Acts of Love: By: Kristina Mariel P. Dela Paz

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By: Kristina Mariel P. Dela Paz

Every summer, Pamela thinks of something special to have a meaningful

vacation. She wants to make a difference in the lives of others!
Pamela does a volunteer service. She goes to the orphanage to take care of
kids with physical and mental disabilities. She plays with them, teaches them how
to sing and dance and even narrates stories for them. These kids really inspire
Pamela to serve more. Their sweet smiles and big hugs are proofs that they love
her very much. Oftentimes, the caregiver in the orphanage would say, You are a
big help to us. You can make these children smile and feel loved. You make a
difference in their lives.
Pamela joins also a song and dance workshop. She is the assistant producer
and the one in-charge of teaching dance steps to the young participants. However,
a young boy challenges her patience. Pamela would run after him everytime he
wants to get things right away. He shouts and throws tantrums. This boy has
attention disorder. Of course, Pamela is always on the rescue. She can talk to him
in a nice way and he also listens. The people would ask, How did you stop him?
What is your magic in doing this? Then the boys mother says, You really make a
difference in my sons life!
Pamela attends night rehearsals. She has the role of Tabitha in the play
Finding Jesus. Tabitha is a lame girl looking for Jesus to heal her. During breaks,
Pamela would talk to the house owner who is side with myoma. She says, Your
character inspires me to fight my sickness. Seeing you work hard makes me smile
and you make a difference.
Pamela feels blessed everytime she touches the lives of others. These little
acts of love truly make a difference not only in others lives but also in her own!

Pamela does a volunteer service; a caregiver in the orphanage
Kids children in the orphanage
Mother mother of a young boy who challenges the patience of Pamela
Young boy challenges Pamelas patience; has attention disorder
House Owner with sick, myoma

In the orphanage an orphanage for kids with physical and mental
disabilities. These kids really inspire Pamela to serve more because of their
enthusiasm to leans sing and dance.

The main character always makes difference in the lives of others. She
takes care the kids in the orphanage. She always wanted them to be happy thats
why Pamela joins a song and dance workshop and teaches the young participants.
However, theres a young boy with attention disorder and challenges her patience.
He shouts and throws tantrums but Pamela always on the rescue. She can talk to
him in a nice way and he listens until his mother told her, your really make a
difference in my sons life. Pamela also inspires the house owner with side of
myoma, she is now fighting for her sickness. These little acts of love of Pamela
truly made a difference not only in others lives but also in her own.


By: Rachel B. Agcaoili

Raul, a farmers son, was gathering grasses for his goats in the meadow near
a river. Over the river was a narrow log-bridge.
When Raul was done, he had to cross the bridge in order to get home. He
had already gone halfway carrying his bundle of grasses when Marco, his playmate,
came along the other side of the bridge. He had not started crossing the bridge,
so Raul said, Hi, stop! Please let me go across first, my friend!
I will not stop. You stop yourself, said Marco as he began to cross. Raul
couldnt turn back. He had already gone far over the bridge.
Marco went on crossing even if he knew that both of them could not meet
and cross the bridge at the same time.
So the two boys walked on and on over the bridge. Soon they came face to
face with one another and were both angry pushing each other. It became a fight.
Suddenly, Raul slipped with his bundle of grasses. He almost fell but was able
to hold on. Marco grabbed Rauls arms and helped him up.
Marco realized that what he did was wrong. Had he given way, the incident
would not have happened. He took Rauls hand and said, I am very sorry. Starting
today I will be careful with my actions. Will you still accept me as your friend?
Raul smiled, I forgive you. We always learn from our mistakes.
Raul started crossing the bridge with Marco following him.

Raul a farmers son; was gathering grasses for his goats
Marco playmate of Raul and became his friend

In the meadow near a river with a narrow log-bridge where Raul gathered
grasses from their farm for his goats. Because Raul is a farmers son, he is
industrious helping his father.

Raul had to cross the bridge to get home and already gone halfway carrying
his bundle of grasses when Marco came along the other side of the bridge and
began to cross the bridge. Marco did not let go Raul first to cross the bridge that
was why they walked on and on over the bridge and soon they came face to face
with one another and both angry pushing each other and they were fighting. Raul
slipped with his bundle of grasses and almost fell but was able to hold on. Marco
grabbed Rauls arms and helped him up. Marco realized that what he did was wrong.
If he had given way, the incident would not have happened. Then Marco said sorry
to Raul and Raul forgave him and then they became friends. They learned from
their mistakes.

By: Rachel B. Agcaoili

Andy is one among the young heroes of today. He does his best for the love
of his family.
Andy came from a poor family. His father was a fisherman in the Visayas and
his mother was a plain housewife. He was the oldest among four children.
When Andy was twelve years old, his family risked a fortune in Manila. His
parents learned how to make sampaguita garlands and sold them in the streets to
earn a living.
One day, a big truck lost its brake. Andys parents were hid and died on the
spot. He was very upset and took the responsibility of supporting his one sister and
two brothers.
As a young boy, he was troubled on how to support his sibling. He thought of
making sampaguita garlands and sold them in the streets. His siblings helped him.
They made short ones, long ones, and even used camia flowers as a pendant.
Pray that I will be able to sell all of these, he said to his sister and
Andy went out to sell the beautiful garlands they made. Sampaguita!
Sampaguita! Come and buy my beautiful sampaguita! I have short ones, long ones,
and even with a pendant! he cries.
Several women were on their way home. They knew that Andy was an orphan.
You will be helping us live if you buy my sampaguita garlands. Andy said.

