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: Prediction of what to choose in 2015

There is a forecast for 2015 that this Awareness will
deliver, but first It would again explain that there
are multiple timelines, so that simply making
predictions of the year ahead is not always
accurate, because it will always depend upon the
timeline of experience each and every individual
will choose for themselves.
What this Awareness will do generally is mention
the type of events that are strongest in the various
timelines that might be experienced in 2015, the
highlight events that could happen.
It is seen that there will continue to be much
upheaval around international finances as well as
the strength of the American dollar. This has much
to do with international events, especially with
events in the BRICS Nations, those who are creating
an alternative central bank. The BRICS Nations
would include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South

In terms of the world situation, it is seen that the

major timelines being experienced right now will
also continue into 2015. The intent and purpose is
to support the flames of war, especially in Iraq and
Syria, as well as the region itself.
This Awareness would say that 2015 is their last
chance to affect their evil plans, to pull them off.
This is why even though this Awareness can speak
of these planned plans that are seen for 2015, it is
still imperative that you hold that this will not come
to fruition. Remember that you are the fulcrum
point in your personal life as well as the life you
share with others, and you can determine which
way it will go.
Russia is still being attacked in 2015, even to the
point of physical attack, creating incidents to
provoke Russia into a military response. It is
however seen that the leader of that nation,
Vladimir Putin, is well aware of the intent of those
in power, of the NATO forces, of the Hidden Cabal
to provoke Russia and lure it into a military conflict,
and he will not engage.

The next area for 2015 that this Awareness would

speak on is the area of the Ebola situation, the
Ebolagate as some have called it, for it is a false flag
event. It is being promoted with the agenda of
vaccination to the many. There is a strong incentive
by the Powers That Be to create mass fear and
panic. There will be much pressure on many to take
the vaccination. Do not take the vaccinations that
may be presented.
2015 is seen to be a year of the whistleblower, both
in the United States, as well as around the world,
especially in certain of the western nations such as
the United Kingdom and Canada. The social
atmosphere will start to change greatly in 2015 as
protestors come forward again, saying No! to
certain of the plans that the ones in power may try
to foist upon the nation and the people in 2015.
It is seen that one of the major things of 2015 is a
division between those who simply wish to follow
the official state line, the official line of the Powers
That Be that are in power and control, versus ones

that stand up and proclaim No more! This energy

is seen to be very strong in the year 2015.
Energies will begin to manifest on this planet of
opposition, of protest, of ones standing up for their
rights and their freedoms. It is seen that the
energies of the Divine, the Cosmic Energies that
have started to flow upon the planet as of
December 21st, 2012 have been increasing since
that time, and this will continue into 2015, which is
one of the major reasons why so many will begin to
Maintain the positive attitude that all will be well,
that good will come out of a year of upheaval,
possibly on a personal level, a family level, a
community level, a regional level, a national level,
and a global level.
In many ways, 2015 will be a year of decision, to
choose wisely, to choose not the negative events
that are being force-fed to the nation and the
people, but to choose alternative timelines.

2015 is a year where opportunity will be presented,

and it will depend on how the individual chooses to
react, what that individual chooses in the energies
they will put into the events of 2015, and whether
or not they will allow these events to spin them into
the negative, or to spin them up into the positive. It
will be a year of choice, starting at the individual
You have the right to choose wisely; to choose the
negative events that are being portrayed on your TV
screens, or to choose not to be swept up by this,
and to hold a positive attitude on that personal
level, as well as on a national and global level.
It is a time of personal liberation and freedom, the
freedom to live ones life in a completely different
way, and the energies that support this will also be
available to those who seek, to those who dare to
choose differently, to go against those who would
push the many into oblivion.
Those who choose to spin into the negative and be
overwhelmed by the events around them on all

levels may find that their lives become wrapped up

with such negative energies on all levels. But those
who choose otherwise, who choose to believe the
unbelievable, they will find the quality of their lives
changing, the energies in their lives picking up, and
the energies of the Divine will be more present as
This Awareness also sees the energies of the
extraterrestrial card, and it is seen that in the year
2015, there will be even more sightings of UFOs, to
the point that they cannot be denied any longer, yet
it is seen that the US government will continue to
deny and ignore and not report many of these
events, but it is seen that many individuals will
become aware of the extraterrestrial presence, and
there may well be certain major events in 2015 that
could reveal the actual existence of these ETs.
There is also seen to be an event of some
magnitude that is stellar in nature, involving the sun
or the moon. This Awareness will not go deeply into
details, but there is seen some major event that will
shock many and awaken many to something much

greater. It is not seen that this will be a catastrophic

event, but it is seen that energies released from the
sun will be even stronger, and cause certain events
due to the Coronal discharge from the sun. Some of
this will create strong energies on the planet that
cannot be denied any longer.
2015 will indeed be a very interesting year.

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