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Hello Halo / Zdravo

My name is Moje ime je
Good morning Dobro Jurto
Good night Laku nod
Good day dobar dan
I love you Volim te
How are you today? Kako ste dans
Come here - Doi ovdje
Goodbye - oprotaj
Thank you - hvala
Nice to meet you. Drago mi je.

Hello (zdravei)
My name is - (moeto ime e)
Good morning - (Dobro utro)
Good night - (leka nosht)
Good day - (dobr den)
I love you - (obicham te)
How are you today? - (kak ste dnes)
Come here - (do de t

Goodbye (dovizhdane)
Thank you - (blagodarya ti)
Nice to meet you - (Priyatno mi e da se zapoznaem)

Hello Ahoj! (ahoi)
My name is - m jmno je (me imeno ie)
Good morning - dobr rno (Dobree raano)
Good night dobrou noc (dobrou notz)
Good day - dobr den
I love you - Mil ji t (melui tie)
How are you today? - jak se dneska mte? (iac se dnesca maate?)
Come here - sem
Goodbye sbohem (zbohem)
Thank you d ji (decuie)
Nice to meet you - Rd Vs vidm (vidiim)

Danish - Denmark
Hello hej (hai)
My name is mit navn er (naun)
Good morning god morgen (morhen)
Good night god nat (net)
Good day god dag
I love you - jeg elsker dig (iar elske dai)
How are you today? - hvordan er du i dag ( vohren er tu i de)
Come here - kommer her (hia)
Goodbye - farvel
Thank you - tak
Nice to meet you - rart at mde dig (mood die)

Dutch (West german Belgium and Netherlands)

Hello - hello
My name is - mt naam is (mat nam is)
Good morning goedemorgen (hudmorh)
Good night - goede nacht (hud naht)
Good day - goede dag (hud dah)
I love you - ik houd van u
How are you today? - hoe gaat het vandaag (hu hat et fondah)
Come here - komen hier (come hir)
Goodbye afscheid (ofshreid)/ vaarwel (farvel)
Thank you - dank je wel
Nice to meet you - leuk je te ontmoeten (leuc ie te ontmuten)

Hello - hei
My name is - nimeni on
Good morning - hyv huomenta(hiuva huomenta)
Good night - hyv yt (yuota)
Good day - hyv piv
I love you - Rakastan sinua (in a)
How are you today? Come here tnne (2cons from japanese)
Goodbye nkemiin (iin)
Thank you - kiitos
Nice to meet you - Hauska tavata.

Hello - hallo
My name is - mt Name ist (emt name ist)
Good morning - guten Morgen
Good night - gute Nacht
Good day - guten Tag
I love you - Ich liebe dich (ih liebe dih)
How are you today? - Wie geht es dir heute? (vie get es der eet)
Come here herkommen (chiercomen)
Goodbye - Auf Wiedersehen (auf viderzin)
Thank you - Sie Tank (si tank)
Nice to meet you - Schn, Sie kennen zu lernen. ( n, zie enen lienen)

Hello szia (sia)
My name is - a nevem
Good morning - j reggelt (iu regelt)
Good night - j jszakt (iu isacat)
Good day - j nap
I love you - szeretlek
How are you today? - hogy van ma?
Come here - gyere ide
Goodbye bcs (buciu)
Thank you ksznm (chiusunum)
Nice to meet you - rlk, hogy tallkoztunk (orlok, hoi tala(r)kostunk)

Hello - hall
My name is - nafn mitt er
Good morning - gan daginn (gohan daaie)
Good night - ga ntt (goha)
Good day - gur dagur (gohur dagur)
I love you - g elska ig (ier elska fig)
How are you today? Come here - koma hinga
Goodbye kveja (cveria)
Thank you - akka r ( * fier)
Nice to meet you - gaman a hitta ig (gaman ar hita fih?)

Hello - halo
My name is - nama saya
Good morning - selamat pagi (slamat paghii)
Good night - malam yang baik (bai)
Good day - hari yang baik
I love you - aku mencintaimu
How are you today? - bagaimana kabarmu hari ini? (baghemana tabarmu hari ini )
Come here - datang ke sini
Goodbye - selamat tinggal
Thank you - terima kasih (terima casii)
Nice to meet you - Senang bertemu Anda

Hello - ciao
My name is - il mio nome
Good morning - buongiorno
Good night buonanotte
Good day - buona giornata
I love you - ti amo
How are you today? - come stai oggi?
Come here - venire qui
Goodbye - addio
Thank you - grazie
Nice to meet you - piacere di conoscerti

Hello - (Kon'nichiwa)
My name is - (watashi namae wa)
Good morning - (ohayo)
Good night - (oyasuminasai)
Good day I love you - (Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu)
How are you today? - (Ky wa anata ni dono y nides
Goodbye - (sayonara)
Thank you - (arigatou)
Nice to meet you - (hajimemashite)

Hello - hallo
My name is - mitt navn er (mit nam ar)
Good morning - god morgen (guo morr)
Good night - god natt
Good day - god dag (duo dag)
I love you - Jeg elsker deg (ia elsche dai)
How are you today? - hvordan er du i dag? (vordan er du I daag)
Come here - kommer hit
Goodbye - farvel
Thank you - takk
Nice to meet you - hyggelig mte deg (higli a mote dai)

Hello - witam
My name is - nazywam si (nazvan ie)
Good morning - dzieo dobry (gin dobr)
Good night dobranoc (dobrano)
Good day - dzieo dobry (gin dobr)
I love you - Kocham Ci (coham cie)
How are you today? - ja si masz (iac ie ma)
Come here - tu
Goodbye egnaj (jegnai)
Thank you dzi j (gincuie)
Nice to meet you - mio ci poznad (miio cie poznaci)

Hello My name is Good morning Good night Good day I love you How are you today? Come here Goodbye Thank you Nice to meet you -

Hello My name is Good morning Good night Good day I love you How are you today? Come here Goodbye Thank you -

Nice to meet you -

Hello My name is Good morning Good night Good day I love you How are you today? Come here Goodbye Thank you Nice to meet you -

Hello My name is Good morning Good night Good day I love you How are you today? Come here Goodbye Thank you Nice to meet you -

Hello My name is Good morning Good night Good day I love you How are you today? Come here Goodbye Thank you Nice to meet you -

Hello My name is Good morning Good night Good day I love you How are you today? Come here Goodbye Thank you Nice to meet you -

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