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036 Paraphrase Pool #3

1. Ed and Louise used to be much heavier.

They _________________eating as much as they used to.
2. I can communicate in English now.
But, I __________________ communicate as well last semester.
3. The zoo animals come from all over the world.
_________________ animals from all over the world in the zoo.
4. We were given gifts.
They __________________ gifts.
5. The students told stories at the party about their winter break.
At the party, stories __________________ about winter break.
6. Dinnertime is always at 7:00 at our house.
We ______________________ at 7:00 at our house.
7. My family didn't take vacations when I was a child.
When I was a child, my family didn't _________________ take vacations.
8. His paper has been completed for a long time.
He _______________________ his paper a long time ago.
9. Almost nobody was in class after the Big Four basketball game.
______________________ very few students in class after the Big Four basketball game.
10. The truck's color is blue.
________________ color is blue.
11. Our generous and hard-working father is devoted to his family.
Our father, ____________________________, is devoted to his family.
12. You can find all kinds of batteries at a store called Battery Patrol.
Battery Patrol is a store _________________________ all kinds of batteries.
13. My grandparents refuse to use cell phones.
My grandparents ______________ never ________________ cell phones.
14. A dozen cars are silver, all the rest are red.
A dozen cars are silver, _______________________ are red.
15. Thomas Robinson is thinking about playing basketball in the NBA next year.
He ________________________ about it for a long time.


036 Paraphrase Pool #3


16. Those markers belong to us.

Those are _______________.
17. My family lives in Houston, but they are moving to Denver in two months.
My family ____________ currently ____________ in Houston.
18. Bullying hurts children.
Children ____________ by bullying.
19. Leo wasn't born in the United States, his parents have always lived in Asia, and he has never lived in
the U.S.
Therefore, Leo ________________ be a U.S. citizen.
20. I brought my parents flowers.
My sister ________________ my parents anything.
21. The easy decision has already been made.
The harder decisions _______________________ yet.
22. I think that all potato chips have the same taste.
I think all potato chips ______________ alike.
23. The professors will attend the language conference this summer.
The professors ______________ going to the conference this summer.
24. Michelle gave a speech on February 23rd and March 12th.
Michelle ____________________ two speeches.
25. This is the perfect apartment for people with a limited budget.
This is the perfect apartment for people ___________________ is limited.
26. My brother, who lives in North Kansas City, loaned me his car.
My brother, ________________ I borrowed, lives in North Kansas City.
27. Her computer quit working during the final exam.
She _______________the final exam when her computer quit working.
28. Diane and Kathy began their friendship when they were children.
Diane and Kathy __________________ friends since they were children.
29. Of the fifteen computers in the computer lab, none was a Sony.
The computer lab had fifteen computers, ________________________ a Sony.
30. The students have a lot of math assignments every night.
The students have math _______________ every night.

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