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Editor: K.V.


Vol. XXXVI MAY 2007 No. 5

Is the day to salute pioneers, martyrs and the The heroes who mounted the gallows also
workers who have braved the trials and tribulations declared:
and resolve to unitedly continue the long march "The time will come when our silence will
towards the total liberation of the working class from be more eloquent than our speeches."
the chains that bind them (i.e.) the exploitation. We have a lofty and great objective of
On 1st May, 1886 the fourth convention of the eliminating, extinguishing and ending exploitation
Federation of organised Trade and Labour Union of in any form or manner.
the United States adopted a resolution demanding In memory of these May Day Martyrs, all over
that eight hours only will constitute a day's legal the world, the working class observe the day as the
labour. 'Workers Day'. The first May Day was celebrated in
On May 4th, 1887, a demonstration was held at 1890 in many countries of the world.
Hay Market Square (Chicago-USA) to protest against May Day
the brutal attack of the workers of MC, Cormack -- The day of the working class of all climes and
Reaper Works on 3rd May 1887. The police fired and countries!
killed. Blood flowed freely on the streets. The Red On this Day let us resolve and act-
(Blood) flag was then hoisted as the flag of the working -- To end all that endangers and erodes the
class. August Spice Engels, Fischer and Persons weapons of the working class
the Workers' leaders were trailed and sent to the -- To efface and exterminate from this earth every
gallows on 11th November 1887. August spice who trace of exploitation of the working class!
mounted the gallows declared: -- To react, resist, rebel, and revolt against all that
"My defence is your accusation, the causes imposes and defends exploitation!
of my alleged crime your history. I say If death is DEFEAT AND DESTROY EVIL
the penalty for proclaiming the truth, I will DEATH TO THE EXPLOITATION.
profoundly and defiantly pay the cost price. Call DESTINY WE WILL DETERMINE.


Monthly Journal of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C',(CHQ)
Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008
Letter No. P/4-16/Misc, Date: 05 April 2007 promotion. Now LSG is being accorded on divisional
addressed to Shri Harinder Singh, Member basis, the Rule 38 transferees were denied LSG
(Personnel), Postal Services Board. promotion. Juniors have been promoted even to HSG.I.
n Discussions on various pending issues - reg. (vi) Similarly, the LSG notional promotion was accorded
A kind reference is invited to various references on divisional basis, the juniors in the Circle Gradation list
made by this union on the following subjects and got their LSG promotion due to more availability of LSG
almost all the issues remain unsettled. posts and seniors could not get even LSG promotion
If a meeting for discussion on these items is due to dearth of LSG posts in their divisions.
arranged, we could sort out the issues and it will pave (vii) The officiating pay for the HSG.I posts by BCR
way to mitigate the sufferings and grievances at all levels. officials have been denied in many circles. In some
1. Shortage of Staff - remedial measures places, non BCR-FTP officials are given chance to
requested officiate in HSG.I posts by sidelining the seniors.
(i) The vacancies unfilled up under residual since 2000- (viii) In some circles like Tamilnadu, West Bengal,
01 due to none qualifying the exam may be filled up by some officials were allowed to officiaiate in HSG.I for
conducting Exam to GDS or by direct recruitment. more than one year and orders for the regularisation
(ii) Engaging the Retired Pensioners on hourly rate of such arrangements have been referred to Directorate
basis to manage the shortage. by the respective circles. The due officiating pay had
(iii) Granting OTA to all A, B and C class offices for neither been drawn no taken for fixation of pension &
the excess work or performing additional duties in other retirement benefits.
absenteeism / vacancy. In short, the fruit of the Directorate orders
(iv) Grant of MIS honorarium to all post offices cancelling FTP and according HSG.I promotion to
removing the counter ceiling of Rs. 500/-. seniors had not been reached so far in many circles.
(v) Granting incentive to RPLI work at divisional office Detailed clarificatory orders is requested.
/ HPOs. 3. Counting of Special Allowance for Pay
(vi) Grant of incentive for all new products and business Fixation - case of PO and RMS Accountants
activities. The extension of Directorate letter No. 9 (1)/2004-
(vii) The surplus postman and GDS can be utilised to PA Admn 1/501 to 507 dated 29-10-2006 treating the
work in the PA vacancies if willing. Special Allowance as Special Pay may please be
Apart from the above, the exemption from the arranged to PO and RMS Accountants who were
Screening Committee may be ensured. already faced huge recovery due to the fixation.
2. Promotion to LSG / HSG.II/ HSG.I & non filling 4. Tenure posting of officials in single & double
up of vacant norm based posts handed post offices - request to withdraw the
The following problems brought to your notice by conditions
various reference are remaining still unsolved. The conditions that the SPM / PA working in single
(i) Application of benchmarks for HSG.I promotions. / double handed offices should not be posted back to
(ii) In Maharashtra & Karnataka, the benchmark was the same office during their entire service is against to
applied even for LSG promotions also & many seniors the statutory rules. The doubts about the integrity of
were denied LSG promotions. PAs / SPMs will not mar interests of the officials. It is
(iii) The posts of APM Accounts have not been filled requested to withdraw the conditions.
up notionally. The General Line HSG.II officials were 5. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor
compelled to work as APM Accounts like in UP, penalties / CR entries.
Uttarakhand and Rajasthan Circles etc. The instruction from investigation section dated 06-
(iv) The notional promotion to LSG was accorded only 11-2006 that if an official is awarded with any one of the
to retired officials from 1991 in Orissa. All norm based minor or major punishments or adverse entries in CR,
posts are being kept vacant. he should not be posted as SPM throughout his career.
(v) As per Recruitment Rules, combined Postal This is unjust and against to natural justice. After
Assistant Circle Gradation list is the basis for LSG the lapse of currency of punishment, the officials
The Flag of the working class was soaked in the Blood of the worker Martyr.
"Salute the Red Flag - Observe the May Day -
Not as a ritual or a routine ceremony"
inflicted with punishments become eligible to write the the duties efficiently and effectively. There are many
promotional exams like IPO, JAO, Group B etc. As jobs in IPO cadre which did not require any outdoor
such mere imposition of even a minor penalty will be duties. Even in the case of physically handicapped
the disqualification to be a SPM throughout his career officials, they could also do the outdoor duties with the
is nothing but a farce. If it is implemented, at one vehicle, advance equipments or with the assistance.
stage none will be available to hold the post of SPMs Their disability should not be construed or taken as a
due to shortage and a well senior has to work as PA ruse to deny their justified right to appear in the examination
under the supervision of his junior which will also be a which is against to the canon of natural justice.
punishment not improvised in CCS CCA Rules. It is, therefore, requested to reconsider the
6. Grant of Assistance / Leave to Postal bomb decision and allow all physically handicapped officials
blast victim - case of Sri Pranabananda, PA, to appear in the exam under relaxed terms or at least
Bhubaneswar divison fix some reservation of the posts of IPOs which do not
The above said official while working as Postal require any outdoor duties like circle, regional offices.
Assistant, Suryanagar sustained serious injuries and 8. Confirmation examination to appear with the
lost his right hand palm completely due to the blasting aid of the helper to the vision impaired officials -
of bomb in the postal parcel on 03-01-2002 in course case of Tamil Nadu Circle
of his discharge of duties and had been under treatment One Smt. V. Ananthi, Postal Assistant in Dharmpuri
from 04-01-2002 to 26-05-2004. Division could not clear the confirmation examination even
Now the Circle Administration has not treated the after writing the same for six times since her vision is
period of treatment fully as special disability leave and impaired and could not write independently.
treated the first 4 months with full pay and further 20 As a special case, she requested the Chief
months with the HPL and thereafter leave admissible Postmaster General to allow her to appear the
to the official. Resultantly the recovery to the tune of confirmation examination with the assistance of a
Rs. 95000/- towards half pay leave is being faced by helper and the same was granted by the Chief
the official. Postmaster General vide letter No. B2/8-6/SP/2002
Since the disabilities caused by bomb blast during dated 18-12-2002 whereas no examination is
the course of discharge of duties, it amounts to disability conducted so far to this official.
caused by terrorist activities. Hence, all the special There may be many officials who are in the said
concessions on monetary benefits available for category and could not pass the confirmation exam.
Government servants affected by terrorist activities may It is therefore requested to cause orders to exempt
be extended to this official. The recovery of overpayment the blind officials from appearing of the examination or
of leave salary may be ordered to be kept in abeyance to allow assistance to write the confirmation
and considering the plight of the victim of bomb blast, examination and complete the process at the earliest.
such recovery may be waived and condoned. 9. Unjust reversion to Accountant from the LSG
Besides he may be directed to appear before cadre - case of Sri Sushel Chandra Bhatt, APM
specialist for further recommendations of treatment Accounts, Tehri in Uttarakhand Circle
on the rest, the entire period of which may be condoned The above said official has been regularly
as a special dispensation. promoted to APM Accounts with effect from 05-06-99
7. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Exam and he was officiating as APM Accounts HSG.II at
like IPOs - case of physically handicapped Tehri HO.
officials The Chief Postmaster General, Uttarakhand Circle
The Directorate has clarified vide its letter No. 7- vide his memo dated 28-12-2006 has posted a General
8/04-SPB dated 28-07-2005 that physically line official as APM Accounts, Tehri in his place and
handicapped officials should not be allowed to appear reverted him to lower post of Accountant despite the
in the IPO Examination as they are unable to perform fact that there is a post of LSG Supervisor lying vacant.
the physically demanding nature of work. As he had been already promoted to LSG in 1999
This is unfortunate and total injustice to the itself, the official should have been accorded with
physically handicapped officials who fulfil all the HSG.II and HSG.I promotion along with others. Being
required qualifications, skills etc. and could perform the Accounts line official, his case has not been

Remember and honour the Martyrs who died to make the lives of their
follow men better and free from Exploitation. Let every worker contribute his /
her mite to advance the casue, the class interest of the worker.
considered arbitrarily and without any basis. Adding Ref.: Your letter No. 2-4/2006-PCC dated 07-11-
salt to injury, he has been reverted to the post of 2006
Accountant, a lower post and the APM Accounts post Apropos reference, it is constrained to note that
has been filled up with an unqualified official. This in many circles, action is being initiated against the
causes a concern. APM Accounts and Accountants of Head Post Offices
The official is on long leave since then as this by ordering huge recovery to the tunes of lakhs of
order tantamounts to reversion for no reason. His rupees due to the directions contained in the reference
repeated representations did not yield any positive to fix responsibility for not obtaining declaration by
results so far. the DDOs and officials at fault. There are spate of
10. Application of LSG Accountant Recruitment such cases throughout the nation and the APM
Rules 1976 and grant of notional promotion to Accounts & Accountants have been fixed as a scape
PO and RMS Accountants qualified officials goats in this episode.
The due notional LSG promotion has not been A kind attention is invited to the Rule 87 of P&T
accorded to PO and RMS Accountant officials in all FHB Vol. I wherein it was mentioned that "recoveries
the circles and they have not been considered for can be affected in case of recovering of drawing the
HSG.II & HSG.I promotions. excess acted contrary to orders or without due
Recently, the anomaly prevailing is that the APM justification." When there is a clear provision to recover
Accounts posts are being ordered to manage by the the excess drawn by the official as per the statutory
General Line officials which is totally against to the rules, any excess drawn by the official should be
orders on the subject. recovered only from them. The drawing & disbursing
Even the recent clarification issued vide letter No. officers should not be made as scape goats on any
137-10/96-SPB.II dated 28-01-2003, is very clear that occasion and if it is allowed, there may not be any
the posts of APM Accounts are to be filled up amongst staff volunteered to work in such posts. The decision
Postal Assistants who have qualified in PO and RMS is arbitrary.
Accountant. Violating these instructions, all the APM In fact CAT Lucknow has given different verdict
Accounts posts in Uttarakhand Circle and Uttar and dismissed the case. The discussions of CAT
Pradesh Circle which have been upgraded to HSG.II Principal Bench should also be appealed, according
totally at the time of upgradation of 1622 HSG.I posts, to our views. The instructions contained in the
are now filled up with the General line officials who Department of Expenditure OM No. F. 50 (2) 97/ICOI
could not perform the Accounts line work perfectly dated 14-10-97 has not been read in its correct
resulting many chaos and confusions in the perspective. The word 'may' has been misinterpreted
classifications, accounting work etc. in future which as 'shall' or 'must'. When there is statutory provisions
is violation of Rule 276 & 277 of P&T Manual Vol. IV. to recover any excess drawn / paid to the officials as
Since there remains no feeder cadre (i.e.) LSG per the volumes, the dependence on the instructions
Accountant in these circles, even the application of of obtaining declarations shall be invalid.
LSG Accountant Rule 1976 will be difficult. I wish to quote that the Hon'ble Apex Court in the
It is therefore suggested the following. case of Udaysankaran and Others vs. Union of India
(i) Restore the LSG position for APM Accounts reported in JT 1996 (4) SC wherein it was held that
atleast to the extent of 50% of the total post and recovery can always be made under the officials rules
upgrade those posts to general line. of an amount paid to the employee due to
(ii) Keep 50% HSG.II APM Accounts posts which administrative mistake and there is no rule which
can be filled up only with the HSG.II officials with prohibits such recovery. From the above, it is evident
Accounts qualification. that not obtaining undertakings also does not prohibit
(iii) Considering the Accounts line HSG.II officials to recovery of excess paid arrears.
HSG.I promotion by reservation to the extent of 20%. It is most pertinent that the Audit party has also
It is, therefore, requested to consider the above inspected & certified the drawal in many cases. There
and cause necessary orders at the earliest to set right was confusion in interpreting the orders then for which
the anomaly existing in the case of PO and RMS the poor Accounts officials in post office should not
Accountants cadre. be the victims.
Letter No. P/4-2/Pay, Date: 05 April 2007 The SSPOs, Pune City West division has fixed
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. responsibility to the tune of Rs. 11,86,138/- to two
n Recovery of alleged over payment of pay and APM Accounts for not obtaining undertakings. Similar
allowances to Postmen & Mailmen on account is the position in other divisions in Maharashtra ,
of fixation from the officials of Accounts Punjab and UP Circles.
branch of HPO - reg. If the decision of recovery from DDOs is not
dropped, no APM Accounts will draw the pensionery providing assistance to the family of the official who fought
benefits at the time of their superannuation and it will till his last breath to protect the Government property
set a bad precedence for the future also. and lost his life. This causes a serious concern.
It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary
not to effect any recovery from the APM Accounts orders to pay the dues to the family of the victim and
and others and save them from the financial loss and not to proceed against innocent officials for the loss
mental agony. sustained due to burglary instead of processing the
A line in reply about the action taken is highly case further to remand the burglar and recover.
solicited. A line in reply about the action taken is highly
Letter No. P/2-20/Gorakhpur, Date: 04 April 2007 solicited.
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. Letter No. P/2-19/TN Cle, Date: 30 March 2007
n Problems due to non posting of DPS, addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh Circle - reg. n Unjust and arbitrary proposal to merge Salem
It is brought to our notice that due to keeping East and Salem West Division in Tamil Nadu
vacant the post of DPS, Gorakhpur region, several Circle - reg.
personal claims like DPC, BCR promotion, disposal It is brought to our notice that the Circle
of appeals etc. have not been disposed over one year. Administration has sent a proposal for merger of Salem
No alternate arrangement or additional charge has East and West Divisions and formation of Krishnagiri
been made so far resulting large number of pending Division arbitrarily and without consulting the staff unions.
personal claims. This causes a concern. The composite Salem Postal Division was
It is, therefore, requested either to fill up the post bifurcated into Salem City Division (East) and Salem
permanently or to make alternate arrangements to Moffusil (West) Division w.e. from 20-04-79 and both
dispose the pending staff matters immediately. the divisions are in existence over 27 years.
Soliciting immediate action. The proposal of merger of two divisions will cause
Letter No. P/2-13/Parbhani, Date: 04 April 2007 various problems and affect the staff adversely.
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. (i) If the above two divisions are merged, the area
n Burglary at Hingoli MDG PO - Murdering Night will be increased by 200 kms East to West and 80
Watchman Sri B.G. Mathpathi - non kms from North to South consisting of two HSG.I HOs,
settlement of dues - reg. 128 SOS + 444 BOS.
It is brought to our notice that the burglary looted (ii) There are six sub divisions and it will be inhumanly
the Government cash to the tune of Rs. 1.92 lakhs by possible to manage the divisions.
killing the Night Watchman Sri B.G. Mathpathi on 31- (iii) As the area has been extended for more than 200
08-2006 and rammed his body in the large wooden kms, the staff will face serious dislocations in transfers.
box in the post office. (iv) This will affect the seniority of the officials working
It is the sorry state of affair that a meagre in both the divisions.
assistance of Rs. 7000/- has alone been disbursed to (v) The proposal to segregate some areas from Salem
the family of the victim. The Directorate order No. 1-3/ West Divisions will cause untold hardships to the
1999/WL/Spl dated 01-06-2000 & 26-04-2002 to grant officials working in those areas besides facing transfer
Rs. 50,000/- to the family of victims in such case had liability to the distant places.
not been honoured. (vi) There will be a total dislocation of the operative
The other benefits have not so far been extended functioning and accounts functioning of Salem HO due
to the family so far. to total computerisation.
(i) No compensation for death while on duty has been (vii) The dislocation of staff, effecting the seniority
paid. position etc. will cause more damage to the officials
(ii) Extraordinary pension to the family of the victim - working in both the divisions.
-- not considered. The idea behind the proposal is nothing but to
(iii) Not initiated any action to provide immediate form Krishnagiri for which the following may be
employment to the dependents being lost the considered.
breadwinner of the family. (a) The Dy. SP (PSS Group B) Salem East Division
Instead of providing security and paying dues to post may be transferred to Krishnagiri and designated
the family of the deceased official, the SPOs, Parbhani as SP for the proposed Krishnagiri Division.
is initiating action how to recover the loss sustained (b) The post of ASP, Dharmapuri may be transferred
due to burglary from the officials. The police authorities to the proposed Division.
have not been pursued to arrest the burglars. If the above proposal is considered, the interest of all
The staff are very much agitated over the lethargy in the divisions and the work be protected,
It is, therefore, requested to consider the above It is brought to our notice that without convening
and cause orders not to merge the Salem East & West the General Body or Governing Body, the departmental
divisions and consider to form Krishnagiri Division by canteen functioning at Dehradun HO has been closed
redeploying the Deputy SP post of Salem East on 17-03-07 by the Postmaster, Dehradun.
Division. According to the judgment of the Supreme Court
A line in reply about the action taken is highly dated 11-10-91, the canteen employees were
solicited. departmentalised and as such without issuing any
Letter No. P/2-13/Nanded, Date: 04 April 2007 notice or any intimation, the departmental canteen has
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. been closed by the Postmaster, Dehradun HO despite
n Unrealistic target in marketing and strong protest by the Staff Side. This is arbitrary, unjust
threatening officials - case of Aurangabad and against the rulings on the subject.
region in Maharashtra Circle - reg. It is requested to cause necessary instructions
The enclosure to this letter issued by the SSPOs, to the Chief Postmaster General, Uttarakhand Circle
Nanded will exhibit the real position in the field about to reopen the departmental canteen immediately and
the misuse of power and threatening the staff with the ensure status quo ante.
unrealistic targets on business products. Soliciting immediate response,
While the Sub Postmasters / Postal Assistants Letter No. P/4-4/Leave, Date: 04 April 2007
are suffering daily to complete their day-to-day work addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
under the existence of acute shortage, they have been n Non-declaration of closed holiday on 14th
tortured with the unrealistic target of business and they April - the Tamil New Year Day - reg.
have been threatened that if they do not achieve the It has been brought to the notice of this union that
RPLI / RD target, they will be proceeded with 14th April, the Tamil New Year day has not been
disciplinary action. This kind of threat is prevailing in declared as closed holiday in Tamil Nadu Circle which
many circles. This causes a serious concern and this creates strong resentment amongst the postal
will lead to unrest and affect the peace hither to prevailed. employees of the circle in particular.
It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to It is presumed that the holiday on 14-04-2007 had
all not to fix any unrealistic targets to SPMs and not been notified by the circle with the hope that 14th
threaten them by intimidating methods. April may be declared as a National Holiday due to
A line in reply about the action taken is highly Dr. Ambedkar's Birthday. In case, if no national holiday
solicited. is declared, at least local holiday be announced since
DA: As above this is an important festival in Tamilnadu.
Letter No. P/2-16/Or Cle, Date: 04 April 2007 This union urges upon you to intervene into the
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. matter so as to declare 14th April as closed holiday in
n Review of LGO Examination 2006 for respect of Tamilnadu circle.
promotion to PA / SA cadre - case. Looking forward to your action.
It is brought to our notice that the Chief Letter No. P/2-6/Jamnagar, Date: 02 April 2007
Postmaster General, Orissa Circle has referred the addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
Directorate vide her letter No. RE / 30-89/2006 dated n Upgradaton of Jamnagar as B2 City for drawal
04-08-2006 and requested to review the result as there of HRA - reg.
are many candidates become unsuccessful for 1 or 2 Consequent upon the issue of orders declaring
marks in the LGO exam conducted in 2006. Jamnagar as B2 City for drawal of HRA by the Ministry
The review of SC / ST candidates has also not of Finance vide its F.No. 2 (18) / 2006 E.II (B) dated
been done so far. If the review is conducted 15-01-2007, the Central Government employees
immediately, many eligible candidates would get their working in the said station have drawn their dues.
due promotions besides filling up the vacant posts in Whereas the same has not been paid to the postal
the Postal Assistant cadre under residual vacancies. employees due to non release of the Ministry of
It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary Finance communication cited in para supra.
orders to Directorate to cause immediate review of It is, therefore, requested to cause the circulation
the examination and extending the dues to the entitled of the said O.M. of the Ministry of Finance immediately
candidates. and arrange payment of dues to our employees at the
Soliciting response, earliest.
Letter No. P/2-21/Dehradun, Date: 04 April 2007 Soliciting response,
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. Letter No. P/2-2/Nagaon Distt., Date: 02 April 2007
n Arbitrary and unjust closure of departmental addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
canteen at Dehradun HPO - reg. n Providing water supply to Itachali post office


