IMS-CP-915 - Waste Reduction Plan

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Doc. No.:

Department: All Departments

Title: Waste Management Plan

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Date: 01/06/2014
Issue: 1
Rev. 0

UAE Branch of Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH Germany







First Issue
(in compliance to TADWEER
CWM AUH guidelines)


Revd &

Table of Contents
1. Objective
2. Regulations and Legal references
3. Definitions I Abbreviations.
4. Responsibilities
5. Waste Management Strategy
5.1 Waste Management Hierarchy
5.2 Classification of Waste
5.3 Storage of waste
5.4 Collection of Waste
5.5 Waste Disposal / Recycling by Registered Service Provider
6. Waste Minimization / Reduction Plan
6.1 3Rs program
7. Trainings
8. Waste Diversion Calculation
9. Waste Management in Camps
Appendix A: Waste Process Flow Chart
Appendix B: Waste Reduction Action Plan
Appendix C: Waste Disposal Reports


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This plan covers a detailed procedure for waste collection, storage and disposal /
recycling from our sites, offices as well as workshop. The WMP aims to establish the
procedures in managing general & construction waste and identify the waste strategies
to maximize waste reduction, reuse and recycling. This WMP is instrumental in
achieving the waste diversion target by means of proper planning, waste minimization
and prevention strategies for specific materials which can be achieved by proper
segregation, storage, reuse, transportation, recycle and disposal as the last option.
All Bauer staff will follow this plan according to the CWM waste reduction policy
NADAFA/NWRP/1-Rev01 dated 29/07/12, AD EHSMS CoP 54.0 Waste Management
and as per Local Authorities Regulations.

United Arab Emirates.


The Center of Waste Management - AD


Environmental Service Provider


Waste Management Plan


Material Safety Data Sheet


Emirate of Abu Dhabi - EHSMS- CoP 54.0 Waste Management V.2
Federal Law No. 21(2005) Waste Management Law
Federal Law No. 24(1999) On Protection and Development of the Environment
As Bauer Company, our top management is committed to proper waste management
and supports overall waste minimization techniques i.e. 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle).It is part of company QHSE policy statement, authorized by Managing Director
which is a clear evidence of their dedication and commitment.
As individuals and company employees, it is our social responsibility to play our part in
implementation of proper waste segregation, storage and disposal of the waste at all
times. The implementation of this WMP will be monitored by HSE manager / MR and it
will be reviewed and revised (if required) regularly.

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5.1 Waste Management Hierarchy
The hierarchy of waste management strategy is shown below which will continually
be adopted throughout the company. The options considered preferable will have the
least environmental impacts and are more sustainable in the long term. The general
objective will be to reduce the amount of waste generated by starting at topmost
strategy which is elimination thereby reducing the waste handling and disposal cost

Elimination of waste completely.

Highest Priority
Lowest Priority


at The avoidance, reduction or elimination of waste,

generally within the confines of the work area, through
changes in processes or procedures.


The use, reuse and recycling of waste for original or

some other purpose such as input material or material


The destruction, detoxification, neutralization, etc., of

wastes into less harmful substances.


The release of waste to air, water, or land in properly

controlled or safe ways so as to render them harmless;
land disposal may involve volume reduction,
encapsulation, containment and monitoring techniques,
depending on the type of material.

5.2 Classification of Wastes

5.2.1 Hazardous Waste
These are materials, which constitute a high degree of hazard to the public
health and the environment. Hazardous waste includes materials, which are
ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, radioactive or infectious. These specially
a) Ignitable waste (Oils)
b) Corrosive liquids
c) Reactive wastes (Chemicals)
d) Radioactive wastes
e) Municipal sludge

