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Mason Master

Note : Question paper consists three sets . Each set has 15 Questions.

Time limit: 30 minutes

Set 1:
1. The Taj Mahal is entirely clad in marble. Marble is a type of:
(A) Igneous stones (B) Metamorphic (C) sedimentary (D) artificial stone

2.Crushing strength of structural stone should be greater than :

(A) 100Mpa (B)50Mpa (C) 75Mpa (D) 200Mpa

3. A mortar for which both cement and lime

Are mixed is called
a. Gauged mortar b. Cement mortar c. Lime mortard. D. Light weight mortar
4.The principal concept behind a Brick Masonry is:
(a) Individual Units should be tied
(b)Vertical Joints of successive courses do not lie in same vertical line
(c)Appearance should be good.
(d)All of above

5. Size of traditional bricks is

(a)23cmx11.4cmX7.6cm (b)22cmx11.6cmx7.4cm (c)20cmx10cmx10cm (d)20cmX10cmX5cm
6.Size of Modular brick is
(a)23cmx11.4cmX7.6cm (b)22cmx11.6cmx7.4cm (c)20cmx10cmx10cm (d)20cmX10cmX5cm
7.Second Class brick absorb water approximately:
(a) 1/6 th of their weight (b)1/4th of their weight (c)1/2th of their weight (d) They dont absorb water
at all.

8.Edge of a brick is called

(a) Quoin (b)Frog (c)Dogleg (d)Arris
9.Portion of brick with the cut made longitudinally is called
(a)Closer (b)Quoin (c)Bat (d)Splays

10.Bricks cut lengthwise into two portions is called

(a)Quoin Closer (b)king Closer (c)Bull Nose (d)Queen Closer
11.In Brick Masonry the minimum lap along the length of the wall is
(a)0.25 Brick (b)0.5 Brick (c)0.75Brick (d)1 Brick
12..In Brick Masonry the minimum lap along the width of the wall is
(a)0.25 Brick (b)0.5 Brick (c)0.75Brick (d)1 Brick
13.The rule for using bats in brick wall is:
(a)Bats should be minimum. (b)Bats Should be maximum.
(c)Bats should be only one in one Bat. (d) No specific rule applies.
14.Which statement is not true?
(a)In alternate course ,the centre line of header should coincide wih the centre line of stretcher in
the course below or above it.
(b)Vertical Joints in the alternate course should be along same prepend.
(c) Vertical Joints in the consecutive course should be along same prepend.
(d)Hearting should be done only with headers.
15.Which is not a type of brick Masonry:
(a)Raking Bond (b)Dutch Bond (c)Brick on Edge Bond (d)Brick axis Bond

Set 2:

16.The stretcher Bond can have thickness only:

(a)1.5Brick (b)0.5 Brick (c)1Brick (d)2 Brick
17.Header bond is used only when thickness is:
(a)1.5Brick (b)0.5 Brick (c)1Brick (d)2 Brick
18.The most commonly used bond is
(A) Header Bond (b)Stetcher Bond (c)English Bond (d) Flemish Bond
19.The overlap in header bond is kept usually equal to:
(a) 1.5Brick Width (b)0.5 Brick Width (c)1Brick Width (d)2 Brick Width
20.The header bond can not be used for:
(a) Load bearing Wall (b)Partition Wall (c)Curved Brick Wall (d)Footing
21. 1brick wall in English bond will show:
(a) Different Appearance on Both Sides (b) Opposite Appearance on both Sides
(c) Nearly Same Appearance on both sides (d) Exactly Same appearance on Both sides
22.Stone is good:
(a) in Tension (b) in Compression (c) In both (d) neither in tension ,nor in compression
23.The Hearting of each of thicker walls of English bond consists Entirely of :
(a) Headers (b) stretchers (c) both Header and Stretchers (d) Any of Both Headers and stetchers

24.If in English Bond the vertical joint in header course are 24 then no of joints in stretchers will
(a) 12 (b) 6 (c)24 (d) 48
25English bond is stronger than Flemish Bond if wall Thickness is:
(a)1.5Brick (b)0.5 Brick (c)1Brick (d)2 Brick

26.Header Course in English bond can not start from:

(a) Queen Closer (b)Bat (c)King Closer (d) Quoin Closer

27.Every Header is supported over the stretcher below it. Type of bond is:
(a) Flemish Bond (b) English Bond (C) Header Bond (d) Stretcher Bond

28.The Plane on which sedimentation of stones takes place is known as:

(a) Natural Plane
(b) Principal Plane
(c)Natural Bed
(d) None of these
29.Each Course presents same appearance in both face:
(a) Flemish Bond
(b) English Bond
(C) Header Bond
(d) Stretcher Bond
30.Thickness of Non load bearing brick wall is generally
(A) 75mm
(b) 115 mm
(c) 230 mm
(d) 345 mm

Set 3:
31.Indentation in the face of a brick to form a key for holding the mortar is known as:
(a) Dogleg(b) Arris (c) quoin (d) Frog
32.Modular Brick size is confirmed by:
(a) BIS Institution (b) National Building Code (c) Central Building Research Institute
(d) Indian Brick Institution , Madras
33. No. of Bats required for 2.5 brick Double Flemish Bond is :
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 0
34. Required mortar for same volume construction in English bond and Flemish Bond will be;
(a) Equal (b) more in Flemish bond (c) More in English bond (d) Depends upon type of Flemish
35. Mason will charge maximum for same volume of work :
(a) Flemish (b) English (c)Facing (d) Header
36.Which is a modification of English bond :
(a) Facing Bond (b) Dutch bond (c)Zig Zag bond (d) Raking Bond
37.Compressive strength of brick varies between:
(a)17.5to 20 Mpa (b) 11.5 to 15 Mpa (c) 20 to 22.5 Mpa (d) 9.5to 12Mpa
38.Max wall thickness in stone masonry possible to construct
(a) 20mm (b) 25mm (c) 30mm (d) 15mm

39.which is not true:

(a) Stone is more fire resistant than brick
(b) Dead load of brick wall is less than of stone wall of same dimensions.
(c)Better architectural effect can be given in stone work.
(d)Stone Work is more water tight than brick work.

40. Maintainace cost is more in :

(a) Brick work (b) stone work (c) Approximately equal in both (d) Exactly equal
41. MNIT Jaipur is entirely made of stone masonry . Type of stone masonry is
(a) Random Rubble Uncoursed (b) Square Rubble Uncoursed
(c) Random Rubble :Built to course (d) Dry Rubble Masonry

42. MNIT Jaipur is entirely made of stone masonry . Governing factor is:
(a) Durability of stones. Such Institutes are not constructed every day.
(b) Strength.
(c) Availability of stones. (d) Availability of huge area required for dressing of stones.

43. The Permissible Tensile stress in brick masonry for mortars stronger than 1:1:6 is
(a)1.5 kg/cm2 (b) 2kg /cm2 (c)1 kg/cm2 (d) 2.5 kg/cm2
44. Sulphate attack on bricks leads to :
(a) Ugly appearance (b)Shrinkage (c) Chipping and Cracks (d) No major defect
45. The datum line for plan a building is:
(a) Sill Level
(b) Lintel Level
(C) Plinth Level
(d)Reveals level

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