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Identify the Slides below

a. Spleen
b. Thymus
c. Lymph node
d. Tonsil

2. Identify the Slide below

a. Spleen
b. Thymus
c. Lymph node
d. Tonsil

3. Identify the Slide below

a. Spleen
b. Thymus
c. Lymph node
d. Tonsil

4. Identify the Slide below

a. Spleen
b. Thymus
c. Lymph node
d. Tonsil

5. Identify the numbered structures in ascending order

a. Epimysium and endomysium
b. Epimysium and perimysium
c. Endomysium and perimysium
d. Perimysium and epimysium
e. Perimysium and endomysium
f. Endomysium and epimysium

6. Identify the Slide below

a. Cardiac muscle with intercalated discs
b. Cardiac muscle without intercalated discs
c. Skeletal muscle with striations
d. Skeletal muscle without striations
e. Smooth muscle with dense bodies

7. Which letter corresponds to the zone with both thick and thin filaments?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

8. In the above picture, which line corresponds to the Intracellular attachment

of actin filaments?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

9. The abnormal lettered structure in the below slide is

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

10. The cell represented by the arrow is

a. Astrocytes
b. Oligodendroglia
c. Schwamn cell
d. Microglia
e. Ependymal cell

11. The cells encircling the degenerating neuron in the slide below are
a. Astrocytes
b. Oligodendrocytes
c. Schwamn cells
d. Microglial cells
e. Ependymal cells

12. The RBCs in the slide below are

a. Normocytic, normochromic, & isocytic
b. Normocytic, normochromic, & anisocytic
c. Microcytic, hypochromic, & anisocytic
d. Macrocytic, hypochromic, & anisocytic
e. Macrocytic, hyperchromic, & ansiocytic

13. The precursors of the nucleated cells in the slide below are
a. Lymphoblasts
b. Megakaryoblasts
c. Erythroblasts
d. Myeloblasts

14. The Cell pointed out in the slide below is an important cell see in normal
peripheral smears. However, If the peripheral smear of a patient has too
many of these cells, then we should think that the patient is mostly suffering
a. Myeloid leukemia
b. Lymphoid leukemia
c. Thrombocytopenia
d. Anemia

15. The cells highlighted by the arrows are

a. Eosinophils
b. Basophils
c. Neutrophils
d. Lymphocytes
e. Monocytes
f. RBC

16. An 8-yr-old boy has had an upper respiratory infection for the past 3 days.
Today, he is brought to the pediatrician by his mother, who says that he
looks yellow. Physical examination shows pallor and icterus. Laboratory
studies reveal a Hb of 9.0 g/L, reticulocytes constituting 10.8%, platelets of
218,000/cu mm, and leukocyte count of 7,500/cu mm. The peripheral smear
is shown below indicates
a. Normal RBC
b. Hypochromic RBC
c. Defect in Spectrin
d. Microcytic RBC

17. Identify the slide shown

a. Spleen
b. Thymus
c. Lymph node
d. Tonsil

18. Bone marrow aspirate of person suffering with leukemia is given below. The
cells pointed by the arrow most likely are
a. Monoblasts
b. Megakaryoblasts
c. Lymphoblasts
d. Myeloblasts
e. Proerythroblasts

19. The structure highlighted by the line in the slide below is

a. Cortex
b. Medulla
c. Hassals corpuscle
d. Lymphoid nodule
e. Germinal Center

20. The large neurons in the slide below are

a. Golgi type I neurons
b. Golgi type II neurons
c. Unipolar neurons
d. Aged neurons

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