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Crystology and Master Numbers

by Liora
The coordination and compliment of crystals with the signs of the zodiac and with the
master numbers of numerology is highly useful. You can apply the use of these crystals
to enhance your Sun sign by checking to see if your Sun sign appears in the listing for a
Master Number crystal/stone. If you happen to have a master number connected to
your personal and/or daily numerology, you can use the designated crystal to amplify
the vibration of the master number.
Master Number 11:
The Master Number 11 is androgynous by nature combining both male and female
energies into one spiritual, equal and collective fraternity where the I/you mirror
reflection is eternal. This is an easy visual for the number eleven consists of two number
1s standing side by side, equal yet opposite one another and unlike the other Master
Numbers singular by numeric intent.
The vibration of Master Number 11 is found in Jade. Jade is readily used by the signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Libra. If Master Number 11 applies to your personal
numerology Jade will act very powerfully on your behalf if it is worn or carried.
Master Number 22:
The Master Number 22 promotes realization. It connects the individual with an
understanding of that which constitutes the Self in combination with that which is
Divine or God as a whole. The Master Number 22 is associated with the theory of
parallel dimensions and the arcane connotation connected to crossroads. It is also
associated with the four cardinal directions of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
The vibration of Master Number 22 is found in the following stones/crystals. The
astrological associations are listed next to each item:
Albite Aquarius
Coral Pisces
Galena Capricorn
Master Number 33:
Timing is the gift of Master number 33. Being able to facilitate the correct time for
physical accomplishment requires the employment of contemplation, patience and the
wisdom of non action when necessary. For these reasons, 33 also has a resonation with
the rune Thurisaz which provides clarity as each of us stands at a particular gateway

of life, ready to make a decision only after consideration of how our past deeds and
trials have led us to a current impasse.
The vibration of Master Number 33 is found in the stones/crystals of the following list:
Bavenite Libra
Cobaltite Leo
Black Coral Scorpio, Capricorn
Diamond Aries, Taurus, Leo
Hanksite Taurus
Ilvaite Cancer
Semanite Scorpio
Stilbite Aries
Tsumebite Gemini
Ulexite Gemini
Master Number 44:
Transformation or metamorphosis is supported by the 44 catalytic vibration. Master
Number 44 has somewhat of a Plutonian essence calling upon all of us to accept the
ebb and flow of never ending changes that ultimately determine the transmutation of
the Self. Number 44 eases the traumas and dramas surrounding such acceleration.
The vibration of Master Number 44 is found among:
Iris Agate Sagittarius
Ceruleite Taurus
Cryolite Gemini
Domeykite Scorpio
Goethite Aries
Hausmannite Virgo
Linnaeite Leo
Mottramite Gemini
Oligoclase Gemini
Orthoclase Cancer
Proustite Aquarius, Leo
Rhonite Scorpio
Siderite Aquarius
Xonotlite Leo
Master Number 55:
The Master Number 55 deals with strategy. Within this vibration is found advanced
knowledge that facilitates each life experience by providing precision of forethought
resulting in constructive manifestation.
The Master Number 55 vibration has many stone/crystal correlations:

Antigorite Taurus
Babingtonite Gemini
Blue Tourmaline - Libra
Chrysotile (Chrsyolite) Taurus
Descloizite Taurus
Eckermannite Virgo
Ettringite - Gemini
Genthelvite - Sagittarius
Gismondine - Pisces
Jeremejevite - Gemini

Kammererite Virgo Pisces

Koksharovite Gemini, Libra
Larimar Leo
Libenthenite Virgo
Mineral stone Libra
Pecos Diamond - Libra
Phlogopit - Cancer
Pumpellyite- Leo
Red Obsidian - Leo
Thunderegg - Scorpio

Master Number 66:

As above So below is the vibrational theme of Master Number 66. Within its essence
lies the synthesis of Earth to the Universe and the intervention of Divine Order in ones
life. Celestial assistance is made available so that Order is sustained through systemic
The Master Number 66 resonates with the following:
Hedenbergite Virgo
Ruby in Kyanite Gemini
Master Number 77:
The keywords for Master Number 77 are stamina and transcendence. Number 77
encompasses the whole with reference to Earth, the Universe, and all the dimensions.
Creativity of the whole comes to full fruition on each individual level and is reflected
in entirety each to the other.
The Master Number 77 is associated with the following:
Chlorocalcite (Hydrophilite) - Aquarius
Fourmarierite Capricorn
Petrified Wood Leo
Purple Fluorite Capricorn, Pisces
Master Number 88:
Evolution is nigh under Master Number 88. Transcendental consciousness, intuition, and
clairvoyance are key under this compassionate vibration. When one works under this
Master vibration, psychic capabilities become unlimited and unrestricted making
personal revelation possible. Sensitivity and charity are also heightened under this
The Master Number 88 vibration can be found among the following stones/crystals:
Pharmocosiderite Capricorn

Faden Quartz Scorpio

Master Number 99:
Everyone knows that historically the number 9 is a magical number. There are in fact
nine Master Numbers. The Master Number 99 relates to the Path traveled and the sense
of completion associated with past actions, acknowledgment of the reality of present
actions, and the cognizance of the effect of future actions. That which was, is, and
will be all combine with total acceptance as the highest transcendental vibration.
The last of the Master Numbers 99 like the first of the Master Numbers 11 relates to one
Pink Tourmaline - Libra

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