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Higher National Diploma in Business

Personal and Professional
Term Assessment

Issue date: 29/09/14

Final Submission Date: 01/12/14
Submit your written assignment online through NIVE Learning Management System by 11.55pm on the due date

Assessment Title: Evaluation of Personal Development and Self Managed Learning
Author: Padma Yallapragada
Internal Verifier: Seema Pillai
Lead Verifier: Tim Gallon

Assessor: Padma Yallapragada

Approval Date: 28/09/14


Approval Date: 29/09/14


The purpose of this assignment is to provide evidence of your ability to assess and develop a range of approaches of
learning styles and also create a SMART personal development objectives by maintaing a dairy. You will also provide
evidence of your ability to assess and develop a range of professional and personal skills in order to promote future
personal and career development

Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria

LO 1
LO 1
LO 1
LO 2
LO 2
LO 2
LO 2
LO 3
LO 3
LO 3
LO 3
LO 3
LO 3
LO 4
LO 1
LO 3
LO 4
LO 3
LO 4
LO 2

P1.1 evaluate approaches to self-managed learning

P1.2 propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be
P1.3 evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organisation
P2.1 evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and
organisational objectives
P2.2 identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them
P2.3 identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs
P2.4 devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs
P3.1 discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan
P3.2 undertake and document development activities as planned
P3.3 reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the
development plan
P3.4 update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation
P4.1 select solutions to work-based problems
P4.2 communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels
P4.3 evaluate and use effective time management strategies.
M1 identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
M2 select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
M3 present and communicate appropriate findings
D1 use critical reflection to evaluateown work and justify valid conclusions
D2 take responsibility for managingand organising activities
D3 demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking

Task 1
Task 1
Task 1
Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
Task 4
Task 4
Task 4
Task 1
Task 2
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 2

Plagiarism / Student Declaration

All learners at NIVE shall demonstrate academic honesty by avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism is deliberately presenting
another persons work as ones own without acknowledging the original source. A Referral grade will be awarded for
plagiarised work and learners who continually plagiarise will be subject to disciplinary action.
In submitting this assignment you confirm that you have read and understood the meaning of plagiarism and the
assignment submitted is your own work.
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Self-managed learning is a lifelong process by which individuals take the initiative, with our without the assistance of
others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for
learning, choosing and implement appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes. (M. Knowles,
Principles of Andragogy, 1972).

Task 1 (P1.1, 1.2, 1.3, M1)

1.1 Evaluate the different approaches to self-managed learning at your work place. P1.1
Guidelines: Self-managed learning is about achieving personal and professional goals by, for instance, attending
seminars, conferences or using social networks and Internet.
1.2 Suggest ways in which lifelong learning as part of your personal and professional development could be encouraged
at your workplace. P1.2
Guidelines: Lifelong learning as self-directed learning includes self-reflected learning and continuous professional
development. To achieve M1 make an effective approach to study and research different methods for improving your
learning skills.


1.3 Evaluate how the approaches as described in Task 1.1 help you to develop your personal and professional life and
how it would benefit the organisation you work for. P1.3
Guidelines: You may use a table to show the benefits for yourself and the company, pointing out the pros and cons and
your opinion with regards to the results of this evaluation.

Organisations try to make sure their objectives are met. These objectives need to be SMART (specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic and time bound) reflecting the qualities and expectations they need from staff for achieving such
objectives. They need staff that have transferrable skills such as leadership skills, time management, team player, writing
and communication skills, which are all linked to the objectives of the organisation.

