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Becky Boyfield

Foundation ProductionEvaluation
Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?
We identified our target audience and aimed our thriller to people aged 15 and over. We felt that
this was the best manageable audience to distribute to and the best to advertise our opening to.
We decided to aim the thriller opening at males and females as we felt that both genders would
benefit from watching out thriller. We also felt that both genders would benefit from certain features
in our thriller, for example the male audience would like to see a female heroine, which we included
in our thriller. We also wanted to aim our thriller at all races and nationalities across the world. This
would advertise our thriller opening worldwide and would draw in a lot of attention towards it from
different cultures. The social economic class of our audience would be in the region of C1 (Nurse
Professions), C2 (Electrician Professions) and E (Students).

This is a typical audience that we would target

our thriller at. Because they are a young
audience it means that they will probably
understand the narrative we were aiming to
portray and relate to some of the characters in
our thriller. As the two young people in the film
look young we would estimate that they are 17 years or may be older. As our thriller is a 15 it
would be fitting for that couple to watch it because they are within our target audience preference.
As the two people are both male and female, both genders would be able to get separate views as
to how our thriller would be in terms of how successful it is. We wanted to aim our thriller at both
males and females so we could get that different perspective from both sides. Also we might have
lost an encouraged audience if we chose to just focus on one gender. The race and nationality look
to be what we are aiming our thriller towards, however we are open to a number of nationalities
and races watching our thriller. We want to advertise our thriller to a specific audience however

Becky Boyfield
anyone can still watch it and question its success. The social economic class for our thriller is C1
(Nurse Professions), C2 (Electrician Professions) and E (Students). The couple both look to be
students so they are a well suited audience for our thriller. These students could be classed as
explorers. Explorers are a certain group of people who seeks discovery and are typically classed
as unemployed. They typically have lots of energy and have individualism. Explorers value
difference and adventure and are typically aimed at younger demographic people i.e. students.
Explorers are the type of individuals who want to experiment with life for example, taking part in
dangerous sports, visiting different parts of the world, breaking the rules etc. Also, this could
suggest that explorers could be the first to try new brands and they are seen as being more risk
taking compared to adults. A students typical interests would be shopping to places such as
Primark and Topman, going to the cinema as the couple are in the picture, reading magazines
such as Heat and socialising with other people. They would also consume other medias such as
TV shows such as EastEnders, watch films such as Harry Potter and listen to music such as
Taylor Swift. Students are the excitable and intriguing target audience that would be best for our
thriller. This is also because as they are young they are open minded to the films they would want
to see. They may also see horror films such as Taken and romantic comedies such as Just Go
with It. The horror genre is the closest genre the thriller genre relates to, therefore if students enjoy
horrors they will most likely enjoy thrillers too.

We researched our audience by looking at our own preferences and then questioned other
members of the public using a vox pop to address our target audience. We looked at
demographics and psychographics to determine who would be the best audience to aim our thriller
at and then structured our thriller around that knowledge. As we are students ourselves we could
understand the needs of our chosen target audience and we had knowledge of our likes and
dislikes so that we could implement the positives into our thriller. We found that our target
audiences expectations were to enjoy action and tension in thriller movies. It became apparent
that we had to include some kind of fight scene or killing in our thriller in order to fulfil the audience
desires. Its also important that we had a good soundtrack and/or sound effects to accompany our

Becky Boyfield
video as this would have added extra tension that the audience wanted to experience watching the

The BBFC (The British Board of Film Classification) would also have had a significant input
towards our audience preference for our thriller. The BBFC protects children from unsuitable and
even harmful content in films to give consumers information they might need about a particular film
before deciding whether or not to view it, the BBFC examines and age rates films and videos
before they are released. This independent scrutiny prior to release ensures the highest possible
level of protection and empowerment. Our BBFC age rating would be 12 and 12A as we used
moderate violence in our thriller when Becky was being killed. We did not use and strong language
and we did not use any sexual behaviour either. This doesnt impact our audience as much
because it means that a wider variety of people would be able to watch our thriller. As we targeted
out thriller at 15 and over it means that some younger views would also be able to see it. This
would strengthen and widen our audience, meaning that we would get more responses and
feedback of our thriller.

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