Mrs. R. H . H.
P itllL1f'll on the birth of a 50 11 on 28th DecemiJer, <l nu
to the fo ll owing on th eir promotions and appoint
ment :~'3taff-Sergt. D. 0 bome. Sergt. L . Cooper ,
an d L / Sgt .. R. Smith.

Sergeants ' Mess.-A most enjoyable evening was

spent in tbe Mess on th e 8th Decem bel', when th e
members met th e Offi cers at a n Indoor Games
Tournam en t.
-Games commenced at 6.30 r.m. , an d consisted of
bi lli ards, snooker, ta,bletenni s, darts and cards,
The recently <1cqnired tab le tenni 8 attracted many
and hitd a large number of spectators , Ca rd s were
perhaps not quite so mu ch ill demand as t he oth er
ga mES, and th e resu lts of t he Eu chl'e School are
unk nown ; but from l'eliab le . ourees it is understood
sco res in this game are a lways wrapped in mystery
-or something or other.
All games were in fu ll 1~ l ay throughout th e evening-in fact, t he trouble, if such it can be call Ed ,
was lack of room for more games, tbere being
a lways people anxiously awai tin g th eir turn.
Tbe Officers took th eir departure between 9.30 a nd
10.0 after expressi ng thei I' appreciatiou of ,t
ver y enjoyable evenin g.
A very enjoyabl e ti me was spent by yo ung and
old at the children 's Christmas Partv. whi ch was
held on the 3rd J anuary, 1934, at th e R .E. Th eatre.
About ISO were prEsent a ll d justi ce was done to
the excell ent tea provid ed, After tea a Pun ch and
Judy Sbow entelta,ined th e happy party until th e
arr ival of Father Chri stma s (Mr, G. H, Holdaway)
~ave tbe signal for li ghting up th e ga il y illuminated
Chri stmas tree,
Mrs. Mack enzi e, assisted by Father Christm as,
th en distributed toys to a ll th e children and , when
this happy task wa S com plet ed . was presented wit,h
a heaut iful bouqu et hy IiW e Mauree n Clade
Col. MackenziE apologised for th e a bse nce. lhrou gh
illn ess, of \the Co lonelCommandant. 'Col. J. C.
A rmstrong , and voi ced t,he thank s of the company
to the comm ittee, S.S.M. H. Gmnt t hen call ed
for three cheers for Mrs. Mac1, ancl, Father
Christmas. and th is. brought to a cOll clu, ion a very
~ u ccessful party.
Th e Sergeant s' ,Mess Annual Dance held the same

evening in th e R.E. Th eatre was acc laim ed the best

ever. Abo ut 250 attended , amo ng whom "' ''1'0 Col.
and Mrs. Mackenzie, L t.-Col. and Mrs. 'Rogers,
Lt.-Col. a ncl Mrs. Sawers, Major C. N . Bednall.
Ma jor a nd Mrs. Meek, Capt. a.nd Mrs, Tngpen.
Capt: and Mrs, Brewer, Capt. a ncl M I's, Mi ll ing,
ClL pt. and :Mrs. Askin and Li eut. and Mrs. P alTatt,
A most enjoyable programm e of dan ce mu sic was
played by th E; Vienn ese Dance Or 'h es LI'a until
2 a ,m ., refr es hments being ser ved during the intel"
va.1. S.S.M. p, P. P lowman was M, C,
The t hank s of the Det achm ent ar!' du e to S.QJI'I. ..
Wi lsoll . Sgts. Lan gham, Cooper and BroadiJent, who
were th e committEe responsible for orga ni sin g both
th e eve nts reco rdEd above.
. Football.- At the t im e of goin g to p'ress the COOl'
hll1ed team of the Detachm en t B . A.P .C. and
R .A ,V.C .. Aldershot, have played 24 , won g, clrawn
4 and 10 ,t 11. These results incl\ld e 12 league fix
tUl'es. which have to date yi elded 9 poin.t.s, Wilh
t he exception o f the reser ve te am s of 2,nd Bn. Royal
Ta nk CO I'JJS and 2nd Bn. Q,Q. Ca meron Highland ers
- both of whom are ca rrying a ll befor e them-the
league is WE ll babn ced ,tnt! very few poin t,s sepal"
ate th e remDining t ea ms.
Du rin g the prese nt seaso n it has not been possihle to aITan~e fixtures with other pay offices,
a l tbou~h it is hoped th a t, th eRe matchES have nol
comp letel {ali en through.
Hockey.-Very few matches have been played
sin ce the last iss ue of t he Co rps " J o\1I'11 :1I" . Many
matches have bEen cancell ed ow ing to the weat her
a nd to t he leave programmes of ullits with whom
they were ananged.
Sti ll we a re keeping OU I' end u p as a Sl~ort~ng
unit, a nd next season hOllld see UR entEring for
co mpetiti ve as well ~s [In endl y g,a mes. Of the
matches played , one has been won, two drawn and
two lost .
Shooting,-Our "_"" te,tm has shown spl en did im
provement sin ce entering Di vis ion I of the B amp
shi re County L eague.
atUl'a lly, the sLan dard was
rather too hi gh for us at fir~t, hut after opelllng
with eigh.t de fea t s we actua ll y defeated the hith erto
unhen,ten league leaders. Cari brooke, hy 592 10
588, out of a possihle 600,
Th e " B " tea m ha, don e well. a nd is at pl'e~enl
3rd ill Divi sion I V of the len,gll e.
At our General Meeting MI'. J . Can ll On anti
S,Q. M.S , W . C. Gear were elEcted Cap tain of th~
1st ,wd 2'11(\ team respectiv ely, wh il e Sgt. J." COOpCl
was elect ed to perform the dnties of Hon . Secretary,

Xmas PartY.-Decem ber 2211d pl'O \'ed '1 I' d I

cia,)' for th e children of the staff at ti,e


office. At 4.15 they assembled with th eir Jarent~

at, the t.1s t,e fuil y deco rated Sel'geants' Miss fOl~
the annu a l Xmas P arty 'i ncl ,- 4 A5 I
were rEsio-ned to a b ~. , .' h ' Jy ''''. t le parellt~
, all 1'11 17 t s rest WIth tl '
pring. . A party 0f ovel' 1'00 sat down
l ell' a0ndto tea
wel'e watted upon by members of the t ff' '[
Colon el and Mrs
M k s ':L IIlLi a ncy
ac M
, nes . . .. e ward s a nd A W
C'S k' eut. \~Ith all t he officers WerE' prese'nt . lVT ' 1"
- Ill ne!'.
VI'led by the band ~f the R.A.M .-C .
was prodehgh ts of th e bran -t u b were e' I . 1
,te,1. the
games ind ul o-ed in l t t h
xp orec, and V3nou s
far as th c c1~ildren' \\') ~
e pl ece-de-reslstan ce, a~
the X
ele conce rn ed, was, of co ul'se
mas ree a nd l7lfts
Th ese I tte
~~::.~lll)' p;'esel~e~ b y 'Fath e~ CI~ ris~~,~:ereiMl:~
honours'. H~o \Va: vel;e~~elll'd~:l:~~ with mll sica l ion was not "fl ff d " lg ed and, on t hi S
live of ~ur "OU II l7 U e to ly the more inquisitatcl I ' .
g ouests. H e certalllly has got Lhe
h~."as~n~ ej~~~g and mbonpoint e se nti a l to t hi s


" ehes I'ecelved

etc.In addition
to I II lo th e gl. ft s, th e I(Id
y )a oo ns a nd tru mpet
eXCitem ent were ind escri ba.b le ~\t 7
tnl mse a nd
slus were p' k d Ft' I
le voun g
,LC e
0 lom ewarcls .and t heir elders
I'e a'
PI P led for t,he staff dance whi ch foll owed TI 'aso proved to be a \ e
f I
fl'om 'AI:] I t
d ' l'y s uccess' u function Fri end s
ment tu'. erds 10 a n the Roval Warwi ckshire R egiIn e up III force Th e
. I
introdu ced a d 11
carm va ton ch was
Th e band of I~h :l R.~~r~"tcl e'd h':L cl a .very gay evenin.g,
and we l'e voted
agalJ1 plovlded t he mU SIC,
night we jU8t ha~ ~g~ s u ccT~s. Soon a fter midsho win g signs of
s Pd'
le fi ttest of us were
lhe curt'
wear an t ea r, lrncl so we drflw
dre'l m alnlk on a gI.' eat d a. y , If you'. ve neve l' seen '1
wa 111 0- YOll
seen, seve.-al
'to .' t 11II glI
, at a bout.
1 a .m" '
fu ll" attired ' ,
"I a part-worn commit.tee tastelhe'
III papE l' ll ats and fa lse 11 0 es speeding
In g an.
g uests . Vel") nnClI"
bnt so I hum
gl'llctl ed. , of co urse.

6/ 12/ 33. EdinbUl'gh 729; Wok in g 747.

6/ 12/ 33. Canterbury 747; Wok ing 7'3.3.
:')/ 1/ 34. Canter bury 749 ; Woking 758.
17/ 1/ 34. Honn low 694 ; Woking 736.
24 / 2/ 34. Aldershot 567 ; Wo kin g 565.
We ' hou ld welcoll1,e pos ta l matches with. other
office , and s hou ld be ver)' kee n
Pay Office leag ue.
supporters of a
Th e monthly ilver spoo n I
tbe last fo
S laVe >een wo n durin g
ur mont lS by S.S,M. Mockl er C
J a.mes.'. Mr. Parsons ' 'and Cp I . PI11'11i ps,
, orp ,


W .RK,
Tennis - O n '
:e again we are lookin g forward to a
slI ccessf I
11. caso n 111 so fal' a t '
l ie hope of the si I 8 / S '
s e~J1l S IS. concel'l1 ecl .
and thi s, cOlllhin ~ e . hg~ Bog~ s , IS sti li \\'Ith us.
lhe other m embe l~ Wit
ags 01 f1~thu s l asm from
pati oll of a
lS of th e office, Justifi es our anti cia~ manv < r ~cl re y,:ar. ' Ne are unab le to U1'l'a nge
should likl1la lE With neighbouri ng offices a \\'('
I'ea r's fi . e.. u t, I~evert h el es~ hope to ren ew la t
"whi; CI:: tl:: eR . 1he erectIon of a ha l'd con r t is
illdeel b d
~nd If t hi S mal.el'ialize Woking wi ll
e.t 0 1ce to be r ec kon ed with
FOotball - '\l t l
ortlinn l'Y tnl ~ n t 10ug 1 \,velf o no t possess other than
Sel'gem its ~f tl' w clla ~~lged. anti! l ost to the
oya Vv ul"wl ckshlre l:tegi mell t.

w~~ ~~vsris~~o~ 1er,~ f~l'




. ,

th e fi rst " possible" wa s

OgglS on 24 th J a nu ary

" Daj1~ l4:1~cagl~!p~,~' :~dn ~!'De ~1NeM\Vs.o1

f the Wod e;" .

alleI t I1 Societ y of' Mi
.al. " Cert'fi
I ca"e~,
awarded th e foJ'l ow in g m a l~kt~~,~ ~iile bCllu bs ha s
<InSl lp acges:Class"'"
MI BS M eclca1f and COI'PI. Phi I)'
Class " B ". S.Q.M,S. Parr.
Other members a re enterin f
h '
bad ges and it is I
I g 01' t ell' mar ksmanship
publish in th e next li~~~~ . to ha\' e a lon g list to
We spent a vel'y plEasa n t eve nin
24 h J
when we s hot aga inst the R
I \~,O,Il . t . a nuar~,
ment a nd proved to th
oya . MWICk hu'e R egia pen call a lso '" 11 . em t ha t the hand s that wi eld
of " them who~e Ijeob j~ ~~!!: to t he complete und oin g
Se.rgeants MeSs.-Various c m t't'
ill prog l'ess lately Th b' ll' 0 I pe I Ions have bee n
Iw Co rpo.-al W' ]]':
e hi larc s ha ndi cap wa s won
, I Mm. w 0 Just beat S Q M S 1)
III th e fina.l after a hard-f
clusion of th e matc1
oug lt ~all1e. At the COII pre ented t he priz~s. ~;'it~,U~~ ~~!I::IJ':~~O~~y~~~~~~~
On FI':day, tit 16th F eb ruarv
tt '
liarc! -m'ltch took
I ' .. , a 'langu a r bll~lrleili tl~I'Yt' othedl' J'a nk~ ac~~ '~e ~~~e71~~iv\~~I~"~;;-;:
as name .
At present a s nookel' halld icap is in . ,
ill OUI

:~etll;:s~l}jo~~;'~~nl;,~ . pnhlishCd

next~~~lt~ib~l ii~~~
F .E .G,








'.PA'V rom.PS

Eastern Command
80, PALL MALL, S ,W.1.
{tl C'ick et C lub h as beell h eld a nd
A m eetIng 0 . le 1 'un a te'Lm during th e co m.
it has been de~lded, t;:'i;nds' frol~ th e LOll don Offi ce
IlIg seaso n. r\:;efet a n eleve n this year, It I S a ntI cl
are unab le lo
I 11 Inve th e assistance of theIr
patcd that w.
la . ' m an
) Ieasallt ga m es \Iilh
cricket e nlhu stasts, anCd
'Ydl . re hein g eaO'erl y
other offices ID the
lookEd If~rtrd I~i to welcom e any mem ber s of th~
We s 1,1 )e g . e
,. I [or the Old Com rad es
Corps who aj;:I/'be Tl~~ ed to ex t c nd to them tl~e
Dmner. a nd s . S . P Cl b pnm ises dUI'lI1g thelt'
fu ll use of our oClal

th is office in clud e t.h retireme!l t
Dep~r~~resK:l~m)l who h a. reach ed the age Itml t.
o[ M aJo r f : t ,
~vi l1 Ilnd 'ome inlel'estmg pastIme
:t.nd who , \\ e tu s.
I 'Cll we hop e h e h as st1ll to
manv years \V 11
L' t
f . II
I een re h e\'ed ,y
letl .
. or
lCE.l' las f;'~ m W oo lwic-h. R.Q.l\.J. .
Co lonel H. ~ fl'{ru.s~11~~~ghai wher we trust h e will
Dakers has e
. em: to ha"e :\ so ft. pot for
enjoy ht s stay:. 0' Hjr: :d ~er ved a tour at Tientsin.
N. C hltta . ha\,lI1l' a.
y 'I . 0 'el er to I)t'oceed 1.0
t G F Lm e I, un ( et I
I I .
. . ":
. I'
Li eu t H htll g Wl0 la~
Aldershot. IllS reh ef ,e l.g t ' vV ihrs haiI has al so
a rri ved fl'om Presto n . t'l ~:~ dui.y f'rom Vi'oolwi ch.
joilled. ha vtng beedn po , ~ ve to r ecorcl the employ .
On the (tvthan t e \le .,a
( . S 1\"') wh o
"M ' W l\f Athutoll
x .. 1. .
ment of , t.
, ' 01 ft e l. takill"
duty I'lele
" hi s d;sch:tl'ge from


ll1P r.Ol'pS at .the London lffifeto Rtnff / Se rgl. Tl'il P

CO IIgrntulattOn s aretexten ~f~~i c'lme at all oppor
on h is t'ece nt promo .IOt~r
'; tl~ the '1 1"t iva l of n
tune time, almost com ctc tll g ."
1 29lh' November.
cl n ughter- V;tle l'l e Jam ce- l10 1n Ot



is with great reg ret thnt we hak vs eollod

I f GI '
the seve n w ee

th e d eatl o. d o ~ y, Th e sympathy of the office staff

I S tenelerc( to g . "
I ' th'tS 0 ffice
w ill regret
R eaderi' who ha H . servec It1
1 't I
to heat: ,of i,h e dea ~;.inGt,~l~~~~S~o~;~t~!C~lt., ~a;t~n.The
J an ua t)j' 1.9 3442 d' had heen ill only a short ttl~e.
deceasee \I as
,a n
I' I neumot1J a
]0 or
death resnl,ti ng. fromMt~) I'C~~,l ~~irsPhad bEen' on 't h e
t he past th t ee :<ear
. t'n Board Eastel'l1 Zone
Stnff of th e Afrm y
eDcl"l~' tg gthe tim~ he ~el'\'ed ill
I . t'
Office Chelm s 0 1'd
19'251930 ' he wa s nn enL1U StnS tC
th .ts o.ffi ce.
mrmuer of the C n ck edt C \u l
D ecember . 1933. of
I 21st
Th e death occu t'1'e, 0
T' Il e de,"~"oed .uffererl
. R R D . .Te nn lngs.

MI . I'
. th e re ul t of war wounds , a nd h ael hEett
severe v a.
Ml' J enn tng.
in ill h ealth orl soo~ee ch~~lt \oP'wh'om w~ offer OttI'
l eaves a W1 f e ane
sin cere sympathy.
Arrivals and Departures.-Ca ptain H. R : CRtt l ~;','

ha joined fr0111 Preston in t~C~ bh~'~r,~~~t~ Staff

E lI who ha s been pos e
. e rgean't J . C . Ascott ha .]ott1c(l fro m Hong .., ong .

Vl e wish all a happy}oul'.

