1 MQC Syllabus

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Metrology and Quality Control


Course Title

Short Title

Course Code

Course Description:
This course introduces undergraduate students to Metrology and Quality Control. The background
required includes a sound knowledge to Measurements, (Calculus), applied thermodynamics,
Industrial management at second year level.
Course Description:
This course provides the introduction of the fundamentals of Material Science and Metallurgy to
undergraduate students. The objective of the course is to understand the basic principles of material
science and metallurgy. It includes mechanical testing to determine mechanical properties. It also
includes various heat treatments, introduction of furnaces and various engineering materials and
their applications.
Teaching Scheme


Hours / Week

No. of Weeks

Total Hours




Examination scheme:
End semester exam (ESE) 80 Marks
Internal Sectional exam (ISE) 20 Marks
Internal Continues Assessment (ICA) 25 Marks
End Semester Exam (ESE) 25 Marks


Duration: 03 hours

Purpose of Course: Degree Requirement


No of Lect. 8, Marks: 16
a. Definition: Measurement, precision, accuracy, sensitivity, Classification of
method of measurement
b. Linear Measurement:-Standards, line standards, end standards, classification of
standards, precision measurement, precision measuring instruments and their
characteristics, slip gauge
c. Straightness, flatness and squareness:-Surface plates, measurement of
straightness, flatness testing, squareness testing, roundness testing, machine
tool metrology, Measurement by light wave interference:- Basic principle,
sources of light, optical flats, fringe patterns and their interpretation, testing of
flat, convex and concave and irregular surface, checking of slip gauges.



Design of gauges &Metrology

No of Lect. 8, Marks: 16
a. Design of gauges:- Types of gauges, limits, fits, tolerances, Taylors principle
b. Comparators:-Characteristics, application, types, construction and working of
different mechanical, optical, electrical, pneumatic comparators
c. Angle measurement:-Sine bars, Sine centers, Use of sine bar, angle gauges,
autocollimator angle dekkor, constant deviation prism, Measurement of surface
finish:-Types of Surface texture, elements of surface texture, measuring surface
finish by stylus probe, Tomlinson & Taly-surf

Metrology of Screw thread, Gear & recent trend

No of Lect. 8, Marks: 16
in metrology.
a. Metrology of screw threads:-Terminology, errors and their effects, thread
gauges, measurement of elements of external and internal threads, Gear
measurement:- calipers measurements, involute testing, roller measurements,
tool makers microscope, profile projectors
b. Study of measuring machines:-Universal measuring machine, coordinate
measuring machine, Errors in CMM, electronic inspection and measuring
machine, Recent trend in engineering metrology:-precision instrument based on
laser, probes, telemetric systems, Isometric viewing of surface defects, Machine


Quality control
No of Lect. 8, Marks: 16
a. Introduction to quality :- factors controlling quality of design and conformance,
balance between cost of quality and value of quality, Introduction to quality
tools: Demings PDCA, PDSA cycles & Juran triology approach, Seven quality
tools, Pareto analysis, cause & effect diagram, brainstorming, concurrent
b. Total quality management:, zero defect concept 5S, Kaizen,Kanban,,Poka yoke,
TPM,ISO 9000 & TQM, Quality assurance;- QFD, difference between
inspection, quality control and quality assurance, quality survey


Statistical Quality Control

No of Lect. 8, Marks: 16
a. Statistic concept:-Concept of variation, variable & attribute data, the frequency
distribution, quantitative description of distribution, normal curve, concept of
six sigma, Control chart for variables:-definition of control chart, objective of
control chart, R chart, Problems on X & R chart
b. Control chart for attributes:-practical limitations of the control charts for
variables charting chart, Problems on P & C chart
c. Acceptance sampling:-Sampling inspection Vs hundred percent inspection,
basic concept of sampling inspection, OC Curve, conflicting interests of
consumer and producer, producers and consumers risk, AQL LTPD, Sampling

Recommended Books :
1) R.K.Jain: Engineering Metrology: Khanna Publishers.
2) Handbook to industrial metrology: ASTME: Printice Hall Pub
3) G.M.Juran: Handbook of quality control, McGraw Hill Pub.
4) M.Mahajan: Statistical quality control
5) K.C.Jain:TQM & ISO 9000;Khanna publishers
6) I.C.Gupta: A textbook of Engg Metrology: Khanna Publishers.
7) M.Mahajan : A textbook of metrology :Dhanpat rai & co.


Semester - II

Metrology and Quality Control

Teaching Scheme
Lecture: 3 hours / week

Examination Scheme
End Semester Examination (ESE)
Paper Duration (ESE)
Internal Sessional Exam (ISE)

: 80 Marks
: 03 Hours
: 20 Marks

Course Description:
This lab includes performance practical and study practical related to metrology and quality
Teaching Scheme:


Hours per Week

No. of Weeks

Total Hours

Semester Credits



Evaluation Scheme:
Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) 25 Marks
End Semester Exam (ESE) (Oral) 25Marks
Prerequisite Course(s): General mathematics, 11th Physics & 12th physics
Outline of content:
This practical contains following experiments:
1) Determination of linear/angular dimensions of part using precision & non precision
2) Machine tool alignment tests on any machine tool like Lathe, Drilling, and Milling.
3) Interferometer-Study of surfaces using optical flat.
4) Surface finish measurement.
5) Measurement of roundness/circularity using mechanical comparator.
6) Measurement of screw parameters.
7) Measurement of Gear parameters i) gear tooth thickness ii) constant chord iii) PCD
8) Study and applications of tool makers microscope.
9) Use of profile projector.
10) Study and use of control charts.

Note: Any EIGHT practical from Mechanical Measurement and Metrology Lab shall be conducted
During 14 weeks available during semester.
ESE (Practical Examination)
The Practical Examination will comprise of performing the experiment and viva on the practicals.

List Of Practicals

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