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Prophet Muhammad (2)


1. Did Arabic people accept Islam? Some responded favourably,
but most of them rejected Islam
2. When did Muhammad migrate to Medina? In 622 A.D
Muhammad migrated to Medina
3. What year was it according to the Islamic calendar? It was in
12th year of his prophet-hood
4. What was he in Medina? In Medina he was accepted as a
leader of an Islamic state
5. What did the prophet do in Medina? There he established the
foundations of the relation among Muslim people and between Muslim
and non-Muslim people in general
6. When did the Islamic calendar begin? The Islamic calendar
began from the time of migration
7. What did he do during the Meccan period? In Mecca he tried to
established belief in one God among Arabic people
8. How far was the spread of Islam after his death? A short time
after his death the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world
9. What is the Islamic contribution to the world? Islam contributes
to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific
10. How large is the Muslim population today? Today, about 1000
million Muslims all over the world accept Islam


1. The characters in the text are :
1) Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
2) Muslim people
2. The events mentioned in the text :
1) The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam
2) The Arab people responded or rejected Islam
3) Muhammad migrated to Medina
Fill in the blanks with the events mentioned in the text.
4) There he established the foundations of the relation among
Muslim people and between Muslim and non-Muslim people in
5) The Islamic calendar began from the time of immigration
6) In Mecca he tried to establish belief in one God among Arabic
7) Muhammad continued to preach Islam in Medina
8) He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom
9) The message of Islam spread to most parts of the world
10)Islam contributes to world history

Prophet Muhammad (3)


1. How long was Islam preached by Muhammad? The Islamic
religion was preached by Muhammad for 23 years
2. What was the first thing to be introduced by Muhammad? He
invited us to believe in Allah and to obey Him.
3. Who is Allah? Allah is our creator and master
4. Did Muhammad teach love and brotherhood? Yes he did
5. What did he ask his followers? He asked his followers to be
polite and to be kind to other, to love children and to respect elders.
6. What must we do to other people? We must to help one another
anf stopped people from doing harm to others.
7. What things must we stop doing? We must stopped people from
doing harm to others.
8. What must we do to children and elders? We must to love
children and respect elders.
9. Will there be any other message from god after Muhammad?
The message brought by him is the final message. There is no prophet
after Muhammad.
10. What do we have to do always? We have to follow his teaching.


1. The characters in the texts are:
1. Allah SWT
2. Muhammad SAW
3. The Islamic Religion
2. The events are:
1. Muhammad invited us to believe in Allah and to obey him
2. The Islamic religion was preached by Muhammad for 23 years
3. Muhammad asked his followers to be polite and to be kind to
4. Muhammad taught us to help one another
5. Muhammad stopped people from doing harm to others
6. Muhammad practiced what he preached
7. The message brought by him is the final message
8. We have to follow his teaching



1. Who creates the universe? God is the creator of the universe
2. Are we created by god? Yes we are
3. Are there any other gods than Allah? There is no one like him
and he has no partner, children or parents.
4. Mention some of the attributes of Allah? Loving And provides
5. God is eternal. What does it mean? God is great as well as
6. Are there any human needs not known by Allah? No there are
7. How do we know that god is kind and loving? He loving and
provide us with everything.
8. What is the aim of sending the prophets? God sent prophets to
guide us
9. Who was Muhammad and who was Adam? Adam is the first
prophet, and Muhammad is rhe last prophet
10. What must we do to god? We have to believe in god, thank him
and obey him.

1. He is the Creator…He = God (Allah)
2. He creates te world for us….He = God (Allah)
3. There is no one like Him….Him = God (Allah)
4. The prophet told us….to obey Him….Us = Muslim, Him = god
5. They also taught us how to….They = The Prophet, Us = Muslim



1. How Many sons did Mr. Abdullah have? Mr. Abdullah had three
2. What did Mr. Abdullah want when his children grew up? He
wanted them to be good Muslims
3. What did Mr. Abdullah do one day? One day Mr. Abdullah tested
his sons to know their belief in god.
4. What did Mr. Abdullah give to the children and what did he want
them to do? He gave his sons some cake and asked them to eat it in
place where no one could she them.
5. Where did Ali go then? Ali took the cake and he went to his
6. What did he do there and why did he do it? He shut the door
and ate the cake. He thought that no one could she him.
7. Where did Ahmad go and what he do there? Ahmad went to a
cave near his house. It was dark in then cave. He was sure that
nobody was there who could see him. He ate the cake in the darkness
of the cave.
8. Did he think that nobody saw him? Yes he did
9. Did Hasan do the same as his brothers did? why? No, because
he remembered that Allah could always she him.
10. What lesson did Mr. Abdullah give to his children? Allah knew
everything, saw everything and was with them all the time.


1. There are five character in the text
2. They are: 1). Mr. Abdullah
2). Ali
3). Ahmad
4). Hasan
5). God (Allah)
3. Mention the main events which took place in the text. Write their
nucleus structure. Subject + verb.
1) Mr. Abdullah tested his sons
2) Mr. Abdullah gave his sons some cake
3) Ali took the cake
4) Ali shut the door
5) ……….
6) ……….
7) ……….
8) ……….


1. What is meant by Muslim?
2. How can belief be expressed? Belief in words, plants it in the
heart and actualizes in deed.
3. What is general faith? A Muslim believes in Allah with all His
names and attributes, and he accepts all His commands.
4. How many attributes does God have? There are ninety-nine
5. Mention some God's attributes? Allah is Alll-Powerful, The All-
Knowing, and The Creator of the universe.
6. How does a Muslim regard God? A Muslim regard Him as the
only ruler and master.
7. What is specific faith? A Muslim believes in Allah, His Angel, His
Holy Books, all of His prophet, the day judgement and life after death,
and in the fact that good and evil all come from Him.
8. What are the articles of faith? A true muslim believes in all of
these articles of faith, and follows the last prophet in his actions.
9. What should a muslim do with this faith? A muslim must be keep
his faith and follows the last prophet in his actions.
10. Where can we find the teachings of islam? The teaching of the
last prophet is known in full detail; either it is written in the Quran, the
final book, or in Sunnah.


1. The definition of faith: Belief in words, plants it in the heart and
actualizes it in deed
2. The kind of faith: Faith is expressed in detail by two kinds of
expression, general and specific
3. Examples of the first kind: Believes in Allah with all His name
and attributes: Allah is All-powerful, The All-knowing
4. Example of the second kind: Muslim believes in Allah, His
Angel, His Holly Book, all of His Prophet
5. The aim of faith: The faith gives human being peace and
6. The procedure of achieving the aim? Muslim must believes
everything about God
7. The identity of a Muslim? A true Muslim believes in all of these
articles of faith and follow the last prophet in his actions

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