L the marri ed
Xmas Party .-A Xm as pal y 0
f the offi ce \I' ''S given by Colo ne l Ca rter .
;],m~ tes 0
. " I thc Offi CH of thp
O. t Ic. R eco r(ls.
... " ,11 le
F I' the
det:tchm ent 011 21st D ecr mher. 1 V'J,

the Sergeants ' M es had Lcc n s lIitahly
OCC,tS IOIl' 1 . I " ft el' tea the exp resslO ll s of s Ul"]lI"I se
deco rntc( . ane "
I Cl: '0.
[ the c hildrell whell LI e
Ill soma s
Olt the fa' CES
' Il I' ('I:
. . ,: ' ,I
, 11".11101, ,tllIlLl
tree was I ulllltM
., .
I . .' d LI
I' . the. d : Lribllljoll of p" eSetlt , :1I1 1P y lep.lI
. f II
hosts 'lltd .IlInd ~ wO l,th whtl e tlil'
kllldn ess 0
. ..
e fforts 01' :dl cO ll ce l"ll ed wtt h tI e all ,lngemen 5 . .
Marriage ..Q .M.S. F. \" . 1'llllldy was malTl cc!
11 Ill cy on 2nd D Ece mb 1', 1933.
to Eit ee n . a
Ch all es of s tation ha v e cOllcern cd us fa id y Ir~.
tl gd ur in bO' th e past three mOtltb s . in thI S shotl
qu en y f ' me
'aptai n C. S. Bates has H"oce~cled
s pace 0 1.1
' .l:' 'vV C Tho111'1 s to Edlll'
to Preston a tld "ptalll' .
. . I
~ ,t Cl b
I ' I 'Incl with their cl parture tIe ]l0! ' . It
) lll' g 1.
SnpI)o rtc r:;.
lost' l wo \\'a'ln
. aptam
lo;kcd tfter o ur in terests very we ll tn l IS
I carac;~)'
' . ' d OfI' I' :1nd was most reg u:1r 111 m
as G t o un s
1 e ' . k t m.ttch es wh il e aptalll
attetldance. ,tt OUI' c n c e. ,:
Se~ l'etary for till
.. prov ed -an enelO"e,,1
HlAm 'l~ ctio n By t h e tin~e thesc Dotes appeal' ";
. I. e e
. i h:lve lo t o ne of our good ;tll rolltll
prtn t \I e Il a I SO"t P lunkett is und e r ordns to pro .
"p,O I'bl11en, as "I"
I t
14th M arch. In tiltS
d to F ,eter Ot C u y 011
. f I
. ~: II l the Tetllli s Sect Io n wltl ch \\'Ill ee
)~ I ' \ 1\/ tru s l thcy wi ll all find
ca se . tt 1\1
the 10,' most. eell ) . . . j 'k'
th eir li t \I' statIons lo tr e))
I~f t he s lati on during

Those w ha\e. \le come a)w ill C. C . ]3lackwell

the sam e pertod h.1VdE. bCeen . , lRidlcy who ha COIllP
frOI11 Eehnuurgh. an
IIlltt Cr

to n s o n prohation~os ~1~{L C~:~~s Mrs . Wil son .also

A~ thI S ttm ~ , . om. , . l:att;lati o ns ;lIld hest wlShe,
rCCflve our h e'll[t I co l ~g
a nn helt' who wn. borll
on th e an't v,,1 0 t len , on ,
I. ' 11 ' ' C hri st ma s Treat lI"a,
o n 11th F ebruar '
Xmas Treat.- O ,tt c n (ICn s J
be r . a nd a ith ouKh Llel'C W f ..
Ile,Irl Otl 27 th Dece m
fT ' I
g a,way IOIll
fcw abse n tees . O\l ltI.g to . an ll tCS )~I~er of c'hi ldrrn
the s tation :tt tht.~ tlltle. l\lllt~ a ,lilt The Rcgirncnl:tl
matlaged to put tn a n T a ppea ~:1nICCa ) t ai n Bat es wcre
P:1~' master andl\[r.. (',I ~~ t~ .;I\~cel; Is 'r\"('d and cl;s.
a lso present
Afte r te.l 1de
. \"el"\'
;)osecl of, a :cinemato~tPI1) enlt<rt~\~li~lr::;IS\l ~~ted '..
ki ncll y prOVIded by. t .
ag~. rown -II jS At litr.
"ro:(t' s uccess by .chIldren atl( g .:. II '
f 1.1
.how th e 3 111\ a {I f . .
co nclll . to n 0
li S .
h e 'hildrc n' ~ exctle.
t'hri s tmas was nn no~lt1c('d atld \ . I .
to di spose
IP e nt rose to its heIght whetl w, )~I~~'.~~. }\ se ries
o f lhe wonderful g l fts he had lOI r
te rmina ted
of games fo ll o wed and the P,l'o cee ~lllg. of hidloo ll .'
w itll n fut'th I' cll s tl'tul1L~ o n ., L!l;.[
to tho child .
"nd fruit. The [!: reat pleds tlt c a. OIL~r I ho.e whose
ren would, no douht. amp ly I <'tl I ( c'cess of Ihis
efforts contt-ibn ted so mu (' h (0 10 Sll
firs t venture.
. .
. thi s directioll
Footb a ll. -Our on ly two effo t .ts It1 cl on ly hI' till'
Itn ve hee n ra I her cll saslrous t f Ju l g e, I ('ell lila),e.i
r('s uits . H omp an cl awa~' q;:1mes b,at\C 01:1' younger
a :tinst th e Chal ham. Orrtces.
h ~1 and
WOIl hoth fJ ulte
Both ma l ehes \\"e r c ve ry \I e clo
pari III
1 1
a ll th ooc taung ,
I,horouglt ly enJOVN . ,y
' . \.isit here. wP
On. tha occasto n of ChathamRs . lis' 11e,I
" es.
were once ag;u n 111(' e ') ..-,(
. I C1"geal
" l'('mi
Depot. l'hc Bnffs. fo r the use of t 1('11 ~ cti on ron'
Rifle Section .-The resltl l S from tIllS I' e following
tinue to be very satis facto ry, a.nd tIe




comf"r~a;~IY t;~cslrd

lurther JlIat hes h ave been fir ed: v. Sgts.' M ess, D epo t, Th e Buffs. Won.
v. Woking. We lost for th e Ill' t Lime In Our
hoots with thi s Office.
". Houn s lOw. Both teams won.
\". Edinburgh. Our " B " t eam WOIt . Th e " i\ ,.
teams a re having a "s hoo t off " at a latr.1'
v. Woo lwich . "A" team tie I. " B " team won .
Res ults of OU I.' matc hes lil'ed against the Suffo lk
Rel,{t. " li d th e L ew is ham Rifle C lub a l'e awaited.
1'01' lh e Ilrs t time in t h e hi story o the cl up ,
('aptailt B la ckw ell secU\'ed th co veted "poss ib le".
In Ih e 'am e week , Capt.a ill Malpas~ a lso o lj lain ed
that di stin ction.
Spoon WiltJH>I's :- 1\0"., 1933. MI'. Am08.
Runn er'lIp Cap t. Ma lpass .
Dec., 1933. MI'. Reyno lds.
J a n ., 1934. Cap.t. B lackwe ll.
Ca pta in H. H . Mn lpass is now cal'l'y in g out ki-te
duties of Secretnry ill place of Cap t a.ill Thoma s.
HockeY.-It wa s on ly natura l i,hat, with, Wl e
at'l'ival o f Captain Blac kwell . our thoughts s hou ld
he turn ed to t hi game, whi c h had not pre viou sly
appea l'ed Oll our programmes. .1\ rtel' a lecture on
the ru le. o f the ga m E, inte l'spe l'sed with many usc.
ful hints. it was clcei led to tUI"tl out th e fo ll owing
, ide against. a Sgts.' M ess side from the D e pot.: ~ I r. .1 mos; Ca p t . B lnc kwe ll, Rgt. Chantl el'; Sgt.
Plultk ett. Capt. Ma lpa ss, S.Q.M.S. Seott: L / Sgt.
Bm'lillg . , .:'Ir. Wil.on. Cp l. T a t'gett, Cpl. SOPCI'.
L'Rgt. L~,thgoe. Th e Ruffs killdl." lent. u. a ll thc
~tt cks thcy had 110 fur ther use for. Th e "ame wa~
quite a fast and exciting one a nd we "fe lt verv
pleascd with olll'sel ves whell Cpl. Targett scorpcl
III th~ Ilrst minut~. Our oppo ncnt s. how e ver. soon
put on two goa ls and held o n to that slendu- lead
unti l the last minute o f the g:lme wh en Capt. M a l.
JasS got :tnoth pl goa l fOI' It s. to make the SCO I'"
evel al 2 go;lIs each . Hockey has proved su ch
a pl easa nt c han ge rl'o m socce l" ancl cross cOltntl'y
l'nnl1tllg t.hal we all hol'( to get som e more of it.
IndOor Games.- The w inn e l's of th e hilliards and
'Ilooker handi cap '. t'r fc rrnd to in OUI' last note~.
hll'lIed o ul to he L / Sgt. Barl ing and Mr. E. Wcl.
These h,,,,c!i ap. \\"er(' so popular ~hat.
others al'e no\\" lnking plH ce.
lI s a to ken o f the> rtr;;tit ud e we feel. to\\"ards thp
Sgls.' ~ I ess . D e pot. Til e Buffs, fo r I.heit, many kind .
nesses t o liS. the Sports C lub ha. h:tnd ed over 10
thpm a sil\'el' cup. Whil e remaining their propert~' .
It II"t ll he competed for a nnu a lly in a sc ri es o f in .
doo:' and outdoor gam s . TlI'o very p l ea~:1l1t eve n .
Ing" have " " 'c"dv been spent in Ih e ~res:. and
Q:llltes o r I,i ll in lo s. snookcr . tn.ble te nnis anc! dart.
hnl'(' been h e ld . Both s id es ;ll'e leve l in poin ts wo n.
Wh;Rt, ch 'jvf's nre h eing held ,'e[!: ularlv a.nd. on
Ih0 who le, the att~n e\;tn res have been sAtis fa r lol'.I'.
The Christmas PalltY.-A lthough rath er late in
the seaso n lo be writing of C hri stmas, the thanks
or t.he D f'tac hm ent. arE due to t h e Amu em ent, Com .
nllttec of this offiee for the line pa lty and presents
prOVIded fol' the ch ildl'pn during t he last fpstiv e

Departures.-Cnpt"i n R. T. Hill has I"ft us o n

lra llsfel' to P e l,th. H e take t he he.t lI' is hes of th e
De(achment, with him.
. Q.M S .. W . Evere tt ha.s left us on po~ting to Yod(
Oil Pl'oba,Lton for B.S.M.
Th is D e lachm ent offet'~
11, co ng-t'atu lat.ions with b",t wi"he, for th e fllture .
'Ollle of It S are 1I'0ndoring if h e wi ll vi it ltS on his



sports mod e l dUl'illg tlt e co ming summer.

Arrivals.- Captain R. S. E llieott having join Ed lt S
from B ,u'net, we exte nd him a hearty welco m e a lld
hope tJlat he lI'ill have no regret at leav ing hi s old,
s t ation.
promotions.-W e o fiel' our co ngra tulation s to
Go ep!. Catley on hi s promotion to that rauk on 14Ul
F eb l'ua l'y, 1934. Who sa id th e wedding bell s wou lLl
soo n I; ng ?
HockeY.-Afte l Itllt c h we have managed tp
I'aise a hockey team 1,0 p lay a match. We l'ea ll y
s urpri ed oltrselves as we ac tually had ome mem o
ber: that kn ew a li ttle a bout th e gam e . We plaYEd
I,he Sergea nts ' Mes~ of the Depot Bu. R.E. , and
whell it is stated tJhat this team more than hold s
its own with a ll thc loca l RE. Co mpan y t.eam ..
it will be agreed that Our performan ce of a goa l.
le s draw was good. Perhaps lI ex t season we sh,tll
manage to cha llenge some of ou r lIeighLonring officc
t eams .
Cricket -Although mlJler e<Lrly to write of this
game, it is me ntioned that we a re hoping tJo ha ve
a very good t eRm th i year.
It is hoped that
Ilxtures wi U be arl'a nged with ~dl t,he D etac h m ent,
in thi s Command , and th a t we will give them a ll a
good game.
Football. _It is und erstood th a t th e Signa ls R ep l'r .
sentati ve has [Ot'll'a1 ded a f ell' notes on t.his pastime.
i"lllt it must be mentioned that Ottt' Selection Com . (0 1' is it team mana ge r ?) was more titan
delighted wi t h his se lectio n of our team alld th('
resu lt of om' match with th e vVoo lwich Det.:t chmenl.
It is \I'hi s pet'e cl t hat hE is on th e s hort l i ~t for I hr
POgt previousll' helel by the late 1\ l t,. P. C hapman .
Office Notes.-Our recent spat.e of probationers
tempts us to add to the list 01' we ll known s,.1ying~
th phrasf' "a hit of ca ke " . whi ch is ge lt e ra ll ~' fo l.
lowed s hortl y aflet \latds by " W ell I ' m blo lled "
Now that ci~arette co upo ns a re no IOllgH avail .
;tble for i"ltrni s ltin g th hom e \\"e m iss the excite.
ment of a dmiring so,cll ll ecl "p reSE nts". Th e n e\\'~.
papers, however, ;ll'e se nding li S more Ot less in.
va luab le tomes bv tJl e dozw .
A lon'y c hargeel th e prem ises Iece lltly. It is he.
lieved that the driVEt \I'llS an ex,Slgna lman after
somebody ' blood , hut we ca nnol relolt any effect
o n the " Y e llow P eri l" as a I'e ult.
OttI' Xmas Party wa s litent ll ~' a t'Dari ng Sll CC(' s,
a lld a fl er t.ea Co l. Hart ,Cox indu lged ill ve n(ril o.
Cjl1i sl.i c I,ack chat with hi " Ange linn " . mu ch to th e
a musem t' nt of a ll those p l'e ' en t.
FOotball.-The dEtachment team get s pl enty o r
exer cise and quite a few goals ~t times, j ust 110\1'
fell' mo destv forbid us to quote. 'We oncc had
e ltough Enet:g.v to try a s ixa .sid e game, du.t~ng thp
cottrse of whirh everybody covered more mil es titan
e ver :lny Maratho n runn er did . \'V e increasEd our
s uperiol:il~' co mp letely b beating Ca nterbury Offic
t{) the tu ne of 3-1 on theil.' ground and 5--0 on OttI'
gl'ound. Th e rea lly imlortant parts of our Ilxture
list are th e mat.ches with \oo lwich Office. Fol'
th e lil'st of the-e they pt'e pared a veritab le quagmire,
from th e de pth s of which they ~co t'ed three goa ls.
lo which we cou ld not I'ei.;l liate in kind. W e I'e.
tl1l"1wd hom e vow in g ve ngeall ce in a do or die spil'it .
'Wh en th ey visited u s we won a keenl ' conte. teel
game hy ~l. A co ntingent of SUpPo l'te t'S, 60 s trong
ca nle wi t h th em to give mOl'a l nnd vocal support,




bl lance WitS h eld a fter t ea.
A thQrQughly enJQya e c 'f QUI' inter-Qffi ce fixtur e.
H ltving wQn all but?lle .01 s been a lar"e ind ent
it i repQrted that tulere la

fQ,~~~~~;e_~~p: ~~~r


mental abelTat.ion th e
1 I key aga1l1st t lle ep
ments a rrangec, ~Ie~~c Mu ch tQ .our Itmazement we
Bn . R .E. Sgts.
. . ta lent wh ich CQ mb111 ed well
di scovered so me latentd ') Iayers and the result was
with .our m_ore seas~;lere \ ; om e b<'tlk of running a
a goal less orl' aw. .t le ason and we hope to have
team regular y nex se
some il1ter-office fixtures.
Detachm.ent Notes -We have lQ report the arri~al
V Kem )tQn , Sergt. L:ull chbury, and S g
Qt Selgt. '. . I
Th e first two from London .on
nalm afn J . .~ek~~gt~nA ACCQ unts': t he latter on prQtrans e l~ '~I 11 C~r .. Wf!- wi sh them the best.
battQn fOl tle
p "
ff erEd to Capta111 J. H.
Congratu:a~QI,l.g t aFe 1stles .on their promotiQn ;
Cl.owes a~(
~n e r .on his tlp.PQintment apd
Lan ce/SelgL W ' B~ ' .on qualifving as an Army
Staff / Sefl~t , . '
1.0\\ n
HQCk~YI UmrtPlre, s rath er late tQ write .of hap Socla . - . sem
, a nnu al shQW fQr th e
penings at Chrt~tl11aS't?lIt doul It i. ' mQst astQnishnu"'
" . , an d tl le
k. I es J -". b d
hy CO-QperatlOn
mg what ca ', e .one lr
,t , was the more enwonderful success .off Qtll ~~~tY tlU:t we a ll had a
:,vyaule by reaSQn 0
le ,


finfh~ 'dec~~tF~~' of t~e l~utprwt~Se \1~a~:~'s~i;~fC~I;~

able hands as bst yeal , ~ ~ Qst adistic effect was
..S.M. , andi./~ti~~ua~ust also b e made .of thQse

d ' d' of halloQns.
heroes who hId."" up ~\:~e~le '~'ith a competition fQr
The prQcee lIl~S i~ en and th en came what most
which pnzes wel e g.t" ' f. Bill B1'0,/J 11 , s /a1l1011 S
of us had heen \Val Ing l~~- to describe what thi s
l ea. It would take too
[g t 1. t those .of ou r
,o vtded for the as, "U
Y w
P1h .0 Ilave v isited Houn slow , know that noreaders
bQdy le3ves hunrY"t

"ill p'robably be surprised

b" members of the staff: It wDas e!! I e . ,I
"Break111 up ay .
F ounded .on the lin es ?f Will Ha.(s famou s schoQI.
Th e following were 111 the ca. t ,Schoolma.ter :-ProfessQr Jl)nm y pray C
T mmy Lancaster Beetle M c onne ,
Puptls:- G
i Porter 'and Di ckev Bl'rden.
. eorg e
r: Heft'ects
jnan" a nd
Captajn F. Sptl sburyh act~d ast . Th~ latter al 0
Mr J . Pearee wa s t e pJOmp .1'1.
.. t .0 th e garments
of Fatherk Chlblstmas
Iwd. to d'lve 111
in order to fulfil that which was SPQ en Y


considered th e hest ~tunt in th e sho:"

was performed at the l~stt t~e~lt;~:aJi;yn~ndc~rH~~li!
McC~mn c\l , and we. regie
until th e dav of the
stlrnno- death-c1 e[ymg lea p f '
back SQmer. .
'Lrt "It consisted of per ormlng a
~~ul frcm a sitting position 011 the Rtagfj: ~lt VltfJ
throu h a curtain and la nd1l1g on t.h e .001 s I .
'tti g-and missing somc broken gll\~~, a l ar~ box.
. I d n! biock .of WQod (not Jim's h ad). AnyhQw ,
sketch wa s vot-ed greatd!un, a~(~tr~:d cl~~~t\
.of amusl'ment from the a u lence e.
was appreciated imm ensely .
''l'h ~ 'conjurQl' and ventriloquist th en too" over,
ami ent.erta'in ed u s with sleight of hand and merry



