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Exercise A.

Recognizing Action Verbs. Write the action verb in each sentence. Then Label each as visible or
Example. Sarah attended the concert
Answer: Sarah (Visible)
1. The posse drove the bank robbers out of town.
2. I learned that song in kindergarten
3. Some people worry about everything.
4. A nurse held the baby up to the nursery window.
5. Mom jogs two miles every morning.
6. The secretary filed the letter in the wrong drawer.
7. Paul often sleeps for twelve hours straight.
8. Our dog chased the squirrel up the tree.
9. We appreciated Elena's kindness
10. The Mayor wondered about the voter's reaction.
Exercise B. Distinguishing between transitive and intransitive Verbs. Write the action verb in each
sentence. Then label each as transitive or intransitive.
Example: The puppy growled at me
Answer: Growled (Intransitive)
1. Who callled?
2. Someone ate my sandwich.
3. Mark reads the dictionary for pleasure.
4. Icicles hung from the roof.
5. Kelly often reads until bedtime.
6. We saw grandmother last night.
7. Sheila searched frantically for her umbrella.
8. The campers feared the bears.
9. A guide directed us back to our hotel.
10. The fans shouted their approval.
11. Eric shouted to his friend.
12. We crawled carefully under the fence.
13. The raindrops danced on the pavement.
14. A stray dog followed us home from the park.
15. The campers pitched their tent near the brook.
16. Helen pitched for nine straight inings.
17. Portia walks her dog before school every morning.
18. The speaker walked to the front of the platform.
19. We waited for three hours at the station.
20. The king offered a reward for the missing jewels.

Linking verbs.
Exercise C. Recognizing forms of be used as linking verbs. Write each sentence, Underlining the
linking verb. Then draw a double-headed arrow to show which words are linked by the verb.
Example. Ms. Hughes was happy about the promotion.
Answer: Was-Linking verb ; Ms. Hughes and Happy- words linked by the verb
1. Helena is our new president.
2. Both candidates were certain of victory.
3. The patient was a man with great courage.
4. I am nervous about the interview.
5. The play was a huge success.
6. The homans are our new neighbors.
7. The governor is always considerate of her staff.
8. I am always the last person in line.
9. The press was critical of the mayor's plan.
10. The score was lopsided almost from the kick-off.
Exercise D. Distingushing Between Linking Verbs and Action Verbs. Write the verb in each sentence.
Then label each as linking or action.
Example: The baby gently felt the kitten's fur.
Answer: Felt (Action)
1. The kiss turned the handsome prince into an ugly frog.
2. The vegetables tasted salty.
3. Archie tasted the snails after a little hesitation.
4. Fredd smelled the flowers.
5. The star always grows nervous before a performance.
6. The bridge looked sturdy enough.
7. The crownd became restless.
8. The grass turned brown during the drought.
9. The milk smells sour.
10. Dad stayed at home with the children.
11. The guard sounded the alarm.
12. The groundhog appeared on schedule.
13. The detective looked closely at the fingerprints.
14. The two remained friends through the years.
15. The candidate appeared confident during the campaign.
16. Two tourists remained in the museum.
17. We all felt cooler after a dip in the ocean.
18. Our neighbor grows magnificent roses.
19. The troops stayed loyal to the general during the battle.
20. Sharon sounds happy about her job.

Helping Verbs.
Exercise E. Supplying Helping Verbs, Write each sentence, adding one helping verb for each blank.
Example: Al___ ____ waiting for me
Answer: Al will be waiting for me.
1. Judd _______ written a poem about growing up.
2. _____ you finished your homework?
3. I still _____ not found my record album.
4. The governor _____ _____ speaking.
5. The party _____ _____ ended by now.
6. _____ Ellie ever visited San Francisco?
7. Gary _____ not _____ told you that.
8. The game _____ not _____ delayed.
9. When _____ the furniture _____ delivered?
10. Janet _____ not _____ _____ chosen.
Exercise F. Locating Helping Verbs. Write the verb phrase in each sentence. Include all helping verbs
but do not include any words that interrupt the verb phrase.
Eample: Most of the earth has been explored thoroughly.
Answer: has been explored
(1) Explorers have been faced with many obstacles. (2) They may spend days looking for a shallow
place in a river to cross safely. (3) Canyons and ravines can often not be crossed at all. (4) Instead,
people must travel long distances around them. (5) Mountain ranges have always presented a challenge.
(6.) Explorers must search for a pass through them. (7) Some explorers searching for mountain passes
have been killed by storms, sever cold or landslides. (8) Desert heat can also be dangerous. (9) Even
insects can be a hazard. (10) Would you explore the few areas that remain.

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