Asad Traders, Sales Promotion and Distribution of Jasmine Tissues

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We are the students of BBA. As we all know that

“commerce is the need of day” due to this reality we indulged
ourselves in the field of commerce. Commerce is not only a
field, which has much scope in the society, but also a very
interesting field it is. Now a day there is Financial Crises all
over the world due to the unawareness of the causes and
effects of it. It is getting ahead to a hazardous side. This is
the task of commerce students to think about it. It is
neither the work of medical nor engineering students. These
analyses need much knowledge to be thought about it and
find out the solution for this. Even the very develop
countries of the world such as USA is also deeply infected by
the world financial crises. We need to be prepared for such
kind of big issues. Therefore, Introduction to business
assignment was assigned to us by Miss Johaian Khalid to
search and find complete detail of any business organization
sole proprietorship or partnership. According to our level of
thoughts, perspectives and with scarce resources we have
done an interview with a Director of a business organization
Amir Hussain. He gave us his business’ complete details and
information. We are very thankful to Amir Hussain Director
of Asad Traders who gave us his precious time for interview
and answered our questions truly and honestly. And it was our
great experience to interview someone. Though the reading
of this assignment you will get all required information about
Asad Traders and about their activities, goals, position of
business and all related issues with a business organization.
We are all group fellows are especially thankful to Miss
Johaia Khalid for encouraging us for assignment.

Table of
 (1) Introduction
 (2) Background
 (3) Investment
 (4) Assets
 (5) Product
 (6) Quality of Product
 (7) Prices
 (8) Organizational Structure
 (9) Market
 (10) Market Strategy
 (11) Competitors
 (12) Meeting
 (13) Revenue and Accounts
 (14) Supply
 (16) Demand
 (17) Trade offer
 (18) TAX
 (19) Employees Remuneration
 (20) Future Vision and Planning

(1) Introduction:-
Asad Traders is Sole proprietorship. Owner of Asad
Traders is Amir Hussain. Asad Traders is the Promotion and
Distribution enterprise located at G.T Road is the only
one distribution enterprise of Jasmin Tissues over all Peshawar. It
has contracted with Jasimin Company for the delivery of product
and to do the high standard sale promotion of the product in the
current market with having strong competitors in the Market.

Asad Traders was established at 1996 by Amir Hussain with
the investment of 1200000 in Cash. They had contract with Ghee
Company. And they were distributing Ghee to market. They were
distributing Ghee such as Dalda, Habib cooking oil etc. Monthly their
sale of Ghee was round about 50 tons. They had per ton Rs.2000 profit.
2003 they got conflict with company due to their low quality product.
They eliminated business of Ghee.
In 2003 got contract with IMC (International Marketing
Company). It is a tissues’ company. IMC objective is to provide high
quality 100% pure virgin pulp to the consumer’s satisfaction. IMC has
three kinds of products Jasmine, Lilly and Habitt. Further in the Lilly
they have 9 types, in Habitt 11 and at Jasmine 22. By the first time
when the Asad traders got the contract of the promotion and the
distributors. The Habitt product of the IMC was provisioned to the
Asad Traders. In the initial days the monthly market sale average was
Rs.35000. later on with the great affords of the Asad Traders it raised
up monthly sale to Rs.700000. The owner of IMC Haji Sher’s main
objective was to increase sale of his product Jasmine Although Habitt
and Lilly were also his company’s products yet he was zeal in the high
sale promotion of the Jasmine. Sofar, Asad Traders were asked by the
owner of IMC to eliminate there product Habitt and to sign another

contract of the Jasmine Tissues promotion in all Peshawar market. It

was incredible success for the Asad Traders and they got a successive
track to there aim’s and visions of the organization.

Asad Traders was established at 1996 with the cash investment
of Rs.1200000, and fetched a building of Rs.300000 to business. About
Rs.100000 was spent on the office equipments and other needed goods
for the operation of the business. Rs.400000 cash and two vans were
loaned from bank on interest. The loan, that they have taken form bank,
is monthly deducted from his account.

Currently enterprise has fixed asset building which was
purchased on Rs.300000 on cash and is now appreciated form
Rs.300000 to Rs.4000000. Current account at Alfala bank having
Rs.200000 balance and profit and loss current saving account at
Meezan bank having Rs.500000 balance. Enterprise has two vans of
2007 and 2008 models. Price of each van is Rs.500000 both vans price
Rs.1000000. Complete office needed furniture. Three Computers and
all required materials with it i.e. printer, scanner, Fax machine and fast
DSL internet connecting at 512 kbps. Some other equipment for the
operation of the organization.
Good will, which plays a vital role in the fame of business, is
very important for every business organization. Asad Traders is also
one of the high rank businesses; therefore, their business has a high
rank Good will in market. According to the stated words of the Director