D "
January Posta l lVlatches werc
Shootmg.- Ul.Ing "
E.J: b' ' h and Woklll a
held against Canterburv). , . ,un atg
with the fQ ll oWl111! I'esu t s. I . " A" 357
Houn s Oil
Ca nter b ury""A'Y
" 3'71 '
Hounslow" :\ "
" B"
Canterbury "B" 362.
ouns ow " B"
Woklng ... ...
h' th Woking on th e occasIon
W e also had a matc \\'1
. ,- t to them for a football mat~ I,
of OU l \ISI
t b
ma ll maJ"J1;m.
Vl7", WOll the shoo
{i: sin 'the' club steadi ly int.
TILe ~tandaJ'(l, .of sh]oQ st rQllr m ember who usually
p'rov es .. We ha ,~e Tat e~ Nineti es", whi le some of
appear 111 th e ~augh y de wonderful imt;>rovemwt.
t.h e lowe r scorers lave mla I . efficiency 111 the art,
At any rate , what we ac < In
p for in enthUSIasm.
W k
we m'" e eu
h ] dd . idea from our 0 :
We h av: adQpted t re ~'lote:l quite an amount, 01
in g fl"lcl1d~ , and It p. o
core for Janl1fll'y "';IS
rivalry .
Th e hest monthly avel age s 'tl 9333 per cent.:
made by i:\Q)\C1.S IM~~;cl~~~:rr~;~n~r_uI~ with 92 per
Lance Sergt, a t H la
better combina
very satisfactory
r~~~lts to d,{te ; rt.nd our recQrds are:Played 13 , WQn 10, drawn 2 a nd logt \~ T Wall
W e managed to beat th Sadsdgre:\~rii~r in the
& Sons, by whQm we su ff el e
e , M ssrs. Wal.
seaSQn. We also defeated the ~r44 e~~~l s ~nd had 13
ncys by 5--0. W e have score
'S / Sgl Hehir.
oid ~ s'cored against us , thanks tQ oal Although
~ho has saved rema rka,bJ e shots f~ gres~l t of ~\"e,.y
\\'e have a hard wQrk1l1g team \ l
goa lkeeptr.
l11rt.tch depend s .on the prow ess 0 the




th 9th Fehruary,
Entertainments.-On FI"I ay,
e rentwood.
wc held a very enjoyabl e dan ce. at B which we VC""
Thi dance is our annual :Lffall' to onl one Lh~t
mu ch loo k fQrw a rd , and aSl lt IS ~heevel'0hil1g 'po,'
. ' bl to aJTan ge eac 1 yea I,
we a l e ,I e
rea l success .
sihle is don e 1,.0 mn .e 1 a ' I n notEworthy 111
Oar l) re v IQu ~ fun ctIon s ll a~ e lee.
way fell
no . " 1L .IS
th is respect , :11,1d t Ilrt. t .0-r thI.S year
gho rt of the sta ndard prevIOus y a ,



owing tQ our handi cap in numbers th at Ollr \\'inter

act~Vlti es are limited to th is one dance, so we have
nece sar' ly t o make th e most of it, and eve ryone
has his part to perform in making the affair go
off smoot.h ly.
.Thanks to th e kmdness .of t he Offi ce r CQmmanding, ~l1th Sarchlight Coy" A.A. Brigade, R.E.
(T.A.). we were again able . to have th e use. of
their Drtll H a ll for the e verung, a nd fol' da nCHlg
and the a ppropriate d.ceteras an exce ll ent place we
find it,.
Tru e, th e space is om ewhat limited a nd we have
th erefore to restri ct th e number of guest.s inviteda PQsitioll that is not without certn in diffi cu lti es <IS
ill\'itati oll s al'e eagerly sough t a fte r a nd it ta ke
a fair amo unt .of mQral courage to refus . Such
limitat;o n however. an adva ntage; we man age
th ereby t() ohta in what amQunts to quite a famil.v
gat,heri ng, w here everyone fee ls rt.t home, f1 res ul t
very gn.t ify in g to thos~ respon sibl e for the a rrangements.
Our S.S.M
Ja. togeth er with our expe rt chd, Mr.
Hayes, 11I1 ssed themselves in t.h e arrangemEnt
of th e more substa ntial portion of the refreshm ent
linc; in fact, the sfLlldwi ches, etc., IQoked SQ 3ppetisiug that not a few .of OU I' guests "so lidified their
position" befQre " liquidatin g their resources" . a
fact whi ch thQ e who e thirsts CQ uld nQt wait appreciatecl .
A Hl'y happy tim e was spent hy everyQne, and
it is hQped that at some future dut.:! ,thi s fnnctiQn
wi ll hECQme a r egular institu tiQn.





d ' t"
til the great moment wh en FaLher
qUI]:> an lels. . Ullfl ap,eared frQm the chimn ey with
l: nn stm as llIuse
' 11
and a mes [or a l th e chI l ren . .

to I be sue
Our w us
f 11 the dance at. Chri stmas being vo ( a very
cess l ,
tion b a ll presen L
enJQyable uOn e porls club has been busy since th e
Sports - ur s
,, '
. . . d I ' tl
last iss ue of th e " J ou rl1<t I , as IS eV1l1 ce D) le
foIlQwin :.
,'1 1
Football.-vVe commenced OUI season .. \\1 , 1 n
m'l t ch "gums 0111
' , and
t ,
4-0 After th e gam e our gues ~ wele en el
11 n' oyed th e evemng.
laiOned, a ndt we ~~te,,~;seYa~ai:stJ the Serg ts. of the
m' n px ma,
iter a very keenh
R a l Fu siliers- t,hls was ost a
~y, " I b- 2 Qals to 1. W e hQP,e a return mate
slt ug" e y
. e thIS d elat .
ca n be a rranged tQ aveng
r e the guests at WokOn the 2n d Februa.ryl'::nw;ame ran out winners
a nd a f!t\ner aenJQya
-yeIy bl~ Evening ' wa s spent IJlere..
. 11 by the card players.
es pecla Y
f unci' on e or two good players
W e appea r to lavend we ho e to try them ouL
since last seaso~, a' th Deptfo;'d befQre th e SEason
agal11 111 a ma te 1 Wl

In spite .of I,he wint er month heing ofte n re.
gal'c1erl as a close sea .o n fQr activ ities outside the
ollies. th e enthu siasts of lhQse bra nches of spo rt
possible, ha ve made fnU use of th eir ti me rt.nd
Miniature Rifle Club -Unlike "Sam" who hav ing drQPped h:s mu sk et, reCJuired nQ l e~s a per on
than t he "DoQk" him self tQ indu ce him lo pi ek it
up, th e- membe rs of our cluh h:we wi llin gly and
gla~ly picked llf.1 t hei ,'S a fter the long peri od (luring
wluch the s hQotll1 g range ha s been .o ut of 1.ction.
Sl11 ce 1,he re tart the club has done well nQ t
?lI ly b.v increasiug it membership, but, by a m~I'ked
Improvemen t in th e Quality o[ sllooting .
Th e anival of CQIQn el P ayn t er has added tQ
OUI' number of top -notchers, whilst the enco uragement l,l e aJfQrds to .our shQoti ng efforts is g reatly
appreCIated .
Variou s competitiQn s are held month l" for which
sp-oons aI' awatded. One cQ mpetition,' whi h conslsted of the best. group of fiv e shots on a target
compl et,ely blacked .out, arQll 'ed mu ch in terest.
Two entl'a nts, whose group,s CQu ld be covered with
a three- penny pI Ece, were SQ close th a t, the cards
Were sent to th e oS,M,R C. for <J djudi cation. The
I'esplt .(m:lI'ked out b'y meas l1l'emPllt t o. t hree places
of d~rJI!,als ) wa d.eclared a tie, and a re-shoot by
the IIld'V1c1uals deCI der! t,he winn er, whQ pl aced hi s
within a circl e o[ 5j16th in. diam eter. TO pothng was all owed and the distance
25 ynl'ds.
We certainly
that. ' wou ld lil, e to know .of a bettET" "ole"
he :winn er .of this cQmpet,ition has sin ce put up
POSSIble, w hIl e other~ have fQlI owed closely on
\I. heel s, a nd have hQpes for the future,
Football.-Olll' record dllling th e present season
does not compare at all favourably with the suc -




2 35


cesses of I'ece nt years, the position to da t; being:Played 11, WOll 4, drawn 2, lost 5.
The lap'se, whi ch we trust is only tempor3ry, is:
due to the. loss of a numLer .of ex peri enced players
w11os; positions are dIffi cult to fill .owing to thenewco mers not bmng soccer players. W e are hop.
mg m du e course to uc s uccessfu l with our experim~nts, and th e old hand are doing th eir best t.o
bring out dQrmant talent.
On 26th Janu a ry w; received our .old fri ends from
Chatham , a,nd af ter wi':lning. a good match by 3--0
spent the rema ll1l ng tlJne HI th e usual convivial
Th e return match at Chatham took place on 16lh
F eb l'u ar.v, when the hom e team aveno-e d th eir defeat by winning 3--1. W e co no-ratulateO Chathnm .on
t heir' \Tictol'y, this bein g th e first time ' VQolwich
have IQst an inter office matc h for n~au:v seaSQn .
HockeY.- Th e t ea m .of this Detachm ent ma\' be
CQusldered to l'e sti ll in its infancy, and thou g h of
the ma tches s howu below, nQt one victory can be
reco rd ed , thel'e IS no lack of entbu s: asm, a nd with
a few yo ung players of consicl erltbl e Pl"Omise co min g along t,hel'(, is every h ope that tlll e tenlll will
gl v~ a gQod acco unt, of itself in future seasons
Th e l'E~ lll t~ of m alches a re ns follQw s : _ ' .
RA.M.C. 1- 4.
1st Training Bde . R.A. 2-5.
1 t Bn. 1. Guards C--3 .
RA.l\1.C. 0-2.
DepQt. Bde. RA. 2-7
D epot. Bcle. R.A . 1-8.
8 eh. of A, \ . D efence 0-8.
17t h F . Erie. RA . CJ....-9.
Siemens' Extra "A" C-I.
. Christmas PartY.-On 12th January, by kind in .
vltatlQn .of the Co lone l-in- cha rge. the Officel'S and
Sta ff .of the R !\. R co l'd and Pay Office. the seventh
a nnll a l Christma s Party wa s 'he ld 'in k:he R.A.
Canteen .
Co lQnel a nd Mr,. Paynter received the gu es t.s
a mQng . whom wer~. th e Offi cer Commanding TrQQPS;
Brtgadlel' J . H . blbbQn a nd Mrs. Gib bon.
Dl1I:ing an excdlent tea the RA. Band pl ayed
selec tlOD s .of musIc a pproprIate tQ the occasiQn,
though a t time~ this ha d to give place to the re ,
ports .of e:\:pIQding crackers.
A cll1 ema pe!'fQI'man c~ fQIlQw ed, includin g an ever.
popu lar Charlt e Ch a plll1 ~Im . . t he prin cipal fi gure
causIng great <lmll Sement In hI S rol e of fireman.
iH the cQnclus ion of the movi es, Father Ohrist.
mas made a spectacul a r entr.v thrQugh the firepla ce
and r;>rQceeaed to dist.ribu !,e the present ,
Th,s brought to a, close yet anQth er very happy
p'arty arranged for th e children.
Gene~8'.-We congratu late th e fo ll Qwing on th eir
pr?mQtlOn to t.he ranks stated :-S.Q.M.S. J. N.
Pl"Ice, Sgt. J. J. A. EynOll, S.O.M.S. E. G. Yorke,
Sj Sgt. H . J . D enham a11d Cp!. E . Lewis.' and COl'PI.
B.- C. Horton a nd L jSgt. R. A. Mea dows on t he
bIrth of a daugh t-er and son re pectively,
Departures and Arrivals._P te. P. S. PaJmel' ha s
been PQ ted to P ertJl a'ld Sergf. F . J. W an en tQ
Sa li bury, while- S.Q )\f.S. W. F. Miller and
S.Q.M.,. A, VV. L. Shepherd have embarked for
Hong Kong and Ti entsi n respectively,
, punng th e p ast ol!arter three probationel's have
.lomed thp office :-SJ<l:mn T. O. Simm , R.C. of
SI gna l ; Pte, S. R Branch, RA.M,C . ; and Pte.
K. G. WQQdwnrd, Rant .Regt,. We wish. t,hem
every s uccess dUl"ing th eir periQd' .of probation.



London District
reat regret we have to r eDeaths.-W1th v ,y g
f our staff.
of t wo mem el'S 0
cord t e Ea 1
1.' lI ed in th e di saster t o l e
S. Q.1I1.S. Young,," as 1 ~1 h occ urred at Ruysselude,
Ai,' Lil1<lr " Apollo , W 11ter 1933. F urth er details
" Obitu al"' '',
Bclgium) on 30th Decem" ' d
. t l' " Journa l un er
.a ppear l!1 lIS K kni
OUIll of ou r Messe,11g m's,
Mr. R. F . Mc ec a~' 1934, af ter a short ill
di ed on Lh e 28t h J anu y;U fer ent health for some
nesa. H had been nu JJ1 1
V J K emplon nnd A. L .
. for' H OLl llslow. B y th e end
L ainchlJury have left us will ha ve left thi s office:of Ma rch th e followlIl g n t "'[al t '1 ' Ma ]'or F . A .
R W Dawso
0 L'
". ,
. ,
L t .Col. R. . ' : . S Q M S J ~ m es lo Wlllchestel.
Woods to Sab sbnrY'j . t l .. members of our st a ff.
W e rtre sorry t.o ose lese been wi th us for very
Lt -Col onel D awso n h as not
th at will
lon. g, but h'
.1S C1ep arture creat es a vacan cy

fbe h a~d to fill. { . thi s appea rs we expect, th e

Arrlvals.-Be OI e
H '
ta l P av mast er- Lt.a rrival of th e, n ef ~1' ~~~;:~~ Comm l,nd, to whom
' Colonel J. Sawers lom
a very hearty welcom e.
' M P
\\ e 0 er
1 .ty welcome to S.::>. . .
"Ve also offer a l ea, ectin fr om Jam aica. H e
P erkins, \~h~m wd ar':..oe~t for ~ few month pri or
joins us, It 1S un el'S 0 ,
t o retir~ment.
20th Decem bel', 1933. L / Ser geant
Weddmg.-On M ' R I ve.y . Ill' congraLulatm g
R J. Woods td M1.sS Woods we offer th em our
L /Sergeant an
, futur e
ry ~a~~~rts Clu b held a dance
-bes t wishes for a
SD~ial.-Th e Socla a n h '
been postponed on
on 26 t,h J a nuary , thi S Qa.~ . Young. Th e usual
acco unt of the loss 0 s.
t th e proceechngs
-very enjoyable eve.nmg wa s spen ,
.goini with a rar e s wmg .
. . ,
o f searc:}.ing t he grey mat"
On cE'< agaIn It s a f ews "Ve are all sorry
-reI' for in terestmg l~em sS::affn Sergeant Major Rook er
that we shall b e }osmg f th e " Journ al" appears in
soon a fter t~I S Issued 0 for Egypt ijn early 'A pril.
plint . H e h~s
here we' have been a ~'elry
While he . as een his lace we hav\e S .Q.M.S.
ha ppy fam11 y. In
t ' n) and we wi sh hun
Syme (at present .on a to ,
:-a. pleasant stay w1th us. d kudos. for th e offi ce by
S .Q.M.S . Roberts gaJl1~ Cu " at th e annua l 1933
winnin g the " E ll lot,! Bow s
p , t d b th e la te
Thi s cup wa- prEsen e
toul'Jl amen .
f th " Supply R eserve D epot
CQl'l' nHlndlll g 0 cer .0 t ~eom etition . Robbie has
tor an annu al knock-oul
Pd I, vith th e wood

If not on y an a ep \
-proved h 1m se
. b r . th e examinm's a t
for he a lso .u cceeded In . ow t~ th e ~ndon Asso,
th e interm edI ate eXa mll1 a t10~n~~ at th e December ,
ciation of Ce rtlned 1 c~\? Ul~d lik e t.o add t hat th e
~933. e-xa mm a ttOn.
th t ~ts li ghter
. ,
f knowl edge 1S not WI ou
g.aJJ1lng l ' ht School is appal'ently .on ':I'ue.s ~~s
SId e as Nl g
W edn esdays and Fndays It s
and Thur days. an on
f 1 'e yoU heard th1 S one.
a case 0 l a\. n. t St, ff Sergeant J a gQt on h1S
Con grat,uhtt10 S 0 , a. D ' . .
promol~~~r tOf~~~d Sei~~ndwa; vlhl~I~~ the other . d~t
d! '
d to "Tb e Ro yal B ackyard , WOOhV1 Ch .
~T l eslsheeU Woolwi ch I wouldn't ha ve that.