staff quarters in Nagaon Division in Assam was restricted to some peculiar categories. The bonds
Circle - reg. are obtained from Rs. 3000/- to Rs. 5000/-. In present
The only water supply system available for the stage the cash handling is in huge amount and
staff quarters at Itachali has been lying unserviceable obtaining Fidelity bonds for Rs. 3000/- to Rs. 5000/-
since 29-01-2007 and the occupants of the staff does not serve any purpose.
quarters have been facing great hardships due to water A study of the amounts claimed from guarantors
scarcity in the multi storied buildings. will reveal that only in very few cases the guarantee
The continuous persuation at divisional / circle money is received. There is acute shortage of
level did not yield any desired results and the problem manpower and in the present scenario to obtain and
remains acute. The occupants are very much agonised get the bonds renewed; the exercise of such work
and agitated. does not give good return. The Inspecting authorities
It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to have to pay attention to see that bonds have been
the Chief Postmaster General, Assam to attend the obtained and renewed at due intervals. They write to
work and redress the water problem immediately. the Drawing and Disbursing officers to ascertain
Soliciting response, currency of the Fidelity Bonds and the Drawing and
Letter No. P/2-13/Kolhapur, Date: 02 April 2007 Disbursing Officer has to reply such references.
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. You are, therefore, requested kindly to look into
n Representation against rejection of medical this matter personally and cause suitable steps to
reimbursement claim - case of Sri Y.U. implement the recommendations of the 5th Central
Gorwade, Accountant, O/o the SSPOs, Pay Commission to dispense with the system of
Kolhapur Division - reg. obtaining Fidelity / Security Bonds."
Ref.: (i) This union letter No. P/2-10/Kolhapur Since the issue is being protracted over years, it
dated 11-10-2006 is requested to consider the same and cause orders
(ii) Your letter No. 21-38/2005-Medical dated to discontinue the practice of security bonds which
20-10-2006 has no longer serving any purpose.
Apropos reference, I wish to state that the A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.
representation is still indisposed and remain pending Letter No. P/2-21/Tehri, Date: 02 April 2007
at Directorate. addressed to Shri Harinder Singh,Member
The son of the said official met with two road (Personnel), Postal Services Board.
accidents one after another and got admitted in Private n Unjust reversion to Accountant from the LSG
Hospitals by outsiders. The official could not do cadre-case of Sri Sushel Chandra Bhatt, APM
anything as to satisfy the ruling position. Accounts, Tehri in Uttarakhand Circle - reg.
It is therefore requested to kindly consider the The above said official has been regularly
case and cause necessary orders for the promoted to APM Accounts with effect from 05-06-99
reimbursement of the medical claim on humanitarian and he was officiating as APM Accounts HSG.II at
grounds at the earliest. Tehri HO.
Early action is highly solicited. The Chief Postmaster General, Uttarakhand Circle
Letter No. P/4-5/Security, Date: 02 April 2007 vide his memo dated 28-12-2006 has posted a General
addressed to Sri I.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Department line official as APM Accounts, Tehri in his place and
of Posts. reverted him to lower post of Accountant despite the
n Practice of obtaining Fidelity / Security bond fact that there is a post of LSG Supervisor lying vacant.
from employees handling cash - request for As he had been already promoted to LSG in 1999
discontinuance - reg. itself, the official should have been accorded with
A kind reference is invited to this union letter HSG.II and HSG.I promotion along with others. Being
number P/24-2/Security dated 19-10-2005 and 22- the Accounts line official, his case has not been
05-2006 on the above subject. The issue remains considered arbitrarily and without any basis. Adding
pending and unconsidered. The said letter is salt to injury, he has been reverted to the post of
reproduced below for your kind ready reference and Accountant, a lower post and the APM Accounts post
early action. has been filled up with an unqualified official. This
"The 5th Central Pay Commission in its report causes a concern.
vide para No. 62-13 recommended that the present The official is on long leave since then as this
practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from order tantamounts to reversion for no reason. His
employees handling cash should be discontinued. In repeated representations did not yield any positive
the Department of Posts Fidelity / Security bonds were results so far.
obtained from every employee. Later on this practice It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary
instructions to the Chief Postmaster General to allow to PO and RMS Accountants qualified officials
him to continue as APM Accounts besides promoting - reg.
him to HSG.I on regular basis. It is brought to our notice that the due notional
Immediate action is highly solicited. LSG promotion has not been accorded to PO and RMS
Letter No. P/2-18/Raj Cle, Date: 02 April 2007 Accountant officials in all the circles and they have
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. not been considered for HSG.II & HSG.I promotions.
n Impracticable increase in Business hours - Recently, the anomaly prevailing is that the APM
case of Rajasthan Circle - reg. Accounts posts are being ordered to manage by the
The Chief Postmaster General, Rajasthan Circle General Line officials which is totally against to the
has caused orders to increase the business hours as orders on the subject.
follows vide his letter dated 22-02-2007. Even the recent clarification issued vide letter No.
(i) Business hours on Saturday be at par with 137-10/96-SPB.II dated 28-01-2003, is very clear that
weekdays. the posts of APM Accounts are to be filled up amongst
(ii) All HOs & MDGs should work on Sundays and Postal Assistants who have qualified in PO and RMS
holidays as Night post offices. Accountant. Violating these instructions, all the APM
(iii) Business hours to the double handed post offices Accounts posts in Uttarakhand Circle and Uttar
may be increased adjusting the timings of the Postal Pradesh Circle which have been upgraded to HSG.II
Assistant. totally at the time of upgradation of 1622 HSG.I posts,
(iv) More post offices should be identified for Night are now filled up with the General line officials who
post offices. could not perform the Accounts line work perfectly
The impractical orders without assessing the resulting many chaos and confusions in the
practical position of under staff to carry out the day- classifications, accounting work etc. in future which
to-day work and the prevailing shortage in Group 'C' is is violation of Rule 276 & 277 of P&T Manual Vol. IV.
causing a serious concern. Since there remains no feeder cadre (i.e.) LSG
The less working hours on Saturday was fixed in Accountant in these circles, even the application of
order to complete the several items of miscellaneous LSG Accountant Rule 1976 will be difficult.
work which could not be completed on week days. It is therefore suggested the following.
All the double handed post offices are already (i) Restore the LSG position for APM Accounts
overburdened and it will be difficult to manage the atleast to the extent of 50% of the total post and
extended working hours without any additional upgrade those posts to general line.
manpower. (ii) Keep 50% HSG.II APM Accounts posts which
As there is no justified work available in the can be filled up only with the HSG.II officials with
existing NPOs, further extension will not yield any Accounts qualification.
desired result but cause severe problems in deploying (iii) Considering the Accounts line HSG.II officials to
the personnel under the existing shortage of staff. HSG.I promotion by reservation to the extent of 20%.
Since many post offices were fully computerised, It is, therefore, requested to consider the above
the work can be commenced after opening the server and cause necessary orders at the earliest to set right
on Sundays and holidays for which the incharge has the anomaly existing in the case of PO and RMS
to attend. Similarly there will be dislocation in Accountants cadre.
clearance of collection in NPOs and also mail A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.
arrangements to despatch the booked articles. Due Letter No. P/4-2/Pay, Date: 02 April 2007
to acute shortage of staff, it is very difficult to arrange addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
compensatory off to the staff engaged on Sundays n Disbursement of pay and allowances through
and holidays. We have no objection to extend any Bank - reg.
work if full manpower / additional staff is provided. Ref.:(i) This union letter No. P/2-4/Delhi Central
It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary dated 12 March 2007 and
instructions to withdraw the impracticable extension (ii) This union letter No. P/2-7/Har Cle dated
of working hours and opening of NPOs orders in 27-02-2007
Rajasthan Circle. Apropos reference, I wish to add that in the D.O.
A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. No. 78-1/2005-PACE /06 dated 14-11-2006 issued by
Letter No. P/4-1/RR, Date: 02 April 2007 Sri Indra Kumar Mishra DG (PAF), it is mentioned that
addressed to Shri Harinder Singh, Member the shifting the disbursement of pay will reduce the
(Personnel), Postal Services Board. banking Cash Transactions Tax.
n Application of LSG Accountant Recruitment But in the Finance Minister's Budget Speech dated
Rules 1976 and grant of notional promotion 28-02-2007 under para 180, it is mentioned that
"Having regard to the experience gained, I proposed Ref.: (i) This union letter of even number dated
to exclude cash withdrawals by the central and state 02-02-2007
governments from the scope of BCTT (Banking Cash (ii) This union letter of even number dated
Transaction Tax). 08-02-2007
As such, the implementation will not have any A reference is invited to out letters of even number
positive effect except causing inconvenience to the referred above which we have invited the attention of
staff. The MOF vide its clarification dated 24-01-2006 the Directorate towards the dictatorial and despotic
referring their original reference stated that "However action of Sri Abhishek Singh, Senior Superintendent of
with a view to obviating the inconvenience to junior Post Offices, Nainital Division. The said Sri Abhishek
staff, the salaries of the Government employees, if Singh acts as if he was an English Saheb dealing with
demanded may continue to be drawn and paid in cash the brown slaves of the Colonial period. Sri Singh forgets
irrespective of their scale or grade." that he is equally bound by the rules and Constitution
It is crystal clear that receiving salary through of India and that his desire to rule with an iron hand
banks is only optional and staff should not be forced smacks of his despotic and atrocious character.
to opt to any bank or ECS. Sri Singh cites rules - FR 11 and some other
It is therefore requested to issue necessary provisions of instructions issued by Directorate. But
clarifications at the earliest and ensure the continuation he forgets that any action taken in exercise of his
of payment of salary to staff in cash unless their powers in a prejudiced and whimsical manner renders
demand is otherwise. him liable to be proceeded against. The Hon'ble
Soliciting immediate action, Supreme Court of India has recently ruled that any
Letter No. P/2-4/Cle, Date: 02 April 2007 quasi-judicial action taken in a casual and negligent
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. manner renders the officer to be proceeded against.
n Promotion to HSG.I cadre - case of The instructions contained in M.H.A. O.M. No.
Chhatisgarh Circle - reg. 41/2/55 (II) Ests (A) dated 23-04-1955 and DoP&T
It is brought to our notice that due to application O.M. No. 11013/10/93-Estt. (A) dated 06-10-1993
of bench marks in HSG.I promotion, five posts of HSG.I clearly prescribe that any misuse of official position or
have not been filled up in the circle. acting in prejudiced manner renders an officer at a
The eligible and entitled officials have been denied high position liable to be proceeded against for violation
their due promotion due to application of this bench of Conduct Rules. The rules require 'absolute honesty'
mark system. from an officer and 'absolute honesty' certainly includes
It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to honesty of action, honesty of treatment, honesty of
the Chief Postmaster General, Chhatisgarh Circle to not misusing one's powers and honesty of humanity.
fill up the vacant HSG.I posts without applying the In the light of these rules we discuss certain
bench mark immediately. actions of the said Sri Abhishek Singh with hope that
Letter No. P/2-18/Bharatpur, Date: 02 April 2007 you will kindly rein the officer properly before it becomes
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. too late.
n Inordinate delay in payment of OTA bills - (i) Sri Abhishek Singh wants his sub-ordinates on
case of Bharatpur Division in Rajasthan Circle duty for 24 hours and refers to FR 11. Does this most
- reg. powerful officer propose to reverse the policies of the
Due to non allotment of adequate funds for effecting Government and snatch away the amenities? Has he
payment of OTA bills by the Circle Head, the bills are really not grown larger than life when he calls people
pending undisbursed since May 2006 at this division. on Sundays without TA and without giving proper
The repeated requests of the circle union to allot compensation? His letter dated 24-02-2006 speaks
sufficient funds to all the divisions have not yielded (copy enclosed).
desired results. (ii) Sri Abhishek Singh has ordered recovery of
It is, therefore, requested to cause instructions to telephone bills from the postmaster? Is it not amazing
the Chief Postmaster General, Rajasthan Circle to note how he could assess that the calls were not
besides allotting sufficient funds to clear all the pending really required to be made? Is he aware that several
bills at the earliest. differences in accounts or other several tiny mailers
Soliciting immediate action, are settle by telephonic contact?
Letter No. P/2-21/Nainital, Date: 02 April 2007 Is it important whether anybody has assessed
addressed to Shri Harinder Singh, Member the justification of the telephone calls made by the
(Personnel), Postal Services Board. said Sri Abhishek Singh. Is he above the law? His
n Volatile situation in Nainital Postal Division, letter dated 23-03-2006 (copy enclosed speaks).
Uttarakhand Circle - reg. (iii) Several put off orders and subsequent revocation
there of speak clearly of the whims and fancy of the Ref.: (i) This union letter of even no. dated 01-02-
said Sri Abhishek Singh that he is more interested in 2007 & 08-02-2007
showing his powers than getting job done. His memos (ii) Your letter No. 16-7/2007-SR dated -02-2007
dated 25-01-2007, 29-01-2007 and 25-01-2007 (copy Apropos reference, it is constrained to note that
enclosed) are taken of his whimsical actions. the situation is not improving in the Madhya Pradesh
(iv) The initiation proceeding under Rule 14 of the CCS Circle. Even though the agitation was called off based
(CCA) Rules 1965 for not wearing full uniform on a on the assurance to restore normalcy, no Conciliation
particular day of an old lady, besides his transfer under Meeting has so far been held. The Chief Postmaster
Rule 37 of the Postal Manual Vol. IV, is yet another General has not invited the staff representatives and
instance of his whimsical fancy which deserves due redressed the problems.
notice. The Rule 14 case has now been converted Adding salt to injury, the Circle Secretary of this
into Rule 9 of his memo dated 08-03-2006 (copy union had been transferred to Tulsi Nagar as Postal
enclosed) tells the story for itself. Assistant from PSD Bhopal before completing tenure.
(v) And, last but not the least, the transfer of the Similarly Sri D.S. Rajput, Divisional Secretary has also
Divisional President Sri K.K. Mungali to a very distant been disturbed from C.T.T. Nagar. The Circle President
place at Ramnagar in the interest of service to gag the Sri S.C. Pandey has been proceeded under Rule 16
voice of the union is really against all norms of democratic for attending four monthly meeting on 10-01-2007
function and is denial of even minimum trade union besides holding demonstration. There is a total
functionary by seeking the Chief Postmaster General resentment amidst the employees and this should be
to derecognise the divisional union. There is no monthly taken due note of.
meeting since March 2006 (over 13 months) and extend It is, therefore, requested to intervene immediately
scant regards to the unions & collective bargaining. The and restore peace and amity by rein in the Chief
special casual leave was restricted and not granted even Postmaster General by dropping all the vindictive action
to the delegates attended the circle conference on 08- against the office bearers of this union.
03-2007. Your immediate intervention is highly solicited.
The situation in Nainital is boiling and one singular Letter No. P/4-2/Pay, Date: 22 March 2007
man responsible for it is Sri Abhishek Singh. addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
We, therefore, request you kindly to immediately n Disbursement of Pay & Allowances through
shift Sri Abhishek Singh from Nainital and order a deep Bank / POSB - case of Haryana Circle - reg.
and thorough enquiry into his misdeeds and restore Ref.: This union letter No. P/2-7/Har Cle dated
peace and amity. 27 February 2007
DA: As above Apropos reference, I wish to add that as per the
Letter No. P/2-21/Haridwar, Date: 22 March 2007 G.I., M.F. (CGA) O.M. No. 1 (1)/2005/TA/42-45 dated
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. 24-01-2006, the salaries of the employees be allowed
n Formation of Haridwar Division in Uttarakhand to be drawn and paid in cash, if demanded irrespective
Circle - reg. of their scale or grade.
After the State's bifurcation of UP, many offices As such insisting the salary payments through
nearby Saharanpur have been attached to Dehradun Bank / POSB is arbitrary and against to the
Division and the Division is having full justification for Government of India instructions.
bifurcation. It is, therefore, requested to cause immediate
Moreover, Haridwar being the district headquarters, instructions to all concerned not to insist Bank Account
there is a demand from the public also for the formation for remitting salaries.
of separate Division at Haridwar. The Deputy Immediate action is solicited.
Superintendent available at Dehradun and other officers Letter No. P/2-21/Roorkee, Date: 22 March 2007
in the same division may be deployed for the proposed addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
Group B Division. n Inadequate accommodation and request
It is requested to consider the same and take expansion of building at Roorkee HO in
appropriate action at the earliest. Uttarakhand Circle - reg.