Task 2 (P2.1, 2.2, 2.3 P2.4, M2, M3, D3)

Look at the personal and professional development needs and goals relevant for your own work and organisation and
write a realistic personal and professional development plan:
2.1 Perform a skills audit and then write a brief to identify, review and assess your own current skills against professional
standards and organisational objectives P2.1
Guidelines: Consider professional standards and organisational objectives which apply to your own organisation.
2.2 Identify your own personal development needs and the activities required to meet them to be able to design a
personal strategy. P2.2
Guidelines: To achieve M2, apply appropriate methods/ techniques while designing the personal strategy.
2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future needs for the organisation you are working for. P2.3
2.4 Prepare a personal and professional development plan based on needs identified in Task 2.3 by including the
following: P2.4

short and long term SMART development objectives

criteria for judging success

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achievement date

review date

Guidelines: Identify the professional and development areas which will help you as an employee. You may use a Personal
Development Plan template for this task. The plan will start with identifying your skills and areas where you lack
competence, then to find ways of improving them. To achieve M3, produce a well-structured, professional, individual
electronic portfolio that includes your personal development plan. To achieve D3 demonstrate convergent, lateral and
creative thinking or organising, summarising and sharing artifacts, information and personal development plan in the
electronic portfolio that you have created.

Task 3 (P3.1, 3.2 3.3, 3.4, D1)

3.1 Now that you have developed the plan, discuss the processes and activities you need to do, and record the processes
and activities you would carry out to implement this. P3.1
Guidelines: You need to provide evidence of implementing the plan developed by you like researching the internet for
appropriate network sites which will help in your professional development.
3.2 Implement the plan and provide evidence of development activities. P3.2
Guidelines: You may register on professional sites, become member of association etc. which documents your effort of
implementing the plan.
3.3 Reflect critically on your own learning against the aims and objectives your set in the development plan. P3.3
Guidelines: Review your development plan with the purpose to improve it and complete the Personal Development Plan
Review template included in Appendix A. You might speak to your colleagues and/or other professionals to find out what
more can be done to improve your professional development, i.e. enrolling for seminars etc. To achieve D1, evaluate
your own progress adequately at different stages and reset the goals effectively to achieve success. D1
3.4 Make adjustments to your original plan to reflect the improvements identified by you in 3.3 and document it as
evidence. P3.4
Guidelines: Show how you have improved your first personal development plan by including the action plan.

Online banking Team UAE is a Dubai based telephone banking company. The company has been performing badly for
a long period of time. Its profit margin continues to fall and it has a large turnover of staff. You have been hired for your
business expertise. Your task is to identify current problems at the company and propose solutions that will motivate
staff to stay at the company and perform their tasks effectively. The following problems have been identified:

Most staff are on low salaries. Staff are often required to work overtime, but are not paid for this extra work.
There are rumors amongst staff that some employees are on a higher salary than the rest of their team, even
though they perform the same tasks as their colleagues and have been at the company for the same length of

The company offers very little in the way of training

Promotions are rare, with the company generally choosing to hire better-qualified candidates from outside the
company for higher-level positions

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The management rarely communicates with the employees. Some employees do not know the names of their
colleagues. Staff meetings are held once a year and

employees have reported feeling ignored and

undervalued during these meetings

Staff find it difficult to meet project deadlines and there is always a delay in handover of deliverables. It was
observed that they leave the work too late and there is a final panic towards the end and the last few hectic
hours often marred by errors.

Task 4 (P4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

4.1 Discuss changes you would make at Online banking Team UAE in order to resolve the work based problems P4.1
4.2 Perform the following tasks to demonstrate different styles of communication that you will use at various levels to
resolve the issues stated in the scenario by adopting effective time management strategies. P4.2, P4.3.1

Participate in a group discussion with your colleagues to discuss ideas to resolve issues

Give a PowerPoint presentation proposing solutions for the stated issues to your Manager

Conduct a meeting with your staff to negotiate/ persuade the staff to perform specific task to resolve an issue

Give two examples of work-based problem and solutions to show how you use transferrable skills and communication
skills for working with others and what time management strategies have been used to solve the problems.
4.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of time management strategies adopted in Task 4.2. P4.3.2

Assignment (D2)
To achieve D2 take responsibility for managing and organising your assignment, each task in the assignment should be
planned and completed by the due date.

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Appendix A
Personal Development Plan Review


Review Date:

Critical reflection of your learning


Aims and Objectives:

Level of Achievement:
Partially Achieved
Not Achieved
Aims and Objectives:

Level of Achievement:
Partially Achieved
Not Achieved

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