Northern Ireland District

Arrivals.-M.ajo r E . W. BOQth , M.C... disem,
bark ed a t Sou t ha mpton from E gy pt and l Olll ed ~he
Comm a nd P rty Office, N.. I.D., on 9th Decembel.
Social CIU'b.-At a meeting of the Social .Club
it was rlecid ed t.o hold a dinn er '~ l th a .' 'l Slt to
the t heatre a fterw ard s, a bout th e mIddle o[ ~ebru P a rk W<lS asked to mal- e t he
ary, a n d C a ptain
necessa ry a rrangements.
As a resul t, on 15th F ebru ary tJ;e members spen~
. y a ble evening commenclll g WIt h <l dmner
a "elr y eQnl o 's "'I o tell' ha vin g con um ed the nccesat t l e ueen L
I, d
'd 1,.0 di gesti on th e com p all~r . a
Y a1t he
".. .
H. W
presidwcy of, 1V1aj01'
' . TaY'
, lor , 'and
enj oyed a very good dinn er.
Th e loy,\l toast, was proposed b y t he P re,ldent.
B ', [ peeches were m ade by M aj or Taylor . Major

Boohl~ Captaill Park and s.s.M. Carte l'. Th opportun.i L ' was taken of gi vin g a hearty \\'elcOl,ne to
M o~ Boo th on his first ap'pe~tra n ce a t om con. aJl a1 [II nc"t'o
1 I1S. -.i\.[t~ r dinn er , tb e conlpany
tl E
t heir - way in all cases successfull y, t o ~ e mp ~l e
Th ea tre, 'and enjoy d a ver y good vall ety P lOg ramm e.
Th ere were one 01' t wo compl ~i n ts .that t he opp~
site sex were not sufficientdy m eVldence on t e
stage ; nd Captain Park promiSEd to do better next
tim e.
After tb e show , owing to local law t11e members cli. persed t.o th en' boms.
Sgt . Chappell has t aken th e place of Sgt. Hilli ng
011 th e Committee.
A bi lli a.rd tOUI'nam en t, ( 6 a sid~ d)6~,~~e~f);1~~
mE\mber. o! tIllS office and tl:e R.t 2e Id Fe~ruary .
Mess took place on the evemng 0
Af Ler a most enjoyable evenin g a nd om e th ~roll Ob {
~xciting billia rds we won 3 .of the 6 mate les u
l ~st by th e n arrQw margin of 13 pomtlS.
At the co nclusion , on behalf of th e m em~ersk 0J
th e RA .P. C. socia l club, Captam Pa~'~ l\~ ;:; [~r
th e members of th e ~. A. S .C_ Se rgea nt.
th eir ve ry kind hospltahliy .
Th e children's Christmas P art y took p,l ace a\er
Garri son Centra l Gymna sium on th e 21 t Decem
As usual , owin g tQ our smal~ num be rs: .. we JO The
ha nd s with other small l;J11t~!t t~~ ~~~;II. ~n~inenm
entertaJJ1m en t. commencec a
Pi ' f th e childsho w whi ch, )udgmg,. by th e app ause o.
r en was thorough ly enjoyed.
-d cl b tl erA A. FJ. ,
An excell ent t ea was proVl e
y 1
. ' sium
after which th e party return ed to d~e.~y mn a Re
to 'a wait tb e a rri val o f Fath er
.n " ma I:ousi ng
arrived prQmptly to tim e, and was gIven a that an
l ID;sm be~n rer eception. So great ~as th e entllu
escort h ad to be proVlded. Order 1aVln g
stored th e di strihut10n of presen ts co mlll
reAbout' 50 or 60 children r eceiv:ed h ano 0111e p
sents and all appe.ared to be sati sfied.
' 6 I
) III ~ll d and
Th e par ty broke up shortIy a ftel
tireo to theil' r especti ve quarter s for le.~c~eces
~ui etness . Some of th e men fol~ r;o
. ary Lo r6tlire t.o th e S e rg eant~
ass U l



Northern Command
Our notes for thi s issue co n ist chi efl y of spor t ing activiti es, but we have to r eco rd th a t S. S. M.
H .O. Norma n took hi s discbarge from th e Corps on
2nd J anu ,try, 1934, aft er nearly thi~,ty -fi vE years'
.service. Our good wi shes go with him in hi s well earned retiremen t .
In hi s pl ace we a re bappy t.o welcome S.S.M.
C. A. M a rtin, fro m t he R egim E11 t a l P ay Offi ce,
YQrk , and t ru st hi s stay with us will be a happy
c ne.
Hi s many friend will lea m wi t h mu ch regret of
the death on Marc h 2nd, a t th e early age of 36, of
1.11'. No rman Gra in gf.J', who had been employed in
this Office ;' ill ce N Qvem ber, 1919. H e saw a ctive
.service ~ Il t hrough th e Chea t Wa r , ri sing t o th e
r ank of R.Q .M.S. a nd gainin g t he M.M. for galJantry.
Cong ratulations are ex t end ed to Sergeant, C. G.
L ewis upon being brough t on th e Marl'l ed Qu art~ rs
Roll .o n 30th N ovember last.
Sport -"Ve are happy 1,.0 report th at sin ce t he
l as t i sue o f thi s "Journal" th e Cor ps has. met WitJ1
~uite a fair measure o f success ln i ts sportin g
activiti es. Our billiard s t eam, playing in th e W.O s.
a nd Sergeants' Mess Leag ue, has won tw elve out of
th E las t fif te n ga mes pl ayed. W c defeat ed th e 3rd
K.O . Hu ssars by 4 ga mes to 1, and follo wed thi s
up by "bl!lJ1king" the Royal Engin eers, on th eir
o wn t<l hle, by fi ve games to ni l.
(W e don ' t know
yet who was th e more s urp'ri sed .) Th ere ar e t hree
matches to be played befor e th e competiti on comes
t,o a close, a nd as th ese a re a gain t th e three lead ing team s, we are hopin g th at our players wi ll all
be in th eir be t form , a nd witb a littl e " joss" we
hould give a good account of ou'l'selves.
A new ven t ure into th e rea lms of sport has been
made in t hi s nd , as durin~ th e win ter months
OUI' e n e l'gi e~ h,wp been ta ken u p ,vith Badmint.on.
W e were fortun at e e. nou gh to be able to make
use of t he Garrison gymn asium , whi ch is allotted
to us on Tu esday and Thursday evenings, W edn esd ay a ftel'lloon and Sunda
mornin gs-th e last
bemg by fa r th e most popul a r. With th e IOnd
aSS istan CE of th e vV.O. i / c. (:y mnasium , two courts
have been mark ed out, a nd 011 Sunday mornings
th ey a re fullv oCl)upi ed b abou t a do zen Corps
enthu siasts. W e are hoping to stage a t,oul'l1ament
s!lOrtly . How evel', if th e present wEather conditlon s continu e, tenni s wi ll di splace. B admin ton but.
th e interes t having been arou sed , we hope to be
ab le to g t, in a fu ll season next winter.
A di scnss ion in th e RA .S. C. Sergeants' Mess on
the qu estion " wh o will win th e Cup ", and on t he
\elat.J ve meri ts of va ri ous soccer tea ms led t o a
match being arra nged bet WEen tJl e Corps and th e
R. A.S.C. W .Os. and Sergts. Th e fi xture was kep't
a close secret , n othing bein g m en t ion ed in th e
: 'Dailies" . bu t th e g round was ma rk ed out, pl aylng lu t bOlTowed, a nd kn ees cru bbed. 'W e were
on e man hort, a t the ki ck-off, a nd our ca ptain and
goa li e, S.S.:rvr. Bailey, won the toss. Th e fi rst
~vh1 s tle was a signa l for 'everviOne {(exCept t he
keepcr~ ) 1;0 run ;wrl ru sh in differen t directi Qns
hut th e players who had seen th e local pros. eventu:
all y displ ayed t,h e~r insid e knowledp;e, <lnd ~vent Ior
th e ball. Foll owmg som e clever ball et dan cin g-


midfi eld pl ay is th e offic ial t erm-th e leather \I'e nt

~o Brooke, OLlr ri ght win ger, who opened t he S Ol'mg WI th a rea lly good sho t. Th e id ea of th e ga me
(J'I.n da wn ed upon th e rest of our side \\'ho p rom ptly
"went mad" a nd ~ dd ed a f urth er fo~, r goa ls befor e
th e m te l'val, D rumm ond (2), H ornby a nd French
bein g th e culprits. Aft,er the lemons had been
round Bl'oo ke q ui ckly remi nded us that he. knew
the wav to goa l. scorin g with a notJl er gra nd shot,
a nd further goa ls were sco red by Dru mmond a nd
P ease, th e Corps thu s leadin g a t t his stage bv eia ht
clea r goals. Om opponen t s now decidEd to m~ke
t heir p'resence fell, a nd notched t hree q ui ck goa ls,
but never appea red lI kely to p ull up t he a efic it.
and Spud Murp hy score.d a nin th 170al for ns. t hp
fin aJ whistle oun din g wi tb t he sco~'e 9 goa l tQ 3
m our favo l11. It w as a thor onghly good game.
w1t.h lots of hard kn ocks and ha :'del' \\ork . but it
is consider ed th at th e , specf,a tors enj oyed it most
se veral . o f th em bein g removed in hysteri cs. Th ~
opposlttOn a ppeal' tQ doubt ou r superiorit y, a nd have
chall enged us toO a retum ma tch, whi ch will be
played shortly. W shall th en turn ou t our fi rst
team-eleven pl ayers, \\'e hope, a ll of whom have
sworn t o do or di e. One never kno ws who is
watchin g th e e " fri endly" ~n a tc h e .
CA W- CA,Y .
YORK (R.) .
Office Casualties.-S. S. M. C. A . Ma rtin , we are
sorry to say. has left us (0 join t he Com ma nd
Office N .C_, and ha s bEen reli e\"ad by S.Q. l\ LS.
W. Everett. from Chatham (R.E. l . Pte. Smethurst
(ll. Tank C.) has return ed to hi s uuit" a nd Pte.
B. Higson has joined on proba tiQn fmlll t he W es t
Yorl< shire Rgt.
Social Functions -A cti vity has bee n rife ellll'ing
th e last two month s, but more at, work t ha n other ,
wi se. Onr popular mon t h!v whi st dd\"es have been
t,.emporarily i.n abeyance, ' bu t our Sergea nt ' bil li.ards team I S p~'ogresslJ1 g favo urabTy in th e 17arnson leagu e, havmg pl ayed 14 mat.c he to el a te. of
which 8 ha ve been won a nd 6 lo. t .
Th e form er a cti vity has been sp'lend idly revi"ed.
however . as th e r of a most e nj o~'ahl e whist
d1'Jv e and dance wh1 ch was held in t he _ I b~ n)
H all on th e 23rd .of F eb l'Uary . Twenty -fi v (a bIes
were occupi ed a t whi st, <lnd a bout t \VO hun ch'ed
me.m bel'S a nd fl'iend s >tttend ed th e ri.a nce. Th e
event wa s undoub t,e dly a hnge s uccess a nd onr
committee, includin g all helpers, are t~ be co ngra tu.Jated on th eir efforts . It i hoped t.o repeat
t,llis fll!n.cftiO)ll. a nllu a Uy, a lt.ho ng h s9 V'eml o f In s
wo ul d lIk e to 'ee th em held more frequ en tl~' than
once a yea r.
Xmas Party.-S ~ n ta Clau. descend ed t he chim nev in t he good old -fas hi oned ma nn er wh en t,he
ch:ldren of th e staff Qt t he Tnfa')' R ecord amI
P ay Office, York , were enter ta in ed 'at St. l\Ia l'V'S
H all on th e occasion of Lhe Chris tm as pa ltv . held
on t he 21st December.
Th e com mi tt ee with c:onsiderable in gen ui ty . had
t"!l ns form ed t he s tage mto. a bedroo m. co mplet e
WIth wallpaper, bed c<?l1 tammg t wo yo uthful .occupant s, ~wo large stockm gs and a firepl.ace co nveni ently Sit ua ted to a fford ready entmn ce a nd exit
to a burly Fath er Ch1is tma s.
Th e choi ce .of a bedroom scen e was a happ.y in-





. '
- '
vea l's Sa nta Claus ha
n prev Ious..
"avs h air<hilJ by
. d '
an " and \'al'lo u \" .
I hut if th e excitement
art1Ve 111 m, J T
sleigh and by . al m g vesse, [ the curt'lin on the
whi ch followed the ralsmg .. ~.
the ' committee
bedroom scene was an y CII el'l on , .
ff i,
'11 fi d it difficu lt to Impro ve on th:s yea I s e. 01 .
n . 't to the children was pron ou nced, Judgin le b'lPl~b~ spontaneous outburst of appla use.
~br1st wail,ing hreathl essly for. the ~1'l1~:!ef~~
Father Christmas t he a udI ence enJoy ed J g n1'} _
b M garet Rackl' am a n d ean VI I
dancing act y
ar I t' 'd' and sleepy I'etired to
f tl
before these gn' s. 11 e
son ,
. S nta Clau - Th <: enthu sias m 0
~I~~d;~~na::;~~t unbounded \\:hen that g.entlemanra~e
hi s appearance and tl: stributed Chn tma gl ts 0


the tea. which preceded the en t~rtail1ment,

played by thE orcbe tt'a of ~~3
British Leg ion. After I,ea th ere .were games,
Mr. G. mvstifled both. chI ldren and a~ults
. ' tl I ' clever con lunn a and raIsed enthusla m
\\'1 I
liS ventri loqual
__';.' P unc II an d . Judy ,acts .
tl hi
T~e~c ;\'as also ca rol sin ging h a ('holr composer
of members of ihe office stnff, which was muc I
Tip com mitt,ee is to be cOllgratula ted on prov lcin " such an enjoyable functIOn.
Soccer .-No 'further progress ha~ .been mad E III
the Small Units Knock-Out CompetitIOn referred. ~
i~ our last notes, but we hortly expect to IJartlclpate in the fu'st rounel and sub seq uenlly 1\1 the



seas~~I~lg music \~as

fin~l. f 'iEndlv

game played on the 17th February ,

bei.we~n oui' Sergeants and t.he R.A.S.C. Selg;eant~.