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5.2.2 Decomposable Wastes

These are non-hazardous solids and sludge, which are biological or chemically
reactive in the natural environment. Example including papers, wood, household
garbage, some metal, animal waste and digested sewage sludge.
5.2.3 Inert Wastes
These are wastes which are not biologically and chemically reacting in the
natural environment examples include broken glass, concrete and such
materials, broken clay and chinaware, most plastics and manufactured rubber
products and general construction debris.
5.3 Waste Segregation
As part of Bauer waste management plan, waste shall preferably be segregated at
the source. All general waste, food waste, paper & plastic shall be disposed in the
designated bins. All possible means and measures shall be ensured to implement
this strategy. Some segregation may be required at some times which shall be
performed accordingly. Construction waste is segregated in mobile skips as they
are generated from the construction site and taken directly to the Bauer designated
Waste Storage Area. Segregated waste will then be removed off-site for recycling
or disposal by approved ESPs.
5.4 Storage of Waste
All waste shall be segregated. The storage areas shall be easily accessible for
collection vehicles. The waste material shall be removed to the disposal site as
soon as possible after the waste generated.
All solid waste materials will generally be kept in skips / containers. Each
container will be labeled and/or code to sate the particular type of waste that is
permitted to be disposed therein. The use of light weight plastic bags or paper
bags shall not be allowed.
The location for the containers of waste materials shall be selected at proper
locations to prevent a general nuisance, the accumulation of refuse and the
creation of health and fire hazards. Containers for hazardous materials shall
contain tight fitting lids.
Locations will be marked for the storage of construction debris. These materials
shall not be allowed to accumulate to such level they pose a safety hazard. They
shall be removed from site at the earliest opportunity.


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There will be adequate provision to prevent the control of windblown material and
to prevent the spread of pests and foul odors.
5.5 Collection of Waste
All waste generated and stored at sites, workshops and offices shall be collected,
transported and disposed off on regular basis. An approved ESP will be contracted
to conduct collection, transportation and disposal of these trash as per local
requirements. It is necessary that a separate approval from local authorities to be
sought when hazardous waste is to be disposed.
For all locations, where contracted ESP will not be providing any services, the
wastes will be collected in plastic bags and transported to Main workshop for further
storage and disposal by contracted ESP.
5.6 Disposal of Wastes
Disposal is the final stage in Waste Management and all the wastes whether they
are from sites, workshops, offices or from any other sources are collected and
transported to a disposal site. It may be a landfill site or an incinerator or recycling.
A log register shall be maintained in order to record the disposal of different types of
WATER WASTE: The water waste consists of the domestic sewage and other
water collected in septic tanks. These tanks will be made from either glass
reinforced plastic or reinforced concrete. It shall be sent to sewage treatment
plants or drainage lines via septic collection tanker which shall suck off the waste
water on requirement basis.
SOLID WASTES: Theses solid wastes consist mainly of paper, household
garbage, food, plastic and packing materials. These materials will be contained in
steel skips which will be covered and labeled. The skips will be loaded on a
vehicle, transported and discharged into a designated to approved landfill site or
recycler facility.
HAZARDOUS WASTES: These wastes consist mainly of chemicals, waste oils
and paints. These will be collected and stored in impervious containers which will
be suitably labeled. The storage area for such wastes shall be clearly marked on
site. Such material will usually be disposed off after getting Hazardous materials
disposal permit. In certain cases, the materials will be returned to the supplier for
disposal or can be sent to an incinerator / treatment facility.


