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So the churches were strengthened in the faith,

and they increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5

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Some of our neighbors at our

Christmas party
Contact Info

Dennis and Valerie Rew

1808 Pioneer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15226

Sending Church

Middletown Road
Baptist Church
2660 Middletown Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15205




June 19, 2004

Prayer Needs

1. Salvation of souls
2. Outreach studies
3. Childrens Bible
4. Healthy Pregnancy

News and Prayer Letter January 2015

We hope you had a great holiday time with family and friends. For Christmas, we travelled up to Vals
parents for a few days. It was great seeing family that we dont get to see too often. Avalon and Emily
had a great time, and really like seeing their grandparents and cousins. Dennis parents came to visit
for New Years. We were reminded of how many blessings we have as we spent the better part of a
week eating food, opening gifts, and enjoying time with family.
New Year, same mission
Its hard to believe that we are in 2015. Although the year has changed, the mission and need has
remained the same. In the hour or so that it will take to type and send this update, roughly 6,000
people will die. The vast majority of them will be ushered into an eternity separated from the God
who created them. Many of them will do so without ever hearing about their sin and their need for
forgiveness from that sin, which can only come through Jesus Christ. It makes the mission God has
laid on our hearts and your continued prayers and support all-the-more pressing.
Childrens Bible Hour
Last Sunday, we kicked off our first week of Childrens Bible Hour. Although we had quite a bit of
interest when inviting children out during our Fall service events, we didnt really know what to
expect with it being the first weekend after the holidays and then pouring rain on top of that. We had
been saying whether theres 2 or 20, we will do our best to share the love and light of Christ. It
turned out to be just our 2 girls for the first week. We had a great time with them and it was a good
opportunity to work out any kinks. It also got our girls excited about who to invite. Pray for us this
Sunday and the rest of this week as we have been letting more and more people know about CBH.
Continuing to build
We continue to build relationships with those around us. Val has been meeting new moms at the Rec
Center. Our neighbor asked Dennis to start going to the gym with him, and Dennis will be leading a
game night at the library starting this month. On Tuesday, Dennis was able to talk with a new
neighbor on the bus. She is a single mom, and seemed to be very interested in our Sunday meeting.
Pray for Felicia and the other doors God is opening up.
Job possibilities
A position has opened up at a PNC branch right here in Brookline. One of the greatest relationship
builders during our time in Pittsburgh has been when Dennis has worked in the neighborhood branch.
We do not know if God is leading in this, but we had kept our eye open for this possibility for a year
and a half. Also, pray for Pete as the possibility has opened up for a more stable position with PNC.
His current role was a special assignment, but it will be temporary.
Baby Rew
Several of you have asked us how Val is doing. She had a pretty rough (sick) start to this pregnancy,
but things have been getting better. She is now 21 weeks along (over half way, YAY!) and doing well.
We look forward to meeting our daughter in May! Yep, another girl. Dennis is way out numbered.

1st week of CBH

Thank you for your support and prayer. We need your prayers more than ever!
The Rews

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