Soliciting response, The existing departmental building at Roorkee is
Letter No. P/2-14 MP Cle, Date: 20 March 2007 inadequate and there is no moving space between
addressed to Shri I.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Department branches. The delivery branch is functioning in a shed
of Posts. which is in dilapidated condition.
n Alarming & tense situation prevailing in There are sufficient land available within the
Madhya Pradesh Circle - request for effective compound and the building can be extended upto the
intervention - reg. present requirement.
It is also learnt that the then Secretary during her Letter No. P/2-13/Mah Cle, Date: 20 March 2007
visit has also suggested to send proposal for the addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
expansion of the building. n Acceptance of changes in Savings Bank
It is requested to take immediate action for the Account if maximum limit is likely to exceed-
early expansion of the building. reg.
A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. In accordance with the Directorate letter No. 35-
Letter No. P/2-17/Bathinda, Date: 22 March 2007 4/79-SB dated 09-04-79, the deposit excess of limit
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. i.e. Rs. 1 lakh and 2 lakhs for single and joint account
n Construction of Departmental building at respectively should not be accepted towards deposit
Raman Mandi (LSG) in Bathinda Division, in SB account either by cash or cheque.
Punjab Circle - reg. A subject was placed in the RCM, Maharashtra
It is brought to our notice that the departmental Circle to cause orders to accept the cheques in case if
plot measuring 90'X90' is being vacant since 1985 after the cheque is issued against maturity of any scheme in
demolition. The plot was encroached twice or thrice the POSB account which will encourage the customers.
by the miscreants but was got vacated by the staff Based on the request, the Chief Postmaster
with the help of local police. The plot is very much General, Maharashtra Circle has sent a proposal to
costly as it is centrally located in the developing town. the Directorate either to permit acceptance of such
The Circle Administration vide its D.O. letter No. changes in SB account or to increase the limit of single
Blda R/4-5/2/2002 dated 05-12-2006 addressed to Sr. and joint accounts.
Architect has taken up to construct a building in the It is, therefore, requested to consider the same
existing site. and enhance the limit in order to attract more public
It is, therefore, requested to consider the same for the various SB / SC schemes.
and arrange immediate construction of the post office A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited.
and staff quarters on the existing site. Letter No. P/2-13/Aurangabad, Date: 20 March
A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. 2007 addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts.
Letter No. P/4-5/SB, Date: 20 March 2007 n Apparent defalcation in the contribution to
addressed to The Secretary, Department of Posts. Prime Minister's Relief Fund in Aurangabad
n Acceptance of cheque issued in favour of the region, Maharashtra Circle - reg.
depositor or in turn in favour of Postmaster - Ref.: (i) Your letter No. 16-108/2002-SR dated 28-
clarification sought for - reg. 4-2007
Ref.: This union letter of even number dated 22- (ii) This union letter of even number dated
11-2006 22-11-2006
A kind reference is invited to this union letter Apropos reference, it is constrained to note that
referred above wherein clarifications has been sought the letter under reference has neither acknowledged
for with regard to the two orders of the department nor replied so far.
vide SB order No. 20/2006 and 22/2006 which caused The very serious issue of defrauding the voluntary
the doubts on the following:- contribution made by the officials for the Prime
i) There is no clarification for the basic point of Minister's Relief Fund should not be left unnoticed or
objection viz. acceptance of cross cheque (Account closed even after it was proved.
Payee) in favour of individual and in favour of any The demand to hand over the case to CBI / Police
Postmaster for the investment is regular or not; since the defrauded amount exceeded more than one
ii) In the order dated 04-09-2006, it is observed while lakh has not been considered so far. There should
substituting Rule 11 (3) of POSB Manual Vol. II, the not be two rules in dealing such misappropriation case
endorsement to be made by the applicant when the one for Group A and another for Group C / D officials
cheque is drawn in favour of Postmaster and also about in the cases of prosecutions for the defrauded amount
the cheque drawn in favour of applicant vice-versa and exceeds Rs. 5000/-. The delay in this case raises
was given effect from 15-09-2006. However, the portion many doubts and we firmly put forth that the
of cheque drawn in favour of applicant and endorsement delinquents / fraudulent should not be let of and scat
to be made by the applicant had been omitted in the free due to their holding in higher posts.
subsequent order dated 20-09-2006 which was given It is requested once again to take appropriate
effect from 30-09-2006. action against the officers who defrauded Prime
The doubts have not been clarified so far. It is Minister's Relief Fund contributed by the staff without
requested to cause immediate reply / clarificatory orders any further delay.
on the above said doubts without any further delay. A line in reply about the action taken is highly
Soliciting immediate action. appreciated.
Dear Comrades, 3. Study on Terminal Benefits of the Central
u INDEFINITE STRIKE FROM 24-04-2007 Government Employees --- By Dr. Gayithri, Centre for
The Postal JCA Circular No. PF-12 (C)/JCA/2007 Economic Studies & Policies, Bangalore - 560072
dated 01-04-2007 & the copy of the strike notice (within 7 months)
proposed to be served on 09-04-2007 are enclosed along u PERFORMANCE RELATED PAY
with this circular. All Divisional / Branch Secretaries The First Committee (PRP) will study about the
should circulate the same to all the members and identification of metrics for five measures of
organise the workers for the indefinite strike at once. performance.
The importance of the demands & its settlement are (a) Competency / Skill (b) Effort / Activity (c) Result
furnished as a separate annexure and all should / Output / Value Added Measures
translate and circulate the same in their regional (d) Efficiency / Productivity and (e) Quality / Customer
language immediately. A copy of the same may please Satisfaction
be forwarded to CHQ for reference and file. Please After the study, it would devise means by which PRP
ensure cent percent participation in the proposed strike. can be introduced in the Government. Specifically it
u CLEARANCE OF QUOTA TO NFPE should consider
As per the report of the NFPE, our branches have (i) Should PRP be applied to all or higher managerial
remitted quota to NFPE only to the extent of 16 Federal position to begin with.
Councillors as on 31-03-2007. According to our (ii) Should PRP be individual based or group based.
membership, this should have been at least by 60 to 65 (iii) Should specific percentages be prescribed for
councillors. Even in the last Federal Council, we are having restricting number of posts to which PRP is given.
the representation of more than 30 Federal Councillors. The study group is meeting the representatives of
So, all Branch / Divisional Secretaries are requested NFPE on 13-04-2007 at 11:00 A.M. in the Postal
to remit quota to NFPE positively before 30-04-2007 Directorate, New Delhi. A delegation under the
under intimation to CHQ. Non clearance of dues to leadership of Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary General, NFPE
NFPE is against to the provisions of the constitution. will discuss with the study group on the said date.
u CLEARANCE OF QUOTA TO CHQ / DUES FOR The following is the opinions of me and I request
BHARTIYA POST all the comrades to offer their suggestions through E-
Similarly, while pursuing records, there is a poor Mail or letter positively before 11-04-2007.
remittance of quota from branches to CHQ during the u OUR VIEWS ON PRP
last six months. Many branches have not remitted (i) PRP is a welcome measure wherever more
any amount towards quota for the accounting year of Productivity delivered by the employees. It was clearly
2006-07. There is a huge dues towards the Bhartiya mentioned that the PRP will be a second component
Post. All are requested to clear the quota up-to-date of hike in salary apart from the existing conventional
and also to clear the dues for Bhartiya Post. method of safety with annual increments etc.
u MEETING WITH SECRETARY (P) ON 02-04-2007 (ii) PRP should be measured on the performance and
A delegation led by Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary not on the profit since the department like postal are
General consisting Com. K.V. Sridharan, General socially oriented department yet under the universal
Secretary, P-3; Com. Des Raj Sharma, General postal service obligation.
Secretary, P-4; Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, (iii) The work norms were fixed by ISU (Internal Study
R-3 met the Secretary and discussed various issues. Unit) by application of various scientific parameters to
The message about serving strike notice on 09-04-2007 various types of job. If the excess work performed
has been conveyed to him in case if Judicial Committee within the working hours, the excess component may
is not constituted to consider the GDS problems. be taken for the elements of PRP.
u PAY COMMISSION (iv) There is a scientific formula available for the grant
The Pay Commission has appointed three inter of Productivity Linked Bonus every year. Similar formula
committee to study the following subjects. may be drafted and applied for the entire department.
1. Examining the Feasibility of Performance Related (v) The PRP should be introduced & distributed for
(PRP) in Government ----- By Prof. Biju Varkkay, IIM, the entire team (i.e) All staff and this should not be
Ahmedabad granted to certain category alone or officers placed in
2. Estimating the Compensation Package for the managerial position.
Government employees and the cost to the Government (vi) The targets fixed in the business activities are being
---- BY Prof. P.K. Premarajan Xavier, Labour Relation achieved by the field staff upto the level of GDS agents.
Institute, Jamshedpur (within 4 months) The fruit of the PRP should be distributed to all staff
based on the performance of the previous year. Every with respect to pay and allowances of all government
year the performance of the whole department be sectors.
reviewed and PRP be fixed. Phase II - Assessment of monetary value of
(vii) Individual measuring is not possible / feasible and tangible and intangible benefits with inputs from
we are not for such individual PRP. recipients and from experts.
(viii) The assessment in C.R. or by any means should Phase III - Assessment of some of the
not be accepted as deciding factor for PRP as most understated benefits of working for the government viz.
of these items are either favoured or biased. job security & protection, Article 311, cost of no easy
(ix) So far the Job evaluation of Postal Assistants to exit, etc. Assessment of monetary value attached to
HSG.I cadre, we have categorically detailed in our benefits and impact on the pay mix.
memorandum. We could well justify ourselves about Phase IV - Discussion on the efficacy of having all
our tremendous performance amidst the staff reduction cash pay along with the feasibility of such a pay structure.
on matching savings and acute shortage of staff. This should be seriously discussed and debated
(x) The postal employees could establish their among the organisations / unions of the Central
strength & mite above all Central Government Government employees. The existing protection under
employees in the output and arduous nature in the Article 311 of the constitution, pensionery benefits,
midst of multifarious duties and responsibilities. Job Security etc. should be safeguarded. Please offer
Comrades! The above are very few. There may be your opinions also in this regard.
many in your minds. I seek the feed back from all on u STUDY ON TERMINAL BENEFITS
the above before 10-04-2007 so that we could This study is mainly related to those appointed before
consolidate and place before the team on 13-04-2007 01-01-2004 and about an assessment of the existing
on behalf of the NFPE. and future liability of the Government towards retirement
u COMPENSTION PACKAGE - STUDY GROUP benefits and suggesting effective ways and means of
This study is to assess the total cost incurred reducing the budgetary liability on this account.
(like Salary, Allowances, HRA, Transport / Telephone, The Terms of Reference of Study are follows:-
Free Passes, LTC, Pensionary benefits, Job Securities # To analyse the expenditure presently being
and other benefits etc.) incurred by Government, under the existing scheme
The Terms & Reference of Study are follows:- of retirement benefits available to Central Government
# To work out the cost incurred by the Government Employees under consideration, make projections
in paying the pay, allowances and all other benefits thereon and suggest ways to meet this liability.
whether monetary/ in kind (tangible/ intangible) to their # To see the age profile of existing government
employees and to compute cost per employee to the employees as had joined before 1.1.2004 and to
government in each of the pay scales prevailing in the assess the liability likely to arise towards their terminal
Government for employees who enjoy these benefits benefits in the next three to four decades.
as well as those who do not. # To suggest various options for suitable self
# To work out in monetary terms the benefits, whether sustaining models to finance the pensions of Central
in form of allowances or in kind, available to the Government employees with the final objective that
employees in various sectors of the government like the funds so devised are able to meet substantially
Armed Forces, Police, Railways and Posts and to study the entire pension liability of the Government.
the efficacy of these benefits in meting their objectives. # To assess the financial liability that will need to
# To determine the feasibility of evolving a be initially incurred by the government for
compensation package that would compensate all the implementation of such self sustaining models.
benefits presently available in various pay scales/ The study proposals a projection of terminal benefits
sectors in purely monetary terms as a more efficient related expenditure and some other option which will
way of compensating the employees. be considered after interaction with the stake holders.
# To study the monetary value that can be attached CHQ office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Divisional
to security of and the protection under Article 311 of Secretaries are requested to offer their views and
the Constitution available to the Government opinion on this also.
employees. Whether this can have any impact on the Let us meet in our next. Till then Bye…….
emoluments payable to the Government employees With struggle greetings, Yours fraternally,
given the fact that the extant rules also preclude an
easy exit from a Government job.
The study would be carried out in the following
phases. K.V. Sridharan
Phase I - Computation of cost using available data General Secretary
u Action against the Postal Employees for Union action was taken against the union office bearer
activities. technically for violation of one or the other rule. The
I am directed to say that it has been brought to official side agreed to consider the problem raised by
the notice of this office, that in certain cases disciplinary the staff side.
action has been taken for carrying out union activities. Disciplinary action against office bearers of
2. It is pointed out that legitimate union activity that Staff Associations/Unions.
does not violate CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, and P&T The undersigned is directed to say that the staff
ED Agents (Conduct & Services) Rules, 1964 or other side in the National Council (JCM) in the meeting held
rules or instructions governing the concerned employee on 28-04-1990, had raised a point that the administrative
should not lead to disciplinary action against the authorities in some cases take disciplinary action
employee. All disciplinary authorities in your jurisdiction against the representatives of the staff for some minor
should be instructed to ensure this. lapses of technical nature in their day-to-day work so
Lt. No. 39-52/95-SR, dated 06-10-95 of DG Posts. as to victimise them for their activities as the office
u Minutes of the 34th Meeting of the National bearers of the Staff Association/Unions.
Council held on 28th April 1990 2. The Government servants who are office bearers of
Item No. 16 : the Staff Associations are subject to the provisions of
Disciplinary case against Union Office-bearers Conduct and Disciplinary Rules like all other
and functionaries. Government servants. However, if a Government servant
The Official Side stated that the explanatory note feels that he is being penalised for any act done by him
given by the Staff Side was not very clear. It has to be which is directly or indirectly connected with his position
noted that a Union Office-bearer is first a Government as an office bearer of an association, he can prefer an
employee and next only a union office bearer. The CCS appeal against such action directly to the President in
(CCA) Rules are therefore applicable to the union office terms of Rule 24 (3) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965,
bearers as well. The Staff Side, however, contended bringing forth the reasons which may establish the nexus
that Government was aware of the problems that union between the disciplinary action taken against him and
office bearers would face when the scheme of JCM his activities as office bearers of an association. If the
was introduced in 1966 and the then Ministers who contention of an office bearer of an association, that
had a rich background of labour-relations had agreed his case is covered under the provision of Rule 24 (3)
to give serious consideration on this issue. Many ibid is not accepted and his appeal is decided by some
times the leaders/staff representatives had to face lower appellate authority, it would still be open for the
vicitimisation and vindictive action. The Official Side Government servant concerned to seek revision of his
pointed out that there is a special provision for case by the President in terms of Rule 29 ibid.
appealing to the President of India when an official 3. Ministry of Agriculture, etc., are requested to bring
has been punished in respect of activities connected the above rule position to the notice of all administrative
with his work as an official bearer of an organisation/ authorities under their control.
union. The staff side stated that this protection was (G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No. 35014/2/89-
not sufficient enough in many cases for trivial matters Ests. (A), dated the 10th October, 1990).