What beautiful garlands! Did you make them yourself? Some of the buyers
Oh thank you. My sister, my brothers and I made them.
All his garlands were sold. He was very happy and murmured. Now I can buy
food for my family. He went home immediately and his siblings met him at the
door. He told them all what the buyers said. They were very happy. They made
more garlands to sell.
One day, Andy said, We have been making and selling garlands. Today we will
make hats out of straw!
So they made hats. When all were finished, Andy went out to sell them.
Hats! Hats! Come and see my colorful hats. You will surely like to buy my hats!
A rich man bought ten of his hats. All the other hats were sold, too.
Andy lived happily with his sister and brothers. They grew up as brave,
hardworking, and loving people.

Andy came from a poor family; does his best for the love of his family; he
was the oldest among four children
Siblings one sister and two brothers
Father fisherman in the Visayas and brought his family in Manila and risked
a fortune there
Mother plain housewife


In the house of Andys siblings where his sibling were waiting for him and
hoping that he had foods for them.
In the streets, where he was selling garlands and soon hats made by them.
During selling time in the streets, everyday Andy told himself to sell all for his
family because he was now alone in taking care of his siblings. He took the
responsibility immediately after hitting his parents by a truck; where his parents
died on the spot.

When Andy was twelve years old, his family risked a fortune in Manila. His
parents learned how to make sampaguita garlands and sold them in the streets to
earn a living. And one day, a big truck lost its brake and Andys parents were hit
and died on the spot. Andy was very upset and took the responsibility of supporting
his one sister and two brothers. He thought of making sampaguita garlands and
sold them in the streets and his siblings helped him they made short ones, long
ones, and even used camia flowers as a pendant. Soon, they made hats out of straw.
Andy went out everyday to sell hats for his family.
Andy lived happily with his sister and brothers. They grew up as brave
hardworking, and loving people.


Mang Rey drives a jeepney owned by Aling Delia. He lives with his wife Pia
and his five children in a small shanty in a squatters area. Living there did not
prove healthful to Reys family. The children are often side and his wife has to put
off her laundry for Aling Delia in order to rest, being frail and sickly too.
Mang Rey is a good family man. He does not indulge in vices that are often
the cause of trouble among workers of his kind. He knows that he family needs
every centavo that he earns. However, he goes out with his friends once in a while
for some clean fun.
One afternoon, Mang Rey was about to take his snacks of a bowl of noodles
in the corner store near his home. He got off the jeepney and was about to go to
the store when he happened to glance under the front seat of his jeep. There he
saw a brown envelope on the floor.
His hear skipped a beat. He got into the jeepney and picked up the envelope.
He opened it and saw a big roll of money. He forgot all about his snacks and
immediately drove his jeepney to Aling Delias place. He told her that he was
returning the jeepney earlier than the usual time. He wanted to rest becautse he
was tired. After remitting the amount for half a days boundary to Aling Delia, he
walked home.
At suppertime, Mang Rey was restless. He could not keep his secret
anymore. He told Pia about the envelope he found. They looked inside the envelope
and found the owners name and address: Suzette Elima, 2259 Luzon Avenue,
Sampaloc. They counted the money, Fifty Thousand Pesos! The money could buy a
lot of things for his family to last for a long time. The owner would never know
where she dropped the envelope.

That night Mang Rey could not sleep.

The next morning he found himself driving towards 2259 Luzon Avenue,
Sampaloc. He gave the envelope to Atty. Arnold Elima, Suzettes father. Mang Rey
refused the reward Atty. Elima offered him for returning his daughters envelope.
Mang Reys family is no longer living in the squatters area. He is no longer a
jeepney driver. Instead, he now drives the Elima family car. He and his family live
in the compound of the factory of Atty. Elima.
Mang Rey never expected that life would never be the same again after that
beautiful day.

Mang Rey drives a jeepney owned by Aling Delia; a good family man and not
indulge in the vices
Pia wife of Mang Rey
Aling Delia owner of jeepney
Atty. Elima Suzettes father

In a squatters area, Mang Rey and his family lived there. Living there did
not prove healthful for his family because they lived in a small shanty. Living there
makes his children often sick even his wife.

One afternoon, Mang Rey was about to take his snacks of bowl of noodles in
the corner store near his home. He got off the jeepney and was about to go to the

store when he happened to glance under the front seat of his jeep and saw a brown
envelope with fifty thousand pesos cash inside it and owners name and address.
That night Mang Rey could not sleep until he found himself driving towards 2259
Luzon Avenue, Sampaloc. He gave the envelope to Atty. Arnold Elima, Suzettes
father. Mang Rey refused the reward Atty. Elima offered him for returning his
daughters envelope.
Mang Reys family is no longer living in the squatters area. He is no longer a
jeepney driver. Instead, he now drives the Elima family car. He and his family live
in the compound of the factory of Atty. Elima. Mang Rey never expected that life
would never be the same again after that beautiful day.

Submitted by:
Leira Marie S. Macalinao
Grade III Acts

Submitted to:

Ms. Nia Sarmiento


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