- It d in a victory for us by 9 goa ls to 3, a tlOugl
~~~u f~ct that the R.A.S .C. goalkeepel' (S / Sergt.

Nic1101s ) is on very h; endly term s. WIth many 'Of I,he

deta chment, should not be overi ooke l.
HOckey. -On ly one game ba. been played dUllng



JOUR!'\t\ L

the last few months. This was aga in t the Depo ~

W est Yorkshire Rgt. , whom we defeated by ~ go.ds.

tll e Hockev.. Secretary

lJ1l ur ed hI s kn e.e
to 2 S mce
. h
on that occasion no fuddler ga.mes
a n'a nged.
Obituary - It is with mu ch reg ret that w . lave
t.o re ort, the death of Mrs . C. A. Malt1l1 , w: f: of
SS whi ch occurred on 10th J anu,u y .
Martin ' had only quite recently been amongst
11 at the Chri stma s party, a nd It came as a gleat
ltlS ~k when we reau zed she had succumbed to a
ss u10d'uen I' 11 nsse .'i\ie
. a ll 'svmpathlse
, dC'clply WIth
S.S.M. Marti n in hIS sad bereu\emen ..



," hi t and hridge ar e s till the ch ief winter di\'ers:ons at thi s stal,ion.
. Owin a to a fir ~ occurrin g at ont' usual venu eTI Y'~a ' s H ea d Hotoll-we ha\' e had lo change 0\11'
m ~~ti~1\ "Jlace for wh ist to th e Oo-op'erattve Ball.
g Ib n. cIg e to. tile
BI-iclge Tavern-the latter
anc1 f01'
app ea rs to be s l1lt.ablv named .
' Whi st drives have beEn well suppm-ted and hrt ge
has been mu ch enjoyed by those takll1g ~a;t" J~l e ut.
V. W. R ees continuin g to capture the filS pllze.
An enioyabl e dinner and socwl wa held at the
T rent V'diey Hotel on the 16 h F ebruary. Inllall.
fortly-t\V~ sat down and did just ice to the exce f~t
fare Jrov id ed . Majo r H. C. Pcw.ey was tn . e
chair! supported hy Captain Ensoll. Ll eut. 'Rees.
Lieut Lines a nd S .S.M. Whelan. l\ n nnu ual but
plea i'ng feat,ure of t.he evening was the pre._encc
of t,he ladles.
I d' I
After a short. peeeh by the Cha Irman , a SI) en. IC
progranlm e was provi ded bv the foll owmg a~ l. t Mrs. Lowe (wife of "001' J ock ") , Mr. ES Cndl oln:
M1' Cope S.Q.M.S. J. Close and S . Q . ~.. 0 lel.
wh ~ waR 'the accompanist for the evenll1g.
Th e event was voted a hu ge snccess bv. nil plesent,. and it is hop ed toO h old a simi l ~r functI on anon .

Scottish Command
Casualties -For '0 small a n office th e numbel o[

' th a t have
occurred . during
ca ua It le
' hange
mont,hs is unu sual. In f1~dltl on to l e e~c
of stations between Capt.all1 s C. C. Blac~"ell an d
F.vV. C. Thomas foreshadowed 111 the last Iss ue the
[ollowin g changes have taken .place :- 0 B E h
Arriva ls.- Colonel L . J. Ll gh tfoot,
. ' ,., . as
hecoro e our Commancl PaYll'astn and :Lt the tll1~.e
of wtitin g is ab~ ut to comme nce a not her to~r III
th e Sco'tish cap( tal. H e ass um ed dubv hele on
promotiou to the rank of Colonel a.nd ChI ef P aymaster on 24th February. 1934, and we. feel Sl!r
that there will be a VdSt number t~ JOIl1 Wl~~
us in offerin g ou r congratulal,lon s !'O hIm. Kno.
in g hi s s kill at, cricket we are hopmg that he WIll.
lead us in tllat field of sport dm':ng the. summel
month s that, will soon he upon us , and W1L.h sudh
a promi ing p'ro peet in view it eems that, a t rea y
activities have been tarted by. some .t~ cha e the
moth away from the flann els 111 read ll1 ess fOI' the
"Gentlemen ' s G<Lme" season .
Serg .. E. E Gilbert an;"ed early . 1\1 t~e year t,he nDrmal toU\' of fi ve years 111 GIbraltar.
It is hoped that in Edinburgh h e. WI ll find , om~
outll t fO:I' his many sportll1 g actlV!tles reveal ~c1 b
a ' reference to the Oibrallar notes m preVIous Iss ues

o[ the " J oul'l1al" . H e should prove an able second

to our new C.P. on t he cncket fie ld.
Selgt. J. D:tvi Ea recently alTived fro m. Prg t~I~.
having effected an excha nge o[ stalton WIth elg .
J. H. Ormerod.
. I
A co rdial welcome is ex tended to I,he new g~:r~I"~I;d
We sin cel-ely hope that the ch an gi'. to. P , . ,
,,;11 he to t heir likin g a ~,d th~t th ey WI ll en Joy evel~
mOll1 en t o[ their time tn Edmburgh:
Departures -By the time the e not,lS appear
rint we shail have said good-bye t.o .tile follo
fv bo have left for oth er stat.ions . taklll g the goo
wishes of the Detachment WIth L116m.
Co lonel E. E. E. Todd , O.B .E., has had a com
pa rativel y short stay in Edinburgh. havmg ~:I~~~
a~p'ointeil Com mand Paymaster Southern
mand with effect from 19th Fehruary, 1934.
SI'g't. J. H. Ormel'od had th e good fOltun e, Ion
to b e posted to
exclc<1. nge 0 [ statIOns,
. Pl'est.on.
. the
h'ome town. 1 he does as well t,h lS year In 'et
Rhine Arm y up T enni s Tournam enL w may Y d
see him ill' Scotland aga.' n tackling our Comman
R eprese ntati ves.
B "n
Th e anti cipated postmg of Sergt. A . L . I r0'm_
to Malaya materialized in due course, and le e
barked fo r Singapore on 24 t h February, 1934.




RiHe 'Shoot: ng ,-This sport cont'nu es to AOlll'ish,

a nd sin ce the last issue some enjoyable evenin gs
have been spent a t OUT weekly shoots. Al though
not very successful in postal matches wit h ot,her
-~ffices, Our sco res stili show gradual improvement,
.a nd if the enthn iasm of memb ers co nt inu es we
hope, lIIldel' t,he leadersh ip of th e new captain of
the club. Cap.tain F. \N. C. Thomas, to put up a
much better ~ h ow aga in st our more form idab le
.oppo nents.
The monthl y spoon co mpet~ti ons still prove very
popular, and th e laiesb winner in t hi event, a l'e :December :-Maior W. Spence aDd Sugt. A. L.
January:-Mr. E. L . Gell and Mr. F. J . Cassidy .
Th e Officers of the Detachmen t interested in shooting have kindly consented to bear I,he cost; of t.hese
monthl spoo ns-a gesture that is greatly appreciated .
A sil ver spoon prese nted by the Imperial Chemica l
IlIdllst~'i Es, L td., was won afte l' a very close fini sh
by Pte. Bruce, who s ubmitted th e best of ome
very exceJlent targets.
Durin ~ the next fortnight s hootjn g is taking place
for the 'H enr\' Meda.l", an d judging by th e number of entries a husy time is a Th e name of
t he winn er will be published in the next issue.
On 1st Febr uary we held a shootin g mat~h with
the Edin burgh and Di strict ~oy:tJ En gin eers, and
'alth oug h uSll1g convel'ted sen'!ce nAes, a typ e quite
-strange to us, we put, up a good show and only
.admitte d defeat hy 18 points . A very pleasant
even in g was afterwal'd$ spent in tl:e Mess ~\' h ere
\\'e at l east held our own at l,hrowlt1g th e dICe.
Amateur Theatr icals _-Th e officers of tJl e Command H eadq ua r ters. Scott,isb Command, pre ent ed
the mystery play "A Murd er has been Arranged" ,
<It t.he Li ltle Th eatre, Edinburgh. on 16th and 17th
J ann ary, 1934.
Li out. Colonel !\. S . H el'bClt again (t,ook ,t,he
lea,ding part. a nd gave a very fine performa nce
as WIll be seen from t he foll owing ex tra ct appearin g in "The Scotsma n" of the 17th .Tann al-Y, 1934.
" In ~ctin g t,here was. a has beEn ind ;caled, a
\,e l'y hIgh standard . Th e hest per form an c~ was
gIven hy Li eu t. Colonel A uberon H el'bert in his
jJoli shed ' an d entertaining presentation of the part
o f Malll"ce Mullins".
Whilst "The Evening Dispalch" I,ates:"Honours in the show, if one must in gleo out
'one or two of the players from a wholl v admirable
casb, go to Lieul,. -Colonel Anbel'oTl H el'belt a nd
Th e fOt-mer di splays a stagecraft anJ Quality
of expression lhat d6notes the fini shed artist".
Each performance of the thrill er was sed
by [\ large and enthu siastic audience.
Th e proceed s were in aid of I,he E ast of Scotland
Jlran ch o[ the Soldi ers', Sai lors' and Airm en's
F amili es Assoc;a t~on, and this Charity should.
benefit by a goodly su m.
F.J. H .

There is litt.l e to report for thi s issue.

Capt Thom a has an';vcd in I'eli ef of Cap'l. B1a ck.\~ell , a nd apart from officia l duti es. has a lso .rehved Capt. B lack well as ca ptain of our riA e clu b.
'fh e chi ldren's Chri stmas party was held in OU I'
~Iuh room on the 22nd Der.emher, a nd J am SLlre
ihat all who attend ed had a most, enjoyable time.
A very substantia,l t.ea was pro\,; dd. It was ob-served that th e table comma.nrlef\'ed bv th e singl e
'Illen reqnil'ed ndditionrtl sel'vi ce from th e caterers.




All t he children recei\'ed presents, presolt ed by

Mrs. H ollin gsworth.
Sport,- Major H. J . H oJlm gsworLh was tlte
winner of the Knock-Out Co mpetitIOn o f the. cottish Com mand Golfing Society .

With the variabili ty and suddenness peculiar to

our clima l,e, Sprin g al'liveci hue about a week ago,
a nd. as I write, t he bright lllrh iu e pi ercc' the
office windo w to wal'm my chee k and give plomise
of full Sum mu to come.
The road leading to the office per mit s an uninterrup.ted view of the di tant hiJl s and mountains .
and since Spl;ng' advent, the mOl11ing walk officeward s is a jo to thOSe who care to " lift th eir eyes
to t he hills".
Snow, lying :n the deepel' con; 2s and higher peakslopes, spa rkles in the s un. whil t tlte bare hi ll s
appeal' spl'ead with varied colour3 du e to the sun's
On such momings, it is with regret one, permits
the di sciplined fee t to be,,,' one to th e pro a ic round
of office tauks, yet to the searcher after signs of
Sprillg , the offi ce sUlTounding offer scope :n plenty.
A fe\\' crumbs throwll conspicnously on the ten,
nis lawn \\i ll product: in a momEnt or two of patient
wat~ hfuln ess, hungry members of the featherE d
world from t he adjacent. trees amI bu hes.
Quite rt:cEl1tly I tried the experiment and nam edthmshes, blackbirds, tarlings, finches. tits and a
so li ta ry robin among th e;!lg peckers.
Overhead a clumsy rook cl':ed hllrsh ly. a ' it. 'I'~ewed
t he feast helow, fro l'l its lofty nesti ng il e.
Some of the birds already al'e )Jrllcti ing thAir
Sprin g so ng , a nd with commendable resu'lts. too:
a s -a l'ch \\i ll re\'eal the songster pE.'rc hed high in a
ll ei!l llboul'!n g bu. h.
Th ough too distant to di cern the species, J stood
and wrttched hundreds of bil'ds migmt in g North,
flyi ng high over the Tay Vall ey in perfect f01'maLion.
, igns of Rpl1ng a re not la ck iltJ1; from the earth at
oue's feet, tlt e sim')le snowdrop has heen in blossom
for seve ral wEek, mod es tly waiting to he noticed,
ere its co loured rival. the croc us. shou ld appear
and captul'e adm iration. Eag er green shoots are
evidenb. where. iu;t he low the surface, a hya cinth
bu lb has la in h'dden duri ng the Wintel' mOlith .
From sig ns such as lh ese I know that Spring is

In commo n with 0 her R egimental Offices. we ill

P ert h ha ve enjoyed a I'llsh of \\'ol'k incidelLtal to
troopin g, Battali on moves , etc . . yet we till find
time to nlTange <t.nd ca rry t.hroug h the norma l functions u[ a Social Clu b's Winter programme. lo wit
-a monthly dance and whist dri\e. Captain S. N.
Hill joined us in tim e to a.tten d t.he la t held in the
Recreat: on Hut , and be fore "Auld L ang yne" he
ha.d a lmost per fected his steps to the requil'ments
of the H ;ghland Fling. no mean test to a n initi at-e
of th e tlentI OUs d'lnces of Scotland .
That apta in Hill '. arri va l coincid HI with event!
catastl'O phe of a pure ly dOll\b~ic nature. ca nnot
pos.sibly be blamed to the stat,ioll. Aftel- a ll , hi s
ca t wou Id have had kitt.ens ill the natu~'al sequ ence 'O f
such events even at Chatham , and \\' ho ca n blame
a ft'iendl'y ped igree puppy fol' go ing astray in st range
surroundings! Ce rtain lv it w as unfort una te thnt
the hOIl e floori ng s holill give way the very week





------- ----~--------

Ca2tain HiJI took u p residEnce, but then, one is

le ft wondering if perhaps an ancI; nt floor. IS tJ1e
be t place for th e secret practise of the H:ghland
F ling.
COI'pOt'a l PalmH has by now , I twst, written back
to hi s vVool\\'ich conreres, disab using their m ind s of
several fa n cies in relation to Scotland in general,
a nd P erth in parti cular. On posting here . he was
warn ed at " oolwi ch , that to reach this office he
wou ld ploba bl.v be req uired to shovel his way
through s now. feet deep. (Hav e my poor efforts at
l anding this wonderful station been so un s uccessful ?)
How e ve l. P a lmer , in co mmon with all who join

this station , has su ccum bed to th e c harm s of th e

Fail' Cit YI: in Winter , too, mark you!
T I;e kidctes were not forgotten. during th e festiveseason and th e Annua l Chri t nl as Party \,; as \'oted
a g l'oo't treat, Jack in the Box and Fath er Chri st mas combin ing on ce a gall1 to delI ght, the chIldrE n,
wit h gifts froll1 Toyland.
Se rgea n t Lydon ha been post ed ex. C hIna .. 111
valided to r eUey and now on leave pend1l1g .JOInIng.
With co mmendab le SpIrIt he wrote to say he hacT
borrowed <I, hos pital s heet to bl'ln g to P eli.h , a
h e con s: d ered it would be s u itahl e eith er a a kil t.
or a shroud.
H e sho uld conqu e r the moun'.a in s I
" M cSPORRXN' '' .

Southern Command
Th i!' re is verv little to r ecord in th e way of social
activit,y; unfortunately we were unable to obta in th e
use of tile Morrison H all after th e m ic dl e of D ecember, a nd in conseqn ence we h a ve been nn a ble to
continue our fortni.ghtly wh ist drives and dances,
whi ch were ve ry enjoyable n nd slIc <:e s fu l.
Cricket.-The cricketEI' are. tarLing to get restl ess, but i t is doubtfu l whether we s hall be able t o
run a team during th e com ing season as a number
of Our CJ'ichting fri end s from H eadq uarter s, on
whom we r eli ed to mak e up our t eam , h a\'e been
ord ered to oth er st a tion . , and those who have taken
th eir pla ces so far do not play cricket.
Tennis.- T enni s, of course . is a t present in abf Ya11 ce, but we are looking forward to a su ccessful
Christmas Party.-A most enjoyable party was
held undEr th e au s pi ces of th e H eadQuarter s .
South ern Commanrl Staff at th e V ictoria Hall on
20th D ecember , to wh ich a ll th e Office staff and
fami lies w ere invited .
Ea ch child recei ved a present at th e hands of
L a dy R"dcli ffe, and a programme \\' 3 5 carried
through hy th e pup il s of Th e C li ve School , Mi ss
B etty Gorclon of th e Motl ev Folli es, Southampton,
and the "'l essex Wizard.
:\ dan ce was g iven for th e pm'en \~ and their
fri end s . which com men ce d at 9 p.m. ~ nd wa s carri ed
OD t o the sm all hours of t.he mOl' nin~ .
Outings .-Parti Es were mad e up for th e " 1:>< T ie.
Portsmou th v. GI-im sby Town at Port smou(.h on
27th January. a nd for the match. Th e Army v.
Corin'ilians at T idworth on 10th F ebruary. W it,h
the appl'oach of fi ner w eather we are loo'k ing forwa.rd to more of t hese e njoyable outi ngs. and a r e
hoping to visit places of interes t in the d i ~tri ct .
Annual Dinner,-As in past years, a good number
fl'O'm Salisbury wi ll be preSEnt, at, t h e Old Com rades
A ssocia tion Annua l Re union Dinn er in London on
27th April , wh en they hope to meet many olrl comrad es a round th e fest ive boa rd .
Birth.-We offer our congratul ations to Sergt.
Cull om on th e birth of a son . "David GeOl'ge", at
Sali , bury on 27t.h J annary , 1934
Foreign 'Service.-Corporal Hall iclay is under
ord ers to embark for Egypt on 14th A oril ; we wish
him t he best of luck in h is new station.
Retirement.-"'le were sorrv to lose Col onel H . S.
E lli , who reached the age for ret irem ent, on 24th
February. and t ru st, that he wi ll be s pared m a ny
years i n whi ch to enj oy his wt ll earned rest,

Promotion.-vV e offer om hearties t co ngratul at ion s to Co lonel L. J . Li~htfoot, on hi s pron:otiol1'

to Ch ief Paymas te r, and much r egr et th a t, It eota il ed a move from Sa li s bury.
Arrivals.- \ Ne welcome to t he stnti ol1 Colon eT