“Currently my business has Good will of Rs.2000000, but I will even

not sale the Good will of my business on Rs.20000000. because it is
easy to make a business but it is very difficult to make Good will for
it. It needs honesty, sincerity, hardworking and the most important
thing is the quality of the product which gain the hearts of customers
easily and makes the reputation of the business”

Asad Traders’ product is Jasmine Tissue paper which they
distribute and sale to all Peshawar area. Jasmine, which is the product
of the Asad Traders, is a high quality product in the market. The
customers are glad with the purchase of such a charming product of the
tissues and are very comfortable in the consumption. Before, Jasmin
Asad Traders had the product Habitt which was later on abolished form
the company side and they were given a higher quality of product as
compare to the first product which was Habitt tissue paper. IMC has
Jasmine’s 22 types of product. Such as, small packing, medium
packing, big size packing and mini packing etc, which all are
provisioned to the Asad Traders for the promotion and distribution.


Quality of the product is better than some other competitor’s
product expect Rose Patel which is a strong competitor of the Jasmine
Tissue paper and also the quality of their product is at the top of the
market. Rose Patel has touched the hearts of the customers. Anyhow,
Jasmine is in the second top of the market. And which is far batter than
its other competitors existing in the current market. Customer is the
king of the market; therefore, the quality of product is produced
according to the will and demand of the customers. It plays a vital roll
in the promotion and demotion of the product. Due to these facts
Jasmine is trying to climb on the head of Rose Patel tissues and to be
the toper of the market in quality and make a good image in the
perspectives of the customers.

Every pack is given at 17% in market at trade. prices are
given in the detail below:

Name of product Price of product

50 ply Rs.25
100 ply special Rs.45
100 ply Rs.40
100 ply perfume Rs.50
100 ply junior Rs.30
100 ply pop-up Rs.35
150 ply pop-up Rs.40
150 ply white Rs.55
150 ply special Rs.60
150 ply perfume Rs.70
175 ply black and white Rs.60
175 ply special Rs.65
Pocket Tissue pack pink Rs.62
Pocket Tissue pack white Rs.75
Pocket Tissue pack special Rs.90
Table napkin Rs.30








⇒ Director:
Owner of the Asad Traders is by himself the Director of the
business. He holds all the management affairs by himself and takes
every decision. He is liberal in his decision making because he is the
only owner of the firm. There is no one above him to ask him about is
right or wrong decision making.


Sale Manager manages day to day affairs of the market and
keeps keen view on the activities of Sale representatives. And change
the sale strategy according to the circumstances of the market
environment. And tries to increase in the sale promotion of the product
in the market against the competitors and he monitors and control the
goals of sale representative.

Accountant keeps all the transactions record in the book of
accounts in general and ledger. And at the end of the year he is asked to
submit the income statement and financial statement to the owner of the
Asad Traders. Accountant is also responsible for all transactions made
with bank. He keeps all record of that how much is deposited? How
much is withdrawal? And how much is the amount of the transaction
done with bank? And when it is done? Daily sale revenue generated is
handled over to the accountant and then he deposits that amount daily
in the bank half is deposited in Alfala Bank and half is deposited in
Meezan Bank. Most of the authority of the business is in the hand of
Accountant who plays a vital role in the absence of the Director.


Store keeper is responsible and liable for the all stoke in the
store. He keeps all record of the stock in the store ledger card. He keeps
delivery invoice in the record. In any case it may be needed. Daily sale
is deducted from the stock of the store. Monthly 9 to 12 time’s delivery
to the store is done and is kept in record by store keeper. Store keeper
gives all day report to the accountant and then it is the responsibility of
the accountant to do the receipt of amount.



Order Bookers are the representatives of the company and

they do the sale and booking of the product in the market. They were
hired by the IMC and then provisioned to the Asad Traders. Therefore,
Order Bookers are also liable to the company. There weekly and
monthly performance record goes to IMC.
Office boy works at office. His duty is to clean office daily.
Whenever anything is needed he is asked to bring that. If there is need
of something to be brought from out side he is then asked to bring that.

Jasmine Tissue paper distribution is given in all Peshawar only to
Asad Trader due to this good luckiness it has no another competitor for
the sale promotion and distribution of the same product Jasmine.
Jasmine is the only monopoly of the Asad traders in Peshawar. Their
Market target is all Peshawar and they try to fulfill the supply orders to
all Peshawar.

(10) Market Strategy:

All market supply is done though the help of the sale
representatives/Order Bookers. They go through the whole market and
take the orders of the supply of product. But there are some A level
customers of Jasmine tissues, who are managed by Director himself
just like Garision Shop, Wadood shop, Balana Resturent Need, and
Avon. The Director/owner goes to these shops by himself and takes
orders from the shop keepers and then supply product to them.

