Reach The Nations When Door Are Open

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Reach the Nations when Doors

are Open

here was a time in Nepal, almost like 20 Years ago. We call the Time of "Panchayat" In that
time, there were Underground Churches. Very Few Christian were there. One Christian in every
hundred village. To Meet a Christian Family, we need to travel by foot for 2 or 3 days. We can
not openly carry Bible or Share about Jesus in public places. If any one found anybody carrying Bible
and report to Police or any Government representatives, that man would be rewarded and person
carrying Bible will be put into Jail for life time. They will be bitten inside jail, break hands and some
time cut tongue too. People who decide to follow Jesus will be Kick away from Village or Communities.
Christianity was regarded as Foreign Religion or Untouchable Religion. If any body saw 2 or 3 People
Praying inside house, the Hindu People who saw Can Burn House from outside Or can Get Inside and
do any thing they wish. It was in law. Many
Christians were Burn, Many Pastors were Put
into Jail because of faith. Many Evangelists were
Kidnapped and Killed and their Head were cut
Every day, Christian used to be put into Jail &
Persecuted every where. Therefore, Churches
start praying and crying with Lord for Opening
Doors in Nepal so that they can openly carry
Bibles and Preach Gospel. After many Sacrifice
of Life of faithful God Loving Pastors and
Believers, God open doors in Nepal and Nepal
was announced as Democracy Country where
People have "Right to Religion". All Christian
People Rejoice and started preaching gospel to each and every people. Gospel spread every where in
Nepal so fast. Thousands of People accepted Christ as their Personal Lord and Savior. Every day 100s
of People baptized and be ready to die for Lord. Today Nepal became a Fastest Growing Churches
Country in the World.
Till today we have been hearing their Plan and strategy and they are working being united to make
Nepal again as a Hindu Country. They are taking Full Support from India. They are also bringing Hindu
Army , Priest from India and advertising via Radio, TV and News Paper. They have started threatening
Poor Christians and also supporting them by giving money an asking to leave Christ. These things are
happening in Nepal. We have been seeing that It may takes 1 or 2 years for them to declare Nepal
again as a Hindu Country. We have very limit time. Churches and Every Christians should woke up and
use this short period of time we have been given. Still 98 % people have not experienced the Love of God
and have not heard Gospel. Time is Limit but Much things to Do. If Nepal will Close doors for
International Missionaries, No More Foreign Missionaries can come and train Churches or Do any
Christians Event. If they found doing it, they will be legally be in trouble.
Churches will be Burnt and Pastors will be put into Jail and be Killed. There will be again flow of Blood in
Nepal. This is what we have seen if Nepal will be again a Hindu Country. So, Its time to Go and Preach
Gospel. Doors are Open now Some day Doors might close and we can not preach gospel.

In this year 2015, Mission for Tribes and Nations Nepal has a very big Vision.
We target to reach 100,000 Souls through Personal & Indirect Evangelism.
We want to send more and more Missionaries. We want to Support and Help them with Bicycle
and Motor Cycles
Print Gospel Tracts into 3 different Language in every 3 month.
Construct many Small Churches
Adopt More Orphans.
Distribute 1000s of Bibles
Do Many Mini and Mega Crusades of 1000s of Hindu Gathering
Do Pastors Conference and revival Meetings etc.
We are going to use our Limit time in Serving Lord. As Bible says in Mathew 10: "I am sending you out
like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves." . and Book of
Ephesians 5 says that "use your time because time and days are evil"
Therefore, Partners, Please pray for Nepal. Come and use your gift in Nepal when Doors are Open.
You can come and Sow Gospel Seeds by bringing Mission Team here. You can make a Intercessory
Prayer Team and Pray for Nepal. You can send Monthly Donation to help us use our Time in
Spreading Gospel. You can Give us One time Offering by which we can Print Gospel tracts or Support
in Mission Activities.
Your Prayer are effective and Powerful. You are the One to bring a change in someone life. Let us
together fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
Do You want to Be active Partner of Mission for Tribes and Nations?
Contact us:

Best Regards in Jesus Christ

Missionary Pastor Ruben and Family, Nepal.

Mission for Tribes and Nations
President & Mission Director

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