E. E . E. Todd , who jo ined from Scotti h Com mand
to assum e th e. duties of Command P aymaster, on
19th F ehm a ry.
M a-j ol' F. A. Vi/ooels is du e to join the office from
London on 26th Aarch. to assum e th e duti es of
As istan t Co mm a nd P av mast er.
Office Representatives.-The Co ting personn el
s tation ed in th e Salisbury P la in and oul,h Midland
Area hnv e now a Eparate Office R ep resentative
from whose pen we hope to see some it ems of inMOONnAKER.
t eres t in the near futur'p
Departures.-S.S .M. A. T. Kn evett, accompani ed
by fa.milv . emharked for Cey lon on the 5t,h January.
1934. W e wish th em a happy tom on th all delectable isla nd.
L / Se rgt. ' V. Tull och transfe rred to th e. Ar"!'y
R eserve on t he liSI'd January, 1934. We WI sh 111111 io civ il li fe.
Arrivals.- Ca ptai n W. Eadi e. M.C .. a rrived from
s unny E gypt, a nd we wekome him to s unn y ( ic!)
D evo n.
Entertanments .- A hilliards a nd s nook el' match
a. ~a in st Lhe Serge~ n ts' M ess. 23rd Fi el d Bri (!aci.l.
R.A .. was held on the 15th Fehruary . 1934 . and re
suited in a win fOI' t h e Roy<tl Arti ll er y. D etail of
th e I!am es are as fo ll ows:Billiards :R.A .P. C.
100 S .Q.M .S. Pa ine
L / S~t. R idout
98 Mr. F rit7.
L / Sgt. Ki n gcomh
O.M.S. Hough ton 1GG S.O.M S. Ely!.h
43 S .O.M.S. C ha n t
L / Sgt, Timmin
79 L / Sgt. Rumphreys 100
RS.l\f . Cooke
71 ]\fr. Madc10cks
L fSgt. J ~ffre .
65 Mr. Con noll y
Sgt. Vo wles
47 M r . Bu ck lmld
S~t . Worgan
59 M I. Whitfield
L / Sgt. Le Blond



It may be of interesl, to memhers of t he Corps

that " D an n y" (ex S.Q.M.S .) Fritz has settled ill
Exeter , an d he still "swin gs a o retty cue".
I am a fraid t here is nothjng f urt her to Ielate.

Western Command
Moves.-Captain H . A. A . HowelJ , M.B.E. , has
bew pos ted to the R eco rd and Pay Offi ce, Wool ,n ch Doc kya rd, for temporary duty (20th ]1 bruary) .
Maj or J. L. C urtis (Ret ired Pa y) )oin ed for duty
as Cashier. " ' estern Co mmand , With e ffect fl'OI11
20th F ebru ary . 1934.
S.S.M. A. W. D eaco n embark ed fOl' Gibra ltar on
13th F ebruary, a ,:d hiS place is be:n g taken bv
S.S.M. R. G. 8ml t,h. who has been po t ed from
GlbnIitilr on ch oomba l'!,ation.
" Social " Club .--,'Sin ce th e la:t num ber of th e
J ourna l \\'e h ave held two fun ction s-a billi a rd
handlcal) and a children 's Chris tma s party.
Th e bill ia rd s r es ulied 111 a fin:tl match betw ee n
Sgts. SOll'erby and PlI1k, a nd th fir t na med proved
the wll1ner a very good game. Fo lJ owiDg the
gam e a s mok el- was he ld , a nd with the assi tnn ce
of .mme local a rti s ts, th e evening was vot ed a " ery
enjoyahl e one.
W e s hou ld lik e to express our
th:tnk to tb e Sgts. M e s, 88th Fi eld Briga d e R.A ..
fol' the u e of thell' M ess, a nd to coug;miulate the
fin ab sts 0 11 th elL' pedol'm ances. In cid ent a ll v Sgt.
SOli el'?y lea ves. hel''' for E gypt in _\pl'il ne xt so
Ej!\'I~t 8 ga'n wdl be OUI' loss .
On 19th D ecem be r we held OU!' fir. t Xma s P art y.
and som e 80 members a nd childl'e n as em bl ed In
t~e Gal'l;lso n LIbra ry at 4 p .m. T ea wa tak e n in
N. A.A.I,:1. In t lt,ute. and about 5 p.m . we. reLurned
to th e IJ.lbrary t? be enterta in ed bv a conjurOI. a t
lea t. th e enterta inm ent wa.s primal'il" int en ded for
,t;he c1n ldl'.en , hut r ema rks from pa;'e nt
uch as
Keep qm et, J]mmY1 I can 't hea r " , were qu ite
audlhle. After a w h Il e th l) chi ldl'en began to get
FOll1ell,h~t e XCited as a ~v h :s per went ul'Ound that
:1\he' C hrdJn~ s (S / ~gt. H as kim) was on his way
a~c w l1en he clId arnl'e. via tJ1e chimn EY. he wa ~
l!leeted. III e ustomal'y fa 11Ion with loud, ch I'S .
th el excite me nt fo ll o~ved when Santa Claus di.. nbuted presents . a nd WIth th e chi ldren concentrat.109 . on w hat thev had received he mad e hi s depart ure. Ga m es theru becam e the order of th e Evell~ng'7 a nd a lthough our official cia in g tim e lI'as to
p.m .. at, 7.30 p.m. the parent - we l'e st ill
~~tg sll:ong. and as the R egim ental P a ymaster
d 111 h iS clo II1 g speech , it cE.riainl y seemed that
had en,loyed the party as mu c h as the chi ld ren .
of ;1 22nd F ebrual'Y t he ~n.oual, Gene ra l Meeting
h t l e c lub '~' as he ld . a nd It, IS Wit h \'Cgrei that w e
tl~:e to. I?uhh h the res ig nation of Mr. Se ll e r from
f 11 POSltlOl1 of Secretary, whIch he has so successdU v helel fol' the p'ast fOU l' years. H e has unf r btedly r a l ed the status of the club co nsid er wh en one. co nsiciers that, before he took over
o . ce our fun ctions \\' ere li mited to a few games o f
~ncket whel1 the weather perm it ted. W e al'e cel'tilnl ~' . ol'l'y to lose hi s sen; ces, and at th e
,line lI elcom e our ne w .ecretal'y S / Sgt. Ha s kins
tI1110 '. we feel " lI1'e WI' 11 ci 0 I'
li S . utmos t to furth er,
le Inte1'es t,s of th e club.





t R.ifJe S ection.-Once more the secretary is p leased

O~l'l ello l t, that we are still goi ng " gu n " w ith

n' nelwl.\' for med S ectio n. a nd that t,he m embers

.le S(.I I s u pportin g it by good attenda nce ,tt t h e

weekl:y shoot. and mol'e impOl'tant, sti ll , by good

fin anc ial upport fOl ' a ll ompetltions. Our s tockof n Hes has now in crea ed to three, anci it is
hoped IJy dl ve l'S mea n to have another next sea on.
Our Chrl trnas. nove lty competjtioo s proved quite,nccss fu l, and It IS proposed to repeat the pro~l'amme as a wll1d-up, for th e end of the season durII1 g th e last two week s in March .
W e have ventured forth into th e realms o[ posta t
shoots. and on gCth F ebruary fi red our ca rds in a
match ,nth Hong Kong, and now we are waiting
to know by how m anv \\' e h aVE been beaten. Th e
mon t,h ly s poon competition for JDnuary was won
by C pl: Black well , a nd a bao ch cap knock-out re sult ed 111 the "~nn e r b eing :Mr. H ed ingham , with
.Mr. Hes mondh a lg h . as r unner-up . A consolation
kn ock out competItIon w as a lso run for those
knocked.ou l, 111 th.e firs t two rounds of the fOl'mel'
co mpetltlO n, a nd In ohe fina l Ma j or Smytb genuously gave. a bye to Cpl. B1I1dl e~' . We offe r OUt'
con.gratll latlOns to th e winn els.
Tany other comp,,!.!tlOn s have been and are stiIJ bing held. nnu
n ~xt season we hope to try OUI' luck in mat c hes
\\,1th oth er offi ces,
Football.-Owing to th e ente q )l;se of Cpl. Bindlev. we ha " e had three ga me tbi s sooson. and
although we were severely seen off on two occasions
by recl'l~lt teams of th e Loya l R egt . and th e E" t
L a ncashi re R egt., \\'e man aged to bea t t he R.A . . C.
by 1-D. The gam es h:tye, been \'er )' e n.joyable,
but the next mOl1lll1 g told Its tale ",it,h, stiff legs .
etc. If we a re fortun ate to have ome young blood
posted to the offi ce there are possi bi lities of d efin Ite ly formll1g a foot, ~a lJ team, but at present.
a lthough. we h ave wIllI ng s upport, anuo domi nj i
the bandlcap.
Office Ne,ws.- In th e last num1)er of t.he " Joul'l1 a l"
'I' e onutt ed to publi sh Our heart y cOllgratu la tion s to
ISgt, (",'aven on p t'omot:on to lh a t rank on ~8tJl
Aug ust, 193.3. Cas ualti es have been \'el]' few COIlslde nng It IS th e ll'Ooplng sea on, a nd so far the
on ly po tlng a broad IS gL. Sowerby , who, as m en~Ion.e d ea.rll er In these notes, . leave for Egypt in
.\ plil .ne xt. Sgt. Ormerod JOln eti from Edinburgh
on 19 h Febru:ll]' , ha vlIIg ex changed with L / Sgt.
Davl es. "Ve ho pe th e exchange wi ll be fat' their
mutu a l benefit.
S.Q.M.S . W eb tu wa s d ischarged on 24th D ecem ber. H avlI1g deCided to become an oth e r member of
our army' of hop-k eeper. he has t.all en ov er a
newsag:e nt 1tncl tobacco shop in L iverpoo l ; we a ll
WI h h llll the be t of S L1 C C ~ SS in h is ne\\' ven ture.
Congratulations to Sgt. a nd nhs . Mi ll 00 the
al'l'Il'a l of a so n, "P ter James", on 29t h JaJ1uary_
Signlll . Sea rl e j oined on proba tion on 6th Decel~
bel',. and We wIsh . hll11 every Sll ccess iu hi. exams.
At .he tllne of gO!llS to press L / C. Street, is a wait"1.g the 1'6 ult of hI S fin.a l exa m. , \\'hl ch we hope
W Ill be. very m uch 111 hi S fa vour.
Captain iBatlS
has a rl'lved I:ecently fmm Can te rbury in p'la ce of
Capta ll1 Cottler, who has gone to Barn et!. We
hope the form er wi ll enjoy hi s stay here, an d t hat
t he latter wIiI have a good time down so uth.
Lieut. K ing ha.s a l ~o left us on pos ting to t he
Comm a nd Pay Office, Eastern Co mmand.




t come under

The on iy i tems of i.nter est to repor

the heading of
' \' en duI'Social Events.- \n en:l,ert~lOl11 ent ~:ealsl egJilt of the
I ild the hl1 5 UlaS se.,
c 1 ren.
ble 111 th e first in st a nce b y
Tills was. mar e POSSI
. to ether wi t h a h t.tle
th e gene ro Itl)' of the Officels, S ~ I Cl b
uneal'lled incr.ment from t. hedeodClato \\~lll"cll a ll the
a P
t t
' . . - d
A firstra e ea w ' s IOV I,
f th
ffi' staff were 1IlV1"" .
members (} f
0 dceb
:1 di stribution of gifts from
0 lee-tfle part
tm. a5
TillS111'1 st.m as
. R ofH Father
Sa ' f-I'. Chri
D .C. M
being ably taken by .MaJo~ , fitti~g ?hat I sho uld
At thiS POllt, It IS on y



. 1 to th e . work ca rri ed out by
give sp,eclal ments~ S Q.:~tS. Steel, assisted by



our worthy Hon'

'p'roclu ction of the lI ecelS ary
mart, ID th e
" loca l co lour".
1101'e than pa-ssabl e ' imita.
They constructed a I
of whi ch Father
tion of a fire-pl,~lce't bYmn~:a~lsmo t effecti\'e 'and ,
CllIJ. , t m.a . was 'au, et'f
. , entra nce:1n d e XI.
109 tel
m InaYted \vi t,h games, primali
[ Ily
to Th
the children,
e even
I .j I '
ill whi ch several 0 t le
intended for the f
C l(ffi~e appeared to l'e-di scover
olde l' me mbers 0
l il 0
. long
. . tle.
Ilave been
t'I'le ., I)o\'e our actl\'l
\pa It rom

I .
a nd these
. \ ., t ,d to fortnightly whIst . C l'lve ,
an undoubted success.



Commands Abroad
Detachment Notes.-Tbe outstdllding thin]jS indtl~
.. . I
been the co ld wea ther, be e~e I
winter Eg pt has
for many years , ",nd a,t l)resent there IS no sign 0
warmer weath er approachll1g.
tile. I, sual. gatJlel'lng
C hl'lstmas
passe d \\th
C I Cliff
d dances
Col Rlley. LIeut.- o.
ertl:~C~1 Gran t a;ld oth.l' Officers of. the Deta~hleu . 't' d t ll Sergeants Mess 011 h,nstrnas mOl nmen t VISI e
'th th other
ing and spent a very pleasant, hour WI
Tank s round the fire side. A sump.tuolls repast, .efitting the day was provided for the sll1dgl~1 n1embt~l~t
'who no doul;t did justi ce to the goo
. ]:lIgs
werc laid before tbem.
. .
Arrivals.-Sgt Mars hall h as recently JOlneg thIS
D etachm ent , and we wish h: m all good luck 1I1lng
]lis stay in Egypt.
Departures.-L/ Sgt. D enn e has Idt tl:ll s s t.atlO~
e are gl:1d 10 heal' that
f M IwmE'. \"~.
Offi he h as obtaln e
employment. in the Londoll Pay
MOves.-During t.he past quarter, Sgt. 'vVe tcott
. 'te I MoascaJ' on temporary duty WIth 1st Roya
'. <
IS t Mason has pro'Warwlckshll'' Regt. , an I I g . 'tl the
nits at
ceeded to the udan for c u ,y \VI 1
that station.
Old Comrades Dinner.-The Old Comrades ~,~11l1er
I Id at th e H eliopoli s Hou se Hotel on Fl.da ,
24~~1 Nove'mber , 1933, and a most enjoyab le eVE llIng
wa spent by all who attended.
Promotion .- We congmtui<lte S/Sel'gts. Prn;e.d and
Becconsall on their advancement t.o the 2nd Dl\ 151011.



BirthS.-We congra.tulate Sgt. Southga td' s\/'Ift ~.

son was born on 20th D ecember, 193'3, ~6 'I J g :
Colernan , who e daughte r was horn on
tJ anu
<try , 1934.
Indoor Games: InterOffice Trophy CompetltlOn.-;A very enjoyable e \'ening was spenlm 34the Se.~geal~\s
J\{ess on Tuesday, 6th F eb ruary , 19 , w ell le
first round of th e Indoor Games took l?!aCce.
When th e fin",1 score was tak en, the
W.Te declareu the winners by 28 pall1ts .to 25.
Departing ft'om the usual cust<;>m, bllh a rds was
included in the Indoor Games, whIch. ma~ e.J,he 1~1ramm (> flS fo llo ws :-Duplicate auctlOn rJ ~e, 1fiard
snooker, darts, pll1g-pong, shove ha penny,
<:ribb;;ge and skittles.
. ..
I k'll
It was considered thi s called for In~~'.I~EBI~' ~I
together WIth th e usual all owance of

. vel' k een ly conte led. a nd at

The games wCle
y 25 /24 in jUYOtl l' of Corn9.30 p.m. th e score ,\V~smes ' of snooker to go. The
mand wIlll onl)~ fOlll g th first bringin g th . scol'es
"Regim ent:1I" SIde WO ?, . e lising' the position th en
d rea,
. ]
I b Uo' "Comman
I eve,
, win
the remalnc er.
gave of th eIr b est, WII .
to "Command". who
Thus another two (po~~ s "Trophy" bv 10 points
now learlin t,he I'ac\ .o~ ~e< pla.yed for '(tennis, 6;
to nil With 18 POIl1 S 0
shoo :i'ng, 4: and indoor games,
. .
d in two co mpetltlOlls
Billiards.-We hav e enga
'tted a nd ha\'e had
the last notes were su ml
. both of th ese.
to ftrlmlL de eat III
'Soldiers' Home leam corn In tlte King GeorgCe. s. _ of Siguals put paid to
~':tion the Royal
P vW

h fi 's t rOUIl .
our account In t e \'1 100 UP and in most cases
Th e games were on y b f " Ollr players had
e 01 e

b .
th e games were
diti ons (our team emg
mast ered the st:range c.o ~'ather th~n speed) .
bui lt fo~ sta,yll1g Spo~ell~ailways comp'etil,ioll also
The EgyptIan. , ba e .
as we had two good
proved rath er d l sa~po~t~l.\1:.C . and 1 ,t Brigade
wins over 33 Cof" '11 . . the semi-fin al to the 1st
RH.A. only to a III
Battn. ICO.R.R
f thrEe gam e each.
This round result.ed I:; a'd~e 0 factor of aggregate
whi ch brought in the e~1 tl King' s Own held the
points, and III thiS respec
winn'ng balance.
. bi-weekl y Miniature Range
Rifle CIUb.-:-OUl
be.tter average than
Shoots me stdl producmg
bel'n compelled 10
owing to our
.d . a
last season, pa rI y. olv er range whIch provlfies
. more ' comfortable nog
use the 30 yarc s 1 ev
better li ght and affords d
find no elifficully
point. Otl l'. regu lar :1tten~a~lts
fo ll owing SCOl'fS
111 gettll1g mto th e mnet e ita' ,ed h-t seaso n :exceed llnvthing that was 0197 11
. S.Q.lI'LS. Black 98 and
L / Sgt. Wright 95.
S .Q.M.S . Asher 94 a nd 9, )..
, S.M. T em pl e 93 (threE'. tllnes)., ,'11 secure a
It'i's hoped that our l eadlllg s hot \\1
possilJle before the sea SOli end i ' '!Ve been competed
Six Se rgeant: M ess POOIIS. 1.. wlitin our last
for on the Mil1lature Range slb"e. being S.Q.M.S.
notes the winners for NOWm le~ fO!' December,
Ashe;' and Lan ce ~erg~ . t \,1~\lnclerton, a nd [01'
. S.Q.M.S. Black an , 19 cl S Q M' S. Asher.
Jalluary , S.S.lIL Temple an
. Ral;' e conl inue 10
Th e week ly VISits to th . Opc n
Ig sill ce DeceJ"be populal. int.e rest Imvlll g In Cl'e asec '





bel', wh en we decid ed to enter .a tefl.m for the

Egypt, Pal estin e a.nd Sudan Trophy, which is open
W aUl\Ilili t:1ry a nd' civilian teams in those countries.
The conditions of the sboot a re a team of 8 t~ fire
8 rounds (including "', sighter) in 8 minutes at 200,
500 and 600 ya,rds-alJ "appli cation" practices on
4 feet and 6 feet white target. witb black halfbu ll ', scoring 4, 3, 2, 1. Thi s Trophy has been
won on the last two occasions with SCOl'es of 599
and 597 by No . 4 F lying Training School RA.F .
and the Khartoum British Rifl e Cru b, respectively.
hut the 3rd Grenadier GU:1l'ds and the 1st Kin~' s
Own Royal Regim cnt have a lready sEt th e pa ce \\,Ith
scores of 600 and 601, respect,ively, out of a possible 672, whi c h :1vemges a 10 s of 3 points pet.
man at, E'ach pra ctice. A miracle may OCcur to
bring us neo.r that figure , but in any event we' should
exceed the Cairo British Rifl e Club sco re of 472.
:Is we have one more practi ce befo re the date fi xeel
(01' our att,em p.t, th e actual t,eam has not yet beell