INFLATION RATE (1993-94=100)

All Commodities/Major groups Weight(%) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
All Commodities (WPI) 100.99 166.8 175.9 187.3 195.6 205.0
Inflation Rate (%) 3.5 5.4 6.4 4.4 5.0
Primary Articles (WPI) 22.02 174.0 181.5 188.1 193.6 206.7
Inflation Rate (%) 3.3 4.3 3.7 2.9 6.7
Fuel, Power, Light & Lubricants (WPI) 14.23 239.2 254.5 281.0 306.8 325.4
Inflation Rate (%) 5.5 6.4 10.0 9.2 6.8
Manufactured Products (WPI) 63.75 148.1 156.5 166.3 171.4 177.7
Inflation Rate (%) 2.7 5.6 6.2 3.1 3.7
WPI is based on average of weekly indices corresponding period of previous years. % change over *Apr-
Dec 2006-07 (Provisional).
(Economic Times, dt. 12-02-2007)
The demands putforth by the JCA (Postal) in the MMS / Circle / Regional offices / Postal Accounts
indefinite strike commencing from 24-04-2007 are not and GDS including residual vacancies
having much financial implications but need for the As on 31-03-99, the total number of Group C & D
survival of the department besides arranging relief from work force in the Department of Posts was 2,92,672.
the unbearable work brunt shouldered by the Group C It has been reduced to the extent of 2,43,958 in 2004-
comrades in particular and justice to the exploited 05. There was a reduction of Group C & D to the
category of GDS employees. All demands are genuine extent of 48714 Already, there was an axing of posts
and there should be no compromise in demands and to the extent of 20% supervisory & 6% in operative for
also in mitigating the sufferings of the postal the grant of TBOP / BCR promotion. For the
employees this time. Let us have an outlook about upgradation of 1622 HSG.I posts, 680 Postal Assistant
the genuine and justification of our demands. posts were also axed.
Demand 1: Appointment of Judicial Committee / On the other side, the Department of Posts is
Commission for GDS and grant status and pension venturing with various business activities, tie up with
to GDS employees several private players, resulting unbearable work at
According to the agreement made between the the level of Group C and in particular at post offices.
union and the Government after having assured in the Many posts were redeployed as Marketing Executives
Parliament by the Government during the four days and System Administrators. Virtually all the B class
strike held from 07-12-2003 to 10-12-2003, a Judicial offices become 'C' class and 'A' class become either
Committee was constituted under the Chairmanship 'B' or 'C' and in almost all the Head Post Offices, there
of Justice Charanjit Singh Talwar to consider the is a shortage of more than 30 to 40 percent in clerical
demands of the ED employees. Out of 42 positive cadre. Without naming the combination of duties, the
recommendations made by the Justice Talwar Postal Assistants are suffering with the exploitation
Committee, only three were taken for consideration of combination of duties with untold miseries. The
and remaining 39 were summarily rejected. suicide committed by Com. Narain, Sub Postmaster
Even these three recommendations were diluted Gopalpur is the beginning which brought the miseries
at the time of implementation. Instead of pension, into light.
'Severance amount' was granted (Severe means break The DG (Posts) in his letter dated 04-04-05 written
the ties - For breaking the relations, it is called as to Department of Personnel pleaded to exempt the
severance amount). Similarly no pay was granted. It Postal Department from the purview of Screening
was called as Time Related Continuity Allowance Committee and requested to permit to fill up all the
(TRCA). Due to this the 50% DA merger was denied vacant posts. The DG's letter itself clearly exhibits
to GDS. They are now not fully compensated in the the sufferings of the postal staff which has been
shape of DA. There is erosion of wages. The GDS summarily rejected. The Screening Committee was
are not declared as Rural Postal Employees (Gramin further extended by Finance Ministry for another three
Dak Karamcharis). Now they have been called as years.
Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) by amending the Service Hence we have no other alternate except to
Rules with the special proviso that they cannot claim struggle demanding the vacation of ban on creation
anything at par with regular employees. and exempt the postal department from the purview of
Thus all the positive recommendations of the Screening Committee.
earlier Judicial Committee granting all service benefits, The worst part of the department that in almost all
pension, welfare facilities etc. were denied, diluted and the circles, the Postal Assistant vacancies earmarked
they are totally deprived of their dues. If another officer's for Postman & Group D which had not been filled up
committee is appointed, that will bury the Report once are being kept unfilled up under residual vacancies.
for all. If another Judicial Committee is constituted for Each circle is having more than 500 posts under this
consideration of GDS demands, we could plead before category. No action is being taken by the Directorate
them to revive the recommendations and render justice so far even though it was brought to their notice several
to the GDS. Hence we are demanding the formation time. This has caused an artificial shortage of Postal
of another Judicial Committee for GDS and not Assistant cadre which could have been averted by
accepting the departmental officer's committee. shedding down the lethargy and protracted delay in
Demand 2: Exempt Department of Posts from the taking decision in such sensitive issues.
purview of reduction of staff strength and fill up Demand 3: Drop franchising of postal scheme,
all vacant posts in all cadres in Postal / RMS / stop closure of post offices / RMS offices, Tranist
Sections / Relocation and merger of offices and Demand 5: Regularise Casual labourers / Full
divisions, Stop combination of beats of Postmen Time & Part Time contingency paid
/ Stop curtailment of Postal deliveries, outsourcing The demand is very simple but carry the sufferings
of PAO functions etc. of many comrades expecting their regularisation since
When we are looking for the work of private 1991 onwards. Due to the retrograde orders and various
institutions and having tie up with their work, there is court judgments, the future of these casual labourers
no need to privatise our functions. The move of / part time contingent employees is blinking. They
franchise is nothing but close the number of post should be given preference in the appointment of GDS
offices in future. We are opposing the privatisation of in the case of postal and the services of full time casual
our service. Similarly in many circles, the Circle Heads labourers be regularised in the RMS sections where
are unleashing to closure / merger of post offices / no GDS employees available.
divisions with the intention to reduce the manpower at Demand 6: Filling up of all Norm based LSG / HSG.II/
those offices in order to meet the shortage. Instead of HSG.I posts & Restore periodicity of Junior Accountant
providing correct size shoe to the legs, the department Promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 years
desires to cut the legs to suit the shoes. Even though the department has caused
When the department desires and decides to instructions with check list in November 2006, in
compete with the couriers, the curtailment of delivery almost all the circles, the vacant posts of HSG.I, HSG.II
in major cities like Poona, Chennai etc. (i.e.) single & LSG have not been filled up so far. The protracted
delivery only will result adverse impact in the service. delay and lethargic disposal to various references we
The move of the department in closing down post offices, made on this subject for each circles separately is
curtailing delivery, merger of divisions etc. will have causing concern.
negative impact on the service which the department (i) HSG.I promotion was denied in Tamilnadu by
did not realise so far. Franchise schemes should also application of Bench mark.
be dropped since the service could be extended with (ii) The benchmark was applied even for LSG
our staff available in abundant in the name of GDS. promotion in Maharashtra and Karnataka Circle
GDS officials may be entrusted with more work which (iii) The Posts of APM Accounts have not been filled
would pave way for their regularisation. up notionally since 1986. The General line HSG.II
Demand 4: Ensure monopoly of collection, officials are being compelled to work as APM Accounts
conveyance and delivery of letter mail by the like UP, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra etc.
Department of Posts as recommended by the (iv) The notional promotion to LSG was accorded only
Parliamentary Standing Committee to retired officials from 1992 in Orissa. All norm based
The Department of Posts, knowing well that the posts are being kept vacant.
misinterpretation of the Post Office Act 1898 (Section (v) In Uttarakhand, the regularly promoted APM
4) and the mushroom growth of couriers over two Accounts had been reverted as Accountant and
decades has failed to arrest the menace which General Line official had been posted as APM
cornered high revenue and we remain as a part of Accounts in his place.
Universal service obligation with low revenue. There are many more confusions in different types
The countries like USA, France, China, Brazil, Hong at circle levels. In short all norm based posts are still
Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri being kept vacant.
Lanka are having complete monopoly of letter mails. Further the following problems which have arisen
Even countries like Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, due to notional LSG promotion at divisional level have
Netherlands, Switzerland etc. are having complete not been redressed so far.
monopoly of letter mail upto 2000 grams. (i) The Rule 38 transferees are worst affected.
Now the amendment to the Post Office Act has (ii) Due to variation in the number of LSG posts from
been totally diluted and the department is incorporating divisions to divisions, the seniors could not get
some of the charges in the revised version of the bill promotions, whereas the juniors were promoted.
which is expected to be tabled in the Parliament. Any Modifications of the LSG promotion has not been
how the move is nothing but to drop the monopoly and ordered so far.
authorise couriers even to the letters weighing upto The another problem is that the officiating pay to HSG.I
300 grams in the market. has not been drawn to many BCR / LSG comrades.
In order to ensure the monopoly of transmission Several references are being made to Directorate.
handling and delivery of letters and save the department All these items are very simple and could be
from the couriers and also to save the department which settled by appropriate instructions and orders.
should not shrink to the rural villages alone, this item However the department is reluctant in resolving these
is placed as one of the demands in the ensuing strike. issues so far despite various references.


Demand 7: Encashment of all pending bills OTA / cohesion and better coordination than at present.
TA / Medical /RPLI Commission etc. With the proposal of vast expansion of activities
Due to paucity in allotment of funds, the personal and services, a separate budget and control by the
claims are pending years/ months together. We placed Department of Posts become a must. As in the long
this demand to clear all the bills forthwith. run, the department will run on its own legs with own
NB: Long pending bills if any pending, the details resources, there may not be necessary to have approval
may be furnished to CHQ / NFPE immediately so that from the nodal ministries for each and every decision.
we could place them during any discussions. The Postal Services Board should be renamed as Postal
Demand 8: Grant compassionate appointments Operation Board and be accorded the same status as
to eligible candidates and absorb all approved the Railway Board or Telecom Commission.
candidates Demand 10: Recognition of Federations & Setting
Due to the imposition of 5% limit, the approved up of councils at all levels
candidates, prior to 1999 under the relaxation of Due to non recognition of Federations under NRR
Recruitment Rules have not been regularly appointed 1993, the recognised postal unions have no say in the
so far. There are more than 1000 candidates approved JCM National Council. Similarly there was a delay in
and awaiting for their regularisation in all the circles. formation of anomaly committee in the Department of
There are several vacancies and they can be Posts after the implementation of Fifth CPC. Due to non
accommodated. The department by citing a court case, grant of regular recognition, the RJCM become defunct
is protracting the issue and the plight of the approved in many circles and no new Member could be nominated.
candidates is at stake. In order to regularise them by The demand of the Federation to accord recognitions
offering appointment and also to approve fresh cases, duly constituting the ED union as a part of the same has
we put forth this demand. not been accepted so far. Hence we included this item
Demand 9: Complete take over of POSB & PLI by as one of the demands in the ensuing strike.
the Postal Department & accord full Autonomy to Look Comrades! All the problems are very vital
the Postal Board as in the case of Railway Board and require immediate settlement. We did not place
The Social Audit Panel headed by the former Chief items which warrants severe financial implications.
Justice Sri P.N. Bhagawati appealed to the Government Please popularise the demands. On behalf of Circle
to allow freedom and flexibility to the postal department Union / Divisional Union, please translate the contents
so that it could restructure itself and operate competently. and circulate to all comrades and organise them for
There is a need to give functional autonomy and the total strike commencing from 24-04-2007.
financial independence to the postal department and Let us pull down the walls that divide and unite to
in turn the postal board should function in a lot more agitate, act, advance and achieve.


