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Angela Monalisa Kurniawan

HI 4 / R. 218



: Public transportation system in Jakarta

Narrowed Down

: Public transportation system in Jakarta is not student-friendly

Controlling Idea

: (aspect: reasons) is unequally distributed, not punctual, and not safe.


: to give opinion (MODE: argumentation)

Thesis statement

: Public transportation system in Jakarta is not student-friendly enough because it is unequally

distributed, not punctual, and not safe.

Paragraph A
Topic sentence

: Watch closely the public transportation system in Jakarta carefully, and youll notice that
some routes have more vehicles than other routes do.

Supporting details : 1. Renting fees for public transport routes is expensive.

2. Some school-area routes advantage less since student tariff is cheaper.
3. The scarcity of public transport in some area makes it less preferable as an option by
Paragraph B
Topic sentence

: Students are bounded with strict schedule; however, sometimes they are late due to the
unpunctuality of the public transportation system.

Supporting details : 1. Drivers are more concerned in getting more passengers.

2. There is no fixed schedule.
Paragraph C
Topic sentence

: Most parents dont allow their children to take a public transportation mode because they
consider it unsafe.

Supporting details : 1. Criminal rate in several places in Jakarta is quite high and public transports are no
2. Students are prone targets of criminal acts.
3. Parents are sometimes over-protective, they are afraid their children will get contaminated
by dust, virus, etc.

Final thought

: The government should take more action in establishing a more student-friendly public
transportation system to encourage students and convince parents to make their children take
public transportation modes to go to school.

Is our public transportation system student-friendly?

Angela Monalisa Kurniawan

HI 4 / R. 218

Public Transport in Jakarta: Is It for Students?

Nearly 300 thousands private cars in Jakarta which are seen on roads every morning only take
students to school. This makes a huge difference of the traffic condition as we witness that on school days
off, the roads in Jakarta is somewhat far from crowded. Our public transportation system hasnt played its
role well in serving students, who are also part of the citizens. It is true that our public transportation
system somewhat fails to serve students, but it is not because the number of students overflows the quota.
Instead, it is unsuccessful in assuring parents and students to use their service. Public transportation
system in Jakarta is not student-friendly enough because it is unequally distributed, not punctual, and not
Watch closely the public transportation system in Jakarta carefully, and youll notice that some
routes have more vehicles than other routes do. For example, it is easy to spot a M44 minivan at
Kampung Melayu Terminal rather than a M32 minivan at Jatinegara region. For your information, M44
operates through business district while M32s route mainly includes housing residence. Some of these
minivans actually belong to private owners and renting a route costs around 300 million rupiah. This is
why most of these public transports are profit-driven. Student tariff is so much cheaper compared to the
regular tariff. It may cause school-area route to be less preferable by the private owners since investors
tend to choose more profitable field. The demand of public transport surrounding school-areas may be
very high but it does not automatically guarantee high supply to occur. Consequently, the scarcity of
public transport in some area makes it less preferable as an option by students to travel to school.
Students are bounded with strict schedule; however, sometimes they are late due to the unpunctuality
of the public transportation system. Drivers of the public transportation system tend to stop in various
spots waiting for new passengers. In terminals or bus stops, public transports also wont start their route
until they are fully-packed with passengers. This happens because their profit depends on passengers
instead of fixed wages. The idea of driving a public transport has shifted from giving the best service to
passengers-hunting. Some people may have flexible schedule but unfortunately students dont. Also since
there is no fixed schedule, it is uncertain whether a public transport will come or not at a specific time.
Combined with the scarcity of public transports, its harder for students to get in their desired public
transports on time. Sometimes they get their public transport quickly but other times, they have to wait
longer although they wait at the same hour. This takes time and makes it impossible for students to plan
their journey.
Most parents dont allow their children to take a public transportation mode because they consider it
unsafe. Criminal rate in several places in Jakarta is quite high and public transports are no exception. Our
odds of getting pickpocketed or becoming victim of any other criminal acts in Jakartas public
transportation is still fairly high. We hear so many criminal acts being done on TV or newspapers every

Is our public transportation system student-friendly?

Angela Monalisa Kurniawan

HI 4 / R. 218
day and this concerns parents. Plus, students are considered great victims by the criminals. They are weak
targets and usually they have expensive stuffs which they dont earn themselves. This way they are
usually sloppy in handling their own belongings. Students are usually young people who cannot defend
themselves. They are prone to be victims of small crime such as pickpocketing to more severe crime like
kidnapping. Put aside the criminal vulnerability, parents are sometimes over-protective. They are afraid
that their children will get contaminated by dust, virus, etc. Meanwhile, our public transport seems far
from the word hygienic. People throw their garbage anywhere they want including in public transport. It
is not hard to spot food leftover in the corner of minivans or buses. This may be seen as disgusting yet a
source of diseases.
As we have seen, the public transportation system in Jakarta is not student-friendly enough to be
trusted by parents and students. Our public transportation systems function has shifted from serving
many people to benefiting certain people, proven by the unequally distributed ratio of the vehicles.
Serving students right has not been a priority of our public transportation system. Public transport is still
seen as a risky means of transportation by parents or students. The government should take more action in
establishing a more student-friendly public transportation system to encourage students and convince
parents to make their children take public transportation modes to go to and from school.

Is our public transportation system student-friendly?

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