chosen, but the select:on wi1J be made from
J. B. J a rdine, S.S.M. Templ E, S.Q.M.IS s. Asher.
Black a(1cl DOt! e, Sta,ff Sergt. Do\\', Sergts. Alldel'1011, Bolton, Mal'shali , Poun(,ney and Vin cent, and
Lance Sergt. Clarke . S.Q.M.S. Blac k will he the
team's Ca ptll,i11 , and as he hns co mpil ed thl'ee 77s
at thIS pr~, cti cc. whi.le the remaind er hav cored
a:Jythin~ betweeil 63 and 70, we should not disgrace oursehe~.

Detachment R.A.P.C., Egypt-Trophies, 1934.

Two Spoons month ly are now put up for con Ipetition on the Open Range, the winners dlll'ing
Dccembel' and J anuary hein g Sergt. Marshal!.
S,Q..M.S. Ashel', S .Q.M.S. B lack and Sel'gt. Bolton.
The sysl;elll of handi c..'tpping on th~ last spoon
shoot produced fourteen sco res between 91 a nd 95.7.
Ihe WlIlner sec uring t,he Spoon hy th e m argin of
onc fifth of a point, whilst. four co mpetitors ob unned Scores betw~en 95 and 95.5.
The first of the intero ffice Trophy shoots wns
held on the Open R,ange on the ' 20th January,
c the Command Office team secured their first
I'I tory over th e Regim ental Office aftel' a long
run of defeats. Th eil' margin of 33 points ho\\' s
how definite was their win, and wit,h their present
Slea they bid f:1il' to win the remaining two shoots.
Q.M.S. Black scol'ed 98 out o f the possihl e 105,
the next highest score being 86 by Rergt. Vincent,.
It mav interest othel' Pay Office Rifl e Club to
~arn I.hat arrangem ents ha;' e been mnd e with the
J. to suppl y SPOOI1S hearing th e Corps
th . and as a specia.1 die (01' cast ) has ],eF.ll cut.
'le N.A.A .F.T. HC:1dqu:1rters at home has expressed
Ifle hope that further orders \\,IU follow.



Children 's Xmas Tree and Treat.-Ou t.h e 19th

December, 193'3, t.he gre~ t day which hud heen
eage rl y await,ed by the children of the Detachm en t,
approximately 200 pa rent aud children sat down
to a tastefully al'ranged tea in the C. of E. In stitut,e.
Th:1llks to th e good ser vices of S .Q.M.S. Godbeheal', the huge party adjourned after tea to th
Cin em:1 adjoining the In st,itule th ere mentally to
fen t on the antics of Mi ckey Mouse a nd other carefully c ho sen pi ctures . t he Committe having in th e
meantim e p'roceeded to the Sel-gean ts' Mess to
nrmnge for t he n est item on t he programme.
By 5.l5 all of the chi ldren, sma ll and' ta ll. young
a nd old. \Iel'. interested l\, wa tch in g the mysteries
of one Moham ecl the " Gu lli -Oll lli " man. a.nd here
it is no eX:1!:(gcrntion to sav Chat one gentleman
very nnxiou ly a W'lited t he return of a pound note
le nt to l\Joh amed a nd which in turn was m ade to
pas tests by IHlrll ing. extraction frOI11 t,he human
hody a nd lastly fl'om Mohamed' person.
A [ter the rl eparture of .1ohnme d a greM cheer
frOI11 the kiddi es g reeted a lelegmphic comlllunic,, tion from Father rh ri - t.mas 10 t he' effect tha t he
was definitely on the way. On al'l'ival. tha t ve l'Y
benevo lent gent leman imm ediate ly proceeded to d: s.
tl'ibute the 101 Ill'esenLs in his posses ion , an d the
looks of joy and appreciation on the fftces of the
I'ec ipi ent W:15 ilmp le reward to all who had worked
to en. ure the Sll ccess of the show. Iu add iti on 10
the preSf.llt to the c hildren . "ga ff " pre ents were
cJ ist ributecl to some of t.he det achm ent notabiliti es.
the most ,tPt of whi ch. in th e opinion of many was
"Da\"id 's P\\'am" . Th en followed an hour of
and at 8 p .m . the en te rtainm ent. so fa,r as th e
ch ildren WE're co ncern ed. t~rmill ated with the. di stribution of weet.s and frui t.
Th e guest of t,he eve ning II O\\' nnd for t.he next
bou,' 01' t\\o was 0 111' dea l' old friend l\ffiSTAPH.t\
Th e Commit.tee ,11'(' 10 ht cong ratu lated on th e
splelldid mann er in which everything was a1'l'angecl.
19)4 re:1 hed Rong Kong with a bang. Guns.
cra c kers a ncl hips ' ',Yrens sign all ed tJle event and
woke the Office R eprEsentative up to t.he fact that
a few more r est less days were Ull to be his befol 'e
t il e final vettin g of the Station 110t,e5. Air Mai l
routes exist but. the co l i. not, cov.I'ed by Coloniftl
.'\ ll owancf\, so advantage ca nnot, be tnken of the
" day of !!'l'ace" allowed by the rou tes.
Departures.-vVe appenr to be fated to rep01't
" Tnvalidings" in each iS8 ue. Sergeant (Pat) Lydon
left us on 17th Noveml er with the good wishes
of th e Detachm ent for a speedv recoverY. Hi s
po, tin~ to P eli,h will . no doubt, help \Vjth. his

tl'e~tment, .

Th e untim ely death of S.Q.M.R . Chappl l wa s

repvrt ed in 0111' last notes. We are ~ Iad to state
tha.t fr~. Ch~ppell and the hildren are till in
touch with us.
A good send off wns giv~n to r:1ptain .a nd Mrs.
Hard . SLaff Rergea nt Ascott Rnd fnmily when th ey
I l'OceEcled per R. T . "Nellrali a" on 17th Novemher
for Preston and lBnl'l1et rcspectiyc ly. ThaiI' de.
palture is mu ch 1'Egretted.
C"I)tain a nd Mrs. Edinger depa rt for Tientsin on
t.hE' 9th ,Janua.ry. No event--shooting. tennis. hik ing 01' haUling-was ever missed by them and we
~ I'e SOI'I'V to lose their cheerful company. All hope
(haL th e froz-en North wi ll provide a ba.ppy tour.




Arriv als - A warm welcome was given to S.Q.M.S.

Sandel'son and family, a nd S.Q. 'L. . a nd M r . L aws
on arTiva l last October . Their last few day s on th e
water were somewhat " hedi c" ow in g to a Typhoon
crossin g th eir path. Th ey were due t o a rrive o n
th e 26 th . but news l'6a ched us that th ey had t urn ed
back. Manil a a nd Singapor e were !!:iven a s destin a
t ions for a whi le, b ut aftel' sev eral qu otations for
7.ero houl's from Signa ls, we eventuall y saw' the
"Nel1l'alia" roundin g L yemun Poin t at 7 a. m. on
the 28th . ~ also welcomed in H ong K on!!: fashion Li eut..
and M rs. R oss, Sergeant Na h and Corporal Alel rid ge from Shanghai , and awa it Captain Mackenzie's
a rri" al from Ti entsin in J anuar v. S.Q.M.S. Mi ll er
and famil y and Ser1(eant Tru e ,~i l! also be wa l'mlv
welcomed on arri val from home in F ebruary n ex t .
Ten nis- (1) Ladder .- Cont in ued sickness upset th e
completion of thi s. a.nd r esults o f subsequen t even ts
luwe show n t,hat handi ca ps are a ser ious ma.t ter .
No doub t with some new blood (by way of n ew
arri va ls as well as cured casualt ies) we sha Il make
a fresh st ar t .
(2) Army Championship.-!t. is regrettf.d tlt a t
complet e details of t hese even ts ca nn ot be given
- at tha,t t ime other arrangements a nd sick ne s
pl'evented many spectat.o rs from witn essin ll: th e closing scen es . an d t he participants a l'e too modest to
wri te up their own achi evemen ts.
Singles ,- As reporbed in the la t, issue. S.Q..M .S.
Warman . who pl ays a fa s t gam e ,,;th a tri ck v
sen,j ce, was kn ocked out in t he 3rd rou nd by St'rgL .
W ilson . Wil son went dO\\'n in the quar ter fin alg
in spit e of good cour t cra ft and well placed retu \'l1~ .
Doubles.-B.Q.M .S. Old fi eld . a styli sh playt'T with
sma.hing servi ces. an d &rgean t Wil son , a left
hll nd ed pla yer with splendi d placing and court cra ft.
I'eached Lhe semi -fin als aft er a num her of well pIlIVed matches. In th e semi-fi M ls a very di ffi cul ~
pa il' were O\i'l'come. R esult : 9-7. 5-7, 10-8.
W it,h th e Noul,h Wales BQI'd erl's contestin g the
Sin l!les and Donbles F inn.h. t he fin al scene at Sook un poo overshadowed th e small dp tachmen t of t he
Corp . and our lone pail' dpsen'l? the highest praise
for their achi evemen t . In receivin g Lh e cups from
I.he hands of th e General Offi cer Co mm an di ng in
Chin a as runn el"S- up. Ol rl:field and Wilson h ll ve
show n what a small deta.chment. of 25 can pro duce
ag~i n st units of much grea.t('\' st.l'ength .
(3) Army Tennis League.-The Det ach ment r ppresenta t,ives-Colon el Bilderheck , S.Q.M .Ss. Olrl fi t'ld
".ntl Warma.n. S/ Sergts. H olt and Ascott . Sergea,nts
Wilso n, Tribbl e. Taylor . Prcslin a nd Pled ger-ma in
b in ed 7t h position wi th 12 team s in- Vhe leal!u e.
W it,h th e arri val of Captain Mackenzi e and S.Q.M .S.
1ill ~r, a nd the progr~ss of present player s, t his
vea l' s leal! ue t,ahle Will u nd oub t edl y show a di fferpnt place for t he Corp .
(4) Lang cup-Singles, other ranks- R.A .P C.Tms is an annu al even t whi ch tak es place lit Sooku npoo and i th e occasio n on whi ch all th e Det<t ch ment and fllm ilies ~ e r toget lw,r befor e fina l lea vet,a l<in g and denartu res for home.
R es ul ts of the matches whi ch \took place on I,h e
191h . 20t h :I n(l 231'd Octoher . were:First Ro1ftld: Sa:t. T ribble (1 5) beat Sgt. Gart'orl
(40) 7-0, 6-1: S /Sgt. H olt 11 5.5) hea t Sgt.. P reslin ( ~ 15) 6-4. 6-3; Rgt. W il<on (sc r. \ beat Sgt.
Carter (30\ 6-0. 6-0; S.Q.M.S. Old fi eld I ~cr . )
l,eat SP.'t,. 'Plerlger (15. 5) 6-2. 6- 2: R.Q..M S . Warma.n (, 15) beat S /Sgt AscoL't (15.5) 6-1. 6-2 ;
Secon d R011 1'1. d : H olt beat Tribble 6-2, 4-6, ~ ;


G roul~ i og.

,ViI. on beat eld 6-2, 6-3 ; , Va rm :!11 11'.0 ..

S.S. M. Th ompson (40) scratched ; Sgt. Tay lol' (15)
beat , gt. Ra,r l'ls (40) 6-1, 6-2 ; Se /lli -Fi!l al:
W ilson beat Ho lt 6--1 , 6- 2 ; T ay lor beat W arm an
6- 4. 6-1' : F in aL: Wilson beat T aylor 6-2, 6---,3.
At th e concl usion of th e fi nals, 1 1'5 . 13i lderbeck
"ery kin dly present ed the Lang Cu p (later to b
engra ved with t he w in.n f. ~ ' 5 na me) , and a I'eplica
to Sergea n t "ViI. on , a nd a sma ll CIlP to Sergea nt
Ta.vlo l' as rllllll er -up. Mr.. Bil derberl; was th e re
cipient of a basket of fl ower a t thr conclusioll of
t he presentati on <I nd a hearty vote of t hank. was
gi ven Ity all present.
(5) Detach ment Doubles (Men).-Thi tourna
ment" for wh ich hand some have h eu very
)<ind ly present ed by Colonel Bil derheck, has heen
org a ni sed wi th t hc o bj ect of lwinging out laLent
ta lent, improvin g th e standa rd of play l .. ld fi xing
ha ndica ps fOI' th e fnt,u re eV f.~lt s, in addi tion Lo
locat in g pail' for Arm y teams and oLh er Command
competit ions. Commenced on th e 7th December,
matches wt' I'e t o h ave heen pbyecl evny Th ursday.
hut OUl' fri ends of " M" Bra nch and, Ju pite r Pluvius
ha ve bee n unkind.
Ten da ys before Xm as 8
" Doubles" of inocul ation and oll e va cinati on werc
ord ered and wit h on e on th e sick list. with }l ong
l;: ong Foot and anoth er in hospit al with is. few mat ches hav e bee ll played .


S S M Tl
'd )1Om PSi>ll a nd Se~gt. Tay 10r.
y s.. S.Q. M.S. Wann an a nd
S / Sgt. Ascott.
SlIup-Shootin g S S M TI
. ~ . 10TP on, S.Q. M.S. W a r a n, S, Sgt. Ascott. Sergt
C ross a nd S t H
g . . arrts.
No records were made \ '
Y31'ds), thi s being th e prac t'vt th la pphcatlOn (500
score. .
Ice w l lch lowered th e
Challenges,- A most
spent on t he mini at~;e enj oyable afternoon wa s
\I'hen we met t he Detach:~lg:
10th October,
nance Co rps. Wi t h t-eams O
oya l A rmy OrdIhree practices-g rou p'ing, a
~est, 8 to count,
yards-were fired TJi R P8 IcatlOo 200 a nd 500
~[ajor Shill in gton' in c\~deci"t .C. ~am, hea ded by
Chappell e, t he l one or~~ acke a,nd Sergt.
In the Colony a nd a m
best rlfle shots
Rifle Club. Our tea m wa em
er 0 th e H ong K ong
beck and includ ed Capt a i IEcl~ed by Colonel Bilder son, Sergean ts Cross G n d1n lter , S.S.M. Th ompHm is, S.Q.M.S W~rm ~"rro .
a~l or, Ca rter a nd
\I'as origina lly in"tend ed ;, n .anld dS / Sg t . Ascott. It
.hots but, casua lti es cau s~d Ij C u e a ll t he 1st Class
Top sco l'e o f t he da
as t mlOut.e alterations
R. A.O. C. (56 ) In I' y ~vas made by one of th ~
creased to 42 ~n the cOo~l~g .we led by 20 a nd in
It 200 ya rd s, bu t lost if etjfn of t he ca tion
a wa th 21 pomt s in





Sergt. Wil1ion receiving the ' Lang' Cup

from Mrs. Bilderbeck.
It is I'cg l'etted th a t, desc ripL ions of play c all 1l ot, be
gi "en in th E. ma jority of ca e. \oV ith 3 courts III
play. pal'lj cip ants ha ve been una hIe to watch oLhel
a nd pe t at ors have had th e u SC' of th e sparo courts
each clay .
Shootin g.-O uf first "o ffi cia I" shoot at the end of
S ptc mbel' ga ve snti sfactory res ults. I n the pre
cl1 ce of a n o ffi cer of th e Detachm ent and I'eprc
. ntatives fr om t he South vVa les Bord erers the Entpil'e, Te t wa Cll rri cl out . All were . I(ec". to be;
come first clnss s hots and wi n th t> PI17.-e glyell b)
Colonel Bi Iderheck fOI ' th e h ighest score. This lI'ns
won hy Sgt. Cross . after tyi ng ",it,h S.S.M. 'fh omp'
~Oll a nd Sgt.. Wi lson .
Poss ibJes were l'egist e1'cd rl urin g th c te~ t U)' I
foJl owi ng :-




a ddition on t he a ppli catiOll at 500

of th e Empire Test.
yards--o ur bogey
A nother mat ch aga inst t h R
Corps took place on Ll
e . oyal Army Se r viCIl
Tong. Teams of 9
l e. open range at K owJ oo lI
wel e op.po. d
p Iace on t he 200, 500 and 600' ,e . ,' !no g took
spite of poor lig ht and
yard pom ts, and in
t he Corps showed th at b
reac he!'otls cross wind ,
as easily as .22.
a ammumtlon can be fi red

R.A.P .C.
Colonel Bilderbeck
bJor Gedge
Cagta in Hard
.. .
S ( ergt. Ho lt
Sergean t Cross
Sergea nt Garrod
Sergea nt W i!son
Sergean t T rihble
Sergeant P ledger

Yds. Yds. Yds.

200 500 600 Tota l.

--:re -

Th R
141 119
. e .A.S.C. team hea d d b C
Falthfu\] cored 118 '112 e cl y a.p t alll J . H. D .
ra nges- total 305 lh
.' .an 75 at th e respecti ve
As , however, one oru~hgl vl\lg us a win by 33 poin ts .
sight .a nd slin g a dedu cer oPPorlll g tea m used pEep
core IJ1 creased our lead ~ n38 10 per cent _ on hi s




Capta in Overton, who .joi.ped us whilst on 1e.1.\'e

from Colombo, ma de t he bi ghest score of tJ, e d ay19, 21, 16 ~'especti vely-total 56.
competitions.-In a. wnock Q ut competiti on for
p ri zes presented by a p ta ln Edinger , Sergeants Cro~s
a ll d Cader \\'ere winner s . Scores were fairly high
a nd th e semi-finals we re r e..'tched by th e winn er s
with scores of 23 and 24. Th e fin a ls, however , r e
ve rs~d th e positi ons, exci e ment upsettin g form and
6 poin ts separa ted th e two in the fin a l rOUl-id.
Sta rted in November , Spoon Shoots now t a ke pla ce
on t he fir ' t p racti ce da y o f each month. Six s poon s,
provided by the C.P ., a re being contest ed for. and
s uch is tile keenn ess th at handi caps have chan ged
consider a bly sin ce th e first asses m en~. H a ndi cap.
were ori gin a lly based Oil t he res ul ts of t he Empir~
Test, b u t sin ce then tb e ave rage for th e last nin
ta rget (3 each of 200 / 25 yd ., 200 / 30 y d s. , a nd
500 / 25yds . ) ha been taken fo r eac h s uc essive corn
petition an,d on th e droppoint, Syste]ll.
Th e firs t s poon was won by S. S. M. Th ompson
\\.ith SHgeant Carter as runn er up . Th e second
spoon (for December) was won by Sergeant Preslin
and S .Q.M.S. Laws was runl1~ rlIp.
Cl"icket.-A ma t ch wa s played in N ovember las t
again st th e Sergea nts ' Mess 1st Bn. , Th e South
Wal es Borderers. Talent was con spi cuou s uy its a b
sence, but n one th e less , pl ay was screamin gly
funny and the afternoon s pent joyfully. Nov ices
were seen to go in wi t h p a d s up sid e dow n a nd in
a vari ety of dr~ss. E veryon e bowled , a nd t he bod v
a nd hea d li ne mo vem en t did w ell. Th e deta chm e nt
won by 10 run s (106-96) wit h th e able a sistan ce
o f Sergea nt T ay lor wh o sti ll plays for t he Army
Dance in aid of Welfare Centre.- In a ugura t ed \'1'
Mrs . Borrett. wife o f t h Cenera l Officer Co mm a nd in g. S .Q.M .S. Sande rsoll . Sergea,n l.s Wil on a nd
Nash as. ist ed with ti ck et s a nd cash , a nd Sergeant
C ~, rrod h el ped with t he bar.