During the interaction with the students from REMEMBERED
University of Texas and University of Virginia on 16- Com. N.C. Ambalavavanan who was the
03-2007 at New Delhi, the Railway Minister Sri Lalu President of the CHQ over 17 years lost his breath
Prasad Yadav described the possibility of his on the Workers Day i.e. May Day in 1997. This
success in making the Railways as a profit oriented May Day is his Eleventh Death Anniversary. Let us
organisation in which he mentioned as follows:- pay our tributes to the leader on 1st May 2007 and
"When Lord Krishna lifted Govardhan hill, he pledge ourself to dedicate our life for the cause of
got help from the thousands of villagers. The working class.
Railways is like a family and if it is reaping profits
now, it is because of the sheer hard work of the COM. M.S. RAHI IS NO MORE
employees. The 14 lakh employees of the The Ex. Treasurer of AIPEU Postmen & Gr.
organisation worked as a family to save the Railways 'D' CHQ expired on 28th March 2007 at Delhi. He
from going bankrupt." was 78 years old. He was ill. Com. Rahi was
.. Hindu & Hindustan Times 17-03-2007 elected as Asstt. General Secretary of P-IV in 1977
Will the department learn from the Railway's at Mumbai All India Conference. He was elected
success and honour its work force for the collective Treasurer in 1980 at Ernakulam AIC and continued
functioning and improvement of the service instead upto 1997. We convey our heartfelt condolences
of privatising the postal work in contra entertaining to his bereaved family and pay our respectful
private works in the post offices? homage to Com. M.S. Rahi.
We unanimously appreciate your decision taken duty without bias and certainly without vindictiveness.
up in improving the decreasing trend in Saving Bank He must conduct himself objectively and
collection. However it is further added that the following dispassionately not merely during the procedural
points are the prime factors of decreasing trend in PO stages of enquiry, but also in dealing with the evidence
Saving Bank collection. and the material on record when drawing up the final
i) Supply of information to Income Tax authorities order. A further requirement is that the conclusion must
pertaining to transaction exceeding Rs. 50,000/-. be rested on the evidence and not on matters outside
ii) Applicability of the provision of Income Tax (PAN) the record. And, when it is said that the conclusion
to deposits exceeding Rs. 50000/- under PO SB must be rested on the evidence, it goes without saying
schemes including Saving certificates. that it must not be based on a misreading of the
iii) Payment of maturity value of Postal instruments evidence. These requirements are basic and can not
exceeding Rs. 20000/- by cheque only. be whittled down whatever be the natural of enquiry.
U.S. Sharma Whether it be Judicial, Departmental Or other."
Circle Secretary, Jharkhand (Gobriel V/s State of Madras)
As we all know CCS (CCA) Rules have been We wish, every officer who is entrusted with the
framed in order to maintain discipline and proper domestic enquiry, would go through the above and follow
Conduct of Central Govt. employees. These rules apply Apex Court's guidelines.
to all over India covering Central staff. But in practice The Administrative Reforms Commission in their
the CCS (CCA) Rules are fully utilized only in the Postal report on "Personal Administration" have made the
Department! In many Central Govt. Organisations following recommendation :- "49. We recommend that
these rules are in fact unheard of no Rule-16 or no where the volume of work in connection with the
Rule-14. Does this mean to say that our Department Departmental enquiries justifies the appointment of a
is trying its best to enforce discipline? May be, but separate officer or for a region, a separate whole-time
these rules as far as our knowledge goes, effectively officer fully trained for conducting Disciplinary
used in respect of Group C and Group D officials only Proceedings may be appointed."
and officers above the these ranks do not figure mostly. (Recommendation No. 49).
Anyway let us make a brief study of these proceedings. Since appointment of whole-time officers may not
In many cases, the charge sheets are handed over be feasible, at least a panel of retired officers who
like freebies to our cadres even for minor mistakes. have sufficiently senior rank may be drawn and their
The officials are made to suffer mentally for day one to services utilized. This would definitely pave way for
till the day final orders are passed. The final orders in un-biased Justice and help the officials. It is believed
99.9% cases go against the officials only whether that this article finds worthy consideration of policy
there is a substance in the case or not. makers of the Department in administering the CCS
In many cases, even a lay person can judge that (CCA) Rules in a more transparent and justified way.
the charges are flimsy and will not bear the test. Even N. Chandrashkekar
in such cases it is a practice of the inquiry officers to Divisional Secretary, Bangalore West Division
pass verdict as guilty. Why this kind of practice? The (The opinion is purely of the reader)
reasons, if one to make assessment may be either I am extremely happy to see the contents of our
the inquiry officer is afraid of consequences if he passes Memorandum on "Pay-Scales-Service Conditions-
verdict against the interests of the Disciplinary Promotion etc." submitted to the Member Secretary,
Authority or in order to be in the good books of his 6th CPC, New Delhi-110070. It is true that the
officers to get reward/award or promotions! Memorandum touches every aspect of our
The Apex Court in several cases has reminded Departmental structure and one who reads can easily
the Govt. while instituting domestic enquiries about understand the pains taken by you for framing such a
the basic principles of Natural Justice, fair play and realistic one. While congratulating your sincere efforts
reasonable opportunity etc. To quote one such remarks for this venture, I may kindly be permitted to disclose
:- "All enquiries, Judicial, Departmental or other, in to my views/request upon this.
the Conduct of individuals must confirm certain 1. The Memorandum speaks in everywhere, by
standards. One is that the person proceeded against equating TBOP to LSG & BCR to HSG-II. In the present
must be given a fair and reasonable opportunity to scenario of the Department, LSG officials are
defend himself. Another is that the person charged positioned better that of TBOP & BCR officials - the
with duty of holding the enquiry must discharge that latter being only a financial upgradation. As such, the
LSG officials deserve a better pay scale and which Minister. Kindly treat this as the request of the Ex-
should be above the pay scales of a BCR officials. RTP officials and kindly initiate all possible efforts and
Moreover, it is unfair to grant promotion to a lower pay apply all available sources to set right the issue by
scale when a BCR official is allowed to be drawn in way of granting RTP service counted atleast for
the BCR scale itself. This anomaly can very well be promotion and pension. In this context, it is not
solved if a separate pay scale is allowed for LSG which superfluous to mention here that four Ex-RTP officials
is to be above BCR scale. As you are aware, the namely- (1) Shri. P. Satheeshkumar, PA(CO) TBOP,
anomaly of this kind is quite unheard in any of the O/o Chief PMG, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-695-033,
Government or Private organizations. This fact may (2) Shri. V.R. Bhadrakumar, PA(CO) TBOP, O/o Chief
kindly be looked into while considering revision of our PMG, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-695 033, (3) Shri.
pay-scales by 6th CPC. Hemachandra Kumar, SA (TBOP), RMS, Trivandrum-
2. Next is regarding Ex-RTP officials. The RTP issue 695 001, & (4). Shri. S.M. Nazeer, SA (TBOP), RMS,
was properly explained in the Memorandum and Trivandrum-695 001- are still enjoying all the benefits
thanks for inclusion of the item. Special efforts may by counting their past RTP service on the strength
kindly be taken to set right the issue by counting the of judgment delivered by Honourable CAT.
RTP service atleast for Promotion and Pension. It is While concluding, I would like to point our that all
very clear that no monetary implications will occur to Ex-RTP officials are fully relie upon you with a hope
the Department if the RTP service is counted for that their ambition of getting the RTP service counted
Promotion & Pension. Moreover, the Ex-RTP officials will be fulfilled as a result of your sincere efforts on the
are very less in number. It would be appreciable if issue.
the case is settled through a direct discussion at H. Ganeshan,
Ministry level, preferably with our Honourable APM(SB), Ernaklualm


Gross Labourer Labourer Professional Professional Management Management
Salary $000, 2003 (general) (skilled) (junior) (senior) (lower middle) (upper middle)
Argentina 6.1 9.5 14.9 23.2 36.9 60.4
Australia 29.1 34.3 43.3 58.5 78.9 107.3
Brazil 7.5 12.4 20.7 34.3 52.2 88.0
Canada 28.7 38.1 50.5 66.9 88.6 117.4
China 4.1 6.9 11.7 19.8 33.3 56.3
France 18.9 26.3 36.6 50.9 70.7 98.3
Germany 32.4 43.1 57.4 76.4 101.7 135.4
Hong Kong 18.1 26.7 39.6 58.6 86.7 128.4
India 3.1 5.1 8.4 14.0 23.1 38.3
Indonesia 2.7 4.6 7.9 13.4 22.7 38.6
Ireland 31.6 40.7 52.5 67.8 87.5 112.9
Italy 18.3 26.1 37.2 53.0 75.6 107.7
Japan 37.1 46.9 59.1 74.5 94.0 118.6
Mexico 8.9 14.2 22.6 36.0 65.9 105.2
Netherlands 25.6 34.8 47.3 64.4 87.7 119.3
Singapore 14.3 20.5 29.4 42.2 60.5 86.8
South Korea 23.9 30.9 40.1 52.0 67.3 87.3
Spain 25.3 33.4 44.2 58.5 77.3 102.2
Taiwan 14.8 20.8 29.3 41.1 57.8 81.2
Thailand 3.6 6.1 10.3 17.4 26.9 50.2
UK 23.7 32.8 45.3 62.7 86.8 120.1
US 26.9 32.9 39.6 52.4 69.4 93.0
Source: Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Off.: 124, Parliament House Annexe
SITARAM YECHURY New Delhi-110 001
MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Tel.: 2303 4124, 2301 1973
(RAJYA SABHA) A.K. Gopalan Bhavan, 27-29
Leader Bhai Veer Singh Marg,
CPI(M) Group Gole Marekt, New Delhi-110001
CHAIRMAN lR;eso t;rs Tel.: 23344918, 23747436
TOURISM AND CULTURE Tel.: 23359922, Fax : 23736242

April 10, 2007 The Department of Posts has recommended for

Respected Pradhan Mantri Ji, the grant of recognition to National Federation of
I learn that the postal employees are preparing Postal Employees having found eligible through the
to go on a nationwide strike since their long pending process of verification. The matter has been referred
demands are not being considered by the government. to the Department of Personnel and Training as they
Their Charter of Demands were submitted to the are the nodal department in the matter of grant of
Secretary, Department of Posts on the 29th January, recognition to the Unions. The matter is pending with
2007. The main demands are the following. the DOPT since July, 2006. The NFPE is deprived of
1. Setting up of Judicial Commission for all trade union facilities due to the non grant of
Gramin Dak Sevak. recognition.
As per the practice in the past, the government 3. Franchising post office to outside agencies
did not set up the judicial commission for Gramin The Government has decided to hand over certain
Dak Sevaks so far. The government has decided to post offices in urban centres to private parties as
set up a committee with a retired officer as the franchisees. This is the beginning of the privatization
Chairman of the GDS Committee. This is in clear of postal services in the country. The Unions are totally
violation of an agreement reached during 1993 postal opposed to this scheme. But despite opposition
strike (copy enclosed). Consequent upon the setting postal authorities are going ahead with their decision.
up of the 6th CPC in 1994, the government, honouring I am sure you share the concern that the postal
the said agreement set up an ED Committee under services should not be disrupted due to a strike.
the Chairmanship of Justice Charanjit Singh Talwar. These demands appear very reasonable and I cannot
Therefore, the demand for setting up the Judicial conceive of any pressing reasons why they are not
Commission is fully justified and cannot be being accepted. I, therefore, request you to personally
compromised. intervene to ensure a settlemnt of these issues and
2. Recognition of the NFPE prevent the forthcoming postal strike.


My Dear Circle Secretaries / Divisional Secretaries / Comrades,
Let us prepare for the strike with seriousness, sincerity and steadfast efforts to ensure that
our solid strength, the Government is made to retreat and we score the success. The department
cannot run amuck altering and amending the service conditions and causing injustice particularly
to Group C comrades.
The task of campaigning and conducting the strike effectively and making it a success is the
responsibilities of the Circle Secretaries and activists at grass root levels. Let us fight with a will
and determination to secure justice.
You are strong! You are brave! You are courageous! You have the conviction! Your
cause is just! Your can struggle and you will succeed! With firmness and faith we should
demonstrate our struggle and succeed!
If the will and wisdom are the horses of our wishes, we will succeed.


- ENGLISH VERSION 12. Swamy's CCS (CCA) Rules-07 200/-
(Hindi version are also available) 13. Swamy's CCS (Conduct) Rule-07 125/-
1. Postal Manual Vol. III 86ed 225/- 14. Swamy TA Made Easy 2004 90/-
2. Postal Manual Vol. VI 15. Swamy Pension made easy 07 160/-
Part-I 85ed 300/- 16. Swamy Pay Rule made easy 06 145/-
Part-II 86ed 250/- 17. Swamy Leave rule made easy 07 75/-
Part-III 85ed 250/- 18. Swamy Master guide to FR SR Service Rules 2006 195/-
3. Post Office Guide Part.I 85ed 300/- 19. House Bldg. Advance Rule 05 140/-
4. Postal Manual Vol. V 2002 250/- 20. Swamy's GPF Rules 2007 100/-
5. Postal Manual Vol. VII (RMS) 2001ed 125/- 21. Swamy's OTA Rules 2007 50/-
6. Postal Manual Vol. VIII 300/- 22. Swamy's Group Insurance 2007 85/-
7. Post Office Act 2006 30/- 23. Swamy's Medical Att. Rules 07 200/-
8. P&T HB Vol. II 85ed 125/- 24. Swamy's LTC Rules 2007 80/-
9. Post Office Guide Part IV. 125/- 25. Swamy's Children Educational Ass. 2006 50/-
10. P&T Financial Hand Book Hindi 2006 200/ 26. Consumer Protection Act 50/-
HAND BOOKS 2007 27. CAT Act 2007 150/-
1. Bahri Hand Book 2007 160/- 28. Indian Evidence Act 2007 40/-
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4. Nabhi Referencer for Central Govt. Employees 07 160/- GENERAL BOOKS FOR OFFICE REFERENCE:
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ts 0 ih0 JhokLro dh fgUnh iq L rds a & OBC in Service 2005 with supp. 435/-
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2- dsUnzh; foÙkh; fu;ekoyh (GFR) 2007 150 3. Swamy Manual on Disciplinary Proceeding 2006 530/-
4. Swamy Establishment & Administration 2007 635/-
3- fQuSUlf'k;y gS.Mcqd (FHB Vol.1) Hkkx&1 lkekU; 05 200 5. Right to Information Act on should know 2007 120/-
4- dsUnzh; flfoy lsok,a isU'ku fu;e 1972 ¼ljyhd`r½ 05 175 6. lwpuk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e 2005 (Digital Ed.)
5- dsUnzh; flfoy lsok ¼vkpj.k½ fu;e 2007 80 2006 125/-
6- dsUnzh; flfoy lsok fpfdRlk ifjp; fu;e 1944 125 GB SINGH PUBLICATIONS :
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7- FRSR Hkkx I-II-III 2006 Ed 260 Enquires 2005 August 350/-
8- dsUnzh; gS.Mcqd 2007 ¼vaxzt s h&fganh½ 300 2. Hand Book for Inquiry Officers, Presenting
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3. Hand Book for Disciplinary Authorities 2005 350/-
10- vuq'kklukRed dk;ZokbZ;ka dsUnzh; deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, 05 200 4. Commentary on CCS CCA Rules 2006 240/-
11- lwpuk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e 2005 5. Commentary on CCS Conduct Rules 2006 240/-
¼fu;eksa ,oa vf/klwpukvksa lfgr½ 2006 125 6. Law of Seniority, Promotion & Adhoc Service 04 320/-
V.K. BALAN PUBLICATIONS : BETTER YOU KNOW SERIES: 7. Digest of Important Case Laws on service matters in
1. Guide to PS Group 'B' Exam. Paper-IV 3 Volumes 2003 1480/-
(for IPOs/General Line Employees) 2004 275/- 8. cgjh dsUnzh; flfoy lsok vuq'kklu] vkpj.k ,oa
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vaMjiksy fu;e (CCS CCA Rule) 2007 ed. 280/-
Staff (Postal & RMS) 2004 350/-
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2006ed by ch-Mh- ,y- JhokLro (Retd. SSPO)
4. Cr. PC 1973 (English-Hindi) 220/-
5. Indian Penal Code 1860 (English-Hindi) 90/- 110/-
6. Indian Evidance Act 1872 (English-Hindi) 40/- 2. Kairali Master Guide to IPO Paper V
7. Swamy FR SR Part.I (Ref. Book) 06 300/- (as per new Syllabus) 2007ed 200/-
8. Swamy FR SR Part.II (Ref. Book) 06 145/- 3. Kairali Master Guide to IPO Paper IV (IPC,CRPC,
9. Swamy FR SR Part.III (Ref. Book) 07 105/- Evidence Act, CAT & Consumer Prot Act. 2007 U/P
10. Swamy CCS Pension Compilation 07 225/- 4. Kairali Syllabus & Unsolved Paper of IPO
Exam 89 to 2006 90/-
dSjyh ekLVj xkbM ,y-th-vks- ¼iksLVy]
NVkbZ vkSj
251/A, Baba Faridpuri, Nr. Gopal Dairy, West Patel Nagar, P.Box No.
,e-,e-,l- lgk;d6059,
dsNew Delhi-110008
Phones : 011-25880816, 25882753, Mobile : 9810353797,
300/- E-mail :
Sub-150 Gm Letter Have To Be Priced 2.5 Times Over Speed-Posts
Sending letters and cheques through couriers is category. However, courier companies are not taking
set to become costlier and the government-gung-ho kindly to the watered-down version of the Indian Post
on patronising its speed-posts services-is to blame. Office (Amendment) Bill 2007, largely because the
The new set of rules that the government plans to proposed amendment, if approved, could maim the
plug in would allow courier companies to deliver letters Rs. 3,500-crore domestic industry, especially the
less than 150 gm only if they charge customers two- small players. It also limits the choice for consumers,
and-a half times over its speed-post service tab. For they say.
those couriers that aren't urgent, the difference would "The proposed clause makes little sense. It will not
be as much as five times. work." says Express Industry Council of India chairman
The sub-150 gm is a lucrative and crucial high- and First Flight Couriers deputy MD Raj Kumar Saboo.
volume category comprising bills, cheques, vouchers Although there's a perception that people would
and letters. Based on the minimum weight and shift loyalty to the postal department for all letters
distance category of speed posts, customers would and material under 150-gm owing to the proposed
have to shell out an extra Rs. 60-100. Nearly 40-45% policy changes, customers in large cities and towns-
of all couriers fall under the 150-gm category. the courier Industry's mainstay-would still depend on
The move may be a reprieve from the government's this route for urgent post. "Couriers deliver on time
original move to ban courier companies from delivering and can be tracked. Customers would pay a premium
letters below 500 gm, but it still sounds the death knell if the need is urgent," said an industry source.
for private courier companies in the sub-150-gm Hindustan Times


"The Runners still hold and will continue to hold for many year to come, a prominent place in the
organization as an agency for the conveyance of mails. The annals of the Department furnish numerous
instances of the Runners having been carried away by tigers, drowned in flooded rivers. Bitten by venomous
snakes, buried in avalanches or murdered by robbers. In 1921-23 there were 57 cases in which mails were
plundered by highway robbery with loss of life in 7 cases; wounded in 13 cases; 3 mails carriers were
drowned while crossing a rivers. Two runners were buried under an avalanche; one of which was extricated
and the other was killed. In the face of all these dangers the mail runners seldom shrink from performing their
duty and no praise can be too high for their honesty, courage and devotion which they display."
By L.F. Rushbrook Williams
Director of Public Information Govt. of India, India-1922-23


President : Com. G.B. Kharkwal, Pithoragarh Dn.
Vice-President : Coms. 1. L.D. Tiwari, Almora Dn.
2. K.K. Managali, Nainital Dn.
3. S.M. Bhatt, Tehri Dn.
Circle Secretary : Com. K.S. Panwar, Chamoli Dn.
Asstt. Circle Secy. : Coms. 1. Rajesh Kapil, Dehradun Dn. (Roorkee)
2. Ram Saran Bhatt, Dehradun Dn.
3. M.S. Samant, Pithoragarh Dn.
4. Arun Mulasi, Pauri Dn. (Kotdwar)
5. A.P. Dhyani, Chamoli Dn.
Treasurer : Com. B.S. Dhapola, Nainital Dn. (Haldwani)
Asstt. Treasurer : Com. Manoj Gusai, Pauri Dn. (Kotdwar)
Organising Circle Secy. : Coms. 1. Vinay Kumar Sharma, Dehradun Dn. (Roorkee)
2. Suresh Joshi, Almora Dn.
3. S.C. Bhatt, Tehri Dn.


