Document Index V2

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NOTE: Updated documents can be found in ACOS at the folowing link, in the folder specified in the Location column:

This document index can be found in the 'Docs' folder.

Short Name Description


High Level Mobile Access Actuation Module Specification (aka. Mobile Access AM High Level Design)


Mobile Access Actuation Module System Element Detailed Design (aka. Mobile Access AM Detailed Design)


Site Level Design


Interface Specification for Inventory and Ticketing


Interface Specification for BTP


Alarm Assignment Table spreadsheet used to populate the ASIGNACION_ALARMAS table in the database.


Event Mapping Spreadsheet used to create the .conf files for all of the technologies/NEFs. It defines all of the
TAGs that are required.

Updated documents can be found in ACOS at the folowing link, in the folder specified in the Location column:
his document index can be found in the 'Docs' folder.

File Name(s)

High Level Mobile Access Actuation Module Specification (aka. Mobile Access AM High Level Design)
3HR-91008-DBCH-DHZZA-01P01-OM20VENZ--[HLD] System Element Mobile Access Actuation Module Specification.xlsx
3HR-91008-DBCH-DHZZA-02P01-OM20VENZ--[HLD] System Element Mobile Access Actuation Module Specification.docx
3HR-91008-DBCH-DHZZA-01P01 Actuation Modules MBA TEF VENEZUELA 20131028.docx

3HR-91008-DBCH-DHZZA-01P01-OM20VENZ--[HLD] System Element Mobile Access Actuation Module Specification.docx

Mobile Access Actuation Module System Element Detailed Design (aka. Mobile Access AM Detailed Design)
3HR-91008-DLBE-DDZZA-02P01-OM20VENZ--[SEDD] Venezuela Mobile Access Actuation Module Specification.docx

Site Level Design

3HR-91008-DHAA-DAZZA-01-OM20VENZ--[SLD] Site Level Design.xlsx

Interface Specification for Inventory and Ticketing

3HR-91008-DBCK-PBZZA-04-OM20VENZ--[IFS] Interface Specification WS for Inventory and TTicket.docx


3HR-91008-DBCK-PBZZA-01P04-OM20VENZ--[IFS] Interface Specification WS for Inventory and TTicket - VEN.docx

Interface Specification for BTP

3HR-91001-DBCO-PBZZA-01-OM20GLOB--[IFS] Interface Specification WS for BTP.docx

Alarm Assignment Table spreadsheet used to populate the ASIGNACION_ALARMAS table in the database.

3HR-91008-DLEA-PAZZA-01-OM20VENE--MBA AMG Alarm Assignment

Event Mapping Spreadsheet used to create the .conf files for all of the technologies/NEFs. It defines all of the
TAGs that are required.
20140830-xVEN-Event mapping analysis-MBA - Dynamic data_R3.8.xlsx


Last Updated

Last Updated By

Weblib : VENZ


Carmen Garcia

- This 01P01 version is actually a UAT Test Cases

spreadsheet, not an HLD.
- This 02P01 version Word doc is dated 2013-Oct-30 from
- This seems to be the latest version. It has been updated
with Venezuela's system information and maps. The update
date listed is the ACOS check-in date. There is no other date
inside of the document. The date in the file name is the date
the template was completed.

Weblib : VENZ


Carlos Corregel

ACOS : Docs


David Leon

ACOS : Docs


Valentin Briones

Updated 21-May-2014 version above to remove Ericsson.

Also renamed file to standard Weblib name.

Weblib : VENZ
ACOS : Docs_AMGs


FR Calcerrada

This is the only document version found. The exact same

file is in ACOS under Docs_AMGs.

Weblib : VENZ


Alfonso Miranda

This Weblib document is the only SLD found. It seems to

be just the template. None of the IP or other information is
filled in.

Weblib : VENZ


FR Calcerrada

- This seems to be the latest version. Although there are 6

places where Venezuela is mentioned, it looks like these
were included in the original "global" version of the
document. It does not look like it has been modified

ACOS : Docs


David Leon

- This seems to be an earlier version that was checked in to

ACOS. There is no record of any modifications after being
downloaded from Weblib. The update date is the ACOS
check-in date.

ACOS : InventoryTT


David Leon

- This file was found inside of a ZIP file in the InventoryTT

directory in ACOS. The name seems to indicate that it was
customized for VEN, however, a MS Word reported no
differences when compared with the 20-May-2014, non-VEN
file above. So they are the same file.

Weblib : GLOB


FR Calcerrada

- There is no VENZ specific version, only a global one. This

seems to be the latest version.



David Leon

This is the latest version of the "intermediate" AAT

spreadsheet used by Carmen to manage changes to the
AAT. This was updated with the latest changes for all NEFS
and sent to Carmen on 9/4 for loading into the database.

Weblib : VENZ


Carlos Corregel

This ZIP file contains

ALARMS_MBA_VENEZUELA_20140213.csv and .xls. It looks
like the original AAT provided by Carlos Corregel and is not
being maintained at this time. We are using the new format
above provided by Carmen.

David Leon

This is the Alarm Mapping maintained by David. He last

updated it on 9/4/2014 with the latest changes. It should
be up to date. No other versions of this document were

ACOS : Event_Adaptor_Analysis 04-Sep-2014

Action Items

Review and validate that the data

is still valid.

Review Notes

3.3: ? = To Be Evaluated.
ALU Act Mgr = "OMP" (currently blank)


New file name contains

3.4: HLD show 4 equip types for E//. Data only shows 2 (
NodeB and RNC).
Remove Ericsson. No longer in use.

Review and validate that the data 3: No mention of ZTE_3G. Table format should probably
is still valid.
be updated to match HLD (e.g., copy from dataResults).
4.1.1: TCP/IP = "Socket NetExpert"
4.1.2: BSC IS95 and RBS IS95 show up for both Huawei
and ALU. Should only be for ALU. Should re-copy table
from HLD or DataResults.

New file name contains
Also removed Ericsson for

4.1.3: Table does not show equip types. Should

probably copy table from HLD or DataResults. Table 8: May need to update Mobile Access
Alarms spreadsheet. and May need to update HWI TT Lists.
4.3.2: May need to update embeeded IFS document.

Customized Document not found


Verify that no additional local

Document reviews. I see nothing that requires
modifications are required. Since updating.
it has just been updated by the
author, it is assumed that it is up
to date.

Customized Document not

found yet.


There should be no required



This was recently updated. No

changes should be required.


This was recently updated. No

changes should be required.


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