Dance , Tombola and Whist Drive.-The entire
Detachm ent, und e. t he genera l upe rvi sion of S .S .M .
Thom~son and with S.Q.M.S . W a rman. chairman of
commlttee, orga ni sed th ese fun ctions fo r th e: benefi t of the " Chappell Fund".
F~otball Match.-Two ma t,ch Es--organi sed in con
nectlon wlth t he "Ch appell Fund " , 1st Bn. S .W .B .
v . Chin ese Athl eti c, a nd Combin ed er vices v. Sonth
China A .A. - took pla ce on 10th D ecembe r. S.Q.M.S.
Oldfi~ld , Sergea nt s Na sh a nd T a" lor a t tended as
lines mEn a nd th e r em a ind er of th p D et.'Ichm ent wer e
responsible for ti cket s . cash a nd ge ner a l control.
Xmas party.-Th er e was a l a r ge g ath erin '" o f
t he D etachm ent :oncl fa mili es a t th e C a ni son LE~ture
Hall on th e 231'd D ecember . 52 assemhl ed at
3.30 p.m. a n d merry . Th e decora tion s ,wrl
amusem ent park ha d heen a.bly carried out by t,he
Royal Engineers, a nd helped t he organj sers con siderably with their prog rnmm e.
Sergeant Pledger and Sergeant Carter a\'ly cal'l'; ed
ou t the C<'Iterin g a rran ge ments, a nd as F a.lh er Xm a, .
S .Q.M.S. L aws W 'IS a dmirable. Th e S. '. M . wa~
th e " man 1 6hind t he scenes". a.nd <IS " M .C," e ll s ured a n unbroke n sequ ence of 3llluSeme nt. Th "
party was til'ed but ha p pv wh en t he fin a l scene,
closed a t 7.30 p.m.
Walking Tours and Mountain Climbing.-Several
t rips have been mad e to t.he N ew T enitori es . D escription s al'6 not submitted as it is felt th a t littl e
of int,erest. can b e writte n. Th e t our ' however
help to further social inte!'course betw~E~ the Corp~
and gne ts from oth er Umts, a nd proV1de the mean s

,: d

for hea lthy exercise w h~ch is so necessary in this

st a tion .
Thi s co nclud es the notes for ]933. Th e year has
been a n ex tra ordin ary on e. S.ckn ess h as \\"eakenerl
onr num ber s, but th e morale neve r flags . The
D eta c hm en t has sh own that th e re i lilt le th ey cunn ot a chi eve, and 1934 will procluce a n even b~t.tcl'
r ecord in ' ports, socia l gath e r.ngs an d ser vice to
a ll.
W e a r e now a t th e t-a il end of t he " w ~l season"
Ra in . ra in and sti ll more rain . Six in ches of it i.;
one d ay is e nou g h to pu t a uy m a n 's liv er in goot!
trim , a nd how we moa ned.
Our ecorld round tenni3 m a t ch wi t h the 1st Bn.
Wil tshare Regt. was postponed twi ce, b ut th i we
t ook as a good om en for it, ena bled us to t Ul'l1 oui
our strongest tea m , and our hop es of wi nnin g th ~
c up ra n high. A las ! it w as not to be. Our C.P ..
l\'lajo r Rill, p a rtn ered by Ca pt. Cox , entered tile
arena , a nd by devious m ean
put us one up.
.Q .M.Se.' g ts . C arrett and vy'm'dell , by winning the
first SEt eaSil y , w ere respon sible fo r co mm encin g nn
a rgume nt as t.o who was goin g to keep the cup
cl ean . Unfortun ately , th e a rg um entl was shortli ved . o ur " Qua]'te rhlokes" fina lly found th at vouth
will h e served , especially in this clim a te . S.Q.M.S.
Rriault and Sergeant Cashm a n n ext too k up the
c ud gels. In theSE two s t al warts a ll our hopes WCI'~
centred . Th ey won th e firs t set to love, and our
joy kn ew no bound s until t h ey lost t he . econd to
lov e. Vole wer e astound ed a t s u(;h r evel' aJ of form ,
and our faoes becam e m ask li ke \\" ond erin g wh at SUI"
fat.e ha d in to re fo]' us nex t,. Th e fin al set
was evenl y contested. Our p a il'. being un able 10
Iw in g o ut th a t li t t le extra tha t means all the dif
fe re nce. were na n owly heat en , a nd ba ng went om
hopes o f e mulatin g our good a nd faithful ones down
A lder shot way .
A It,ho ugh th e Corps personn el here repre ents only
a s ma ll proporti on of th e total member ship of the
H eadnuad el's Sergea nts' M ess , we do our stuff.
S .Q.M .S . Ca rrelt . thanks to th e new ystem of mfS~
accounting. has take n ov el' Trea "u re r pel'manently,
whll e Se"gea nt Uashm a n was . un t il recent ly, an Ill '
defa ti gab le me mbe r of. t he ~ntR rt;lin ment com mi t,tee.
S.Q.M .S. Bl'l a ult wa s In charge o f th e a lTnngement,
for the C hri s t mas f e s ti vi t i e ~ . On Ch !'i. t mas morn
ing a trip was mad e by t,he dinin g m embers of the
mess to Joho!'e R a lwu . Th e evenin g w as spent
at a cin e ma foll owed bv t he Chris t mas di nne",
Thirty m emhE"'s sa t, down. but not so mall\' got UJl.
a nd no wond er I Th e menu wou ld b ave made di llnrl'
a t, th e R.it7. look lik e a fi sh and chip supper.
Th ehiJd l'e ll' s C h"istm as P a rty was htlel Oll th~
28t h D ecemh er. and w as ,tt.tended by so nle 18 OOicrl"
;tlld th eir fa mi lies . Th e unu s ua l F :,t hel' Xmas Clime
lo wn t he usua l chimn ey . H e s hould ha vp a ppe,.u'eol
soot y, but hi s hEard , li ke th e feet of 1ary' s little
lamb , wa, as white as s now. Th e fifty clnlcl l'pn
p." sent howeyer ne ver noti ced it- -t he" were much
too ke~n a bout th eir own prase nt to ' worry abont
u eh ite ms.
On New Y 6ar ' s E ve a ll reco rd were I"'ol<ell on
t.h e oCClLsion of t he F a n cy Car niva l D an ce. '['here
we re ove r 200 present, a nd th e a ccommod ation of
t he m ess was ~verely t axed . H owe ver. cverytlung
we l.t off e xcell ently , includin g th e guests, ~~
t he fun cti on was voted one of t he best e\'er h
in th e mess.
Y ou will no douht have noti ced in t he press that
Sin g a.pore has recently been th e venu e or lJ, naval


cOllfaence-a nd well we kn ow it TI
d es" .
11 ee, crUlsers,
. Ioyer s a nd HM S
r e mai .
have been her e a nd remained fo r ~~,g a t lIlg apore,
It ga ve us cause to wond er wh e tt OU \ a fortni g ht.
an .I.rmy or [L N aval mess St"ll t'l~l t le m ess was
and bar ta kin gs have b~u e Id l ey afre welcome,
f I
VI ence 0
th e 1)Q
Ian ~ 0. t16 m ess am ong th e P.O s .
. N
Selgc<Lllt P en fo ld . who Join ed
has unrortun a tdy sp ent most ~~ \~ . o.vember la .t,
bosplta, I. H o wever be is b k
~ tJm e he re In
' I. f
ac a mong us a nd
Ilope tl laL ue o re long he 'U 1
l a~le ui 'Y r ecover ed,
and bG abl e to e ll j oy th e f:~:
wit l! U '. Ser O"eant Brown . m on . 1S t lat he will ue
burgh, and
ta ke thi 0 IS .JolJ]lJ1 g us fro m .Edi n
IJlm a hea r ty we lcome S~;'0~~1l11J ~i' of ~.~tendlJl g 1.0
leaves us on t he 28 t ll' F 1 ~ ~'t J ohn B l"lLd uury
eDI Ual :}' for pastur
an .we wis h hun a ll t he very Les t.
es ne w,
crOllles a t E aste rn Comm a nd .
. a mon g ou r old
When the Ide..1. o f in ter o ff'
first mooted we w ere d ' - .ce po tal s hoots was
not enter mto t he f
Isa ppolll ted th a t. we could
coming up to scratd" ~~' d ~ ur
Us m:rbm en not quite
have com e into o ur OlV n ' r
JU '; ICe. But no w we
his da y. Our "Cas ba ' " e l~:m er evel'Y dog has
e t e ll yon , a re
absolu tely word perfect g T I t
"bole bu sin es is t he f'~c , e ony sn a g about th e
ollr matches thl'Ou g h tl ' t t, l at we' cannot con d uct
scrs" would if
t 1 1e po~t, otherWise our "C'IS
no a r ea d v be fa
' .
~ Ile Corps. They meet with v . m?u s t rou g hout
Irom membe.s of oth er Co ' e.y k een oppos.tion
we ha ve a champi on a m o 1 I p s s ta tJ onEd he re. bu t
Ihc.'eby e nab led to s t.ave o'ffg doufr num ber, and are
Th e p. L '
e eat.
es ',y tel"l a n Church S'
,cene of a ve l'y p re t t
d ~r IIlga pore. was t he
L.1idlaw, M. \ . of R
we .ng! wh en Mr. F. T.
Phylli s W a rd ell eld atff ldes Iu s tI tu tlo n, nll d Miss
\11" W d 11 '
a ug hter of S Q M S
a r e . were marri ed Th b ' d . . . . a nd
'~ four bl'i les ma id s one of
e rl e was a t te nd ed
~hss P a tri cia K eatring Hi ll t~~m li' t he pe.' on of
.P. .-\ fte l' t he ce remon
' . ,e c a ug h te r o f OUI'
Ra ffl es H o tel, near! 100 Y a l ecep t lOn was h eld at
Ihe Coupl e e ve ry hr . g ues ts assemblin g to wi ~h
were Mil jor a nd M'/P'11~ lls . C Among . Lho e pre. ent
and members u f t l D
, a ptalll a nd Ml's Co x
left for Scotl a nd o; e l' Itachm ell t. Th e " newly ~ved s ;'
ba,.c k'

2nd " a n d are expec ted
, III Il1 gap ore in t'
I:nde's parent ' . w ho \~il tO say a u r evo ir to t he
England . tour ex
t h en be l-et urnin g to
aircra ft c,HTier three
'l '
a mom or, whi ch i s



\' ,
elY ew events \ " U
OCCul'l'ed of la t e C
. \~. ly 0
recordin g ha ve
a rlllval wee k ha
:we s ha ll have to \\" .
, com e a nd gone
It Its g'lve t TI
,ut, a noth er year to ee M It '

lel'C a re so
. n it
Ij)SI Ulll es on para d e ' d .: me un ollbted ly s t"ikill g
,Ia boraltl po la r sce ne u.:lng ca ~ 'J)J va l tim e, whi ls t
,nOI'mo us heig h ts
s ,~nd ucl! lik e. e l'ccte d to
ly extra o l'd i"al';" 0.,( lJ <ll'Y m otor vehicl es . al'e
lie hel" goes
Y~r .I'oulld
0 th
p etty well th e sam e a ll lJ1C
s0 d cont em pla t lJ' g a u's '
racailon o .~ th e
t h'lt to Px )ect b a n may ge t . a goo d id ea' o f
Journa l" I B v tYI co ns lll t ln g p" eV lOll S i s ues o f th e
OUr t
Wo L'elt.e fs" if lt el " ay ' Iwe ho UIIt f ee I ob,b.g~ d to
Ire 1.eq Ull'l
" 11 0" t heir
ley cOU
s .d POI) a long soun , as \\"C'
<am \ V k O
Cl \'Ioe.
fo r o U' t
e no \\" that onc o f tl
e ~lllJ S
\\' yer, a l)d a re hopi.
lel11 , at least . I it
e also ll ced reCl'lli~; f 01: ~I,e bes~ with t.hoe other .
. o. le cri cke t team
.ff rt
PartY.- Th e us ua l
,~. , on beha lf of t he ' L-idsdlccess a t.tJellCled our
'.<1 1] pl'o ved a g ood San h' Cl
. SI ~ t. ThomtOll
, "
a us ; t li S , J beli eve,


bein g h i fou r th masqu erade t l

o f t he "o un g 'Ler s a re a w a . t lese pa rties. Some
g enuin eness, but keep a d!e b.t scep tl ca l . as to hi s
mea ns a p a rcel not a . . cr ee t Si le nce III case it
A cli \erSlOn
PI'O VI'd Ed thi s year b l'l1l'1Ilg
wi.lJl e r owed hi s . ucc~ssa pa~;lv rt~et:orf meu. Th e
e act th a t he
s till u ses th e den t ures issued b" N'
to hi s being a n excell ent " Yff ~,tule, but ma l lily
Hockey.-Th e RAP C I sco er ..
of representa.ti ves il; th~ 'S:: ff s till la fair numb6r
anc. D ep a.rtmenLs
Sid e, who we re agai'l '
unn el's, up ill tJ
l 'UlOC out, losing by 0--1 '
:core by wh ich th 6 we l'
lJ1 t l e final , th e sam e
Billiards 1' 1 '
e d efeated last y eal'
.li S season ' G
tea.ll ' (o f six) con ta'illS r~u ..aRl~n Sergea nts' Mess
ma naged to reac h th e fin a l [ tl . P~C. Tbey ha \'e
trophy well wo rt h willnin ~ le 1cEwan cup , a
more tEa ms competin g th g, . spefJally as tJ, ere are
t.e ordma ry leagu e
tourney. If t,h e te..1.m
fo rm emlt er in t he season plodu ced th en' presen t
have bee n at th e top of tl 'I they would proba bly
th e~ are abo ut third as i~e iseag ue table now. Still ,
Rlfle-Shooting.-O n th 1 .
ann ua l CO llrse T11 ' . e st .M a rch we fire our
e l e IS a ll a gltatio
n .gOlDg 011 for
. s. to act as butt-m a rker
profi table s ubj ects for accideS't th ey LelDg tbe mos t
Local Moves.-S t C k u s .
pay duties
g. 00 has been ll'a nsfelTed LO
ng ere t hese note
.' . '
the Editor be so kind ) ~ppeill In pl'Int (s houlcl
"Troopers " wilJ ha v
,.e a~t of th e 1933/ 34
h lL\'e settled down as a clO~,~lt~d t :~d Shanghai will
D espl te tJl e la r E r ed
. a . .a 'Oll Garnson.
t roop are still h~u sed .u c L! on In th e force, th e
te mp orarv m any ea'
1I1 hut,meuts whi ch werc
ill gs seeu1 to 'be dYe nd sl' alg OL
' and. a Sha.ngh a i bui ld

I 0 IS l ee and re i, 'It b
~e)) yeal's o ur " temp . , " t
u~. a ou t eve rv
Ible to he reg arded .~Ia,I/ .lllts w.U soon be eliiTh e summ er pest~ 'S . a nClen t monum ents" .
oth e r ca rn ivora , ha ve 'd~ ' ~';'t dosqUltoes, bugs ancl
IJy som ething more feY, e on ly. to be s ucceed .d
a l some-ra ts ( . " )
le JCy ullzzard s from th e G b'
a.otUaJ and
. A dd d to th ese di scoll1 f ' o.
esert :
cla tlon o f t.hE i exi ca lJ DO \~~ ~ the contlJ1u ed a ppl'e
ow 0 : 11 WJt,h no a pparent in creased purchasin
to be pro fh~ m , 'Lll(~ ~lllS 111 wh at is sa id
wo dd . Th e fact . certu i l ~ t expeusl ve city ill th e
as we f, nd from I) t t.e' . .y do not be]je the thou u h L
I I ex pen ell ce
I '
we S la ha ve to resort lo " B I k l\J' a.~ ~ el'E .J Oll g
Sorcery to cOlljure up o u . d' .~ c . ag1C 0)' Chmese
,\1 Y sustenan ce.
. port s. - Con g m t ul a tiolJ s t o S .
hi S belJ1g se lected t
f el gt. E. A . KlIl g on
again s t tJl e formidnbJ PJ:~y.
ShaforcE at hockev
t a lll; a nd what a' g:lIl~ el o
Il, verslty (Japa ll ese)
Althou g h not pia in in h'
loea I rags reported \i'~ a ~/. ll~ u a J pOSitIOn, th e
1'3 if ba-ck for Sh a fo rce ( W~'0 ~:l:~ th e outs tanding
to 3) a.nd it was noti ceab l U1 e beaten 8 goa ls
a t t.h e name of th e
J a pan ese rightwiuger\~ e
scorers .
\ as not a mongs t th e goa I

h,;1;1 )):


.U nt il t he recent posLin g f L
t o . ! S~ t. P. M. L ee to
Tl ent in both he a nd
t he Area D eta il . '(who ~ ,. KlJ1 g pl ay ed hockey for
pa rtm enta ls empl o yed a~;'~) n
t~e Sta~ and D eUP. to da te
t hey: have played seven' Illa;c~~
sco l'1ng thirt,y . fo u.' o'Lf t
. ne
S ,In won t hem a ll .
th e Shan~h ai 2nd gD' S , 0 ll lL , th er eby winnin "
IVl Slon
Natnra ll y.0
e e re u t s could not h'IV b
th e exce ll ent adv ic
cl e een a ch ieved but fo.
by Se l'g t . W. Peaco~kafromVOtchal tsupport ren lcred
e ou ch hlle.


: ;).










Dear S ir,
With r eference to th e a rti cle in th e last
issue of th e Corps J ourn al r~ l a ti ve to our
N ickna mes .
The following is a n ex t rac t fr om th e
book " R egimenta l N icknames a nd Tra li
t ioll of th e British A rm y", pu b l ished by
G a le and P olden in 1915A rlll Y Pa y Corps- N ickna me, : " The
Quill Drivers" a nd " Th~ Ink lin gers" .
Unfort un ately no source of deri va tion is
q uot ed .
Yours fai thfull y ,
T o Th e E dito r ,
R. A .P. C . J ourna l .

(S eep(lge 229)

Z lea ds th e Qu een of Spa des and then

a small Spade to Dummy's King , Th en
he lea ds the Diamo nd from Dummy and
p lays his Queen on it. If the Qu een mak es,
he can mak e a ll 13 trick s by th rowing one
of Dummy ' s Clubs on his Ace of DiamOl1 cis
a nd trum ping his O W11 19sin g ' Club and
Diam ond
in Dummy
a n d t rum ping
Dummy's losin g Hearts in his' ow n hand .
If the King of Dia m ond s is wrOll g, he till
Ill a kes his contract .-

An echo of the
' Grand National ' ,

" Yes ! . . . Col. Ski nh am

pea,k in g! .. . Oh ! SOlT~'
yo u' re feelin b too ill to
come in to da y . .. By th e
\\':.~y , th i. is a, ' t ru nk ' ca ll :
Wh ere a re you speakin g
from ?"
(Reply- fa int , and a ft er a
pause) : "A in t ree, Sir !"

A judge was poilltin g out th at a witn ess was not

necessaril y to be rega rded as untru thfu l because he
aJtel'ed :1 statemen t he had prev iously made.
"For instance," he said , "when
entered thi s
Court to da y 1 could have sworn t hat I had my in my pocket. But then J remembered 1 had
left it in the bathroom at hom e."
Wh en the judge got horn that night his wife
s,\ id: "Why a ll this bother a,bout you r watchsendin g fOUl' or fiv e men for it ?"
" Good heavens!" said th e judge ; " I never sent
anyo ne ! Wh at did yo u do 1"
" 1 gave it to the first one who ca me ; he kn ew
just where it was. "

" Doct or " said th e p:1ti ent " if there's anything

t he mattel! wit h me, don ' t frighten me to death b)'
gi ving It a lon g scientific name. but just tell JIle
what it is in pla in English ."
Th e doctor ex~ mined t he mall thoroughly, [~d
th ell said : " Well , to be qu ite fran k, there's Il~er;'
ing t he ma LLer wit h yo u. 1 should say yOll \I
just lazy! "


Th e patient looked rath er discom fi ted. and

" Now g ive me the scient ifi c na me for I t,- ~
longest ll a me you ' ve got. I've got to report. to JIl)

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