W.E.F. 01-10-2006 TO 31-03-2007 (SUBJECT TO AUDIT)
Balances on 30-09-2006 = 6076437.00 2 Pay & allowance - Dy.GS = 66871.00
Receipts Pay 49376
Oct-06 = 38962.00 Conveyance 1656
Nov-06 = 46170.00 TA/DA 8928
Dec-06 = 37949.00 HQ Allowance 6500
Jan-07 = 31683.00 Bonus 411
Feb-07 = 95046.00 3 TA/DA - Office bearers = 14239.00
Mar-07 = 166349.00 4 CWC Expenses = 181213.00
Total = 416159.00 + = 416159.00 5 Pay - Staff = 108041.00
Interest of SB Accounts Office Asstt. 39898
(as per pass books) = 90604.03 Hindi Typist 28067
Peon 23524
GrossTotal = 6583200.03 Sweeper 1500
Less Expenditure Bonus to Staff 15052
Oct-06 = 96059.50 6 Bhartiya Post = 111897.00
Nov-06 = 265195.50 7 Office maintenance = 15243.00
Dec-06 = 145637.00 8 Phone bills = 11603.00
Jan-07 = 223977.00 9 Mobile phone bills = 23409.00
Feb-07 = 99717.50 10 Elec/Water Charges = 8255.00
Mar-07 = 194369.00 11 Conveyance - Treasurer = 9000.00
CWC Exp= 181213.00 12 Conveyance - ATR = 5000.00
Total = 1206168.50 - = 1206168.50 13 Conveyance - Staff = 998.00
Balances on 31-03-2007 = 5377031.53 14 Postage Charges = 23077.00
Details of Balances as on 31-03-2007 15 Stationary Charges = 7508.00
SB A/C Syndicate Bank = 1530607.06 16 Sumptuary = 8152.00
FD A/C Syndicate Bank = 3800000.00 17 Photostat = 21587.00
Cash in Hand = 21334.47 18 Newspaper = 1820.00
Cheque in Transit = 25090.00 19 MR Claim - GS = 6735.50
Total Balance = 5377031.53 21 MR Claim - Dy.GS = 816.00
Balance: Rs.Fifty three lakhs seventy seven thou- 23 Court Expenses = 1145.00
sand thirty one and paisa fifty three only. 24 Gifts = 4617.00
Sd/- Sd/ 25 Agitation Expenses = 1918.00
Treasurer General Secretary 26 Computer Expenses = 2750.00
Headwise details of Income w.e.f. 01-10-2006 to 27 Strike Tour - TA /DA to CHQ
31-03-2007 (Subject to Audit) Office Bearers = 45090.00
Quota to CHQ = 343289 29 Amenities to GS Quarters = 85842.00
Quota to NFPE = 8863 30 Ticket Cancellation = 540.00
B.Post = 47564 31 Financial Asstt. to CA Ex. Dy. GS = 23170.00
Donations = 0 32 DD Charges = 253.00
Sale of waste paper = 692 33 Tfr to AIPEDE Union = 1080.00
Quota recd. for ED/CHQ = 1080 34 Office Renovation - Furniture,
Publication Sale = 4671 Amenities etc. = 93365.00
Disposal of Old Typewriter = 2500 35 Office Expenses = 3118.00
Advt.Charges Recd. = 7500 36 Financial Assistance to AP
Total Receipts 416159 Accident Victims = 60000.00
Rupees four lakhs sixty one thousand one hundred 37 Advance to Staff = 4000.00
and fifty nine only. 38 Refund of quota to NFPE = 1560.00
Headwise details of Expenditure w.e.f. 01-10-2006 39 Printing Charges = 17505.00
to 31-03-2007 (Subject to Audit) 40 Pay Commission Mem.Printing = 37795.00
1 Pay & allowance - G/Secy = 185699.00 41 6th CPC Mem. work & Xerox Binding = 9340.00
Pay 107806 42 Cost of Reference Books = 615.00
Conveyance 16188 43 Licence Fee to MPT 505 = 1302.00
TA/DA 43771 Total = 1206168.50
HQ Allowance 13000 Sd/- Sd/
Bonus 4934 Treasurer General Secretary
D.G.(P) No. 75-3/05-BP.I, Dated: 21-02-2007 Group 'C', on the above mentioned subject.
addressed to General Secretary, Group 'C', CHQ. 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
l Construction of new building for Thanjavur detailed report to this office at the earliest.
HO and Divisional Office-reg. Encl. As above.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-19/ D.G.(P) letter No. 16-35/2007-SR, Dated: 12-3-
Thanjavur dated 01-02-2007 addressed to Secretary 2007 addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Orissa
(Posts) on the above mentioned subject and to state Circle and copy to CHQ.
that due to limited resources, the Department is not l Alleged unbearable workload leading to
in a position to take construction of Thanjavur HO suicide - case of Sri Naryan Majni, SPM,
building during the current Plan. The Circle has Gopalpur in Orissa Circle-reg.
proposed construction of this project during 11th Plan. I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-
The case will be considered while finalizing 11th Plan 16/Cuttack dated 28-2-07 received from General
subject to availability of funds. Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group
D.G.(P) No. 16-23/2007-SR, Dated: .....February, 'C', on the above mentioned subject.
2007 addressed to the CPMG Rajasthan and copy to 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
General Secretary, Group 'C', CHQ. detailed report to this office at the earliest.
l Alleged atroctities & high handedness Encl. As above.
unleashed by Shri R.K. Arya, SPO's Bhilwara D.G.(P) letter No. 16-36/2007-SR, Dated: 12-3-
Dn., in Rajasthan Circle-reg. 2007 addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Punjab
I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2- Circle and copy to CHQ.
18/Bhilwara dated 27-1-07 received from the General l Alleged irregular deputation of Postal
Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group Assistants from Ludhiana Moifussil Division to
'C' on the above mentioned subject. Circle office, Punjab Circle-reg.
2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-
a detailed report to this office at the earliest. 17/LDH Mfl dated 27-2-07 received from General
Encl: As above. Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group
D.G.(P) No. 4-20/2007-PAP, Dated: 9-03-2007 'C', on the above mentioned subject.
addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
Circle and copy to CHQ. detailed report to this office at the earliest.
l Classification of Bangalore city as A1 class Encl. As above.
for the purpose of HRA and CCA. D.G.(P) letter No. 16-37/2007-SR, Dated: 12-3-
I am directed to enclose herewith photocopy of a 2007 addressed to Chief Postmaster General,
letter No. P/2-11/Bangalore west dated 22-2-2007 Jharkhand Circle and copy to CHQ.
received from the General Secretary All India Postal l Alleged arbitrary issue of Rule 14 memo for
Employees Union Group 'C' on the subject noted above. participation in 14-12-06 strike- case of
You are requested to examine the request and Singhbhum Division in Jharkhand Circle-reg.
send the official proposal alongwith primary census I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-
abstract of total population duly verified from the office 10/Singhbhum dated 27-2-07 received from General
of Director of Census Operations and the date of effect Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group
from which classification of Greater Bangalore as A-1 'C', on the above mentioned subject.
class city is required for the purpose of HRA and CCA. 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
Proposal may be sent after getting approval of Chief detailed report to this office at the earliest.
Postmaster General/HOC and with the concurrence Encl. As above.
of Circle IFA, to examine the same at this end. D.G.(P) letter No. 8-3/2007-SR, Dated: 16-3-2007
D.G.(P) letter No. 16-38/2007-SR, Dated: 12-03- addressed to CHQ.
2007 addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Tamil l Treatment of period of December 2000 strike.
Nadu Circle and copy to CHQ. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/4-2/FRSR
l Alleged withholding of retirement benefits- dated the 27th Feb. 2007 on the above mentioned subject.
case of Sri N.B.S. Manian, Retd. A.P.M. 2. The principal of 'no work, no pay' is equally applicable
Accounts, Tiruvallar HO in Tamil Nadu Circle- whether the strike is declared as illegal or not; thus
reg. leaving no scope for reconsideration of the matter.
I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2- Ministry of Communication & Information
19/Kanchipuram dated 28-2-07 received from the Technology letter No. 310(7)/2007/PA-Admn.III/828,
General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Dated: 30-3-2007 addressed to CHQ.
l Non-absorption of qualified Junior Accounts threatening officials- case of Aurangabad
Officers in the Department of Posts- regarding. region in Maharashtra Circle-reg.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/11-2/JAO I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No.P/2-
dated 10-11-2006 on the subject cited above and to 13/Nanded dated 4-4-07 received from General
intimate that there is a ban on creation of new posts, Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group
as such, no post of JAO can be created. The work in 'C' on the above mentioned subject.
the Business Development area is being managed by 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
re-deployment only and for posting in SBCO/RO/PLI detailed report to this office at the earliest.
the existing norms are being followed. The department Encl.: As above.
has taken effective measures to ensure filling up of D.G.(P) letter No. 16-41/2007-SR, dated 13-4-2007
vacancies in AO cadre promptly, so as to enable the addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Uttranchal and
Postal Accounts Offices to get these posts filled from copy to CHQ.
the feeder cadre i.e. JAO/MO. l Alleged arbitrary and unjust closure of
D.G.(P) letter No. 16-25/2007-SR, Dated: 1-04- departmental canteen at Dehradun HPO-reg.
2007 addressed to The General Secretary, CHQ. I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-
l Provision of Generator at Secunderabad HPO 21/Dehradun dated 4-4-07 received from the General
in Andhra Pradesh Circle-reg. Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group
I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-1/ 'C' on the above mentioned subject.
Secunderabad HO dated 2-2-2007 on the above 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
mentioned subject. detailed report to this office at the earliest.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Encl.: As above.
the Circle Office. As reported, one 15 KVA new D.G.(P) letter No. 16-40/2007-SR, Dated 13-4-2007
Generator has been supplied to Secunderabad HPO addressed to Pr. Chief Postmaster General and copy
in the month of Feb. '07. to CHQ.
D.G.(P) Letter No. 7-1/2007-PE-II, Dated: 3-4-2007 l Alleged burglary at Hingoli MDG PO -
addressed to CHQ. Murdering Night Watchman Sri B.G.Mathpathi
l On the job training for Hindi Typist in - non settlement of dues-reg.
divisional offices on their absorption as Postal/ I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/2-
Sorting Assistants- reg. 13/Parbhani dated 4-4-07 received from the General
I am directed to refer to your office letter No. P/401/ Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group
Hindi Typist dated 18-12-2006 on the above noted 'C' on the above mentioned subject.
subject and to say that the matter has been examined 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a
at the level of Member (P) and it is to inform you that detailed report to this office at the earliest.
the Hindi Typists are to be given full-fledged training Encl.: As above.
meant for PA/SA and in case person not prepared to Ministry of Communications & IT letter No. 113-1/
opt for full fledged training, he/she will be kept only as a 2003-SB (Pt.), Dated: 12-4-2007 addressed to General
Hindi Typist and the benefit of TBOP/BCR will not be Secretary, CHQ.
extended to him/her. Training is a condition of service l Disbursement of Pay and Allowances through
and, therefore, whatever is prescribed has to be SB account- case taken up by AIPEU Group C.
accepted and there can be no negotiation in this regard. The undersigned is directed to enclose copy of
D.G.(P) letter No. 16-108/2002-SR, Dated: 13-4- representation from General Secretary AIPEU Group-
2007 addressed to Chidf PMG, Mahaashtra Circle and C on the subject for sending a detailed report in the
copy to CHQ. matter.
l Alleged apparent defalcation in contribution Ministry of Communication & IT letter No. 113-1/
to the Prime Minister Relief Fund in 2003-SB (Pt.), Dated: 12-4-2007 addressed to Chief
Aurangabad region, Maharashtra Circle-reg. PMG, Chattisgarh and copy to CHQ.
Please find enclosed (in original) letter No. P/2- l Supply of cheque books to LSG and above
13/Aurangabad dated 20-3-2007 received from the Sub Post Offices.
General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union The undersigned is directed to say that AIPEU
Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject for action Group C has made a representation that in Chhattisgarh
as deemed appropriate. Circle adequate cheque books have not been supplied
Encl.: As above. to the Sub Postmasters who has been authorized to
D.G.(P) letter No. 16-42/2007-SR, dated 13-4-2007 issue cheques vide DDG (PAF) Letter No. 2-2/199-PA
addressed to Pr. Chief Postmaster General, (Tech) dated 29-9-2006. It is requested that adequate
Maharashtra Circle and copy to CHQ. supply of cheque books to the concerned SOs may
l Alleged unrealistic target in marketing and kindly be ensured.
Poverty in the country has declined to 21.8 per declined to 27.5 per cent in 2004-05 from 36.0 per
cent in 2004-05 from 26-1 per cent in 1999-2000, cent in 1993-94.
according to the latest figures released by the The level of poverty under the URP method in
Planning Commission on Wednesday. the rural areas fell to 28.3 per cent in 2004-05 from
However, in absolute terms, the number of those 37-3 per cent in 2004-05 from 37.3 per cent in 1993-
still living in poverty is a whopping 238.5 million. 94 and in the urban areas to 25.7 per cent from 32.4
The figures are based on the report of the 61st per cent during the corresponding period.
round of the National Sample Survey (NSS). Based on the URP consumption data, 301.7 million
The decline is notably sharp in the rural areas where people are living below the poverty line- 229 million in
the percentage of those living below the poverty line (BPL) the rural areas and 80.8 million in the urban areas.
has come down to 21.8 per cent (2004-05) from 27.1 per Based on the MRP consumption data, Orissa is
cent in 1999-2000. The percentage in the case of the urban the poorest State with 39.9 per cent of people living
areas was 21.7. It was 23.6 per cent in 1999-2000, below the poverty line. It is followed by Jharkhand
according to the estimates based on the Mixed Recall (34.8 per cent), Bihar (32.5 per cent) and Madhya
Period (MRP) - consumption distribution data. Pradesh (32.4 per cent). In absolute terms, the
This method involves estimating consumer number of people living below the poverty line is 45.8
expenditure data using 365-day recall period million in U.P., followed by Bihar (29 million) and
(reference period) for five infrequently purchased non- Maharashtra (26 million).
food items such as clothing, footwear, durable goods, Poverty levels are low in Chandigarh (3.8 per cent
education and institutional medical expenses and a people living below the poverty line), Jammu and
30-day recall period for the remaining items. Kashmir (4.2 per cent) and Punjab (5.2 per cent). In
In terms of absolute numbers, of the 238.5 million Delhi, 1.6 million people are living below the poverty
people living under undesirable conditions, 170.3 million line, accounting for 10.2 per cent of the capital's
are in the rural areas and 68.2 million in the urban areas. population.
The Expert Group on Estimation of Proportion The percentage of those living below the poverty
and Number of Poor of the Planning Commission also line is 15 per cent in Assam, 12.5 in Gujarat, 9.9 in
used the Uniform Recall Period (URP) system that Haryana, 17.4 in Karnataka, 11.4 in Kerala, 32.4 in
involves consumption data of 30-day recall period for Madhya Pradesh, 17.5 in Rajasthan, 17.8 in Tamil
all items and is comparable to the 1993-94 figures. Nadu and 20.6 in West Bengal.
According to this estimation, the level of poverty (Hindu, Dt. 23.2007)