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The following approach has been identified and will be implemented to minimize
waste generation:
Practicing ordering just in time reduces the storage period of materials onsite, thus reducing possibility of potential damage and waste and theft.
As the workforce numbers increase on-site, support resources and services
increase, these include drinking water requirement, food waste removal.
Resource planning with respect to the labour force can minimise the amount
of workers required on-site, hence minimizing waste and reduce cost.
Good office practice must be implemented such as saving/using softcopy
document instead of hardcopy, minimize printing/photocopying, printing on
both sides of papers instead of single-sided and reuse single-sided papers.
Printers are capable for double-sided copying and printing.
Proper protection and storage of materials can reduce damage and maintain
the quality of materials. Protection of existing installed materials is also being
undertaken to avoid damage which will result in waste and cost.
6.1 3Rs program
All efforts must be made for waste minimization techniques like 3Rs (reduce,
reuse and recycling).
Reduce: We shall be reducing the waste generation by changing the design,
manufacturing and purchase process. Waste Reduction Action Plan is
attached for the same. (Appendix B)
Reuse: is the preferred method of waste management since it prevents the
generation of waste in the first place. Reuse follows source reduction in the
waste management hierarchy. Normally discarded as waste, such as
appliances, furniture, glass jars, and bottles can be reused as originally
intended or as new products. Reusing by repairing them, donating them to
charity and community groups, or selling them also reduces waste. Reusing,
when possible, is preferable to recycling because this does not need to be
reprocessed before it can be used again.
Recycling: involves the sorting and collection methods of recyclables from the
waste stream, i.e. paper, plastic, wood, glass, steel, waste concrete etc.
6.2 Waste Segregation at source
All BAUER UAE staff will be provided extensive inductions and trainings to
perform waste segregation at source. It will be responsibility of individuals to
manually segregate their waste at the time of generation and dispose accordingly
into the designated or color coded skips / containers.

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7.1 Training in Hazardous Materials/Waste
Training regarding safe handling of hazardous materials will be provided to the
project team. All staff will be trained in Environmental Incident Procedures as part
of the Environmental Induction Training to ensure all staffs are knowledgeable on
response or action to be taken during such incidents. A more detailed and
specific training on Receipt, Storage, Handling and Disposal of Hazardous
Materials will be targeted to the following groups of personnel that have higher
frequencies and possibilities of handling and storing chemicals:
Emergency Response Team
Warehouse/Store Personnel
Receipt, Storage, Handling and Disposal of Hazardous Materials Training will
cover the following subjects:
Hazardous Materials Inventory
Waste Manifest
Material Safety Data Sheet
Proper storage requirements including chemical compatibility
Spillage and Response
Emergency Response Kit
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Labelling of Hazardous Materials
7.2 Training in Correct Housekeeping and Proper Segregation of Waste
Training to ensure all workers are well-informed in the correct segregation of
waste and good housekeeping. Training will include discussions on strategies
that will be adopted in handling and managing waste from the building in an
efficient way to prevent double handling of waste. Regular sessions using
training materials and actual site situations will be delivered to Bauer
Housekeeping and Environmental team allocated for waste segregation
7.3 Training on Environmental Incident Procedure
The Environmental Incident Training Procedure will include the following
Potential types of incidents on-site (hydraulic fluid, diesel and petrol etc.)
Emergency contact numbers
Notification of incident
Environmental incident response procedures


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The Waste Diversion will be not less than 20% or higher per annum in order to achieve
TADWEER requirements. To ensure that this target will be maintained, BAUER will
implement all relevant strategies and procedures discussed in this WMP.
Waste removed from the site will be recorded based on waste approximation method
which will reflect the volume of the material and with applicable conversion units in tons.
If the recycler/hauler has a weigh bridge, actual weight will be used for calculation.
Waste diversion maybe calculated either by volume or weight as long as it is consistent
all throughout. BAUER UAE may utilize any of these methods of calculation as long as it
is practicable based on the data available.
As per TADWEER requirements, percentage of waste diverted from landfill is the ratio
of the amount of waste recycled over total amount of waste generated including food
waste. The calculation excludes hazardous waste.
For camps, food waste shall be collected in large size of plastic bags and put into
covered containers outside the living area. A separate garbage room shall be build
to store these wastes. The waste shall be removed from that garbage room on daily
The sewage shall be connected to approved local government main sewage line /
collected in Sewage Treatment Plant. The treated water is disposed off for plantation
by local authorities after getting its biological report, suitable for environment. The
solid waste shall be stored in separate containers and shall be disposed off in
municipal landfill.
Domestic waste shall be collected from each living cabins and from trash containers
on daily basis in plastic bags. The waste shall be stored in camp garbage room to
dispose it off on daily basis.


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Appendix A
Waste Process Flow Chart


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Appendix B
Waste Reduction Action Plan


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Appendix C
Waste Disposal Reports


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