Jasmine has many competitors in the current market Such as
Lilly, Habitt and Rose Patel etc. Among these products which have
been creating problems for jasmine in the prosperity in the market is
Rosé Patel. Otherwise, reputation of Jasmine is far better than Habitt or
Lilly. Although Lilly, Habitt and jasmine are the products of the same
company yet they are the competitors of the Asad Traders because IMC
has signed with other distributors those products. Therefore everyone
wants to increase their products demand in the market. Habitt and
Lilly’s sale representatives are trying very much and hit the roof for the

promotion of their product in the market. It is the mission of the

jasmine to cross his competitor Rose Patel.

Every week there is a meeting of ASM (Area Sale Manager)
with the sale representatives of company given to the Asad Traders for
working in their market. ASM checks the quality of there market image
and discus the market issues and new strategies. There is held one
monthly meeting of ASM with sale members. After the collection of
this data form market and sale representatives ASM forward it to SM
(sale Manager). SM checks the report and forward it to CM (Country
Manager) And then they take new strategies for the improvement of the
product in the market.


Company gives 12% commission on their sale. Monthly Total
Revenue is generated round about Rs.100000. of which Salaries,
Telephone Bill, General expenses, Van expenses etc expenses are paid.
So they get round about Rs.60000 net profit per month. Net profit is
deposited half in Meezan Bank’s account and half in Alfala bank’s
account. It has two accounts in different two banks the reason is this
that now a days everybody is searching for their own profit. Sometime
they need to withdraw huge amount of money from bank. Now, in this
case in the amount withdraw from bank in case of more then Rs.25000.
0.3% deduction is made. Due to this reason they made two accounts
they withdraw half from one bank and half from another bank which
helps them to save their money.

(15) SUPPLY:
When the merchandise is required in the store they do order
through fax to IMC main office located in the Lahore. IMC does the
supply to IMC industrial state. And IMC industrial state supplies the
merchandise to there Peshawar branch located in Hayatabad. Payment
of the merchandise is done online through the help of Electronic
Commerce. The invoice and the merchandise are provisioned to the

store keeper. Store keeper keeps the invoice in record and stock the
merchandise in the store. After that it is supplied to the market
according to the demand of market. They do round about eight to
twelve time transactions monthly with IMC.

(16) DEMAND:
Actually if we look to economic situation of Pakistan it is
not as good as foreign countries financial circumstances are. Therefore,
in Pakistan most of the people are trying to fulfill there basic needs of
the life which are food, shelter and cloth. Our society is divided into
three levels. We can say high standard people, Medium and lower
category people. Lower category people are unable to satisfy there
necessities of life with the scarce resources. So far, they are not
interested to purchase Tissue paper or other comfortable goods. The
demand of tissue is mostly done by the high standard people or we can
say high level people and by Medium people. And now if we look to
Peshawar so all high level and Medium level people are dwelling in the
urban areas. The demand mostly comes from urban sides. Although all
Peshawar’s market is with them yet they do not prefer to rural, Because
mostly low level people live there. The consumers of the tissue paper
are the high and medium level people. Demand comes form the
wholesalers and retailers. And within one day supply is done to the
demander. And all transactions are done by cash.


There are some offers forms the side of IMC for distributors,
customers and consumers.
 For the customers on the purchase of twelve packs
one pack is given free of cost.
 For the distributors:
If the distributors achieve their market
monthly target so they are given 5% bones. They are
given different targets every month usually they give 7
or 8 laces sale per month if they achieve they are
awarded 5% extra bones. 12% is general and if the
market target is achieved then it gets to 17%.

 For consumers:
Good quality product is made avail to
their reach. And with the economical price compare to
their competitors.

(18) TAX:
Asad Traders are not liable to pay any tax; because all taxes are
paid by company IMC (International Marketing Company) they pay
their products tax to the government. And there is also no income tax
due to having approach in the government. It is registered with the
NTN and they have issued certificate to Asad Traders. When IMC
provides the merchandise to them they charge the tax on that time on
the spot and then pay to the government.


Asad traders pay fair remuneration to its employees.
There are two order bookers from company side who are given 5000
salary from Asad Traders and per month 2% on their market sale from
company side.
 Store keeper, who keeps all record of stock, is given
6000 per month.
 One office boy, who takes care of office, is paid 4000
per month
 One accountant, who keeps all records of daily
transactions done in market and with the bank and
keeps other expenses i.e. cars fuel or mechanic or
other general expenses record which are weekly
forwarded to the director.


Currently their market sale target is Rs.700000/8000000 per
month. They have planned to reach market sale per month to
Rs.2000000. To achieve this goal they are struggling very much. They
have a future plan to install a Toilet Roll cutter machine. They have

decided to import this machine from China. Currently they can not
install this machine due to the high cost of it. And they are not this
much financially strong to install it now.
“May Allah give him more courage to improve his business”

CREDITS: M.Israr, sundus Khan, Hira Liaqat, Brekhna Ali Khan,

Shoaib ahmad
BBA(Hons) university of Peshawar.

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