1820 1870 1913 1950 1973 1998 2005*
US 1257 2445 5301 9561 16689 27331 31200
UK 1707 3191 4921 6907 12022 18714 21900
France 1230 1876 3485 5270 13123 19558 21800
Japan 669 737 1387 1926 11439 20413 21800
Germany 1058 1821 3648 3881 11966 17799 19200
Italy 1117 1499 2564 3502 10643 17759 19100
Spain 1063 1376 2255 2397 8739 14227 17400
China 600 530 552 439 839 3117 5400
India 533 533 673 619 853 1746 2300
World 667 867 1510 2114 4104 5709 6800
Note: GDS is the sum of all output produced by economic activity. PPP statistics adjust for cost of living
differences by replacing normal exchange rates with rates designed to equalise the prices of a standard
"basket" of goods and services.
(Sources: The world Economy by Angus Maddison; IMF; World Bank )
l Hospitals recognised by the State effect recovery from the applicants in case they had
Governments/CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, 1944- submitted their undertaking in terms of OM dated 14-
Grant of permission for treatment in any of 10-97. Thus the OA is disposed of with directions to
the hospitals. the respondents to verify from their records whether
The undersigned is directed to refer to this the applicants had submitted undertaking in terms of
Ministry's O.M. No. S. 14025/7/2000-MS, dated 28- OM dated 14-10-97, if so they would be entitled to
03-2000 (Sl. No. 124 of Swamy's Annual, 2000), on effect recoveries of excess payments. If not,
the subject mentioned above in which a decision was respondents would not be entitled to any recovery and
communicated that the Central Government in case they made any recoveries so far, the same
employees and the members of their families may be shall be refunded to the applicants. It is further directed
permitted to avail medical facilities in any of the Central that requisite action may be taken by the respondents
Government, State Government hospitals and the as per above directions expeditiously and preferably
hospitals recognised by the State Government / CGHS within a period of two months from the date of
Rules /CS (MA) Rules 1944 subject to the condition communication of these orders. No costs...".
that they will be reimbursed the medical expenditure 1. It has been decided to implement the Hon'ble
at the rates fixed by the Government under the CGHS tribunal Principle Bench CAT Delhi judgement dated
Rules/CS (MA) Rules, 1944 or the actual expenditure, 13-09-2004 in OA No. 283/03 in full to all Postmen &
whichever is less. In other words, the permission can Mail Guards irrespective of their affiliation to any union
be granted by the Head of Ministry/ Department/Office and effect the recoveries from the officials who had
to the Central Government employees / members of given undertakings provided any other Court/CAT has
their families to obtain medical services from any of not stayed the recovery. If the undertaking were not
the private hospitals recognised under CGHS in the obtained by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer,
24 CGHS covered cities. In view of this decision, there responsibility may please be fixed and recovery effected
is no objection if the Central Government employees from the officials at fault.
also undertake medical treatment in any of the 2. A compliance report giving the following information
Hospitals for the procedures for which the hospitals may be sent to Directorate within fifteen days:-
are already recognised by the concerned State (i) No. of Postmen/Mail Guards
Governments. (ii) No. of Postmen/Mail Guards who had given the
2. The admissibility of reimbursement claims in such undertakings out of (i).
cases shall however, no doubt be subject to the (iii) Amount recovered.
condition laid down in Note 2 of the Col. 8 (II) "Hospital (iv) No. of Postmen/Mail Guards who had not given
Treatment" of From Medical 97 relating to furnishing undertaking out of (i).
of the requisite certificate by Authorised Medical (v) (a) Amount refunded (b) overpayment not recovered.
Attendant concerned that the requisite treatment was (DG (Posts) No. 2-4/2006-PCC Dated 14-3-2007)
not available in any nearest Government Hospital. l Overpayment to Postmen/Mail Guards-
(Copy of G.I., M.H. & F.W. O.M. No. S. 14021/06/ Verification of records-reg.
2005-MS, dated 04-01-2007) Government of India, Ministry of Finance
l Overpayment to Postmen/Mail Guard- Department of Expenditure vide notification dated 30th
Verification of records- OA No. 283/2003 filed September 1997 notified the pay scale of Postmen/
the All India Postal Employees Union Postmen Mail Guards as Rs. 2750-70-3800-75-4400 (with two
& Group 'D' vs Director General of Posts advance increments) w.e.f. 1-1-1996 on acceptance
(respondent). of the recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay
A kind reference is invited to Directorate letter No. Commission. The benefit of two advance increment
2-14/2002-PCC dated 25-11-2004 regarding the @ Rs. 70/- was to be given only at the initial stage
implementation of following judgement dated 13-09- raising their basic pay from Rs. 2750 to 2890. With
2004 of Hon'ble Principal Bench CAT Delhi in OA No. effect from 10-10-1997 the pay scale recommended
283/2003 filed by the all India Postal Employees Union by the Fifth CPC for the postmen and mail guards
Postmen & Group 'D'. stood modified to Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590.
"....respondents would be within their rights to 2. Few Postal Circles erroneously paid two advance
increments at every stage of the pay scale and some their administrative control, while disbursing the
of the Circles even granted two advance increments in arrears that the payments are being made subject
the new scale of Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590 also, which to adjustment from amounts that may be due to
resulted in overpayment. When the payments of over them subsequently should any discrepancies be
payments came to the notice of the Directorate it noticed later. For this purpose, an undertaking
ordered the recovery of overpayment vide letter No. 1- may also be obtained in writing from every
21/99-PAP dated 13-8-1999. employees at the time disbursement of the
3. Against the orders of recovery of overpayments, arrears/pay and allowance from October 1997
General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union to the effect that any excess payment that may
Postmen and Group 'D' and other filed a case in the be formed to has been made as a result of
Principal Bench of CAT, Delhi vide OA No. 283/03 on incorrect fixation of pay in the revised scales
which Hon'ble Tribunal passed interim orders and will be refunded by him to Government either
stayed the recovery and Directorate issued orders for by adjustment against future payment
stay of recovery from the members of All India Postal otherwise".
Employees Union Postmen and Group 'D' vide letter 6. It is enjoined upon all the Head of Circle to verify
No. 2-14/2003-PCC dated 12-3-2004. from the record and affect recovery from the applicants
4. The Principal Bench of CAT, Delhi pronounced the only if they had submitted requisite undertakings. If
final judgment in OA No. 283/03 on 13-9-2004, the the undertaking has not been obtained then Hon'ble
relevant extracts of which are reproduced below : Principal CAT's order may be implemented only for
"...respondents would be within their rights the applicant's Union i.e., All India Postal Employees
to effect recovery from the applicants in case they Union Postmen & Group 'D' after necessary verification
had submitted their undertaking in terms of OM of their membership preferably by check-off system in
dated 14-10-1997. Thus the OA is disposed of with pay roll provided the recovery of overpayment has not
directions to the respondents to verify from their been stayed by any other order of CAT/High Court in
records whether the applicants had submitted your Circle. If undertakings were not obtained by the
undertaking in terms of OM dated 14-10-1997, if Drawing and Disbursing Officer, responsibility may be
so they would be entitled to effect recoveries of fixed and recovery effected from the officers at fault.
excess payments. If not, respondents would not 7. A compliance report may be sent to Directorate
be entitled to effect any recovery and in case they within 15 days as per the proforma annexed. Please
made any recoveries so far, the same shall be acknowledge receipt of their letter to AD (PCC) of this
refunded to the applicants. It is further directed office.
that requisite action may be taken by the (DG(Posts) No. 2-14/2002-PCC Dated 25th Nov.04)
respondents as per the above directions l Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central
expeditiously and preferably within a period of Government Employees-Revised Rates
two months from the date of communication of Effective from 01-01-2007.
these orders, No costs". I am directed to forward herewith a copy O.M. No.
5. Attention of the Heads of Circles is also drawn to 1 (2)/2007-E-II(B)/64 dated 22nd March, 2007 received
the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure from Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
OM F.No. 50(2)97/IC-1 dated 14-10-1997 circulated on the subject mentioned above for your information/
under Dept. of Posts OM No. 23-8/97-PE-1 (PCC) Pt. guidance and necessary action.
I dated 15-10-1997 according to which an undertaking (DG(Posts) No. 8-1/2007-PAO, Dated: 20-3-07)
was required to be obtained to guard against the l Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central
overpayments. Para 5 of the instructions is reproduced Government Employees-Revised Rates
below : Effective from 01-01-2007.
"The requirement of pre-check of pay fixation The undersigned is directed to refer to this
having been dispensed with it is not unlikely that Ministry's Office Memorandum No.1(13)/2006-E-II(B)/
the arrears due in some cases as may be 523 dated 11th September, 2006 on the subject
computed incorrectly leading to overpayments mentioned above and to state that President is pleased
that might have to be recovered subsequently. to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to
The Drawing and Disbursing officers should Central Government employees shall be enhanced
therefore make it clear to the employees under from the existing rate of 29% to 35% with effect from
1st January, 2007. (DG (Posts) No. 14-5/2007-PAP, Dated: 2-4-2007)
2. The provisions contained in paras 3,4, and 5 of l Setting up of Mail Business Centres and
this Ministry' O.M. No. 1(13)/97-E-II(B) dated 3-10- consolidation of mail network.
1997 shall continue to be applicable while regulating As you are aware, the entire mail network of the
Dearness Allowance under these orders. However, Department is under review with the objective to improve
with effect from 01-04-2004, Dearness Allowance is quality of service, reduce cost of operations, and
computed on the basis of Basic Pay, Dearness Pay, increase mail business. At this juncture it was
Stagnation Increment and NPA. Provisions considered necessary to take the staff side in
contained in para 3 of this Ministry's OM No. 1(13)/ confidence over various issues relating to the new
97-E.II(B) dated 3-10-1997, therefore, stand paradigm for mail management. To this end, a series
amended to this extent. of meetings were held between Mails Division and
3. The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance Service Unions in order to evolve an agreed framework
payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all for the proposed consolidation.
Central Government employees. It has ben mutually agreed that consolidation of
4. The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance for mail network will be undertaken in a phased manner.
the months January and February, 2007 shall not be Under Phase-1, mail offices having less than 10,000
made before the date of disbursement of salary for unregistered mail articles a day should be reviewed
March, 2007. and merged with the nearest mail office to the extent
5. These orders shall also apply to the civilian possible. Phase-1 will be completed within a period
employees paid from the Defence services Estimates of two months, and a review of district sorting offices
and the expenditure will be chargeable to the relevant may be carried out thereafter. A copy of the minutes
head of the Defence Services Estimates. In regard to of the last meeting held with the staff side is
Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees enclosed.
separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of An illustrative list of mail offices having less than
Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively. 10,000 articles is enclosed. Circles may consider any
6. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit other such office which is not reflected in the list but
and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders which processes less than 10,000 unregistered article
issue after consultation with the Comptroller and a day.
Auditor General of India. It is requested that the staff side at the circle level
(Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure No may be consulted and involved in the process of
F.No. 1(2)/2007-E-II(B)/64 dated 22-03-2007. consolidation of mail network.
l Payment of Dearness Allowance to Gramin Encl. As above.
Dak Sevak (GDS) revised rates from 1-1-2007. (D.G.(P) letter No. 28-19/2006-D, Dated: 22-03-07)
Consequent upon grant of another installment l Minutes of the Meeting held on 20-03-2007 in
of Dearness Allowance to the Central Government connection with Setting up of Mail Business
Employees with effect from 1-1-2007 vide Govt. of Centres and Consolidation of Mail Network.
India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure, A meeting was held on the subject cited above at
New Delhi O.M. No. 1(2)/2007-E-II(B)/64 dated 22- 1500 hrs in the chamber of DDG (MM&TS). The
3-2007, the Gramin Dak Sevaks have also become following attended the meeting:
entitled to the payment of Dearness Allowance 1. Mr. Faiz-Ur-Rehman, DDG (MM&TS).
payable to the GDS shall be enhanced from the 2. Mr. Ashish Kumar, Director (Mail Management).
existing 79% to 85% (Eighty Five Percent) of Time 3. Mr. Rishikesh, ADG (MO)
Related Continuity Allowance with effect from 01- 4. Mr. V.K. Attri, AD (TF)
01-2007. 5. Mr. C.C. Pillai, Secretary General, NFPE
2. The additional installment of Dearness Allowance 6. Mr. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General (FNPO)
payable under this order shall be paid in cash to all 7. Mr. Giri Raj Singh, General Secretary, R-III NFPE
Gramin Dak Sevaks. 8. Mr. P. Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV, NFPE
3. The expenditure is debatable to the Head of 9. Sh. A.H. Siddiqi, President, NUR IV
Account 'Salaries' under the relevant head and should 2. Various issues relating to Mail Business Centres
be met from the sanctioned grant. and rationalization of mail network were discussed
4. Hindi version of the letter will follow. threadbare. The staff side expressed its general
concern over the rising deficit of the Department and I am directed to forward herewith a copy OM No.
shared the need to cut unnecessary expenditure and 7(3)/EV/2006 dated 10th January 2007 received from
ensure optimum utilization of manpower. Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on the
3. The staff side requested that the proposed re- subject mentioned above, for your information/guidance
organization of mail network should be undertaken and necessary action.
in a phased manner. It was mutually agreed that Encl. As above.
the Department should review mail offices having (D.G.(P) letter No. 28-1/2007-PAP, Dated: 26-02-2007)
less than 10,000 unregistered mail articles in a day. OFFICE MEMORANDUM
Such offices should be merged with the nearest l Central Government Employees Group
major mail office. Insurance Scheme-1980-Tables of Benefits for
4. It was also agreed that the Circles should the savings fund for the period from 01-01-
consult the service unions at the circle level while 2007 to 31-12-2007.
taking a decision with respect to merger/closure of The undersigned is directed to refer to this
mail offices. Ministry's O.M. No. 7(3)/EV/2005 dated 6th January,
(D.G.(P) letter No. 28-19/2006-D, Dated: 22-3-2007) 2006 forwarding therewith Tables of Benefits under
l Changing the name of Uttaranchal Postal CGEGIS for the year 2006. New Tables of Benefits for
Circle to Uttarakhand Postal Circle-Reg. the savings fund of the Scheme based on a subscription
Consequent upon changing the name of of Rs. 10 per month from 1-1-1982 to 31-12-1989 and
Uttaranchal State as Uttarakhand by Ministry of Home Rs. 15 per month w.e.f. 1-1-1990 onwards have been
Affairs, Govt. of India, the undersigned is directed to prepared for the year 2007 and a copy of the same is
convey the approval of competent authority to change enclosed. Another Table of Benefits for the savings
the name of Uttaranchal Postal Circle as Uttarakhand fund based on a subscription of Rs. 10 per month for
Postal Circle with Headquarters at Dehradun with those employees who had opted out of the revised
immediate effect. rates of subscription w.e.f. 1-1-1990 have also been
(Ministry of Communication & IT letter No. F.No. drawn up for the year 2007 and a copy of the same is
23-7/2007-PE.II, Dated: 06-03-2007) also enclosed. The amounts in the Tables have been
l Redeployment of the post of Pr. Chief PMG, worked out on the basis of interest @ 10% per annum
West Bengal Circle as Pr. Sr. DDG (PO&I), (Compounded quarterly) for the period from 1-1-1982
Postal Dte, New Delhi and restoration of the to 31-12-1982, 11% per annum (compounded
post of Pr. CPMG, Tamil Nadu w.e.f. 17-3-2007. quarterly) w.e.f. 1-1-1983 to 31-12-1986, 12% per
In continuation of this office order of even number annum (compounded quarterly) w.e.f. 1-1-1987 to
dated 26-9-2006, approval of competent authority is 31-12-2000, 11% per annum (compounded
hereby conveyed for temporary redeployment of the quarterly) w.e.f. 1-1-2001 to 31-12-2001, 9.5% per
post of Pr. Chief PMG West Bengal Circle, in the annum (compounded quarterly) w.e.f. 1-1-2002 to
pay scale of Rs. 22400-26000/-, as Pr. Sr. DDG 31-12-2002, 9.0% per annum (compounded
(PO&I), Postal Directorate, New Delhi for a period quarterly) w.e.f. 1-1-2003 to 31-12-2003 and 8%
of three months w.e.f. 04-3-2007. Simultaneously, per annum (compounded quarterly) w.e.f. 1-1-2004
the post of Sr. DDG (PO&I), Postal Directorate, New onwards. The mortality rate under the Scheme has
Delhi in the pay scale of Rs. 22400-24500/-, is been taken as 3.75 per thousand per annum upto
redeployed as Chief PMG, West Bengal Circle for 31-12-1987 and 3.60 per thousand per annum
the said period. thereafter in both the cases. While calculating the
2. The post of Pr. CPMG, Tamil Nadu Circle, earlier amount it has been assumed that the subscription
redeployed as Pr. Sr. DDG (PO&I) up to the period 03- has been recovered or will be recovered from the
03-2007 vide order of even No. dated 26-09-2006, is salary of the month in which a member ceases to
restored to Tamil Nadu Circle w.e.f. 17-3-2007. be in service failing which it should be deducted
(Ministry of Communication & IT letter No. 31-2/ from accumulated amounts payable.
2007 PE.II, Dated: 09-04-2007) 2. In its application to the employees of Indian Audit
l Central Government Employees Group and Accounts Department this Office Memorandum
Insurance Scheme-1980-Tables of Benefits for issues in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor
the savings fund for the period from 01-01- General of India.
2007 to 31-12-2007. (D.G.(P) letter No. 7(3)/EV/2006, Dated: 12-12-2006)
Contribution @ Rs. 10/- P.M. upto 31-12-89 and Rs. 15 throughout after 1-1-90
Accumulated value of contribution from 1st Jan of year of Entry to the month and year of cessation
Year of cessation of membership-2007
Year of Month of cessation of membership
Entry Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1982 12579 12674 12768 12862 12958 13054 13152 13248 13348 13446 13547 13646
1983 11386 11474 11559 11647 11734 11822 11912 12002 12092 12181 12272 12364
1984 10313 10392 10471 10551 10631 10713 10794 10875 10958 11041 11125 11210
1985 9349 9422 9494 9567 9641 9715 9791 9866 9942 10018 10096 10172
1986 8483 8551 8619 8686 8754 8821 8892 8959 9030 9101 9171 9244
1987 7707 7771 7831 7894 7957 8021 8084 8147 8212 8277 8343 8409
1988 7016 7073 7130 7188 7246 7304 7363 7424 7483 7542 7603 7664
1989 6389 6443 6496 6550 6603 6657 6711 6765 6822 6878 6934 6990
1990 5832 5883 5932 5982 6032 6082 6132 6184 6236 6288 6339 6392
1991 5091 5135 5179 5224 5269 5315 5360 5407 5453 5500 5548 5593
1992 4431 4472 4512 4552 4592 4635 4675 4716 4758 4800 4843 4886
1993 3845 3883 3918 3955 3992 4029 4066 4103 4142 4178 4218 4255
1994 3326 3360 3392 3425 3458 3491 3524 3559 3592 3627 3662 3696
1995 2863 2893 2923 2953 2983 3012 3045 3074 3105 3136 3167 3199

1996 2453 2479 2507 2534 2561 2589 2617 2645 2672 2700 2729 2759
1997 2088 2111 2137 2162 2186 2212 2237 2262 2288 2314 2340 2365
1998 1764 1787 1808 1831 1853 1876 1901 1923 1947 1967 1992 2017
1999 1477 1497 1517 1536 1558 1578 1600 1621 1642 1664 1685 1706
2000 1219 1238 1257 1277 1295 1314 1334 1353 1373 1391 1411 1431
2001 993 1010 1027 1045 1062 1080 1097 1114 1133 1151 1169 1187
2002 791 806 822 836 852 868 885 901 920 936 952 970
2003 606 621 635 650 665 680 694 710 725 741 756 770
2004 439 452 465 479 493 507 520 534 548 562 577 591
2005 284 297 309 322 334 347 360 373 386 399 412 425
2006 142 153 165 177 188 200 212 224 236 248 260 272
2007 11 21 32 42 53 64 75 86 97 108 119 131
Note :
Basis Used
From To Interest* From To Interest* Saving Fund : 68.75% from1-1-82 to 31-12-87
1-1-82 31-12-82 10% 1-1-03 31-12-03 9.00% 70% from 1-1-88 and onwards
1-1-83 31-12-86 11% 1-1-04 31-12-07 8.00%
1-1-87 31-12-00 12% Insurance Fund: 31.25% from1-1-82 to 31-12-87
1-1-01 31-12-01 30% from 1-1-88 and onwards
1-1-02 31-12-02 9.50% * Interest p.a. compounded quarterly

MAY, 2007
v Central Working Committee Meeting of P-IV Surve, Circle Secretary, P-IV and Com. D.K. Rahate,
CHQ: The Central Working Committee meeting of P- Circle Secretary, R-III also addressed the session.
IV CHQ was held at Yeoor, Thane (Maharashtra) from Com. R.G. Chavan, Com. Chandra Gupta, Com. Shiv
24th to 26th March 2007. Com. R.G. Chavan, Ex. Vice Ram Chakraboty, Ex. President, P-IV CHQ; Com. B.G.
President, P-IV CHQ and senior most leader of P&T Tamhankar, Ex. President, NFPE; Com. Milan
trade union movement inaugurated the CWC on 24th Bhattacharya, President P-IV CHQ were also present
March at 11:00 A.M. Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary on the dais. Com. Parimal and Com. Balkrishna
General, NFPE addressed the subject committee on Chalke, Circle President of P-III and P-IV jointly
26th March 2007. presided over the open session.
v Joint Open Session of P-III & P-IV Maharashtra v Meeting with Study Group, IIM Ahmedabad:
Circle: The Circle Working Committee meeting of P- The discussions on the feasibility of Performance
III and P-IV Maharashtra Circle were held at Yeoor on Related Pay in postal department was held with the
25/26 March and 24-25-26 March 2007. On the Study Group assigning for the job by the 6th CPC.
occasion Joint open session was held on 25th March Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary General, National
2007 which was inaugurated by Com. C.C. Pillai, Federation of Postal Employees led the delegation.
Secretary General. The open session was addressed Com. K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P-III; Com.
by Com. K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P-III; Des Raj Sharma, General Secretary, P-IV; Com. Giri
Com. Giri Raj Singh, General Secretary, R-III; Com. Raj Singh, General Secretary, R-III and Com.
Des Raj Sharma, General Secretary, P-IV; Com. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, Postal Accounts
Mangesh Parab, Circle Secretary, P-III; Com. C.B. participated the discussions held at the Directorate
on 13-04-2007. As the PRP is the second
From the Glimpses of History component of pay apart from traditional pay,
increments etc., we suggested to distribute the
THE ORIGIN OF MAY DAY same to all cadres equally as if the PLB is being
The inspired thought of introducing a Proletarian paid. The Study Group requested us to send detailed
holiday as a means of obtaining the eight hour note and modality to implement the scheme. We
working day first originated in Australia. As early will submit the note soon.
as the year 1856, the workers there resolved to call
for one day of complete work stoppage; the day to MAY DAY- SONG
be spent in meetings and entertainment as a
An historian has recorded that workers of
demonstration of eight hour day. The 21st of April
was designated as this holiday. In the beginning, the 1880s "smoked 'Eight Hour Tabacco',
the Australian workers though of instituting such a Purchased 'Eight hour shoes', and song the
holiday but once, in the year 1856. But even this 'Eight Hour Song':
first celebration made such a great impression on "We mean to make things over;
the Proletarian messes of Australia that it was We tried to tool for naught.
decided to repeat the holiday annually. But bare enough to live on;
The first to follow the example of the Australian Never an hour for though.
workers were the Americans. They designated the We want to feel the sunshine;
first of May as the day of general work stoppage in We want to small the flowers;
the year 1886. On this day, 2,00,000 of them left
We're sure that God has willed it;
work and demanded eight-hour day. Later, the
And we mean to have eight hours.
presentations of the Government prevented the
We' are summoning our forces from
workers for a number of years to repeat this
demonstration. However, in the year 1888 they Ship yard, shop and mill
renewed their decision and designated the First of Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest,
May of 1890 as the next holiday. Eight hours for what we will."


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D.G.(P) letter No.8-1/2007-SR, dated the April which also takes them beyond the scope of 6th Central
20,2007 addressed to Pay Commission. However, the Staff Side insisted on
1. another attempt to be made for consideration of GDSs
The Secretary General, issues by the 6th CPC, set up for Central Government
National Federation of Postal Employees, Employees. The request of the Staff Side that the
1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, matter may be referred to 6th Central Pay Commission
New Delhi -110001. by the Department has been considered. The
2. Department will make the request to the Government
The Secretary General, that 6th Central Pay Commission may look into GDS
Federation of National Postal Organisations, also.
T-24, Atul Grove Road, Item No.2-
New Delhi -110001. Exempt Department of Posts from the purview
Gist of discussions of the meeting taken by of reduction of staff strength and fill up all vacant
the Secretary (P) on 19.4.2007 with the Staff posts in all cadres in Postal/RMS/MMS/Circle/
side to discuss on the charter of demands. Regional Offices/Postal Accounts and GDS
I am directed to enclose a copy of the gist of including residual vacancies.
discussions of the meeting taken by the Secretary All efforts will be made by the Department to seek
(P) on 19.4.2007 on charter of demands for information exemption of Department of Posts from the purview of
and necessary action. the Screening Committee. Action will be taken to fill
GIST OF DISCUSSIONS OF THE MEETING up the residual vacancies in various cadres. Heads of
TAKEN BY SECRETARY(POSTS) Circles will be advised to fill up residual vacancies in a
19.04.2007 WITH N.F.P.E./F.N.P.O. TO DISCUSS time bound manner. . This will be monitored in the
THE CHARTER OF DEMANDS. Directorate. In addition, it is also proposed to review
A meeting with Secretary (Posts) and the Staff the LGO examinations syllabus etc., to bring it in line
side was held on 19.04.2007 to discuss the Charter with requirements of the job and thereby improve the
of Demands submitted by the N.F. P.E. and F.N.P.O. success rate. An additional LGO examination will also
on 09.04.2007. At the very outset, Secretary (Posts) be conducted with the revised syllabus.
impressed upon the Staff side to present a united Item No.3
front in view of the stiff competition that the Department Drop Franchising of Posta1 Scheme, stop
is facing from the couriers and the challenges from closure of Post Offices' RMS Offices, Transit
other vested interests as well. Secretary (Posts) Sections' Relocation & merger of offices and
stressed that any disruption in the services at this Divisions, stop combination of beats of Postmen'
stage would distract from our efforts to strengthen stop curtailment of Postal deliveries, Outsourcing
and expand the postal business in the country. of PAO functions etc.
Secretary (Posts) thereafter, discussed the Charter With regard to the Franchising of Postal Outlets,
of Demands with the Staff side. The gist of it was explained that as already discussed with the
discussions is as under: Staff Side, the Scheme is being introduced as a pilot
With most of the issues mentioned in the Charter project in those areas where the Department has not
of Demands, having been resolved, the Secretary been able to reach and extend postal facilities. The
(Posts) expressed the hope that the Staff side would Scheme also provide for a review after six months of
continue to extend their cooperation in furthering the its introduction the results of which will be shared with
growth of postal services in the country. the Unions.
CHARTER OF DEMANDS With regard to closure of RMS offices, Staff Side
Item No.1- was informed that the Mail Offices will be rationalized
Appointment of Judicial Committee I Commission in accordance with the agreement reached with the
for GDS and grant status and Pension to GDS Federation. The isolated case of Bihar Circle pointed
Employees. out by Staff Side will be reviewed. Secretary stated
Staff side was apprised that in view of special status that intention is to compete with the couriers and not
of GDS, they were out of the purview of JCM scheme curtail delivery.
Item No.4- Medical/ RPLI Commission etc.
Ensure monopoly of collection, conveyance Instructions have already been given to all the
and delivery of letter mail by the--Department of Heads of Circles to clear the pending liabilities with
Posts as recommended by the Parliamentary the funds already allocated to them and intimate to
Standing Committee. Head Quarters the status of pending liabilities for
It was explained that adequate care is being taken release of additional funds where required. It was further
to safeguard the monopoly of the Department while decided to write to all Heads of Circles that wherever
proposing amendment to IPO Act. justified as per rules/guidelines, OTA will be paid to
Item No.5 Post Office staff.
Regularize Casual Labourers /Full Time/Part Item No.8
Time Contingency paid. Grant of compassionate appointments to
Staff Side stated that the part time casual labourers eligible candidates and absorb all approved
may be considered against the GDS vacancies. This candidates.
will be examined. All eligible candidates for- compassionate
Item No.6 appointment will be considered in accordance with the
Filling up of all norm based LSG / HSG-II / rules on the subject. Regarding certain cases pending
HSG - I posts & Restore periodicity of Junior in a few Circles, the matter will be examined separately.
Accountant promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 Item NO.9
years. Complete take over of POSB and PLI by the
Information has been collected from all Circles on Postal Department and accord full Autonomy to
the number of LSG/HSG-IIIHSG-I posts lying vacant. the Postal Board as in the case of Railway Board.
Action has already been taken to promote HSG-II It was stated that the matter relating to Investment
officials in HSG-I as per the relaxation granted by of P.O. Insurance Fund is under consideration of
DOP&T. All Heads of Circles will be addressed to take Government As regards POSS, the suggestions of
time bound action to ensure that LSG/HSG-II posts Staff Side will be looked into.
are filled up without any delay. Action taken to fill up Item No. 10
the post will be monitored by the Directorate. Issues Recognition of Federations and setting up of
on bench mark for LSG etc., will be examined. The councils at all level.
issue regarding periodicity of promotion as Sr. Subject to certain changes I inclusions in the
Accountant will be got examined. Constitution of NFPE, the proposal has been agreed by
Item No.7 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension.
Encashment of all pending bills OTA / TA / The Federation is being addressed in this regard.


State Bank of India (SBI) has decided to change its recruitment strategy. From building a cadre of
officials by conducting a common entrance examinations, the bank is now recruiting marketing executives
on a contract basis. The bank has recently advertised for recruitment of 1,300 customer relationship executives
on a contract basis for an initial period of two years. Interestingly, the bank is offering up to 30% of their
salary is variably pay which would be linked to performance. The bank has also reserved the right to hold
The bank has said the CRE would be utilised for marketing their personal banking and small and
medium enterprise segments. The recruits will be placed in metro and urban offices of the bank. SBI's
approach appears to be a hybrid of strategy of private banks and state-owned banks. Private banks have
been completely outsourcing marketing of loan products to direct selling agents on a commission basis.
Public sector bank on the other hand have been relying on their employees, offering incentives to branches
rather than individuals for performance.
Although RBI has come out with guidelines on outsourcing that enable to farm out some of the jobs to
outsiders, for PSU banks this was not an option due to pressure from unions. Bankers in private banks say
that the bank is likely to recruit from small centres. In larger cities, even new private banks with higher
compensation packages are finding it difficult to recruit people.
(Economic Times 7-3-07)


MAY 2007 BHARTIYA POST RNI No. 25592/73
Regd. No. DL (C)-12/1075/06-08


Dear Comrades, circle heads were addressed to restore/revive second
Consequent upon the talks held between the delivery wherever necessary to compete couriers.
Secretary, Department of Posts with the Staff Side on 19- 4. Care will be taken to safeguard the monopoly of
04-2007 on the charter of demands and other issues and the department while proposing amendment to IPO Act.
reached settlement on many issues, the JCA met in Dak 5. Part time casual labourers may be considered for
Bhawan on 20-04-2007 at 08:30 P.M. had unanimously GDS posts.
decided to defer the indefinite strike programme. 6. Filling up of LSG / HSG.II/HSG.I posts
The gist of decisions communicated by the (i) All LSG / HSG.II/HSG.I posts will be filled up in
Department vide its letter No. 8-1/2007-SR dated 20- time bound action.
04-2007 is enclosed herewith. (ii) Issue on bench mark for LSG etc. will be examined.
The gist of the talks and assurances is (iii) Clarification in filling up of APM Accounts posts
furnished below:- will be issued.
1. The Government will be approached once again (iv) All APMG staff will be summoned to Directorate
to refer GDS issues to Sixth Pay Commission for on 04-05-2007 and clarified the rulings on LSG/
consideration. The Officer's Committee already HSG.II/HSG.I.
appointed has been dismantled. (v) Another meeting will be held on 21-05-2007 to
2. The Cabinet note will be submitted to seek discuss about the pendency if any in filling up of
exemption of Department from the purview of Screening LSG / HSG.II /HSG.I posts.
Committee. In the meantime to manage the shortage (vi) Clarification on Rule 38 transferees, preparation
of staff the following is agreed and will be implemented. of Gradation list, seniority etc. will be discussed
(i) Pending Residual Vacancies in PA cadre from with us next week and finalised.
2000-01 to 2005-2006 will be filled up. (There is (vii) The periodicity of promotion to Sr. Accountant will
approximately more than 11000 posts. All Circle be examined.
Secretaries to check and act). 7. (i) All pending bills will be cleared. Circle Heads
(ii) The LGO Exam question paper will be modified are instructed to intimate the funds requirements.
according to requirement of job; (ii) OTA will be paid to post office staff wherever is
(iii) An additional LGO exam will be conducted. justified.
(iv) Unfilled up vacancies will be thrown open to GDS 8. (i) All compassionate appointments will be
possessing plus two qualifications with age limit. considered.
Details will be discussed. (ii) The issues relating to some circles like
In short all pending LGO vacancies will be filled Tamilnadu (one time absorption) will be finalised
up within three months. within three months. Serious efforts will be taken
(v) The Postmen & Group 'D' will be given additional to absorb all the approved candidates.
chances to write the LGO exam. 9. (i) Insurance Fund is under consideration.
(vi) OTA will be granted to Postal Operate staff to (ii) POSB - the suggestions will be looked into.
manage the excess work due to absentism and 10. DoP&T agreed to grant recognition to Federation subject
shortage. to conditions. The Federation is being addressed.
(vii) Retired pensioners can be employed to meet the Apart from these, many more issues like
shortage of staff; tightening of norms like Stamp Vendors, etc. were
(viii) An Internal Committee is constituted to fix honorarium discussed. There is a positive response from the
/ incentive for the additional works like IMT, Passport department. The success is due to the unity exhibited
processing, IT Returns etc. It is assured that in the Postal JCA.
incentive will be fixed to all marketing activities. Therefore, the JCA has decided to defer the Postal
(ix) All vacant GDS posts will be filled up. Strike commencing from 24-04-2007. All Circle /
3. (i) Regarding Franchise Postal Outlets, this will Divisional / Branch Secretaries are requested to
be reviewed and decided further in May 2007. translate the same in their regional language and
(ii) There will be no closure / merger of postal divisions. circulate to all members.
(iii) There will be no curtailment of delivery. Even the With greetings,
Printed and Published by R.N. Chaudhary, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 1 Patel Road, New Delhi-8
at Deep Printers, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043

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